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U9SR/Gc.,ncral ana 0,)Oclal Zc;01.,)."Y. Insocts. Injurious 1-n- socts and Ticlc3. posts .-)f Coz,(,;,~l Crops Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Biul., No 11, 195E., No 49568 c. : -. pty storuli,)uscs. Tho now !-cnoration d1d vctu succcod in co' -iplotin~-~ it-- dovolop ~;nt In thc. norlo,l bctw~Dc-n tho waxy riponoss ~,.nd th,; hamist of :,rcln crol)s. Adri-nav Card 2/2 25 SMOLIYANINOVA, N.M.; KAPLIN, A.A.; VASILIYEVA, L.M. Stability of coke in the hot state. Koks i IdUm. no. 5:25-28 161. (14IRA 14:4) 1. Tcmakiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Siaoll ninova, Kaplin). 2. Sibirskoye otdeleniya AN SSSR (for Vasill:fevarl, (Coke-Thermal poperties) OSTASHF:'ISK A Y A# IN S~ ; 61K-SHN"~ TY1,11l'il I WIV, B.K. ; VAS I L'TEV A, L.M, , PEDT~J~ , ya ' . -, 1,~C- . N. . A - L, 1. ..- I 'j. I 14-.4chantsm tKe coking c-C cohls iindnir pra.92111-1~. Tr%1-1; Khim.-m3t.ins'l.Sib.ot,d. AN SSSR no.--l8;54---E4 163. (MIRA l7v~) 7539-1; E n. W/E~F WAiv Wltw (b) Ij-p(c) j--/jGA1B ACC NR: AP5d5782 SOURCE CODE: TJII/0363/65/001/009/1493/1497 AUTHOR: Komissarova, L. N.; Men1kov, A. A.; Vasillyeva, L. M. ORG: Moscow State University im. M. V. LomonoEova (Moskovskiy gosudarstven- n universitet) YY TITLE: Properties of scandium phosphide SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 9, 1965, 1493-1497 TOPIC TAGS: phosphide, scandium compound, corrosion resistance, physical chemistry property ABSTRACT: Scandium phosphide was obtained by di.rect reaction of metallic scandium and red phosphorous. The substances were mixed in powder form in a quar-tz ampoule. A table shows the detailed temperature conditions used for the reaction. The resulting fine black powder was analyzed for scandium and phospho- rous. The article,gives a diagram of the analytical apparatus and the results of analysis in tabular form. X-ray analysis was.done by the powder method. The x-ray photos were taken with a RKD-86 camera with filtered copper irradiation. Card 1/ 2 P UDC:546. 6331181. 1 L 7539-66 ACC Nf,:: AP5025782 The ice ndium phosphide obtained had a crystal structure of the sodium chloride -Arith a = 5. 302:0. 0015 kX, 2*,=4. Its density at 20C was 3. 33 grams/cm3 I type . The compou.rid w." thermally stable during heating in a high vacuum (10-4 mm Hg). It unfleiwent no polymorphic transtions in the intervaL from 20 to 1500C and did A -not niell up to :1000 C. However, during heating above 000 C, even in a high vacuum, the surface of the sample oxidizedArith the ormation of scandium phos- phatc-. __Aoticeably above 350C. In air, scandium phosphide begins to oxid ~ A sample held in air at 1200 C to constant weight, increases in weight by 7976 X-ray analysis of the oxidized sample shows the linen characteristic of anhydrous ScP04(scandium. phosphate) with the parameters a=6. 578:t0. 003A, c=5. 7951: 0. 005A. The chemical resistance of scandium phosphide was investigated in water, acids (HC1, H2SO4, and HN03), and alkalis (2:5 and 5076 solutions of NaOH) of different concentrations. Results are shown in a table. In general, scandium phosphide was found to be resistant to water and alkaLine solutions, but to be easily decomposed by acids. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 5 tables .5U~ ','-'ODE:ICI SUBM DATE: 19May65/ ORIG REF: 003/.-OTH REF: 002 A