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RAITU SA D 5. N. V,G.; Use of the =ass sn-ectrcmetric --e-lhcd for studying tlne deriva-tives of aminr, acido and smaller pelitides, Part 3- Y- ss'~pecttromfjtrl~ 6f amino alcohols. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. 17 no. 2?156-26-1 164. (MIFIA 17:6) 7n-nti~ul radiats;onncy f",ziko-klhJ-,Tdcheskoy biolog-li AN SIMIRBOV) V.N.; hULLYYi.,V, P.; VARSHAVSKIY, Ya.M.; S11,11RIN, A.S. Participation of ribosomes in the biosy-nthesis of silk fibroin. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 5:1221-1224 Je 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Inatitut radiatsionnoy i fiziko-khimichookoy biologii All SSSR i Inotitut biokhimii im. A.N.Bakha AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Belozerskim. ABAIIIIHOV, 1,.V.; VARSHAVI")KlYs Yf,-~":- ~i -12(l in Deuter"um exr~2Mfe FT!A ar' 1-.rjk j -14 1 .1, All ~'SSPI 1W -467 'ja '~,5. (1141FA 19:2) I.L SSSR. 1. Inctitut radiatsionnoy i fizilko-Ichimicheskoy b4olor,4i AN' Submitted MAY 19, 1964. L 4956-66 EWT (a!)/IEWF(j)/~4A(4)/ ACC NRI AP5025681 UR/0286/65/000/01 SOURCE COP: 8/6a!7/0027 1AUTHORS: Orlov, V. Me; Varshavskiy, Xa. Me ORG: none J TITLVE- A m thod for determining primary of;ructure of pe deal Class 12, No .pLi a ounced by Institute for Radiation and Physico-chemical Biology, iN y biologii AN SSSR)7- S55R(Institut radiatsionnov i fiziko-khimicheskoj 1 SO UR Byulletent izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov,, nos 18, 196% 27 TOPIC TAGS: peptides primary structure, mass spectroscopy ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a.method for determining primary structure of poptides by a mass-spectroscopic method, using the volatile deriva- tives of the poptides. To increase the int9nsity of the characteristic mos- spectrum peaks., the volatile peptide derivatives are subjected to photolonization ty ygquum ultriviolet radiation.rl SUB CODE: OC/ SUBM DATE: 13,Tan65 VarWA 5/*7.466.04,.02 USSR/Physical Chemistry Solutions. Theory of Acids and Bases, B-11 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 61141 Author: 1. Lilich, L. S., Mogilev, M. Ye.; II. Lilich, L. S...-Varshavskiy, Institution: None Title: On Hydrolysis of Salts. I. Perchlorates of the Elements of Group II of the Periodic System; II. Halides of Zinc, Cadmiun and Mercury Original Periodical: Zh. obahch. kbi 11, 1956, 26, No 2, 312-322 Abstractt I. Determined were the pH of solutions of perchlorates of Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn. Cd and Hg in the concentration interval from 13 to jqMo*-. The acidity of theIMStutions in all instances increaaes with increasing concentr pH of equimolal soluiions of -.he perchlorate of investigated cathi'ons cl .ges symbatically with the ionization potential I, and for pH w*1 as- here is observed the phenomenon of secondary periodicity; which indicates that Card 1/2 USSR/Physical Chemistry Solutions. Theory of Acids and Bases, B-11 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 61141 Abstract: deformation of water molecules in the ion field dep*s primarily on I. II. Determined were pH of solutions Of ZnC12, ZnBr2,1 ZnI2, Zn (N03)2., Zn (CL04)2, CdC12, CdBr2, CdI2, HgC121 I%W- 0 lop-In the concentration-Intlerval from zero to saturation. IMawne solutions investigated acidity increaseq_yith conceptration. For zinc halides holds the correlation aH`-W = 0.30 m + 0.85 m (m -- molal conceniration; formula appli&ble for m < 4), for Zn(N03)2 all"'-lo5 = 6.67 m. Solutions of halides of above-stated elements have lower acidity than equimolal dolutions of perchlorates which is due essentially to complex formation. Parallelism Vas ., ascertained: between stability of the complex formed by cathion a#' anion and the acidity of the solution. Card 2/2 Yq- USSR/Physica thermodynamics, Thermochemistry, B-8 Equilibria, Physical-Chemical Analysis, Phase Transitions. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 1, 1958, 370 Author Yu-S. Varshavskiy, A.Ya. Kapnis, A.B. Sheynin Inst Academy of Sciences of USSR Title Composition of Equilibrium Gaseous Phase above Binary Solution and Van der Waals Equation. Orig Pub Zh. fiz. khimii, 1957, 31, No 5, 1166-1168 Abstract Discussion article. See Reshetnikov M.A., Dokl. All SSSR, 1949, 68, 531- Card 1/1 VARSHAVSKIY, Yu.S.; SHEYNIN, A.B. Entropy of systems containing scarce3,v distinguishable compcnents. Dokl. AN SSSR 148 no.5:1099-1101 F 163. (PIRA 16:3) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.A.Grinbergomo (Entropy) (Gases) GRINBERG, A.A., akademik; INIKOVA, Ye.N.; VARSRAVSKIY, YU.S. New modification of cis-platodiglycine. Dokl. M SSSR 150 no.4:805-808 Je 163. (MIRA 16:6) (Platinim campounds) (Glycine) [yjjar, Mang'; VARSILAVSKIYI YU.S. C. YUAN' KAN I GRINBEIM, A.A. akademil, Gi Gi . Dokl. All SSSR 144 New geometric isomers [Pt2 2 21 ~9RA 17:2) no.2:375-378 Ja164. BARVINOK, M.S.;,VARSHAVSKIY, Yu.S. I... Compound between aniline and copper nitrate. Zbur.neorgekbime 6 n0-4:851-856 Ap 161. (I~aRk 14:4) (Copper compounds) BARVINOK, M.S.; VARSHAVSKITp YU-S.; PUTSEYKO, L.K. Infrared spectra of sme compounds of copper with aniline. Zhur. neorg.khin. 6 no.5:112_5-1128 It 161. (KUU 14:4) (Copper compounds--Spectra) (Aniline) VARSW.V6-':IY, YU.S. '3elation between the frequencias of z7-=,ctrical and antis,:~-notric,,-J. A~ - N-11 vilbrations in molediles of ,Aiinary amines. Opt. i r3P0':tr- 11 no.5:616-688 11 161. 14:10) (N-olecular dynanics) (Amines) VA,ISHAII,9KIY, Yu.S.;--INIKOVA, Ye.N.; GRINI'MC., A.A. Infrared snectra and the struct~',-e of t,*,..e glycir.,:! --f bivalent platinum. Zhilr. neorg. khim. 8 no.12:2659-2607 D 163, (14IRA 1.7-9) GRINBERG, A.A., akademik; VARSFLAVSKIY, YU.S. Ac---','dic properties of ammoniates and the deformation vibration fr.-quencies of coordinated ammmia molemdes. Dokl* AN SSSR 159 no.5:1072-10'74 D '64 (KMA 18:1) VARSHAVSKIY, Yu.S.; KUKUSHKINP Yu.N. - 1-."---- ...... - .1-1 . Infrared spectra of tetravalent platinum complex comnounds containing chloramines. Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.6:'332-1337 ja 165. (MIRA 18:6) GRINBFRG, A.,R,, aka,lf-.-mlk,.VP.,t6HAV3KIY, . . ..... .... -,il'ien--y of wagging vibratiors of the Csordiriaticn e-c-n3itivity or 4~ c I amino group In thc. 3pectra of cyclic et-hylenediamine complexes. Ddcl. AN SSSR 163 nG.3.,646-649 il 165. (MIJIA 180) 1. Laningradskiy tckllrcli)glch,.isk~.y liptitut im. Lensoveta. I BARVINCK M.SO.; BUKHAREVA, I.S,; VARSHAVSKIY Yu.S. it Stretching vibration frequencies of ?M in the Infray-,d spectra of complex compounds of aniline with metals of the fir6t insortion decades Zhur.neorg.khim. 10 no.8s!799-1802 Ag 165. (MIRA l9rl) 1. Sulnitted May 16, 1964. 'e T 1, 2 0_6L IM _M 5009488 UR/002 66 167 Obf~670~�ZOIOI AUTHOR: Grinberg,A.A.(Academician); Babitski7.B.D.; Bezhan I.P.; phavsk y Kiseleva,N Korm Smolen- 3[gr ~ Yu.s.; Te-l'fman.M.I.; er,v. k skay6,--D-.T--FThesnokova, N.N. ORG: All-Uilon Scientific Research Institute for Synthetic Rubber im. ,S.V.Lebedevl:Vsesoyuzn y nauchno-issledovafe-11-dZy ~nstltut sinteti-cFe-s- kogo au Fblca); jnetitu~e of General and Inorganic ChemistrK_Am.11.S. .Kurnakov of the AN SSSR(Institut obshchey i iisorganioheskoy khimil AN NSSH I TITLE: The effect of the composition of rhodium(III) complexesl on their catalytic activity in the process of ster specific polymerLzation7of butadienegl,3 in an aqueous medium SOURCE: AN S33R. Doklady, v.167, n0-1, '19669 99-101 TOPIC TAGS: rhodium. compound, polymerization catalyst, butadiene, aqueous solution ABSTRACT: The complexes to be investigated, synthesized by known meth- ods, were analyzed for their rhodium and halide content. The polymeri- zation wan tarried out by methods described In a previous a::tIcle. A table shows results of using fifteen different rhodium complexes as catall "t in the polymerization of butadiene in an aqueous i3mulsion at 50 and 700. It follows from these results that the adual replacement Card 1/2 UDO: 66.095.264:618r.672:1561-897 L 23110-66 _4~(: NR% AJ?6 of chlorino Ions by ammonia molecules leads to a decrease In the poly- merization rate. The catalytic activity-of bromine derivatives also decreases with an increasing accumulation of ammonia molecules in the inner sphere of the complex. Comparison of the catalytic effect of the halides of.rhodium shows that the chlorides and the bromides of rhodium, have almost Identical catalytic ability and stereospecificity. The iodide is inactive at 500, while in its prenouoe at 700 there takes place a polymerization process of the free radicai type. With the pres- ence of three ammonia molecules in the_fii~ei_6~here of the iodide the polymerization proceeds by a coordination-ionic mechanism. Results also show that the stereospecific polymerization of butadiene Ln the presence of the Rh3+ complexes studied leads to the formation of t:cans-1,4-poly- butadiene,, regardless of the number and nature of the bonds. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and I table.. ISUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 12Jul65/ ORIG' REP: 003/ OTH REF: 005 SHEKHTFER, I.A.) prof.; ANDROSOV, P.I., prof.; AlIKIMOV, A.M., ~.and. tekhn. nwuk; VARSHAVSKIYP YII.V. X-ray study of the morphologY and function of the gastrointest-Inal trast following resection of the stomach and its substitution with a secLion of :3mall or largo intestine. Vest. rent. i rad. 40 no.4:24-30 J1_Ag 165. (MIRA 18!91 1. Kafedra rentgenologii i. radiologii (zav.- prof'. I.A. Shekhter) i kafedra. obstichey khirurgii (zav.- prof. P.T. Androsov) Moskov- skogo inpditninskogo stomatolog~_che.3kogo instituta na baze Moskov- skogo, nauchno-issledovatellskogo inatituta skoroy pomoshchi Imeni Skli.fosovskogo. VARSHAVSKIY, Z.S.; OKHAFKIN, V.G. The ShFM-02 crosstie tamping machine. Biul.tekh.-oktc, inform.Gos.nauch.-isel.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. no,9:71-73 162. 0CM 15:9) (Railroads--Track) IIARSHAVSKIY, Z.S., inzh.; OKHAPKIN, V.G., inzh. C- The ShPYP.02 tie tamper. StroiA dor.mash. 7 no.10t16-18 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Railroads-Equipment and supplies) '141 Cry*t-:-ALtad*s propt-d-a of iw4--W CIMSI( Ld A-faactbm 0 'the 1. INZ4,Tprodi", T~ 12. xy .ifv. rimtrt'ict vere tudlA oml~ con .1immi .eicat L-, uyttn. cipacity :f jLvxii A ILOC. -OW(f i%o MS)l , t3 det4f, In adfln la t1w, -0ji. of AU;, 'm i kir(~, "Ll" by the juGvwG)n tf tti, pc-, - ~.t G4L-w-3 with au aluumi-~. e ~ il cl 0 5W ha -c 4 n I In. m I , of I i. I I w h m Li a v v ry aarr o w -.x:'75 7, STYUSHIN, N. G. ; VMLSHINEY, B. S. ; RYA23ININ, ~;. A. "On sowe characteri5tics of heat transfer and of flow resistance in sub--ooled boi-ling. " paper submItted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Mass TranGfer, Minsk, 4-12 may 1964. Moscow Inst of Chemical Apparatus. L 0~84-6; E!iT (1 )/F-'.-,T(m) 1j';`(c J A Lj ACC N't AT6021835 SOURCE CODE: IJR/0000/65/000/000/0052/0059 AUTHOR: StZ2shin, No G.; Vershney, B. S. ORG: Mnanny TnAt1tUtQ for Fabrication of Chemical Equipment (Moskovskiy Institut kbimicbeskog-o -masbinostmo-yeln-lya) ITLE: Characteristics of beat transfer in surface boiling SOURCE: Teplo- i massoperenos. t. III: Teplo- i massoperonos pri fazovykh (Heat and mess transier. v. 3: Heat and mass transfer in phase transformations), Minsk, Nauka i tekhnike, 1965, 52-5 OPIC TAGS: convective beat transfer, beat transfer coefficient, oiling ABSTRACT: The experiments were carried out with water in the following range of variation of the basic parameters: pressure-1.5 and 2.5 atmosphere (absolute); specific beat flux--125,000 to 800,000 kcal/m2-br; circulation rate-1.2-265 meters/nee; underbeating at the entry of the experimental tube--3-60 C. The experimental unit consisted of a closed loop made up of an experimental tube, a separator, a condenser, a circulating pump, a cooler, and a prebester, The article gives a diagram of the appareLtuso Each series of experiments was done at fixed L 40884-66 ACC NR- AT6021835 pressure, beat flux, and liquid flow rate. Based on the experimental date, the article proposes a new method of correlating the data on the intensity of beat transfer in surface boiling. The method is based on deterinination of the following parameters: pressurep temperature and flow rate of the liquid at the entry of the experimental tube, diameter and length of the tube, and the magnitude of the specific beat flux. Orige art, has: 4 formulas and 5 figures, ISUB CODEI 2,01 SUBM DATE: 09Dec65/ ORIG REF: 006 2/2 //,//- /"~' 539,132 !Z4 1. Itclarlim (a dw vibrAlmia) cpjjq;jnt (,)0 of 4LL!-S-l '-~ -f. yj"'y ~IVIPIL U-Im [Leill-ligl ZIJ4, JYOI 3 -4, lttltd- (Mijv. 1955). -i:d relation bctwecti a, b and c. (hr (0, Thc propos 'and YY, wh%~a X arA Yatc in tll,3 values for NY, XX &:mu sub-group, ii a m~ 0-304," + 0-35(b Agrcernent with rxpcranca ii good. c.,(c4:rt for M, AsTIJ and SbN. v j, IV ON SCREENING CONSTANTS 1.14 X-RAY SPECITA, R.C.KarnaM. and Y.P.Var shni. Ys., Fresh calculations of the X-ray screening const:0q a, for Lit Litt. 1411 Mill and Mlv Aly have been made. It haa tven 4 fa7und that q2I19 not atmolutely eon.5wnt for different Z. Some regular v2ri2tions in a. with electronic shell struevare trivp r -been noted. COUNTRY GDR E-4 CATEGORY AB3. JOUR. AZNhila., i~0. 21 1.95-9, 1;0. 73927 AUTH 0_11 Varshni, Y. '?. and Sj-jv,9.stEjva, C1. P. 14-t _91-en T Temperature Dependence of the Dielectric Con3tant C, R 1~4 PUB.: Z phys Chem (DDII), 210, No .5-41- 144-150 (1959) AM-A-FAST ; Or. Dhe basi4~ of a 3iscusalari of the ZLausius- Mosotti equation for liquids, the autliors prcpose thi following expree5ian for the descriptio'n of the temperature dependence of the dielectric can- stant D: D = A + B/(T +'c) where A, B, and C are constantE. The above ex- presoi-on is aS3UMed to hold for gaseb as well. Direct verification for water vapor, 1,2-diohloro- 1/2 CC-U*-;TP*' C AT. LG -j -.1 ABF". JOUR. AUT OR O-RICL. ?U GDR RZKhIM., :40. 21 1959, NO 3-4 7! 3,1:~ 2 A 33'IiLM1'T 2-othylpropane, chloroform, propane, 1-bromobu- tane, and 1-4-odobutare in the temperature range 0-32,00 indicatea that the error in the proposed formula does not exceed 1,-;. Ye. Nikitin C AJ(D 212 VARSI:UII'LIII,'~_inzh. -, KELEDNIM' I inzh.; SIBAHOV,Yu.G.., inzh.; FOMICIEVY V,A,, inzh.; 1-2=73DY M.F., in2h.; POTAPOVAJ, T,I,., inzh,; KOLYUMIY' G.G., inzh.; TAGDOVA, inzh.$ SHIPM, O.L. inzh.; STO.-,(TS, A.A., inzh.; VASIMIDI, A.A.~ inzh., oty. za vypusk; IMTROV, P.A., tekhn. red. [Safety engineering regulations for operating traction substa- tions and sectionalization posts of electrified railroads]Pra- vila teklmikJ bezoparmo.-ti pri cleopluatataii tiagovykh pod- stantsii i postov selftsionirovaniia elektrifitsirovannykh zhe- leznykh dorog, Mosk-va. Transzheldorizdat, 1962. 202 p. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Russia (1923- U..S,S,R,)Glavnoye upraylenlye elektrifika- tsii i energetiche5kogo khozyaystva. 2. TeE Vinisterstva pu- tey soobshcheni-ja (for Khlebnikov), 3. TSmtrallnyy komitet profsoyuza (for Fcmichev). 1, Moskovskvya zheleznaya doroga (for KoIv-u,_,hn-.vy)., 5. SverdIcvska:ja zhelezncLya doro~a (for Tagirova). 6. Yuzhno,-Uralskaya zheleznaya doroge. for Sbifman), 7. Zapadno.-Sibirokaya zhelomaya doroga (for Stort-0, (Electric rallronds -Safety rogulations) VARSIMASHVILI, E.V. Lithology of the Upper Cretaceous sediments in the upper PlIoni Valley. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 315 no.1:117-124 JI t64. (MM 17:10) AUTHORSt Varsimashvili, T. V. Kostanashvili, H. 1. 56-6-43/47 TITLE: The Transition Effect of the "Stars" in a Lead Absorber (Perekhodnyy effekt "zvezd" v svintsovom poglotitele) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 19571, Vol. 33, Hr 6 (12), pp. 1530 - 1531 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper contains the results of a controlling experiment carried out for the purpose of observing the transition effect of the"stars" under a lead absorber by means of photographic emulsions. The plane lead absorbers were arranged one on top of the other. Each lead layer had a dimension of 40 x 60 cm2. The photographic emulsions were located separately between the lead absorbers. Ex- posure took place in an altitude of 3100 m above (sea level). The results obtained are shown in form of a diagram, according to the curve of which the maximum of the transition effect amounts to 30 'Ito. This transition effect is only weak on the peaks of mountains and amounts, according to data obtained from various authors, only to 15 - 30 %. i~xperimental results are noticeably influenced by the nature of the proc323 and b;r the qual4ty of evaluation. The auth- Card 1/2 ors evaluated one and the same volume of the photo emulsion three The Transition Effect of the "Stars" in a Lead Absorber 56-6-43/47 times rrith the help of three different persons. In thi3 way the accuracy of the evaluation was considerably increased and a di- stintly marked maximum was determined. The results obtained here do not contradict those obtained by other authors. There are 1 figure and 9 references, 3 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physics AN Georgian'= 11 . (Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR) SUBMITTEDs September 16, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 VARSIMASHVILI, T.V.; SHAMIUIASHVILI, O.A. . ......................- Transition effect of pi-mesons. Soob.Aff Gruz.SSR 23 no-5:527-533 N '59. (MIU 13:6) 1. Institut fiziki AN GruzSSR, Tbilisi. Predstavleno akademikom . E.L.Andronikashvili. (Mesons) I VARSBUSHVILI , T.V. I. Transition effect of stars in dense absorbents. Trudy Inst. fiz. AN Gruz.SSR 7-19-27 160. (14IRA 34:10) .. (Photography, Particle track) Comento on the paper J):-, K.!:. TlUcker, 17. lift., and N'. Pitz') en,tiltled "Amdysis of the aboorption of t1w atar-prodticing Cmponent of cou-mic rays". Trudy Inst. fiz. AN Gr,.iz.EJ-1T,. 7:,29-35 16C"O 14:10) p,v- hy Particle truck) (Photc-, I -.f ~ (Foci:cr, N.H.) U. 7 8/056/60 0038/02/02/o6i S,-V2_0 C) B006/BO11 C 4 00 AUTHOR: Varsimashvili, N TITLE: Transition Effect of Stare in Lead and Graphite Absorbers Produced by Cosmic Rays PERIODICAL: Zhurnal akeperimentallnoy i teoretioheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 38, No. 2, PP- 319 - 323 TEXT: The author of the present paper reports on results of an I v sti- n! gation on the transition effect of stars in photographic amulsions.7The experimental setup (schematic representations in Figs. 1,3, ZT75 was placed on Mount Terskol at an altitude of 3,100 a above es, leyel. A photographic emulsion of the type HAK~0-6P-400 (X1K1?I-B;-40O)7Ar1th a diameter of 5 cm was used for the purpose. The layer was wrapped in black paper and placed in a rubber box (thickness 10-2 glam 2). Stare with three or more prongs were selected for the analysis by threefold evalua- tion. The experimental setup in the case of the lead absorber is shown in Fig. 1l and in dealt with in greater detail including the precise Card 1/4 L4K Trannition Effect of Staz~a in Lead and Graphite 3/05~!R/1038/02/02/061 Absorbers Produced by Cosmic Hays B006 B011 indication of dimensions. The results of interpretation are illustrated in Fige 2. A diagram shown the number of stare as a function of the lead thickness. The distribution of the starm has a maximum at a lead depth of 5-6 mm, and the transition effect attains 34, It vanishes almost completely at a depth of 2-5-3 am, and 'the further course of the curve corresponds to the absorption of the N-oomponent in lead. Investigations with graphite absorbers are described next. The author again determined the number of stare as dependent on depth, and the stare released by the N-component. The arrangement consisted of four 60-60 cM2 graphite blocks, each 8 am thiokp arranged one upon the other at intervals of 6 am (Fig. 3); 15-15 am2 large, 3 am thick lead plates were placed between them. Experiments showed that at a depth of 3 am of lead the transition effect had almost completely vanishedv and the photographic emulsions underneath showed practically only stare produced by the N-component. From the difference of stars in the layers above and underneath the lead it is possible to determine the number of transition effect stare if the absorption of the N-component is taken into account. Results are il- lustrated in Fig. 4- It was found that underneath the graphite absorber Card 2/4 e 82007 Transition Effect of Stars in Lead and Graphite 5/056,/60/038/02/02/061 Absorbers Produced by Cosmic Rays B006/B011 more stare were recorded (curve 1) than were caused by the N-component only (Curve 2). From the differenceg the transition effect was found to be 10-15%- It follows from the appearance of this effect in graphite that the particles causing the effect are unstablep and the curve peak allows the conclusion that they are secondaries produced in lead. On the strength of data from Ref. 2 they can be assumed to be neutral, and data from Ref. 4 allow the assumption of theme particles being in equi- librium with the N-oomponent. For further investigations, experiments were made with an arrangement from lead and graphite, an schematically shown in Fig- 5. The graphite block was surrounded by a lead shield. Ex- perimental results are shown in Fig. 6, namely, the relative number of stare as a function of the depth in graphite. The results allow conclu- sions to be drawn concerning primary and secondary particles. The author finally thanks E. L. Andronikashvili for his interest, N. 1. Kostanash- vili, G. S. Sherezadashvili, D. B. Bokhua, I. B. Amirkhanov for inter- pretation of the photographic emulsioneg and T, V. Gvaladze for discus- sions. There are 6 figures and 4 references: 2 Soviet, f German# and I American. Card 3/4 Tranfjition Effect of' St;lr3 in -',,~ad and Graphite 8105~PO361021021061 Absorbers Produced by Cosmic Rays B006 B011 BI ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Physics of the Gruzinakaya SS ) SUMITTED: June 30v 1959 Card 4/4 -461-66 EWT(m,)'..-- DIAAP X_C~__N_R, AP50246Z9 SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/65/029/009/1669/1669 ALMIOR; Varsimushvlli T.Y. OW: none ("I'D TITLE: Anomalous transition effect for nuclear disintegrations induced by high ener- gy pnrticles /Report, All-Union Conference"on 6_sm`i~_ Ray PhL~Iqjs August 1964/ SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskiLyn, v. 29, no. 9, 1965. 1669 TOPIC TAGS; nuclear disintegration, nuclear particle, high energy particle, particle interaction, lead , ABSTRACT: The author has employed the synchrophasotron of the Joint Institute for Nu- clear nesearch to investigate the anomalous transition effect in lead for nuclear dis- integrations induced by high energy nuclear active particles reported by E.Schopper, X.H.Hoecker, and E.Roessle (Z.Naturforach. A, 9, 839, 1954) for cosmic ray particles. The nuclear active particles were produced by incidence of the 10 DeV proton beam on a 10 g/cm2 polyethylene target, and the transition effect was observed by counting the stars produced in nuclear emulsions stacked between lead slabs. The relative number of stars produced at depth x in the lead was found to be given by 0.98 + 0.48(x/L)oxp (- x/L) with L=5 mm. This anomalous transition effect was not present in control run without the polyethylene target. Orig. art. has: I formula and 2 figures. Cord 1 /2 OIL,) - _c_A 2/2 VARSIMASHVI4, T.V. Anozalous trmsiticn-effect of nuclear spallations, ca=aed IW high-e;iergy particles. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 29 no.9tl669 S 165. k (MMA 1819) V. A. i.-; I . U. 2. USSR (600) 4. Gzirdes 7. Reduction of m*,.Xturas of mz~gnetlk ferric oxiuc wit,i niclvlow; oxide ~-11, ~-Oozlitcuf: oxida. jDokl. AN 3331t 67, kio. 1, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953, Unclassified. S/126/60/009/ol/005/031 zlll/El9l AUTHORS: Yarskava, A,K.~ Kompaneytsev, N.A., Sokolov, B.K,, and Sadovskiy, V,D., TITLE: X-Ray Investigation of Phase Ret~.rys tall I za tion during Heating of Steel PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 1, PP 28-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It ha5 been reportad (Refs 1, 2) that metallographic investigation of phase renrystallization during heating of some structural alloy steels, which have in their initial state a crystallographically ordered structure of martensite or bainitue5 showed that heating rate,5 The influence austenite struc'ure formed above AC3, object of the present investigation was to check "hist effect by X-ray diffraction and also the reported (Ref 3) existence of intragranular texture in the austenite at intermediate heating rates, An axial camera with unfiltered iron radiation was used, with a special holder to ensure that the same spot was photo- Card graphed before and after the selected heat treatment. Commercial steels type 40KhS, 35KhGS and 37iQ-143A 1/3 previously hardened from 1300 OC were used; parallel S/126/60/009/01/005/031 Elll/E191 X-Ray Investigation of Phase Recrystallization during Heating of steel tests were made on the same steels in the cast state (hardened immediately after soli ification). Slow- heating was effected in vacuum. With slow-heating directly above A03 all the original texture maxima are reproduced in the X-ray diagrams (Fig 1 a-6) but new orientation appears if the heating is at 50-Ao oC and more above Ac Very rapid heating of untempered steel similarly restres (above Ac3) the original grain with slightly redistributed orienlations (Fig 2 a-6) and the texture disappears if the temperature is high enough zor austenite recrystallization,, With intermediate heating rates the austenite grains obtained above A-33 are generally considerably finer than originally and havq a different and weaker texturg (Fig 3 a--6), the same effect beina obtained with very rapid heating of tempered specimens. At temperatures of 1100 OC and over texture disappears. This woric was reported at the VI Card Vsesoyuznoye nauchno-tekbilicheskoye soveshchaniye po 2/-4 PrimeneniYu rentgenovskikh iuchey k issledovaniyu. materia"Lov (All-Union S,.,Ientific-Technical Conference on__ S/126/6o/ooQ/o-1/OO5/O3l Bill/E191 X-Ray Investigation of Phase Recrys tall iza tion, during HeatJLng of Steel the Use of X-rays for Materials T63ting), June 24, 1958. There are I figures and ':~ Soviet references, ASSOCIATION: Institut f12iki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, Acad.Sci. USSR) SUBMITTED. July 22~, 31.9p, Card 3/3 USSR/ Electronics Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 32/32 Authors Gaft, M., Varskiy, B., Fayzulaev, B., and Leonov, K. Title iExchange of experiments Periodical iRadio 2. pages 24, 33 43, and 58, Feb 1955 Abstract jThe, following innovations and devices are briefly described: a triode converter for the 6N15P tubes used in Amateur television sets and UHF radio receivers; a universal brace for holding coil bodies in plac6 on a winding machine; a method for eliminating self-excitations in &n intermediate frequency amplifier; and a method for calibrating scales on ineasuring instrtunents. Circuit diagrams; drawings. Institution . ..... Submitted: ..... KETOV, A.N.; PECHKOVSKIY, V.V.; STAMOV, N.P.; VARSKOY, B.N. Preparation, corposition, and certain properties of basic cadnium sulfate. Zhur.neorr.khim. 6 no.9:20(19-2013 S 161. (MUU 14:9) (Cadmium sul fate) Li 3/076/61/035/003/011/023 B121/B203 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov~ V. V. and Y~!rskoj, B. N. TITLE: X-ray study of structural changes of steel in electrolytic hydrogen saturation PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no- 3, 1961, 595-599 TEXT: The authors studied the structural changes of steel in electrolytic hydrogen saturation by determining the changes in width and intensity of X- ray diffraction lines. Specimens of Armco iron, steel 10, and steel 50 (20 x 20 X 0. 2 mm) , and OBTr-O - 50 (OVP-0 - 50) wire made of Y 9A (U9A) steel were tested. The change in width of diffraction lines was determined with the Ka radiation of Cc at V - 30 kv and i - 10 ma. The change in intensity of diffrhction lines was determined with the Ka radiation of Mo at V = 42 kv and i .. 10 ma. The intensity of diffraction lines was found to decrease at first, and then slightly increase again, with increasing saturation time of specimenz with hydrogen. This increase is probably due to a noticeable oxidatiou of the specimen surface with oxygen which is anodically formed in prolonged polarization at high amperage. The second-order stresses and Card 1/2 S/076/61/035/003/011/023 X-ray study ... B121/B203 third-order distortions were found to increase regularly after cathodic polarization in sulfuric acid. The third-order distortions are due to forma- tion of a solid solution between hydrogen and metal; the second-order stres- ses are explained with the development of molecular hydrogen in the micro- pores. Small amounts of arsenic were found to affect negatively the hydro- gen saturation of steel specimens. The decrease in the limiting value of second-order stresses with increasing carbon content in steel is explained with the formation of large quantities of the carbide phase. The described method of studying the intensity and width of diffraction lines is generally recommended for studies of structural changes in metals after electrolytic hydrogen saturation. Th re are 6 figures and 5 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. jAbstracter's note: Perm' is now called Molotov ASSOCIATION: Permskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gor1kogo (Perm, state University imeni A. M. Gor1kiy) SUBMITTED: July 3, 1959 Card 2/2 A)GROVA, S.A.; PECHKOVSKIY, V-V-; TYULENEVA, G.Ye.; VARSKOY,, B.N. Investigation of the mineral constituents of oxidized vanadium slags. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.5:937-941 Yq 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Fermskiy politekhnicheskiy insittut. (Vanadium ores) (Matallic oxides) -4 AMIROVA, S.A.; PECHKOVSKIY, V.V.; VARSKOY, B.N.; TYULENEVA, G.Ye. Mechanism of the oxidation of a vanadium-containing spinellide. Zhur. fiz.khim. 37 no.7tI603-1606 il 163. (MIRA 17-2) 1. Permskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. 59T20 VAR59CYt B. N- USSR/Metallurgy - Nonferrous Alloys, 21 APr 53 Aging IlConcerning the Causes of the Modifying Effect of Small Dissolved Additions on the Kinetics,of Aging in Alloys," V. I. Arkharov'' ,B. N. Varskoy~_ N. N. Skornyakovi,-Inst of the Physics of Metals, Ural Af- filiate, Acad Sci USSR DAN SSISR, Vol 89, No 6, PP 1003-loo6 Investigates accelerating effect of Sb on aging of Cu-Ag alloys and similar effect of Ag and Zn on aging process in Al-base 4% cu-alloy. concludes 259T20 that acceleration of aging process in all cases is attributed to internal adsorption of small addi- tions* X-ray method for studying changes in alloys vas used in investigation. Presented by Acad I. P. Bardin 12 Jan 53. P ARMIAROV, T,I.; VARSKOY 0B.No. 4 Solubility of silvoi- in copper In the presence of small quantities of antinoar admixtures* Trudy Inst. fiz. met. no.16:a2-90 155. : * Noppor-Silver alloys-Metallography) (Kral 9:2) -. VARSLAVANS, A. Struggle of England to induce the participrition of bourgeois Latvia in the united imperialistic anti-,:: if," front (1920- 1923). Vestis Latv ak SSR no.8:13-23 '6,', -,, y~. 1. IVolokolarask, Moskovskoy oblasti, Kolkhaznaya ul- d.2)j " ....... VARSOBIN k NIMAYENKOV, G.A. Continuoua drip lavage of fistulae following si=ge-,y of osteotub-c-rculous lesions. Ortop., travm. i protez. 25 no.9.t49-51 S 164. (MIRA 18-.4) 1. 1z Volokolamskoy pr ot-4vo Wbc- rk tile znoy bollnitsy. VARSOBIN~ V.I. (Volokolams,, Moskovskoy oblastij. Kolkhoznaya ul. d.2) Homotransplantation of a frozen knee joint; preliminary report. Ortop., travm, i protet. 26 no. 10:66-67 0 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Iz Volokolamskoy yrotivotuberkuleznoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach M.I. Solomonova). Submitted October 61 1964, I-,, -.- ., - VARSURO, E. G. "Some blew Principles in the Study of higher Nervous Activity." Zif. Zhure) Vol 33j, No 3, 1947, p327- Inst of Evolutionary Physiology and Pathology of Hip,4ier Nervous Activity imeni Acad I. P. Pavlov, Acad Med Sci USSR. 50; U-4396 VARSZF-GI. Ferene The innovation clubs of collective fame started their operations in a satisfactory way. Ujit lap 13 no*20:21 0 161, 4. VARSZEGI, Ferene .( and woc-d " dustry education in the past ten yeam. Fores ti- in Erdo 13 no.10:482-484 0 164. VARSZEGI, Karoly, dr., fokonvvelo Up-to-date production organization in construction indu.9tr7 enterprises by mians of electronic computers. Epites szemle 7 no. 8:244-257 164. 1, Barnaya County State Construction Industry Enterprise, Ministry of Construction. DECSI L - VARSZEGI, Maria; MRS, Gy. 0 6~9 Tolerasee to tremorino. Acta phyeiol. hung. 18 no.4:353-356 161. 1. Institute of Pharmacology, Medical Univeraity, FeeB. (HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUM pharmaeol) m Is 12 %1 Is It Is It I~ A It Is Is M-L --k 1. It I V st, A 1 Im 1-4111-44-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 as 0 - - of 1 4 4 0 a 0 4 0 * 0 44 11 A 17 OR 19 N 11 U is M Is k V V " 6 4, 0, 41 0 W is i Hard alloys used for drilling by the AmOt. G 1: 2. No 7 8.4, file I it;j fc-mice on Hard All,-~-). 'rke twazillf; .f 6,11tail I,t. jj~,j In r"Imy 61111fills with hArd mll,q- i- clTrOs,- ivithrr by elve. W. c. currrtzt) or act-tyk-ne wcltfittg, The cluttiig i,; fir'l. t-i-mi .1 th A layrr. and It, wtm.1 and third la)vr k file" 4.1dr.) c1~ fly Op. ,4- Th" I'mur IkArt, "t file Odrl of III, hil 11-Wit at-, 1, fw,ivi-I-A with a IsAlrd Ril-v .,f ths-ir "tcar in Illillills qwrmIi-"i* Thr A,-rivti 14,wd all,,v its, W MV ;~ "I M' U111C W 01141 it' fl li~tdtls-V H,:Aitt 4 W, as 11 1 I.v Ila W ('10,01 , It'rellt.1 ill thr A Ilse braiing The Rii-lits nlf,,v *,Ik.,Kllnt,, Ila, A J It Is'? W 40lov al Illf I..t- it 1144 flir aliv-11111:1mr III I's Its 111101 vjltral~r 1,111 it o'.41, liv I 1w -11--v "Aim (fit" hM is it If-- Vi 14-- mi-I -1~ i-mi-0, l at, ofirr 111m1 111"ll 1.1pi. ..I fit., .I fit lill"T 1, ..t,( iwA its 'I'mil pil r(I w1lit-11 [It, it, 1:11. 11 1114140101v I" lilt- his; it ha~ a W C 1.- .81111' .-h1itlit'It 1111-li )IT ill V"V. I;f. 4 -' C, 7 W ~ I.,, Nit, ,lilt .lilt r rh nictitte It Ism thl, (.1 h'ivilig a variable c(nnpn but it r-i~l, wrar Io a n-Illarkal,le citrist. "Strinnit" j, uu,41 at 4 1.34c f,-r brj:ing with p,,twilit" att.1 it il lightty s,ftvr. The cisact protx4ti"Ill 4 ille 111,1al, prele-lit Ill 11). Alf..Vl aft, It"s Xj%tLjj A A 11-wittt t-wot cl, A 11 1 - S 16 A 10 p -s v tw a 4 1 -111 411#4 -it a Wo na If it It at Ito 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 v 0-0,* 0 0 too 000000064 lb 0 0 VARTAMOV _S,P. Additional possibilities of geological interpretation of seismic prospecting by the reflection method under deep- water conditions as exemplified in the southeastern Caspian Sea. Razved. i prom. geofiz. no.42:19-28 161. (MIM 16: 11) VARTAN., Iacob, corespondent Utilization of radioactive Isotopes* Constr Buc 14 no. 674: 4 8 December 1962. I VARTAN, Iacob. -, -1, In the middle of the workera. Constr Buc 15 no.7000 8 Je 163. 1. Responsabilul comisiei cultural-educative a comitetulul sindicatului de la Trustul do instalatli mantaj no.21, Bucuresti. TAILTA19 lacob,, economist Specialty team of construction site 214 of Trust No.21, Constr Bac 16 no.730tl 4 Ja'64. VARTAN9 lacobp economist Prefabrications for installatloa.3 a-rd gtasamhly work. Cxn-3tr Buo 16 no.??-'83 l'? 0 164. in full, artivity VARTAN lacob coresp. The various activities )f 'the Technical Quality Control. Constr Bue 17 no.797:4 17 Ap 165. COUNTRY 1,29 CATEGORY i 1. 8,3 4 2 o AB3. JOtj-'--,. L:,,",, h AUT4OR arzamean, tt.-i~L. I ~ ": 3* 12 T IT1,21, 17, E- U so f Folympi-5 in Mecliicine pU j3. liom.-i3ov. 'cf. Chim., l(,53, NIC, 1,2c-~ '3~ N.) it, I.- P. T -Fv~ 0 T A rans I-at I on . Se e P ZtiK*-,. ia. N o 2 80, V-4RID: VARTAIESOV, I., zasluzhannyy inzhener AzSSR; SUBYNIN, Ye., AzSSR Large-panel housing construction in earthquake districts. Zhil, stroi. no.1-1:25-29 N 161. (MA .16:7) (Earthquakes and building) ISMAYLOV, E. I VARTAWSOVj_ I , arldiitektor; ABDI)IJAYEV, T.., arkhitektor ifousing constructicn in Azerbaijan. Zhil. stroi. no. 3t2-5 Mr 161. (MIRA 14 t 4) lo,Zameatitell predsedatelya Gosstroya Azerbaydzhqnqkoy SSR (fgr Ismaylov)o (Azerbaijan-Apartment houses) .1 -i VARTANF.Sov,,__;,..,,.,inzhener-arkhitektor; GOLtDSHTEYN, A., inzh. Zoning an area for the planning of ccnatruction. Zhil, stroi, no.5%13-15 163. (KMA 16:7) (Azerbaijan-Architecture and climate) TSAMERYAN..9 F.F. j VAP MOV, ";Awl Prospecting methods for the Dzhindar deposit, Izv.&,,Arz.SSF.Geol. i geog.nauki 16 no.ltl7-29 t63. (MMA 16:5) 1. Institut geole.Aches~lkh hauk AN Armyauskoy SSR. (Armenia-Prospecting) TSAMERYAN, P.P.; VARTANESOV, V.Ye. Assaying of the D2hindarinskoye deposit. Izv. AN Arm.Sm. Gsol.i geog.nauki 16 no.4/5tl23-130 163. (MIRA .16:12) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN Armyanskoy*SSR. ME ACC NRt A160009948 (A) Ynnograph UR/ Y=t==&'nj#.-YPK~9qq- ~~?~Ovichl Goylv%manp EMMrwIl Shlemmiahj Rogatkino MIkhail Ivanovich Radio direction finding (Radiopelengatsiya), Ybscorw., VCDrenizdat Mi-va cbcr. SSSR., i966,j 247 p. illus.,, biblio, 11,,000 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS. guidance systeni~ radio guidance., radio anterma, radio wave, direction tinder receiver nex-Asitivity PURPOSE AND CNERAGE, This book presents theoretical principles of radio direction finding, principles of operating various types of radio direction finders, as well as problems of practical application of ground devices. Special attention in given to the pxecision of radio direction finding and sensitivity of the devices depending on the conditions of radio vave propagation and on the scheme determinations of mitennac and receiver-indicator systems. The various uses of radio direction finder are j3hcnm. 11his book is recowended an a textbook fcw preparing for the cadre of radio direction finding in secondary technical education. TABLE (F COIIIEM (abrIdged)s Card I/P., U)C-.621-396.663 - 0013 (07 -ACC-'*NR1"-'* M15OW9948 -- 3 a.. 1. Basic concepts and directions in radio direction finding - 5 ch . II. PropaGation of radio waves - 11 Ch. 11I. Antenria-feeder systems and elements of Input of radio direction finders -- 40 Ch, :LV. Radio direction finders -with a am-11 base and their receiver-indicstar devices -- 65 Ch. V. Radio direction finders with a large base -- 127 Ch, VI. Sensitivity of radio direction finders and precision of radio direction finding -- 151 Ch. V11. Several modern radio direction finders and automatic systems for deter- zainin,g the position of directed objects - 163 Ch. VIII.. Problems with the use of ground radio direction finders wo 206 sto ca)E: smmmm: 09FA65 cRia m7t o46 ax mw: 032 Card VARTANIAN, A.; MANOLOV, A.; PERFANOV, G.; KOLEV, D.; MILIANCHEV; GULUBOV, St.; KOSTIANEV, St. Spring soil tilling, and its influence on the develo=ent, yield and quality of tobacco. Izv Inst tiutiun BAN 10-34-118 161, VARTANIANY A. ------- ---- Rego4rch on t~.c- gri%mi mIxtirpm nnd Umir irifl~jtnc'q or~ 11-A]. fertility and tobaoco yields and quality. Iri Inst UntAtin fiAlf 1t135-154 161. VARTANIANS V.Ye. Management of the bronchial stump in pmlzpnarY resel-tion. Grud. Wiir. 3 no.2s57-62 161. OC A 14 1- 4) (LUNGS-SURGERY) VARTANOV, A. USSR Georgian SSR Head Epizootic Section of Georgian Republic Ministry of Agriculture'u Veterinary Administration "Organize Supply of Biological Preparations" Izvestiya, p. 2, 1951 Current Digest of the Soviet Press, Vol 3 No 14, 1951 P 35 %IIA.11flu"Ov., A. A. Vartanov, A. A. Aspecbs of Asiatic Bixd Pla,:;ue and t1rie Cm.parabive Effectiveness of 1-:et'liods of Specific .:Ln Higher Education USSR. Azerba,.--dzhan k,,ricultural InSL. Kirovabad, 1956 (Dissertation for the De,:rce oi Candidate in Veterinary Sciences). So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 10, 19-56, pp 116-127 VARTANOV, A.A., dotsent Eradication of foot-and-mouth disease in its initial focus. Veterinariia 40 no.7:12 Jl 163. (MIRA 16t8) 1. Gruzinskiy zooveterinarnyy uchebno-issledovatellskiy institut. (Georgia-Foot-and-mouth disease--Preventive inoculation) MAMMOVY U.A.; VARTANUV, A.A. Use of vacuum filters vith a diatomaceous filtering layer in the final stages of the purification of oils by the contact process. Khim.i tekhotople i masel 7 no.11:37-40 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. (Filters and filtration) (Imbrication and lubricants) DUKSA'L--,V, A.M.; VAi-",;lAJ,'C)V, A.A. Use of continuous filters fOr sep2xa-lin;, auspersiour. :!efte er. i Ij p neftekhira. no.303-34 163. (j:lAA 17:9) 1. Bakinskiy nuftomaslozavod im. Dzllaparidze. VARTANOV A A - ALKHAZOV, T.(',. ; BEIIAPKI' Y, 1,LS). Studying the effect cf Ozyg,~,,~ ;-,rir;. their oxidative dehydrogenation. zV. Vyb. i gaz 8 no.3;?2j34 165. 1. Azerbaydzhanskly institut neftl i khimii im.. M. Azizlwkova. VARTANUI, A.A.; BELENI ll~l M,S.; ALKHAZOV, T.G. Intlestigating the effect of the v--um~tric speed and temmperat,:re y . ucheb. on the oxidative deli dmgenn' tcn of Is ),qnileneq. 1.-v. v- 5 zav.; neft' I gaz 8 'rm,,4~40,52 165. (1-11RA 180) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy inattilt nefti i khirrii im. M.Azlzbekova. CP v in 1 c /CL Innft lf~ 7 Lr SOURCE- IVUZ. Neft' I gaz, no. 6, 1964, 45-48 TOP!r T,~~OS -m, n n prrpIrAr ion f)e ratu rc arpa r:~ttj- t .3 r t r i a 1 rU n YM2-tl rn:, 14 Card F- VARTANOV., A. Serious obstacle. Sov-torg- 35 no*7s34 JI 162. (KMA 15;11) 1. Zamestitell direktora Narimanovskoy rayomoy torgovoy organizataii po to ovle pishcheproduktami, Baku. Taku-Packaging) VARTANOVI A. Progressive forms of trade in a department store. Sov. torg~ 37 no.10:29-31 0 163. (MIRA 17:1) VARTANOV, A.G., dateent. Thermal characteristics of banks of stean turbines. Trudy Azerb.ind.,71152-164 154. (WiA 9:9) (Steam turbines) AIFSKEROV, VARTANOV, B.G.; MANYUHIN, N.M.; CHIMANOV, O.Ve Exploiting walls with ~ filter covered by coarse sand. ,36-40 f) 63. (KRA Neft.khoz. 41 no. 12; 17:6) LUXOSHKIN, A.I.; MAKSIMNKO, B.P.; BAGIROV, R.Ye.j- VARTANOV, B.N. Efficiency of 3TS5A-P" trisectional turbodrills. AA"b. neft. khoz. 41 Lo.3-1:12-11+ N 162. (MIFIA 16:2) (Turbodr~Us) VARTA11OV, E.D. (Leningrad) Improving working conditions in clothing f&ctories using gluing assembly methods. Shvein.prom. no.2:15-16 Kr-Ap 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Clotbing workers--Diseases and hygiene)