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28(4) SOV/32-25-2-47/78 AUTHORS: Van zkov, A. V, Utkin, X. I., Remov, V. A. TITLE: A High Temperature Laboratory Centrifuge (Vysokotemperatur- naya laboratornaya tsentrifuga) PERIODICJ~L: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 2, p 222 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A centrifuge has been developed which permits a working temperature of 14000. As may be seen from the figure (Fig) the centrifuge heai turns in an electric stove. It is tnrhed by a 0.52 ' Ww electric motor. The speed may be adjunted to 500,700 and 900 r.p.m., the speed of the motor being 1A00 r.p.m. At the upper end of the stove there are two openings. The thermoelements are introduced through one of the openings, while nitrogen containing no oxygen is supplied throtieh the other. Molten slag was centrifuged in the following way: the slag was molten and then centrifuged. When the stove was switched off the centrifuge continued operation until the slag had cooled off and solidified. There is 1 fiCure. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov i zolota im. 1.1. 1. Ka- linina (Moscow Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold imeni M. I. Kalinin) Card 1/1 -18.3iOO 77-1,21 AUTHORSi -Vauyjjj,, :~y4-A. V., Odineto, Z. K. TITLE: Concerning Metal Distribution Between Matte and Slag .PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vy:3shikh uchebnykh zavedenly. Tsvetnaya metallurglya, 1960, Nr 1, PP 73-83 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The present work deals w1th d1utribution of Cu, Ni, Co in the state of equilibrium between matte and slag. Ideal law of mass action in systems consisting of slag, matte, and gas is not always valid; moraover, constants are variable depending on changes In ph-ase composition. A slight increase in dissolved oxygen causes a greater solubility of metals. The matter 13 complicated by fine matte dispersions In the- .lag, which canrot be ea3ily elir,.-,inated. An llntere:3ting method in this direction is high temperature centrifur.,atior. of B. V. Lipin ha,', m,,jdc, Ferr'ou"" Nr , U) thh's proe""dur!--' I ff'jw I: r-, '), 19W) ("'ard 1/6 pc.-rfect r.,~.-paratfori carinrif. b~.- achif.,-ied JI-n ~-iull cr-uclblei~ at low speeds of -'~)00-1,000 rpm. Therefore, the authors Concerning Metal Distribution Detween Matte*and Slag 77721 sov/149-6o-1-10/27 propose the use of radioactive Au 193 which is insoluble in slag; consequently its presence in the latter is only possible in the form of matte nuggets carrying this isotope. Using this tracer, the influence of slag, matte, and gas phase on Ni, Cu, and Co distribution among these phases was studied. The slag-matte inter- action is of an electrochemical nature, and the distri- bution of metals between smelting products can be expressed by the equations [Mel+ (F(!'+) --- (Me'+) + (Fe]; fAle] - 2 e -4- -1- (Ale"' ); (S] + 2 e ;= (S'-), (2) where square brackets indicate the concentration in matte, while parenthesis Indicate's that in slag. In the calculation of dissociation constants it was assumed that the slag Is in full state of Ionic dissocla- Card 2/6 tion, and the cation part of iron or other metal beinrE n rid of (A");~), T d.1, t-, L b u t-, I 1,~: t ie c a d a,,~ ra 10 f,j Cax-d 316 S OV/1I -.I - calclklat-!,~,-_ tablez; ;; comimr-Jnts and conclus1.rjn,,;. Th,~ distribution of cobalt bef-,-ji-~-en sla.t- and miattr- 1~3 basical-PI a e-0--Lon 'Iccordir i _o, t 0 [CO] + (1:C [Fvj+ (Co the eqLl1JJ,1A'JL1kr1l of WhI.011 ill 'I follows In a satisfactory way the iff--ial IaTvi of' acting inasses. If cobalt werl- transferred into slag (as, for instance, during the nickel-matte, refining) the tem- perature must be kept higher, as the value of the constant increases with higher temperatures. The dis- tribution of copper is determined by the' Solubility of its sulf ide. The copp-er content in the A_acr changes within the ran-e of a ft.-~,a hundredths c1: 1-liniths rit' percent dependinf- 1 ~3 , upon condiLlwi6 anid Com- Card 4/6 ponents. The percentage of (11:.,,solveci copper riseo M-ta.l Dj,~trlbotinn L)Owi-,un I Matte and Slai., sharply -with an increase of' oxygen in tne !V'~'~em., due to the weakenlng ot' the, copper- bond ~.Iie "3'i1 flide and the for-mation D" iron micro--Sroup6 Atft valence containing sulfides, The greatest "or",on of n~--kel at the equiLibriurfi point I-- located in ~,he matte nugg--ts ertangled in the silicate layer, '1--Pe quantill-y of dissolved nickel does not exCeed h-undr,~dtns or even thousandths of one percent. A considerable quantity of dissolved nickel In actual plant slags Is due to incomplete matte react-ions and reversed slag oxidation in the tuyere area. A considerable pr;rticri --;f metal is lost because of mechanically entrained rriat-,-~- nuggets, A basiq meac-i-re to counteract these los~3ec t.'X C:-,, Ni, and Cu is tr~ reduce '~-.he oxygen content in the -system rriatte- slag-gas phase, and betrer smelting conditic-,n-, s,sl per- heatAng, great.or fluit.-Jlty, Jorigor settll.cmerlt'- "'Ime, et~t'). ;11'o tables; and 17 Llefer*erices, .1'. Soviet) 3 11 The U.S, reference Is,: A. (4. Aksoy, SE). D~ Tln-sis, Card 5/'t'D I concerning M.-~!:a.l Diz~triouti.cUr, Matte and Slag 7 77'-' 1 ASSOCIATIL -ON~ Kr a Onoy a rsk, 11 n31, i -. L"r eI; oh~,ev rf,,, i AMe ,a' s M e t ,,:i I Ir g: fl e 1: c; instit.ut. 11-s,,.-etnykn riiet~~Ilov .Ka Ced ca ri-, tyazhe-ly1th tsvetri.-y'IfIn metal lov) 5", SUBM ITTED. June IT 'I Card Win,Kov A-V.; ODRIETS, Z.K. Distribution of ferrous alilfide between matte and slag. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; tuvet. met. 3 no.4:45-48 160. (MIR-A 13:9) 1. Krasnoyara;dy institut tevetn7kh metallove Kafedra metallurgii tyazhely,kh tsvetnykh metallov. (Nonferrous metalo-Metallurgy) (Iron sulfide) S/137/62/000/005/040/.150 A0061AI01 AUTHORS: Vanyukov, A. V., Utkin, N. I., Malevskiy, A. Yu.; Popkov, A. N. TITLEt Behavior of chromium in processing oxidized nickel ores PERIODICALt Referativnn zhurnal, Met&llurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 22, abstract 50139 ("Sb. nauchn. tr. In-t tsvetn, met, im. M. 1. Kalinina", 1,060, v. 33, 51 - 66) MT: The authors studied behavior of Cr during melting of oxidized Ni ores and its effect upon the properties.of slags. There are 24 references. 0. Svodtoeva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 V L4A-#j- VANYUKOV, A. V, Doc Tech Sci -- "F~Z methods of extract4w&af nickel from oxidized ores." Mos, 1961 (Acad Sai USSR. Inst of Metallurgy im A. A. Bsykov). (KL, 4-61, 193) -147- NARYUKOVP A.V.- POPKOV, A.N. Sludying surface properties and densities of meUI sulfide and-vilicate malts. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.1 tovet. met. 4 no.4:63-70 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Krasnoyarskiy institut tsvetnykh metallov, kafedrs, metallurgi 4.yazhelykh tsvotn~h metallove (Surfaco tension (Liquid m6tals) POPWTV A, N. VAITrUKOV ~ A ~ T Interphase tension on the boundary between matt,, and alag and the loan of metal with waste alago in the form of matto buttons. Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; tovet. met. 4 no.6:2"2 161. (MIRA 34t12) 1. Krasnoyarskiy inotitut tavetnykh metallaw, kafedra metallurgAl tyazhelykh tavetnykh metallov. (Nonferrous metaJLs-Metallurgy) (Surface tension) VANYUKOV, A.V.; ZAYTSEVx V.Ya. Studying densities, surface and interphase tensions in the system copper matte - silicate malt. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tavet. met. 5 no.4-.8M5 162. (KIRA 16:5) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali, kafedra metallurgii i fizicheskoy khimii tavetnykh metallov. (Liquid metals-Testing) (Surface chemistry) VANYUKOV., A.V.; ZAYTS&v4.. Ya. Coalescence of finely dispersed matte particles in aflicate melts. Izve voo uchebe zav,; tavet, met, 5 no,5:39-4? 162. (Him 15:10) 1e Moskovskiy institut stallp kafedra metallurgli i fizichesIdy khJMJi tsvetnykh metallov. (Nonferrous metals--&talltuTy) SMI,RNOV, A.S.; MALEVSKIY, A.Yu.; VANYUKOV, A.V. Converting nickelbearing copper mattes. TSvet. met. 35 no.l: 31,37 Ja 162. (MIRA 16:7) 1 (Copper-Metallurgy) (Nickel--Metallurgy) SWRNOV, A.S.; SINEV, L.A.- VANYUKOV, A.V.; POPKOV, A.N. Y Reducing magnetite in converter slag for the purpose of depleting them of valuable metal. TSvet. met. 36 no.7t25-29 n 163. (KRA 16:8) (Slag-Analysis) VUYUKOVI Me (Moskva); POPOV, AeNo (Moskva); ZAYTSEV, V.1a. (Moskva) - ---- I I. Determining the density and molar volume of silicate and metal sulfide melts, Izv. AN SSSR. Met. i gore delo no,5292-97 S-0 164. (MIRA 18il) ZAYTSEV, TAKEZHANOV, S.T.; DONCHENKO~ ?.A.; GJ9-1,HAKOVP M.S. Selecting the optimal slag composition for shaft furnace smelting of lead. T3vet, met. 38 no.6t2j-28 Je 165. (MIRA 18-110) BYSTROV, VOP&)- ZANITK_GKI~ A.V.; ZAYTSEV, V. Ya. Denalty and molar volume of copper and copper-lead matte, Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.j tavet. met. 7 no- 400-34 164 (MIRA 1911) 1. Moskovskdy institut stali i splavov# kafedra metalbirgii i fizicheskoy khimli tsvetnykh metallov* VANTUKOV._~AV.; TIKHONOVO S.S.,- ZAYT,9EV, V.Ya. Studying the distribution of tin and lead between the products of smelting. TSvet.met. 38.noolO:29-32 0 165. (MIRA 18!12) UYVIET, V., Ye.; VANYUKOV, A.V.; BYSTROV, V.P. The wetting of a solid charge mixture withliquid sulf1dois and the effect of this factor on certain pyrometallurgical, processew. TSvet. met. 38 no. 12:47-51 D 165 (MIRA 19:1)