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MARTff ISTVAH, I)ro-;- VERO TIBOR, Dr. Newest development of cesarean section. Hogy. noorv. lap. 20 no,3: 3.29-143 July 57 1, A Magyar Nephadsereg Ageezeegu4yi Szolgalatanak kozlemenye. (CESARFAN SBGTION indic. compl. & statist. (3m)) MCLNAR, Rezio, dr.; RIGO. Same, dr.; VERO, Tibor, dr. mww"Aftftow Irperience with Kovacs technic. 1-fiLg7.noory.lap. 17 no.6:355-368 Mov 54. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi IC&vetem rl. szamu Noi Ilinikajanak kozlemerVe (rgazgato: Zoltan rmre dr. egyetami tanar). (AECRTION, IDUCED, Kovacs technic) VERO, Tibor, dr.; KOVACS, LaJos, dr. 11'2ft~~ . Dangerous hemorrhage during abortion. Ory. 1*til. 102 uo,25:n84-n86 18 Je 161. 1. Magyar Nephadsereg Egeezaegugyi Szolgalata. (ABORTION THERAPEUTIC coT) UTERINE HEMORRHAGE etiol WSTEWTOMY) !; ~, I , -" C)T CIS11KRO", "H A b.; VLR I.AYNE'!, Ya.F. Obcorvation of caacade tiransitiono due to electrcnic excitaticr, of cadmium. Dokl. All SI-,SR 164 n(,).5:1022-I.D23 0 165. (MIRA 181l0) 1. Leningradskiy go,sudarotvannyy universitet Im. A.A.Zhdanova. Submitted February 13, 1965. B/194/62/000/007/120/160 D271/D308 AUTHORS: Vagner, S.D., and Verolaynenp Ya.P. TITLE: AC component of the electric field in HF discharge plasma PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 7, 1962, abstract 7zh383 (Udh. zap. Karellsk. ped.. in-to 1961t v. 11, no. 1, 69 - 74) TEXT: HP field streligth in discharge plasma in Hg and Hg-He vapor vias measured using two probes. The probes were scaled in a ground joint situated in the center of the discharg6 tube# and could be directed or along the field* Electron temperaturet- concentration of charged particles and HP field strength .-;ere oe- termined from the form of the two-probe characteristics, for these two positions. The voltage frequency applied to external electrodes Was 7 1.11c/s for discharges in Hg vapor and 8 11c/s for the Hg-He mi3L4-. ture. Plasma regions were moved towards the probe by changing the position of eleptrQdes. Measurement results showed that field strength in the center does not exceed 3 V/cm in the case of a weak Card 1/2 S/194/62/000/007/120/160 AC component of the electric field 604t D271/D308 discharge in Hg vapor, at the pressurq of 3.10-4 mm Hg. Approaching' to electrodes, field strength increas a up to 15 .8 V/cm and elec- tron temperature reaches 640000K. In the case of a strong discharge in Hg vapor, field strength in the"didcharge beam is low and the main part of AC-voltage occurs in discharge regions situated between beam and electrodes. Concentration of charged particles and elec- tron temperatur6 are higher in the narrow part of the plasma than in the center, When helium is added to Hg vapor, the AC component of-fi6ld strength in the center increases to 5.9 V/cm; the dischar- ge has in this case the form of a stron . am (b t without pinchinE) in regions adjacent to the electrodes* fA~38tractuerls note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 A rmar 4 to fkf thA rrijAv ig that identiciLl metr.-odB and iden:ical a A: T K AP6018433 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Verolaynen Ya. F. Qsherovich, A. L. ORG: none TITLE: Lifetimes of some levels of Mg and Cd UR/0051/66/020/006/0929/09 5 ~(17 SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 20, no. 6, 1966, 929-935 TOPIC TAGS: nanosecond pulse, electron gun, photomultiplier, excitation spectrum, electron energy level ABSTRACT: Lifetimes of certain levels of Hg and Cd were measured in the interval of B-12 neec by th h d delayed coincidences. An electron gun with an oxide cath- elmet o of ode was used for the excitation of Hg and Cd atoms. A container with the electron gun and:a Hg or Cd ampoiile were placed in an electric furnace. The measurements were per- formed at a presoure of (1_5)*10-3 mm Hg. The oscillator was connected to the first grid of the electron gun through a transformer. The cutoff voltage was fed to the same grid through the secondary coil of the transformer. The pulse rate was 104 cps with a pulse duration of 10 nsec and 2 nsec decay time. Energy scattering of~the ex- citing electrons was 0.4-0.45 ev. The Hg or Cd atoms were excited in the equipoten- tial space between the second grid and the anode of the electron gun. The resolving time of the dual coincidences was controlled in the 1.5 to 9 nsec range. The radia- UDC: 539.1e4:546.49 + 546.46 Card 1/2 L 4290 4-66 ACC NRt AP6018433 tion of the investigated atoms was registered by photorultipliers with Sb-Cs cathodes. The measured mean lifetime of the upper levels of fig is 69.292.0 nacc. The measured lifetimes of levels 63 D3 and 53 F,, are 8i6 and 10415 nsec, respectively. Lifetimes of the levels (as computed by the authors) are presented in tabular form and compared with contradictory data of other authors. The accuracy of the authors' measurements was 8-9%. The authors thank L. G. Rubinov for assistance in carrying out the measure mentso Origo arrts has: 3 ta lea, ffg-uree, 2 fomulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 25Jun65/ ORIG REF; 009/ UrH REF: 0.11 Card 2/2 41.14 L 11591-66 EVrT(d)/R'tT(M)/EIIP(V)/EWP(t)/re,P(k)/EV-4'P(h)/E','IP(b)/'E'IiP( O/EWA(h) JD t ACC M A'p6000)70 SOURCE COWs UR/0286/65JO00/021/0083/0083 AUTHORSs Bogdanov,, Yu. B.; Veroman, V. Yu.,- Rozanovp V. A. ORGs none TITLE: A method for 'electric arc fabricatioAf parts by a wire electrode- instrument on a photoduplicating machine. Class 49t No. 176172 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobrateniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 21, 1965v 83 TOPIC TAGS: electroorosion machining, metal electrcforming ABSTRACT: Thlu Author Certificate presents a method for eloctri ir f brication I io ,of parts by a wire electrode-inatrument on a photoduplicating macohlinec.,-M increase the accuracy of fabrication the signal from-1ge-ph-otiae-Fe-et-or is a-Fifte'd (with the help of a deflection aystQ by an amount compensating for the width of the cut, SUB COMI 131 SURM DATFt 25Jul62/ tard 1A UDC t 62L V irt Vikt vkqh"nxh.; NADEW, A.G., inzh., red,; FREGRE, GVMS, V.L., [Using ultrasonic waves in making hard-alloy dies and molds] Isgotovleuie tverdosplavnykh shtempov I press-form s pomoshch'iu ulitrasvuka. Leningrad. 1960. 28 p. (Leningradakii dom nauchno- takhnicheskoi propegandy. Obmen peredovym opytom, Siriia: Blektri- cheskie metody obrabotki materialov, vyp.2). (MIRA 14:3) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial applications) (Ketalwork) VEROMAN, V.Yu. - ___I .... ... --_ High-precision electric erosion machines. Biul. tekh.- ekon. inform. Goo. nauch.-isal. inst. nauch. i tekh, inform. 17 no.3:25-28 164, (MIRA 17s9) VEROMAN, V.Yu. The 2VChIV high-frequency electric-erosion unit. Blul.tekh.- skon.inform. no.2:24-26 162. (KRA 150) (Electric cutting machinery) .MOMA.Npjiktor-Mw_lyevich;_POPIWVAp L.Ya., rodq KLIMUSHINSKIYv N.Ve red.; ROTACHp T.M.v red. iod-Tal BARDIHAp A.A.p tekhn. red. [Ultrasonic straping of materials) Razmernsia ulltrazvukovaia obrabotka materialovt Pod obahchel red. L.IA.Popilova. Mo- skva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ryq 1961. 65 p. (Bibliotechka elektrotekhnologa i u:Lttrazvukovika, no.6) (MIRA 14:1) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial applications) (Matalwork) AUTHOR: Veromany V*Yuo# Engineer 29341 W122/61/000/010/0-10/011 D221/D304 TITLE: Tiitrasonic machining of carbide dies and press forms PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyeniyag no. 10, 1961, 66 - 73. TEXT: Ultrasonic equipment must be precise and posseso adequate power for machining the surface of dies. The generator requires ex- ternal excitation and a tunable output. Ball guides are used to ensure accurate displacement of tool carriage. The vibratory system is fixed to the carriage either by clamping in the nodal points, or by fast hardening plastic - cTMpaKpMA (stirakril). The magnelost '-ic- tor is joined to the intermediate pivot by brazing or thread, the latter method being preferred. Various methods of tool attachment are illustrated. For very accurate worJj it is expedient to have a monolitt4ic tool and concentrator. There are three instances of tool effeci on acoustic parameters: when the eq1tivalent length of con- centrator is changed; when the mass at the end of concentrator is changed, and when the size of tool is commensurate with the *ergh Card 1/3 S/Lt) 61/000/ utq,, 0 Ultrasonic machining of carbide D221/D304 of wave. Steels 20 and 45 are used for concerit#ators without hn7q- eningg because thermal treatment does not -improve the periorm,to.,ue, but may cause deformations. The design of the ultrasonic i.-Iac' 'i t-:~ 9 2 YnO (2UPS)p allows its construction by use3'-factories. The efii- ciency of machining depends on the amplitude and frequency *1 too! oscillationsp pressure against component, and also from the i;,,a-L, - rial of component and tool. The variable factors of 11.1tr-'sollic :-.,i- chining are due to the shape of the hole, depth of ii:Xhinini,, and Intensity of suspension feed. Practice demonstrate3 'Ehat ~he amr-.-.---' of material removed in a unit of time is small wher, -tho ria,n, . -1116 area is reduced, but the penetration is then rapid. Slots -r:- ~:i-- chined faster than round holes. The machining time VU2:1eF. as the square of depth. ftmultaneous feed of suspension fxoln to-,~ and bottom in through holes doubles the rate of machining. The required for making a carb%de die varies between I - 2 houxrs. The accuracy of machined contour in a through hole depends on C-1 tool which calibrates the die. The side oscillations of zhe t6vi are due either to lose of stability of the concentrator or on account of interference inside the concentrator. The precision ~/. Card 2/3 8/122/61/000/olu/ulo/oll Ultrasonic machining of carbide ... D221/D304 through holes machining can be improved by the use of lower frequen- cy and with iong toolep employing small and fresh abrasives. There are views exprf.,jsed that replacement of water by oil in the suspen- sion results in better finish which is not quite accurate. The au- thor considers that macroroughness is due to cavitation and worse- ning of conditions for abrasive change under the tool. The ultra- sonic machining is expedient for obtaining surfaces without a de- ective layer and an accuracy up to 0.02 mm, or when it is necessa- y to finish a complicated shape of hole. It should always be pre- f ceded by spark erosion machining. There are 13 figures and 6 refe- rences: 5 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reL?h as follows: Nepirasp TJltraso- nic machining, Metalworking productiong v. 100, no. 27-31, 33 an,. 349 1956. Card 3/3 SI IRIDOV, Anatoliy Fetrovich;__VFuROIJjV., red. [Ultrasonic ecuipment for the dimensional workirg of hard precious and serdprecious stones] UlltrtLzvukovoe oborudo- -vanie dlia ramrernoi obrabotki tsvetnykh kamnei tverdykh porod. Leningrad, 1964. 17 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno- tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obvien peredov~rm opytom. Seriia: Elektrotekhnologicheskie protsessy i us'-,anovki, n(..2) (1,11RA 17:9) at ~-VA3M-ggas %N~1~ CCESS N NR: AP4020515 S/0193/64/000/003/0035/0038 AUTHOR: Veromanp Vo-Yu, TITLE:. Precision electr oorosion machines JSOURCE: Byul. tekhn.-okon. informatslis no. 3v 196ho 35-38 TOPIC TAGS: precision elaotrooro'nion'machine, broaching machine, photoprofilerp eleotrospark rocess, automated machine prooesss hard p ;1alloy machine toolo met"al machin6 tool, dies punoh ABSTRACT: Two new precisi'on 6lectroerosion machines; the 2.EPS and ;!the 2EFU,, have been dev4loped to mechanize, and automate the machining 11of metal and hard alloy parts and tools, The 2EPS electroerosion j!coordinating broaching machine is designed to machine holes of any itconfiguration and combines measuring and aligning operations-wAh the I I I ~machining process thereby eliminating any need for special equipm ' ent, ;Tlie 2EPS consists of a epindle with two vertical position8 and with rotary movement., a coordinating tabley two optical measuring systems.. ~Ia saddle, and a 2VChIU imrulse generator. A high frequency generator 1 500 ko) inereases the productivity of the elootrospark broaching E d 'ACCESSION'NR:-'AP40205 liprocess by 30 to 50 times- Compared to the ultrasonic broaching imethod,, the'eleotroorqaion method is * times more, accurate for a I :'given production rate.". The 2EFU electroorosion phqtoprofiler is esigned to out automAtically difficult patterns for metal and hard alloy punches, dies, and othor parts with precision of 0.02 mm,, which ~.Previously often required hiind labor. The 2 EFU can simultaneously 'out J a punch and a die given clearance. Basicall7, it consists .~of the photoprofiler system units., opti:o.systoms photo pickup with an amplifier and oscillograph tuboo and generator units on a stand next to the machine. It.can use tlemplates of various types-of m6tal and :,plastic, as well as india ink drawings with transparent or nontrans- parent bases and photographic slides. Froduotivity, is inckeased by .~20 to 30 times- Orig,'arte-has: 2 figures* ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 00 -DATE ACq: 31ma'r64- ENCL': 00 J BUB CODE: MK Nil 1W SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Z/2 Card' i CHMLEV, Viktor Gavrilovich; VERMAN) V.Yu., red. (High-frequency spark machining pulse genera~oro and oerd- conductor devices used in electric spark machining] Vysoko- chat3totrWe elektroarozionnye generatory Impull sov i polu- provodnikovyo ustroistva, primeniaer7o v praktike elektro- orozionnoi obrabotki. Leningrad, 1964. 33 p. (MIRA 18t4) VEROMA 0- Electric and diamond cutting of hard alloys. Stan. i instr. 34 no.8t26-29 Ag 163. (KIRA 16;10) SVIRIDOV, Anatoliy Petrovich; VEROM,AN0,.V..Y_u.j, red.; FGMICHEV, A.G.,, red. izd-va; BELOGUMVA, I.A., tekhn. red. [Ultrasonic machining of piezoquartz) U11trazvukovais, obrabotka plezokvartsa. Leningrad.. 1961. 22 p. (Leningradskii dom naucbno-tekhnicheakoi propagandy. Obirien peredovym opytom. Seriia: Elektricheakie metody obrabotki materialov, n0-5) (MIRA 15:5) (Oscillators, Crystal) (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications) C Ail 7 ~~i93/62/000/002/002/006 A004/A1Ol /j/ 0 AUTHOR: Veroman, V. Yu. TITLE: The 2B40Y(2VChIU)'h-f electro-erosion installation PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhaiko-ekonomicheskoy informatsli, no. 2, 1962, 24-26 TEXT: The author deser-'bes the 2VChIU h-f pulse installation, developed by a Leningrad Sovnarkhoz organization an d i n tom ded for finish electro- erosion machining of metal parts, including sintered carbide components. The installation consists of the h-f pulse generator and the electro-erosion machine, the latter being designed for piercing holes of up to 20 x 20 mm. The cutting fluid can be fed through the tool or a hole in the table. The generator block diagram includes the master oscillator, buffer amplifier, blocking oscillator, output pulse stage and a system for the automatic regulation of the spark, gap. The author gives a description of the installati n block diagram and presents the following technical data: Capacity - 3.5 mmVmin; finish of the machined surface - class 9; accuracy of producing through-holes - 0.005 mm; relative tool wear - 50%; pulse repetition frequency - 500 kc; pulse length - 0.2.,Usee; pulse energy - 0.6 millijoule; pulse voltage amplitude - 110 Y; relative Card 1/2 S11 93/62/0w/00 210021006 The 2BLIW.V(2VChIU) h-f electro-erosion ..." A004/AIOI backscatter - 20%; input power - 800 w; supply voltage - 220 v; current frequency - 50 cps; table working area - 150 x 150 mm; head work stroke - 90mm; head stroke accuracy - 0.005 mm; bath volume - 3 1; Installation overall dimensions - 800 x 900 x 600 mm; weight - 125 kg. Thero Is 1 figure. 4-1~ . Card 2/2 mommi,- Y.Ta. Ph3tening oscillation devices in heads of ultrasonic machine tools. Stan.i Instr- 31 no#2:13-15 F 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applicationa) AO 0 0 69880 3/121/60/000/02/01/001 AUTHOR: Veroman, V.Yu. ---------- TITLE, Fixing the Oscillator Unit in Ultrasonic Machine ToolAeads PERIODICAL: Stanki I Inst:-ament, 1960, No 2, pp 13 - 15 TM; The author points out that with ultrasonic machine tools the tool feed is effected by displaoing the carriage with the oscillator unit along vertical slides. The accuracy of displacement is determined by the constructive execution of the mentioned assemblies. Moreover, the method of fixing the oscillator unit (magnetostrictor - concentrator - tool) to the carriage affects the precision of ultrazonic machining. In order to avoid losses of energy, the vibro-unit is fixed in the same planes in which the oscillation nodes are to be found. Figure 1 shows the principal layouts of chiefly employed fixings of vibrator units and the distribution of oscillation amplitudes In these layouts. The author describes two new methods of fixing the oscillator unit which ensure a high rigidity and accuracy of its mechanical fixing to the machine tool carriage, and, from the acoustic point of view, makes it possible to consider the oscillator units as being extremely loosely connected with the machine tool foundation. The fundamental layout of the Card 1/3 69880 c;/121/60/000/02/01/001 Fixing the Oscillator Unit in Ultrasonlo Machine Tool Heads first method of fixing the vibrator unit is shown in Figure 2. The design of the head constructed in agreement with such a layout Is shown in Figure 3. Tests carried out with this type of head showed that the oscillator unit possesses sufficiently high acoustic parameters, and that the oscillation amplitude of the too!, if there Is an Intermediate rod, is equal to the oscillation amplitude, if the concentrator is directly connected to the magnetostrictive core. It follows, therefore, that losses of energy in the intermediate rod are Insignificant. Tests which were carried out to In-' vestigate the direction of the oscillation amplitude of the tools, operating with and without intermediate rcd1P showed that additional. lateral oscillations of these tools do not. arise even if Intermediate rods are. employed. The dia- meter which Is equal to the side of the emitting face-evd. of the magneto- strictive core can be regarded as the most efficient magnitude of the Inter- mediate rod diameter. If Intermedia-te rods with larger diameters are used, this would result in a reduction of amplitude. Figure 4 shows three kinds of oscillator units with different intermediate rods; cylindrical, conical and step-shaped ones, Comparative tests with the different intermediate rods Card 213 69880 3/121/60/000/02/01/001 Fixing the Oscillator Unit in Ultrasonic Machine Tool Heads showed that the step-shaped one is the most suitable since, other conditions being equal, it ensures a high oscillation amplitude of the tool. The second method of fixing the oscillator unit in high-precision ultrasonic machine tools consists in using materials with a considerably higher acoustic damping co- efficient instead of employing metal fixing units (sockets, diaphragms, pins, etc.), as it is done at the present time. In this way the possibility is practically excluded that oscillations from the oscillator unit are transmitted to the machine tool foundation. Figure 5 shows the design of heads for ultra- sonic machine tools where the oscillator unit is fixed in the mentioned way. A comparison of both the new methods of fixing oscillator units shows that in employing the'second method, it Is possible to manufacture shorter and lighter ultrasonic heads, although in this case it is more difficult to replace the oscillator unit in the head and adjust it accordingly. The two methods described are, in addition to their efficient operative performance, simple in execution. The application of these fixing methods and their further improve- ment makes it possible to design high-precialon ultrasonic machine tools of various technological designation. Four graphs, one photograph, three Soviet references. Card 3/3 KOGAN., Moisey Grigorlyevich, kand. tekhn.nauk;.VEROMI, V.Yu.., red.; VASILOYEV, Yu.A., red. izd-va; GVIns, [Energy losses of mechanical oscillations of magnetostric- tion converters and tools for ultrason!.c metal cutting)Pote- ri energii rekbanicheskikh kolebanii r%gnitostriktsionrqkh preobrazovatelei i instrumentov dlia ulitrazvukovoi obrabotki. Leningrad, 1962. 21 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhniche- skoi Veopagandy. Obmen peredovym opyton. Seriiat Elektriche- skie metody obrabotki, materialov,, no-3) (MIRA 15:8) (UltraBonic metal cutting-Equipment and supplies) VEROMANq I~ju*--- Reducing the wear of the electrode-tool. used in high-freque=7 electric-spark machining. Stan.1 instx. 33 no.6t2D-22 Je 162, (KIRA 15-.7) (Electric metal cutting) USSR/Chemistry - Systems Apr 48 Chemistry - Solubility "Tbe System Na2W4 - R 00" 0. 1. Voroblyevap A. V. Navoeelova) 2 pp 2 i"Zhar Obahch Xhim" Vol XVIII (=), No 4 Investigated solubility polytherm of system Na2 BaF4 %0. Calculated Vant-Roff's coefficient "i" an the basis of Submitted 13 Fab 1947. 8/47M rA- IN W169 S/058/62/000/007/067/068 AO62/A1O1 AUTHORS: Vag~er, S. D., TITLE: On the alternating component of the electric field in a high- frequency discharge plasma PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhulmal, Fizlka, no- 7, 1962, 57, abstract 7zhi83 C'Uch. zap. Karel'sk. ped. in-t", 1961, v. 11, no. 1, 69 - 74) TEXT: The intensities of the high-frequency field were measured by the two-probe method in the discharge plasma in vapours of Hg and of the fig-lie mix- ture. The probes were soldered to the ground end, disposed in t~e center of the discharge tube, and could be oriented along the field as well as perpendicularly-'~ thereto. From the shape of the two-probe characteristic for those two positions, the electron tbmperature, the concentration of charged particles and the strength,~ W, of the high-frequency field were determined. The frequency of the tension applied to the outer electrodes at the discharge In Hg vapours was 7 Me, and for the flg-He.. mixture 8 Me. Portions of the plasma were brought to the probe by displacing the electrodes. The results of the measurements show that in the case of a weak dis- 'Card 1/2 ARM S/058/62/000/007/067/068. On the alternating component of,-,, A062/AlOl -4 charge in Ha vapours at a pressure of 3-10 mm Hg, the field strength In the center does not exceed 3 v/cm. As the electrodes are approached, the field strength Increases up to 15.8 v/cm, while the electron temperature attains 64,000'K. In a strong discharge Jn Ng vapours the field strength Is small in the discharge column and the principal portion of the alternating tension Is In the discharge regions which are located between the column and the electrodes...In'the pinch portion of the plasma the concentration of the charged particles and the" electron temperature are higher than in the center. When adding helium to the 11,61 %rapours the intensity of the alternating component of the field in the center increases to 5.9 v/cm, while'the discharge has the form of a strong columi (but without pinch) In the regions adjacent to the electrodes. Yu. Kutev i[Abstracter's notes Complete translation] Card 2/2 VEROMAN, V.Yu., insh. Ultrazonle macblnlng of hard-alloy dies and die.-c"ting molds. Vest.nwh. 41 no.10.-66-71 0 161. (MIRA 14-10) (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial apRlications) 0 0 o 0 o a o o 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 O;o 0 0 a 0 0 .1 i C 1, 00 00 Of 00 so Is , '. RvAllitts "f plo'llotts I'T fit 00 00 so-loctlirdy of af*(,.jjv diff,frnt % I C 00 C944M dc" . 41(m. J9 W" .u. It #J. ASI'm 0 00 0 00 00 -00 of 00 00 00 00 oe 00 .0 Of of 0 Of -09 -00 -00 .40 4p so -40 #e ~00 w 1w .3 41 .1- 11 ` 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 049 0 0 1 9P- 44 000 o 0 0 oQ*qqqo*q*qqqqq*q* ,A A JU-11 -L't LIM 0* A (SidL A"& Rd. Isla of or see r 11 by Is 0*4 or $4m, i =00 0* 0 doik tbem 40 AA: Of, (U) WAS ShA colaw 04 ad Age Ah* a" a( am watmw- but4w "ry Wadkrly age. of (1) iod hwd oma a produt ci "m ti=p. at wmmam" iWA Ywyllst v R4Wft 46 kft Mti*- floe H. W. IF too j too too ivlej .1. 4mv UK% aii -j;WL&St, 1 9 (P n to at 9 d it 0900904000: w 00 04 a b jy b 0 1* 31 11J.-4, J.-I -4. A M P I I ; I gx 0 a ' lual aa4 the A@. The #god of sWtvtk &cW as notse lotrolvaUva 91 the isdivW"I hydtacesboms roslie-14, i.00 BkH, these. tot. towdow. ksm. 17. *11 6tIIxI4j tuiats. of bytitucatImism wrtc " 00 cahmuntivOy estd, wi(b 98.33 H.S" at #,.m temp. - or Ut " the abour f b sti l b ..09 e m a t cprcwwg o y p tim at beasew was about 1% too MO. Tbooredcal , valurs were obtalw4 for adats. of bentine with toloese tw witb m-sykne. P. S. POD" 00 f l - -00 woo 00 j .00 no 0 00 3 0 00 oo~ 0 0 d A :roo 4*0 - 0;1 300 too 0 Bit 't:oo U s -7;7 - r 00 too Iv Ir w 14 It a It 9 0 a - I, 'Mot o 0 0 o o 0 o 0 o o 1 0 0 0 o 0 4 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I A I I 1 1) 11 W 15 A 11 If NAN' Pi 0 H AS Al 1) 0 01 11 L, t k ' 10 : "I . ' I ' I 60':~ 00 'i . I Vmm* and C. flumiroptIl. Circortilrof Shishfite 1. TrI-4.5 ' 119wr" 14. C. J. 33. 8119" WITtilir firtir(w"ism IsT 00 W$Wsft*.,# jeI~I.jru' I'l 3,111T.-I"It All so* 011.1i"I by 13,111. .00 livr ritn-. at to' anoll 1:141'. A PAWN, Ail 0t 00 -.1 14 1114' 11111111- CUM1141114-103 44 14147 Old, - IM f"Xi" thew-v $IV" in lebular form) dwoved tw 00 soviraw 14"Whirt its OWN. wle'ril"IN, of -all*. Its *#",I 00 -a 0w yiekb cof ortfined ad Is thetWore at an Witutim at ' 1ho tentr in qw-ti-,n. Alv) In Acted. 8~94 mealviott .00 S1441. lot'. -.~fi 0 '(C041 A. It. Krappr L.4 0 00 .00 00 _400 00 .00 'qq I 00 A 10 S L A OtTALS.WKACAL W144 T6*t C LA$j1frKATJC% I I 04 A 0 wow t' 0 U is AV a I a P)4 a Air 0 1 a a It I ' at 2 14 a it a At to n At 11 444 0 09 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 90 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ow so&; a I 0* 00 too A" itz c0 0' FOOC96"s A-0 #4001"Ai AWNDIS L 1.00 I** COWIN Immumam -d kww" h Am R. V=WA-tpdlftm. &G. 1934. - - -00 ;F. W. 0M."W2, ~ t4~wftWMWNAM~~ bi # Nnov" 400 zoo *w 4afdw,Mw. Tb 0 O "P"4 04 Ot xYklw bm brialn bY tb* in qwit A. R. P. veep jamo "it 06. "t V11401 c"1 a F- u it At 10 Aj a x a a of it It u a 4 1 .1, ~6-41bl **so 0 0 09 0 0 000 0 0 6 40 e 41 0 ,a 49 ze too too Lis too IA 1 9 4 IW 0 0 1 1 V N 9 a 0 fee* 0 0 0 0 *,A 0 0 VEROMAN, YiA,or _jjq~!ypyi~yj_ VISHN ITSKIY , A. L. , red, (Strength of tools in electric-spark machiningl Stoi- kost' instrumenta pri elaktroarozionnoi obrabotke. Le- ningrad, 1964. 26 p. (MIRA 17:11) VEDENEYEV, Nikolay Petrovich; OSMAN, Rafail YOovlevich; red.; ALABYSIMVA, N.A., red.izd-va; GVIRTS, V.L... tekhn. red. [Standard designs and modern methods for making hard- alloy dies] Tipovye konstruktsii i sovremennye metody iz- gotovleniia tverdosplavnykh shtampov. Leningrad,, 1963. 28 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnichoskol propagandy. Seriia: Goriachaia i kholodnaia obrabotka metallov, no.5) (MIRA 17:4) PYATISOTNIKOVp Aleksandr Ivanoviaj'.ZHURAVLEV, Arkadiy Vasillyevich; VEROMAN , V.Yu. , -red. [Electric machining of intricately shaped parts made of heat- resistant alloys) 0-6rabotkit-Aetalei slozhnago profilia iz zharoproch=jkh splavov eieitricheskimi sposobami. Leningrad, 1963. 21 p. (Leningradakii dom naucbno-takhnicheskoi propa- gandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Elektricheskie metody obrabotki materialov, no*7) (MIRA 17--4) VEROMAN, Viktor Yur lyevichl AIIUFRIYFIIKO I A.Ye., inzh. , red.; ., red. ; GVIRTS) VA.j, tekhn. red. ~~ ) [Oscillating systems of ultrasonic machines; verbatim report of a lecture)Kolebatellnye sistemy u1'trazvukovykh stankov; stenograwa lektsii. Leningrad, 1962. 29 P. (MIRA 15:9) (Ultrasonic metal cutting) 31,11213 j/121/62/000/006/005/011 D040/DI13 AUTHOII: Vel-Giam. V. yb~-- - ITL.~: .;ays oi' reclucin,; the wear of tool electrodes in hi,fli-frequency T spark cro,~iort FLtIODIC,~L: ;tanki i instrMent, no. 6, 1962, 20-22 TaT: Tile effect of electrode material, work fluid properties, electric para,icters of the dis-.har-c circuit, and direct or reverse polarity oil tile rate of electrode wear in hi-k-frequency spark erosion was studied in experilliel-its conducted oil a tun-sten-cobalt alloy. The I- BYPIY (1-VChIU) generator used produced pulses of l/t:,ec duration and 130 or 15 v amplitude in operation with direct and reverse polarity, respectively. Kerosene, various oils, weak clec- trolytes and common tap water served as fluid; coppeF. Ine-59 (Li-59) brass, a carbide, gray iron, 3 8 (US) steel and E;r A.-XM (Br AZIL'f) bronze were cested as electrode naterials. Coke-graphite compounds proved to be unsuitable because of short circuiting. Copper proved the best electrode material, and weal" electrolytes the best work fluid. Additional inductance in the discharge Card 1/2 .:;/121/62/000/006/;)05/011 "ays of reducing the wi_,ar of tool D040/D113 11 0 circuit ,.,reatly reduced wear in operation with water, particularly in Croding metal with loV cobalt content, but the process productivity dropped. Ae- placement of kerosez,.e by water abruptly reduced the ifear without 5trikin.".1y affecting the process productivity. The wear of a copper electrode was six times les3 with direct polarity (work as cathode) than with reverse (work- a3 anode) polarity, usinl- water -and no' additional inductance. Conclu:sions,: (1) The electrode wear can be reduced by usir. weak electrolytes or a" additional in- ductance in the discharge circuit. lie simultaneous use of both,results in an abrupt drop in the. electrode wear rate and an insignificant drop in productivity. (2) Changes in the viscosity of the dielectric fluid have practically no effect on the electrode wear. (3) The electrode wear increases and the productivity of erosion decreases with increasin- cobalt content in the work metal. (4) The chemdcal co;i~,position of the electrolyte practically dm; not effect tile electrode wear. There are 2 figures and 4 tables. Card 2/2 jMBQM,_yjkjqr Yurlyevich; FREGER, D.P., red.izd-va;'PAPILOVj L.Ya.p red.; NJ~RT, V~.L., tekbn. red. (High-frequenoy electric tpark machining of metals and hard al- loys] Vysokochastotnaia al.ektroorozionnaia obrabotka. metallov i tvardyk.h aplavov; stenogrema. lektBii. Leningrad, 1963. 52 p. (MMA 16;6) (Electric metal cutting) 17()_~ 7~ ACCESSION NR i A,~300565L 3 1/ D 12 13 /),X -Y) t) 'J' , 2 9 AUTHOR: V ~r eroman. V. a -diamond whee method for polialaing hard alloys TITLEs Combined electrochemical - SOURCEr Stanki i inptrument, no. 8, 1963, 2429 TOM TAGSt polishing, hard alloy electrodiamond me'rhod, electrolysis, &I-wasion ABSTRACTs A new 0 oleo trodiamond'Aetho~ for polishing hard alloys/is described. Its productivity far exceda-s-Mt of the diamond -charged abrasive%heels, while its use reduces the wear on the diamond.- by a factor of 10. The method involves a simv-1tansous application of eleq~rolyiic action and of abrasion to a surface being polished. The electrolytieflIction increases the speed of operation, and the use of a diamond-w =ee produces higL quality aM dimensional reliability of the polished surfaces. The process :.s carried out with an electrically conductive diamond wheal (1) (see enclotiure) operating In contact, an electrolyte (3). A 4-6-v source of dir(ict current (5) is connected ttirough its positive pole to the detail being polished and Wirough its negative pole to the diamond wheel (1). In this way tne surface of the alloy is lbeiigg electro- Card L 17239-63 ACCESSION URt AP300565L Wbically decomposed,, and the products of this decomposition are removed by the diamond grains (2). The weakn*ess of electrical charge prevents erosional activity between the electrodes. The article dezeribes the materials employed in tae process and the results attainable with this method. Orig. art. has 1 4 f Igures, 3,-graphs and 17 tables* ASSCCWTIONt none J. DATE ACq: O6Sep63 S.UEMITTM 00 01 it, SUB,40DEt ML NO RE? SOVt 014 OTHM. 0 4 A j! Card WC VEROINA, R. " I,.,. T"mIAIIA, Bul. chim. soc. rorane chin. 35, 1017-35 (1932) P. Use of models in exarining ninIng problems (Quick ground tez,Ls),, Revista Flinelor, #1:13:Jan 55 VERONE IIETENYI, Makia Compensating intersections by applying the method of conditional observations. Geod kart 16 no.6:414-417 -64. VERONE, P. Surface effects of underground mine workinrs. Revista Ninelor (Eining Journal), #3:fT'.-Ear 55 VERONE. HETENYI., Meals. CompenBation of point location through length r4asure:wat brj means of compensating conditional measurements. Geod kart 15 no.6:406-409 163. XONIZOV, G.P., Letter to the editoro Vauterent. i rfldo 33 no*5tlll-112 5-0 158 (X RAYS-EQUIPICET AND SUPPLIES) (MIRA llill) ,4~ CHUMCIII, A.V., evnrdii mayor med. slu7hby; KARNIKOV, G.P., kAnitsn mod. sluzhby; VIROKAW . 'W. L. , j-,vnrdii kriDitnn med. sluzh$)y Some orennixationnl And oractiCRI A5DPCt8 of fluorogrnphy. zhur. no.Q:70-74 S 159. 04fRA 11:1) (YLUOROSCOPY, military organts. (Rue) (WICI14M 141LI-PARY AND NAVAL, fluorogrRDby, orgnniz, (Rus) VICRON Ye.L Iffect of carbonated watel, on cutaneous capillary ch"goe. ?or. arkh., Koskya 24 no.4:60-66 Jbly-Aug 1952. (CLUL 21:2) 1. Of Kislovodsk Clinic isioni V. I. lonin and of the Pathophysiological laboratory of the Central Institate of Health Resort Therapy. 00000000 0000 00 log 0000000* 00 0 0 4 0 0 00 00000 .0 1 .0 CA 2 00 or r"4444.1a too" tocul. -so 00 9 4 Vt= mc 1". 117-AW"ll.-Oll Sadd. of 1xind. C&0 to an all, 00 a tniiJiSiCO of An W, MW-h M 114-OVY 1111:144. 11)4111616M of Ibis little IRCK"4b Willi the folluatkHt tit art V%iti'"Idy title .00 40 a bilissivirtstrota powder 0 Vaik))Ut; 1*41 Is 111malftl *tilt 00 A1i An itacteave in vvC of tile byzilgill And vskuPlirtis Ad"Ptioo j4Ib*4A1pwlk,J*v, moo 00 it k 36V-43%. The Will). of the njitt. Itrally inducluxis 00 1 11%, rtAirtion time. A tirl"p. Umit of .33, is =so vatidairtary. Unit 111111) p" 6q, 9001 400 = i. MU.".d. fl:61,20 tylw (a. 60411 00 13 quires lem W) tban tk-#* that id the agi,hodkir4sake An-haltic cufulaiew tire cassaidly %TfY thkk And 00 W too diffindtly w0b Cat), litcy can lic maitc, tiviiii Otool by 0 to A braing withexot ancing In-pirid The pririardwil urinji. hinic. 800 Ftnutwimiltif tbt asPhallic atl-water type bAve a liollifu4ted f Ilishibly In tile pireftol (a COO. The cunditions vmat,- 00 hifted for tbv prqo. (f puled. ods and aspWill rur ap. piismc sliso for mintia aiij wo isity substitkvil. 6*0 W, A. OwL 00 00 so tj 0 0 I L ALLUACKAL 1,111144114t CLAVVIFKATOD" his., Sliv.466.. woo 0.1 aflitI OK "1 44. ;so V , I ; It At "0 A I TA An I V A, I a Pt 0 It ofa 49 01 a 0 selt~* U44 100 *10 is 0 0 0 o 0 4 9 0 0 W 0 . :1* *0 90 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 : 0 o1$ so* so 4 9 9 0 0 -8 a 0 *1 - - - - - - - - - - - - I o, 0. 1 1 t plat jjjv4;sI 4400 O'lag -A 00 4 o0 IF r6 00 Is *00 00 00 i '06 go Jkla ffamildry 11radire). IM (7). 14- lwWjWjy In bruism oadings subjectrif to hydmut;o of W k%U. thP intemiLl P" 0( Ups, mv~rtkm am p:uOrQ with maltam kast under porommim. F~rrti(xw -m1&Ad kw plug" Sll m". 1-fam c"ja& wfth cbA d"Arctl in `011111 .If to pmv*nt t" lead fiml fi"-Ibv to th"A. The wtOm heatoId 9-1 *00 c. am pkyd Im a UAk with U"tm Iced. as 4 Imllimillm (If so* 90 thrr are k" fim 7-10 minutes urmlermi pmourro(# 46 X*0 90 ~ry am I" lokhIlse" lind ihi- chalk 41A 0141006"d hvAl is wrIll"'I H: atm. Th N. A. To 0 -A I O-SL A MIALLUKKAL LITIRATIOU CLAIMPOCATODO via. "-IAV- IM 161014) "&r 04V oat 41still Go a.. 11, K AA U 11 .0 al; 0 0 I -L4 275 S~193116 1/000/0 10/002/004 B1 30/Bioi LUTHORS: Veronin, I. I., anti Krasotkina, N. I. TITLEt State of production and possibilities of quality improvement of refractory carb:)rundum materials PERIODICALt Ogneupory, no. 10, 1961, 461 - 465 TEXTs Refractory carborundum materials (I) manufactured at present are discussed on the basis of published data. The production of (I) with silicon nitride binder is menticned and proposed for industrial use. Previously manufactured I with alumina binder are not sufficiently resist- ant in oxidizing medium. The I produced at present with silica oinder are better. Their manufacture is easier as they are fired in an open flame. There is one disadvantai-,e: products of large dimensions cannot be manufactured because a glass film forms cn the surface which prevents air from passing through. Thus, the inner density and strength are reduced. When coating I with I'llanal" (A120 3 + V20 5)' the oxidation resistance may be trebled. Endeavors are made to produce very strong I by hot pressing. As to the use of silicon nitride as binder, the authors Card 1/2 27599 S/131/61/000/olO/002/004 State of production and ... Billlo/Bioi refer to their study published in the Byull. nauchno-tekhricheekoy 19"t informatsii, VIO, 1959 no. 4 (24,'. In 1959, an experimental batch of carborund"m with binding of nitride and cubical carbide of silicon was produced at the Semilukakiy zavo~ (Semiluki Plant) according to a proce- dure of the Vsesoyuznyy institut ogneuporov (All-Union Institute of Refractory Materials). A report on this experiment was made by I. S. Kaynarskiy and L. V. Degtyareva in "Ogneupory"t 1960, no. 4. 1 with silicon nitride binding are stable to fluoride-containing melts of aluminum electrolysis. There arti 1 table and 32 references: 18 Soviet and 14 non-Soviet. The four most important references to English- language publications read as follows: H. Read, F. Rock, H. Schroeder, W. Wroten. Industr. a.Engineerirg Chem., 1955, 47, m121I. Collins, K. Cerby, J. Metals Ind., 1956, Nr- 7; R. A. Alliegro et al., Journ. Amer. Cer. Soc., 1956t no. 11; R. W. Brown, C. R. Landback, Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1959, no. 7. ASSOCIATIONs Vsesoyuznyy institut ogneuporov (All-Union Institute of Refractory Materials) Card 2/2 BARBANICLO. D.G.1 Sorption of antimony by Ion exchangers and its separation from copper. Uch, zap. LOU no.297:20.-25 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Antlmony) POOC44"S me Maoist-at ft"I Utulasum of obsol"I tMkIsitt In PrOMILUM of 4prold from the 00 alp Phvll9vh2j& norm&, V. 3runer and on (Kolloid. Shum., -~p--TspjRj of sm-vovi wore scaked In 200 c.c. of H20 (InoludInd Ito from soakW) or aq, solution. The extract was filtered 4p and loft to-soll4ify. Them Its rI#Idity R wat masumM. R Inareasais with .00 the duration of **"Ing In R20 up to 2 hr. 0-001-0-010-aside (W.1, H2SOj, H2304) increase Rp *"I&Uy when used for ballingi more cone. aclits cause, Wrol7ses. DLl, alkalis usually reduce R. 0-001--O-QIN-Gakto (KC1, Coo Wit 12304, at*-) 1nGrQ4SO A# - POO wtmo used for boilW, but 04 ja also I added to the plating eAract, concns.>0,25Aroduce A. The yield v :OW of qWmId to not affected by vlactrolytool the ash content to lowered by 0*019-HU. When only %G Is used R Is Increased if the boUW takes plu"m t-*;Ot 4 under pressure. of Igoe ago Des 8. 1 L A 141&L&,~AL WIROUN CUOUPICATIM Des #few *"iov~ Mso* -it 4p*v 444 444WO64 oi-o so 0000 0 &SAM M.ONnVIGH, I.Y. (Moskva) ....... ---_ Microbial antagonism in soils and prospects for Its utilization in controlling phytopathogenic eoll mici-o-organisms* UBP.Gorr, biole 46 no.2tl45-155 8-0 158 (MIRA 11:11) BACTERIAL APIAGONISM) OIL 14IORO-OROMISMS) R (PLANT DISEASES) a AII tv w W:T-,Z, a 911 a If, V r M M OR. I, ~Xw n " U .) T-A i-00 00, 00 OOA 00 00 -00 :00 ~00 QWA 008-, F U.0 0 tumo i@u 'to 00 ce3t 00 '170132--1 4 r. r. t7 17 ZOO 00 -!;too 00 00 coo Itoo 0 -4 zoo 0 woo -j0 0 goo woo wt CLASIVNFKAT" Got &L LI L ~! lc G,,V Got 00 0 0 1814 M is a 0 0 o 0 0i * 0 o 0. 00 0. o *0 40 0 40 0 0 00 00 0- 000 0 0 o o iiinl~ Y IG I yljDAyEV,, yu.j.; RITS, I.A.; Comparative data on of the stomach by the sm,,~11 and large intestine fo.-I gastrectony. K-Iin. klAr. n0-3:33- 37 165. (VIIRIA. IP..r') 1. KafedrE; goupItal.111c', (zav. - dotsent B.A.Vitsyri) Novosibirskogo in3tltuta. VERONSXIY, G.I.; KOGAN, A.S. Splenoportography in the diagnosis of alveolar echinococcosis of the liver. Vest. rent. i rad. 37 no.5:42-46 S-0 162. (MIRA 17%12) 1. Iz gospitalinoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zaveduy-ushchiy - prof. I.L. Bregadze) Novotilbirskago gosudarstvennogo meditsin- skogo instituta i Novos!.birskoy oblastnoy klinichesko boi.Initsy (glai,iyy vrach - zaaluzhennyy vrach RSFSR Z.A. Kireyeva~. Adres avtorat Novosibirsk, ulit:sa Lermontova, dom 45, kvartira. 70. VEWISKI.Y)_qj* (Ilovooibirakp u1. Mmantm,, do 450 kv.70) Technique of transcutaneous splmioportogmfJ7. Yeat. khir. 90 no-5tl.27-130 W63 (MIRA 170) 1. 1z kafedry goopitallnoy kblrurgil ( 2av. - dotsent B.A* Vitsyn) Novosibirskogo med:Uainnkogo InstItuta (dir.- prof. G.D.Zalesakiy). N -~6Q BREGADZE, I. L.(Mookva, K-9, B. Gnszdnikovskiy per. 10, kv. 927) uL Lemontava, 45, kv. 701 Prs~enticn of peritonitis in surgery.on tbe Urge intestine. Vop. onk. 8 no-4:27-30 162. (MIM 15W 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurglcheskoy klinild (zav. - prof. I. Bregadze) Novasibirskogo meditsinskogo instituta. I ( INIT-STI IMS - SUR( lE RY )(PERITONITIS) RITS, LA.,, kand. mad. naukj V;~=SJUY,,Q jy?vosibirsk, u1. Lermont, , 45, _,I. va kv.70) Prolapse of gastric polypi Inte.) the duodenum. Vest. khir. 92 no.l: 82-83 Ja 164. (M:1RA 17 1 U) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgiiheskoy kliniki (zav. - dot-gent. B.A. Vitsyn) Nciusibirskogo meditsinskGgo inistituta, i ablastnoy k-lini- cheskoy bcl'nltsy (glavnyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach R9FSR Z.A. Kireyeva). GOLUBCHANSKAYA, A.T. (Ilovosibirskv Sove.-.skaya u1., d. 13,, kv.34) VER(XISKIY, G.M. Unilocular echinococaus in the kidney and spleen. Vest. Air. 91 no.8z124 Agt63 (MIRA 170) 1. 1z gospitallnoy kbinirgicheakoy klinNkl ( zav. - dotsont B.A. Vitsyn) Novosibirskcg c, meditainskogo instibita (rektor prof. G.D. Zalesskiy). A3 Ali' AN'T.4ER TO FLU:;C SI"..KG T; CCEPLE41-EINIARY I.,VSSTIGXL"10l'1 GF FAVOIWIL-E TRA,;~~PORT F."R -:70 fi~ p 102 (K0ZLEFED2SVM91,k~rfl SZOSLE) BTJDAP&~T,, Hn-f~AIRY VCIL 7 1110 1/3, -.11NiPAR 1957 ~"O: MONVILY INTEX CF tlCFSSTC.*,S (AE!',I) VOL f~ NG 11 "i';-'7-,-'PF,R 1957 ~pu.,Ji~ ~or wirjowu -.t-mn ~jf 415 Vol. 5, 1,10. 11, Lov. 1955 BurLapest, Hung-,arr KGZML-JFSTi5DO:A:~T1 SIZ)FIYU SO: Monthly List of Fast European AcceLision, (K-~'AQ 1 12, Vol. 5 IN0. 3, March, 1956 VEWSZTA, I. "Participation of workers in the plans for technojoaical organization." p. 12. "The practical transportation of oil prodactz." p. 13. "Springs and swlrc,, bit.ors.11 p. 14. (;tU'IU MOTOR, Vole 5j no. 24, Dec- 1952. SO: Monti-ay ;&st of Fast European Accessions, Vol. 2, A, Library of Cbngress August, 1953, UncL GSANADII Gyorgy, dr.,egyetemi tanar,- FASKXM,. Sandor; SZABO, Dezqo, dr-., a kozlekedegtudomanyok kane1datusa, okl.mernoki CSUHAY, Denes; TAKACS, Endre; CSABAI, Rudc,lf; NAGY, Rudolf; JEUTAS, Laazloommok; VASAMMYI, Boldizaar, dr.;a muszaki tudomanyok doktora, tanazek- vezeto egyetemi tanar; KOLLER, Sandor, muegyatemi adjunktus; KALHOKI USS, Sandor; IGYOMBER, Sandor; TALLO, Cqula;KOZARY, Istvan; SZILAGYI, Lajos; HEGYI, Kalman,oki.mornok; BERNIM, Andras; MARKI, Laszlo; PALFI, EMMSMI, Endre; MAGY, Endre,okl.mernok; SZAIV,&RY, Ferenc; MAGORI, Judit; CSIKHELYI, Bela; MUMERI, Zoltan; VE ~~~ ; ZSIGA, Sandor; TOROK, Istvan; KONCZ, Lesz-,o; IMSELY, Ferenene; SZABO, Bela; KOHDROCZ1, Lajos; GITIM, Joz9ef; CSOTI;~Os' Dezso; JAKAB, Sandor; LOVASZ, Istvan, mernok; KISS, Karolyi FPMV,_)hvv61y The City Transportation Conference in Szeged. Kozl tud sz 12 no.2*. 49-54 F 162. 1. Akademiai levelezo, tag, a kozlekedes- as postaugyi miniszter elso helyettese, es "K6zlekedestudomanyi Szemle" szerkeszto bizotteagi tagja (for Csanadi) 2. Kozlekedes- es Postaugyi Miniszterium 14uszaki Felugyeleti Osztalyanak vezetoje (for Faskerti) 3. Fovarosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizotteaga VIII. Varo3rendezesi es Epiteszeti Oqzt&1y9m4k munkatarsa, es "Kozlekedest-adomanyi Szemle" amerkeszto lUbM~QT-Aagja (for Szato) (Continted on next card) Gyorgy --- (Conkinued Gard 2. 4. Fomerftok, Kozlekedes- e3 Postaugyi Miniazterium Kozlekedespoli- tikai Oaztalyanak munkater:3a (for Couhay) 50' Kozlekedes- as Pootaugyi Miniazterium Autokazlekedeii Vezerigazgatonaganak azakoaztalyvezatoje (for Takaes) 6. MAV fointew, a Kozlekedentudomanyi Eg3resulet miskolci teruleti 8zervezeterek titIcara (for Caabai) 7. Fomernok, a Fovarosi Taflace Vegrehajto Bizottsalga Kozlekedesi Igazgatosaga helyetteg vezetoje (for ~Tagv) 8. Povarosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga Kozie~edesi Igazgatosaganal: fojlesztesi eloadoja (for Kutas) 9. "Koziekedestudounyi Szomle" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Vasarhelyi) 10. Csoportyezuto fomernok, Debrecen m.j. Varosi Tanacs Vegrehajto Bizottsaga IparI. es Kozlekedesi Osztaly (for Kalnoki Kiss) 11. Rendorornagy, Csongrad Megyel Rendorfokapitanysag Kozrendvedelml Osztalya (for Gyomber) 12. Fomernok, Miskolc m.-J. Varosi Tenses Vegrehajto Bizottsage Epitc-si es Kozlekedesi Osztaly (for Tallo) 13. Fomernokp Kozlekedes-ea-, Postauai Miniazterium Utosztalya (for K.bzary) 14. Favorosi Tanact Vegrehajto Bizottsaga VIII. Varoarendezesi. e5 Epitesze'ti Osztalvanak vezetoje (for Szilagyi) 25.Ut-Vasuttervezo %]Wi~ KovIskedes'i Osztalya vezetoje (for Hegy-i) 16. BUVATI Kozlekedesi es WSMuszakopitalyanak vezetcje, Budapest (for Berczik) 17. Fees m.j. varon Tatl~'d4a BV Epitesi es Kozlekedesi Oaztalyanak vezetoje (for Marki) (Continued on next card) WMADI, GyorgY -- (Continued) Card 3. 18. Szeged m.j. Varoal Tanics Epitesi en Koz)ekedesi Osztalyanak f,)mernoke (for Palfi Hudinszki) 29. Budapest Fovarosi Tanace Melyepitesi Terveze Vallalat iranjrito tervezoje (for Endre Vaa) 20. Debrecevii Kozlekedes-i Vallalat igazgatoja (for Szeitmary) 21. Budapest Fovaroal Tanacs Melyepitesi Tervezo Vallalat it-lervezomernoke (for l4agori) 22. Budapest Fovarosi Tana-is Melxvepi~Lesi Tervezo Vallalat tervezomernoke (for Caikhelvi) 23. Midcol..,i Kozlekedesi Vallalat fomernoke (for Mesaleri) 24.Kozlekedes- es Pontaugy-.1 Miniszterium Autokozlekedesi Fooaztalyanak fomernoke (for Veroazta) 215. Szegedi Kozlekedesi Vallalat fonernoke (for Zmiga) 26. Miskolcl Kozlekedesi Vallalat fokonyveloje (for Torok) 77. Debreconi Kozlekedes:L la.Ualat fomermoke (for Koncz) 28. Penzugy- miniszterium foeloadoja (for Wessely) 29. Pecsi Kozlekedesi Vallalat igazgatoja (for Szabo) 30. Epitesugvi Mlniszterim Varoarendozesi Focastal"nakmernoke (for Komoroczi) 31. Fovarosi Villamoovasut (Continued on next ca-,,d) CSANA19 Gyorgy - (Continued) Card 4. 32. 51-es Autokozlekedesi VaUalat munkatarsa. (for Csontos). 33. Ut-Vasuttervezo Vallalat irodavezeto fomernoke (for Jakab). 34. Badapesti Relyierdaka Vasutak oszta:L-yvezetoje (for Lovasz). 35* Magyar Allanvaoutek lgazgatohel:rettese (for Kiss, Karoly). 36. Magyar Palanvasutak veze:rigazgathohelyettese (for Rodonyi). 0 04 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 so * 0 o 5 A F I t 0 it It 11 14 It 4 It 4 At AS 020 00 tox A 1! 1 Ah N (Z 0 U I J_6 t-. 0, f A A f, f &Pf 0 1 Is 7- 06 00 00 C1 Of Cal tM tM at to tho Preparation of "agatold" -00 so 8 1, from lbo Ispowtsod Pbyllophors neryff" Y. Orymur "fill -.60 L. It. I S.Ml 113kitki'll. go TV'Jg.W Vim Mlss-d A11.1 shelf 1.0"1 6" 1 bf. Tlw ' -00 ~ grl' An. *a# filleird aflftc-lvd~ Ilse Ilellstli Is( the W 00 altuirsed was; rivaured. the hislieni ittrngth we4 it;,- . 00 At Ii *rrv"l wlwti the algae forest YAulfrol fix a solitict time In A 6*9 0.11(m) N acid jll,~Aso. li,SAh. in IICI, and Nostril %fill a 4 00 OMUI 0.01 N snln. of KCI. INII.Cl. or KSO.. = 0 Higher cunorns. c4 afrid% oth" foahos, and all alkalies have 406 di 0 eitherasniall pY4. Ora ts".rffert oil theotrugth. Almit soaking in watir fir &q. owAni. I% unnervsowity. Z* 0 00 1114141 00 5*0 ;'Q 0 Al. :_041 A jt;"l '00 A I a I L A AITAMOPICKAt 1,111114114offt CLAWMATION woo 44 1,14 ~ - I I - WTN~; ~1; Bill 11,N( u AV to 1%T I-# _V_24 - - . It R a a off I't If Al- 4 3 1 0 wxl e : o # * ~ d" 6 0 0 0 o 0 # a o o 0 e 0 Co 0 0 Ss 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: a- 0 0 CO 00 di 0 0000 0 * 0 0 0 0 0~00 0 0 0 00 00 0 00 0 0 a 0 0 0 CA VEWV, M. Soviet cameras In Great Britain. Sovaoto. 19 no.8:51 Ag 159. (cameras) (MIRA 13:1) 4*006000900000 00 1 1 1 4 1 a I # 0 v to it it 0 L s L I 's-B.-A-AL t 0 lkl't Q 2 1 j I AA 14 0; 00 U 00 A 00 as I* tW WA twaaco wltk debmillil*4 11M. -00 0* !lt-*-1,YxM--rW'hvfb4 No. 32(IVW).- Foor -40 00 In A W"ll IUIIWV the bet lasults opoeil, 1.1%iml St a rmilcul Nts up to 417, in Me skg. The muix1misuiot of Mt 00 it"o Phyt- SM cbtln- Mulocities dusing the challift of tj~- f-uofftnwe ternp.. anti to more rejulaf wo,kjnIC snd 1willuts 'be It"'ll, Of tlkvwillg a". On the Iwo* of th,~ "Ok"Plill"I We mm stploftl -n n Industrisf Morsk. Shvarlsl~tg 00 04 00 40 0 t:00 &SE-lok A .411AktiolIGICAL UM& L41 CLOSIVICA11100 It I too 0 n to it 0 A 0 11114111 MUM H* a 1 .14 A I old 0 4 - I or M "a OT Af w, a 1114 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4,0 0 0:0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #'A 0 04 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 is is, 0 0 a 0 0 4,10 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a VEROllp it. 0 Seminar of an astronaut. Nauka I. zhiznl 29 no.6:92-93 'e 1~2. (MIRA 15:10) (Mental teats) VEROV, V. "At the extraordinary administrative conference on radio con-unications in Geneva," ladio, 1951. i - ,1~ 1. " ~4%` USSR/Radio - Conferences Oct 51 "At the Extraordinary Adninistrative Radio Ccumunications Conferenc%~ in Geneva," V. Verov 171adio" No 10, p 10 Claims that American and English block demonstrated that they do not care fo:r international cooperation at this conference by se-:ting aside the Soviet proposal calling for removal. of Kuomintang represent- ative and invitation of representatives of the Chinese People's Republic. 208T48 I ll,~EROZ~UBI NTAPA I Repair of reinforcing surfaces of air and was te-gas valves. Uts khim. no.8:32-33 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Bagleyskiy kokookhimichookiy zavod. Oneprodsherzhinsk-Ooke ovens) 'WAY]MO, 0.; BURACHEK, V. Results of the observation of the total solar eclipse of June 30, 1954, by the expedition of 4,he astronomY club at the 1harkov Palace of Pioneers. TSir.AstronoobseroKharoun. no.15:63-65 156. (KM 10:5) (Eclipsen, Solar--1954) S/058/63/000/002/066/070 A1601A101 AUTHOR: Verozub, L. V. TITLE: The radio emission of Venus in the microwave range PERIODICAL: 13'eferativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 2, 1963, 45, abstract 2Zh281 ("Uch. zap. Khar1kovsk. un-V.1 1962, v. 122, Tr. Astron. observ., 14, 86 - go) T=: An attempt is made to interpret the observed radio emission of Venus in the microwave range. The author uses known data from the literature on the radio brightness of the disk of Venus on the O.B. 3.15 and 9.6-cm wave- lengths for the various phases of the planet. It is assumed that the radio ermls- sion of Venus in the microwave range is composed of the natural thermal radia- tion of the planet's surface and the themal radiation of its ionosph&re. A formula was obtained for the Venus brightness temperature Tv. To explain the values of Tv obtained on the basis of experiment, the author assumes the follow- ing parameters of the ionosphere: the mean kinetic temperature of the ionos#-ae is T2 w 1030K; the electronic concentration in the subsolar point of the iono- Card 1/2 S/058/63/000/002/C66/070 The radio emission of Venus in the microwave range A1601A101 sphere is Ile max '1o9 cm-3; the thickness of the ionosphere layer is 1 3-107 am. In addition, it is assumed that the mean temperature of the Venus disk equals T, = 3000K, and the averaged reflection coefficient of the planet's ~' -1 - surface is R - 0.2. The author comes to the conclusion that, in case the pro- posed model is correct, the, brightness temperature of Venus must be constant for the wavelengths X> 10 cm (1. 9. not dependent on X), and the r3dio emission of the planet must possess an~plliptical polarization in case the planet has a magnetic field. A. Kislyakov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 s/269/63/000/003/027/0'46 AGOI/A101 AUPHM: Verozub, L. V. TITLE: On radio emission of Venus in the range of centimeter wavele,-.&'~hz PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astrononlya, no..3, 1963, 44, abstract 3,51.341 .("Uch. zap.101ar'l-covsk. un-t", 1962, v. 122, Tr. Astron. observ., 14, 86 90) ---TEXT: --An attempt is made of interpreting the observed radio emiz-sl(~n of Venus in the range of centlLmeter wavelengt'hs._'The author makes use of the data, from "he litaraWre, on radio br-' ~wown to ightness of the Venusian disk on wave- lengths 0.8, 3.15 and 9.6 cm for various phases of the planet. It is supposed that the radio emission of Venus .-.n the centimeter wavelength range is composed of the own thermal radiation of the planet surl'ace and the thermal radiation of its ionosphere. A formula has barn derived for the bri~ghtness temperature of Venus TV. In order to explLin thq TV-valuen obtained from observations, thq author adopted the following paramete;s of the lonorphere: the average kinetic temperature of the ionosphere T2 1010K, clectron concentration at a auboola" Card 112 S/2 0*59/63/000/003/027/036 On radio emission of Venus in the rznge of... A001/A101 ---point of--t e -ionosphere- No Max 10' cm- the-thLiclaiess of ionospheric layer 1 = 3 - - Cm. r1oreover, 'It was st.pposed that the average temperature of the Venus disk Tj = 300 0K, and the averz.ged alb(:do of the planet surface R = 0.2. The author arrives at the conclusion th---., --'.f the model proposed by him is valid, -~he temperature of Venus must be constant for wavcieri~;t.- 'L ) > 10 Cm (i.e.' inde,-ndent of and. rad4 :~ r_,_,jiS;5joj-j 01 tIle planet g,Ur-C, -ovi le,- A. (F'. - , a magnetto Afteld exista) poszezs clUltical polarization. There are 5 reforences. A. Kislyakov [Abutracter's note: Complete -,,ranslation] MOZUB. L.V.; BIRRACHEY. V.G.; BUGAYDNKO, 0.1. Observation of the total s~,aar eclipse on June 30, 1954. Biul.VAGG no.20:3-8 157. (."L?,A 10- 8) I.Kharikovskoye otdolenlye 7eoso7uznogo astronow-geodezicheskoEo obahchestva. (Belipses. Solar-1954) UROZUB, L.Y. WIN N -,.. ProllminarT couclusions from seas observatimm of Venus in 1953* JSiu1.TAGO no.I8i45-" 156*' (KM 10:1) L, lharlkovskeya otdolsitlys Ysesoyuznoge astronomo-geadesicheakege obahchostya, astronomicheakays, sektalys., (Venus (Planet)) . I MUMOO V.,, p-epodavatell fiziki (g. Chu, Dzhambullskoy obl.); --- -- KrWiMllrY, IT., audlya respublikerskoy kategcril 0b1.); PLATONOV, V., aviamoaelist (Kiycriskaya obi.). Research, suggestions, controversy. Kryl. rod. 15 no.10*29 0 164 (MITRA 18*.1) 4 S USM/EngineerinC-Building work Card 1/1 Authors s Bars A. E.j and Verpgo, So$ Engineers TitjJ3 S Elevators with taut cables in place of' guide rails used in building the Yoscow UnivarsLty Periodical i Mekh. Stroi. 1112, 29-31, February 1954 Abstract t The use of tigitly stretched cables as guide r4Us for elevators used in wits found to be economical. The elevator IMs a ton with the speed of 1 m/sec and is found to have a nwnber of additional advantages. Palftone cut and drawings. Institution I Submitted I -~v % 1-r .VFMANU,-V.; SOKOLESKO, M.j PAROTA, P. I 'Coma magna" as a roentgenographic sequel of local antibiotic therapy of coxitis in children. Xhirurgiia 15 no.2/3:269-271 1629 1. Iz Detaka klinika po, Uhirurgiia i ortopediia - bakuresht. (TUBERCULOSIS CSTEOARTICULAR ther) (HIP dio) (Awivmrmn Amm ther) uptiral d4cmity of lh,~ ~rthttion WZ,5 R;~-Vn at 3130 4 Rud ~'t .1.941 111,. a!" W~ b" ." I &f.)UT 11 n' t,l Mgula~ soiw" h~ temary s)itt-tzis fn,iphthal-, Carbons) ji~ h,- ~lut-' Ih, ,,I mn,law, t, i~,~ from tult-ble I ;~' MCI wt. of the ~.lwt-p 'a4 '-Sflrnat~l by mp'rmw the ct~entratloflq 'f 1!.):, ~i "t.ti- e"nr ...' - tltal-- at~ I I r ~- ,-- Th. -,., ear- - - ~- - r', 171~v Lrls-, . -1 !1,' ~., I I ii I. ,u, V..' -- , A6v~,-,tq cf :-,ittjnr, -a-. lr,-, i.- .;-: -.#A, I- 'Q-4571- '(-, T' 1 ~' ,- . T .~ :rnr, ul!A 15 n ~.- . . I pation among bWUdihg irorkers. Hung TU no.7/8:20-21 F4u n-Ag 163.