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VAZINGER,V.V., laureat Stalinskoy premii Automatic apparatus for compressors. Sbor. st. STIKHDfMASH no.18:21-35 154. (MLRA 8-9) (Air compressors) ; Petras: ll'.~ kabd. ekon. naukq otv. re,:i., d,~kt--r ekon. nauk., I-ed STAINIK-AS; P-,, MESKAUSKA-S, karid. ekon. naukv red. material and fishing -of the Lit".Vanian Wad its te-~hno'lcgi,~~al base] Lietuvos TSR juriTLe zvcjyba ir jos materialine-tachnine baze. Vil-n-Ilus, Leidykla "Mint's," -196-5. -1,32 p. '.."In lathillan.-an! (IAIRA 18, 8) TAMOSIUNAS, J.; )~AZNELIS, J., red.; BANCEVIGIUS, G., tekhn. red. [Achievements and future development of agriculture in the Lithuanian S.S.R.] Lietuvos TSR zemes ukio laimejimai ir perspektyvos. Vilnius, Valstybine politines ir mokslines literaturos leidykla, 1963. 47 p. (PIRA 16:6) (Lithuania-Agriculture) VALUZISJ. Kostas; VAZII.'ELI,';, J., red. (Business accounting in the --ectiorug of state fa.--sl Apia fUkiskaltos arganizavima tar- )iniu ukiu skyrNose. Villnius, Valstybine politines ir mokslines lit-ros leidykla, 1961, 78 P. [In Lithuanian] 17:7) VAzNONENE, I.I. Cand Agr Sci -- (diss)" New varieties of peas ---------- !q4~ under tim conditions ofALithuanian MR." "Ist1957. 22 pp. (Min Agr USSR. Lithuanian Agr Acad). 120 copies. M, 8-58, 107) -43- WHY) A. "Transportation of large thin-walled structural elements by vacuum shields." P. 173. STAVBA. (Poverenictvo stavebnictva). Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 62 No, 6, June 1959, Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI), LC, Vol. 60 No. 8, August 1959. Uncla. VANY, Anton, inz. - - ild- li~ New- tenhnology or ccnstructicn wcrk 4 r ltraJ 1 4 ng -,q povazaska Bystrica hydralilic works. Vodni hosD 14 no.11:427-1430 164. 1. Vahostpv Naticnal Enterprise, Miksova. LU-11KASHOV, K.T. (kil-ashou, '.~ VAZIW-CIIU::, L.M. - . 2 , ~q___ S '. udy of the %-, (Quaternary) system on the te--r-* - tory of White2u3sLa. Vastsi AN BSSR. Seer. fiz.-tekh. mv. no.3:90-103 161. (MIRA 14:10) (1.1hite Russia-Geblogy, Stratigraphic,~o~uaternary) VAZNYACHUK, L.N.; KLUMACH, N.A. Interglacial formations near the village of Marave, (White Russia) and some problems concerning the stratigraphy of Quaternary depo- sits in the Russian plain. Vestai AN BSSR no.1:138-167 Ja-F Ire. (White Russia-ftloobotany) (MLHA 8:1) A . "District Hospital in the Villa'-e of Kamen." p. Ii, (ZDRAVEN FRONT, No. 4-9, Nuv. 19,44, Sofiya., Bulgarie) SO: Monthly List of East, European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. ANTIPINS L.N.; VAZSENYI (Vazhenin, S.F.];FAGZOLAY, Gyula, vegyeszmernok I trans lafo- Ar- - Optimum molar ratio of the electrolyte of aluminum electrolyzers. Koh lap 93 no.8052-355.4 160., 1. Urali Muegyetem Konrijufemkohaszati Tanszek, Szverdlovszk. (for.Antipin and Vazhenin). i ,W.~B una, Dr. YWTKL, Joznef, Dr.4 VA Dernatological and venerological aspects of epidemic 'Talgia. 3org7OP.7- vene~. ozemle 13 no.1:26-31 Feb 59. 1. Somogy meg:,re Kaposvari Kozkorhaza lorgyogyanzati Oaztalyanak kozle- menye. (PLEMOMIA, --Hj?IIEMIG, manifest. skin & genital inflamm. (Hun)) (SKIN DISFASES, etiol. & pathogen. pleurodynia, epidemic (Ran)) (GENITALIA, dis. * inflamm. in epidemic -pleurodynia (Mm)) FRANKL, Jozsef., dr,-, VAZSOITYI, Zsuzsanna, dr. Apropos of the dermatologic use oi' cycloeerine. Borer I _jogy vener. szemle. 40 no.4il45-150 Ag 164. 1. Somogymegye Tanacsa Kaposvari Kozkorhaza Borgyagyaszatl Osnalyanak kozlemenye, FRANXL, J.; VAZSONYI, Zs. Therapy of psoriasis with bucarban. Borgyogy. vener. szemle 13 no.2: 88-90 Apr 39. 1. Somogymegye Kapoevari Kozkorhaza Borgyogyaszati Osztalyanak kozle- mer,qe. MORIASIS, ther. carbutamide (Han)) (AIITIDIABETICS, ther. use carbutamide in psoriasis (Hun)) CEMOVA, I.A.,; SHGHERBAK, B.G.,; pri uchastii vrachey A.A. Vazulia, I.A. Sturman i L.Ya. Andryushchenko, Role of enteric infection centers in the detection of dysentery. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 27 no.1:65-69 Ja 156 (KIRA 9:5) 1. Iz poliklinichookogo otdolenlya (zav.-dotsent O.P. Katvayev) Instituta infektsionnykh bolezney ANN SSSR. (DYSINMY, BACILLARY, prevention and control, detection at centers for enteric infect. in Russia) CZECHOSLOVAKIA AMBROS, Zdenek, and VAZUR, Mil�p, Institute for Economic Administration of the Forests (Ustav_~_rehos~_o~rsku upravu lesov,) Zvolen. "Differentiating the Oak and Beech Zones in the Area of the Forestry Institute Topolcianky.11 Bratislava, ji2jpyia, Vol 18, No 9, 1963; pp 701-703. Abstract [German summary modified]: Tan flowering plants were found in the beech zone and 30 in the oak zone; the species are listed. 'Map, 2 tables, 2 German-language and 3 Czech (including 2 unpublished) references. 1/1 VAZTAGIN, L.K. Behavior of a threp-pbane directional obm relay during short circuits with consideration of wobbling during part-phase operation in networks with heavy short-circuit currents to ground. Nauch.dokl.vyn.shkoly; anerg. no.4:99-11C, '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Rekomendovana Imfedroy releynoy zashcbity i avtomatizatsii energosistem Hoskovskogo ener ticheskogo instituta. (Electric relays) ~Sllhort circuits) CHILIKIN, M.G.; RAZEVIG, D.V.; SYROMYATNIKOV, I.A.; FEDOSEYEV, A.M.; MAMIKOYLUTS, L.G.; ANISITIOVA, N.D.; VAZ LGIR,-jj,; SOIDATKINA, L.A. V.A. Venikov; on his fiftieth birthday and the twenty-fifth anniversary of his theoretical and educational work. Elektrichestvo no*7:87 J1 162. (IaRA 15:7) . (Venikov, Valentin Andreevich, 1.912-) VAZYAGIN, L.K., inzh. .~ ffi. - , - ,ty of single-phase automatic reclosing on 110-220-kv lines with one-way power supply and no circuit breakers at the receiving terminals. Izv.v7s. ucheb.zav.; snerg. t.a.6:10-22 Je '58. (MIRA 11:9) 1.Moskovski7 ordens, Ienina energeticheskiy institut. (Blectric power distribution) VA.ZYACTf4, I . L~ K . 71 -7 ~ st dy~n~, I~IrG behavfr~r o4' Use of pbysfia' model:, jr, prctact.Lon Trudy MF7.' r,~),54;217-224, '64. 0'ru'ri I? : 1-~,: GALEYEV, V.,- KOSTIN, B., VAZYKH, G. Technical Information. Okhr. truda I sots. strakh. 6 no.9:39-45 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) LAPTEV, I.D , starshiy naucbmyy sotro; 13UYAN.OV, P.S., starshiy nauchryy sotr.;-KASSIROV, L.N., starshiy nauchnyy gotr.,- TERMEVA, A.P., starshiy ruauchnyy sotr.; SUVOROVA, L.I., starshiy nauch- nyy sotr.; SIDORGIVA, starshiy nauchx-yy Botr.; SR-11DI, S.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotr.; Prinimali uchastiye: ARYMFOV, A.I., mladshiy nauchn,,-y sotr.; YAZYULYA,-F.F.,, m1adshiy na- uchnyy sotr.; KARLYUK, I.Ya..' raEadshiy nauchnyy sotr.; M-01AUKHOVA, Ye.I., m1adshiy nauchryy sotr.; IMLOVA, T.N., m-ladshiy nauclinyy sotr.; RO1,WOVSKAYA, L.S., mladshiy nauchnyy sotr.; CHISTIOV, G.N., mladshiy nauchMy sotr.; POTAPOV, Kh.7e., red.; GE1HAS1LOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. (Communal funds of collective farms and the distribution of col- lw~tive farm income] ObshchestvenrWe fondy kolkhozov i raspre- delenic kolkhozrykh dokhodov. Moskva, lzd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1961. ~86 p. (141IU 15:3) 1. Akader-Uya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki. 2. Sektor ekono- miki sellskogo khozyaystva Instituta ekonomiki Akademii nauk SSSR (for Laptev, Buyanov, Kassirov, Teryayeva, Suvorova, Sidorova, Sewin). (Collective farms-Income distribution) 0 8 0-4 % : off so 4r COO see zoo TIw Kineilex oI 4mmonw xymh"in at Pressures Ahave At-Pheric. L Temperatures In the awlim ?Am#%, tin Ru4slan.) A. A. VbVdvnokX_xnd N, V. Shlorow, - Journal D/ UpliedjChii'mrl~ v. no& 10 P. 57_11h Experiments Indicate that isothermal conditions may be obtained by dilution of the catalyst grnn~ ules with an Inactive solid material. III SL ANITALLURMAL LIMATURC CLAWFICATIGO .1411VA IN[ Mt -j I AS U 5 A' to 0 0 0 0 9 0 * 0 * * 0 0 ties We a Aft A S 0 FM 0 N 0 -1 It M 9a a 1 VCELAKI, J.; Fanderlik, M. ----- - Czechoslovak Glass Exhibition in Moscow. p. 255. SKLAR A KMiAMIK. (Ministerstvo lehkeho prumyalu) Pram, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9. no. 8p Aug. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC,, Vol. 91 no. 11 Janj 1960. uncl. YOUK, Jiri, dr. International exhibition of modern carodes in Prague- Sklar a keramikI12 no.4:93-94 Ap 162. 1. Ministeretvo spotrebniho prumysiu,, Praha. VGELAK, Jiri, dr. Ostrava 63 Rxhibition is a school for consumers, trade, and production. Drevo 28 no.7:265 J1 163. 1. Ministeretvo spotrebniho prwayslu. 11CEIAK. Jiav,dr. Once more on the "Cstrava 6411 exhibition. Dre-io 19 r-,.7:242 T-l 'A4. -L I 1. Ministry of Consumer Goods Industry, Prague. VCLLAK, J. A success which commits us. p. 289. SYLAR A KERAMIK. (Ministerstvo lehkeho prwny:31u) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, no. 1Q, Oct. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (,~EAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1,) Jan. 196o. Uncl. VCELAK, J. Development of state control of labor safety during NN last ton years. p. 241. Vol. 6, no. 5, 1955. PRUMYSL POTRAVrI. Praha. Sources F4mt European Accessions List (EEAL), LC,, Vol. 5, 40. 3, March 1956. A NW-0 NOWINWO AA e A f-I e. A A 9 4238* e` 04 00 a 0 0 00 i I V1. 4 0 4 111 141114 fitll a a M 9 1 a I At t-A a --L-L 1 10, Atv- V 8 Is 441 41 U t"I V4, 0 IL EFFECT OF CULL PWARATION IN EXTRACTION UF RAW 14UNTAN WAX. Thieberpr, H. and Vq*1%k,V. (Paliva, Aug. 1950, val 30, 262-269). Results are given of research and tests on an industrial scale by the Coal Research Institute in Prague on extraction by organic solvents, benzene In particular. Beat romata were ovt*inod with a coal grain size of 8 to 10 depending on the type of coal and with a moisture content between 10 and 18A. Thermal pro treatment of the co 1 ahmst COO doubled the yield. Cho2ical pro treatment raised the pour point and altered other properties of the product. Electrical zoo pro treatment is still In the exptorim,~ntol etage. ~~I. A sea ZOO wee 1111111 ad "I lit U is A, P0 Asia' I'P ~911;i 1-11;~ I'li ;14 M 5 a to e F ,I , 2047. ERIkUETTM OYEIIRWTXD LIUITZ JITHOUT A JINDS, Y~014 ---- T .". V. Ofiliva, IPUSI) 0 Oct@ 19510 Vol. 51, 297-303). Uperiments are recorded on the briquettinC of the harder lignitse, with and Without preheating ir. a CO atmosphere. Best results were obtained a 2OW Waq* cm after pregeatinc to 5WOC* (L). KREJCIK, Z.; HOLUB, J.; VCELAK., V., dr. inz. CSc. Standards of fuel quality consumption in the Soviet Union and possibility of their application in Czechoslovakia. Paliva 44 no. 7122-4-227 J1 164. 1. Institute of Fuel Research, Bechovice. VCELAK, V.; VECHET. A. Various factors affecting extraction of lignite. p. 265. PALIVA. (Ministerstvo paliv a Ceskoslovenska vedecka technicka spoleenost pro vyuziti paliv pri Ceskoslovenske akademii ved) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 39, no. 8. August 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (FEAT) LC, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959. uncl. -VOELAKP VI.; KREJGIK, Zd.; HOLUBp J. Soviet machines for automatic s&rpling of solid fuels and r~,!tchanical dressing of samples. Pali-va 43 no.10OL1-321 0 163. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum paliv, Bechovice. . . 0 lo o 0'o 9 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40004*466000440400#0 6 # I I I 'Ill I M11111514131611% " JIMMASOMH ua UP Okv an's 41 au 06 LL. . I I I A L A-A,A--R--t--A-A- fir .-0 f.. -00 J1 MOM **A 00 a 991 00 m 0: Mm msibed Of W&Ak hR musbws a in 0. QvAm&v wA-V. V6KA% (OpU. i ~ 'I Opmaw 1 t L o w6 Afka d1oft ekdfw out post 3*0N)l wkh sio. &dab* dh the i"Wkw p i lo .400 0* s ft 6 bWq WAIdOd.below, illd vio #A 0 0 1 xe 0 0 4N*4m % > 0 bp,'i asaw. RTwmj~G is glym for the d ( Nlh b Y g=p g h - m m (r Y- ow!sy=) 0 ja by OXWISSIM 7460, cw Ffi-Pts A I Ol E~po gw booL wyAak ft= FejPs F. H. po H a r too too* IALLI!4KAL LITIN-1401 CLIItWKATSQOI Igoe Elam 80.1mv, ad omellrbiltAd T U :"1 '0 STI,4*10000000000000000& so* 0000960910t Golbettetta 0064406 -27- el,d. n2mtsn wax deresioLdeadoi 11crbert ~hlebergcr_ apt Tiodimir--Welik (CoW Research Inst'. Prague). polim 30. 47-1,509.7-11), -The deresinificatimi by benzene CUM Is de%cribed. Depending upon the evapi. during crystn. waxes with a xiven amt. of resin can be obtained. Ck%,hs and tabled are included in an expt. for a no. of "vent-i a and miztm. A. Unger VCEIAK, V. 4238. EFI-EM OF COAL PITIETAILM13.1[ INT EXTRACTI ',tl OF RAW I-10:7TAN WAX. Thiebf~ri-,er, and Vcelak, V. (Paliva, Aug. 1950, vol. 30, 262-269). Results --re given of research and tests on an industrial scale by the Coal Research Institiite in Prague on extraction by orE7..Lnic solvents, berazone in particular. 3est results were obtained with a coal grain size of 8 to 10 m, de-pendin '- on the type of coal and with a moisture content between 10 and 184,11. Thermal nre treatment of the co 1 almost doubled tile yield. Chemical nre treatment raised tile pour point and altered other oroDerties of the product. Electric,--l pre treatment is still in the eyverimental stase. (L). imimediate source cliz)-oing sdmw homt ad so" I V. Vcdak Ads-- hi ptayed fiy a part of the btt'A--, wn whkh thnn4b - "tiv*U*n " (c&-w4 by the faOt Iwobtfitiffif!) 00 thr Narface of.she -61 partwoo cam" 6204""tt"o am Mik"WIL COMIwadw 1-6jortiWd ~XVWJIV*lkta Wei CAffWd UNI at difICU"t TIM k#. Per sq- -106) with AW Without thee" ,";Viwow"t in Cos. "s, W" QW. extracted was c,W. and , ined dust IMM raw Was C40W Were tested. The stgouW briq%ettes (vntbawt jhwMj pretreatmem) were obtassed with extracted COW at & I i - " of IIW kg. per al. co" am with therow prwosupwot at Wn k6- Fee 19. cm. MW ap actIvath" temp. a( SW*. Cw- - Oves fulfibod su-9th &ad water- re%6t&meoiUwbriqwttes-bM*Obmp-um- H.TAUXEIL Aj ioal briquetted 4ithout binders. VLadhmr- Gustav Kern. Palivi 32, 235-9(1952); cf. ;~ALFSI. -007-303(195t).---Solid fuels for thtsucxpts. vrem m6 with high'contea of wax and extd. coals i ratios off 1,13, 1.2, find 1;3. VIC brifluelfing %VMS done at rourn Uni at 500., and at W)O. on an Amster r Real- trymiat had no effect on the mech. properd;Taill, the bri- q -ts, ~t_qqjy Oegeased water absorption. Werer ~'TV Technclo,--ic-=I qn~l (j;' coal ar z ..Ci I - in t1lie Soviet Union. Paliva 44 no,9:270-274 3 '64. 1. , i a ar r., He, h institute of' Fuels, Benhovice. vem", V. V22A. V., KERN, G. NBriquetting Powdery Iron Ores." p. 6o (By&, Vol.l. Ne.1, Feb. 1953t PrRIA3 SO: -MpntWZ List of East EuroRlau Accessions, Vol.3, No.3, Library of Congress, March 1954, uncl. TT pz~ Vol 1--10tlt ~ 1V Li 'Jtf t i~ ur c or,,-.. . _,'c CZECHOSLADVA-UP./Chevical T,3chnaloMr, Ch.-nnical Products and H-22 TIwAr kj.~,, PaLt 3- - Treatment of Solid Coubustible Minerals. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Khimiya, No 10p 1958~ 33735. / v / V. Author : .Dzdimir Vcelak, Josef Bartoska. Inst : iot givcak. Title : Upon The Extraction Rate of Dull Coals. Orig Pub: Paliva, 1955, 35, No 4, log-114. Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 VL rm IC ~LA K TMETIOLOGY VCMAKI Cherrie und Technologie des !,'Iontanwac~ses. Prahla, Vertag, der Tschechoslowakisc!-en Akademie der Wissenchaften, 191-9. 818 P. Yonthly List of East European Accessions (FEAI), LC, Vol. 6, no- 5, May 1959, Unclass. VCELAKj Vl-, dr-P Inz. -.. -- - --- - - - -- -..- - . - Forty years of the scientific work of Josef Hubacek. Paliva 42 no.6:192 Je 162. ;~ VCEIAK., Vl, dr., inz., C.Sc. Gbanges in solid fuels dfiring long storage. Paliva 43 no-4:109-113 -Ap 163. 1. Ustav pro vyzkum paliv, Bechovice. 11 VCELAK, V., dr. inz. 4. ~ "Coal preparation (black and ligmi tr,) " by 0-1. Ich Hodelt. Reviewed by Mcelak. Palvia 45 no.1:29-30 Ja '65. HOLUB) J~; INSLAK, Themaphy52-n.l and in the Soviet Uriion. f7a 1 -313 L, Tristi-t'lito of AUML, Fircslav; VCELAKOYA, dar-ielz~ Deterdnation of agents in suEar inchl-str7 Prcduct.5- Pt. 1. Listy cukrovar 79 no.10:241-245 ri 16-3 51 79a'. a'7 rt-,ij r~aototubss i3xvverties ai thc- T--LSLA- '4 323-325 niclka, no. SOMIC.E. TOPIC 'Orig. art. haz.' 10 G~raP 5, GODI: W Ito J-Plis ccnd VCHILIK, Z. [Wexelik, Zjo 1. ella ~ lk. I T o quo of parquet work using cold mSubit" -type mastic. Strottell 2 no.l-.20-21 J& 0560 (Km 10:1) (PolmA-Parquetry) IMINSKIT, Tevgsniy Abramovich; M?WCT. Te.D., red.; TCHLIASHNIT, R.P., red.; LARIONOT, G.Te., .:w,- [What should be known regarding the insulation of the operating current cirmits] -Ghto nushno znat' ob izoliataii tsepei ope- rativnogo toks. Moskva, Gos.energAzd-vo, 1959. 62 p. (Bibiio- tekB elektromonters, no.8). (MIRA 13:3) (Blectric insulators and insulation) -VCHERASEMY, R.P.; BORISOV, M.A. Avards to participants in the Exhibition of 1chievements of the National 2conomy of the U.S.S.R. Prom. energ. 15 no.9:49-52 S 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Electric engineering-Exhibitions) VORERASHNIY, R.F., inzh. Fahibition on wZlectric relays in power systems and devices for their testing and tuning." Blek.sta- 31 no.6:96 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Zlectric relays--Exhibitione) (Electronic measurements--Exhibitions) VCHIRAS=. R.P., inzh. Design of control panels for substatione. Ilek.sta, 30 no-1:57-60 J& '59. (MIRA 120) (Electric substations--Xquipment and supplies) TqMASENITO R.P. Important means for propagamia concerning and introduction of advanced experience& Promeenergo 15 no.5tl-10 My 160 (MIM 13:7) (Blectric engineering) E~[T (d) LIP(c) ACCESSION NR.' ATS018548 UR/3156/63/001/001/0021.10029 P. AUTHOR: Vcherashfinki P. (Kiev) e~ra~~ion 6~ canonical equationpusing the averaging principle TITLE: On the T=t 1 SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Institut matematiki. Seminar po matematicheskay fizike i neli- neynym kolebaniyam. Trudy, v. 1, no. 1, 1963, 21-29 I TOPIC TAGS: partial differential equation, Hamilton equation, particle motion, approximation method ABSTRACT: A parameter c is introduced into the Hamiltonian function H, such that that function (assumed to be periodic) may be written R = Hot CHI+ C2H2 + Considered along with the canonical equations of motion is the simplified case vrhen' c = 0, giving the function Ho, which is assumed to be chosen such that the correspond-n-- ing Hamilton-Ostrogradskiy equation + =0 Card 1/2 L 01470-66 ACCESSION NR: ATS018548 a may be integrated by the method of separation of variables. The problem of inte- grating the canonical system is reduced to that of integrating a new system, the right members of which areproportional to the parameter. The successive appro mations for the*integrals of this system are then constructed by the method of averaging. Orig.,art. hasi 28 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED:* 12Jan63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MA, NP NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 ;_p4rd 2/2 -L 20962-66 .-MITM/Ki- (Y!)/ W- -C-1-1 ACCESSION NR., AT5018549 UR!3156/63/001/001/0030/0040 AUTHOR: Vcherashnyuk, P. P. TITLE: On the motion of a man-made satellite In the plane of the equator SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Institut matematiki. Seminar po matematicheskoy fizike i nelineynym kolebaniyam. Trudy, v. 1, no. 1, 1963, 30-40 TOPIC TAGS: particle motion, partial differential equation, approximation method, satellite trajectory ABSTRACT: Using the method of averagiag, the properties of the trajectory of an equatorial satellite and the behavior of oscillating elements of its orbit are studied. For this problem, the first improved approximation is found. The Hamil- tonian has the form N11 pal-) ZX zJ Using a parameter, the motion of the satellite under perturbation is expressed first in terms of the canonical equations of motion and then in the form J'Card -L 2o962-66 ACCESSION-NR: AT5018549 On cla, di ecosti t It e e'cos % i-3e tit 3 e~,< OtM-f Ile e'CO?M 43ce cosmq., 94 Orig. art. has:. 42 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED; 00 ENCL., 00 SUB CODE: MA,SV VCW-RASIUTYAYA, G.P. - Eocene flora of the Tig4l' coal deposits of Kamchatka. Bot. zhtzr 48 no.7:1021-1026 J1 63. (11-111RA 16:9) 1. Gornyy institut imeni G,V,Plekhanova, Leningrad. (Tigill region-Paleobotany,Stratigrapliic) VCHERASHNYAYA, liew ulant. sper-lies of ~amcntc- '~rauntain; Paleont. zhur. no.3:9f,-)9 NAT .114 18:2) rio-,-rj,.ry Plekhancr-ra, F-riningrad. VCHEPASMIYUK, P.P. L - - Translational-rotational motion of a satellite in *?e :aftWzs gravitational field. Dop. AN URSR no-3:290-295 165. 041RA 18:3) 1. Institut matematiki Ali UkrSSR. BALA VICH, V.L.; VCHEUSHHUYA, Ye.Z. Washing o finely-ground eintered aluminum oxide from Iron. Trudy NMI no.24tl45-150 157. (NM iltQ (Alumina) (Iron oxides) vcHErtAsH Nm, P. P. (Kiyev) Motion of an artificial earth satellite relative to the MaSe centAW, Ukr. mat. zhur. 15 no.3%305-309 163. (NIRA 16:12) /E UN Ad m e rnotton, iveraging L, 313U-9b-2-55: A 'J - - -- co 'd, " i " VCHERUSHMSKIY, S.D. ye. V. Kis,61671, Lecturer and S.D. VCHERUSHUSK31; AsBist-ant,F6scow VoteHnafty-AcadeoV. Mateftal 6n Veterinaro-saniLAM Ing2ection of Beef in Latent Form bf t6i-rmaosis. SO: Ve te i-Inariya; V61.30; lio.6;54; June 1953 uncl de g Trans. 121 by L.Lulich V~. /-;, / ;,~ " 7 "~- -1.%.; - z:_ I DMLISK&YA, N.K., kandidat biologichaskikh naukXj=4%KIT, S.L., veterinarny.v vrach. *Mlle -1--ic, Tarfarin. a new agent for controlling rate. Vaterinarlia 34 no,3: 72-74 Mr '57. (KM 10:4) (Rate-ExtermInation) (Commarin) KISELEV, Ye.V., dotsent; VCHKRUSHOSKIY, S.L., assistant. Material on beef inspection in the presence of a latent form of tuberculosis. Vaterinariia 39 no.6:54-56 Js 153. (KIAA 6:5) 1. Mookovskaya veterinarnaya akademiya. SHOLOV,, Vladimir Borisovich; VCETENBERG, I.M.,, red.; VORONIN, K.P., tekbn. red. [Compater cormertero with digitally contronled resistances] Vychislitellme preobrazovateli a tsifravymi upravliaeMmi soprotivleniiami. Moakwa, Gos. enfirg. izd-vo, 1961. 13.1+ Po (Biblioteka po avtomatike,, no.31) (MIRI 14:11) (Automatic control) (Electronio calculating machivis) (Electric network analyzers) Country :BULGARIA 3 Catecory :Chemical Ts-,,chnologj. ,Ceramics. BindinR Materials concre-Le L, Abs. Jour :Ref Zhur-.7hiniya,'Jo 14, 1959JI10 50329 Author :jqhyarov, S.; Paunov, S, Institute : Tltlu : Chemical Ware Made of Ceramic Containing Yo Ckuartz Grig Pub. tLeka, promishlenost, 1978, 7, No 0, 21-22 Abstract Indicated are materials for the manufacture of fire-resistant, masses at the 11 Fayans factory in Sofia; this inelrdes a materikl of the following comDosition: (in %) : raw kaolin 38, calcined kaolin 20, gray plevens- kaya clay 20, panagurskiy feldspar 12, glazed porcelain breiLk&Re 10. Prosented, art mechani- cal and other characteristics of pro4ucts calcin*d at approx. 13600.--Ya. Satunovskiy Card- 1/1 VDOBIV, I.T., GONCHAIROV, V.P., YLRMAKOV, V.M. "The Effect of Neuroplegic Mixtures on the Ability of Animals to With- stand Oxygen Starvation and Burn Shock," P. 36 Military Medicine 1956 lecture delivered at a conference of Soviet military physicians at the Military Yledical Academy im. S.M. Kirov, ]&ningrad, 29-October - 2 Nov 56. VDOBIN_, I._ T., GONCWOV, V. P., and YERI.LMM, V. 1-1. "The effect of Ifuiroplegic Mixtures o-n thc Ability of Animals to Withstand Oxygen Starvatbn and Burn Shock," from the booh Theses of the Reports of the Ple .-I ov, T zi y Scientific Session of the I dicol Acoderay im. S. M. I- ir c s Doklndov llouchnoy S,. ai, 29 Oc-21Tov 1c."56, lj-;ningrad. 11.D0T!T.',TT'J 'Ye. ",. and ,I .7-. Radical and Ion 1,11echanisms of the React.-on of Alkylation of A.romatic Jomr oLLrd:;, p--tge 1027. 13)bornIL- .3tatey po obshchcy (C311ectlqn of Paj-:er3 on G--aeml Che-mistry), f Vol !-T. ~~.cscow-Lcningrad, 1953, Page., 1600-1t86- Central Lia State UT, Chair of Organic Chemi--try " v MARSHAK, I.S.; VASILIYBV, V.I.; MIRONOVA, A.I.; IYANOV, V.P.; VDOVCHRM, R.G. - - New pulse lamps. Usp.nauch.fot. 6:43-52 159. (MIRA 13:6) (Blectric discharge lighting) AUTHOR: Sandomirskiy, D.M., Vdovchenkova, M.K. 69-20-1-11120 TITLE: Investigation of Coagulation of Rubber Latexes by Meaas of Radio-active Isotopes (Isaledovaniya koagulyat5ii kauchukovykh lateksov pri pomoshchi radioaktivnykh izotopov) PERIODICAL; Kolloidnyy Zhurnal, 1958, Vol XX, # 1, Pp 80-83 (USSR) AB6TRACT3 The interaction of a latex with an electrolyte produces a polymer. It is important to know the threshold of coagula- tion, i.*. the minimum quantity of electrolyte necessary to coagulate a certain portion of latex. For this purpol5pto 1 ml of latex)l ml of radioactive calcium chloride Ca C1 is added. The obtained coagulum is washed, burnt and the ac?ivi- ty of the ash measured. The quantity of C + in a mg-eq is calculated. This is the "calcium number". Table 2 shows that the quantity of calcium ion necessary for obtaining 1 g of coagulum does not depend on the concentration of the coagulat- ing solution. Table 3 shows that it also does not depend on the concentration of the latex to be coagulated. The calcium number is a measure for the resistance of the latex to the action of electrolytes. The higher it is, the more electrolyte is needed for coagulating the latex, It can be used for reveal- Card 1/2 ing change8 in the latexes during processing. The calcium 69-20-1-11/20 Investigation of Coagulation of Rubber Latexes by Means of Radio-active .Isotopes number decreases during natural or accelerated aging, in dia- lysis and centrifugationf it is increasedjon adding protective substancesto the latex. In order to coagulate latex with an electrolyte forming an insoluble salt with the protector, it is sufficient for only a part of the latter to react. There are 4 tables, and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONt Nauchno-issledovatellskiy'inatitut rezinovykh izdeliy shiro- kogo potrebleniya, Moskva (Scientific Research Institute for Rubber Products for General Consumption, Moscow) SUBMITTED: Fovember 14, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Sandomirskiy, D.M., Vdovchenkova, M.K. 69-58-2 -15/23 TITLEs Investigation of the Ion Deposition of Rubber From Latex by Means of Radioactive Isotopes (Issiedovaniye ionnogo otlozheniya kauchuka iz lateksa pri pomoshchi radioaktiv- nykh izotopov) PERIODICALt Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1958, Vol XX, Nr 2, pp 214-219 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The method of ion deposition is widely used in the manu- facture of pilot balloons, gloves, etc. The relation be- tween the resistance of the latex and the deposition value has, however, not been completely investigated. The dis- tribution of the coagulating salt in the developing gel, and the character of interaction of this salt with the pro- tective substance of the latex, is unknown. The calcium number is used as the measure for the latex resistance. This is the quantity of calcium ions binding 1 g of coagu- lum. It is determined by coagulating the latex with a cs,45cl solution. The Characteristics of the investigated latexei are shown in the table. Figure 2 shows that the quantity of the deposited rubber increases with the con- centration of the fixing agent. The calcium equivalent is Card 1/3 not influenced by the concentration of the fixing agent. 69-58-2 -15/23 fnvestigation of the Ion Deposition of Rubber From Latex by Means of Radio- active Isotopes The calcium equivalent not only depends on the content of protective substance in the latex, but also on the resist- ance of the latex (figure 4 and 5). During natural and artificial aging HCl is set free and the resistance as well as the calcium equivalent is decreased. The experimental facts demonstrate that the lower the calcium equivalent, the greater the deposition speed and the greater the quantity of the deposited rubber. Figure 6 shows that the electro- lyte quickly diffuses from the surface of the form through the developing gel. There are 7 graphs, 1 table, and 10 references, 7 of which are Soviet, and 3 English. Card 2/3 69-58-2 -1512; Investigation of the Ion Deposition of Rubber From Latex by Means of Radio- active Isotopes ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovykh i lateksnykh izdeliy,Moskva (Scientific Research Institute of Rubber and Latex Products)Moscow) SUBMITTEDs December 28. 1956 Latex--Rubber ion deposition 2. Radioactive isotopes--Appli- cations Card 3/3 5(4) SOV/69-21-1--10,/21 AUTHORS: Sandomirskiy, D.M. and Vdovchenkova,,.M.K. TITLE: The effect of the Viscosity of Rubber Latex on the Gelatinization Rate. (Vliyaniye vyazkosti kauUuko- vogo lateksa na skorost' zhelatinirovaniya) V PERIODICAL: Kolloidgyy zhurnal, 1959, Vol XXI, Nr 11 pp 132-133 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The raie,of gelatinization of latex depends not only on the nuiber of stabilizing ions but also on the rate of their diffusion determined by the viscosity of the me- dium. There are 1 graph and 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-Issledovatellskiy institut rezinovykh i lateks- nykh izdeliy. (The Scientific Research Institute of Rubber and Latex Goods) . SUBMITTED: MAy 22, 1958 Card 1/1 68705 S/069/60/022/01/012/025 AUTHORS: Sandomirskiy, D.M , Vdovehenkova, M.K. TITLE: Radioactive Indicator Study of the Gelation of Rubber Latexes PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1960, Vol XXII, Nr 1, PP 69-73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors report on a study of the gelation of a number of latexes with the aid of Zn6-50. They used the polychloropreneylatexes nairit L-3i~~nd L-4, butadiene styrene latex SKS-50 and a polychloroprene latex stabilized with sodium paraffinate and sodium salt of tridecylic acid (latex VKh-2). In order to clarify, whether and to what extent during the gelation of latex chemical linkage of the introduced zinc takes place, the gels were washed with a solution of ammonium nitrate and the-radioactivity of the latter was determined. The washed and dried gel was burnt in a muffle furnace, and the activity of the ashes was determined in the usual way. It was found that during Card 1/3 68705 S/069/60/022/01/012/025 D034/D003 Radioactive Indicator Study of the Gelation of Rubber Latexes gelat-I'l.on part of the zinc was firmly linked to the gel and'could not-be extracted by washing the gel with the ammonium nitrate solution. The amount of bound zinc depends on the type of latex. In latex L-4 0.94 mg-equ of zinc are linked per 1 g rubber, in L-3 - 0.69, in SKS-50 - 0-52,'and in VKh-2 0.61 mg-equ are linked. It wag; further shown that the amount of bound zinc does not depend on the dosing of gelatinizing agents and that it diminishes during artificial aging and dialy,;is of the latex. On diluting the latex, the zinc equivalent increases due to the formation of loose.-..-? gels. During gelation 84-95% of the protective agent - the above described phenomena occurred on the basis of interaction of the protective substances of the latex with zinc-nmmoniac ions, which resulted in the formation of water insoluble zinc salts - is converted to insoluble salt; i.e. considerably more Card 2/3 6 8 7 05' S/069/60/022/01/012/025 D034/DO03 Radioactive Indicatcir Study of the Gelation of Rubber Latexes than (iuring ionic deposition (ca 38%) or coagulation (ca 2fflo). This is explained by the acceleration in the same oequence of latex astabilization and the formation of denser structures. It has been confirmed with the aid of' electronic microphotographs that during aging and dialysis of the latexes aggregation of the glo- bules takes place. The microphotographs were taken by B.7'. Shtarkh. There are 2 graphs,.2 tables, 1 in- sert with 4 electronic microphotographs and 9 referen- ces, 6 of which are Soviet, 2 English and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovykh i lateks- nykh izdeliy, Moskva (Scientific Research Institute of Rubber and LatQx Products, Moscow) SUBMITTED: May 20, 1958 Card 3/3 S/019/6Z/000/005/OOZ/010 A0511A126 AUTHORS: Vdovehenkova, M.K.; Chernaya, V.V. TITLE: Propeirties of chloroprene latexes L-3 and L-4 and their changes due to aging PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i rezina, no-. 5, 1962, 4 - 6 TEXT: Extensive tests were carried out to determine the properties of la- texes, raw gels and vulcanizates produced according to the ionic-deposit and gelatinization mothods, before anid after aging. Aging was achieved by natural and synthetic methods. Obtained aata showed that the two latexes, L-3 and L-4 differ in their content of dry substance and their surface tension. L-4 always has a greater concentration than L-3, but a lower surface tension. The L-4 la- tex polymer has a magnitude of maximum swelling almost twice that of L-3, a less dense lattice structure and twice the solubility in benzene. The resilience of L-3 latex polymer reaches 63% and that of L-4 about 50%. The physico-mechanical properties of the raw gels produced by the ionic-deposit method were determined according to Medolia's method. The gels produced by the gelatinization method Card 1/2 Properties of chloroprene latexes .... S/019/62/000/005/002/010 A051/A126 Were determined on the "Shopper" machine. The experiments on polymer properties in aging of the latex led to the following conclusions: 1) In-the aging of L-4 the amount of soluble fraction and swelling maximum of the polymer are consider- ably reduced; 2) the polymer properties in the L-3 latex do not undergo great changes. The physico-mechanical properties of the vulcanizates 'change with the aging of the latexes. Two major conclusions are drawn; 1) The chemical compo- sition, various colloidal-chemical properties and polymer properties do not re- flect the commercial properties of the latex, nor the'stability of same as a colloidal system. 2) The properties of -the raw gels, their vulcanizates and the value of the calcium equivalent have a satisfactory correlation both with the commercial properties as well as with the stability of the latex. The higher the stability and the relative elongation of raw gel and Vulcanizate, and the value of the calcium equivalent, the better the commercial properties and the more stable are the latexes to natural and artificial aging. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovykh i lateksnykh izdeliy (scientific Research Institute of Rubber and Latex Articles) Card 2/2 VDOVELISKIY L N - KNOROZOVA, G.V. Syn~besis of alkyl derivatives of the androstane series. 2-hydroxymetbylenedihydrotestosterone and 2 c(~-methyldihydrotestostsrmw. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.11:2580-2582 N "62. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Ukrainskiy institut eksperimentallmoy endokrinologii. (Testosterone) (Androstane) GOLITSOV, V.1 VIOVENKO, B. ........ Happy journey. Grazhd.av. 19 no.10:14-15 0 162. (Aeronauticap Co=ercial-Flights) (KMA 16%2) 87508 S/073/60/026/o0i/O06/c,.-,i 0 B004/B054 band Kudra, AUTHORS: Vdoyq~k_q,~ 0. K. TITLE: Method of Studying Diffusion in Electrode-near Layers in thc_ Absence of Current PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 206, No. 1, pp. 36-40 TEXT: The siuthors describe a new method of studying free diffusion in very thin, electrode-near layers. It is based on a sudden impoverishment of the electrolyte on the cathode during short-termed electrolysis at high amperage, and on observing the balance )f concentration when the current is switched off. Fig. 1 shows the circuit of the measuring apparatus. The time relay 1 has a contact pair closed in the normal stat--., and one wh-;ch is open. The closed contact pair closes the d.c. circuit to which the ;lectrolyzer 7 is connected. The contact pair of relay 2, whIch is open in the normal state, is connected in parallel with the former contact pair. The winding of this relay is connected with the contact pair of relay 1, which is open in the normal state. The seconds counter 4 is Card ",/4 I Method of Studying Diffusion in Electrode-n,~ar Sz/07 /(!07 ~C 82 6, / 0 011 / G/'rv- Layers in the Absence :)f Current B004/B054 connected with the circuit of the second contact pair of relay 2 and of the tube relay 3. The following process is conducted: The time relay 1 is adjusted for a period within which a black metal precipiltr~-- b---cmes visible on the cathode and the concentration in tho electrcdo-near -'ayer practically vanishes,, When the time has clapsed, r~llay 1 switches off electrolYzer 7. At the same time, relay 2 is switch,:d on, which agaln switches off after a given time, and switches on the electrolyzer and the seconds counter. After this process, which -;crresponds to the formation of a precipitate on the cathode., the terminal potential. of the electrolyzer rises, and the contacts of the voltmeter 6 are closed, whereby the tubs relay opens and the seconds counter Is switched off, Thus, amperage and duration of electrolysis are fixed. Moreover, the circuit ~,onta-_'-ns a cu--rent reverser 8, which reverses the aense of --urrent, again dissolves the precipitate, and makes the apparatus ready for the next experiment. The amperage is adjusted by rheostat 9 and milliammeter 5. The experiments were made at 180C virith zin3-, cadmium-, and copper salts, CD - - 1 0 5 -ffused. C ai-~ A/C was found for +he amount of substance d- D is th-i concentration of the diffused substance in moles/!, '~ the current Card 2/4 87508 Method of Studying Diffusion in Electrode-near S/073 601026100110061021 Layers in the Absence of Current B004YB054 density (a/cm2), T the duration (see) of the analysis, calculated'from the second switchine-on of the electrolyzer until the appearance of the dark precipitate, and a and A are constants depending on the salt used. .The followine was stated: With rising concentration of the electrolyte, more substance diffuses, i.e., the rate of concentration balance is di;rectly proportional to the initial concentration. In dilute solutions, the'concentration is balanced within 30r35 seconds. Experiments with equimolar solutions of various salts showed that the diffusion rate depends on the type of anion (Fig. 4). D. N. Gritsan'is mentioned. There are.4-figures and 8 references: 5 Soviet, 2 British, and 3 French. ASSOCIATION: Kiyevskiy ordena Lenina politekhnicheskiy institut (Kiyev "Order of Lenin" Pol-.rtechnic Institute) SUBMITTED: October 27i 1958 Legend to Fig. 4: Effect of the anion on the diffusion rate. I: CdBr 2 II: CdCl 2; III:CdSO 4; IV Cu(N03)2; a) concentration, moles/l, b) amount Card 3/4 of substance diffused, moles/l. 87508 S/073/60/026/001/006/021 B004/BO54 to Til 4 A -0-r-r-O Card 4/4 VDOVENKO, I.D.; GRATSIANSKIY, N.N. Corrosion resistsnce of indium, tin, and indium-tin alloys in the presence of surface-active agents. Ukr.khim.zhur. 28 no,9:1069-1072 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. (Indium-tin alloys-Corrosion) (Surface-active agents) GRATSIAINSKIY, N.N. (Hratsianelkyi, M.M.]; VPOVENKO,_I.D._- BATURINSKAYA, N.L. (Baturynslka, N.L.] Formation and structure of corrosion surface layers in In-Pb and Fe-Ni alloys. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 7 no.10s1118-1124 0 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. (Indium-lead alloys-Corrosion) (Iron-nickel alloys-Corrosion) ---- -I.- - n=N'KOJ- AG G.- ENG. 2. ussa WO) 4. Scaffolding 7. Movable scaffolding. Biul, stroi. tekh. 9 no. 20, 152. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. L~- ~- A. P. anus 7,10-~P-c a, '. / -T .-C- ~C2 .1 1 ," N . IfBaCLeriola.-Jcal Characteris ties ol~' Certain Strailz of --,. tularense" (paper read at 0;-.zk Coaferei.ce of rpideraol, Ficroluiol &- lc,",12) lZI (.'I, ALIj, 1954 ;,a Machinery - Trade and ~i nufacture Experience of leadem in socialist comcetition. Vest. !7zr-h. 31 11, b y of 6onFresF, 3eptember 1952. UNCLIISS17T7 1,'onthly List of Russian Accessions, LJ rir- - D I - -ED SEMENOV, V.; VDOVFM, B. Building radio controlled airplane niodole. Radio no.12;,(Xpsert) D '56, '(K2A IW) (Airplanes-Models)