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W-V .1 Fpv- v WGOSIAVIA/Nuclear Physics - Installations and Instruments. C-2 Methods of Measurement and Research Abs Jour- Rof Zhur - Fizika) No 21 19591 No 2599 Author Paic M., Prelec K., Toms P., Varicak 14., Vosicki B. Inst Title Cockroft and Walton Accelerator for 200 kb Used to Generat~- Noutrom. Orig Pub Glasnik mat.-fiz. i astron., 1957, 12) rio 4, 269-289 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 3 YUGOSLAVIA/Electroiiics - Photocells and Sei-.6conductor Device. H Abs Jour : Ref Zaur Fizik-a, No 12; 1959, 27927 Author : Varicak, Milena Inst : Institute Rudjer Boskovic, Zagreb, Yugoslavia Title : Investigation of Characterist&ms of Miniature Thermis- tors and Their Application in Vacuum Technology Orig Pub : Tehnika, 1958, 13, No 10, Elektrotelinika, 7, No 10, 169-171 Abstract : Ali investigation of the possibility of criploying rdniature thermal resistances for the measurement of pressures less than ].-~-3 ra-.i mercury has led to the development of a monometer suitable- or chang- irg pressures within the limits 1 10 nn mercury. Card 1/1 r:7r % M --- URLI, V.; VARICAK, 14. The Peltier effect in semiconductors. Vas mat fiz Srb no.12:91-95 1 160. 1. Fizicki institut Prirodoslovno-matematickog fakulteta i Institut "Ruder Boskovic," Zsgreb). BOSANCIC, M.; COCKOVIC, H.; VARICAX, M, Measuring the specific beat of solids in the dependency of temperatures. Obz mat fiz 7 no.2L82-87 160. (EFAI 9t12) 1. Fizicki institut Pr!Lrodoslovno-matematickog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (Specific heat) (Calorimeters and calorimetry) (Solids) M h4302 S/058/6Z/000/012/038/r,48 nab A062/A101 AUTHORS; Saftic'. B., Varic~!S,,,!~,,, zuppa, m. TITLE: Effect of monoenergetic 14.2 Mev neutron irradiation on the conductivity of germanium PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurmal, F17,1ka, no. 12, 1962, 66, abstract 12E471 ("Glasnik mat.-fiz. i astron.", 1961, 16, no. 1 - 2, 121 - 123, English;*summary in Serbo-Croatian) TEXT.- The conductivity variations of n-Ge irradiated by a flux of 14.2 MeV neutrons-was investigated. The initial conductivity of the specimens was 0.2837 ohm-l-em 1. In order to reduce the effect of the t 'emperature variations of the surrounding medium, the specimens were placed In a thermostat (temperature 30 + 0.050C). The cond ctivity variation of the specimens after 15 hour-irradia- tio-n by a flux of 5.1N neutron/see was as low as - 0.75%. In the specimens which werp not placed'in the thermostat even that small variation was not noticed. The rate of removal of the carriers was 'determined as equal to 25 carriers per neu- tron. A possibility was obtained to detect the dependence previously assumed (RZh Fiz, 1960, no. 9; 23850) of the carrier removal rate on the initial carrier Card 1/2 S/058/62/000/012/038/048 Effect of monoenergetic 14.2 Mev:neutron irradiation.. A062,/AIO1 concentration, and also to determine the energetic levels of the radiation de- fects caused by the.14.2 Mev Tneu4on irradiation of Ge. Gi V. ,(Abstracter's note. Complete translation] 'Card* 2/2 I - SMIC, BO (Zagreb); VARI AK, M. (Zagreb);- ZUPPA, M. (Zagreb) Effect of monoenergetic 14,2 MeV neutron irradiation an the einduo- tivity of germanium. GlaB mat fiz Err 16 no.1/2: M-123 161. 1. Faculty of Sciences and Institute "Ruder Boskovic", Zagreb, L 04134-67 T * IJP(c) GG/AT Am NR1-kP6bi6f!7 SOURCE CODt-.--YU-16-o-201657C6-0705--76-0~1576010-----'I Varicak. Mena (Doctors ScieA ~i~F;c Q~ssOdi4AL AUTHOR: e) ORG-. "Rudler Boskovio" Inst1tate. Z greh (Institut "RudJer Boskovio") TITLE: Effects of nuclear radiationAn the properties of semiconductors SOURCE: Nuklearna energ1ja, no. 6-6, 1965, 15-20 TOPIC TAGS: radiation effect, semiconductor research ABSTRACT: Electric. properties of semiconductors are particularly sensitive to radiations and thus this problem has been given particular attention. For a better understanding, a brief review Is presented of the main characteristics of semiconductors, as well as of the defects Induced by irradiation in the solid state. The article presents major results obtained in recent decades In this field by various scientific establishments mainly abroad and in Yugoslavia. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas and 4 figures. SUB CODE: 18, 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ - OTH REF: 012/ SOV REF: 001 '31 "'t .1, 1~ X Ij,,.uTG,F, T..; Mt,6K, ~4. St.,racture of the lfvcr in aqua-,ic ~-nk!E in rtI-,7-i--, tO -~3c 7t~e,-ILI I '. ~~, 195(-V~*,2, Stracture of a liver. n. 101 S-tj-j~tS Tj/~j, -,,. ij,' ' Zagrnb, Yu,aoslaria) So: -onthly list of ;bast L,,impe.&n. icctssi-.)ns, ~L.C, "TO1. 1', a~,--. 1 ja.,,- 1955, Und. VARICAKI Teodor; RODE, Bojan; 1W.11K. Albert Histochemical studies of mantocyteD in the uterue of some ruminants. Biol glas 15 no.109-41 162. 1. Mavni urednik,, *Bioloski glasnik. Perlodiaum biologorumP. RODEI B.; FRANK, A.; VARTCAK, T. The distribution of acid and*alkaline phosphatase activities in some organs of Cyprynus carpio L. Bul ac Youg 9 no.6:158- 159 D 164. 1. Dapartment of Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology of the Veterinary Faculty, Zagreb. Submitted August 3, 1964. VARICEVA, V.: UZUM, V. "Arrangement of vineyards on inclined land" I Per Bujqesine Socialiste. Tirane, Albania. Vol. 13, no. 1, Jan 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EUI), IC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas PETROV, K.A.; NEYMYSHEVL, A.A.; DOTSEV, G.V.; VARICH, A.G. Reactions of sulfenyl chlorides and N-elloramines with. phosphorus tricbloride, dichlorophospbines, and red phosphorus Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.4.,1366--13714 161. iMIRA 14:4) (Chloramine) (Sulfenyl chloride) (Phosphorus organic compounds) VARICH, A.K. Introduce more rapidly the now system for repairing building machines. Trane~.stroi. 9 n0-606-37 Je 159. (NMA 12:11) 1. GlavWy makhauik mekhaniziroyannoy kolonny NO.36 tresta Sredazstroy- mekhaiiizatsiya. (Bailding machinery-Maintenance and repair) -VARICH, M. Developing automatic control sYstmo. Gor. zInw. no.7:57 JI 161. (MM :L5:2 ) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Upravleniya po avtomatizataii i oborudovaniyu. dlya ugollnoy I gornodobyvayushchey promyshlennosti Gosudarstvennogo komiteta Soveta Ministrov SSSR po avtomatizats:Li i mashinostroyeniyu. (Mining engineerin5) (Automatic control VARICH, mS -- gornyy inzh.-elektroteklinik Basic trends in the develmment of emuipment for mfn4.n7 a-n,;. dressing ores. Gor. zhur. no.2:33-0 F162. Gosudarstvennyy komitet Soveta Flinistrov SSSR no avtompatizataii i mashinostroyeniyu. X"SRKIN, S.M.;.-YARIQJL--M.S.:__,~MTUDIKO, A.I.; SOROKIN, TOA~; Tagupov, A,V# Flame-throwing drill for drilling blAsth9jes In pits. ~ 160;".- (MIRL 13:6) no.2:4-6 - (Boring machinery) 'YAGUPOV, Aleksandr Vasillyevich; POIQiOVSYJY, Mikhail Aleksandrovich; VASILIYEV, Anatoliy Paylovich; VARICH, Mikhail Sidorovich; LY UBIYXJV p 11. G.,, otv. red. ; OVSrrENW,. T.--G. . -tekhn. riZ.- (Jet piercing of blast holes] Ognevoe burenie vzryvriykh skvazhin. [By] A.V.IAgupov) i dr. 14oskva., Gosgortekhizdat, 1962 199 (Mi:U 15:7~* (Boring) .. Alt Ljh-~- SAKKA. A. ~1_-M Completing conetruction by the method of combined technology. Ayt. dor. 23 no.4:16-17 Ap 160. (Road*construction) (MIRA 13:6) 18(4), 18(6) AUTHORt- Varich, N. I. SOV/1 6 3-59-1-36/50 TITLEt Influence of Lithium, Zinc, and Magnesium Upon the State of the Crystal Lattice of Aluminum (Vliyaniye litiya, tsinka i. magnJAya na sostoyaniye kristallicheskoy reshetki'alyuminiya) PERIODICALi Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkolyi Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr pp 182-188 (USSR) ABSTRACTi This is an investigation of the influence of alloying elemen~.s upon the state of the crystal lattice of aluminum. For this purpose the alloy was investigated in its original state, in which the atoms of the alloying element are homogeneously distributed in the solid solution. The experiments were carriei out at room and at elevated temperatuxes with pure AVOOO aiuminm and with binary alloys of aluminum. The experiments showed that the introduction of lithium and zinc into alumiro;n (to a limit of 2%) leads to a weakening of the interatomic bonds. At elevated temperatures the lattice dimensions of the solid solutions of zinc increase less than those of lithium solutiollB. This can to a certain extent be explained by a gradual transition of the lithium ions into the atomic state at elevated temperatires, Card 1/2 This explanation can be offered if reasoning is conducted Influence of Lithium, Zinc, and Magnesium Upon the S0111163-59-1-36150 State of the Crystal Lattice of Alu=inu= according to the viewpoint of Zamotorin (Ref 7). The experiments showed that the presence of consi4erable dynamic distortions in the crystal lattice of the sruce Al-Li alloys does not lead to an increase in strength. So do only static distortions of the alloy lattice- An increased stability of the lattice of Al-Mg alloys at elevated temperatures was found in the course of the experiments, This is explained by the strengthening of the interatomic bonds.. Apart from tha factors enumerated in the papers (Refs 3, 5. and 9) the increase of the linkage forces represents the main causa for the increase of the recrystallization temperature and of the energy required for the acceleration of the diffusion of magnesium in solid Al-Mg solutions. There are 4 figures and 9 references. 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Dnepropetrovsk State University) SUBMITTED: March 25, 1958 Card 2/2 i,~ rlir)'rp ~-)f tnu 1 '2 r r f, .-he most apT.,reciable eliec-i ne, -0~ fit '1' -d gig Ir if ~3 -19 k! 52, 15 P 5 H NO j; r~ Z145 _J - VARIGH H.I.: KOLESIIICHMMD, K.Ye. Pffect of a high speed of cooling on the structure and properties of aluminum alloys. Izv. vys. uoheb. zav.; tfivet. met. 3 no.4:131-136 ,6o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy Gosudarstve'nnyy universitet. Kafedra, metallotiziki. (Aluminum alloys) -,e f! f . 4 Vfi 82hh3 A? 0 S/149/60/0W/004/Z)06/W9 AUTHORS: Varich, N,I.. Kolesnichenko, K.Ye. TITLE: The Effect of High-Speed Coolingyon the Structure and Properties of Aluminum Alloys -111 L41 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya, 1960, No. 4, pp. 131-136 TM; V.I. Danilova and M.A. Levashevich (Ref. 1), Hofmann and Falkenhagen (Ref. 2) and Hahnemann and Schrade (Ref. 3) studied the effect of high-speed cooling on the strength of Al-base alloys. The authors investigated this effect on the struetura and properties of binary Al-Gr and Al-Mn alloys, A crystallization rate of 50,000 degrees/see was attained by catapulting the liquid melt (at 9000C) on a cold copper support. The crystallization rate was determined by an oscillograph. High-speed cooling makes it possible to obtain a number of solid Al-base solutions from the liquid state with a wider concentration range of some components than provided by the structural phase diagram. At a cooling rate of 50,000 degrees/see the chromium content in +,he solid solution attains 5.7 weight %. At the same rate the maximum amount of manganese in the solid solution exceeds 10 weight %. High- speed cooled alloys, prepared in the form of thin plates, were tested on a special device built at the University laboratory. It was established that Al-base alloys Card 1/2 82410 s/149/60/000/OG4/tO6/tO9 The Effect of High-Speed Cooling on the Structure and Properties of Aluminum Alloys crystallizing during high-speed cooling acquired a high ultimate strength without any considerable loss in their ductility.. The ultimate strength of an Al-alloy with 5.7% Cr was as high as 60 kg/mm2. The phase composition of the alloys was investigated using the method of determining the paramagnetic susceptibility (described in Reference 4 by F.S. Smirnov). It was found that a homogeneous solid solution was formed in Al-Mn alloys containing 5% Mn. If the Mn content increased up to 10%, a low amount of a metastable A144n phase was revealed. In Al-Cr alloys a homogeneous solid solution was formed at a Cr content up to 1.8%. A further increase in the Cr content entailed the formation of a metastable A14Cr phase and the solid solution was supersaturated up to 5.7% Cr. The Al-base solid solution, oversaturated with Cr, began to disintegrate within a range of 450-5500C (depending on the Cr content). A solid solution saturated to the limit point underwent a two-phase disintegration. There are 5 graphs and 4 references- 2 Soviet and 2 German. ASSOCIA.TIONt Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Dnepropetrovsk State University) Kafedra metallofiziki (Department of the Physics of Metals) SUBMITTED: March 19, 1960 Car,A 2/2 808 P I /,P. 1.20 S/126/6o/oo9/o6/oi6/O25 AUTHORS: Varich, N.I., Belousov, N.NMMEMherbakovi G.I. TITLE: in_f_1_u_e_n_e_eoT Plastic D the Structure and Properties Of anIlAl-M lloy PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovdeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 6, pp 909 - 917 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The aim of the work described in this paper was to investigate the influence of plastic deformation of cast and hot-pressed specimens on the changes in the mechanical prop~-,rties; and in the sub-microstructurelyof a now alloy _9L8__UY6__ontaining 11.5% Mg, 0.14% Be, 0.1% Ti, 0.194, Zr, rest Grade WOO aluminium. Ingots of this alloy were produced in a 120 mm dia metal mould, applying by means of a piston a specific pressure of 1300 kg/cm 2 during the process of crystallisation. The thus-produced ingots were heat-treated (soaked at 435 0C for 20 hours and subsequently quenched in hot water). One batch of the specimens were investigated in the cast and heat-treated state. A part of another batch was subjected to cold- Cardl/3 working to the extent of 25, 50 and 755'; a second gart of this batch was subjected to hot pre:sing at 420 C q,,- 80888 S/l26/6o/oo9/o6/ol6/025 Influence of Plastic Deformation on theEMONPe and Properties of an Al-Mg Alloy and some of these specimens of the pressed and heat- treated alloy were also subjected to subsequent cold- working to the extent of 25 and 50%. The results of testing the mechanical properties of specimens after various types of deformation are given in Table 1. The average results of the mechanical tests (at -60, 120, +150 and +200 0C) of hot-pressed specimens are entered in Table 2. Results of hardness tests of type-II stresses of the dependence of the block dimensions on the degree of deformation and other results are entered in graphs. The results of extensive tests have shown that this new Al-Mg alloy containing Mg and very small additions of Be, Zr and Ti is suitable for producing semis by hot pressing. Components from this new alloy can be manu- factured directly from hot-pressed rods and also from cold-worked material. The alloy AL8-U was originally proposed by N.N. Beloumov, A.A. Dodonov, V.A. Yegorov. Card 2/3 A.A. Ivankin and Ye.N. Mikheyev. 80888 S/126/6o/ooq/o6/ol6/O25 Influence of Plastic Deformation on th'OORAF-Mre and Properties of an Al-Mg Alloy There are 9 figures, 3 tables and 4 references, 2 of which are German and 2 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Dnepropetrovsk State University) SUBMITTED: October 10, 1959 Card 3/3 ACCESSION NRI. AT017178 S/0000/63/000/00010234/0243 AUTHOR: Belousov, N. N. (Leningrad Dnepropetrovsk); Varich, N. 1. (Leningrad- Dnepropetrovsk); Shcherbakov, G. 1. (Lc ningr4d-Dnepropetrovsk)*- TITLE: Investigation of the Influence of the thermal conditions of hardeninq of castings under plunger pressure on the submicrostructure of aluminum SOURCE: AN BSSR. Fiz.-tekhn. institut. Teplofizlka v Ilteynom proizvodstve (Thermal physics In the foundry Industry). Wnsk, 1963, 234-243 TOPIC TAGS: plunger pressure, roentgenography, aluminum structure, high melting element, Aluminumaalloy, ccystal structure, cast hardening ABSTRACT: Deep shrinkage caJitles, porosity, and heterogeneity are often observed: in-targe-size aluminum castings. The present investigation considered the in- fluence of smal I additions of some elements on the properties, structure, and sub-i microstructure of grade AL8 alloy crystalized under atmospheric pressure and a plunger pressure of.4,000 kg/sq cm. Roentgenographic and metallographic analysis as wel-I as hardness and micro-hardness tests were used In the Investigation. it was-found that the properties of the alloy Improved for pressures up to 2,000 1 kg/sq. cm. A further Increase In pressure did not lead to significant Improvement': _11ty. For aluminum alloys containtpq 10-11% M43 and small additions of In metal qua Card ACCESSION NR: AT4017178 the high-malting elements Be, Zr, TI, and Mn, application of plunger pressure dur-i Ing crystallization decreased the differences In the permanent crystal lattice parameters and hardness at the center and edges of the ingot. O?Ig. art. has: 4 figures and 6 tables. ASSOCIATION: Fiz.-tekline Institut, AN BSSR. (institute of'Physics and Technology,i AN BSSR). SUBMITTED: I9Apr63 DATE ACQ: O6Mar64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: MM NO REF SOV: 004, OTHER: .000 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4017179 S/0000/63/000/000/0244/0250 AUTHOR: Varich, N. 1. (Dnepropetrovsk); Kolesnichenko, K. Ye: (Dnepropetrovsk) TITLE: Effect of high crystallization rates on the structure and properties of thin films produced from a melt I SOURCE: ~N 8SSR. Fiz. -tekhn. instit'ut. Teplofizika v liteynom proizvodstva (Thermal physics in the foundry industry). Minsk, 1963, 244-250 TOPIC.TAGS.- aluminum manganese alloy, aluminum chromium alloy, aluminum magneshiKn alloy, alloy file, metal crystallization, alloy film, metal crystallization, alloy film s,,"cture, film structure crystallization rate dependence, alloy structure cooling rate lependence, alloy electrical resistance, alloy hardness ABSTRACT. Aa-Mn, Al-Cr and Al-Mg alloys, pro duced by rapid cooling from a liquid state, were subjected to x-ray, metallographic and.electrio conductivity studies. The alloys, with up to 11% Mn, 5. 7% Cr and 11% Mg,were cooled at a rate of 50, 0001/sec by catapulting the liquid melt at 800-890 C onto a cold copper plate; this yielded 0. 1-0. 3-mm films. Rapid cooling was found to affect the density of the lattice electron cloud and to produce dendritic formations in the microstructure of alloys with up to 1% Mn, while ACCESSION NR: AT4017179 alloys with a higher percentage of Mn produced ffitracrystalline liquation. The micro- hardness of the films showed a steady and sharp Increase up to 9% Mn In the solid solution and a microhardndss ma)dmum. of 94,j-.,,/mm2 w"'attained for alloys with 5.7% Cr in th super saturated solid solution. A study 61 the relative paramagnetic susceptibility, used to determine the homogeneity of the soludons, Indicated that a homogeneous solid solution, with, less than 6% Mn and 2% Cr, crystallizos with'k rapid cooling of the AI-Mn andkl- Cr solutions, respectively. In a test with an alloy'of AI-Mg (11%), Be (0. 12%), Zr (0. 17%), and Ti (0. 09%), to which 0. 42, 0.80 ahd 1. 32% Mn was added, Mn was found to inhibit,,the diffualon processes in the alloys markedly when its content was approxi- mately-1%. 7%o effect of NIn and heat treatment on the o0ecific electrical resistance and' thermal emf of the alloys was also studied and the results discussed. Orig. art. has- 1 figure and 5 graphs, ASSOCL477ON- Fir..-tekbn. institut AN BSSR (PWaicotechn1cp1 Lwtitute# AN B55R) SUBMIWED-. 19Apr63 DATE ACQ: 06MaT64 ENC U 00 SUB CODE: ML NO REF SOV.- 002' OTHEM, 001 2/2 VARICH, N.I.; LITVIN, B.N. Investigating Mg-Mn and Mg-Zr alloys obtained during quenching from melts. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.49526-529 0 163. (HIRA 16:12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet. BUROV, L.M.; VARIGH, N.I. I ThOrMal expansion of AI-Mn and Al-Cr alloys. Fiz. met. i metallovc-d. 16 no.0530-534 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. VARICH, N.I.; KRIVUSHA, Yu.V.; LEVINA, R.V.; KOVALENKO, N.D. Effect of lubricants on the texture of rolled metaL Izv. vs. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.5:151-155 163. (KRA 160) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. , (Rolling (Hetalwork)) (Metalworking lubricants) :,St, 5/1' 19/63/000/001/01r~/027 AUTHORS: 13 e I o t is o v N . N. , V, r i c 1, Fri%-usha Yii.V. and Shcherbakov 'A'. I. nr TITLE: Certain structural ch, icteristics tind properties of alloys crystallize-d under piston pressure PERIODICAL: Izvegtiyi vysshikh uchel)ny'ich 7,avedeniy, Fizika, no.1, 1963, 92-95 TEXT: The effect of ni-stort px-,ssure on the hardness, lattice parameter and size of the i-ausaic ijloc%a in the alloys (ALM (11.15% Mg, 0.1;,j Be and 0.15". Ti and Zr), AJj-' (AL21) (9-8% Si and 0-17% Fe), AL9 (-.0"0' Si, 0.2-,':' ',Ilg an(j 0.1~-'.~ Fe), and ALIA* (9.3;1; Si, O.32,j Mg, 0.25'/.7 Mn tind 0.15,~ Fc) is disciissed. linder ntciospneric pre-;,tirfl and undCr The alloym were crytillized piston pre5sure; the last three rir.,Qin,-, from 300 to 6000 k&/cm and the first one in the pret,.-;uve ran~;a of 1650-9425 kg/c:n-. Samples were cut out from the in~.ots radially and the Vickers hardnesr, meatiured on a sclero~iipt--r type I (TP) Tha X-ray lattice duterininAtion waq oL,,t in n cninera tvy)c (KROS-1) using copper rndirltio:i. Th~ (!im,~n6ions of the nosaic Card,1/3 1 7- gg, Certain structurnl charactori:tics . . .5/13 9/16 VGO G/00 1/015/027 _T21 0 :1./F. 5 9 2 i!, lilocks wore determined frotti r~rimnry extinction and the intertmity Of the interforenco nnxinm iv%- detOT-1irled Tfliotographically. The to G.N.Voroblyev's dimensions of the block-B ifere ca1,_-uI,It-d according i ethod (Izv. AN SSSR, ser.fiz. , 23, 1959) The hardness and m latt ice pcirometer v. ere do t ~,i- i;i er! a I fso for the tran ~, j t iona 1 zone. the case of AL3U, tho did rot, chavize alone% the edges of it ~1' the- ingot while it incrensed in the center. With ardnesm ceased. pressuren in exces8 of 3000 I-w,/cm the growth of h, Tho exporimental d%tix -9howed that cryntallization under piston cattcrint; regions. pressure reduced thic of tl;c co!iorcnt S Block- were subd Lvided rno c, congl) at pressures up to 2500-3000 CS/CM further increase of did not affect their dimensions . The increnme of nros~Bi rn reduced tivi lattice parameter ~pnrticularly in the center an;; in t~,(, trimsitional zone, which was nscribed to of the content in the a-solid solutiorl. Tl-ie increa,;(- Of t*,io center of the ingot was L)ccomj)rinie(' by subdivision of im. !j~~ic blocl~s. However, sub- ivision of the Ljloc'~_q at the vc!7,es of tht~ ingot did not affect d the hardnes.,;. This ims du(,- t(--) the cffect of tho distribution and dimension_-; of the p-nhA,3c parricle,-i. 11, th,! r,~:mainitxg three alloys -Card 2/3 Cortnin cj t ructu ri- I chn ra c t ~i ri t i c:i 3/01-1"~/00 1/0 1 V027 the hnr(Jncs,; incr-r!,iied co~itinuolipiiy %-ith increasing, pres-sure, with th, oxception or AL9, i---Iiere iTicronse ceased in t~ie prvissure rango of' 500-1500 11ES/c," 2. Thf. fji:7IC;y;ionq of t:lV blocks wi thin the pres.,-,ure rntige of 300-200L kt:/c,,i- s,iustl~intially decreased. It was not possible to ob.5erve thc, behavior of',, the foruier tit higher pressures .5ince bloc' *-. s -!inllex- than 10 cm had no efri)ct on tile intensity of the X-r.-ty iuto-rforenc~i., In AL2, AL9 and AL4 the lattice parameter increased at t!),,- lour pres-stiro of-~300 and then rapidly docreast~d at 1000 ItS/cm-. Ht~,,har pressure cati5ed sli,Sht increase but in tile revion of 3000-6000 1c,,/cm there was no change in their parn;ietur nnf.' its vnlua -,io.* ~z~ibstantislly tI-Le same as for pure aluminium. Those phu-nomena were expinined by the general reduction of solubility in solid solutions during incrensod pressures. There are 5 figures ond 2 tables. ASSOCIATION3 Diinpropetrovskiv 795universitot imeni 300-letiya vossoyadineniyn M-rainy a Rossiyey (Unepropetrovsk State University ilileni 300-years anniversary of union between the Ulkraine and Russia) SUBMITTED: October 30, 1961 Card 3/3 _.YAUGHP 1,I.; BUROV.. L.M.; KOLESNIGHMO., K.Ye.; MAKSIMENKO, A.P. Investigating strongly oupernatm-ated AI-V, Al-Mo. and AI-W solid solutions prepared wM high rates of cooling. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 15 no.22292-295 F 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Daepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyr universitet. (Aluminum alloys-Retallography) (Solutions, Supersaturated-CoolinR) I.:--- VARICH9 N.L. kand.fiz.-matem.nauk Investigating the texture of cold compression worked iron. YjetvLUoved.i term.obr.met. noo4sl7-20 AP 162. (14IU .15:4) L Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Iron-Matallography) (Deformations (YBchanics)) 41. I, I 11 :, I I F. L T I I n, t t I., i z c(~~ L LV WAPIC-HJ~L~, V/1. VARIGHBV, V.A., inzhener. stnrtultng 0" 50 Or-Y) kv b~rxka. Tenloenergetika 4 no.10:94 I 0 157. (YLRA 10:9) 1. Neovetay Gasudnrctveaaa..,A rpy6nnayn elektroutnntsiya. (Electric power Dlnnts) y /-~ li-2) c // /- - V y // VARI(;irS'L- 7-4,, In2hener. Work of metal in raliation steam superheaterg. Ir,.?:Il-14 JI '57 - (Su-nerheaters) (MILRA 10:-i) AUTHOR: Varichev, V.A. , Engineer. 104-2-23/38 TITIS: Operating experience in a power station with the unit (boiler--(Parbine) arrangement of equipment. (Iz opyta ets- pluatatsii elektrostantsii s blochnoy skhemoy komponovki) PERIODICAL: IrElektricheskie Stantsii" (Power Stations), 195?, Vol.28, No.2, pp. 81 - 83 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The power station, which comm need operation in 1948, - contains foar blocks each of one turbine and two boile;rs vith reheat by gas. The AEr two-cylinder 50 MV/ turbines enmloy steam conditions of ill atm. and 4?5 0, there is a process steam pass out at the fifth stage of 43 atm., 430 C. The three-drum Steinmuller boilers evaporate 100 t/h and have been reconstructed to burn anthracite duff. The other arrange- ments are described in detail. The reliability of the equipment is described. Theie were several emergency stops of the turbine from full load because the thrust blocks were inadequate, the high pressure glands were also unsatisfactory. 'The emergency stops caused damage to the boilers, particularly to the primary radiation; super- heaters and both primary and secondary superheaters were dam- aged during lighting up of the boilers. The water economisers Card 1/3 were damaged by ash wear and some welded joints were of poor Operating experience in a power station with the unit (boilel- turbine) arrangement of equipment. (Cont.) 104-2-23/38 quality. In earlier years the annual loss of electric powa:- output because of various defects was 8c.) but this has now been reduced to 5lo- The proceduie for starting up is described from lighting up of the boilers. When the pressure at the turbine stop valve has reached 55 dtm. the turbine is started and it runs up to speed as the boiler pressure rises. The total t-.*Lme required from commencement of firing to connection of the set is 5 - 6 hours and full load is taken up after ? -8 hours. However, high speed starting trials have shown that full load can be taken three hours after starting up. Major overhauls are carried out on an entire set at once and take 5?0 hours for the two boilers, employing 120 - 200 men. Overhaul of the turbo-generators occupies 36 - 38 men for 540 hours. The utilisation factor of the equipment at the start of operation in 1949 was the boiler house and 55-7 in the machine room. In 1954 the corresponding figures wen 86.6yo and 86.2c/:*)* It is concluded that the block system is reliable. The combination of radiation and convection superheaters makes it Card 2/3 possible to keep the superheat steady 1mith widely varying load. Cperating experience in a power station with the unit (boiler- turbine) arrangement of equipment. (Cont.) 1o4-2-23/38 The Dractice of running up the turbine whilst pressure is building up in the boilers is fully justified. The operation of boilers working in block systems should be made more relia- ble by preventing slag formation on the heatin6 surfaces and by providing an effective method of cleaninG the convective super- heaters and using gas flow speed in 'the tail end of the boiler not greater than 8 m/sec; the makers should provide protection against wear. There are 2 figpies. AVAILABLB: Card 3/3 VARICHEY, V.A., inzh. Review of L.B.Kroll's book "Characteristics of high-pressure boiler equipment." 31ek.sta. 28 no.10:96 157. (MIRA 10:11) (Boilers) WW 10, H E V) V. 11. AU Th Oil: Varichey V.A. Engineer, Krushell G.E.j Doctor of and ProkoDenko A G - YEUine e r o TITIB: Block starting of 50 MW set with reiiatY~%lochnyy pusk ustanovki 50 MW s promezhutochnym peregrevom.) P~!'IRIODICAL: "Teploenerg2tikall (Thermal Power), 195 t V01,41 No.?, pp. 3 - 11 (U.S.S. ~ ABSTRACT: At the present time, large, new high pressure power stations are being built on the boiler/turbine block system with reheat. The existing procedure for start- ing such equipment from the cold consists of a number of successive operations; lighting the boiler, raising pressure, heatin pipework.,.heating and loading the "guld take up to 48 hours and it was turbine. This c necessary to develop new methods of starting up block installations. A method of simultaneous firing the boiler and starting the turbine for block sets without reheat was developed by two of the present authors. The -,presence Card 1/8 of reheat complicates the procedure because thi inter- mediate superheater must be cooled by steam and only later connected into operation on the turbine already Block starting of 50 MW set with reheat. (Cont.) 96-7-1/25 working. In order to avoid damage to the tubes befoie connecting the reheater into circuit it is usual to cease firing the boiler for a time. Complicated arrang- ements are required to reconnect the pipework during the operation. The Nesvetay regional power station was selected for tests on the block starting of seta with reheat and a great deal of work was done there in 1956 to accelerate the starting procedure. The block consists of a turbo-set of 50 MW operat- ing on steam at 115 atm., 485 C, with reheat to 440 C at 38 atm. using two boilers with an output of 120 t/h, one continually operating turbijie driven feed pump and two electrically driven pumps. A schematic circuit diagram is given in Fig. 1. The original barring gear was not self-disconnecting. It was found that the steam pressure required to accel- erate the turbine could be much reduced by increasing the barring speed. A mome povierful barring motor was Card 2/8 installed and arrangements were made to disconnect it automaticall Steam for startin the auxiliary mech- -&n from the reheat lfne of a neighbouring anism was ta Block starting of 50 01 set with reheat. (Cont.) 96-7-1/25 set. A number of thermocouples were installed at various positions in the boilers and turbine and their locations are given in Figs. 2 and 3- Expansion of the turbine cylinders and rotors was measured. The first block start of the turbine and one boiler was made on-February 20, 1957. The pieparatory measures an described in detail. Before the start a table of starting conditions (Table 1) was drawn up based on the results of block starts on a tuibine BK-100-2. The starting procedure is described and graphs are plotted in Fig. 4 of the changes in steam conditions and con- sumption, speed, power and expansion of the hiol pre--s- ure cylinder of 'the turbine as a function of tine during this first start. The start was completed in just over 4 1/4 hours. The unusual rate of startin- and the absence of data about conditions for heatinE; the turbine made it necessary to run up to speed slowly so that the turbine operated for a long time without Card 3/8 load. As was to 0be expected this caused some over- heating (to 140 C) of the lower pressure sections of the turbine. After the turbine had been loaded up to Block starting of 50 MW set with reh pat. (Cont 96-7-1/25 5-8 MIV0the temperature of the exhaust steam was reduced to 2? C which corresponded to the pressure in the condenser. The temperatures of the front vralls of the superheater tubes cooled by low pressure steam are given in Fig. 5 and 6. During the entire operation of starting these temperatures were much lower than durinc, norm 1 operation and did not limit the rate of raisj-n;]; pressure. The turbine operated at full load for 6 hours and -was then unloaded to 25 MW- One boiler was extinguished and the pressure in the remaining boiler .vas gradually reduced until after four hours the set was completely unloaded. On February 22, 195?, after the set had stood for 30 hours a sucond block start was made with both boil- ers being lit together and both connected to the tur- bine from the start. During the first start it was found th# in all parts of the steam line the steam temperati(re was from the beginning above the saturation card 4/8 piessurd. Therefore, the second start was made with fully closed drainage cocks on all steam lines which facilitated the application of vacuum and caused no Block starting of 50 Y'd set with reheat. (Cont.) 96-7-1/25 difficulties. The changes in steam conditions and the general operating conditions of the set durinC the second block start are plotted in Fig. ?. The start was cora- plete in just over 3 3/4 hours and the general proced- ure is described. Graphs illustrating the opei-ation of the turbine driven feed pump are giveri in Fir-. 3. Simultaneous firin6 of two boilurs gave rise to no difficulties. Tests results relating to the tvo starz and the figuit-s relating to heating of the turbines and boilers are given in Table., 2, temperature- cuxves for the turbine are given in Fig. 9. There is roa-~on to suppose that in future the time required for a block start can if necessary be reduced to 2 1/2 hou--,,s. It is concltided that the practicability of bloc'.11 starting sets with reheat is fully demonstratod. This method of starting reduces the starting time, red~ace.- the temoerature differences and is mach more e-f-l'icien-c Card 5/8 because steam is no' exhausted to atmosphere. The. u boiler firin- conditions are gov~.,rned b-j the conditions of heating the turbine and, therefo:Lv, it is firs--, Block starting of 50 MW set with retLeat - (Cont. 96-7-1/25 necessary to investigate the conditions of heatin.- and loading the turbine with reduced steam conditions and to work out the starting conditions from this. During the start the greatest temperature differences in the metal of the set occur at low temperatures ana proasures, which is whon tho strength of the metal i.,,, much higher than the design value. Moreover, the temperature stresses are not then superimposed on mechanical stresses due to steam pressure. Therefore, large temperature differences can be permitted in the early stages of the start. The low thermal stresses in the furnace and the high rate of steam flow prevent overheating of the tubes of the main and intermediate (reheat) radiation superheaters. The set is started by controlling the firing conditions of the boiler and this can easily be made automatic. If block sttatinC~, io itied tho ,.,t;ation piliework can be much card 6/8 simplified. Therufore, in block uots w% drum type boilers vAiich are now under construction it should be possible to do without reduction and cooling install- ations for st-axting up, and to do without starting Block stavtin6 of 50 MW set with reheat. (Cont.) 96-7-1/25 condensers and steam stop valves betveen the boiler ar~ji turbine on the rriain and reheat steam lines. Other simplif icat ions are also possible. For re&ular shut-do= of blocks it is advisable gradually to reduce the intensity of combustion in the furnace and so to reduce the steam conditions Vnich automatically unloads the set and effects smooth and rapid cooling. The defective barring gear on the turbines of thie first four blocks of the Nesvetay Power Station should be replawd by self-discoiuiecting hiCh speed barrir-:-, 6par qnd steam should be supplied to -he auxiliaz-ie-s from neighbouring blocks. When this has been donf., 1)1:)c*:: startinfS should be the normal procedure. The re&al-~s of the inve stiGat ions should be used by TeploelcIctrcs- proekt and the manufacturers of turbines and boil,;.-z-s Card V8 who should make arrangements for block startinc.,- of ne-,,., sets. There are 9 figures, 2 tables and 1 Slavic reference. AS W 104IA-TI OTT: 1,Tesveta-y Regional Power Station (NesvetayGM-3,S) Block starting of 50 UW set with reheat. (Cont.) U 96-7-1/25 Llvov Polytechnical Institute. (Llvovskiy Politekh- nicheskiy Institut) Southem Division of ORGRES. (Yuzhnoe-otdelenie C&GliS) AVAlLA13LEI: Card 8/8 IJOKSHIX, V.A., Imnd.teIrhn.nauk; MOISIM, G.I., inzh.; PjIVLSNKO, L.I., inzb.; TALDYKIN, X.M., inzh.; YAMCHW,,__.T..A_, inzh. Tbarmal conditione durirq~ tho operation of high-prosoure radiation wall-type superheaters. Mlek.sta. 30 no.1:21-26 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:3) (Superheaters) SOV/96-59-10-9/22 AUTHORS; Miznetsov, N.V. (Dr.Tech.S(,-i.); Luzhno-,, G.I. (Engineer); Varichev, V.A. (Engineer); Pavlenko, L.I. (Engineer); a fi-d- - 1 2-r-gl-n -5V -~- B . G'(Engineer) TITLE: Experience of the Adjustment of Shot-blast Installations for Removing Ash Deposits from Boiler Heating Surfaces PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1959, Nr 10, pp 49-54 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Previous articles in Teploenergetika Nr 122, 1957, and Nr 1, 1958, described the use of shot-blasting to clean boilers type TP-230-2 at the Omsk Heat and Electric Power Station when burning fuel oil of high ash, and high sulphur content. Subsequently the design of the equipment was improved and it was tried out at a number of power stations burning anthracite dustq including the NesvetayGREES (power station)on the Rostov Powez system. When anthracite dust is burned, heating surfa, quick.'1y become contaminated and cleaning is particularly important. In the Nesvetay station shot-blasting equipment was installed on boilers of 110 tons er hour operating at, steam conditions of 122 ats. and &85 OC. The boilers are Card briefly described: the proportion of unburned material in their carry-over is of the order of 8-12 . Until the 1/4 2% shot-blasting installation was put in, the boilers could Mi PVM' --~q A" SOV/96-59-10-01/2-2 Experience of the AdJustument of Shot-blast Installation-- fo--- Removing Ash Deposits from Boiler Heating Surfaces operate for 1 to lf months, during which the resistance of the convection duct increased by more than 100 mm water and the outgoing flue gas temperature rose by 25-30 OC. Typical CUTves showing the increase in re*istance and flue gas tomperature during a month's operation are given in Fig 1. The shot-blasting installation was generally similar to that previously described, but various changes were made and are described in some detail. Outline drawings of the modified shot-blasting installation are given in Fig 2. To reduce losses of shot to atmosphere, the shot traps were reconstructed, to the form illustrated in Fig 3. It was found necessary to fit pieces of wire I mm diameter on the conical shutters at the bottom of the shot traps so that a certain amount of air could leak round the shutter and equalise the pressure above it. The results of pressure measurements using the modified shutter are plotted in Fig 5. Minor modifications were Card 2A made to the ash bunkers to prevent loss of shot tvo them, The shot bunkers were made of conical se(,tion instead of square, and the shot feeders were modified, a new type of sov/96-59-10-9/22 axpeTienr.e of the Adjustment of Shot-blast, Installasicrns for j Remoi,ing Ash Deposits frCm Boiler Heatini, Surfaces 3 v-Yfatter being used. A few othev modifiuations were also made. To clean convective heating surfa.--,e!;*; -3ffisAantly It is neae,.tsary to pass 200-300 -4-g of shot pa-..- square met--,~e of d-act section. The area of the ducts of the boilerS in question was C'O,'f' m2, and shot*, was deli--erp,d at a total rato of v-1-700 kg /hi-, lwhi~ih :-orrespon-tj.s to 230 k'g1M21hr. If the equipment is us*pd regulai 1y Eta operating time of one hou-:- twice a sl-ift is satisfactory. rr A.~-,sts wo2e made to see whethei, :ciii(1 be u;~ed to olean up badly- contaminated surfat-a:;. Th-~ i*e:~-alt., ara plotted in Fig 7 and it will be seen that although about 9 tons of shot were passed through the nouvectioa sshat't thei-e was -Q--, reduction either in. the resistann.3. to flow or in tho flue gas temperature. Subs equ tint; examination zhowed that some of the shot was vesting on top :)f tht~ ex.4sting -~'epositvs, which were not remo-,,,ad, Ttierefoie, 'A.7o:7 shot-blast-'ng to be effect-ive the haat-ing su-cfaces must be ---laan,6d lin the first plac.-3 and. the eqUipment vust be uaed C sa :e d regularly. Data on the resistan-.a to- flow and flue gas 1 1 1/4 tamperatures during s-'x weeks' operation w:Wn Te4gu.lar uSe of t-he shot blastirg eqaipment are plotted in FIg B, sov/96-59-10-9/22 Experience of the Adjustment of Shot-blast Installations for Remo--Ving Ash Deposits from Boiler Heating Surfaces The resistance to flow was maintained constant throughout this period and variations in flue gas temperature .resulted only from variations in feed-water temperatures. After 45 days' operation with shot-blasting, the e,.,onomiser and water heater remained clean and ash depo3its were found only in places not reaohed by the shot. The loss of shot was about 0.6% of the total quantity passed and this could be further reduced by minor design changes. The equipment is reliable and the main parts may be used for the design of similar Card 4/4 installations for boilers of other types burning other fuels. There are 8 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION; Vsesoyunnyy teplotelchnicheskiy institul , Rostove ergo eard Nesvetay GRES (All-Union Therm6-Tect-Ln-ical Institute, Rostuvenergo (Power System) and Nesvetay Regional Electric Power Station) VARICHIV, V.A., iuzh. Zapansion of servicing ar6as In turbine and boiler sections without central thermal shielding. Maksta. 31 no.5:18-24 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Blectric power plants) VARICHEV, V.A., inzh. Expirionce in apa.-ating, unitized installations. Ilsk-sta- 31 no.2:84-86 F 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Steam turbines) VARICHEVI V.A., inzh. ~tkf Air blast cleanLng or the hcatinw iiurfa';t- ~.r yxj!.." no.8:19-20 Ag 165. (M2-k 18:8) 24(2) AUTHORS: Sholnkho-:ich, IA. L... Var' nheva, V.I. SOV/48-22-12-9/33 TITLE: -------------------- InvesttgatiDn of -~',-,e P'_-O - BaC - B 0 __O System 2 3 2 (Issiedovadye sistemy PbO - BaO - B 203 TiO 2) PERIODICAL: iz-,rest-i-fa Akademii naA SSSR. Seriya, fizicheskaya, 1,958, Vol 22, NZ- 12, PP '449-1,452 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the interaition of lead- and barium birat6s with lead- and barium titanates is investigated. The authe~vs wanted to explain the effeot of these borates on the stabi.lity of solid barlum t-.tanate and lead titanate solutions and t~, asoertain the possibility cf obtaining them in the form of single orystals from the respeotive melt. The PbO - TiO 2 - B 0 - BaQ,sys-kem in a melt is a oam-plicatad 4-component system 2 3 ani r;an be =epresented graphically as a tetrahedron. Data are given -:)onc:e I-Ping the surface of the crystallization cross 9 e n. [5 O~~ Pb 0 + - Olp)' B20) - PbTiO Ba(BO 2)2 -BaTiO 3 of thiS tetrahedron. The investigation was carried out in a Card '1 /2 Piatilnim r;ruiible, by employj_ng the optical "polythernal" method. I nv. es tigation of the PbO - BaO - B, /4 DO T_J0 _Ystem SOV/ 8-22-12-9/33 3 2 The :-; section side3 and 2,11 irternal sections we--e .;.nvestigated. The arran.gement of the sections iS shown in figure 1 and the data an the sections and side faces in figures 2-4. Figure 5 shows the dielecturic oonstant course of temperature and also the composit-lon cf the melt employed for the preparation of (Ba-Pb)TiO 3 * Table 2 contains data on crystals. The formation of crystals was confirmed for each sw_ngle case by Ye. G. Feserdko by means of X-ray structural analysis. The crystals obtained have a perfect shape. The crystals from all the experiments were investigated after Hng for 2 hours at 12000. Measurements ere made at the annea.L 9 Q-Meter (kummetr) at a frequency of 10 cycles. The authors-thank N. S. Novosilltsev for the interest displayed. There are 5 figures, 2 tables, and 6 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Nauchns-issledovatel;skiy fiziko-matematicheskiy institut pri Rostovskom-na.-Dopu gos. universitete (Scientific Physico- Mathematical Research Institute at Rostov-na-Donu State Uni-;-ersity) Card 2/2 L 10%2-63 A Fn,-/M-3/&SD--Pu-4/Pt-L-IJ?1 (to )/GG/dfl ACCESSIM NR: AR3000363 S100531" 3100011 SWRCE: M. Fizika, Abs. 4E368 AUIMCR.-, Sholokhovich, M. Jaiodakov, A. L.j~' Lezgintseva, T. N.; V9xicheva) V. I. TITIE: New ferroelectrics with large nonllnearity CITED SOME: Sb. Segnetoelektriki. Rostov-na-Donu, Rostovsk. un-t, 1961, 1.?-20 TOPIC-TAGS: Ferroelectrics, haffnium-doped, dielectric properties, production techniques TRANSLATIM The dielectric-characteristics-and the electric conductivity Sigma of solid solutions Of Ba (Ti, Hf) 0 sub 3, containing lip to 25 molar percent of O-sub- 3-13ave--beer. -investigated. --The ceramic specimens we-..e pre-pared in --- accor&mce--vith--the-,usual-technology-,--usL;i-g---tt-ipli~larmealing at--100,--1450, and-. i5OO -degrees C, with the duration of- -the annealing -it_-1000_-_C- armunting to -20--- Card -1/3 L 10042 -63 ACCES51011 ITR: AR1000363 hours, but even under these conditions the specimens w1hich containf-:d -Morv then 5% of Balif 0 sub 3 were quite porous, Measurements riade on sin&lc crystals obtained in the form of plates 8o - 500 microns thick fran a rrelt of Fa Ti 0 Cub 3, Ba C 0 sub 3, and Hf 0 sub 2 in K.F have shGwn that the Curie temperature decreces lineally with increasing content of Ea Hf 0 sub 3. The maxinn= valt~c of Epsilon is observed for a composition containing 6 molar percent of Ea Iff 0 sub 3. At room temperature, tg Delta of single crystals of the lnvestL~ative materials ranges from 003 to 0.07. 11he ratio of Epsilon at the Curie point to Epsilon at room tempn e reaches 20-30- No such inc.-eaGe in Epsilon is observed in the ceramic9s'pecimens. Small amounts of Ba Hf 0 sub 3 influence noticeably the n3m-enial properties of the solid solutions. At a frequency of 50 cps) Epsilon Increases with increasing field by more than 200 times, and it may reach 100,000 at a field E equals 0.6 kv/cm, with the increase of Epsilon being accompanied by an increase of tg Delta, which goes through a maximum at approximtely 1 kv/cm with increasing E, eXter which it decreases and reached 0.2. In the region of weak fields, the coefficient of reversible nomeniality of the single crystals of Ba (Ti Hf) 0 sub 3 is much higher than in solid solutions Ba (Ti Sn) 0 sub 3. The hysteresis loops of these single crystals are rectangular and 37each saturation even at fields of 5 kv/cm. An anomaly is observed in the temperature variation of Sig= for most crystals near the Curie Card2p s/196/63/000/001/007/035 E193/E383 ;'AUTHORS: Shol8khovich, M.L., Kramarov, O.P. and Varicheva, V.I. TITLE: Single crystals of lead metazirconate PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal,.Elektrotekhnilca i energetika, no. 1, 1963, 17-18, abstract 1.1356. (In collection: Segnetoelektriki (Forroelectrics), Rostov-na-Donu, Rostovsk. un-t, 1961, 31-36) TEXT: A method is described for growing single crystals of PbZrO , up to 30 ji in size, from melts containing PbO and Zr02 mixt;Ks dissolved in I(F, KC1, PbF,, Pb 3(.P04)2 , NaCl, Na WO, or Na.M0041 Another method, entailing- the volatIlization oi Na'Cl from a PbO-ZrO2-PbCl, melt, made it posaibl-.0 to produce PbZrO- single crystals, 1-2 mm in size, for which the temperatureL -7 dependence of c was determined (see the figure). The effect of temperature on the hysteresis loops was also studied. There are 1 figure and 13 references. Editor's note. In the original the frequency is erroneously given in "me/sll instead of "Mcls". Card 1/2 Single crystals of .... S/196/63/000/001/007/035 P,193/F,383 CAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Figure: I W1 Card 2/2 N: T', 110 AUTHORBs TITLEs 60 ~21340 5/078/61/006/004/014/018 B107/B218 Sholokhovich, M. L.j Varioheva,_Y~. I,- The reaction in the system PbO- Kb 20 5- B203and in the out (50% PbO + 50% B20 3) -PbNb206_ PbTiO 3 1961, 6, PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. no. 4, 944-947 TEXTs The melting processes in the system PbO -Nb 20 5-B203 were studied up to about 20 mole% of Nb 20 5 (Fig. 2)1 besides, the authors investigated the out (50% PbO+ 50% B 203 ) -PbNb 206 -PbTiO3 in the corner (50% PbO+ 50% B 20 3) (Fig- 3). The phases of this system caii be iMDortant because of their piezoelectric properties. The initial substances weres PbO for analysis, chemically pure B20 39 TiO 2 for analysis, Nb2o5 with a degree of impurity of about 2 %, including 1.1 % of Ta 205* X-ray analysis was conducted by Ye. G. Fesenko, and teats for piezoelectric properties Card 1/5 The reaction in the system... 21340 S/078/61/006/004/014/018 B107/B218 were carried out by A. L. Khodakov. From the system PbO- Nb 205- B2039 13 outs were studied. In the region of high content of B20 3f the system separates into component parts. The melts solidify in the form of glass. The major part of the system is occupied by the crystallization surface of lead metaniobate. Two more phases of the side system PbO -Nb 205 (A and B) do not remain stable in the ternary system, but decompose already at low temperature:J(R 5880C., R2 7300C). During solidification of the melt, 0 1 PbNb 6 sin e crystal form in glass which may be removed by nitric acid. In t9is way, single crystals with an edge of 0-5 cm were obtained. These crystals adopt piezoelectric pro arties when heated at 13000C for 3.5 hr. Studies of the out (50%PbO+50ZB20 3)- PbNb206 -PbTi 03 disclosed an un- interrupted series of mixed crystals between PbTiO 3 and PbNb 206' These rhombiao imperfect crystals of the perovekite type are not piezoelectric. Only after heating at 13000C for 6 to 9 hr the mixed crystals 75% PbNb 20 6+ 25% PbTiO3 and 50% PbNb 20 + 50% PbTiO became piezoelectric. There are 3 figures and 16 referenegst 4 Sovie~-bloo. The two references to Card 2/5 S/078/61/0()6/004/014/018 The reaction in the system... B107/B218 English-language publications read as followei R. S. Roth. J. Res. Nat. i10 Bur. Stand. 62, 2925 (1959); E- C. Subbarao. J. Amer. Ceram. Soc, 42, 448 (1959). SUBMITTED: March 14, 1960 F -_k S/0-78/16111%06/004/01 4/018 The reaction in the system... B107/B218 J7 OX0 v we v Sm. SAP -IAW v------------- 7-j- MIA Card 4/5~ Put. 2. lama viq 5 pawkwo-A, hall ice rL-340 5/078/61/006/004/014/018 B107/B218 %A L 7834-66 E'fflP(e)/EPA(s)-2/EWT(m)/EWP(j ACC NRz AP5028122 IJP(c) JD1WH Sou H CCDB: U 87 P1C- g~62 06PY~7g M/2 0 71 ~A' ~A If AUTHOR; SholokhovichU.L.; NovikovaLL.Vv., VarichavaV.I.; Kramarov,O.P.; -17 Kupriyanov,M.P. AA AK ORG: Jjostov-on-the Don State University (Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Preparation of solid solutions of barium and lead titanates from water- soluble compounds and characteristics of ouch solutions Aeport, Fourth All-Union Conference on Ferroelectricity held at Rostov-on-tho Don 12-16 September 19647 SOURCZ. AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiticheskaya, v. 20,-no.-II, 1965, 2068-2071 TOPIC TAGS: ferroelectric material, solid solution, bariin titanate lead, titanate dielectric constant, Curie point -&--7 J'? -j 7 ABSTRACT: Chemically pure (Ba, Pb)TiO 3 solid solutions were prepared from water- soluble reagents by coprecipitation from titanium tetrachloride, barium chloride, and lead nitrate solution, and by the exchange reaction between potassium titanyl oxalate and lead and barium nitrates. The chemical procedures are discussed in some detail and the properties of the solid solutions are described briefly. Lead titanyl oxalate synthesized-at--room--I;emperature from +itanium tetrachloride and lead nitrate by the method of B.V.Strizhkov, prikl--kh1m.-,- 34#---673-- - (1960)) was always contaminated with lead chloride, as were also the coprecipated mix- L 7834-66 ACC NR, AP502852 tures of lead and barium titanyl oxalates. Zt was not possible so to adjust the PH as to eliminate this contamination. Lead chloride also precipitated when the synthesis was performed at 800C by the method of W.S.Clabaugh, E.U.Swiggard, and R.Gilchrist (J. Res. Natl. Bur. Standards, 56, No. 5, 289 (1956)) and could only be removed (together with some of the titanyl oxalates) by prolonged washing with hot water. X-ray studies of the coprecipitated materials clearly showed the formation of tetra- gonal solid solutions after heating to 8000. The degree of tetragonality decreased regularly from lead to barium. The resulting chemically pure solid solutions sintered poorly and it was not possible to obtain dense ter oelectrle navumlwi by Intoring in 0 air at 1100 to 1300 . The Curie point of a ceramic of the composition~14 (Boo.95# Pbo 05)T'03, derived from the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant at i megacycle/sec, was 1530. This is considerably higher than the approxi- mately 1400 Curie point usually obtained for ceramics of this composition prepared from technical grade materials. The increase of the Curie temperature is ascribed to the purity of the material. The dielectric constant itself was lower than is usually obtained for ceramics of this composition, owing to the large porosity due to poor sintering. Orig. art. has: I figure and 3 tables. SUB CODE: GC, SS, EM SUBM. DATE: 00/ ORIG.RHF: 009 OTH.RW: 002 VARIGZNAp U.N. Infarot ot '4h8 Papi2lqrf musoleo. Trudy Inst, Im, N.V, Sklif, 5 no.209-42 1620 (MATRA IM) VARIKASH, V.M., red. (Abstracts of reports of the All-Union Conference on Thermodynamics and the Kineti ca of Phase Transitions] Tezisy dokladov Vsesoiuznogo soveshchaniJ.a po temo- dinamike i kinetAke fazovykh perekhodov., 1962. Minsk:, AN BSSR, 1962. 51 P. (MIRA 17-10.) 1. Vsesoyuznoye sove'shchaniye po termadinamike i kinetike fazovykh perekhodov., 1962. L 12752-63 -LWF(q)/87,1-i(m)/-,-.IPCB)/BDS -AFFT1C/ASD TZ1-j'/JD/XAY ,ACCESSION NR: AT3001944 S/2912/62/000/000/0420/0424 .'AUTHORS: Sirota, Varikash, V.M. TITLE, On the rate of growth of c rystals of~ t rrilyc in sulfate in the vicinity of the Curie temperature, SOURCE: XristallizatsiyA i fazovyye perekhody. Minsk, Izd-vo AN BSSR, 1962, 4ZO-4Z4 TOPIC TAGS: crystal, crystallization, crystallography,. triglycinsulfate, Curie, temperature, seignette, electricity, seignette-electric, phase, transition, change, supers atu ration, supercooling ABSTRACT: The paper describes experimentation which revealed a significant anomaly of the rate of growth on faces (110)'and (001) of crystals of triglycinsulfate (TGS) in the vicinity of the Curie temperature (T). 'ihe process reported was studied as a functibn of the supercooling of solutions, the saturation T of which lies within the 30-600C interval. The Curie T, that is, the T of seigne tte- electrical phase transformation of TGS lies in the 47-500 interval. The TGS was synthesized from glycol and concentrated I-12,SO4. The substance obtained was recrystallized 4 times in distilled,water, The test equipment used was'similar to that employed by G. Bliznakov and Ye. Kirkova (Zeitschr. f. Phys. Chemie, no. 3/4, 1957). The equip-,-- ment consists basically of a saturator in which the solution was saturated-through Card 12 L 19752-63 .ACCESSION NR: AT3001944 the dissolution of small crystals placed on a glass filter*and was then bro(ight into another vessel in which circulating cold water supersaturated the solution. Crys- tallization began on a sm.all crystal, 3-4 mm in size, with clearly defined faces, .which had been fastened on*a holder in such a way that the test face was at the level of a microscope sighting tube, parallel to the visual ray, and was oriented suitably relative to the flow lines of the supe' rsaturated solution (usually parallel thereto). Micrometric readings were made eyery 4-5 hrs at low degrees of supersaturation (SS))every 4540 min at elevated degrees of SS'. The rate of change of translation (RC) of the face (001) as a function of T for various degrees of supercooling grows up to T close to the Curie T. In the vicinity of that T (in the 35-450 range) the RC decreases. Above 450 it grows again sharply. The RC of the (110) face behaves differently: It increases with increasing T up to 46-470, drops slightly in the 47- 500 interval, and then grows again. With more elevated 'degrees of supercooling the RC anomaly near the Curie T decreases and vanishes completely for a super- cooling of 1.40C. Orig. art. has 4.figs. ASSOCIATION: . none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 16Apr63 ENCL: 00 A SUB,CODE: CH, PH, MA 140 REF SbV: 002 OTHER: 004 Card L 19757-63 D4P(q)/EdT(m)/tW?(B)/BDS Arr-TC/ASD M-./JD/',VY ACCES 'SION NR: AT3001947 S-/~912/6zjooo/ooo/0439/0.445, AUTHORS: Sirota, N. N.', Varikash,'V.M. TITLE: Changes in heat conductivity and linear expansion coefficient in the vicinity of the Curie temperature in' t ri telvc iniul fate ,SOURCE: KrisWlizatsiya i fazovyye Perekhody. Minsk, Izd-vo AN BSSR, 1962, 439-445 TOPIC TAGS:'crystal, crystallization, crystallography, temperature, point, .Curie,- s.eigneite-, seignette -electrical, trans fo rmati'on, heat conductivity, linear' expansion coefficient, expansion, linear, triglycinsulfate... ABSTRACT: The paper describes an experimental investigation of the change in heat conductivity (HC) and the linear expansion coefficient (LEC) of tri%lycinsulfate (TGS) along the axes (100 ] , (010] , and (001 ] between 20 and 60 C, a tem- perature (T) range that comprises the s eigne tte -electrical transformation segment ,Of TGS (47-500C). . Measurements of the HC were performed as follows: Two half- crystals were fitted together closely along the (001).plane, and a heater wire and a thermocouple were clamped between them at a distance of 6-7 mm from one another. HC along the 1100 ) axis was determined by orienting the heater wire Card l/ 3 L 19757-63 ACCkSSION NR: AT3001947 and the thermocouple along the axis [0101 HC along the axis 0 101 was [100 A j measured by orienting the two wires along the axis heat pulse was im- parted by 9nergizing the heater wire, and the change in T, the time required to at- tain the T maximum, and the maximum-T value were measured. The HC curve vs. T in the direction [ 100 ] shows a nearly linear decrease up to the Curie point; above the Curie T,- the decrease continues linearly, but at a smaller slope. The HC-vs.-T curve in the 'direction [ 0 10] is nearly linear from ZOOG to the Curie point, a hump at 50-510, -and then continues with the same slope ~as the initial segment. These anomalies are attributed to a change in the character of the .thermal motions of the ions. The measurements of the LEC were performed with a quartz dilatometer. T steps of 5 to 60 were reduced to 0.4-0.50 in the vicinity of the Curie T. Hold: ZO-30 min. Specimens were cut from a TGS single crystal in the form of parallelepipeda 3x3 mm in cross section, 18-Z5 mim long. Specimens cut along the axes [ 1001 and [0 10 1 exhibit a nonlinp-Ar--decrease- in-length--up t6- the Curie point and a linear in6reas~ beyond it. The exact opposite occurs with specimen's cut along the a-$is [001 ) . The results obtained concur with those of the X-ray tests )y Z. 1. Yozhkiva, et al. (Kris tallografiya, y.1, rio.1, 1956). Wherever differences are not~_d, such as those in the character of the change of the LEC along the [ 010 1 axis and some of the differences in the absolute values of the,LEC, the present testing method is regarded to be more accurate than the Card 'Z/3 L-19757-6.3 , ACCESSION NR: AT30.01947 X-ray method. The tensor surfaces of the LEC at 300, 400 and 50'C are drawn both in cross section and inisometric representation. The isometric images of the tensor surfaces below and above the Curie point show that at the Curie point there is not only a rotation of'the surfaces, but also a deformation, as a result of which increased internal stresses arise in the TGS crystal. Orig. art. has 6 figs. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: l6Apr63 ENG L; 00 SUB.CODE-. C H, PH, MA -NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 002 Card 313 X-ray "hyz-zca'l CUric Poin. r~a")Ort Presented at t1ra Lon'ingra*d, "0 1-:ay juSnyo~PI090643U.M' Or' and V,; R I K ~ "l H , V .,". C r Y 3 t a 1 9 r n w -:1 a E b 7 t c r~ ~~ I -- ~~, t h O-J w " - " 3 ' - ':, '~ ~ 'I - n - - 1. ~ --." 71 -;~ . 163. k " 1 1; ---, ; " - 7 1 VARIKASH, V.M. Conference on the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of phase transitions. Kristalografiia 8 no-5t815 S-0 163. (NIRA 16:10) SIROVA, N.N.; VARIKASH, V.M.; OVSEYCHUK, E.A. Tntensity variation of Bragg's reflexes at the Curie point in triglyoine selenate. Dokl. AN BSSR 8 no-41220-222 Ap 164. (~MIA 17: 6) 1. Institut fiziki tverdogo tela i poluprovodnikov AN BSSR. GORSMY, F.K., dots., otv. red.; VARIKASII, V,,Y,., otv. red.; SIROTA, N.N., akademik,--r-e-d-. [Mechanism and kinetics of crystallization] Mekhani= i ki- netika kriBtallizatsii. flinsk, Nauka i tekbnlka. 1961j. 46o p. (14IRA 17:11) 1. Akademiya navuk BSSR, Mipsk. Addzel fiziki toverdaha tsels, i paupravadnikoi. Nauchrq7'sovet pa fizike tverdogo tela. 2. Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy SSR (for Sirota). ACCESSION KR: AP4030640 6/0048/64/028/004/0666/0668 'AMOR: Sirota, K.N.; Varikash, V.M.; Ovseychuk, B.As TXTLEi Changes in the 'intensity of x-ray scattering by triglycina oulf ate at tile Curio point geport, symposium on Ferromagnotiom and Fe"oeloctricity hold in Lenln- grad 30 May to 6 June 19637 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Ser.fiz., v.28, no.4, 1964, 666-668 TOPXC TAGS: Triglycine sulfate, triglycine 911fato Curie point anisotropy, trigly- cine sulfate x-ray reflection A13STRACT: The intensity of a number of x-ray rof lections from triglycino. suff ate was measured at temperatures from 00 to qo0C. Copper M radiation was employed. Af- ter it was ground to a powder, the sample vias annealed for 24 hours at 700C. The temperature was held constant to within �0.30Q during mensurement. Thc intensity of the reflections was determined from the number of counts recorded by i mechanical counter during the exposure, and n1so from the area under the curie traced by a re- cording galvanometer. The intensity of some reflections (including (024).and (344)) decreased monoton1cally with Iincreasing temperature over the full range investigabyl. Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4030640 As regards these reflections, the Curio point was marked only increase in the scatter of the experimental points. The intensity of other reflections (including (040) and (031)) reached a pronounced maximum at the Curie point. The different be- havior of the different lines is ascribed to effects of crystal structure, and par- ticularly to those of the system of hydrogen bonds. The behavior of the x-ray re- flections indicates that the atomic vibrations are strongly anisotropic at' the Cur- io point. This agrees with earlier findings based on measurements of the linear ex- pansion coefficients and the elastic moduli (N.N.Sirota and V.M.Varilt sh,Sb.Xri t lizatsiya i fazovy*ye perekhody* p.439,lzd.AN BSSR,Uinskjl962;' N.X,S1rota,,Y,M.Yari- kash and X. P.Tekhanovich, Ibid. p. 435; Z.I.'Yezhkova, G.B.Zhdanov and M.M.Umanskiy, Kristallografiya,4,1959). 2 figures. 'ASSOCIATION: none SUBMIT1731): 00 DATE ACQs 3OAprG4 ENGL: 00 E: HR REP SOVI 006 OTHER: 006 SUB COD Card2/2 VARIKASIIP V.M. [Varykaah, VA I Growing of trIglycene sulfate crystals and the change in physical properties in the region of the Curie temperature. Vestai AN BSSR. Ser.fiz.-mat.nav. no.l: 101-109 165. (KRA 191l) VARIKASHY V.M. RcrohardneDs of triglycire sulfate in the region of the Curio tomperature. DakI. Ali BSSR 9 no.12:904-906 D 165. (mlra 19: 1) 1. Inntitut fiziki tverdogo tela i poluprovcdnikov All RSSIR. . I .*-JL VARD=HKOV, D. Utilizing valve lightning conductors with reference to ma inal usage of their safety effect. p.11. Vol. 7, no. 5, May 1956 ELEMOENERGILA Sofiia, Bulgaria SOj Monthly List of East European Accessionsp (LTAL)p LC, Vol. 5j, No. 10j. Oat. 1956 \Ilq (~ I L I L/ I - 67-. 1 1