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YARIUSHIN, KAIIHAZYA]r, A.G. Age of subTOlcanic and byvPabyseal formations of Wan ore deposits. DOkl-AN Arm-SSd-23 no-31133-136 '56, (giak 10:1) 1. Institut geologicheakikh nauk Akademii, nau Armyanskoy SSR. PredstaTleno I.G# Magaklyanou. (Kafan--ore deposits) VANYUSHIN, S.S. Geological conditions of formation of stockworks in the Kafan ore deposit. Izv. AN Arm. SSR_ geol. i geog. nauk 10 no.4:77-100 157. (MIRA 11:2) l.Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN ArmSSR. (Kafan Province--Ore deposits) 14(5) SOV/172-11-5-8/9 AUTHORS: Malkhasyanp E.G., Leyye, Yu.A., Vanyushin, S.S. TITLE: Reply to Criticism of R.A. Arakelyan and G.O. Pidzhyan (Otvet na, kritiku R.A. Arakelyana i G .0. Pidzhyana) PERIODICALs Izvestiya, Akaiemii nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Seriya geologicheskikh i geograficheskikh nauk, 1958, Vol 11, Nr 5, pp 61-6~ (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article is a reply to the critical review offered by R.A. Arakelyan and G.O. Pidzhyan concerning certain works published by the authors pertaining to the geology of the Kafan;koye rud- noye pole (Kafan Ore Fields). The authors do not agree with a number of statements made by their critics and furnish justifi- cations in favor of their findings also by referring to the in- vestigations of a number of geologists such as I.G. Magaklyan, S.S. Mkrtchyan, K.N. Paffengolfts, A.T. Aslanyan, S.S. Vanyushin, Card 1/2 A.Ye. Kocharyan who based their works on the material collected 3011/172-11-5-8/9 Reply to Criticism of P.A. Arakelyan and G.O. Pidzhyan by V.G. Grushevoy, V.N. Kotlyar, A.L. Dodin, Yu.A. Arapov. There are 5 Soviet references. SUBMITTEDi August 14P 1958 Card 2/2 VANYUSHIN, S.S. Place of the dike complex of the Irafan ore basin (Armenia) In the tectonic and magnetic history of the Somkhati-Yarabakh geosymeline. Dokl. AN Arm.SSR 29 no.2-'81-87 '59. (MMA 12:11) 1. Institut geologicheskikb nauk Akademil, nauk Arwy neko7 SSR. Pred- etavleno akademikom AN Arugauskoy SSR K.H. Faffen olltsem* (Armenia-Geologyt Strucl.arall VANYUSHITN ".3. Ba-qit; characteristics of the localization of mineralization in the Kafan ore zone. Izv. AN Arm.SSR Nauk-i o zem. 17 n0.2: 49-62 164. (MIRA 17: 8) 1. Arqranskiy gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy t2vetnoy metallurgii. TOLCHELINIKOV, Yu. S. (Leningrad); YM~SHIKA,__N. P. Editor's mail. Fis. v ahkole 2-2 no.4:95-96 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. 243-ya shkola, Leningrad. (Achromatism) (Atmospheric pressure) VANNSHIMP YUOVO Determination of the group factors of the ABO system. in saliva, hair, and the spongy substance of bone in Macaes. rhesus. Probl. gemat.i- perel. krovi 6 no.1s1O-U 161. (MBA 14:2) (4AIR) (SALIVA) (BONE) (BL60D 6AOUPS) SO -- 0 -DF: - [JR/0391- 66 - 0- 003/0054/0054 URCE /00 AUTHOR: Vamushing ~X%t--Y.-(Moscow)_;_qerd, M. A! _(Moscow); Lavrenchik, Ye. I. (Moscowy- Td 0 4. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Some functional shifts in the human organism during brief hypodynamig SOURCE: Gigiyen-a truda i professional'nyye zabolevaniye, no. 3, 1 6, 5 TOPIC TAGS: hypodynamia, immobilization, cardiovascular system, dynamometer, muscle tone ABSTRACT, Functional shifts in the dardiovascular, muscular, and central nervous systems of 4 mien immobilized for 2 112 hr were the gubject of this study. A variety of indices were used: pulse rate, systolic pressure while restinp and after tests, maximum force exerted on a wrist dynamometer, time in which the bulb of a liquid dynamometer was pressed with half maximum force, and the tone of some hand and foot muscles (determined with a spring myotonometer). The degree of coordination of arm movements and the tremor of an outstretched right hand were measured with a modified "Mede!!-Anstrument--In-addition.-the--Iatent-periocL-o,~-the-visual-motar-re-action--to-ai light signal was determined. Tests were conducted before and after the experiment, and 1 1/2 hr after the beginning for tests requiring no significant movement or ex- ertion. Experimental results showed that after a brief stay in conditions of limited Card 1/2 UDC: 613.'5 ACC NAs AP6007991 0. mobility the adaptability to active work decreased. The measured strength oA-" wrist muscles dropped, there was a decrease in the tone of hand and foot muscles, reacti -to-light-and-wor"ignals -were- -Adelay-e(t, and -cardiovascular indices worsened during measured loads. During the transition from limite(Fmobil-ity to activity, whi rapid reactions and physical exertion are required, gymnastics or other toners must be prescribed to decrease the unfavorable effect of limited mobility on the human organism. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: l5iul63/ ATD PRESS: 1-213 .~ACC NRI-AT60.~~.~14____ SOURCE CODEt UR d-6-6d[66/OoO/Ooo/oo8q/ooqo AUTHOR: Vanyuohina, Yus Ve; Panferovap He Yee; Tishlor, Ve A, ORG: none TITIZ: Effect of elevated air temperatures on human adaptability to the orthostatic test fflapor presonited at the Conference on Problems of Space 1-:odicino' hold in Youcmr from 24 to 27 May 1966.7 SOURCE: Konferontsiya po problomam kosmichoskoy meditsiny, 1966. Problemy kosmichos key meditainye (Problems of space medicine); materialy konforontsii, Moscov, 1966, 89-90 TOPIC TAGS: hyperthermia, orthostatic test, electrocardiography, human physiology, space physiology e M p ems of space physiology is the main- ABSTRACT On "of the - ost importani - rob;1 *-ten.Ance of human orthostatic resistance following exposure to spaceflight :factors. In this connection, the study of mechanisms of change in the :adaptation of man to a vertical position during exposure to various en- 1-vironmental factors is of g'reat importance. The present investigation studied change in human orthostatic adapta- b1lity foll wing a 4 -hr stay jjX a heat chamber at an ambient temperature 1CC_ NRI- AITO~6514-'-- .'of 360 to 400 C and a relative' humidity of 60% to 7076. In all,.20 experi- ments (of which 4 were controls) were conducted on 4 mer.. A 10-min orthostatic test and a 5-min clinostatic test were conducted before, and 1 hr after, exposure in the heat chamber (after body tempera- ture-had returned to the initial level). Before, during, and after ex- posure of the subjecc ia the chamber, measures were made of body temper- ature, moisture loss, and specific and nonspecific cholinesterase activity (by A. A. Pokrovsldy's method), and electrocardiograms, seismocardio- grams., pneumograms, and arterial pressure were recorded. The last four indices were also recorded during the tests. Following exposure toheat, the adaptability of the organism of the subjects to the orthostatic test deteriorated: cardiac contra'Aion frequency .increased more sharply, blood pressure dropped, one' case a pr~_ collapse state was observed. When the subjects-'- "-*n the' ver cal position, their electrocardio- were i .grams showed shortening of the R-R and PQ intervals, and an increase in the difference between the actual and "correct" systolic index; seismo- cardiograms showed acceleration of the expulsion phase compared to 11correct" values, decrease in the intrasystolic index of expulsion, in- Card ACC NR, AT036514 crease in the intrasystolic index of tension, and a decrease in Blyumberg's it coefficient. Following the heat experiments, changes in all of the above- enumerated indices of cardiac activity were' more pronounced. Blyum- berg's coefficient dropped to 1. 2, which can be regarded as indicating a copsiderable decrease in blood flow to the heart. It was not possible to establish a dependence between the degree of change in the studied cardiovascular system indices and the amount of I perspiration moisture loss in cases where the latter did not exceed 41o of 'the weight. When the loss e)iceeded 4% H20', such a dependence appeared. After heat chamber exposure, the condition of the subjects was charac-; ,terized by dominance of the parasympathetic centers of the nervous system. Arterial pressure was down, the ocular cardiac and clinostatic reflexes became more pronounced, there was a sharp increase In respiratory pulse arrhythmia during the clinostatic reflex, the rate of development of the ~orthostatic reflex slowed, and specific and nonspecific cholinesterase ,~Lctivity fell off. It can be suggested that besides dehydration of the organism, one of the reasoas for the deterioration of adaptability of the organism of the aub- _XCCtW-__AT6036514 ,jects'to the vertical position following exposure to fieif is in creased para- qympathetic nervous system tonus. Df all pro)-ability this is due to Btruc- tural deficiencies in arterial vesselgi, slower development of cardiac orthostatic reflexes, and decreased venqqq b1go lo 0 X.t .-.the- heArt. ,g._,_A-._ ko's 22';'ATD Report 66..Ug SUB CODEt 06 SUEM DATEs OOM&Y66' Card 4/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4042661 8/0000/63/000/000/0092/0095 AUTHOR, Vanyushina, Id. V. TITLE: Effects of hypodynamia and simulated weightlessness on adaptive cardiovascular reactions to gravity SOURCE: Konferentsiya po aviatelonnoy i kosmicheakoy meditaine, 1963. Aviatsionnaya i kosmicheskaya meditoina (Aviation and space medicine); matericly* konferentaii. Moscow, 1963, 92-95 TOPIC TAGS: cardiovascular reaction, orthoetatic teat, hypokinesia, hypodynamia, simulated weightlessness, gravity affect ABSTRACT: In order to study the adaptive reactions of the cardiovascular system to gravity$ healthy males 20 to 22 yeare of age wore oubjected to aimple hypodynamia and hypodynamia with simulated weightlessness* gubjects remained 5.~ to .10.5 days on special couches in a pose of maximal muscle relaxation. or 5-5 to 11,5 days floating in a tank of water. Bod,1 movement was kept to a minimum for both groups of subjects. Orthostatic (active change of posture from sitting to standing) and clinootatic (subject pansiveg sitting in a chair which brings his to a standing Card 113 ACCESSION NR: AT4o42661 position without exertion) tests were used to evaluate the reactions of the adaptive cardiovascular mechanisms. Pulse rate and arterial blood pressure were measured every minute for 10 min before erection to the standing position in both types of test* These measurements were continued for 1 min following erection of the active subjects and for 5 min following erection of the passive subjects. Reactions of all subjects to change from sitting to standing position were normal prior to their exposure to hypodynamia and simulated weightlessness. Sharp changes in cardio- vascular reactions to orthostatic tests were observed after exposure to hypodynamiai Pulse rates increased by 20 to 49 beats per minute and systolic pressure showed a pronounced 20 mm Hg) reduction. After Prolonged exposure to hypodynamia with simulated- weiglitiessness,the differences in the responses to orthostatic tests were even more pronounced: extraordinary tachycardia (50 to 74 beats per minute) and a drop of 26 mm Hg in systolic pressure. This systolic pressure drop, accompanied by increased diastolic pressure, resulted in a sharp reduction in pulse pressure (to 8-12 mm Hg). Dizziness followed erection to the standing position in a number of cases. Parallel investigations of chronotropic cardiac activity during UDconditioned orthoutatic atimulation were performed by activation of the nerves which increase cardiac rhythm$ permitting evaluation of the activation speed of cardiac regulatory mechanisms, Following hypodynamia, reduction In the extent Ca rd 2,13 AccEssioN mR.- AM42661 and rapidity of reaction, as well as pathological lability and instability of the response, were observed. Changes in Aschnerla oculocardiac reflex, which was inhibited or even absent or reversed, also indicato some inetia in the development of cardiovascular reflexea af ter hypodynamia and weightlessness. It is suggested that disruption of the neural-eaflex mechanisms regulating cardio- vascular activity may be one reason for the observed weakening of cardiovascular reactions compensating changes in position. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTW: 276op63 EWL: 00 SUB CODEi LS NO REF SM 000 OTHM: 00 Card 313 DD/W -SCW AdU Nib AT6036513 SOUIVLI% CODE: UR~0000 66 000/000/0068/0089 Yu. V.; Gerd, M. A.., P fiawdt: Vanyushina * JL. IIU' " anges in sow indices of the functional state of the human organism T f.. Ch g for long periods in a semirecumbent Dosturi~lPaper presented at the remainin on Problems of Space &dicine he Moscow fr9m 2-4 to 27 May 19661 SOURCE;. Konferentsiya po pioblemam kosmicheskoy meditainyp 19,66o Problemy* kodfflicheskoy-meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine.');, ma'terialy konferentaii, )ksoow, -1966, 88-89 '"two, ~M-, TAGS: orthostatic test, hypodynamiap human physiology, space physiology,, ....biologic metabolism.. weightlessness simulation -ABS~fRACT: Some human physiological indices were studied during prolonged stay idniAl:0eirnrecumbent posture, the most characteristic position fcr man in men'ally by coriditions oi weightlessness. This posture was created experi 'imm'ersing subjects in water, or by immobilizing them in a special chair. ~Hedlfiy men acred 20-23 participated in 21 experiments (9 water experiments- and IZ in the chair), varying in iength from 1. 5 to 11. 5 days. A number of' phy*logical indices were recordbd at two~-hour intervals around the 01,66k (except during qleep): pulse and respiration rates, blood pressure, .,AAdWodyternperature. Basal metabolism was measuredby.the'Douglas- 11 card- 1i:W85-67 ALU "Wl' AWOUJO,)L.) LN ~',1461.den method ever'y morning upon awakening. The maximum strength azid endurance of wrist muscles was determined periodically. Biological aeUVIty of human blood was deternimd every 2-3 days using an isolated frog heart. txperimental results showed that pulse and respiration rates hardly chafiged throughout the experiment, whereas diastolic and systolic pressures dedlined progressively (systolic pressure dropped to 50-70 mm Hg.) Vh~ biological activity of the blood shifted in the direction of decreasw in the chronotropic effect and increase in the inotropic effect. The basal metabolism rate dropped during the experiments, while the respiratory coefficient increased. instead of body temperature dropping in the evening, in Come cases it rose to subfebrile levels (up to 37. 51, C)* Furtherrn~ore, the streneg4h and endurance of wrist muscle decreased, especially-in the right hand (decrease of 41) -5076). Sleep was light, brief and, frequently interrupted, and the subjects were irritable and grouchy. The pattern of the described changes was.ideintical for both series of tests, however changes were mor' pronounced in the water tests. e Immediately after completion of the.experiment, blood pressur i pUbnonary circulation, basal metabolism, respiratory coefficient, and. ep returned to Wtial levels. In addition, the'pblse rate increased. 2/3 ACC-- NRv AT6036513 a6Ni6vdr~ Che remaining functions had nct normalized within 3--5 d ays -was oncluded that prolonged stay of man In a semirecumbent position on, .'results fundamental alteration in functional systems, in so.-me cases t'acdom ed by shifts of a neurotic character, such as increased body r temper ture at raght, Ahe occurrence of subfebrile temperature,. dis uption so irritabikityp. and bad moods [W.A* 'No; 22; AM Report 66-U63 U 0,ODSt 06' SUBM DATE: OOMay66 V A egk '*oil I** to 00-1 so 00 0 0 00:1 11 gills Mors 1397. PICOT;:-rY OF VAPOURS OF'VOLATILE S~';LVEVTS 0- SOLID SORBENTS. IX. DESORPTION OF VOLATILE SOLVMTSV FROM' CHARCOAL. Alskeedyskilis (J. Applis Chso. (U.S.S.R.), 1945, lF, and Vinyuahl , Z#S# a S20 193 207) -1-IT-Was shown that the desorption bf solvents (EtiM end benzene) from charooal AP by means of steam proceeds simultaneously with aorption of woter vspour, the Irtor beinr a tunctior of charcoal tvmperature, tim, the nature of the displaced aolvent, and the retaining capacity or the charcoal, At higher temperaturet. less water is absorbed b~, the fideorbent, while the better Is the Cnpef.,ity Of the charoonl ~for the solve-at and the poor the Minoillility of thi solvent with mter, the le.-j3 intonse Is th, sorption of whater in them abc-we displacement. Generally, the let 10 min, is suffleient to displace 45-85% of the adsorbed solvent. GaAs 111.11LA MIALLU4011CAL U114101101 CLAWK01ft Moo -02 -00 .00 .00 .00 .00 see use a* 0 coo coo see see see we 144090 Ali 1 54FIG00 43. 9.1 ... 41014111 an any M I ' 0 0 .. I I I . I - F M q An k 1 4 04 0 14 Q 1 Ir Ill 5 a a 3 1 V UIIAWID~ujsa " CFO It 0 K K a 19 K it C9;a" a a 1 14 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 006600964~09111 0 T.4 A 004 Ploclull 41.0 v T t kh o"to oodo dMon In dmv*W charge ov ~~j ODA durin W W W H & Tepee. g . V. Akkwevakd lui,j - 1 T. 9-VaM7uddjft (LW Chem. Tech. Just.). J. APPiW CAm. (U-S 9V 12 377-4100943)(E lkh -00 - na ' *on wummary)* d CA 4Q.3W--"sorp(iPnn(water vu&Kw bye" Ailat the temp. of desurptitm of youlile volvvnts. i.e. W"O. if ot""v"I 4 IT11111, ri'v ot th 064 h l 1 34 e C arcoa . man to ie Wabovetbe temp. of the 008 incoming Water low. Ah ii; amt. .1 1W big I. - embed Ww"ag IMM S Vau. In the loading laycr and 9 d 0 00 0 ropping to a min. Intho fter section. Theamt.offl.0 d b b h no* lor a ed y the c uroal at the above temp. is less tb*n 004 that obtain d d th i l =0* e un er o erw se ana ogwils, conditions when 000 OWMU arc bein desorbed f 0m th h l b h r e c arcoa g e watct y t Tapar. This effect is probably ezV~ d by the lower sod ump. (lm-12d) resulting from the dition. 4 co 00 00 G. M. Komotapoff roe 11 me* 4 n ! 1:: W 1".0 1"911w0 flow O"A"T l twifio -4 1 -to _!36101 aK 41MV M vs r, u Do 'I 0 gq wq-lf Enj 4 It 11 11 11 ~f ul~l N 80 583. RfZOVMY OF VOLATI1Z 60WEn VAMURS 0. UD SORB&=. XI, DELORPTION OF LOLVENTSTRCC14 SOLID SORUNTS BY W%Tglt VAPOUR. 2 U'LORMOU THFORY. Aleksoovskil, Z. V. slad VanyushIRA . Z. S. 7TV' U 19 *Ch l 1 6 S R 1 6 6 h (U % (J ) - em. .S. . 4 . App 9 . . . .5, as 5; , v .00 Lo, 6316) 0 0 to see 00 DesorDtion of benzene and alcohol frm charcoal by water vapour -etted-further. It was shown that desorption rate is ot,,' wee Investil. .'eo 0* connected with the reeAduRl amount of solvent vapour by the %"00 equRtions -da/dt - W . where a a solvent concentration, t W time, " '00 b = e)merlnental const., as in n, and da/dt is the rate or sorption. 00 1_,00 *0, Benzene is desorbed more rapidly than alcohol, The amount of dasorbed va-our Is. 11no3firly-dopendedt, on the depth of the charcoal layor, V A Id.-. L A&fjj4.tjj4"AL U1194TWI CLA1901CATAIN - ' Aovo Wip a%# '144 *a Wo M ~ %0"*40 2a I - ow ~L l V _.~A of I jr 11 0 a 43 4 S S a A 4 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 0 41 0,40 0 0 04 _*~_o 0-0:44! 4 0_0_4 -0 o 0. a 0.0 0- 0 0 4 *-*-Coo 0 0 0 0 o '77 Z AUTHORS: Janvushina. Z. J. - Candidate of Tech-it--al 5011/64-58-4-3 20 Sciences, Vilesova, lgl~ 0',, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Wiistyukova, G-A., Candidate of Chemical Sciences TITLEt The 5ynthesis of Hexamethylene Diamine by the Catalytic Hydration of Adiponitryl in a Chtinucrus Current (Sintoz geksamd'.ilendiamina putem kataliticheskogo gidrirovuniya adiponitrila v nepreryvnom potoke) PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', 19~b, Nr 4, pp. 205-208 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the experimental part of this paper the collaborators of the GIPKh, I. L. Bagal and o1. V. Loginova, took part. As hexamathylenediamine is an important raw material various production methods were worked out with data having been obtained that differ to a great extent. Tnere are only two patents for the continuous production on ,.-hich there are, by the -.,;ay, no prescriptions for a correjponding mode of operation and for a correspoading apparatus, In the Card 1/3 present paper cobalt cLLtaiysts on carriers wure uu.~d -ahich The Syntheois of hexameth,-lene Diamine bY the Hydration of Adiponitryl in a Continuous Current had already provi.,d to br? of optima'Al. ujabili ty in the disuoritinucras production; the hydration vias carr.-ed out by means of tne appuratus shown in a diaz-raEa. The TrIlethod of the ana-iysi3 of the react.-Lon mixture Jas worked out with "-.he help of the collaborators of the (;II,Kh, I. V. Selyakh and S. Z. Akimova. Active aluminum oxide prcvea beat as catalyst carrier; the production tec;inique o1 the catalyst is mentioned. Froy, the mentioned experimental results may be seen that a contact load of from 0,2 to 0,3 ml/ml g hour (adiponitryl-catalyst) is op'.imal As well as a temperature of 1000, The ratio adiponitryl: ammonia is to be 1 1 8 mole and that of adiponitryli hydrogen --:, 1 g 20 mole, with about a yield of 85-~O,j hexamethylenediamine being obtained under tha above mentioned conditions at 200 atmospheres, Finally the technical and economic advantages of the continuous method aa comparad to the discontinuous methoi are mentioned~ The collaborators of the GlkKh ( State Inatitutej for Applied Unemistry) J~ i,. ~ar,,Li Z.,nd 14. 4~ UO,1-.1fIOV" W04 :1 PUrt III LLIe experimental part of this -r,,rk, There are 1 figare, 4 table3, Card 2/3 and 19 reference5 whAch are 3oviet. ' 'T Sov/ 64- ~J-5 - ; - 5/ 20 The Synthesis of Hexamethylene Diamine by the Catalytic Hydration of Adiponitryl in a Continuous Current 1. Cyclohexanes--Synthesis 2. Hydrazine--Synthesis 3. Adi-Ponitryl--Catalysis 4. Cobalt catalysts--Applications Card 3/3 YEZETSKATA, Galina Filippavria; T KA, Z.S., kand.khim.nauk. red.; YORONM, L,F,, red, - (Brief reference-handbook for chemical writers] Fratkoe posobie avtore-khimika. Leningrad. prikladnoi khimil, 1939. 123 P. (miRA 14:4) (Chemistry) (Technical writing) 25(6) SOV/64-59-1-11/24 AUTHORS: Vanyunhina, Z. S., Vilesova, ff. S., Shcherba, L. B. TITLE: Control of the Hydrogenation of Adiponitrile and of thq Purification of Ilexamethylenediamine by the Method i~f Infrared Spectroscopy (Kontroll gidrirovaniya adiponitrila i ochistki geksametilendiamina metodom infrakrasnoy spekti-o- skopii) PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlonnost', 1959, Nr 1,., PP 46--48 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the Gosudarstvennyy institut prikladnoy khimii (State Institute of AppliedChemistry) an analytic method was de-- veloped which served the examination of the reaction mixture in the continuous hydrogenation of adiponitrile (I) (Ref 1) during the synthesis of hexamethylenediamine (II). This analysis takes, however, 2.5 -- 3 hours. For a faster determina- tion of the conversion of (1) in the hydrogenation the spectrometry by the -C-=N group is suggested for the present case. The purity of (II) is particularly important for the production of nylon. It is stated that a judgment of the purity of (II) by the freezing temperature is inadequaie, and that a perfect judgement is only posuible on the basis Card 1/2 of an infrared spectrum analysis in which no absorption band SOV/64-59-1-11/24 Control of the Hydrogenation of Adiponitrile and of the Purification of flexamethylenediamine by the Method of Infrared Spectroscopy of the -Cz_==N group may be observed and in whi-,h the groups 11H and NH2 appear. It is recommended to carry out the rectifica- tion of raw (11) on a rectification ~column (under vacuum and in nitrogen atmoaphere). From the fraction T z = 40-00 a control by the infrared spectrum by means of any spectrometer (e.g. IKS-11) should be carried out whereby the required rectifi,,.a.. tion conditions can be established. 3 examples are given in which a column with an efficiency of about 15 theoretical bottoms in nitrogen atmosphere was applied. Results of examinations of the freezing temperature of the individual samples are indicated (Table). There are 1 table and 9 ref- erences, 1 of which-is Soviet. Card 2/2 VANYUSHKIN V.P. Technical and economir, indlaeS of PTOgrna3lve Vs*er"3 Of a municipal power distribution network. Trudy LMI no. 491 109-126 163. (KIRA 17t6) Dissertation: "The '.;tate and --rospect of Development of Agricultnre ir. the Are.% of the Bezenchusk Irrigation System (kt'uybyshev Gi~j)-" Cwind (Aog J~ci, Koscow Pedo~orical Inst, 29 Mal-;, 54. llechernyaya Rbskva, ,,'~Oscow, 20 I-Y 54. SO: KFM 284, 26 Nov 1954 I- VANIYUSHKINX, Shura; SHKIRKO. MATTA; MITTASROVA, Valya '~'"~Pf=iim~g-"t~ited trees. Wn. nat. no.5:9-10 My '58. (Min 11:5) l.Oblastuaya otantsiya yunnatov, Omsk. (Apple) KASHEVAROVA, Yu,A,; '1ANYU=:LjjA,,,jV _j. Rapid method for quantitative determining of hydroquinone In polyester acrylates. Lakokras. mat. I ikh prim. no.5:47 163. (MIRA 16:11) - VB-ZEA, Bebok GLASS Temperature conductivity of molten glass, "Journal Society No. 8, 1951., 233-2470 Steko i ker, 9 no. 6. 1952. 1 Library, of Congress, October 1952,, UNCLASSIFIED. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, YAKUBOV, Y.I.; CHIZLMK,, L.L.; VANZH A,, -A. I. Refractories made from the waste slag from nickel smelling. TSement 29 no.1:19 Jej-F 1103. (MIRA 16:2) 1.~ Ural'skiy.fil-tal Akadezii stroitelfetva i arkhitektury i Yq#uo- Urallskiy nikelevyy kombin&t. (Refractbry matekals) (Slag) VANZHA, A.N.; MACHKOVSKIY, V.A. 1~ New developments in reBeareb. Stall 23 no.10:907 0 163. (MIRA 161ll) r1j 131 -1 AUTHORS: Gubko, I. lz~_ Kozzinskliy' 4". 1". S. TITLE On the Rainforcement of Fire-Clay Plates (Ob'-.~nii sha~,iotnykh PERIODICALs Ogneupory, 1958, Nr 1, Pp. 39 - 40 (USSR) ABSTRACT- In order to increase the flexural tensile strength of fire-clay plates, they are reinforced with steel wire. In the ca3e of ordi- nary reinforcement fissures and cracks form in the fire-clay pro- ducts. This takes place in the result of the difference of exran- sion of stcd wire and fire clay oil heatinr,, as the coefficients of the linear thermal expansionpf these two materials are very dl4f- ferent from each other. It is pa9aiblG to avoid this disadvantaL-- by reinforcing the plates with :short wires (100 - 150 for in this case the tensions resulting from thermal expansions are uni- formly distributed on the surface of the plate and the small fis- sures occurring exert practically no influence upon the strer-th of the plates. The scheme of ouch a reinforcenent of plates iz re- presented in the figure. Tests showed that tle optiriuri diameter of the steel wire is 3 mm and that such reinforced firs-clay plates shall be dried and burned in a horizontal position,where piles of Card 1/2 3 - 4 plates with quartz sand atraim between them shall be used On the Reinforcement of Fire-Clay Plates 131-1-9/14 for burninb,. The burnin,- vrao performed at 12000C for 2 hour3 in a regenerating atmosphere, the plates bein- laid in muffloo and cc- vered by coko or charcoal. The conoumption of otccl onlZ~ aLiounts to -It - 5 ';'16 of the weij;Ilt of the bumt platc. '2here iz; 1 4H,-ui-o. ASSOCIATIOITs Yhe Pervourallik Factory (Ile rvoural louy ;nvod) Ae Poljt echiiic Institute Kiyev NiYevolAlf -01i tc'--', Ili. C~w-' institut) Chasov-Yarskiy zavod ogneupornykh izde3iy (The Chasov-Yar Refractory Products Plant) AVAIUBLEi Library of Congress 1. Clay-Reinforcing methods Card 2/2 VANZHUR~, L, I- ftw~ Bernburg monoaclous hemp. Priroda 45 tio.8:99-101 Ag 156o OUL 9 . 9) 1.1notitut rasteniyevodetva v Bernburge, German3kaya Demokraticheskaya Rampublika. (Hemp) JAKUBCOVA, L; VAXZ.TmVA"3.-- Indocardial fibroelaotoois in childron. Cook. pediat. 14 no.3:213-219 5 Now 59. 1. Katedry starostlivoeti o dieta-vaeobeany smer, Bratislava. pred- nosta doe. MUDr. I. Jakubcova. (ODOCARDIAL FIBROZIASTOSDS, in inf. & child (CZ)) SISKA, K.; S114KOVIC, I-b ~VANZ~UROVA~E - SCMIORRER, M.; SMRECANSKY, V.; HUBKA, M.; ONDROUCHOVA, D. Postoperative complications and postoperative care of patients operated on with the use of extracorporeal circulation. Bratisl. lek. listy.42 no.9:523-535 162. - 1. Z II chir. kliniky Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislave, pred- nosta clen koresp. CSAV K. Siska. (HEART MECHANICAL) (HURT SURGERY compl) (POSTOPERATIVE CARE) JAKUBCOVA, I.; VANZUROVA, E. Septal defects of the heart in children and their indication for Sur- gical treatment with extracorporeal circulation. Cas.lek.cesk 101 A no.2:3.3-41 12 Ja 162. 1. 1 Detsk4'*11nika UK v Br~tislave, prednostka doe. dr. I. -Takubcova. (HEMT SEFTUM abnorm) (MART MECHANICAL) 0" 3 bi 4 I AM, OAUA -jai Al Qj W% C4 b I r E - es Sol Is J. -0 of t,,-,c directo Fir )xon clil 'Univ. C.f a~c. Jakubcov,t) 1963, p2. 233-29' L 1i0 ,7 bosjs in 10-Year-Old Chl 1d!' ~Zrl ndocardial U -broclasi W VAPCAROV, I.; SOLOV, K.; PIRCUKOVA, M.; MINEVA, C.; VASSILEV, I. On the association of cy-tomagalic Lnclusion disease, Fneumo- cystis Carinii Fneumonia and endomyocardial fibroelastosis in an infant (based on the obervation of a case). Folia med. (Plovdiv) 7 no.1:63-66 165 1. Institut de Hautes Etudes Medicales "I.P.Pavlov* de Plovdiv, Balgarie, Chaire de Maladies Infantiles (Direateur: prof. I. Andreev); Chaire d'Anatomie Pathologique (Dirgeteur par interim.: prof. Ju. Tochev)- Centre regional do Pueri- culture (Directrice. Cv. Minevai. __YAPNA,-Xu..M..;-VERNIKOV, U.N.; GEZIN, M.S. Experiments in the use of aerosol pneumatic tube transportation in the "Kaudbuk" plant. Kauch.i rez. 21 no.3:49-51 Mr '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Zavod "Kauchuk". (Rubber industry-Equipment and supplies) (Pneumatic-tube transportation) ---T 4VO-W-9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 9-16 0 0 10 04 irl,tttj -41 00 - ' ' ' : 11 r4Ot *0 6 004 so& Z Oo 00A 09 13 li i: *0 0 00. oil, 0 0 0 moo 00 CLASIOJCATW 1-i4ol, #owl slow SIVIIIIAT. into" "it 041 act of isal ad 4%V tit -.. 4 1 4 - f a to ado ollullf losas 21 I-Im a Ck to a 4 49 K to a et to Kul dold *0 0 0444900 10000000000000000000 _n97 'ow o -*0 00100 * '00 00 o e : e. 04 Ij -- ---- 60*4 000000000.0060000000 0 0 N of U or -0.11 o,1-!# "40-A-, it.", 11W r 00 (106) .00 (J (kn' =00 Oka the VA mp. of AM" 400 roe by, *rT V-0 0 .1800 ifX-VERPU MEDEA Sec 17 Vol 5/6 114ablic Health June 59 1540. OUT13REAK OF TULARAEMIA IN THE REGION OF RIVER FLOODLANDS (11"nsian text) - Senebuk T. r. , Vapnik E. F. , Gikherman and Dyat lov F. 0. - Zf)[tAVOOI