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The Nature of the Particle Beams in the Core S/056/60/039/002/042/044 of an Extensive Air Shower Boo6/BO70 F'- 1013 ev, a value 0-3 per muon is obtained for the probability of e "tctron-positron pair production in the filter of lead+graphite (- 10 t-units over the second row of ionization chambers). The number of particles in the avalanche cares recorded in the second row of chambers, lex ) inAE, agrees with the number of pair production calculated from muons (4 th)' AE ev 2.109 2.109 - 2.10 10 2.10 10 4ex 39 7 2 ith 40 5 3 Also the absence of multiplication on the passage of the beam through 0.8 t-units of lead glass agrees with the assumption.that a high-energy muon beam is concerned. The authors thank L. G. Smolenskiy and B. A~ Zelenov for help in the experiments ia-na-T. F. Sem for help in the calculatio s. There are 1 table and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONi Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univer- siteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics of theMoscow State University) SUBMITTED: June 20, 19 Card 3/3 835 .,-: rl S/004/6o/0W/03/t4/". AUTHOM Vernov, S.N., Corresponding Membp'r TITM ~t I a th rona of the Earth and What Causes Corpuscular Radiation of-tlle EIM7 PERIODICALa Znaniye-Sila, 1960, No. 3, PP. 37 - 38 TEXT : The author states that the magnetic field of the earth (ionstitutes a "trapP for electrically charged particles, which then fcrm two radiation belts around the earth. The outer belt consists of low-energy electrani;, the inner belt of high-energy protons. Experiments showed that the Intensity of these particles increases along the magnetic power line. The border of the radiation field formed by these particles Is the power line of the magnetic field of the earth. This way our planet influences the surrounding cosmic space -3rd the corona of the earth is actually the result of a corpuscular radiation of tile latter.'Mere is no definite explanation as to the cause of corpuscular -adiation. It is assimned that radiation is due to neutrons which, when nearing the jarth's surface, disintegrate into eleatrons, protons and neutrons. ASSOCIATION, AN SSSR (AS USSR) Card 1/1 VEJUIOV, S. N. , DMINMEV, V. A. , FaiRYTOV, B. A. I YY;~l G. B., Ghala.-1-30U, P42 Khva, Ly-Don. "On Yfu-Meson Beams in EAS and the InvestiGation of 14u-Z-1t.-son Spectrum." report sutmitted for the Intl. Conf. an Cosmic Ray!3 anA Earth Storril (RTAT) Kyoto, Japan 4-15 Supt. 1961. - I -VE , S. N-,, GORCHAKOV, Ye. V., LOGACHEV, Yu. I., TNESTEROV) V. E., PI,--,ARENKO, U. F., SAVEIM, I. A. and SHAVRIN, P. I. "Investigations of Radiation During Flights 9f Spsjcc- Vehicles and Rockets" Report presented at the International Conference on (,osmic Rays and Earth Storm, 4-15 Sep 61, Kyoto, Japan. VERNOV S 11. KUZ'141N, A.I., KRIUMIYO G.F., SFRVZR, G.V.j SMF:R, TUX., "Cosmic Ray Outbursts on November 12-15, iq6t3.,,, report presented at the Intl. Conference on Cosmic Rays and Eart Storms ) 4-15 Sept 1961o uh , Kyoto., Japan v i L. 0, T:~'X'tq to D. C. 1-y C;i.L" --VFM!ji~OVS~.., otv. red.; DOFQ~W,, L.I., kand. fizik0-rAt43M.naukj otva reda, PODOLISKIY, A.D., red. izd-va; GOLUB', S.P., tekhn, red, [Collection of articles) Sbornik statei. 14oskva,, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. No,4. 1961. 258 P. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. 14ezhduvedomstvengyy komitet po provedeniyu Mezhdunarodnogo geofizicheskogo goda. VII razdel progrwmW MGG. Kosmicheakiye luchi. 2. Chlen-korreopondent Akademii nmik SSSR (for vernov). (Cosmio rays) 29008 (10~q /94 x) S/020/61/140/004/0()8/023 B104/B108 AUTHORSt y9XRgv,_q. 1j., Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, Savenko, I. A., Shavrin, P. I., and Pisarenko, N. F, TITLE: Outer radiation belt of the Earth at 320 km altitude PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Dcklady. v. 140, no. 4, 1961, 787 - 790 TEXTt The second Soviet satellite whose orbit was at an altitude of 307 - 339 km had an automatic sGorage system which enabled it to measure contin- uously the radiation intensity in latitudes of +650. The scintillation counter consisted of a (1:)Y-16(FEU-16) photomulTiplier and a NaI(Tl) cxystaL The energy threshold of this counter was 25 kev. An CTC-5(STS-5) Geiger counter was also used. Measurements showed that the counting rate of the scintillation counter, from the equator to latitudes of _+40 - 50', increased from 3 - 5 Pulses/cm 2. sec to 10 - 12 pulses/cm 2. see. In latitudes from ~000 to +650, the counting rate increased to 20 - 600 pulses/em2.see in most caZs. The authors assume that this increase in x-ray intensity is caused by particles Of the radiation belt of the Earth. To prove this Card 1/2 2 9W8 Outer radiation belt of the Earth ..... 3/020/61/140/004/008/023 B100108 statement, the relations between the zones of higher Intensity of the northern and southern hemispheres are studied. It is shown that the zones of higher intensity on the northern and southern hemispheres are connected by lines of force of -the geomagnetic field. The position of the telt of enhanced intensity at 320 km from the Earth is determined b th, geoma et- .y :3 gn ic field. The indications of the two counters were compared to determine composition and energy of the radiation. The authors are convinced that the enhanced intensity recorded is due to electrons of the outer radiation belt, w1iich are slowed down in the casing of the satellite. The authors thank A. Ye. Chudakov, I. P. Ivanenko, and V. Gorchakov for discussions, There are 2 figures, 1 table,and 6 references: 3 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three referonces to English-language publications read as follows: E. H. Vestine et al., Planet. Space Sci., 1, 265 (1959); J. B. Cladis et al. , J. Geophys. Res. 343 (1961 ); J. A.. Welch et al. , J., Geophys. Res,, 6-4, 909 (1959). ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M, V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: June 7, 1961 Card 2/2 291U 0 za /'~ a) S/020/61/140/305/006/022 I I B125/B138 AUTHORS: Vernov, S. N., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Savenko. 1 AL. Shavrin, P. I., Pisarenko, N. F, TITLE: Discovery of an inner radiation belt at 320 km altitude in the region of the South-Atlantic magnetic ancmaly PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 140, no. 5, 1961: 1041,-1044 TEXT: The paper reports on the discovery and investigation of the inner radiation belt by the second Soviet satellite. The radiometric apparatus (gas discharge counter CTC-5(STS-5) and scintillation counter $3Y-16(FEU--16) with NaI(Tl) crystal) carried on the satellite recorded increased radiation intensity above the magnetic anomaly in the South Atlantic. The scintilla- tion counter recorded particles with a threshold of 25 kev and the total release of energy in the crystal. Analysis of the data leads to the following conclusions: The increased radiaticn intensity revealed to the authors by the flights of the second Soviet satellite at 320 km altitude above the Brazilian magnetic anomaly isattributabl e to the inner radiation belt. Since no inner radiation belt has been found north of the geomagnetic equator, the reflection points there lie higher than in the anomalous Card I 29111 S/020/61/140/005/00E/022 Discovery of an inner radiation... B125/B138 region. At low geomagnetic latitudes, it is the proton component of the inner radiation belt which prevails in the anomalous region. The intensity of x-radiation caused by the deceleration of electrons in the casing of the Space ship rises at higher latitudes and the intensity of the pro-.on component decreases. An outer radiation belt appears at magnetic latitudes > 400. There is also an intermediate region between the outer and inner radiation belts. In this intermediate region, the bremsstrahlung intensity is only a half or a quarter as much as in the intensity max.Lma of the inner or outer radiation belt at that altitude. The gap between -the inner and outer radiation belts, which is very distinct on the northern hemisphere (measurements made from the third Soviet satellite),is practically ~b3ent in the region of the Brazilian anomaly. This fact, togetheir with data on the size of the gap on the n(orrthern hemisphere and near the equator, migh, explain the formation of the inner radiation cf the Earth. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 5 references: 2 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet, The three ' publications read as follows- A. J_ Dessier, references to English-languatre J, Geophys. Res., 64, No 7, 713 (1959); S. Yoshida, G. H. Ludivig.. j. A '.-an-Allen, J. Geo,'Tys. Res., 6 , '10 3, 807 (1960); J, A. Van-Allen. L. A. -"rank, Nature, LOJ, 430 (1959r, 118A, 210 (1059)~ Card 2/3 - 2YlU 3/020/61/140/005/006/022 Discovery of an inner radiation .... B120138 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im, M. A. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: June 30, 1961 Card 3/3 33306 S/560/61/000/010/004/016 D299/D302 AUTHORS: Vernov. S. F.., Savenko, I. A., Shavrin, PO I01 NeBterov, V. Ye., and Pisarenko, N. F. TITLE: Outer radiation belt of the earth at 320 km altitude SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemli. no. 10. Moscowt 19619 34-39 TEXT: The investigations carried out by means of the 2nd and 3rd Soviet artificial satellites indicated the existence of an outer radiation belt, sharply delimited by the high-latitude region. The scintillation- and Geiger-counters on board the 2nd Soviet Sputnik permitted a detailed study of the outer radi- ation belt in the vicinity of the earth and its delimitation as a function of longitude. The autonomous memory-device on board the Sputnik yielded continuous data on radiation intensity at altitudes of 306 - 339 km over the entire terrestrial globe for Card (~74) 33306 S/560/61/000/010/004/016 Outer radiation belt of... D299/D302 0 latitudes of + 65 , The scintillation counter consisted of a cv1indrical N"EJ(Tl)-single crystal and of the photomultiplier 03Y-11. (FEU-16). The Geiger counter was of type C i C-S (STS-5), Which is a halide-counter, A figure shovis the radiation inten- sity recorded by means of the scintillation counter at various points of the globe. It was proved that the sharp increase in counting rate, which could not be explained by the latitude effect, is due to the radiation belts of the earth; this was done by analyzing the connection between the regions of in- creased intensity in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, by studying the connection between these regions and the earth's magnetic field, as well as the conposition and energy of the radiation. Thus, the zones of increased radiation in the Nor- thern Hemisphere are related to those in the Southexm Hemisphere by the lines of force of the geomagnetic field which determines the position of the radiation belt at an altitude of 320 km. In order to determine the composition and to estimate the energy Card 2/4 33306 B/560/61/000/010/004/016 Outer radiation belt of. D299/D302 of the radiation, the readings of the scintillation- and Geiger- counters were compared. Hence, it was found that the radiation in question is gamma-radiation with energies of the order of 100 - 300 kev. The mean energy of the secondary electrons, arising in the single crystal by interaction with the gamma- radiation, is of the order of 105 ev. The clear connection be- tween the zones of increased intensity in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and the nature of the radiation and its energy are proof that the recorded increase in intensity is due to electrons of the outer radiation belt. In general, no direct relation was observed between the intensity and the strength of the magnetic field, This is apparently due to the short life- time of electrons of the outer radiation belt at the altitudes under consideration compared to the drift-time around the earth., An estimate of the lifetime of electrons with E = 300 kev yielded the value of 106 _ 108 see.; hence, the hypothesis of local acceleration of electrons within the geomagnetic field is Card 3/4 33306 S/560/61/000/010/004/016 Outer radiation belt of... D299/D302 more likely than the neutron hypothesis of electron origin. f-Abstracter's note: The designation "Van Allen Belt" is not used at all in the Russian text.2 There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 5 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as follows: E. H. Vestine, W. L,, Sibley, Planet Space Sci., 1, 285, 1959; J. B. Cladis, A. J. Dessler, J. Geophys. Res., 66, 3439 1961; J. A. Welch, W. A. Whitaker, J. Geophys. Res., 64, 909, 1959. SUBMITTED: May 23, 1961 Card 4/4 3:3307 -3, 0 0,/ /61/000/010/005/016 8/560 D299/D302 AUTHORS: VVn",, S. N., Savenko, 1. A., Shavrin, P. 1.9 and Pisarie_Mt N. F. TITLE: Observation of inner radiation belt at an altitude of 320 km in the region of the south- Atlantic magnetic anomaly SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Iijkusetvennyye sputniki. Zemli. no. 10. Moscow, 1961, 40-44 TEXT: In contradistinction to the other zones of increased radiation-intensity (which form the outer belt)q the magnetic anomaly near the Brazilian coast cannot be related to the outer radiation belt owing to its geographical position and to the presence of a large number of penetrating particles in the radi- ation. A map shows the regions of increased intensity and, in particularg the points at which the intensity exceeded 3.6 Card 0/3 33307 S/560/61/000/010/005/016 Observation of inner... D299/D302 counts- cm72. sec.-'I; all these points wexe concentrated in the southern Atlantic. The readings of the Geiger- and scintilla- tion-counters are listed in a table and shown in a figure. Conclusions: (1) The increase in radiation intensity, observed at an altitude of 320 km above the Brazilian magnetic anomaly, 13 due to an inner radiation belt. This belt is not observed to the north of the geomagnetic equator. (2) At low geomatnetic latitudes, the proton component of the inner belt prevails in the region of the anomaly). With higher latitudes, the X-ray intensity increases (arising from electron bremsstrahlung on the space-ship hull), whereas the proton Somponent decreases. (3) At magnetic latitudes higher than 40 S, the outer radiation belt appears. (4) A transition region is found between the outer and inner radiation belts, where the intensity of the bremsstrahlung is weaker--by a factor of two and four respec- tively--than at the maximum of intensity of the internal and external belts. (5) The cut between the inner and cluter radia- Card 2/3 33307 S/560/61/000/010/005/016 Obeervation of inner... D299/D302 tion belts, very clearly observed in the Northern HemfLephere by means of the 3rd Soviet Sputnikp is practically non-existent in the region-of the Brazilian anomaly. TheEie facts may shed light on the origin of the outer radiation belt. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 7 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 4 non- Soviet-bloc. The references to the Englieh-language publica- tions read as follows: A. J. Deesler, J. Geophys. Res., 64, 7139 1959; S. Yoshida, G. 11. ludwig, J. A. Van Allen, J. Geo- phys. Res., 65, 8070 1960; J. A. Van Allen, L. A. Frank, Nature, 1839 4309 1959; J. A. Van Allen, L. A. Frank, Nature, 184, 219, 1959. SUBMITTED: May 23, 1961 Card 3/3 3435L S120 Y61/001/006/00' 21021 C/1 /90 D055 DI 13 :3, *$L 0 Y-4~ AUTHORS: Vernov, SAT.; Chudakov, A.Ye.; Vakulov, P.V.; Gorchakov, Ye.V.; -Logachev1_7U__-1- TITLE: Radiation measurements in the outer radiation belt on February 12, 1961, during the rocket flight towards Venus PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, vol 1, no 6, 1961, 872-874 TEXT: The article deals with data on the Earth's outer radiation belt collected when the Earth-Venus rocket launched, on February 12, 1961, was 30,000 - 45,000 km from the Earth's center. The special equipment installed in the hermetic container consisted of a scintillation counter and M e're -5 (STS-5) gas-discharge counter. The distribution of matter around the NaJ(Tl) crystal and the gas-discharge counter is shown in a table. By reducing the dimensions of the crystal and increasing the resolving power of the elec- tronic system of the counter, the radiation intensity in the belt was cor- rectly registered. Fig. 1 shows the overload characteristics for the counting channels of the scintillation (1) and gas-discharge (2) counters. Card 14 S/203/61/001/006,/002/021 Radiation measurements ... D055/D113 These channels could register up to 106 and 105 pulsations/sec. respectively. To penetrate the crystal of the scintillation counter and the working volume of the gas-discharge counter, electrons must have an energy of :;;P 3 Mev, protons - an energy of > 32 blev and the bremsstrahlung quanta - an energy of >_- 30 kev. Curves on fig.2 represent the counting speed of the scintil- lation counter (1), that of the gas-discharge counter after corrections were made according to the curves in fig. 1 (3) and the energy release in the crystal in relation to the distance from the Earth's center (2). As all three curves were more or less parallel, the mean energy release in the crystal for one reading of the scintillation counter was 130 kev and ~remained constant between 32,000 and 40,000 km and the mean energy of the brems- strahlung quanta did not vary with distance. The constancy of the mean-- energy release showed that no great changes occurred in the spectrum of elec- trons of the outer radiation belt. A diagram (fig. 3) shows the paths of the interplanetary rocket (curve 1) and those of' another three Soviet rockets (curve 2). A comparison of radiation and ionization data concerning the interplanetary rocket and the space rockets no. I and 21showed that the outer radiation belt was stable for a period of 2 years when no magnetic perturbances were recorded. However, this period was not long enough to Card 2/6 S12031611001100610021021 Radiation measurements D055/Dll3 evaluate solar effects on the outer belt, but could be taken as an indicatim of the absence of such an effect. The space rocket no 3 was launched during a moderate magnetic storm (the change in the vertical and horizontal cornpo- nents of the terrestrial magnetic field was about 250 and 150le respectively~ The external side of the belt was not measured, but the total energy re- lease in the crystal during the entire fliaht coincided with that calcu- lated for the rocket no 1 and was 1.5 times less than that of the rocket no 2, i.e. no changes occurred in the mean state of the outer zone during the flight of the rocket no 3 during a moderate maCnetic storm. Since measurements were started a few hou-_3 after the be,-inning of a marnetic storm, the radiation intensity in the belt had not yet decreased. On the other hand, it is also possible that not all magnetic storms cause the radiation intensity of the Earth's outer radiaticn belt to decrease. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 3 non-Soviet references. The three EnL;lish- language references are: W.H. Hess, J. Geophys. Res.,1960, 65, no 10, 3107; P. Rothwell, 3.E. McIlwain. J. Ge0DhY3. Res., 1960, 65, no- 3, 799; R.L. Arnoldy, R.A. Hoffman, J.R. 'Ninckler, J. Geophys.Res., 1960, 65, no 5, 1361. Card 3/0 S/203/61/001/006/002,/021 Radiation measurements DOr5/Dll3 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, In3titUt yadernoy fiziki (Moscow State University, Institute of Nuclear Physics) SUBMITTED: September. 9, 1961 Card 4/0 BWKNINp Nikolay Nikola7evich; PARIN, Vasil-tv Vasillvevicbj GAZENKOp Oleg Georgiyevicb,;.-VWOV# Sergey Nikolayevich; STAROSTENKOVA, M.M.t; IUMOVA, A.S.v [Medicine and cosmic flight] Meditsina i kosmichaski,% polety; abornik. Moskvap Izd-vo 'Znaniap" 1961. 30 p. (VassoiuAnoo obshchestvo po rasprostraneniiu politicheakikh i nauchnykh znanii. Sar.8t Biologila i maditsinap no.9) (MI.U 14: 6) 1. Prezident Akademii meditsinakikh nauk SSSR (for Blokhin). 2 D stviteltrqy chlen Akademii weditainakikh nauk SSSR (for KrM. 3. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Vernov). (spuz MICILE) 2ts590 3/565J61/000/009/004/004 IT 7,L1 00 B144/B101 AUTHORs Vernov, S. ff., Corresponding Member AS USSR TITLEs Space radiations PERIODICALs Meditsins, i kosmicheskiye polety; abornik, no. 9, 1961, 26-31 TEXTj The paper briefly summarizes the present knowledge of cosmic radia- tions and their effect on space flight. The existence of cosmic radiation increasing in intensity with rising distance from the earth has been known for some time. Skobelitayn showed that this radiation contains scarce particles having energies of more than 1018 ev, whereas even with the large particle accelerator at Dubna only 10-109 ev can be obtained. The higher the energy, the stronger is the effect on living beings. The radiation belts near the earth, which were recorded by the first artificial satellite and are due to the geomagnetic field, were unexpected. It is presumed that planets, such as Mare and Venue, and other celestial bodies with a magnetic field have radiation belts. The results obtained from the second space rocket have shown that the moon has-no magnetic field. These belts form "reefs" endangering space-ships. Their radiation intensity is so strong that space-craft flying through them needs special protection, Card 1/2 2~590 3/,*'j65/61/000/009/004/004 Space radiations B140101 particularly in long-period flights. Flights on satellites below the radiation belts have proved harmless to organisms. The radiation intensitf on orbits, such as that of I'Vostoic" (apogee 302 km), was determined. The instruments of the third satellite recorded an additional radiation at altitudes of several 100 km, which did not exceed the dose permissible to laboratory workers. Thick malls will protect space vehicles against the "reefs" moving in space. Modern technology permits to determine the radia- tion intensity within seconds and to avoid imminent danger. Astronauts are endangered by solar eruptions and faculae of varying intensity and their effect on the magnetic fields followed by the formation of some kind of artificial cosmic radiation of solar origin. Its intensity can exceed that of ordinary cosmic radiation by a factor of from 10 to sometimes 10,000. PAtection of space-craft against theae solar "storms", occurring about once a year, makes it necessary to increase its size a litte. Much heavier 11stormall burst deep in the Galaxy. It is concluded that astronauts are hardly endangered by constant cosmic radiation, but that combination effects with other factors, such as weightlessness, have to be taken into account. Undoubtedly, radiation can be largQy increased in some areas. To protect astronauts against these sporadic dangers, the sun, usually regarded as a very constant celestial body, has to be closely observed, Card 212 VERNOVI SZON, (Wrnov, s.N.) i Cosmic rays and the universe. Pt. 2. Term tud koal 5 no.6t2?0-273 Je 161. 27183 S/056/61/041/,302/004/028 B102JB205 AUTHORS: VernoV_q S. N., Solov'yeva, V. I., Khrenov, 3. A., Khristiansen, G. B. TITLE: Fluctuations of the muon flux in extensive atmospheric showers PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41, no. 2(8), 1961, 340 - 353 TEXT: The study of fluctuations of the muon flux in extensive atmospheric shovers is very interesting, since the fluctuations accompanying -the formation of avalanches of high-energy nuclear-active particles in the atmosphere, as well as the applicability of the various models of shower formation can be estimated from their character. Thia article gives a detailed presentation of the results of an Investigation of muon-flux fluotuations in extensive atmospheric showers, which were ccrried out with a special device for comprehensive studieo of suah showers, made available by Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univernitet (Moscow State Uni- versity). First, the authors give a detailed description of the experi- Card-1/5 S/056/61/041/002/004/028 Fluctuations of the muon flux... B102/B205 mental arrangement which used numerous Geiger-MUller counters in hodoe- copio arrangement. Fig. 2 shows a muon detector. Detectors of this type. used for measurements on the earth surface, had a total area of 4.75 m21 at a depth of 20 m water equivalent, it was 3.2 m2, and at 40 m water 2 equivalent, 6.3 m . The arrangement was designed in such a way that six- fold coincidences could be recorded. Showers with N>105, in which the numbers of muons with E >4-10 aev were determined, were examined more closely. In order to eliminate the nuclear-active effect. only the records of those detectors were taken into account, which were more than 50 m away from the shower axis. The arrangement made it possible to measure the total number of shower particles and the number of muons in the shower simultaneously. The showers investigated were grouped as follows3 Card 2/5 Fluctuations of the muon flux... A - Detectors on the earth uurface Detectors Detectors B !.IS63 S10561611041100210041028 B102/B205 N ,- 107 > N = (2 - 4) - 106 N > 4. 101 N (I - 2)- 10" N (2 - 4). 1130 M > 4. 106 The distribution of events with respect* to the ratios q/p (q number of recordea muons, p - average number of muons to be expected) for the groups (A: N ~?. 5-106; 6 tN ;r 4-1061 B: 11 ~~ 4-10 6) is given in a table. Conolusionst The slight fluctuations of the muon flux in showers with a given number of particles, which were observed experimentally, contradict the conception of the development of extensive air showers proposed by T. E. Cranshaw, and A. M. Hillas in a report delivered at the Internatio- nal Conference on Cosmic Particl6s. The fact that the experimentally Card 3/5 S/056/61/041/002/004/028 Fluctuations of the muon flux... B102/B205 observed fluctuations of the muon flux do not exceed the theoretically predicted fluctuations (theory takos into account only fluctuations at the altitude at which the primary nhower-producing particle undergoes its first interaction) corroborates theory. Calculations show that in the case of a shower developing without fluctuation, the form of distribution with respect to the muon number ri-in a shower with a given number of particles is highly sentAtive to the quantity (A + B)/~ 1 . Since and,- are known, the value of' can be estimated from the form of distribution with,respect to nC; is the interaction mean free path of the ultraUgh-energy particles releasing the showers. In order to obtain the exact distribution of muon fluxes, it is necessary to improve the experimental conditions. The authors thank I. P. Ivanenko for a dis- cussion, and K. I. Solov1yev, V. Sokolov, Ye. Shein, V. Putintsev, I. Vasillchikov, V. Nazarov, G. Degtyareva, N. Proshina, and I. Massallskaya, co-workers of MGU, for assistance. There are L figures, 4 tables, and 8 references: 7 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATIONs Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univer- Card 4/5 siteta (Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State Uni- S/056/61/041/OC'2/004/026 Fluqtuations of the muon flux... B'102/B205 versity) SUBMITTED: March 13, Mend to the Tablet Mt (3), (6)t Experimc,ntal distributionai (2 , Mp MI distribution to be expected from the formula W (q), (A-n ji q / p = 0 q-0 (2) 'IP, 13 Yj W (q) (A-I)i q j p = 113 11 T- A- (8)t distribution to be expeoted from the factor given in column 5 and from the statistical fluctuations. The last line but one gives q/p of all events. Card 5/5 PISARENKO, N. F.., SAVENKO,, 1. A., CHUDAKOV.. A. 1e., SHAVRIN, P. I., VMOVj S. N.) GCHCHAKOV.. E. 11.1 LOGACHEV, Yu. lp,, NESTEROV, V. E. "Investigations of Radiatlion During Flights of Satellites, Space Vehicles, and Rockets-." Soviet Papers Presented at Plenary Meetings of Cimittee on Space Research (COSPAR) and third International Space Sumposium, Washington, D. C., 23 APr - 9 may 62. -viov - -. IJ. - - -- --- - ---V= 1 '13 - -VAPMMP S. N. .'Radiation Belts" Report to be presented at the Varenna Summer School, Varenna, Italy, 12-13 June 1962 ~ ~PN ~Ser~N-, LOGACHEV, Yu. I., GORCHAKDV, Ye. V., SAVENXD, 1. A., ~ CMMAIKDV, Alek Ye. and NESTEMOV, V. Ye. "The earth's radiation belt" report to be submitted to the 13th Intl. Astronautical Congress, IAF, Varna., Bulgaria, 23-29 Sep 1962. 41906 S/560/62/000/013/002/009 1046/1242 AUThORS Vernav-,--.;~~Savenkoj I.A., Shavrint P.I., Nesterov, V.-':'., -!.nd Fisarenko, N.F. TITLE: Radiation belts of the earth at altitudes from 180 to 250 Icn SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. IBkusgtvennyye sputniki Zemli. no.13. 1~oscowj 1962, 67-74 TEXT: Assumina identical -Altitude.dependence of the radir~tion intensity In the northern nnd-the southern hemispheres, it is shown from measurenents mnde on the third orbital space ship on December 1, 1960 (orbital data: perigee 187 km, apogee 265 km, iAclination 650) that the r--diation intensity in the outer belt decreases by a factor of 2 between h - 235 km and h = 185 km. 'Card 1/2 S/560/62/000/013/002/009 1046/124.2 Radiation belts of the eprth... Comparison with the findings of the second orbital spaceship shows that in the hit;h raditntion-intensity region in the 3outhern Atlan- tic the bremsstrahlung intensity has increased with the 100 km decrease in altitude and the entire region appears to hRve shifted to the north-west. This r,nom,,.lous beh:,vior may be due to either the magnetic storm of November 30 qnd December 1, 1960, or to some new phenomenon on the inner bcttm,,J-,(-,y of the radiation belts. The average bremsstrnhlung enerjy lor the outer-belt electrons is El '-z 20lo5 eV; the correspondin- electron flux is 2-105 particles cm-2 see-1. The radiation over--'the Bra7,ilian magnetic anomaly is due to the protono of' the inner r"diation belt; the particle count in thir, region (Gei~,rer coanters) drops from 10 particles CM-2 4sec-l at h-320 km (orbital ship II) to 2 particles &CM-2 asec-1 at h-220 km (orbital ship III). There are 6 figures and 2 tables. SUBMITT21). September 12, 1961 t0ard 2/2 3(550 S104a 62/026/005/014/022 B102/BIO4 AUTHORS: Yernny- 9- -N., Khristiansen, G. B., Belyayeva, I. F.P Dmitriyov, V. A., Xulikov, G. V., Nechin, Yu. A., Solov'yeva, V. I., and Khrenov, B. A. TITLE. The primary cosmic-ray component at superhigh energies and Bome peculiarities of its interaction with nuclei of air atoms PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no. 5, 1962, 651-657 TEXT: The paper is 6 report on experiments with the Moscow University large apparatus (area 4.104 m 2) for comprehensive studi'es of extensive air showers induced by high-energy cosmic particles. Thd charged-particle detectors (Geiger counters in hodoscope arrangement) cover an area of 110 m 2, the muon detectors (2-3 counter layers shielded with lead and iron, in hodoscope arrangement) more than 12 m 2 1 6.3 M2 of which are under Card 1/4 S/04 62/026,1005/014/022 The primary cosmic-ray component ... B102YB104 40 m water equivalent. The nuclear-active-particle detectors form a system of 128 ionization chambers (8 M2) shielded by lead and graphite filters. The number of muons produced in charged-pion decay was estimated (the pions were assumed to be formed in gamma-quantum - ~r photoeffect on nuclei of air atoms). ~(r0E0/1.8(1-a)E, ~, -z- 0.5, f; < 10-3; for E -, 1016 ev and F',' - 1'0 10 ey ('X . 0 . 5 Nj"!' (10 10 4 103. 0 0 The number N n of muons in nuclear showers was measured. For showers with N 6 4 7-10 a mean number of 8,10 expected. The spatial muon flux two types of showers (,n 'r). and (Suppl. 10 muons with E 10 ev is to be distribution was determined for these In the case of a simple model of air shower production Nuovo Cimento, 2, 649, 1958), an analysis of the experimental data yields N - k e E0 exp(--X+xM +X0)/A; E 0 is the energy of thd_~,primary particle, x is the depth of its first interaction, 0 .xm M~'MogE 0 of observation), N is the total number of Card 2/4 3/04 621026100510141022 The primary cosmic-ray component B102YB104 shower particles; the number of muons k,,E f4 ; -A - 200 g/em2 2 ' 0 B 30 C 0.1. If the primary energy spectrum has the - 9/7 and (k a 0 shaDe AE0 dE0 , at fixed N the Niu- distribution has the shape 1/' A+B Nil,( dN/,L, 7,. being the mean free path with respect to inter- action. Comparison between experiment and theory yields ;1, - (65C-'5) g/cm2 as an upper limit. For charged muons their energies (E,,) and numbers (n.) were measured and calculated for several altitudes H; W is the probability for a charged pion produced at H decays without interacting with an air nucleus. The results indicate that in - 3% of all cases nuclear interaction is accompanied by a production of narrow beams of great numbers of charged pions. There are 6 figures. Card 3/4 S/04 62/026/005/Olii/022 The primary cosmic-ray component ... B102YB104 TWululia 1[-J00m It -250.u 11 - W)M 11-3-HOM 11 - PY m fl~-S.Ifjlu 11 - tc, "It -1.7-101 -A E" Ov 1,4-1010 1,8-1010 3,3-1010 9,3.10'0r 3,3.1011 6.3-1011 1.2.t0'2 1,7.1012 n % - -1 '30 15 0 2.5 75 t 00 100 Of) %V 9 8 to 16 25 32 .36, 40 Teop Card 4/4 S/04YO62/0 2 6100 5/01610 22 3, B108 '3102 AUTHORS: Vernov S. N., Dmitriyev, V. A., Khristiansen, G. B., and _tu' -M--hib i TITLE: Study of the high-energy muon spectrum at a depth of 40 m water equivalent PZR70DICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no- 5, 1962, 661-667 TEXT: The underground muon spectrum was studied with an array of 2), with 48 Geiger-JAMIler counters onizat'on chambers (overp.11 area, 1.75 m (1.6 m2 ) operating at energies from 10 10 to 10 13 ev. The muon s-oectrum was determined from the spectrum of showers induced by high-energy muor's in the ionization chambers. The spectrum of the showers recorded, each of which involved -~-200 relativistic particles, could be approximated by an expon-_-ntial law with "he index -1.9 t 0.2. In the case of showers ;;L ,2000 particles, k 1.6 1 0.4. The strongest showers involved more t1han '0,000 particles. The datG obtained show that the muc-n-energy Card 1/2 3/04 621026100510161022 Study of the high-energy... B10BY3102 11 13 spectrum is uniform throughout the range of 10 to 10 ev. The constant exponent e in this range is indicative of a more complex nature of muon production in the atmosphere than has hitherto been assumed. The production 01, - ~ mnons by X-mesons, which would increase the exponent C, is also consid- ered. There are 3 figures. Card 2/2 S/046/62/026/006/013/020 IND B125/3102 AUTHORS: Vakulov, P. V. Vernov, 3. N'.,Gorchakov, Ye. V., Logachev, Yu. A. G., Pisarenko., F., Savenko, I. A., Chudakov, A. Ye., and Shavrin, P. I. TITLE: Radiation studies during the flights of satellites, spaceships and rockets I PIERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizichookaya, V. 26, no. 6, 19062, 756-781 TEXT: This report deals with radiation measurement, made by the second and the third Soviet spaceship, by the rocket launched toward the Venus on February 12 1961, and by the third boviet earth satellite (August 15, 19;8). The spaceships were equipped with scintillation counters, gas discharge counters and elements for storing data through 24 hours. The northern and southern zones of increased radiation intensity are undoubtedly linked by the lines of force of the geomagnetic field. The increased radiation intensity is due to electrons of the outer radiation belt, slowed down in the jacket of the spaceship. The Card 1/3 SO/048/62/026/006/b13/020 Radiation studies during the flights ... B125/B102 boundaries of this belt were determined more accurately by the lower orbiting Soviet spaceship. At 16 hours after the chromosphere flare of June 17, 1958 had vanished but still a few hours before the magnetic storm, charged particle intensity increased. The electron spectrum of the outer radiation belt does not change much at an altitude,of 32,000-40,000 km, nor did the magnetic storm which occurred during the flight of the third Soviet spaceship have any substantial effect on the outer radiation belt. Except for a few percent, the proton intensity of the inner radiation belt remained constant during the three weeks' flight of the third Soviet satellite. The increased radiation intensity over the Brazilian anomaly, observed on board of the second spaceship at an altitude of 320 km, was due to the inner radiation belt. In this anomaly, the proton component of the inner radiation belt is predominant at small .-leomagnetic lalitudes. The'portion of X-rays increases with increasing latitude. A zone of lower bremsstrahlung intensity separates the outer from the inner radiation belt. This zone is practically a1U_-qnt in the region of the Brazilian anomaly. 111~e equator of cosmic rayf, ietermi'ned by the second and the third Soviet spaceship resembles remotely a sine curve running between 110 of northern and 110 of southern latitude. Card 2/3 S/048/62/02 6100 6/013/02 0 Radiation studies during the flights ... B125/B102 Between 600 western and 600 eastern longitude the equator of .;osmic radiation lies north of the theoretical sine curve. The general trend of the lines of equal cosmic radiation intensity corresponds in-general to the distribution of magnetic rigidity. There are 16 fitures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: ',,rauchno-issledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gos. universiteta im. 111. V. Lomonosova (Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Physios of the 2'4State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov). Moscow -, Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Physicif Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Aaademy of ScienceaUSSR) Card 3/3 h2155 S/203/652/002/001/00.3/019 1023/1293 AUTHORS: Vernov -avonko,I.A., Shavrin,P.I.., Nesterov,V.Ye, N.F. a I TITLE: Earth's radiation belts at 180-250km height PERI-ODICAL: Geomagnotizm I Aeronomiya,, v.2,-no*l,,l962, 41-47 TMI: The distribution of cosmic raTs and radiation belts at the height of 307-339km were obtained b7 the second Soviet cosmic 3stellitee The third cosmic space-ship, launched on December 1. 1060 with a perigee of 180km, apogee of 250km and an inclination of G50 measured the intensity and geographical position of the radiation belts In the height range 180-250km* The apparatus consisted of a Nal(Tl) or-ystal (a cylinder of 14mm height and 30mm diameter) with a photomltiplior and a gas countera The r-r-ystal counted all particles above 25kev and measured the total energy dissipation in It. The counting rates Increaae from the equator-to higher latitudes: of the counter from 0.8 to 3*2 counts cm sec Card 1/3 S/203/62/002/001/003/019 1023/1223 Earth's radiation belts ... of the photomultiplier from 3 to 12 counts , ana the energy d4As- 2 - cm -Soo ev sipation incrensed from 7.5xlO6 to 3.7x1O7 c_7 see e I.1han passing radiation belts the counting rate incrensed considerably. Graphs based on data from spaco-ship 2 and 3 are given. The geographical distribution of the radiation intensity as measured by the scinillation counter is also presented in a graphical form. The radiation intensity in the outer belt as measured by spal,,6-3hip 2 is on the average 2.2 times higher in the southern hemis-?hore (average height 330km) than in the northern (average height 3201an). The same ratio as measured bir space-ship 3 is 4.4 (average height in southern hemisphere - 235km, In the northern - 185km). There ;,5re variations in the geographical distribution of the belts between the two flights. The proton flux decreased between the two flights. There are 6 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Idoskovskiy gosudarstvann7y universitet ime M.V. Card 2/3 S/203,/62/002/001/W3/019 1023/1223 Earth's radiation beltso. Lomonosova, Institut yadernoy fiziki (Moscow State University Im. V,.V. Lomonosov, Institute of Nucl~kar Physics) SUBMITTED: August 28, 1961 Card 3/3 .VFMOVP S. M.[Viernor, S. M.1; CHUDAKOV, 0. Ye.[Chudakov, 0. IEJ Investigation of cosmic rays and the terrestrial corpuBaular radiation by means of rockets and satellites. Dos. such.. fiz. no.6:17-33 162. (MIRA 16:1) (spaceships) (cosmic rays) -- --- - - - -- -- -I--- -- --- -- - ---- -- - -- -- - ---- -- - -- -- - -- - - - - -- -- -- ---- i 4VERNOV, S.N. Intro-cTactory note. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.fiz. 26 no-5:546-548 Ap 162. (Cosmic rays) (Particles (Nuclear physics)) (KRA 15:5) 37549 W,00 S/048/62/026/005/013/022 B102/B104 AUTHORS: Vernov, Yu. S., and Sisakyan, 1. V. TITLE: The problem of gamma quantum and muon emission in high- energy multiple production PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izveatiya. Seriya fizichookaya, v. 26, no- 5, 1962, 642-650 TZXTz Ye. L. Feynberg (Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz. 26, 5, 622) has shown ;7roduction that at very high energies in multiple particle gamma quanta, muons or even electron pairs can be emitted. This effect is now theoretically studied on the basis of approximate models. Owing to the difficulties arising in strong-interaction procedure the problem cannot be solved exactly, but the radiation intensities can be estimated in perturbation-theoretical approximation. The total numbor of 'r-quanta* emitted is calculated for a meson-nucleon plasma which radiates as a black or gray bodyt on the basis of Landau's hydrodynamic theory. 2 ,)4/3 IE--- --30Ae (T , n(To//A,) is obtained. The angular Approximatively N,., o/ Card 1/2 S/04 62/026/005/013/022 The problem of gamma quantum ... B102YB104 distribution is determined isotropically emitting volume element, terms of higher order than/.,./T0being ignored. Numerical estimates for the total energy and the total number of T-juanta emitted are given. Finally, the intensity of the electromagnetic emission is estimated with the help of-perturbation theory. The results are only illustrative and give the possible order of magnitude of the effect. For E L' 1015 ev, and N -10_3N There are 5 figures. Card 2/2 8/056j62/042/003/018/049 B102/B138 AUTHORSt VgrnQ~S. ~N., Li Don Khvat Khrenov, B. A., Khriatiansen, G. B. TITLE; INI uon beams in extensive air showers PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretloheskoy fizikio v. 429 no. 3, 1962, 758 - 769 10 TEXTt The underground measurements of cosmic-particle distribilt-Ions des- cribed in Ref. I (ZhETFI U, 1252, 1959) have been continued. The spatial: muon distributions have been measured at a depth of 40 m water-equivalent by means of-Geiger counters in hodoscope circuit. The total area covered 2. %, -haracterized by the counters was 1.2 m The spatial muon distribution was c by the distance D between the muon tracks in dependence on M (number of recording counters in the middle row), N (number of particles in the shower) and R (distance from the shower axis on the earth's surface). The showersi 4_106 recorded were divided into two groupos R