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VEEREMEYFNKO, K.N. [lieremilenko, K.M.j Micrometho ~ for determainirg the proteolytic activ; ty of trypsin. Ukr. biokhim. zhar. )5 no.2:294-297 '0. 'MA 171:9) 1. Institute of Otolaryngology of the Ministry of flealth of the Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiev. VMU~pyENKQ, K.11.; FURIK, P.V. (Kiyev) t , - V Zizyme therapy in ophthalmology; review of the Soviet and foreign literature. 'feet. oft. 76 no.1:33-40 Ja-F163. -(MIRA 16:6) (OP11THADIOLOGY) (E.-ZYIW_TIOUPE;UTIC USE) VEREMEYENKO. K.N.. do*sent ... 1. ---1.",.-A-----"-'-- Una of protoolytic 6nzymes In ourgical practical a ravlow of Soviet and foreign literature. Klin. kbir. no.2t53-59 165, (MIRA 18:10) 1. Laboratoriya biokhimii (zav,- dotaent K.N. Verameyanko) Ukrainskogo nauchno-iosledovatellskogo inatituta otolaringologil. HELITSMI V..A.; VERPMEYENKO K.N. Interrelations between trypsin and serum Inhibitor I and their aubstrates. Blokhimiia 29 no. lzl26-131 Ja-F 164., (MIltk 18%U) 1. 1%w0tut blokhJitti'l Ali UkrSSH I Itibortitarlyn bloklib0i Irwtituta otalaringologil MinisLaratva zdravockhranenllpA UkrSSR,, Kiyev, Submitted Junc. 1. 1963. VEREMEYENKO, K.N.; KIZIM, A.I. Presence of two types of trypsin inhibitors in h=an blood seiva. Blokhimiia 29 no. 1:132-137 Ja-F 164. (MM 18:12) 1. Laboratoriya biokhimii Institute. otolaringologii Ministerstva zdravookhMerxiya UkrSSR i Institut biokhimii AN Uk-rSSR, Kiyev. Submitted Juno 1, 1963. TALIKOp I.I.; VFAIEHEYENKOp K.N. First results of the use of proteolytic enzymes in artbopedic practice. Crtop,t travm. i protez. 25 no.11:28-32 N 164. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo instituta ortopedii i travmatologii (dir. - dotsent I.P. Alekseyenko) i laboratorii bloWiimii Instituta otolaringologil (dir. - zasluzhennrf deyatell nauki prof. A.I. Kolcmiychenko). Adres avtora: Kiyev, 54, U1. Vorovskogo 27p Institut ortopedii i travmatologii (for Tallko). Submitted December 11, 1963. VERENEYENKO,_)~.N., dotsent; PILIPCHUK, N.S., dotsent; USENKO, Yu.D. Use of crystalline trypsin in the compound treatment of tubercu- losis. Vrach.delo no.9:98-102 S 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Kiyevskiy meditsinskiy in3titut. (TUBERCUMSIS) (TRYPSIN) IJEFM~ErEIKO, K. ff.; ZVERIKOVA, Y. P.; MOROZOVA, H. P. Use of crystalline trypsin in the treatment of thrombophlebitis. Nov. khir. arkh. no.3:20-22 162. OGRA 15:4) (PMBITIS) (TRYPSIN) FTODOROVA, Ye.l,. [Khodorova, lE.L.1; VEREII-ETENKOS K.N. [Vercmiienko, K.X.); A!4TONYAN I A.A. Separation of ser-..,m trypsin irhibitors and the study of tlnei- influence on tryptic hydrolysis of various substrates. UPr. bickhtin. zhur. 36 no.5:61.3-653 164. (i.!1RA IF: 6)) 1. Institut biokhimi,- AN UkrSSR 1- Laboratorija blokhinii inst-Ituta otolaringoloi,.11 'llnisturstva -.,,drcvo(jkhraneniyU UkrSSR, Kiyev. VEREMYENK09 V.H. (Kalinin) The library, our friend and helj~cr, Med. sestra 20 no. 2:40, W 161. (Mllit 14:4) (KALIVIN PROVINCZ-110SPITAL LIBWailES) -11- lj-.m - ACC NRs AM( )0114906 Monograph UH/ Savorskiy, Nikolay Semenovich; Pyatnitakiy, Vladimir Tosifovich; )LereTSyenkol Stanislav VladImirovich Ultrasonic flaw detection in structural glass plastics (Ulltrazvukovaya defektro- skopiya konstruktsionnogo stekloplastika) Leningrad, 1965. 23 P. illus., biblioe Series note: Leningradskiy dom naucbno-tekhnicbeskoy propagandy.. Proizvodstvennyy opyt. Seriya: Elektrofizicheakiye I elektrokhimicheskiye metody obrabotki. metallov. TOPIC TAGS: reinforced plastic, ultrasonic Inspection, 12 flaw detector ultra- sonic flaw detection, ii'-) PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This pamphlet describes the DUK-12 ultrasonic flaw detector developed at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Non-destructive Testing and Quality Control (VNIINK), Kishinev. It serves as a flaw detector and thickh,,ss gauge of glass fiber reinforced plastics used for structural materials. The minimum surface is 20 mm2, the thickness range Is 3 to 30 mm, power source requirement is 200 v, operational frequency is 0.8 Mco and the screen is 10 = in diameter. The DUK-12 was approved for serial production at the "Elektrotoch- pribor" Plant, Kishinev, as the first Soviet device for quality controlof glass fiber reinforced plastics. I-Card- 1 2 UDC 678.5:677.521:620.179.16 A I ACC NR: i AY,6014906 TABLE OF COMEM: none SUB CODE:1312.10/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REP: 005/ , OM W7: 003/ r-r i i I I Card 2/2 L 24821-66 f7dT (d)/E7dP(e)/E7dT(m)/EWP(v)/E'dP(J)/T/EWP(k)/EWP (h)/E'dP(l) /ETC (M)-6 ACC NRs AP6006956 ljp(c?,4) '"/ ... I'dE SOUIES COM UR/0381/65/000/006/0068/0076 AUTHORSt Savorovskiy, N. S.; Verem9xPnk9$ S. Vs; Pyatnitskiyj V. I. ORGt VNIINK, Kishinev TITLEi Some special construction features of an ultrasonic defectoscop2 )UK-12 SOURCE; Defektoakopiya, no. 6, 1965, 68-76 TOPIC TAGSt defectoscope, ultrasonics, fiber glass, electric circuit, electronic equipment/ DUK-12 defectoscop ABSTRAM The special features of an ultrasonic defectoscope DUK-12 are discunsed. The devic -mechanical character- Ig is used to investigate the phybico istj,.s of fiber glass parts and their acoustic characteristics in laminated Tfi--b stricturese e -1-oak diagram of the instrument is shown in Fig. 1. At~'~004rmates on t1io principle of uound wave reflections from the apecimen at ultrasonic fre,-,riciae. Some of the operating characteristics of the instrument arel 0.8 Mcycli frequency, minimum area for defect identification, 20 m2 area, operating volthges of 24P 36, and 220 volts at 50-cycle frequency, weight 19 kg. The Card 1/2 UDC1 620,179ol6 L 24821-66 ACC NRi AP 9 Fig. lt Block diagram ofO' 6 006 56 defectoscope DUK-12. 1 - synchronizarl 2 - radio pulse generator; 3 time- base generator; 4 ultra- sonic scanner (a - enitter, b - rezeiver); 5 - specizer; 6 - receiveri 7 - cathode- ray tube; 8 - automtio defeat recorder; 9 - auto- matic acou3tio contact signal indicatore receiver and scanner of the defectoscope are discussed in some detail. The receiver consists of three unitst radio-pulse amplifier, a detector, and a video- amplifier* Orig. art. hass 4 figures. SUB CODEt 14/ SUBM DATE: 02Sep65/ ono Rat oo6/ M Wt 002 Card 2/2. -1 2.4822-66 'a~~Od ~ZXT CA-VU-P-C Y)JL-RT ~.ITJEfa L' k 1"2-Alix)-l Z."[P cl~ ALC NT A?6CO6955 53MCF, CODE AUTHORSi I&W_o,_Yu. V.: Filimonov, So A.; Shishkina, 14, ~,; PaMonov, V., Vol N Verempyonkap-Sw- ovp B. Ye.- ORG: none TITLEt UVFD-1 defectoscope for controlling multilayered structures and parts 14 SOURCE: Defektoskopiya, no. 6, 19650 61-68 TOPIC TAGSt defectoscope; diagnostic instrument, electric device, electronic circuit /UVFD-l defectosco ABSTRAM The block diagram and detailed electric circuitry of a UVFD-l defecto- scope are given, Referring to Fig, 1, Fig. 1. Block diagram of a UVFD-1 ;V re defectoscopes I ff a 14 q Card 1/2 UIDC 1 620,179.16 L 24!322-66 ACC NRe AP6006955 the dofectoscopo consists oft I - metallic base, 2 - nonmetallic film deposit, 3 - emitting oscillator, 4 - receiving oscillator, 5 - generator to food power to the vibrator, 6 - amplifier, 7 - chaper, 8 phase-meaeuring circuit, 9 - phase regulator, 10 - shaper, 11 - needle indicator, 12 - relay instrument, 13 - detector for automatic regulating of amplification, 14 waplitudo measuring device, and 15 - indicator. The instrument has four typos of scanner heads that operate on a frequency ranga 25--60 kaycle. A sketch is included for one such scanner head connected to the instrum-int by a coaxial cable. The Instrument weighs ll kg and is portable. It is used in conjuction with auto=atic recorders and is very useful for controllimp, nonmetallic film deposits on metallic bases and for identifying defects between the joints of multilayer structures. Orig. art. haot 4 figures. SUB CODE t lh', 09/ -- SUBM- DATE-s - -16Jun65/ ORIG REF 1 005 VEISIEYENKO, V.D-.; POLYAKOVI G.A.; OVIMOOV, G.T. Air drilling. Neftianik 0" ro.4:7-9 Ap 161. WrU 14: F) 1, Glavnrj geolog 14inusinskoy kontory bureniya (for Veram¥ko). 2 liachallnik partii po ispytaniyu skvazhin Minusinskoy kontory ~~raniya (for Polyakov). 3. Nachal'nik saktora ispytaniya razvedocliwfkh i oporny,ch s~vazhin Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-isilado- vatellskogo, geolo-orazvedochnogo neftyanogo in3tituta (for (hmatanov) (Oil well drilling) PLATONOV, Petr Nik4tich, doktor tekhn. nauk; VEMWERO, Yevgeniy Ivanovich, inzh.; GOVOROV, N.A., spets. red.; DENISIIKOVA, L.M., red.; GOLUBKOVA, L.A., tekhn. red. [Mechanization of operations with packed goods) Mekbaniza- tsiia rabot s tarnymi gruzari. Moskva, Zagotizdat, 1962. 187 P. (MIRA 17:3) VFMMEYEV, A.P. (Veremieiev.. A.P.], inzh.,* S1110KIVA, A.I., inzh. New attachment to SKGK-.6B and SKGIf'_6 planters. Mekh. oil'. hoop. 12 no. 3:12-14 Mr 161. (MIRA 14,4) (Planters (Agricultural machinery)-Attachments) VEREWYEV, A.P. ; BELYAYEV, Ye.A. The SKNK-6 combined corn planter. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.2; 65-66 162. (YJRA 15:3) (Planters (Agricultural machinery)) VERFI-EYEV, A.P., inzh.; M-LYAYEV, Ye.A., inzh. Tho SYTY-6 combined corn plautor and fertilizer apreader. Trakt. i sellkhozmaah. 32 no.2:32 F 162. (MIM 15:2) (Planters (Agricultural machinory)) vVid"I"ER, V , B. Yc. Dithi- attacnv!n, tu:-n-n-~ sind th- electric traction motor colicetors. rxt!dl. r,Fi -~r. transp. no.'9-.~7 1. upra-;I,,niye Cb.~,,Iyabliiokfl. /:--~ A I F- A (' -- k / (2- ~-, - A ~ AUTHOR TITOV A.I.,VEREMEYEV G.N., SLIIRNOV V.V., SHAPILOY O-D A*WVW TITLE A Now Subs1Tt`ut1-*-r.--X-e&-oYi9n of Alkshol Hydroxyl For Fluorine And Its Use. 2D-2-32/67 (Novaya reaktsiya zameny spirtevego gidrokoila na fter i yaye primeneniye -Russian) PERIODICAL Deklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,1957,Vol 113,Wr 2,pp 358-36#(U.S.S.R.) Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 ABSTRACT The generally known reactions for obtaining haloid alkyls, espe- eially the influence of fluorine hydrogen and fluorine phospha- te compounde,turn out to be of little use for the immediate re- placement of alcohol hydroxyls by fluorine. Appropriate methods must still be found. In 1942 *no of the authors together with A.N. Baryuhnik*va had the possibility to carry out such a replacement in a single phase. It concerned the transformation of ethylene chlo- rehydrin into 1.2-fluerine-ohlore-ethane when being boiled with a mixture of benzol.sulfofluoride and fluorine potassium. Also the reaction mechanism was demonstrated. The reaction passes the follo- wing phasesi 1. An alosholato develops, 2. acylation by a sulfeflu- 0ride under formation of alkyl sulfenate follews.The partial forma- tion of sulfonates without the presence of fluorine potassium is &!- a* possible on the occasion of sulfefluoride acting on alaohols,3. in the last phase the alkylation of the fluorine potassium takes place, as already known. Secondary processes can take place at the came time in the course of which simple others and unsaturated com- Card 1/2 pounds develop or their polymerization takes place respectively. A New Substitution Reaction of Alcohol Hydroxyl For X-k-~32167 Fluerine And Its Use. xfzmx'q~ This new method was applied to the production of fluorine alkyl and its substitutes. The production experiments according to the new method of 1.2-diflueroathane are of special interest.Despite dis- senting opinions it turned out to be a completely steady matter with a boiling-point at 26*and with common properties of fluorine paraffin,espeoially with a resistance against hydrelysis.The diflu- oroethane was synthetically produced by the alkylation of fluorine potassium by 8-fluero-ethyl-benzol-sulfonate.The initially mention- ed reaction (I) led to a noticeable formation of 1.2-dichloreethane and obviously of 1.2-difluoroethane so well.The former matter de- velops by the alkylation of the B-chloro-othyl-benzol-sulf*nate,de- veloping inthe meantime, of the chloro-potassium which originates from the reaction of the same ether and the ethylene-ohlorohydrin with fluorine petassium.The conclusions are also true in the case of the explanation of the diahloreetbane formation on the occasion of alkylation of the fluorine potassium with B-chloro-ehyl-benzol- sulfonate in the experiments of Razumovskiy.Finally some experiments together with their results and the properties of their products are described.(12 citations from publications). ASSOCIATION PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 2/2 Y, rz I". AVILM, T.I., kard. teklizi. naulk; a. V. n0.8:34 Ag- '65- l.. Mo.9k,)vfkiy avtomekhanicheskiy in3titut. ALEMOYANY A.S. -~ !tLIKHAITYAD, A.I.; VEfd:IIFYI;V.. 11.1n,!GALIPER, A.M.; KIIdLmv-!,'3i*',YUI,f0T) V.G.; KOTErIKO, L.P.; KUHN, L.A.; KUMETSOV, U.P.; Freon 570 Uter bubble chamb-ax. Prib. J. t--kh.eksp. 6 no.6:34-- 38 11-D 161. (HIRA 14:11) 1. Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR. (Bubble ebamber) VERMIYEV, P.S. Physical properties of the crystalline formations of -the middle Bug Valley. Geofiz.sbor. no.1:135-1-42 165. (14IRA 18:12) 1. Kiyevskaya ekspeditsiya Ukrainskogo nauchno-isuledovatell- skogo instituta. Subvnitted September 12, 1963. VEREWr,.VA A.A inzh.; DULIZON, N.A., inzh.; KOBFRI.IIK, Ye.D., --Filitwmll N.G., inzh.; SA'10'311 IYAN191, Yu.Ye.,' inzh. Protection of generators from various stator wJndings damages by means of differential current transformers, Elck. sta. 36 no.-~'~ 40-45 F 165. (14P A 18,. 1") VELIKIY, I.G.., inzh.1 NOVIKOV, N.V.,, inzh.; VER121EYEVA.,-.!,,,V,,,-,-Inzh. Opor.-ting the BU-1 drill. Shakht. otrol. 6 no-5:28-29 M-y 162. (1-111L,k 15,-7) 1. Treat Kadiyevpodzemshal-Jitostroy. (Borine machinery) NOVOZqILOVP M.G., doktor tekhr.. radk; DR(j'KOVANYY, M.F.9 kand. 'ekhn. nauk; 11W.1~1YEVA, V.Ye.: SAPIT11110VA, I.A. Efficiency of three-stnge crushing at Krivoy Rog mining and are dressing combines. Mlet. I gorncrud. prom. no.5t",7-49 3-0 164. (MIRA 18:7) NDVOZHILOV, M.G.2 prof., doktor tekhn.muk; DRUEOVAIrlY, M.F., ~and.tekhn.nauk; 1~~ITEEVA) V.Ye.0 irxh.; ,:A:-'J!;C,7A, I.A., 'nzh. Ways of improvirg -he cost of crushing Krivoy Rog Basin ore. I Gor.zhur. no.1:20-23 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Filial instituta. mekhaniki AN UkrSSR, Dnepropet-ovsk. VKRAGYEVIGH, N. I. Nechanization of processes in the match industry. Der-prom. 9 no.6:6-8 is 960. (KM 13:8) 1. TSentral'naya nauchno-is3ledovatellskaya laboratorlya spichech- noy prom7shlennostio (Match industry) USSR/fli-m;i aid Animal Physiolo, (Non-al a Patholo, '~)r nd _Ical) T Metab3lisn. Vitamins. Abu Jour : Ref Zhur Diol., no 6, 1959, 262 63 Author : Shamray, E.F.p Khmelevs1kiy, Yu.'I. Dist : - Title The Activity of XcLathinoxydace and Dchydro~;eiases of the Liver of Rats iii E Avitaninouis. Ori! Pub z Ukr. biokhin. zli-., 1958) 30. No 3, 343-347 Abstract In rate which, ia the c,3urse of 41 - 5 moaths, received synthetic ratiuns withot:t vitanin E, the activity of xan- thinoxydase (I) and Via total dehydro6eimse activity of the liver were considerably hijier (I focr tines) than in animals which received ruC;ular rations. In ~,ivin~; rats which suffered E avitaninosis 2 mr, of E daily for the du- ration of 1 week, t1he activity of I and dehydro~;enase ac- tivity decreased (I by about 25%)- AdLdnistration of E in the course of one molith led to a decrease of I activ-41.ty Card 1/2 10 VEPOWDYT , I. A. Shortening building ti,,,e and Increasing the economic affi,Aer~-y of capital investments. T~-udy MINI nO-150~ -399 161. (MIRA U.12) 1. Pachallnik otdela ekononicheskikh ionledovaniy TSentrallnrrf nauchno-1asledovatoltakoy laboratorii upravlonlya stroital' Ywasnodarskogo sovnarkhoza. (Krasnodar Territory-Construction industry) HUNGARY/Nuclear Physics - Cosmic Rays. C Abs Jour : Fef Zhur Fizika, No 9, 19591 19932 Author : Yeres -2e~el ~ Inst :I- Title : Problems of Operatioa and Pesign of Electromagnetic Pumps. Part I. Magnetohydrodynamic Research Orig Pub : Energia es Atomtechn., 1958, 11, No 7-8, 474-484 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 VUXMCHIKOVA,, Je. L Features of the heat balance in the highlands of the eastern Pamirs in the summertime. Geofiz.biul. no.11:16-21 162. temperature) OMMA 15:8) (Pamirs-Atmospheric BENDERSM, S.N., kand.tekhn. nauk; BUROM,, V.R., prof., kand. tekhn. nauk; VASIL'YEV, P.N.~ lnzh.; DORRIMI, E.Ye., Inzh.; ZHURAVLEV, V.F., .1cand. teklin. nauk; KE.-,TELIVA11, V.N., inzh.; KRUGLOV, A.11.y dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; KUKIBWY, A.A., dots., kand.tekhn. nauk; LEVACREV, N.A., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; LEYKIN, A.Ya., inzh.; NAR&SKIY, N.K.., dots... kand. tekhn. nauk; FIATONOV, P.N.., prof.,, doktor tekhn. nauk; SOKOLOV, A.Ya., prof,,, doktor tekhn. nauk; KUTSENKO, K.I.p kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., retsenzent; VERa!EYEVKO, Ye I inzh., retsenzent; KOVTUN, A.P., in~_h_.,r_eTs_e`n-z9~1t-,--- S&R=, A.I., retsenzent; KASHCHEYEV, I.P., inzh., retsenzent; PALtTSEV, V.S., kand. tokhn. nauk, retsenzent; KIMELINITSKAYA, A.Z., red. [Conveying and reloading machinery for the overall mechaniza- tion of the food Industries] Transportiruiushchie I peregru- zochrWe mashiny dlia korLpleksnoi mekhanizatsil. pishchevykh proizvodstv. Mloskva, Pishchevaia promyshlennost', 1964. 759 p. (MIRA 18:3) (Cori t. t nuod rin noxt caid) BENDERSKII, S.N.-- (continued). Card 2. 1. Odesskiy tekhnologicheskiy 1-nstitut imeril V. i',LAcrmomaoma (for Kutsenko, Naremsklyp Veremeyenko, Kovtun). 2. Starshiy ekspert Upravlenlya po avtomatizatsii i oborudovaniyu dlya pishchevoy promyshlennosti. Gosudarstvennogo horiteta po ma- shinostroyeniyu pri Gosplane SSSR (for Semer*,uk). 3. Glavnyy mekhanik Gosudarstvennogo instituta po proyektirovaniyu pred- priyatiy imkorollnokrupyazioy i korbikomovoy prorryshlennosti i elevatorno-skltidskogo khozyaystva (for Kashcheyev). 4. Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriyey Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta zerna i produktov ego perera- botki (for Palltsev). VMMIT, A. Servicing the television network in Britain. Radio no.1:31-33 JS (MM 10:2) '57. (Great Britain-Television) VXMIY&KO, K.M. Processing raw material and salting out the enzyme In the manufacture of pepsin preparations. Ukr. biokhim. zhur. 27 no.4: 510-516 '55. (MLRA 9:3) 1. Institut biokhimli Akademil nauk Ukrainalkoi RSR. Mv. (FM-SIN) VERMOTGRUK, 1. S. "Analysis of the Causes of Technological Defects in the Procees of Drilling Deep and Shallow Holes.' Sub 21 Apr 47. Moscow Order of the Lkbor Red Banner Higher Technical School imani IT. 1,P- Bauman Dissertations presented for degrees in cience and engineering in Moscow in 1947 SO: Sum No. 457, 18 Apr 55 T 1. S. Dr. Tech. Sci. Dissertation: "Analysis of the Causes of Technolo-ical Defectc in the Process of .1 Drillinr Deep and Shallow Holes." Vosccw Or"er of V-c Labor Red P!lr,:-.e- H!F)~er Technical School, Imeni N- E. Raman, 21 Apr 147, SO: Vecherny,-aya YcsIrva,Apr, 190 (Prolect #17836) VKRR!k-,YCHUK,, 1. S. "The Technology of Michining Deep Holes with '.'ultilip Drills" 5tanki i Tnstrment, 101, 110. 3, 1939, &iglneer, Candidate of Technical Sciences. neport U-1505, 4 Oct 1951 1. S. drou, "Srdoshrive Svflrl~-,nije lj*LV-;r: I~Lj : 'J., -,-,~p 7.)- -CE: I': Vooruzh,--nlye., Lolo. -11, Apr. "'J, .,.,)Sco-d A-,3T'?CiETj Ji~ ISAF - - '., ~~, , T" I p -~,dy ~- I " ~ j i.; , j7 T~ 7 r." -. - '., I , , v - , - 1 . , 1 - , . ~ . I'.,- - - ': ? : , , , I., -, - ~ .ArID'I '~. 901115 . L-1- 'L.; -~r. 107-57-1-35/60 AUTHOR.,-Veremiy. A. TITLE: Servicing TV Networks in England (Obsluzhivaniye televizionnoy seti v An") PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 1, pp 31-33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Editorial note: In 1956 many Soviet citizens visited European countries. In August 1956 Soviet radio- and TV--men visited London, Manchester, Glasgow, and Edinburgh in Great Britain. They attended the 1956 National Radio Show and familiar- ized themselves with the work of the BBC radio studios; they saw the construction of the future "Crystal Palace." They'made a few tours of radio and TV factories and visited the electrical musi'cal-instrument factory. A. Veremiy, 14rector of one of the Moscow TV shops reports hds observations about TV-set servicing in England. Article proper: A short description of British TV broadcast stations and TV sets is presented. The BBC network, comprising 14 transmitting TV stations, is described in some detail. Construction 0" Tr~ntennas, circuitry, tubes, kinescopes, types cf TV sets, are briody described; the fact that over 100 types of British--made TV sets were displayed at the British Radio Show is mentioned. The British system of guarantee, repair, and servicing is discussed in detail. There are 3 figures in the article. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 ACC NR- AT7008898 SOURCE CODE: UR/OGOO/66/O0O/0G0-/G3'16/& 132 A. I.; Aleksanyan, A. S.; Verebryusov, V. S.; Veremeyiav M. X.; Demidov, V. S. ; Kirillov-Ugryumov, V. G.; P~-otasov, V. P.; Ponosov, A. SerCeyev, V. M. ORG: none TITIZ: Bubble chamber designed to operate in a magnetic field SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizictic-skiy institut. Fizika elementarnykh cha5tits, '166, '16-82 0 TGPIC TAGS: au5tenite steel, bubble chruiiber, pi noson, synchrotron, photo,,,,rlp',,Iy SUB CDT,1.7: 20, 14 A13ST-1_1'%C"7: T-.e article describes a bubble chamber with -in effective volizw- of 200 'iters r,.ide of nonmagnetic austenite lKhl8N9T steel and conz;isting of a permar,~_nt. oqter and the working chamber proper located inside "Lt. 7he de,-Agn of *,he outer and expander is gonerally -,Lmilar to that le.,3criLed in an e-arlier article by A. V. Bogomolov et al. The upper 'Lid of the permianent v,.,ssel --i-X -.,iindows for photography. Differential three-stage valves are used I I ri, .or lricrca3l -,, pr,_,&z;urc and for depresoul-L-wit ion in the chamber. The workinp spnice of th,_- chaxber is i'Llurrdnated by eight out of oj_xtec~n IFK-120 fiar*. hulbf:, r,-.Dunted in pairs on a special panel; tht! lighting system design also permlt:~ the use of !FP-1,000 bulbs. The photographing is done on 'two standard acrial pirotographic filrns, with a sensitivity of 1200 GOST [Cosudarstvennyy ObshchesoTi;Lr,yy Card ACC NR. !M00889a,d-arl.; A'I'l-Union State Standardi u:-dts a.-,I 80 --, vidth, b7 two ty-pe objectives. During operation of the chacjJoer chrom.-ttic wil- in a ghost effect in the particle track image. This was elirninr~tA by i-n- in ,ronoc - ~11 photo~;raph~ ". hromatic light throuEh an experim-ntally orrir.Ee filter. chiriber is heated by three 2-kw electric heaters, with orv~ of the set directly on the inner cha,,,-,bf.r. There are two versions of syst em co~,' rol .Tine first employ3 a ~itandard cor,~act thermometer mounted in ~he ahe secorki version ;in electurocOntIC'. na~io;;vter. 71,~! ar, jele 4 -iidLs a block diagrar, of t1he cllhamnberls control circuit. 'In'! was tested in operation with var4o-'13 -w-orking, fluids: propane, a ,-Lixture of Freon-12 ana Froon-1-1, a prcp,~~ne-ethanc m"JIx-turc, ar," propane-Freon and r,-, !;,.-t ur u s .`If~ is at pre~ient Set in an M3-12 maj"iet in lu'r-,(-- path of --i beaz, of no 4 IC .e 5 n ~ner,~ -v-, proton -ynclirotron of ons, 1, Gov JI, y, of t1 .IS*-* 4 u1 tf-oretichcskoy -*L eksperimentallnoy f iziki; Institute of 'Zheoretic,~ a4p--,rimeentual i1hysics]. The actuation cycle of the char,-,ber is 4 secondz. auiuhors exlzos5 their thanks to Ye. V. Kuznetsov, Ye. P. Kuznctsov, G,. Gornov, F S. M. Py,,.LrLin, A. ~ . FAlin, ard E. S. L,--v(--,nyL-i f or their assistance and I'valuabl ad-risell and to Yu. A. Budagov for Flu3e-ful discusaiono". Orig. art. haj: 8 figure:-,. DPRSI , C . (0~ I "'k. ; I. . - 1 11 . . 1, ~. . . I I - - SHAMRAT, Te.Y.; VMMITENKO, I.N. [Veremilanko, I-M-1; KHMnEVSKIT, Tu.V.; [Khmeloyalkyi, W.T.] Xanthine oxidase and dehydrogenase activity of the rat liver in 3 avitaminosis. Ukr.biokhim.zhur. 30 no.3:343-347 '58. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Biochemistry Department of the Kiyev Medical Institute. (ZANTHINN OXIUSIC) (DXHTDRMMS3S) (TOCOPHKROL) MAMRAY, Te.I. [Shamarai. NeYe'lp YETISOVA, T.V., (Varemiienko, X.M.Is AHMILEVSKIT. TU.V. [Ilge-f Wlk-yi. IU.T.] TSIOMIK, V.A. (TSiozyk, V.0.] Comparative phisiological activit7 of some polyphenols. Ukr.biokhim.zhur. 30 noo5:747-754 158 (MMA 11112) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo inatitutao (PIGNOLS-PHTSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (ASCOIMIC ACID) VERIOCROYT, I.; NOROZOV, A. Indox of tho utilization of fixed production no.2;130-132 7 158, WRA 11:3) 1, Nuohallnik planovo-okonomichookogo otdola tresta "Dorstroy" 1~)ravleniya stroitellotva Krasnodarokogo sovnarkhoza (for Vorenitroyt). 2. Reduktor gazety "Ra stroykell Upravloniva stroitell- stva Krustodarskogo covnarkhoza (for MorozoO'. (ICrasnodar Territory--Amortization) -17 VEMIYEV,V.H., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk Taske for the improvement of automatic devicas of water pumping machinery. Wauch.rab. VUGI no.11:110-123 154. (MLRA 8:11) (Mine pumps) (Automatic controi) VEM41y,&V, P.S. [Veremliev, P.S.]; KHARIT(RIOV, V.D. Selecting location points of holes in determining the nature of magnetic anomalies. Geol. zhur. 24 noo2t77-80 164 (MIRA 1W) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy gornorudnyy institut. bUKIM1,11,"IS, Valentin Petrovich; VEii-E!"YEV, V,"., r.,:d. [Circuit track .Icj,~upo for rlutc,,7~---c in trtm8portatlon] hitevyu d;itchiki kontrolla na rel'--ovom tr,,,,nsjorte. 11.'o.,1va, Enorglia, 1965. 79 P. (iilblic,eka po ro.137) 18.-0 VERI-MIYEV, V,.M kand. tekhn. nauk; PPOTASOV, Yu.I., inzh. Study of the frequency and temperature relationship of the dielectric constant of minerals and rocks. Nauch. soob. IGD 20:118-122 163. (MIRA 16:10) (Electric prospecting) SNAGOVSKIYJ IforeMy Stafanovichp kand. teklm. nauki w1m. 111Lj- kandAn M# nauk; ROWOVSKIYp Yuriy Georgiyevich., inzh.; C104,10V Vladimir Alaksandrovich,, inzh.; 14MUTA, V.V... red. i~-va; YIDISYXRp L.I., tekbn. red.; CVMIKO, V.G.fteklm. red. (Remote control apparatus in mines) Tolemakhanichaskie ustroistva na Bhakhtakh. [Byj E.S.Snagovskii i dr, 14oskva, Goa, nauchno- tekbui iod-vo lit-ry po gornomu delup 1962. 276 po (Mining machinery) (Remote control) (X~IRA 15:4) C NC xp6o3039 SOURCE CODE: FtU/0023/66/011/001/0081/0083'! AUTHCR: Sefer, 14. (Doctor); Verenca. Corne14-a (Technician); Sobescianschil Constanta (Technician r7. ORG: Second Department of Microbiology/headed by Professor, Doctor N. Nestorescu/. Medical Pharmaceutical Institute, Bucharest (Institutul de Medicina si Farmacie, Catedra de Microbiologie 11) TITIE: New method for the study of the chemical constitution and antigenic structure of bacteria SOURCE: Microbiologia, parazitologia 31 epidemiologia, v. 11, no. 1, 1966, 81-83 TOPIC-TAGS: bacteriology, freezing, antigen, protein, biochemistry ABSTRACT: The authors describe a process for the study of the chemical constitution of bacteria which consists, essentiallyp of subjecting a washed concentrate suspension or the bacteria to repeated cycles of freezing and thawingo followed by the separation through centrifuging of a nucleoprotein chemical complex and the later extraction of another chemical complex from the digested cellular residues. CJPRS-' 350141 SU13 CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: O9Aug65 / CRIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 010 Card 1/1 UDC: 576-85-097- NW141lvA, S.A.,,j.,-rujq SuWVISOVA, Li.; Vinzdilnii~V-Vli, Ya.V. .1 Determination of the sensitivity of typhoid fever bacteria to antibiotics in prescribing effective treatment for typhoid fever. Lech. infekts. boll.-no.3:166-173 157. (M!--~A 14:5) (TYPHOID FEVER) (ANT Mario) RAKHMAIROT, V.A.; LEWIN, A.M.; ROMANWOl G.F,; METELISKIY, V.I.; VMWCHIKOVA, Yaj. 35=iAiate reBults of the treatment of B7philis with bici.Uin-3. Test.derm.i ven. 34 no,9837-40 160* (KnU 13S11) 1. Iz kafedry kozhriykh i. venerichookikh bolesney I Mookovskogo ordena Lenina zaeditainskogo inatituta imeni I.H, Bedhenova (za*,, - chlen-korrespondent AMIN SSSR prof, V*Ae Rakhmanov), (syrFlILIS) (Fmcr=) :3t T. 1 L FULC-P. Tamas, dr., egyet~cmi tanar; Sandorne, dr. "Epidemicn of children's accidents. Elet tud 18 no.4Z: 1512-1514 1 D 163. ASTAKHOT, K.V.,; VIMNIKIN, V.B. Review of A.N. Hasmelanovis and others book "A practical guide to radiochomistr.v". Reviewed b7 X.V. Astakhov, Verenikin. Zhur. fiz. khim. 30 no.10:2368-2370 o 1%. (KM 10:4) (Radiochemistry) (Neemayanov, A.N. and others) ASTAKMV, K-V-; ZIMIN, V.I. "Radioactive indicator tachniques.p V.I. SPitsYn and others. Reviewed by K-V- Astakhov, V.B. Verenichin, V.I. Zimin. Zhur. 58 Apr. (MLRA 9,9) fiz.khim. 30 no.4:957-9 156. (Radioisotopes) (Spitsyn, V.I.) . - I r- -.~, L 8145-66 EVIT(m)/E','IP(J)/T/E~',P~tYq~,'IPib). IJ (C) --- PJJG LWA ACC NR, AP 5o27207 SOURCE CODE: UR/0078/65/oio/oll/2~ii/21~76-., AUTHOR: Verenikin, V. B., Astakhov, K. V.,'Kalanichev, F. G, ORO: None TITLE: gMplex ormation of rare earth9lements with ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid 5-5- SOURCE: Zhurnal noorganioheakoy khimii,, v. 10,, no.11, 1965, 2471-2476 TOPIC TAGS: complex molecule, praseodymium compound, neodymium compound, samarium compound, erbium, compound, acetic acid ABSTRACT: The article presents the results of a spectrophotometric study of the complex formation of prasoodymlun, neodymium, samarium, and erbiuri with ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, and demonstrates the possibility of determining spectrophotometrically the stability of complexes formed by colorless tons of the rare earth elements with colorless additions. The optical donsit7 was measured with an SF-4 quartz speotrophotometer in cylindrical (,uvattes 100 mm long, with quartz covers. The pH of the solutions was measured with a glass electrode and an LP-5 lamp potentiometer. The experimental tempora- tures were 18-200C. The Ionic strength of the solutions was determined Ccrd ACC NRtAP502-1207 P bY salts of the rare earth elements and the COmpleX forming material, Complex formation was studied at pH values of 4.0 and 6.0, In the flut case, the dominating form of the complex forming material was the H X - and 13 the second case, the solutions contained 50% each of the F,j 2 0 2X - and HX - ions. The wave lengths were chosen to give the greatest difference In the optical densities of solutions of the chlorides of the rare earth elements and of the 3ame solutions with addition of eth lene diami cetic acid. 1~.was determined that at pH values P;n t1ria of K and 6. , .d +, Sm3 4- . and Er-"% form complexes with a 1:1 ratio between the rare earth elements and the ethylene diamine tetra- acetic acid. In a series of solut ons with a constant amount of addi- tive and a varying central ion (Ndi+), at a pH of 4, only a complex with a 1:1 ratio was formed. Polynuclear complexes were not observed. The article proposes a method of calculating the instability constant of complexes formed by ions of the rare earth elements which do not have light absorption properties of their own; the calculation Is made on the basis of spectrophotometric data. It gives a calculation of the acidolysiB and instability constants of an yttrium complex of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, Orig. art. has: 17 formulas, 5 figures, and 3 tables. SUB-CODE: GC,0 IC,, OC/ SUBM DATE: 28 Apr 64/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF- W 'Cird 2/2 L 11864-66 rvr(m)/twP(j)/TAwP(t)AvP(b) TJ00 Jn/JC,/W__ ACC NRs AP6000761 UR/0078/65/010/012/2760/2763 AUTHOR: Vere/~i' ift, Y.B.; k-V.;_Ma1qn1chev, Astakhov,, ORG: None TITLE: Neodymium, c1tr tes SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khImIl, v. 10, no. 12, 1965, 2760-2763 TOPIC TAGS: chemical reaction, neodymtum compound, coordination chemistry, citrate ABSTRACT: The experimental Investigations were carried out by seve ral methods: a series of solutions with a constant content of the cent ral Ion and a varying additive; a series of solutions with a constant con- tent of the additive and a varying content of the central ton; and a series with a constant ratio of the concentrations of the central ion and the additive at varying pli values. All the experiments were made at 0M a temperature of 20-22 7. The Ionic strength of the solution was deter- mined In almost all cases by the tons and the complex-formIng substance.- Buffer solutions were not used to eliminate side processes of complex I formation. p1l values used were 1.0, 3.0, 4.0 and 5.5. StudY of com- plex formation between neody-mium ions and citric acid made It possible to establish by the methods of spectrophotometry the composition of the Clard 1/2 ACC NR, AP6000761 complexes formed by the tons of systems. By the use of Isonolar content of the central Ion, and the additive, It was established complexes, Including polynuclear and 1 table. SUB 0 f4 C) the rare earth elements In complex solutions, solutions with a constant solutions with a constant content of that neodymium Ions form a number of complexes. Orig. art. has: 5 fIgures V. "I. and 11r. '7. cl ',;- "',- -,,* '*'ckil ' ~) it .-,I 11~io!r ;'-, paro 1149, Sbornik Statay po obahchey '-hir.Al (Iollection of Pape-ri on G,~ner-d Chemistry), Vol II, Mozcow-Loninrrad, 1053, plit-os 1680-1686. ASTAKHOV, K.V.; VERENIKIN, V.B.; ZIMIN, V.I.; ZVER'KOVA, A.D. Spectrophotometric study of the coMlexinp of some rear earths vith nitriloacetic acid. Zhur.neorp.khtm. 6 no.9:20F,9-2076 S 1(,I. (MIRA 14:9) (Rare earth compounds) (Acetic acid) ASTAKHW, K.V.; VERE4IEIN,__V.B.; ZIMIN, V.I. Spectror'rotometric study of the r!orplpxinp of neodyniun with Us- acety)acetoneethylenediamine. Zhur.neorg.kMm. ( no.9:2077-2CEI C (MIRA 14:9) (Neodymium compounds) U"ININ, V.B.; ASTAKHOV, N.V.; MALANICHEV, F.G. Camplex formation of rare-earth elements vith ethylentdi- aminetetraacetic acid. Zhur.neorg.khizr.. 10 no.11:2471-2476 N 165, (MIRA 18il2) la Submitted April 28, 1964, VU.ENIKIN,v.D.; ASTAY14CV, K.V. Cerium nltrolotriacetate3. Zhur.ricorg.khim. 10 no.12:27511-2759 D 165. WIRA 19.-l) !. - - .; I W-V vsRENIKIN V ri - ASTAKII~-,'V, ~1~~ - , F.G. t - . ? tic-cayrrill;n cit, T.., ~,~-. D 16516 , r,. ~) o I 2:27~C- 2 7~)-- ". I -, 1'-r L OIJ,J,R~ 119:1) *'t's tic) 3/02 2~~ 11/ 139/006/018/022 B103 B101 2.1 1.~ Do au- 2-0 5 3 AUTHORS: Kochkin, D. A., Verenikina, S. G., and Chekmareva, I. B. TITLE: Organotin and'organolead derivatives of some nitrogen- containing acids PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 139, no. 6, 1961, 1375-1378 TEXT: The authors synthesized organotin and organolead eaters of methacrylic acid (D. A. Kochkin, V. IT. Kotrelev, G. 11. Kuzneteova et al. Vysokomolekul. soyed., 1, 1507 (1959); D. A. Kochkin, DANp 135, 857 (1960);. author's certificate 13T224 August 25, 1960), which they called organotin and organolead inethacrylates of the general structure R 3 SnOOCC(cH3)_CH2f R2 Sn(OOCC(CH3). CH2)2' (C6H5)2 PbLOOCC(011 3) = CH212 -They also obtained polymers and copolymers with several unsaturated monomers. It was found that orotio acid (4-uracyl oarboxylic acid, a vitamin of the B 13 group) participates in the formation of nucleicacid, and in an important factor furtherin,ol bacterial growth. Orotic acid io, however, hardly known. It Card 1/0/ 28651 S/02 6 1/1 9/006/01P,/022 Organotin and organolead derivati7es ... i103Y3101 was synthesized by a method of G. E. Hilbert (see below); the synthesis in de8cribed here. Instead of the potassium ferricyanide, the auth6ra used V)~ a miyture of sodium bichromate and sulfuric acid, which facilitated the synthesis considera 'bly. In addition, the authors synthe3ized organotin and organolead eaters of the following amino acids: a-alanine, p-amino benzoic acid, pyridic acids (nicotic and inocinchomoronic naldri) ttnd pyrimidic acids (orotic and uracyl nontlo acid). It waa found that nomr! of these substances have a germicidal effect on neveral micro-organiams. The synthesis was performed as follows: . RaMOH + RICOOH:~; R&MOOOZ I 4*'HIO; 2R3MOH + HOOCR'COOH R&MOOCR'OOOMR, + 2H0; RsMO + 2R'COOff RsM (OOCR'), + HA RAOMRx + 2RTOOH - 2RMOOCR'+ 140, rAe M - Sn, Pb. where M = Sn, Pb. The reaction of triphenyl plumbanol with nicotic and uracyl acetic acids proceeds in another way. It forms diphenyl plumbylene eaters of the corresponding acids. This is similar to the interaction with methacrylic acid. In thin reaction, a phenyl group is 31)lit off: (C6H 5)3 PbOH +2C5If4ITCOOH ) (C611 5)2 Pb(OOCC5if411)2 +C 6116 +1120. (C6 H5)3 PbOH +2 HOOCCH2C4H311202--*- (C6H 5)2 Pb(OOCCII 2 CAY2 ~ + CA + H20 Card 2/5, 28653. S10201611139100610181022 Org;-irc,~Ir~ and organolead derivatives ... B103[B101 Tt_-~ t,.terlclcial aotion of organotin and organolead compounds depends on tyi! cf the alkoxy groups in the moleoule~, - The, derivatives of t,11,.c1,A'. inid and alanineq for example, suppress the growth of suohoulturse qj ooli, Streptococae faecalial and Laotobaoillus oasei even iii It,,& i,: ii,~; entrat ions. All the organotin and organolead compounds .qynth~-,Ized are crystalline, difficultly soluble in water, and readily aolubl,, In organic solvents. Trimethyl-stannyl asters of a-alanine and orotl! iiid are eoluble in water, but diffioultly soluble in organic solv-?n1,s:, Dilgobutyl stannone, (iso-C4H9)2 SnO, is a white, amorphous, non-f-.-.,3ible substance decomposing when heated in the flame. It is unsclu%~!-j in water, difficultly soluble in other, and soluble in alcohol, acetone, and chloroform. It was used to synthesize No. 45 (cf. Table 1) and ottained by hydrolysis of triieobutyl bromostannane: (iso-C 4H 9)3 SnBr. There are 1 table and 8 references: 6 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The reference to 'the English-language publication reads as follows., Ref. 5: G. E., Hilbert.. J. Am. Chem. Soo., 5A, 2082 (1932). Card 28 65:L 310201611139100610181022 Organotin nnd organolead derivatives... B103/BIOI ASSOCIATION: Viesoyuznyy rauchno-issledovatelfskiy vitaminnyy institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Vitamins) PRESENTED: March 15, 1961, by N. N. Semenov, Academician SUBINTITTED: March 8, 1961 Legend to Table 1: (1) no. of preparation; (2) compound; (3) melting point; ("') ~rie)d; (5) analysis; (6) found; (7) calculated; (a.) n-; (1) i ar, , Card 4/5" KOCHKIN, D.A.;_Y~~q!IKINA Sq. - Elemontary organic vitamin organic derivatives ofck - uracilearboxylic (orotic) (Alanine) (Acetic acid) (Orotle acid) derivatives. Report No.3: Tin and and P-alanine, of uractlacetic, and acids. Trudy VNIVI 8:39-46 161. (YlIRA lead of 14:9) KOCIMPIP D.A.; VERENIKINA., S.G.; GRE11,111,UWA, I.B. Organotin and organolead derivatives of some nitrogen- containing acids. Dokl. All SSSR 139 no.6:1375-1378 Ag 161. (MIRA 14-8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellakiy vitaminnyy in.9titut. Predstayleno akademikom 11.11. Semeno (Tin organic compounds (Lead organic compounds) (Acids, Organic) C TROSHIII, A.Se, V~-J-W-I-N-OV-9-A---A--4JMOLEIIKO. S.A., IIIKOLISKIY, N.11. Dmitrii Nlkolaevich Nasonov. Fiziol,zhur, 44 no.3.2sll66-1169 D158 (NASOITOV. DMITRII NIKOLAEVICH, 1895-1957) (MIRA 12:1) Chanm. in the nerve excitation threshold in an alteration de- pending on tho Internal resiOtanen of the stinulator. TSitolo- giia 1 no.4:1453-458 Jl-Ap, 15(). (141ak 1?: 10) 1. Laburatoriyu fiziologii kletki InGtitnta taitologii All SSS-A, LeniWad. (IFAULVOUS sysu,'14) v"rxov, A.A. Strongth-daration relationship in liminal electric stimulations of short duration. Biofizik-a 4 no.1:40-47 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:1) 1. Institut tsitologii AN SSSR, LeningrAd. (FJECTRICITY, off. force duration relationship In short-ran go electr4c stimulation (Rua)) nMININOT, A.A. Role of the Internal resistance of the stimulator In studying nerve excitability under conditions of variable current distribution in the stimulation circuit. TSitologiia 2 no.1:89-93 Ja-? 160. (KIRA 13:5) 1. laboratorlya fiziologii kletki Inetituta taitologii AN SSSR, Leningrad. (PETSIOLOGICAL APPARATUS) (MCTROPHTBIOWGT) YXMINOV, A.A.; GOROSHCE=O, Tu.L.; TUDrN, A.L. Coordination meeting on the OPi*ineipal problems In cytolog7.1 TSitologiia 2 no.U103-112 Ja-F 160. (KIRA 13-5) (GMU)GT) VERENINOVO A. A. *Experimental Data on the Problem of the Nature of Potassium Depolarization of the Muscle Fiber.N pp. 15 Institute of Cytology AS USSR Laboratory, of Call Physiology II Yauchnaya Konforentsuys Instituta Tiftologli All L33R. Teziwr D TB-eC&~-Salentific Gnnfarance of the of Cy,wioa of =-A of Sciences USSR,, Pt:strsct3 of Rilports), Leningrad, 1962 88 T)p. JPTLq 2o,631, MOUNOV) A.A.; IIIKOLISKIY,. N.N.; AOZENTALI) D.L. Diatribution of neutral red between the giant axon of Eoepia and t~:e medium., TSitologiia 4 no.2:171-181 Mr-Ap 162. (MRA 15: 6) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii kletki Instituta tsitologii AN c;ssR,, Leningrad. (STAINS AND STAINING ( HICUOSCOPT)) VEMIMOV, A.A.; IIIKOLISKIY, N.11%; ROM:TALI, D.L. ~ Absorption of neutral red by the giant axon of cuttlefish durinr, the sproading, of excitation. Tsitologlia 4 no#6: 666-W 111-W62 (1111LI DO) 1. Lriborritoriya fiziologli kletki Instituta taitologii All SSSR Loningrad. VEMIINOV, A.A.; MOLISKIY, V.N.; ROZMITAL'p D.L. Effect of alterationo on the sorption of neutral red bf the giant axon of the cuttlefioh. T$itologiia no.117e42 Ja-F'63 OMA 16:6) 1. Inboratoriya fiziologii, kletki Instituta tsitologil. AN SSSH, laningrad. (CEPHAIDPODA) (CELM) (SORPTION) (NEUTRALRED) i,:. Ti ri, s VERENINOV, A.A. Charaoteristics of the study of potential differences Induced by salts and alteration in isolated fibers under the local affect of an agent. TSitologiia 5 no.6s694-700 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii kletki Instituta tsitologii AN SSSR, Leningrad. ,Ice r,;, o f kbor,,; e, r trie .4:!,--l-j 16,3 VERENINOV., A.A.; NIKOLISKIY, N.N.; ROZENT'Ll, D.L. ft Distribution of neutral red be'ween the glan, axon of Bepia and the medium. Trudy MOIP. Otd. biol. 9.2/.-2() 01-URA '18 2) 1. Institut tsitologii AN SSSR, Leningrad. VERENINOV, A.A. Prooent Btate of the phase theor7 of bivelectrical pf*nomena- Paport No,3' Action potential. TSitologiia 6 nc.6-,718~-722 N-D t64* W RA 182~~, 1. Laboratoriya fiZiOlORii kletki Instituta tsitolcgil AN S&R- laningrad. -I.-MOINO-lal CH 'S ',.'a) tv4- X~11!4m ' !y J)L~ r %,VjU wjltrw~) .% '31.1. 'Ai4'AiU.UA.% l v3 Clio$ bi $ ua d- 9 w1 " w " pie) v O p s t I n g 60 at V1 f I N ld 1 0 o * go 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 9- F A al - all 4 A -.4-owo 4d wink fimb. tr asommu, V-kmu hot Mbr. 40SWAII eel 004 be aA h wo Aovm=w "btbm GOO -J~, -82 N. Avg. Oy dowed MV1410 in Kee see 'coo Is- '"TA.&WGICAL tfffo&T%Oe CL&SUPICATON - - -_: ." 7---- ---- --- -7:=-:7-:~ --. 9. - - - ---,.--:. I I slow 9"4ilv- woo, -o r AV &0 dmil 104111011 *a 4.0-ot w -1 Ir, 'rA Aft is AT 00 As 4- . I - 9 9 v At a It I , , . , a is A 0 : i *000*0000000 ::-o 0 46600060**000000000: :ONNO90000000000 -- - 00154 - 0 - 0, 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0;1 1r,-!- , -,-- - - v 1 -1 . , .I ,9 t -- - . A,,rici,l'tui-c, aising t1he yoong of fan-.i an, .ZLIS. (!' , va) , " ~;el I . 1 51. R, I., L . 0-1 9 I Montlil List of Russian Accessions r U November 1952. Unclassified. - -, Libra y o'' Conc, ess-