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Effect of a constant magnetic field on conditioned reflexa, In.
sea fishes. Trudy Belomr.biol.sta.MU 1z248-255 162.
(KMA 14 s 1)
1. Kafedra fiziologii vyashey nervnoy dayatel,laosti, Moskovskogo
gosudarstvenno o universiteta.
1~0=tlc fields-Phyalological. effect)
(Conditioned response)
Cbain polyeffector food reflexes to complex stimuli in mo *nkeys.
Trudy Inst. vys. nerv. deiat, Ser. fiziol.' 61lS:L-IW 161.
04U~& 14:12)
1, Iz laborrtorii itravnitelinoy fiziologii vyashey nervnoy deyatelf-
nosti, zav. - L.G.Iforonin.
Conditioned motor chain reflexes in isonksys. DoklJ1 SSSR
133 no-3:730-733 J1 160. (MM 13:7)
Biological methods of improving Solonetz poils. Report No.2: In-
fluonco of shrubs on chemical proporti,in and cotiposition of Solonetz
soils. Veat.Mouk.un.Senbiol., pochv., geol., googe 13 no-3t79-90
1 58, (MIRA 12:1)
1. Kafedra fizik-i i meliorateii pochv 14oukovokogo gos. universit.1ta.
(Solonetz soils) (Fore3t influences)
- -- - --- - -1 - - - ---- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - -
Partial purification of monoamine oxidase in rat liver
mitochondria. Vop. mod. Xhim. 9 no. 3015-JI7 Yq-Je 163.
OaRA 170)
1. Institut biologicheakoy i meditsinallmy khimii AM4, SSSR, Moskva.
- - - - : , . - - --- 7-
Anqjj) /Aptr %67
ACCESSION NR: AP4042479 8/0217/64/009/004/003/oO6
A'i TTFi 0 RVerF)vkinp,, -. V.; -jorkin, V. Z.; llity-ushin, V. M.; Ellpinar,
1. ye.
T !T -,F- : c!' wav-mq on w-no,minoxidase bound to
TOPIC TAGS: wi-ite rat, ultT-asonic effect, liver mitoo'iondriono
submicroscopic mitochonuri. -,,. 5't rui-c'-Te, mo.-iorminoxiclas 3 ect'-VIty,
~)ouricl monnaninoxl-irtne, ~-lezr,P2-t.rir- fzw.erator, u-ltr9r-,3ntrill"uj7e,
mloraso-o~pe/ BpLaica Wit aiaL ~Liv&t# 'YTZl'A7--jQC swelron
imio 0
Al -Z
'protein, wf-a Suapended in a 0.01 M phosphate buffer (pq 7-4).
Conrentrat'lon cnrsl~!ted of to L mia dry -iltochondrionp/ml Mono
ASS(-)(-IA -VION - InEtiw, L,(-Aov,~ lhk-skw~ fi7,.k!
A'N 0 9 1 C 11 Rf) -Y K~j I jr, I I
Aka~lt-!ruj ,vi-dicinf, vi i(. fl:oloo ~a.
KHODEU, A. [Chodera,A.1 (Polts)3a)
Inhibition of the activ,,ity of mitochondrial amine ox1daseff
by some tricycl--*c compouhda. Dokl. PIT SSSR 117-m-o-TA91-193
Jl "64 (MIRA 17t8)
1. Institut biologioheskoy i moditisinakoy khimii._ =,.SSSR.
Predstavleno akademJJcom A.Io Oparinym.
V.Z.; AVAKIP.11 vER",VF.,& P
Una of zontil clw~trjphor~jzis ly~ v!Lh ft nf;w
anti o onvection ruiterlul (grmulatija polyno thy! me thacrylate)
for purification of nmino oxidase In the blo3d verim. Vop. red.
khi.a. 8no.6-6,38-61,5 11-D- 10. .~(MIIIIA 27-.5)
1. Laboritorlya biokh-imll i=tn(-,,.7 i drarjkh azottstykii osnovanly
Instituta biologi,:~hoslcoy 1 madl.t.41n,,ikoy ktdmll t-IIN S3,3R. Moskvn.
Inhibition of asparaginase from guinea pig blood serum. Blo1ddsdia
27 no.31526-531 HyTe 162. (MIRA 15t8)
1. Chair of Biochemistry,, First Medleal Institute and Institute of
Biological and Medic&l Chemistry, Academy of Medical Sciences of
the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (ASPARAGIIL4,SE)
i ACC NRs APW29520
AMWOR; Vcrevkina, L. V.; Mer)vjlov) L. G.; Tursunirr) D. A.
.ORG; Leningrad Electrotechnical Inctitute im. V. 1. Ullyanov (Lenin) (Leningradskiy
lelek-vlrotekhnicheskiy institut)
TITLE: Surface waves in a quartz crystal
SOURCE. Akusticheskiy zburnal, v. 12, no. 3, 1966, 289-295
TOPIC TAGS: quartz crystal., crystal surface, surface wave) crystal symmetry
ABSTRACT: In view of the number of obscure points still remaining in the general the-
ory of waves propagating along a free boundary of an anisotropic elastic body, the
authors investigate the propagation of elastic waves in the free surface of X-cut
quartz. All the expressions are presented in invariant form for a coordinate s-(stem_
with one axis coinciding with the direction of propagation. Solution of the equi-
librium equation by means of an ele.ctron;c computer shows a number of features speci-
fic in the propagation of a surface wave in a cryntal. One of them is the fact that
the angle between the plane of the displacement ellipse and the wave vector does not
remain constant but varies with delyth. In addition to calculations, experimental mea-i
surements of the velocities of the surface waves were made for different directions of!
the YZ plane of the quartz crystal. An optical method was used, based on the lateral
displacement of a reflected ultrasound beam Vhen-the surface wave it; excited, 7he
experimental data obtained for different crystal samples coincided almost completely.
CPO, _ 2 UDC: 534-232.1: 353.621
ACC NR, AP6029526
,h. most angles the experimental results agreed with the theoretical values, .... d46-
crepancies being connected with a change in the type of the surface wave. ~A'he re-
sults also confirm that for all the directions of the symetry plane on3j, one surface
wave propagates. It is concluded also that the e;q?erimental data can be used for
1heoretical calculations, since they make it possible to establish immediately those
values of the velocity at which the roots of the.boundary-condition determinant can
be determined. Orig. art. has; 4 figures and IT i.ormulas*
SUB CODE: 20/ sum DATE: 2oAa4/
oRiG REF:: ooi/ oTH REF: oW
Card .2/2
VEREVKnU, L.V.. aspirant
Experimental determination of the coefficient of spherical
aberration of sy=e-brIcal electrootatic lenoes. Izv. LETI 57
no.39s257-263 159# (MIRA 15:10)
(Electron optics) (Leneso)
GUSAK, ileksey Adamovich; VEREVKINA, N.# red.
[Problems and exercises in higher mathematics] Sbornik
zadach i uprazhnenii jo vysshei matematike. Minsk,,
Vysshaia shkola,, 1965. 175 P. (mIRA 18:4)
STOLYAR,, A.A... kand. pedagog. nauk, red.; _W%3EE~K~.M . rvd.;
MORGUNOVA, G.M., tekhn. red.
(Relationship betveen the teaching of higher mathematics
in a pedagogical institute of highe:r education end the
teaching of mathematics in achooll .8vias' prepyl&vasila
vysshei matematiki v pedagogicheskon vuze s prepodavaniem
matematiki v shkola. Minsk., ~zd-vo 14-va vyeshego, Bradnego
spetsiallnogo i professionallnogo o'brazovanila BSSR, 1963.
84 P. (Mathematics--Study and teaching) (MRA 160)
SHAKRIO, Konstantin Ustinovich; VEMKINA, red.
(How to prepare for tha entrance examinations in
mathematics at a school of higher education) Kak gotovAt'-
sia k priemnym Azamenam, v vuz po materratike. Izd.3.s ispr.
i dop. Moskva, Vysshaia. shkola, 19615. 271 p.
(~IIRA 1815)
MASHKOVSKIY p A leksandr Petrovich; VERMINA, N.M.., red.
[Introduction to ana3,vs:Ls. Differential calculus] Vvede-
nie v analiz. Differentsiallnoe isebislenie Minsk
Vysshaia shhola, 1964.. 234 p. (;IRA 18%3~
GALICHENKOP Ilavoiya Takovlavv.a; LYASHEVICH, Kseniya Konstantimovaa;
DJBDVA, Margarita Ivanovaa; SHINKEVICH# N.1.9 kand. tekka.
nauk, red.; red.; KISLTAKOVA, M.N.,
takhn. red.
(Album of axonometrie projections with expla4tions] Akso-
nometricheakie proektsii; allbom. is poiasneniiami. Minsk,
Isd-vo M-va vysshelgo i arednego spets. i prof. obrasovaniia
BSSRt 1963. 152 p. (Axonometric projection) (KIRA 16:7)
VEMKI;NA., N.M... red.; SOSDI.OVICH, A.L., tekhn. red.
[Scientific information; general technical series) Nauchnaia
inforrzteiia; seriia obsbcbetekhnicheakaia. Minsk, Izd-vo M-va
vysshego, srednego spetsiallnogo i p:-offesional'nogo obrazova-
niia BSSR., 1961- 52 p. (MIRA 15:6)
1. Belorusokly tekbnologJLcheskiy insVitut.
I (Technology)
RIVKINDp YAkov los:Lfovich; VEREVKINA, N.M.# red.; 14ORGUNOVA, G.M.,,
tekhn. red.
(Three hundred problems in mathematical analyeis)300 zadach
po matematichaskomu. analizu. Minskj, Izd-vo 14-va vy3shego,,
srednego opetsiallnogo i professiowillnogo obrazovaniia
BSSR 1962. 64 P. (KIRA 15:11)
Nathematical anal7sis-Problemi, exercises, etc.)
MALIMANOVICH, FJkhall Pan L6-3.i)ymonovi,~,h VERMINA, X.Mot m"L
Lcolleztion of prob2ems on theoretical mechanics]
SborrL!k zadach po teo.7eT-L--heskoi mekhanike. Minsk, lmd-
vo.vp3shego*j srednego spetsiallnogo I professionallnogo
obrazovaniia BSSR, 19-63. 116 p. (MIRA 18:8)
~Ww -A
4 X f~ 4 V I A U-1--m Al A, 4A, #.A. 4_ A.- 4.
ATIAILYVIII'll 1ji, 11.)
M VKIIICVM!IlxyA (ilind L V.). (htINKA
06 a MrrvA4 a
00 liapT*ax oupymust. [The serDlogk-al im-thixt as a MPAIA of
*0 Iletemlining the infection of PotafA tubers by virus disrsaes+-11.
Prot., LoniAjr., 1937, 14, pp. 91-16, 1937.
The authors cotapare the biologioml s,.ul wrologkal rnetWis of
determination d inrection of potato tubers with nagoov &Dd taieak
momica I RA.M., xvii. p. 1261 in the folloving experimenta. Onv half
of the material, consigting of diwAs"l anil bralthy xMimrns frota tho
Kniger 11'rvoidval, (hrat Scot, 1A)M11, F4"(Al)VtX. Walinism. RNA&ra.
go v Fpirurv, Triumpl-, 8AK *nd Orig. (1i i"
planted anti obwrved in buthousec 11P othrr half *as rnwryed for
u W W
Okets sic git [a 41T ft It x W),O n I to
0 * 9 0 0 4P 0 400000
0 * 0 0 0"0
impliesteol in the divamn awl of specirw varietal tendencies in thO IwO-
00 duction of flAt or protuberant m4b. In thm writers' tests, dir mao
00 variety urpler exlwtly mm-parable conditiolis rimy exhibit both rat"W,
e ot
ype on
y one or t
while other varifitiva devOop exclimivr
0 different wits.
00 In MRS powilm walb (SPu"9"P1!W S'Aurrmilim) jib4l., xvi, P. 374)
00 SmumM such a 166lent fonu. espvcm Ily on the Aal, Ackererpa, l1fd-
00 gold. Robinim, and Treff As varieties, that cvmmon arab attracted no
attention, A d%T" of control was &cljieved in trots with thi- relatively
rmistant Parnamis, by the incorporation with the ordinary fertilistr of
00 sulphurdtat at thet rate of 400 kg. per Eect, whkh roduml the incidet"
0 of infection from 26 to 17 per cent.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
m;=06 16 0 0 0 0 *.# 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000
0 40 9 * 0 0 0 0 0 0,0,0
: : : : 0 1
YUSHCHENKO, Anisim,kntonovich; GAKHOVp F.D., doktor fis.-matem. nauk,
prof., red.; V*R It M.N.#
tekhn. red.
(Theory of derivatives] Isuchenie proizvodnoi. Pod red.
F.D.Gsakhova. Minsk, lzd-vo Y-va rrahego, arednego spetsiall-
nogo i professionallnogo obrazovanlia BSSR, 1963. 6'' p.
(MIRA 16:9)
BULAVKO, Iraida Grigorlyevna;- IIEREVKINA.-N.M Kr-red.; MORGUNOVA, G.M.,
tekhn. red. $
(Exact and approximate computations] Tochnye i priblizhannye
Tychisleniia. Minak, lzd-To M-Ta vyashego arednego apetsiall-
nogo i professionaVnogo abrazovaidia BSSR, 1963. 106 p.
(MIRA 16:8)
(Approximate computation) (Erivrb, Theory of)
TIKHOIIIROV,, I.G., prof.2 doktor tekhn. nauki BUYANOV, V.A., ass.;
VIIINICMIKO, A.V.,, Ass.; 'r,.UKHO, P.B,.,,ass.,- IILVZO"-OV, A.V.,
dotis.; TULUFOV, L.P., dots.; SITULIZIMIRO, P.A., ass*;
YAIU'OIMIKO, V.Ye..,ass.; Prinimal uchastiye PEII%iMp A.P.,
prof.; 'VEREVKIDIA, N.M., red.; BELENIMA, I.Ye., tekhn.
[Traffic organization in railrcud transportation]Organiza-
tsiia dvizheniia na zheloznodoxozhnom transporte; konspekt
lektali. Pod obshchei red. I.G.Tikhomirova. Minsk, Izd-
vo Mr-va vysshego, srednego spetsiallnogo i professional'-
nogo obrazovaniia BSSR, 1961. 346 p. (MA 15:91
I* Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Petrov).
RIVKIND, Yakov losifovich; VEREMINA, N.M.., rcA.; YORGOOVA, G.M.,
tekhn, red.
(Three hundred problems in mathematical analvsis]300 zadach po
materAticheskomu analizu. Minsk, :Ezd-vo 14-va vysshego, sred-
nego spetsiallnogo i professionallnogo obrazovaniia BSSR, 1962.
64 P. (MIRA 15:9)
(Mathematical analysis Problams,, exercises, etc.)
OVSYANNIKOV9 Stepan Grigorlyevick; VERZVMA# N.M.9 red.; BEMOKAYA,
I.Ye., tekbn. red.
(Ways for improving original accounting on collective farm]
Puti usoversbenst4ovaniiiL pervichnogo ucbeta v kolkhoadkh.
Hinskq Izd-vo Belgommiversitata im. V.I.Lenina 1960. 101 p.
,MIRA 1418)
(Collective farms-Accounting)
PODKOVSHCHIKOVA, Yelena Ivanovna; VERMINA, N.M., red.; HISHKO, A.I.,
(Application of sampling study in statiatical practice; textbook]
Primenenie vyborochnogo nabliudeniiii v praktike statistiki;
uchobnoo posobie. Minsk, Izd-vo Be:~gotruniv. im. V.I.Lenina, 1960.
24 P. CMIRA 13:12)
(Sampling (Statistics))
LAMBIN, Mikolay Tenediktovich; SAVITSUY, F.I., red. UM1NA,_KtRLt--
red.; R 'KAU. I.Ye.. tekhred.
[Symmetry method and Its use In the tolving of boundary value
problemeJ Metod simmetrii I ego pricienenie k resbaniia
kraevykh sadach. Kinek. Izd-vo Belgosuniv..imenl T.I.Stalins,
ig6o., 41 Pe (KI:RA 14:3)
(Boundary value problems)
Ye.F.; VEREVKIKAx N.M., red.; NORGUNOVA, G.M.p tockhn. red.
(Contribution of radiology to the de-;elopmnt of the medical
and biological disciplines]Vklad rad:Lologii v razvitie mediko-
biologichaskikh distsiplin. (By) H.V,Petrov i dr. Minskp Izd-
vo Fl-va vysshego, srednego spetsiallmogo i profossionallnogo
obrazovaniia BSSR 1962 * 145 p. 0-11U 15:9)
GUSAK, Aleksey Adamovich; NAKHIMOVSKAYA, Ann!t Natanovna; RTABUSHKO,
Anton Petrovich; TUTAYEV, Leonid Kondratlyevich, dot3.;
FEDENKO, Anatoliy Samenovich; YK~R~D~AJ[.~ ~.,.red.;
KISLYAKOVA, M.N., takhn. red.
(Problems in differential geometry] Sbornik zadach po dif-
ferentsiallnoi geometrii. Minskt Izd-vo H-va vysshego, sred-
nego spetsiallnogo i professionallnogo obrazovaniia ESSR
1963. 106 P. (MIRA 16:10~
(Geometry, Diffeirential-Probleims, exercises, e1c.)
BLOKH, Abram Shlemovich; NEVEXV, Georgiy Stepanovich; VEMKINA, NX.,
red.; YORGUNOVA,, G.M., tekbn. red. ------ :.-
[Solution of inequalitiea) Reshenle neravenstv. YdnBk,, Izd-vo
M-va vysehego., srednego i3petsiallnogo i professionallnogo ob-
razovaniia BSSR, 1962. a p. (MIRA 15:5)
(Inequalities (Matheratics))
,LITSHUIZI, Isaak Saulavi~:h, dots., kand. tekhn. muk XOTOVA,
i.1.9 doktrr tekim. nalik., prof., nal;,Ar..
TERE-M. IN; 4,
N.M., red,
(Problenis in descriptive geomet--yl
tell.noJ goometrii. lzd.2.t Perer,
SlAola~ 196J.. 98 P~
Zadachnik po nacherta-
i dv;p. lv'lnt3kp Vys,,,h6Jj
(Vml'~th v3:1)
VINOGRADOV, Viktor Nikonavich; TIM41NAjN.M. red.; MORGUNOVA,
GaMep teklme red.
[Drawing) Cherchenie. Minsko I7,d-vo V-va vysahego,, ored-
nego spetsiallnogo i professional' nog,o olvazovaniih BSSR,
.1963. 96 P. (MIRA 26.12)
(Macbmmical drawirg-Instruction)
Data for the statistics on tumors in dogs and cats. Trudy AKN SBSR
21 no.4:193-197 152., (MLRA 10:8)
1. Xafedra patologicheakoy anatomil Inningradekogo vaterinarnogo
institute (zav. prol'. V.Z.Chernyak)
(NEOPIASKS, 11tatiatics,
in rate A dogs)
(CATS, diseaues,
neoplasma, statist.)
(DOGS. diseases,
neoplasms. statist.)
XONAKQVq P,K.; SHMOV,, V.A.,- 1~~ ~VOCjkklLip_ 'Yo,
Basic criteria of the thermal process'tn producing ingots using the
Chokhraltakii method. Trudy HIIT no.139:2-10-217 161. (MIRA 16:4)
I* Moskovskiy institUt inzhenerov 2;leleznodorozhnogo transporta.
(Steel ingots)
Heat exchange between a jet and a plate in a normal plane to the flow.
Trudy MIIT no.139.18Z.192 161. (,'aPA .16:4)
(Heat-Transmission) (Fluid dynamics)
S/649/61 /OW/ 139/017/018
AUTHORS: Konakov, P. K., Smirnov, V. A. and Vereyn"u-2,.L.
TinE : Criteria for the thermal process of obtaining ingots by Chokral'skiy's method
SOURCE: Moscow. Institut inzhencrov zheleznodorozhnc-go transpotta. Trudy, no. 139. 1961.
Teori)a podobiya i yeye primeneniye v teplotekhnike; trudy pervoi mezhvuzovskoy
konferentsii, 210-217
TEXT: The paper describes a heat process for ingot growth and determines its criterial relationships. in
the Chokral'skiy method, a priming fastened to a rotating shaft that can also move along the vertical is in-
troduced into a melt contained in a vacuum furnace; an ingot is thereby extracted from the melt, passing
during its growth through zones of different temperatures. The extraction of the ingot is described by its equa-
tions for continuity, motion and heat propagation of the melt, and the cquation for heat propagation in the
ingot.The conditions of single-valuedness are added to these equations. (a) At the boundary Im.-twcen the solid
and liquid phases, the equations of matter and h,:at balance connect the magnitudes appearing in the equations.
(b) This process is non-stationaD; (c) The physical constants of the nielt and the ingot depend on temperature
of the melt and the ingot and criterial equ3tions are determined as a results. 'rhere is I figure.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut ittzhererov zheleznodorozlinogo transporta. (Moscow Institute of
Railway Transport Engineers).
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Brdlik, p.M.1 Irerevochkin G.Ye., and Smirnov, V.A.
'TITLE4, Heat transfer between a jet and a plate placed
normal to the flow
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika-i energetika,
no.14, 1962, 2, abstract 14 G 10. (Tr. Mosk.. in-ta
inzh. zh.-d.' transp., no.1'59, 1961, 182-192)
TEXT; An experimental study was made of heat transfer
between a heated jet of liquid drops (water) and a plate placed
normal to the line of flow. The experimental set-up is described
and illustrated. Tests were in six series, using nozzle
diameterii of 2.5; 6.4; 10.7; 21.3; 30.0; and 36.6mm. The rate
of flow ranged from 0.014 to 5 m/sec and, correspondingly, the
Reynolds number related to the-nozzle diameter rangod from 50 to
31 000., The relative distance from the nozzle to the plate
h/d = 0.04 - 8.0. On working out-tho experimental data it was
found that the relationship between the relative length of the
jet h/d~ contains three regions of heat transfer:
Card 1/2
Heat transfer between a jet and ... E-194/EI55
h/d _< 0. 5; 0.5 < h/d -< 10.0; h/d > 10.0.
Formulae are given to calculate the heat transfer in each region
and they are compared with the results obtained by other
investigators. The infl-aence on heat transfer of the wall
bounding the flow when jets flow over a vertical plate'is given.-
9 references.,
~Abstractiorls note; Complete translation
Card 2/2
VEREVOCHKINA, V. A., Cand. Agri. Sol. (dies) "Methods and Periods
of Fertilization of Permanent Grasses under Conditions of Vologda
Oblast," Moscow, 1961, 15 pp. (Moseow Agri. Aced.) 200 copies (KL
Supp 12-61, 2?9),
BOROVIEV, N.Ya., irizh.; VMY'KIN G.V. inzh.
Working frozen soils. YAkh.stroi. 19
(Arozen ground)
no.1l..--l -18 N 162.
(MRA 15: 11)
S/07 601005,100810121018
AUTHORS: Vereykina, L. L., Samsonov, G. V.
TITLE: A Simple Method of Producing Titanium Phosphides
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 5, 140. 8,
pp. 1888-1889
TEXT: The authors give a brief' description Df western paper13 on
titanium phosphides (Refs. I - 6). They investigated the reaction of
titanium powder and PH3 in an apparatus depi3ted in a Fig , PH was
produced by igniting a stoichicimetric mixture of !:.luminum pollier and
red phosphorus in a steel cylinder by mLans of a magnesium band. The
aluminum phosphide was decomposed by intensive cooling with a 10% H2SO4
solution in argon free from oxygen, and the mixture of argon and PH 3
was conducted over a quartz bout containing the titanium powder. The
analysis of titanium phosphide was conducted according to a method by
0. 1. Popova and 0. G. Seraya. The phoaphide was dissolved in a mixture
of M103 and HF, the titanium wits combined by-a tartaric acid complex,
Card 1/2
A Simple Method of Producing Titanium S/078/60/005/008/012/018
Phosphides B004/BO52
and the phosphorus was precipitated as phosphomolybdic acid. The results
are listed in a Table. The development of titanium phosphide only sets
in at 7000C. Ti2P develops at 8000C after 6 h, and TiP at 8500C. The
development of Ti~P, assumed by the authors., must yet be proved by
further investigations. There are 1 figure, I table, and 6 non-Soviet
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallokeramiki i s])etsiallnykh splavov
Akademii nauk US)SR, Laboratoriya tugoplavkikh materialov
(Institute of Cs!rmets and SpIcial- ljoys of the Academy-
of Sciences, UkrSSR, Laboratory for High-melting
Card 2/2
July 9, 1959
AUTHORSt ~Jereykina, L. L.,.Rudenko, V. N., Samsonov, G. V.
TITLE: Device for the Determination of the Ultimate Compressive
Strength on Samples of Difficultly Fusible Compounds at
High Temperatures
PERIODICAM Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 620-621
TEXTs The determinations mentioned in the title were carried out on a
30 t testin achine with a device described by V. G. Osipov (Ref. 1).
The device trmig. 1) was slightly modified by displacing the beating
element and making it from VKZ-alloy. The heating of the sample is
carried out by having the elect:ric current passed directly through the
heating element and the sample. if the tests aro made at temperatures
so high that oxidation takes place, a hollow ring is used and argon
blown through. The ultimate compressive strength of titanium carbide,
titanium boride, zirconium boride, chromium boride, and molybdenum di-
silide was carried out on samples which were obtained by hot pressing
of the powders in graphite moldo (Ref. 2). A diagram (Fig. 3) of the
Card 1/2
Device for the Determination of the Ul'timate S/032/60/026i/05/42/063
Compressive Strength on Samples of Difficull-, B010/BOOB
ly Fusible Compounds at High Temperatures
dependence of the ultimate compressive strength of the investigated,
difficultly fusible compounds on the temperiLture is given. There are
3 figures and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut metallokeramiki i spetsialInykh splavoi, Akademii
nauk USSR (Instit te of Powder Metallurgy and Special
Alloys of the Academy of Sciences of the--UkrSSR)
Card 2/2
Smsonov., Grigoriy Valentinovich., and Lyudmi3JL lAonidovna, Vereykina
POsfIdy (Phosphides) Kiyev., Izd-vo AN UkrSMj, 1961. 126 p, 2500 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: . Akademiya nauk Ukminskoy OR, Institut metallokeramiki i
.. elpetsiallnykh splavov.
Reap. Ed. I.,N. Frantsevich, Corresponding MM14r., Academy of Sciences UkrSM;
Ed. of-Publishing Novae: I. V. Kisina; Tech. Ed,: M. I. Yefimova.
PMUWE: This book is intended for scientists engaged in inorganic chemical
research,, particulewly in the field of semiconductor chemistry., and for
metallurgists., aspirants,, and students in gAvanced courses in chemistry and
COVERAGE: The book gives phase diagrams of metals and n*metal combined vith
phorphorus-~pbospbldas) and describes tbair physical and chemical propertieso
The preparation of phosphides., their chemical analysis., and main fields of
application are also considered. Special mtten~ion is given to the semi-
conductor properties of phosphides., especially to compounds of the type
Card &*
Phosphides SOV/573T
A'3:IBVIJ* with a viev to their-use at high temperatures, The authors thank
V, V, Penlkovskiy for editorial assistance. There are 368 references:.
118 Sqviet, 34 English# 89 Frenchp 15 Dutcb,.t 10 Itallan., and 102 German.
TAM OF C 8 ~bridgid
Introduction 3
1. Structere and Physicochem:Lcal Properties or Phosphides 5
11. Methods of Preparing Phosphides 21
III. Phosphides of Metals of Group I of the Ptriodic System 28
IV. Phosrhides of Metals of Group II of the Periodic System 35
V,, Phosphides of Transition Metals 41
V7. Phol;phides of Metals of the Boron Sutgroup 70
VII. Phosphides of Elements of -the Carbon Subj;voup 80
Card 2/3
AUTHORS: Samsonovq G. V., VeFr-ey4inal .6,L. and Popova, 0. 1.
TITLE. Investigating chemical stability and methods of chemical
analysis of Ti-P and Cr-P alloys
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Institut jaetallokeramikl
i spetsial1nakh eplavov. Seminar po zharo S4 oykim mater:L-
alam. Kiyev, 1960. Trudy no. 6: Kh1micheskiye svoyst-va;
i metody analiza, tugoplavkikh soyedi.-ieniy. Kiyev T zd-.
vo AS UkrSSR, 1961, 75-79
TEXT: The monophosphides (TiP and CrP) were prepared by passing
PH3 over heated metal powder under 0-froe argon. The phosphine was
obtained by the acid decomposition of ALP. To obtain TiP it is re-
commended carrying out two 6-hour phosphidizations at 10000C, and
for obtaining CrP -- a single 7-hour phosphidization at 8500C. The
reactions proceed faster when metal hydrides are substituted for
the metals. After 10 - 12 hours' boiling, Tillo.96 was found to be
Card 1/3
Investigating chemical stability D267/D304
soluble in HF (40%) + HNO 3 (cone.) and in aqua regia, but nct in
H,SO ~ HNO 2 HC1, HIP (40%)9 HN + H
4 4, 3 03 202, NaOH (also with H 202 0:~
with Br water), or in H 2SO 4 + HNO 3* The results are tabulated. Mhen
Ti or Cr phosphides were fused with NaOH + Na 0 or NaOll + Na Co.~._.
2 2 2
a loss of P took place. It was, therefore, necessary to develop an
acidic method of decomposition of the P:aosphides. TiP was dissolved
In HF (40%) + HNO 3 (cone.) raixture and the solution was slightly
evaporated. To prevent the hydrolysis of Ti. salts 30 ml of 35% tar-
taric acid. solution was addod; also a sinall. quantity of dry H_,BO 3
to comb�ne F ions. The fomu--, -a of the phosphide varied from T;.P0..-A
(7000C~ 3. hours) to TiP 0.97 (950OC2 6 hours). As regarda CrP, it'
was found that the following acids dissolved it after a boiling ef
6 - 8 hours: H 2 so4(also with HNO 3 or H 4 persulfate.), IT (409160),
HC1 (cone.), HC1 (1:1), aqua regia; also NaOH (60%) + H 2020 It re-
Card 2/ 3
Investigating che -Leal stability ... D267/D304
mained undissolved in the presence of strong oxidants, Therefore,
when analyzing CrP, the sample is dissolved by heating in HNO 3
(conc.) + H2SO4 (conc.) or H2SO4 (conc.) + NH4S20., after which the
excess of- oxidant is removed and the total Cr content is determined
volumetrically. Combined P is determined gravimetrically by pre~i-
pitating with magnesia mixture. Free Cr in the 5hosphide -As deter-
mined by making use of the.fact that H 2 so4(1:4 dissolves free Cr,
but does not dissolve CrP. The volumetriC method is then used foz
determining Cr in the solution. There are 4 tables and 13 referer,
ces: 4 Soviet-bloc and 9 non--Soviet-bloc. The reference to the Eng-
lish-language publication reads as follows: I. Haug'ton, Iron Steel
Inst. (London), 115, 417 (1927).
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallokeramiki i spetsial-nykh splavov AN
USSR (Institute of Powder Metallurgy and "Special-Al_
loys AS UkrSSR)
Card 3/3
104b ID97 /27~
8 m,4
AUTHORS: Samsonov, G. V., Vereykina, L. ip Titk.ov, Yu. V.
TITLE: New method of preparing phosphid,es by reduction of oxides with
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no- 3, 1961, 749-751
TEXT: Because of their valuable and interesting properties as semiconduc-
tors, the phosphides of metals and non-metals have found wido application
in pyrotechni-.s, in metallurgy for special coatings of steel parts, and for
refining the structure of alloys. The conventional methods of preparing
phosphides by direct reaction of metals with phosphorus and by reaction of
metallic halides with gaseous phosphorus compounds, required a complicated
equipment and were very time-consuming. A new method of preparing phosphideg
by the action of phosphine on oxides of metals and non-metals was devised.
It bases upon the reaction MeO + PH 3 = Mep + H20, in which phosphine dis-
sociates to phosphorus and atomic hydrogen, which promotes the reduction of
oxides. The method was successfully used in the production of gallium
phosphide. The gallium oxide applied is obtained by dissolving metallic
Card 1/2
New method of B121/B208
gallium in concentrated nitric acid and by subsequer.t thermal decomposition
of the resultant gallium n--*trate at 6000C. It is then completely converted
to the oxidic form at 10000C. The resultant gallium phosphide is a yellow
powder, insoluble in water, but soluble in mineral acids and alkali lyes
when heated. Chemical analysis of gallium phosphide indicated 69.02% Ga,
30,76% P, norresponding to the stoichiometric composition. X-ray analysis
showed a cubic lattice of the sphalerite type with a - 5-45 A which is in
good agreement with the data of Ref. 9 (5-436 A) and Ref. 10 (5-4504 A).
There are I figure and 10 references: 6 Sovi-at-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallokeramiki. i speti3iallnykh splavov Akademii
nauk USSR
Otdel tugoplavkikh materialov (Institute of Powder Metallurgy
and Special Alloys, Academy of 113ciences UkrSSR, Division of
High-melting Materials)
SUBMITTED: August 23, 1960
Card 2/2
3/08Y62/035/C02/00 A1022
9 0 D204 D3 02
AUTHORS*' Samsonov, G. IN, VerevkiLjg,_L, L. and TJ.tkov, Yu. F,
TITLE: The preparation of gallium. phosphide
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1r, 315, no. 2, 1962
TEXT: A brief mention is first made of the potential uses of
lium phosphide, basing the suggestions on the semi-conductive --nd
thermoelectric properties of this compound. The older methods a-re
considered to be inconvenient technologicall.y. In the presen-t
the authors prepared GaP by the reaction Ga 203 + 2PH3 = 2GaP
+ 3H20. The apparatus was earlier described by Samscnov et a-'.
C1 was prepared by dissc~--i:f:z-
(Ref. 5: ZhNKh, 5, 1888, (1960)). Ga 2 3 -::
99.99% Ga in conc. HNO 3 and decomposing the nitrate. The oxide;
contained,vlO-3% Cu, '(10-2% Pb and