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Ch. I. Mother planet -- 11
Ch. 11. Seeking the correct path -- 32
Ch. Ill. Rockets of today and tomorrow 68
Ch. IV. Automatic explorers -- 105
Ch. V. Attacking the moon -- 154
Ch. VI. 11n iAjZa_ce '15. 187
Ch. VII. Remote trails -- 2_26
-Ch. through the century
-Ch. IX. Encounters in-space 309
Conclusion -- N6
card 2/2
'VASILIM, il:-'AiL.khai.l--Vas-il'Iyevich; KARGIN, V.A., akadem:Lk, nauchn.
red.; GOLUBKOVA, V.A., red.
(Familiar strangers; chemical elements of the earth, water
and air] Znakomye neznakomtsy; elementy zemli, vody i voz-
dukha. Moskva, Sovetskaia Rossiias 1964. 343 p.
(FiLtA 17:77)
KORNIYEVSKIY, D.N.; RAFALI, Ya.G., VASILVEV, 14 V.,I prof., doktor tekhn.
nauk; ZUBRILOV,, L.Ye., kand, tekhn,.nau
Problems of education in mining engineering. Ugoll 40 no.11:6-9
165. (MIRA 18:11)
1. Kombinat Donbassantratsitshakhtostroy (for Korniyevskiy,
Rafal'). 2. Institut gornogo dela, g. Sverdlovsk (for Vasi-Ilyev,
Dote-.mining the optim-al distribition of transfer point!3 Ln cocl_,iflen'
transportation with the help of electronic computers. Gor. zhur.
no.llt5&-58 N 164. (MM 1W)
1. Institut gornogo dela, Sverdlovsk.
VASILIYEV, M.V., doktor tekhri. nauk; SHARID, V.V., inzh.
Single-bucket loaders used in openworks. Mekh. I alitom. proizv.
19 n0-4:22-24 Ap '65. (MIPA 18:6)
.-tima- r; ~j IIr.
1-e : ~-,
r a ta n aa
)Mi)iit-.)rs. Gor. zhiw. tio.5:46-41? Illy 5 .
~MIRA 1- :5)
I. dola Got;udarifv~,,nnogo komdtete p~ -~,t~vnoy t
7.3v~Anoy ru!~~iliiw4ii. pri Gjo.3plemc j,"It, Sverdlov;)k.
VAISIPYEV, M.V., Prof.; AZIFMOV, A.A.) 1-1zl".
Using helicci,~Prs ir E;-:-Il. mir-c-s jr, T,~,e mcun,~ains.
gor.zhur. 7 no.7~92-96 lj~i (V--FLA 17:10)
1. Instit 'ut gornogo dela Gosmetallurgkomiteta pri Gosplane SSSR
(f'or Vasillievi. 2. Tavhkentskiy polit.-~k~micheskiy -Institi-:t (for
Azlmov). Rekomendovana kafedroy razraboLk! mestorozEdeniy
iskopayemykh Ta-shkentskogo pol-itelihnicheskcgo lnstitu~a.
kand. tekhn. nauk; LATS, V.M.; PLTUXV, G.V.; POPOV,
ZUIRILOV, L.Ye., kand. tekhn. naukj otv. red.; ~%KUOVA,
N.U.p red.; PALIMIN, M.Z., tekhn. red.
[Evaluation and the prospects of the development of the
mineral resources for ferrous metallurgy in Chelyabinsk area]
Otsenka i perspektivy razvi-tiia syrIevoi bazy chernoi metal-
lurgii Cheliabinskogo raiona. Sverdlovsk, AN SSSR, 1964. 67 p.
(MIRA 17:4)
VASILfYEV, M.V,, doktor tekhn.nauk; POPOV, V.Ye.p gornyy inzhener; ALENICHKV,
V.11/1., gornyy inzhener
Using new tractor and scraper equipment in working ore deposits.
Gor. zhur. no.3:20-26 Mr 163. (1-1111 16:4)
1. Institut gornogo dela Ural'skogo filiala All SSSR, Sverdlovsk.
VASILIYEV, M.V., doktor tekhn. nauk
Continuous technology for open-pit mining in tl~e Urals. Izv.
vys. ucheb. zav,; gor, zhur, 6 no,6:39-47 163. (MIRA 16:8)
1. Institut gornogo dela Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR. Rekomendovana
kafedroy otkrytykh gornykh rabot Byerdlovokogo gornogo Instituta.
(Ural Mountains--Strip mining)
Diesel 16-comotlive and -gas turbine locomt1ire transpartaticm in apen
pits of the U.S.S.R. and pmapeets, ferr its Tp---.
gor.dela UFAN SSSR no.4&21-31. '0,Q.
(MIRA 3.60)
(mivve railroads)
,-=-Pi - -09
State of and problems in the development of science arA teclmoloU
1n the field of open-pit transporation in tho U.S.S.R. and at-c-A.
Trudy Inst.gor.dela UFAN SSSR no.4.-3-19 162.
(MIRA 16t5)
(Mine haulage)
Basic laws governing the movement of heavy~-duty dump trucks dawn
open pits situated on hillsides. Trudy Inst.gor.dela UFAN SSSR no.
4tUl-148 162.
(AURA 1615)
(Mine boulage)
Study of the processes of loading rocks in combined types of haulage.
Trudy Inst.gor.dela UFAN SSSR no-403-41 162.
- (MM 16:5)
(Loading and unloading)
wood" .--WVA4
Technology and economics of loading in combined truck and rail haulage.
Trudy Inst.gor.dela UFAM SSSR no.4:43-54 162.
(MIRA 16:5)
(Loading and unloading) (Mine haulage)
Y... doktor tekhn.nauk
Present status and future development of automoU~m transportation
ig.,mines. Avt.prom. 29 no.2:4-7 F 163. M-A 16;2)
1. Urallskiy filial AN SSSR.
(Mine haulage) I (Dump trucks)
VASILIYEV Mikha asill evieh; GUSHCHEV, Saqrsy Zakharovich;
...-ft'summm 1.
m"P WBKO+,q4.j4.' AVDEYEVA, V.I.... tekhn. red.
[Reportage from the 21st century] Reportash Is XXI veka.
2., dop. izd. Moskva, Sovetskaia RcssVa, 1963. 338 P.
(MIRA 16:9)
(Science) (Technology)
VASIL V,., kand. tekhn. nauk; POPOV, V. M-# inzh.;
ALMCHEV) V. N., inzh.
Dsvelop"nt of the open method of mining mompnese ores in the
Northern Urals. Izv. ' e. uaeb. zav.;,gor, shur. 5 no.8:12-1'f
162. V7 (MIRA l5zl0)
1, Inatitut gvrnogo dela Urallakogo filiala AN SSSR. Rekomendb-
vana kafedroy otkrytykh gornykh rabot Sverdlovskogo gornogo
instituta imeni Vakhruaheva.
(Ural Mountains-Strip mining)
VABILOYEV, M. V., kand. tekhn. nauk
Using heavy truck tranuportation In q:)en pits. Sbor. trud.
MISI no.39:437-440 161. WIFA 1644)
1. Urallskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSA.
(mine haulage)
[Scientific principles for planning and operating truck trans-
portation inippon-pit mines] Nauchnye osnovy proektirovaniia i
ekspluatataii'avtomobillnogo transporta na otkrytykh gornykh
razrabotkakh Sverdlovsk, 1962. 332 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR.
Urallskii filial. Institut gornogo dala. Trudy, no.1). (MIRA 16-3)
(Mine haulage)
VASILIYEV, M.V., doktor tekhn. nauk; DOROIGR'.0 Ye. P., inzh.
Safe driving of dump trucks cm steep de5cents in open pitB.
Bezop.truda v prom. 7 no.4-.7-8 Ap 16-*-.'.. (MIRA 16:4)
1. Institut gornogo dela, Sverdlovsk.
(Mine haulage-Safety metisures)
-or VASIL'YEVP Mikhail Vasillyevin - MAKSIMOVA, Y.A., otv. red.; BASS,
I I . red.
(Roads into a happy world; a story .... ]Dorogi v schastlivyi
mir; rasskaz .... Moskva, Detigiz, 1.962. 222 p.
(MIRA 16:4)
(Science--Juvenile lit(trature)
VASIL',UAj-MikbdLIUIIIYA7i4h, NIKITIN, Aleksandr Grigorlyevich;
KUSOVNIKOV,, Ye.N., red.; BARANOVA, L.G.., takhn. red.
[Praoticas in land improventent on the "Detakosellskii"
State Farm] Opyt melioratsii zemell v sovkhoze *Detskosell-
skii." Leningrad,, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 77 p. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Glavnyy agronom sovkhaza "Detskose:.'skiy", Prinevakaya niz-
mennost' Leningradskaya oblast' (for lfaBiltyev). 2. Glavnyy
inzhener sovkhoza "Detakoeellskiy" Prinevskaya ni7mennost'
Leningradskaya oblast' (for Nikitini.
(ReclAmntion of land)
A.I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; CHERTKOV, V.K.i-YAqjL!XP,.JhY.,
kand. tekhn. nauk; YEFIMOV, I.P.; KOKH, P.I.; KMITOVMO,, A.T.,
dots.; PRISEDSHY, G.V., inzh.; DUNAY-71SKIY, Yu.11.; VOIXIKOV.~~,
S.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; XURIYAN, A.I., k-and. tok-lax,
nauk; MAYMB, S.R., kand. tekhn. nauk; MIROMIIK, A.M., kand.
tekhn. nauk; FETROV, I.P.., kand. tekhn, nauk; TURYSHEV, B.F.,
kand. tekhn.nauk; SHISHKOV, A.I., kand,. tekhn. nauk;
V.A. ; 14321EYEV, V.A.; SMIRITOV, A.A., ot,,. red.;IZUBI14OV, N.G.,
red. izd-va; M.AKS32-IOVA, V.V., tekhn. rod.
(Handbook for the operator and mechanic of open-pit mine equip-
ment] Spmv'ochnik mekhanika ugollnogo harlera. Mookval Gos.
nauchno-tekhn.,izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1961. 639 p.
(Strip mining-Equipment and supplies) (MIRA 15:3)
(Coal mining machinery) (Electricity in mining)
VASILIYEV, M. V. doktor tekhn. nauk; RUSSK7Y, I. I., kand. tekhn.
B. V., kand. tekhn. nnuk; SHILIX, A. U., kand.
tekhn. nank; PLYGUNOV, V. S., gornr/ '.nzlwner
"Angineers' and technicians' handbook on open-pit mining" by
N. V. Mellnika7. Gor. zhur. no.11:78-'09 11 162,
(MMA 15 : 10)
(Strip mining) (Mellnikcrv, ~. V.)
the practical width of Arip mine
UFAN SSSR no.55:61-70 160,
(Mine haulage)
VASIL'YEV) M.V., kand.tekhn.nauk
Problems in open-pit mining of iron wes in the Urals. Gor.
zhur. no.1:22-26 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Gornyy otdol, Ur&1'skogo filiala JUI SSSR.
(Ural Mountains-Iron minlis and mining)
(Strip mining)
Study of the speed characteristics cf large-capacity self-dumping
trucks in deep pits. Trudy Gor.-gec.l. inst. UFAN SSSR no-55:
25-34 160. (MIRA 15:6)
(Mine heulage)
VASILIYEV, Mikhail Vasillyevich, zhurnalist; MYhKUSHKOV, V.A., red.;
---- RLAKA, N.P., tekhn. red.
BELIMEENKO., R.K., mladshiy red.; BUI
(Rivers will flow backwards ... ]I reki 7spiat? potekut...
Moskva, Geografgiz,, 1962. 69 p. (MIRA 15:11)
(Russia, Northern-Rivers-RegulaLion)
(Caspian sea)
Study and practice of using concrete rcads for heavy-duty aump
trucks in open pits. Trudy Gor.-geol. inst. UFAN S&A no-57:137-
143 '61- (MIRA 15:3)
04ine haulage) (Roads, Concrete)
VASIL'YEV, 1,ikhai1_Uadimirovich, doktor toklm. na,,k; FADDEYEV,Boris
---Va-~11--yevich, kand. tekhr:. nauk; -.nT,0KM',YJLA- . Vladimir Stepanovich,
kand. takkan. nauk; Prinl::al uchastiye ',.'0SY7,XY, B.A.; HT - =-' I
V.F., red.izd-va; MEYE1170, V.G.,
(Incline hoists in open-cut nining]Naklonnye podllermiki na karle-
rakh, 1,oskm, Gosgorto](hizdat, 1962. 1.50 P. WIRA 15: 122)
(Hoisting machinery)
VASILIYEV, Mikhail Vasillyevi.-,h; CUSHCHEV, Sergoyl
-- [Your rUsteries, nature!)Tvoi tainy, prArodo' moskvan
Sovetskaia. Rossiia, 1960. 166 p. (MIRA Ir:8)
- (Science)
VASILIYEV, M.V., kand.tekhn.nauk
Inveotigating the efficiency of the IIAZ-530 largo-capacity dum
tr4ck. Gor.zhur. no.2:38-42 F 161. (14IRA 14:7
1. Urallskiy filial AN SSSR.
(Mine haulage) (Dump trucks)
~V., prof. doktor tekh. nauk; FADIYPYEV, B.V., kand.tekhn.nauk:
----~PARFENOV, G.V., kand.tekhn.nauk
Review of the book by A.O.$pivakovskU,,M.G.Potapov and A.V.Andrr-.ev
"Transportation in open pit mines." G:)r.zhur. no.4.-79--80 Ap
164. (Iff RA 1'7,! 4)
Doe Tech Sci - (diss) "Basic problems of the development of open
workings with the use of motor vehicle transport." 'Moscow, 1961.
37 pp with illustrations; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of
Mining Affairs imeni A. A. Skochinskiy); 250 copies; price not
given; list of author's works on Pp 35-37; (KL, 7-61 sup, 229)
VASIL'YEV, Mikha,il Vanillyevich; POSPBLOV. V., r,;!daktor; KIRSANOVA, N.
I - Itekhnic~iskiy"r6asktor'
[Machines in the service of man) Mxshiny n& sluzhbe chelovsku.
Nnakval Izd-vo VTaSPS Profizdat, 1954. 14) p. CHIcrofilml
(Machinery) (141BJ 10:4)
Vasillyev, Mikhail Vasillyevich, and Sergey Zakharovich Gushchev
Reportazh iz XXI veka; my zapisali raoskazy dvadtsati devyati
sovetskikh uchenykh o nauke i tekhnike buduohchego (Reports
From the Twenty-First Century; Stories of Twenty-Nine Soviet
Scientists on Science and Engineering of the Future) [Moscow)
Izd-vo Sovetskaya Rossiya, 1958. 243 P. 50,000 copies printed.
Ed.: V. A. Golubkova; Tech. Ed.:'G. 1. Kleyeva.
PURPOSE : This book is intended for the general reader.
COVERAOE: The book contains 27 articles (told reporters by
Soviet scientists) dealing with probable future progresq in
physics, chemistry, electricity, metallurgy, engineering,
mining, medicine, biology, agriculture, zoology, transportation,
exploration of space, and photography. Attention is given to
automation'. automatic underground gasification of coal, use of
new metals,modernization of oil fieldst atomic electric stations.,
production of metal parts by the process of explosion, explosions
Card 1/7-
Reports From the Twenty-First (Cont.) SOV/5494
in dam construction, cancer, internal longevity reserves,
machine diagnoses of illnesses.. surgery vs. treatment by ultra-
sonic vibrations, mechanical heart substitutes, human body banks,,
Wmedical engineeri enriched fodder, asuperfertilizers", arti-
ficial snowfalls, 49proiculture vs. "mariculture", radiochemistry,
power beam vs. wire, machines doing intellectual work, "HF auto-
mobiles" (with "radio motors"), martificial sun" (electromag-
netic ra s f sed above a cit. which cause heated molecules
to shined, futurue ocean ships, railway dreadnoughts", Moscow
of the future, moving pavements, wheelless and driverless auto-
mobiles, electric cameras, the industrialization of Siberia,
use of underground heat, climate on the moon,
antimatter, and photon jet. Names of the interviewed sqentists
are given. There are no references.
Mission Into the Future 5
C ar d--2/7
vAsiL'Y]&V, Mikhail Vasillyevich: KHVOSTOVA, D.M., red.; RAKOV, S.I.,
[Machines present and future] 0 ma shinakh, kotorye eat' i koto- budut. Hook-ra, Izd-vo VTsSPS Profisdat, 1959. 381 P.
(HIRA 13:4)
(Mechanical engineering)
------ ~_. ~
Application of aerial methods to railroad surveying.
no.701-52 155. (KMA 9:1)
(Railroads--Surveying) (Aerial photogrammetry)
DEMnI., A.M., kand. tekhr.. nauk; GHERTKOV, V.K.;
kand. tekhn. nauk; YEFIMOV, I.P.; KOKH, P.I.; KMITOVM09 AOT'QP
dots.; PRISEDSKIY, G.V.., inzh.; DU14AYE.VSKIY, Yu.11.; VOIXKOV9xIY,
S.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; KUR17AII, A.I., kand. tekhn.
nauk; MAYME-1, S.R., kand. tekhp.. nauk; MIROSHIIIK.' A.M., kand.
teldm. nauk; PETROV, I.P., kand. tekhr,. nauk; TURYSHEV, B.F.,,
kand. tekhn.nauk; SHISHKOV, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk;
V.A. ; NIVEYEV, V.A.; SI-111WOV, A.A., otv. red.;nUBDIOV, II.G.,
red. izd-va; MAKSIVIOVA, V.V., tekhn. red.
[Handbook for the operator and mechan:Ix of open-pit mine equip-
ment] Spxuvochnik mekhanika ugollnogo kartera. 14oskva, Gos.
nauchno-tekhn,izd-vo lit-ry po gornomi delup 1961. 639 p.
(MIRA 15:3)
(Strip mining-Equipment and supplies)
(Coal mining machinery) (Electricity in mining)
VISIL',IEV, M.V. , mining engineer
Open pit dumping ~nd routing oper-t6r Sverdlovsk, Gos. nauchno-teklm.. i--d-vo
po chernoi i tsvetnoi met- llurgii, 1941,
"I . P. (r-146,'
11 72)
TN291. V32
1. Mining ecgineerlng
USSR/Mines and Mining - Squipment Jul 1947
Mineral Industries
"Motorized Transport at Open Pits In the USA and the
Development of Its Use in Russian Open-pit Mines,
M. V. Vasillyev, Mining Engineer, Lwer-Tagil'
Industrial Institute, 5 PP
"Gornyy Zhurnal" Vol CXXI, No 7
Compares 'US equipment to Russian aqalpment. Mentions
Russian SFY S Sh.9 ST and TSV scrapers anct Type BG and
B(24 bulldozers. Compares theme to the Gor-Bud 11-12.
Continental 7-A Austin Western 12.5 scrapers.
H. V. FA 15/10711,
USMAngineering Aug 48
Stone QuarrieB
"Mechanical Methods for Obtaini ab& Processing
Marble at TagilStroy," M. V. Vasillyev, Rngr,
Taglistroy T2nwt, 1 3/4 PP
"Makh Strol" No 8
Lower Tegil region Is only USSR eource of bright red
marble. Describes methods of quarrying and cutting
I f
Vt,%S I LTr*N , 1~ . 11 . , mill! n, ell t ~ lie e1. .
Open pit. trans port ~.ticln ~~verdlovsk, ucls, nnlich,-tekhn. i~d-vo !it-ry -~., c*---r.'IDI i
tsvetnoi metsllurEji, 1,4~. ~L~; :~. '~3-22077
1- - . " ,
7A.""IPY-W, ".
2,~~13'61 Vasillyev, I",. vltykh
Avtcmobill, 1.49, Nc. 6, --. 14-15
SC: LETCI-'T.~~ ZHURNAL STATEY - Vol.. 23, c.,seva, 1949
1 - 6J 11
Hydraulic ',,:ach.4rery
,:self-propelled monitor for the washing of t.--irth. FIilop:,,--jvr).-3fvo 'io. 6, 1951.
11 Uncl.
Monthly List of Russian Accession3, I ilbrary of Coagp,3s, Jun(-_ IV55,3-
Excavating Machinery
Complete mechanization of earth work.
Mekh. Trud. rab. 6, No. 2, 1952.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. LWCLASSIFIM.
2. USSR (600)
4. Coal Mines and Mining
7. Mechanization of maneuvering operations at longwall loading points.
Mast. ugl. 1 no. 7, 1952
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified.
Generalizing advanced labor techniques in excavating work. Gor, zhur, no, 8. 1952.
Month:~y List of Russian Accessiona, Library of Congmss, November 1952., UNCLASSIFIED.
Clay Indurtries
,!echani7,ation of brick clay !:iinin,7 in -tintc- r. :;trni, 2, no. 2, 1?"2.
14onthly LL~ of 'Pusriran Accessions, L-lb-arr o~ Conri-ess- a,,, 1?7)2. ~S717177
2. USSR (6CO)
4. Excavation
7. Cyclical method of excavating work. Stroi. prom. 30, No. 6, 1952.
Monthly List of Russian iccegsions, Library of Congress, August 1'7/52.
Use of radio in excavating work. Sbor.mat. o nor.takh. v stroi. 15 no.6:
6-11 '53. (MI-RA 6 -5 )
(Zxcavation) (Radio)
WILIEV, M. V., Eng.
Automobiles - Trailers
Using tractor trailers in open pit mining and in earthwork. "elh. trud. rab. 7,
No. 3, 1953.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl.
VASIL'YEV, ". V. Eng.
Study of im~.,,r ved practice,~ anti m,!th- r! - in excavatinF wc!.-k. Shcr. r~at. o nrv. tekh. v
stroi. 15 "o; 4, 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified.
1. VASILIYEEV, 1-11. V., Eng.
2. USSR (600)
4. Excavation
7. Excavating work in cycles. Sbor. mat. o nov. tekh. v stroi. 15, No. 5, 1953.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accebsions, Library of Congress, ADril 1953, ur-cl.
Bulldozer-ditcher with a trzpezoid bladc. Rats. i izobr. v stroi. nc.
79:3-5 154. - (KLHA 8:4)
VASILIYEV. M.V., inzhener.
Nachanization of earthwork in constructing mines and factories.
Mekh.strol. 11 no.7:11-16 Jl '54. (MLRA 7:7)
(lart'amoving machinery)
VASILIYEV, M.V., gorny7 in-hener
PWOVWIN"Wrwl~ ~ ~-
Progressive practices in earth removal by dragline excavator operators.
Gor.zhur. no.1:7-10 Ja 155. (MIRA 8:7)
VASILIYEV, MoVe, gorW inzhaner*
D=p-traaafer conve.7=a ujeid ir~ the NIzhn,.%-U7vA'-I9k1-- open p't cv,_1
mines. Mekh.trud.rat. 9 F 155* (MIBA 5: 4)
(Coal barAlIng mar;Ii".u-rjr)
VASIL'Y1ff,M.V. kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk
Haulage b.,r heavy duty dump trucks. Gor.zhvx. no.9:35-39 S 155.
(Dump trucks) (KLRA 8:8)
VASILITIT, M.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SAMOKWAWV, V.P., inzhener.
1-1~i~'Z,,,~ ~10~:
Pulldozor with clamsholl jav. Makh.truil.rab.10 ac.3:29-30 Mr '56.
(Bulldozeris) (Mln 9:7)
VASILIY16N, 14.V.. kandidnt taklinichomkikh nrui1c.
New methods of using dragline ixcnvntore in larga-seRle excavntion.
Biul.strol.W-h. 13 no.10:26-29 0 156. (XlRA 10:1)
1. Trent UrnlsibekskmvRtsiya.
(19xcavatine ochinery)
NIKOIAY14V, I.I.. kandidat tekhmichoskikb nvik, starshty nauchnyv ~'-otrudnlk:
VASIL' YEV-1ftyA.-Irandidat tekhntchesk*!kh nauk. sterahiy nalm+r.vy
sotrudnik; PAMASSNY.O. A.D., ka,)dllpt %el-hnicbeeki". ristik, r-j-,-.~-hrFy
red,qktor; MAK, B.A.. redak-tr-r izdatullptva; TOD.?, A.Y., !elki-nt-
cheskiy redaktor
[Plans for comprehensivo mechanization of construction work] SkbeuV
komplokenoi mekhontzatsit strottellrjy~-h robot. Host-vs. Goo. Izd-vo
lit-ry po stroit. I mrkhIt. No.2, sec.4. [Barthwork In the construc-
tion of irrigation systeisl Zemliaziye raboty pri stroitellstve orn-
site!'Vkh statem. 1957, 119 V. (HLRA 10- 10)
1. Akademiya strottel'otya I arkhttaktur7 SSS.R. Inetitut orgsaizatsil
I mokhanizatail stroitellstva. 2. Sredneeziatskiy nauchno-issledovs-
tellskiy institut irriestaii (for Vasilivev, Nikolaymv)
VASILIYE,V,. Mikhail Vladim ch; MINGALEV, Yu.A.. redaktor; MAMOT, A.I.,
- 6-
_--MaBiizor; IoUGH3.0. Eu. V*. redaktor izdatel'stva; ZIF, Ye.M..
tekhnichaskiy redaktor
[Automobile and tractor transportation in open-cut mining]
Avtomobilinyi t traktorrqi transport na karlerakh. Sverdlovsk,
Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii,
Sverdlovskoe otd-nie. 1957. 432 p. (MMA 10:11)
(Mine haulage) (Motor trucks)
VASILIYZV, M-V., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk.
Prospects for the development of automobile and tractor tramportation
in strip mining. Gor. zhar. no.1:62-67 Ja 157. (MLHA 10:4)
1. Glavnyy Inzhener trests. Uralsibekskavatolya.
(Strip mining) (Mine haulage)
VASILIYNV, M.Y., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk.
~ ~ . - -1
Tag n increasing the efficiency of automobile transportation in
olmn pit mines. Gor, shur. no,5:27-31 MY '57. (MI2A 10:6)
1. Treat Uftleibekskavatniya.
(Mine haulage) (Transportation, Automotive)
VASILIYEV, M.V., inzh.
t- ,
Conveyer receptacle bunkers for coal pits. Makh. trud. rab. 11 no.10:
24 0 '57. (MIRA 10:11)
(Coal mines and mining)
AUTHOR: Vasillycv, l,,.V. , Candidate of Tei-.hnical Scier-ces
TITLE: L Conducted on Construction Sites in the Eastern
-Excavat4 01.,
Rer,ions of the Country (Opy-; -oroizvodstva
0 -
rabot na stroykakii vu.,tochnyINh raycnov strany)
PERIODICAL; Llekhanizatsiya Stroitel'stva, lc)5'(', Vol.lii) flo.T'
P-T) - 3 - ? (US;3R).
ABSTRACT: The Uralsibekskavatsiya Trus,-j specialises in excavation
work in the Urals and in Siberia, w*nere special attention to
climatic conditions is required. 1 shows figures for
excavation work carried out between 1950 and 10,56; Table 2
technical and and economic data. Excavators used _Lve increased
volume of excavation .vork by the "rollinG off" riethod, by
breaking up the soil which is then transported by bulldozers.
Lorry transport was found to be mor-D economicaljhan rail trans-
port. Diesel-engiae lorries MA3-205 with 1/2 capacity
excavators and lorries of mark ~A~y-210E with sinr_~Je bucket
excavators were most satisfactory. DurinC the last 2 years,
the mobile scra3ers A-147 and A- 222, as well as articulated
trailers (A-179 have been used. T'rie latter are riost effective
on distances of up to 1 1/2 km, the tractor-driven trailers on
distances up to 0,8 km and. the scrapers on distances of 0.4 -
0.5 km. 855L of the excavators are ~xiven by diesel enf'
Cnrdl/3 ,iri-es.
Excavation Conducted on Construction Sites In the -7,,jLtci-n Rr.~-'ons of
the Country
650, of the excavators are constructed as draS-line mechanis=.
During 1956, these were used for G7,' of all the work carried out
by the Trust. Of the excavated Grolind, consisted of ~;tone,
1'/.' of frozen soil. Table 3 sh-ows the dail~7 output of the
excavators as well as the time required for maintenance of the
same during 1955 - 1956. The annual output of these excavators
(Table 4), of single-bucket excavators (Table 5) and of various
types of excavators (Table 6) is L~iven. AdvantaL-es and dis-
advantaGes are discussed in detail. The output of Stal:hanov
BriC4-ades of the Trust reached durinG 1951 to 1P56 are shovin in
Table Big-capacity buckets are r-ore suitable for soils.
Special equipment has to be used for breakinZ up the frozen soil
to a depth of 1.6 m (and deeper). The MC-110 iLachines are most
frequently used. If these were not sufficiently efficient,
then wedges and iechanical ham.,.ers attached to tLe arm of the
excavator were applied; this, homever, caused a 50 - C)G;L drop
in the output. The soil for winter excav-,,tions is j-;rc-pared by
various methods in the autumn: a) by heapinL, up of the (tround
~n the Siberian regions); b) by breakin,- up of-the -round by
the impact of the excavator buckets (in the Urals); c) by deep
ELcavation Conducted on Construction Sites in the s,c::,n
ti, CIOJmt,7 Tr.
cross plourhi% in 2 directions (in the S~,,uth Ur-~tls and the
Kazakhstan~. The cranes can be assem"bled and di-i-.' antled in
8 days. The annual output/eIx-cavator opej-.,ttor is - iven ii-,
Table 8. Two shifts wor": ~,enerally; shifts undr-rl
excel)tional conditions. There a-re 3 tables.
AVAILABLE: Library of ConCress
Card 3/3 1. Earth moving equipment-Applications 2. Construction-USSR
- - ~ - ~ Z"*~ -1, , "
VASILIYXV, M.V., kand. tekhn. nauk.
Using eacavators for working frozen ground. Diul. stroi. tekh. 14
no.11:9-13 N 157. (NM 11:1)
1. Trost Uralsibekskavatelya.
(Sxcavation machinery--Cold weather operations)
VASILIYEV, M.Y., kand.tekhn.nauk.
Moving earth by belt conveyers. Stroi.prom. 35 no.7:10-13 JI 157.
(MIRA 10:10)
(Conveying machinery) (Marthmoving machinery)
.4 UTHO R Vasil lye-v, CanJI.Intp of
TITLE: An Lva `uatio7of A u to rro I i I e nnd '-,'q i lro,-d TranF-.p,1rtP. tion in
flua rries (0 tsenka a v' omobi 1 'no go i zhe I e:,nodoro,,-hnof--o rnn
porta na karlyerskh)
PFRIODICAI: pp 26-32
Gornyy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 9
ABSTRACT: The author made a comparative evaluation of nuto7otive and rail-
road transportation in the lnrf-est ounrries of the
Dombrovskill (:~ef. 1~ and L.", TyrnDvskiy (:~ef. ci-,irrei t""4-
'the efficiency of exc,-v,--.tor3 is from 2(- to 30 higher when
automotive trpnsnortntion is used. 7he Puthor nroved 'fiat
the excsvpfor ef.~iciency is 16 7' hieher when railroad trans-
portPtion is used. Automotive transport..9tion needs P well
functioning administration and a grent number of spare trucks
to replace those Undergoing repair. As to the comuarable costs
of these 2 ways of trnnsport,-tion, the author found that 'he
costs as well as the efficiency of both methods of transportation
are identical. `!cwever, -s soon as larger Pnj rrore ro-merfu-,,
dumptrucks are nvailahle, ind the orranizption )f ~:-,uto-otive
Card 112 transportF~tion improves, thi- of
transporl.-Ition xi-11- be best.
'7 - I
An Evaluation of Automobile r.:nd :~~nilropd 7rnr3port;~ticn. In
There are 4 tables, 6, graphs and 11 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATTON: Gorno-geologicheskiy iwititut UrqlIskogo filialn P..'I 1'
(The Yining and Geologicil Institute of the. Ural Pranch n.4~
the AS USSR)
1. Quarries--Equipment--Effectiver,esz-, 2. Trucks--Effectiveness
3. Railroads--Effectiveness
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: jz&41-L Candidate of Technical Sciences and Kochetov,
M. T., an'sinear
TIM-',; New TecIriiTies in the Transfer of ~.',',iarry Tr-,nsportation
Equipment (:Tovoye v tekhnike peremeshcheniya transportnyIdi
hommunikat3iy na karlyerakh)
PEIRIODICAL: Mekhanizat.,;iya trudoyen~lki;,h i ty-,zhelyk:l _-rbot, 1958, lir 10,
Pp 44 - 46 (USSR)
AB,':M-~CT: 'Phe authors describe Le Tourneau bulidazero ujed in US and
West Germany for the last 10 years, i'or the movinF, tracks
and conveyor assemblies in quarries. There are 3 photos.
1 diarram and 1 table.
1. Bulldozers--Equipment 2. Quarries--Equipment
-AUTHOR: Cand. of Tecb. Sciences SOV/127-58-12-12/26
TITLE. Rail Transportation in the Opencast Iron Or& Mines of the
Urals (Rel'sovyy transport na zheleznorudnykh karlyerakh
PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnall 1958, 11ir 12, pp 47 - 51 (USSR,,
ABSTRACT: Though the volume of the iron ore extracted from opencast
mines of the Ural region and transported by railway in 1956
was important, there are many possibilities of increasing
the efficiency of railway transportfof reducing transport-
ation costs. The author finds thaf the main cause of the
insufficient mechanization of the railways is the shortage
of equipment in almost every branch of railway service.
Losses of time caused by the poor functioning cr delayed
repair of various parts of the railway system and its roll-
ing stock reach up to 23-1~, of the working time, Thr author
Card 1/2 proposes different plans to remedy this state of affairs.
Rail Transportation in the Opencast Iron Ore 1,ines of the Urals
There are 7 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Gorno-geologicheskiy institut Urallskogo filiala,AN SSSR
(The rilining and Geological Institute of the Urals Branch
of the AS USSR.)
Card 2/2
VABILITICV, 14,,,.V.4, kand. tekhn. nank.; KOCMUOY, H.T., Inzh.
Recent developments in methods of distributing transportation lines
at quarries. Mekh. trud. rab. 12 no.10:44-46 0 158. (MIRL 11:11)
(qmrries and quarrying)
G;tain parameters of truck haulage in deep open-cut miner..
Trudy Gor.-geol. inst. UFAR SSSR no.31:197-210 '58.
(MIRA 12:9)
(Strip mining) (Mine h&ulage)
VASILIYF,V, M., kand. tekhn. nauk.
- --0144" 4,
--- TivIng automotive transport In mining, Avt. transp. 36 no.l-,6-8 Ja
I g;8. (MMA 11:1)
(Mine haulage) (Transportation, Automotive)
KHOKIIRYAYOV, V.S., dntu.; -,YL'! I I I. V. , Van d. t a V I in. nati Ir,
Investigation of nporatlonal properties of B&Z-525 dlup
trucks In cirma-pit minne. Izv.vy9.uchcb.--av.;
no.2:98-111 1.59. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Sverdlovnkiy j-,arityl ingtitut Imeni V.V.Vakhmaliova (for
Khokhryakov). 2. Gorno-geologicheakiy ingtitut Ural 'Eil:cdo
filiala AN SSSR (for Vaf;Illyev).
(Strip mining) (Dump trucks)
VASILITRY, M.V., kand.tekhn.nauk
Transportation b7 helicopters out of deep pits ucheba
(, Isviv78
zavo; gor.zhurv no.3:99-1O4 '59. IRA 3-.4)
1. Urallskiy filial Ali SSSR-
(Ore handling) (Helicopters)
6(6), 11(7) SOV/118-59-9-14/20
AUTHORS: , Candidate of Technical Sciences, and
Vas em_1LJ.
-K-ochetkov N.T. and Subbotin A,,N,, Engineers
TITLE: Television in Open Pit Mines
PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, lQ59,
Nr. 9, Pp 56-60 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The chief purpose of industrial television is a visual
control over mining processes remote or inaccessible
for a direct observation. It can convey to one or seve-
ral control posts reliable information about the work
carried out in one or several sections. With the aid of
television, an operative control over all basic produc-
tion processes, such as drillingg loading, transpollation
and unloading of mined mass, is realized. Industrial te-
levision installations applied in open pit mines con-
sist of three basic components: transmitter, amplifier,
and receiver with screen, all connected by a special ca-
ble (Fig. 1). Transmission of vision and sound signals
Card 1/3 can be performed either by cables or by wireless methods.
Television in Open Pit Mines
In industrial television installations used in open pit
mines, the co-axial cable system is applied, as it de-
creases the influence of different disturbances appev.-
ring as a result of work of electric installations and
other machines in the mined Depending on their construc-
tion, transmitting tubes of television installations
differ by their sensitivity and have different periods
of service. In the USSR, industrial television installa-
tions are provided with transmitting tubes "Vidikon" and
"Superortikon". The amplifier is intended for streng-
thening incoming vision signals and increasing them to
a size, permitting the reception of a normal image on the
screen. The amplifier is connected between the transmit-
ter and the screen, The size of the receiver screen de-
pends on the size of the receiving tube, and averages to
17-18 cm. Depending on the purpose of the television in-
stallation, different connection layouts are used; some-
times, several transmitters are connected to one recei-
ver; in other cases, one transmitter is connected with
Card 2/3 several receivers located at different points. One trans-
Television in Open Pit Mines
mitter can simultaneously send the image to 4-5 screens
The Central Scientific-Research Institute of Television
has worked out a number of designs intended for serial
production. Among them is the installation with trans-
mitting tubes "Vidikon" (PTU-0, PTU-1, PTU-2) and "Su-
perortikon" (PTU-3). The installation PTU-3 is shown in
Fig. 2. It ensures definition of the image up to 600
lines. A wide apnlication of television is planned in
the Bazhenovskiye quarriez of the Trust "Soyuzasbest".
and in the quarries of the Southern and Central lulining
Administrations. It is intended to improve the installa-
tion PTU-3 or PTU-4 in such a way that it would permit
reception from 12 transmitters; at the same time, it is
planned to increase the distance between the transmitter
and the amplifier to 800 m, and from the amplifier to the
receiver - to 1000 m. A television installation for su-
perintendence of unloading of ores at the Magnitogorsk
Metallurgical eombine is at present used. Transmitter
PTU-3 is placed on a special 4 m high tower, receiving
devices are located in the dispatch room, 150 m away
Card 3/3 from the object-of observation. There are 2 photoi~raphs,
14(10711), 30(l)
AUTHOR: Vasillyev date of Technical Sciences
TITLEs NewEarth Moving Equipment
PFMIODICAL: Gidroteklinicheskoye stroitellstvo, 1959, Nr 10, pp 10-17 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The article deals with the latest developments in the field of
automotive construction and design and their application to hy-
draulic construction, mainly in the form of excavators, scrapers
and bulldozers. Hitherto these were based on the 93 10? S-80 timc-
tor, produced by the Chelyabinskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Works), but
since the engine of this machine is now too weak for the type of
work required of it, new types have been evolved in the form of
articulated vehicles composed of single-axled and twin-axled Zrac-
tion machines and a separate bulldozing unit, which is attached as
needed. The h[AZ-529 (Fig.1), to be produced this year, consists of
a forward traction unit powered by a 165 HP YaAZ-21OYe 2-stroke
engine, with a 5-speed gearbox; an output of 64 UP at 1,500 revs.
Card 1/4 per min. is sufficient for heavy work. It was tested in conjunc-
Now Earth Mov'_:iG Equipment
tion with the D-357(; hydraulic scraper (capacity 9-10 1113), pro-
duccd by the Nikolayevskiy zavod (Nikolayevsk Works) of construe-
tion and road building machines, but it is intended that produc-
tion of the rear-emptying INUZ-5238 semi-trailer (cal)ILCity 9 M3 )
will be given priority. The author proceeds to give a brief ac-
count of the MAZ-533 and MJkZ-531 single-axled tractors, designed
by the Minskiy avtozavod (Minsk Automobile Works) and scheduled
for production by the Mogilevskiy zavod (Mogilev Works) in 1959-
1960. The former has a 110 IIP engine and is for use with scrapers
of 4 m3 capacity; the latter develops 300 IlP and is for use with
15 M3 scrapers. Fig.2 shows a D-932 scraper coupled with a MAZ-531
tractor, and the specifications of the 3 above mentioned vehicles
are given in table 1. Brief mention is also made of the D-387 and
SVN automotive scrapers manufactured,by the Zavod imeni Kolyush-
cbenko (Works imeni Kolyushchenko), and the advantages of these
new designs over automatic dump trucks are enumeratod: simplicity,
maneuvrability, road-holding and economy. The specifications of
Card 2/4 these machines are compared with those of the caterpillar type in
New Earth Moving Equipment
table 2, and table 3 contains details of the compitrative perfor-
mance and economy of the various machines, showing thnt articula-
ted machines become considerably more economical in use as the dis-
tance covered increases. Fig.3 and table 4 give details concerning
the twin-axled MAZ-528 bulldozer, vrith a 165 UP diesel engine, an-
other product of the Alinsk Works, but while such machines are su-
perior -to caterpillar types, their production is not as yet large-
scale in the USSR. The output of D-188A scrapers (Table 5) is lim-
ited by the shortage of DET-250 tractors, production of which by
the Chelyabinsk traktornYy zavod (Chelyabinsk Tractor Works) is
scheduled for 1959-60. The manufacture of scrapers of capacity
exceeding 25 m3 is not visualized, but the power of the tractor
is, however, to be increased, and tests carried out on D-295 bull-
dozers used in conjunction with 140 HP tractors showed them to be
vastly superior to D-271 bulldozers used with C-80 tractors; pro-
duction of D-275 machines is noir to be transferred to the Bezhet-
skiy zavod (Dezbetskiy Works). The D-384 (Fig.4) and D--3R5 by-
Card 3/4 draulic-action bulldozers, produced by the Works imeni Kolyush-
New Earth Mwi trig Equipment
chenko and tested in 1957 in the Chelyabinsk area, are then treat-
ed by the author; the technical specifications of the former are
given in table 6, and both machines are capable of moving soft
earth for distances of 50-70 in, or 100 in with extended scoops, Men-
tion is made of' the 380 1111 Ainerican Eticlid TS-12 btilldozor, used
for moving rocks up to 50 cm in diameter. The use of D-144 and
D-265 autograders in road building is then discussed: they have
proved unsatisfactory, and a new 150 IIP D-395 experimental model
has considerable advantages over them, being equipped with servo-
drive, power steering, pre-heated water and oil, etc, but having
the major fault of being very complex. There are 4 diagrams and 6
tables. The author states that the most se=Loas shoz-tcomizg in
Soviet production of ea=th-movilng equipmeat 4-6 the !ring Cevelolmeat.
period (several years from protot.,T_- tc sa::ies p-_~cduitlo:: and, _',e
complains, this has caused Soviet das-_~Ois to beg'-_ to lag
similar foreign equilment.
Card 4/4
VASI6'TZY,_Rj,, kand. tokhn. nauk.
Improving the use and reducing the Ia:bor involved in conveiror
haulage in Ural Mountain coal pits. Jgol' 34 no.1:24-28 Ja '59.
(MIRA 12: 1)
(Ural Mountains-Strip mining) (Conveying machinery)
Vasillyev, Mikhail Vasillyevich, and Kirill Petrorich Stanyukovich
V mire semi stikhiy (In a World of Seven Elements) [Moscow] Izd-vo
Tak VLKSK "Molodaya gvardiya," 1961. 254 P- 31,000 copies printed.
Eds.: V. Peke3is and V. Fedchenko; Tech. Ed.: L. Kuvyrkovs.
FUMSE: This book is intended to acquaint the general reader with modern
problems of physics.
COVERAGE; The book discusses hydro- and gaadynamics) explosion theory, field
dynamics, and other fields of physics which made possible the present ad-
vanced state of aviation, rocket and hydraulic engineering, thermal engines,
etc. The book is written in popular form) but treats difficult problems,
such as the mastering of ultrasonic speeds, flight outside the earth's at-
mosphere, construction of photon rockets, and interstellar flight. The
book attempts to answer such questions as: are speeds faster than light
Card 1/~L_
In a World of Seven Elements
possible, was Einstein right, is there a fouith dimension, how old are
atoms, etc. The foreword notes that some of the material is hypothetical,
with proof still lacking and further investigations needed. Many person-
alities are mentioned in the text. The authors thank N. N. Bogolyubov,
A. V. Fok, I. V. Kuznetsov, and M. V. Fok. "There are no references.
Preface 3
Face to face (instead of an introduction) 5
Matter of the Universe
Exploring the void 9
Nature's elements 23
In the hands of the great master 30
Three conquered elements 38
Card 2/5
US jjUjjjWaUMadimiroyIc4 kand.tekhn.nauk; TYMOVSKIY, L.G.,
kand.tekhn.nauk,; LYUBIHOV. N.G., red.izd-va;
318 P.
open-pit mine haulage) Sovremennyl karlernyl transport.
Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu, 1960.
(Mine haulage) (Strip mining) (MIRA 14:3)
Searching for practical methods of controlling exhaust gases from
truck haulage in strip mines. Gor.zhur. no.5:65-68 My 160.
(MIRA 14:3)
1. Ural'skiy filial AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk.
(Mine sanitation) (Automobile exhaust gas)
VAbIL'YEV, M,V., kand.takhn.nauk
Efficient parameters of dump trucks for open-pit mining. Gor.
zhur. 00.9:38-41 S 160. (91" 13:9)
1. Urallskiy filial AH SSSR.
(Strip mining) (Mine haulage) (Dump trucks)
VASILITLIV.,X V., kand.takhn.nAuk
Helicopter descenets into open-pit mines. Naulm I shisn' 27 no.6:
63 -To 160. NUA 1-3:7)
1. Ural'Qkiy filial Akademi-i nauk SSbR.
(Helicopters) (Mine haulage) (Strip mining)
VASIL'YEV M.V., kand.takhn.nauk
"Transportation in open-pit mining" by M.G.Potapov. Reviewed b7
M.V.Vasillev. Ugoll 35 no.1:64 Ja 160. (WRA 13:5)
1. Gorno-geologicheski7 institut Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR.
(Bibliography-5trip mining)
(Potapov, N.G.)
Principal problems involved In truck haulage in open-pit mines.
Trudy Gor.-geol. fast. UMF SSSR no.4g.-5-24 160.
(MIRA 13:8)
(Strip mining) (Mine haulage)