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BOV/144-58-8-7/18 Non-oompensated e..m.f. in the Short-circuited Sections of DC Motors Fed by a Pulsating Voltage ASSOCIATION: Novccherkasskiy elektrovozostroitellnyy zavod (Novocherkassk Elec-tric Locomotive Works) SUBMITTED: July 23, 1958 Card 3/3 inzh-; BOCHAROV, V.I., inzh. Possible methods of further improving the traction characteristics of the VL22m electric locomotive. Blek. I tepl. tiaga 3 no-3:" Mr 159. (MIRA 12:5) (Blectric locomotives) AUTHOR: Vasilepk G.V.. (Engineer) SOV/144- 59-8--tf/14 a~. TITLE: The Evaluation of the Regulation Properties cf a rl.c. Traction Motor PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedeniy, Elektromekdianika~ 1959, Nr 8, pp 41-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the most important properties of an electric locomotive Is the availability of the power at high speeds, which depends on the characteristics of the motors, Neglecting variations in e.m.f., the output of the locomotives at maximum speed is proportional to the current taken by the traction motor at this speed. This problem was studied by V~S. Khvostov, who derived formula (1) for t-he motor current. He assumed that the magnetic flux corresponding to MaXIMUM SDeed lies on the straight part of the magnetisation curra. If at 'this sDaed the iron is saturated, formula (la) should be used. in the case of diesel-ele--tric locomotivas in which the voltage applied to tha motors Is regulated, and also in rectifier lo(,.omot4-.ves in whI(;h tile main poles are Card 1/4 esistiveiy shunted? the more genera-, formla (lb) should be used. The facto.- that Khvostov ca~lls the regulation SOV/144-,r,9-.,0-4/li+ 4-- The Evaluation of the Regulation Propertje~: of & D.r'. T-__aC_,.Jon otor coeffioient is given by Itormula ".2.). 'Uthe i~atlo of the field ouri-ent to the aymata-ze current at may-imum field weakening is multiplied by, t,,.e satu:ration fa.,,;to:r- of the magnetic system Gf the motoi- und&r :.,ated, conditions; the reolprocal of t'lli's piro'dac,-V gV,-:is the A study is then viadrio cf ~ariatlons JI). Via, reguIation coeffinient (ani, the:-ef(.T,9 (j thf, Of the ;~ as; .1 9 power) in two :;a0 "he air 'ap' be't-.'ct:L~-n the armature and tha main pola is altj.Ted hat (1) th'a magnatic flux und-gr rated condittions :~s mainta-.!.,iE~d :~:~nstant Ily appropriate variation ol' -~'-4jte an 1 (2) tha excitation remaj.ns constant, sc, thia 4 the rateil magnstiz., 4. flux of t;Alie motor '~arias. hLe !~,'-ianges ~n the utillsa- tj on of :r-ated output of t,he motcr ~Ln the fLrst of thesa cases is then .,onsidered, The basli~ as ''zumptionzs are stated. The analysis pro,.~eeds the diagram of the, air gap and the steel part of the magnatic rAzouit given in Fig 1. Expression (/) is deri,,red for -,Ilie saturation factor. The permissible field-weak9ning is ,.considered. Card 2/4 The new regulation. coeffPI-lent obtained on r;hanging the air gap is given by Eq (10) and it will be seen that -1t varies in direct proportion to tha (;hange Di the aIr gap SOV/144-59-8-4/14 The Evaluation of the Regulation Properties of a D.C. Traction Motor under the main pole. The second case, where the air gap is changed without altering the excitation, is then considered. It will be seen from Eq (15) that the regulation coefficient is inversely proportional to the saturation factor. The utilisation of the output at maximum speed also alters. In this case graphical analysis is accurate and vivid. The magnetic characteris- tics of a series traction motor type NB-06 with a saturation factor at rated conditions of 2.15 are given in Fig 3, and in Fig 2 they are resolved between the steel and the air gap for different valuGs of air gap. The results obtained are tabulated and the data used to construct the graphs in Fig 4 which show the change in magnetic flux and saturation factor of this motor as functions of the air gap between the main pole and the armature. It is concluded that when the air gap is altered, if the rated magnetic flux is maintained constant by altering the permissible degree of field weakeningg the regulation factor varies in direct proportion to the Card 3/4 change in air gap. When the excitation is constant, so that the flux is allowed to vary as the air gap is altered, SOV/144-594-4/14 The Evaluation of the Regulation Properties of a D.C. Traction Motor then the regulation coefficient alters less and is inversely proportional to the ahange in saturation factor. The practical implications of th1s work in re- designing the motor to obtain maximum output at high speeds are briefly considered. A simple niamerical example Card 1+/)+ is worked out. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Novocherkasskiy elektrovo"-ostroiteilnyy za-.,od (Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Works) SUBMITTED: March 25, 1959 VASILEINKO, G.V., inzh. Effect of the magnetic system of the traction motor on the utilization of power at high locomotive speeds4 Trudy MIIT 114:68-83 159. (MIRA 13:4) (Electric locomotives) VASILENKO, Georgiy Vadimovich.. inzh. Consideration of the demagnetizing reactance of the armatuxes of electric traction motors. Izv. vys. ucbeb. zav.; elektr-mekh. 3 no.6:105-211. 160. WIRA 15:5) 1. Otdel alektxicheskikh mashin Novocherkasskogo elektro- stroitellnogo savoda. (Electric motors) (Electric railway motors) VASILE770, CU. itelationj'lp between ',',e C- a,-!. 1 ir of in a t--acU0m -c IZ-;. vyz. e Is ~:;-:-ca=ar--- 3 ilo.11:72-81 1;0. (Elect---ic fo, A: VASILEM 1, G.V. Efficient method for caleulating and designing the rApetic system of a traction electric motor vith given regulator7 characteristics, Izv, v7s, ucheb. zav.; alektromekbe /+ no*10:43-4f 161, (KM 14-11) (Electric railVV motors) ZOLOTAREV, P.A., VASILMO, G.V. Improving the traction properties of N8 and VL23 electric locomotives. Zhel.dor.tranap. 42 nc-8:21-22 Ag 160. (MIRA 130) 1, Nachallnik otdela elektrichesilkh mashin konstruktorskogo byuro Novocherkasskogo savoda(for Zolotarev). 2. Rukovoditell gruppy elektricheskikh mashin konotruktorskogo byuro Novocher- kasskogo zavoda (for Vasilenko). (Electric locomotives) VASIIENKO, G.V. Determining the commutation parameters of d.c. machinery. Sbor. nauch. trud. EINII 2:165-169 162. (MIRA 16:8) (Commutation (Electricity)) (Electric machinery) VASILENKO, G.V. General relationships between the eypenditure of copper in winding wire and the efficiency of traction motors with collector voltages UP to 1500 and 1000 volts. Sbor. nauch. trud. EINII 303-92 163. (HIRA 1794) - r- -. I . VASILENKO, Georgiy Vadimovich, inzh. Doubling of the number of balancing connections in electrical machines. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 6 no-5:634-636 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Rukovaditell gruppy spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo otdola Novocharkasskogo elektrovozostroitellnogo zavoda. (Electric machinery) VASILENKO, Georgiy Vadimovich, inzh. Effect of the field of the principal pole on the commitaticn of a traction motor. Izv. -vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 6 no.6-. 768-774 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Rukovoditell gruppy spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo otdela Novocherkasskogo elektrovozostroltellnogo zavoda. (Electric machinery) 3-Z VASILENKO, GeoELiy Vadimovich, inzh. Use of an analig computer In studying the performance of a tracticm motor in nonsteady operation. Potential stability criteria. Izv.vys. ucheb.zav.; elektromekh. 7 no,10;1195-1199 164. (MIRA 1821) 1. Rukovoditall gruppy Vo6soyuznogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo i proyektnc-konstruktorskogo instituta, e3ektrovozostroyaniya. VASILMKO, I. The master minor is the labor organizer of his shift. Kant. ugl. 3 no.8:6-7 Ag 154. (MLRA 7:9) 1. Gornyy master shakhty im. Ordzhonikidze kombinata Sta- linucoll. (Coal mines and mining) INV` "NAR'l I , ,I . I - I F -V I ! ~ 1 -,,I! 14 -L ~ SATANOVSKIY, L.0 inzhner-podpolkovnik; VASILENKO, I., mWor takhnicheekoy sluzhby. Method for reconditioning blancer bushings. Tankist U0,5:56-57 VT 156. (MIRA 110) (Tanks (Military science)-lingines-Maintanance and repair) ,-VA,SILENKO, I. A communist labor plant. Sov-profsoiuzy 16 no-13:21-25 Jl 160. (KIRA 13:8) 1. Predsedatell zavkoma Dneprodzerzhinakogo kokookhimicheakogo zavoda. (Efficiency, Industrial) (Dneproierzhinsk--Trade unions) RAYEVSKIY, N.F.; VLAD114IROVO B.V.; KaKAROV, N.S.p red.; SIICHUCEKINp N.V.v red.; SOLOVIYEVp D.I., red.; RABINOVICIIp I*Pot redo; I.F. MODEL', B.I.t teklm. reds _1__-I-zed [Theoryp deeignp and manufacture of agricultural machineryj Teoriial konstruktaiia i proizvodstvo sallskokboziaist7emykh mashin. MookTaq Goo. nauabno-tokhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. V61.7. [At3a of general agricultural machinery parts] Atlas obahchikh detalei sellkhoziai- stveinn7kh mashin. 1945,335 P. (MIRA 14:6) (A hinery) .gricultural mac VASILENKO Ivan Fomich "Grain Combines," in the book Mashinostroyeniye. Entsiklopeicheskiy spravochnik (Encylopedia of Machine Building), Vol. 12, Moscow, 1948 (Section 4) "Agrotechnical Requirements and New Designs for Combines," in the book 0 novykh mashinakh dlya sotsialisticheskogo sellskogo khozynyatva (New Machines for Socialist Agriculture), No. 3, 1948, (pages 4-10). Bol'shaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, Vol. Tr, 2nd ed., Moscow, 1949 A ----VASnENKO.- I.F.-- - 24981 Vaellenko, I.F. Zadachi Yekhanizataii Vborki,, Ochiatki, Sortirovaniya Zerna, Doklady Vueso3ruz. Akad. C.-x. Nauk Im. lanina,, 1949 vyp. 6, 0. 104-11. So: ~Stopis 'No 33p 1949 VASILENKO---I--F-;--SZRGEYEV- A S - -6 - 0 --V 0 a 0 Seed Industry Continuous method of cleaning and drying newly harvested grain seeds. Sel. i sem.,, 19, No. 7s 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Idbrary of Congress, Uctober 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. Ij I LI F. Theorj of the mechanism of harvesting machines. Tr. from the itussian. o. 369. (VESTNIK, Vol. 1~, No. 7/3, 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East r-uropean Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 12, Dee 1957. Uncl. akad.emik; AVDMV, Me., inzh.; MOROZOT, A.F., Inzb.; -!!il~so~- , Y.M., kand.takhn.nauko, KRYUKOV, Y.L., red.: MUMVA, N.H.,; BALWD, A.1p, [Grain combines of the U.S.S.R. and foreign countries; theory sind analysis of contruction] Zernovye kombainy SSSR I zarubezb- nykh stran; tenrila i analiz konstruktaii. Pod red. I.F.Vasilanko. 14opkval Goo. ind-vo sallkhoz. lit-ry, 1958. 294 p. (MIRA 11:12) (Combines (Agricultural machinery)) h '6 :I T;- VC.L. no. 5, Dec. 195", Vasil-nko, I. Use of radiosotores in tes'Ing the -rading o f 292. Monthly List of East Eiirorean Accessiw7s U;, Vol.. ~, no. 5, M~ay 1959, Unclass. VASILBIJKO, I.F., okademik, red.; SOKOLOV,.G.N., red.; ANTONOVA, N.M.,,takhn. (Mechanization and electrification of agriculture in the U.S.S.R.] Mekhanizataiia i elektrifikateiia sellskogo khoziaistva v SBSR. Pod red. I.F.Vasilenko. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va sel'skogo khoz.SSSR, 1959. 244 p. (HIRA 12:10) 1. Veasoyuznaya akademiya sel'skokhozysystvennykh nauk im8ni V.I. Lenina. 2.,Voesoyuznaya skademiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lanina (for Vasilenko). (Farm mechanization) (Electricity in agriculture) ACCESSION NR- AT4023780 0/2723/63/000/002/0128/0133 AUTHOR: Gulyanitakly, A. A.; Mikitishin, S. 1. Ty*nny*y, A. N. Vasilenlw, 1. 1* TITLE:- The effect of sulfur and dichloramine B additions to oil on the interaction -between the friction surfaces SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. Insty*tut mashy*noz&iavetva i avtomaty*ky*, Vviv. V11yan1ye rabochikh fired na svoystva materialov (Effect of a6tive media on the properties of materials), no. 2, 1963, 128-133 TOPIC TAGS: oil additivp, lubrication, adhesion, seizing sulfur additive, dichloramine, oil, sulfuric acid, dichloramine B, scoring ABSTRACT: In publications by A. K. Zaytsev and by S. Ya. Veyler and V. 1. Likhtmant eizing. The it Was shown that the introduction of sulfur into oil prevents adhesion and r aim of the present investigation was to determine the influence of oil additives on score revention and working in of metal rods used for hydraulic pumps, as well as to study p the effect of working in on ultimate work capacity. Bronze, different types of cast Iron, and lead-coated steel were tested on ADG-160 friction machines, operating in Industrial oil 20. 'Me favorable Influence of additives such as sulfur and dichloramine B was explained by the action of Iron suffides and chlorides on the contacting surfaces, resulting .......... IN ft. iN ACCESSION-NR: AT4023780 in low shear-strain resistance. Dichloramine.0 was particularly effective since it saturates the surface layer and ensures high anti-'s'eizing action even when the oil con- tinues to work without additives. Dichloramine B is considered preferable to other e3dating additives. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Indy*tut mashy*noznavotva I avtomaty*ky* AN UkrRSR, Lvov (institute of Machine Technology and Automation, AN UkrRSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 1OApr64 ENCL.- 00 SUB CODE: OC, PP NO REF SOV: 004 OMER: 000 2/2 card MIKITI','HINY VASILEINKOP I.J. Effect of bydrogen Ori !he charac,.er of t", curve. IP-lian. rab. sr-(,,cf,'na svois, mat, no,3t28-34 164. (~U RA 17: 10) VASILUNKO, I.I.; TYII,'IYY, A.N.; MIXITISHIN, S.I. I...... ... _-- Method of increasing the hardness of friction curfaces. 'llillan. rab. ared,na avois. mat. no-3:151-154 164. (MIRA 17:10) -~~AP4ENKO, LI.; 14TKITISHIN, S.- TYNNYY, A.N.; Investigating the changes in electric resistances and micro- har&,ess of workhardened materials at ).ow- temperature annealing. Vop. mekh. real. tver. tela no.3:174-178 164. (MIRA 17:11) GUj.,YNI-"'.T-ZF.IY, A.A.; 'I'-YI,--LA,'Y, i%N.i BARAN, M.I.; AIKTTISHIN~ S.I.; VASIUNKO,-- 1, i. Antiseizing and antifric-ticn properties of msta2s in englne-pump parts. Nauch.zap.IMA AN URSR.Wler.mashinoved. 10:348-1151 164. (MIRA 17: 10) Effect of heat of tho blad-is, of hydraulic pumps on their wear. Ibid. TYNIPfY. A.N.; VASILENICO, I.I.; MIKITISHIN, S.I. Ghanges in the structure of surface layers caused by wear. Nauch.zap. IMA AN URSR.Ser.mashinoved. 10:152-157 164. (MIRA 17:10) X~R 7 1 L 01123-66 EPA (S )-2/E-WT "/T,-,PF (c)/Nt!A jjP(c) - JD/,T'9/JGAIB ACCESSION NR: AP5019662 UR/0369/65/001/003/03.55/0360 AUTHOR: Tkachenko, N. N., Vasilenko, I. I.; Karpenko, G. V. TITLE: Fracture of copper alloys during tests in mercury salt solutions 15 SOURCE: Fiziko-khimich skaya mekhanika materialov, v. 1, no. 3, 1965, 355-36V !TOPIC TAGS: copper alloy, brass fracture, bronze fracture, mercury nitrate so- llution, embrittlement, brittle fracture, anodic polarization, cathodic polari- zation J)l ABSTRACT: The fracture of brass Under the action of mercury is usually attributed to its embrittlement owing to the p etration of atoms of mercury. The attendant Idecrease in Vtrength and plasticityt due to a more or less pronounced decrease in Ithe specificl free ener y of'the new surfacesthat develop in the process of plastic :deformation, as a resulE ol the adsorption of mercury ions thereon as well as of Ithe formation of amnlgamsADuring tests of brass in solution of mercury nitrate, Ithe diffusion peiTe-tratl-c~i of mercury into brass may be accompanied by the disoo- 1~lution' of anodic sectors, -which usually contributes to crack formation. Consider- ~Jng, however', that cathodic polarization from an external current source was absent C.,d 1/4 L - 011*234~_ - -------- ACCESSION NR: APS019662 !prior to fracture (although in many cases of corrosion cracking cathodic protect- Jon prolongs the time until fracture), it -concluded (R. B. Mears, R. 11. ::Brown,,E. H. Dix, Symposium on Stress Corrosion Cracking of Metals, ASDI-ABU, ;1944, 67-110) that the fracture of brass in solutions of mercury salts (in the I labsence of polarizatioa) in due to the penetration of morcury into the metal. III this connection, to clarify the role of anodic processes, the authors investigated I Ithe effect of anodic and cathodic polarization, in the presence of different cur- Irent densities, on the length of Lhe period until the fracture of brass in mer- Icury nitrate solutions. Cylindrical specImens of brass and aluminum bronze (7% Al, 2% Fe, 91% Cu) with uniformly pure ourfaces were, after macnining and 2 hr anneal- 4 mm Jig) at 300'C, subjected to fracture tests and tensile ing in a vacuum (1.10 tests in special machines while being immersed in a bath of 0.15% mercury nitrate Isolution. The time until fracture was determined from the instant the solution was ipoured into the tank. Control experiments without polarization from an external Icurrent source also were performed (the platinum electrode was removed from the ibath). It was found that both anodic and cathodic polarization accelerated the em- 'brittlement and fracture of the specimen, anodic pQlari.-.ation being r!:rticularly ieffectives In the case of brass this effect o.f.mercury was more marked than in the rnrA 2/4 L 01123r66 'ACCESSION NR: AP5019662 case of bronze. This is primarily attributed to the presence of zinc in bronze. Under conditions of the e-Yperiment, anodic polarization only partly prevented Lhe deposition of mercury ions on the braso surf-ice. At the sanie time it led to an itense dissolution of anodic sectors of the metal and thereby to the facilita- I tion of crack formation in the surface layers, which were already embrittled by the penetrated mercury. A major role in accelerating the formation and develop- ment. of cracks in the presence of anodic polarization is played by the selective nature of penetration of mercury- into the metal -- through the adsorptional mi- ration over grain boundaries and over the outcropping surface dislocations and 9 other structural defects. As a result of such a mercury penetration, themetal becomes strongly embrittled and, in addition, the heterogeneity of its structure Is enhanced, thus apparently leading to an intensification of electrochemical processes. Thus, anodic polarization leads to a sharp decrease in strength and plasticity but only in the cases where the surface layers are embrittled by the mercury diffusing into them. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-mekhanicheskiy institut AN..UkrSSR, Llvov (Physico-Mechanical nef itute. AN UkrSSR)- qf,!) AccEssION NR: AP5019662 SUIRUTTED: 26Feb65 NO RV SOV: 006 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 002 SUB CODE: MM,, GC L 31421-66 ACC NR: AP6002119 SOURCE CODE: UR/0369/65/001/006/0697/0700 AUTHOR: Vasilenko, I.I.; Tkachenko, N.N.; Karpenko, G.V. ORG: Physicomechanical Institute, AN UkrSSR, Llvov (Fizlko-rnekhanicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR1 TITLE: Effect of electrodeposits on cracking of hardened steel during testing In air and in hydrogenating corrosive media SOURCE: Fiziko-khimicheskaya mekhanika materialov, v. 1, no. 6, 1965, 697-700 TOPIC TAGS: copper, nickel, cadmium, zinc, chromium, protective coating, steel, hydrogen embrittlement, sulfuric acid, corrosion protection, cathode polarization, tensile strength ABSTRACT: The effect of cadmium, zinc, nickel, chromium, copper, and brass plating and of aging conditions after deposition on the short-term and long-term static strength of off-hardened 45 steel was studied by testing in air and In 20% 112S04. The coatings were found to decrease (Ab considerably. Aging for 2 hr. at 210 - 220C completely restored the strength of Cr- and NI-plated samples, but not in the case of the other deposits. The effect of aging temperature on the recovery of the strength of Cd, Zn, and Card 1/2 L 14)423.-66 ACC NR: "6002119 Cu-plated samples was studied. The decrease in long-term strength observed in the latter case was due to an incomplete desorption of the hydrogen dissolved in the metal. In 20% H2SO4, of all the metals, only the copper deposit prqvided a complete protection against corrosive attack of the steel. It is postulated that these protective properties are due to the low diffusional permeability of the coating to hydrogen. The copper deposit prevents hydrogen desorption during aging and protects the steel against hydrogen absorption during testing in the electrolyte both with -and without cathodic polarization. Copper plating is therefore recommended for practical applications of this type. Orig.. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: 11, 07 SUBM DATE: 27Jun65 ORIG REF: 004 OTH REr: 004 Card 2/2 ;I-,ffeot, of Ur- Xte!%n% U- ~U- on L-8 varbor, steel. I fl~. A SeFtember 5, l9b4l. TOCHLIM, Modelin7 the corrosi,,,e effect of &.. work4Lng rmediun cn th,3 s'renzth of geometri~~ally similar specimens. Flz.-khim. nekh. mat. i. no.5: 539-541 165. (f-IJPA 19: 1) 1. Fiziko-rrek~viniche3kiy insLitut AN UkrSSR, LIvov. Submitted April 14, 1965. VASTIFTY0, I.I.; 11~41RPENIKO, G.V.; WKITTSHIN, S.I.; Rever3ible and irreversible hydrogen brittlen;-.os. Fiz.-khlm. mekh. mat. I no.5.-624-625 165. O-uR~ 19:1) 1. F.Iziko-mr- khan i cheskiy institut AN TJkr*Slz,P, Wvov. S,.brnltbed Juno 1.6, '1965. VASILBITKOP I.I. [Vasylanko, I.I.], knnd.tF)khn.n,-uk Mekb. oil'. hoop. 9 no.10:16-17 0 158. (M.W. 11110) (Agricultural machinory-Hydranlic nquipmnnt) VABIIXJNK-0-2 I.L. [Vasylenko, I.I.], kand.takhn.naul-,; KALIBUS, G.L., (Kallbus, H.L.], kand.tekhn.nauk Control board with instruments for the testing )f brakes without removing the engine from the tractor. Nekh.sill. hosp. 10 no.12:12-13 D 159- (MIRA 13:3) (Tractor breaks) FASTFMO, M.M., nauchW rabotnik; VASIIMO, I.I. [Vaoylonko. I.I.I. nRuchny7 rabotnik -,-- -," Automatic control of SKIM-ZG sugar beet combines. I(ekh.sill. hoop. 11 no-3:25-26 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut mekhanizateii i elektrifikataii sel'skogo khozyaysiva. (Sugar beets--Harvesting) (Automatic control) NASTENKO, M.M.; nauchnyy sotrudnik; VASILENKO, Ij..'[Vasylenko, I.I.1, nauchnyy sotrudnik; DMISit,-V-.4C.T~o~vsh, V.M.I, nauchnyy Botrudnik Attachment for the sutomatic control of tractors. Mekh. sill. .bosp, 12 no-7:29-30 J1 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sellskogo khozyaystva. (Tractors) (Automatic control) LUKIYANYUK, V.I., kand. seltskokhoz. nauk, dotnent; VASILENKO, I.I., aspirant Effect of high fertiJizing rates on the formation and performance the photosynthetic apparatus in winter wheat plants. Izv. TSKRA no.2:7-18 163. (WRA 16:10) VASILENKO, P.M., akademik; VASILENKO, I.I., kand.tekhn. nauk; YESIPOVICH' M.N.), red. (Automation of the processes of agricultural production] Avtomatizatsiia protsessov sellskokhoziaistvennogo pro- izvodstva. Moskvav Kolos, 1964. 383 pe (MIRA 18:1) 1. Vsesoyuznaya akademiya sel'skokho aystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for Vasilenko, F 7 NT L 103211j-67 T7. (m)/EVP(t)/0T1 !jP ~kcc t4r, -j&6020921 90U"-1('E COD"11 AUTHORS: Vasilenko, 1. 1.; V- all, Is P.; ilrpenko, ORG: _FhyRical Mechanics Institute of the AN UL-SSR, inGtitUt iW_~~SSR) IJR/0369/66/002/(~)2/02-~7/di277 G. V. Llvov (Fiziko-rekb,?xichbskiy !hTLE: Some data pertainirZ -to the effects of heat treatment n e corrosion "o th oracking of carbon steel_ k / /6 SOURCE: if Fiziko-khimicheskaya mekhanika Tin_-%terialov, v. 2, no. 2, 1966, 227 TOPIC TAGSt stress corrosion, corrosion resistance, metal property, atlleel/ 40M steel . z/ ABSUMT: The effecto of surface heat, treatment with high frequency earrent (1IFC) on the surface corrosion cracking of _4_Q~al ;teel were inveritigated, and the results are - - L, very brieflj reported. It flound tflrit !Z~C ourface hardening ~.,icrea!7erl the static CTI-0~_'lon rorlifAcil"ce (in 20;'j if2 SO4, 100 hours) to 66 dynes/mm , i.e., twice that obtained for volume bardening of the spacimenn. The most effective surface treatment P wao found to be volume hardening vurid armcaling (at 200C to URC - 48--50) of tho aDealmen followed by ITC surface annealing (to 1IRC - 27--30). The atatio corrosion Wirength of -these specimens reached 115--120 dynea/m2. SUB CUDSt 11/ SUBM DATE,: 03,kug65/ ORIG WNt 002 ACC NR- AP6029686 (.A)----.'-SOURC.E.~CO-DE:-UR/0369/66/002/004/0450/0456 AUTHOR: DaWyp Yu. -1. Vasilenko, 1. L; Karpenko, 1. V. ORG: Physics-Engineering Institute, AN UkrSS11, L'vov (Fiziko-mckhanicheakiy institut AN UkrSSR); Physics-Technical Institute of Low Temperatures, AN UkrSSR, Khar1kov FIziko- tekhalcheskiy institut nizktkh temperatur, AN UkrSSR) TITLE: The Muence of some types oi mochanloal processing on thq stress corrosion crack- -inz of 40-Kh steel TA. I S~URCE: Fiziko-khimicheskaya mokhanika matorialov, v. 2, no. 4, 1966, 450-456 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion resfBtant steel, stress corrosion, thermal process, microgeometry ABSTRACT: Results are presented from an investigation of the influence of the physical- mechanical state of the near-surface layers of metal and microgeometry of the surface of samples on their stress-corrosion cracking as a function of thermal and mechanical process- ing of the steel. The Intensity and nature of the formation of fissures in the metal after these types of treatment Is also studie(L The studies were performed on steel oil-quenched froyn 850 C and tempered at 170, 320, 450, and 630 C for 2 hours. The stress-cracking tests were I Card AP6029686 performed in 20% H2S04 with monaxial extension. The types of surface processing were high- speed turning, pressure cutting, and grinding. The experiments showed that tho various phy- sical and mechanical states of the near-surface layer of the metal produced by various me- chanical processes, even though the microgeometry of the surface was Identical, resulted in different resistances to corrosion cracking. High-speed turning Increased the resistance of the steel to stress-corrosion cracking over power turning, which leaves residual stresses in the metal. Turning of annealed and low-temperature-tempered steel, creating a solid white layer, sharply increases the resistance to stress corrosion cracking. After etching in an electrolyte, samples processed by high-speed turning showed reduced microirregularities, which cause an increase in resistance to stress cracking of these samples. The final mechani. cal treatment influences primarily the length of the incubation period of corrosion fissures. The investigation showed that 6e growth rate of fissures in flat samples in neutral and acid electrolytes was approximately identical and did not depend on the conditions of polarization, whereas the durability of cylindrical samples depends strongly on the pK of the electrolyte and the conditions of polarization. Orig. art has: 6 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATE: 24Mar66/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 002 card TKACHENKO, N.N.; KARPENKO, G.V, Modeling the process of chenical dissolution of geometrically similar specimens. Fiz.-khim. makh. mat. 1 no.2:144-146 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Fiziko-mekhanicheskiy institut All UkrS511, Llvov. KARPENKOP I.V.; VASILENKO, I.I.; KARFENKO, G.V. Corrosinn cracking of hardened steel in the presence of white nonpicYing layers on the surface of steel. Fiz.-khim. mekh. mat. 1 iiu.2i167-171 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Fiziko-rekhanicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR, LIvov. VASILENFO 1, 1. Corrosion cracking of carbon steel. Fiz.-k-him. mekh. mat. 1 no.2tl82-187 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Fiziko-mekhanicheakiy institut AN UkrSSR, L'vov. VABILENW, I.I. --- - Owpwmb~ Seed sifting vith horizontal oscillation of sieves. Nauch.trudy Inst. mash. i selikhoz.mekh. AN URSR 4:69-80 154. (MIRA 9:9) (Sieves) (Seeds) I2~ OIL- DIDENKO, V.Ye.; TSARL?'V. M.N.; 291TRIYE7. M.M.; LEYTES, V.A.; OBUKHOVSKIT, U.K.; IVAN07, Ye.B.; CHMOK, V.T.-, URSALINKO, R.N.; XRIGXR, I.Ta.; FINCKUK, A.K.; ANTOIWKO, N.Z.; SMULISON, A.S.; VASIL'CRKNXO, S.I.; DRASHKO, A.M.; RLYZVSKIT, B.N.; KUCHIRYAVENKO, D.N.; SAVCHUK, A.I.; ZHURAVLEVA, L.I.; BAUTIN, I.G.; KHRIYENKO, V.Ya.; MOSENKO, N.K.; CHE- BONENKO, G.P.; LISSOV, L.K.; MAKONTOV, V.V.; BILUKHA, A.A.; POYDUN,V.P.; VOLMARSKIY, X.B.; NALICHENKO, G.D.; LFjVCHZNKO, V.M.: RLSHKIROY, A.A.; VORCBIYZV, M.F.; ILICHENKO, L.I.-, PODSHIVALOV, F.S.; MOGILINTY, P.P.; LEVI, A.R.; VASLTAYEV, G.P.; DURNEV, V.V.; OSYPA, S.S.; aMOYAWV.G.N.; FORIN, A.F.; LESHCHINA, A.I.; FANKELIBERG, G.Te.; KHODANKOV, A.T.; MAKARENKO,I.S.; XAR OVA, K.K.; VASILENKO I.M.; VOLOSHCHUK, A.S.; SHEI, K07, A.K.; FILIPPOV, B.S.; Ty&fyufN-Ikw, DOLINSKIT, M.Tu.; KIKI- TINA, P.P.; MEDVEDEV, S.M.; TSOGLIN, M.E.; LERNER, R.Z.; BOGACHLT, V.I. Kihail IAkovlevich Moroz; obituary. Koka i 156.(MISA 9:8) (Moroz, Mikhail lAkovlevich, 1902?-1956) RABINOVICH, A.N., doktor teklin. KIY-, N.l., kand. tekhn. nauk; VASILENKO.. I.N., lnzh. Transfer-machines and lines. Mashinostroenie no.5:8-12 S-0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Llvovskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. I TASILEM I S . Checking internal-contact gears. Xr-Jo 156. (Gearing--Measurement) (XLRL 9:9) VASILMO, I.S. Multiple utilization of height gauges. N-D 156, (KIaA 10:1) (Gauges) Catogory i USSR/Genoral Frobloms - H(;thod and Tochniquo of lavas- .'.-4 tip'tion. .ba Jour : Zhur - Fizikv., No 3, 1957, No 5605 ~utlior 3 Vasijonkoj I S. Titlu 0 t-Preparation 5 Pranspnront Soalos, Orig Pub lzmcrit. Lokhnika, 1956, No 3, 81-82 lbstract Doscription of a simplo mcthod for plaoini- linos, loiiGitudinal linos, soctioris of c urvos, otc, on orlanic glass. Tho iicoos- sary drawing mado by prickinp, (prcssing) tho linLs and does on tho glass. ibo dovicc owploy-od ias " tool-mking wicroscopo. Cc.rd 1/1 AUTHOR: TITLE; PERIODICIL: ABSTRAM Vasilenko, I.S. SO'7/115-58-1-12/50 An Electric Contact Device for a Height Gage (Elektrokontakt- noys ustroystvo k shtangenraysmaeu) Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1958, Nr 1, p 23 (USSR) The article describes a contact device for a height gage to measure the diameters of parts with non-continuous sur- faces and uneven numbers of projections. The electric con- tact head comprises an electric bulb w~iich flashes in the moment of contact with the surface of the part being measured. There is 1 photo. 1. Gages-Design 2. Electricity--Applications Card 1/1 AUTHOR: SOV-115-58-4-41/45 TITLEt Improving the quality of Measuring Equipment (Uluchahat' kacheutvo imeritolInykh priborov) PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1958, Nr 4, pp 93-94 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author lists the random and general defects of the UIM-21 universal microscope produced by the Leningradskiy zavod (Leningrad Plant) and of the BF large projector of the Novosibirskiy zavod (Novosibirsk Plant), and suggests means by which these defects could be eliminated. 1. Measurement--Instrumentation Card 1/1 N" SOV/115-59-7-6/33 25(l), 28(2) AUTITORs Vasilenko, I.S. --------------- TITLEs Flexible Templates PERIODICALs IzmeritelInaya tekhnikaq 19599 Nr 71 p 10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author suggests using used photographic or X-ray film for ma- nufacturing flexible templates for checking the profile of a pro- duct (for exampleg radius of curvature, angles~ etc.) when proper templates are not available and the usual manufacture of the let- ter is not suitable. The author explains briefly how to produce such a template from film of 0.2 mri thickness using a compass. Card 1/1 25(6) S/115/60/000/02/005/031 D002/DO03 AUTHOR: VAsilenko I I.S. TITLE: End-Pieces for Inner Measurements%A PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1960, Nr 2, P 7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Inner grooves or stepped diameters (Figure 1) are difficult to measure with a high accuracy. The IIIZO-111 accessory to the IIUIM-2111 microscope is re- commended, having an end-piece with a big diameter sphere. Such an end-piece can be made of a ball used for ball bearings, by cutting away two segments, leaving a plate 4-6 mm high. This plate can be pressed on a rod (Figure 2a) or glued to the rod flange (Figure 2b) by means of carbinol glue. There are 2 diagrams. Card 1/1 VASILENKOO I.S.:--SIIMELEVA, Ye.Ye. Cancer of the cervix uteri in complete prolapse. Vop.onk. 5 no.ll: 605-606 159. (KIRA 14:7) 1. 1z rayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - A.S.Kolatakov) g.Zadonsk, Lipetskoy oblanti). Adres avtora: g. Zadonsk, Lipet~koy oblasti, Rayonnaya bolinitsa. (UTERUS-CANCER) VASILENKO, I.S. (Kiyev, Andreyevskiy spusk, d.34, kv.40) Intravenous drip administration of a novocaine solution in the treat- ment of endarteritis obliterans. Nov. khir. arkh. no.4:74-79 Jl-Ag 160. (MIILl 15.2) lo Kafedra khirurgii 1 9 zav. - prof. V.I.Akimav) Kiyevskogo instituta usovorshonstvovaniya vrachey. (ARTEAILS-DISBASLS) (INJECTIONS, INTRAVENOUS) (NOVOCA111z) _._TIL~NKO, I.S. The use of prolon for plastic surgery of the anterior abdominal wall. Vest. khir. 91 no,701-52 J1163 (MIRA 16:12) 1 1. Iz khinn-gicheskogo otdeleni7a (zav. - I.S.Vasi-lenko) Zadon- s1coy mezhrayonnoy bollnitsy (nauo)myy rukovoditell raboty - zav. kafedroy operativnoy khirurgii s topograficheskoy anato- miyey VoronezhBkogo meditsinskogo instituta prof. T.F.Lavrova Adres avtorat Zadonsk, Lipetskoy obl., rayonnaya bolinitsa. VASILMO, I.Ya. . podpolkovnik meditsinakoy sluzhby q'Irotecting open waters from contamination by radioactive substancese by A.N. Marel. Reviewed by I.lAo Vaoilenko. Toon.-med.shur. no.8: 93-94 Ag '59. (MIRA, 12:12) (WiLTIR--POLWT ION) (RADIOACTIVA SnSTANCES) (MMI, A.N.) VASTUMKO, j. "UnexDloited Possibilities in Rolling Yi-Ils. 11 Tr. fror. the :-,us.:ian. D. 157 (Hutnik, Vol. 3, no. 77/8, Aug. 1~;53, Prahaj' SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, no. 2, Library of Congress, Feb. 1954, Uncl. .1. (What the Soviet regime has given youth) (Moskva) Molodaia gvardiia, 1947. 223 P. (48-24580) HQ799-R9V3 VASILENKOP K.F,.V mladsldy nauc!:..,iyy sotrudnik . Migration of the causative organs from fowl tuberculosis to cat".1e. Veterinariia 41 no.3:26-28 Mr 164- (MIRA 1811) 1. Sibirskiv nauchno-iSsledovatellskiy veterinarnyy institut. 0 Category-. USSR Physical Chemistry - Kinetics. Combustion. Explosives. Topochemistry. Catalysis. B-9 Abe Jour: Referst, Zhur-Yhinlya, No 9, 1957., 30020 Author : 7-kba 'yevskiy M. S., Vasilenko K. M. Inst :not given Title :Concerning the Mechanism of the Reaction of Saccharose Hydrolysis Orig Pub: Zh. obahch. khImIi, 1956, 26, No 8, 23o4-2311 Abstract. Reaction velocity of hydrolysis of saccharose (I) was determined polArimetrics.11y in aqueous and aqueous-alcoholic solutions, at different concentrations of HCI, alcohol and I., and at 250. Due to mutarotation of glucose and fructose the final angle of rotatioxok changes with time and passes thru a minipum. For a given concen- tration of I the minimam. value of o~ was taken. From data found in the liteziLt:~re and those secured by the authors, an empirical equa- tion has been derived for the experimental velocity constant of the reaction K(min-1), in aqueous solution: K(HAO)I(HC1) = 0.182 100-'o- (HC1). A scheme of the reaction is proposed: Card 1/2 -9- Category: USSR / Physical Chemistry - Kinetics. Combustion. Explosives. Topochemistry. Catalysis. B-9 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 30020 C'1~1 H ,,0,, + H X "- (slow stage), X + + H.,O --' X'~ H.,,O; 7 X+ - HxO.W:~'X H,,0,6 + H+.P- H4+ 11p - HjOt. It is shown that this scheme coincides, quantitativell'y, with experimental data. From the reaction scheme there has been derived for the ratio of dissociation constants of axonium and etboxonium ions the value 6-3 + 0.7. Card 2/2 ZAKHARIMSKIY, H.S.; VASIISNKO, K,M. Applicability of thin film electrodes for the study of oxidatio&- reduction systems. no.272:48-56 159. 04IRA 13: 1) (Oxidation-reduction reaction) (Glass electrode) 9 5(2) PHASE I BOOX EXPLOITATION 30V/29" Leningrad. UnIveraltat Voproey kbi-41 (Problems In Chemistry) [Langingred) Xed- Loningradekogo univ.. 1959. 160 P. (series: Itat U on"s at zapiskI, no. 272) (Seriess Leningrad. UniversItat. Khimicheakiy fakultet. Uchonyy* zapiskI. Sarlym oboakIldi nauk. vyp. 18) 1,600 copies printed. sea, Rasp. Ed.: A. 0. Moraohevsklyj Md.z To. V. 3kchdoselvval Toch. Ed.s S. D. VodologLna. PURPOSEz This book in Intended for chemists in research and Industry as well as for teachers and students in chemical vuzes. COVERAGE: This collectlan of eighteen articles on various branches of chemistry, mLlnly physical and analytical.. was -compiled on the basis of experimental reactrob by the Chemlstr7 Department of Leningrad University. The articles deal chiefly with methods or Isolating rare earth& In puriLform and 10ent4fy-Ing them. ., 3.10 personalities are mentioned. References accompany Individual articles. TARTY OP CONTEMs and B. .. Krael The Influence of 3urfacs- etics of Sonse Cations :ub.iiniceb on the MA99r. --- 3 Xraulkov. B. S.. and Yo. M. Ryghk-- Study of the Regularity of Copper Ion Discharges in the Presence of TrIboax7lanins, 32 Kheyrots, V. L., and L,_.A--RcjahaXhrIt. Regularities of Joint Nickel and Copper Ion Discharges. 11. The Xnnuenes, c of Temperature, Cathode Potential, and the Pro* a* of Surface- Active Anions on the Distribution of Current Be *on Nickel and Hydrogen 40 Zakhsr-jXxyAkjy_-M-3., 21cabillty of TnIn-Layered Electrodes tessm 48 Zakharlyevskly, M. S., and Sodium.-I and Potassium- Nitrate Melts by the Electromotive reo Method 57 Shkollnikova. R. 11 The Solubility Or Gas.. In Cilloidal Syatac~ 64 XozhevnLkov S P The Method of a *Triple c t 87 and A. T. Goncharov. CoprecIpItation of Mallium With ron Ridriokiffe- 94 Yefremov, 0. V., and g. p. Stolyarov. photmetris Dotemi- nation Or ThALIIUM 1n-W*--UItYa-yrcj*-f-3pe*tz%= Range 99 0. V. Yefremov. Probion or !MmIllum In Ores and IndimatrIal Waste Products 205 Morachovsk~4y, YU. V., and A. 1. Ovikov- CQprcjpjt&tIOO Of Small Amounts of With metal Es'droxiaos. 1. Coprocipitation of Strontlum IfIth Iron, Titesdom, Aluminum and Beryllium Hydroxides lis 11- COPrecIPItAtIOn of Small Amounts of Rare Earth Elements With Iron, Titanium, Aluminum and BeryUjum Hydroxides 1Y3 III. COX'eclPltatlon of Cesium, Rhonlum and Zirecolm With Iron Oxide Pdoraohevskly, yu. v- .:nd Y...N. nUytaev coprocIpIt... of Small Amounts of re Ea ce.E; With Metal IZ1-, c:6 Hydroxide*. IV. Coproojpjt&t~oh of Zurcplum With Xoa and A2umInum-Hydroxidem 234 ASTROV, Mikhail Sergeyevich(1882-195711_VASILENKO, L.D., prof., red.; UMAROV, A.S., dots., red.; BOROVKOVA, YS.V.Y dots., red.; ASHARAPOVAP M.A., dots., red.; NURMUKHAMEWV, RA, kand. mod. nauk, red.; AXSELIROD, M.B., red.1 T3A7.j,A,A.0 takhn, red. (Selected works] Izbrannye trudy. Tashkent, Medgiz, 1962. 350 P. (MIRA. 16:4) (SURGERY) KABO, L.D.; LITV111, N.A., kand. seitskok-f.oz. nauk; DELOE, N.V.; VAS)ILENKO L.D.; ZEIFEERT, 0,A.; KOVAL-EV, F.V.; TURULEV, V.K., asj:iran-4"----'-- Sorgo as a valuable crop. Zemledelie 27 no.4:52-.61 Ap 165. (MIRA 1814) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya zernovykh i korniovykh kulltur Ministerstva proizvodstva i zagotovok sellskokhozyaystvennykh produktov Uzbekskoy SSR (for Kabo). 2. Ukrainskiy nauchno- issledovateltakiy institut orosbayemogo zemledeliya (for Litvin, Belou8, Vasilenka). 3. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatell- skiy insti'tut agrolesoinelioratsli (for Zeyfert). 4. Donskoy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Koralev, Turulev). GORIZONTOVA, Ye.A.; DOLGOVETSKIY, V.V., Otv. za vyp.; VASILENKO, L.K., otv. za vyp.; MANVELOVA, Te.S., tekhn. (Processing of poultry in the enterprises of the German Democratic Republic] Pererabotka ptitsy na predpriiati- iakh GDR. Moskva, TsINTIpishchprom, 1963. 13 P. (MIRA 16:11) (Germany, East,Poultry Plants) ZAYAS, Yu.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; DOLGOVSKIY, V.V., otv. za vyp.; VASILEM, L.L._;...otg. za vyp.; RYBAKOVA, L.G., [WayB for uving ultranonio wuvon in tho meat induntryl Puti primeneniia ulltrazvuka v miasnoi. promyshlonnouti. Moskva, TSintipishchoprom, 19639 42 p. (MIRA 17:1) KASHIRINA, V.M.j DOILOVSKIY, V."., otv. za vyp.; VASILENKO,,L.K., otv. za vyp.; 1-"'Alivhoi~' Ye.S., tekhn. red. (Manufacture of meat products in Czechoslovakia) Proizvod- stvo miasnvkh produktov v Chekhoslovakil. Moskva, TsINTIpishcheprom, 1963. 47 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Czechoslovakia-Meat industr7) ACC NRs AT6036464 SOURCE CODEt UR/0000/66/000/000/0008/0008 AUTHOR; Babakumova, I. A.; Vasilon~q3 L. K.-Kozloval A, N.*Yondratlyev, Yu[*# Us6akov, ORG: none TITLE: Data on the food value of several life support system blocompononts [Paper presented -it conference on problems of space medicine hold In Hoscow from 24-27 I-lay 1969 SOURCS; Abnferentsiya po problemami kosmicheskoy moditsinys 1966,, Problemy kosmicheskoy maditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); materialy konforentailt Msco-4, 1966, 8 TOPIC ZIGS: life support system, closed ecological system, space nutrition, space food, chlorolla A13STRACT: E.~cperimients were P'erf6i~~ed te.,~tirfg'tliC*nufrifion-al-value'of uni- cellular algae, yeasts, and bacteria (including organism with an alterc-d I amino acid composition). Young male rats were used in experiments which.averaged about a month in duration. In some experiments viabil't Card 1/2 ACC NR: was te5tea. weight, external appearance, behavior, 6hd'~iffefff-6-'w ere observed. Assimilation of basic substances, the nitrogen balance, the composition of hemoglobin and crothrocytes in the blood, and certain Piochemical indices were determined. Pathological examination of the animals was perfomed and individual internal organs were weighed. In experiments where unicellular algae ere used as the source of protein, the average duration of viability was 5. 5 months. When animals were fed only the biomass of the algae., 'they lived only about one month. Death results fmn n-n1nutrition. Experi- 'ments showed that greatest nutritional value was provided when the biomass of unicellular algae was augmented by an increased amount of cysteine. The least value was provided by biomass of yeasts. The nutritional value of the purified biomass of microbacteria, was higher than that of the iomass.-~ EW-A-- No. 22; ATD Reporit 66.119 SIV COM 06 SUBM DATEt OOIUy66 7 z I,ICSUNQV, V.B.; I,-&J'ELGVS Kit YA, V.K.; GOLIDINA, G.S.; SEW~FIAOVA, A.I.I.; '-BIRALCY T.I.; VP.SILEN740,,_.hJ$'.; SUYJIG:*VA, M.N.; GPOI,'ZDL'VA, I.V.; Yu.n.; I-EME.RUISKAYA) 0. ; BCL(.iTUIA T.A, G. Y. STOP.CZfIEVA., Ye.M.; SAMSOINCIVA., A.M. Sensitivity to chlorophosy trichlorometaphos, DDT.. hexachloro- cy(-.Iohexane,.and polychloropinene in housefly populatioris fol- lowing the use of these insecticides for several years. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 42 no.8:7-14 Ag 165. 18:9) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-Issledovatel'skly dezinfektsionnyy in- stitut, -,'Loskva, Mytishchinskaya i Tashkentskaya gorodskiye sanitarno- epidemiologicheskiye stantsii, Tashkentskaya i Minskaya gorodskiye dezinfektsior-nyye stantsii i Brestskaya gorcdskaya i Brestakaya oblastnaya sanitarno-ep-idemiologicheskiye stantsii. VASILENKO., L.N.; SERAFIMVA, A.M. Use of chlorophos in the control of housflies resistant to the action of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Zhur.mikrobiol . epid.i Immun. 33 no.8:124 Ag 162. iMIRA 15:10) 1. Iz Brestskoy oblastnoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsli. (FLIES-EXTERMINATION) (CHLOROPHOS) L 234o5-66 FWLLi) A RQ/JK ACC NR, AP6014013 SOURCz coDS: UR/00l6/65/ooo-/008/0007/$0.j4, .- I AUTHOR: &uffiova. 11, 11,; Gyozdova. I. V.1 Hisni . Yu. N.; Totorovskaja T. 0.; *-1 1 I Bel h.; ~h2h~~G ~.; Sarwon9va. A it.; rolldina- G. S.,.-Goldina. G . 0t atT -orafi Va. StoroEo H.--Storozhova, E. M.;_tfosunov V. B.; 11n!,n1nvshmx:k- V. 9; J5 no A. H.; Biralo. T. 1. !1. !2 .1 onkm T-- ORG: Central Scientific RosoarGh n4--qinfnrtjnn Tn-+Ab,+,n Itan (Tsontraltryy nauchn - isslodovatel'skiy dozinfoktsionr07 institut); ?Qtishchi City Sanitary Epidenioloricall Station, Mytishchi (Yortishchitsskaya gorodsl-zya sanitarrio-opidordologichoskaya stants- iya) i Tashkent City SanitarX Fp1dgai2jaZjcAj_5.tAtj" Tashkent (Tashkontskaya gorod- skaya sanitarno-opidordologichoakaya stantsiya); Tashkent (Tashkentskaya gorodsicaya dozinfek-t5ionnAya St4nt3iy4)4jliwlksl.~tY.-DIP-inctg--- tion Station.-Rinsk (FAinskaya gorod*kaya dozinfolctsionnaya stantriya); &42LZtY--- Sanitary17,viderdolovica Statina. Brost (Brostskaye. gorodskaya sanitarno-opidordolo- gYc-hoskaya 5tantsiya); Brost Oblast Sanitarl E idordolvairal Station (Brostakaya oblastnaya sanitamo-opidaudologichoskaya stantsiYA) TITIF,t Sensitivity of the house fly population to chlorophos, trichloromotaphos-3, DDT, hoxachlorocyclohex&w, and polychloropinene after many years of application of these insecticides SOURCEt Zhurnfl mikrobiologii, epidomiologii. i ivmnobiologii. no. 8. 1965, 7-14 TOPIC TAGSt entomology, insecticide. organic phosphorus coMound. chlorinated organic compound UDC: 614. CCILCL 113-- -57- _.772-025-.1e K L 234o5-66 ACC NR1 AP601401) ABSTRACT: The sensitivity of flies to Jn2sSjjGjdsj~_was studied in a number of"cities. Tests were carried out on female flies by applying an acetone solution of the insecticide to the back and determining the LD50' At Hinsk and Brest, where sprinkling of walls with a 2-3% aqueous solution of chlorophos was applied for 7 and 6 years, respectively, increased tolerance of flies to this insecticide was observed. At I-Vtishchi, where chloropho3 baits were used, particularly in the fom of mixtures containint, ar-mnium carbonAtO, the .sensitivity of flies to this insecticide remained undiminished. No increatio in the tolerance of southern hours flies (NIu3ca done'stica vicina Racg. ) to chlorophos after application of this insecticide in Tashkent for 4-5 years was obseived. Use of trichlorometaphos as a larvicide reduced the sensitivity of flies to this insecticide to a small extent in t1ytishchi) Hinek, and Brest, but not to a degree which could be regarded as an increase in tolerance (de- fined as a decrease of sensitivity by a factor of 2-4). The sensitivity of flies to trichloropboa was unaffected after use of this insecticide in Tash- kent. Flies at Minsk and Brest which had developed a tolerance to chlorophoe also showed an increased resistance to DDT and hexachlorocyclohexane (this increase in resistance also developed to a minor extent at llytishchi)- How ,over, the increase in the resistance to hexachlorocyiohexane was presumably not related to the use of orranophoophoruo compounds. ]7ut due to the appli- cation of polychloropinene in these localities. Existence of a relation between increased resistance to DDT and tolerance to chlorophoe was more likely. Southem flies in Tashkent, which retained sensitivity to chlorophos to the full eAent, did not wthibit an increase in the resistance to_DDTt_. Attei a L 2A05-66 I ACC NRg AP6014013 6 to 7 year' discontinuance of the use of chlorinated hydrocarbons in Tashkent, a moderate tolerance to DDT that was on tho initial level remained. while'the resiatan*ce to he=chlozvcycfilohe=o decreased by a factor of three. The r*st expedient mothods for the oxtormination of flies are used Of chlorophos animonium carbonate baits to exterminate imago and application of larvicides, apecifically those containing trichlorometapho3 - 3 in optimum doses, so that development of tolerance win be prevented. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 tab3,,. fJ-PRS7 SUB C-ODSI 06- 07 SM DATE8 24Sep63 ORIG RqFt 004 am REF, o04 Slow INN". V EMU vil