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VIKTORORVA. R. Ye. ; KOVAIJVSKIT, S.A. The Akebagnwlian stage in Moldavia. Dokl.AX SSSR F 154. (Moldavia-Geology, Stratigraphic) (Geology, 94 no.4:737-?40 (KLRA 7:2) Stratigraphic- Moldavia) ALEK.,3wANL)1,0',;.,~, , T. ; , A. By 'the hands of students. Kryl. rod. 15 no.2.20 F 161#. ,I IF:7) VIXTOROV,A., inshener TVW`grl~de of test samples and strength limit of aggregate materials. Stroi.mat.. isdel. i konstr. 1 no.8:34 Ag'55. (MLRA 8:11) (Concrete) VIYTOROV,A., inzhoner Ancient strmetures in Ples. Tech. mol. 23 no-5:18 K- 155. (Plea-limbankments) (MLRA 8:6) V~KTOROV, A. (Vladmir) Fight for new records. Kryl.rod. 12 no.3:3 Mr 161. (1,(J?,A 14:6) (Aeronautics as recreation) V KTOROV,- XTMO, D., reclaktor; ASMY, Tu.; BIM, A.; XIM201, A.; GlaSHKO. N.; twimo, DMOSHMO, To.; YBVTMHMO, A.: IGNATM. I.; X.; 10U, A.; LYSINKO, A.; IMMO, N.; PANXIM, V.; POWPANOVA, I.; TIMIN, D.; CHMOVSXATA, I.; DMVYANKO, G., tekhnicheokiy rodaktor. (Kiev; a gulAdebook] Kiev; spravochnik-putevoditall. Kiev, Goo. izd-vo polit. lit-ry USSR, 1954. 284 p. [Xicrofilm] (KLRA 8:2) (Kiev--Ouidebooks) VIKTOROY, _ A.- ~ A day in Dubki. Kryl.rod. 12 no.10:15 0 161. (YUIRA 15:2) (Saratov Province--Flight training) VIKTOROV, A., inzh. 11 - "Diggln~," for actas. Tekh.mol. 29 no.10:25 161. (!~MIA 24 : 1) (1-lineral watem) (flydrwalic engincerlr4j ACCMION NR: AP4017787 S/0085/64/000/002./0020/0020 AUTHOR: Aleksandrova, T.; Viktorov,, A. TITLE: STudent science exhibition SOURCE: Kry*llya rodiny*, No. 2, 1964., 20 TOPIC TAGSt aircraft typess civil aviation,, helicoptei,"glider ABSTRACT: The article describes the exhibition of scientific research and ex- perimental design works given by students of higher educational institutions of the RSIFSR. Among the works described are.a map of the earth as seen from space; a light flying-wing aircraft with a pusher-type 80-hp engine (landing speed 320 kph) flight duration 5 hr. wing span 5 m, length 5.2 m); the MAI-8 (0-36 hp at 15,,000 rpm sp !2"1- -plug ignition) and MAI-9 (0*.48 hp, at 19,000 rpm,, compres- -ended for control line models; the Sion ignitioni moWei airplane engine, int N 31AI-2 submarine glider which can be towed behind a launch and plane under water as well as in the air tmade of fiberglass, length 3.6 m, width 2.5m,, height I m); a one-seater helicopter with a 40-hp jet engine, weighing 190 kg (with ACCESSION NR: AP4017787 ilot) and 1.8 m highj the "Aist" and KAI-21A gliders for sports gliding; a p light aircraft for crop dusting; various model aircraft* Orig. art. has 2 photos. ASSOCIATION: none SUB14ITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 11mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AC NO IMF SOVS 000 OTHER: 000 i C, rd 2/2--. ANOSOV, D., Inzh.; VIKTOROV. _ - Fire-prevention measures for rural construction eltes. Sell. stroi. 9 no.2:20-21 Yr-Ap '54. (MIRA 13:2) (Fire prevention) nzhenelr. ', Inigm In treasure him ng. Tokh. mol. 25 no.3;8 Mr 157. (Ninerals in plahts) (KLRA 10:6) VIXTOROV, I., inzh. e.-,~~Rdt4rfstic values for the specific weight of building sande. Stroi. mat. 4 no, 7:33 JI 158- (MIRA 11:7) (Sa ad ) VIKTOROV, A., insh. ft do opals Oexplode?* Tekh.mol. 28 no.10:25 160. (MUU 13: 10) (Opals) VIXTOROV A4 --. --L-k' I . It happens that, iuA. no-t. no.1202-33 D 162. (MIRA 16:1) . . (Science-Miscollanen) ANOSCV,A.M.; VMOROV,A.A.; SOLOV117XV.S.G.; GNMIMOV,N.S., redaktor; IrOMUSHINA.A., tekhricheskiy redaktor (Collection of fire prevention regulat!.~Pnsl Bborulk rukavodis- i chikh dokumentov po pozharnoi profilaktike. Moskva, Izd-vo "I"sterstva, kommunallnogo khoziaistva RSFSR. Vol.2. 1955. 535 P. WWA 9: 1) (Fire prevent~on--Laws and regulations) VMOROVSj Amewwwa. ,?,,;,,XAZHL.IYEV, D.G.; FINKM , A., red.; DMUKHAR, V., tekhn. 4reK ., - ' (Mokhachkala; economic-giiographical study] Makhachkala; skonomiko- geografichaskii ocherk. Kakhachkala, Dagestanskoe k3lds isd-vo. 1958. 99 P. J- (KIRA 13:4) (Makhachkalit-Aconomic conditions) T.A.; LIVOT, P.L.; HIMICH. I.N.; ILIDAROT, N.K.: MAMOY. 're.P., kand.geograf,nauk, starshiy nauohW matradnik, otv.:,red.; GODDY-UMS, Z.A., red.; YMITSXAYA, K.. takhn.z4td. (Daghostan A.S.S.R.; surrey of physieal aal seonatical geograpbyl Dagestanskslis ASSR; fizlko-gergrafichookli I okonomiko-geografichaskii o'bsor. Makhachkala, Dagestanskoe uchabno-podagog.isd-vo, 1%58. 252 p. (XIRA 12:7) 1. Institut geografii Akidenii nauk SSSR (for Xselov). (Daghastan-4sography) VIKTOROVp A. (Vladimir) 1.., --1, At the zonal competition* Kryl- rod. 14 no-10t4l 0 163. (MIRA 16M) VIKTOIIOV A -) , 3 ical 3, nc,.j-.~:4 '6;i- (Iil-~ 16:' 7 1 ,~Mg3jng li,,ot*r (1,10 Sul-ject i cadings) 00*00000*006*60: 49 0 o It Is J, &I U, .;_I -L A a aftsmapt to h*rpeel data d 00 fi. -The prem me or abunct of rAl is dttd. by *0 n(.Y.'Its the usht and heavy VU wo I~ uid hydiorstban .. . tc 4iown from the surface the anil. It Is -00 clainwd t rolialAt indk-mt~m W an #Al dcpmlt can be obiained. A. A. lkwhifinak -460 .40 .00 =00 06 00 a4 0 oll -AD 0 A I a I L a *IT&LLLi*GlC*L 11TIM&UNI CLASSIPICATICO I 00' S u Is AT to It n it Ot - ,,4AIII If WO IN 110,13 0 11 1 V . 9 " 0 If it Ok ic K a Of a n n 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 4 0 : 0 0.41 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V-i rl,iI_ ~7 :7 uclhel,ioe posobie. dl-'.a dorozh~o nekaniellic,,hiluln Gcolc;-y a:-.C] ocai textbook. lioslwa, Dorizdat, 1,947. 29L p. maps. (4 3-13157) Ql 33 - V5 VIKTOROV, A. ,i: Z7~ ~ -, How amber is formed. Tokrv4j systa no.6#9 is 153* (XLRA 6x6) (Amber) TIKTOROV, A., inxh; Pumped storage hydroelectric power stations. 24 '60. (Wdroeleotvic power stations) Tekh.mol. 28 no.11: (RIU 13:12) - --_Y_IKTOROV. A4, inzhener. Basalt canting. Tekh.molod. 21 no.8:9 Ag 133. MU 6:7) (stone, cast) VIKTOROV. A.M., inzhener. Zxperience in the X-ray photograpbv of concrete and fillers. Stroi.prome 31 no.6:31-32 Je '53. (XI-RA 6:7) (Concrete, Reinforced) (X-rays-Industrie-1 applications) VlKrOIZOV~ A.M. VMOROV, A.M.; KRIV=O, redaktor; OVCHINNIKOVA, S.V., redaktor; Te.B., tekhnicheakiy redaktor (Methods of inspecting oil well walls and bottoms] Sposob osmotra stenok i zabola, Bkvazhin. Moskva. Goo. nauchno-takhn. 12d-vo lit-r7 po gaol. i okhrane nedr, 1954. 14 p. (MLRA 8:4) (oil wells) VIXTOROV. A. ....... Petrological exploration. Tokrug systa n0.5:10-12 Yq 134. (MLIA 7:6) (Petrology) VINTOROV, Andrey Fedorovich: MAKSTMAN, I.,, red. ; VENGERSWAq S., I tokbn*red* - r- [Daghestan industry in a now upsurge] Pronyahle=ost, Dagestana na navom podOeme. Dagestan, Dagestanskoe knizbnoe izd-vop 1959. 47 P. (Daghootan--Industrieo) (MIRA 34:7) --VIUOROVt A*Mt.--.-.-. -Fissures in the deptbs of rock deposits. Prizoda 50 no,lilOO-102 :& 161,p (KIRA 34s1) 1. Gidroproyekt, Moskva. (Geology, Structural) YIKTOROV, A.M.,Iazhener-geolog. Ples an the Volga. Moray's 1 no-7:22 Jl '55 (MIU 9-5) (PLU DRSCRMIOM) VIKTORDY, A.M. Y,conomic method for preparing geological core samples. Razved.t okh.nedr 21 no.1:59-60 Ja-F 155. (MLRA 9:12) (Borings) - It. lakeandr Markovich; SAYONOV, P,.V., redakt)r izdatellstva; INICHINED, F.P., taidmichaskly redaktor [On-th&o1te research in concrete at bydraulic structtLreal Saturn" iseledovaniia betona v gidrotakhaichaskikh sooruzhaniiakh. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. t arkhitakturs, 1956, 29 p. (MLRA 9:9) (Concrete) VIXTOROV. Alskeendr X"kovich; MVIDBY. V.M.. redaktor; IARIONOV, G.Ye.. ~mw 8 0 fekhnicheeki7r"tor [Mineral fillers for hydraulic concrete] Minerallays sapoluitelt dlia gidrotakhnichookogo betonao Pod red. V.9'.Kedvadevs. Moskva, Go@* energ, izd-vo, 1956. 143 P, (MLRA 9:7) 1 (Concrete) AGAPOV, D.S.; ARTIBILOV, B.N. GINTS, A.H.; GORIKOV, A.T.; A+1 ~O I.I.; KOHARIVSKIT, Y.T.; GUSYATINSKIT, M.A.; KA XCIRYAGIN, A.I.; KRITSKIT, M.N.; KRATNOV, A.G.; HISTHROVA, I.N.; OUS, I-S~. kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; SOSHOVIXOY, K.S.; SUKHCr-P-- SKIY. S-7.1 CHIANOV, G.O.; YUSOV, S.X.; ZHUX, S.Ta., akedemit, glaTW redaktor; KOSTROV, I.N., redaktor; BAROMMOV, A.V., professor. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, rodaktor-, KIRZMIZR, D.M.. professor, doktor takhnicheakik-h nauk, redaktor; SHISHKO. Yo.?., professor. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; ATARIN, N.D., inzhener. redaktor [deceased]; GORIKOV. A.V., Inzhener, radektor; KO"VSKIY. V-T-. inzhener, redalctor; ROGOVSKIT, L.Y.. inzhoner. radektor'; SHAPOTALOV, T.I., inshener, redaktor: RUSSO, G.A., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; FILIMONOV, N.A.. inshener, redaktor; VOLKOV. L.N., inzbener. redaktor; GRISHIN, H.M., professor. doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, redak- tor; ZHURIN, V.D., professor, doktor takhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; LIKHACHXV, V.P., inzhener, radaktor; KXDYJCDBV, V.M., kandidat tekhai- cheskikh nauk, redaktor; MIXJiATWV, A.Y.. kandidat takhnicheskikb neuk, redalctor; PATROV, G.D.. inzhaner, radaktor; RAZIN, N.Y.. redaktor; SOBOIAV. V.P., in2hener, redaktor; FKRINGSR, B.P., inrhener, redaktor; TSYPIAKOV. V.D., inzhaner, redaktor, ISAYEV, N.V., redaktor; TISTROVA, O.N., redaktor; SKVORTSOV, I.M., takhnicheakly redaktor [The Volga-Don Canal; technical report on the construction of the Volga-Don Canal, the TSimlyanakaya bydro development and irrigation works (1949-1952); in five volumes] Vblgo-Don; takhaichaskii otchet (continued on next card) IGAPLV, D.S. -- (continued) Card 2. o stroitellstvo Tolgo-Donskogo sudokhodnogo kenals imeal V-1-Icoine. TSimlianskogo gidrouzla i orositellnykh soorusbanti (1949-1952) v piati tomakh. S.IA. Zhuk. Koskva. Gos.energ. lzd-vo. Tol.5. (Quarry management) Karlernoe khoziaistvo. Red.toma I.N. Kostrov. 1956. 172 p. (MLRA 10:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo alektrostantsii. Byuro takhnichookogo otcheta c, stroitelistva Volgo-Dona. 2. Daystvitallnyy chaln Akademii stroitalletva, i arichitaktuxy 5BSR (for Razin) (Qaarries and quarrying) VIKTOROV. A.M. Overgrowth of filter openings subject to passage of ferruginous water. Vod.1 san.tekh. no.6:6-8 Je 156. (MTRA 9:8) (Filters and filtration) VIRMOV, A.. M, J1. 0 ~ We must maintain this road In good condition. Avt.dor. 19 no.12:31 D 156. (KIRA 10:10) (Kuybyshev Province-Roads-Maintenance and repair) VIXTOROV,,A.M.,,,,, -'r, Underwater phetagrapby in wells. Razved. i okh.nedr 22 A*-3: 49-33 Mr 156. (KM 9:7) (Valls) (Photography. Underwater) :". VIKTOROV, A.M.. inzhener. Investigating concretes In hydraulic structures by drilling. Mr. stroi. 25 no.llt27-30 D 156, (KIAA 10:1) (Concrete-Testing) VINTOROY A.M. inzhoner. - .-0 1 !1 1 w A";Z, Inspecting filters of deep bilge pumps In trenches. Stroi.prom. 34 no.2:44-43 7 136. (MIRA 9:5; 1. Gidroproyekt. (Pumping machinery) V IV, V--j FA T- I usol Geology card 1/1 Pub . 86 - 31A2 Authors IVictorov, A. M. (Moscow) Title IAn artificial terrace in the valley of the Volga Periodical sPriroda 45/1, 116-117, Jan 56 Abstraot iThe geological formations between Kostroma and Kineshma are described where the volga has cut into Triassic marls. It is related that in this region, in the process of drainage and bank reinforcement ifork, old wooden reinforcements made some hundred years ago were found. l1lustrations. Institution Submitted VIXTOWY. A.M. (Moskva) Thickening of ground deposits in the Volga. Prirod& 45 no.6:116 Je 156. (MIJU 9:81) 1. Gldraproyekt. (Volga Rivor-Sedimientation and deposition) VIJCTOROV lk-M- inzhener-gaolog. Diaienmions of stone specimens used in compression tests. Standartig&- tella no.2:80 Kr-Ap 157, (MI2A 10:6) 1. Gidroproyakt 5tons-Testing-StandArds) VIV2 01107, A-.11., inzhener. Determining the efficient grain co=positloa of eands used for raking concretee. Bet. i zhal.-Ibet. no.4:146 Ap '57. (V-'U 10-6-) ( Sn n d ) (Concrete) VIUOROV, A.M ,.-,-inzhener. Rapid field test for the strength of stone materials. Avt.dor. 20 no.6:27 Je 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Road materials-Testing) -LK.f^ .11,# - V- VIXTOROV A.M. Variation In the strongtb of cores obtained by boring. Razrod.1 okh.nedr 23 no.*.1:22-26 7 157. (Pl-RA 10:5) 1,Nauchno-iseledovatell okays stantslyn Gidroproyekta. (Borings) YIYLTOROV~-Aleksandr-Yzrkovich,,_EOSPELOVA, A.M., red.izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., [Using photography in boring test holes] Opyt fotogratirovaniis v burovykh skvazhinakh. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol.i okhrane nedr, 1958. 33 P. (MIRA 12:3) (Boring) (Photographio surveying-Equipment and supplies) VIKTORCV, A F Makhachkala; ekonomikcj-geograficheskiy ocherk "Makhachkala; an u Economic-geograrhical work," by A. F. Viktorov, i D. G. Kazhlayev. Makhachkala, DASSR, 1958. 99 P. illus.' mar. Biblicgrarhical footnotes. AUTHOR: Viktorov, A.M., Engineer. sov/)7/58/2/11/16 ------------- TITLE: Cohesion of Stone Aggregate with Cement Grout (0 stseplenii kamnya s tsementnym rastvorom). PERIODICAL: Beton i Zhelezobeton, 1958, Nr 2 pp 74-75, (USSR). ABSTRACT: The author tested stone aggregate to find its adhesion value to cement grout in the scientific and research laboratory of Gidroproyekt. Tests were carried out with cubes to which steel plates were fixed by cement 2 grout. Portland cement had an "activity" of 400kg/cm Tests were made after thirty hours of hardening. The machine is illustrated with specially designed gripping mechanism on which tests were carried out. Other tests were carried out when glass 10mm thick was cemented to test cubes. The results of tests proved that strati- fication of the stone has no effect on the magnitude of cohesion. According to the chemical and mineral- ogical composition carbon stratification (lime3ton,!, and marble) has quite variable degrees of adhesion. Silica rock e.g. quartz, sandstonest has quite a high Card 1/2 cohesion wiih grout, much higher than quartz and sand- sov Cohesion of Stone Aggregate with Cement Grout. /97/58/2/11/16 stones containing spar. A table shows that dolomite 2 limestone has the highest cohesion, i.e. 8.3-.9.2kg/cm, and at the same time has the highest water absorption ..' 3.26-3-94%. It could be concluded that cohesion depends on water absorption) the surface quality of the stone aggregate being less important. The chemical and mineral composition of stones does not affect the cohesion between the stones and the cement grout. There is one illustration and one table. 1. Cement--Adhesion 2. Rock--Adhesion 3. Dolomite--Properties Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Viktorov, A.M., Engineer, 98-58-]5-16/122 ---------- TITLEt Photographing the Walls of Bore Holes in Concrete (Fotogra- firovaniye stenok skvazhin v betone) PERIODICALs Gidrotekhnicheskoye Stroitel'stvo, 1958, Nr 3, PP 51-53(USSR) ABSTRACTt To check the density and solidity of concrete structures in large hydrotechnical insta'?.lations, core drilling is being used for obtaining samples of concrete. However, experience has shown that it is not always possib*,.e to procure normal cores, which implies the possibility of hidden defects. In such a case only bore hole photoscopy will ascertain the presence and nature of defects. The FEB-220 bore hole photoscope is an apparatus which consists of a tube enclosing a photographic device, which is lowered into the bore hole (Figure 1). Figures 29 3 and 4 show photographs obtained with this apparatus, re- vealing miscellaneous defects in the texture of the concrete, such as lack of cement in fillers, flaws and cracks. The pho- tographic apparatus has no shutter. Exposures are obtained by means of flash lights. As a rule, the inside of the bore Card 1/2 hole must be free from moisture. A special apparatus "Fotos 211 98-58-3-16/22 Photographing the Walls of Bore Holes in eoncrete. has been designed for taking photographs in bore holes in which water leaks through the walls. Bore hole photoscopy is being introduced in a number of installations as an ad- ditional means of checking the quality and solidity of concrete structures. There are 4 photos and 1 Soviet refer- ence. Card 212 1. Photograp)W-Applications 2, PhotograplV-Equipment 3, Concrete atructures-Test methods VIRMOV, A., inzh. Determining the strength of granite according tc,the amount of the absorbed water. Strol.mat. 4 no.10:40 0 158. (Granite) WRA nal) AUTHOR: Viktorov, AX., Engineer SOV-98-56-9-9/21 TITLE: The Destruction of the Bank of the Uglich Re3ervoir (Raz- rusheniye terega Uglichskogo vodokhranilishcha) PERIODICAL! Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitellstvo, 1958, lir 9, P 30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes how the banks of the Uglich reservoir, which resisted the action of water for 14 years, were washed out by the combined 5-day action of wind and waves. In 5 days, the bank in some places receded as much as 6 m. There-is 1 photo. 1. Inland waterways-USSR 2. Soils-Erosion 3. Wind-Applications Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Vi.ktoroy_.A-M-.* Engineer. TITLE: The Effect of High Temperatures on the (duality of Concrete Aggregates (Vliyani-ye vysokotemperaturnogo obogreva na kachestvo zapolniteley)' PERIODICAL: Beton i Zhelezobeton, 1958, Rr.12, pp.472-473 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the methods of preheating coarse aggregate is by utilizing waste heat of 600-70000. When such a high temperature is used on frozen stone it-is assumed that detrimental changes in the physical properties of the stone may take place. The author of this article carried out investigations In the laboratory of the scientific and research 3ector of the Hydroproject (Nauchno -is sledovatel I skiy sektor Uidroproyekta)to verify this assumption. Various frozen stones and compositions of aggregate were tested under extreme conditions of freezing and heating. Two sample groups of aggregate from various quarries were investigated. The first group consisted of 10 samples, which were Card 1/4 tested by drying, saturating with water, freezing to a BUV/97-56-12-11/13 The-Effect of High Temperatures on the (duality of Concrete Aggregates. temperature of -20OG for a duration of 5 hours and heating up to 600-7000C for a duration of 15 minutes; cooling, and repeated saturation, after which the samples were placed in a refrigerator and underwent 50 cycles of freezing and defreozing, to find the frost- resistant properties of the material. During these toots changes in specific weight, water absorption and crack formation were checked after each defreezing (see Table 1). From values given in Table I it will be seen that samples containing carbon (calcareous and dolomites), subjected to high temperature, saturation by water and freezing, showed changes In physical properties. The water absorption considerably increased, the specific weight decreased, and cracks appeared. The least frost-resistant appear to be limestones of "afanite" struCture. Sandstones are very little affected. Granites, porph-yries and diabase do not change much as far as water abso.-ption is concerned, and the specific weight remains constant. During these tests the effect of heat on wet aggregate Card 2/4 was not fully explained: therefore, further tests were 5 UV/ 9 7 - 0- E3 -12 -.11/13 The-Effect of High Temperatures on the Quality of Conc:!,ete Aggregates. carried out when freezing and defreezing were omitted. Samples were saturated by water and heated to a temperature of.600-7000C for a duration of 15 minutes: their physical properties were checked before and after heating. Values in Table 2 show that changes in physi--al properties were mainly caused by heating. For example, a sample of f!ne- crystalline limestone, before heating weighed 2.7 g/cm3' and after, only 2.6,") g/am3- At the same time water absorption increased from 0.52-1.461. In the first test the same sample had, before heating, specific weight of 2.7 91/cm3 ard -eater absorption of 0 17%: after heating the weight decreased t,:, 21,58 91/cO and water absorption increased to 0.34A. A tiample of porous dolomite showed, in the a9coid teatt before heating, weight 2.53 g/cm3, after-, 2.44 9/CM3 ; water absorption before heating, 2.1, and after, 3o1%. Values in the first test for the same sample showed decreaso in weie)it from 2.57 to 2.5 g/cm3, and Increase in water absorption from 1.89 to 3.05;6. The res!Alts of tho investi8ations Card 3/4 show that high temperature preheating of frozen aggregate BOV/97-56-12-11/13 The-Effect of High Temperatures on the (.,;uality of %~oncreto Aggregates. does not practically speaking change the phydical properties of volcanic stones and sandstones, but it considerably affects water absorption, and it reduces the weight of stones containing carbonates. Aggregates preheated by high temperature should not be dolomites, limestones of "afanite" structure, or micaceous laminated sandstones, There are 2 tables. Oard 4/4 I "I11. , VIOWOV, A.M.. insh, Iowering a photographic device into bore holes for determining the fracturing of rocks. Avt. dor. 21 :w.1.'30-31 Ja '58. (MIRA lItl) , (Photography-Scientific a,,Vlications) (Borings) VIKTOROV, A.H. Effect of shot drilling on well walls in rocks. Razved. i okh. nedr 24 no.10:48-50 0 '58- (MM 12:2) 1. Itauchno-iseledovatellskiv sektor Gidroproyekta. (Boring) VIKTOILOV, A.14.,insh. Volume waif 4A of crushed stone. Avt.dor. 22 no.2:25 7 '59. (MM 12:2) (stone, Crushed) VIKTOROV, A.M., 17n-z1h.-geolog Pamphlet waich fa'ils to reach its goal ("Road construction materials" by P.I. Pushkin. Reviewed by A.M. Viktorov). Avt. dor. 22 no.5:3 of cover My '59. (MIRA 12:8) (Road materials) (Pushkin, P.I.) VIKTOROVJI A.M.; IVANOV, N.N., prof., retsenzent; FOLOSDI-INIKlTINI S.M., dots., retsenzent; BUYALOV, S.I., dots., retsenzent; BELYAKOVA, Ye.V., red. [Procedures in planning and working construction quarries] PrienV proektirovaniia i razrabotki stroitellrqkh karterov. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 154 p. (MIRA 17:9) KUVYK11J, B.A., prof.; FSIEUTSYN, P.A., inzh.; GORDEYEV, A.A.., inzh.; V1JVfO V,,AJ!-, inzh.; VOLCHAPOVSKrY, A.S. red. -- 09- ., -~ I (Concrete for )Vdraulic engineering; a rznual to imprxe the qualifications of workers in laboratories for concrete used in hydraulic structures) Gidrotekhnicheskii beton; uchobnoe posobie dlia povysheniia kvalifikatsii rabotnikov laboratorii betona gidrotekhnicheskikh stroitel'stv. [By] B.A.Kuvykin i dr. Moskva, Energiia. No.l. 1964. 112 p. (MIRA 17:9) VIKTOROV# A*M& Thermal method of determining deleterious admixturer, in filler for concrete. Avt. dor. 2.7 no.4:20 Ap 164. 17:9) _ VIKTOROV A M Frost realstance of rocks. Stroi. =at. no.11:2C-22 K 165. (MM.A. 18:12) 1. Rukovoditell laboratorii kamennykh materialov norrrativno- issledovatellskay stantaii Vaesoyuznogo ordena Lenina proyektno- izyskatellskogo i nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta im. Z.Ya. Zhuka, VIKTOROV, A.M., 6" Keocjnr . ar -'tA devulte-'n7. *-~~mj,].~*,y Df eami b, . I - 0'~' 1 F - 27 no.12.26 1) 164- k.- " 1;":2) VIKTOROV, A.M.-(Moskva) Petrified traces. Priroda 52 no.8:106-107 Ag 163. WRA 160) (Khvalynak region-Paleontology) VINTOROV.. A*H.p inzh. Determining the speed at which water cools crushed atone. rAdr. stroi. 33 no.lOz25-26 0 162. (MIRA 15,12) (Stonev Grushed-The=al properties) 1 . VIXTGRC~V, A.M., YYK,'~',--SY1Y, AIT . 114E, ZKY , V 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Geolou and rrpo,-rr~phy 7. Geoloa and-Soll Science, A.M. Vil-torov, 11.1. Vyko,,,s'!-,iy and V'.il. -Be--r-j-k. (i!oscow, Fii-,hway Press, JqL7). Reviewed b--- A.V. Yefre-~ova, Sov. Xni-ll, 1, 1G 9. 72W Report U-3081. 16 Jan. 195~, Unclaselfied. VIETO-ROV, AX., - Modulus of elasticity for types of stone used at; concrete aggreLate-,, Stroi. mat. 7 no.9:40-3 of cover S '61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Nachallnik otdeleniya kamenny~h materialov Normativno-isEle~io- vatellskoy stantsil Gidroproyekta. (Aggregates (Builaing materials)) VIKTTOROV, A.M. Cosposition of the alluvium in the Northern Caucasus. Biul.Kon. chetv.per. no.23:85-87 159. (MIRA 13:4) (Caucasus, Northern--Alluvium) VIXTOROYs A.M., inzh. Affect of the surface of aggregates on the rupture strength of concretes. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.10081-482 o l6o. (MIRA 13: 10) (Concrete-Tentins) VlKTOROV, Aleksandr Markovich; OVIKIN, B.A., prof., red.; BULIDYAYE7, H.A.p tekhn, red, (How to prepare materials for concrete used in hydraulic angineeringj Kak prigotavlivaiutsia materialy dlia g1dro- tekhnicheskogo betona. MosIcval Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 92 1). (MIIU 17:3) KOVAL' , T.A.; VIK!rOAOV, A.S.., red.; PONOM&REVA, A.A., tekhn. red. [Economic problems of agricultural development in the U.S.S.R.] Ekonomichoskie voproay razvitiia sellikogo kho- ziaistva SSSR. Moskva, Ekonomizdat., 1963. 446 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Agriculture-Economic aspects) 4 I-van Grigorlyevich; CWHIN,ItPA, Nikoliiy GriVrOyevich; VIK"V011W, rad. [Capital (-=eL.; of U.S.S.F. attricultun-i Orncivnyt: fcndy sell- skopo khoziniatvit SS-4t. Vioc,kmt Ekonoulka, 1964. 210 P. .1 (MIRA 17:10) .,-.,VIKTOROV, A.S.,. agronom New tasko'. Zemledelle 7 no.1:26-28 Ja '59- (MIRA 12:1) 1. Predoodatell kolkhoza "Pobeda," Tore7skogo rayona. Hookov- skoy oblasti. (Agriculture) -YIJMW*. TROSHIN. D.M.; TSITSIN, N.Y., akademik, radaktor; rATA Hyl- KOYA' V.S., redaktor; SOKOLOVA, M.N.. takhnichookiy redaktor (The All-Union Agricultural Ifthibition of 19541 Tsesoluznaia seliskokhosialetyennaia vystavim 1954 god&. Pod red. N.Y.TSitsina. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo salkhoz. lit-ry, 1955. 806 P. (HI3A 9:8) 1. Moscov. Yeasoyuxuaya sel'skukhozyaystyennaya vystavim, 1954- (koocow--Agricultural fthibitions) VASILENKO, Lidlya Vladlmirvna; KSENUKATUVA, le.F., red.; TIKHONOVA, Ye-A., tekhn. red. (English language for operating engineers and mechanics in sea transport] Angliiskii iazyk dlia ekepluatatelonnikov i mekhanizatorov morskogo transporta. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1962. 155 P. (MIRA 16:4) (English language-Technical english) (Marine service-Terminology) GUSGITWM, I.I.1 TIKTOROT, A.Yo.. red. (Organization of unloodin and bucking operations at the lover ]:endings of logging road55 Organizateiis resgrasochno-raskriasha- vochnykh robot no nishnikh sklodakh lecovoinykh dorog. Ioshkar-019. 1957. 63 p. (Mm 14:4) (Lumbering-Transportation) VIXTOROV, B. "Medical science against religious supereltitions" by M.I. Hurev7ch# N.A,,Kondratovrch. Revieved by B.Viktorov. Nauka i zhyttia 8 no-5:61 My 158. (MIU 13:4) (Medicine and religion) (Hurevroh, M.I.) (londratovych, M.A.) VIKTOROVJ-,4,,-polkovnik yustitsii '"atently increase vigilance. Voen.vest. 40 no.10:33-38 0 160, (MM 14: 5) :%..': (Espionage, American) VIKTORGVJ B. ~w ~;. A day in the cheat clinic surgery clinic. Hauka i zhyttia 11 no.2:31-33 T 161, (AIDiL 14:3) KILT-HOSPITAIS) zST--MGERY) W -~O, VIKTORGV, B. Great power of the living wori, Nauka i zhy-ttia 10 no*3:5-8 mr 160. (KIRA 14:8) (Lectures and'.,;ecturing) (11#ovolynsk-Efficiency., Industrial) VIKTO Aid to economic education. Nauk-a i zh7ttia 6 n0-9:38 S 156. (MIRA 13:5) (Sconomics) 1. B. VIKTOROV 1 2. U= (600) 4. A. S. Aliyakrinakaya 7. Friends and comrades ("Comradeship and frienship. 11ol, kolkh, 20 -no. 1. 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. VIKTOROV, B. 1; ~~y A valuable textbook. Hauka i ssrqttia 9 no-8:54-55 S '59. (14IRA 13:1) $ (Atheism) m 11 a U w is is a a a a it a a If m A -A P .4 a I I-AL-1 A W.. M A Oil A 00 00 j 0-0 00 -00 no* -coo coo see me* We 0 U0411 so AIX-ILA J14TALLMOCCAL 1.111SAYWRE C&AISVICATIM I-4t- its .0 .4. Me let 43SADI ad 00 M ]too 41, a V v No bit 900-4 o"Moce A-1 --- d - L.v I A ~4__* %-&-A -00 It Grosmenskis Pff,"vok 2, Nm 4w nature (d gas oWtUft#VW dplkkskU am$ Alkha-mbli di-Ok-ts Is described. A. A. RagwTuAc L 1 0 b u AV e4 a a 0 1 if 0 9 a 4 3 4 1 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 010 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VIKTOROV, B. ---------- 7ho INWO trade-mark. Znan.ta pratsia no.g:n S 159. (XIU 13-*l) (KramiStorsk-Machinery indastry) VIKTOROVO B.., nauchriyy sotrudnik Lost and recovered veight. Hauka. i zhiznl 29 no-5t42 Yq 162. (Astronautics) 0 M-U 15: 11) 38o65. VIKTOROV, B. Skorosti nikolaya ponomareva. ZR-ukovoditell molodezhnoy brigady tokVey - skorost - nikov. Ocmerg. Prikamle) No. 12p 1949) S. 236-45 VIKTOROV, B. For people's health. Nauka i zhyttia 11 no.8:45 Ag J. '61. (YjRA 14:12) (UKRAINE--PUBLIC fiEALTFI) Vih-.FOROV-,"B.. sukho7 Id= %WDor. '"Inan. ta pratsia n0-4.12-!4 Ap 161. . (~MA 3-4:12') (Odesoa--Harbor) MTOROV, B. raluabI3 contribution to the development of trade. Vnesh,,torgo 42 no.12t22 162. (KM 15t12) (Moscow-Exhibitions) (ItalT-4Unufactures) -74 r, Apniratur. for the conserwnti-, of' -hnin or, Ln., 11 c,.rculation and its )js(~ in exr---~rinen's on tr-nsplanta tio., of i~xtre-iti f7, ;,nd lllre,,s of does .... 17 i Np.y~.-e khlirari i(- lies kie apparaay i iris tnuvicaty i oT)yt ik~ SUlIGIC.AL Eciiinment ane Instrurieni 's a-c Experience in Their Use) 1-loscow, 19~-7 A col-lec,.,icn oi, P~mers of .t1ne Sr-.Jemtii'i,~ !'eseirclli Ir-st. for E;q-,erii.! Surgical 1:~7uiomnt zinc` Instrur tents. Af j VINT-MOV.B.N. - Tectonics of a pledmont plain in northeastern Ciscaucasia. Prikl. geofiz. no-10:103-108 '53. (MLRA 8:7) (Caucasus, Forthern-Geology. Structural) I k _- VIKTOROV, B 11. Structure relatiorzhip ir ttl.~- arca of the Predgcrn~-y trmgh. Geol. nefti i oaza 41 no. 2:C'-E F '~Sl. 14:2) 1. Treat GroznufWveofi,"il,,c.. (Caucasuv, j'Cj--j':r-rn--,Coolo-y, Stnictvrol) 0* 1, VIXTOROY. B.N. Geological structure of the Kum Valley In eastern Ciscaucasia. Gaol. nafti 2 no.11:20-25 N 158. (MIRA 11:1?) l.Trest Gorzueftegeofftika. (lum Valley-Geology, Structural)