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K.T.; 'T it-M, I'll, Y. '4~' . of ~', . . 7. ": 1, - =- a I I -, : ~ 7- ~- ! - '. -- ~ f d S., -. . . r; f c 3 ir v oj r d ; u Il A- -,r .3 7 f, . . - - ~, kho4. i,", r. . -, %;,-. l;-3. I - .- - (mur 1-,:20) VMKIKA, V. N. "On the Reaction Between the Aromatic Dian-ines and Dicarboy-111c Acids. IL Reaction of Benzidi-ae with Phtalic Anbydride.11 Foray-Koshitz) B. A.,and Vertkina, V. H. (p. 365) SO: Journal of General Chemis (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 1941~2 Volume 14, no. 4-5, USSR,", heralstry Card 1/1 Authqrs : Poray-Koshits, B. A.; Efros, L. S.; Vertkina, 7. N.;, and Lutsenko, V. V. Title : Winaldine derivatives obtained from aromatic amines and simple "l ethers Periodtcal : Zhur. Ob. Khim. 24, Ed. 5, 895 - 898, ~~y 1954 A t' ri t' Quinaltilne is a valuable IntormeOiate product used in the synthesis of iciJ -LT-,ri c '-,anin~l IYR!3. -'~e rear-ti-m of prIm-Ary ar---It4c 9 f~ n-, I P a-, T -ir,; bs~ t ~-,P werqra I ir-t r. ic, I r ma t i~rp t -r i T- 3 1 n e 4, 1 - 1 illy since IPP3. I ~rrad, The A. F. Fora~,-Kcshits Institution: The Lensovic-I.- Techrclogical Inatitiate, Lonirr -lea Technolog .1 Sui:mit-ted 1953 A-1111A to fli 2 - -i: of it 00, ;! oo i It Radclieftill blivilloillitor with N W A. loccof Kilitili itim %', N, loIrvtkuts, J";Oo' l'6PML it? %-% W) 141 AM, go@ 'i ;"' "" """ mott.. I (I(ki g.) weal. treated vvith to it. 11; the tv." is, lZilt. -- Athrific anhydride if) 114.4 g. In IN) tv. 'S#COi 1101 Will wag treated with 9.2 it. bensloreut (II-i in d,Ixt. wait tjtd. with IU% % gitto Yield 14.3 IVi cc. R10111 to irieM 23.8 s. mixed nivokopiltbeloyllienel- trintAirPAtimil. Five &.4 nit rri-I -a ruinotholphornirl and 4 g. I of it md"'M i dine. m. :110", arid difilithaittyllienAline. m. atwovit 307*' t. Tj'I'I M% 00 'r Ph'4161o. flit I- its liml IV. MINNI" its. 311-21~ lo,111clition with pt-2a -10A In wlth'h twols M..)sjW*I *ilk the 41KIve ArOll solve a IvIlls *,hA flit "At -Ill Ill"duct id"ticist W "h which apparently is 41'-amino- Ill 4 IIJU J14 'Mgt treated KnkfUAUY Withh)#. '47,h't litill.1,44plielkyj haVillit 0 110%~UA10419411103 AMIM) 1. the melt ws* Moll"). vinind. Simi t"Ied with V1014 to Orid a r"idur of [(I K- lot. :Krl* 11"'up. 1 (26.0g.? aft-1:01,9g. It wrtc ttilust.1 to 41101.1orc. water for 9 hr.. to riew Al, Jr. i (M. -'WFJ* fto;lt PIINChl; the .1l n,, 1W 11; eow iI.ror-1, shluttigh a flev %*If, Knolls- V1,61f. a, 41us% it lov ftwins - It- (after I'lWalm Cly,it". t-w Itaft, m, i ti"n 440 b'"SY144twoltrif hy wribilind with 11811. oil 'I'll 001111 ! fr,~nf`lll 11 (All lij wag IrvAtell wilh A a. diplithooloyllwast-linor. ettooled, &old tivated with full V1011 toyitld monuothalml- bentiline. Similarly. amopht haWyllocrolklift awi moll M I ykhl the iliphthaloIrlborn sill kite, 4X-liphtlisfinsidulti- 0. Xt. Knotrootalwiff I low so- 10%V a .6 ilk a 4~ a 3 1 or AV to It twoctito6i fit it a Kern Itstmon Ila a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a *:* 000 0 0 0 0 W 0 41-0 ol 460600L~000*0 coo Goo or q 0 If Ages Sol Its** V5~M*R*J-DIRABURG, X*S., kind. khim. nauk; MAZALI, R.F.; r-I KARITANOTNAU, IC.Tu.; ?MAY-KOSHITSe B.A., prof.; ULIYAN, K.A.; WWS, L.S., prof. Dmiopments In,ths' synthesis of direct dyes. Xhim. nauka i prom. 3 no'W91-212 158. (KIU 11:6) (Azo dyes) t \ /,-:: (-) 7- ~~ .1 ~', t ~ ~'; - I I - ~. I .-I M. -rfflPvA. Y. - W. PORAY-KOSHITS, B.A.; MOS, L.S.; MTXINA, V.N.; LUTSINKO, V.V. Preparation of quinaldins derivatives from aromatic amines and vi- nyl others. Zhur.ob.khlm. 24 no.5:895-898 My 154. (MLRA 7:8) 1. Laboratoriya takhnologii organicheskikh krasitaley im. A.Te.Po- ray-Koshitea Leningradskogo takhnologichaskogo Instituta im. Len- soveta. (Quinaldins) (Amines) (Ithars) CARPIVISANJ Olimpia, ing.,- TAFIAN, Mircea, chim.; DAN, V., ing.; BESLIU, L., ing.; KABA, E., ing.; VERTIEN, P., ing.; DAVID, V., ing. Experiments for utilizing the hydracyanic acid from the coke gas. Metalurgia Rum 15 no-5:348-352 My 163. KCIVAZHENKOV, A.V.. kandidat tekbnicbe9kIkb nauk; PUOOj A.M., kornyy inzbener; DOKS, M.Te,, gorrqy Inzhener; VZRTLNBI L.K.i gornyy inzhener. NUMMISM119 '. Results obtained in converting a quartzite mine to sbort-delay blasting.. Gor. zhur*' no.4:54-60 Ap '57- KRA 10:5) 1. Institut gornogo dela Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kovazhenkov. Pugo) 2. kombinat KMAruda (for Doks, Vertleyb).' (Blasting) . / -, - ,, ! " - , .-- - / I L, C~ ; - ,, - - , PASSIK# M*A,; V3RTLEYB, L,K, Combino;A'm'e't~od for blasting holes. Biul. T.SNIIM no.2:40-41 '58. (Blasting) (Mining onginooring) (MRA 1115) - -... I . 'W. VERMS, S. 3 - Storage Batteries. Uge of iron-nickel storage batteries in electric power stations and substations; Energ. biul. no. 12, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1951,2Uncl. . 1-4 - 9.4 VMTL:mp t. S. Ziectric Power Stations. Use of iron-nickel storage batteries in electric power stations and substations, Energ. biuly no. 120 1951- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 195Y2 Uncl. -- - -- --- ---.--VERTLIB,-Ya.M.- -- --- - -- - . ---- Chronic suppurative otitis media and tumor simulating contralateral abeeas of the brain. Vest. otorin. 22 no-4:88-89 -Te-Ag 160# (MIRA 13;12) (BRAIN--ABSCESS) (EAR-DISEASES) VERTLIB, Ya.M. - I Otogenic liquorrhea. Zhur. ush.,, nos. i gorl.bol. 22 no.1:83-94 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15: 5) 1. Iz otdoleniya bolezney uklia., gorla i nosa (zav. - A.V.Tonyayev) Ullyanovskoy oblastnoy bollaitsy. (W,DISEASZS) (CEREBROSPIVAL FLUID) YEVDOKIMOVv P,P.I, VERTLIB9 Ya,M. (Ullyanovsk) Otitis and allergy. Out-of-town conference of the Moscow Institute for Diseases of the Ear, Throat~ and Nose. Kaz, mod, zhur. no. 2:103-104 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) (EAR-DISEASES) (ALLERGY) L 00740-M EWT(x)/EPT(C)/T EWIDJ' ACCESSION NR: AP5021990 A AUTHORt G4rzanov. G. Ye.j VInner, G. UP40266/65/000/014/0065/0065 665.4/.5A . Naloletkow To. K ; Bo Uvanchik.- Ta. P r. gdanovl Sh.-K., 77 1 Granat. T. P#j ,I A. ".I Sulantsevat r Gussan. H. a. I �hAns, F. T ~ so!jrnov, ,f --4y 17 YL TITLE1 A method for producing hydraulic fluid.' Class 23, No. 172947 SOURCES nyullaten' Lzobrqtoniy I tovamykh snakov, no. 14, 1"59 65 TOPIC TAGSj hydraulic fluid, petroleum product ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for producing hydraulic fluid based an petroleum products. The efficiency of the fluid at low tempera- tures is improved by using a volosite distillate with 4 flesh point of LIS-1200C and a viscosity of less than 2200 centistokes at -400C. ASSOCIATIONt Vauchno-Issledovatellskly Institut organizatall, sekhanizatsill Card L 0076044 ACCESSION MRS AIPS021290 StMNITTEW I'MuS64 lXCLs 00 SUB Covel rp vo mer wvt ooo amll 000 VIRTLIB, Ya.Ye.; GRUSHMVMMO, V. I.; FAVIDTA., I.F, Axperimental Industrial allwlation of pbsnol In the presence of the KU-2 cation exchange resin. Xbim.i tekh, toplai masel 5 no.5:12-16 My 160. MU 13:7) 1, Taroslavskiy neftepererabatyvay-ushchiy savod im. D.Z. Mendeleyeva. (Phenol) (AlIqlation) 5/180/62/000/006/00VO22 E193/E383 -AUTHORS: Vertman A.A., Samarin, A.M. and Filippov, Ye.S, (Moscowt TITLE: Viscosity and electrical conductivity of liquid nickel-carbon alloys PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdoleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Metallurgiya i toplivo, no. 6, 1962, 37 - 42 TEXT: in continuation of an earlier work (Izv. AN SSSR, OTN, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1960, no. 6, 162-167) the authors have determined the concentration-dependence of viscosity and elec- trical conductivity of liquid nickel-carbon alloys in the 0-2-3% carbon range.- The results are reproduced in Fig. 4, where. the viscojity (-~, contistokes') and electrical resistivity p4jdm) of the alloys-at temperatures indicated by each curve are plotted against the' carbon content (C, wto%) of the alloy. Since it had been shown earlier (Y.M. Glazov, A.A. Vertman - Sb. Stroyeniye i avoystv vhidkikh'metallov (Symposium. Structure and properties of liquid metals), Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960, 124-137) that the via- Cosit sotherms of eutectiferous systems passed through a C d ar s/i8o/62/Ooo/oo6/ooi/022 Viscosity and ease 2193/E383 minimum at the eutectic composition (i.e. in ~he alloy in which the relatively weaker forces binding dissimilar atoms prodominatedX the curves reproduced in Fig. 4 indicated that the Ni-C eutectic was formed at 1.35% against,the published :value of 2.0-2-5% C. The constitution diagram of the M-C system was therefore reinvestigated by thermal and metallographic analysis; ' the results showed that the eutectic was, in fact, formed at approximately 1-3-1-4% C- It was concluded, consequently, that the minima an the viscosity and electrical-~;resistivity isotherms were associated with the facts/ that the short-range orderinherent in solid eutectic alloyq was retained on melting; increasing the concentration of either Ni or C in the alloy brought about an increase in the proportion of the relatively stronger forces between'similar atoms which, in turn, increased the viscosity of the alloy. The existence of viscosity hysteresis was also established. This effect was attributed to the existence of microscopic arrays of C atoms in the alloy-, those dissolved partially on melting, as a,rasult of which their sizo during subsequent cooling was smaller than during. heating, this difference being reflected in the 'viscosity of the, alloy,. The presence of a shqrp minimum in the concentration-' Card ZA s/18062/ooo/oWool/022 Viscosity and .... F,193/9383 dependence of the activation energy for the viscous flow of Ni-C alloys.was also'attributed to the effect of microscopic arrays of C atoms. The. conc entration-dependaftc e of the ratio TB (where and CTB denote, respectively-, reBiStiVJLty Of the allay in the liquid and solid states at the eutectic temperature) was also determined. The value of CTB , practically constant in the hypo-cutectic alloys, increased sharply in the hyper- e.Utectic range. This effect was attributed to partial dissolution of the carbon micro-arrays on melting. The general conclusion was .,that.the formation of carbon micro-arrays wa4-a property common !to-all three systems of the Ni-C iyatem which represent a limiting case of microheterogeneous -eutectic alloys, with projperties, approaching those of' a colloidal soiu'tion. There'are 7 figures6 SUBMITTED: may 8, 1962 Card 3/4 .Viscosity and .... Fig. -11: Y, MSO, ff iFa IS6 J. s/18o/62/000/006/001/022 BILO/E383 '777~, -.: I Card L 19686-63 Z;iP (q)/EWT (m)/BDS/SPT(n)-2/E.-JT (B)ILS (v)/-!:'PR AIF.FTC/A$D Scs,6- Pu-4/Pe-4/Ps-4 ' IW7W1JD1XVI1JG1JT ACCEPSION NR: AP3005832 S/0279/63/000/004/0175/0176,--- AUTHOR: Vertman, A. TITLE.: Seminaron the problems of research on therrnophy properties of substances at high temperatures [Held at Novosibirsk, -.0 April 19631 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metallurgiya i gornoye delo, no. 4, 1963, 175 176 TOPIC TAGS: matal, alkali metal, refractory natal. high tempera- ture specific heat; high temperature heat conductivity, high tam-.! paracure electric conductivity, liquid state theory, liquid state physics, investipocive method, metal thernophysical property,_ alkali metal thermophysical property, refracto 1- thd-im-ophys- ica.1 propor,V,_Jleat-ma-sa--L-xcii-an 6. 'd in fn' a r MISTRACT; 'The fourth,Siberian seminar on hoat-mass exchanke was haLd at the Institut toplofiziki SO AN SS R nat tute or-ho -cs i n N ovo s ib i r s k , 9 - 10 Ap rtr-1-9-6-3 -.AU-6Vt-TO'O-- Card lit 4 L 1 Q'86- - 6 A C C 1. S S 1 ON 1: R: AP3005832---,-' rep.-resantatives o fscientifi;2 research organizations from Moscow, Leningrad, Kie,v,, and other cities participated in the seminar. The keynote speaker., I. I. Novikov, Corresponding member, Academy of Sciences SSSR,-stated that th~-main problems were the accumula- tion of,.data on properties of substances at temperatures ranging frota near absolute zero to that of plasma, development of essential- ly new methods,of measuring properties of condensed phases at tem- peratures up to 3000-5000C, and development of liquid state theory. 1%. N. Solov'yev (Novosibirsk) reported on the results of measuring the electric conductivity of alkal-i---m-qta-~sl it temperatures up to 00,0G'. A. N; Solov'yev and A. B. Kaplun (Novosibirsk) described the dependence of liquid metal ~~i sco6icy on volume and suggested an improved formula for viscosity determination. Yu. S. Tralin .(No.,"cow)'presented data on the velocity of sound in molten alkali metals.. ..11cat conauctivity of tungsten. molybdenum, and nio'jium at temperatures above 2000C was discussed by 0: A. Krayev and A. A. Sri- "makh (Novosibirsk)-. A. A. Vartman (*Hoscow) described methods of investigation of viscosity, electric condUctivity, surface ten- siori, density, magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, and mixing Card 2/4 L-49686-63 AF CESSION NR; APX005832 hoat for molten iron alloys in the 1506-2000C range. 'A- n_q-mb a ro f" re?orts , among then a report of Y.e.,_j __Elo;_un2v -(Le-nihr, - d) , dealt experimen~-LI...method-s--of md'a' - - * - j suring, specific hear.and hea, con- du.privity of metals and nonmetallic- materials and described tI,_ copHidarabla advantagas of pulse mathods and also of the pliito- grpphic method of temperature measurement. Ya. A. Kraftmakhor (,,;ovosibirsk) measured the specific heat of tungsten at tempera- t4res up to 3000C, molybdenum, up to 2200C, and niobLum, up to 2400C. A sharp increase in the rate of specific heat rise wi'th temperature was ascribed to an increasing-number of vacancies. P. Filij)pov, Yurch-ak, and Dy*gayskaya spoke on the funda- -mentals of.measu_rTn_gsp6cific heat by the method of surface tem- perature waves. The metho.d, in principle, can be applied to solid as-well as to li~,-uid,'macals in a wide temperature range. E. V. Matizen (Novosi 'b i i~-k)',: d 6 stribed a precisLon adiabatic highz'temnara- ture calorine~a'r,,for,'date'tmination of thi,. specific heat of sub-. stances at' tenpe-eaturcs*-~`U'P'to 2600C. V. V. Fesenko (Kiev) investi! gated the haat'conductLvity OV-3tantalun and molybdanum`4arbides--'jin the 25ob-3500C range. Professor S. S. Kutatel-a-d-ze, who directed the work of the seminar, praised the higH ex-p--e-r-I'mental level of Card 314 L 19686-63 ACCESSIO N NR: AP3005832' works in the field of high temperature measurements, but noted a lack of and summarizing works dealing with the physics of condensed systems and, particularly, of the liquid state. ASS6CIATIONg -none SUBMITTED: 00- DATE ACQ: llSep63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MA ML NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 4 4 VMMO Harietts.; KOVACS, S. Heohanism of the hnpotWomic control of TSH neoretiont experimenta in vitro* Act& physiolt &cad* aoi, Bmgo 26 no,4029-335 165 1. Institute of Physiolog7o 'University Medical Schoolt Pace* KOVACS, S.; V!RTES , Marietta The effect of hypothalamic lesion on the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones. Acta physiol. acad. sci.,hung. 23 no.l.-21-25 163. 1, Institute of Physiology, Medical University Pecs. (ELECTROCOAGULATIOV) (HYPOTHALAMUS) (TYROSINE) (IODINE ISOTOPFZ, DIAGNOSTIC) (THYROID.GLAND) KOVACS#S*; S,M.; KOVISI,Gy. 2ffect of ivpothaumlc lesions on t ~1 activity of the pituitary- thyroid sys-Ifeme 3xperimuts -1. 1 on the rate Acta pbysiol. bmng. 17 no-3:295-300 160. 1, Institr.~e of Physiology, Medical Univernity, Pecs. (HYPOTHALAMUS physiol) (1CDINX metab) (TMOID GLM pbysiol) (PITUITARY GLAND ANTERICH physiol) KOVACS, S.; 'VERTES, M. The effect of posterior pituitary hormones on the function of the anterior pituitary-thyroid system in vitro. Acts. physiol. akad. sci. hung. 21 no.1:69-72 162. 1. Institute of Physiology, Medical University, Pecs. (PITUITARY GLVi-D, POSTMIOR hormones) (PITUITARY GLAND, ANTERIOR pbysiology) (THYROID GLAND physiology) VERTES,, 0. Andras (Budapest., B,,, Szalay u,10) An 18th-century H%mgarian paper in psychology; an essay by Kih&17 Fronius cu the wild man of Brasso, Magy pszichol szemle 17 noi,1:50-59 '60. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia llyelvtudoman Intezete (igazgato: d.r. Nemeth Gyula egyatemi tanar, alademilcuor. L 2A4 -~-66 -K~ ACC NP's AP6=672- SOURCE CODSt UR~0199/65/06gt6o3r,068-6-FO69-11 AUTHOM Vertroym, B# A* ORGs TITIL, t Som,3 -ways of linearization and approximate solution of nonlinear functional equations SOURCES Sibirskly matematicheskiy thurStal, v. 6, no- 3, 1965, 68"91 TOPIC TAGSt nonlinear equation, functional equation wdr- Is,- ABSTRAM In this article so~*~methods an proposed and investigated for lineariza- tion and solution of nonlinear equations which am olose to the tangent ad secant methods, including mi:xed mathodso Th-F-ro"aMto obtained offer a basis for Convergence of the two-dimensional analog of the secant nothodo which goes back to Gauss* The diecusaion. is vrosentad in the form of a lemma, theorem, eM proofa Orig, art* hase __22 formulas Zim-7 SUB CODES 22 SUM Mrst 22J=64 [-dtld R8Ft OTH MFt W2 r,., ar xn a:-'. cm-~ I r-E I I- v- - - I - - . . - - - . U - r ~ v A , - -.- , - , , -- -11-11 1 - -, - - I ~ I - ;, I - , , I . , ~ , - , = i - I i I'm . - I . I - I I., ~ -1 . I . 32480 1~, 14400 S/044/61/000/010/046/051 C111/C222 AUTHORt Vertgeym, B.A. 'Ic- TITLEs Some theorems on the convergence of the method of Newton PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no. 10, 1961, 41, abstract 10 V 244. (I'Sb. nauchn. tr. Permsk. politekhn. in-t", 1960 , no. 7, vyp- 1, 3 - 28) TEXT: According to the methods developed by L.V. Kantorovich the author investigates the conditions of convergence of the method of Newton for the functional equations P(x) - 0, where y - P(x) is a nonlinear operation, x and y are elements of certain spaces X and Y of the type of Banach. The author considers classes of equations characterized by one of the following assumptions on 'the operation P 1 1) there exists the Frechet derivative PI(x) satisfying the H61der condition 11 P, (XI) - P'(X2) 11 _4 K 11 x, - x 2 11 "'- 'where d,(C 4 c.-, 4 1 ) , and K are certain constants ; 2) Pt(z) is continuous in the neighborhood of the initial approximation. Results relating to this question are published Card 1/5 e Some theorems on the convergence ... S/04 1~ 000/010/046/051 C111PC2822 in other papers of the author (R Zh Mat, 1958, 3304 ; 1959. 6022). The method of Newton is applied to the system of differential equations 9 T d,? . 'D 4 3 . ~,LL) x + Q ( "d x Y -5,y -7-x--~ , ? T T A T IP x Y y x ghich describes a plane stationary convective motion of a fluid 011-:. fills up a cylindric region ; the boundary conditions Tj ht'(-.,) YJ I- - D Y I - - 0 n are given on the boundary F of the plane region D (plane cylindric section) .; here i T -- temperature, ~p - flow ftinction 1 i -- coordin-;tt.(- of a point on the botj-Aaiy and h -- constants. Known reniiltq Card 2/3 3200 S/044/61/000/010/046/051 Some theorems on the convergence ... CI11/C222 (Lineykin, P.S., Ob uravneniyakh teplovoy konvektsii LOn equations ot heat convection] Prikl. matem. i mekhan. 1951, 15, 4) on the convergen:e of succossive approximations for the equations of heat convection are improved. [Abstracter's note : Complete translation.] Card 3/3 32525 3 's-v '? S/044/61/000/011/048/049 C111/C444 AUTHOR: Vertgeym, B. A. TITLE: On the approximative solution of the equations of heat convection PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 11, 1961, 43-44 abstract 11V249. (Sb. nauchn. tr. Permsk. gorm. in-t, 1959, no. 4, 67-78 TEXTt One describes the solution of the plane problem of statio- nary convection in a homogeneous liquid which fills an horizontal cylindric domain, where the temperature is given on the boundary. In order to decide whether it is possible to apply the Newton method for the determination of the convergence domain of the approximative solution method the case is considered where the given domain is a circle and where the temperature on the bounaary is linear distributed under missing convection. The problem leads to a system of non-linear integral equations which is understood as a functional equation in a space of Banach type. The calculation can be reduced to the solution of the harmonic and of the biharmonic ecuation in a circlf!, or one can use different kinds of the modified successive approsimations of Newton. Card 1/2 32525 S/044/61/000/011/046/045 On the approximative solution of . . . C11I/C444 The convergence of the approximative solutions to the solution of the functional equation is proved, One estimates the norms of the integral operators connectPd with the Green functions. Lf EAbotrne,terlo note: Complete tranalution.] Card 2/2 - tz "On the question of the central interest of the perscnaIitY Of rdlo " - P. 57 Voyenno Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No. 3, 1962 N;3 Nil 8!1 d Aj d:J VERTGEYM, B. A., Cand Phys-Nath Sci -- (dins) "on Gortain -. W--Mw~ Methods of the Approximate Solution of Nonlinear Functional Equations." Molotov, 1957. 13 PP (Min of Higher Education USSR, Molotov State Univ Im, A. M. Gorikiy), 100 copies. Bibliography at the end of the text (11 titles). (KL, 47-57, 85) AUTHORt Vertgeym, 20-119-1-2/52 TITLEs _& t~e ipproximate Construction of Certain Conformal Mappings (0 priblizhennom postroyenii nekotorykh konformnykh otobrazheniy) PERIODICALs Doklady Ikademii Nauk, 1958, Vol 119, Nr 1, pp 12-14 (USSR) ABSTRLCT: The author considers the conformal mapping of the unit circle jzI< 1 onto a domain of the w-plane which contains the origin w0 - 0 and which is bounded by a simple closed, not star-shaped contour L defined by the equation W a exp Ifl(t) + if 2(t)1. Here let f 1 aaf f2 be two times continuously differentiable, f (t+2r-) - f (t+21t) (t)+21r, (fj)2+(f2,)2' 2 >0, 1 1(t)1 f2 f2 ;i:d f"(t k-1,2. k 1) - fk.'(t2)1 1