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Anastaslyevsk Crude Oii From Bed 1V as a 775ji4l Raw Material for Lo-.,; _.~,14.3C-5' ~y 04 2 - 1/- 1':~ Lilt heavy arcmatic cors-PoUt-lds zind t~jrs, than " paraffin, and les'~ '_'Ia'-, 0.1% S; 'hU n e 1-1 0.4 ~:' t-c z40% after ex~ractlcn of bright o t o, c reaches 3 Up to 7~ _.~Go C. A--, Itypes of special olls car, be pz,--- ducert 1'rom ttill:; crude oll, cont--iin_s up -~ o So% and Ir"w-ji-Aid point, Us'Ing, 'rhv aj applied to Pak~.~ uLl:~, !Av~ produced 1-4 different 8rojuc-~o wl-,ose ~;oli:J poin*.-., -7 1 - .. ranged f.-cm -12 to 10 C, Addi-ional purl-ficatic- 1 1. J. ,.,;as necessary cny in a fe,,.j cases. The purified products ,.;ere better than, those from ll-he Baku and Emba crude oils. For instance, transformer oils could bc obtla-ined from the Anastaslyevsk oils that did not reouire antioxidant -and antidepressinc, additiveo. H,I~wever, the transfcrrier oil was of lo,..;er quality rhan imprrtea olis. To achieve th,~:- latterls quaUt.-r, the Yarosla%rl ; refinery puriflcd the distillate ;,-jith SO ;7ao and added 0.2%, ionol or 3 cL' Card 2/3 0~1%. VT,'.--I, another an-_icxldant., to the product. Anastaslyevsk Cr~.ide 0!] Frrrr: i'j as 7 ~54 Ravi Material for Lc,,;.-Visuosity Oils SOV/16Z 'j The obtained ol" -.,;a.,; highly fAat,le, arid had nip -56o C - The Gorlkl ri-Ifinery ot)talned 'Irans- former oil of the same higt.-aiality (:np C% by pl.irif.-ing the aloo 0. 2% iono I Borh SO and ff,clo, altf?r 'h--: 3 p ropo r f~ i o ri of hydrc~carbons; i.e., they almoif rir~~:ble ?,he rnethane & naphthene conterits at- the expense of arcrralic compounds and tars. Speclai oila TXK-B, MVP, AU, and STJ can also be produced frcm Anaztas,ye'is~f cr,-~de oilz. The first ~;as -;f higher a~-:al.i.t,r t~-!an speoil~'i,alcns require, btit the latter 'r----.c Lrands had flash pc1n!---s below permitted values. T~je residue aLlter the extrac- tion of special oils can be iAtillzea for production of other oils and bitumen. Zinc-henkr-, 11. Zolotareva, and 0. Morozova of the Gorlkl plane, and G. Voronova, A. Mellnikova, and 0. Kloch-kova .)C ~he Yaroslavl-' plant took part in the work. There are 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Petroleum-Lubricant Refineries (Neftema*loza,iody) Card 3/3 5-Ji1OO 7'-(') 41 7 VA.1 AUTHORS i VuII1c(-)Vji[Iy, D. Chei,vovu, L. V. TITIX ECI'ect ot' TnIckeriltiZ, ot' Pc!tvoleurn- and Li,-jiild Silloone oil 14.lxturut; With llif~h-Pulyiric-r A(.1J-'1t1vt!~; PERIODICAL: Kh1miya I tekhn-)lu,,jya tc)plLv I Nv 2, PP 30-~` (USSR) ABSMACT: Thf, ~ vlscu~,11-y of petrolewn- and ,;Ilicone oil rfIL'..tures was e~v-tmlned, after havin'-yl- added different hiCh polynctr.,;; i.e., p,:)1y-(ettL:jli1c--,~yl- methacrylate) witil 111oleculal, Wel-h ~,160; Pcly- (Villyl 11-1),-Ity-l euel') with -w-A.ecu I'll, 4,000; and poll.,.obutylene wIth molecular Tiie polyfner~; we2.-e added In ?uno--into of' 12%, arri 10~ reL;pectively. Tliey proved to produc,-e no anomalouz V1-'(!o.,31ty of' thell, own b'11, to arfect, that, which f-xi:,te~ In the ovlgin'al oll T1i1xt11v(-; of th(,- latter -wau retalned, altiloij.rh the ab!3clute value,,, t -, anomalou.3 viscosity Card 1/5 of vif;coolty chant-, if e 1-1 c. ehe Effect of Tnickeningr of Petroleurri- and Liquid Silicone Oil Mixtures With High.-Polymer A(Jdltl.ve3 77-547 no 11/65-60-2-7/15 of petroleum- and silicone oil mixtares co~-zld be, In the presence of hIgh-polymer additivez, evaluatc-d In term,,i oC the difference between the viscojity valite calculated accor,lin,- to the Walter equation arid that measured experimentally. The viscosity Vcalculated - Vexperimental depression factor K - 100 Vcalculated changes with the changing content of two oils in the mixture (Fig. 2). Some high polymers alter the viscosity of mixtures more than others. For example, the viscosity depression of a petroleurii oil P. poly- el-hylsiloxane inIxture Increases when polyinet'hacrylate Is added, wfille polyloobutyi~ne and poly-(vinyl n- J butyl vthev) veduce thi" Vlocosity 1011. T11t. lattel. two polymers the vi.,;ro.,,,It,y of' oil Card 2/5 EI'Vect of Thlckeithii,l of' and lArjuld SlItc-ont, OLI WIxti-, 1.111:11 IlIgh-Polymer AddltLve.,; 10 f0 K. % .10 Y 5117 D ju 7j /flu 7.T )a 73 1911 A. Polypthylailoxane coneprtrntlin 13, 44) pr)lymethyb)hpnylall.ox,9np concent'rnV-)n Card 3/5 See Card 4/5 for- caption Effect of Tnickening of Petroleum- 77547 and Liquid SiLlicone Oil Mixtures With S01116:~: - "- -2 -7/1 111gh-Polymer Additive-- See Card 3/5 for Fig. Fig. 2. Dependence of the viscosity deprenolon factoc K of oil mixtures at 25 0 C, with or without thickening, on the content of polyethylsiloxine- and polymethylphenylsiloxane liquid:-,: (1,5) M1xture-,,, thickened with polymethacrylate; (2,7) mixtures without thickenin~j ~3) Mixtures thickened with polyisobutylene; 1, ) mixtures thickened with Poly-(vinyl n-butyl ether). Key to Fig~ 2: (A) % polyethylailoxane concentration; (B) poly- methylphenyl +siloxane. mixtures to a greater extent if the viscosity was originally lower, while the first polym~,,r shovis the opposite effect under similar conditions. The high polymers increase the viscosity of oil mixtures at a higher temperature to a lesser extent than at a lower. Card 4/5 This Is especlall~ significant vihen polymethlphenylsilcvane ErFect, (:,I' -1 LI(IIIIA SI.I.I.cmil, 01 1 till AIII 1111,,h-Polyuw~v A&1lAl-v(-.; cont ,ent o L, ol I rn.1 f 1, 11 -o: ~I ..; h I rh I'll 11 r3 v Io tempfivature (A, all-I -1111corle 011 fill Xtil nviy he 11-11'..111Y 11florove(I 1~):; whilli!f, 1111"1l TrIc. vo ;1VO ASSOCIATION: Mo~~;C~m IwAltutr,- #f* P- t vo Io' Ini anl 'Aatr, Card 5/5 TARGAZIN, Boris Nikolayevich, kancl.takhn.nauk; Borioovich, kandotekhn.naUk-, POJYAKOVq N.1h,, profd# refs`oxtji~jf'j"?ISIM, A.B., prof,, reteensentl IT, Y.M,, kand.takhn.nauk, red.; FRIMERG. 0.T., red.lsd-va; ILIXINA. I.N., tokha.rado [Fundamentals of planni and providing facilities for settlements and industrial establishments) Osnovy planirovki I blagoustroistva naaelennykh most i prosyshlounykh prodpriiatii. Pod red. Y.M.Prodtachonskogo. Moskva, Gos.isd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhits i strolt.materialas, 1959o 229 p. (MM 1217) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhItektury SSSR (for Polyakov). 2, Deyetviteltnyy chlon Akadoxii stroitel'stva I arkhitoktury SSSR (foir Floonko). ~ (city planning) (Factories) VELIKOVSKIY, I.Y-j. Temperature errors in meazur.n4 tl& :Jinmetor of rotor wheels of the compreenor and turbine of a gas-Lurbine engine. Trucbr KAI no.8.025-22 164- (MRA 18:10) vIwKo SZKT,- Pall rjIW.SI, ErvIn (Budapoot Xll##Vlhar u. 7-9); BAY?, ZaiMond (Bu- -apemt) MotbristAl letters. Auto motar'14 no.100 My 161. 1. Uxemagvezeto, Dabasi Foldmuvesasovatkazat (for Volikovszky). VELIKOVSKY2, Ylastimil.,--Anz,; UIFANN, Lubomir,, ins* Information from a Uip to Poland. "lestnik vyzk zemedel 10 no.1:18-26 163. 1. Vyskumny ustav obilnarskyg Kromeriz. VELIKOVSKIY, Ya,Ae Device for preventing the tipping of cages. Bezopotruda v prom. 6 no*11:29-30 V 162. (MIRA 16:2) lo Glavnyy mekhanik shakhty *KuUygrskaya 1-20. (Mine hoisting-Safety applianceb) Use of dibazole in studying certain clinical questions In otonclerosis. Vent.otorin. 21 no.3:18-23 MY-Je 159. (MIRA 12:9) 1, Is kliniki bolezney ukha, gorla I noon, imeni, saaln2hannogo doyutelyn nauki prof.V.I.Voyachoka (nach. - zanltizhonnn do7atell nauki prof.R.L.Xhiloy). Leningrad. (OTOSCLAROSIS, diag. dibazol in determ. of ada tational changes of auditoz7 sensitivity (Rua~) (MUSCLE RILAXA11TS, off . dibCL201 in determ. of adaptational changes of auditor:r sennitivity In otoscleroals, diags value (Rus)) 00 - r l LP A K 1 Sr)--kin AUTHORS ) I . 11 , m K i TITLE; r pvwjti~~, PERIODICAL: p p *Si I -12 us S 'T i. ABSTRACT! Thlo Is a "i r K' i.' rr. yri A b ASSOCIATION! S-Aen- 1 f*ic Resear,---h Inst.1%,,ite f c rhe F rc z e s z; I nC c, e r 1, anj f'cr ~he p rd r-,c po v f: i ~ ro ci SUBMITTEM July 13. j 9~39 Card 1/1 - Im W-- 0 ZIA 5-90"� i~ --., am laml - - -11. - ~,,, 1. 1 1., .11 .. ~ ~~ 1 11 . I - .. .1 .. - I . 11 1 ; M "! 1, *,. - ~~, I - ~-w - ?, ii~ n-17-L- sommam ,_. _i, 1. .gfl=, M., i2x2be , --' Calculatims for istatically indeteminate elemento uOing the method of equal capacities. Badmat.i konstr. 4 no,6143-45 ]~-D 162. (Structure, Theory of) (MM 15sl2) A. A. Col.; L. ct. Maj c -r Veterinary ~;nrvice "Roentcen methc~d of cooriin,4~,~s for fi:Aing the place cf deposit of foreign bolUos.' SO: Veterinurlin 24(~) p 1947, P. 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 * VELLER, A. A., Colonel of Veterinary Service "Intestinal Stones in Forses." Sub 21 Apr 47, Military Veterinary Academy Armed Forces USSR Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow in 1947. SO.- Sum.-No. 457t 18 Apr 55 4 PROTASOV. A.I., dotsent; SDW, A.V., prof.; ~NMNOV. A.M., dotsent; BAZHWOV, A.W., dotsent; VILINER, A.M., prof.; BAWiMIMIN, A.F.. doteent; I-WAKA OV, K,I., prof.; MLLXR,_A,,A,,.prof.-. UIMOROV, V.A., prof.; F2MMOV, V.P., dotsent; KUZWOSOV, G.S., prof.; BOCHAROY, I.A., prof.; SHCHERBATYKH, F.Ya., prof.; TSION, R.A., prof.; GRIBANOVSKAYA, Ye.Ya., dotsent; ADWHIS, V.P., assistant; KOLABSKIY, N.A., dotsent; MITSOVICH, V.Yu., dotsent; GUSE;VA. N.V.. dotsent; KYSHUN, P.P., dotsont; OUBAREVICH, Ya.G., prof.; FADOTOV, B.N., prof.; DOBIN, M.A., dotsent; SIROTKIN, V.A., prof. (deceased]; KUZIMIK, V.V., prof.; TXMKDtOV, F.D., prof,; POLTAKOT, A.A., prof.; POLYAKOV, P.Ya., red.; BARANOVA, L.Ge, takhn.rede [Concise handbook for the veterinarian] Kratkii spravochnik veteri- narnogo vracha. Leningrad. Goo.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 624 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Veterinary medicine) VELVART, Zoref; STAVROVSKA, HUDAY,~'IVA, Gabr3elki The role of bronc-11 -'-I spasms in bemp dineuee. ""rac. 11~k- lt) no.90W-400 V 1 64. 1, Klinika chomb z plvolania Lek-jtrske.4 fahilty Universit7 Komanal-ohn v Bmtislar-- (prednosta prof. cir. M. 11mal ) a Ustav zdravotnickej statistiky v Bratisliva (predncsta pr(,-m. ekon. S. F-gtck). MOGILEVSIEIT, M.A.; VELIAR. A.Te.; VAL'D-PERLOV, V.H. Determination of local magnetic fields on the wan by means of modulated photoelectric spectrophotometer. Dokl.AF SSSR 95 no.5: 957-959 AP 154. (XLRA 7:4) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy Institut semnogo magnstizza. Predetavleno akAdemikom G*A,Shaynome (Solar radiation) (Photometry, Astronomioal) (Spectrophotometer) ----------------- USSR/Physics of the Atmosphere General Problems, M-1 Abst Journal: Raferat Zhur - F;Lzikap No 12., 1956, 36o51 Author: Veller., A. Ye. Instituticms Nome Titlet Influence of Instrumental Effects on the Measurement of Magnetic . Fields on the Sun With the Aid of a MaulAtion Opectrophotoneter Original Periodical: Tr. N.-i- in-ta zemn - magn-, 1955, No 11o 162-173 Abstractt A brief description of the principle of operation of a photo- electric installation of the Scientific Research Institute for Terrestrial Magnetism for the measurement of magnetic fields an the sun (Referat Zhur - Astr., 1935, 232)0 amd in analysis of certair. instrumental effects. Upon reflection of a ray from metallized surfaces of mirrors ani diffractldn gratings of compensator and of a quarter-vave plate, supplementary polari;,.a- tion and phase shift occur. The author has examined the theo,-*y of the phenomenon and carried out several experiments. This Card 1/2 USSR/PhYsics of the Atmosphere General Problems, M-1 Abst Journalt Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 36o5i Abstractl wde possible tabulation of a correction, vhich is introduced by the instrument polarization to the measurements of. the magnetic field for various declinations of the sun at the instants of ob servation. It is shown, that in certain periods of time the ca.:i_ bration of the setup is so much in error by the effect of the mirrors, that it becomes unadvisable to carry the observations. In favorable periods of observationp the correction Is relativeLy slight and can be rigorously calculated. Card 2/2 A, Jo "Hydrogen Radiation in the Auroral Spectrum." The Internationl, Association of Geomagne-tism and Aeronomy; Abstracts of the Reports at the XI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and GeopkJqs1cEj) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SM, 1957. 46 p. Abstract: An investigatidn of hydrogen radiation in the euroral spectrum vaa conducted at 640 of goomagnatic latidude and in the neighbouring regions. The data obtained concerns the bright beam flash and the afterglow phases. Prolonged exposure spectogrem (1-2 hours) in the region of 6,400-6,60CR bear intense bands of the first positive system of N2; there are no evident signs of E on the photographs of microphotographs, yet in all seven spectra the preaente of H 11inee could be confirmed. Hydrogen radiation is regularly observed in the after- glow spectrum following a normally developing aurora. Lit KA 37-11 -13/18 AUTHOR: Veller, A. Ye. TITLE: Influence of Instrumental Effects on Measurements of the Sun's Magnetic Field with a Modulation Spectro- photometer (Vliyaniye instrumentallnykh effektov na izmereniya magnitnykh poley na solntse a pomoshchlyu modulyatsionnogo Bpektrofotometra) PERIODICAL: Trudy Nauchno-issledovatel skogo instituta zemnogo magnetizma, 1957, Nr 11(21;, pp. 162-173 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The following are discussed. the use of spectrography in studying magnetic fields; 8plitting spectral lines (Zee- man's effect) as a means of analyzing rotating light beams; the theory and use of certain instruments; and the shift in phase through the use of 1/4 wave plates. The instruments discussed are the modulation spettro- photometer and the coelostat. The authors mentioned in- clude Mogilevskiy, E.I., Valld-Perlov, V.M., Pol', R.V., and Ponomarev, N.G. There are 7 figures, 3 tables, and 9 references, 3 of which are USSR, 1 German and 5 English. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 VELMHANIN, V.I. Hiatory of Pavlovlo theory on the protective role of translimind inhibition (Patient Kachalkin). Zhur. nerv. pbikh. 60 no. 4:484-487 160. (HIM 14W 1. Kabinet istorii. otechestvemoy fizio~ogii Institute. fiziologii imeni I.P,, Pavlova All SSSRp Leningrad, (IMMITIgN) VE-UMIANIIIA, K. A. 'Defended him CandidAtes dLssirt)~tion in the Phytic-i F~culty of Vonc7,w .3tate Univernity on 7 April 1952. Diss,!rtation: "Investigation of a New 'T pt! of ResonAnce. Sound Ab:sotber." y SO: Vcm-.nik -Io5kov!-kogo, Universitata, Seriya FA.-iko-ti.-,ter---Lticheski-kli i Ycntrntvmnnykh N,,tuk, 1,41o. 1, Ko:~eow, F-!b 1`53, PT .1-51-157: tren!!I. In -W-2,973-2, 12 April 54, For off. u3c onlr. VELIKZRANINA, L.S. .Complexes of Pelecypoda from Lower Jurassic marine sediments in the Vilyuy syneclise and the frontal fault in the Verkhoya-ask piedmont region. Trudy VNIGRI no.186378-83 161. (HIRA 15:3) (Verkhoyansk Range-Lamellibranchiata, Fossil) (Vilyuy Lowland--Lamallibranchiata, Fossil) XARTINSON, G.G., VXLIKZHANINA, L.S. Brackloh-water mollusks from lower Cretaceous deposits of the West Siberian Lowland. Trudy VMIGRI no*154:207-223 160 (XIRA 130~ (Siberia, Western-Larallibranchiata, Yossil) VBLUZEANOV, P.V. fz-...'. The courtyarl. Zdoroyle 2 no.6.-18 Je 156. (KLRA 9:8) (COURTYARDS) 40253 5/169/62/000/007/135/149 3 300 D228/D307 AUTHOR: Veller, A. Ye. TITLE: Interferometric investigation of the green line in the spectrum of certain auroral forms PERIODICAL: Referativrtyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 7, 1962, 19-20,* abstract 7G123 (V sb. Polyarn. siyaniya i svecheniye nochn..neba, no. 7, M., AN SSSR, 1961, 65-89.) TEM: The que5tion'.io considered about the application of the in- terferometric method 'to determine the temperature in the-lumines- cent region, influenced by large-scale movements -, on the green LIX line wavelength. A description is given of the interferometric ap- paratup, produced at the Polyarn~y geofizicheskiy institut (Polar Geophysical Institute) (Mlurmansk) on the basis of Pabri-Pero's nonadjuated interferometer. The free mirror diameter equals 66 mm; the separator's thickness is 30 mm. The interferometer is made of fused quartz, which ensures that the instrument is highly stable with rebpect to temperature changes. The interferometer's mirrors Card 112 S/16 62/000/007/135/14G, Interferometric investigation of ... D228YD307 and the pressure chamber's protective glasses are made with the usual taper The dielectric coatings consist of three layers of ZnS (n = 2.2) and two layers of MgF2 (n =.1.38) situated between them. The average reflectance for A.5570 X amounts to 81.5%. The method of processing the observational matvrial'is described. kn average temperature equalling 315 - 4150 was found for certain weak forms of auroras and their.combinations. Despite the. fact that the height cannot be estimated with assurance, the results obtained testify to the growth of the temperature with altitude. The green line's avera e wavelength as determined from thi.kryoton comparison line A5570 ~ proved to be equal to 5577, 3427 Ab- stracter's note: Complete translation.-- Card 2/2 VI'L:,F:R) D.G. (Khartkov, Kostom,,rovskuya ul., d.18,kv.19) Treatment of postoperative pulzonary atelectasle by "trhcheal lavage." Vest. Mir. 91 no.12:94-86 D 163. (MIRA 17,-g) 1. Iz khirurgicheakogo otdeleniya 2-y fliarlkovskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - G.A. Yukhina, nauch-iTf rukovoditell- prof. A.A. Shalimov). - 1. --VELLER--D.G- .- - I t- - Injury to the c n bile duct in resection of the stomach for peptic ulcer after threefold perforation. Khirurgiia, 36 no.4:125-126 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:12) (PEPTIC ULCER) (STaUCH-ZURGERY) . (BILE DUCTS-WOUNDSAND INJURIES) VE .4Ghtta, 2, ul.Herchinskaya. d.17, kv.10) Anatomical resection of the left lobe of the liver for a Iru-ulent kydatid cyst. Nov.khirearkh. no*3'.8?-t33 K7-Je 1.59* (MIRA 12:10) 1. Khtrurgicheskoye otdelenlye Chitinskoy gorodskoy bollnitfly. (LIVER--HMTIDS) VIT.T.RR, D.G. (Chita) Perforation of a bleeding duodenal ulcer. 37 no.10:123- 124 0 '59. (Kin 1312) 1. Iz Chitinskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavW vrach - zasluzhanW vrach RSFSR A.V. Krasikova). (PIFTIC ULCER) VELLER, D.G. (Khartkov,, Kootomarovokaya ule, dslSp kv*19) Operation in diaphragmatic hernia and foreign body of the lung. 7est.kbir. 87 no,3-1:3-13-114 V 161. (MLRA 15211) 1. Tz kliniki torakallnoy kbirurgii i aneotemlologii (2M7, - doktor medenauk A.A. Sbalimov) lbs skovskogo instituta uso- verighenstvavaniya vrachey na ze 2-y gorodskoy bollnitsy (gle vrach - G.A* (DIAPHRAGS.-EMMIA (uNGs--FoREiGN BoDrEs) VYSOTSKAYA,,-.K.P., doteent (IrkutBk, Baykallskaya ul., d.58-g); LIYV, E.Kh. (Liiv,E.] (Tartu, Estonskaja SSIR, ul. Kalelfi, d 106-a, kv-3); TIKHAINE, Kh.M. [Tihane, H.1; RCZE11WLM1, M:B,' (Minsk, ul. Kirova,d.2;kv-43);-VZLLF,4 1).G. (Kharlkovl Kostomarovskava ul.,d.18,kv.19); CHEMASOVA, T.I. (Mogkvap DEDOVA, V.D. Abetracts of articles received by the editors. Ortop."., travm. i proteez. 24 no-3:73-76 Mr t0'3. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Iz fakulltatBkoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki (zav. kafedray prof. B.D. Dobychin) Irkutskogo madit-sinskogo instituta- (rektor - prof. A.M. 11+tin) (for Vysotskaya). 2. Iz Tartuakay gorodskoy klinicheakoy bollnitey (for Liy#q Tikhane~- 3. Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. kafld. med. nauk G.M. Yakovenko) mediko-sanituriloy chasti Minskogo traktornogo zavoda (for Rozenblyum). 4. Iz TSentrallnogo inFtituta travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - prof. M.V. Volkov) (for Cherkasova, Dedova). 0 0 I a .00, 00 see oe 000 004 009 All a 1, It -f I All- 4~410 1$ 8* 4 DsiagagapAkp of M=U st"u!U ol irm by act A DuTsmao MW A. V IM, tO, IW2- 1673), 1-59/1, A], is frvvd from 8106 do ndd Is of, am IIIWAMI up to &VGA. 0(2m--M Enl. W. the folution 4mted to " jnL, m&& b*W with sq. N11 mv 3 ad. or 6% NN'011,110, 0 Rd. of 0, 2 MI. of IOF. KOV, and HO a qWnWdab mpuid 101 VALMM' II I,MW"*OOIOV6UOftMe* wntbusto-by is AmmUmlisekdamL gbmm& ip I, , mL at 0% XCN am addod.'ami do Solution Is Otated. - 8MUM TI by*ozMe -VWMO AM Additim of vri 4 mL of w-HcI on ad6d, ad Uke aumnt at N mbled to 6 ad. I* Immene" of P0j" 3-6 tal. of x-MCI aml 4 ml. of KCX am tahm. R. T. -es .00 -00 -00 -00 0 -ICOO goo 00 0 goo life voo 10 - S L 4 A 00 Troll" VIS.&AV At %Ali*) it 0'.1 &Altai a a 'V*f T Aft I 1 0 W 0 0 1 1 0 10 1 A 0 U A# 10 it I& to 0 00000*0*000 06:91040, 606900000e :-001-40 do o o o o o o o o o 09,00 4 0 0 0 0 1,41 - I-c I f il"i-,'. I :- I h,d,-3"t' -I- 1~ Z~ r I, -9;!; !!.-IL. ~-1 11-Z'-, , 11 . tut.: -,"q - - ---- - - -- - -, . I -L~- --- f~ ts dyes Ten Ckcm USSR/optics Abe Jour: Referat Zhur-Pizika, 1957, No 4, 101428 K Author :-Ve4tEz E.A._j Poray-Koshitz, B.A. Inst ; Not Given Title : Absorption Spectra of Hydrophobic Dyes in Certain Organic Solvents. Orig Pub: Zh. prikl. khimii, 1955, 28, No 7.. 750-755 Abstract: A study was made of the effect of polar, anA non-polar solvents on the absorption spectra of the following dyes: Sudan yellow G, Sudan red 7V, cyanine yellow ba;,,2 5G, Sudan grA-sn G, aloe (Varple) Zh, and acid green Zh. It is shown that in inclividual cases the solvents effect the chara2ter of the absorption spectrilm. For ex- ample, for the aloe Zh dye, dissolved in polar liquids, the wave- length band is shifted by 100-150 A towards the longer -waves, com- pared with the solution in benzol. The band In the visible region of the spectno of the Sudan yellow G dye differs little when changing over from colvent to rolv,~nt, but in the ultraviolet Card 1/2 7 USSR/optics Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Fizika, 1957, uo 4, 1o428 K region of the spectrwn the polar solvents (alcohol and acetone) exert a substantial influence both on the magnitude as well as on the position of the band. In neither of the cases, however, was observed a sharp change in the spectra (appearance of new bands or the vanishing of the old ones). Card : 2/2 -MIER, -B, A, Veller, E. A., To the theory of the process of dyeing. XIV. The dyeing of wool with inUigo-carmine in the presence of sulfuric acido P. M7. In dyeing wool with indigo carmine in the presence of sulfuric acid there occurs an assimilation by the fiber of the indigodioulfonic acid as well as sulfuric acid. At sufficient amount of dye and acid in the bath there occurs a saturation of the wool with both these acids together whereby the distribution depends on their ratio in the bath. Lab. of Organic Semiproducts and Dyes. The Lensoviet Leningrad Technological Institute. April 2)11 l9h8. 301 Journal of Applied Chemistry (USSR) 21, No. 11 (1948). go oo so se 00 of W swow. 0 -Ti of ~~Ulkm mg. deep at he 6.01 AV.. 84 $10 at b7d ift Wl. V. IL - 00 me 400 moo 40: 40 VICIC&L Littlatm u a AV 0.41 6066660000460" 00 696600*60000000*00 go : ~o of A J.-A-4 A-.A- A _9K A L .to ' 1 DYNIX0 PROC16 I CS Ok T 49 jA(Xtl An PR"T 4, T 00 A. It. Forai-9040hitap X,#_A# Vollorp he Is dakolayap eq and A* To Sohuksyitsch-1rs~6vs (Tram, lardnp&4 go Chose-Tech* last* US So So Rot 19349 19 157--171).--Only the sold dye of oosim (1) is adsorbed an wool and silk. Addition of X% salts during boiling results In liborrtion equiv. to t1a dy* admorbod. "he or IN in amount , 06 saturation oap"Ity for wool Is 0o0000 and for silk I 09 13 ij 06-C029 g.-oquiv. of (1) per to of air-Olod PoWials 13 (1) acts as a dibbsic cold. NB salts aacalmrs # dy*IM ; 10 - uh Abs It if ;4 00 o resu . . e a more un . o1th (1) and gi Wo %0 0 0 till 9 P!, MITALLVOW'i U110AT921 cm)WKAT" - a It A low 4-~4 -T led At w 1900APIropq vast* and 4# a PA AOI& solwo *Sivas"* l 0 0 0 0 2 0 o t2 2 wool with id:: .2.20.# rthTCaW'."Y Techr". last.. Lenincrad). ZkAlf. m . pp led Chem.) 21, 114, -31(1 VIM t; cf. out to The dy"I wait first OrAned by t%;n. with twit. Ith washing with hot water At ful" And drying. The dyting was duue in a daA with a reflux condenser. length of vat 1:50, ml. of ftmple 1-2 g., duration :1 firs. The residual bath was reinforced to 1 1. with the washings. and the dW sample was washed with burni. par- itams of hot water (92-30) to a reitmaining faint cohle. The anit. of fi%cvf dye was 414,111. by, litralkIn of the relklual both with 0.01 S 9 NInO., anti the tot.darat. 14 ackle (iruli'" calt. taine and 11,S0,) with 0.01 N N.tOff to a methyl QrAngc- methyl rell end point. Expli. were madc with (a) coati. AMC. ONYC anti varying arnts. of lf*W).. (b) "o. IftM). anti iticreasing amw of dye. anti (c) Conti. rAlio but imeoing r.mens.oftlothingrriliente. The rmilts are "unpaml with. thow of Trutouln ((*-I. 111, 49111)" the dift-repand" arc A"bftl to TA inadequate w4shing out of 80ol- Anti hit ca"O. a" she basis of 1100# alone when indigo cArmine %A9 art A prrornt during the thratime, The fo$41 dr- xrer of =Mla. fly the five 4, hi itoll 114SA). :%. 14, A mg - equivo./Ifitt S. wtvll, K11tv 1,114 IN* ,A MIN 111 ilmd N- V- ROKOEOVA (J. AppL 1191-ljoe~-Mw =at bowd ?bY IrNwed cA atwdimm TWO* The. aumm" b~ommwd mow 0.2 NL 7WA 4( vim th" Mind fmmmkmL IL 4.1441 -it 43.* 0 AV 0 A' lip 0 2p a to 00 flow fiftiny too wo ROO 100 400 iso '1 11 1) is Isla vits "ailin am a A m a is it a P 0 &1 a u a oito (x -,I MA-1 -h a a P 1I A I I V 1-1 M 0 0 f, A Is 8 -A I AU Is A "-.kmd I" for woof #W* by the P. A. IN 0 1, Mu.- r'44~ tIlbVfM,,jth, li'W4).-Tbd wash stolidity Lif dylis gitell ht, W. 1"kar awl 11. RV141011 its limit I.X4 Now h4feat r*" rafk4n (t. A. V. list) " "tty ball% Ilk 1AMY 10"d ALW. lajAr otsm W%XW USjj bV ald,00 ul R -90 see .06 0 400 0 Go* : goo 616 SLA, 641&t&UNGK&L L11111414,1111 Ck&%WKATICic J so- ~-9.1 411617 cio.~- 'All Fab dis 19 093 v As 0,0 0000 0 0 09 00000000;000 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 4 0 0 avow ew W 1 oww WO 03. 1 f I ' I 1 9 V It U 13 M it 16 It a to ar 1110 on bin M 11110111111 is a V ape 61 WAS 411 & I A 0 0 L C 4 A-1- V t. I fit M-19 W. It LA -1- A-1--i- 1. M 110 - 9 - I-- A- IL A - -400 11" GOOM ~ A 0 -Oo 0 .0 dy"al PrKM Xf The dj,..g ~00 1 a add 00 04 t dy". A. P K %. V : 0 . . Solcokwa. J. A pWW C". (U. S. S. R.) 12, 1191 it 00 :o (in (lerman. f. Trudy 1.*iRtra4 C". Tmb. fath1w 1937,214o, 6. 51: C. A. 33 NMI --With ~04 0 . . rtVcct to wool all alyrs are ctavkiW ati! (1) thaw having .*4 a noristal limit of the %sin. of wrxg equal to 1) PNI 41M Ing ' L ' ' W f J d .00 00 .,, c wot X. o qu an - ) flitne having an ( OA) OAT li l l t 00 00 o . equa nItI , ins. ejurv./g, (4 vetwol. Fur the " ' I 6 fIltianalk)n of the suranalous limit of win. The follow- '00 0 0 pg hypot hews are ptr4xpwd. (c) Woolcontainsvittitme f i 11109 00 av c groups strong" and weak": only the first can f(wits "Its with comparatively weak britla stich 8-1 amincomrinct- see 00 %ulfonir acirri, which chaactcrisr The dirri tot the 2nd oo 0 00 i straip. (b) The "xn;ml%. Itirmcd by ackli with wfog g - hAvc the chusew (it cuilrdinstum covilmit. and the ush- Soo 00 Slawe L4 Wool can form two "les of wich compdo. (4) 9*0 00 On prolmilvirl bolling the dyes (amincautfunic acidop am 3 ti ll d ff i d d k par a esu ur ze an m the groups which conne" y 00 la ILA the dye mol. with the amide groups rA wool; this.. Its t; - in kin earn. of wool. For Wit 1110" dye* IVATC the SNITW % no s4ta. limit, *bout 0,20 mg. cqwjiv.lg. ul Qk. The! main 'e0 promm in dyting of wool or silk fibers with dyes Wts of 00 rug. acids) follows the Attricheanneirk trartko between ' xasic group of fiber and acid of the dyv. with udt fiffma- .200 lion. Adsorptim =0 cosgulatiou pim "" very Prob- 00 attly accompany ibc Pruce (A SAIL formation 4 A. N.Igcwny '00 &ITAtI.046991. tITCRA 0o t UO ; i, 010 00. 000 *0 41,44 0 0 0 0 010 0 a 0 0 9 00 tuo-- 7--'; 000000000000000001, ;;;;;;ooooooo 0 0 0 o o * 0 0 04 0000000000000041 o 0o 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 A ~ J a o a to u u m n i Ivy t SO a It A AS 1 4 1 1 1 0 ~ s o 0 11 SO a Am A 6j .1 a 7_11" 'I, 'A A L ~A '- , I -1- 4 1_2 1 - 1 1 71 1` At 1 4 .1 ; . , 1 . A W V i4o copies ! " I 1 6 00001.1'ti WLSE o( Tb"" of dyting. XU. The aboorptlem by wool A. l =d ? SWOWn. . j H. is. N ot Apffmd CAWN. Ill, 38 IT194111) K"4114h A J d j see n2 cN V A I A. 34, 01, e tummay): d. I j ' Red Zh, Acid Red S. and Acid Orm-t.KV 1.11ghtfAMI& : 0 sima" structure W Varying JIM Mooted pcootims.d the 6 ps were studied to frspwt to Absorption on wool. d U o S H "4 NgAr coo n. ae same m premence fA H. A p N . Hmit a# 0.8 nW. eqmirm. per r. wom (ouvbd, as was deld. in fwvvkms Vnwj (kV. cW') a. The 1"6%. amt. -4 tu-61 dw- IWO 0 ce bee ILA 1,111041b" CLAtIOPKATION see N" ing woo r ;ibl - ir -3--f-I -3 -1 " _r _"r I po 1 0 r a 1 114 Im I I a no 0 a a I L- at A 0 r US INP UI 0 0 a If W a 4 a It a ft a a U At 'L A , 14 03 14 15 1? Is tf a I It V 13 R D I$ V IS A , X It L? U 14 M b U Is b 4 E 0 A J~ ~L- AA--Z -k. ~A-J-J- 1. a P 0 0 OR U4A- I I A I.- '..I A 0 UO IIIWY 11194 PMdkQ Of LU 0170ift Process. A. H. N- V. &*'*W* AM If. Te. 00 rext. L4wwjvdj (U. S, S. R.) 1. 137-71(1i&34). - In tbe dyeing it( wt%4 and -00 00 ~Q with cosin only tha acid dye 6 abwxbed by the 61wn. 0 * a the H&OH ban trinualstive in the both. It NIf4 fths are 00 A added. then during the boiling " ams. of ammonia gas is libesated cottreo orWin to ttw amt of d tak rh -00 00 1 . en up. e ye g p .."Itwationc N 4 Or per 8, ak .011kil Ot", 4 allk 0.111MV 1. Cquiv, 00 1 : be ftnw values as fiv 8 dy". In dyeing. coda Octs as a 00 z 4 dibask acid. Adds. of MI. salts bastens the dyeing so* 3 so pioce wW gives a mare cycidy dyed product. Hyrn on ' 1 0 2U-by. bodws of silk with a 111 r4% Dan. Of Nli,Cj And coda the loss is weight of the a& 6 kas than 4% z;4 0 0 a 00 . . F. It. Rathmann ;Zoo oo Zoo so goo so 2.00 00 L*O 00 f 0 It 1'5- 1 OA I I I W 1 0 I' " , ; 04 S 61 4 1 ,!goo 0 0 0 9 o o o 0 411 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 * * * & q 0 0 0 0 f * o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 o 0 0 All ,.MMA&.J*A&tjaYor medf*aluzhby Ophthalmological examinetion of military personnel, Voen,-zed, zhur. noo'8:62-63 Ag 156 (KIRA 1211) (3UP-ACOOMKODATION AND RUWCTION) (SROOTIRG, KILITART) VELLER, I.A. Use of the standard screw micrometer AM-9-2 as a callbrometric nozzle for the large nonreflecting ophthalmoscope, Oft,zhur. 15 no.7:407-411 ,6o. (MIRA 13sll) 1. Iz kafedr7 glazrWkh bolezney (nachallnik - prof* B.L.Polyak) Voyenno-meditsinakay ordena Lenina akadexii imeni S.M.Kirova. (OPHTHALMOSCWr) (MICRMTER) BANKETOVv A.K.; VERIGOp K.N.j MAKRUS91NA, Ye.A.j SADOVA, G.A.; TOMOVA, I.S.1 FOHICHEV, L.Kh., red.; TROITSKIY, I.Y., red.; VZLLER,_LXq,, red.; LOGINOVA, Te.I., [Copper industries in capitalist countrieo]Mednaia pro- myeblennest' kapitalistichaskikh stran. Moskva,, Pt.l. IMIning aM treatment of copper ores)Dobytha i obegashchanis mednykh rud. 1962. 171 p. (MIRA 16s4) 1. Moscow. TSentraltnyy institut informateii tovetnoy metal- lurgil. (Copper mines and mining) (Ore dressing) ,_Vgjj&R L Ye., red.; YETANISKlY, A.N., red.; MAINSKlY, r .; , ed [Diamond mining in capitallt~t -cuntrien') Alvaz,)do'rpjvnlu- shchaia, promyshlennost' kapitalisticlieskikii stran. Mo- skva, 1963. 207 p. WIRA 17:9) 1, T.Sentralinyy nauchno-isaledovatell--kiy Institut iriforma- taii i tekYmiko-ekonomicheskikh Issledovanly tsvetucy me- tallurgli. ROSSIUSKIY, Tejo.; TXUXR, L.Te., red. (Lightweight building stones and mineral wool made of slags from the copper-nickel Industry] Legkoveanyi takhnichaskii kamen' I mineralinaia vats is shlakov madno-nikelevoi pro- myshlonnosti. Moskva. informataii tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1959. 41 p. (MIRA 13:4) (Kineral wool) (slag) (Building materials) ABKHAZI, V.I.; All-IONCV, V.ya.; BLMONBERG, V.V.; VARE117SOV, V.S.; nwzwnc, MM.AA.1- ZYUZIIO', V.A.; IVALOV, V.N.; hTZ124AII) G.J.; A.M.; =-RCV, D.N.; PALITSEV, A.G.; IrEROV, N.P.; K-0101011cv, 1f.1.; !ULYGv3YJY, V.Ye.; 3LAIZESK17, YO.P.; SOLOPOVP S.G.; TYLTG.M',OV, S.N.; TSUP".tGVI S.A.; ULLYLYCV, M.A. Viktor Georgievich Goriaelildn; obituary. Torf.prom. 39 no.4:40 I &) . (1-:1 FLA 15: 7) kGoriachkin, Viktor Goorgievich, 1893-1r,-62) I k vr, ; 91 GIDPO,10,,'ITQPSC',.*,IF, GID!`.'O-IMFjk (I~YdronoiUtors Used in Peat Plants - T(,::tbool-), 1945 --lff-"~L-F-il - -Mlf~ - GLYBOVSKIT, Ivan Nikitich; VXUW, N.A-, redaktorv, SKYOFOSOV,I.N.. takhmicheskly redaktor. -- --- - CHAndbook for operators of peat pumping stations on the accuumlators of hydropeat] Pnkovodstvo d1la motoristov torfonaeoaaykh stantall na akkdmnliatorakh Stdrotorfa. Moskva, Gos. energ. isd-vo, 1945. 81 p. (Peat machinery) (KM 7:8) io 7841, !m A-I)III11YAll. t, S S W I US".1 0 VS Ig J llhis It.%tlx*A tL,s;.rtlx-,, Il%- is# lisdijubt lwat 14,11,41,01 A mwl Ilm lorgini"flon of l1ba. wifirk of 11M. Ijl%wvT% III Awl fr"Illm-lsl~ 114% IMA rl SlAntall Illainly limall U-1111- 1.1 I'llkA wo-Ar" III Ilw imlir-Airv 11) rimblo. 1IM-111 ts) offstAniip'. 1, 9.. - Cffk N'llItlilffla 11MAUJIlls. Wprofessor; ABKHAZI, V.I., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; V, V.Ya., dotsent; VIABOT, V.P.. kandidat tekhnichemkM nauk; 110, KIRTWCH9V, A.M., kandidat takhnicleskikh nauk; RLPIGMS, X.L.. dotsent; SIPKlff,'X.A., doteent; YRYINOV, P.N., redaktor; IARIONOV, G.Te., takhnicheskiy redaktor [Hydro peat technology] Takhnologiia gidrotorfa. Izd. 2-oe. parer. Pod red, H.A.Vallera, Hoskva, Gos.enarg. izd-vo, 1956. 362 p. (Peat industry) (MIRA 9:11) AIRKSITIV, Ye,T,; APZNCHICKKO, S.S,,; BASOV, A.P.; BAUSIN, A.F.; HMSHADSXIY, L.S.; GINZBUW,-Z.--N.,- GUSZV, S.A.; DANILOV. G.V.; DDWI]CH, M.S.; DRMHININ, N.N.; TVIHOV.V.S.; ZAVADMT. N.V.; ITASUCHUN, N.V.; msmN. ?.Y,; immy. G.r.; LOPAHOV. S:P.; KXRKUIOT. Ta.V.;NljroDrKOT, P.I.; PANKIUTOV, N.S.; PTATAKOV, L.V.; RODICHIV. A.F.; SHIRYOV, H.S.; STRUKDV, B.I.; SAVOCHKIN, S.M.; SAMSDNOV, N.N.; SINITSYN. NU.;SCKDIOV. A.A.; SOWPOV, S.G.; CHILYSHEV, S.G.; SHCHEPKIN, A.Te. Fedor Nikolaevich Krylov; obituary. Torf. prom. 35 no.6:32 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Krylov, Fedor Rikolaevich, 1903-1958) VILTZR, M.A., prof.; TSTBAYEV, N.T., inzh. Drying of block past pilad in successive layers. Torf.pron. 16 no.3:20-22 '59. (MM 12.7) 1. Kiyovskir torfyanoy institut (for TSybvqev). (Peat--Drying) -I' !.I, I. . , *~ - . I -,~ :.; : L ~ ~ . ~ ,. , , -,f 1., . . , . , a '- - -- ~;, !7-.rtf !;7!,1` v --I n 1,, ,-. -, 1 C, I,:~ t?,-- -*'~-~,-- 'n I : 1, 11.1 f'.r- -;:12~ 'L(--l , -!, t .iu. 4 . -, ) ~- " I - f, ~. ; ~ 1 . , ~ . 1:, ; , -- , ..J k - i WK 111W - - 76-0-070566[l 0-75 F1 0-807 000731 ~ACC, NRs AF7 SOUCC, CODC: bk1692166 12mmun S, 10 KOVAI M. G., VELLER X.,L Institute of Ireteroo wiic Co=ounds emy of Bciences US8H7Tfto"tltu-E-o76-nontoorganichoiikikh soyod_'zienV- AC AN SSSR) 1? :."Structure of Addition Products of Phenylsulfene Chloridelto Derivativee of -Acrylic AcId"I Moscow, Izves Akademii Nauk VZR, Seriya Xhimichaskayap No 6, 1966, P-p ~075-1080. Kastract: The addition of phenylsulfene chloride to acrylonitrile gives nmix- toure oll' isomers: alpha-chloro-beta-phenylthicq)ropionitrile (1) and beta-chliro- alpha-phenylthiopropionitrile (11), with a predominance of the latter. (I) was also synthesized by the addition of thiophenol to alpha-chloroacrylonitrile. 7 1 The properties of (I) and (11) vere compared: splitting out of hydrogen chla- ride witin triethylamine; saponification of the nitrile groupj oxidation wilvil hydrogen peroxide; reactions of derivative-oulfones. orig. art* has: 9 forrulas. LJ1PRS:, '37,02-ff TOPICITAM, acrylonitrile, sulforto SUB CODE: 07 SUMDATE: 1qDec64 ORIGREFs 001 OTH REFs 00.5 Card 1/1 vrb UDC: 1 .95 + 661.719 4 0 or 0 0 0 0 so 06 4 -;-0~0 0;;;;;OqO*O40OO4 0 0 ; 03 11 1 4 1 1 ? a 9 0 11 ta I) I@ is is It 111 11 flog 834 411^11?&poll va III naIt a 0 ait va aco A L. M-L-j .1 IN, -.A-. a- 0 or '$IIvfit A 1-1--a "GE1111104II-11 aA-010 a -rtl ISO 4 1 1 - " - 1- - so "I* of 0 .-- I- -00 *0 .4 Tk# #S"S of -Ioufl, an the "Antiblaak" pr9pcru*$ --10 tho SPIC00. XAslkc- 141111. 1-14 ont'l ftff; Ilw NOW. I's* Influ.m. .4 owallut I 1 .41 low" Ill 1, 1.. 1.- 41 lItI.111,11 14. ItW ~4 Ill, t-k%ti 41141 11411 61 Ill, hTj..oohh%IIIW 0111111 1-411t' 00 81; It'vis IbL. A 1. S A. har)aiA -00 00 -so of, of 004 00W 00 too ::00 woo 00 tww 1:06 1141AILII161IRGICAL LIVIIIATWO CILASSOKST" It' use .00 00 v---w 40 so ILI Kult ltaQam d"a 000000000000*000000000000000000006000 **Ossomoo Ze -00 -.00 1000"Ve 0-0 Is 0 Is 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 0 41 0 # 0 0 0 Oi 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;; "The Time before Meols -t which Incull should be 171von to Dinbcticu.ff LIK-lin. Med., Mosk2 28, No. 21 5',-60, Feb.,1950. 6 refs. The question o the time before meals -at which insulin chould be given was irvestifttion In 30 pntionts with diabotes mollitus Lrd 5 dfptncretntized dogs. Insulin was given 15p 20 `30,60,90, or 120 minuets bcf~,re a meal 01'50, 100, or 150g. glucose. It wns found thrt insulin given 60 minutes before the glucose w;s nost effective, T)r-ventir,- aliment-ry glycosurina, allowing the greatest carbohydrate intakep and preventirg anibnomally high level of blood !-,luccse. ZTI-e insulin appears to have been soluble (this is nott explicit) and no referenCA'. is male to zinc Prot.--mine cir 171obul-inj_ - Jeffrey Boss See also Section Physiology and Bic-chemistry, Abstv-ct 896. Abstracts of World Medicine. Vol. 8, 1950. elm 6WIM4 wouvow of C.11G. Omm mW N.T. Dm-d (J. Pkv- I u-'s R- 10. "If 4-722).-Tbe birA.Umb wtaW Wd VrDOM MMA- saw wwdl was Itivatl"Amd is sun dop a .. im" a(CAtbobr4mw &0M t4ow joltwom wbdAt in PAIK-- tectodko" ddplt essift Cc*atjm "d nw IM&Y PAN iStO W.Od fto taw tbawa, In ^*rod doSk lumbn prod- a H,Q. of abm I -a in the bind ankh but cauft an change in to- MWA P, -Isl.-Illec tl VELLER. N. S. Liver - Glycogenic Function Mechanism of the therapeutic acti.-)n of glucose; deposition of glycogen in the liver and heart in various methods of administration of glucose,, Klin. med.j, 30, No. 1, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, Apr il 1952. LRICLASSLFIED. -7. VELLER, N.S.; GMMS, S.G.; RODKINA, B.S.; CHARNArA. P.M. Role of the nervous system In the development of diabetes mellituff'. Probl.endok.i gorm. 1 no.1:77-84 Ja-F 155. (KT-RA 8:10) 1. Is otdola patofiziologii (zav.--saalushemMy deyatell nauk prof. S.G.Genes) Ukrainskogo InstItuta eksperimentallnoy endokri- nologii (dir.-kandidat meditainskikh nauk S.V.Xakolnov) (DIABETIS MNLLITUS, etiology and pathogenesis, CNS patbogen.role) (CIVERAL MWOUS STSTM, in various diseases, diabetes mellitus, pathogen.role) VILECR, U.S.; CHABNATA, P.M.(Xharlkov) Origin In the central nervous systen of diabetic hyperglyceisia. Arkh.pat. 17 no.3:63 JI-S 155. (MT-RA 8:12) 1. Is otdols, patoftsiologii (zav.-prof. B.G.Gones) Ukrainskogo instituta eksperimentallnoy ondokrinologii. (CUML NWOUS SYSTM, physioloa, off. of stimulation In exper.diabotes) (DIABVM MILLITUS, experimental, 1". of CNS stimulation) ire Fff", Till ,A oo A 16-~rjtd-f W tattliffs 00 0 00 op 00 Tke of-' of mes b'"7241" as tho ATOwth ~j 00 OcUlatod saftmats. N, S. 'N. 1. . . %flibAl~L11. 00" 6- (4w~ mill-I h. N. -KraRvo-tiryw, ji.ji, id. i-00 pd V K. S 7 ( I V%19.; t'4e w 1 0 * 0 * r 100 &tkf mermum, (obtalwd by hyd",f"sj sm at. with 17-1110ted sanvona was t4loted. A drAnHe rO,,-t im the -00 00 $growth ril the tillnu". whirb. incit'-.1 WA.Gew of selivali.-Il. -00 w4*f"uwdtwdV la the Spier" mild Piave#& Iyest". 11,1W. :: a, :06,60 ever, firdment with the Jim Irrair pmIlimpil tile file .4 the ikfthlwd~ K~mtifts ebtalftr4 01th f1w Owt Irtntri 01 walled ;Mh the etinru. and ttionno r u( Jul 14 !he Ittair GOO 4191 dCittefitIf In 11811 9M 0W 4W% I~j t Met Iful -Atili coo 00 rhot hawr I~It 00 Shk 11 1u 900 fluirever, their Immoti-in chilled 114rWISIO Opp-Sis to Iw 0 0 goo 0 ;,loo zoo Alto Joe Cleo fj Coo .1 L a &ITALLU .QGKA% LI119MATLSI F, q IN 9 0 AV is to n It 0 0 0 *so 0 0 0 goo 1 0 0, 0 0 VELL:-;R, N.S.; CHARNAYA, P.M. Role of the central nervouB system. It the development of diabot:ic hyperglycemia and elimination of izoulin hypoglycenia. Sbor. nauch.-Isal inst. eksper. endok. 15:113-121 1,59. (14IRA 14: U) iNERVOUS SYSVI-1) (DIABETES) ' (INSULIN) GENESp S*Goj V'Ej~~F N,S~j -CHARNAYA, P.M. (Kharlkov) Origin of hyperglycemia in the central nervous system in diabetes mellitus and on its oignificance'-in the utilization of carbohy- drates by the train, Pat. fiziol, i eokp, terap, 4 no, 6:34-39 N-D 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Iz otdela patofiziologii. (z-av. - zaaluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof, S,G, Genes) Ukrainskogo instituta. eksperimentalluoy endokrinologii, (BRAIN) (CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM) (PANCREAS) -- 1 G:Kms - S-. - G-. , - 4, ER', IT i Z, TV p. M ~ I - W C= MI., . ftTlie Significance of the Brain In the Occurrence of Diabetic Hyperglyzenia and its Role in the Utilization of CarbcJiydrates by the Brain." Theses of the Proceedings of the Animal Scientific Sessions 23-26 March lg-,;g (All-Union Institute of I.,xperimental Endocrinolczy) From the Department of Pathoph,,,niology (Head---Professor S. G. Genes, Xotinguished Man of Science) of the Ukrainian Institute of Experimenta.1 Endocrinology (Director- S. V. Maksimov, Candidate of Medical Sciences) -VELLC~ BELYAYEV A Iwv otv. red.; BYXHOVSKIY, Yu.A., red.; R (deceased]; GREYVER N.S., red.; KLUSHIN, D.N., red.; OLIKHGV, N.P., red.fdeceasedi; RUMYANTSEV, 143., red.; SAZHIN, N.P., red.; STRIGN, I.A., red.; TRDITSX-TY, A.V., red.; KAMAYEVA, O.M.,, red. izd-va; LUTSKAYA, G.A., red. izd-va; VAYNSHTEYN, Ye.B., tekbn. red. (Principles of metallurgy in 4 volume3]0snovy metallurgii v 4 tomakh. Red.kollegila: IU.A.Bykhovskii i dr. Moskva, Metal- lurgizdat. Vol-3.[Ught metala]Legkie metally. Belinev i N.S.Greiver. 1963. 519 P. (mim 16-2) (Light metals) 03 1 to a' i I il n J4 n 14 It .1 Upt ::4 ! 10 A AA of " W tt . . 11-1111.1-11--l-.. -00 PIPWd" ad voic"k wkwak of AnmWd. 00 u _A~w-yraww A. 94. ArviyanyvAs. J. APPIW OWN, 00 V! (U. 3 & R 1w AnO Iminkv 914nm too"*lm JG" pmwm OfwPlivi .00 tq'Av - to da" of diatmeakc rm poot, I 4r = b f l -90 0 at o d stawAke. Rxvd. nwAs we of -so -00 so t A OffnimcAL tarlial"I (I wo a too* 0 00 Leo F4 17 IV 11 'M of K 4 t u K tt n It IT ~13 A~- 1'-S 9 U 0 1 43 1 417 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 a 0 0 0 0 : : : :1: 0 00000000000000006000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 J ,Ar :0 j *60 004 J" naUta 1 ON OY CALCIUU GAIWZI ftW WAM, UMA AOM AWYM4 PRODUCHOL. and A, 91rualan (J I Chiez Russ.* 1937# 9s 451-464).-Tbe M remaining, aftqr production of iou from COS Le driel, heated wt 55000 Al"d sl N coke and b1twen (U-16%)s and briquettod at 100 atme pressure. The rogonerateA W has a content of 245% of 1%0 & A12U F02031 as ccopared with 0.9V,. in the original A%* To -0 see 00* goo Soo goo woo .300 L"119-TU49 CtASSWCA1104 off ISIO.J .19 ~v aft *pis #I Ow a.. Asi- b U a &1 10 0 0 ~P **0004110*00 0, 0 ;ago 0 o no o i0 to 40 0 0 40 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 Oi 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 41 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0. ~040 0 01, ,jrELT,-U,w - -1 ~.I, --6p.4 Veller, S.M. - "The construction tuffs of O'outh Ossetia (Stalinirs'iiy Ra yon)". Izvestlyn Yugo-Oset, nauch.-isaled in-ta Akad. nauk 'iruz. Issue 6, 1948,-p. 35-46,-Bibliog: 13 itemae SO: U-3042, 11 March 1953, (latopis Inykh Statey, No. 10, 1949). - -w 1 i -Y . - - Vellerj S.N. - Tho limstone and limjtone r~arls o.:' 'outh OsscLila no raw for UP, production of ordinary and hydraulic li.-ell, Izvc.3ti.-a Yu~;o-Oact. nauch. - is3led. -in-t-- Akad. najR. Gruz. S"R 1.16 o,,; 6 i rrz. .? , Is3m 6, 1~40, P- h7-~O, - "ilili . tc, SO: U-30112) 11 Earch l",53, (leto,,-io Statcri, ',.o. 10, 11*1)19)' " T: , -: ". 11 Lj r-, I I ,~ . M . Veller,, S,M, - "The Kemullta gypsum doposit",, lzvestiya Yugo-Osot. nauch. issled. in-ta Akad. nauk Uruz. .56rp Issue 6, 194B, p. 61-78,-Bibliog; 11 items. SO: U-3042, 11 March 1953, (letopis Inykh Statey, No. 10, 1949). vi,ii.Ri, '. --. Veller, S. 111. ItZjuionri iA:, a ~-Iucc I.-ve,3-iya Yu_o-so~.. nauc?,.-izAe-1. in-ta Ak,-,d. naul, Gruzz. &;R, Issue 6, 1',;4--,, :-~. 'Ili :~r - 7 J,-~ , I SO: U-3042, 11 I'arch 53, (Leto:-;is Iny h Staey, No. 10, 1)4c)). Veller, S. 14. - "Clinite cement from the by-products of the brick. and tile and indust;7", Izvestiya Yugo-Oset. nauch.-issled. in-ta Gruz. SSR, Issue 6, 1948, p. 87-95, - 23ibliog: 6 items. SO: U-3042, 11 Uarch 1953, (letopis Inykh Statey, 21o. 10, 1949). I A,,A -VMER.-S. Y.-- 35829 Frioritet akad. N. N, Beketova V otkraytii alyuminotemli. Prirodal 1949, no 11 a. 52-53 SO: Lepotial Zh=allnykh Statey, No. 49, 1949 DK.; AMNBIKUp A& A# , Pavementis,, Tile. Production of floor tile frm local clays, Stak., i ker., 9, No. 7, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October -195$. Unclassified. 2 Role of stsif"44dive fvbrkaft-%~t uqw& In pree. Zkor. Tkklf r7~1*;)PL~ P In the Ist and 2ml pm was dirid. without lutwicAut I *ith 11A), OA% -V&nCO, tolu I Alml I "T 491d 41% rAmp "tin. Wil h thr Later. the alax. FAICSO in the to Pam* 1. 11mcneftl by 147, a. ""Partl with 1190, The ratio Ps, I A - P, I (Nbcm I he suhlicriptirrier tothe no. got I be Pam I i4cloti"Irdfroill IM70 Ito IIvO to 11.8% In the 3!!' , -up mbl". Without lijbIrk-Ant, P in 14 c4loncrulive pA&w* fell from ZXXI to 11!111 kg. isnol then I'VIVIAintJ UnChAng,141: 1110i4ttIlillit With A.%'; ..p .-In After the P4144-461WO /'10 1.611111 HIM) ka. Wills thr.'s% 0111IF 3 I%Asw', 71M Ink10h4FlIMC%4 Of All UIk:lC 1`6414711 01101 Ar; Almp i. IA-21k% antAller th4n Without hiliclemlon collIctolvilly. slulfAvv~&Cllve .111.1411c.- I'l-libm 4 I,"w "I lowri hmrdnrm~ Tlkv Ofni tinttv,us iii (AvilitAtitts OA~lk tL,w N 11-1 1- ~L low It ~t- k f tj VWAJW- R4111111- 3WI- JWY 21- lost. -00 .00 =00 goo 00,4 #00 400 goo a X00 got ISO* ft AtLu At L'T QATLAf goo I VGK J9 (I.Astwica Trail it -~ It".. ;I z;v -.M Or, 4.1 44. -AA, "A 1 -1 1 0 so 9 -ii-e u a At 00 AS "V u A; 'ftOOOOOO1;;D*l,;;OOO0Oe16q: 0 0040 1:040COO60000000:0601A 0 0 *4 ~60: 0 0 o 010 0 * o o 0 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 4 : a 10070 6 0 o0 0 0 49 0 0 0 0a 0 0 ACCESSION FA, AP3005620 S/0046/63/609/003/0291/0295 AUTHOASA Yellerl V# A*; Stepmorp B. I. TITLEs Ultrasonic sirens driven by electric motors SOURCEt Akusticheakiy zhurnall v. 9, no-'3, 1963t 291-295 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic sirenp de Laval nozzle) Injection chamber, exhaust chamber, acoustic power# diesel locomotive# stator orifice, sonic siren ABSTRACT. The construction charao-ceristice of several sonic and ultrasonio sirens operating with gas jets in a wide frequency range (built at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Diesel Locomotives) have been presented. The construction details include axial type eirensl right angle orifices in the atator and rotor with de Laval type nozzlest stators loosely mounted on tbo generator boc -~ in the axial directionp and air compression in the siren from 4 to 5 kZ-force/cm . A two-chamber siren is described, one chamber serving as the injection chamber and the second as the exhaust chamber.. The stator has two orifice systems, one connected to the exhaust chamber and the other to the compression chamber (see Pig. I cc the Z-'nolo- ewe).. These characteristics enable the sirens to oporate in sonic as well as ultrauonio frequency ranges with 0.8, 8 and an mudh as 20 kw acoustic power* At Card 113 ACCESSION NRs AP3005620 8 kv, the air pressure in 3.5 atm at an effioiency of 39%. Orig. art. hast-6 figurest* I for=uUt and 1 table. ASSOCILTIONt Voesoyu=y*y h.-i. teplovo=W*y inatitut).Kolowns, (All-Union Soientifio Research Institute of Diesel Locomotives) saxiTTEDt 16J&n63 ME ACqs 27AU,963 EXCLs 01 SUB COM 1E NO WN SOVS 000 mums 000 Card 2/3 Ft. IENCLOSURE: 01 ACCE~Slw NRs A23005620 Card 3/3 It -IV 14thl VELLER, V.A., inzh. Increasing the fatigue strength of axles in the press-fit area. Trudy VNITI no.16:18-ZI 162. (MIRA 17:1) --- V-ELLER, V.A., inzh.; GRECIIISHCHEVi Ye-S., lnzh. Service tests of the car wheel sets formed w!th the thermal method. Trudy VNITI no.1604-41 162. (MIRA 17:1) S/852/62/000/000/015/020 B106/B101 AUTHOR: Veller, V. A, TITLEs Use of polymers to reduce fretting corrosion SOURCEt Primeneniye polimerov v antikorro;ionnoy tekhnike. Ed. by 1. Ya. Klinov and P.-G. Udyma, Moscow, Mashgiz, 1962. Vaes. sovet nauchno-tekhn. obahchostv. 113 - 122 TEXT: A description is given of the studies conducted between 1956 and 1960 in the Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy teplovoznyy institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Diesel Locomotives) (VNITI) to lengthen the life of locomotive wheel axles at the hub, by the reduction of fretting corrosion. Such corrosion is'affected by oxygen, nature-of the mechanical parts in contact, amplitude of vibrationg loadq humidity of the medium, properties and temperature conditions of lubricant. The corrosion is made considerably lees active by adding molybdenum disulf-de but thieelso weakens the connection between axle and wheel. Experimenia were made on specimens of forged steel, 30 mm thijok, to reduce the fretting corrosion by applying a 20-30,player of polymer to the interconnection Card 1/2