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AUTHORS; Vdovin, Yu. A.; Levich, 11. G.t SOV/20-126-6-42/67
L'o-ire-s-ponding Membert AS USSR; Myamlin, V. A.
TITLE: The Anodic Solution of Germanium (Anodnoye rastvoreniye
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRI 1959, Vol 126, Nr 69 pp 1296-1299
ABSTRACT: The results of germanium investigations hitherto obtained
(Refs 1-4) permit already the drawing of conclusions as to the
reaction mentinned in the title, although there are still
contradictions. It is certain that a saturation current occurs
in the dissolution of electronic germanium, whereas it lacks
in holes germanium. In currents that are considerably smaller
than the saturation current of n-germanium in both cases a
linear dependence of the potential upon the logarithm of the
density of the anode current is observed, Ho1eq in the elec-
trode are necessary for the primary electrocbemical reactions
A quantitative investigation of the dissolution process is
attempted. The voltage drop in the electrolyte is neglected
with the exception of the voltage drop in the Helmholtz double
Card 1/3 layer. The ratio between holes current and electronic current
The Anodic Solution of Germanium SOY/20-126-6-42/67
is r/m. After several simplifications tne voltampere char-
acteriatic (21) is found by means of a system of equations
Q)- (4) for dz/dt Id~/dt, dy/dt, dp/dt and below the antura-
tion current the losaiithmic dependence of the potential upon
the current is confirmed. The following is derived for the
saturation current: j n2D e2" 9 (1+ M) (23)
sat i + - L r
concentration. of the electrons in the semiconductor,
D+= diffusion coefficient of the holes, e = electron charge,
U% = mobility of the electrons, specific resistance,
L diffusion length of the non _L=sic charge carriers Under
consideration of the data given by J. B. Flynn (Ref 4~-it holds
that m/r = 3. Thus, the reaction on the surface requires I
hole, and 3 electron~.,are liberated. The values deviating
herefrom, found in other papers (Refs 2,10)9 are likely to be
due to surface effects. There are 10 references, 4 of which
are Soviet.
Card 2/3
The Anodic Dissolution of Germanium SOV/20-126-6-42/67
ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrokhimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Electrochemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: April 99 1959
Card 3/3
.. . I
Current - voltage characteristics of the electrolyte-seni-
conductor contact. Dokl.AN SSSR 124 no.2:350-353 Ja 159.
(MIRA 12:1)
1. Cblen-korreRpondent AN SSSR (for Levich). 2. Mookovokly
inzbenerno-fisicbeekly institut.
(semiconductors) (Electrolytes)
SergeY Geor91Y8vich;.CH'GR"'TS' -I.A. . red.; WBOLEVA.
vMVICHNIM0, , - __ _
, .. .. a
I w'-1-16 - - d- - -
,%~Il 1--, T6"; .9 rohers ] Spatnik 12yakatelia; kratkOl
[Aeference book for rOGOa a. Gos.energ.J7,d-vos 1959- 235"P- :3)
spravochnoe posobiee Noskv (MIRA 13
oinginearing geology
VDOVICIMIKO, Vasiliy Terentlyevich.[Vdovyohanko, V.T.], kand.takfin.nouk:
WOV3TSKIY,*P.S,'[Kakovetelkyi,.P.S.I, kiindtekhn.nauk, glavnyy
red.; KOVALVSnY,.V.V.-[Xovalsvs'kvi, V.V.], red.
(Raw materials for the development of the chemical industry in
the Ukraine] Syrovynna baza rozvytku khimichnoi promyslovosti
na, Ukraini,, lyiv, 1959. 46 p. (Tovary~tvo dlia poshyrannia
politychfi.~kh I naukovykh xnan' Ukrains1koi RM. Ser.5, no.19)
(MIRA 13:1)
(Mcraine-Chemical industries)
8(2) SOV/32-25-4-42/71
AUTHORS: Yanus, R. I., Xubarev, V. V., Vd9vin, Yu- A-, Y-r'1PakG--r, I- P-
TITLE: Automatic Apparatus for Sorting-out Plates of EleGtrotechnical
Steel (Avtomaticheskiy apparat dlya rassortirovk-; listov elekL-0-
tekhnicheskoy stali)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 4, PP 480-481 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The comrades G. G. Lyustiberg, P. I. Suruda, and G. G. Ano~jhen-
kov also took part in this investigation. An automatic device
Fig 1) for sorting out electrotechnical steel plates
1500 A750 mm) was developed on the basis of an impro-,red scheme
of the coercimeter according to R. I. Yanus et al (Ref 2). The
plate to be controlled closes a magnetic circuit, is magnetized
by a selenoid, and closes a circuit of a certain intensity in
the demagnetising winding. If the field in the latter is equal
to the coercive force of the plate, this plate is demagnetized,
but if the field is stronger or weaker, the plate remains
magnetized or is overmagnetized in the opposite direction. The
amount and the sign of the residual magnetization of the plate
is determined by means of two MKV-2 rectifiers. A scheme of the
L' ~ n
Card 1/2 whole device for steel-plate sorting (Fig 2) with a deSC-rip'4r
SOV/32-25-4 -4 2/7 1
Automatic Apparatus for SortirE-out Plates of Electrotechnical Stee!
of the operation is given. The efficiency of a modei or, thu
scale of -1:3 is indicated with 420 plateo an hoirr. Tr Qw, V-kh-
Isetskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Verkh-Isetu iyMeta-11urgicri,1
Works), an industrial plant for plate sorting of -6
designed for three types of steel with a capacity of 80 tons a
day. There are 2 figar(~s and 2 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy institut chernykh metallGv i Institut, fiz'Lki
Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (Ural Institute Ft~=.)us
Metals, and Institut.- of Metal Physics of the Ural Branch
Academy of Sciprs,7s USSR)
Card 2/2
r-1 ( 4)
Y Ju. A ~. SOV'/20-124-2-31/71
Levich, V. G., Corresponding MemberAS USSR,
Myamlin, V. A.
The Volt-ampere Characteristic of the Contact Electrolyte-
electron-semiconduc.tor (Vollt-ampernaya kharakteristika
kontakta elektxDlit-elektronnyy poluprovodnik)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 2, PP 350-353
ABSTRACT: An oxidation-reduction reaction of the type A'~ + e:z---A is
assumed to accur during passage of the current. For reasons of
greater simplicity it is assumed that the ion concentration
on the surface of the reaction is sufficiently great and that
its supply from the interior of the solution is not a limiting
stage of the above-mentioned reaction. The potential drop
in the electrolyte is neglected, which is justified if the
solution contains an addition of an indifferent electrolyte of
sufficiently high concentration. First, the basic equations
are written down, which connect the amperage, the charge
density, and the electric field strength in the semiconductor
Caia 1/3 with one another: j - eu[En + (kT/e)(dn/dx)] (e > 0),
The Volt-ampere Characteristic of the Contact SOV/20-124-2-31/71
div -(4ne/a )(n - (n., /n)~ Here u denotes electron
mobility, n - their concentration, n,, - the concentration
of the electrons within a domain that is sufficiently far from
the contact. Such a selection of the charge density t
corresponds to the weakly ionized donor-levels. The above-
mentioned system of equations can also be written down in
dimensionless form: (dz/dt) - zy - ),- 0, (dy/dt) - z - (1/z).
Contrary to what is the case in metal, concentration in a semi-
conductor may vary considerably. A generalized formula for
the slowed-down discharge is written down. An auxiliary
function is introduced for the solution of the dimensionless
equation. First, the equa tion. for this auxiliary function for
low amperages is solved (A 0 1). An expression is writtea
down for the entire voltage drop in a Helmholtz layer and in
the semiconductor (after deduction of the ohmic voltage drop).
After some further steps an expression is obtained for the
volt-ampere characteristic. Next, the currents flowing in the
locked direction are investigated. In this case the width of
Card 2/3 the united layer increases, and an expression for the
The Volt-ampere Characteristic of the Contact SOV/20-124-2-31/71
volt-ampere characteristic corresponding to this case is
written down. In this case the dependence of the potential on
amperage is essentially determined by Tafel's law. The
authors then deal with the non-locked direction. The
rectifier effect depends both on the electrochemical reaction
taking place in the semiconductor and on the properties of the
semiconductors. The discussed system has marked rectifier-
properties under the conditions investigated. The results
of this paper apply also if different reactions predominate
at different directions of the current. There are 4 references,
3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut (Moscow Engineering
SUBMITTED: September 27, 1950
Card 3/3
D 0
AUTHORS: Bushev, A. S., Vdovin, Yu. A. A -I -, i
TITLE: The Production o a P~hotos`tar and of a FaZt Proton or Anti-
proton (Obrazovaniye fol.ozvezdy i bystrogo protons ili anti-
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperinentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 195",
Vol. 34, Nr 6, pp. 1652-1653 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Yu. A. Vdovin investigated the production of a nuclear star
through an intermediate pion pair by a y-quantum. This Paper
investigates an anal6gous process: a y-quantum with high-ener-
gy produces a proton-antiproton pair, and one of the particles
of the pair is absorbed by the same nucleus which Produced
thp star. The other particles carry off an energy which
nitude as the total ener,-y of the
has the same order of mag
star. The whole investigation is carried out for the ultra-
relativistic region where only the small angles between the
momenta of the y-quantum and of the proton (or antiproton)
flying away play an essential role. The atrong interaction
of the proton and of the antiproton with the nucleus are
Card 1/3 taken into account according to the ODtical model. The nucleus
The Production of a Photostar and of a Fast Proton or Anti-,roton
is assumed to be an absolutely black body (with respect to
the proton and antiproton) with a given radius. The nucleons
may be described by the Dirac equation. The anomalous magnetic
moment is not essential for so high energies. The authors
assume, for instance, that the proton is absorbed, and that
the antiDroton flies away to infinity; the Dirac (Dirak)
eauation for this process is given explicitly. The wave func-
tion of the antiproton (which in the final state is a free
particle) is given as a superposition of a plane wave and
of the wave diffracted by the black nucleus. The authors
obtain the cross section of the processby calculating the
total proton flow. Then an expression is given for the dif-
ferential cross section of this process. As in the scalar
case, the total cross e-action does not depend on the enerUy
of the y-quantum and it is proportional to Rlm. R lenotes
the radius which is perpendicular to Pl(P2) Pnd goes through'
the center of the nucleus. pi and p2' for their part, denote
the momenta of +-- proton and of the anti-proton. 7here are
Card 2/3 4 reference-,all of whieb " Soviet.
SO V 5-, 6 - 7, -' - 6 - 4 5 J" 5 1
The Production of a Photontar and of a Fast Proton or Antitro*on
ASSOCIATION.: Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fiz-icheskiy institut
.OSCOW 77 ngineering and Physics Institute)
SUBMITTED: Uarch 27, 1956
Card 3/3
SOVA 10-15E-7-8/21
(Apparaty dlya kontrolya i sortirovki ~selykh listov
elektrotekhni6heskoy stali)'
PERIODICAL:Vestriilr Elektrc~promyshlennosti, 195~; r 7, pp 28-31
ABSTRACT: The Epstein apparatus for testing (the magnetic
roperties of electrical steels,which has been used for
0 yearsis the subject of g-oneral criticism. Its main
disadvantages are enumerated. Nowadaysthere is a
tendency to separate absolute measurements from general
inspection, and in iinany countries attempts are being
re-de to develop apparatus for inspecting and grading
whole sheets of transformer steel. By grading sheets
into different oualities, economies of material could
be achieved. The article then describes a number of
pieces of equipment that have been developed for this
Card 1/2 purpose namely those of F. Koppelman, Germany, 1951;
Apparatus for inspecting and grading whole
sheets of electrical steel
S () _7111 11-0,72 2
I'Vcoda anO Ililrlta. Japan, 101-5; W. Kriq,, Germany, 1956
see FiS Siewierski, Poland, 1957' Gernhardt and
Lan--.-c Gepi-onnAy, 1956; ~nd Edhiundson, kngland, 1955 (see
Fig 43. The instruments are all briefly described
wil;hout special conmient. There are Lr figuresp and 10
references, 2 of which are Soviet, 1 Polish, 6 German
Card 2/2 and 1 English,
1. Steel--Testing equipmenz 2. Steel--Magnetic properties 3. Electri-
cal equipment--Performance
"'W" c-12o-31-3316i
ydoliL., f2
TITLE: The Theory of Faraday hectification (Teoriya faradeyevskogo
P.--210DICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1558P Vol- 12o, Nr 3, PP- 554-95t'
ABSTRACT: There are two kinds of passage of an alternating current
through the surface of an electrode. One of them is connent-
ed with the charging and discharging of the double layer on
the surface of the electrode. This phenomenon is analogous
to the passage of an alternating current through a condenser.
The second kind, (which furnishes the real Faraday (Faradey)
component of alternating current ), is directly connected with
tile electrochemical oxidation-reduction reaction on the sur-
face of the electrode. At not too high frequencies and not
too low concentrations of the reacting particles it is poz-
sible to neglect the phenomena in the double layer and to
confine oneself to investigating the Faraday (Faradey) com-
ponent oe the alternating current. The alternating current
Card 1/3 1 - I costOt is assumed to pass through an electrode having
The Theory of Faraday Rectification SOV/2o-12o-5-33/67
a surface of A cm . The passage of the current is condensed
with an oxidation-reduction-reaotion Ox + neF_--->~ Rd on the
electrode. Ions of both the oxidizing agent and o the re-
ducing wnt V e supposed to be in the solution. The system
with Fe , Fe +/Pt electrodes is mentioned as an example.
A condition for the equilibrium in such a system is given.
The periodic function P (change of the potential of the
eleotrode during the passage of an alternating current) Is
here developed into a Fourier (Furlye) series. In this case
the first harmonic may be considered suf:dcient because higher
terms supply only minor corrections. In this way
f= ~ + V coa(Cit +~k) is obtained. Next, the connection be-
tween the amplitude V of the alternating voltage and the
amperage 1, the phase shift i~ of the alternating voltage,
and the dependence of the constant component on the alter-
natine voltage are determined. The amount of depends on
a certain coefficient. The potential ~ is shifted also if
the solution contains only ions of the oxidizing agent. As
an example a metal electron may serve, which is immerged in
a solution containing the ions of this metal. In this case
there is a surplus of reducing agent, and the velocity of
Card 2/3 oxidation does not depend on the concentratinn of the reducing
The Theory of Faraday i".'ectification.
P R E It', _"N TF D
agent. In coriclusiz~n, the author thanks k. N. 'Frumkin,
Member, Atcademy of Sciences, USSR, for directing his atten-
tion to the problem investigated, and he elso expreeses his
gratitude to Prof--:_,~xr V. G. lut-vich for a useful discussion
of the problem. Thero av~_ 10 refprcences, 1 of which is -'~cv2et~
JaliuarY 15, 1958, by A. IT. rui*in, Meriber, Icademy ul,
~!oienue8, U.'1:'R
January W, 1958
1. Electrodes--Electrochemistry 2. Electrodes--Surface properties
3. Alternating current--Theory
Card 3/14
---- 1 ~ Theory of Faraday's ractifiration. Dokl. AN SSSR 120 no. 3:554-557
My 158. (MIRA 11:7)
1. Predstavlano skademikom A.N.Frumkinym.
(Blectric current rectifiers)
$1peiviAj~- ~~O_ I fi -
USM/Nuclear Physics - Elementary Particles. C-3
Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 414
Author : Vdovin,_,Yu.A.
Title Formtion of Proton-Antiproton Pairs by Ge=a quanta of
Large Energy.
Orig Pub Zh. eksperim i teor. fiziki, 1957, 32, No 3, 542-546
Abstract The author calculates the effective cross section for the
production of proton-antigroton pairs by high energy gam-
ma-quanta on nuclei, taking into account the strong inter-
action between the nucleons and the nucleus. The calcula-
tion is semi-phenomenological. To calculate the effective
cross section, it is enough to know the asymptotic expres-
sion for the wave function of each nucleon. First these
asymptotic expressions were found under the assumption
that the nucleus is "absolutely black" sphere of radius R
and E2 relative to the proton and antiproton respectively.
Card 1/2
A T -rr
~ACC NR: AP6007221 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/002/0395/0403
AUTHOR*. Vdovin',_Yu. A. -;/>
1ORG: Moscow EngineerinE-Physics Insti "u-(MoskoVskiy lnzhenern-o--*)
f I z I c b e-sRry--f F FETTUTY
.iTITLE~. Relaxation of photon densi~Z in a resonant medium
!SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticbeskoy fiziki, v. 50,
i no. 2, 1966, 395-403
1TOPIC TAGS: relaxation process, photon, molecular spectrL.M, quantum
resonance phenomenon, Doppler effect, Stark effect, disper3ion
equation, kinetic equation, collision integral
!ABSTRACT.- This is a continuation of an earlier quantum-theoretical
;anal sis by the author (with V. M. Galitskiy, ZhETF v. 4F, 1352,
11965~ devoted to relaxation of a system of resonant molec,.~les. In
the present paper account Is tEken of the dispersion of V-.e energy
levels of the molecules due to processes such as the Dopp'Ler effect,
the Stark effect, and others. 71ie molecules of the medivn are assumed
Card 1
ACC NR: AP6007221
to be randomly distributed. From an analysis of the time variation
Of the velocity distribution of the density of photons and with a
given wave'vector it is seen that the dispersion of the levels
greatly influences the time development of the process. The disper-.
Sion of the molecular levels also influences the distribution of the
photons with respect to the transition frequencies. The correspond-
ing kinetic equations are formulated and it is shown that they are
characterized by a collision term which is integral with respect to
the time. This form of the collision term is caused by the photon
energy indeterminacy resulting from the relaxation process. Orig.
art. has: 24-formulas
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 291mi65/ ORIG REF: oo6/ OTH REF: 001
Cenozoic volcanism of the eastern Plope of the northern Sithote-
Alin' Range. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.,; geol. i razv. I no.4:32-46 Ap
158- (MIRA 11:12)
1.MoskovsIdy goologorazvedochny7 institut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze.
Kafectra istoricheakDy geologii.
(Sikhote-Alin' Range--Volcanoes)
Affect of various soil differences on some morphological and
anatomical features of the pea.leaf. Uch. zap. Xaz. un. 117
no.9:239-242 '57. (MIRA 13-1)
l.Kazanskiy gosudaretvanuyy universitst im. V-I- Ul'7anova-Lanina.
Kafedra goobotaniki.
Formation of photosynthates in shade-tolerant plants under the
forest canopy and in clearings. Bot. zhur. 46 no.9:1325-1328
s 961. (MIRA 14:c,l)
1. Kczanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V.I.Ullyanova-Lenina.
(Forest ecology) (Photosynthe5is)
Change in the trend of photosynthesis in plants transplanted under
the canopy of the forest. Bot. zhur. 47 no*921366-1369 3 162.
(MIRA 16t5)
L Kaxanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
(Photosynthesis) (Forest ecology)
Some conditions for t~c- existence of divergent integrals of
the equation Y w f(y, . Izv. vys.ucheb. zav,; mat.
no.3:11-21 162. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Urallakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gorikoso.
(Differential equations)
EO 3 2/ E3.L 4
AUTHOR: Vdovina, E.V.
TITLE:. On'the motion of a mass point on a closed curve
SOURCE: Nauchnaya konferentsiya,po teoreticheskim i prikladnym
voprosam matematikil mckhaniki, Tornsk, 1960. DoIclady.
Tomsk, 1960. 92 - 93
TEXT: This paper is concerned with.the equation
x = f(x) R(x, x) f(x, or the equivalent system
y, f(x) - R(x, y) = f(x, y)' (1)
which describe the motion of a point on a closed curve under the
iaction of time-independent forces. The function f(x, ~) and its
derivatives are assumed to be continuo'us for all x' and and
periodic In x with a period of 2TT' Moreover, f(x, satis-
fies the condition
lim f(x, < 0, lim f(X, 0
x x --- >
Card 1/3 0 Y "" f (x) dx >_0
On the motion of .... C032/P,311,
The analysis is carried out"in the phase space which coincides
with ttre surface of a right circular cylinder. The equation of
the phase irajectories is then of the form
dy f(x) - 11(x' Y) f(N., Y)
dx y y
It is assumed that the function f(x) has a finite number (2s) Nt
of simple roots per pe*riod. The following theorems are then
proved. 1) For a function f(a, y) satisfying (m), the equation
giv-en by (2) can have three and only three possibilities as far as
the existence of a periodic solution is concerned, namely: a) a
periodic solutior exists; b) an improper periodic solution exists
and c) therelis no periodic solution. 2) In order that the
equation 'X' j, f(x) - R(x, J~c') should have at least one stable
limit cycle, it is sufficient that one of the following conditions
be satisfied&
x Rtit X(S' 1% (4)
2r+l x( 2,d < 2k
Card 2/ 3
On the motion of .... F,032/-E3i4