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POLAND / Chemical Technology. Ceramics, glass, H
cement, materials, concrete.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 12, 1958, 40465.
Author : Veykhert.
Inst : 16-t--gIV-en
Title : The Problem of Studying the Reaction Capacity
of the Feed Stock in Baking Portland Cement
orig Pub: Cement, Wapno, Gips., 1957, 13, No 11, 272-273.
Abstract: The reaction capacity (caking) of the raw mixture
depends not only on its chemical properties, but
also on the geometrical form and granulation size.
It is therefore imperative to take into considera-
tion the physical factors and to Insure homogeneity
of the samples in respect to their granulation
and method of preparation. The author thinks that
Card 1/2 12
POLAND / Chemical Technology, Ceramics, glass, H
cementj materialso concrete.
Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 12, 1958, 40465.
Abstract: a relationship between a reaction capacity of the
raw material, efficiency and thermal function of
a kiln can be established if the correct condi-
tions are set up for carrying out the Investiga-
Card 2/2
Mcchillullilly I., Fnc,.;
Tractors - Motors
Link and crank bearings for the D-54 encine. IITS 13, No. 2, 1953.
Monthly List oL Russian Acgessio=., Library of Congress
June 1953. U',`CL.
VETKHKAN, M.A., inzh.; SEPITYY, V.T., inzh.; RYSTENKO, G.A., inzh.;
"eIO"Y,&AHjNkOv V.S., insh.; KASM, B.P., glavnyy konstruktor, red.;
13GORKINA' L.I., red.izd-va; SOKOLOVA, T.F.,
[The DT--~54A tractor; operation manual] Traktor DT-54A; ruko od-
stvo po ekspluatataii. Pod red. B.P.Kaabuba. Noskva, Gos.
nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo mashinostr.lit-ry, 1959. 318 p, i
(HIIUL 12 10)
l.-Kharikovskiy trak-torosborochnyy zavod. 2. Kharikovskiy i
traktorosborochnyy 5avod (for Veykhman, Sepityy, Rystenko, Ndva-
renko, Kashub).
VEYMMI TS. I.- *Role of Writing in the Teaching of Reading French Words in the V
Class." Acad Pedagogical Sci RSFSR, Sci Res Inst of Methods of Teaching, Moscow, 1955
(Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)
SO: Xhizhnaya Letop~sl No. 26, June 1955, Moscow
BORNOVOLOKOV, Edvard Pavlovich- VEYRWlSy-Avgast-Yakubovich; ROPANOV,
Boris Aleksandrovich; Ski--~ Anatoliy Abelevichj- SOBOLEVSKIY, A.G.,
red.; LARIONOV, G.Yea, tekhns red,
(Loudspeaker oystems] Peregovornye ustroistva. Moskva Gosenergo-
izdat, 1962. 38 P. (Massovaia radiobiblioteka, no.431
(KM 15:7)
(Intercommunication systems)
F.F., I '; . ~ - ~ 1 ~ " !'YY,
lll~-h.; V. li
.. I ~ L~ . . '' y fl-i 4 , .;, ~ I '' . . 1.
Automatic di rf"~..t joa," 1 ri:, ~ rl to rt' ).r caul ` 1-",
proizv. 18 no.9:jk"--'3 33 fi'~4.
zamp ES lot V=Wj V* La
SeconUry eymptma in mdforamide thampy of dr"utory. Soret
md. No, Ilt Nov, 50., po 24-6
1. Of the GUnioal Division (Illead-4. Ho Kaprdk)o *ncow Ob]Aat
Instituto Imerda"ladmikovo
CUM 20j 3,, Ilarch 1951
Inst. Physical Chen,.,-Acad. Sci. USSR, (-194&-)
"Colloid Suspension of Clay in Water as L-abricating
and Cooling Liquids in the Deep Drawing of Metals,"
Iz. Ak. Nauk, Otdel Tekh. Nauk, No. 4P 1946
---VZIL , -S * Yke --- -- -- - - - - - -- - - ---- ---- --- --- - - - - ---
*Structure Development in Rubber Sols by the Action of Active Fillers,"
P. A~ Rebindero G~'A Ab,, and S. Ya. Voyler,, Compt read amW sci URSS,
xxxi.. pp'444-7 (1941; (SM: Inst. Me-e-cr/Aangi. in Ya. V. Sawylov)
SO: U-237/49j 8 April 1949
_*r"W dw Movow at M'
m- 'V
d P
got r goo
pates q0
C4wo. #Md. OW lAl"MMIJ 0 304090)(14
solook).- d;ii ~~ ;, tu-Z~ MOM-
: Acm sad 0= moltw~ we W favim by d
~ GO Opp, comalatleg of a thift plate of atim attat*4 to 0
&%a thromed that Is mospeoded hvm a qwwts sprift, a
the vqpdd to bs~~tcd. OW a motor for
of . -. -Coast. opmed of 3.3
, I" the mad
~ t sawsolmoldwspr*domy v the
P -- .
. to
plaim W Md I" a W
ottows is I I ; ~ IPA a of Ow dlownslous the plato a
shope 4 dw ve". Advumm of . am Wall.
tivky. am of temp. t OW brood of com-
fow Theklmortkoo(thiso-
001 of a day mospoomfift Im mudw by clatg.
- 1.
6 at vwyfw do", sw*ug
8 with a Olopeowles In W" fid IN" had bolors do-
1~ O'l unvo all, Or -ingot)
0 u 0 a ~ m; a Is
0 4-0 * 6 0 * 4 0 0 0 : 0 a- 0
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0 IF I IF a I a 4 3 6 0
-19 W9 w a W a W's w S-W 4
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004 -vel - k n
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L --- -. -~v
ColloWal (lay Slurrk-c as fAbe4eauts &ad
Velk-f X. N. Pertiva. 04 1 A. flebindcr. flettry
OWI-tfw, TtamLflon No. Z42u '~ Frons ticeo
Audemij Arduk- SSSR (Hu2i"Pda"th-c Ac&dnnyN
j)f 11w tISSR), ~Kiiion of irmvs,
4,1%16. p. 10-S-01-8.
DeAk wids Uscift Iml p6sil -WJ144 of lortstunite
(014wal *up
vu).'s its 16~ im" , _pm-
SJOW. I)WritW* 191WAINM Of SlUrrics, jorrCAWMA,
U( ANY flactk". '"ftwm-
and size twip'l
d". arr talritaird and thscussol. 11 cf.
I-AS 41 - L A MKIALLUNWAL LFTII11441 CL,61. .KAt-on
IG&J #4t Ov da; MAN'telt
u a if, W IS Wy
1. 5 9
9 00 900
0:1 0 90 VA A-0 A_* 0 0.00 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0
67 aw mall"d d
A mccampilar or reawl vory skit ;I Wlor) 0 Cu.
A]. bmas. or mks NO. im, 'In tbe liquid and oas
&d. bY a Abs sommi wiroo an a qmwts or tisso wins:
lot 0- NOM164 a MW ar W qvift ob=M br -
amed. Combam WRIN the How Is VAPPwa by a
table that, can be -------
rats P. The 41061dommat X of the plate it nad with the
aW of a made &%ad an the moves" wim pod a bwiao&W
at thor rats w. its dis-
took.iow,malthe *-Pv-L The
wmpk ad s. With a sim sys.
tem, it swetly so On nwftm am 3 of the
plain (beta 2,3-6 IOD sq. cm.). A" Is ".
pmftft of We MA of the distance x of the walls of
dw com"bor was.). Rome tbe rectiiiamer Mom
of the a on diagrIZ: Ausies mwddw 9 can
badold 8 P/(#/X). mannalwasappliedtatbe
11-1 Of dw raft of s0& PH&-d- of city
Its hatom is the bwo I am of the
pkw. nm".U*b ko.mum wt. M. Tbw
'). 'Yfa.
J2545- 'CLIDFARB, 3- D. i VEYLE';, 3. Y3. Vju~-ajiic tvc,,rdykh
rmiolnitele;~ ns str.,I-turco~razcvanle v
u -- Bi.,~I;or-,r: s. 11-1
Zhurnal pri'-i. -o. lc , s. I . - -
SO: Letopist &L-urnallrukh Stat-ey, Vol. 19p, Moskva, 1949
ITM= son*
USSB/Chomistr,y - Colloids Jan/rob 49
Chemistry - Relaxation
"Measurement of Relaxation in Structurally Colloidal
4stem,* So Ya. reyler, B. 1. Ukhtman, P. A. Re-
binder, Inst Physicochem, Acad Sci USSRo 3 PP
*Kolloid Zhur" Vol II, No 1
Subject method for measuring period of relaxation to
based on tangential mixing of plates in colloidal
eystem under conditions of limited constant deforms-
%ion. Shows look of relationship between period of
relaxation and amount of Initial elastic deformation
In construction of hydrozol gelatin. Submitted
20 X" 48.
Jan 49
Cooling, Liqui&
"The Importance of Aetive, Lubricating and Cooling
Uquide in the Deep-Draving of Metals," S. 7a. Vey1w,
L, A. Shreyner, 14 pp
"Zhur Tskh Piz" Vol 111, No I
Describes now method. for evaluating lubricating effea
of active lubricating and cooling liquids in the deep-
draving of.astals. Consists of repeatedly passing
the deform& piece through a die and measuring the
corresponding foroes.
24A9 M2
collaidal Were on the s"ctwe forin.
lion in cismostratrif glum R. D. 64.Marli aiml ;. Ys.
N44mv.-thar. hit . KAim. (J. Appliftl Cliem.) 22.
1119-210m).-Mirad"i stress-stral" curvirs. c"Xined
to ftwe"Wrtmilsta 91 the la"rollod 414pluveliolif of a
&o. in OW allp. fit vell" Glut Ilrbl"llft (VA, 40, AP&M,
.3 life, litter fW41114 to 1%I" tillow the litillfing Shelifills
Oir,* I kA a V%. allplit filon. 'Allh W-41 44114live to 11W It W
Alut) Old hishly b7d"bilk, Clay, to t4 hi4lwt (11.3 j,;%il
ent.) tbas th&t Of the MU34 Shile voln. withmt (Ilkf (9-11
The carivellanding shtariag imatfull am 201 arul 13.4 it.iml
Irv"" ". The fiffor 040 ingress" tim brittle"ame of tim
stl dn4f anthlealrit selling. With iiKirlaving aim. %%I
-fil r.01tiefraws fomfkq.l foil mX.Of"'I
to a "141. t4 Nd.7 S./sq, "", with Am: i'. KII raw,,
11W "Wit. is eftchf4lat lttxxtt *~-M", cif hilittritLiflitv tothr
drythle. Two hallima tayr "Us. fill 94.1 Athl 711,71 #f. "
cils..vvvp. The max. i4rength of tbir Sri thuli rAri" witt,
Itw ruture ut 41w Wire. X. Thtin
Novo pebw* of "a"U" of 69 Ofectivitafle at
lubricating awUrfais in *9 ww~",mqttifs undor
Issuff. A. Va. Veart dtful I.. $Irv, PAW,
44 SO*1--XX--1',ft_", XNN Nil%104 A ot-ri lull
nJI11 sons. ttianx. pn%a"l irl"Irilly thtooph
OWIque lpirv Its a InetAl 141111sir lt:.
10 braft). and the load P is mftmnvd as a funrlitA A The
joractrokin k, with wW without lubtic-40. Curres o# 11
agAI#t.,tb#hnw*n%4&.P.. The values of)' 41minith with
each folkiwitts pdm, and the mdx. lwr%wm~ dAtter. It
1'. 1% jtW1V*l ASSItW the 00. Of (01 0010~-Utit`e I%AWS, the
tirommling corre. obWtwd in the Vn~CMV 4 A lUlKiMUt
~V' MASS. of 4 "AP coats. W'j (Atty &6b). is ('rigul to he
nm-plerANY I*km that oWined without lubricant; lhu%,
^1 * - 10*1 pa"). P. - 01 *:W M Its.. n-sp, TI* rdect k
e"Jenfly deld. not only by a dermaw of NoWn but jEw
by IneveAted raw of plamic ddamu6pn in the surface
6 r. voing to tbcyrmncv of xurfatce~cfivr bubstaumst.
Arter & .vrtain 06. to pdatev, P. Iveoutes conat.. this takes
kce, In the abwmv of a tubek-Wit. after 14 PAIMM, and.
f., its prewam, idter 6. This ind"tro Wt. with a out.
tam-active substance. the procem td plastic dow In the
surfAce Layer is empleted wxmer. N. Than
V17L-FT, S. YA.;SFR,:~;YNFP, L. A.
Lubrication and 1ubrIcartB
Method for investigation of the effectiveness lubrIcants used in treatment
of metals under pressure. Trudy Inst. fiz khImil V-7114 -1-7;-2F 'Ho. 1, 1952.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952.
Jouzmal of the Iron ana Steel Institute no kumence Of Labrimts on the Coe
Vol. 176 Dadnx the Dftp of ftCUOU
'F if % I tni
( Drit f D"AL" I;- I'M eder Md 0. Z.
Apr. 1954 . - Ymolmii N.~* -r-r-rr'- M-3
'n "--I. Th. b;fI.,c.
Forging, Stampingo Diawing, and Pressing eo~'Hc;en6 of frietitn' during . Of lubricmn~ on
-viunplea or at,, , d,,Tdr4_ing was n'.WFg..d
"Gefticient don' , Mvr. amr;
tig the _pest&, F-mcf," -
~tr4 of semplom g(* [a the
rnedi,% (nllthYl and buLbyl iiij,hols nf . in various
'11 concluded th't the tect,,, Iqwe . Pe'digOnili Uld) it
P'" is not the extariiij I I - ring friction clu - a first
efr--t Of the lubri "nesting GICtrion, but thnpnF,.t'j'
raint, i.#,, its ability to 01ting
vf "netal in .11 very "hin lkyer In e.njuj wiferilitate, a fjo'r
th the dft.
USSR./ Chemistry - Physical chemistry
-Ce,x4 1/1 Pub. 22 - 3 7/63 -
Auth'ord i Veyler, 111. Ya.
Title I Effoct of lubricants on the s-arface flur. of metal
Periodical I Dok. AN cS.13R 99/6, 1025-1027, Voc 21, 1.954
Abstract I The effett of various lubricantn on the tangential, forces, change In micro.-
structure and michrohardna3:i, w1w, investigated during the flux of the 1.-.etal
irt surface layers. During tho truat---,:~nt of metal by pressure t-11e lubricant
prevents direct conL&.ct and d3crt.,ases the external friction between the
metal and the machine tool. 'the active lubricants on the surfaze may act
as plasticizers forming a relatively much softer layer than wi-~hin the
metal. Thin surfac:~ p1-.!!tiri-.fd la.~,.lers are cpn.3ble of withsta-ding strong
plastic deformIOXT15 M111 ZISSTI-ra tho roLe of a highly vis.:ous lubricAnt.
1he effect of lubrLcants, durIng !it~rfarp- and volumetric deformation, Was
found to be idenLicl-11 rfgardless of the differ-~nt external eff,3cts. Four
U"Oh references Tnble:j; illustraLions.
TnsLituLL(.)n: Acnderry cf ",ciences institute -of !-Iiystcal Chemistry
Presented by: Acadf,iricl:in '.A. Pebinder, july 22, 1954
Lubrication Action by Pressure Treatoent of Metals.
PA - 3564
prevent an additional consolidation of the aurfac* layer of the metal
treatid, and in others they promote such consolidation. (With i Table,
7 Illustrations, and 9 Slavic, References).
AUMMICKs Institute for Physical Chemistryt Moscow
StINITT31k 5-7-1956
AVAIMISt Libran of Congress
Card 2/2
AUTHORSt Veyler, S..Ya., Likhtman, V, I.
TITLEt Laws Governing the Drawing of Metals in the Presence of
Lubriownts (0 zakonomernostyakh volocheniya metallov v pri-
sixtetvii smazok)
PER.IODICA.Lt DoIrlady Akademii Nauk SSSR,1957,Vol-1I4,Nr 6,pp,1224-1227035R)
ABSTRACTs Like all other prooess*f the working of metals under pressure
the drawing of a metal does not only depend on the overcoming
o4vhe metaYs resistance to deformation, but also on the over-
coming of the friction forces which develop on the contact
au:rfaoe metal-instruments At high pressures the friction main-
ly consists of the flow of the surface layer of the softer
metal. The process of drawing consists of the volume deforma-
tion of the metal and of an additional shearing deformation
of the metal to be workedg which latter in due to the seizing
of the metal by the instrument. The first prooseaq i6e. the
drawing itself, is necessary and useful. But the second pro-
cess is harmfulf because it requires the complete utilization
of the deformability of the metal and because it consumes much
Card 1/3 energy. The force necessary for the volume deformation of the
Laws Governing the Drawing of Metals in the Presence of Lubricants
metal (without friction) alone can be represented as F,
PmSloinoc- P m A S. The force necessary for the additional
shearing deformation of the surface layer satisfies the equa-
tion F2 Ir - Thus the following.applies to the force ne-
cessary ;orl5awingt F - F 2+F1 W 'r18k+Pm A S. P M here signi-
fies a certain mean stress to which the metal is exposed on
passage through the opening, Ast;,S, - S - means the re-
duction of the cross section of metal wire or the metal
strip due to drawing, o~- thooone angle, Ir, - the maximum
shearing stress or the resistanceto cutting, Sk - the our-
face area of the contact between metal and instrument. A table
contains the results on the drawing of copper and brass strips.
The active lubricant influenoes only the first term of the
above-given formula for FO the second term is almost inde-
pendent of the presence or the quality of the lubricant. The
here obtained results may also be applied to other processes
.of the working of metals under pressure. There are 2 figures,
3 tables, and 7 references, 6 of which are Slavic.
Card 2/3
Laws Governing the.Drawing of Metals in the Pre'ence of Lubricants
ASSOCIAIIONt Institute for Physical Chemistry :S USSR
(Institut fizioheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR)
PRESENTIDo April 5, 19579 by P. A. Rabinder, Member of the Academy
SUMMITTIN Maroh 26, 1957
Card 3/3
1 20-3-18/46
AUTHORSt Veylor, S. Ya. , Likhtman, V. Is , Rebinder, P. A., Academician
~ITLEt Adsorption Plastification of a Surface Layer Under the Influence
of Lubricants at the Pressure Working of Metals (Adoorbteionnoye
plas-tifitairovaniye poverkhnostnogo sloys pod Yliyaniyem anazok
pri cbrabotke metallov davleniyem)
PERIODICAL& Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Volv 1%, Nr 3, PP- 415 - 418 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt The authors illustrated the following: The essential part of the
effect of liquid active lubricants at pressure working of metals
is not the exterior friction but the resistance of the treated
metals against the flow in a quite thin surface layers This re-
sistance determines the intensity of the tangential stress which
occurs in the surface layer of the deformed metals. The liquid
active lubricants reduce strongly the additional shearing deforma-
tiot of the surface layer of thetreated metal. The strong reduc-
tion of the "effective" friction coefficient (of the tangential
stress) is caused by the localisation of the plastic friction In
a thin layer of the softer covering metal. Stronger thinner cover-
agea (nitration, carburization, chromium plating) impair upon the
drairing process by intensification of the tangential stress. The
Card 1/3 shearing resistance IrI of the lrver as computed by the measurements
Adsorption Plastification of a Surface Layer Under the Influenac~ of
at the Pressure Work,ing of Metals
of the authors does not depend on the properties of the principal
met&l. Inactive metals (oktane, vaseline-oil) lead to an in,--reaDe
of F at an effected increase of the degrea of deformation at
dratring. The surface-active lubricants cause a decreaa,3 of g- 1
at an increase of the deformation degree. A diagrtua Illuatrates
theoe changes for aluminum bands which are drawn out in active -
lubricants. These data show clearly that the eff(.c1L. of the ourface-
-active liquid lubricants upon the adsorption plantification of a
very thin surface layer of the treated metal in reduced* To esti-
mate the thickness of the plastificated layers "model experimenta"
on the influence of thin coverage of a soft metal upon the stress
of a wire which is drawn out were carried out. A diagram illuztra-
tes this influence on example of a wire which has been ccvered
with copper before. The influence of the oxide film has to be
brought into consideration on occasion of the investigation. T,:~
a large extent the adsorption plastification can explain the in-
fluence of the surface-active media at boundary friction. (Parti-
cularly at high temperatures). There are 3 figures, 1 tables,
an& 12 references, 11 of which are Slavic.
Card 2/3
Adsorption Plastification of a Surface Layer Under the Influence of Lubricante
at the Pressure Working of Metals
ASSOCIATIONs Institute for Physical Chemistry of the AN USSH
(Institut fiziaheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR)
SUBMITTEDt June 2S), 19 57
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
VMERI ;3.YEL.p Doe Chen Sci (disn) "Phy.~Aco-chemical
of the an.Lion of lubricanto in the cold proccopint; of matals, by
(0 prermare-11 Loo, 1952, 20 pp (Tilst of Phyuical ~hemi-,-try of the Acad
Sci USSR)) 150 co;Ies ():Lg 24-589116)
AUTHOR: Solomonov, M. SOV/24-58-4-36/39
TITLE: Application of Technological Lubricants and Special
Coatings During Shaping of Metals by Applying Pressure
(Primeneniye tekbLnologicheskikh smazok 1 s etsiallnvkh
pokxytiy pri obrabotke metallov davleniyem3
CoiLference at tne Institute for Mechanical Engineering
of the Ac.Sc. USSR (Soveshchaniye v Institute mashino--
vedeniya Akademii nauk SSSR)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh
vauk, 1958, Nr 4, P 153 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Tho conference was held in December, 195?. The following
papers were read: "General Relations and the Mechanism of
Operation of Lubricants During Shaping of Metals by
Applying Pressure" by V.I. Likhtman, S.Ya- Veyler
(Listitut f izi cheskoy khimii AN SSSR - nstJf-dTe--Zf
Physical Chemistry of the Ac.Sc.USSR); "Application of
Pr*inciples of the Hydrodynamic Theory to the Prcaess of
Cold Stamping" by Ye.I. Isachenkov (NIAT); "Now Stamping
Ilabricants for Deep and Particularly for Very Deep
Drawing of Components made of Sheet Steel" by M.A.
Silltsova (Gorlkovskiy avtozavod - Gorlkiy Automobile
Works); "Lubricants for Stamping Sheet of Steel. and of
Cardl/4 Va:oious Alloys" by Yu.P. Davydov (VIAM);
Application of Technolcgical Lubricants and Special Coatings
During Shaping of Metals by Applying Pressure
Conference at the Institutefor Mechanical Engineering of the
"New Lubricants for Wire Drawing" by A.G. Smirnova
(TBNIICbERMET); "Investigation of Technological
Lubricants Applied f3r Hot Stamping of Metal Components"
by S.A. Dovnar (Minskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im.
I.Y. Stalina - Minsk Polytechnical Institute imeni
I.V. Stalin); "Investigation and Testing of Certain
Technological Lubricants and Methods of Applying these
onthe Dies of Presses During Hot Stamping of Aluminium
Alloysn by E.R. Shor (TsNIITMASh); "Lubricants Used in
Shaping of Meta]. by Pressure" by Ye.B. Zhuravskiy
(Aviatsionnyy zavod - Aviation Works). The data
given in the indi-,riduai papers show the increasing use
of liquid, paste and 5olid technological lubricants
ax.d speCial coatings in highly efficient processes of
shaping metals by applying pressure in the production
of complicated aomponents froia various heavy ond light
non-ferrous alloys. The undertakings of the chemical
Card2/4 and the oil industries have so far not organised the
Application of Technological Lubricants and Special Coatings
During Shaping of Metals by Applying Pressure
Conference at the Institute for Mechanical Engineering of the
production of the appropriate lubricants and the
instrument industry does not produce instruments for
dotermining the main parameters of these lubricants.
So far, investigato-ions by individual institutes of the
Ac.Sc.USSR on technological lubricants have not been
c,-Rxried out rn a zi)ff -J--iently large scale and have not
been adequately :.c--crdinated. The same applies to
other institutes.
S. Ya. Vey.'er (Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR -
InaUtute of Physi3a'- Chemistry of the Ac.Sc.SSSR)
reported cn work in the field of lubricants fo-- cold
stamping. Since the result of this work is little known,
it was proposed to delfcte to it a specially convened
oxtended seminar at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering
of the Ac.Sc.USSR.
Oo-ordination was urged of the research work in the us?
Card3/4' of lubricants fcr abapirg of metals by pressure and this
Application of Technological lubricants and Special Coatings
During Shaping of Metals by Applying Pressure
Conference at the Institute for Mechanical Engineering of the
task should be undertakon by the Laboratoriya obrabotki
metallov davleniyem Instituta mashinovedeniya AN SSSR
(Laboratory for Shaping of Metals by Pressure of the
Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the Ac.Sc.USSR).
The importance was pointed out of putting onto the
market instruments for determining the main parameters
of lubricants and also of automatie*equipment for coating
dies with technological lubricants. It is necessary to
work out standard specifications for technological
lubricants and also recipes and methods of analysis of
such lubricants and to increase the manufacture by the
industry of standard technological lubricants. At
regular intervals, symposia should be published on
technological lubricants and special coatings used in
the shaping of metals by applying pressure.
Card 4/4
AUTHORSt Veyler, B. Ya., Lil0it=11-1, V. I- SOY/57, 20-9 -'25/5 5
TI'TLLi Aotion of Lubrio3nts ir the Pressure Isorking of Metals
(Deyotviye amazok pri obrrAbotke motallov davloniyem)
% /Vol. 28
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1958, XF9,'pp. 2025-2034 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs This is a study of the action of lubricants in the drawing of
wire and of strip metal. The drawing process proceeds in two
stages; 1) A deformation of the metal according to the required
degree of deformation and 2) additional shearing deformations
in the surface layer of the worked metal. This is caused
by the clutching action of the drawing tool. The first stage,
the actual drawing process, is desired and necessary, whereas
the second process is detrimental. The design of a device is
described which permits modelling .
Octane, octyl alcohol, oleinic
acid, and paraffin were used as lubricants. The forces required
in drawing are exactly proportional to the degree of deforma-
tion and are under the prevailing conditions practically in-
dependent of the lubricant. This was found with aluminum- and
copper strips. Heage the force required for the deformation in
Card 1/4 freely rotating rol-Lerais only dependent upon the properties of
Action of Lubricanto in the PreSSLLre Working of Metals SOV/57-23-9-25/33
the metal (P ) and upon the reduction of the cross-sectional
m I
area (Z~S). The force required for the additional deformation
is determined from the difference in the stational-Y (fixed)
and in the freely rotatinZ rolls: 7 1sk a F - p mz~s , where -T1
denotes the maximum shear stress or shear resistance, s k the
area of the contact surface between the metal and the tool, and
F the force. The force required for drawing F - F 1 + F2
'rIsk+ Pma a j Formula (4). Whelf, iquid lubricants are used,
the predominant feature is not the viscosity but the capability
of the metal to become "Plastified" in the thinnest surface
layers. Numerous examples show that small admixtures of sur-
face-active layers (0,2 4- 0,3%) to the water ard oil media con-
siderably increikee the effectiveness of these media although
their viscosity I's not influenced at all. The resistance of the
metal to deformation exhibited by the thinnest layers of
the boundary, being the essential feature as compared to ex-
ternal friction, determines the magnitude of the shear stresses
in the surface layer. Inactive fluid media (octane, vaseline
Card 2/4 oil) lead to an increase of r I when the degree of deformation
Aotion of Ld)rioants in the Pressure Working of Metals SOV/57-28-9-25/33
-is increased. Surface-active
in.the drawing.of metal strips
lubricants, however$ reduce -r'- when-the degree.of deformation
increased.-Inactive solid lubricants (paraffin) lead to the
greatest reduction of t on soft metals, because the shear is
localized in- th~e Ahin coating. outside the metal. If, however,
-drawn the-external layersof the
harder, metals. (steel), are.
br ken'
lubricant coating are, o ~down.-Thus the surface-active fluid
~~',lubricanta are-most~effeotive in this case The experiments
showed that'in the investigation of the "pladtification"the
luence, of th e . oiddi 11 lms. mus tbe taken-into aocount and that--
4 o~ A la~Ld~th~Av r6 ifae-
an a -4_.~Ccnolualonai The absornt on
Veyler, S. Ya., and V.I. LikhtZan" OPON"qF~
Deystriye smazak pri obrabotke meta.110V davlenlyem (The Role of Lubricants in
the Pressworking of Metals) Moscovp lzd-vo AN SSSRp 1960. 231 p. Errata slip
inserted. 4.1500 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency-. Akadexiya nauk SSSR. Institut fizicheskoy khimij.
Reap. Ed.: P.A. Rebinder, Academician.
PURPM: This book is intended for scientific and technical personnel. It may
also be students of polytechnic and machine-building institutes.
COVMUW: The book contains data on the compositions of lubricants used in the
presevorkirij of metals, A large part of the book is devoted to the physico-
chemical regm1arities of the lubricating process, In this connection the autbors
claim to ha.,e developed nev ideas regarding the mechanism of the lubricating
action. It is farther stated that these nev ideas have enabled the authors to
describe qwintitatively the processes of the drw4ingg deep draving.,and extrusion
of metals &id to develop pbysicochemical principles for the rational selection
Foreword 3
Intr*auction 5
Cb. I. Physicochemical Phenomena at the Deformation of Metals 7
1. Regularity patterns in the adsorptive plasticization 7
of metals
2. Regularity patterns in the adsorptive effect of the low-
temperatmv molten metals 18
"WA. ~ - I
45--~ 11r. 6 L700 SOV/20-130-2-17/69
AUTHORS: Korbut, Ve ot Vejler, S. Ya., Likhtmant V.
TITLE: Tho Importance of Adsorption Interaebions and of the Mechanical
Volume Properties of Lubricant Layers in Pressure Processing
of Metals
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR9 1960, Vol 130, Nr 2, pp 307 - 309
ABSTRACT: The authors studied the action of solid and liquid lubricant
sanples by a method earlier developed in their laboratory.
This method is based on the soparation of the total tangential
stress into two parts in consequence of deformation: a) into
tho stress F AS needed for the volume deformation of the metal
and b) into the stress needed for the elimination of friction -
renistance VS k to the shearing. The Apirst component of the total
del'ormation stress depends on the mechanical properties of the
metalp and the second component depends on the mechanical pro-
perties of the surface layer in which friction takea place.
Card 1/3 F .. PMAS + VSk holds for the total drag streaeg where bS denotes
The Importance of' Adsorption Interactions and of the SOY/20-130-2-17/69
Mechanical Volume Properties of Lubricant Layers in Pressure
Procesaing of Metals
the; reduction of the sample cross section in dragging, Sk the
oor-tact surface between the instrument and the sample. Results
of the measurement of V in various media in the dragging of
aluminum rods are listed in table 1* For aluminum, water in
solid state (-200) has a better lubricity than in the liquid
state. Pure hydrocarbons - octane and dodecane at 200 - are in-
active lubricants and are squeezed out in dragging. Solidified
dod.ecanet however, has a good lubricity. Paraffin obtains its
optimum lubricity at 200. The lubricity of paraffin is rapidly
rk~uced by melting. Alcohols are active lubricants at +200 and
-200 (i.e. in solid and liquid state). This does, however, not
apply to fatty acids the lubricity of which increases between
70 and 1000 due to chemical interaction with the metal. At the
melting temperaturet the lubricity of cetyl alcohol deterio-
rates, while those of atearic acid are slightly improved. On
solidification, resistance 0 to the shift in the lubricant
volume increases andp consequentlyp also V rises. In the absence
Card 2/3 of chemical interaction t and 9 agree without being identica
67 556- 3
The Importance of Adsorption Interactions and of the SOV/20-130-2-17/69
.Mechanical Volume Properties of Lubricant Layers in Pressure
Processing of Metals
Finallyt the authors point out the influence exerted by, the
concentration of surface-activeladditions at various tempera- 0
tures:,upon the conditions of dragging. Transformer oil at -1
and the same oil with an addition of oleio said (20%) at .4. 209
have the same lubricating action* The oxidation products of
paraffin, cation-active substances, sto also have similar pro-
portion at +200* There are I figure, 2 tableop and 5 Soviet
ASSOCIATION; Institut fisiohookoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
hu,igal QhgmiqjrX of thR AoaAgay 2f Scienges of the RS R)
PRESENTED: Septiomber 19, 1959p by P. A# Robinderp Academician
SUBMITTED: Saptiomber 179 1959
Card 3/3
Elesticokinatic pbenomen4 due to friction In plastically
defomed matals. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 4t799-802 Ja 164.
(MIRA 17t6)
lo betitut fixicheakoy ldiimli AN SSSR, Predstavleno akademikom
i"AAMM Kemamj, 'A* A*; V.V)L1kr# S. Ya.; Rebinder. P.. A.
TIM: Ulastico4daahic pbenomma, associated with ZActim und con"tions. of
I A"t,10 Mtun or Metals''
M 880. DoXWW; Y. no. 1964 7"4w
~TOPIC TACO: els-stic =1afttim.. drawing frictImp plastic datomatioup Mau's
:pressure metal vork1r4g# lidbrications co2d metal vorking
'AMM: The elantl: rS2&%%t1QM (TG"x7) after pressing or drwAng of nataIs
Is ueusl1y attribAed to the elasticIJW of the working tool . Howyws the elastic
Irecovery occurs a i4th AgId too3 7" Mm autbors bave previously abown. that tbe
recovery In affecteA 1by bibrlcatdwo The purpose of the present vork vex to obtain
imore Infomatim of the pbanamens Involved* Brass rodep perUy bol1ov alad Putly
!aW4dp won VM*d thmighadrimpUts. Mw pAUng.V*A VatVar drys -and
;v;LU a lubrlcant. It was roand that 41"tio relazation depends not On2y an the
co3A vork of the surf we lam of the specimms but also an the unifomity of
of the Inaer 2swerse: Wbrication decresses *be tanmuU-" stress #jA
ACCESSION HR: AT4014057 0/3072163/000/000/0005/0030
AUTHORs Korbut, V, W.1 Veylere So Test Ukhtment Ve 1#1 1kablisdart Po A*
TITLE: Physicocbmistry of the lubricating effect during wire drawing
SOURCE: Fix.-kh". sakonoisernosti daystviya smaxok pri obvabotke metallov
devlenLyew. Moscow, 1xd-vo AN SSSR, 1963p 5-30
TOPIC TAGSt metal lubrication, wire drawing lubrLeationg wire drawing, lubkLeaut
ABSTRACT: The physicochenistry of the lubrication process is a very significant
problem in the pressure treatment of metals. This problem was dise6exed and
evaluated on the basis of: (1) affect of the media on the process of metal
deformation, (2) mechanism of the lubrication effect an pressure treatment (de-
formation) of metals$ (3) the effect of the temperature during pressure treatment
and the phrsicochemical proportion of the lubricant during wire drawing, and
(4) the of fact of the mount of lubricaut a used. It was concluded that the
stresses of the treatment and the shearing strength in the thin surface layer
determine'the properties of the lubricant. In some cases, the surface properties
of the treated m4t&t are also of significance. Some lubricants react chemically
Card .112
1with the treated netal. For example, as a result of the process of wire drawing of
aluminum in the presence of liquLd-cooling lubricants, water stains or spot$ are
formed. Dark spots are also formed during wire drawing with dry soap powder or
by lubrication with liquid salt solution at 100C. In the presence of distilled
water, no water stains are formed. It was proved that formation of dark water
Istains on aluminum alloys can be prevented by applying lubricants based on a
kerosene emulsion but the stresses due to wire drawing are not reduced by thic
lubricant. These lubricants proved highly valuable during rolling of aluminum
but not during th,B process of wire drawing. The addition of calcium stearate or
aluminum stearate markedly reduced the stress of wire drawing of aluminum alloys,
Positive results in the drawing of aluminum wire have 1jeen obtained under
technological conditione by applying a lubricant consisting of kerosene
emulsion with calcium stearate, Orig. art. hast 13 figures and 9 tables.
AssociATion: monis
19D=63 ENCL: 00
*SUB CODEs 90 RRY SOVI 077 01 006
ACCESSXON KRt AT414068 0/3072/63/000/000/016010167
AUTHOR: Sokolov, Yu. A.; Volkov, V. P.; Veyler, S. Ya.
TITLE: The influence of lubricants on the wear resistance of the diamond dies
used during the drawing of molybdenum wire
SOURCE: Piz.-khim. zakonomernosti deystviya. smazok pri obrabotke metallov
davleniyem. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 160-167
TOPIC TAGS: lubricant, wear resistance, die diamond, die, wire drawing,
molybdenum, aolybdenum wire
ABSTRACT: Ve authors studied the influence of different lubricants such as
sulfofrezol, graphite, paraffin, cetyl alcohol, lanolin, stearic acid, oleic
acid, boric nitride and others on the durability of the diamond the during cold
drawing of malybdenum wire, The wear to the diamond die is many tirces greater
when the metal is not heated. Sulfofrezol appeared to be the boist lubricant
for cold drasting. However, even when it was applied$ the wear to lihe die was
still seven times greater than when drawing was performed after bedting the
metal and applying as a' lubricant, a colloidal aqueous solution of graphite.
It has also been.suggested that molybdenum wire be drawn after covering its
Card. - 1/2
surface with a plastic film of metal for example, copper. It was found that the
wear to the diamond die during cold drawing re~ulta not only from the hardness
of the metal but also from the adhesive i4eraction of the metal and diamond
surfaces. With a proper selection of lubricant, however, cold drawing may
replace hot drawing in industrial practice. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and
7 tables.
NO REP SOV: 002 OMER: 001
Card 2/2
ACCESSION NR: AT4014061 B/3072/63/000/000/0066/0069
AUTHOR: Voy!er S, Petrova, N. V.; Vasillyeva, Ye. N.; Basova,
__Xa.; Likhtman, V. 1.
1. G.; Kuzin-eTiov, Fc. I.; Livanov, V. A.
TITLE: Effect of cooling and lubricating fluids upon the quality of the sheet surface during
roliing of aluminum alloys
SOURCE: Fiz.-khim. zakonomernosti deystviya smazok pri obrabotl~e metallov davleaiyem.
Moscow-, lzd-vo AN SEISR, 1963, 66-69
TOPIG TAGS: aluminum, aluminum alloy, aluminum sheet, aluminum rolling, sheet rolling,
coo1ing-fluid, lubricating fluid, emalsol
ABSTRACT: The normal water-emulsion lubricants used during the rolling of aluminum
alloys prove unsatisfactory under technological conditions because they produce water stains
on the surface of the tolled metal and. become Impure after a few days of service. Therefore,
Card 1/2
_In the present work.- a now improved type of lubricant has been developed to prevent the
--formation of surface failures. Also, a procedure for regenerating the emulsion has been
,worked out. Emulsol, o)ntaining 84% kerosene, 10% oleic acid and 6% triethanolarnine,
was tested and proved satisfactory as a lubricant. Especially good results were obtained
with a lubricant emulsion. containing 30-40% of the above-mentioned emulsol. Using this
-lubricant, ti, I- surface of the rolled aluminum sheet became smooth, brighter and free of
_--.-surface defects, and rollitog was simplified. This lubricant was also used successfully
inAhe cold extrusion of aluminum tubes as weH as in the cutting of aluminum and its
alloys. The service life of the emulsion was prolonged up to six months. Denalting with
Bodlum chloride calcium chlorlde and karnallt and separating the sedimented emulsion
found to be ;~ effective method for regenerating the emulsion. Grig. art. has:. I
---i6fiemical equation.
Card 2/2
DATE ACQ: 19Dec63
ENCL- 00
OTHERi 005
ACCESSION NR: AT4014067 8/3072/63/000/000/0124/0135
AUTHOR: Rodionova, G. A.;Finkel'shtep, Ya. S. ;-Yeyleri - &--Yar; Gurovich, Ye. I.;
Novikov, V. T.; B)zeafelld, K. B.; Ellbert, S. M.; Brazflovaldy, V. 1.
TITLE: Investigation of technologidal lubricaats based on salt mixtures for hot rolling of
SOURCE: Fiz.-khlm. zakonomernosti deyotviya. smazok pri obrabotke;metallov davlerAye m.
Moscow. Izd-voANSSM* 1963, 124-135
TOPIC TAGS: lubricant, salt mixture, hot rolling, steel pipe, pipe rolling
ABSTRACT: In the hot rolling of pipe on continuous rolling mills with long frames. the
lubrication conditions are unusually difficult. Special lubrication is required to provide
for the proper procasoing conditions, espeqlally temperatures, to obtain rolled products
i and pipe of satisfactory quality. Of the idx tested, salt-lubricimts containing various amounts
of K. Li, Mg or Ka oxides or chlorides, the best for the hot rolling of pipe in conLinuous
Xard., 1/2
roUing mills proved to be a lubricant containin 40% ZUC12, 30% KCI, 30% Nam, and 10%
MgO, plus 45% water (compared to the weight of salts and oxides). The pipe rolling
process using 1Xb18N9T steel and high-carbon steel proved satisfactory with this lubri-
cant. The top loadings in the continuous rolling mWa were Increased by 4. 5% as compared
~with the graphite-mazut lubricant. Pipe rolled with the above-mentioned lubricant showed
no intermystalline corrosion. The etching time of pipe obtained by this process was half
that of pipe rolled with the use of graphite-mazut lubricant. The effect of the concentration
of MgO, used as a filling component in the lubricant, on Its melting point and crystallization
was also determined, as well as the effect of the amount of solvent on the consistency of the
lubricant and its ability to protect the metal sufface. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 3 tables.
ASSOCUT1014: none
SUMITTED: 00 -DATE ACQ: 19Dec63 ENCL: 00
ACCESSION HR: AT4014066 8/3072/63/000/000/0115/0120
AUTHORi Gurovichp Ye. I.; Veyler, S. YA.; Likhtman,, V, I Vaskras*nskaya, N. X.
TITLE: Investigation of the lubricating properties of salt mixtures during the
pressure heat trentment of metals
SOURC9: Piz.-khita. zakonomernosti deystviya swzok pri obrabotke metallov
davleniyem. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 115-120
TOPIC TAGS: salt mixture, lubricant, lubricating property, heat treatment, metal,
metal alloy, salt autectic, corrosion, wire drawing
ABSTRACT: Since the usual lubricants such as graphite, liquid glass, or mineral
oils prove unsatisfactory during hot pressure working of stainless steels, some
new lubricants such as salt mixtures have been investigated.. The following
salt mixtures have been tested: (1) NLtrate-nitrite salts, applied during punch-
ing of aluminum alloys. These have proved dangerous because of their explosive
properties; (2) Salts such as M9012, KCI, N&Clp ZnC12 and K2804; (3) Melts con-
taining ZnCl2 and, ZnS; (4) Melts such a:,~CIV (5) Mixtures containing salts of
Sn; (6) Melts such as Cd-salts, Li-salt nd salt mixtures such an phosphates.
Two groups of eutectic mixtures may be distinguishedt (a) Salt mixtures forming
Card 1/3
high viscosity liquids at high temperatures that shield the surface from friction
and (b) Salt eutectics that, in contact with the hot metal, decompose and form an
easily melted metal. The lubrication properties of all mixtures tested were
evaluated on the basis of their corrosive action when applied as lubricants for
pressure punching of Al, Fe, and Mg alloys. The corrosion tests were carried out
by full immersion of the tested metal and by the drop tuethod. It was proven that
the corrosive activity of the tested lubricants increased proportionally to their
hygroscopic properties.' In some special mixtures of salts, their corrosive action
decreased; for example, NaCl and KCI or Li-salts, which appear highly corrosive
by themselves, are much less corrosive or even not corrosive when applied as a
mixture. The lubrication properties of the fused salts were evaluated by various
methods under seisitechnalogical and laboratory conditions. The salt eutectics
reduced the presSure necessary for extrusion or punching of low C-steel and Al by
507. as compared with no lubrication. Compared with graphite lubrication, the
pressure wan the same. The authors also studied the effect of salt lubrication
during the process o&' wire drawing hot aluminum D-16 and steel. It wits found
that salt mixtur4s had the beat lubrication properties in narrow temperature
intervals close to their softening temperature. A plot of wire drawing preasura
d 2/3
versus temperature With auts"it Z0012-Kel SPP"04 A lubVt"Ut fb*w*d nifti-
mum close to 2000 whereas the *utectic temperature appeared lowest near 230C.
OvXg. art. hass I fiVwe and 3 tables*
BuBxr= 1 00 OM A10Q8 1"0~63 Ems 00
SUB COM M M R1W 2"t 006 t 006
ACCESSION M AX4014058 8/3072/631000/000/0031/0037
AUTHORS Veyler,' So T4.1 fttrowa.; No Vol Likhtmeno Vo Is
TITLO Soin phyalcochadcal effects of lubricauts and oxides during the'thermal
processing of stainless steels
SOURM Via. -kh1m. zakonomernosti deystviya smasok pri obrabotka metallow davlani-
yam, MoBcowg rzd-,vo AN SSSR, 1963, 31-37
TOPIC TAGS: lubricants, oxide coating, steel processing, wire drawing, stainless
steel, steel lKhl.BN9T, best treatment
ABSTRACT: Some of the physicecheaLcal. effects of lubricants on the thermal proces-
sing of steel lKh1SN9T were investigated by determining the temperature dependence
of the vire-drawing force in the interval from -70 to +5000, Various lubricants
wgre applied: powders of 1W19 CaC12 and NMI; Al-powder plus liquid glass;
utectics containing 32.55% SDC12 and 7.45% 12; Al-powdec; film of oil paint; soap
olution plus CaSt (calcium stearate); CaC12 + graphite; tin coating. it was found
that a thin film.-of gas developed from the salt eutectLc on the surface of the
treated metal, abowed the highest lubrication yr rtiese 7he reduction of the
Card 1/4
iwire drawing force is due to a decrease in the shear resistance In the thin layer
of the lubricant. The metallic liquid film plasticizes the processed steel surface'
and makes it softer. Figure I of the Enclosure illustrates the effect of a tin
layer and graphite as lubricants on wire drawing force in relation to temperatures
The presence of the oxide layer inhibits the steel wive drawing process because the'
shear resistance in this layer becomes higher. Figure 2 of the Enclosure shows
that the remiDval of the oxide layer substantially reducea the force required for
wire drawing. LW)ric&tion with graphite reduces the wLre drawing forces but at the.
same time deteriorates the quality of the steel surface, Orig. art. hast 7 figures
and 2 tables,
sumarnw: oo DATE AGQ: 19D*c63 02
SUB. CODEs HK W IV sag 007 OnM 001
Card 2/4
ACCXS9 ON Us AT401408
Fig. 1. Relationship between vire-drming force in ka md tesiperature in Oct
I-no lubricant; 2-8n, fila; 3-On + graphite
L_C&rd 3/4
Fig. 2. Relationship between vLre-drwing
force at 200C in kg and tagerature of.
formation of the oxide film in OC: I-aside.
film present; 2-caide Mai xewv d.
Card 4/4
PODI ',N., kand. teklm. naukt dotsent; PASTUROV, V.A.p insh.1
1T%,ER 91 Ya. , doktor kh1m. nwak
Lubi-icating and cooling fluids as means for increasing the
prod.uotivit i%, in vibratory drilling ok stainleaB and heat-tes-
istlAt Oteeloe. Izve n-st uchabo zav.; mashinostr. no& IN
194-198 1-65 (M IRA 19 11)
1. flubmitted February 28.. 11964.
L Lc;607-66
ACC NRt AP6ol3815 SOURCE CODE: UR/0145/65/000/010/0194/0198
AUTHOR: Poduraye-r V. N (Candidate of technical sciences, Lecturer); Pa.3tuncy, V. A.~:
(Engineery; Veyler" S. Ya". (Doctor of chemical sciences)
ORG: None
TITLE: Coolants as a means for increasing productivity in vibration drilling of
stainles an h-temperature steels Jim
SOURCE. VUZ Mashinostroyeniye, no. 10, 1965, 194-198
TOPIC TAGS: stainless steel, high temperature steel, drilling machine, metal machin-
ing , COOL-1jV(vj vJ8A1')q7-jo,L)
ABSTRACT: The process of vibration drilling in special media is studied to develop
means for increasing the efficiency of this machining method applied to high-tempera-*1
ture and stainless steels uid alloys. Coolants containing molybdenum disulfide were
used in stability tests of conventional and vibration drilling. The rensultr, were com-
is4 for drilling heat-re-
pared with those of control tests with coolants ordinarily i ,
sistant materiala in induutry. The material teoLed was M6514/high-tem-perature steel.
Twist drills made from Din high-speed steel 1.5 mn In diameter were VGF!d. The vibra-
tion drilling condition ere: spindle speed-1500 rpm, feed-15 mm/min, spindle Vi-
c a
.bration frequency--125 land spindle vibration amplitude--0.01 mm. A microscope was
ACC NRi AP6013815
used for inspecticin of grinding and of drill wear. The c=pcnitirne
the various coolarAo tested are tabulated. A molybdenite nuipensAnn W4 olelc acid,
30% kerosene and 1.0% molybdenum disulfide) was found to be most effective for vibra-
tion drilling. The effectiveness of this fluid increases considerably with a transi-
tion from conventional to vibration drilling. The effectiveness of this suspension
also increases in direct proportion to drilling depth. Orig. art. has: 4 figures,
1 table, I formula.
SUB CODE: 13/ SUMM DATE: 28Feb64/ oRiG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001
JJP(C) --jD/ W1j /ELJ/GD
ACC NRj AT6030387 sOI0109-Wbg-i--Wlo-o-0-0766-16WI666l6i6)16i67
AUTHORs ~tnaysv, As A*; Veyler, So Ise
ORG: none
TITLE: Effect of 1W)ricat media on the limiting shear stresses in the zone of
contact between a deformed metal and an instrument
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Nauchnw sovet po treniyu. i smazoohnym materialame Novoye v teorii
trenva (Recent developments in the theory of fric on Nauka. 1966,
..,- ft..-
TOPIC TAGSt metal friction, lubricant property, shear stress
ABSIRACT: 7he aim of the work was to study the effect of deformation properties of a
metal and the physical and chemical properties of a lubricating medium on the
rheological properties of the system. 7he fonowing experiments were made. On a
horizontal beam therv was fixed a diamond draw plate with an opening 0.24 mm in
diameter, Me samplos being investig d were passe rou this draw plate. Me
samples were made of calibrated coppeNtat molybdenIte ith a diameter of 0.26 mme
The irawing was effected by the action of a-U-a-J-a-ftach-eT1o the stretched end of the
wire. The weight of the load could be varied within the required limits. By varying
the weight of the load and determining the drawing rate V, it is possible to construct
ACC NR# AT6030387
graphs of V = f (a-); ij- - P/3, vhere P is the ~~a~;rorce . and 3 is the area of a
transverse cross section of the deformed wire. Based on the experimental data, a
figure shows curves of V = f(a-) for the drawing of copper and molybdenum samples, id
lubricating media and.dry, It was observed that, in each case, there was a minimum
stress a- in at which plastic deformation doln take place, even after a
suffieientl~ long period of time (up to 100 ho 7his value is completely
determined and depe*ts on the plastic propertiestf the deformod metal, as well as on
the physical and cheaLical propo-rtle-s-o?-EFo-lu-Bricating medium. The tests also showed
that with repeated IxiBses of the wire through the die, there is a gradual decrease in
the value ofa-min down to a certain minimum value which remains unchanged with
further passes of tho wire. This is evidently connected with the relaxation of the
normal elastic stresues in the deformed netal. As the number of passes of the wire
increases, the difference between the values of T min for different lubricants ii
decreases* Orige art* has: 2 figures.
SUB CODEs It/ SUBK DATE: 22Feb66/ MM REFs 006
1, 06MG-67
ACC NR, AT6030386 SOURCE CODr"- id1666-[66160-0166olol
'AUTHOR: KanayevP A. A.; Veyj:2r, S. Ya.
ORG; none
Effect of friction conditions on elastic kinetic properties in the presnuro
of metals
-AN SSSR. VAauMeqhqn3QLuyet-po tronlyu i smazochnym materialam. Novoye v teorii
(R~~-e-n~ -developments i~i~e iii-eor~ Nauka, 1966,
TOPIG TAQjS: metal friction, elastic deformation, solid kinetics, work hardening
ABSTRACT: It has been established previously that a change in the boundary conditiom
(introduction of a lubricating mediwm) brings about an increase in the elastic
recovery in a metal after deformation, in the course of various processes for the
pressure working of metals. In the present s~idy, the ifftect of lubricants1i 'o"-n th e
elastic recovery was investigated by drawinilbopper andj%ass ~2,Z~,rples through a
0m wi
diewith an opening, diameter of 10 mm. The samples wero7iade fiom roV with a previou
deformation of 15-20%. The configuration of the samples was such that it was possible
to immediately brirg together two samples, solid and hollow, for a comparison of their
elastic recovery, cu a function of the degree of deformation. The outside diameter of
L 06086:.6'7
ACC NR: AT60303M
the samples and the :Inside diameter of the opening was varied in each series of
experiments. The lubricant was a sodium oleate paste containing 50% water. The
elastic recovery was determined as the difference in Vie diameter of the sample at a
corresponding cross section and diameter of the wire.11 The measurements showed that,,
in general, a drawn sample has different diamoters and, consequently, a different
elastic recovery at three characteristic cross section3o Curves are given, based on
the experimental data, which show the dependence of the elastic recovery on degree of
deformation and on friction conditions. The exporimonts indicate also that an increa:
in the elastic recovery leads to a rise In tho radial stresse Origo arts hass 3
figures. 12,
Card 2/2. -a/9'
A C Ck ~._k fO -0- 4 -ff3- souRcF, CODE: uR/oooo/66/000/000/0221/0226
AUTHOR: _jeXler Petrovap No V. Zalivalov, F. P.; Tomashov, No Do; Likhtman,
V. I.
ORG: none
TITLE: Effect of anodizing on friction in hot and cold drawing of aluminum
SOURCE: AN SSSR. 1,natitut fizicheskoy khimii. Korroziya i zashchita konstrukt-
cionnykh oplavov (Corrosion and protection of structural alloys) Moscow, Tzd-vo
Nauka, 1966, 221-226
TOPIC TAGS: ME-r#9 4,' drawing, -=41=4== cold drawing, -4-4- anodic oxidation,
aluminum drawing lubricant, DVqWA1 0940MIAIUM I 04UMIA1071 047j) Iff, inerqz_P1,Lt4
ABSTRACT: The role of oxide film in cold and hot drawing of aluminum has been in-
vestigated. It was found that aluminvi-oxide films formed on the surface of speci-
mens by long exposure to the atmosphere at 26-3000C did not affect the process of
draving. However, aluminum-oxide films formed by anodizing prevented the sticking
of metal to the die and decreased the resistance to drawing. Oxide film, 10 p thick,
decreased t6 cold drawing resistance from 600 to 210 kg, and the hot-drawing resist-
ance at 3000C from 200 to 150 kg. Anodizing was particularly beneficial in hot
drawing: vithout lubrication it 'Kas impossible to draw aluminum even at 1% reduction,
but anodized aluminum was hot drawnwith up'to 13-15% reduction.
SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 27Sep66/ ORIG REF: 007/
Card 1/1 1 UDC; -none
L '27826-66 EWT(AI)AWP(w)ANP(k)i!li!~WP(t)/FTI IJP(c) jRjtYLDJ
ACC NN; AP6015612 (N) SOURCE CODE: UR/0029/66/168/002/0328/0331
AUTHOR: __Kanayev, A. A.; Veyler, S. Ya.; Likhtman, V. I.; Rebinder, P. A. (Acadendcia~
ORG#. Institute of !Physical ChemiataAN SSSR (Inatitut fizicheakoy khimii AN SSSR)
TITLE: Relaxation phenomena in metal plastic deformation,under friction &Y
SOURCE: AN SSSR. tk)klady, v. 168, no. 2, 1966, 328-331
TOPIC TAGSt wtol deformation, plastic deformation, stream relaxation, lubrioant
surface notive agont
ABSTRACT:, The relaxation phenomena In metal specimens, a c0 er rod 10.6 mm in
diameter drawn through a die 10 mm in diameter, and a copper ball 9.6 = in diameter
calibrated (i.e., Ir
Lorced through a tube 9 mm in diametel) ham been studied. The de-
formation was done with and without surface-active and nonsurface-active (copper
oleate, vaseline "iimixture of vaseline + 3% oleic acid)lubricants.liResults showbd
that surface-active lubricantsilIntensify relaxation processes in the surface layers
of the deformed metal and that their effect on the relaxation kinetics depends on the
stress state of the vurface layer. Surface-active lubricants accelerate relaxation
jin drawing (compared with dry. drawin-g): In Ury calibration, practlc;lly no zetal.
reiaxatTon occurs. In this case, surface-active lubrIcant3 activate the relaxation
and reduce residual atresseso In prolonged holding of the specimens under stress
(about 200 hr) in both drawing and calibration, the axial stress (the pulling or
ACC Nit, AP6015612
pushing force) , unde r the action of relaxation j decreasea to acertain minimum- stress
~which depends on the conditions At the contact surfaces.IfThis minimum stress corre-
sponds to a minimum shear stress required for shear plastic deformation in the
friction layer.. The normal pressure on the die wall also slightly decreases. with
~-th"dereaseepproxj watin&- the -relaxatio"urve. Orig-ar"--hast--JLfigurea.--(HgI
-SUB CODE., 21/ SUBM DATE: - 09Feb66/ ORIC REFt 004/ ATD PRESS-.S"'O 0 3
1652-66 - mr(m)/,.KPF(c)/T/EWP(~)/EWP(k)/EWP(b)/EWA(c) TJP(c) UdIJDA
ACCESSION NR: AP5021583 Uft/02*/65/000/013/0055/0055
AUTHOR: v ler S. Ya.- Petrova, N. V.; Zalivalov, F. P.; Likhtman, V. 1.0,
TITLE: Method for qpplying I%Airicating film. Class 23, No. 172hh5
SOURCE: Byulletent izobreteniy i t(ovarnykh-snakov, no. 13, 1965, 55
TOPIC TAGS: lubrication, film lubrication, solid lubricant
ABSTRACT: Pis Aut~or Certificate introduces a method for hot vorki
its allo" In wh,ich.the anodized layer servea as the'lubricEt. AZ
SUB141-rrim: l6JuI62 ENCL: '00 SUB N= Ir.,KK
000 OTHER: 000
Effect of lubricating media on
the draving- of metals. Vokla AV
1. Institut fizioheakoy khImil
P.A* Robinderom.
the limit Bhe~ing'str*r in
SM 159 no,5041-50 N 164
V~- (MIRA 3.8 11)
AN SM. Predstavieno akademikom
T I l,',-
1 Ap"I -1 1 ~l S
- - - - - - I i i tim ri n t I-Lc~ rlion I ocr i ca I orope rt i- es o f
er t--e v)
, - r , , I . ~. -; n, t? L- 1 -, ~ -: : ~ ~
-~ 1- - -,~, r
-- - ~~mn-
ACCESSION NR; AT4ol4o62 S/3072/63/000/000/0078/0079
AUTHOR: Veyler, S. Ya.; Kanayev, A. A.
TITLE: Lubrication In the pressure processing of titanium alloys
SOURCE: Fiz. -khIm. zakonomernostl de stvi a smazok pri obrabotke metallov
Aavlenlyem. Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1993, A-79
TOPIC TAGS: alloy, titanium alloy, alloy pressure processing, lucrication,
titanium alloy pressure processing, stamping lucricant, rolling lubricant
ABSTRACT: Hot and cold pressure treatment of titanium alloys presents great dif-
ficulties, since these alloys show a pronounced tendency to adhere to the Instru-
ment.(matrices, draw plates, stamps, rollers) leading to their premature deterlora-
In the pressure treatment of titanium alloys, the selection of the lubricant,
is a decisive factor. The authors discuss the tests that have been made with
various coating materials and previous recommendations as to the proper choice of
lubricants (and their method of application). The advantages and disadvantages of
these suggestions are examined and analyzed briefly. The authors themselves car-
!rIed out several experiments In the cold drawing of titanium alloy (VT-14) rods.
These experiments showed that wax, with admixtures of sulfur or aluminum stearate,
.ce cei the drawl ng effort to a tbird of that of oaddifted Paraffin* These dsta
Cart 12
that In the pressure treatment of titanium alloys, viscous lubricants
should be used In combination with high-dispersion colloidal fillers or solid films!
,capable of withstanding high pressures. OrIg. art. has: I table.
suamirrm- oo DATE ACQ: 1900C63 ENCL; 00
Effect of the physicochemical nature of lubrIcant on ito
effectiveness in pr,?--;ure treatment of metals. Dokl.
AN &13SR 140 no-5:3-118-LVO 0 161. (FJRA 15:2)
1. 'Inatitut fizichookoy khimii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom.
(Metalworking lubriranta)
I., L
I' GI-i'ViA, lie -JAI i.l-
luzuea: ~12 1 ~5~-,
here tne ruies incL tne mecnariii:jm o." ine inlluenuQ L-y iucricants an Liit;
arawing of' a BtE:ei W-1ru are jjvestjeaTuu,,jjj -.nj.b occa,~1c,11 a vilre maot~ Of L;Teel U
witn tne ai3mettir ot mm nas vQ(jucjj(j tnu njamtmt,tiv ~)j 1 02 rLm oy oraiiing,
urawing velocity was 12 cm/min.-, arawing ~,Tresn vii,~i r-,~;asureu uy means ol a cynamo-
meter., xrw ini'Luencid exercit3en an ordwing -.~ liquin, fy!arocarr(,,r.-,, aiconois anci
acida was inves t,i gateo, at. 2o ano- 4~ t1lai"'ral.-I tnu moaLIjcar,-,.nn of
stress Ln cupenctence or., ~nf- numaer L;L caroor atomo in r,.if,- znain ~i rrio, ina-vicluai.
flydrocarton, If tne PLance., ol in tr,(-. frioleculti ol' t,r,(; luvricant iz~ increasto.,
tne stress caustia- oy arawing a2miniares, nyarocarrjonj wnicri art: iiquvi aT room tem-
peraturt Irom nexane to zetane a ) "T'Inisn stress UY 9 ~/C) . In ~,rcim Me-Olil to
10 3u 0
uuxVl-4ucono.: 4is wel.L 49 "rom proprion to pal&xgon aciu at 2u stress ib reaucea Dy
2 , 0 tne vtVvcr, or a.14onols noes not enange, out tfie aci(w reauce stress Dy
3 At ou
4U lo 9 kineral oila are 1,%ttlu affective as luoricants especially at aigner tempera-
turodb. rne rathor nign erVicactouineas o1' alcon'olb ana acias at 2u, can oe explain"a
oy thu ratner f~,.rm aosorptton wnaing oi tnoiu uuoutancud oinuing tneq,to Tne meta.L oure.
~acw, Me entaxis aiso a plastiVication oi tne uuriacu Jayvr o1' tnu metal in tflo pre-
auncu oi surraco-activv tjuiDutancee,
~)uch a m"onanisia r%,co=enuu itsoll Dy numerou3 iavoraolb test6 witn respect to tne
1jOk1aAkAd*Naukp j,~,UL X9844 4, 5o2 o 5o5 oy5o) UAIIIJ 2 2
extension or monocryatiab &no polycriatkillnO MOtaib In tflu C&SU Of tile UX1btfjnee oi
adsorption-aotivu suoutancuza purtnermorv, applieri plastic coatings ta-
oilitate Me working o: atovii under preesunj conalcaraoly. -tne ~incxe&su of tnto visco-
aity ot the iuoricant exaro,.dws 4L lavoraolki 1n:'4.uvnttj on the procuss of arawinge isy
-the awaiTlon of utj via cots ity-aeptinue nt iuoricating propdrti.ed ana activity$ the totai
vlzvoz exerolsou, oy tn" luoricani, 3.s ootairwo. 'Lne viBcodity propartieu ot vie iuDri-
cant are oi e8sentiai impot,tancu in connwcLiun witn tnt, worKing oi metal a under
preomurw on.Ly ii conu4tions of the aoiormation warrant a duftaciunt tnicicness oi tni
lubricating Layvr. Mis iv opgo the ease witn olaam-l'ormea araw2ngo ir a wire is re-
peatedly arawn witn a U4040/0 doapy oolution btress aiminiinea rapinly after tnu 13aL
Utaged of thts ax,awing process, and it remainb constant in tite courde of lurther
O.MwIng prQcesscss. however, in vaseline oil stress o=inisnab graduaily with eacil
drawing process, erevioub compression ot tne metal causes its bollauicationoTne phy-
bical-chemical proptirties anct tne acsorption activiLy oz tne medium exurcise aticidiva
inf.Lutince on tno drawing process.
iNo*rITUTION : Institutts !or enysica uaeml3try or the Academy of aciences of the Uo~ah.
00 S/02 6',/140/005/019/022
B I O1YB1 10
AUTHORS: Korbut, V., M,,, Veyler, S, Ya., and Petroia, N., V~
TITLE: Effect of the physicochemical nature -).f or. its
efficiency in metalworking under
PaMODICAL: Akademiya nauk S53R. Doklady, v. 140. no, 5, 1118-1120
TEXT: The authors studied the effect of lubricants on the pressure
deformation of metals.. Object of the study was the lubricant film at the
interface betwten metal and instrument, The stressr in the cross section
of the lubricant film was chosen as characteristic value for the lubricating
effect, Hydrocarbons, alcohols, and organic,acids were used as model
lubricants., Deformation was performed by drawing of aluminum wire rods.
Fi,&,4 I Bhows the results, Above the softening point, bydrocarbons, alcohols,
and acids behave differuntly. Explanations (1) Hydrocarbons are not
adsorption-act,.ve' Vattains value% of ~-!O kg/cm~. Thur, th,~- hydfor~,--rbore
are pressed ou, of the interface between metal and instrument. Deforiativn
occurs in the outer laynr of the metal itself. (2) Alcohols are reversibly
adsorbable on metals and, therefore, efflc.lert. lubricants While with
liquid 4ydrocarbons a deformation was only possible up to 7 %; up to
Ca.rd I/P.
Effect of the phYsicochemical B101/B110
metal deformation was attained with the use of liquid alcohols,, (3) Since
alcohols are desorbed with increasing temperature, Vincreases. (I.) In
acids, however, soaps are formed with increasing temperaturp, and T drops..
(5) In absorption-inactive lubricants, a iemperature decrea3e may improve
the lubricating effect,. Thus, the drawing forci~ in 7 % deformation of
aluminum and with the use of transformer oil as a lubricant w,,.io 295 kr, at
1500C, and only 60 kg at -600C, (6) While in liquid lubricants th-~ inter-
action with the metal is decisive for the lubricating effect, the la-~Ter
depends in solid (plastic ') substances an their structural and mechiinical
properties. The authors thank Profev5or V I, Likhtmari for advi-ce, There
are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 5 Soviet
Card 21/4-
In3titUt fizichoskoy khimii Akademil nauk SSSR (In3titute
of Physical Chemistry. Academy of Sciences USSR)
May 18, 1061 by P. A. Rebinde.~. Acadi~.mici_an
May 139 190
r(d.; RADUL, M.M.p red.; SHLRGORODSKIY, T.I.,, red.;
INITRENKO, N.Z., red.; MANDELIBAUM, M.Ye.; tekhn. red.
(Some problems in developing the vall materials industry
in the Moldavian S.S.R. in 1959 - 19651 Nekotorye voprosy
razvitiia prorychlennosti stenovykh materialoy v Moldavskoi
S.'IR v 1959 -* [By) R.D.Fedotova i dr. Kishinev..
I:;d-vo "Shtiintsall Moldavokogo filiala AN SSSR 1960o 229 p.
IMIRA 17:2)
Geochemistry of copper in the Devonian and Carboniferous
effusives of.Karkalinsk District (central Kazakhstan).
Vest.V.bsk.un.Ser.4:Geol. 20 no.5,.57-61 S-0 165.
(MIRA 18:11)
1. Kafedra, geokbimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
Ye.fl.; GE14DT -t~R, V.Ye.; RONENSON.- B.1-1,; -DOij"(-,,FHOTOVA, Ye.S.;
Supplements. Biul. MOIP. Otd. geol. 39 no.4!155 Jl-Ag 164.
(MIFU 1-7: 10)
Tw~ types of banded structures in acid igneous rocks (Karkaralinsk
District In central Kazakhstan). Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 4; Geol.
18 no.3:25-30 MYTe 163. (MIRA 16t10)
1. Kafedra istoricheskoy I regionallnoy geologii Moskovskogo
VEYMER, Arnelld Tynuvich (Veimer, Arnold]; KAGANOVICII, L., red.;
~-~~NBEHG, TbT9FnUi-rg)K.), te)dm,, red.
(Comprehensive development and specialization of industries
in the Estonian Economic Administrative Region) Kampleksnoe
razvitie i spetsializatsiia proiry:ahl'ennoBti Estonskogo eko-
noi:Icheskogo adrAnistrativnogo zaiona. Tallinn Estonskoe
gos. izd-vo, 1961. 347 fistonin-Industries) (MIRA 15:2)
VKWR Arnolld Tynuvich; TAKJARV, K., red.; SEPP, A., tekhn. red.
(Socialist industrialization of the Estonian SS.R.] Zesti,
WSV sotsialistik industriallseerimine. Tallinnj Eestl
Riiklik Kirjastu3, 1958.: 389 P. [In Estonian] (MIRA 15:1)
I- - -- --- - - - -- -- - - - - - _-_ - - --- - - --- --- - -- -- --- - -- - - -, --
KLYRIS, K.K. (Litovs)mqa SSR); UYLI, G.I. [Gallo# Goj,.(I&tviyskqa SSR);
I VIDM, A.T. [Teimor, A.] (Istonekaya SU)
Chairmen of regional economic councils are spealdag.w.*
S*v. tor 33 no.8:25-29 Ag 160, (Min 13:8)
fialtio States-4ommercial products)
- - - -- --- --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - -- - - z
VEIN, A,M,, dcktor meds nauk
Vegetative disorders in ostsochundroesis of the ispine. Trudy 1-go MMI
38s197-202 165. (MIRA 18310)
fwltt' Vm' fy. in
F;-I i Onikh, 57 no,7:80-351 157. I%HLRA 10:9)
1. IlltA;r;i aerv-*,---h -nc',jz-rx7 kHfe(ir(-.y - prof. N-1-Graahcheakov)
'11-.'P-)nl-nl'noOr. lnutiwta Unoveraheastvowniya vrEi,-.he7, Moskva.
hamathidrosis (.%A3))
/~"") ~i" M I .
AUTHORS: Kassilr. G. N*~_y2nj A. M., Kamenetskaya., B. 1, 20-4-57/60
TITLE: The State of the FAmatoencephalic Barrier in the Case of Certain
Experimental Influences Applied to the Organism(Sostoyaniye gensto
entsefalichaskogo barlyera pri nekotorykh eksperimentallnykh
vozdeys-tviyakh na oreanism). -
PERIODICAL.' Doklady Akademli Nauk, 1957, Vol- 115,, Nr 4, pp. 833-836 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: The study of this barrier (in the following called HEB) meets with
a number of difficulties in hospital practice and on the occasion
of experiments~ The most current methods show considerable short=
comings. In general they-refer not only to the transition of the
substance to be 'om the blood into the cerebrospinal
liquid and into the brain tissue 'but, al3o complicated correlations.
in the organism which escape consideration, The use of radio isotopes
makes posesible a more complete and more detailed study of the permen
ability of the HM although also this method shown some s1mrtcomings,
The authors aim- not only at the study of the rtle of the barrier
mechanisms on the occasion of the occurring and the development of
pathological processes in the central nerve system but they also work
out some methods of systematic action on the barrier which make
Card 1/4 possiblp an increase (or dee~rease) of their permeability for experiw
The State of the Haematoencepbalic Barrier in the Case 20-4-57/60
of Certain &perimentaZ Influences Applded to the Organism.
mental and therapeutic purposes.
Rats of a weight 'qr22! loo g were used for the experiments. Radioac.-
tive phosphorus I was used as permeability Indicator from which
2JACu were injectAid interperitoneally into a 1 ml physiological
solution, After 1, 3,, 214, 48 hours the animals were beheaded and a
bloodsample was taken from the separated blood vessels (0"1 ml).
The P32 distribution between the blood and the brain in the norm
(coefficient of permeabi2ity). After one hour the maximum content
of P" was in the hypothalamic area, then in decreasing seque=e in
the brain stem followed with decreasing content by the cerebral
cortex,, hypothalamic areaj cerebreUum,, and the white substance
(Fig. 1). Within 3 hours 15*/oof the P12 contained in the blood
penetrate into the brain of the rat, HEP-permeability :In the case
of a closed cerebral trauma and on th-e occasion or spasm keib=er-
mental, eplupsy). The injury was made by a dosea wei i-a-general
the trauma was accompanied by unconsciousness and cramps, The cramp
was achieved by means of a short (I see.) passing of line current.
through th%head of the animal. It could be observed that after I
Card 2/4 hour the r- content was much higher in the case of the case of the
The State of the Haematoencepbalic Barrier in the Case of Certain 20-4-57/60
Experimental Influences Applied to the organism.
skull trauma than at the control. One hour after a cramp this content
also increases in the brain, however much weaker- 3 hours after the a considerable increase of the HEB; permeability could
be observed. 3 hours after the trauma this permeability is also still
higher than in the controlbut lower than after the epileptical fit.
After 24 and 48 hours no difference can be observed in the content
of P32 between the experimental and the cheek animals.
The obtained results demonstrate that in the case of a skull-cerebrum-
trauma and of cramps in the brain of rats the contents of the free
azetylebolinc, and the activity of the hyaluranidase increase.
Permeability-of HEB in the case of some form of the experimental
+.hAir&rAr nf
For this purpose antlebolinerge Ics gangliablocking, sympathergie
and Antihistamine preparates were used. on the occasion or atropine
injections the permeability increased by the trauma normalized again,
The content of free azetyleholine and the activity of the hyaluroni-
dasis decreased. Fentamine (dibromethylpentamethyldiethylentriamineI
similar to pendiomide) and proserine produced similar effects. Metaft
Card 3/4 zon whowed weaker effects. Antihistamine preparates. (Dimedrol) did
The State of the Haematoencepha3iic Barrier in the Case 20-,4-57/60
of Certain Experimental.Influences Applied to the Organism.
not produce important effects.
There are 2 figures, I table, and 2 Slavic references.
ASSOCIATION: The Group of the Corresponding Member of the Academy N. 1,
Grashchenkov of the Department for Biological, Sciences AN USSR
(Gruppa cblena - korrespondenta AN SSSR N. I. Grashchenkova pri
Otdolemli biologicho3kikh nank AJmdamii nauk SSSR).
RIESENTED: By A. D, Speranskly., kcademiciand&y 14, 1957
SUBMITTED; Mar 9, 1957.
AVAILABLE.' Library of Congress.
Card 4/4
Ccnpaxrid therapy or erythromelalgla. Trudy I-goi. MKI 24t310-.~I' 1,161,.
~A ict) tho
KASSIV, Origoriy Naumovich; XiWA, U.N.; TZYN, A.M.
(Trootment by moupucture (chou-chlu)] Lachenie
chxhanl-taiuterspiis. Moskva, Znanio# 1939o 30
obahchestvo po rasprostraAenjin politichookikh i
Sor*B: Biologlis i madltsins, no.17).
p. (Yessoiusnoo
usuchnykh znanii.
(MIRA 13:6)