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19 T --f - rf A,; /-:~ 'r fe C- Category POLAM/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei c-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2., 1957 No 3176 Author :-~~nb~erg, A.0. Title : InvestIg-afTo-n-5-f-Internal Structure of the Nucleus with the aid of Mesons and Electrons Orig Pub : Chem. szkole, 1955, 1, No 5, 4-14 Abstract See Ref. Zh. Fiz., 1955, 18528 Card 1/1 V'I ALIKHANIAII,A.I.,; VAYSMIMG.A.'U"., kandidat fiziko~-matematicheskikh nauk IlementarY Particles. Tekh. mol. 23 no.5:10-14 JKv 155. (HIPA 8:6) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Alikhanian). (Particles, Elementary) (Nuclear forces) 0 U'c'-R/Nuclear Physics Gard 1/1 Pub, 86 3135 Authors Vaysenberg, A. 0. Title, Research of the internal structure of the nucle-,is with the aid of mesons and electrons Priroda 44/2, 24 - 30 FeV 1955, Abstract- A study is made of the structure and characteristics of the nucleus. It is found to possess periodic properties, since the energy binding protons and neutrons together changes, in periodic fashion., with the increase of these particles. Two experiments are described in which measurements are made of the spectra of X-ray radiation of moso-atoms from Alp Sip Cu.. Zn, Sb, Xg and Pb; and, another in which the dispersion of rapid electrons is studied. Four reference3 2 USSR and 2 USA (1953 195Q. Diagrams-; graphs; table. Institution 'Submitted v A x vlj J~ ljjjY-K ILN37~- P -)NikND K L (HYPER(. MESONS). A. 0. V!a1gjanabber uspekbi FIZ. 0.11- -NSA 10-~7 (it p to date data on chz,~W,A;~' SLY Chargml W';partlcles. K.Meson and hyperon k)r=-dGn,;. ajl~ t ons with nuclei are presented, (R.V.j.'- io IM I 04~ VAYSENBERG. A.0. Nbskva) Recent data on elementary particles. YIz. v sbkole 16 no.6: 7-17 N-D 156. (MLRA 9:12) (Particles, Elementary) 120-2_31/3? AUTHOR: Vaysenber A. O~_, Smirnitskiy, V. A,, Rabin, N. V. _2ZL~~~ TITLE: A Microscope Stage for Particle Scattering bleavirements in Nuclear Photoemalsions. (ffdkroskopnyy Stol dlya Izmereniya, Rasseyaniya Chastits v Yadernykh Fotoemull- slyalth.) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, 195?, No. 2, pp. 112 - 114 (USSR). ABSTRACT; The development of 'the photoemulsion cameras has lead to an increase in the track lengths which can be observed, an increase in the statistical accuracy of scattering measurements, and the independence of experimental results from the degree of development of the emulsion. Among the factors which determine the accuraiay of scattering measure- ments, the most important are those due to the noise which exists because of the finite grain size and intervals between them, to the noise introducedby distortion, and to -the noise due to the microscope stage, the longitudinal displacement of which is accompanied by small transverse displacements equivalent to scattering., It was required to have a microscope bench with lon&itudinal movement of a few cm and with not mom than 0.01 micron of the trans- verse displacement. The present type of the "sprang Card 113 action" microscope bench is clue to Cosyns .(Ref. 1) and this 1 1/ 37 A Microscope Stage for Particle Scatteriiig Measurements in. 'Nuclear Photoemulsions. principle is also used in the KOPH-1JKA M-52 bench. :.1--he bench has the following drawbacks: springs have to be accurately calibrated, it is temperature and load sensitive and its noise increases at larSe dis-placements, Since a glass surface can be prepared to a very great accuracy, the authors have constructed, and now describe, a micros- cope bench using two accurately prepared glass plates as guides. The action of the bench can be clearly seen from Figure 1, where 1 is a heavy steel plate with two steel blocks covered by the above glass plates acting as buffers and guides. The "noise" of the bench has been measured by means of the Michelson interferometer with results given in Figure 3, where the abscissa represents the maf,mitude of the displacement and the ordinate the mean value of the second order differences (curve A), which represents a "noise" of 0,005 micron for the displacement of 50 to 100 microns. In the same figure curve B represents the noiso of the KO.F~iI41U-IAI 52 of GottsUeim (Ref. 3). Two photographs of the bench assembly and two graphs of e:~merimental result-s are given. There are three references, Card 2113 none of which is Slavic. 120-2-31/37 .-A Microscope Stage for Particle Scattering Mleasurements in Nuclear 'Photoemulsions. SUBMITTED: November, 14, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress . Card 3/3 AUTHOR ZIKHANWI, A.I., VAIS&IBMG, A.O.~ Pk -295o TITLP; The Spectrum and the Positive u1irplus of the Hard Component within komentum. Domain (0, 3 -17) . lo9eV/c atian Altitude of 325o m. (Spektr i polozhit,ollnyy izbytok-zhastkoy komponenty v oblastl im- puilsov(o,3-17).lo9eV/c na vysote 325o m - Russian) FMIODICAL Zhurn2l Eksperim. i Tooret. Fiziki, 1957p Vol 32y Nr 3, Pp 4l3_Ll6,.(U.3.J.R.) Received 6/1957 Reviewed 7/1957 ABSTRACT The present work continues the measurement begun previously (VAYSLMERG, A.O.,, Zhurn. Nksp. i Toor. Fiz., 1957, Vol 32, Nr 32 P 417) of the mo- mentum spectrum and.the positive surplus by measuring the domain of much higher momenta of up to 1,,7.10 10 eV. -Measurements were carried out in 1952 with the large magn*t'-c spectrometer of the AJAGEZ laboratory at a magnetic .field strenght of 137oc Orsted. In the case of such a field strenght. the probable measuring error committed when measuring the momentum 1 7.1o 10 ev/c amounts to about 5oo/o. The construction of the magnetir. spectrometer and the utilization of the results were already dwicribed several times. Above the measuring system a 7 em thick lead layer was mounted and the entire thicknex3 of all lead absorbers above the counter series amounted to 5,8 cm. Below the loth'series of counters a 14 cm thick lead layer) and below this aeries a~ llth series of counters was located. The particles passed through the mentioned lo seiies of counters without increasing were as- cribed to the hard component. The rang of these particles was larger than Gard 1/2 5,8 cm lead..The range of the particles passing also through the 11th coun- The Spectrum and the Positive Surplus of the Hard Compo- FA - 295o nents within the momentum Domain (0,3--17).109*Vc at an Altitude of 3256M. ter series was larger than 19,,8 am lead. Moasuring results obtained by measuring of the momenta of 8966 particles, i.e. the amounits n+ and n,_ of the positive and negative charged particles respectively, the momenta of which are in the intervals mentioned., are given in a table^ These results furnish the momentum-spestrum and the distribution of the positive surplus over the spectrum. The last column of the table contains the values of the posItIve surplus for the total. interval of the momenta of from 0,3 to 17.lo9eV/e. This surplus over the entire Inttrval has the value k-5oB2/3666 - 1,39 � o,o8, for particles with a range of R 5,8. For par- ticles with a range of more than 19,8 am lead, the positive surplus amounts to k - 2929/2271 - 1,29 * o,03. The integral speotrum of myons computed on the basis of the ranges of more than 19,8 am lead for momenta of above 5.109 *V/c is described satisfactorily by the experinerital function p-ywith the exponent y - 2,45 � o905- (2 ill, and 1 table). ASSOCIATION Physical Institute of the Academy of Science of the Armenian tZR. fRESENTED BY SUBMITUD '6-lo-1956. VAUABLE Library of Congress. Card 2/2 AUTHOR VIYSENBERG A.O. P1 - 2951 TITLE --TFe ~Speotra of the Moment& of Cosmic Radiation and the Positive Surplus withIn the Interval (0,1 - 2,5) 109 eV/o in an Altitude of 3250 m. (Spektry impulsov kosmioheskogo izluoheniya i polozhitellnyy izbytok Y intervale (0,1 - 295)-109 OV/0 na, vYsote 3250 m-- Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki 1957, Vol 32, Nr 3, PP 417 - 422 (USSR). - I Recei'ved: 6/1957 Reviewed: 7/1957 ABSTRACT The present paper discusses the measurements of the spectra mentioned above ocrried out in 1949 - 1952 by means of the small magnetic spectrograph of the ALAG92 laboratory for Cosmic Radiation. This device was described in detail already in previous papers. The author here investigates the spectra of unfiltered radiation consisting of eleatrons, mesons, aud protons and the spectra of hard components from which the electrons were eliminated. The paper is divided into the following chapters: 1. The bpectra of the unfiltered radiatioL, the absorption of the positive surplust 3. The spectrum of the hard components, 4. The intensity of the proton components. CARD 1/3 Pi - 2951 The Spectra of the Momenta of Cosmic Radiation and the Positive Surplus within the Interval (011 - 2~5) 109 eV/0 in an Altitude of 3250 m. SummarZ of results: From the typo Qf the spectra of unfiltered radiation it follows that in an ailltude of 3250 m, besides electron- and mason oomponentay also proton components exist in noticable quantities. This manifesto itself in a positive surplus of the total radiation of IOAQ + 0 02. In the case of momenta of more 7 -than 8VIO eV/c the positive surplus depends only little upon the momentum, and its amount is near 1,5- Within the domain of small momenta of the spectrum of non- filtered radiation the positive surplus is nearly eq URI to 1. Within the average momentum domain of from. 2 to 8,109 eV/0 the positive surplus rapidly increase attains its maximum value, which Is near to 2, at k 0 eV/c, and is again reduced to 10. The high positive ourplus within this domain in explained by the existence of a considerable number of protons. The influence exercised by the protons on the amount of the positive surplus-manifesto itoolf in the spectrum of the hard components. Within this spectral domtin a purely CARD 2/3 usesonia positive surplus of 1.25 .1 OvO6 could be determined. PA - 2951 The Spectra of the Momenta of Cosmio Radiation and the Positive Surplus within the Interval (0,1 - 2a5) 109 eV/0 in an Altitude fo 3250 m. If the positive surplus of the mason components is known, the number of protons within the investigated momentum intery&1 of (3,4 - 25)-108 ev/0 *an be estimated. This number amounts to from 13 to 17% of the total intensity of the hard components. (4 illustrations aud 2 Tableso) ASSOCIATION: not given. PRESENTED BY: - SUBMITTED: 6. 10. 1956. AVAILABLE: Libyary of Congress. CARD 3/3 ALITHOR VAY5ENBMG~ A .0. S,',!1RFITSY,1Yj V.A. 56-1!-I~/52 TNLE i I i e I L_eeay of a Tritium Hyperfragment. (-1Tezcrzwy raspad tritiyevogo giperoskolka -Russi&n) PEkIODICAL Zhurnal Lksperim. i Teoret.Fiziki,1957,Vol 32,N;: 4,PP 716-737(USSR) A3STRACT During the systematic examination of Ilford G-5 emulsion layers (exposed to radiation in an emulsion chamber for eight hours in an altitude of 25 km in Italy in the fall of 1955) put at their djLs- posal by Prof.Powell,the authors of the paper under review disco- vered a mesonic decay of a tritium hyperfragment,with a negative pion being retarded in the emulsion.This case is being mentioned in the paper under review for the purpose of supplementing the relevant statistical data.From the primary star of the type 10+0n(reprodu- ced in the paper under review) a slow simply chareed particle hf is emitted.This particle is stopped in the same layer and it forms a secondary star with three rays.The range of hf amounts to 36o/Aand on basis of the rqnge) is larger than the mass of the proton.Also the estimate on basis of scattering and range yields a value that is larger than the proton mass.The charge of hf, as determined on basis of the number of interruptionuton basis of the ranje,and on basis of the thickness of the trace,equals l.At the secondary star two particles with short ranges have equal ranges,namely 12+0.6/A-- The estimate of the charge yields z.I.Trace 3 belongs to a nega- tiva pion with the range of 15,700/,~,.Thidnegativc- pion penetrated Card 1/2 eight layers of emulsion and prodaced at the end of its range a AUTWR' V,%I&WABERGV A.O.p SMIRN11-j&l1p V.A. TITLB Ijivestl HIZF-Z CorrelatLins in ti -+ ~L -+ e - Decays (Issledovaniys korrelyatsiy pri ff -op -+ a raspadakh. Russian) MRIODICAL Zb=al Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 6.. pp, 1340 - 1343 USTRACT In the present paper the energies resulting from the Tr+ -+ A+ -+ 0+- decay in a photoemulsion are measured of the positrow and the ingles between the flying-off direction of the positrons and myons. The authors up to now investigated 2334 Tf -P--acts of decay which were, observed on the occa sion of the ayatematicalinspection of the part of the emulsion chamber recorded by Profs POWELL This emulsion chamber was'irradiated at a height of 28 ka. The traces of the positrons and myons enclose with the emulsion plane only small angles. It is therefore possible# without committing gravt errors, to refer the correlation to particleaj the traces of which are located in the emulsion planes The spectrum measured here of the posi- trons produced on the occasion of the decay is shown in a diagrams In this spectrum the particles with an energy of more than 40 MeV are in- vestigated$ the emirision direction of which includes small angles to- gether with the flying-off direction of the qrono The corresponding data are shown in a table. The front-rear aswumetry in the case of small Card 1/2 angles is extraordinarily high, but dec~,eases in the case of a decrease Investigation of Correlations in Tr -i-ju -* e - Decays 56-6-3.1/56 of the angular aperture. The amount of this asymmetry agrees well with its theoretical value. When taking account of all argles (o - go 0 and, 90 - 180 0) the asymmetry effects decrease but are still easily observ- able. From a diagram shown hire the following conclusions are drawn** 1.) Towards the front 54 positrons7.were emitted;,, and 66 towards the raars 2.) The share of the positrons flyingIff in the rear direction increases considerably at an increase of the energies from 25 to 40 MeV- 3.) From the particles with an energy of more than 55 MeV9 9 flow off in tha rear direction and only 2 in the frontal direction. In conclusion the data obtained here are compared with a theoretical curves Attention is dr&~dn in short to the differences (apparently con- nected with the depolarization) between experiment and theory, (With 2 illustrations and 1 table)e ASSOCIATION AcadeW of Science of the U*S.S.R. (Akadomiya Nlauk SSSR) PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED 19.3.1957 AVAILABIZ Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORS Vaysenberg A.O.,SmirnitskiyV.A. 56-3-12/59 TITLE _fk_'*~er~=*~d*nce of the Angular Correlation of the X+I& ]Decay. 0+-raspad* ot *ntrgii (Zavisimost' uglovoy korrelyataii pri N+ - Russian) PERIODICAI- Zhurnal Eksperim-iTeoret.FiAti, 1957,vol 33,Nr 3,pp 621-624 (USSR) ABSTRACT The energy of the positrons and the angle between the positron di- rection and the A -meaotron from 58o disintegrations in the emul- sions NIKFI -H and Ilford G-5 were measured. For the oorrelation coefficient k the following values were measu d Energy 6-0-0 >E -A/2 Energy C-0 a Y-> F_ - A/ 2 0 -(0,053�01033 0,6 '8+ 0) 0,1 -0,o53i0,03 0,7 :(00:14C+00:0015 012 -(O:*052+0,o33 ~0,8 -10,15~�0,051j OP3 -~O 06470,034 0,9 - 0,192+U,059 0,4 - O,o6o-+O,035 1,0 - 0,200+0,074 0,5 - 0,08310t037 1 1,1 - 0,2o6+0,104 The value A which increases with increasing positkon onxgy agrees with the forecasting of the two component - neutrino th*ory. There are 2 tablos, 3 figures and 1 Slavic reference. SUBMITTED June 10,1957 ATAI-TABLE library of Congress. Gard 1/1 24(5) AUTHORS: S.~--,-Jrnitskiy, V. A. 9 j*1 '15-3-13/61 Kolgariova, E. D., Minervina, Z. V., Pesatskaya, Ye. Rabin, 161. V. TITLE: Angul~r Correlations for Ponitron.,, of Low Ener-111 -Irl 7E +-e+ Decay (U-1ovaya korrelyatsiya dlya pozitronov :-Lloy energii pri n+-11+-e+-raspade) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy 'Liziki, 19f:6, Vol 35, Nr 3, pp 6,15 - 648 (USSR) ABSIRACT: After the discovery of the nonconseivation of parity with vie-~k interaction, several groups of research sciertists investi-:1ted the energy dependence of the ~~nr,-uiar co=elqtion Of Positrons in n+-A+-e+ decay (Refs 1-3); accoruing to llukhin, Ozerov and Pontekorvo (Ref 4) the connection between asymmetry and enerCy corresponds to the laws of the two-componeLt theory, accordin[,; to which the formula N Cos a?~ 2& -1 applies, where *-denotes the angle Card 1/4 3 3 - 26 Angular Corrnlation3 for Fasitrons of Law Energy in SOY/56-35-3-13/61 between the di--ection of myon spin and the direction of the emission of the pofitron in V+-e+ decay. IL denotes the enerb-y of positrons in units of its mamimum energy, X-a p.%rameter of the theory (i7bich is determined from the r_--tic between interaction con- stants), a - a coefficient wn4ch shows what uart of m-yons is rol-arized 4he iz,istant of decay'. In the present paper the correlation was not investiEated in space, tut in the plane, so that the formula used here for Cos 8'is distinjuis'-..ed from (1) by the fact t-,~.t the first factor of the rioht side is aX/2. A photo- emulsion plate 'XM-R-- of 400P thickness vas used 1'cr the investiC-,-_t_Jons,' it vias exposed to -1 7,.+-meson beam of the synchrocyclotron of the OIYaI (O*edinennyy J-nstitut yadernykh issledovaniy = United Institute for Miclear Research) (cf. also reference 2). Ile-zLIts are, ezSe_nt_J,--_1_1y, Elven in t-.,,o tr-.bles6L Card 2/4 1) Series of measure-ents, 109--1, paSizron traces: An,-ular Correlations foz Pos--!trono of Low Ener,-, in SOII//56-75-3-13/61 I,+- 9+-e+ Decay 0 E: 0-0,3 0,3-0,6 3,6-o,9 o,9 0-180 number of 46 333 440 280 parlicles n cost+- 0,7/rn 0,18+0,10 0,00+0,04 -0,05�0,03 -O,CL+0,04 0 - 600 n 34 231 300 198 120-180'~-o-s~+0,85/rnlO,31~+-0,15 o,oo+o,o6 -o,o6+o,05 -o,16+o,c6 2.Series of measure-ments,8000 n+-g+-e+ decay events, of ,7hich 200 withe< 0,3 F- :0-0, 3 0,3-0,6 0-180 0 n 201 499 Cos 0,07�0,05 0,01+0,03 o - 6o0 n 141 3377 120-1800 'cos 0'1~-+0,07 0,01+0,05 (8-is the angle -oetween the direction of emissio-n of the myon and that of the positron). Similar measurements have recently been cgrried out by Pershin et al (Ref 7) in the pronane-bubble-chamber. The authors in conclu3ion Card 3/4 thank A.I.Alikharlov for his interest in this worl: Anbgular Correlations for Pos-itrons of Low Enerj-.Zr in SOV/56- 3 5-3)- 13/61 n+-p +-e+ Decay and A.2.Birzgal for calculations. Moreover, they express their gratitude to the collaborators of the testing group for evaluating -- large number of plates. There are 2 tables and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: May 31, 191-8 Card 4/4 21(8) AUTHORS: Yaysenborg, A. O_, 3.-airnizskiy, 71 L. 50T/56-36-1--56/62 TITLE: The Decay of a Beryllium Hyperfragment (Raspad berilliyevogo giperoskolka) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikij 19599 Vol 36, Nr 1, PP 333-335 (USSR~ ABSTRACT: By systematical scanning of layers of the emulsion Ilford G-5 irradiated in an altitude of -25 km, the authors detected a non-meaon-decay of a beryllium hyperfragment whik~h permits relatively precise measurement of the binding energy 6f the Ao-partiole. A slow hyperfragment is emitted from a primary star of the type 12 + 4P. It is stopped in the same layer and causes a secondary three-ray star. The range of the hyperfrag- ment amounts to 60 ~t . An estimation of the charge by comparirg tha thickness of the hyperfragment trac,'~ with the thickness of the tracks of the Be 8 hypey-:ragments and, of oc -particles (which were produced in -the'd.---y of Be givds Z - 4. Analogous A. -re carr.ed ou,, for Vie o' er tracks. The authors estimations we, Card 1/2 8 4 suggest the decay sc!,eme Be ---), He + d + p + n + The Decay of a Beryllium flyperfragment FOV/56-36-1-56/62 (160.0 + 1.3)9ev. For the binding energy of Ao in the 87 nucleus Be the value BZt - (8.2 + 1.6)Mev is found. The values measured of B.,)! for tAe hitherto known decays of )!Be8 are equal to 3.7 3; 0 + 5; 9.3 or 6.6 (depending on the decay schei?); 5.9 0.5 (meson decay). The 3 schemes * Be9--~,-He5+ r IK 8 3 3 YV $f 9 + d + p + n + ; g Be -P He . + H. + p + it + Q ; if B 0 --o' Ue4 + E3 + p+ n + Q can 'ie excluded since they give high negativo values of BM . Fhe decay schemes with several neutral particles cannot be exolu(~ed from being considered, but they are less probable. There are I figure and 7 references, 1 of which is Soviet, SUBMITTED: October 8, 1958 Card 2/2 21(l) Sov/-6-36-4-8/70 AUTHOR: Vaysenberg, A. 0. TITLE: + -rony maloy Positrons of Low Energy in /.4 e Decay(Pozit energii pri 116+ - e+ -raspade, PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy,i ieoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 4~ pp 1019-1021 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the course of an inveRtigation of the anisotropy of the flying-off of positrons in n+ - IA;' - e+ -decay (Refs 1,2) it was found that within the range of low positron energies (:~~20 Mev) the ot-e-correlation is somewhat greater than might be expected according to the two-component neutrino theory (Ref 3). Investigation of positron distribution within the first spectral-range is therefore of interest. The author analyzed a'number of positron spectra and, with the aid of all data available, he calculated the Michel parameter q. In reftrence 1-11100 positron spectra had been investigated, in reference 4 - 405, in references 5,6,7,8 - 1161, and in ref- erence 9 - 286, so that the author had a total of 2952 positron observations available (see table). For the positron spectrum Card 1/2 in the case of four-fermion interaction it holds that SO-7/5 6 -7; 6 -4- a/ 70 Pocitrona of Lovi Energy in 1~1, -Decay 2 P(-;)d-- -4E r3(1-,~) + 2Q (A8 -1)] dE~~, = positron energy); if 1- 3 Q is between 0 and 0-75, the corresponding number of low- energy particles is Z P(_'-)4j ('-S 0.3 - 0-4). After integraticon one obtains Q = 3(4-3t~ the numerical calculation in consideration of the statistical error gives Q = 0.72 + 0.10; this value agrees with the two-component neutrino theory in that the latter gives the value Q = 0.75 7~ithout relative correc-..Ion. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 10 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTI Card 212 21(7) SOV/56-36-6-8/66 AUTffORSs Vaysenbera, A. 0., Rabin, N. V., Smirnitskiy, V. A. TITLEs The Depolarization of~t'-Mesons in Nuclear Emulsions (Depolyari- zatsiya +-mezonov v yadernoy emultaii) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i -ceoretichoskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 56, Nr 6, pp 168o - iva6 (ussR) ABSTRACTi The present paper intends to determine exact values of the asymmetry coefficients in the spatial distribution of posi- trons from the reaction n+ - u+ - e+ in nuclear emulsions; the author carried out a comparative investigation of ordinary and double-diluted NIKFI-R-emulsions as well as Ilford G-5; among other things, they investigated 9101 A+-)t+-e+- decays in NIKFI-R emulsions;irradiaticn was carried out on the sin- chrocyclotron of the ClYaI (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research). The following decays were selected for investigation: 1) such having an electron trace length of >t1 mm, 2) with a distance of the vertex of the decay from the emulsion surface of the glass >100)v . Table I shows the angular distribution of the measured decays for 0p++e+-raspade) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimantallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19591 Vol 37, lir 1, pp 326 - 328 (USSR) A13STRACT: The preEant "Letter to the Editor" is a continuation of a num- ber of other works (Refs 1-3). The asymmetry coefficient a of this react;*~on weuL determined according to -,he equation dN = = (1+acos~)))df2(,t'Pangle between the direction of the departure of muon and electron, d 0- solid angle element) as amounting to 0-077�0.012 for NIKFI-R emulsions; a increases to 0.28+0.0? if the emulsion is located in a magnetic field of 17 kG. Yhe data are mean values obtained by measurements of the entire spec- trum. Investigations of the energy dependence of a were car- ried out by means of a NIKFI-R photoemulsion pile In the per- pendicular magnetic field of 17 kG; irradiation was carried out Card 1/3 on the synchrocyclotron of the 0IYaI (Joint Institute of Nuclear The Energy Dependence of the Spa,.-ial Asymnetry of SOY/56-/17- 1 -6 3/64 Positrons in x4p -)0 Decay Research). Positron energy was measu.79d by means of the method of multiple 'scattering, for which purpose the microscopes Kornitaka IIS-2 and MBI-9 were used. Part of the meazurements was carried jut by means of a semiautomatic devioe, 565 traces were selected according to certair criteria, which are enumer- ated Under these eonditions it holds that a(F-) - 11,27 Nf Xb (1.2; 2_a2 I Nf+Nb ~~ ~Eg where N fdenotes the number of fc:r.,ward decays, V N~~b~ Nb the number of backward deoays. The N. and Rb are given in a table for 10 energy intervals between 0 and 1.1. A diagram shows the dependence of a (C-) on the positron onergy F_-. The drawn- in curve represents a~6~ according to the theory of the two- component neutrino: a r-, = 3-0.28(1-2E)/(2g-3); (here 0.2,3.;.G.02 is the value of the asymmotry coefficient at 17 kG). The d7otted curves show the energy dependence of a obtained from the sta- tistical errors of energy measurement and from the bremsstrah- Card 2/3 lung in expe-rimental conditions (upper curve: 10% dispersion The Energy Dependence of the Spatial Asymmetry of S07/56-37-1-63/64 Positrons in Decay and 4 mm track length, lowor curve: 20% dispersion and I mm track length). The differential spectrum of a(6) obtained ex- presses the rapid growth with energy and agrees with the two- component neutrino theory. In an earlier paper (Ref 2) the au- thors also worked with NIKFI-R photoemulsions (a . - 0.077 � 0.0'12)9 and within the energy range of 0 - 0-3 they obtained the average value of a - + 0-14 � 0.10. (In the case of the measurements published, the measured a-values are all within the positive range, and the theoretical curves intersect the 6-axis at about 0-4 - O.r)~ The authors finally thank Z. V, MinGrvin and Ye. A. Pesotskaya, and D. M. Samoylovich and B. A.. Nikollskly for taking part in the experimenta. There are I figure, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: May 7, 1959 Card 3/3 21 (1) AUTHOR: Vaysenberg, A. 0. 507/56-37-2-43/56 TITLE: The Spatial Asymmetry for Low-energy Positrons in the n+_ P+_ e+_ Decay PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 20), PP 566-567 (USSR) A.BSTRACT: This investigation has been made with the aim of studying - the totality of the data on the asymmetry of the spatial, distribution of positrons in the n+- ji+- e+- decay, found in the author's laboratory and elsewhere in literature. Special attention was paid to the asymmetry coefficient ao ave-raged over the spectrum fromF_- 0 to the energy F. The following measurements were carried out in the author's laboratomy: 1) Measurements of the total spectrum of 1102 particles with a - 0-077. 2) Measurements of the spectrum of the slow electrons) 345 particles having been 3eparatedfor a F- 0.077 with an energy F_ /_ 0.6. 3) Measurements of the total spectrum of 565 positrons for a - 0.28. The measurements 1) and 2) were carried Card 1/3 out with a normal NIKFI-R-emulsion, the measurements 3).-,71th The Spatial Asymmetry for Low-energy Positrona 3OV/56-37-2-43/56 in the n P+_ e+_ Decay the same emulsion, but in a field of 17000 gauss. It is convenient to express the experimental data through the difference of the positrona emitted forward and backward: 6 - (N forward - Nbackward) /(Hforward + 17backward ).' In a table the values of N forward and N backward for the energy interval 0 to 0-3, 0.3 - 0.6; o.6 - o.s; 0.8 - 1.0 and ~ 1.0 and the values of S in these intervals are given. According to this information the as~rmmetry decreases sharply in the transition from the edge of the spectrum to smal' :iergies and vanishes almost completely at L< 0-5. The st&-~jatical accuracy of the results in the range of small energies is markedly increased, if not only these data, but all other data known on the asymmetry at small energies (determined by means of photoemulsions)are taken into account. They are compiled in a second-table,.6 equals zero in the interval 0 to 0.6.1he values of 4 observed are not at variance with the values derived from the two-component theory. The asymmetry at low Card 2/3 energies has also been measurect by means,of a magnetic .- The Spatial Asymmetry for Low-energy Positrons SOV/56-37-2-43/56 in the n+ - 4 +_e+_ Decay spectrometer (Ref 9). The results due to this method are in agreement with those given in this paper. There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 9 references, 4 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: May 7, 1959 Card 3/3 ovse, KUZT-,,)V I V.D. , redo; VIRF)) 1. G. , VjAXSEN13ERGY Aleksandr __.fev,-;ch; red. 1114auka," 1964. moskval lzd-vo . [1-ju-mesons] Miu - ulezon' (MIRA 17:7) 399 P - MUKHTN~ KonstantJn prof., retsenz(~nt; KAL-YUMTAY.A., T.P.., rod. [Introduction to mclear phy2icsi Vvedenie v iadernuiu fiziku. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, Atomizdat, 1965. 720 p. (YI-RA.18:9) VAYSENBERG, AA; KOLGANOVA, E.D.; RABTN, N.V. Disintegration of' photop-mmlsimn rvic-lel- fiz. I no.4g652-658 Ap 1613. (141RA M 5) 1. Institut te-oreticheskoy i eksiperim-entallnoy fJ.ziki Gosudarstven- nogo komiteta po ispoltzowmiyu atoranoy energii SSSR. + TITLE Muon nolarization"an'd tbe ratio of form fac'-ors in rz d6cay V3 4 _ZhurnA C ------------ no. TOPIC TAGS: muon, K meson, meson polarization A-BSTRACT 'Mis worR is a cont- rp_-2~0 coup i Ute ar nq theoretical aid experimental values of the probability ratio for K,,,, and K ,de::ay s, the _&tj_t_'_1orS Mea-ure-d --he e.7 + ar istribution of positrons four 887 positive muons from K ~0 The mcn-as- Aecay4 as well as thd [L -meson longitudinal polarization. Card 1/2 lurements were made with a pellicle staC11-1 having a volume of' about 1 14 ter of type R emulsion. T-he- chamber was .rradiated in t1he pr-D-ton. synchrotrolri of Inst-3. Ll,u, llectrettiLches'X-oy i eksperi-mental'noy fiz-'k-1 (Tnstitute of and Exr)Prim.~,nf-:41 a iLud-,Iriai muon polar.Lzaui-on was +U.68 0.28, indicatina the form. f ac- tor ratio is 0 + 1. "Thc~ aut-T-r- ASSOCIATION: Mone -SUBMITTLED.- , 26jan,6.5 EUCL: 00 SOVz 004 OTHER: 007 2/2 SUB CODE: rip VAYSEN-PIER-1, A,O.~ KOL'.3.',NOVA, F,1,1,~ Meunu-rl~ng tlrio ma!~2iis of cna,-gf-.j part'Isle's V~'h a tf~kh- ek~,p. 9 j-",-Ag '640 kmf-?v-- W7/094/127-t- ~-TOP --d -TiMGS--.- _P ,kBST RACT; 7,r, 1 -5 r, a t io n ofF e a ri e I- wo rk (Phys. Let. V. 2, card 112, 1196-2) cind a-5 at mc)y-- ai-curate data or, tlhe yields 3 'Mie work wds done Charged pazt,.cle 1/3 -- re~ _j. e 11 -for, e e S- -i-i close to: e ies an la, sjjjA rg f rom heavy nucle _A0%_ d- than 20 MeV. Absorption of fast Regative pions does not raix~lt n -r.,TD!ex partic' s. A corrparison of the re- the virtual parti-c-le ~'h i- T FC_vLi~r ~, t- uss 0 Oriq. ~)(X tot ard a dis(- i n.' fimiree, ASSOCIATION: None R 11ONPAW L 13496-6.0 ACCESS1014 NR: V4047893 utj Card IMS VAYSENBERGO A.0. *.U= -a-, 1740 go of mesons and electrons in studying the Internal =,clear structure. Dos. such. fiz. no.5:105~-115 057. (MIRA 16s6) (Rucleii AtooIC) ALIMITYAN, A.I.; VAYSEMBERG., A.0. Recent experimental data on r menuis. Izv. A-H SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.6:698-710 A 162. (MIRA 15:6) (14esons) VAYSENBEiL, A.O.; MOTSKAYA, Ye.A.; SMIRNITSKIY, V.A. Electron spectra emitted In the decay of negative '~LmesonB in a C. nuclear emttlsion. Zhuroekspai teor*fiz. 41 no.4:1031-1036 0 161. NERA 14:10) (Mesons-Decay) (Photography, Particle track) S10481621026100610011020 W25/Bli2 AUTHORS: Alikhanyan, A. I., and Vayeenberg, A. 0. TITLEs -New,ex erimental data on pmesons P PERIODICALs Akademiya-nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakayal v. 26, no. 6, 1962, 698 - 710 TEXTt This is a survey of the experimental data published from 1946 to 1961 relating to electromagnetic interactions of muons (production of meson pairs by photons, scattering of high-energy muons from nucleit measurement, of the magnetic moment of a meson) and to the weak interactions of the muons Itotal probability of the muon-electronkdoesyt asymmetry spectrum in L,/ the ~L-4e + V~ + V decay, iftuon polarization ai the time of x -decayq 11spirality" of the particles produced in the' decay A_-qe + v + 9). There are 8 figures. The most important English-language reference iss R. Peyn-. man, X. Gell-Mann, Phys. Rev., 1099 193 (1958)- Card 1/1. VAYSENBERG., A.O.; K01.13ANOVA, E.D.; RkBINO:-N.V.~ PESOTSKAYA, Ye.A. Ionization measurement in photoexulsions of type P. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 6 no.2:557-59 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Ionization) (Photographic emulsions) VAYSENBERG, A.O.; SMIRNITSKIY., V~A. Semiautomatic unit for measuring multiple scattering. PribA tekh.eksp. 6 no.5:44,,47 S-0 161. (MLRA 14:10) (Particles (Nuclear physics)--Scattering-14easurement) VAYSENBFM A 0 . KOIGARWAY- E.D.; MIMVIRL, Z.V. -1 Angular distribution of # -xaeBons in T/ -/,t -decay. Zhur.eksp~i teor.fiz. 43- no.l.-106-108 .11 161. 09RA 14:7) 1. Inatitut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Mesons) (Fhotography., Particle track) VAYSEMRG, A 0' Capture of A - _MeSons-in carbon accozpanied by B12* formation. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 41 no,.1:lG9-1L?_ Jl 161. OMA 14:7) 1. Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperJnantaLlnoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Mesons-Capture) (Boron-lsotope6) (Photography, Particle track) VAYSENBERG., A. 0. Determining the energy of hyperfine splitting in the I a state of mwnium. Zhur.ekap.i teor.fiz. 41 no.3:853-855 8 161. (ICU 14:10) 1. Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimeritaltnoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Mesons) ~ - KCLGANCVAj. E.D. VX[SENBERGV A.O.i SMIRNITSKIY, V.P -I try resulting Study of the electrein spectrum and asylroe ~ ). ear PhOtOemulsion. Zhur. eksl ~V'_A_ e-decaY in a nuc, 161. fiz. 40 no.4:1042-1049 AP ctrons) (Mesons--Decay) (Ele from I teor. wpu 14:7) VAYIS)ENBERG, A.O.; KOIJ.ANOVA, E.D.; SMIRRITSKIY, V.A. Stud,ying asymmetry in the decay of negative /.4--masons in a nuclear emulsion. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz 39 no.5:1198~-1200 N 160. 1 (HM 14:4) (Mesons-Decay) (Photography, Particle track) VAYSETBERG A,JD.; SMIMUTSKIY. V.A. Asymmetry of V-fW4- Cf. decay in a zagnetic fi3ld. Zhur. eksp. i teor, fiz. 39 no.2:242-248 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (mesons-Decay) (Magnetic fields) AUTHOR: Veysenberg, A. 0. 8/053/60/070/03/002/007 Boo6/BO14 \111 TITLE: - New Experimental Data on the Decays of n- and g-Mesona PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheakikh nauk, 1960t Vol 70, Nr 3, PP 429-487 (USSR) ABSTRACT: a of The present paper gives a survey of experimental resull investigations concerning the properties of free pions\'und muons.lNit is based on publications of the last two years, viz. - primarily articles of Western periodicals. The author first describes the problem and discuBses'the fundamental publica- tions by Lee and Yang, Feinman and Gell-Mann, dealing with the decay of muons'and pions. The second section is devoted to the mass and lifetime of n- and p-mesons. The latest data on mass (Refs 15-18) ar~e compiled in a table, The individual lifetimes are mentioned. The value obtained for the p+-Meson slightly differs depending on whether it was determined by experiments on cosmic rays or by means of accelerators - (2-56 + O.C5).10-8 see (2.22 or 2.21 + 0.02 psec); T + and r (5-0 16).10-15 see. TIn the third s,iction the a th card 1/3 0 -2 7~' Now Experimental Data on the Decays of a- and S/053/60/070/03/002/007 IL-Mesons B006/BO14 discusses thQ electron spectrum obtained from the n-g-e decay as well as the asymmetry of spatial electron distribution (theoretical electron spectrum and electron angular distribu- tion; electron spectrum ofthe V-e decay and-determination of the Michel (Mishell) parameter Q by the photoemulsion method, by means of a chamber located In a magnetic field, and a mag- netic spectrometer; asymmetry of the spatial distribution of electrons from the x --* g ---.*,e decay; experiments on electrons by means of counters and magnetic spectrometerso experiments by the photoemulsion method; asymmetry of the spatial distri- bution of positrons within the range of small energies). The fourth section deals with the chirality of leptons and with the law of conservation of the lepton charge, and the fifth section with the magnetic moment ol the muon. The sixth sec- tion is devoted to the electronic pion decay and to the search Jbr radiative pion- and muon decays (n --o- e + V deoayl radiative beta decay of the pion; search for g --* e + y decays). The seventh section gives results of experimental investigations of muon depolarization (measurement of the asymmetry coeffic* Fit~; CaA 2/3 New Experimental Data on the Decays of n- and S/05 60/070/03/002/007 p-Mesons B006YE014 of various substances; the spin relaxation time of v+-mesons; the asymmetry coefficient in-photoemulsions; the asymmetry coefficient in a dilute emulsion (NIKFI-R); kinematic de- polarization of g+-mesons; depolarization of g+-mesons in matterl attempts to detect the muon triplet state; polariza- tion conservation by means of a magnetic field; the true values of the asymmetry coefficient; depolarization of p--mesons). The following Soviet authors are mentioned: Landau, Okun', 0. B. Zhdanov, A. A. Khaydarov, V. P. Kuznetsov, A. I. Mukhin, Ye. B. Ozerov, B. Pontekorvo, Smirnitskiyt Babayan, V. G. Vaks, B. L. Ioffej Meshkovskiy, Gurevich, Ivanov, P. L. Kapitsa, Zelldovich, and Gershteyn. There are 38 figures, 10 tab and 144 references, 32 of which are Soviet. lz~ Card 3/3 86890 S/05 60/039/005.100-4/051, B029YB077 AUTHORS: Vaysenbe Kolganova2 E. D., Smirnitskiy, V. A, U=="kood TITLE: Study of the Asymmetry in the Decay of Negative Muons in a Nuclear Emulsion PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 39, No- 501), PP- 1198 - 1200 TEXT: P. M. Shmushkevich (R-ef.2) and V. A. DzhrbaAhvan (Ref-3) showed that negative muons lose most of their polarization in mesic atoms durin~J cascade transitions. This agrees with experimental values of A. E. Ignatenko et al. (hef-4). The authors determined the coefficient of asymmetry of the p e decay in a nuclear emulsion without a mag- netic field (H /,0.1 oe) and in a strong magnetic field (H - 11 koe) parallel to the negative muon beam. Emulsion films of the type HAK&W-P (IIIKFI-R) were bombarded with a negative muon beam in the synchrocyclo- tron of OIYal (Joint- Institute of Nuclear Research). The initial pola- rization of the negative muons probably does not differ eonsiderably from the polarization of the positive muinsp which according to Card 1/3 86890 study of the Asymmetry in the Decay of S/056/60/039/005/004/051 I N egative Muons in a Nuclear Emulsion B029/BO77 A. I. Mukhin, Ye, B. OzerOv. and B. Pontekorvo (Ref-5), is 0-81 + U-11- The distribution of decay ele-.trons with respect to the direction of the negative muon beam is describfid by a relation of the form 1 + acos"L% The authors observed a total of 9279 decays without applying a magnetic field, and 3403 decays in a magnetic field of 11 koe. Conditions and results of measurements are given in the following table: Magnetic field strength H < 10-'oe 11 koe backward 4560 1707 Number of decays forward 4699 1696 Coefficient of asymmetry +0.02 + 0.017 0.00 + 0.025 Number of observers T 1~ Consistency 12- 8 ~2 -25 Within the limits of the statistical error there is no noticeable asymmetry, and the magnetic field has no influence on the asymmetry, either. The negative muons are slowed down by the light (C,N,O) and heavy components (Ag,Br) of the emulsion with about the same frequency. Card 2/3 86890 Study of the Asymmetry in the Decay of S/056160/039/005/004/051 Negative Muons in a Nuclear Emuleion B029/BO77 There is fairly good agreement between the results of several observers, especially for H = 0. Further measurements did not establish a notice- able asymmetry either. For H - 11 koe, a - 2 cosA � 1-57/IN- increases slightly at the end Of the spectrum. There is practically no asymmetry in the decay of negative muons in a nuclear emulsion of the type NIKPI-R~ independently of the external magnetic field. Thus, it is impossible to use the method of photoemulsions when observing such secondary effects which are related to the polarization of negative muons, such as the asymmetric emission of protonR in stare which appear during the absorp- tion of ne?,-atlve muons by a nucleus, and also the asymmetric depart--ire of electrons from 0 active recoil nuclei which are created by such an absoxption. The authors thank N, V. Rabin and Ye. A. Pesotskaya for as3isting in the measurements. Tnere are 1 figureg.1 table, and 7 ref- erences: 5 Soviet, 1 US, and I Dutch. SUBMITTEM May,. 289 1960 Card 3/3