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-r:2.-. -- .-- a - -- - - 4r VEYNOV, K.A.., red. '- Lz-~~ (L.P.Zherebovj on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth) L.P.Zherebov; k 100-letiiu so dnia rozhde- niia. Moskva, Lesnaia pron7shlennost', 1965. 126 p (MIRA 18:io) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo bumazhnoy i derevo- obrabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti. TSentrallnoye pravlaniye. K.A.; BOBROV, A.I. Important problem in the sulfite pulp production. BUM-Prom- 35 no.3-1:15-17 N 160, (KM 13 111) lo MoskDvskly filial Vaesoymnogo nauchm-iseledovatellakogo Instituta. bumagi i tsellyulozy. (Woodpulp) ALEKSSYZV, D.G.; _?KXKajj4A,,. GORMNKOV, S.G.; GURRVICH, S.B.; DITKOVSKIY, A.S.; MOV, G.I.; MORGIN, D.J.; PROKIIORCM, I.S.; RUKTANTSRV, N.M.; UCHA&MIA, Z.V.; SRISHOT, I.A.; MCLOZHAVYY, N.M., red.; HUMATEV, X.N., ked ; qfSTYMOT, X.N.; red.; XMIAKOVA, MORMOV, Tu.7., red: izd-va;'BACHLJkINi, A.M., Esoviet pa-per industry, 1917-19571 Bumazhnaia promyshlonnost' S=a 1917-1957 gg. Poi obs.'ahei red. II.A.Veinova. Moskva, Goolesbumisdat, 1958. -14',1 ~p. I (KIRA 12:3) 1. Nauchno-takh"abookoye, obahchostvo bumshnoy i derevoobrabatyvaym- shchey pro;v7shlennosti.. 2. Chlen Naluchro-teXhalcheekogo obahchestva bumzbnoy i derevoobrsb&tyYay-aehcb3y prowyehl-ennosti (for all except $orozov1 Bachurina). (PP.Per industry) PROSKURTAKOV, B.I.:VMOVA, H.K. 'd-.; ~ , -r '. . .,,, Relation of fermentability to oxidation-reduction of glutens. Dokl&4y Akad. nauk SSSR 87 no. 6:1039-1042 21 Doc 1932. (CIAL 23:5) 10 Presented by Academician At I, Opurin 23 June 1932, 2. Moscow State University Imni M. V. lomonosov. ogi Biochemistry-- - ------------ 1/1 Pub*. 22 -,,36/4 Auth,ors I Sisaky~n, N. IIII., Memb. CorreapetAcauo of See, USSR; and Wynova, M. K. Title I Ze nAturc of albumina of the nodulo liquid of cocoons of mulberry silkworm. (Bumibrx Mori) Periodicel I Dok. All SSSR 10113, .531--534. Mar 21, 1955 Abstraab I An investigation was conducted for the purpose of explaining the niture of albumina of the nodule liquid of a mulberry silkworm and astimalion of their quantitative changes during the procets of development. Tee study was carriod out by meens of an electrophoretie analysis and the results obtained are described. Four referunces: 1 U.'-'-,R and 2 F",;snch (1946-1954). Tablee; grcphs. V F, SISAKYAN, N.M.; VEYNOVA, M.K. Complex compound isolated from the coelomic fluid of silkworm pupae Pombyx mori) [with summary in 'Snglishi. Blokhimiia 23 no.1:52-58 Ja-IP '58. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Inatitut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakhn AN SSSR, Moskva. fSII"ORMS) (COMPIZX COKPOUNDS) VEYNOVA. M. K.-(USSR) "Polypsptides from the Cavity Fluid of the Chrysalis of the Mulberry Silkworm Borbyx mori. 11 Report preserted at the 5th InternatIonil Biochemistry Congress, t~ Moscow, 10-16 kig !961 SISAKYAN, N.M.; VEYNOVA, M.K. Nature and biological role of peptides and nucleotide D.eptides. Biokhimiia 27 no.1:173-180 Ja-F 162. OURA 15:5) 1. Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of S6iences of the U.S.S.R.., Moscow. (PEPTIMS) (NUGLEOTIDES) V M OVAP M.K., SISAKYAK, N.M., akademik -- p Inclusion of tagged amino acids and adenine-94P4 in molootide peptides of baker's yeast (Sacch. cerevisiae). Dakl. AN SSSR 147 no*3'-731-734 N 162. (MIRA 15t12) 1, Institut bickhimii im. A.N. 11skbn AN SSSR, (AMINO ACIDS) (AMINS) (PEMDES) I VZYN7ALU, 9. Yu.: Master Yed Scl (diss) -- "Cn chanpes in the prot,!Ins of th-2 blood serum in rheuniatism and certain other infections-allargic iinf~2ctiong In connection with treatment. (CILnical-laborator), invest Lgation)". Tartd, 1959. 20 pp (Min Higher Educ USSR, Tartu fitate U), 225 copies (KI.,Iqo 12, 1959, 131) VANKER, Kh.; [Vanker, H.],- VF~NPALU, E.[Veinpalu, E.1; MMIK, L. ZINICHENKO, A.,, red. (Health resorts of the Estonian S.S.R.] Kurorty Estonskoi M. Tallinns Eesti Raamatj, 1964. 166 p. (MIRA 18:4) TRINNo R.F,I,NEYNPALU, L.E. (Vainp&lu, Lj I _2 The 6th Estonian Republic Conference an Health Resort Treatnent and Physical Therapy,, Vope kur., fisioloar. i lech* fis, kal't. 29 no.4t i 381-382 Jl-Ag 164. OGRA 180) FAKTOROVICH, Yu.A., kand.tekbn.nauk; VEYNRkUB, L.M., inzb. Introducing the radio dispatcber system In construction. Stroi.prom. 27 no.8:3-7 Ag 149. (KM 13:2) 1. TSentrallnaya skepartmentallno-isoledovatellskaya laboratoriya I Vs9eoyuzny7 naucbno-iselodavatel'skiy institut po organizateii I makhanisatall stroitel'stva (for Faktorovich). 2, Sektor ovyazi Mintyazhstroya (for Veynraub). (Construction industry) (Radio control) -VED-IRAUB.,-L. FI. - ----- - -- --- 27061- FAKTOROVICII, YU.. A.; VMMAUB LIT. - Vnedreniye dispetcherizatsii v ..stroitelistve. .,Stroit. prom-pst, 1949, No. B. S. 3-7. . SO: Letopist ZhurnalInykh State~v, Vol. 36, 1949. RADNOT,, Magda; P. (WeInstein, P. 1, doktor mcd.nauk,nauchnyy rtd.; CHAPODI IjCsapodi, 1), doktcr med. nauk,. nauchnr .1 red.; SIZA, Maelo[szl'ta Mario, ~ranalatorh ERDI K,, ot7. red.j CFERGE, L [Csorgo, LI, tmkhn. vred. .0 [Atlas of eye diseaseflAtlas glaznykh boleznel. Budapest, "ads- m1ai Klado. Vol.2. 1963. 11Y) p. (KI-RA 15;12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent kkademii. nauk Vengrii. (EYE-DISEASES AND DEFECTS) RADNOT, M.; ROSLAVTSKV, A.V., prof.; 51ZA., Nario, doktor [translator); VEYNSH= P.J. doktor mad. nauk,, nauchnyy red.; CHAPODI, 1.,doktor me . nauxo-naucbnyy red.; BMWAT, D'yerd', otv. izd.; FMI, K.P ot-r. red.; CHERGE, I., tekhn. red, (Atla6 of eye diseases] Atlas glazvykh boleznei. Budapest, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Vengrii. Vol.l. 1962. 188 p. 04IRA 15:1) 1. Chien-korrespondent All Vengril. (for Radnot). 2, Direktor moskov- skogo instituta glaznykb bolezney im. Gellmgolltsa (for Roslav-tsev). (EM-DISEASES AND DEFECTS) (ANATCHY, PATHOLOGICAL-ATLASES) VEYTISHTEYN. 'Ye.A. SOLDATENKOV, S.v. Effect of aodl= fluoride on -Che resviratlon of beF--, .-ewlea and the formation of acids in them. Vest. IM 20 no.9:113- 117 165. (MIRA IF: I M=OK A H. W- -1. - 't- - -.t~ Tecbnolo&v of surface hardening of oouplic&ted parts. [Izdaniial LONITOWK no.30:299-309 152. NLRA 821) (Metal m-Hardening) ~ ~ - I` ~- I . I _; 1-1 , -I . !,~ USOJR/i rigineering Power BiblicCraphy Jai. 49 "The Firot 'IcleAific-'rechnical Corifitrenev on the Utilisatioll of Secondary Power Scurces," C. %. Zhukov, Engr, 3 pp "Za Ekonomiyu Toplivall Vol V!, No 1 Conference was held 14-10 Dee in Foscow. Of 14 reports submitted, six dealt with results of research work in utilization of sec-ndary power sources, and five with present state and future prospects of utilizatio:. in iargest USSR industrial enterprises. Engr L. F. Veynshtok, representative of the Ydn of Heavy-Mach Constr was criticized for a report in which he 6enounc-d conditiGns for which hi- s r-inistry was responrible. PA 43A9T52 TROB. D.A., iazheter. Vital technological tasks of cold stamping. Ven'..mash. 31 no-3:32-33 Mr '53- (XLRA 6:5) (Forging) VEYR, CT.J. YAnID.",--,KIY, V . S. & If:m, - - Z1. I. Construction and wxploitation of oil conduits. SOORUZHENIYE I I EYSPLOATATSIrA I-F-MTFIVIODOVe Approved handliook for higher Oil Production '~,sta;-11ishmen'.,s. ,.o. cowl Leningrad. State Sc, Tech. Publ. of Lit-rature on Oil and .4inoral Fuel. 19h8. Elv~T t IE.1q i~ ~, It"ali L-,j 2 AP6009858 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/004/0052/005 INTENTOR: Bulychev. F. V.; Tsentsiper, M. L.; Smirnova, I. V.; Pogrebov, V. M.; lVevraukh. A. N. ORG: none e TITLE:_ Free-viston- draulic compressor. Class 279 No. 178930 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 4, 1966p 52 TOPIC TAGS: compressor design, hydraulic equipment ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been isuued for.a freql-piston hydraulic air compressor consisting of a housing with a hydraulic-driv rcylinder in its center portion, and compressor cylinders, pistons, and a slide-valve arrangement which iutcracts with a synchronization mechanism, on both sides. To improve equilibrium and reduce the compressor's dimensions, the cylinders'pistons are in the form of two piitou groups with an articulated joint between the compressor-cylinder and the hydraulic-drive-cylinder pistons. The slide-type distributing valve of the hydraulic drive can be operated by a cam mounted on the spindle of the synchronization mechanisu,- (WHI SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 23jul62/ ATD PRESS: Card 1/1 UDC: 621.512.3 VICTRAUKH,N.N.; DIINISENKO.I.G. Large part founding in built-up and semipermanent molds with the use of special devices. Lit. proizv. n0-8:31-32 Ag'55- (Founding) (XLRA 8:11) M RAUKRO N.N. - - 11- Increasing the durability of.large OlAst iron flasks. Lit. proizvo no.6:39 Jo 163, (KMA 16:7) (Foundries--84uipment and supplies) VxMAuKH, II.M.; IZNISZNKO, I.G. . producing castinp in permomnt molds. Litoprolzr. no,2:31-32 F 155. (XUtA 8s 4) (Die casting) Vr-,- LATVIA/Physical Chemistry - Crystals. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya) No 12) 195% 38758 Author : Groskaufmanis, Veysp Alkenis. Inst : Latvian University. Title : The Lurinescence of AlurAnum Hydroxide. Orig Pub : Uch. zap.&LatvL_iVn.ta.. 1957, 14~ 17-23 Abstract : It is demonstrated that upon exposure to ultraviolet light, benite produces a noticeable luminescence: bayerite a weaker one, and hydrargelite has no lumi- nescence at all. The liLj,,t adsorption in the ultra- violet re6don by a tasic aluminum chloride, AM 30 Al(OH )3 uas investig%ted. B. Card 1/1 In memory of professor A.B. Hurzin. Yest.oft.,34 no.4:47 Jl-Ag 155. (MMA 8:10) 1. Dotsent kafedry glaxrqkh bolesney, Uzanskogo meditsinskogo lustituta. (OBITUARIMS, Harzin. A.B.) VErS, A. [Veisap A.] A worthy reinforcement for the army. Voen.-znan. 41 no*22t29-30 D 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Predgedatell Latviyskogo respublikanskogo komiteta VBesoyuznogo dobrovollnogo obshchpstva Bodeystviya armii, aviatsii i flotu SSSR. LINABERG, Ya. (Linibergs ,J.]- NEYLAND, 0. (Nailands, 0.1; VEYS, A. (veiss, A.]; VANAG, G. (Vanags, 6.1 Acidity and enolization of 2-aryl-1,3-indandione. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.6s 1385-1388 F 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Rizhskiy politekhnichaskiy institut. 2. Akademik AN LatvSSR (for Vanag). I VEISY A. [Veiass, A.] Road to great sports achivements. ZEL rul. 20 no.1:6-7 Ja 162. (MIRA 15;2) I. Predsedatell Latviyakogo retipublikanskogo komiteta Dobrovollnogo obshchestmaodeystviya armii., aviatsii i flotu. (Lat-Via-.Motorcycle racing) EYS, A. L. 'Ya Zhclc&pt. .CS, '. 1L. i H0ZLOVSKTI, L. I. '.ckiianizm Gorcfi-, Zhurnal -i7. 36589. Irz- i, Munii, 1949, IIYP. 11, C. 13305-10- - -Piblio-r: 12 Nazve SO: Letopis I ZhuiTal'rWIdi Statey, Vol. 50., Noskva, 191;9 Igy fl BALKOUTS, Dmit.riy Stepanovich: MWV, Boris Dmitriyovich; CHUWSHNIXOT. Pavel 10ouidovich; GILIKAN. A.S., doktor tekhatcheskikh nauk, professor, N.V., imudidav takhaichaskikh nauk, retsens;ent; TITS, A . kandidat takhatchaskikh nank, radaktor; Imustel'skAy redaktor; ROZHIN. V.?., takhnichookiy redLaktor [Spot and roll wel4ing of special steel$ and alloys] Tochachnnin I rolikovaia avarim spetsiallnykh stalsi i splavov. Nobkva. Gos.izd-to obor.promyshl., 1957. 429 p. (XLRA 10:9) (Welding) 'J~~ 7~ Veys, R. flThe sorption pror~erties of cry3talline rodifIcations of alwndniu,-, hydroxide in aqueous solutions of electrolytes." Latvian State U. Chemistm-r Faculty. Rigra, 1956 (Dissertation f or the de,,~rec of Candidate in Chemical Sciences) Knizhnaz letonis' I!o. 25, 1956. Yioscow 5(2), 50), 5(4) AUTHORS: Veys, A* R.9 1,14, A. F. SOV/75-14-1-32/32 TITLEi The Determination of Thallium. by High-Frequency Titration With Sodium Boron Tetraphenyl (Opredeleniye talliya vysokochastotnym titrovaniyom tetrafenilbornatriyem) PERIODICAM Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 14, Nr 1, pp 143-14,.' (USSR ABSTPACT: zuv Card C'A.=Iit diagram for high-frequency titration The Determina4ion of Thallium by High-Frequency SOV/75-14-1-32/312 Titration With Sodium Boron Tetraphenyl According to Geilmann (Ref 1) the solubility of thallium-boron tetraphenyl at 20 0 is 5-6 in 100 ml. The authors of the present paper investigaterthe possibility of a high-frequency titration of thallium, with sodium boron tetraphenyl. For this purpose the qnheme developed by Blake (Ref 4) was used, which was improved by Resnaya (Ref 5). The amperage of the high-frequency current passing through the titration cell is measured (see figure). After passage through the cell the high-frequency current is rectified by means of a germanium diode and is measured by means of a milliammeter. Frequency amounted toOV14 megacycles, so that it was p33sible to work in solutions with concentrations of up to 0.25 m. The reagent was added from a semimioro-buret (accuracy �0.005 m!). Mixing of the solutions was carried out by means of a mechanical stirring device. The point of equivalence was graphically determined. The smaller its resistance in the case of a given sensitivity of the galvanometer, the greater will be the sensitivity of the apparatus if the concentration of the electrolyte is increased. An 0.2 m solution of sodium boron Card 2/3 tetrapheny! was used for titration, to which 2 g of aluminum The Determination of Thallium by High-Frequency SOV/75-14-1-32/32 Titration With Sodium Boron Tetraphenyl oxide hydrate was added per 100 ml for the purpose of eliminating insoluble impurities. The solution was mixed for one hour and then filtered. A solution prepared in this manner ret4ins its titer for several months if kept in a firmly c'-jed vessel. The titer was determined by high-frequency titration with a potassium chloride solution. Thallium was put in in form of a 0.1 n T12so 4- solution. The presence of sodium-, zinc-, cadmium-, and copper salts does not interfere with thallium determination. Determination carried out by this method is possible both in the case of weakly acid and in that of alkaline solutions. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Latviyskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, Riga (Latvian State University, Riga) SUBMITTED: September 30, 1957 Card 3/3 USCOLII-DC-6o,539 MS, A.S., doteant (Kazan') Imillan Valoutinovich Adamiuk. 40 no.4:100-102 JI-Ag '59. (ADAMMK, IMMAN VALINTINOVICH, 1839-1906) NIRA 13:2) - VEYSt A. Yu. Decembrist Petr Koloshin's work in geography, Izv. Yees, geog, ob-va 93 no.2:174-178 Mr-AP 161. - (MIRA 14:4) (Koloohin; Petr Ivanovichp 1794-1849) (Geography) wws, 0. A. 743.3 -V5 SMWOCHNIK PO 1UTERLUAM DLYA LOKOMTIVO- I VAGG-NOSTROYEI-11Y.' , (HANDBOOK rF IG MATERIALS FOR LOCOXOTIVE AI:D RAILROAD CAR BUILDUT , BY) D. A. VEYS ( I DR) IPOD. itj~D. V. IA. RASKATOVA. 1,,'.OSKVA, '~'-ASHGIZ, 1956. 481 p. DIWIRS., TABLES, RASKATOVY V.M.l insh.; KOKHTEV, A.A.; LELTkNOVp V.A.;,EESSONOVA, N.F.;_j!!~ ; KARABANOVA, L.T.; SILANTIYF.V, M.G.; n ~D. A. SITNI HENKO, A.I.(deceased]; CHTMOV, V.S.; TARKOV, A.M., insh., reteenzent; GARANKINA, S.P., red.istva; TIKHANOVI A.Ya., tekhn. red. (Brief handbook on materials used in the machinery industry] K tkii bpravochnik po mashinostroitellnym materialam. Pod 119 0 hchey red, V.M.Raskatova. Moskva, Moskg:lz, 1963. 440 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Materials) KCKHM , A.A.; JZLYANOV, V.A..- MALYNICH. V.I.; POVOLOPSKIY, L.I.; --V=1".P3R ~M' I OV. V.M., inshener; TOPMNIN, G.S.Edeceased]; LAPUSHKIN, A.D., dotsent, retseusent; USPASSKIT, P.P., professor, reteensent; ARMUN- GBLISKIY, Y.K., kandidat tekhnicbeskikh nank, xeteensent; RBGIM. Z. L., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nenk, retasusent; BHAROV, MsTa., kandidat telfticheskikh nauk, reteensent; TURIYBV, K.G., inshener, retsensent; LYUNNOT, AJ., redaktor; MODELI, B.I., tekhnichaskly rodaktor. [Manual on materials for the construction of locomotives and railroad cars] Sprxwochnik po materialam dlia lokomotivo- I vagonostraeuita. Pod obxhchol red. T.M. Raskatora. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. !zd-vo machine-stroit. lit-ry, 1956. 481 p. (Locomotives--Constraction) (Railroads-Cars--Construction) VEYS) E B 394/6 62166 .V5 Latviyakaya SSRj Ekonomiko-Geograficheskays. Kharaktoriatika (Latvian SSR; economic-geographical features, by) E. E. Veys 1 V. R; Purin. Mo3kva, Geografgizp 1957. 439 p. i2lus., Diagrs,q Maps, Tables. "Literature": p. 433-438 KOVACH, E.; TUBA, Z.; VEYS, I.; SHNEYDER, D. Chemistry of trimethylene oxide. Report No.l: Cis and trans-7- oxabicyclo-(4,2,0).octane, Izv. AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no-1:130-138 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii Segedskogo universiteta, Seged, Vengriya. (Oxabicyclootane) ACC T6028706 .AUTHOR: Veys, L. D. ORG: none SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0045/0049 TITLE: A tunnel-diode-trigger with an amplified output SOURCE: AN K1rgSSR. Institut avtomatiki. Uzly I ustroystva diskretnogo deystviya (Digital elements and devices). Frunze, *Izd-vo Ilim, 1966, 45-49 TOPIC TAGS: tunnel diode, trigger circuit, transistorized circuit, circuit design ABSTRACT: The major disadvantage of tunnel diodes most commonly cited is thoir lack of d1rectivity, since they have common Input and output terminals, which makes the matching of cascades extremely difficult. Furthermore, the output voltage of tunnel-diode circuits Is ex tremely low (70 to 400 mv) and frequently proves to be Insufficient to operate the succeeding cascade. In order to reduce these shortcomings, tunnel diodes are used in conjunction with transistors. The present author investigates a tunnel-diode trigger circuit, which realizes the advantageous properties of both tunnel diodes and transistors. A description and a circuit diagram (Fig. 1) of the device are given. An experimental investigation was made of a trigger L-04984-67--_ - ----- ACC NRt AT6028706 circuit the parameters of which were 'e- r lected according to the method outlined in the article. The bmel diodes had the following characteristics: Injax = 4.6 ma -15%, Imax/Imin = 6, c = 130 pf. The trigger circuit operated on an actuating 'rD.. pulse frequency of I Me. The sensitivity of the trigger circuit in this case Is higher than in the circuit In which the transistor to switched into the output of a tunnel -diode trigger* Orig. art. has: 2 formulas and res. 5 figu [26] T.D 7T Figure 1. Circuit diagram of a tunnel- diode trigger circuit. Epow -power source; Ec -transistor colle ctor source. SUB CODE. 09/ SUBM DATE; 22Feb66/ ORIG REF; 003 Card 2/2 -L-04903--67- EWTV) GD ACC NRs AT6028703 - 5, cbDE:-- W66-66, AUTHOR: Nebolyubov, Yu. Ye.; Filippov, N. A.; "otin, V._S._ Yeyst L. D._ ORG: none Trj-L LE: Programmed RtiMm rela Ing contactless elements y us SOURCE: AN KirRSSR, Institut avtomatikiUzly I ustroystva, diskretenogo deystviya (Digital elements and devices). Frunze, Izd-vo tLim, 1966, 3-6 TOPIC TAGS: time relay, circuit design, time switch A13STRACT: The author..i describe a programmed time relay with an output giving 20 different time periods, each from 5 to 100 sec long, and set by the operator by meadp of a switch. The device uses magnetic elements with square-wave hysteresis loops, a binary scaling circuit permitting reduction of the number of elements in the whole circuit, and series scalers of the shift register type. The programmed time relay consists of a master pulse generator, binary scaler (9 locations), two-clock pulse conversion rule, 20 coding rings, two-clock pulse coder register, 20 5-witches, output relay, and buttons and mdtcheB for controlling and starting the time relay. Multivibrator stability determines time period stability. The 20 switches Insert a predetermined program for emitting time periods. The length of the n-th period is set by Card 1/2 ACC NR, AT6028703 the corresponding n-th switch. Orig. art. has: 1 formula and 1 figure. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 22Feb66/ OTUG REF: 001 Card 2/2 F , " I 'L- F-:~-' -- CHECHFPLINITSKIY, I.I., Inzh.; VIYS, L.E., inzh.; VIAMYSVIGH, Tu.A., inzh. Festive outdoor lighting in Moscow. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 31 no.12:26-27 D '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Moscow-Lighting, Architectural and decorative) , VEYS. L.E., inzhener. Fxperience abroad with luminescent street lighting. Gor. khoz. Moak. 30 no-7:33-35 J1 156. (KLRA 9:10) 1. Proyektnaya kontora "Mosevetproyekt." (Burop'e. Western--Street lighting) VEYS L.E., Jnzh. ,---! ----- ----I Lighting of a traffic intersection in the Tagan Square in Moacaw. Svetotekhnika 9 no.Ilt22-25 N 163. (MIM 16:12) 1. Institut "Magazproyekt." OREKHOV, K.A.; MAKSIMOV, G.M.; NESLUKHOVSKI7, S.K.; ROZDtALOVSKAYA, V.V.; SMIRNOV, K.A.; TEYSj-LY,4 ANTYUFEYEVA, A.M.; KURGANOV# M.A.; STEFANOVA, Ye.A.; VOSTRIKOVA, A.M.; SAKHMVA, i.V.; POD"YACHIKH, P.G.; ORMHOVO X.A., otv. a& vypusk; CHUPBOVA, Yu.S., red.; PYATJAKOVA, N.D., tekhn. red. (Results of the 1959 All-Union population aensus; the Kazakh S.S.R.) Itogi Voesoluznoi perepisi naselaniia 1959 goda; Kazakhskaia SSR. Moskva, Gosetatizdat, 1.962. 201 p. (MIRA 16W 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)TSentrallnoye statioticheakoye upravleniye. (Kazakhstan--Census) 810201611136100210141034 AUTIORSt Crisorlyev. To. P.. Gromov, 9. U., Dshelopow, 1. S.. Corresponding Number of the AS USSR jy2l!jLk&_j~ Zolotarla, A. I., Toys. N.. and Tom Tun-TV TITU: The Decay of the Twa-bour Isotope in PZRIODICA.L: Daklady kkadwaii -auk 333R, 1961, Val. 1%. So. 2. yp. 325-328 TZI?. In the lutetium fraction forming In the *aura* of " Irradiation of tantalum "Ith "O-Wev pratonso conversion lines sere discovered, which had . period of two hours. The authors investigated the lutstlas, Iwatopa to which them* lines belong. Tor this purpose they used a P-spoctromota,r do bls, r 44 9, 4120 jusenotlo field was asesurad by names of proton :In .40 1lbration van Carried out according to exactly known lines. 2046rding who carried out by mean@ of two Cotger-Mallor counters. Three conversion lines with a period of (2.15 0.20) boars war* disc eovere4j closer details are given in Table I . aosparime the suardy differences between theme throe 31sos with X-ray date. it -as found that yt%4rbl" Isotope. From %be close study Into the La-lantope @A goes over Card 1/5 f the known, La-Lootopos, of their dvo"ev and their spctr%~ the author : as* to the Gonolusloa that the required Isotope with & pr1o4 of 2.15 hours must bo, 71 Si6a, Shia, has an o4d.o4d d.fored aual"4. PIC. 3 Shows the decay sobson, of this Isotope- Th-rw, "a 3 fiats, 3 tables, and 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 VS. 4 ASSOCIATION; Lanindradskly CosudaretwonVy universitet in. A. I. Uid"aws, (Laningre.4 State University Imoul A. A. thdanow) Ob-yodineaVy InstItut yadern?kh IsAladavaAly (Jetat Institute of Nuclear Reass:robi The Decay of the TW04LOur Isat" .'M 36/'x-/-'4/034 B019/D056 T.4..a. t In to Card 5AV GRIGORIYEVp le.P.1 GROMOVp X.Ya.; D7AIIELEPOV B0S ZVOLISKAp V.; ZOLOTAVINp A.Vj VMt M.j VAN YMYUY (Wang i~4..Fui 168 Deoay of the two-hour isotope La Dok:L. AN SSSR 136 no.2025- 328 161, (KM 14: 1) 1. Loningradokiy gooudarotvennyy universitet imeni A,A* Zhdanova i OblyedinenW inatitut yadernykh isaledovaniy. 2. Chlen-korres- pondent AN SSSR (for Dzhelepov). (Lutatium-Isotopeo) 3/04P,/62/026/012/006/016 B117/Bie6. AUTHORSt Brabets, V., Kratsik, B., Kratsikova, T., Mashtalka, A., obetaki, M., and Chernukht'.I. TITLEs Conversion spectrum of Hf172 FERIODICAM Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, Y. 26, no. 12, 1962, 1486 -*1487 TEXTs The long-lived hafnium isotope Hf172 of T,/2 '5 years was obtained in the synchrocyclotron. of the OIYaI in Dubna by bombarding a tantulum target with protons for a month. The hafnium-fraction was separated from the target using the method described by M. Vobeck~ and A. Mastalks, (collection Czechoslov. Chem. Commun., 261 1716 (1961)). The conversion spectrum of the hafnium fraction wee measured with a P-spectrometer haviing an intermediate image and a 2~ resolution, 7 months after irradiation had been completed, By this time the short-lived isotope had decayed completely and the Hf175, of T " 70 days to a considerabl* extent. The source of . 1/2 radiation used for most of the experiments was an equilibrium mixture of Card 1/3 172 Conversion spectrum of Hf S/04 62/026/012/006/016 B117V86 HP72 and Lu 1-12 on aluminum foil. Measurements carried out in the range up to 1100 key showed that Hf172 has no conversion lines above 120 key. In the range up to 120 key, 11 lines were found, corresponding to transitions with energies of 23.6, 42, 44-5, 81-1, 112-7, and 125-5 key. The r-transi 172 tion with an energy of 112-7 key is already known from the decay of Lu The increase in intensity of the conversion line corresponding to this transition took place more slowly than that of the other conversion lines of Lu172. This leads to the conclusion that there exist conversion lines belonging to Hf172 at this position in the spectrumo -which also correspond to a transition having an energy of about 112.7 key. As a result of the incomplete separation of the individual lines# the relative intensities of the conversion lines in question could only be determined approximately. For the same reason, it was impossible either to determine the multipole .order of the f-transition unambiguouely,lor to propose a final decay scheme. This paper was read at the 12th Annual Conference on Nkaolear Spectroscopy held in Leniigrad from January 26 through February 2f 1962* There in 1 table. Card 2/3 5/048/62/026/012/006/016 Conversion spectrum of Hf172 B11T/B166 ASSOCIATIONt Institut yadernykh iesledovaniy Chekhoslovatskoy akademii naukt Rzhezh (Institute of Nuclear Research.'of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Rzhezh); Fakullt~t tekhnicheskoy i yadernoy fiziki ChVUT (Division of Technical and Nuclear Physics ChVUT) Card 3/3 BRABETS, V. (Brabec, V.1; KRATSIK,, B.; KRATSIKOVA., T.; MILIGI, Z.; VM, M.; MASHTAT.KA, A.i VOBETSKY, IL; GNATOVITSZ, V. 0 Radioactive radiation from neutron-deficient hafnium iaotopes* Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 25 noelOtl266.-3268 1610 (Mlu 14;10) 1. Institut yade=ykh issledovamiy Chekhoolovatakoy Akademii nsuk, Rzhezh, i Fakulltet tekhnicheskoy i yadernoy fiziki ChVUT, Praga. (RafnJuD-lootopes) BRABEM,,V.1Bra1*c, V.1; KRATSIX.. B.[Kraoik., B.11 KRATSIKOVA T. 1~mcikovq, T.J; HASETALKA, A.(Mavt&3Jm, Weis,, W.1; VCHUM, M.[Vobackyo M.1; CHERNMI I. Cernuch, T. Spectrum of conversion electrons from Hfl72. Isv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.12:1486-21M P 162. (MM 16a) 1. Instittityaderrqkh iseledovaniy Cbekboolovatakoy akademii nauk, Rzhezh, i Fakul'tat tekhnicheekoy i yadernoy fiziki ChVUT [Ceske vyooke uceni tecbnickel. (Internal conversion(Nuclear pbysico)) (Beta-ray spectrometer) (Raftium-180topeo) Malaria control in Bukhara Province. Med.parez. i peraz.bol. 26 no.4:415-416 JI-Ag 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Iz parazitologicheekogo otdala Bukharskoy o* lastnov sanitarno- spidemiologicheskoy stantaii. (KAIARIA. prevention and control, in Russia (Rue)) VITS, P.; SHOSH, 1,; GATI, T.; KHARKOSH. D.; RIGO, Ya. Iffeat of a mathionino and Iyalne d9flolency In diet on conditioned reflex activity in white rate. Yop. pit 15 no.1%13-21 J&-Y 156 (mIa& 9:4) 1. Iz Instituta. patologicheakoy fiziologii (dir.-prof. Tothef Shosh) DuAapeahtakogo Universiteta. (LYSINE, deficionw, exper., eff. on conditioned reflex action in white rate) 0 W HIONINE, deficiency, exper.. off. on conditioned reflex action in white rats) (MWL11X, 0011DITTOM, off. of lysine & mothionine defic. diets in white rats) =SR ncrobloloa. Ant Ibloo is nz!~', Z:ur -it cxrd 1/3 54) ~l ext, Is . cz-73. al!~ It Ian7 cr; It-all1r.;) yo law COIC:- 13 1 no uz-1 par&-lom Is &oil" In A:,,l r~,! aodl-t " Iosd3 Its %f:Qzt",:7,3a- Ir. alkallmo sodium. =~* '-OP~Mtlcn, tared arvaly. is allahtIj tczi*. A Alndl~ urt 2/3 17 adalnl xt tration of fu2,SjIIj= to Is * :. t .,_ ,:rl ; dome a I &/M wid multipLa gjmj~jz to rats and. rabbit& In tLe ccurso of 10 days at a 24-hour dose of So =&/ka snowed no *ftG*t en t-h8 anisale' t4l-avlor, did not bring ab0u% cha.-46s In the blool pressure and In the Latarmal arsan4 of t.-* &21--Lis. rucagillIn has modletnal va!-~o In &=ooblc dvaentery In rats. and ale(. in be* noaom etsenae. T. F. Vertogradova card 3/3 --YE-TE4 - R.A, I- I. FAarmacological evaluation of polymyxiaX. AntibdLotiki 6 no.8.*697-702-Ag 161, (MIRA 15:6) 1 I 1, Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledoftteltakiy institut antibiotikov. (POLMMIN) VEYS R.A.- 3ToROZHFV; I~P, ~ , ,Pbarmacol.)g teal C.-udy o." merhy.:-Min, 11 no,7! 629-633 Ji 065, IMIR!~ 1, VBa30yUZnyy naurhno-I-ssIpdowte1'skiy innit.u". .moskva, atudy of the vh#lUlCo(dvC popertfus '94 n a tive atroptinyda. .;.- Stsroaj~todd~j. d itteptatal;W.: R. A. WL awl N. S,~Tolnwl va. v Ikud. Urd. !nt!bL~.Iiki i okh Primemell 12, t;o. 1, toxicity and h-yjwtcnsf-.T:cffirt!&-ptad ujx3n the ptu-ity rif thr, dmg- Tht: purcr the -Irlig thar sm.-411,r iti~ umcity aud- the L.Ker tht -HOt r,wm" a n.hrim:ki hyj.,IcrliJ%v vftect. 11, Nenrotoxic: ntYepttnnycia~ 14. A. vels. Jbiff- "A S.-itAwd h,jm6m, .1 1000 uuits/kg. into dogs 6 withmit rfruct whi!e a sunilir -1-c' of the imj~rxed drug cau-;- tkpies~~ioa and f~uu,timei v~,miting. A. S Nirkio VMS. R.A. Irparimental study of pharmacological properties of RLxssiAn streptomycin. Second report: neurotoxic affect of streptomycin. Trudy ANY SSSR 22:55- 58 '52. (MLFA 6:6) (Streptomycin) Z - t~Absorpnan anis earnination of streptomycla. R. A.-VcTs-r d M. A- SAhotins-kaya. Trudy A kad. Med. N4uk S.S. S.R.. Anfi&iosiki i ikAL Prswnexi4 22, No. AD Tbe Largest conen. of streptomycin in b" is found after Intr=uscu'ar injection when it rmy per5ist for as long as I() hrs. It is tliminated mainly through kidneys, although i only 30c% were discovered in the urine 4 tits. after injectiun. In spinal injection streptomycin is only found in blood when large doses art: used. No streptoinycin tia3-fuund when 2OW unitslkg. wrre injected. Larger utnts. of native streptomycin were found in blood than when the Impotted drug was used. This orobably explaina the Ixtier thera-*~ P~utic efftet of the native drug, A. S. Mirkin BEMINA, Te.K.; VXYS. R4A. Effect of oubarachnoidally injected streptomycin upon tisoular elements of the central nervous system. Trudy AM SSSR 22:63-68 '52. (KLR& 6:6) (Strepto-vcin) v j R A.,, BETMINAO Ye..X. and TOU4CH1VA, N. S. S. . W= M "Material on the Pharmacology of biomycin," appears in TABCON of "Blo=cIn (Experimental StRdX and Clinical use of Biomycin," edited by A. F. Bilibin, Moscow 1954. SO: Translation-417, 1955P Jun 21. Tite pharina logy of biomycin. R. A. V,-!,, Ii. K. C 0 k BervA. " alit ~ 4. S. Bi Isin. T , It', -23; Zhur. K'hiw, A*Iir. Nkdgiz) 195 1955, No. 2751 - -A he av. 1.. 1). of i,iumyciit (1) i.) - in ict: is -0- 100 mg.,kg. adjidnkt~xA intrawnwily, Vaily adutilli- tration of I paur.dly fur 23 di yN ill thj-,cs exccoling tile therA- Itcutic Iwd tit) crlt:ct mi Ow gruwth 4 tile mice. It dill shoavu the I&OA-ClOttitig Lillie. The intravellaus ati- millistrations of I I') mt., ill do"ei of Pit) 111Z.Ag. and it tile rate of 10 pcwhizvd no ~,ignifiewit reipitatory or lAwd-lircimac v*aimge, Incrrawd 1wri5taltic was obwrved ill k-.a~ and rubbits ftjll~witig pt:roral :tcltninii- tradlitj 4 the tirtig. Irritation jj~45 w,--r. ob-~-.-rvrA itt tilt! Iwililf uf milwillwwou-, or inmimmeidar inj(-cti.) i. I 440sl-l 110 pyr.,4cilw ptolwitics. A flicrap(m(io cow n. ,f r is At ;11 livif ill the blood t.,m ;i(tcr paric;iI witniiii-iti.i.fifigi .,lid L.1i 4.9 lirs. The gr(,:ttcr part ,f I i, thininatiA via tile litilic. It I%%,sfound ill tilt! hvu, kidneyl, gall blidder. Wituti, aild stliual CoV4. It, Ltviltc Y]ITS. N.A. Nxperimental studies of the pharmacological properties of Russian streptomycin. Trudy Vsee.ob-va fiziol.biokhim.1 farm. 2:198-205 '54. (MLPA 8:7) 1. Gtdel eksperimentallno3r terapil, Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledo- vatel'skogo instituta po penitsillina. (STRIPTOMYCIII pharmxtaol.~ Ac-~~ - -- ---- - ---- - - --- - - - -- - - - - - ---- -1 VETS R.A. kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Toxic manifestations observed fooloving administration of antibiotics. Antibiotiki 7 no.6:14-24 154. (MMA 8:2) (ANTIBIOTICS. injurious effects.) VEYS R.A. Pharmacology of madicinal foeras of streptomycin arntib-*~tlc2 Art-~IblottkL 8 no.9:821-8-06 S 163 I-i:ii) 1. i, 57,11-ut VEYS R.A.; SEMONOV, S.M. !,bsorption, distribution, and excretion of noyohiocin. Antibilot-ki 9 no.9:821-824 9 164. (MIPA 19:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut antibiotikov, Moskva. STOROZHEV, I.A.; EYDEL'SliTEYN, S.I.;_,VEYS, R.A. Pharmacology in framycin sUfate. Antiblotiki 7 no,106896-900 0162 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Vaeso-yuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut antibiati- kov. VEYSt R.A.; STOROZHV, I.A. Pharmacology of arythrmycin amd its derivativemo AntWotlki 7. 14o.12:3-101-3-106 D 162. (MIRA 1635) 1., Tassoyuznyy nauabno-iseledovatellokiy inatitut antibiotikov. (EMMCHYGIN) KHOXHLOV, A.S.; SIlAYEVj A.B.; STZPANGVp V.M.; YULIKOVAv Ye.P.; VWSHKO, Ye.V.; LEVIF, Ye.D.; MAMIOFE, S.M.; SINITSYNA, Z.T.; CHI C11AN-TSIN [Chlih Chlang-Chling]; SOLOVIIEVA, N.K.; IL'INSKAYAg S.A.; ROSSGVSr,.ANkt V.S.; ~.VMITRTYEVA, V.S.; SaMNOV, S.M.; VEYSI_R.A,,,- BEREZINA, Ye.K.; RUBTSOVA, L.K. Amew type of polymyxin,,polymyxin M. Antibiotiki 5 no.1:3-9 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut antibiotikov i laboratoriya khimii belka i antibiotikav khimicheskogo fakullteta Hoskovskogo ordena Lenim gos4darstvennogo universitata imeni M.V. Lomonosova. (POLY141XIN) SIL&TAV, A.B.; AGRE, N.S.; zV-REGISTAN, G.I. - VEYS, H.A. - WLIM N.D. .9 1 P Isolation, purification and basic properties of antibiotics from Actinomyces globisporus var.roseus strain No. 2911. Antibiotiki 6 no.10;871-878 0 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Laboratorlya antibiotikov biologo-pochvennogo fakullteta Moskov- skogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova. (ANTIBIOTICS) (ACTMOMEES) VEYS, R.A.; STOROZHE"', I.A.; Bi-EPUITIA, Ye.K. Pharmacology cf florLmycin (viomycin). Antibiotiki 8 no.10:913-914 0 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskly institut antibiotikov. VXM; R.A. I Polymrdn; ourvey of the literature. Kbirargiia 37 no*42140-- 342 161. (MM 3414) 1. Iz Toesoyuznogo nauobno-inaledavatellskogo instituta anti- biotikovo (PMM47M) VMI 11,A.; IDELIMiTEYN.. $*I* (Moakva) x7tbrmycin (erythrocin, ilotyoin). Teraparkh. 32 no-3-100-84 N t60. (RUTHROMIN) (MM U,11) IVEYS p R.A. Pharma6ology of Vlom7cin. Trud7 Vsea. ob-va fizlol.j, biokhim. J fam. ktl36-140 58. (14IRA 14:2) 1. Otdel eksperimentalino7 Vassoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo instituta antibiotikov (zav. otdelom prof. Z.V. Yemollyeva). (AUREONYCIN) STOROZHEV, I.A.; EYDELISHTM, S.I.; MS. R.A. (Moskva) Iffect of antibiotics of the tetracycline series on the motor activit7 of the gastrointestinal system. Pat.fizlol. i ekop.terap. 3 uo,4;74- 75 Jl-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1..rz Teesoyuznogo nanchno-iseledovatellekogo institute. antibiotikov (air'. N.A. Ddberniyev). (TZTRACYCLINN pbarmoolog7) (GASTMIYPBSTINAL SYSM pharmacology) SOLOVIYEVAp N.K.; DELOVA, I.D.; GERWGVA, K.I.; SAVEL'YEVAt A.M.; KHOKHLOVv A.S.; MiU410FEg S.M.; SINITSYNA, Z.T.; PETROVA,, M.A.; KOROLEVA, V.A.; NAVASHIN, S.M.; FCHINA, I.P.; BUYANOVSKAYAp 1.$.; VASILEW10, O.S.; YUMOVAt S.A.; BEMINAV Ye.K.; VZYS,-I"; DMITRIM, At V.S.; SEMMGVP S.M.; SHREYFMON, A.N. Polymycin, a nevlantibiotic from the streptotricin group. AntibiotiU 5!no.6%5-10 N-D 60. (MIRA 140) 1. VaeBoyuznyy luchno-isoledovatellskiy institut antibiotilgov, kafedra mikrobiologii TSo4trallnogo instituta usovershenstvavaniya vrachey. (ANTIBIOTICS) USSR/Pharmacology and Tbxicolosy. Chemotherapeutic Preparations V-7 ,',ntibiotics Abs Jour ; Ref Zhur - Biol., No 15., 1958., No 71284 Author : Veys R.A. Inst Title : Some Complications of the Central Nervous System Observed in the Use of Antibiotics (According to Data in Foreign Periodical Literature) Orig Fub : ,ntibiotiki,, Sb. perev... obz. i ref. in. period. lit., 1958, No l., 62-66 Lbstract : No abstract Card : 1/1 EMEMR, ZJ.0 BEMINA, Yej. IRYSI_~.A., MILOVANOVA0 S.H., OSTROUNHOV, A-A RODIONOVSXAYA, N.I., TRAJM~~N-B-E-R-G-;-D.M., MO)MIDY, A.S.. CHATKMXA~A,3*X,- Telutinin, an antibiotic from the mold fungus As~ergillus velutinus. (with svmmary in Engliabl. Antiblotiki 3 no.4.0104-105 J3,-Ag '58 (MIRA 11:10) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatel'oxiy institut antlhioti -kIov; (ANTIBIOTICS) VIYS, R.A., STOROZHF.V, I.A. - Pharmacolo of sodium and ethylenediamine salts Of chlortetrnzycline (biomycin)gfwith summaz7 in Xngliehl, Yamre i toks. 21 no,5: 76-78 S-0 158 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Voeooyusnyv nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut antiblotikov. (CHUaTr,TRAGYCLM, sodium & ethylenediamine salts, phnmacol. (Ras)) STOROZHEV, I.A.; VEYS, R.A.; EYDELISHTRYli, S.I.; DYKOVA, v,.A.; B',",HFZINA, YO.K. The effect of mixtures of molybdenum and streptomycin on animals Lvith nummnry In Hnglishj. Farm. I toks. 21 no.1:67-71 Jn-Y 158. (MIRA 11:4) Vaesoyuv?ivy nAuchno-tesladOVAt8l'okiy Institut nntlblotikov MiniateratVA 2drnvookhrnnaniyn SSSR.* (MOLYBDEM , mixture with streptomycin, physiol. & metab. eff. on animals (Rua) (STREPTOMYCIN, mixture with idolybdenum, physiol. & metAb. eff. on animals (Rua) TIYS, R.A. lxperimentnl studies on the pharmAcological properties of the antitumor antibiotic actinoxenthin. Antibiotiki 3 no.lt22-27 Ja-7158 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Veesayuznyy nauchno-issledovateliekly institut Antibiotikov. (ART IB IOT ICS 01 actinoxanthine, pharmacol. (Rue)) (CYTOTOXIC DRUGS, same) KIMIOYE, S.M.0 SINITSTRA9 Z.T.9 VZrSj R.A, DNO A.M. Effect of admixtures on the quality of streptozWcin preparations; certain Inorganic admixtures Evith summaz7 in English]. Antiblotiki 3 uool.'115-119 Ja-7158 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Vfieooyuznyy nauchno-imeledovatellskiy institut antibiotikove (S ONrCIN, admixtures, eff, on mede properties (Rua)) Z..W.; SILAYWv, A.B.; MAKSIMOVA. R.A.; SMNOV, M.N.; SHIPNOVA, A.D.; HOSHKOVSKIY. Sh.D.; NOSIMA, V.D.; YNYS, R.A.; BXRXZI11A, Ye.K. Yumagillin produced from an organism isolated in the U.S.S.R. Antibiotiki 2 no.6:14-16 11-D '57. (KIRA 11:2) 1. Ieboratoriya antibiotikov hiolog-pochvennogo fakullteta Moskovskogo ordens Lenina gosudarstvannogo universitate imeni M.V.Lomonosova. VseuoyuzzWy nouchno-issladovatpliskiy institut antibiotikov, Nauchno- iveledovatel'skiy inatitut malyarii, meditsinskoy parazitologii i galimintologii. (ASMGILLUS, fumigatus, prod. of fumagillin (Rua)) (ANTIBIOTICS, preparation of, fumagillin, from Aspergillus fumigatus (Rua)) 1%5 YNYS, R.A.; SYDBLISHTITN, S.I. YearbloNoe on antibiotics ('Antibiotics annual," 1954-1955 and 1955-1956. R-evieved by R.J,.Veis. B.I.Midellahtein) Antiblotiki 2 no.3;58-59 YT-Je 157. (KIRA lOt8) (ANTIBIOTICS) PIOSKIN, X.Yej VETS, S.P. Possible decrease of the cathode potential during the electrolysis of certain aqueous solutions. Dokl.AN SSSR 105 no.6:1303-1305 D '55. WaA 9-.4) l.Mookovskiy khimiko-tekhne1ogioheekiy institut imeni D.I.Mendeleyova. Predstavlemo akademikom S.I.Vollftevichem. (Ileetr4ysie) (Potential, Theory of) Wilily of lowering the cathodi potential In the' =;Zof some aqueous Solutiorul, and S. P. Vets (D. 1. Mendeleev Mo-cow "a 7"o r Irady AT57. ~Cathode-pfjtcutlal lowering by pptg. ritt the =..",,e"', e and reducing it by catholic poNrizatinn with tire for-XVII t --l~TIM of - smoi)th In-an 0"trolyt contS. NaCl M and NaOll 120 j./l. of PA". To c hit tile electrode, a steel plate was driereahed. etched III 11NO., thoroughly washod with If,O, and treAlLd WiVrx6rally with a 37t NaCl snin, for "VC(AI flayl, A unifollil FCO, filul was formed whMi wall rcriorrd if, Fc, &irric peeling off of Fe did not &flat tht- ttkuI14. Tile lowtf cahole pat,itbl -would result in a saving I)[ Awrit 10% of current at a c.d. of 1000 wnp./sq. tn. or 300-'4) kwAir./ton Cl. The cathode pot~ntiiill was lwxcred 0. 1-0.43 v, At a c,d, of 600-- 1760 arnp./5q. in., and wm noT affected by the arldn , of surface-active materials to the cIrxtr,)Iv(e, W. MIS, ----- - - --- f-S~ -r- -- - -- 259%. Veyst S. V. Ukhod za Mudnymi det'mi pri ostroy dispepall. Med. sestra, 19/*0 No 7, s. 14-18 OP SO: Knizhnaya Letopial, Vol. 1, 1955 VNYS, V. P. Immediate and remote results of cesarean section# Akush, gin. no. 3:41-" May-June 1952. (CLML 22:5) I, Of the Obstetric-07"Cological Clinic (Head - Prof. N. Terkhatekly)"O' Stanislav 14edical, Institute. - VRISt. ~Vp._ "Biological Diagnosis of Pregnancy Using Male Frogs.." Cand Med Sci, Stanislav Medical Inst, Stanislav, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 7, Dee 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Lducational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 KRIVOGLAZJ, B.A.; BOYKO, V.G.; Y-EYS-i _V-P-11 MODEL" A.A.; ZARITSKAYA, L.A.; KRASNYUK, Ye.P. Occupational pathology in workers in enterprises of powder metallurgy. Forosh.mat. 2 no.5:109-113 S-0 162. (IOU 15:11) 1. Kiyevskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy. (Powder metallurgy--Hygienic aspects)