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Z/017/63/052/002/001/002 Bridge arrangements ... E081/E420 alternating voltage of frequency f are derived and it is shown that the balance of the bridge is independent of the frequency and of the presence of higher harmonics. For this the circuit is not sensitive to ionization phenomena occurring outside of the bridge. It is also necessary that the investigated object in the left arm of the bridge and the "standard" in the right arm atust have the same diclectric properties and electric stresses; they should therefore be, for example, two identical tratisformcrs, bushings etc. Now if an ionization phenomenon occurs in a void of the object or the standard, there is a rapid decrease of voltage on its terminals. Discharges in the object and the standard therefore appear on the oscillograph as a set of voltage pulses on both 6idee of the zero line in each ha.-If period of' the riot voltage. An experitnerital cnec& on t"ne %,-as carried ou,, u!~ing an arrangecient of two gla&S (JISCu iv!L,-. .n --1F gap bet~~een t-lle:-., f~Dr botii tho object and tho atandarLi. The thickneas r)f tho discs Was 3 maia. Oscillogranb vc-r,! for bridge ~,()Itaren of' 2~2, 5 and 7 kV with u gap of 0-2 mni and fuz- vOlta,401i Of' 3-`~, 6.4 kV with a gap or 0.5 mm. ~r. b--t-kj c-aijeg breaklown occurrei Card 2/3 Z/017/63/052/002/001/002 Bridge arrangements ... E081/E420 with the two higher voltages. It is shown that the contribution due to external discharges is negligible. Measurements were also carried out on a generator coil at 6.3 k%' with shellac insulation. The experipacntal results sho-w that this bridge is suitable for the quantitative evaluation of individual discharges in high voltage objects. There are 13 figuree. SUBMITTED: November 22, 1962 1 f 6 10 Card Fig.-, C4 VEVERKA,_Aot%An,,~tor~_~ekhn.nauk, prof. Ionization effects in hiih-voltage electrical machines,,. 12v, VYS& ucheb. zav.; "tromekh, 6 no.lt65-82 163. (miRA 16:5) 1. Kafedra elektrotekhniki Cheshokogo, vysshego tewndaheskogo uchiliahcha, Praga. (Bleotrie-machinery) (Condensers (Electricity)) (Electric trnnsformers) MERKA ARtQUiU,-P-ZOL 0 inx. dr. I doktor technickych ved; CRIAWK, JL-i , inz. . kandidat technickych ved Effect of the surface resistance of a cavity on ionization processes in solid insulators. El tech obzor 51 n0-11:577-583 N 162'. VEV M A, prof., inz., dr., doktor toohnickyah ved; CHLA M , Jiri, , -AD-t-onino inz., kandidat technickyeb ved Bridge arrangements for meamwing the lonisation processes. El tech obsor 52 no.2t69-72 P 163. VEVERKLO Antonin,, doktor tekhnnauk., prof. Determination of the optiw= parameters of a conductive layer placed on the windings of high-voltage elootria machinery for increasing the initial corona generating voltage, Izv. vys ucheb. zav.; elektrcmekh. 3 no.6:28-35 160. 04IRA 15:;) 1. Za atitell direktora instituta elektrotekhniki Chekhoslovatokoy Akademii nauk. (Electric machinery-Windings) (Corona (Electricity)) 30037 Z/017/62/051/006/003/003 47, D409/D301 AUTHORS: Veverka, Anton1n, Professor, Engineer, Doctor of -di-ences, and Chlddek, Jiff, Engineer, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Ionization between winding elements of high-voltage and very-high-voltage transformers PERIODICAL: Elektrotechnicky" obzor, v. 51, no. 6, 1962, 281-285 'M-Xj~: I ionization in transformer-N-rinding cavities can be caused by electrical stress not only between primary and secondary windirtgrs and the core respectively, but also between the elements of the same winding, i.e. ttrns, coils, or layers. This article uses a c6pacitarice C2 equivalent circuit to study the ionization pro-. cess occurring in coils and layers of induct-ion coupled windings during discharges in the insulation cavity as a result of electrical stress between individual turns or layers. It was found that the voltage measured on a capacitor, wired between the insulated core and the ground terminal of the equivalent circuit, can be used to Card 1/2 Z/Ol7j62/051/006/003/003 Ionization between winding elements D409/D301 distinguish,if a discharge is caused by electrical stress between Cs; windiza- elements or between the primary and the secondary winding and the core respectively. In the first cas *e, the a-c measured on the capacitor is superposed by a loss which recovers after the dis- charge, in the second base, the a-c measured on the capacitor is superposed by a leap which remains until the next diicharge. These theoretical results were confirmed by practical tests performed on dry-type coil- azid. layer-wound transformers. There are 14 figures. SUM,.ITT--,7D: March 81 1962 Card 2/2 --- ]i YSVZM,, n.~nin, prof.Ing.Dr.,Dr. So.; KRZISINGER, Vladimir, Ing., C. So. _L Theoretical considerations an neasuz-vwnts of corona. in dielectric. Act& teabn Cz 6 no.3--225-241 161. (EEA 10:9) 1. Vlooka Bkola teabnicka, Praha (for Veverka) 2. CeekoalovenBka Almdemie ved v Praze (for Kreininger). (Corona(Zlectricity)) (Dielectrics) VEVERKA,_Antoni!~,, Ing.Dr.,, profesor; KMSINGER, Vladimir, C.Sc... Ing. &perimental part to theoretical considerations on measurements of corona in dielectrics. Acta techn Cz 6 no.5$508-510 '61. 1. Czech Technical University, Hwove 5, Praha I- 5tare Mesto(for Veverka). 2.Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Vaelavske nam. 55, Praha I -Novi Mesto(for Kreisinger) (Dielectrics) f , VEVEM9 Antoninp Prof. Ing. Doktor der technischen Wissen3chaften Ionization OutPut and ionization current in dielectrics with gas voids. Acta techn Cz .5 no-3s228-234 160. (EUI 911o) 1. Institut fur Elaktrotechnik der Tachechoolowakischen Akademis der Wissenschaften Praha Uonization$ (Di;1eatr1cs) I /_1 4. / C, /) /,*; ____ ___' - --- - - - - - --- - __ V SOV/1 1. 00 j It 1j HASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 6eskosiovenska' akademle ve"d. Sekee technicka' 19571 VIIT (Proooed1n!,%--, Prace ustavu pro clektroteehniku 6SAV z r. of the Institute For Eleatrioal Engineerin of the CSAV (C'-'enh- oslovak Aaademy of Soienees) for 1957, Nr 9) Prague, 1958. 146 p. 1,250 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: Miloslav Tayerle, Engineer, Doctor; Chief Ed,: Bedfich Helle-r, Corresponding Member, Czeehoslovak Academy of Sciences, Doctor, Eng;neer, State Prize Winner; Ed, of this issue: Marie Moravr;ova; Tech, Ed.: Franti6ek Kondic4. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for ap6ciansts in the field of higb-voltage technique. COVERAH: The oolleetion contains 9 original papers devoted to high-voltage tenhnique and to special problems of heavy-current engineering, The papers deal with calculation of magnetic fields.and short-circuit stresses, with the finding of turn short circuits and thermal breakdowns, and with effects of semi- conductor coatings on windings. The investigation of lightning Card 1/ 4 0 Prooeedings of the Institute (Cont.) S011/1r,401- arresters, the transfer of charges in electrostatic macb,nes, and eddy-nurrent losses in massive nylinders lonato~l !n ~nar- netie field are also treated. Referennes accompany P7 papers, No personalities are mentioned. TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. Kuldas Jl~f, Magnetic Field in the Transformer Core Op~,nlng 9 There are 7 references: I Czech, 1 Soviet, 2 English, 1 F-en~~h, and 2 Gerrman. 11, Kuldaf JiR. Calculation of Short-,'Ir~!ult Stresses Th ~ 0 and 2 _~ e are 6 references: 1 Czeoh, 2 Suviet., I Englishl III. Paderts, Be-61oh . Determination of Turn 3hort C i Voltage Instrum-ent Transformers 48 There is 1 Czech rererence. P1. Paderta, rledflch. Conditions the --he Volt-age of an Osrprator L',,"J~-d Charaoter of 4 With a C,c~l 1 58 Card 2/4 Proceedings of the in6,~ItuLe (Cont.) SOV/4408 There are no references, V. _Veverka, Anton1n. Thermal Breakdown ofen Insulating Cy- lindrical W11-Mer the Conditions of Heat Generation in the Internal Electrode 7b, There is 1 French reference. VI./\Veverka, Antonin, and JiM Chlidek. Semiconducting Coaiing at the Exit of the Winding From the Slot 86 There are 2 references, both Czech. VII. Lesnf, Vilem, and Frantifiek Vlnar". Investigation of Spark-over Arrester Characteriatics,With Special Con- sideration for Very High Voltages 93 There are 10 references: 2 Czech, 4 English, and 4 German. VIII. Hamata, VAolav. Transfer of a Charge in Electrostatic Machines With a Dielectric Transmitter 121 There are 3 references: 2 Czech and I French. Card 3/4 Proceedings ix. Ataflp There are AVAIJABLE: Card 4/4 of the Institute (Cont.) 40V/4408 Mlog. londueting Cylinder in a Magnetle Field 11-7 8 rei:e.-enees: 3 Soviet, 4.English, and I German. Library of Congress JP/ram/ee 12-1-60 ~ V u i, lei "L~ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4409 6eskos'lovenska' akademle v6d. Sekee technicka' Prace ustavu pro elektrotechniku 6SAV z r. 1958, IX ( oeeeding8 of the Institute for Electrical Engineering of the%AV (Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences) for 1958, No. 9) Prague, 1959. 193 P. 700 copies printed. Scientific Ed,: Miloslav Tayerle, Engineer, Doctor; Ed this issue: Marie Moravcov4; Tech. Ed.i Franti3ek Kon-ci;kof. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for specialists ir~ the field of high-voltage technique. COVERAOE: The collection contains 9 original papers devoted to high-voltage technique and to special problems of heavy- current engineering, The papers deal with the so-called supercorona effect whi6h has an important influence on the dimensioning of the sparking distance for very high voltages at commercial frequency, and with the effects of periodic forces of short circuits on transformer windings. Also dis- cussed are impedance models containing active components, the measurements of electric quantities using a-c model technique, Proceedings of the Institute (Cont.) SOV/4409 the effect of eddy currents in d-c motors fed from rectifierst as well as the contemporary state and comparative study of the. theory of purely dielectric breakdown of solids and ex- perimental Investigations of impact properties of instrument transformers with layer windings. No personalities are men- tioned. References accompany each paper, TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. veverka. Antonin. and Vladimir Kreisinger.Spark-over Between Wire and Spher&_ 9 There are 5 references: I French and 4 German.. II. Kulda, JUX1. Effect of Periodic Short-Circuit Force.on Transformer Winding 30 There are 2,references-. I Czech and I German. III. Franzl, Milan. Single-Phase Lasting Short Circuit 'Between Two Transformers 43 Card-2/-4- Accuracy of the modeling of surge phenamena in transformers and the in- fluence of damping. p.280,. ELDMiOT1TMjNICKY UDZUR. (Miniaterstvo tezkoho strojirenstIvi a Ceskoslovenske vedecka technicka spolecnost pro alektrotechnIk pri Cockoelovensko adamnii ved) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol.48, no.6, June 1959 Monthly List'of I~ast European Accessions (Emr) LC, Vol.8, no.11, Nov.1959 Uncl. VZVIM, Antonin, Doktor der techu. Wissenschaften Corona protection in slots of electric machines. Acts techn Oz 4 no.6:459-473 159 (RAI 9:3) 1. Tachachoolowakische Akadeade der Wiseenacbaften, Praha. (Corona (Blectricity)) (Ilectric machinery) (coatings) VEVERKA, A. Fiftieth birthday of Jan Hlavka. P. 562. ELEKTR=HNICKY OBZOR. (Ministerstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi a Ceskoslovenske vedecka technicka spolecnost pro elektrotechniku, :pri Ceskoslovenske aka- demii ved) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 48, No. 10, Oct. 1959. Monthly List of East- European Accessions, (EEAI), W, Vol. 8, No. 12, Dec. 1959, Uncl. Veverka, A.1 Chlidekv J. 'Precision modeling of surge pbenimena in transformers. p. 9 (Prace, Vol. 61 1956 (Published 1957) Praba, Czechoslovakia) Month3y Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) IC,Vol. 7. No. 6, june 1958 VEVERKAp A.; KREISINGER, V. "Flash-over between a thin wire and a sphere in the air." Ilektrotechnicky Obsor. Prahaq Czechoslovakia. Vol. 48, no. 3p Mar. 1959. Monthly list of East European kocessions (EEAI)2 L-Cp Vol. Sp No. 6,, Jun 59# Uncles VEVFRKAS. A. TEC * TIOLOG'~ PERIODICAL: ACTA TECITICA VOL. 4, no. 2, 11-69 Vh*IMKAs A. A distortion-free-surge-voltage divider. in Geman. p. 122. A Honthl,,r List of East European Accessions (LTAT), LC, Yol. 8., no. 5, May 191-;9, *"nclasa. THE TiMRMAL BPEAYDOW71 OF A CYLINWRICAL 'TO ACCOUNT THE RZAT GENERATED ELECTRIC TAKING IN IN THE UNWELECTRODE. AYrjjLL&..- Act& tecb. (.Prxp4), Vol, 3, for the cams 414"tric, 7-A treated numerically, 8.Welstraibo 31. CON99cmIt 89'rAIEW SWILARM LA" Of 4WEIROMAGNXTIC MODCLS AND THOSE OF MQUIVAL297 CLRCUUNI AIMAYM&AM mektrotach.10IMMol. 471 No. T, 146-8 (1258). to Czech. Similarity laws cA equivalent circuits are dorived nest with tM p of dimensional analysis and then Irom IM sliewity laws of #100troMinffiC 00410, TW4 letter ddrIntift 18 CArfl44 04t bF IT analysis of in Idealtited colt.. VBYER;';A, A. Dischirges in solid dielectrics and the accompanying power changes. In 0enpan. P. 317. (ACTA TEGHNICA, Vol. 1, No- 5. 1956, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Yonthly List of Last European Accessions (EML) LC, Vol. 6. Ho. 12, Dee 1957. Uncl. VEVEFKA2_A._ A TECHNOLOOY - - Periodical ACTA TECHNIGA. Vol. 3, no. 5, 1958. In Geman. VEVERKAj A. Themal breakdown of a cylindrical dielectric vdth heat generated in the inner electrode taken into account. In German. P. Al. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3, March, 1959. Uncl. t 3 A- i".1 i ymau 7 1 - --- TECHNOLOGY Periodical ACTA TECHNICA. Vol. 3, no. 6, 1956. VEVERKA., A.; BARTAK, A. Alternating-current ionization in the air gap of a solid dielectric. In German. P. 424. Monthly List of Last European Accessions (EEA1) LC, Vol. 8, no. 3, March, 1959. Uncl. A Ionization processes and theTr power conditions in solid dielectric materials. P. 37 (Ceskoslovflnska akademic ved. Ustav pro elektrotechnikit. Frace. Vol. 3.. 1955 (Published 1956) - Monthly Index of East Fxropean Accessions (FFAI) W. Vol. T, no. 2., February 1958 A. Corona discharge on the edge of aemiconductive coverings. P. 55 (Ceskoslovenska akademic vedl Ustav pro elektrotechni~ii. Prace. Vol. 3., 1955 (Biblished 1956) Month2y Index of Eist European A-cessions (FM) LC. Vol. 7., no. 29 February 1958 ~ - V - 1~ .,~ ~ _~ __ - ____ i 1LLI_~--7 7 T, --TV VEVERKA, A The effect of active resistance of the winding on surge phenomena in transformers. p. 21 (Automobil) Vol. 1, No. 5, 1956 (Published 1957) Czechoslovakia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF MT EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC. - VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 VEVEM, A. Law!? of similarity In electrical engineering especially In surge pheoncinena of electfte transformers. p. 21 (Automobil) Yol*' It No. 5p 1956 (Published 1957) Czechoslovakia SOs YjOMTMff INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (FEAI) LC. - VOL. 7, NO. 11 JAN. 1958 MERU? A, Th* effect of wtive resistance of the winding on mwga phenomena In tansformers. Pe 31 (Automobi2) Vol. 11 No. 51 1956 (Pablished 1957) Czechoslovakia SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCMIONS (EEAI) LC. - VOL. 79 NO. 1, JAN. 1958 873,56 Z/017/61/050/001/003/003 E "'?//0 (IOY3111KI1113) 073/E535 AUTHOR: Veverka. Antonin, Professor Engineer Doctor of Technical Sc1e-n-c7eff-,-STa-t--e-1)rize Winner TITLEt Corona in Dielectrics PERIODICAL:Elektrotechnicky' obzor, 1960, Vol-50, No.1, PP-85-91 TEM In the first part of the paper the conditions are analysed pertaining to a single discharge in a bubble of a dielectric, which is considered as being a lumped capacitance, The analysis is carried out using an ideal equivalent circuit, Fig.2. The object with the dielectric under consideration is substituted by the system of capacitances C C * represents the s",C?'. 9ubbCl capacitance between the surface h le in the dielectric in-which the discharge occurs, C 2 is the resultant capacitance of the part of the dielectric between the bubble surfaces and the electrode* and C 3 in the capacitance of the remaining (bulk of the) dielectric, C 2< CN