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V~T.~Rp R.A.; and c-, -cal -11C r, (Kcrillok ol Nc-rillslf.- coalZo (1:1RA 14'.10) VE11 J- R.A., red.; SPEItANSKAYA, G.V., red.; AEOFOV, N-G., ruci.; I-jq! - '', - KOSTIN, N.A... red.; EIRONOVA, T.A., ved. red. (Preparation and complete utilizatior, of fuel) 000ga- shchenie, i korpleksnoo ispoltzovanie topliva. Movkva, Nedra) 1965. 255 P. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Moscow. Institut goryuchikh iskopayemykh. KARAVAYEN, N,ri,i VENEI'~~, R.A.; r,;,,If,cii,Y'-,VA, K.V. 'tt'ater solubj.~~ ,icds Pror~, the cc-!-.:! -~ , . 7~ . I _; . - - --: ~,:: - - -n~. T)ok.i. S,S' if,,, A,- t~r I ""; ;, - I A I- ., ,.. ~ ..I., ..,-I 1. InstL'Wit :j,ory)icriikh fskrq).-iy(!mykh, 11, Ava. I VZOM, R. A. - - Methods of determining the activity of carbonaceous argillites. Trudy IGI 14:136-142 163* (MIRA 13;12) (Argillita) (Aotivity coeffloientw) IVENER, R.A. Che,lical composition of mineral resins. Trudy IGI 211 99-108 163. (MIRA 16:11) AMS, A.: GUTW, Electric are-welding of trolley-bus steering knuckles. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 6 no.1:27 156. (KLRA 9;5) (Trolley buees)(Blectric welding) VEN-.I. aAxlp is 40 Dissertation: "Investigation of Some Rules of the Ileat-Irrds,;ion Process in Boiling Under Conditions of Yrea Circulation." Cand Tech ScIt, Inst of Ifeat 6ngirseeerire, Acad Sci Uk-rainian SSR, Kiev, 1953. Referativrrjy Zhurnal-I.,hirdya, "w1osew, loo 13, Jul 54. SO: SU14 No. 356, 25 Jan 1955 VENMAKI, .1. E. (CE,nd. Tech. Sci.) Heat Transfer of a 'Torizontall a-indle ~f -D-ibe:; B~)Ilirr, W-:~:ter ar~-* under Conditions of Free UnvectifDr, and Vacu-z.,:. report presented at sci and tech se~;slc)n an Heat durinil, Chr.~nge of of matter (by C--rjn. on High Steem Conditions, Power Inst'. AS USSR, and Inst. Eggineering., A.15 TJkrSSB) Kiev, 23-28 SCP 57. Kiev Polytech Inst. ~'tu ly" ,,4 1,,, ca, o vm7,.-a. 'W-Tlil' r,lv VENERAKI, I.E.; BOWTIN, N.K. Experimental determination of beat in the stean, generation of diethylene glycol. Gaz. prom. 9 no.3:30-32 164. (MIRA 17:9) KRALI., Karel (Kralp Kareljj VENEROVA, wyeta (Venorova, betal; PEMOV, VladImIr; YURIN, B.A... red. [Concise encyclopedia of the international trade-union movement] Kratkaia entsiklopediia mozhdunarodnogo prof- soiuznogo dvizheniia. Moskva, Profizdat, 1963. 208 p. Translated from the Czech. (MIIIA 17:3) 6 to It A L 1 tlumil 118 19411in nmij AITIS)9 It V 11 0 J, 0 a 1, 4 1 It I It F 6 A 1 T 1 b V i I 4. - , I AA A The detembutioill Of 1`091110dum f""Clabid in owlto X . tomed in the produed" of POUSSitm 7SA St~ VWIT &MI 4" n, III,, 1;xn " . ' ~ j" - ' 1932, I ""th'.1 4. a .00 m"had of ('"1106 (0c tllc 1147W. kA Zn- Twc"ly A- o ' wo er an law KCN mrit is 1114WIT"I I" 2'x)cl-Id t cI M III,, otan. used. A wshf- cd 1- 9 Z~ in 1.1-0r 00 1 '21 ClAeffy with .411, is U-I f-W Ih" fills. I I'M F111"11 14 ))is .40, 6 IlIt'llot 1-11h Itte -.116 h l , y a 01-1 illph't illit"lixotion, thr o'T"I I.Alit Iming dirt' 04 ,,t with it ~)Jn. of V accliate. A III- a the chances 1,,r rrr,-r in ononpArtum III ith ..111c1 lartht"I. -00 00 AM of the imt,i-lifarv re,lui" in "1"1 -4 -0 0 00 is given. 'liv, mal. 11T.4 an"%Illt~ ft. 0.1,; K.I., - o 0 111 , CN, 14. W. A, %I-tr 4 z 09 -00 0 'Ife a** we 0 I I. W Itt L It(,k t LIT fQ-T Of Ct &%SWK &I K- 8 1 it* it a, I., I., AT I I IW a 4 t 0 & q If I too 0 4 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 6 0 0 PROTSMIKO, P. I.--IVNIMMSKAYA. L.N. (g.Rootov-r-IL -D) 1411) - , . " . Experiment in obtai ng'-niitrogan trio/ld,). Oikola 14 no.4:40-41 Jl-Ag 159. WiRA L1:11) (Nitro",a oxide) (Chemistry-Study AXYWKR~z -P-*-'-OtsenkQ, F- 1. F-1-duk-ov A. Mirskaya Ye. Z. TTTLE: Physico-chemica.1 para.-x--+4-,r-,-- ef n1trates And nitrates of P-Ikali and TOPIC T GS: Ferroelectrir-s, nitrates =-.A- nitrites, alkali meTa.L5, . IA A -',F-9S Card 2/ S/196/63/000/001/006/035 9193/E383 AUTHORS: Protsen4co, P.I., Khodakov, Vencrovalcaya, L.N. TITLE: Physicochemical parameters alkali vend alknline-earth proportips A.A., Mirskaya, Ye.Z. and of nitrites and nitrates of metals with ferraelectric PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotelchnilta i energetika, no. 1, 1963, 17, abstract 1'B55- (In collection: SeSnetoelektriki (Forroolectrics), Rostov-na-Donu, Rostovsk. un-t, 1961, 21-26) T EXT: In connection with the possible application of ferro- clectrics as nonlinear elements in conjunction with electralumino--. phors, it is desirable to have available ferroeloctrics ch4racter- ized by low c , this property being necessary to ensure their compatibility with clectroluminophors. With this in view, a study was conducted of crystals of those nitrites and nitrates of alkali and allcaline-earth metals that possess ferroelectric properties; the experimental specimens were crystallized out of aqueous solutions or 6rown by the Bridgman method from their melts. Thermal Card 1/5 s/iq6/62/ooo/ool/oo6/o35 Physicochen.ical parameters .... E193/E383 analysis of a large number of nitrates and nitrites onabled the authors to obtain more accurate data on their malting points, to establish the existence of polyinorphic transformations and to determine the transfori-,iation temperatures (these data being reported in the form of a table). It was shown that single crystals of sodium nitrite (NaNO ) in the direction of the 6 axis consitu- ted ferroelectrics with 2Fj--, 4370K, i.e. 164 OC (see Fig. 1), the magnitude of c a t -& being t;iore than 100 tinies-higher than that at room temperature. The magnitude of spontaneous polarization, determined by pyroclectrical measurements, was found to be about 7 ~Lk/cm. Typical hysteresis loops were observed at 413 0K (140 OC) at 50 c-p-s- High values of coercive fields'at room temperature were established. A study of the dependence of c of NaNO 2 on temperature and the intensity of the DC field E showed that c decreased with increasing E at temperatures lower than being independent of E a t t~* Dilatometric measurements showed that the temperature coifficient 06 lineir expansion a of NaLVO 2 was of the order of 10 - 4 x 10- dog- , and that the temperature- dependence of a differed from that typical for ferroelectrics. A Card 2/5 s/196/62/000/001/0o6/035 Fhysicochemical parameters .... E193/E383 domain structure was observed which disappeared at temperatures hidix 'than 8 and was not restored on cooling below 0 Single crystab of sodium, rubidium, coesium and thallium nitrates had phase- transformations in the temperature range between room temperature and the melting point. The transformation of sodium nitrate from the second phase (with an orthorhombic structure of aragonite) to the first ghase (with the calcite structure) took plage on heating above 403 K (13o OC)i on cooling below 397 OK (124 C) the first phose changed into forroclectric third phase, which remained stable do'ym to 3830K (110 0C) and then changed to the second phase. The transformation of sodium nitrate to its ferroelectric phase was accompanied by a decrease in c Transformation from hexagonal to cubic modification took place at 434 OK (161 Gc) in rubidium nitrat a change from cubic to rhombic modi:Cication talcing-place at 492% K (219 C); a phase-transformation -.n this compound was observed also at 564 ox (291 OC). Rubidium rAtrato had no ferro- electric properties in the temperature interval studied. A shase- transformation took place in caesium nitrate at 427 OK (154 C) but no maxima were observed near -the transformation temperature. Two phaso-transformations were observed in thallium nitrate (see Card 3/ 5 PROTSENKO) P.I.; PROTSENKOY A.V.; TRETIYAKOV, Yu.D.; VENEROVSKAYA, L.N* Electric conductance of binar7 molten nitrite-nitrate oysters. Dokl. AN S.SSR 154 no.5:1171-1.174 F164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Frumkinym. PROTS.R"YO, P.I.; VENEROVSKAYN, L.Ne Differential them-eg-,aphIc analysis with recordir-g of the cm- ductemce of alkali motal nitrites. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no. U* 1200-1203 1'65 (mIRA 19t1) I. FWatovski-y-na-Donu gosudarstvennyyuniversitnt. V31MOVS1IY, D.H. . , N - - - - , Traveling-wave tube with a secondary emission multiplier. Zhur. tekh, fiz. 28 no-5:1089-1095 My '58. (MIRA 11:6) (Blectron tubes) VZNBROVSKIY, D.N.; PURTO, V.M. Var;vo~*n of millimicrosecond pulses by means of oscillator travelling-vave tubes. Radiotakh. i eloktron. 3 no.11: 1404-1403 N 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Traveling-wave tubes) AUTHORS: V.M. SOV/109-3-11-11/13 TITIZ.- On the Problem of generation of Millimicrosecond Palses By Means of Travelling Wave Tubes (K voproau v'ozbuzhdeniya nSnOSekuDdnykh impullsov pri pomoshchi generatornoy IBV) PMODICALt Raclioteklinika i Elektronikal 1958, Vol 3, Nr 11, PP 1404 - 1405 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The possibility of generating verx short pulses by mean of travelling wave tubes with an internal feedback is -Indirectly indicated by the experimental data contained in a number of published works(Refs 2,3,4). From those data, it can be concluded that it is possible to generate oscillations of various ;ypes and that to each type of oscillation corresponds definite interval of the accelerating potential. ~dhe possibility of obtaining a milli-microsecond pulse is indicated in the graph of Figure I which gives the wavelength as a function of the accelerating voltage; if the voltage is changaistepwise to a value higher than V2 , the tube will oscillate during Card 1/2 SOV/109-3-11-11/13 On the Problem of Generation of Willi-microsecond Pulses by kean-a . of Travelling Wave Tubes an interval At - There are 2 figures and 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet, 2 English, 1 French and 1 German. SUBMITTED: November 2?, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHUR: Venerovakiy,__D1_ N. 57-28-5-30/36 TITLE: On a Travelling-Wave Tube With a Secondary-Emimsion Yultl- plier (0 lampe begushchey volny a vtorichnoelektronnym umno- zhitelem) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheekoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 5, pp~ 1089- -1095 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this paper the author attempted to find a possibility for the creation of a tube which permits the simultaneous per- formance of several processes: Amplification of the low-fre- quency signal, generation of the carrier frequency and the modulation of the carrier frequency by the low-frequency sig- nals. The lay-out of the tube employed for the preliminary ex- perimenta, is shown by figure 3. In order to arrive at a transition of the,-electron current from the multiplying part of the tu_be, where the interaction of the electroL beam with the slowed-down electromagnetic wave takes place, a construct- ion of an electron-optical focussing transition system was worked out. The shape of the electrodes and the potentials we- re found by the investigation of the electric fields in the electrolytic bath, The picture of the field and the traject- Card 1/3 ories of the electrons are shown in figure 4. This system On a Travelling-Wave Tube With a Secondary-Emission Multi- 57-26-5-30/36 plier proved to be sufficient for the experimental examination of the principle. The problem of the finding of a rational sol- ution for the electron-optical transition ayutem calls for a special investigation. The basic interest is centwed on the experimental control of the system as such. The results of the present investigation permit to draw the following conclu3- ions: 1) The function I d -f0l)(figure 7) indJcates a linear relation between the amplitude of the excited electromagnetic field and the amperage of the electron beam. at a varhtion of from 0,5 to 1,2 milliamperes, because the shape of the curve ('I.) corresponds to the current-voltage charact- eristic of a detector. 2)The absence of a noticeable di- stortion of the propagation P- impulse certifies, that the rise time of the o3cillation amplitude in a travelling-wave tube does not exceed 10-6 sec at a sudden variation of the beam. 3) The possible modification of the generated wave length does not exceed measurement errors by more than 5% at an increase of the beam current by a factor of three. For this reason the experimental examination of the amplitude Card 2/3 modulation in this tube by means of F-impuloes within a few On a Travelling-Wave Tube With a Secondary-Emi3;iion Multi- 57-28-5-30/36 plier tenths of a microsecond with a travelling frequency of up to some dozen MC seems to be of great interest. An investigat- ion of the functions I d.-f ('l.) in a wider range of variat- ions of the beam current is also neceacary. Ihe author thanks Professor V. I. Kalinin for the interest shown by him. There are 12 figures and 9 references, 8cf:whirh are Soviet. SUBMITTED: April 2o, 1957 1. Traveling wave tubes--Design Card 3/3 VMWOVSKIY I D. U., ond t1IKEALEVSKIY, V. S. "Me leneration of Llectromagnetic oscillations by Means of a Traveling Wave TLIe With an External Sectionalized Helix," by V. S. 14ikhalevskiy and D. It. Venerovskiy, Zhurnal Tekhnichesko Fiziki, Vol 26, X:~ 3, liar 56, PP 526-529 In this experimental study the electromagnetic waves were retarded by a "helical filter" ccnsisting of a sectionalized helical conductor, as suggested by W. Dodds and R. Peter (RCA Review, 14, 502 119531) It was establ.'shed that tho, sectionalizing of the helix contributes to the atabil- itY of the generated wave length over - mide range of variations in anode voltage and magnetic field strength. Tables and Sraphs protray the results of the experiments. Sum 1239 MIIXUJVSKI'r, V,S.; VIMMOVSKIT, D.N. Generation of electromagnetic oscillations by means of travelling- vaye tubes having internal sectional spiral grids. Zhur.tekh.fis. 26 n0-31526-529 Mr 7156. OWA 937) (Oscillators, Electron-tube) VENEROVSKIY, D. N. and MJKILAIIVSKIY, V. S. "Electromagnetic oscillations in a Traveling-Wave Tube with an External Sectional Helix," Zhur. tekh. fiz., 26, No.3, pp. 526-29, 1956 Translation 1032974 I/ k 1" !-~ j., ~ - " , , - , IL- - - - - I I ~ . -- , 1 7 - - -- NIMAMT56'rT, T.S.; VAIUROVSKIT, D.N. Generation of electromagnetic oscillations by means of a novine-wave external-spiral electron tube. Zhur. tekh. fis. 25 no-5:M-816 My 155. (MIRA 8:7) (19'lectric waves) (Electron tubes) VSMIANIR, P. Newer technic for treatment of traumatic defects of the skin and for healing of chronic varicose ulcers of the leg. Ory.hetil. 91 -aa-17:528 23 AP 150. (CUO, 19:2) 1. First Surgical Department of the Polyclinic of the ~)th District Office of the National Institute for Social Insurance, Mester Street, Budapest. VENETIANER, L. "Crain bridres latticed on one side with a box girder." p. 102 GEP. (Cepipari Tudormnyos Egesulat) Budapest, HunL-nry, Vol. 11, No. 3 Mar. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEII) LC, Vol. 8,, No. 69 June 1959 Uncl. V'-,NETlA-,-:--R, L. L. lelvlsurcr-,,~-.nt of crvnp. with calsFon f,lrdr-rs. p. 217. Vol. 7, No. 6, June 19""',. c1hp. TIXIINCLOGY Fudapest, Hunvary So: I~ast -Inuropeen Acces.3-'Orly Vol.. 5, !,'c. 5, !'elf 1.91,6, ALIRMIR P. 'U pbb 91JAM trauma borhl=W as ree 9LIMOrfOWY beCoaltaserIA- ler tedmq for Uvebm X slu And fbr b"IW of dawof tmustio d*f*ou of th;4W lo vu-looge dom of the (h.w. b4n. 9lsl7 23 Apr 50 po 528o Fixot Sural"I Department of the Pollelinlo of the 9th DistrIct Offlos of the Hatiewl M"Utite for So" iWava"t Neater Street, Budapest. VIMIANERt P.1 STRAUDO F.D. Enzymic fox-Amtion of the dib.13fide bridgeo of ribowiclease. Acta pbysiol, acado sci, H=g. 24 no.1:41-53 163, 1. Institute of Medical Chemistry, Medical University, Budapest. (PANCREATIC EXTRACTS) (RIBONWLF.ASS) PROTEIN METABOLISM) (CHROKATOGRAPHY) OCHEMISM) (CATTLE) (SUVIDES) M STRAVD, F-Druno, akademik'18, egyetemi tanar; CSUZI~ Sandor, egyetemi, tanarseged; VENETIANTR, Pal,, egyetemi tanarseged The 5th Internaticnal Congress on Biochemistry in Foscow. Vagy tud 68 no.12:765-766 D 161. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia '~,iokemiai Inte-zete, Budapest (fcr Straub). 2. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem (for Csuzi end Venetianer). VENETWER, Pal Perspectives of intarnational coopf.-ration in biology. biol oszt koz! MTA 6 no-3/4:35a,-363 163. 1. Budapeati.Orvost-Lidomanyi Egyntm Orvesi Vegy-tani Intezeta. _ST?_kG3, Forenc, Bruno; Medical University of Budapest, .Ln,5tit1;'.e of 1-~e,'Jical. Chemistry (Budapesti Orwostudomanyi. Egyetem, brvosi VeZytani ln'16z6t). ;'Enzymatic Formation of the Disulfide Bridges of Ribonuclease." 0 Eudapast, Acta Physioloqica Academiae Scientiarum Hunparicae, Vol TJIV, No 1, 1963, pages 41-53. Abstract: [Enflish article, authors' English summary] An enzyme has been fovnd in the p-,ncreas of several anix-al species which is able to catalyze the reactivation of reduced bovine pancreatic ribonuclease. The enzyme has been partially purified from chicken and pig pancreas. A heat-stable factor ,:as essential to the activity of the enzyme. This substance could be re- placed by dehydroascorbic acid. The possible significance of these results in the problen of prottin biosynthesis is discussed. 1 Chinese, 2'JI Iwestern referen;es. 1/1 KRAUSE, E.-G.1 VENETIANER, Pq STRAUB, F.B. On the nature of the oxidizing factor involved in the enzymic reactivation of reduced ribonuolease. Acta physiol. acad. sci. Hung. 27 no.4t295-301 165. 1. Institute of Medical Chemistry, University Medical School, Budapest. VENETTANERP. P. I STRAUB, F. B. Studies of the mechanism of action of the ribonuclease-reac- tivatIng enzyme* Acta physiole acad. sci. Hung. 27 no.400-315 265- 1. Institute of Medical Chemistry, University Medical Schoolf Budapest. VENETS, P.M. mashiniat elektrovoza Electric 3~6comotivo engineer P. rh. Tenets shares his erpertence. Blek. i topl. tiaga 2 no-8:39-W Ag '58. (MIRA 11:9) 1.Depo Nikopoll, Stalinskays, doroga. (Blectric, locomotives) VEMMAINGV, .,igeniv P A nzlo in n j ta 1 iI t I w; fl. I'l -xi eful e n n 1, r e r ~J s x r, s Non t a zb el ekt r c- prr. vo/,i A i ~,~ I (,-k t rr, pornc- VENETSIANCYV, Yevgeniy Andreyevich; DELIBA311, B.A., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye.p tekhn. red. (Special features of the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment] Osobennosti montazha vzryvozashchi- shchennogo elektrooborudovaniia. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 62 p. (Biblioteka elektromontera, no.102) (MIRA 17: 1) RAKOVICH, I.I.; VENETSIANOV. Ye.A.; NAMELID, M.R.; MOVSESOV, N.S.; Problem concerning the use of cable fittings and wires with aluminum strands In class V-Ia areas with explosion hazard conditions . Prom. energ. 15 no.8:38-44 Ag 160. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut azotnoy promyshlonnosti (for Rakovich). 2. Vseocyuznyy treat po-elektrifikatsii promyshlennykh pred- priyatiy tsentrallnykh rayozwv 35S~ (for Venetaianov, Kayfelld). 3. Glavnoye upravleniye po proizvodstvu elektromontazhnykb rabot Minstroya RSFSR (for Mozaesov). 4. Gosudarstvennyy proyektnyy institut tyazheloy elektriakeskey promysh-lannoBti (for Bol'sham). (Electric wiring-Safety measures) LIPKIN, B.Tu.. Prinimali uchastiye: GCLIDGOF, B.G., inzh.; BARYSIN, Tu.G.. inzh.; TOROKKOT. Tu.F., inzh.; YINETSIANOTjo.A., inzh., SCKCLOT, D.T., inzh., nauchW red. li&HCH. I.L.". red.izd-va; GMEM, ?.A., red.izd-va; RUDAXOTA, R.I., (Blectric eqnipment at industrial enterprises] Elaktrooborudo- vanie promyshlennykh predpriiatii. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arichit. i strolt.materialam, 1960. 399 p, (KIRA 13;7) (Zlectric driving) DOBRY11III, Valentin Ksenofontovich; VENETSIAN,OV, Ye.A.0 inzh., nauchn. red. (Installation of heavy bus conductors in elertro2qttr cells and electric furnaces] Montazh tiazheloi OSUL~vki elektra- liznykh vann i elektricheskikh pechei. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1965. 167 p. (MIRA .1814) BOGDAIJOV, K.D.; DELIBASH, B.A ; VENETSIANOV Ye.A.; GUREYEV, V.A.; NEDWAIN, Kh.G.; z1fivoV, M.S.; a-VAKIN, I KUZVEIISOVI " P.; RIZOW"lov, A.Ii.; Ya.A.; TRIFOIIOV~ A.N.; TRUIIKOVSKIY, L.Ye.; K110MC111,110, G.Ye. [Oreanization ancl performance of vlectrical equipment instal- lation operations] Grganizatviia i proizvodstvo clektromon- tazhnykh rabot. lloskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 602 p. (MIRA 19:3) -A_04&~6 Ev'i :i( r , N - Acc NR, At-5022740 AUTHOR: 6&tjtyL A. N._i W~nStEka aL M. M. Z Kyl'nikora, 1. Te.i y Pisarev, R.. V..; Proskuryaxov,--O. B. ORG: Institute of Semiconductors M SSSR, Leningrad (Institut poluprovodnikov AN SSSRY_ TITLE: Investigation of ferrite-garnet single crystals viith vanadium SOURCE: Fizika tveMogo tela, v. 7, no. 9, 1965, 2853-2856 TOPIC TAGS: siNle crystclL, vanadium, garnet, ferrite, absorption spectrum -7 q (1, 57 ABSTRAM Some data are given from preliminary studies on single* crystals of garmets which contain vanadium ions. Specimens of (B13-2xCa2x) fre2l (re3_,V.,_T0_j2 single crystals were grown, using B12O3, Fe203, V20S and CaCO3 as initial components. The best crysti.1s; were those with x = 1.33 and dimension-. of 5-7 mm. Measurenents of ,-magnetization from roo;n temperature to the Curie point show that the composition of ,the synthesized crystals corresponds to that of the initial charge. Curves are given for 2AH as a function of temperature along cz-fstallographic axes (1111, (1101 and [100) in plane (110) for a garnet crystal with x = 1.33. Spectral studies of thin plates (about 5 v) show an absorption maximwa at about 0.67 v and a second veaker maximum at about 0.69 ti, with transparency in the visible and infrare-d regions. The Card 1/2 L 9246-66 ACC NR, AP5022740- authors are grateful to G.- A. Smoletmkiv and A-. G. Guravich for directing the wor*. Orig. art, has: 2 figures, I tabl6~ '-,- 1 SUB CODE: 20,07/ SUBM DATE: 09Apr65/ OM RM 002/ OTH REF: 007 L 10759.66 ACC NR: AP50 7-27= AUTHOR: Tcn.~hp0l'skiVj -yu. EWT( I T -'P( C 7 iH ~/tc" 7t, j/ Ya. ~ VPr,e*--tse*,r YUN i~-znczcirev, v. ORG: Physicoctemica.1 Scientific Re-wa-cr, institlite Ya. Kartsov, (Nauct'no-isslecovate,.'s~iy fizixc)-,, rr,. nes, v 1T.,-, TITLE: Ferromagnetism in ferromaj7netic-ferroelectric systems SOURCE: Fizika tverdopo tela, v. 7, no. 9, 11165, 7763-2767 TOPIC TAGS: forroelpctric material. fnrromarnotir materi,il, f-rromavnottsm, alloy phase diagram, solid solution, ptiase transition ABSTRACT: The PbTi0j-Srp.3La nO-, svstem is used as a bas*.q for studving the fea- sibility of priAucing fdrr~a-'etics ifi the form of solid solutions in a ferroelec- tric-ferromagnetic i5):;i=. The spoci~ripns wore. prepared by sinterinr Mn02, I PL)CO3 dT.d )rC0j at &')0-l3')1)0C for , i. ) ~iotirs. ~-ra,~ (liffraction i'~AltcrTjs wer" 1~-n and the aielectric constant, magnpt. spontane)us nagnetic condurtivity w-~rp me,isurel. X-r-vi inaiv3ib at r(y-)m tefnj,ercitur'~ "nows *hat ,hiss SYS- tom forwq a ro:itinuoijr. -orie~; of &1jj(j ~,(JjWjt1UfzJ (-)f tfle j~fIrOV!,iKite- 1rdn- -- 1 sitions occur 3t 30 and 70"D PuTii)3. Taiie experimeitai data indicate tt.-at the soiid solutions from 70 to 100 mol % 1YbTiOj may have ferraelectric properties in a definiteT temperature rarige. Curves for the dielectric constant as a function of temperature L-Card-.-I/.2 L 10759-66 ACC NRt AP5022720 ! 1--in-this-systemshow -max ima7-which-i-ndf cate--phase -transfti-~ns-- from- the- -parae lectri c-ta 0 __ ___ - - ----f the -ferroelectric- state-.-- Curves -for inverse magnetic s,.-r~:pcib lity an spontaneous. trapolation shows that the transition point lies close to absolute zero at 195 .01 PbTiO,. The phase dialram for the systf,,n shows that the ferroelectric transitior. point falls more rapidly than that for magnetic phase transition. Thus tne syst(m keeps its ferromignetic properties in t~e 0-92 mol % ranre, while ferroelectrir ,ro- perties occur in compositions with 70-100 mol % PbTiO3. The system dispiays Dorn ferraelectric and ferromagnetic properties in the interval between 79 and 92% lead titanate at lower-than-roon temperatures. The method proposed in this paper may be used for producing materials with various cornbinat'ons of fer-ro- and antilerr--eiectric with ferro-, ferri- and anti ferromagnet i c properties. The authors thank V. P. Glushkova and A. M. Abramova for making the chemical analyses. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 20,11/ SUBM DATE: 09Apr65/ ORIG REr: 002/ OTH Rrr: 004 t Card L 776 _3-6~.~ WT ( Ivyf I rt, ON f )/TWr It,', IJP( cJT)/GG ACC NR, APS025403 ~OUPCI- CODr. UP/0191/b5!U07101Gr317613PP AUTHOR: Tomashvol'skiy, Yu. Yi~_- ; venev-tsev, Yu. No ORG: Phys cochemical cientlfi~ Research Institute im. L. Ta. Karpov, Hoacow (Hauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-khimicheakiy institut) -1-TITL61--rerramagnetism in the Pb2CoW06-BaTiOj system SOURCE: Mika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 10,~1965, 3126-3129 T(TP1C TAGS: lead compound, cobalt compound, vingstate. barium tita-,,hte, solid solu- tion, phase transitlon., phase diagram, ferroragnetism, polycrysta) ABSTRACT: The authors. study polycrystalline specimens in the Pb2CoW0r,-DaTiO3 system produced by sinterinF oxides and carbmates. Cr radiation was used for the x-ray ana lysis. The dielectric constant was studiel as a function of temperature at 200 kc i. a weak field with an accuracy of 5-10%. The magnetic susceptibility and spontaneous magnetic mmeent were measured. X-ray analysis ah&ws only the cubic modification of the perovsNite cell for 5-95% BaT103 concentrations. Superstructure lines due to or- dering cn the Pb2COW06 side am observed on the x-ray photographs to approximately 25 mol. % BaTiO3, although partial ardering is appam-ntly maintained to even hipher concentrations (%40 mol. % BaTiO3). C~u-ms for the dielectric constant as a function, of temperanure ahow maxima which are ctiaracteriatic for fervo- or antiferroelectrica -4tt copposizions closse-to the in-it A" compgunds. These maxima mov- *owar4 the low Card 1~2 L 7763-60 ACC NRi AP5025403 temperature side startinp with corcentratfra3 of BaTiO3 In Pb2f7r)WOC and vice ver%a. No extrema, were observed on 61" curver, for composi A- ol '()-W~ moi-% BaTiO3 . This is apparently due to a shift in the point fo, ferro- or antlf-r-ro,!iec- tric transitions toward the low temperature side. Specimemi with 5 mol.% Balicli were used for the magnetic measurements. The curve for magnetic nurceptibility as a func-! tion of temperature has a shape -wrhich Ir- typical of ferrimainctic materials with a poorly defined Inflection at ah