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~_VDOVIMIJ.M., LIPOVSK177, A.A.; KUZINA, M.G. Formation of the complex coupound neptunyl trirafiate. Radiokhimli&~, 2 n0-3:312-314 160. (MM 13:10) 1. (Ileptunyl oompounds) 20650 3/16 60/002/005/003/017 A 13 / 00 A051YAl 30 AUTHORS: Vdovenko, V. M.; Krivokhatskiy, A. S.; Gusyev, Yu. K. TITLE: The extraction of variou& metal nitrates with mixed solvents PERIODICAL: Radiokhimiya, v. 2, no. 5, 1960t 531 - 536 TEXT. The present article offers the results obtained in a study of the extraction of micro-quantities of metal nitrates of various valency; cerium, zirconium, niobium and ruthenium. The study was carried out on the extraction of trivalent cerium nitrates, and the other metal nitrates using mixtures of simple oxygen-containing solvents, and on the phenomenon of non-addivity, i.e., the extraction of the nitrates exceeding that of the computed value of extraction, estimated from the assumption of inde- pendence of the extraction by each component of the mixture with respect to the presence of the other. The following preparations were used in the experiments: Ce144, Zr95, IM95, Ru 1o6 , of the "non-carrier" grading. Two mixtures were used as the extracting agents, which were extreme with re- spect to the extraction of the nitric acid and uranyl nitrate, i.e., ex- Card .1 /1 20650 S/186/60/002/005/003/017 The extraction of various metal ..... A051/A130 tracting these better than pure solvents individually, dibutyl ether-ppl- -dichlorodiethyl ether, (chlorex) and diethyl ether-acetophenone. Figurc-s 1 - 7 show the results of the experiments, indicating that the investi- gated mixtures are really non-additive with respect to the extraction of all the mentioned elements, and the values of deviation from the addivity become rather high. The extremeness, however, is only present for the solvent mixtures which extract the given nitrate in the pure form, to about an equal extent. The data showed that the non-addivity (formation of mixed solvates) is characteristid not only for the extraction of the given ele- ment by the mixtures of various oxygen-containing solvents (Ref. 1: V. LT. Vdovenko, A. S. Krivokhatskiy, ZhITKh, 5, 494, 1960), but also for the ex- tracting of various elements by one mixture, proving the gener *ality of the phenomenon. The possibility of increasing the degree of separation of the elements by selection of the corresponding composition of the extracting agent, as a result of the aiffarence in the shapes of the curves of extrac- tion of the various elements is shown. There are I table and 7 figures, 3 references; 2 Soviet-bloc, I non-Soviet-bloc, The En-lieh language pub- 0 lication reads as follows: (Ref. 2) H. A. C. McKay, Chemistry a. Industry, 51t 154, 1954. Card 2/ 9 s /I A055IA.29 V. -M. - Y-1 ~Lykhcnfliciy, A. A. -Lcns An in-IZ,4tAs-lttan cf ~av in non-&qu-6ous solut P E RTO DC-- A L.: 2, /575 TEXT,-. fc.- or~t~vtlr.-Ang zzh,~ h7fdratin- rl~ r~iz-tr phal:~. %mp L!i -.~?Ing h- v f f ~n f,.~ ~,,r f purpo---A. 7 I'T f -vi a- I w ~i 1~ f + w 1 rn 5 A ~/A 12 9 P w whi-- c ri i-n -,he f f I L P f--4 -Ij In ',o;h p~~as&F a ~-Wr 7.3 W,- BA BA v c' wm-r 'n was ales, C., (R-5f R. A. Rotin:-:in, R. F. 3--c-T~z. Tr:~n~~ Faral. 7, 6-12, R. H. Stok,-,~;~, Trans. 29,f7, -.948). ;i,-l-*ivi*y oc-eftllent-z in the ;:rgzarl-n phase was zal-oulated from the form-a-lAi ,:,Leo, - .0 Card 2/8 A,5111IA129 An rof z a' '~~n s'r organ's pha-ze, (j; r .,j .,ra'lon ana 0.720 M butylace"ate Was in ceqv~v~ 'J.5C :~f w~c-~=r In rr. - U, Q - n 7"Le V- r a -~zz. 7 U Q n ;'EA) tH --,-) n r An nvt- Of cf rlrj.~-.~~, ina 'r! p"IT i 7 ~-k I r I I "r., vi~ f 7~=' f!':7: Wh-.r~ cn Y,'~EA + JIT ril, A-z n L Ih= A !Z 'for determining I,ti~- nuTt-r of' frytiration ~,Xl tn~ o:-g-3x,'~c pn-~I:ae for !,h~ c ;a,-j 4/2, s1i861601002100610081026 An Investigation of the complex-femation ... A05IIA129 m case, when the value of t-he product 1~ H204 1 1= mK0[H20]01, q2 . mKOrH2oj1 . Mviding Y. by 'P, and transforming to logarithms the follow- L 02 Ing equation is derivedi 1g Ig (9). M 19LH20JO, where CH20101 ard EH20102 are the equilibrium water concentration in the organic phase for variouS series of experlm,-nts. A similar principle is used to prove the formation of the BA , H20 compound in an aqueous solution. Using the rela- tion a(H2. 0)0 J H 0 a (H20)W Card 5A s/186/60/002/oo6/oo8/o26 A051/A129 An investigation Of the complex-formatlon .... '(BA ' K20)0 BA H20 a(Bj ,. H20)W a (BA) 0 BA '(BA)W where aH20' 'BA H20 and A BA are tha distribution coefficient of the correspond- ing components, the following equation is derived: ':'BA - H20 '(BA - H20)0 - K n n B cLA2 0 BA 0 (BA)O (10), where KB is the equilibrium constant of BA - H.0 in the aqueous solution. If Card 6/8 S/186/60/002/006/008/020' An investigation of the complex-formation .... A051/A129 n - 1 and m = 1 as established above.,it is concluded that a BA ' H20 compound is formed in the aqueous solution, proven previously from the analysis of the general distribution equation (4). Combining (6) and(10): (ZBA) W CX K OL H20'XBA (11) or by another method: LBAJo BA 12) B ~ "0 ct BA - H20 KB 55-51 and also 1 55-51 (Z;BA)W LBA - H2OJo If &BA or aBA . H20 are known, KB can be calculated. There are 2 tables, 4 figures and 5 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. The references to the ]Mglish language publications read as follows: Katzin, L; J. Sullivan, Card7/8 S/186/60/002/006/008/026 , An investigation of the complex-formation ... A051/A129 J. Phys. collid chem., 55, 3, 346, 1951; R. A. Robinson a. R. H. Stokes, Trans. Farad. Soc., 45, 7, 612, 1949; R. H. Stokes Tans. Farad.Soc., 44, 5, 295, 1948. SIMKMIM: January 20, 1960. Card 8/8 VWV3KO, V.M.; KRITOEUTSKIT, A.S. Extraction capacity of mixed solvents. Zhmronsorg.khizm. 5 no.2: 494-497 1 160. (MIRA 13t6) (Attract ion (Ghemi stry)) 1, . VDOVENKO, V.M.1 KRIVOKHATSKIY, A.S. 1~ --- Extraction of ferric chloride with diisobut7l sulfide. Zhur.nsorg. khLm. 5 nio.3045-746 Mr 160. (14IRA 14 s 6) (Iron chloride) (Sulftdei) ,I.W, VDOVIN 0, V.M., LIPOVEKIY, A.A. NIKITIHA, S.A. -, Ixtraction of uranium from ECI solutionB by means of tributyl phosphate. Zhur neorg. khim. 5 no-4:935-940 Ap l6o. (MIRA 13:7) (Uranium) (Butyl phosphate) _VDUMM..__V,]q~t;_KR1vOMUTSKIY, A.Se; CHIZHOV, A.V. zrtraction of cablorides with mixed Solvents- Zhur. neorg. khIM. 5 no.10:2363-2365 0 160. (MnA 13:10) (Chlorides) VDOTENKO, V.M.; SUGIOBOV, D.N. (Leningrad) Study of solutions of urargrl salts in organic solvents by neans of infrared absorption spectra. Zhur.fiz.khim- 34 no.1:51-56 Ja 16o. (MIRA 130) (Uranyl nitrate--Spectra) 8604 8 - - S /0 2 0/6 035 /0 0 3 /0 ", 4 10 39 /4 BOO4/BO6 0 AUTHORS: V.4 ov e n k oV-bl .1 Corresponding Member of the, AS USSR, Legin, Ye. K., Tfebunov, 0. B., and Sh,-.herbakov., V. A. )1 TTTLE: Relaxqtior. (~f Protons -in Hydrogen Percoride, Solutions Irradiated With Ultraviolet Light PERIODICAL. Doklady Akademi-. naut, SSSR, 1960, Vol. 135, N-~- 3, pp. 645 - 647 TEXT: The present paper dc-als with the problem of Teduoing the rela-.tation T, of protons in aqueous solutions by the effect of lonising radia- l As a speCial cased they xeport on their measurements cf T, in. H 2 021 where oha,.n reantiors bake place under the action of ultraviolet light. initial 3091o H202 was concentra,,ed at 15 -, 20zwnHg- Tasts were ---onducted in quartz ampoules at room temperature. The radiation source was a TPK -2 (PBK,..2) lamp. Fig.1 shows the ratio between relaxation signal A In irra- centration and eignal A -4rradiated H 0 aiated H-0, f~f varying non 0 in non 2 2 Card 1/3 8600 Relaxation of Protons in Hydrogen Peroxide S/020/60/-,35/003/034/03,0 Soiu~iona Irradiated With Ultraviolet Light B004/BO60 as a function of time (min). The curves tend toward saturatLon. The ef.- feet of paramagnetism of free radioals should vanish because of their short, lifetime, immediately after illumination is stopped. The authors, howeverg obser1red an effe--t persisting for hours. Thus, the affect is caused, not by free racl-i,.--als, but by prcdusts formed iinder the"LT action. St.;Irring of irradiated H20 led to a decrease of signals proportional to the intensity of mechanir,,a? action, under the evolution of oxygen. The authors cor.clude therefrom that *.he effent observed is z~aused by dissol-v-- ed oxygen. Thoz curves in P;g. 1, would then. ~.orrespond to the degree of 0 2 o-rer-&atu.rat.1.or- at the given H202concentration. The 9.ulhors mention L--L~ D,~kabrun and L.P. Purrailt, and t -hank Yq. Y, Gurikoy for a discussion. There are 3 and 6 references: 4 Soviet and 2 US. ASSOCIATION: Radiye:1---'yy instiltut Im. V, G. Kh1opina Akademli nauk SSSR (Radium Institute :meni. V. G. Khiopin of *.he A--ademl of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: June 23, 1960 Card 2/3 sot Its ~l e4~E. 4 S Fig.1 Card 3/3 86U48 866 S/020J60/135/003/034/039 B004/BO60 S/-'9 61/002/001/005/006 BI 07YB21 8 AUTHORS: Vdovenko, V~ M., Stebunov, 0, B,, and Shcherbakov, V. A. TITLE: Proton relaxation in aqueous solutions of diamagnetic salts PERIODICAL: Zhurnal strukturnoy khImli, v. 2, no., 1, 1961, 64-65 TEXT: It is of special interest to study solutions of uranyl salts, which the authors have already previously described (Ref. 1: V. M. Vdovenko, V. A. Shcherbakov,. Zh., strukt. khimii, 1, no,. 1, 28,(1960)). Such a studyis of importance not only to gather informaTion on the nature of this ion and its hydrates but also with respect to another question the authors have been dealing with earlier The method of the present work hardly differs frc one they have described in the first communication of this series. UO 4 "CLZ prepared by precipitating It in the cold with hydrogen peroxide from aqueous solutions of uranyl nitrite. After that, UO4 was dissolved in the correspcnd- ing solution. By working with a certain excess of acid, hydrolysis was excluded (the PH of the solution was about 0),. The concentration was con- trolled manganometrically. Only in the case of hydrochloric solutions, the Card 1/5 S/192/61/002/001/005/006 Proton relaxation B!07/B2',8 gravimetric method was applied, The experimental results are given in the Figure and in the Table The ratios T'/To were calculated by a method des- c c cribed in communication II. As may be seen from the Figure, the influence of the uranyl ion upon the time of proton relaxation (I/Tj) depends on the nature of the anion, This dependence is confirmed by the values of the molar relaxation shifthM,and above all, by the values for Ti/TO (Table). 9he c c latter values are about the same for hydrochloric and nitric solutions, but are much higher for perchloric and sulfuric solutions. The correlation between shift and ratio ri/,rO for the uranyl Ion on one hand and the ionic C 0 radii on the other, is of special interest (cf. Table)~, The most important conclusion drawn by tile authors is that the degree of covalence of the bond U - OH 2 does not remain constant, but depends on the nature of the anion in the solution.. If one considers the anion capability of complex formation with uranyl then the explanation of the above effect as being due to the formation of covalent bonds ion-anion is rather unconvincing, especially, since the stability of the complexes increases in the order C10-