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lAtIlIOV) p t A.L.; KPRDANOV V.K.; KOTGPEINKO, F.F.; PATLOV G.P.. Hllgh-.3pEed rpcording devica for elnctronlc analogs. Prllivsroatr~,~n~rj rlo.8225-1`6 Ag 164. ' (mirt'l rhao) - VAVjW.J,-A,,A,._~ Leningrad); YAKGVLIIA', V.B. (Leningrad) Approximation methods for constructing logarithmic frequency characteristics of discrete systems with delay. Avtom. i telem. 26 no.5:823-831 ?tr 165. (MIRA 18;12) 1. Submitted April 9, 1964. L 24552-66 EwT(j)/zWA AGG 141 - AP6006321 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/002/0043/0043 4r Vav'Llov, A.I.; Aj! ~nstremM.JP.; Solodovnikov, A. I. I Ile _generator of sinusoidal oscillations of multiple TI In infralow frequency fro.uent ies. Class 21, No, 177937 SOUJ~_. Izobroteniya, proqrshlonnyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 2, 1966, 43 T6. , GS: electronic circuit, oscillation , very low frequency, electric generntor ABSTRAGe: This Author Certificate presents an infralow frequency generator of sinusoidal oscillations of multiplo frequencioa, The generator contains a driving generator and a driven generator. The design eliminates tha triggor of the frequency divider in the cynchronizzation circuit and also provides comperwation of the attenuation of the oscillatory system and almultane~us aynchronization of the driven generator by an outside signals The input of the relay element con- nocted to the positive food-back circuit of the driven generator is also connected to the driving generator. SUB CODEj 09/ SUBM DATEs 27Jun63 .Card 1/1 UDC:- 621.373.42-1- -'d-N'R-tAM5011710 Vavilov, A. A.; Vorkholatp M. Yo.; RHb shkinl. B.. Electromechanical powor servoinuchaninmo of copyAng_milling. i~chlnoa (Silovyyo -m~ . . eloktromokhanicho3kiyo slodyashchiyo sit~temy kopir*64a'l-'no-frezernykh otankov) Moscow, Izd-vo "Mashinostroyeniyell, 1964. 406 p. illus., biblio. 4,200 copioa printed. TOPIC TAGS.: milling machine, automatic controlp servomechanism oystemp Borvosystom, Industrial automation, automation PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book prosentn construction principlos and circuits of electromechanical servod,~vea for copying milling machines and milling machines with digital EMEam control. Methods for static calculations of sarvonechanisms and F&OrTte examples of the calculations are given. Specific propertie.7 of joint per- formance of two interconnected channels of electromechanical sorvomechanisms are. described. Methods of analysis and synthesis of servomechanisms with continuous proportional control and of discrete servomechanisms with logarithmic frequency characteristics are discussed in detail. Methods for the analysis of clactromechani- .,cal servomechanisms of copying milling machines on analog computers are investigated. Paragraphs 3-51 4-6, and 6-6 wore written by A. A. Vavilov in cooperation with V.B. Yakovlev. The book is intended for engineoring and toc cal personnel concerned Card 1/2 UDCj 62-523.8 ACC NRj AM5011710 with the deoign, research, adjuatmonL, and oporittion of e1,.)cLro17.,oc1vM1cftl servo- drives for copying milling machines, as for apoc;allats engaged in the designing of servomechaniams for varioua applicationa, and for aLudctita atLonding coureas of instruction in these fields. TABLE OF CONTENTS Labridged]: Foreword - - 3 Ch. I. Servodrive and automation of milling machines 5 Ch. II. Selection of basic parameters of servomechaniams under steady-state con- ditiona Error dotormination. - - 55 Ch. III. Equationo, transfer functions, and frequency charactoristics of serve- .mechanisms - -,109 Ch. IV. Analysia of the servomechanism performance of copying milling machines and of milling machines with programmed controllLl - 195 Ch. V. Joint channel performance of two7coordinate aervodrives for copying milling machines - - 250 Ch. VI. Synthesis of servomechanisma of copying milling machines and of milling machines with programmed control - - 266 Ch. VIII. Modeling of servemichaniBma for copying milling machines (S. V. Domidoyl-340 Bibliography - - 381 SUB CODEt 09,;13/ SUB14 DAM 111(ov61V SOV REF, % 073/ OTH JILT, 1 004 Card 2,/2 L 585M-65 r:EC~-2,/MiT(d)/FSS-?,/EPF(n)-2/E.kP(v)/-=Y, )/E'dP(h)/EF_D- 9P P k 2/E' (I rF_"_4/' f _4/pg_~/Vae_2/Pu_4/Pk_4/j51_4 I-TP(C) M-6/sc P WESSION MR: AP5013839 UR/0103/65/026/005/08.'[.'3/0831 62-504-1-001.24 69 AUTHOR: Vavilov, A. A. (Leningrad); Takovlev, V. B. (Leningrad) TITLE: Approximate methods of constructing logarithmic frequency ebaractoristics of delay-type sampled-data systems SOURCE: Artomatika i telemekhanika, v. 26, no, 5, 1965, 823-831 TOPIC TAGSt automatic control, automatic control zste4 de _42ii-Mi automatic conLr2Ls automatic control theory, sampled data system ABSTFUTi A method is proposed for constructing log frequency characteristics which is based on two (h-f and 1-f) charaiteristics or on replacement of small time constants by equivalent delays. The transfer function oi a sampled-data system is fou-nd by a m4dified z-transformu mothod. Formulas fc,!- the com-.1ex, transfer factors are developed. Forrulas fc.)r calculati-ng the approximate --g frequency ch~-jcteristics, vith ar. &11-_-vance Ir-)r '_ne duty fac*_cr 7~f unit, are derived. The method basicai-ly daveloped for PA14 sys---ams is also applicable to PDM systems whose duty f actor 1 . 0-r",g. axt. has: 4 f igures and 41 formulas, 1,Ca-rd _ 1/2 P -,;V %M 1 -,-.1 1 ASMIATION: none SUBMITTED: 09kpr64 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: DP. 19 NO REY SOV'. 005 OTHERt 002 ;Card -Al C ~ R-0 L 58799-65 ;18(d)/E'dP(k)/EiiP(V)/-WP(IYEWP(h) mt~ 10AR: AP5017813 Po-h/Pq-h/Pr -4/Pg-&/Fk a4/P1-4 UR/0286/65/000/011/0042/0043 621.317.361 AUTHOR: Vavilov, A. A.; Solodovnikov, A. 1. L TITLE: A method for determining the frequency response of IaLxnatic control sys- tems. -Class U, No-i 171445 ,SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 11, 1965, 42-43 ITOPIC TAGS: automatic control system, frequency response characteristic, integrator iABSTRACT: This Author. Certificate introduces a method for. determining the 'frequency response of automatic control systems by measuring the Fourier coeffi- cient of qtationay-y response for such system in the case of sinusoidal action on the system. T4e ivurie.r llq;n. Muj _"rfeed,ing the steady-state response of the system to an oscillatory unit with two in-1--- Itegrators and a single inverter. The oscillatory circuit simulates a c6nservative linear harmonic oscillator with a natural frequency equal to that of the externally acting force. The integr-3tDrs in the ~-,s 1 1 la ~ -~r mcde I a re * her, s,6 i t dhedl on fcr a Card 1/2 L.58799-65 [ACCESSION NR: AP5017813 time which is-equal to the period of the externally actiag sinusoidal force at the mouient when the sine passes through zero with a positive derivatii;e. The in-phase and quadrature components of the reGponse of the system am fixed at tile output of the integratom in the oscillator model after they am svitched off. In a modi- fication of this method the in-phaze and quadrature components of the response barmonics for the system are- me-asureed by tuning the natui.-al frequency of the oscillator model to the frequency of the proper harmoni c. ..n another modification the accuracy of the masurements is improved by a sp(,cial imethod for tuning the natural frequency of the model. The basic f~xternally acting sinusaidal force is fed to the oscillator rr.-odel and the tunIng is adjusted accerd- ing to the signal which appears at the integrator which fixes the quadrature compo-, nent. [141~ I 1ASSOCIATIOV: none SUBMITTED: llFeb63 !NO REF SOV: 000 Xord 2 2--_ ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 1E, EC OTIMR: 000 ATD PRESS: 05/* P-N14016109 BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ Vavilov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; Solodovnikov, Aleksey Ivanovicn Experimental determination of frequency characteristic in automatic systems (Eksperimentallnoye opredeleniye chastotny*kh kharakter- _Lstik avtomaticheskikh sistem) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 63. 0251 p. illus., biblio. 12,000 copies. TOPIC TAGS: automation, computer engineering, linear automatic system, nonlinear automatic system, frequency characteristics, frequency characteristic experimental determination, sinusoidal input, nonsinusoidal input, infralow frequency generator, automatic system experimental investigation PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The'- ~book systematizes different methods of exDerimental determination of frequency characteristics of linear and nonlinear automatic systems and their elements. The theory of operation and synthesisof apparatus for experimental investigation ;Card , 1/3 A144016109 of automatic systems is considered. The book is intended for many specialists in automation. engaged in the investigation and adjust- ment of automatic systems, and also those dealing with the design of apparatus for the experimental investigation of such systems. ~The book can also be useful for graduate and senior students in .higher technical institutions, specializing in the field of automa- tion, computation, and measurement. The authors are grateful to A. V. Fateyev, V- 1. Anisimov, and F. F. Kotchenko for valuable ad- ivice and help, and also V. V. Semenov for useful remarks during re- !viewing of the manuscript. 1TABLE OF CONTENTS [abridged]: .Ch. 1. Frequency characteristics of linear automatic systems and their elements, and equivalent characteristics of nonlinear sys- tems 9 Ch. 2. Methods of exnerimental determination of frequency cbarac- Card Al-14016109 teristics of automatic systems and their elements for a si6usoid- al input signal 89 Ch. 3. Methods of experimental determination of the frequency characteristics of automatic systems and their elements for an anharmonic input signal 155 ;Ch. 4. Infralow frequency sinusoidal oscillation generator 184 Ch. 5. Examples of experimental investigation of linear and non- linear automatic systems and-their elements 222 ~Literature 247 SUB CODE: CP,' CG SUB14ITTED: 20May63 NR REF SOV: 102 .OTHER: 023 DATE ACQ: l9Dec63 a Card 3/3_ VAVILOVI, Alsksandr Aleksandravich, kwri.tekhn.nauk,, dotsent,; KMCHF5~ ---- ~-Fre---nd W776 iFi- b--," aspirant Calculation of a certain clasu of near optimum tracking systems. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 6 no.8:961-972 163. (MRA 16:9) 1. IAningrada"y elektroteklinichoskiy institut imeni U11yanove, Lenina. - . VAVILOVJ, Aleksandr Alekspndrovich; SOLCDOVNIKC?V, Aleksey Ivanovich; ---FATEYEV- --A,' .; red.,; ZHITNIKCIA, 0. - v S,,, tekhn- red. (Experimental determination of the frequency characteristics of automa+ic-control systems] Eksperimentallnoe opredelenia chastotnykh kharakteristik avtomaticheskikh sistem. '4oskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 251 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Automatic control) L, ;L78o3-63_. EWT(d)/EP_F(n)-2/BDS AFFTC/ASD/APGC/SSD P u-4/Pg-4/ ft-VPI-4/Po~VPq-4 WW/BC ACCESSIOUNRt AP3006225 S10144/63/000/008/090/0972 r r AUTHOR: Vavilov, A. A.1 Kotchenko, F. F.'s TITLEE:.Designing some near-optimum servosystems SOURCE: IVUZ. Elektromekhanika, no. 8, 1963, 961-972 TOPIC TAGS: servo, servosystem, optimum servosystem, near-optimum servosystem, S~-rvosystem design, EPP-09 compensator ABSTRACT: Theoretical consik'terations are offered for designing low-power servo- systems that have a narrow linear zone, high accuracy of response, and high speed. Optimum functioning of such a system involves minimum time of response to a jump input variable and limited voltage on the amplifier. The system is designed to function under optimum conditions with the maximum input signal, and under-near- optimum conditions with small input signals; the system does not include computer, its high performance being ensured solely by proper selection of its parameters. Optimum conditions of operation of the scriosystem motor ar~,, theoretically detor- mined for a jump input signal. Realization of near-optimum transient conditions is considered using an automatic high-speed EPP-03,compensator as an example. Cord 1/2 L 17803-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3006225 Functj diagrAm and a transient oscillogram ate presented. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 26 formulas. a ;.,ASSOCIATIONi none SUBMITTEM 27Mar62 DATE ACQ: 23sep63 ENCLi 00 SUB CODE- 1E NO R?,F SOV:. 007. OTHER: 000 a Cwd 2/ 2 VAVILOV, A.A.,, kand.tekhn.naukv dotsent (Leningrad) Modeling of a generator taldng into account saturationo hysteresist and change of the angular velocitjr. Elektrichestvo no.103-36 ja 163. (MIRA 16t2) (Electric enerators-Electromechanical analogies) lAutomatic control) yo/ r3 Vq t11L 0 V I-q /to Now NWIboh of lost6a balbor wbolitwol. VAVILOV, A.F. Friction welding of t,~als. Avtom. ava". 18 n0-31:51-53 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Nauchno-issledovat-Ilskiy i proyektno-tekhnologicheskiy institut avtomatizatsii i mekhanizatsii mashinostroyeniya Yuzhno-Ural'skogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva. L 27383-65 FWT (M)/E7WP (V)/T/W-P (t) /EWP (k)/1UP (b) Pf-4 JD/HM ACCESSION MR A1140143701 BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ Vevilovt A. F.1 Voinov V. Pa Friction weldiml (Svarka treniyez)t ~bscow,, "zd-vo "VAshinostroveni. ",, 1964, .L ve 153 p. ill-us., biblio. 6,ooo copies printed. TOPIC TAGSt friction welding .PURPOSE AND 0OVWOSt This book cites the experienoe in the practical use of friction host for joining materials, The theoretical problems of Motion welding are exaudned with the basic phenon, =a occurring in sliding i"riction taken into account. The results of research and experience in the use of friction welding in our countr7 and abroed are pre"n+ed end the welding tectinolov.7 I!i considered. Infarmation is included on. the mo3t interesting I'Mction weldinf, equiprwnt. The prospects far the dev-elopmeec, of thin now prop-ressilre veldinR method are shown. The book is intended for engineers and tectmiciarts in p1snts, research institutes, and design organizations and can be used by students in higher technical education institutions atudyixig welding* TABLE OF OOMMM (abridgedlt Card 1/2 L 27383-65 AGGESSION Mt M0437(11 1utrodaotiaa - 3 Ch. 1, The essence and methods of friction weldiM, - 5 Tn. IT# Soma premises of the modern science of friction - 10 Gho 1711, Power and heating In friction welding ., 29 Ch* MI. Friction welding technology - 51 Ch. V. Friction welding equipamt, - 102 Ch. VI. Economic effectiveness and prospects of friction welding 139 Bibliography - la SUMUTM% l2Nhr64 SUB GODEt W4 NO REF SOVt 063 OTIERI 010 Card 2/2-- VAVIWV, A.G., Inzhener. - Air intake blower for electric power station boilers. glek.sta. 28 no.9:39-40 S 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Boilers) ACC: NPI AP602V io 3 "OURCK Owl": UR 0) 1. 1, AMMOR: Vavi I uv, A. En le, 7) a s c OkG: Tione J TLE: The Of,' ec t of V i vf- p., rt I ul on it-T!f" It :0, 1 1 7,)t 1 on P't jr.'W PY ~-!'urtq gorenjya 1. vzLyv,,i, Ito. *",., jqoij, 107--tog TONC TAGS: combu!iLton, air breathh)~,, -nyfne, comihuiLion stabilization ABSTRACT: FxperimenLs were made to deLOMIlle the effect of active Mnii~ SpQCif!3j 'vr such as radicals and atoms (011, It, 0), on Lhe Stability (if turl--ulenL natural Ras-air mixLures"NwIth respect to pressure and flow -jefocity. At a conSLant _"ffe__~,a_,:3_TTo-wratc was yradualtv decr-ased Itatil the flilm, air flow, t C Separated f1'7?m the f lame holder. This procedure wa!; repeated at v;irleus prc.--,siirv!i rangii,p. from 20 to 300 mm Hp and flow veJocittes or 5-35 m/sec. Hot!, of tho f~a!: f 1-1-4 rote vs pressure and velocity were obtained delineattrig the (IF st;!'Mf~ rom.bustion "'Ith nd without active flame species. The latter were introducCd in Hit- fOrM Of cOM- a bustion products. It was shown that active flame spectes widen Hie stability region of Ivan mIxtures by 40-60Z and of rich mixtures by 5-15%. It 15; concluded that niccett:rnttou of the combuqtlon rat.e by Introduction of active flane species substanti- the pr~~97iurf! lii,iit for rtable combij-ition. Orip. art. haq- 3 figures. [PVI ~'UB DAIF: !6[)etj5'! GvIG IZEI:- 00 OTH REF: 0014/ ATD PRESS., Card III _5077 USSR/BleetricIty Jan 49 Hydroelectric Plants "Starting Tests for Hydroelectric Stations, A. S. Vavilov, Engr, 4 pp "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 1 "Chirchiketrol" Trust has estpblished a commissi into the final state jml> The author proceeds from the scalar meson-nucleon interaction and examines a model in which antifermions are not present in the final and in virtual states. The mesons interact only through scattering from a real nucleon. An analysis of this model answers the question as to whethe the deviation of the angular distribution from the isotropic one is a .45 Card 1/6 S/02/61/137/001/008/021 Angular distribution in multiple ... B104/B209 consequence of meson-meson interaction, or whether it also appears when this interaction is neglected. The operators V On,22,00 and V On,mm,00 are shown in Fig. 1 in the form of graphical equations. These systems (1) and (2) are an infinite number of equations, and the exact solution does not correspond to any finite pertu~bation-theoretical approximation. In the following, the author restricts himself to n '.~> 1, corresponding to very high energies, and employs the C-numerical fermion distribution function: Sc(p) - i(2n )-4 (ap - m)_1 (3). Here, p denotes the four- momentum, m the nucleon mass, and a is a four-vector satisfying the 2 condition a 1. The solution of (1) and (2) has the following form: V/on. 2too d4t I U (PI) U (P2) u (q,) u (q2) (k.) Q. Umn x exp jit (p, + p, - q1 - q2 k.)j (4) Card 2/6 VVI. 11.00 1($, 01)) d1t Z U_(p) tj (q) fj B. exp lit (p q k.)I. (5) S. MMn d-1 S/02o/6ijI37/001/008/021 Angular distribution in multiple ... B104/B209 Assuming a forward-backward symmetry, the solution gn+2 Q. (g; E. y) P (PI P2) x ki k 1 (1)2 k. X~p [a (PI + Z (8) is found in the center-of-mass system for t~n as a function of the initial nucleon energy E, the inelasticitk coefficient 7, and the tki .... k1\' meson momenta ki. Here, P is an operator of summation _~k n Card 3/ 6 S/02 61/137/001/008/021 Angular distribution in multiple ... B104Y3209 over all nl/ll(n-l)l decompositions of the set (ki .... k n ) with respect to (kis..Okl) and (kl+,l.,,k n), simultaneously rendering the expression symmetrical. The function f n(g; E,y) satisfies the equation I- IN' d'kP(pj, pi) la (pi -k) -m)-1 (k' [a (p, + k) -ml-' Y (2jt)4 ~ I I (g; E. y) (g; E. y) = (2n)'A nP (qt. qi) P (pi, pt) x x (9) Since the momenta k a do not appear in Eq. (9), the meson angular distribution is completely described by the sum of products entering into Eq. (8). From Eq. (8) it is easily seen that the angular distribution is not isotropic as spherical symmetry does not exist. Thus, it was found tha.t, without accounting for n-n interaction, theory leads to anisotropic distribution. The distribution of very slow mesons Card 4/6 S102 0/61/137/001/008/021 Angular distribution in multiple B104/B2O9 only is approximately isotropic. The isotrop~sm obtained by Lewis et al. (Ref- 3) is probably due to the assumption that there is no interference between the interactions, and that an emissive recoil effect upon the source does not exist. The author thanks V. I. Grigorlyev for valuable discussions. There are 1 figure and 4 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: H. W. Lewis, I. R. Oppenheimer, 3. A. 'Jouthuyson, Phys. Rev., 73, 127, 1948. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Y. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni 14. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: October 12, 1960, by V. A. Leontovich, Academician SUB,MITTED: October 10, 1960 25 6 S/02 61/137/001/ Angular distribution in multiple ... B104Y3209 17 I N: lilt A lilt's %lilt# (2) -Fi'q.4 021 Card 6/6 3,'19 80 S/188/62/000/003/005/012 B111/B112 AUTHORS- Va Jov-,-jL,.-T.,, Verdiyev, 1. A., Goncharoval 11. G., Imi Grigorlyev, V. I., Meledin, G. V. '1ITLEt Quantum field theoretical investiUation of multiple processes PERIODICAL: Mloscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya III. Fizika, astronomiya, no 3 1962, 46-59 ,9L - 17 TEXT; ;'Iultiple production o,; hn-"'4s 0ns in n-N,y-N, N-11, and n-n collisions is studied and the corresponding graphic renormalization equations are given. The mathematical structure of the theory is similar to that of the Tamm-Dankoy method. It differs only in that the-infinite system of equations does not break off, but a solution being reached through a reduction of the propagation function and on other assumptions. Proceeding from the Tomanaga-Schwinger equation . 6 I U la'a 01 - H(X)u 10,00i where U U(ijlnmtkl) Card 1/5 (0'a o] ij,nm-.gkl [a f "o) S/188/62/000/003/005/012* Quantum field theoretical, B111/B112 U(ij,nm,kl) is the transition matrix for a graph with i9 nj k incouling, and J, m, 1 outgoing boson, fermion and antifermion lines, respeotively. For U('J; nm ) it is established that -zEjjU-('P,)rju(- )I =Sd P~ 1,1( P') n'V P') X X Q111-nm) exp iz P. +P, P) P4 (4), 4-1 where Q1 (ij,nm) is a coefficient function,for the individual collisions, as determined from the graphs. This method offers the advantage that summation does not necessitate all graphs being written explicitly ad in the perturbation theory. Since a closed solution is impossible, the procedure is simplified by disregarding the production of nucleor.- antinucleon pairs in the intermediate and final states,. disregarding spin effects, and assuming low energy in the mesons produced. In addition# scalar and pseudoscalar mesons with scalar interaction are Card 2/5 quantum field theoretical... BI 11%112 3tudiled. Following the determination of (ij,nm) for the x-N, I-N collisions the probabil-~ty -',n W, nt (2r)'S I qlv.l I) I I x 2FP 2k,j (,r., +ko, &3 (P-, +k,J) is obtained by insertion into (4) where p,k i is a fQur-momentum of the final particles. The integral in ~6) is the "generalized phase integral" which, for N-N and n-n collisions has similar shape. Its calculation is illustrated for n-N collisions. For N-N collisions, similar considerations as for n-N collisions, give S/18 62/000/003/005/012 W )2n f_j_~ n/2 n1(Z-1) 2n-1 Card 3/5 n ~2 2/ [(n + 1)1]2 (2n - 1)1 S/188/62/000/003/005/012 quantum field theoretical... B111IB112 where z For n-n collisions the interaction is brought about by a m M N4 nucleon-antinucleon pair (a ter being added in the interaction Hamiltonian). If meson scattering only is consider~ed, this influences the multiplicity only slightly. The angular distribution tend.s to higher isotropy in the presence of meson interaction. For the angular distribu- tion of relativistic mesons in N-N collisions dn(g) 1 and for the dQ sin3q energy distribution dn(k) , 1 0_2 In + k 2 2 _ k2 + 2 dk ,_2 + k) Summary of the results for multiplicity: Card 4/5 quantum field theoretical ... 3/18 62/000/003/005/012 B111YB112 (g v1. 1)"", z - WI-At ny-N 3 2m n.-,v P, - I Y' 21. n, Ec Ec 2A 2, No qualitative agreement could be found between the formulas and the experiment. There are 5 fiCures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektrodinamiki i kvantovoy teorii (Department of Electrodynamics and Quantum Theory) SU1.11TTED: July 16, 1961 Card 5/5 '~Ay~kLqV, _DjpAkrjy_Mi)t~ylovich, kapitan I renga sapana; OSADCHIT, Mikhail Dmitriyevich, kapitan 1 ranga zapass; BYKHOVSKIT, Izraill Adollfo- vich, kapitan 2 ranga zapasa; KAZANKOV, A.A., kapitan 1 rangs. red.; KONOVALOVA. Ye.K., [Practical seamanship) Morskaia praktiks. Pt.2.[Shi-p hanaung] Upravlenie manevrami korablia. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo X-ya obor.SSSR. 1958. 287 p. 11 (MIRA 12-4) (19avigation) KOVANOV, Vladimir Vasil 'yevich;prof.jBOMJ4Sft,'YuIiy Make imo*ich, dots. j BOGUSWVSKOA, ,-'GEYMAN,D.V.pkand.'med.nauk; ZUBRILOVA,A V.,ka med.nauk; LEMOV,S.T.,kand.nednauk; NXIOLAILItED.-,doto.fda"ased];:VAVIlA)V,G.S., [Practical manual on topographical anatomy] Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po topograficheekoi anatomii; d1in studentov i vrachei. Moskva, Izd-vo "Meditsina," 1964. 388 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Prepodavateli kafedry operativnoy khirurgii i topografi- cheskoy anatomii Pei-vogo, Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova (for Boguslavskaya, Geyman, Zubrilova, Leonov)- 2. DoystvitelInyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Kovanov). "ProJection of the Perlcardlw.-~." Thesis for degren of Cand. Medical -Sci. Sub 26 &n 50, ?.Iloscow Medical Inst. ~Unistry of Health RSF3R Summary 71, 4 SeP 52. Dissertationg Presented for Degrees in.Science and Engineering in 1,10,.~cow in 1950. From Vechernvaya Moskya, jan-Dec 1950 tek`.r. NC"' " 12' D%3(11." S. kard. Yli.111. , inzh.; "rinin-al'i uchastiye: DIIII, V. I,. k a nd . e k:. n . rz --i kNA 5 . i n z i, . ; Irl li f ~L f ~' 2 Y I IV .V. K".A 'i LCj Y vAr. k ,,t.,tj-:jhiy mekhanik; DEVICHTT"sKly, Y11.7., '-'tarf-'h 'Y labor-ant; GOP I)LI-JI111L, A. 13. , inzh. ; VGHCE, YiVA , , starshiy tekhni-k (Transportation of f-cuds subject to freezing; problem In the theory of freezing and t,-;e mechanization of loosenIng operations.] Perevozki smerzaiushchiksia p-T-uzov; voprooy toorii smerzaniia i -ekjLInizaILsii rykhleniia. 11.1(~3rva, 'Irar-sport, 191.4, 132 iu. (MO.Icow. VtI(.:IoiuzrIyi institut 2.,.c_'.aznodorazhnoEo transpurttL. Trudy, no.273). (I.IIPA 17:9) 85616 S/05o/6o/ooo/oll/004/005 9-h6 (3 -xo/ lo 9 1116 B012/BO63 AUTHORS: Soskin, 1. M., Vavilov, I. A., Rossiyakiy, B. M. TITLE: Experience Gathered With the Use of the Radionavigation System "Koordinator" for the Observation of Currents PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1960, No. 11, PP. 35-36 TEXT: In 1959 a series of experiments were made in the Baltic Sea for the purpose of determining the velocity and direction of marine currents by the use of the radionavigation system "Koordinator". This system is designed for the location of vessels. It is a follow-up system with continuous counting. A sonde-type receiver and a recording counter are mounted on the ship, while the control station and the reflecting station are installed on the shore. These experiments were performed on the test ship "Okeanograf". The drifting system (a cross and a float with a ranging rod) was located in certain intervals with the help of the above-mentioned radionavigation system. The trajectory of the drifting system determined in this way was used to calculate the elements of the Card 1/2 85616 Experience Gathered With the Use of the S/050/60/000/011/004/005 Radionavigation System "Koordinator" for the B012/BO63 Observation of Currents current, and the current was simultaneously observed from an anchored ship. The elements of the current were thus obtained by two methods the results of which were found to be satisfactory. These observations are described in detail. The system "Koordinator" is recommended for use in deep-sea research. There is I figure. Card 2/2 USSKI / General and Specialized Zoology. Insects P Peat Insects and Ticks. Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 17, 1958, No 78308 Author VaYjj.Qxj 111st -r Knot given Title Winter Yeasures in the Control of Pents and Diseases in Orchards. Orig Pub Vinogradarstvo I sedovodstvo Krym---, 10:--7, 23-26 27 Abstract No abctract given. Card 1/1 USSR/General arii' Spucial Z~,,Aogy. 'lns(,,cts. Insuct p I aw'. Mdto lo,ts. Fruit -an'. Barry Cr--p lests. A-bs Jour : Ref Zhur-Bijl., ~lo 20, 1958~ 92196 Author : Vavilov I. F. Inst : Crimet tural Institute. T:Ltl.t-, : Distribution -,d' Friiitgr,,winp, 1'ests within tho Cri...i(.,a Oblas", OriL 'L'ub : Tr. Kr,y.,,sk. JOE5r7 4, 169-182 'o Abstract : This stni'y 1~czcrlbcs tho, rostilts of z,-);I,-a r surveys con"Ucte" in. MOLY-Jullo 1947-1954 in Ul Crimean rayons ri:~srect to the varlcti~.s an' ,,.goo of fruit plantinps, the system --.f for tiho jrcharOs, an~`. particularly respect to protective muasuror. agaim,t -)(.,sts ;in' OiLcaso.-, harmfiLl Car(' 1/3 24 USSR/G;aw.,ral an, S,,-,cial ZuAor;y. Ins(_cts. Insect P an' Mitc; Posts. Frut' &!a!' Berry Crc):i -'ests. Abs Jow % Rof 2,hur-BLA,, 209 19562 92196 insect fauna of the orchares an-,.' the trees which surrounOoC. thom4 On th~_ basis of !if- for,-,ncos in tho natural conOitions of inrU- vidual Crimoan rayons an,~ the state of fruit,~- groving in thum, the author (UvVes thl~- Cri- mean *,,uninsula into ent(; mop, ougraphic al ZL)n(-',': stCPj)GS2 f-out hills, mountainoous, K~.,rchQn, Tarldaankut9 an,' southern coastal. Th,_~, charac- toristics ,f thu natural history for Qach zonc, are given, as well as the state u_f fruit- grciviing, the cjmposition of harmful insoct groups, their Cistribution an,,' economic sig- nificance. The stu,'.y of thu goographical ,listribution of fruit posts furnishes a foun0ation fr.~r cruatiri,v, a system of insect arc! V3 I VAVILOV, L.; IGWIYIW, V-; CHUMAKOV, I-; USHAKOVI "' Useful undertaking. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 no. 8:60 Ag 16o. (14DU 13:12) (Plant quarantine) -.-VAVILOV, L.; USHAKOV, L.; DERKACH, A.; AKOL'ZIN, L.; YUTSOV, L., agronom; YEVMENENKO, L. Successes of chemicalization. Zaahch rast. ot vred. i bol, 10 no.1:4-8 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Nachallnlk Primorskoy stantali zaahchity rasteniy, Viadivostok kfor Vavilov). 2. Nachallnik Brestakay stantsii zaahchity rasteniy (for Ushakov). 3. Glavnyy agronom Brestskoy stantBil zaBhchlty rasteniy (for Derkach). 4. liachallnik Pskovskoy stantsli zaahchity rasteniy (for Akoltzin). 5. Mogllevskiy otryad po zashchite rastenly (for Yutsov). 6. Nachallnik Gomellskoy stantaii zashchity rasteniy (for Yevmenenko). I VAVILOV, L.; KUMETSMA, Ye. Forecasters' seminar. Zaahch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.12: 52 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Nachallnik Primorskoy stantaii zashchity rasteniy (for Vavilov). VAVILOVp L.N., starshily agronom-Inapektor ..~_ Quarantine station in VlaAdivostck Harbor. Zashch.rast.ot vred. (MMA 1611) i bol. 5 no.7t45 J'l t6O. (Vladivostok--Plant quarantine) ONISIMOVA, Z.G,, starehiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; VAVIIDV,, L.N. The meadow moth Cirphis unipuncta Naw.i a scourge of grain crops in the Far East. Zashch.rast.ot vred.i bol. 5 no.3223-25 Mr 160. (KIRA 161l) 1. DallneVOBtochnyy filial Sibirskogo otdelenlya AN SSSR (for Onisimova). 2. Starshiy inspektor Primorskoy krayevoy inspektaii po karqqtinu rasteniy (for ftvilov). (Soviet Far East--Grain-Disoaaes and pests) (Soviet Par East-,Moths-Extermination) VAVIIDV, M. 'J'hey went a long way. Prof.-tekh. obr. 22 no.10:19 0 165. (MIRA 18:10) VAVILOV) M.N. Bicetrat-Igraph of the Olen-P-1, s-.age of the western Verkhcywnsk Ran-ges . 7 'lest.1,GU 20 no.L2117-27 165- OviRA 1316) VAVILOV, Mikhail Aleksandrovich,- BARANOV, A.Ya., red.; BODANOVA, --- - - A.P.J, takhh. red. (Manual for the dwnp truck driver] Pamiatka shoferu avtomo- bilia-samosvala. Izd.2., ispr. Moskva, Avtotransizdat 1963. 58 P. (MIRA 16:8~ (Pump trucks) KOSTRYKIN, Mikhail Ioaifovich; LUKASHIN, Tilhon Aleksoyevich, MAKIY~XKO, N.I., Inzh., retsenzent; BOLOTIV, A.I., inzh., retsenzent; KITAYEV, V.Ye., inzh., retsenzent; KADOBNOV, V.F., inzh., retsenzent; LORZOV, K.V., inzh., retsenzent; ORLOV, III.P., inzh.p otv. red.; KhASN'LANSHY, Ye.A., inzh., red.; SILINA. L.A.., red.izd-va; SADITOV, A., tekhn. red. [Metal work shop and electric equipment installation opera- tions] Slesarnoe I elektromontazhnoe delo. Moskva, 6osgor- tekhizdat) 1963. 182 p. (MIRA 17:1) (Electric wiring) (Metalwork) VATILOV, M-N- stratiira~gy of the Lower Triassic in the western part of the verkhoyansk Range. Vest. LGU 19 no.20140-143 161, (MIRA ).8z1) AZARENKOp B,8., kand. tekhn. nauk; AFAVASIYEV, V.D.p knnd. teldin. nauk; BIWMI, H.Ya., inzh,,- VAVIIM 14.P,, inzh.; VE1011Y, A.D., inzli.; IN, kE~~ I GOLUBROV, K.A.; GUBK , ai;~eGIV[deceAsed); (72TVIG]" AJe.p inzh.; DAVYDOV, V.I., kand. tekhn. rauk; DROZD, V.G., inzh.; YEW.OLAYEV, N.F.., inzh.;-ZHUKEVICH-STOSRA, Ye.A., inzh.; KIRILIE, N.M., kand, tekhn. nauk; ~OVYUV, M.V., inzh.; KOGOS, A.M., inzh.; KOROLEV, A.A., prof.; KUGAYENKO, 14.Ye... lnzb.; LASKIN, A.V. inz LEVITANSKIY, B.A., inzh.; LUGOVSKIY, V.M., inzh.; 1EY1ROVIC11, I.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; OVCIWtOV, M.S., inzh.; PASTEHNAK, V.I., inzh.; PERLINp I.L., doktor tekhn. nauk; PODEDIN, I.S., kand. tekhn, nauk; ROKOTYAN, Ye.S., doktor tekhn. nauk; SAFIYAN, M.M.., kand. tekhn. nauk; 514IRNOV, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; SMI?JTOV, V.S.; SOKOLCOVSK.TY, O.P.., inzh.; SOLOVIYEV, O.P., inzh.; nIDORKEVICH, M.A., inzh.; TRETIYAKOV, Ye.M., inzh.; TRISWSKIY, I.S., kand. tekhn. nauk.; KHENKIN, G.N.., inzh.; TSELIKOV, A.I.; GOROBINCIENKO, V.M., red. izd-va; GOLTJBCHIK, A.M., red. izd-va; RYEW, V.A., red. izd-va; DOBUZHINSKAYA, L.V., tekhn. red. (Rolling; a handbook] Prokatnoe proizvodstvo; spravochnik. Pod red. E.S.Rokotiana. 14oskvo.. Metallurgizdat, Vol.l. 1962. 743 p. (RIRA 5:4) 1. Akademiya nauk BSSR (for Gubkin). 2. Chlen--korresponient Akademii nauk SSSR (for Smirnov, TSelikov). (Rolling (Metalwor) )-Handbooks. manuals, etc.) -7,L 1054. 175 P. Diac-rs. Tables. nLiterat.ira MM 741 M n; va cal "An"Ient) VAVILCIV.1M TATIL RYBAL'CHMMO, A.M., inzhaner, retsanzent; BURITANOT, V.P., ~O-in'Z'6ner, redaktor. [Lubrication of metallurgical plant equipment] Smaska metallurgi- cheskogo oborudovanila. Moskva. Gas. nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo, mashino- strolt. i sudoetrolt. lit-ry. 1954. 175 p. (MLRA 7:7) (Lubrication and lubricants) (Metal induntries) 0. 9M PUFF, W, 4, OEM, V 'R \/A V RALZ 1 j;j-,r;4 KUWITA-M.11 X-1 5 Rokoty", Yo. S., Doctor or Tochnical :;clencoa, ed. Prokatnoyo proizvods,vo; opravochnik (RollIna Industry; Hen,lbook) T. 1. tbecow, )4otallurgizdat, :~962. 74) p. Errata slip insorted. 9250 copies printed. Authors of this volumi; B. S. k,,.ronko, C"didnta or Tnchnical Scirncen; V. D. Afnnnalyov, Ganefld4to of To,,imical ~~Icnco:j; M. In. Fr..-Ine;or; M. P. Vavilov, Enrinoor; A. P. Vornik, K. A. Go1uUrw, S. 71. Gubk1n, Academician, Acndryny of !;ci,ticoa A. In. Gurovirh, Fn,,?1rn,)r; V. 1. Davydov, Candidate of Tochniccl V. G. Drozd, &,v:1r-1rr; N. F. Yormolayov, Engineer; Ye. A. Zh,il:,:vIch-~tri~hn, Enginoor; 11, M. Mrilln, Candidate of Technical Sclcnceo; M. V. Xcivynov, E:-,~Jnrpr; A. 11. Kcgoi, Ln,'~n~,or; A. A. Korolev, Profennor; 14. Yo. Kli~-.nymko, i:n,-,Inrj,)r; A. V. Laol-,In, F.-,inear; B. A. Lovltan3kijr, Engineer; V. 14. DugtwDlkoy, Tnginnor; 1, M. E,-yorovich, Candidato of TachnIcal. Scloricoa; 11. S. Ovchrmv, V. 1. Pnoternak, Lnglnacr; 1. L. Perlin, Doctor of Technical Ociocc(-,i; 1. S. Pobcdin, CarvIldato of Tfj~tmlcal Sciences; Yo, S. Rokotyan, Doctor of Tocluilcal Sciancos; M. if. Saf'.7nn, Candi- "to of Technical Sciences; V. V. S:U'rnov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; V. S. Smirnov, Corresponding Fember, Academy of Sciences USSR; 0. P. Sokolovokiy, Card IM Rolling Induatry; SOY/ YJ 9- 5 Engineer; 0. P. Solov'yov, Engineer; M. A. Sidorkovich, Englnenr; Ye. M. Trntl7akov, Engineer; 1. S. Trishe3vokly, Cnndidato of Technical Sciences; G. N. Khank1n, Enrinoor; and A. 1. Tnalikov, CorroapondInp Member, Academy of Sciences USSR. Introductiont A. 1. Tvalikov, Corrosponding Moiabor, Acaderv, of Sciences U3~;H; Yo. S.r,:1okotyun, Doctor of Technical Scionceal and L. S. Al'ahoynkly, Can- didato or ToAnical scioncen. Eds. of Publishing Housat V. 14. GorobInchinko, 11. H. Golubchlk, and V. A. Rymay; Tbeh. Ed.t L. V. Dobuzhinakaya. PURPOSM This handbook In intended for technical poraonnel of metallurgical and mAchine-building plants, aciontifio research inotituton, and planning and do- sign organizations. It may also be unuful to studenta at schooln of higher education. COV9RAGEt. The fundamentals of plantio deformation of motals are diacuead afr;np., with the theory of rolling and drnwing. Ifinthoda of determining the power con- sumption-and the foroad inFrolli6i with plane surface or grooved rollo,,Vo Card Rolling Industry; Handbook SOV/5985 3. Flying shears Z70 4. Hot aaws 275 5. Straighteners Z76 6. Coilers and uncoilers 285 7. Transfer tables 291 8. Manipulators and turning mechanisms 295 9. Ingot buggies, guards, pushers, and fingers 302 10. Coolers and transfers 307 Ch. 14. Assembly of Rolling Equipment (G. N. Khankin) [Abridged) L3111 Ch. 15. Lubrication and Lubricating Equipment (M. P. Vavilov) 1. Liquid lubricants and greases~ various metlio-cii-c~k-t-hefir application 333 2. Lubricating materials 348 3. Contamination of lubrication materials in use and methods of reclaiming them 351 4. Lubrication systems with circulationand their equipment 352 Card 11/19 \IRVILOv, N. VYMNETIV, N.; VAVIIDV, N. The radiom-phonograph I .Daugava". Radio no.1:49-51 Ja '55. (Radio) (Phonograph) (MMA 8: 3) V fi V i L 0, 'V', r',j , VIMNEYNV. N.; VAVIL40V, N. -w-6OWAO""WW4 Tha radio-phonograph mDaugava". Radio no.1:49-51 Ja 155. (Radio) (Phonograph) (KM 8:3) USSR/ Biectrenics - Radio-phonorra-h Card 1/1 Pub. - 21/27 Authors j Vedeneyev, IT., and Vavilov,..N.., Title i 'Daugave" radio-phonograrh Feriodleal i Radio 1, 49-51, JTan 1955 Abstraot I The speciflc&tions are presented for a combination radio re- ceiver end phonol7aph called the "Daugava", manufactured by the A. -S. Popov factory in Riga. The sensitivity of the re- ceiver is not less than 20 db. The bonds covered by the apparatua are 723-2000 m, for long waves, 187-5-576.9 m for medium4ength waves and 24-7-31.7 m for short waves. The phonograrb part will use either the regular records or the long-playine ones. Full technical details are given for the construction of the apparatus. Illustration, schematic diagram. Institution : .......... Submitted t .......... VAVILOV, N. - Achievements of innovators. KO 3 no.12:44. b 'a. (PaRk 15:1: Zameatitull prodsedatelya Leningradskogo oblastnogo pravloniya nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva radiotekhniki i elektresvyazi imeni Popove. (Technological innovations) VAVILOV, H. People's university of radio elect=-nicz. Radi w.6:32 Je 1-U. (KMA 1,4:10) 1, Zamestitell predBedatelya leningradskogo pravleniya Nauchm-tekhaichookogo obshchestva radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi im. A.S.Popova. (Electronics-Study and teaching) 9(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1871 Vavilov, Nikolay Fedorovich Elektronnyyo lampy (Electron Tubes) Moscowp Voyen. izd-vo X-va obor. SSSR, 1958. 92 p. (Series: Radiolokatsionnaya tekhnika) No. of copies printed not given. Ed.: V. T. Vladimirov, Engineer, Coloneli Tech. Ed.: 0. F. Sokolova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for officers who use radio c o rn m u n i c a I" !,.j t , s e,.--- ,. ~! j-).,r,J- i it and for the general reader. COVERAGE: This book of the popular radar series presonts electron- tube fundamentals7including construction, principle of operation, physical properties, characteristics, and parameters. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Card 1/3 3 Electron Tubes sov/1871 Ch. I. General Information on Electron Tubes 7 1. Make-up and principle of operation of electron tubea 7 2. Cathodes and anodes of electron tubes 13 3. Classification and designation of electron tubes 19 Ch. II. Physical Properties, Characteristics, and Parameters of Electron Tubes 22 1. Vacuum diodes 22 2. Vacuum triodes 32 3. Vacuum tetrodes and pentodes. BeM tetrodes 46 4, Multigrid and multiple-uz%lt tubes 58 Ch. III. Structure and Performance of Modern Electron Tubes 64 1. Structure and quantitative characteristics of rectifier tubes 64 2. Structure and quantitative characteristics of receiver-amplifier tubes 67 3. Structure and quantitative characteristics of oscillation tubes 70 4. Pulse vacuum tubes 72 Characteristics of UHF electron tubes 5 9.. Electron-tube operation Card 2/3 Electron Tubes SOV/1871 Appendices: 1. Name classification of electron tubes 89 2. Table for the corresponding old and new names of electron tubes 92 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress TM/dfh 7-22-59 Card 3/3 VIVILOV, Nikolay Fadorovich;,,VLADIMIROV. V.T., Inzh.-polkovnik, red.: SOKOLTI), G.F., tek? [Electron tubes] Ilektronnys lampy. Moskva, Toen. izd-TO K-vs obor. SSSR, 1958. 92 P. (MIRA 1212) (Electron tubes) VAVILOV,.. N.F. DUGIN, A.I., VAVILOV N.F. "Manual for laboratory Work for the Course 'Electronic and Ionic Devices' 11 (Rukovodstvo k laboratornym rabotam po kursu "Elektronnyye i ionnyye probory"). Izd Voyenno-vozdushnoy akademii im Zhukovskogo (Publishing House of the Military Air Academy imeni Zhukovskiy, 80 00., 1947. TAVILOV, Hikojgy.,,PR#riXeyiq4; SKORUBSKAYA, I.N.. redaktor; KIRSANOVA, H.A., - ... 11 --'. Wchnicheskiy redaktor [Our experience in hardening steel] Hash opyt zakalki stali. [Moskva] Izd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat. 1956. 62 p. (MLRA 9-12) 1. Brigadir termichaskoy brigady instrumentalinogo teekha savoda sellkhozmashin imeni Ukhtomakogo. (for Vavilov) (Steel--Har-dening) VAVILOV, N.G., inzh. Extracting gravel with a hydraulic classifier. Transp. stroi. 12 no.8:35 Ag 62. (MIRA 15:9) ~Gravel) (Separators (Machines)) VAVILOV, Nikolay Ivanovich (1887-1943); KALESNIK, S.V., red.; DAVITAYA, F.F., YeJi., doktor biol. nauk, red., STANKOV, S.S., doktor biol. nauk [deceased]; IVAXr.V, I.R,, dnktrr sell- Woz. nauk, red,; PERVAKOV, I.L., red.,- ZIRJRAVLEVA, G.P., mlid. red.; MATVEYEVA, G,Ye., mlad. red.; ARDANOVA, N,P,, tekhn. red. [Five continents]Piatt kontinentov. Moskva, Geografgiz, 1962. 253 p. RA 16-.2) Kalesnivi * 2. Dey- 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademil nauk SSSR (for stvitellnyy chlen Akademil nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Davitaya). (Voyages and travels) (Phytogeography) VAV1LOV, Nikolay Ivanovich, akademik; YAKUMINDI,, M.M., doktor sellkhoz. nauk, otv. red. toma; LITIN, T.K., doktor sellkhoz.nauk, oty. red. toma; YAKOVLEVA, V.M., red.1zd- va; BOCHEVER, V.T., tekhn. red. (World resources of cereal, pulse crop, and flax varieties and their use in breeding] Mirovye resursy sortov khlebnykh zlakov,,zernovykh bobovykh, l'na i ikh ispolIzovanie v se- lektsii.'-.Iigokva, Izd-vo "Nauka." Vol.2. (Wheat] Pshenitsa. 1964. 122 OAIRA 17:4) VAV!LOV' 1;. 1. /To what extent can Mpndel's laws be universally applied to :?ei~regaticn in bybridse Genetika no.1:13-10, 165. Critical. review of the pregent -tate of genctir theox-j of plant and animal breeding. Ibid.-20-40 (1,!TRA lFtIO) :WQ V- "ARY, n-R -A VAVILOV, N.I. Laws governing the natural immunity of plants to infectious diseases. Izv..All SSSR. Ser. biol. 26 no.1:117-157 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:3) (PLANTS-DISEASE AND PEST RESISTAEGE) VAVILOVP pt-of,f alcid3mik I -IL Ccian-a and te-clincl.09js I nos" 443-449 -,~# ~ ~ r- k!" ~ Wild fruit resources c*.f ropcjtdags lbldst.',50-451 (~CIRA l8slO) IIAVILOV, N. I. BYKOV, N.V., inzhener; VAVIWV, N.I.. in2hener. Using suspended steel scaffolds for concreting bridge span structures. Avt.dor. 20 no.3:19-20 Mr '57. (MLRA 10:5) (Bridges, Concrete) (Scaffolding) VAVILOV, Rikolay Ivanovich, akademik; SUKAMIEV, V.U., akademik,, glav.-f6d zam. glav. red.[deceased]; ZIPROVSKii, zam, glav. red.; BARULINA-VAIVILOVA, Ye.l., red. [deceased); BAKIME-YEV, F.Kh., otv. red. tona; SIIISKAYA, Ye.K., otv. red. toma; IPATIYEV, A.11., red.; RODIII, L.Ye., red.; YAKGVLUVA, V.M., red. izd-va; GALIGANOVA) L.11*9 tekhn. red. [Selected works in five volumes] Izbrannye trudy v piati tomakh. Moskva.. Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Vol-3. [Problems of the geograpby, pbylogerg, and breeding of wheat and rue. Plant resources and problems of the classification of cultivated plants]Problemy geogr&fii, filogenii i selektsii pshenitsy i rzhi. RastitelInye resursy i voprosy sistematiki kullturriykh rastenii. 1962. 531 p. (IIIIU 15:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akadenii nauk SSSR (for Baranov). 2. Deystvitel'W chlen Vsesoyuznoy akademii sellsko- khozya-yetvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for Zhukovskiy). (Wheat) (Rye) -VA-V49y,_Nikojuy_jvanov'ich, akademik; BAKHTEYIIN, F.Kh., otv. red. tomaj LIPSHITS, S.Yu., ot-i. red. toma (Selected works in five volurres) Izbraimye trudy v piati. tomakh. Moskva, Nauka, Vol-5. 1965. '186 p. (IMIRA 18:11) CHE.RIIYSH&V,, A.M.; GESS, B.A.; KANAVETS, R.L.; MELENTIYEV, P.N.; MiODAK, L.Z.;.SOKOLOV, G.A.; BORISGV, Yu.I.; CHERINKH, V.I.; Prinimali uchAgtiy*e-. VAVILOV N.S., MAKARCMIKO, V.G.; Kisgizv) G.P.; V - I - - - , OtftMA, 0. F. I 11. tatiing granules made by the method of ohemical catalycis I .kn a laborat6r-y-shaft furnace. Tr-~dy IGI 22:70-78 163. (MIRA 16'-11) GLINKOV, M.A.; VAVILOV, NeS. Instruments for investigating the thermal operation of metallurgical furnaces. Zav.lab.21 no.10:1203-1207 155. wai 9: 1) 1.9ookovokly institut *tali imeni Stalin&. (Thermometers) (Metallurgical furnace@) BOmO Vater cal=-Imster type of beat flow motors are critically ccnoidered,, with special reference to tkwir use in steel-maldng furnaces. Details are given of Instruments developed by the Moscov Steel Institute,