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Milorad, vanredni profesor Univerziteta (Beograd, Lole Rh;a-i~a-Z4-T--- I'llegotinska Krajina and KIjuc" by Milisav Lutovac. Reviewed by M. Vasovic. Glas Srp geogr dr 43 no. 2:181 163. "Ivangradaka (Beranska) Kotlina" by Milisav Lutovac. Reviewed by M.Vasovic. IbId.:182 1. Responsible Editor and Member of the Board of Editors., "Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva". V",,';r)V!(:, M.; ('11PIC, jovan V. neo.arauhic chronicle. Glas Srp geogr dr 43 no. 2:Y7,1-IF~ VASOVIC, Natalija., inz,; MITROM, Nikola,, inz, News in tha field of radioisotopes and radiation. Tahnika Jug.-Supple: Radioizotopi zrac 2 m.2-.236-239 Fe 163. 0- t&9R/Chazintry ----Systil~'-K-nary Sep 45 Chemistry - Inorganic COMPOundS "Binary Systems composed of the Halides of Sili- con, Titanluap Tin, Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth With Various Organic Compounds," N' A. Pashin, Collaborators: N. 'Vasovich, 1. Velitek-la, T. Toro novoy, L. Marichem, L. Mikhaylovich, L. I FAMP rl k#W Ubovich P41 le W. , -pqkq, Ye I RP *Vzur Obahch -Zhimii" Vol XMI, No 9 U*estigates kiisibliit~ Eia -7t ,gs h~,s oi i6 1hi&- u7stems. Shows that arsen chloride witK aniline and 1,3.4-3:ylidine gives high-malting ccupounds of composition AsC13-3C6UM* and AsCl3.3(CH3)2C6H3-NH2- Stannic tet~achlorl&e vith o-nitranisole forms a ocmpound of equimolea- ular- composition, SnCl4.6-C6R4(NO2)-O-CH3- The 30/49T5 henistry - Systems, Binary (Cont,d)'- S4048 rawLining systems, except arsenic tribrcmide-azoban- zww,, are mechanical mixtures in the crystalline auto. A seconc~Aub&lfi-cittiozi-,6fbiA*itb~A3~ibraidde 6XIsts with transition temperature of 1510. Sulmit- to& 33 Jun 47- 30A9T.5 VASC)VOVA, A. A grometeorological station at a machine-traet,)r Itation. Tr. frun th(! RussiAn. D. 155. (Mechanisa"ce Zemedelstvi, Vol. 7, No. ',', Apr. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East Euronean Accessions (EFAQ Lr,, Vol. 6, No. 8. Aug 1957. LTncl- GDR / Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydroohemintry. D Abe Jour Roferate Zhur--Khimiya, No. 11, 19592 38196 Author Amosov, G. A.; and Inst Not given Title On the Methods Used for the Determination of the Temperature in Petroleum Deposits. OrIF, Pub Z angew Geol, A. No. 9, 410-413 (1958) (in German) Abstrttct See R7.Mim, 1958, 7460. Card 1/1 75 ABBADIF,,, Jean (Franta); BOMURE, Andre (Franta); LUANDE, H.M.; VASQUEZO Marcos Struggle of the workers in the capitalist countriesp opinions of sow overseas visitors in Rumania. Hanca, sindic 7 no.6:55-58 je *639 1. Membru al biroului Foderatiei sindicatelor din posts afiliata la Confederatia Generale a Muncii (for Abbadle~- 2, Secretar al Uniunii sindioatelor Force Ouvriere din regiunea parisiana (for Bonnaure), 2, Presedints al, Congreaului sindicatelor din Uganda (for Luande), 4. Presid~Lnte al, Comitetului sindicatelor din provincia Valparaio6-Chile (for Vasquez). YASS, Andor (Pecs, Szekely Bertalan u.20) One more remark about coil assembly. 1--adiotechnika 1j. no. 3: 95 Mr 164, VASS, Andor (Peas) __ , ; 11~-" .7 - ~- - - -.- ,. Aluminum sheets, tools and instruments. Radiotechnika 14 no. 6:227 Je 164. Onal) 2~crln,,, t"17 I" -tu r4ta: -""t ("Oratorul Vctcri,,, "Ir3t ta CO:'cor 9-j~tl f"Ital -40 7, ~Uj and - nInc tho ;il Co-atat'nor: 4acord Int.-ador:.,Ic )1040t.,0, jr c bar" , 1r V*~crlndrj,..,, POPPER, A., dr. ..;'. VkSS11 Al.) d~-. ; I., dr. Fatal reaction F-fter sulfob-rcmophthaleir. Med. intern. (Bucur.) 17 no.4:477-479 Ap f6c. 1. Lucrare efectuat-a in Spitalul nr. 1, Oradea, Sectia de boll interne. VASS, Balazs %webm"Wowu- Running in and control Of piston aircraft engines on a test bench. Jarmu mezo gep 7 no.4sl53-157 160. .yMSj Balaza FUG1 charging and regulating dovicas of aircraft engines. Jarmu m6zo gep 7 no.7:26G-264 f60. VASS, Balazo Structural design and repair of aircraft engite pistmz. Jarmu mazo gap 8 no.4:12~-13-0 Ap 161. J 1e Magyar legikozlekedesi Vallalat motortachnologus mer*oke, VASS, - VASS, Balazs Caravelle aircrafts. Jarmu mezo gep 1-1 no.6:233 Je 164. VASS, Bela The cave of the Vizfo Spring. Pecsi musz szeml 6 no.2;8-12 Ap-Je 161. VASS j, Bela Technical problems of siphon break-through. Fecsi musz szeml 8 no,WO-22 AP-Je 163, 1, Baranya megyei Tanacs'Vegrehajto Bizottsaga epitesi oaztalya. BUZI, Endre; SERE-S, Peter; VASS, Bela Graphic dosign of transistor inverters. Ifir techn 14 no.4: 121-P6 ..;-- '63. 1. Beloiannisz Hiradastachnikai Gyar. VASS, %la, fomerno3c ~ I I. --.- -- ~ Caves in the western part of the Ylecsek Mountains. Term tud kozl 8 no,1:16-19 Jat64, 1. Baranya megyei Tanacs Epitesi Oszta:Lyal Pacs. ISACESCU, Dimitria A.; GAVA,r, Ion; .13TOICFI)CII, Galin; VA33, Cecilia; FETRUS, Ileana Studies in the Nrfural field. Pt.26. Studii cerc chim 14 no.3:197-209 Mr 165. 1. Physical Chemistry Research Center, Rumanian Academy, 18 Dumbrava Rosie St., Bucharest. Submitted June 23, 1964. CZE)C1K)S-WVAY,IA CECHOVIC) V; GABCO, R; VASS, D. ALI thd Geological Institute D. Stura (Geologicky ustav D. Stura), Bratislava (for all) Prague, Casopis ~ro mineralogii a geologil, no 4, 1963, pp * 353-35b "Geological Relationships of the Region of Mount/ain Stratum in Handlova and their Influence on the Vowvtt Formation of the Stratum." Z7;" "'OST10,71IL'. -I A VASS, 3); GADC09 III. ~.'reolo;,,ical Institute D. Btizra ('Geolo,~;icl:y u-tav D. Stura), Bratislava (for both) Pra-ue, Ca-po-pis nlincralo,~:ii a grcolo~;ii, '.o 3, 1364, pi) 337-339 "I (lentif i cation of the lria--sic Quart--iteri near Zililava in the Lucenec Di--trict.11 VASS, Denes -1 ~ - Application of prefabricated structures in the constmu tion of ths Barcs sawmill. Faip&x 12 no,6:182-.183 Je 262, VASS, Denes, okleveles epiteszmrnok Technology wid architeature, Faipar 12 no.9:253-254 S 162. 1, F.RDDMV, VASS, Denes, tervezomerrok Dosigning wood bidustry hillding/a. Ex-do 12 zio.12,5460--550 D163. 1. Erdogazdasagi es Fulparl Terveno Iroda, Dadapest. VASS, DeneaA,,Wdeveles epiteBzmernok - 1- ArckitAetura aspects of the establishmat of chip board mamifacturing and surface-treating p1hnts. Faipar 13 no.2: 57-60 F f63. 1, ERDOMV. r P ar"! 'Ir L. A ,Y~SS,,._Dio.nyz; GABCO, Rudolf Contribution to the identification of Triassic quartizites near Zihlava, Lucenec District. Cas min !o1 9 no.3:337-340 164. ge I 1. Dionyz Stur Geological Institute, Brnti-lwa. ARADI, Jozsafne; ENTZ, Balane, dr.; LUKACSOVICS, Ferenc; RATZ, Erzsebet; VASS, Elemerne, dr, "Annales Inatituti Biologici(Tihany)Hungaricae Academiae 27t255-289 Scientiarum"; Index generalis. 160. Annalas biol Tlhan) HUNGARY GOMENYI, Oszkar, Dr, KII-S-S, Ilona, Dr, 1ASS Elap z..,State Childrpn's Sanatorium (director: SEB~r,, Terez, 5r, scientific director: rjC?-j',Fr1'1Y11, Oszkar, Dr) (Allami Gyermekszanatorium), Szabadsaghegy. "Treatment of the Adult Type of Pulmonary Tuberculosis During Adolescence With Special Fznphasis on Pneumothorax Therapy." Budapost, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 108, No 11, 12 Mar 67, pages 487-489. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] In response to a three-fold inhibitor therapy, complete healing was achieved in 80-86 per cent of the adole5cents with recent infections. In the remaining 14-20 p--r cent of the cases, pneumo- thorax therapy was attempted. Resection was decided upon only after other surgical therapies -had failed to give satisfactory results. The pneumo- thorax was usually maintained for 12-18 months. It was, of course, greatly dependent on the condition of the pneumothorax. The "more dry" and free of complication was the pneumothorax, the longer could it be maintained. Sec- tional roentgenograms taken in the sapittal and lateral directions wpre used at three-month intervals during the pneumothorax treatmentto check the disappearance of the cavern; out of 49 cases, it disappeared within 3 months in 25 cases (51 per cent) and within 6 months in 9 cases. Thoraco- scopy was performed in every case to check for the presence of adhesions, 4-8 weeks after the pneumothorax was initiated. A complete pneumothorax could be achieved by means of cauterization in 39 out of 49 cases. If the HAWZ, Stefania, Dr.; KOKIM, Ianslo, Dr.; VASS, Ztelka. Dr. PolionVelitis vaccination of children in primary tuberculosis. Orv. hetil. 99 no.20:672-674 18 may 58. 1. A Szabadnaghegyi Allami Gyermekazanatorium (igazgato: Szeder- kerqi Janos dr., tudomanyoe igaxgato: Gorgenyi-Gottahe Oozkar dr. az orvostudomanyok doktora) kozlemenys. (POLIOMTBLITIS, prev. & control vacc. of child. in primary pulm. tuberc. (Run)) (TUBM)GUIMIS, PUIXOMRT, in inf. & child polioqrelitiB vacc. of child. in primary tuberc. (Hun)) HALASZ, Stefania, dr.; KOHLOS) Laszlo, dr.-,,-VASS, Etelka, dr. Data on drug therap.,,r of primarl tuberculosis. Gyermekgyogyaszat 12 no.9:278o-285 S 161. 1. Szabadsagbegyi Allami OyF)rmek Szanatorium (Tudomanyos igazgato: Gorgenyi Oszkar dr. az orvostudomanyok doktora, mb. igazgato: Hoffmann Ida dr. foorvos) kozlemanye. (ANTITUBEWULAR AGENTS ther) VASS., G.; TMU, R.; KATKADSKI, K. (translator] Practical method of determining the most important quality properties of knitted goods. Przegl vlokien 16 n0.7/8:406-411 J1-Ag 62. 1. Instytut Badawczy Wlokiennietwa, Budapest (for Vass and Teri). VASS, Gabor; Tt'--I, Rndo2ir c fiber blends on the formation of I influence of syntheti Ijagy textil 15 no.8;333-337-V the qualitY Of knit goods. Pt.2. 4: Ag 163. 1. Textilipari Kutatointezet. VASS, Gabor I -. Betwean-season coal. saterials prepared -0-y knitting *AchmoLoU. Magy textil 16 no.l2j562-565 D 164,. 1. Resea--..~h In3tizuLe of Text.lle lnillstry, Biidapes-z.. HUNGARY TOTH Bela, Dr., Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, MOLNAR, Imre, Dr., and I, Q Phylaxia State Institute for Serum Production (Phylaxia Allami Oltoanyagtermelo Intezet)(Director: MOLNAR, Jozsef, Dr.), and Hun- garian Enterprise for Cooperative Game Merchandising 'MAVAD' (MAVAD Magyar Vadkereskedelmi Szovetkezeti Vallalat)(Director: GABOR, Jozsef)[Locations Tiot given]. "Susceptibility of the Pheasant To Poultry Pest (Newcastle Diseasel and Its Immunizability with La Sota Vaccine" Budapest, Magyar Allatorvosok Lapis, Vol 21, No 6, Jun 1966, pp 271-273. Abstract: Pheasants were found to be susceptible to Newcastle disease, showin- an incubation time of approximately 3-4 days. Death occurs 4-6 days after infection. A ten-day quarantine period was judged to be ad- equate. The La Sota vaccine was found to provide effective immunization, irrespective whether it is applied in the form of opthalmological drops or inhalation aerosol. The immunity begins to be evident three days after the administration of the vaccine, and becomes complete after six days. No references. 88 - VASS, Gyorgy, dr.p a munzaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Effect of spinning technolog7 on the fiber distribution of blend com onents and their cross-sectional layout. (Con- tinuatio7i Magy textil 14 no.3:106-112 Mr 162. 1. Textilipari Kutato Intezet VASS,, oyorgy., drop a munzWd tudomanyok kandldatusa Causes for the for=tion of irregulftrities in the cotton min semifinished and finished products.. as W911 as the-. methodo and instruments for testing them, Magytectil 15 no.3-.97-101 Mr z63, . VASS, Gyorgy, dr., a mlszeki tudomanyok kandidatusa Causes, investigating methods and instruments concerning the origin of the inequality of the cotton mill semifinished and finished products. ?t.2. Magy textil 15 no-4:150-154 Ap 163. ]DOM, ()tto; V=, Gyorgyp dr., okleveles gepeszmernok Dispersion analysis in the textile industry quality control. Pt, 2, Magy textil 15 no.5/6t256-258 my6jo R63,, 1. Tektilipari Kutato Intezet. 2. *Magyar Textilitachnika" szerk6azto bizottsagi, tagja (for Vass), V=y Gyorgy, dr. I Effect of the detachU:-w, distance on the percentiee c.1 combing and the fiber length distributicu . 111agy textil 16 ni-7-302-305 j--- ~64. 1. Editorial board member, "Magyar Textlltechnika.11 VA-S.S# ~-prjvv, tir, Ai iu.-izakl -..- ,- - --- ~~ I -', of rev-,ng lne,,bt I mi i ?, urv-t - - i t-9 r o-. t,:n ~-plnn-' ---, te--nnolopdr. v,!14,7 textill n-),i,: 457-456 r ~ 6- . 1. FditorJ.&I bonrd membar; "Miagyar Textiltechnika," VASS, Gyor dr.; STOICAp Aurelp dr.; WERESS, Miklos, dr. Subperitoneal and generalized subcutaneous emphysema following gastric surgery. Orv. hetil. 104 no.46:2187 17 N 163. 1. Egyesitett Uzemi. Korhaz, Cluj, Rovan Nepkoztareasag. (HEMORRHAGE., GASTROINTESTINAL) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) (POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS) (PNEUMATOSIS CYSTOIDES INTESTINALIS) (EMPHYSE24A) VASSI Imre Prestige of stewards in metallurgical plants has increased. Yu*a 8 no.7:4 Jl 158. 1. Kohasz Szakszervezet szervezesi oaztalya vezetoje. VASS) 1=-e t."Whwww~ Formation of artistic taste. Pt. 2. Munka 13 no.2:16-17 F 163 a. 1, MOOSZ fotitkara, _Imre The opinion of the worklng class =st be reflected in artistic oreations. 1Amka 13 no.6:9 je 163. 1. I-luveszeti Szakszervezetek Szovetsege fotitkara. VASS, Imre Effect of the trade union movement on the arts. PhLnka !4 no.lOe4-6 0 164. 1. Editorial board member, "Munka.11 VASS, 1mre The Association of Art 'Workers UnIon. ffiang TU no,8:-,-8 Ag 164. 1. SecretRry General, AssoclitUm cf Art 'Workerg !In'.-)n!.. Budapout. VASS, Uszlo; MOLNAR, Jozsef StarsdArdizat-lon in the ahoe industry. bor aipo 14 no. I.- 4 Ja 164. 1. Boripari Kutato Intezet. MIX.NARI joz.,~ef; VA3.", UU371-C, I . -cr:lng ryf?, Do3lgnLng e~jjtjjr'lle for qr~ri. ::,f" -1, no.4:124--i2'1 i1 164. *1.. Re,,jearch Inotif,,Iite of th" I.Pather i*.q-lll-,trY. VASS., Laszlo, okleveles banyamernok, fomernok Development of mining in the Oroszlany coal basin and its future possibilities. Bany lap 97 no.4:220-235 Ap 164. 1. Oroszlany Coal Mining Enterprise. MLNAR, Jozaef; ~W, Laszlo Designing last series for orthopedic shoes. Bor cipo 15 no.li24-29 Ja 165, 1. Research Institute of Leather Industry, Budapest, t_ II4UNGftRY BUDA, Balint, Dr, AFUTO, 'Miklos, Dr, Hospital of Kaposvar (Kaposvari Korhaz). "The Treatment of Acute Intermittent Porphyria." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 104, "'0 25, 23 June 053, pages 1174-1178. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian sLuunary] :`he authors describe the treat- ment given to a patient with acute ijitermittent porphyria, showing se- vere abdominal and nervous systemic symptoms. The patient is under ob- servation for 6 years and is treated wJIt.-I vitamin B12, Erythrophyl, Kobalt-Ferrlecit and cobalt injections. Given in the correct dosage and continued as long as indicated, the beginning attacks can be lessened or avoided with certainty. Between attacks, the above mentioned ccrmpound5 influence the excretion of the intermediary porphyrine product in the urine. The action mechanism of the applied drugs is not known although some possibilities are discussed by the authors. During the 4 years while the treatment was applied, every more severe attack of the dis- ease was avoided successfully and the patient at present is still able to work and is in good condition. 8 Hungarian, 18 Western ref. E;i -1 ARATO., SZIJARTO, Arpad, dr.; VASS., Laszlo. Some data on the clinical picture of alkaptonuria. Modi-fied method for the determination of alkaptonuria and homogentisic acid. Ory. hetil. 105 no,29tl359-1361 19 jl'64. 1. Smogy-megyei Tanacs) Korhaza., Kaposrar, Kozponti labora- torium es Oyermek Osztaly. GISMMP' D.; VASS, Reactions of solids and gases. Kinetics of the reduction of lead oxide by bydregen. Rev ohimis 6 no.1:125-135 161, CISMARU, D.; VASS, M. Reactions between the solid and the gas; kinetics of the reduction of lead oxide with hydrogen. Studii corc chin 9 no.lt27-38 161. (EW 1019) 1. Centrul. do cercetari chimice al Academiei R.P.R., Sectia de chimie-fizica, Bucureati. 2.Comitetul de redactiep Studii si corcet&ri de chimiei(for Cismaru). (lead oxides) (Hydrogen) (Reduction) CISMARIJ, D.; VASS, M. ll~~ Kinetica of t~~eroduction of hydrogen. Pt. 1. Rev chimle mappnese dioxide by 7; no. 1: 101-109 162. 1. Section de chimie pliysique, Laboratoire do cinetiqta chimique et de catalyse, Centre do recherches chimiques de l'Academie de la R.F.R., Bucarest. f i inetics of Y. n o c 12 Pt- 1. F -e 23 Frumbrava P-GslE 1. Center of ChemistrY hn,'i PhYSLCS """ street Bucharest. 131~b,,Atted Juna 2()) VASS, Norbert [Wass, Norbert] The Oth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Blektrichestvo no.11:47-48 N 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1.Otvetstvenny7 redaktor zhurnala "Deutsche Blektrotechnik", Germanskays, Dsmol=aticheskaya Respublika. (Germany, East--Electric engineering--Periodicals) VASS, Sandor; KISS, Laszlc Modernization ct' the Xisknic -"' sza ra; 'rra' ~ ~: : ' ' ~ - 1. . I - I no.12:15 D 164. c VASS - The position and t~okz of the Hajdusag State Forestry. Erdo 11 no.8:345-349 Ag 162. VAW, Sandorx elektromuszereoz (Sarbogard)j RACA Janool RUM, Gyula Radio operators are speaking, HadioteeW .ka 13 no.6s2lg Je 163o 1, I[isiparl Szovatkazotak Orezagoe Szovitoego onzt&1YvO%OtOJGv Budapest# Vop Festi Barnabas u, 6, (for Racoo VASS.. Tibor F4st, present and the development of the Ganz-HAVAG innovation movement. Ujit lap 13 no.10:4-5 My '61. 1. Ganz-HAVAG ujitasi oestalyanak vesetoje. (Hungary-Machinery industry) Mxngary-Iron industry and trade) (Fhmgaz7-Steel induotr7 and trade) VASS, Tibor Mass measurJ-ng of the conversion conductance of converter tubes. Muszaki kozI MTA 26 no.1/4:221 160. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Telefongyar. (Radio) (Electric converters) DAVIDp Janoa; SZENES, Ervin; VASS j Tibor Construction of medim-high dwelling~hcuBes from blast f=rnace fca-=,ed slag concrete by meana of pouring. M~gy ep -iPar 11 no.12:529-540 162. VASS, Tibor New laminated materials. Magy ep ipar 12 no.2s85-90 163. -1122 76-66 A" N?: AP6013611 SOURCE CODEs UR/0143/65 AUTH&: Vassarionov, V. Is (Engineer) . '_V.. Itf ICR.r,: Leningrad, Polytechnic Institute im. Me I. Kalinin (Uningradsk-iy politekhnichesliy -,Vstitut) A ~"'~ITLE: Usage of water power and electronic computers .-,.SOURCE: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly, Energetika, no. 81.1965, 3-19-121*., 'TOP -TAGS: electronic computer,, hydroelectric power plant, turbine, ocean'tid:-~v, IC ~scientific conference ABSTRACT: 600tion's aotivitY at the- Annual sq'ift entif lo and Technical Conf ereneq. - pf' the -~14.ydxoteehntcoj _&kou.1ty, of the Leningrad PolytbchA~caj linstituteg' held '15-19 March 1963.-~ The first theme discussed was the efficient oonstruetion of hy- drooleotrid station buildings, which heard reports ont the con- struction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station, the ,'worldla largest, to have a total oapaoity of 6#360 Kwi the strongth and stability of'the dam at the Krasnoyarskaya station; %and, other questions concerned with the obnotruotion 'of power -eta-. '.,tion buildlnga~ 'The second theme of the section was concerned R In- Ifnef 491 _991 f 1%1 A. Ps L 22470-66 FACC NR: AP6013611 with investigatinne on hydro-turbine unitst and Included reports on: model investigations on rapid radial-axial turbines; power tests of models of the Krasnoyarskaya hydroelectric power station apparatus; water pressure pulsation In power units; flow dis- tribution In upper water; and others. The third theme, oompu- .terized design of stations, included reports ont tidal station dynamics as calculated on computers; computerized hydroelectric. station parameter optimization; the application of peak stations;- the planning of,,water reservoirs; design of hydroelootrio sta- ,tion equipment;. and the ooneolidation of earthen dam calculated by computers. [JPRSJ SUB CODE: 10, 09 SUM DATE: 03jun65 (Acm TreA, Amf,& it, e~ he eftc t & Lin Yn9jishl. 'I -et of alloytng elements, viz. Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Si, Zn. Ti, added to Al to fatin binary or ternam studiM in 2i1) cast , and of the pirsenee of Impuritica, ww alloys, in order to determim the effeetA of the adlo)-irg- .(Ital. poc the grain-sizo of the alloys and to sWdy the role, played"hy Ti in the grain-refining proccad. Ti bul tho gteatest efrect upon grain-eize and refining, but Its action cannot W explained by any of the threo customary theork-41 (1) tho: octurrenca of a perit"Mo mution. or tho ptckmco of (2) ric particle nucki, or (3) crystal-lattleo fragments. A throry basixi on the awimption of& favourable equilibrium of the forces acting butwftn Al and TI atonia r4went in a melt at -700' C. Is conmidered mom satisfactory. and is disrumed. 11) ref.-J. S. G. T. ADASKINA, Vera lvanovna) nauchnyy aotr.; VASSEL , Ivan Favlovich) naucbnyy sotr.; RIO.1, Ellza, Matveyevna, -na-u-c-hn-p.('-s6-t2'.; SHASKOLISKIY, I.P., kand. ist. nauk.. red.; SAVAASKI191, ~.G., red.; SIMONOV, S.V., (Vyborg and its environs; concise guidobook)Vyborg i ego ok- rostnosti; kratkii putevoditell. Pod red. I.P.Shaskollskof-;o. Leningradp Gidroreteoizdat, 1961. 162 p. (MIRA 15:21) 1. Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Leningradskoy oblasti v go-.cde Vybo:-ge (for Adashina, Vassoll). (V% borg region-Guidebooka) ADASINA, V.I. ; VASSELI --I P 1; ZUYIEV, D.V. ; HIOR , E.M.; Sgil'OKRYL, S.M. , [Got acquainted with Vyborg; a guidebook] ZnakomItes' - Vyborg. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1965. 126 p. (MIRA 19%1,2) &r,wa Problena 01 Alurahihim DistiMatinn and Rw1u,tion IIC12:red to in Soviet S-viFaril-,lAerAturn. K .- I ". I Y -- -,-I (Ifu4,11. ~1), N,2. 4,%3), A A briuf r~,klff,~ t,f TL~~ r. of ,)4,viet Itu-i-wi i. i.t ,11 Ifle flAd ,( Al IG%f. k 1:11of, to ml Al ~,)inpomwl fo. mul itt h!rh Ivu,ji. 0,.~ twfliurmic wf1whoif fnw, th, wv tA Al ;vA ~:j i omp-~;Jwlj : rkild t! iiiiii.11 A 0 v Ito Itint, ,- jMJIIjtff,j Of I j, C SO ly L' VASSEL, R. "Tsbular courpilption of thermodynamic connectiots." (p.215) KOHASZATI LAPOK ("nr Banypszpti as Kohns-zati kveeulet) Budapest. Vol 7. No 9, Sept M'2. SO: East Durorean Accessions List, Vol 3, No 8, Aug 1954. tonstitti'lilts on the n 13 trilluenct Of SOMe lish) A - Do - 0 !!j r Calt Jklij "n .ng iel , a 9c mica A, -157-164, 1 tab. 12, 1955. No. 1-2, pp. U:WW to show the effect Of Urperiment3 were CV11ducted the various alloying 'elements and impurities Of &In- ra rt glee Of the cost metal. 111111hurk on tile prinuir C 0 C Stallf tion depend to the Grain Site aild 111 c experiments cl)"(luct' greatclit extent - a Cot tot C eltin and C ting conditions - On ed julcler the same 3 tuen pteselit in tile 1101ten tile kind of aII1)Yhl ' letallic crill5tituents nittal, oil tile Vle -rice of other "intict pat ell. titantuill oriulp,litiesnn,lo t earno t. se ich was higher by Y I showed an effect rat Size ,other investigated ,evera, rdel, than that of ti tIl,,ra tile Incremed 11 it tile opInioll tj til'! IM ticlatnts. 11 rig effect alid ItS hillocim. fill It grain rellid, A univocally 1'r fiti of t r~c followill 9 cannot he exPlah" nuc ci 0Ttjt;j1li1l11; carbldc theories : peritectic renctioll, frilgiliLnis A utuch pnrticies allid retimant crystal 11 jilminy n favour- 'C)ll van I" givell el , -- clearer explanatl (CS am 11"rgics aCtilig be f0r, It libihint of tile a It able Nil, Rd, S uIll and I tile niumin' (,f jtpprox, 70' C. 7 Category HUNGARY/Solid State Physics - Phase transfoimation of solid bodiej E 5 Abs Jotxr Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957, 110 1 P19 Author Downy, Andras,; Vassel, K. Robert Title Effect of Alloyin-g-A-Mi-tivea on the Structure of Ca:jt Alwninum Orig Pub Magyar tud akad. musz. tud. aszt. kozl. 1956, 18, No 1-4, 17-30 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 VA373EL~ R. VASSFL, R. Processing nefhod and Imnortsnt nronorties of vp-.v -vre aluninum. o. 376. Vol. 12, no. 1/4, 11hidnnr-3t, ~fimqnry Y07T17'7WrT SO: Ibnthly List of En3t Euronean Accessions, (EFAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. ~, Parch, 1956 u r dyl d & T)- le elm. PrOpe M '9 "Pn. of tile Ix"ic Wt ucpeud %Ipotl tile ~-Sj Content of tile luetal and the tnauufg couditimis. Tile orination of the At- Ahnustbc ;1(1-1%- buring flu-Mul- tile f the Ilid mustbeav,,itleli. The delticrIOUS c fleet Of s1 -.;4 c 11flict by addivs. of B- V alld Ti colltelit can b G-dO""-- tf,:-.t% ;wv'~ V'.rovLA I~it [LEI E4, 1'1~ fil practfev. calmot XAR i'. 4 of !ft;Itl4u-T'. gg i nn,,r mri-,7f,-qtr,1ctiv- )f t 5;*inr,, rp, L intro,!-Izc--~,! 'Tlint-ry :~s n r,~-nr, Pf,r ',nv-!;ti;,itir-* rr. contrn!'In~ nnnfP7r~),-is 47? (-o~,nSz-tj TIT-ok Vol. no I-C, Vol. J!, n-). 10) :~C: Yonthly List of East European ~ccessi,:,ns (EEAL) LC., lol. 6, no- 7, JUIY 1957- Uncl. , , '.1 -" ". ~. . ~;-' -.. , - , ,: , - . 1, . ..... . -i ~-,, . . ~ 4 , - , . - . . - . , . ., " . ,- . , ~ -A " .. t ~4 ~::~ N:-."- .1, , t~ , .,: L~~ IIASTFTI) SCT7'CF P771,InDTrAT.9- APTA F 'T~' 9=4m- y ,r - ~ , ) . "- 1/, C 11, :-0- 7/ 'J 1-.-Au;~ - 199 V--7,srll revint, nf t,-r, 114ne~?,7 rf-lationg r'---;-rnj prid- chefidcal properties o" pirr- aliminwi non~.ilnin~ vnrioiin o--thly list of 7hs4 Diropean Acce-:s-r~rs Try Vol. r~j ffo. T-W)rimrv 11",", VA ",4 : .1 i . ,I II Remarkd on Tibor Lear's article "lnvestivation of the Caunes of the Origin of Ri=ed Plate Waste." p. 250. (KOHASZATI LAFOY,) Vol. 12, no. 6, June 1957 Budapest, Hungary ,SO: thly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LG, Vol. 7, No. 3, marchqY59- Distr: 4E2cAE3C o 21fect of elements of the first long period an the resis- tivity ofuw= and of alurninum.)7 K. B,_YqAW (I nst. i cherche mEtaux non-ferreux. -Bud-a-p-es-77d-fig.). --Phyi- -dnd Chem. Solids 7. No. 1, results are In accord with the theory of Mott (cf. Mott nnd Jon" C A 30, 81351) und Friedel (C.A. 51. 4076f). J. M. Honis ;r V Anomalous mndu~c~tlv of aluniftium. K-10bCIL Vassel (116mij)-ir-F-Kmato ffmf~-Iri KrilatJ Inthes KO'denthyri No. 2, To (let. the caum!; (it ocm1onnI Al nts with lower than normal elce. courl., 20 -utuiples were cxamd. refir"enting batchen froin the snine smelter. The suielting conditions were recorded in detail and the efec., chem.. and plipt. properli" of Vic metal were deld. Anomalous cond. was- obqLrvc(l in 3 suinples nnd this coincided with 0.01% Ca and Na content. The presence of Fc. Si. Ti, V, Cr. N(n,. Cu. Zn, Mg. N. P. S. and K was not a factor. Attempts Aj, to det. the mature of the Ca nod Na "infaminat ion (Mictlier metal or salt, or. if both, in what ratio) by spectrographical- Ineth(AS were riot sucemsful. L. G. Arvivi- KWOCIX Of 01914411W CMI&MkARU 06 nm**d skettalysic tamr-O K. R6besA Im"Of AM[tw#*Y" NO 3 =3-41A 19MI-343010" "us" ol dtrolytic Ca (Wja~jj .1th miim ants. of Ag, Al As BICCISCIr Fe,Mg,Um,N.UPb B.Sb 61 On.f Z V IC 4 & A V o ii UZZI P., 13 am e N or r; r, .orZr; l ; Mg md B 8 at Sh* Um and As or B; and TI an W d a of W were WQ. ;~der *Wled chmemal coves lit 1100-1150" W4, Cast into tubes. The amples, wptber wkb several qmci-' MCM rciWesenting bWwUW products, wes ezMad-spwiro- gnw"y. PW&FQVZPWC&QY. mi"Oscapicapy, tattallo- vapbkally. "d elsem. by usins coaveational onxvdarrov TM results are given In detall. Tht amlor, fate of arowth,! add *4be3 of the surface oxidt layer was aft.4ed by mod. adclitlyu. Cd,P.S.wWBL-.a*weditsmtealVawthvfWs' TI. S. and Fe caused it to adhete weakly to and Cd ka4 ao ble efrect an ekc.~ ; d it' d hil A Pb d Al F b S1 In 4 Z axi . w e u re e . aa gm s. , S , . . . -substax"y am Cr. ~C. SJ14 Ze (aim beat treatmamt) ka.:' prwftd it. B, 71. md Zr were umt eff"ve in ftd"j- #spin crystals ttatatlyely kitntifird as Tj barkle. A)v S S C- Distri Me .Methods for I the Dotermination of the quality of ZWjxVkz;S. Karl-B I ~Inst H orrnils Vlatala- Buda=st. H=.). Motallk.'50, 14~ tempts were We to -develop methods for the detn. of the quality of 0i (elebtrolytic Cu. cathodes, wire) by using chem. and phys. methods. Thirty-one elements were detd. in conans. Of 0.001-jD.01%. %e additives were put in 4 groups according to their effect on thb conO. of the Cu. A connection botweeD chem. e*Vn. ~k the Cu and its machining qualities couid not be found. Tensile strengt4 and yield point are not correlated with the quality of Cu wire. Other meeh. properties, especially those based on deformation treatmarit, are very sensitive to impurities and therefore suitable for quality detna. Ernst M. Goldstein (Retyped clipped abstract) Zvi Card 1/1 Metr: 4Uc/4E2b(e)/4E2b(b)/4E2b(v)/ Limb M i uminum. K. R.'Vawl (Research ra n of Al 1316ew"nerr.", Tic I mW.8-11ang.). Re-v-.-M-rl 3rP.-JDT--RI [~Ifhlence of Impurities such a3 Fe. $1, and H on the deep drawfug at Al is t1l.%custsed anti the ad- .vantages and disadvantages described of the Brichsen and Olsen, tite Swift, and the Guyot quality testv. F. Schassherger- S/137/62/000/012/011/085 Aoo6/AlOl AUTHORS: Vassel, K. R., Laar, T., Csak, J. TITU-',: Tnventigating the causes of crack formation in casting aluminum-zine-magnesluin-coppel, alloys and methods of eliminating same PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 12, 1962, 20, abstract 12GI41s ("Kohasz. lapok", -ig6i, v. 94, no. 5, "8nt8de" v. 12, no. 5, 193 - 1911, Hungarian) The basic cmise of crack formation in alloys containing (in%) Zn 5.5 - 7, Mg 2.1; - 3.6, Cu 1.8 - 2.3, the rest Al, is the non-uniform dis- tribution of alloying metals In the castings and the jump-like changes of linear dimensions during their heating or cooling, which causes high Internal 3tresses. To obtain dense ingots, the authors recommend low casting temperature, uniform metal distribution and cooling, assuring the production of a fine-crystalline structure. A..Tseydler rAbstracter's note: Complete translationj Card 1/1 VASSEL, K. Robert _ Fatigue and its jprevention. Technika 6 no.1:6-7 Ja 162. 1. Femipari Kutato Intezet helyettes oaztalyvezetojo. I VASSEL, K. Robert, okleveles gepeszmernok, tudomanyos munkatars The future of aluminum. Technika 7 no. 9:6-7 S 163. 1. Femipari Kutato Intezet. VASSEL, R, Ya., inzh. Ventilating mines equipped with conveyors or skip hoists. Izv. v,ys, ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no.8t54-61 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Leningradskiy ordena Lenina i orders. Trudovogo Krasnogo 2hameni gornyy institut, imeni, G.7. Plekhanova. Rekomendovana kafedroy rudnichnoy ventilyatsili, D34ETRIADEC, V.G.; VASSEII, R. Ya. Frequency anemometer for air flow speed measurenents In a mine. Izv, vyse ucheb, zaves tsvet. met, 7 no.5i]6-18 164 (MIPA 18:1 ) 1. Kafedra rudnicImoy ventllyats!i i tekliniki bezzopasncstl Leningradskogo gorrogo instituta. VASSELI, 7- Ya. Diagran, for calculati-T.g rjl'l.:'ArA cm- nections. lz,i. vys. uchib. zav.; met. 7 r.-- 4:24-17 t64 19:1 ) 1. Lenint-,radskiy gcm.~ry institut, kafedre, ru&icl,-roy vent.I- Iya-tsii. C714 1; 11 U OL DUO it, I u n ~ n 'JS ~V M )# t " ' " ~ ~0* JUL I q- 0 %1 1> AV $6 1$ -,777:7-71 00 .3q1V)fOAlVl) 1.14"J1.1 1.31-1114j. V I% sv got mv pav t" to 1 14 10 FdwV -MU 7.4 ju Ou 04, rtfla.-.V 401 Wul JO MR 4q Alptiap 044 )0 A13 6q) 01 j %Ut pug I v ja'vl *I-Fu' (gvv--M Vm Pal 00- 0 0 0 0 *se Aft Am AT e 0 go 00 Al#An- oilAprovi qVi4 mipm q*jq ja -w So a3vaMus sqj. plis in famism &41 19 PUfdq SIT AJ!AjJ" 404 'ImApri" 10 'A J-k I k supq &UIU&3 A/41 p mol JO) 'tutu A~k IT>-, "NJ pug 9111suall 110-1 (on 21 Un"IAII.W 10 SON Oq.L 'AIRM11, &"^ Aijals" ^uJ la symV -j&Au3 p ",p = I ispiv Wy 041 )U at 111191-10" 0411040319 , u A P jv.% 4v o jamw lo"pop lo ami-p ml Z a pawdom3 IsAr"wi psiqw u ou pa3axlpj.%u; 01 HOOld 10 01412sm '40030P sql 10 93IPt4 I aU Y 'tin luaq )M-VW so "v 9a pqw AS= t R" pop I 04M 06"m P E"pq 3 00 00 00 13 v 011 vv y 1 b 1- 7 0 U14 04 0 00 0 0 o a e e s 0 .!r V v W v 0 as TAk 0 all Jill ma T It y& a w a 41 U loice 0 ~'A . so fa 0 t_ L_l_jL- L__L__xx. w-sk. IS ll_a L jL_ k_ l_ L ole A III A., lk(; M)(91 .."CIIIIIS ..c PVC4161.4% -Off a 00 00 A I . r- - this lAstriblition of Active Centers on mixed Catalysts I -00 1. thmompormIlWa of Imorlopyl sk*W an AI,O. ZnO .% *00 00 A. 11141midno and V. Wa t In,t. I No a. Owin . %t--- 00 01"), Afoot llyo~*44. V.H-V.S. if. W14MOOW) (in Hotgush)i cf. C.A. 30, XNXII, 29. 64041. -I*qw..I.vl 00 C.: air.. 04-6 mom, Im"mimr, "its iloripkirly almablA bo, oo 1 1 . ~11 1 for,1040 - 1 Which hall Loren drie'l do 31 "' 1. 1,604111ali 1 09 1:11.1 IWO-nor. VIW Ii-loclual Wa. 6,11owir'l 41 Kj' Iloil- oo & t h t f l f h A moo 0 it 0 n e un o er o orno T its t e exist. t gurw no - . Ir."'d t (am c0 n fro 0 13 N T h P ) m m o . . . . cc. ( . s. per 1. 1 1 ZOO ro-actim vek"City viselo finearly; it retuAlm to al-i X b O hi h h l1 T Goo . ove w e cconst. a Cie. per g., a c oi. he activA - a t tion energy at qiarw covering of the lour f. 6 18,M) CAI goo 00 ! twr tual., anil is 8,SPX) in the boritolitAl range. The re. 1 zo o ii %ults difict from chow of Lkof"t (C.A. 23. &T. 7) at low , 091, ell crage tof the surface. The rrwlts are intetpreirlI t,w -00 go 4 in-Wate that the sm-t artio-r catalr%t 1micbm are at III, Or Wortfat" lot the two molok 11vor so-ttyr,vrovois, "0 at si 01, ; 6 ies, I. two a fi'voll the *18..IIAI -mon I,( floo, tot 1".. X 1 1:0 0 vaj.414V III the 'IrIllik"t 4.1.111,16"1 Imil 11.4 Ill Oft' M-1 44 IiVr ClAtAIT111VAIly. A. Firtoollict ~ goo mo mum LDW~Kool LITIMATWE CLASSIVICATIOU We 0 moskill &A 411.1 All 0 ad 0 a I I IV Be 9 is U Is ALI 40 is WavRoast sit Its $Cuts Ita I 0000000000000000 00000000000000000 0 00 o o0,/ 00000 -2-000 too 00 0000 0001/ e~ooooooooooosefOOOOOJLAkollo=.O-OAO" 0 JL 1-wtd t,v Of 1: " , ... : 1117"