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VALENTINDVICH, K. A., Cand Tech Sci USSR/Electricity - Metallurgy, Electric Dec 50 Furnaces "Experience in Operating Electric Furnaces Equipped With Kiltilayer Shield Insulation," K. A. Valentinovich, Cand Tech Sci I'Prom Energet" No 12, pp 6-8 Experience in plants shows that elec furnaces in- sulated with 6-8 layers of metal and ceram-4c shields heat.more quickly, have lower heat losses and power consumption and are simpler to main- tain than ordinary furnaces with solid 350-500 mm Valls. KUZIMIN, Mikhail Aleksandrovich; PUGOVKIN, A.U., kand.tekhn.nauko retsenzent; ,V*=IUOVICH,_X,A,,.kand.ta)dm.nauk, red.; GOFKAW, Ye.K., red. 0,T,, [Design and construction of rapid heating furnaces] Reschat i konstruirovenie bezynertsionnykh pechei. Koskva, Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo mashinoatroit.lit-ry, 1961. 220 p. (MIRA 14:4) (Furnaoes-Design and construction) FUGOVKPI1, A.U.; YAfI.',i:TIL0Vj(;i~, , ', 1, Ili,: t";: 1-kill i% ..'; :"~-: nye pechi. ;.,.OL;kva, 1-'as hirlos trop, Ili o) L91,5- DA 1~- . (tilll:j~. 1.80) VALENTINOVI Use of the industrial enviroment of the school in studying chemistry. Khim. v shkole 15 no.3:35-40 My~,Te 160. (MIFA 14:7) 1. Kamchatskiy institut usovei-shenstvavaniya uchiteley. (Kamchatka Province-Fish processing plants) (Chemistry-Study and teaching) VALL2ZT11-.OVICH, Ye.M. Case of bloodless arilsion of the upper extrem-4ty. Xhirurg--;.ia no,92108--109 161, (MIFU 15-5) 1e Iz sel'skoy uchastkovoy bollnitsy (zav. Ye.M. Valentinovich) Belakhtinskogo zernosovkhoza Krasnoyarskogo kraya Balakhtinskogo rayona meditsinskogo ob"yedineniya (glavnvy vrach V.V. Rasyuk). (EXTREMITIES, TJPPKR--WCUIiDS AVD 114JURIES) A review of s,na~ -,riz~---winnir- on 'he 711,-~- ~lr,- (L-i T-1, ,,.ATfkR IEFTTHFI~17,,.. Fol, Mon4-1,ly List of Eur,ne-.-n V.,)!-. rict. 7, Ju-'-,- 1 Tit', 0 L Com-,eti tl,)z; for Montlilv List of IPJI V~,I. MI C T, --,i,r T~7 Feb. rl Monthly TNIC L VALENTIYEV, V.I., inzh,; GtdTjAY, Yu.L., inzh.; TATARENKO, I.A., inzii. FLastoring the filtration properties of a caFron cloth. Go-r.zhur. no.3:70--71 Mr 165. (M7.:~A .18: C' .~ j 1. Novo-Krivorozhskiy gornoobogatitellnyy kombinat. VALENTOV, J.; ZITKO, V. Biochendstry of paprika perparation. II. Dynamics of the pigment content during the fading period. 1). 234. CHF14ICKE ZVESTI. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 13, No. h, Apr. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Volp no. 10, Oct- 1959. Uncl. - VALENTOVAI-A. .. _ Realimentation with proteins of surgical patients. Sborn. pathofysiol. (GIML 23:2) trav. v7z. 5 no.6:293-295 1951. BLIAK, Karel (kand. lek. ved.);FRIZDIANIDROVA, Bela;VAIANTOVA, Jaroslava On the significance of changes induced in respiratory stereotype in pregnant women by exercise. Cook. gyn. 24(38] no.8:569-575 0 '59. 1. Ustav pro peci o matku a dite, Praha-Podoli, reditel doc. dr. M. Vojta, zaal. lekar GSR. (RISPIRATION physiol.) (PRIDNANGY physiol. ) HOSTONSKA, L.; HORAMOVA, M.; VALOTOVA, J. Certain criteria of growth in children with a simple allmentar7 obesity. Cesk.pediat. 15 no.8:686-6go Ag 16o. 1. Katedra fakultni pediatrie fakulty detakeho lekaretvi KU v Praze. vedoucl prof. MUDr. J.Houstek katedra fakultni pediatrie fakult7 vaeobecnehc lakaretvi KU v Praze, vedoucl prof@ KUDr 7.Blazek. (GROWTH) (OBESITT In Inf & child) BALAX, Karel, C.Sc.; SOBOvA,Alana, C. Sc.; VAUMTOVA, Jaroelava Total consumption of ox7gen In a case of late gestoste. Ceek.gyn. 25[391 no-7:521-528 S 6o. 1. Ustav pro peci o satku a dite v Praze-Podoli, reditel doe. X.Vojta, zaelauzily lekar CSSR. (PREGNANCY TaMIAS metab.) (RESPIRATION in pregn. ) CZECHOSLOVAKIA BAIAK, K., MD., CSc; SOBOVA, A., RN Dr., CSc; YALENTOVA, J. Institute 2 Of Mother and Child Care (Ustav pro peci o matku a dite), Prague-Pbdoli (for all) Prague, Prakticky lekar, no 18, 1963, h 700 "Study of Changes it in the Total Consumption of Oxygen in Pregnant Women and Women in Late States of Gestosis." BALAI,K.; VONID7~.Ar',,X, J.; VALEETOVA, J. 'I Tmp,-,rt,anr-,e of e-7uoyment and regative --mot-fons cr presscr reqcticm in women with late pregnarcy tnxemlas. Dals. Ilrilr-. ce-sk. 104 no.6-.15."-159 12 F165. I. Us-tnv pro peci o matku a dite (zatinni reditel: doc. dr. J. Ifforsky). JIROVEC, Otto; HORACKOVA, Ifilada; JIROVCOVA, Marie; JIRA, Jindrich; SMID, Jiri; VALENTOVA, -Tirina; VOSTA, Jaroja4t A study of the toxoplasmin reaction. 114, Examination of some groups from the normal population. Cosk. epidem. mikrob. imun. 10 no-3: 197-205 161. 1. Protozoologicka laborator CSAV v Praze. Detske oddeleni fakaltni polikliniky ONZ-UITV hl. m. Frahy. Gynekolgocke oddeleni OUR v '.- Ilavlickove Bewde. Ya-ajska hygi-epid. stAmice v Ceakych Budejovicich. (TOXOPLASMOSIS immunoij CIDIM.,4; VALF21TOVA,M. Traditional hair otyleo In -wwiinn Jn Slova-~Ia an it civule ol' artificial alopecia. Gesl,. derm. 39 1110.2:123-128 Ap'64 1. Demato-venerologicka katedra Lekarskej fall-ulty UK v Bratislave; vedoucit. prof.dr. L.Chmel. PAPOUSEK, D.; VkLENTOVA, M. _ Thermodynamic functions-of gas forming LiClp LiBr and LiJ. Coll Cz Chem 26 no.12:3157-3160 D 161. 1. Institut der theoretischen and physikalischen Chemie, Pur)qne-Universitat, Brno 2. Jetzige Adresse: Institut fur organische Chemie und Biochemief Tsebecoslowakiscbe Akademie der Wissenschaften, Prag (for Papousek). VELEK, Miroslav; VAIMMVA, Milada Positive silver test, Adamkiewiez's test & Shrlich reaction in urine of psychotic patients. Gesk. psychiat. 54 no-5:292-297 Oct 58. 1, Gentralni laborator psychiatricke lecebrq v Praxe B. (PSYCH0636, urine in limitation of lab tests for detection of toxic substances ((;Z)) V-El&K, Hiroslav; VALK14TOVA, Milada Bstimation of gastric acidity without intubation in psychiatric -Drac- tice. Cesk. psychiat. 54 no.6:416-418 Dec 58. 1. Centralni laborator paychiatricke lecebny v Praze 8. (GASTRIC JUICI acidity determ. without intubation in meat. patients (Cz)) (MENTAL DISORWRS gastric acidity determ. without intubation in ment. patients (Cz)) VMLZK, Miroslav; VAIaMVA, Hilada Clinical significance of the determination of barbiturates. Cask. psychlat. 55 no-3:178-182 June 59. 1. Centralni laborator psychiatricks lecebtW v Praze 8. (BARBITURATIS, pois. dia,g. technics (Cz)) 0" VEIZIN, Mironlav; VALENTOVA, Milada The clinical significance of barbiturate esti=.tions. fla3. Lek. Ceak. 98 no.29-30:924-927 17 JulY 59 4 1. Gentralni laborator pgychiatricka lecebny v Praze 8, reditel MUDr. Karel Dobasek. (BA3BITUFATAS, ahem.) VKH, 141ronlavi VALFATOYA, Milnda -- '-- Certain experiences with complexometric determination of calcir-M in the blood serum. Can. lek. ceek. 98 no.12-33:1025-1028 14 Ave 59, 1. Centralni laborator psychiatricke lecebny v Praze 8, reditel KUDr. Karel Dobisek. (CALCIUM, blood) (CMIATING AGENTS, chem. ) f-4J(,IIVALD,; VAU-I'Ll'OVA, M~ Rarp incidencp c-f Lrifection in r~azn caused bi Trilchophytom equinum (11-latnichot et Dassonville 1898, Ge-doelst 1902. Cesk. derm. 40 no.20.15-118 APIID5. 1. lifyokume laboratorimm pre lekarsku mykologiii pri demato- ~,,,~nerologirkej katedre a dematovenerologicka kalkledra Lekar- fa'y-.ulfv University Kom:.--nakeho v Bratisliivf~ (veduci: VA-LFN,rovA, m,; Koricii, j. Exam.1nation of changes of electro"r, po-entials of &.41 2."Fe2 3ub.lect to elastic deformation. SLor VS.!' Yosice no.1:69.-75 16 31 ~ 1. Department of Chemistry, Higher SchooA of Technology, Kosice (for Valentova), 2. Department of Technology, K031CO ~for Yocicb). Submitted April 5, 1962. FILO, Ondrej, inz.; MATHERNY, Miku_las,. i_nz.;. VALENTOVA, Mirjam, inz. RemarkB on the Bpectrochemistry of magnesites. Sbor VST Kosice no. 2t21-27 163. 1. Chair of Chemistry, Higher School of Technology, Kosice. - . I q I ! .P ly .~- . - -I- " , r P A " N.: SUINTO, 'T i0 "Arpli,mtion of Horvath's rethod of tisnun culturns ' r the purros~! of th- titrallion of Influenze virus." BIOUPIIA, Bratisla-a. Czechoslovakia, Vol. 13, no. 6, 19581 kinnthly list of East Europe Accessions (--~EAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Sept 59 Unclas LIBIKOVA, H.; S1MIDOVA, V.; VALENTOVA,-N. -1. Neutralization tests vith a cytopathic variant of tick-borne encepha- litis (TE) virus in stable cell lines. Acta virol. (Fraha)[Zng16 no.1: 91 A 162. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Acadeny of Sciences, Bratislava. (ENCEPHALITIS EPIDEMIC virol) SIMKOVIG, D.; VALENTOVA, Nada; THURZO, V. In vitro cultivation of rat sarccma XG calls containing Rope virus. Folia biol. 8 no./+s221-229 162. 1. Institute of Oncological Research Bratialava. (SARCOMA experimental) (VIIIUSES) (NEOPLASMS experimental) CZECHOSLOVAKIA LIBIKOVA, H. and VALENTOVA, N. Virology Institute of CSAV, Bratislava. "[Tick-Borne Encephalitis. PlannLng Studies.] B. Methodical Data About the AFplicability of Neutralization Tests in vitro for Field Trials with the Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus." Bratislava, Biologicke Prace., Vol 8. No 9, 1962; pp 11-20. Abstract (English summary modifiedl: Detailed description of 3 years, studies '~T~~ethod of isolation, passiaging in HeLa cells with plaque observation to determine antibody levels, titrate virus. Long conservation of sera increased their toxicity to tissue culture cells. Immunologic results agreed with those of intracerebral inoculations in mice. 1/1 SINKOVICS D.; VALENTOVA, N.; THURZO, V. An in vitro system for the detection of the Rous sarcoma virus in the calls of the rat tmour XC. Neoplasma 9 no.1:104-106 162. (SARCOMA virol) (NEOPLASMS virol) (TISSUE CULTURE) VALE11TOVA, N.; SIMNOVIC, D.; SMIDOVA, V. Attempts at long-term cultivation of a golden Ha=ter spontanems tumour. Neoplasms. 9 no-5:451-456 162. 1. Oncolo ical Re earch Institute Bratislava, CSSR. fNVP1=, MEAIMENTAL~ (TIS'SM CULTURE) SIMKOVIC, D.; SVOBODA, J.; Y414LTOVA, Nada Clonal analysis of line XCtc rat tumour cells (derived from tumour XG) grown in vitro. Folia biol. 9 no.2:82-91 163. 1. Institute of Oncology~ Bratislava and Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. (NEOPLASMS, EXPfUUMENTAL) (TISSUE CULTURE) SIMKOVIC) Do; SVOBODA) J.; VAIINTOVA, Nada induction of formation and releaso of infectious Rous virus by calls of rat tumour XC in vitro. Folia biol. (Praha) 11 no.5050-358 f65. l# Institute of Oncology, Bratislava, and Institute of Experi- mental Biology and Geneticat Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. VALICUTOVA, 0. .. Does prognosis of lupus depend on the condition of the lungs. Ceek. derm. 25 no.?-8:345-352 July 1950. (GUG 20:1) VALENMVA, 0. Dotsent Skin complications 11-36 Jl-Ag 155. following BCG vaccination. NLRA 8:10) 1. 1z Gosudaretvannogo Instituta d1ya lecheniya volchanki v Nave !festo-na-'Metui (Cbekhoslovaklys) (BCG VACCINATION. compl. skin die.) (SKIN, die. caused by BGG vacc.) , BbVbASHKIN. A,1., inxh.; VAIANTOVA, R,I*, takhnik. Improving wtal Stall 18 no.2.-169-170 -V 158. (HIM 110) 1. Matouatovskly metallurgioheskly s"ode (Amwing (Ketalwork)-lquipment and supplies) KHAPIN, G.A.,- CHIKINA, V.G.; KASHIN, Yu.A.; Prinimall uchaatiyet PETUKHOV, S.P. [deceased); V ; RANNEV, G.G. Warm drawing of steel wir4. Stall 23 no.3:271-273 Mr 163. (KRA 16: 5) 1. Zlatoustovskiy metallurgicheskiy savod i Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metiznoy promyshlennosti. (Wire drawing) 4 A C C- -N- -R _i A-P-7-0,66"O SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Valentova, Viera (Doctor of medicine; Bratislava) ORG: none TITLE: Hygiene and safety in working with lasers SOURCE: Jemna mechanika, a optika, no. 10, 1966, 310-311 TOPIC TAGS: laser radiation, laser effect, human physiology, health service, radiation hazard ABSTRACT: After a brief description of the laser and its applications. studies in the US are cited investigating damage to the human organism by laser radiation, which is said to resemble the effect of gamma radiation rather than burns. The work of Prof. L. Goldman and his laser laboratory at Cincinnati University College of Medicinc and of other American scientists is described, with the conclusion that the nature of laser injury has not been'precisely established though histological effects on the eye and skin have been noted. The first photocoagulator used in the US since 1963 has facilitated study of laser effects in the eye and treatment of ocular turnora, but it has not been possible to determine proper dosage for its use. Laaer damage to skin has been studied at the US Army Pathological Institute in Washington, where the nuclei of epidermal cells in hois were damaged byexposure to weak laser rays for 30 minutes, and were destroyed by exposure for three days. It was found that Cord 112 ACC NR: AP7000907 pigmentation and density of nerve fibers in the skin intensified laser damage, whereas rapid blood circulation reduced the effect. Damage was greatest when t e laser wave length was 4,000 to 5,500 4. Other US works are cited on the effects of i laser pulse length, frequency, focusing, and beam concentration: factors which led to the development 6f a calorimeter at Harry Diamond Laboratories. Since nothing is yet known about limits of human tolerance to laser radiation or effects of chronic! exposure, experiments have been made in the US with plastic sprays, gloves, filters, goggles, and helmets. The Occupational Health Branch of the US Army has published a guide to protection from laser radiation. A list of ten precautions is given for laboratories in Czechoslovakia working with lasers. Orig. ari. has: 1 formula. SUB CODE: 20, 06/ SUBH DATEs none/ ORIG REF! 001/ OTH REF!' 011 -Cord 2/2 t/ 4 t- & N T"'I" , 1r /~ /J cj / KRAWVA, Libuse; TBIGHM&NN, Vladimir; J011A11OVSYA, Kveta; MANDAKOVA, Tamara; VAVENTOVA, Vlasta Gastric secretion and motility on stimulation of the mechanical and chemical receptors in the stomach. Sborn. lek. 60 no.2:37-43 Feb 58. 1. 11 interni )~linlkn fakulty vaeobacneho lokarutvi university 11~rlovy v Praze, - iorednosta prof. Dr. Frantisek Herles. L. 1. Il. interni klinika, U. nemocnice 2, Praha 2. (STOMACH, T)hys iologr stimulation of -,iechanical & chem. receptors in measurement of secretion & motility in various dis. (Cz)) (GAS.TRIC JUICE, secretion, mean-urement in various dia. by stimulation of mechanical & chem. receptors of stomach (Gz)) VALENTOVA I Vlasta; TBICHWH, Vladimir; JOHMIOVSKA, Kveta; KRAIOVA, Libuse; 6VA, Tamara Hemod.vnnmic changes dwing mechanical stimulation of the stomAch. Sborn. lek. 60 no.2:44~ Yeb 58. 1. 11. interni V-Iinikn falvalty vaeobecneho leknrntvi university Knrlovy v Prace, prednosta prof. Dr. Frantisek HerleR, VI. V., 11. interni klinikn, U nemocnice 2, Prnba 2. ('RWOD PRMSURII, nhyniology changes caused by mechanical stimulation of stomach in hyper- tensive patients (Cz)) (STOMAGH, T)hysiolog7 mechanical stimulation causing blood pressure changes in hyDertensive Datients (Gz)) (HYP-;MTMMION, plivsiology mechanical stimulation of stomach causing blood pressure changes (CZ)) L F- N TO V 19J CAT~Zjl-,jl jon. P'narnacology anl Toxico" opy, Gran;7,11onic blockingi Agonts 'N Us 20 IXTIMR R 51. p.1 ux , o lfa I I a F Valentoni., V. Cijrednik,* TIME i o d, namle Act-Aon of Ecolt(l A s 7, j,, t. r, T Sbov. lnka-r. 195t', 60, -'~O 4, 31-3-36 Thu, changas the '-;lor)cl, o,,( rn~4pnlte licart vn anl -renal function with :3-Ifferant route- of introductioii sf the orouztrati-on ax l7fjr-or'ted or, th3 of obs;)rwitllola of 33 pptieril- with hU-_,) e r t f, io n Fr a-. r, t h. e, a 1-i t h o r s I S ur x ry *A.; Kootkov-j, if. Card: VALENTOVA, Vl.j HEYROVSKA, 1. Role of the pulmonary parenchyma in lipid metabolism. Sborn. lek. 63 no.5/62137-141 MV.161. 1. 11. interni klinikk fakultir vseobeeneho lekarstvi University Karlovy v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. F.Herles. (LUNGS physiol) U-IPIDS metab) HERLES, F.; DALR-J, S.; JAROSOVA, V.; VALMITOVA, Vl.; OUIEDNIK, A. ft--~ Principles in the diagnosis of cor pulmonalp in chronic pulmonary emphysema. Sborn. lek. 63 no.5/6:151-157 JW161. I 1. 11. internL klinika fakulty vseobecnehb lekarstvi University Karlovy v Fraze, prednoita prof. dr.Fl.Herles. (PULMONARY HEART DISEASE diag) (PUU40NARY FMRHYSEMA diag) DAUM, S.; HERLES, Fr.; JAROSOVA, V.; VALVITOV~,_Vl.; OUREDNIK, A. Chronic oor pulmonals. Diagnostic contribution of clinical symptoms of chronic cor pulmonale and emphysema of the lungs. Cas. Lek. Cook. 101 no.8:225-234 23 F 162. 1. Kardiologicka laborator a II interni klinika KU v Fraze, prednosta prof. dr. Fr. Herles II chirurgicka klinika KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Lhotka. (PULMONARY HURT DISEASE diag) (PULMONARY EMPHYSEKA diag) MW-)TEOFY, H.; STASITIY, B.; VALDIT9VA, Vl. Combined diagnosis of pulmonary cancer. Vhitrni lek. 11 no.f,: 554-561 Je 165. 1. 11. klinika tuberkulozy fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi, Karlovy University v Pm2m (prednosta: doc. MUDr. Fr. Polansky). IV .., -OVIC,, E.., inz. Synthetic calculation of planotar7 mechanisma with dcribled sate!l _44,es. Strojirenstvi 14 no.7t497-503 Jl 164. 1. Researah Inatitutle of mechanization and Automation, No-7e Mpesto nad Vahom. ACC NR- AP7004408 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0032/67/017/001/0003/0010 'AUTHOR: Valentovic, E. (Engineer) ORG: Research Institute for Mechanization and Automation, Nove Meoto nad Vahom (Vyskumny ustav mechanizacie a automatizacie) TITLE: Present status and trends in friction drives SOURCEt Strojirenstvi, . 17, no.-I, 1967, 3-10 TOPIC TAGS: mechanical drive, mechanical engineering, industrial production ABSTRACT: Advantages of friction drives are compared with those of hydraulic types, used in locomotives and electric drives for lathes. Mechanical drives of many types (belts, chains, discs, cones) are produced by hundreds of manufacturers in many countries, but no friction drives are produced serially in Czechoslovakia, where en- gineering works are forced to import or design their own drive systems. These often do not meet requirements for smooth acceleration to high speeds, and MIA has under- taken to develop efficient friction drives. Descriptions are given of conical drives, cone and disc, and double-disc and rim clutches. A "self-tightening" mechanism, with steel balls in grooves on clutch discs, is described for use with electric generators and motors to maintain constant friction pressure. Plan and reduction gears are discussed briefly and toroidal gears are mentioned as being complicated to produce. Paper presented by V. Bardos, Engineer and Candidate of sciences. Orig. art. has: Card 11.2, AC-C-NRt-07004-408 11 f igures. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 006/ SOV REF: 002/ OTH REF: Oll I-Card 2/2 C ZE(;'70 LO VAK I A VALENTSI-K, F. Obstetrical-Gynecological Chair SUDL (Por.-- . kate-dra t:) C~Yn SUDL), Trencina Bratislava, Lekarsky obzo , No 7, 1963, pp 435-438 "The Function of Bleeding in 'Women." VAMNTSOV, A. Treatnent of influenza with levorqcetin. 36 no.12:68 D '58. (MIR& 12:6) (INFLUENU, ther. chloramphenicol (Rua)) (CHLORWWONICOL. ther. use influenza (Rua)) VALENTSOVOY.G. Conditions of the formation of the ShatBk deposit coal seam, its petrographic composition, quality, the physicochemical features of the coal, its fracturing and structure. Nauch. trudy VNIIPodzemgaza no.9:28-42 163. (MIRA 16;11) 1. Shatskaya stantsiya *Podzemgaz*. FXCERPTIA TiTDICA SEC 9 Vol* 9/12 Surgery Dec 55 6334. GLPM F. and VAJTANYI G. *Az dramatds hatisa a szervezetre ds dles- zT6_sT_eTJ-Cr_dsok. The effect of electric shock on the human organism and resuscitation procedures N8PEG9SZS9GOG7 1954, 35/ 9 (240-246) Everything known in modern science about muscular tetanus, ventricle -fibrillation, electric shocks causing immediate death, late haernorrhage and reversible pro- ceases is reported. An intensity of 50-500 ma. is considered to be most danger- ous especially if the direction of the current goes from the right hand through the left leg. A summary'is given of the most important mechanical and medicinal treatments laying particular stress on the arrest of ventricular fibrillation (with Schlomka's method). The most urgent needs for the abolition of electric shocks are mentioned and it is advocated that all establishments where thqre is risk of injury from electricity should be supplied with Freidlin's special first-aid outfits. Horvdth - Bu apest VALZR, Ferenc. dr. Ulcus cruris in the practice of a plant physician. -Borg7og7. vener.szemle 35 no-5:247-248 0 15 * (VARICOSE ULCER ther V LIZ-31PER E.,, V!IL,,H :1, Aktiv ea panaziv knunizacioo Userletok verriloa Juvoidlis plana - es vulgarls ontld)ono &parirwnts with activo andpoaive tmunlzation in varmaa plana juvanillia and vorruca imlgarlj~ Borfgo~70 vniv jr, fizerilo lp6 June 5.0 p,. 166-9. 1. : -Feat Ja,:ich Fcundation Czcneral Ilos_rdtala CUS 193 5. Nov. 50 V~~nlat'ics probAk klarOkolose amenobenzol-kamelas folyanan. jrlwaluatioii of Uvor function tnazaj in the courne ol' arsponwilm 7 Bormr,~mr. vener, smlin W June 50 pa 190-4 &.orapy 4 1. PztcrM Sardor Stmet Dispensary of the National IrmUtut-i Zor Social Irmtrance (Director - Dr, Pander Ralasaa)o 011;% 190 50 Nov. 50 VALER, M.; TOROCSIK, J. Hitritoid crisis after injection of organic Iodine preparation. Orv.hetil. 91 no.17:539-540 23 Ap 150. (CM 19:2) 1. Scin and Venereal Diseases Clinic (Director -- Dr. Ferene Foldvari), Budapest University. RAJKA, Gyorg7. dr.; VALER, Marton, dr.; VINCZE, Erzoebat, dr. Skin diseases of polishers in lumbeT industry. Borgyogy. vener. zemle 10 no.5:208-212 Sept 56. 7 Kozlemeny az Orazagos MunkaegeszsegugVi Intezetbol (igAsgato: Timar, Miklos, dr. as a Gyongyosi uti Bor. as Nomibeteggondozobol (foorvos: Valer, Marton. dr). (DERKATITIS, CONTACT occup., caused by shellac varnishes in lumber indust., prev. & ther. (Hun)) (PAINT, Inj. eff. shellac varnishes causing contact dermatitis In lumber Indust. workers, prev. & tber. (Hun)) :1e ExCaUIA Sec-17 Vol-3/2 'i;b"c " At'- Feb 601. VALER K6zl. Vdrosi Tan'cs X111. ker. Gyrn;gyosi r,:~O Vr-(.E Nemlbeteggondoz6 1nt., Budapest. 41A b5r-6s nomilieteggondoz6 intt-zef r6szv6tele a foglalkozdsi b6rbetegsdgck megel&6st-ben. T h e 1) a r t ') f the dermato-venereological centre in t~e pl;evv~ktkon of occupational diseases of the skin NEPEGESZSEGI.,(;Y 1956, 37/3 (67-72) Tables 3 The most important causes of absenteeism by such diseases were oil dermatitis, dryness of the skin, rhagades, chronic dermatitis, eczema, mycosis and pyodcII mia, especially dermatitis and eczema. By pre -employment examination, health education, protective measures (barrier creams, cleaning possibilities , etc. the sickness absenteeism from these causes dropped within a year from 17.2016 to 10.3% of the total. VAMOS, Inazlo; VAL'9R, Marton; HDRVATH, Xaroly Data on the symptomatology and pathomechanism of cutaneous changes associated with the manufActuring of hibernative agents. Borgyogy. vener. szemle 13 no.2:71-75 Apr 59. L.A X ker. Ror- es nemibeteggondozo Intezet (Vezeto foorvoB: Vamos Liazlo dr.) es az Orszagos %mikaegi82SegU&Vi Int8Zet (Igazgato: Timar Miklos dr.) borostalyanak kozlemanye. (DEWTITIS. CORTACT. etiol. & pathogen. chlorpromazine in pharmaceutical indast., manifest & pathogen (Hun)) (CHLORPROKAZT10, inj. eff. dermatitie, contact. in pharmaceutical indust., manifest. & pathogen. (Hun)) VAM Marton dr.; MOLNAR, Bela Comparative biological and clinical analysis of Industrial hand-washing agents containing synthetic detergentes from the point of view of their effect on the skin. Munkavedeles 7 no.4/6:40-49 161. 1. Orazagoe Munkaegeszoegugyi Intezet (igazgato: Dr. Timar Miklos) klinikai. oaztalya es a Budapesti. Istvan Korhaz boroaztalya (foorvos: Dr. Rajka Odon). VALERY Marton, dr.; SOMOGYI, Zsigmond, dr.; FALUS, Vera, dr. Contributions to the-problem of chromium allergy. I. Investigation on the sensitizing property of tt-ivalent chromium derivatives. Borgyogy. vener. szemle 38 no.6:249-260 D 162. 1. Az Orszagos Munkaegeszoegugyi Intezet: Timar Miklos dr.) es a Fovarosi Bor- so Nemibeteggondozo Intezet (Igazgato foorvos: Somogyi Zsigmond dr.) kozlemenye. (OCCUPATIORAL DERMATITIS) (TANNING) (CHROMATES) SCMOGYI, Zoigmond, dr.; VALER, Marton, dr.; FALUS, Vera, dr. Contributions to the problem of chromium allergy. Borgyogy. vener. szemle 38 no.6:260-264 D 162. 1. Az Orazagos Munkaegeszsegugyi Intezet (Igaz ato: Timer Miklos dr.) es a Fovaros Bor- es Nemibeteggondozo Intezet Mazgato foorvos: Samogyi Zsigmond dr.) kozlemonye. (MU4ATITIS, COIrrACT) (METATARSUS) (SWEATIIIG) (CHROMATES) VAIER, Martonp dr.; BITTNER, Emil, dr. Skin damages -)ccurring in the course of revincan 7An-.2acture. Munkavede-em 9 no. 10/12:44-50 '63. SOMOGYI, Zsigmond, dr.; VALER, Marton, dr.; RACZ, Istvan, dr. Demonstration of bichromate sensitivity using the intracutaneous and thrombocyte tests. Borgyogy. vener. szemle 39 no. 4:165-177 Ag 163. 1. Az Orszagos Bor-Nemikortani Intezet (Igazgato: Timar Mik-los dr. egyatemi tanar), a Fovarosi Istvan Korhaz Borosztaly (Foorvos: Rajka Odon dr.) es a Fovarosi Bor-Nemibeteggondozo Intezet (Igazgato-foorvos: Somogyi Zsigmond dr.) kozlemenye. (SKIN TESTS) (BLOOD PLATELETS) (OCCUPATIONAL DERMATITIS) (CHROMATES) VALER, Marton, dr. WaBhing after work and current problems of skin protection and care. Borgyogy.'vener. szemle 39 no-5:208-213 0 163. 1, Az Orazagos Munkaegeszoegugyi Intezet (Igazgato*. Timar Miklos dr.) kozlemenye. ,(INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE) (SKIPI) (HYGIFITE) (SOAPS)' (DETERGENTS) (OILS) (00114EINTS) HUNGAFVf SOMOGYI, Zsigmond, Dr, VALER, klarton,.Dr, RACZ, Istvan, Dr; National In- stitute of Dermatology ~nd Venereology (diroctort FOLDVARI, Forenc, Dr) (Orszagos Bor-Nemikortani Intezet), Ilational Institute of Labor Hygiene (director: TIMIAR, Miklos, Dr) (Orszagos Munkaegeszsegugyi Intezet), and Capital City Institute of Dermatological and Venereological Services (director-chief physician: SOMOGYI, ZsIgmond, Dr) (Fovarosi Bor-Nomiboteg- gondozo, Intezet), Budapest. "Experiences With Epoxy-Resin Sensitization." Budapest, Orvosi Hetijap, Vol 10?, No 32, ? Aug 66, pages 1509-1513. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary modified] The data of 54 derma- tological patients working with epoxy resins are described. The clinical forms of the skin lesions are discussed. In 46 cases, skin lesions appeared within 6 months of contact with the resin. According to skin application tests, sensitization was due to the resin alone In 23 cases, to the hardener in 1 case and to their joint effect in 8 cases; in 14 cases, the irritating effect of the materials was the cause of dermatitis. Screening tests were also carried out in factories using epoxy resins. Varying degree of damage by the epoxy was found among 20.2 per cent of the workers. The circum- stances of the development of dermatitis and sensitization, the problem of spontaneous desensitization and adaptation (hardening) are discussed and it is stressed that the incidence of such damage could be minimized by suitable preventive measures. 5 Hungarian, 23 Western references. 1/1 VALFRJAW!Y,',~ V.,i.; NOVIECTIA, Ye.m. lv-iriabillty of ~ydrologlc conditlons in the southerr part of the Norwegian Sea. Tnidy Len. g1dromet. inst. no.l?t 3-10 164, (MIRA WJ,ERLU4011A, M. A. "Atteurpts of classification of the pressure field-,, above the North Atlantic for the purpose of computation of the currents and of the ice drift." report presented at a Scientific Conference on Dynamic and Thermal Interaction of the Atmosphere and Hydrosphere, 26-29 Mar. 1958, Leningrad (Vest iU~ nauk SSSR, 7, '58, pp. 128-29) A il`jh-ll~~ ~l V n I e r -a I I ilr l'i 1.1- T~ r kvt o i-ve r 1.1i I. I. TIe It r- Y .1. . C)RTG. Plti~l- c: o , i il rit ~i nvo~-- t1i l or. '19"?, Ill j- r- d s a s r; fo r tlict o ri [11-mer A I.(- d ft rO ilk 10 rn!edi ftzr! 116 1: cts itrd 11; ir - r n o r t i e s r 4r, T c! E: t a ~,! no o rc- Of 1.014 "A rlrO~t,CiS le 0 ).rlg. L I:- Z' 1' l C. -d L %93A-6~ 11111frf ( 1.)31-11-- ____ .- --- _ -- _'. .- . - - - ____ _ _ - - - __ - __ - -. -. - Arl NKI M-6028025 ('At) SOURCE CODE: UR/3011/65/000/020/0037/0042 AUTHOR: Valerianova H. A. ORG: none TITLE: Variation of water temperature in the North Atlantic with various types of atmospheri circulation 1~( SOURCE: Lfiningrad. Gidrometeorologicheakiy institut. Trudy, no. 20, 1965. Issledovaniya severnoy chasti Atlanticheskogo okeana (Investigations over the North Atlantic), no. 4, 37-42 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric current, ocean dynamics, hydrology ABSTRACT: To calculate the hydrological characteristics in the North Atlantic the author first distinguished 14 types of pressure fields most frequently encountered in this region for the period between 1900 and 1960 and which characterize the processes of western, eastern, and meridional forms of circulation. Since changes of atmospher ic circulation are especially evidenced in the surface layer of the ocean, it was of interest to examine the fluctuations of water temperature in this layer in the presence of the various types of circulation. The data of the mean-monthly anomalies of water Norwegian results of layer reflect Card 1/Z_ temperature on the surface in various quadrants of the North Atlantic and at 6astal stations served as the material for comparison. An analysis of the the investigation showed that changes of water temperature in the surface sufficiently well the variation in the character of atmospheric cir- L Oh938-67 --- ------ ACd-NR3--A-T'6028025 culation. The changes of water temperature have a greater effect in regions where individual branches of currents have a more distinct effect, for example, in zones of the Norwegian, Atlantic, and East Greenland currents and the Irminger current* In regions where several branches of currents are encountered, this relationship is appreciably weaker. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 4 figures. SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 003 kh Card 2/2 C- RUWarlIVRadio Physics - General Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika., No 71 1956, No 16147 Author Inst Not Given Title Spectra of Oscillations with Frequency and Phase Modulation in the Case of a Rcctagular Signal Orig Pub Bul. Inst. politehn. Eucuresti, 1956, 18, No 3-41 365-379 Abstract Investigation of the spectra of frequency modulated and phase modulated oscillations in the case of a rectagular periodic and pulsed signal. Card 1/1 V MRANIA/Radio Physics - Application of Hadiophysical Methods I-10 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1958, No 11445 Author :-Va1eriu-A,..# Draghicescu M., lanculovici, B., Draghicescu, P. Inst : Not Given Title : Calculation and Wiring of Setup for Observation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Orig Pub : Studii si cercetari fiz. Acad. RPR,, 1957, 8, No 2, 213-234 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 ~ /~ ~ e /,,/ ~41//~, RUMANIA/Magnetism - Experimental Methods of Magnetism F-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1958, No 10782 Author : Va-leriu. A. scaru I., Ianculovici B. - _.t~~Pa Inst : Not Given Title : Measurement of the Magnetic Field With the Aid of Nuclear Resonance. Orig Pub : Studii si cercetari fiz. Acad. RPR, 1957, 8, No 2, 235-239 Abstract : Brief description of a simple nuclear magnetic resonance autod,yme magnetometer. Card 1/1 GILDAU9 E.; VALERIU, A. Measuring the distribution of the magnetic field by means of nuclear magnetic resonance. Studii cere fiz 11 no.2:462-467 6o. (EEAi ioa) (Magnetic fields) (Magnetic resonance) VALMIU, A, The method of the fast adiabatic passage in the nuclear magnetic resonance. I. Studii cerc fis 12 no.1:67-73 161. (IFAI 10:9) 1. Institutul de fizica atomicap Bucuresti. (Adiabatic changes) (Magnetic resonance) PASCARU, I.1 VALE=, A. A opectrograph for the study of the electronic paramagnetic re&,n=ce in the domain of microwaves. Studii cero fiz 12 no.1:165-169 161. (EM lotq~) 1. Institutul 4p fisioa atomica, Bucuresti. (Electronic instruments) (Spectrograph) (Micro%mven) Olegnetic resonance) VALERIU, A.; CUNITA, D. Current stabilizer for the generator grcup of 3 kv. 3tudii. cerc fiz 12 no.4:791-794 161! VALERIU, A. A, source of errors in determining nuclear magnetic resonarce. Studid cerc fiz 13 no,5:779-782 162. 1. Institutul de fizica atomica, Bucuresti. GHEORGHIU, D.; VALERIU, A. Signal-to-noise ratio of the twin-T nuclear magnetic resonance bridge. Studii carc fiz 15 no. 3:376-377 164. 1 lp.,.Oiltute X Atomic Physics, Bucharest. CIUCA, M., academician; POPOVICI, Marcela; NESTCRBSCU, N.; STREJAN, G. VALIRIU, A.; WEINEACH, R. Scological relationships between bacteriophages (double-stage symbiotic and lytic) and Lyso-sensitive bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family; conditions favoring the transfer of lyeogenesis between heterologous strains and species. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol., Buour. 6 no.3-4:341-373 July-Dec. 1955. (RACTIMiapwi transfer of lysogenesis from 1. coli to Salmonella typhosa in combined cultures) (BSCMICHIA COLI (same) (SAMONO" (same) VOYKULESKU. M. [Voilescu, M.]; NOYMLN, M.; IONESKU, G. [ronescu, G.1; VJ~j"U-,-krAa; KHORODNICHAVU, Te.Va [Horodnicianu. T. j Severe and fatal cases induced by Sh. Sonnei. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i immun. 30 no.?:-57-59 JI '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Iz kliniki infek-tsionnykh bolezney Kolentins, (Bukharest). (DTSINTERT BACILLhRT compl.) VOICULESCUI M.,.prof.; ZAMFIRL-ZCU, I.; CARMITU, Veronica; ISTODOR, N.; VALESI".,. RADULESCU., M.; DEDIU, St.; BOCIRNEA, C.; DUMMICA, A.; -~A-UN, L.-; RLA1-DVA1"ZORGZSCUj A.; VLAD, R. Treatment and prophylaxis of hepatic coma in the course of epidemic hepatitis. Rumanian M Rev. no.4:29-31 O-D 160. (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS complications) (HEPATIC COMA therapy) ZAMFIRESCU, I.; NICOLESCU, N.; DU~UNICA, A.; DEDIU, St.; BOCIRNEEA, C.; ISTIODOR, N.; VAUr4q, A. Diap,mostic and prognostic importance of pleliropulmonary determinations in staphylococcal septicemia. Microbiologia (Bucur) 6 no.1:26-27 Ja-F 161. 1. Clinics. I do boli contagioase, Bucuresti. r NICOLESCU, Nicolae; CARUNTU, Florin-, CAMIESCU, Victoria; VASILIU, Mircea; TEODORESCU., Sanda; VALERIU, Anca; LAMBA, Nicolas A sporadic case of Q fever c1tagnosed radiologically and confirmed Berologically (6 cases). Casaek.ceak 100 no.34:1075-1078 25 Ag 161. 1. 1 a II klinika infekcnich chorob, Bukurest, reditele prof. dr. M. Voiculescu a prof. dr. M. Bals. (Q FEVER diagnosis) ZAMFIRESCU, L, dr.; VALERIU, Anca, dr.; RADUIZSCU, 14., dr.; OGELESCU, M., dr.; CARUNTU, Veronica, dr-.,--DUMINICA, A., dr.; DEDIU, St., dr.; BOCITEA, C., dr.; ISTODOR, N., dr. Diagnostic criteria in viral meningitis. Med. intern. 14 no.12: 1493-1498 D 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata la Clinica I de boli contagi~oase I.M.F., Bucuresti (director,, prof. M. Voiculcscu). (W-IIINGITIS . VIRAL) ML:MIA VALMIU, Anca., NID. Clinic No I for Contagious Diseases, Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy (Clinica de Boli Contagioase Nr. 1, Bucimrest. Bucharost, RA-,vista 11-ledica-la No 4, 15 Feb 6"', pp 265-274. "New Antibiotics and Lhemotherapy." Frj"X"A I., Dr vAL-MV. Anca. Dr; A:. Bucharest directon 1 of the DIF Injoase a L~~ Bucurestl 5 Clinic *,'.o , Boli Contag Co,taCious lllnes3Gi., (cunica I de lJoiculosc ;rOf 'ii. (for both) director, Prof 11. voicU105CU) - 1963,!PP 703-70 Ducharc5tp Viet' '*'ed'cal&' ";0 1()'15 "!IV tion IlervOus Phases Of Post-Vaccina (2) MARIDESCU, G.; DUMINICA, A.; Y~J.MIU, A. - PREDESCU, I.; DUMITRESCU, E.; DIACOM, S. Encephalitis and encephalomyelitis after anti-rabies vaccination. Stud4 ceircet. inframicrobiol. 14 no.1:31-39 163. 2. Comunicare prezentata la eel de-al II-lea Simporion romino-bulgar aaupura encefalitelor actuale, Sofiam 1-3 noiembH41962. (RABIES) (VACCINATION) (ENCEPHALITIS) POST-VACCINAL) (4NCEPHAMMYELITIS) MARINESGU, G.; PREDESCU, I.; TAINDEL, Cl.; CIUGARD4, M.; . RADULESCU, P.; HOTNOG, E. Respiratory resuscitation in neuro-infectiona. Stud. cercet. inframicrobiol. 14 no.1:41-53 163. 1. Zomunicare przentata la eel de-al II-lea Simpozion romino-bullgar asupra encefalitelor actuale, Sofia* 1-3 noiembrie 1962. (RESPIRATORY INSUFFICIENCY) (BRONCHOPNEUMONIA) (POLIOMYELITIS) (ENCERNALITIS) (ENCEPHALOMYELITIS) (MENINGOVICEPHALITIS) . .(RESPIRATION, ARTIFICIAL) (TRACHE OTOMY) --- ---"'. RUMANIA VOICULESCU, Marin, Professor; V4MZj4.!gca, MD. ~ Clinic No I for Infectious Diseases of the "Colentina" Hospital, Bucharest (Clinica I de boli contagioase, Spitalul "Colentina", Bucuresti) - (for all) Bucharest, Viata Medicala, No 24, 15 Dec 63, PP 1715-1720 "A Great Figure in Rumanian Science: Professor Ion Cantacuznio." I'l.. -IU -r T J" c pia of 11-11--c; ;v-, i.; 3 0 RUMANIA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and H Their Application, Part 3. - Treatment of .olid Combustible Minerals. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 62176. Author : D. Miti Ionescu, Valeriu Anghel. Inst : Not given. Title : Study of Semicoking in Fluidized Layer. Orig Pub: Metalurgia si constr. mas., 1957, 9, No 12, 19 - 24. Abstract: The results of the study of Rumanian coal semi- coking and the following tests of tho semicoke utilization possibility are presented. It is proposed to use it instead of the semicoke pro- duced in Abderhalden ovens as an addition for rendering the charge of coke installation less bituminous. The new method was carried out on industrial scale. Card 1/1 NISTOR, T., dr.; VALERIujtAjK.; PORIARU, I., dr. Gontributions to the control of porcine cysticercosis in abbatoirs. Ind alim 14 noolOt421-423 0163. 1. Intreprinderea regionala do industrializarea carniiv Bucuresti. 000*00*00000* ' ) plot# it #41100 -AftfIff GAJM tall 004" ~ . .1 -.! 110 do 60 00 To!:; ood'. , 0 40 41v~ 0:: 0 0* wi 000000 m I? to " 11 M-) *_p A & 00 -00 SJUMA: MUM -00 -00 Fmw V-JL--AkiK Sm. A-omsiw 090 ' **=&W fm CA I*" for X/P go* " we* Are* woo; thw by foe A So - I L W-'OfffM4W4" WON WOO ;SIM Farm !MM= 0 fix 109AN 79,9M u 9 At I* 'a &M 'a ; ; ; ;~ ;;j -Ital; 0 o e o 0 0 0 o 4 o 0 0 6 0 0 0 o o 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 P41.0 11071, 4 0 4.P 0 0 0 0 0 * 4p 0 1 0*6009*9*06094*609