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to 13 :4 11 14 -f JU ~ J1 'N 2, L. 1) m is 1* 11 a v AA 40 tj=h stut KA VrUftjtj. I'ttaff0j. VdMkk *iiwl Promm., sho'Alk p4b'q N. go jr 'I. Ind. 6. W-42(lix"). -macrpt In itt.1,wartui and attifitim"i -06 -00 rXIS., Pit ~ qUilt MIJ46CtOgily kictif. witbi t1le ~2t otk~-mwh- of Artmpw W. A. 28, 67W). In &Q. Pn with The It 00 rhvirfujo. the elertmir shimid Iw "irfully wsxbed in fullning water all" Illatfivisatiou All, A 11,whifinak (t.till'tAlleft U U &1 -0 LS w 4t g[ It 11 1: L3 q o zoo zo 0 0 4 It 04 1 e 6 ~ # ToMe 0 0 $4114111 4 0 0 00 0 0 0 , to 9 & o* Mo *,o a .1 11 '1 a '4 ., inI ~N I. ~2 1, 11 4 1 1; L-1 F. 1: 1 IL L 00 r 14 01 W V I go , 11, kt, it tj 4 00 .90 00 A! 00 The poWbili tho rvpJaceloord at vol"Illettic moth-111 10 %1011 bY A 1- fAn 11 . 4 r thS 4*tpfo 0- f0 1 : 0 coloemilmemetbad, t"I.Wialul. A 1931. No 0 KCIAM'Im 0 0 Is!-,. 1441: Chem, ?~- I"J- 11, &K-c"tcuct : 0 or ol,l;kjor,j ju the clArutt. Of Vt t4n 1191110f- I'%' lilrm4m of 17c will, elem i i t l C 00 . c or um r o wilb KNI110'. 00 howcvcr. is Imt "tiAlactory M the li(plor 1111141 111, 44's 00 (at jalut other sul"Inners, present jillmlefe. W. A 00 so 00 - 0 0 0 =ie zoo 00 00 00 0 0 00 Is 00 '00 j 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 4 0 4 'E to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 * 6 0 4 0 0"' : 0 o o 0 a o 0 o ol 6 4 0 0 0 * VEILKOVSKIYY A.S.; YUSHKIN, V.V.; KHUDYAKOV, O.F.; SAVVDA, Ya.D. Concise data on some gas-condensate fields of the Soveit Union. Trudy V1411GAZ no.17:58-65 162. (MIRA 15:22) (Condensate oil wells) VEILLARD-CYBUISKA,, Henryka Cooperation of the psychiatrist with the juvemilw-eourt judge. Neurol. Neurochir. psychiat.pol. 13 no.5t701-705 t63. A WSR / Human and Animal Phyaiology. Nervous System. T-10 Abe Jour :Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 1959, No. 3764 Author :Kassill, G. N.; Vein, A. M.- netakays., B. I. Inat :AS UWE Title :State of Blood-Brain Barrier in Relation to Some Experimental Effects an the Organism Orig Pub :Dokl- AN SSSR) 1957, 115, No 4, 833-836 Abstract :At various intervals after intraperitoneal administra- tion to white rate of p32 P Its concentration was deter- mined in the substance of different brain sectors with relation to the activity of the blood. The highest concentration of p32 one hour after administration was discovered in the hypothalmde region, after 3 hours, in the cerebral cortex. The brain contents of PJ2 increased considerably one hour after a dosaged trauma to the skull, as woll as 3 hours after an experimentally induced Card 1/2 V IV (3 K TJSSR/General Problems of Pathology - Allergy. S-2 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Biologiya., No 16., 1957., 71341 Author Zager, 0., Badenskiy, G., Koteyeski, E., Veinbakh, R. Inst Title The Tnfluence of Unilateral Removal of Brain Cortex on the Sang elli-Schwar7mqn Phenomenon. Orig Pub Zh. med. nauk Akad. RNR, 1954(1955), 3, 155-162 Abstract The Sanarelli-Schwarzman Phenomenon (SSP) was produced in cats by the introduction of in#activated centrifugates at 60 deg. of streptococcal and pneumococcal cultures, and in dogs -with the filtrate of Proteus OX-19. Six months before the testthe animals were subject to unilateral decortication. In cats,the SSP developed weakly and was practically equal to the one in control animls. In the tested dogs the SSF was more intensive than in the con- trols. The reaction was much more intense and wide-spread on the skin part on the opposite side of decortication. Card 1/2 - 10 - USSR/General Problems of Pathology - Allergy. S-2 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Bio-togiya, No 16, 1957, 71341 By repeating the intradermal filtrate injection in 21 days the SSP became more intense than after the first injection. Here the strong reaction was shown on the skin parts conn- ected with the operated hemisphere of the brain. The dif- ference between the action of anesthesia and decortica- tion on SSP is explained by the fact, that in the unilate- ral decortication the subcortical centers, located in the operated hemisphere, are freed from the balance regulating influence of the cortex; as a result, the reactivity of the skin is heightened. In anesthesia, however, outside of the cortex, the subcortical centers are included, for the inhibition is spread to the lower parts of the brain. Card 2/2 - 11 - VEINBERGA, I.; Linde, E.; Rudzitis, G. Chemical and microbiological composition of sapropel mud of Kaniers Lake. Report I. p. 91. LATVIIAS PSR ZINATNU AKADEMIJA. VESTIS. RIGA, IATVIA. No. 7, 1959 Month2y List of East European Accessions. (BEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 196o Uncl. VBINBERGAp T. I LIIMEt E. Compovition of sapropal =d micraflora of Lake Babite In different neasonse Report 2. Veatis Latv ak no.6:105-1-10 161., I* lAtvijas FSR Zinatnu akademija, Mikrobiologijas instituts. (Bablte,, I4Lke-SWopels) LINDE) E.; VEINBERGA, T. Dyi~~cs of sapropel mud microflora of Iaka Kaniers. H. Vestis Ietv ak no.8:91-96 161. 1. LatviJas PSR Zinatau akademija, Mikrobiologijas institute. LINDE, E. (Riga.); VEINBERGA, T.(Riga); RUDZITIS, G.(Riga) Short chemanal7tic data and microblologic characteristics of sapropel mud in Babite Lake. Vestis Latv &k n0-51:121-126 -160. 1 (EEAI 10:91 ~~ 1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademija, Mikrobiologijas instituts. (Latvia-Sapropels) (Latvia-ltd) VEINER, P., carididat in stiinte economice; RLBOACA, Gh. f On determination of the mechanization W automation level in industrY. .- Probleme econ 16 no.Zil2l,133 F 163. . I* SISAKIAN, N.M.; VEINOVA, M.K. The'nature and the biological role of peptides and nucleotide peptides. Analele biol 16 no.6:68-77 N-D 162. COSCODAN, L? VEINTRAUB, M- possi.bIlitles or cost pAce reduction Jr, lc-cEi ccrst~-1-^tiOn I - organizations. Probleira; .,:on 18 no.3:25-38 Mx 165. vi, -,f4-lpll.Ll39 ~li. 1,,.Iec:n~es of or, r,--' na' IE?r-' q-. t I U 'I I n C n--r~ 3 ' C'n ~' - -4 1 '7 rir,.10;45-~~) () '64- ilroblian earip 'i VNIS. 44~~ Ideological education in medical ischools. Gas. lek. cesk. 92 no.18:479-481 1 PAY 1953. (CLUL 24:5) **A Oeb OOA a 0 0 SO sea 0.04 SOS 0*0 mechanism Of Combustion of Iran. (III litmiall.) 1 00 A. L. Vois anti A. 1. Rmloy'kii, Mond FWcheskill - KlIjInij (16umtj of physit,al Chvinilitry), v. Z*3, Nov. 1949, p, 1305-13 10. Investigation of tile above in a sticaill of Oxygen 14-tl sod irough tile to the conclusion that oxygen difluu-3 (I oxide layer. "I"his diffuslon nwehanisill perwits fluali- "tive explanation of the awchanism us oxygen cut- 11.g. 12 ref. .00 -00 45* 0 =00 ZO 0 coo 'COO' ;too SO.0 liF slow wo"In, it 4'~ Zt;' -.1F 141444 4a, 441 Ott 81j.1114*1 414111 On Its An L P4 0 1 5 a a 3 19 a 11 of K ~ ~IXT ft tc It it 9 MW aX4 *I* * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 .- 0 019 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 00100000 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 * * 0 0 0 * 0 ABRAHAMOVIC, M.; BIAHA, R.; HAUS, A.; PIW, J.; STYBLOVA, V.; ,, _Z. Studien on the stnte of health in a groun of tractor operatore. Pracovni lek. 11 no.6:293-298 Aug 59. 1. Iekarska fakulta hygienicka. (OCCUPATIONS AND PROYMSIONS) NAUS, Antonin; YEIS 2-JargiLla-v On the problem of teaching work hygiene, phyBiology and safety in technical schools. Prac. lek. 14 no.3:115-117 Ap 162. 1. LFH 10 v Fraze. oddeleni prevence chorob z povolani, prednosta dr. Antonin Naus. (VOCATIMUL EDUCATION) Mis K, Do you brake in Time and with gixd sems-a? Siln doprava !]. no.6.-21-22 Je 363. VEIS, Karel Car deformation in case of coUision. Siln doprava 11 no.10:24-215 S t63. - VEIS, Karel ,.Iway tran.-P ~ .. - flew York lafo! ld Fair. Silln Jr*ralfa 1! LIv ortation at T,~,--p I 13 no.1:22 ja 165. VEIS2 K. How o accelerate the runn4ng-In of piston engines. ~zlln u - 4 -- doprava 12 no.11:20-21 N 164. VEIS, Karel -.. ~, " .1 Iffs,your car provided with antinoise devices? Siln doprava U no.8:13 Ag 163. 1. Stredisko pro rozvoj silnic a dalnic. FOKS.A.D.; MILLAR,S.Te.- YXIS K.T.; LONIZM,L.G.E-ramlator);MIRDUKOV. Ruben Gayevich, r~or; KCHMAY.N.H., tokhnicheakiy redaktor (i3ehavior and application of ferrites in the nicrowave region. Translated from the Itoglishl Svoistv4 ferritov i ikh primenenie v dispazone SVCH. Perevod a angliiskogo i,.G.Lomize. Moskva, Izd- vo "Sovetakoe ,adio,m 1956. 99 p. (KI-RA 9:3) (Yerromagnatim) - w 4~,, 0 4 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 .* 11e00000000#000 06 0 1 1 1 4 1 6 1 x ~j 11 t it 17 is " Jolla 21)db 1AH.'s)v x it 12 u M U k v AP if W 4! v 4; ~AA R s- I Y_ Y x_% -L - I -I U M_ a IV U 00 A Central and peripheral antaggalam between cuiarts and R. A. Wis and V. hl. K".xsik. J. Phyi!dl. so a -Injection of prostigmine 22%-34(1947). 0 0 r! into mice lowers the mortality unit diminishes the can- vulsims produced by the central action of curare. Cut- 0 a e fibtill3ry twitchings p"Aumt by the are, prevents th prripberal O"kM of Prostivnine. B. A. 0 0 L, 00 4 0 el A1,f...SLA utfALLUEGICAL LITFR&TuRE CLA$SIPICATICO M j a 0 - 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 6410 coo Zee coo zoo 00 tie 0 It. W_ _0 U AV, to Ls 't V ti, of tt U INA 0 16 a 0 0 0 a 0 : 0 0 0 0 USSR / Pharmacology, Toxicology. Chomo-Therapeutic Preparations. V Antibiotics. Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Bic logiya, No 6, 1959, No. 27916 Author :Storozhev, A. Eydeltshteyn, S. I.; Bykova, M. A.; I77ezina, Ye. K. Inst :Not givon Title :The Influence of Streptomycin With an Admixture of Molybdenum on the Animal Organism Orig Pub :Farmalcol. I toksikologiya, 195F, 21., No 1, 67-71 Abstract :Prolonged subeutanecus introduction to white mice and rats of a solution of molybdenum phosphate (I) in a dose of 0.2-4 gamwa as well as in the form of admixture to streptomycin does not Induce any negative influence on the growth and development of young anJmals. Multiple in- jections of 16-30 ga=a of I and Its mixture with strepto- zycin do not induce an influence on the function of kidneys and diuresia.: Prolonged introduction to rab1pits of C ara 1/2 'USSR / Pharmacology, Toxicology. Chemo-Therapeutic Preparations. V Antibiotics. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fiologiya, No 6, 1959) Nr- 27916 streptomycin hydrodhloride (50,OCO units/kg eachY with a total content in it of 80-90 gamma of I) leads to a certain increase of adgmelitonudlear neutrophiles at the time wheh their max1mum'quantity remains within the limits of normal& It is necessary to considor that in streptomycin there should be contained not more than 0.0% Of I. -- From the authors, resume VEIS, R.A.;,NY M ISHTZYN, S-I- Review of the Journal 'Intibiotiki." Zhur.mikrobiol.opid I imun 30 no.1:120-122 -Ta. 158. WRA 12:3) (ANTIBIOTIOS--FNRIODIC.AIS) 7E, is 1 3. ,, -ri "A semiconductor ra-!irt-ance gwu'e With i-jert-1-c se sitiv" I- n. - -,,y.11 P. 77(Acta, Vol. 2., no. 3, 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthlv index of Eatt Buropean ~Ccessio-n3 (EEAJ) LCI Vol. 7, no. 9, Sertem~ter !9,158 CZECIIOSLOVAKL~/Electr_-nics. - Electrical Discl,ari~er, iii Gases and if Gas DiscliarCe Apparatus. Abs J,)ur Ref Mur Fizika, N-) 11, 1959, 25511 Aut!iDr Veis, Stefan In'st Kateara, Fyziki Prirodweacckci faknalty UKv. Bratislave, Bratislava Title Equilibrium C,_),,centrati-xis in the Case Df Multiple Thermal IjAzation of a Gas OriE; Pub : Mit,fys. casip., 1958, 8, No i, 4o-51 Abstract : The exact Saha equatior is 3-1ven for equilibrium concen- trati-D-lis )f iDns in the case of moltiple thermal iiiiza- tiin if Cas. Fir increased pressures and tei-meraturcs, t1he Sacha equ.-atiori cc,-uijt be applied and in ~)rder t-, satis- fy it it is necessary t~) take int.) accouat the interanctiji-I Df the ions. This interactio'n can be represezited by Card 1/3 83 Plectriqal DiacliarCes in Gases n.,,! H Gas Di8c!1a7-L;e Apj~arntlzs. Ab -3 Jur Rof Z;iu-- Pizika, M~ 11, 1959, 25511 whe,ro c,cjj -1 -, c., are the cq:uilibriura concentrati.,nas ::f the clactrons a:."! thcnt~-'ms 1)f (11 -*f-Ad and L~Azntlon, respectively, p is t1he pressure, K,0n)~,r) Is the equillbri-.~n co'-stant, e the clectrm, ch-'-r-,e, % Boltninnil's C~nlstcnt' a-d e-.( is a constant eT.:al tz) ap- pr'--Ximtoly lo-8, T is tile Z,, 1 :%:-d Z,- are inteL;er5 detarmined by the reiati.:,-i ci =- Zil (e i~; the cLarre -f U I - , m i-fold imiizeet at-)-m). Eiblij_-xcaphy; 9 titles. Card 3/3 84 VErs., S. "Equilibrium concentrations at mult4ple thermal ionization of gas." P. 40 (Matematicko-Fyzikalrry Casopis, Vol. 8, no. 1, 19-)8, Praha., Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EMI) LC, Vol. 7, no. 9, September 1956 VEIS, S. "Techni4l and scientific transactions of the Osram Company." rlteviewe* by S.Veis. El tech cas 15 no.83510-511 164. 6 Z/037/6o/ooo/oo5/O39/O56 E192/9382 AUTHOR: Veins 9tefan TITLE: Measurement of Pressure of Various Gases by a Pirarit Gauge Fitted with a Semiconducting Element PERIODICALt Ceskoxlovensky.~asopis pro fyniku, 1960, No. 5., pp. 448 - 455 TEXT: A Wheatstone bridge whose one arm contains a Pirani gauge with a semiconducting element is considered (Fig. 1). It is assumed that a high-impedance voltmeter in used as the indicating device. The reading of the meter is expressed by: U ( R, R~ R) R + 1?" R, where R in the resistance of the semiconductor element of the gauge, R R and R4 are the resistances of the remaining 2 3 arms of the bridge (Fig. 1). Card 1/1;- Z/037/60/000/005/039/056 Measurement of Pressure E192/E382 The resistance of the semiconducting element is a function of temperature and can be expressed byz 1 R R e (T Ta) (2) a where R in ~he resistance and Ta in the temperature of the semiconducting element at atmospheric pressure, B in Eq. (2) in a constant for a given semiconducting material, T is the temperature of the element at a given pressure p in the gauge. If it is assumed that the bridge is balanced at atmospheric pressure. so thatt Card 2/7 Measurement of Pressure .... R R2 - = q R R Eq. (1) can be written as: .U� qU I - eR 12 + q I + qe T T.) (5) (6) It is now necessary to find the relationship'between the pressure p and the voltmeter reading U q It in assumed 12 - that the heat conducted by the gas-p6r'unit-tim6'from a unit area of the semiconductor element can be expressed by: W Y M + 1 /11 2R0' /2 p(T T;) (8) X -.1 TT M Card 3/7 Z/037/60/000/005/039/056 E192/E382 Z/037/60/000/005/039/056 Measurement of Pressure ... E192/9382 (Ref. 5), where y is the so-called accommodation coefficient, -K is the ratio of the specific heats, RI is the gas constant, M is the mass of a molecule, T 0 is the temperature of the semiconducting element at pressures p and 'T0 is the ambient temperature. If the mean free path of the molecules in the gas is much shorter than the dimensions of the semiconducting element, the pressure as a function of voltmeter reading is given by: C U + 0 + q) U.'s P= M ~j TO RO InU I +q U1. X. x + B - P. In (15) x T2, R.[U 4- (1 + q) Uj,1 n ~- U ::-~q U~ B - T. In a[ q 12]] Card 4/7 Z/037/60/000/005/039/056 Measurement of Pressure B192/F,382 where C is a constant. Ag a given reading C of Eq. (15) for two different gazes is the same but the pressures in the vacuum system f9r the two gases will be different. The ratio of the pressurep is expressed byz RA 71, (X, - 1)(;Cl + 1) X, (16) P, YX, (;ei - 1)(M. + 1) VNI where indices 1 characterise the'first gas and the indices 2 relate to the second gas'. The calibration curves for a Pirani gauge with a semiconductor element can be evaluated by means of Eq. (16), provided the accommodation ccefficients are kftown.' These coefficients were evaluated for He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe. The'ealibration curves*wer6 valvulated and these are shown in Fig. 2 (see dotted cur-,~es); The figure also shows experimental results (solid curves),-'It'is-seen that at higher pressures the.experimental and the calculated*curves are not in agreement. Consequently, it is necessary to introduce a Car& 5/7 Measurement of Pressure .... Z/037/60/000/005/039/056 E192/E382 correction factor-in Eq. (16). A more'ac6urate formula is therefore derived. It was foufid that this formula gave better agreement with the-experiments. There are 2 figures and 8 references; 1 Czech and 7 non-Czech. ASSOCIATION: Katedra fyziky Prirodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho, Bratislava (Chair of Physics of the Natural Sciences Faculty of Komenski University, Bratislava) Car d 6/7 CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Physioal Chemistry. Liquids and B-6 Amorphous Bodias4 Gases. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 23, 1958, 76573. Author :.Veis, S Inst :-io~iv~en. Title Equilibrium Concentrations for the Case of Multiple Thermal Ionization in Gases. Orig Pub: Mat-Fyp,Casop, 8, No 1, 40-51 (1958) (in Czech with summaries in English and Russian). Abstract: It is assumed that the interaction of ions at high temperatures and pressures in gases can be ex2ressed in the form of a potential ab-- eaeb,Ci-exp(-,~ rj7-/r. At large r this potential reduces to the Coulombic potential (L. Landau and Ye. 14. Lifshits, Statisticheskaya Fizika gtatistical Physic-S7, Moscow, 1951; N. N. Bog- olyubov, Problemy Dinamicheskoy Teorii v Stat- Card 1/2 CZFCFOO-LOVAKIA / Physical Chemistry. Liquids and B-6 Amorphous Bodies. Gases. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 23, 1958, 76573. Abstract: isticheskoy Fizike Zp-roblems in Dynamic Theory in Statistical Physics7, GITTL, 1946). When the above interaction is taken into account the SakhfTDT: spelling uncertai2n equation takes on the form of equation (1) 7-) Z 4 where c c c are the equilibrium concen- 0 n-1) n trations of the electrons and of the (n-1) ~n Tnd n-fold ionized atoms, p is the pressure, K p is the equilibrium constant, e is the electronic charge, c:), = - 10-6 is a constant, T is the tem- perature, Zn-l and Zn are intergers determined by the ratio e = Z ie, where ei is the charge on the i-fold ionized atom. Card 2/2 31 .2 J.2 0 C/ a ig 8338o Z/037/60/000/005/011/056 AUTHOR: Veis, Stefan E192/E382 TITLE: Extending the Sah Equation to the Case When the Forces PERIODICAL: 6eskoslovensky c-asopis pro fysiku, 1960, No. 5, Pp. 398 - 403 TEXT.- The physical quantities which characterise thermally- .ioni.sed gas are described by the Saha equation: C. n-.1 (n) pKp (T) n = 1, 2~ 3, oeo~ 00 n where c CV C29 are equivalent concentrations of neutral atoms, singly, doubly and triply ionised atoms, c is the equilibrium concentration of the electrons, p is -the pressure and K (n)(T) is the equilibrium constant expressed by: P Interaction Between the Ions is Expressed by"Distant" Card 1/4 63380 Z/037/60/000/005/011/056 E192/E382 Extending the Saha Equation to the Case When the Interaction Between the Ions is Expressed by "Distant" Forces (n) 9 ZT-,3/2 h3 In/kT K (T) = - ) --- ~F2 P 2gn m (kT) where gn-1 ' 9n are statistical weights, n is the mass of an electron, h is the Planck constant, k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature and In = COn - EOn--l is the energy of the n-th ionisation of an atom. Eq. (1) does not take into account the interaction between the ions. This deficiency of the equation was rectified by B.L. Ti-man (Refs. 2-4), who assumed that the interaction is due to Coulomb forces. The expressicn derived by Timan is in th6 form of Eq. (3). However. this equation is inadequate when Card 2/4 83380 Z/037/60/000/005/011/056 E122/8382 Extending the Saha Equation to e ase When the Interaction Between the Ions is Expressed by "Distant" Forces it is necessary to consider high pressures and temperatures. The Saha equation can be further generalised by considering the so-called "distant" forces whose potential can be expressed by Eqs. (5). For the purpose of deriving a Seneralised equation, it is possible to employ the binary distribution function derived by Bazarov (Ref. 8). The final formula is now in the form of Eq. (28). For a singly- or doubly-ionised gas this can be written as Eq. (29). This is equivalent to the Timan generalisation of the Saha equation. When the number of doubly ianised atoms is small in comparison with the singly-ionised particles, it is possible to use Eq. (29) to express the rata of lo=tsation a 2 . This is defined by Eq. (31). The rate of ionisation a is plotted in Fig. 1 as a function of pressure p . Curve I in Fig. I shows a 2 as evaluated from the Saba equation3 Curve 2 was calculated from the Timan equation, while Curve 6 shows (X2 as found from Eq. (29). The curves were calculated for Card 3/4 83380 Z/037/60/000/005/011/056 E192/E382 ExterLd:Lng the Saha Equation to the Case When the Interaction Between the Ions is Expressed by "Distant" Forces the doubly-ionised oxygen atoms at the temperature of 20 000 0K0 There are 1 figure and 8 referencesx 2 German, 2 Czech and 4 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Katedra fyziky prirodovede~~kej fak-ulty Univerzi-ty Komensk~ho, Bratislava (Chair of Physics of the Natural Science Facultv of Komensky Bratislava) Car-d 4/4 Z/037/60/000/005/039/056 J? "M, 5 E192/E382 AUTHOR: Veis? 5tefan I--- reyof Various Gases by a TITLE: mpa-gurgment of Pressu Pirani Gauge Fitted with a Semiconducting Element PERIODICAL: 6eskoslovensk~ easopis pro fysiku, 1960, No. 5, pp. 448 - 455 TEXT: A Whetstone bridge, whose one arm contains a Piranl gauge with a seimconductor element, is considered (Fig. 1). It is assumed that a high-impedance voltmeter is used as the indicating device. Tke read-Ing of the meter is expressed by: I/c U12 = U( R 3 R4 M R + R3 R2 + R4 ) where R is the resistance of the semiconductor element of the gauge, R21 R3 and R4 are the resistanceGof the remaining arms of Card 1/5 the bridge (Fig. 1). Z/037/60/000/005/039/056 E1226F-l Measurement of Pressures of Variou a 8es2 by a Pirani Gauge Fitted with a Semiconducting Element The resistance of the semiconducting element is a function of temperature and can be expressed by: R = Rae Ta (2) where R. is the resistance and Ta is the temperature of the semiconducting element at atmospheric pressure, B in Eq. (2) is a constant for a given semiconducting material, T is the temperature of the element at a given pressure p in the gauge. The resistance R can therefore be expressed by Eq. If it is assumed that the bridge is balanced at atmospheric pressure, Card 2/5 Z/037/60/000/005/039/056 E192/E382 Measurements of Pressures of Various Gases by a Pirani Gauge Fitted with a Semiconducting Element so that the condition given by Eq. (5) is fulfilled, Eq. (4) can be written as Eq. (6). It is now necessary to find the relationship between the pressure p and the voltmeter reading Uq It is assumed that the heat condueted by the gas per 12 - A unit time from a unit area of the semiconductor element can be expressed by Eq. (8) (Ref. 5), where y is the so-called accommodation coefficient, x is the ratio of the specific heats, RI is the gas constant, M is the mass of a molecule, T is tRe temperature of the semiconducting element at pressures p and T0 is the ambient temperature. If the mean free path of the molecules in the gas is much shorter than the dimensions of the semiconducting element, the pressure as a function of temperature is expressed by Eq. (9), where C is given by Eq.(10). Consequently, the pressure as a function of the voltmeter reading is given by Eq. (15). At a given reading C of Eq. (15) for two different gases is the same but the pressures in the vacuum Card 3/5 Z/037/60/000/005/039/056 ElR2/gfl2 Measurements of Pressures of Varlo s Ses by a Pirani Gauge Fitted with a Semiconducting Element system for the two gases will be different. The ratio of the pressures is expressed by: P2 YJ (X2 - 1)(Xi + 1) = - . . (16) Pi Y2 (X 1 -1)(X2 + 1) fim-'112 Xf wh-ere indices 1 characterise the first gas and the indices 2 relate to the second gas. The calibration curves for a Pirani gauge with a semiconductor element can be evaluated by means of Eq. (16), prov�ded the accommodation coefficients are - known. These coefficients were evaluated for He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe. The calibration curves were calculated and these are shown in Fig. 2 (see dotted curves). The figure also shows experi- mental results Osolid' curves). It is seen that at higher pressures the experimental and the calculated curves are not in agreement. Consequently, it is necessary to introduce a correction factor in Eq. (16). The more accurate formula has Card 4/5 Measurements of Pressures Fitted with a Sem�conductLng the form of Eq. (24). It better agreement with the There are 2 figures and 8 2 Soviet and 1 Czech. Z/037/60/000/005/039/056 E192/E382 of Various Gases by a Pirani Gauge Element was found that this equation gives experiments. references: 3 English, 2 German, ASSOCIATION: Katedra fyziky Prfrodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Komensk6ho, Bratislava (Chair of Physics of the Natural Science Faculty of Komensky' University, Bratislava) Card 5/5 SUMIAME, Given Names Country: C: io..; lovakia Academic Degrees: D"r, Doclel-it % .1 ' FaCj:Ljty 0:' I~atxal Jciwiceo, Co ~v.iiuo .z I~rS-CS L U Ive 1", -Ly Affiliation: Prirodavedecka f2LI.-ulty, Source: ILLNra Nlasa Veda, Vol VIII, i1o 6, 1061, pli p ~r Data: 1-Iocket .6ngiries." Equilibrium concentrationn at multiple therVI of Va2ss 14.10pis 87,45-510048), - 3 11: Saha equation is Introduced for the An!, 1. 1 eqtl l1. t.1mells. of iolv, at variflus (legrees of thermul ioniza, fifol of it gas. The migillal Ktha cTation. does not provide for tht, rih,vt s,f i,m hamte.04m and i ocs liot present tile true ilivillre 4 eiloil. cwicos, ,f ions itt higher pressures. Ion Ill. teradi'm is expres-'ell b rneans of p tentials based oil the equUtiOll: ~*,b = ". e6 I - e-- Vr. This Ion interaction ~ potell tial at high values of r assumes the forin of the Cott-, lomb potential atid for very small valties of F allows for cx~ change and polarization interaction. The Improved form 16, ( : ~ f th I i S i K - on o e t s lit equat 11 , 9 - ' - Z! 1/ ) (Z lk T) I I - ( I + (4 + I ) W a ?) ~ - I a 6 T 2 , P Z!, + YJ - 101),b)-l ')I lyllere C, c.-, and c. art the ~ equil. comfis. of vlectrons mid atums with (n - 1) and n de- ") gree oi ioni&itimi; p, the pressure; K, (T), thc equil. collst.; e,thechargeof unvieciron; k,theBoltzmamiconst. a co,,A. -W cin. , 7' the ternp.; Z.-, and 2. are. whole nos. given by tile relation ei - Zie, where ei is the charge of an aloin with an i degree of ionization. a H itt Distr. 4E3CA1B3d/4F,4j 1. Vio", Yu. A. 2. USSR (600) /+. Agriculture 7. Machinery for cultivating and seeding ir, grassland agriculture. r1insk, Gosizat BSSR, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A-oril 1953. Unclassified. VIL3,_Yu.D., red.; SI-1101AAKOV, J.L., red. ~Pecnr7que [Advanced Practices ir. !--I-;e OF technology in the woodpulp, hydrolysis, and wood chemicals industry] PeredoNryi opylt sovershenstvcvaniia tckhnilki i tekhnologii v tselliidoznr,-bu-Trazhnom, gidroliznor- i leso- kjJ4 T Micheskom proizvodstve. i"'-ostva, GoslesIbunizdat, 196'3. U P. (MIRA 17: -5) 1. Vauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo bumazhnoy i derevo- obrabatyva-jushchey promyshiennosti. TSentrallnoye pravleniye. *':fee 0 0*0 0111141 0 0 0 ie 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 f 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 000 0900 0***0 0-i-90W 00 1 a I A I M It 11 Is M Ilk 16 It Is " J2181 U 15 M Is 36 V T v A& M it -L & -L it x F a a 1. 1 40t., 0 - 0Ar. 00 -.00 60 -*0 of .00 00 Z 1-00 00 s; Wood palp km plits. M. F. Nlsrt Ynot, and- 4W 1) Ve -IjjIidowSI. It. 1. -400 00 J! 'Ka-lowy to", Nit. 1, TA M vtpI% in tah, owl ivin 9,171 Ortion III %tied pulp Man pivw liv -00 (h in the ptocess oll dellbering moe The -00 consts. of the fiber and newsprint *ere cletd. and compared Of z with spruce pulp, Defiberins at Sn' with 2% NsVCOt based on the wood wt. pvv a pure pulp contg. 1.5 times =06 00 j! more resinst than the corrempowling tpruce pulp. The 09 nwb. prope"We of ping pulp are inferior to thing of spruct age 00 pulp. Pulp obtained after 17 hrv~ 44 drfilveving with Nar age CO, showed no "resin difficulties " in out t rewowkins so and couverskm Into paper. The shortr=fNiswe. em Is conii4embir foandits. ircquiring the uw of kerosene. 00 a :00: Chat. HIAne of 00 1qOe it .600 100 at* 0 I.oil Ilse "TAL"OCICAL LittlRATUPf CLAI%tFKATSCN I Z -r 0 be0 IAMO 81 4W: -04,111 *A 4- 111 Is g 6 Il 1 '4 ~11 An a aw 0 X--i- 1- Is 0 bu it AV It n M 1 ;14 0 so 0 6 0000 0 0 e 0 C 04 4 0 fil 0 0 0 *go 0 Goo* 0 0 all 44 0 0 We 0 of 0 0 0 o 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 fee ::0 : 0: 0 le, 00006900 a 0060 "Tor I I 1 6 r a I a It It U w Is a It a a 11 H a If 3 -a- ILA _11, I- "Olt 141 M. bis ism mosto U41 IA:po k Now too dyes. 1. Velstmml and N. Arlewtv. keil- teebmwimmys Pro". 4, 3 13 -101( 1934) ~Ptahkml of the lkin tit hAmthoemw dr". 4wh " tit. or flikill Rotor HO, Vvilklm 0. Red RK and cob"% and intrtmetlietv for"Ittet4 Aft IN- &IN-ILA WALL4144KAL tift*AltWl CLAHOKATIO C_f?_ lojw~icjl 14"GOO -4 41.44 .11 -1 twC b u a Aw w al; *T4:4 00 0 I$?"' 46MIAV xIi44I a" a., to 4 ad a 0 it I w a a a 4 3 4 I t L a a 1 -.7 LI-I XJA .0 Q OW2,91 f~ lsdeMso. 1. 1. 116oband wW M. V. Navvcv. 34.664, Feb. 28, 19M. The Weft. pvpd. in manna from p-awinclawobmum. anihm-HO 64 of anilinc, is tivated with a0talks and the anUine 14-m In the preamm of a arms uwh as Kea mid of a KThe hWulint taftwd as a powdel, is fat washed and dried 00,3 00 w 00 F 1114M ~0 0 7 Rum. -00 the U" and ticco; Is distd. -00 dectralytt bow, cb- in the .00 too coo ZOO see '100 bee be Va. 00 woo SAPSOND -4 1 Sligo. -4. -1 vj.lj~ OPF Lis b u a 8w u a 1, 0 . I I 15 1 It IN 2A 0 .1 1 io a to a xa K 'a t't K' 0 : *4 *K 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 : 0 N 00 00 0 * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 elf 0 0 a 0 0 4 00 6 0 0 00 0 0 VEKSIBRP V.J.; VODOPJANOV, A.F.; JEFRWOVI D.V.; MINC) A.Z.; 11-ILS GASEVP I.I.G.; 7XJDLIC, A.J.; IVAJIOV,, T.Fe; KONWOSKIJ, A.A.; KCPIAR) E. G.; HALYSEV, J.E,; 110110SZON, M.A.; IC-,VP.Z8NIJs J.Gh.; PE-ITEFOV V.~.; W.BINOVIC., V.A.; RUBGINSKIJ) S.N.; SINE"91-TIKOV, K.D.; S'IOWV, I.M.; KULT, Karel,, inz, The synchrophasotron for particle acceleration to 10 BeV energy of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Jaderna energie 3 no.1:5-9 Ja 157. 1. Ustav jadwne fysiky (for Kult)* 1;1. ; Tak' , A. Labon'tory ta-sts for dotumd1jing thii c7ilorine cons,mption in hLmchir~- reed- 3Ulfatc :~uir) for papirmakirif,, of aldhiv Ll.-ack liquor to the !,tll, !!!f,- liq,tor. p. 286. CEL'fLOZA SI '-'!!~TIE- (Asociatia Stiintifica a InFiverilor si Techmici!~nilor din Ro-ania si Linisterul Inclustrit-i Petrolului si Chimie) Fucur-~st--'-, Hur.-Larda. Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 1959. Fonthly List of East European Accessions (=J) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1910. - --------- X-j( f,r their possible use in the =mUfaC-tf2ri129' TITLE: Ev&juation of the Medgldia c! Df pmducts CE: Ke"a-3-urgir- no. SOUR ay. j nec han 1a 1 pro, r* TOPT'. VIS: ta' p'astll A _ormp Droduct r jy3jq or the tje&gjdja clays ahows them to be characterized by high and P-e 7 f L 31726-66 EWP(e) WH ACC NR, 1,P6021.197 SOURCE CODE: RU/()017/65/OW/6,~,B/C)41P,/0421.1 AUTHOR: Vei5er, 1.-~Engineer) ORG: Metallurgical Research Institute (In5titUtUl de Cercetari Metalllrg`dqii) TITLE: Studies aiming at the improvement of the quality of ladle bricks by using medgidia clays SOURCE*: Metalurgia, no. 8, 1965, 418-421 TOPIC TAGS: clay, refractory product ABSTRACT: The author studied the ute of Medgidia-Tugui clays in the industrial production of refractory materialh9to be used for.ladle liningo refractory bricks#. etc. Some data are presented on the technical-economic advantages provided by these clays. It is also pointed out that Gherghina clay is technically the equal of the Medgidia one but involves higher Costs in its processing. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. [JPRSJ SUB CODE.- 11 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 001 / OTH BEF: 001 UDC., 621-746.329.2.669-76361 LIDAK, M. [Lidaks, M.] (Riga); LICIS9, Ya. [Licis, J.1 (Riga),- VEISS, A. (Riga) Potentiometric determination of ethylenWne groups. Vestis Latv ak no.2:101-106 160. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Akademlya nauk Latviyskoy SSRI Institut organicheskogo (Potentiometer) (Ethylenimine) LIDAK, M. rTleintrq. M.1 (Riva); LICIS, ra. rMciq. T.] (Riga); VEISS, A. - "~, - Potentiometric determination of ethylenimine groups. Vestis Latv ak no.2:1011-106 160. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyskoy, SSR, Institut organicheakogo sinteza. (Potentiometer) (Ethylenimine) VEISS, Milan, Potpukovnik dr. Non-traumatic apoplectiform deafness. Voj. san. pregl., Beogr. 12 no.ii-12:652-656 Nov-Dec 55. 1. Vojna bolnica u Zagrebu. (KMMIS DISSASE, non-traum. (Ser)) VS-ISS, 'I. A. and ')U[T,1TP1-X,,YA, i% A. "Iesorption and ai-emLnatlion of 3trej.,tripycl till, dor~o of the Iv:adrtrry )f 44 f,, JAI i Sciences USM, Vol. 22, Issue 1, r-P 58-63, 1952. "A. Rokas gramata darzenu audzetajiem. Riga, Latvi~as valsts izdevnieciba, 1957. 194 p. (Manual for vegetable growers)." DA Not In DIL SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 VLIT, J. Czechoslovak participation at the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy. P- 762. (POKRM YA=ATIrff, FYSI.KY A Vol. 1, 1~0- 5/05, 1956, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (!-:E-~L) LC, Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec 1957. Uncl. CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Radio Fhysics - Propajation of Radio Waves Abs Jovr : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 9, 1959; 20957 Author : Veit, Jan Inst Title Application of IntegTal Eq;.~ations for the Solution of Maxwell's Equations. rjrig Pub Slabopro-dy. obzor, 1958, 19, No 12, 866-867 Abstract An integral eq.ation is obtained for the intensity of the electric field as applied to the problems of the fraction of electromagnetic waves. Mention is made of the problem of the diffraction aroand a body located over the earth. Card 1/1 - 89 - VEI ii-.CVj 7 lv~ ~.Zl .1 I ~5 24 6 5 SC: -'M! Al- Ul'- N I,!,;, r ar. of c n:r r e s 5 plcl'r~rcmc Dep;a"'mclit, ton, i~L,2, Untl~mssifjerj. ~AI So o so J1 0 20". PROKJKS Of LWAL HYDRO ELSOMIC POWIR. Yeits 8 (Clektrichostvo 009 )~4w 1941, No. 5, 1-41 I.R.A. &bat). A bsio treatment, considering 00 resources, plaiming of small hydro elsotric power stations, equipment A proSrais of research is proposed. 06 construation wW operation. 06 4 43 Z! zoo Igoe n AV III' I 1 2 rid 0 0 9 1 W 2 AN 0 3 0 V 17 it 11 4 W 4 4 2 N 4 1*::~,0:*Oeooooo 000 600*60000 T I 010 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 ii-OP If 0 a 0 A A ~L 4 A., 0 --a- j b iA ) ---- Will 7149. Viorwoo(dwop"Ps"Ch oifZjdLC%6 7ANo%iw WA rieLcoula by I I I dbboWmb& V. L LvAmm Am 1. V. ,p: J. F-V% fkw, PA71. USSR, 31,411- 20 (May, M ;9 OIR ftedoll Tft cr)utk a( a ZWLCv pfomphm wm cnMW 00 fi. Dm a %ohmn of 5 W w cqw d 140pl aroJ ctrystab of Zh&Mo OW Zr&MMU pbcapbm tmvn abmt IODWSI&I. Sxftrcwi----ofmKftpbomvfwwcm invoopsot Mw Mb dw wnkdm sw- the of the Zo ba~4 to Now Im wooms trom I* 0 0 . , , W cuwMabwAtolowww TinwWww" odomm of a d" iffiya) "ON ow* Fm wwo vokor& Thi 4utuchkig rak W 4=mduIW by 0 6 ft avddn& ago rom in not conramd oith ON rwwdoa d tim Ab"Im crysul suw, but With Uw nktlw mducilon of the by the lowrwd :d!.. S L AdfT&kLLl*GKAL L#Tf*AtLgl C 0 U 9 At PO AS 1 * 0 0 0 0 T44 0 * * 0 : dmuww ot ft oy" UtdoL The X-my la%mtio& tkm mvesk lim Vatakim from *o Wwuime to the sphtheft Ohn4k cok "am) aw^ but Ah doa m am,& m4stion of On kwimm outwL Tlw X.* dwam Nrow *Jow a umbv of dw lowfallow b"6 "A 46wunmkcg Of &a NO- ordor bomb for jM awbW aysuk **b a rc&wcd kdomity of hatimmomm that ~ a I I ft omm- smamolhoraw deft 0a of dW @0d NOWAkbg ilk 0 qMWdft Qf da lk r. Inv 1 it 0 1 a 4 3 11 1, -W 4, Zc It It It o 0 e Is * * * : o 0 0 0 0 0 0000*0000000 ::0990006*06*000*40909*0 *00 -00 -00 -00 so* Soo gee we* woo Isoo Nee Noe Wo 0 Ifflod of mocklinjW mminatioll an the OPOSSI prop". U04 of Z43S.Cu, znS.Ma. SAd ZA&US.Mis jiboaphm, V. L. I'Inkin AIM 1. %% %*,ft -, Moscow Skate Univj. Zhu,, F .Aspjr~ - I-f-Wrt. Fit, 20, 411.1N) (192%).-nie hunge. It,mght ahmt Ily cnomnul", howl Nil OfiginAl AV, Vol. Of the cryttats is ill CU~M) 511141k I AV. or Are illustrard ISY tile folluiring d4ta; is W a poll'. and thr 1611ill iq the kal6rj.*4Vd (Activator) Gulf of the sh"It"-wavr Uo) tinimion Im,111% (ill "to) Caused by 'ht cxmln'"utkml: ZoS,Cu, 451110 333, 1-,, ~S. And to; Z"S-Mn- 87.5 - 14.6, fi, +10. and -8; US. (WAIP-CAM2061P.Mn (11) S g, AM -15. / IIX - W, 6.4, The brightam j both b,nds dm,,.,. all a Mott of the Comminution. with zRS.Cu and 7AS-Mn IMA drcrc,se 6 ppeol. the,.4Amt f,x both band,;, in 'be '"terniltY Of the Zll NAM deacasc, I- -PidlY thAn no Z-*;-%fn or Z118-01, Mid incom- I-I'AhlY more ral,idly (hall tit, Mn lund, Wbkb app"r. to 1. much'mmr PcIzisitnt in Zn$.QI_S.htQ than In US-140. It is notewtwthy that the MaxiMA of the 2 ha"'Is Are shifted in OPPcIsite directitins, In ZnS.Cu And Zm';-J61U- the total ykId of luminescence dccrewn linearly with d-ing - '".4. r of th, crystals. and the same linearity, with difft~rnt Slopes, 'A ,J)Pliell to the intensity of the yellow (un) emission band 0 znS~X54,;)-US irls%)._ 949.) anti of t/S.). The steep fail of the brightnea, on comminution MwdrAble only as a result of deep L,$ttke distortions iuccol in the pfficess 4 grinding. With znS.CU, al"Wat compitir rslintf.m $if the mmffW*rrMr W" IN(*, durvd by ronsininotion to gi.4in -iA, iijil higher tbAn the 0(*Md SrAin Slit Of the 01(1114ly hilillorKlEnt zD&Mn anti W.US.Sin phompham. The Jorto tif thr decay LA* of the luminescence, f - Al 0. remains unaffected by the curnminution. The exponent a cither retwins tin- ch;tllgcd or. at nunt, drcirsittl Jightly with doctrasing r Thus, for r - 5660J. Tim, 2 1:.1 Vu P, COMIC; znS.Mn (Ill jS_A I, r - S1, 14 1). a - 1.24, 1.24, 1.1o1, WKS, ill) lg~ 1.), v - 118. 72,thl, Hl, 1.11. 1.W. I.W. 0.071, Till' IACt 0"t CUM OillUthill, if AllYthilig, Millis only in A 5142"ittli-dOW11 Of 1111C drCAY, if%VAIWUICA Leaaed's aSSUIllptiOU th4t longer 1111luMM-MCC clifftSPIJOC11 tO 4 greuter Vol. 14 the luillincicelice ctnters Clalisting ad an Activator Atom surroundcd by a large ill) of host atollu. X-rayrxAnln. confirmed Frey's (C.A. 44.:091a) Mull" titit on comminution the original wurtLitc structure o ZuS anti ZnS.CdS Can over into the sphAkrite ~tfucturc, but. MotfAry to Y,'% COnC11111110, thAt Iran,itims dor, not del. the ChAnge fri lulninowellce. IN* follo-* ftAn the observation thAt W.Mil, which hAd thc SPILAktift AIFUC- turc from the nutlet iral underwent ou th,tap of structure uu comminuticti. and ZnS.Cu, which Oil giindinX chAtignt its structure from wurttite to ~pbjlcritz. ImAh sbowtil the Sum deffcaft Of the hrilhtnti4 of lumine?xrocr. The ImLin factor resiffim,itArfor tile cd-rved thet-L"o- minuti(AS iv the di'turtionmid &f.C"WtlUnA the Ultwc. and this point of ViCW i~ L~fflw "ill by the Ot.1tivcd in creased diffuscues. ul 3,-rAy diffracti(st lines in all cum. minuted %AmpIrs. N. Than A 00 00 00 Is 41 461 so 0 emb"Ma I aI do .. wilpils,"Wig WNW 0 *6 ibe vw4ft "Is ft edwxum MA-. d" is an"* 0" $1*". Ifs.j. Vritwr. J. reA. Pip. (U.S.S.k.) 17, 40-74(1947); WO-Zenjr. 1947, U, ION2.-Thc VkW that UtPbtkXnCtef fVadiUP (19- PCIA up" tile sue of The ImIticies of an acrowl XV41 th~r optIml prqxitfu ma cbwkW ex The rrsulu indi cam that tko.seplidemeW metKa-Is itupplicable for vs; detus. of vbdbWty [a arrosufs, of diffirent 41: ~~*Ie .2 4141 '00 A S 4, 1 ~A NISTALLOUICAL LMIATWI QAWKAIW 9.VIf---------_ Jr. - I i I ZL -1 r. ~F .11" 1 "to b fA Ar 40 a In to A f I w 9mill do 0mv Iti . I t, 0 Is D op on yu ; A I 1 0 11 1 It SO 6 A 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 & e 0.0 : 0 & 0 0 * 8 * o o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 -0-0 a 0 0 0 o 0 Og 0 & a - , ~20; 2~i2 i - 0 0 0 0 0 goo q* o Woo WOO %see Isf* WOO Irc. 0 '000 0*6 000 000006 *, 00 I I A I A A L I A I a if a ts w 9 Is V 0 P 9 t ? M T I ~~ 00 A - 1 A A -L-A- & - V I, - I , n IM S 4 fit A"t I.V cooli,I . so TIIIYI stbald w ssilulubt U P Ph", ~otii, A IL A.I! - a wam aud N. N. CA00. (U. S. S. R.) 7. "thus 14 vellitim do not mr1l in idkali nm fortu alk&U mIts. *0 Hence, they do wt form itautMus with CSI. This cl- fcct is probaNy due to dw Im of ak. property cA the 00 4 1130J. up WD, a( the heavy irityl group. Mi,thylation of SO d A 4 h b M Ni 0 i l d l m v 4 or an s very aw. ttity et t ca e g, and trhyll lgroaps be& to split off itIter I Me imp has ki th H t f h T l U i u- c an o me . r s lxvn Wad Ver g wm 4 ty y l A I l utill ed i W di hi h t ves an oo c Lwux i . ow g w . pro x m p MvIylatim of trityll ethers, 26wly to) an acetate =' 1 A l mai , t. This cvmpd. L4 cuatf, 1. . pw per .A. in CHCJa. Trityktim ot calbalaw dimmottate gamo% to the extent U '/o of the sat. of scruse. Siam oWy tri. mw7 OH groups are tzityisted. this shwvmts tM% the Ac groups or* equagy dbtributM on the crilulow Oil grvups. H. b4. Lekxsta A., S L A ASTALLoPfICAL LITISAYLOR CLASSLOICATIOU slow ~ . __ -- 7- . 191444 it *., 44C aw 9~i isk 00 i.00 -00 -00 -09 -00 -00 600 X00 400 =00 goo 000 goo 4zoo go* use -100 ties U 0 At 00 "1 t-t -as, 6.6t, R-IT, K- R'~ "~gaa- I #two *w1watao 22".A, 90010000*0600000 00*00 r - - . . I ~ :- . I . . 1 -1 . . - 1-965 . lic, ITS, Veniamin Isaskov,-ch DECEASED 1905-ig6l ELECTRIC Po'g.-~R KRASNIGKAS, K.; VEITIFNE, J. Domicillary treatment of acutcncn-*wMa pneumonias under conditions of a polyclinical center. Sveik. apsaug. no.12:15-18 162. 1. Vilniaus I tarybines klinikines ligonines (vyr. gyd. V. Bernackin) poliklininis skyrius (vyr. gyd. pavad. L. Slucevskaja). (PIELMONIA) _ K 1 0 a 46 F" I fit t o If to A CC (9 U41 A of 0 CA influence of the quality of the raw material and the mothod il 4, of esterification on the properties of oeter varnishes obtained a 17 from polymer* produced by cracking petroleum and from s*da soaps so w of t!: of synthetic sold*. A. Ys. Drinberg and N.I. Voltz. Zoo Lakokras- : Ooj') oahnuyu Ind. 1934 , Wo.1, 17-27. Chimle I. Industrio 33. 690.- 00 4, 00 J In order that they may be used for thoo produati n or agapleA . ! saters, trio synthetic acids obtained frora solar oil suet he" sold no. of a t least 97 and a aspon. no of at least 123; uposponi- les, flablo mineral oils suet be present in traces only. The sapon. a wthod also plays a large part; the beat method consists In usIng 00 dil. W*OH solne. Es- 41 41;j, 00 WOO 1 7 C- 41, -q- T ' - ~ 00 U 11 11 Of It KIt A ait of - t An L S 6 ~ . ,; ;* 0 0 * 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 if0 0 0 * 0 so 0 4 0 0 re le o 0 c f is it u 11 W to Vs it is ii a i5 so a jm4 sit Ull Jda mu spe flau '* J "Al 1-1-1- 1-m (x I A Ila WOO M. C=KjdtmtGu %d At. ~ WIN. W,4 3 No 4937 PO -00 go . , O . , Wk4sioe MW of cou de C o!,,W and of a soln. of a compa, pf known Nfassulwhes, tuctit-KI Olki 1110 perfollic d d -00 040 t koncri. we )y cm~out~cnt is %-"I fruln. A. deri 000 0 0 0 f too 00* - 1 lo 0 0 zoo 'see I've Joe I L, A .1 ALLVNGKAL UffKANNI CLASSIFKATIOR L . . ji ; be* 0 v.# jv 810. - t Jat 0 1 t N We I V ,0 04M 4 1 so I ell I Ati Ir - I I I - f m u u L, ' " a It a c J ( c .1 A I RA 0 0 :10 0 * * * 0 0 0 * # 0 0 0 0 0 o q 0 0 0 o 0 : ff : : -0-0 io 0 * * * 0 0 0 0 a 0-0 O s 0 a 0 o * 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 A *04 ost 008 go& 903 06-3 0*4~ V MULLUR"AL LMSATM C&ASWKAIM go ti"43ATO it a 0 6 * 0 re A* Vej a a 0 a a a 0 * 0 0 0 Al 0 0 e- 17- stem $"Inv 44A A 11 aw on AS I I a ed : 0 0 0 a 0 * 9 0 * 0, a * Al 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 4 "so -00 'so 00 see ~09 1200 log age We& A'se, 1300 soo, go* we* ~2*0 I, U , 1, 11 U Ij a ii JS al V ill M ill 11 Ij U W 0 bAP N04 41 W4SNdzo y C A -.L-.t - 1, a A --j_ & m, F a 2 I-L-11A a (X N t14A, b s s -1-L. a k 'k C. A A a -A k. I/ " [ Water jaillubl. "'tra"hes 4011 1141-111-11 V n-jit..w, A. Va. I)ijillwy X, R,,-, 4011:1. 1-01 '24. t 00 1u rAll.". pfuducts ut4ml 11 IlYJl'X-AfI.'U% "Iddiflet by-1,11-1wis ill ut it, tile surpts. syriffirtic niblorr (it A%, tile brAinj will, all IkAl, _j" coo 6 0 -a moo got goo zoo Vigo 1 - I i . '74 A I Ill u 0 fA 4 IS 4 U 1% 91 11 It it * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 00 o'O 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 - os' 00 0 so 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a I'splon Aid A a A- F Water-soluble Yrdns, vanishes agd Wsb Ru~-.41,1113,1`ct Of Utt*At,l, hytiRkdrixit A't by-prMuc t v in cricking pritulemn or in t1v ' I W111110w rut) cr from ak., are heated wit It aq, ji- It M I.T. r 416tAilled pirpri. td k;ili f! coo [ Zee Oe 1 0 1 t ITAL&VRGFC.L Ull-Alt..1 (LAWFICA11C. Itz - '- - - - - , - .1"11 141.? , -- -- , - (i "d7-- - 1%; 6 6 . 'm . 0 Got it 0-3 p to It ft Or it I( a Fruit If R'Lart 1 14 An L 1 4 IN V~* 144 a 00 0 a 0 0 99 0 9 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 or* 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 00 0 0 0 * 00 0 0 0 0 Cat 0 6 q 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 91 POPA, Hioara,, dr.; POPAp G., dr.; ',T=, Lidia., dr. _-- Tuberculin anergy as a critetion of biological delimitation of malignant retiaulopathies. Med. hntern, (Bucurs) 16 no.73 811-818 J1164 1. Lucrare efectuata, in Clinica I si a II-a medicala., in colabo- rare cu Clinica. de ftiziologie., Tzaia VEJBORA, 0.; FFXICOVA, D. Influence of endotoxin and tuberculin on lymphocytes isolated from normal rabbits and rabbits sensitized with BGG vaccine. Cas, 19k. cesk. 102 no.14-372-378 5 AP 163. 1. Mikrobiologicky ustav lekarske fakulty KU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta MUDjr. 0. Vejbora Ustav ser a ockovacich latek v Fraze, reditel 14UDr. J. Malek. (ENDOTOXIN) (TUBERCULIN) (SALMONELLA PARATYPHI) (BCG VACCINATION) (LYMPHOCYTES) VEJBORA, 0.; JOHMOVSh-f, J.; VRANA, M. .r and of the nonspecific D11namics of changes in specific hypersensitivit- increase in sensitivity to endotoxin in BGG-senoitized mice. Folia microbiol. 6 no.6:370-378 161. 1. Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Prague 12. (BCG VACCINATION) (TOXINS AND ANTITOXINS) all -3T. tm wt 1--y- Madluiw7 of 1-,ha cornoniuri UnIvergi Va Ktj) !,-a avnr lakarske fM~ IM,D, (rill ob!,-Ict~lcky x-L-. A. (0 ad Ali plelko 7-4."X4 SP4' C I Iat-31C, ',~O q7ti-tMonce of 0 5 Ina- Rd 1"I'DIX Vu2.,inal RfW-Itm Rzinflitize'l vlt*'~l BOci at V -,e 0 1~r- e . " "-racra2, .13aw Vol 102, 1"o :L f-~- 3, Abe ~r v h;.1 r-3 azy modl f j~ f1d. E r FD t -*Klin and mrdatox-va S. T) ar v t 7p !T-'n phwr,Tt~,c, lcio].Li~ebZl ~',,c;% -:;ab,.Atn. Nowpoellffe Pattgen Its -inov 9 to'Xia i;!:) ~Jram,,~Ttizejd ther, nirm,41 oa.1113,s ontigea Ovws i.,M-Alme'low F cr Tublee,, 27 'eha A VEjBojjj~, 0.; V. ia ZARUBAp 1AC-C-11ir ityi tt,, exaMillat-cr. of VIIA tl*ri r, I in chronlc I)yelonophrIlAil 165. ~Ilj ty Kar lekarske Oni'll r~r ~,C. Vnitrni klinika 10 'Iuryo"L-l (prednosta Prof. Dr. ~l - L , VTli- * Ilradei Krall" biolOgie lekarske faktd' * Ustav lekarske mikro .. (prednoota Or- C" Ve jbora) - versitY v Ilradei Yralo PEKAREK, Jan; VMORA .0 dr Pertussis parapertussis vaccine. Ceek.opidem.mikrob.imun.10 no.2: 111-120 Mr 161. 1. Ustav ser a ockovacich latek v Fraze. (WHOOPIM COMH immunol) 6..*V 14 'y ' " N'C!-. ; CIZ Liatt. 1.17-;('1 ';~7. ~ 11Z unlit ,S-) InOOMI-160mAh"ted"ids 7 s. N,11..- the IrfdlmAml. ThvhydrAAlvin.l&j* (Irmn Mc()Il tw 11,0). ?-Iil,w IluMicky e14- Ni"on-substititted thiourvas In analytical cbdmlsfty. Z. Mard,A#j and /, Vc.1014-01nifetl Miami. Prague. Circh.). Chrm, histy 43, X14 Q(tV51),-Aq. (1%) .( 17 sutwitut"I ihiimrcas We" temtAfiw Hi andem- ions of gmtim I and 11. The color develtnml wa% itt all exles Weak" than that with thiourra liwU. M. Ilu-Ilicky ar U ..Ur VEJCHARt -T. "Plastic Materials, A Modern Construction Material." p. 292, (StroArenstyl) Vol. 3, no. 4, Apr. 1953p Fraha) East European 17-1. 3, 3 SO: Month List of tKaxtim Atcessions)AISrary oyodongress. March Q, Uncl. nj__4 ~TE j C, 1"0 . ) i . - I lqpias~jc 11,a-terials and Metal Economy" P. 3, (ITjT771~, Vol. I, no. 1, Jan. 1953, Prabri, Czechoslovakia) . Vul. 21 11, "0". Uric'-* so: '0~)nthly L-13'", of Ea:3t Dwopean Acces'nlons, Tc, 11. VEJCHODA. J. Fast-onerating vises. p. 490 TECHNICKA PRAGA. Bratislava,, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, No. 11, No. 1955 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFIAJ), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. -VEJCHODA, J. Colors at work sites. p. -101. STROJMENSKA MOBA, Prague, Vol- 3, no. 7, July 1955- SO: Monthly List of.Rast European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956, Uncl. VEJCHOD,kj JS Light in work sites, p. 26h, STROMENSKA VYROBA 04inisterstvo strojirenstvi) Praha, Vol. 33 No. 6j June 19155 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library, of Congress.. Vol. 14 No. 12, December 19,01, VEJCHCDA, J. Block assembly of the supporting structure for steam boilers. P. 335 Vol. 3, no. 8, 1955 STRORRVOKA VYROBA Praha, Czechoslovakia Source: Monthly List of East &.ropean Accesions, (EEILL), LG, Vol. 5, no. 2 February 10,56, Uncl. VEJTCHODA y J. 11LIJBIRICATIOT'-of Machines and Lubr-ication Plans", P. 278. ( -,ECT'TIICTfl FRAGA) Vol. 6, 170. 5, 1ay 1954, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia) SO: I'onthly List of Fast Eurorean Ancessionsy (ML), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1055, Uncl. 'rA-T D Z -7L' IK ,-' . "Danger of Fire from Uncooled Surfaces of Electric Machinery." p. 184, Praha, Vol. 4, no. 4, Apr. 1954. SO: Last Iu-vopean Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 9, September 1954, Lib. of Congress :~,a ch from uncr,~cdc---2 Dar.ger of ISO: East Lurr-Peall i~cc(los'olls LLA, VC1. 1954, Llb. Cc,147"'~;~-, C.. Do not force' to -olan for c-1--etric 1-cmim-ent on -,,. 21',,. T!,MIL, (M-Iniatuerstvo Ichkeho prumysiu)-Praha. Vol. 9, -no. 7, JUIY 1954. Septer. - , -,URCE: R'azt -European AccesAions Li-t, Vol. 5, n . 9y ! abor 1956 Vejdelekp 0. Measuring insulation resistance in industrial electric equipment. p. 226. Vol. 9, no. 8, Aug. 1954. ELEKTROTECHNIK SO: Monthly List of East European Accession, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955, Uncl.