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'C' Seec.2 "Fol.10110 i*. UAGoo. 4445. VAGO 0., SPINER A. , COMAN Al. and OLTET .11, Centr. de Obstet. sl Uinecol. , Matern. 'Polizu' Bucure~ti. * Cerce'nri experimentale asupra baroceptorilor uterini. (Noid preliminar!k). E x pe r I m ent a I i n v e s t i g a - tions on uterine baro-receptors. Preliminary note OB- STET. GLN EC. (Bucureqti) 1357, S/ 2 (122-128) Graphs 3 Illus. 2 The receptors at the level of the cervix and corpus uteri, and of the fallopian lube, were studied by means of a special method of stimulation. Simultaneous plethysmo- graphic recordings of the vaso-motor variations were made. The stimuli used were either mechanical (tractions) or intrauterine, and intratubal pressure varia- tions caused by the slow or sudden Introduction of carbon dioxide Into the uterine cavity. The plethysmogram showed deviations in all cases of mechanical stimula- tion of the cervix and in most of the cases of uterine baro-receptor stimulation through pressure variations. The presence of changes in the plethysmogram during the passage of carbon dioxide through the fallopian tubes suggests the existence of baro-receptors at this level. (U, 10*) VAGO, Odon, dr. The new forest law. Erdo 13 no.10:444-"7 0 '64. VAGO, Odon, dr, Forestry propaganda. Erdo 1-1 no.8:370-373 Ag 162. VAGO, P. VAGO, P. - The cow stable with 102 spaces on the special farms of the Hatvan Sugar Plant. p. 19, Vol. 11, no. 13, July 1956 - Magyar Mezogazdasag, Budapest, Hungary SOURCE; East European Accessions List (EFAL) Vol. 6, No. 4 - April 1957 HUNGARY/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their K-7 Applications. Leather, Fur, Gelatin, Tanning Agents. Technical Albumens Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - 10iimiya, No 2, 1958, 6743 Author : Vago, Reti, Malovecz, Varga Inst : 7--Z- Title : On the Storage and the Leaching of Smoke Tree (Variability of Sume Tanning Agents) - Orig Pub : Bor-es cipotechnika, 1957, 7, No 1, 1-3 Abstract ; The tanning (T) content in the wood of the smoke tree bush Rhus cotinus irvestigated (50-year old) was higher than in -the young sprouts or in the bark. Wood dyes powdered hide into yellow (while dyes it bark T into grey-brown), no precipitate with CH20 (while bark T gives an abundant precipitate), produces a blue coloration in presence of FeCl3 (while bark T give a green color). Sum,c T is less stable than T from the Chinece nut tree. Card 1/2 014F In as in W IaI Oq f P I le 111,11JUISIA till M. ;oaf - '1~ "! 4 4 n as Is 0 a P!JIM NU i4ji sav long 01 V 4) a a&* -A 6 . r~ A -1--i- -A-K F -6 9 $_1_11 Y X-1 ... 1, L-P M q aft Kit -1- -A A t -00 00 A (Kirv %rate _00 so, 247-&) 0411111 (IVIR With theahl of prohes, In the I"arin of Ni (a A few tells Of V~ (at lttw I' And bigh iI. a 11/i gives Ow .0* at he %mg hotissultury; R. 6 a 09 1"' is t and about 0.15 min. wide, wound tit dif emtu t rethfani't t' Og hick Iffrut function "I j and pts._4 through a mAll. at lower 00 hiciffus. at 3 different depths, 50. and 150p, of a If the thirknes& of The blocking .00 icylindir"I oxide L&W of total thickne-44 20Uw, depsmited toe IS t In-6 cm.. the nwan Clee. field I sic p: I. ors a heated sillid NI cylinder osre of LZI cum. dism., (A the order lip V./CIV.. Funho'. t and with Rise aRl of an ofarning in (he cistidir layer faring the is -1 give the total cle". re 00 8'~ 1 i the core, ilia tirplb distribolims ist the current-vultsigir tent6l depth distributiom cu,vr oo characterlittic-ii grii InvesilgAtc4l undrr voltage impulses sistam 14 between any 2 protws. I'lota of 14 brAw-rn tit amplitudes tip to IM) v., Wric conit. W-6W mirto*vc. the Ist and the 2nd probe. against 6, at various If'. %hnw and frequency of the order of I herts. Witlitimaider thew that thl* resistance is ohmic only at higher T (11211- 30i 2anser protscii, #lie thermoclectromotive ("M R acrofts tile at 07hand 1111th"K., Mentesthrissugha ma%. zoo 13yrrisraldr(d lpetwrcn the core atutearli isrsibewparately. rhe pbst% of 8, 1wrink evAln4t6n, wwiaJ charael"i-lu- 0 co a At d certain stage (d the actlymion. the sign of P of joAjjj,jjn.Ir.; this.. the Infi-inAl work lists, skin 4 th, 0- 0 a 11110 that COrt"INJUdinj Ittell-Cirunk-CMItI. smit then it= tr'"I - to.9 e.v.. external U'd Is lin" Isms I"rAl ZOO unchanged. The rhAnce xvuri first at the Inor-ruitt finsetiwissi 1.7 v.. rtni,,iim .- .1. 05 iiiiij, /,if. rtij .1 V probe (closest. to the cute) and moves gradually towards - Iu73'K. anti Itox) v., wwn. 4 it" cl-trini,s - PO .4 *4111 the pefir of the xide yet" Sometimes. a reverse at 1121)'K. The Drbye scrtruing length -at% fie estd tit 10449 L charges, tngc E cx~rs o!~n ~. an activated layer on cm. anti the %urlact ctirwu. of It" to case, the "inversiou 10"isq. cm. N. Ilion ago cli C a.. In c temp'n waii fit V emp. drop serum the izo 0 siside favor. from the core to the outer periphery, was 800 about 101)", From the set of curmt-voltage curves at various depths, Potential diqribution curves were coa- It 41 in terms of the depth at various const. rmivdon _3 ruc r current intemitift i and trinin. T (975-1 IFLOVIC.). TIMse ro-Okil curves usually show slight tirralts. fixtrapolation to iscro depth gives the lwwcntW junip a V a( the boundiry of the __V_ 11131.9he -Me layr. its value ranges from a few V. io-'C &Ssi-SLA A"AlL CrKAL t,T1'1PA1LXL CLASSWICAMN 1:46 tt"Mj' J~i! -GArg; A --i-ii n4 0 a I It si I IF 131 a U Is AT P01119 "till 1119 it t! it I It n d" !o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o a; 000 :! :10 0 o o o o * 06 egos 0 .6 Gre 1000000000 00 00 0 9 000 !-. 7 . 9 VAGOCOVSKAY A. 7.V a w T'rj-w-t"imperaturs reactions of atoms and radimle. 2sKhim, 20 no,3#20-22 MY-J* 165. (MIRA 18?88~ 1. Moskovskiy universitet, knfedra fizichaskoy k1dr-li. VA&-ONENE, Gle- P) , USSR/Farr Aninrls. Tho Swine Abr Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol., Nc 11, 19.98, No 50059 Q-h Author : ~ ~-~ ~.M. Inst : Lithumirn Scientific Rorcrrch Inctitutu of Aninel HuEbrndry -nd Votorinrry Sciences; Title : The Effcctivencrc of Sub,titutinU Concentrrted Fco~r by Corn Er7r Silage in F-ttenin,- Diets of GrovdrC Pip. Orig Pub i Byul. nruchno-tokhn. infom. Lit. n.-i. in-ta zhivotnovordstvr i vctorinrrii, 1957, No 1, 25-26 Ab,-trvc", No r:bstract Cerd VAGONIS, Z. I. Cand Diol Sci -- (diss) "Effect of vqrious rations upon certdi immunobiological and hematological Indicators in young cattle." Villnyus, 1957. 24 pp (Min of Higher Education UBSR. Villnyus State Univ im V. Kapsukas), 100 copies (KL, 4-58, 82) -16- US3R/ Farm Animals. Cattle. ~,bs lour: Ref Zhur-Bioli, No 12, 1958, 54744; Author Inst Not given. Title The Effect of Different Rations on Certain Immunobiological and Hematological Indexes in Young Cattle. Orig Publ- Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Lit. n.-i. in-t zhivotnovodstva i veterinarii, 1957, No 1, 33-37. Abstract; Three groups of heifors, ? heads in each, fed different rations (1!jt group was fed concen- trates, 2nd - roots, 3rd - silage), were vac- cinated thrice against paratyphoid. The high- est immunobiological and hematological indexes were obtained in the 1st group, the lowest - in the 2nd one. Z-2 Card 1/1 AYZINEEJDA5, L.B., VAGONIS, Z.I. *On the functional stigwta of the constitution of fam animls." Report submitted, but not presented at the 22nd International Congress of Fhysiological SclenvAce lalden, the Netherlands 206-17 Sop 1962 AIZIVBUDAS, L.B.; VAG0111,1q, Z.I. Physiological trend in the theory of the constitution of 'arm animals. :432-440 N-D162. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Itovskaya vaterinaniaya akademiya i Litovskiy nauchno-issle.- dovatellskiy institut ,5hivAnovodstva. (VETERIVAlff PHYSIOLOGY) NARKEVICH, O.Ye.; TRUKHTANOVA, V.I.; ROYZMAN, V.M.; DUBROVINA, L.M.; VAGONOVA, N.,A.,_red.; ELIKINA, E.M., tekhn. red. (Price determination in enterprises of public dining]TSeno- obrazovanis v predpriiafiiakh obahchestvannogo pitaniia. Mo- skva, Gostorgizdat, 196~. 86 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Restaurants,, lunchrooms, etc.-Prices) VAGONOVA N A - TOLPYGO, Ye.A.; TIMOFEYEVA, L.I.; ZAXHLBOV, V.I., red.; _i~~~~HNA, E.M., tekbn. red. [Now developments In the operations and equipment of public eating facilities]Novom v obahchostvannom pitanii. Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1962. 241 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Restaurants, lunchrooms, ate.-Equipment and supplies) (Restaurant management) L 521.16705 Pf ACCESSION NR: AP5015363 UR/0286/65/,,()W009/C)12/01l2 621.914.37 f AUTHOR: Vagros , P. V. ....... .................. . .. ............ ;on two sides. Class 413, No. 170819 ,. ...ISdURCE: Byulleten' izobmtdniy i tovarniykh znd Wj% at cA. strulk-ir flun the ficnitint c.d. wid 25,30% -st biXber ir.d. Primurnably, depiatitisin of nwital follm" AiwItArge al the corupkit Atli"n $nCIS AS AgWN), %and the delsosit k istrinoth I"auge the contiplei anions displatv impiritiet from the r1ectrixte surfAv- t'-Wan,w, et al. C C A. 34,31AC1111. e1jinsirst skit "irtat cast Ise rk-etruslirl"iti -1 im a Xb.% i'dwr next to the cal)usdr, tyus V. and It. rimild is-it it-pruduce thit expt. C.Lspunov*~ 111crwy thal 11w piu:,41 dd-pmItImi I, a m"midary psrtxv~ is birfortrel, 1, ), ffilifirnim A I volif"i'vu ttat Z A. -w,g.,v'cvd I At Ali N I . 0 ~A A-, J4. C.""a 1;11111,141~; 64. 4441h. %feel III-- ittwil i ,f Ile"I lgifelful t,A duclux I w . 'Hit. #ItCA%Ilff% A J-1111.1111AIII-M % j1 1),),, 1 - 1). 1 or -11111 1 he I It 'MI i~ 47 It -I gAi I) -fit, 1, 1114V tit~ high- I than N. . f1w at I - 11-141 terf'-five an - "I - N. 311, flair III the of the cutil.0e .1111iiiat J, A knovilrilgr kif the (smirlilou Air W) Kiveli M- fiallaw(kill 4N1 tile Titc ef 1-4-1%Atie'll fit t4liticell 41141 tq$ tile influctim "t wAr"S. I'll (he rite An Autemalatic at,,,, jlI it f-.6 "I"'ttepiple"lly tile OLIHIC', After Illgl..t I'llelarupticlo, 1 3 A. 11). '18), ml. ,HI :ji.) _. he, a app.. during curfelit ititcItuption i~ Iloic to-pi-itt.o.mi, found tin thet sAme r-allumic in ii W2 X KAgaC-Nir ~Arj 140.4tv-deti't, fwalbburect, inctrAic AN all III%. fif't Cj- Iml )34%C 00 WRIMM-C Ill the Wt%Wl. 1111 411.Wllfktt Ill WIVI Ate. till a /it vathiatic WA" id-O lltudivll~ I;lrt A I -r%c I - ~~lj whclc I I. the Cit. I, hii 1.0., alle cAth-).Ie in A 2 S ZuSA). 1 0.6 N .4,#. 1~1-u tilt. ,uf%v And #limit the %Ahl- 14 % ellill all ill., 'imi ...b' I it J13.1 vajib %,Ivl ile . Ille act. Ille 1'. . .1. IM, "thus (sl:,Cc I - "I.t.) tile 4j"f%7A,c all ivtl%c "1114- 4S title to witatirpticut. Admirption rite curv- v ,how ihAt Or rate il; Large at firut and hmi of,wi .1wit ~,fis is upin-stadird. Admwplimt imi04-rus, inight I.- .!,.all let Ihim b0own, 11jr 41,t-trot~ let ittite s-Atfust, %sitt.,tt AS-SmiumwIl to XCNI rv ill a .,III --io-I IV with wlyl it V. N1101.1 flowfolt L4, IU*Mocbemkd method of detamintion, of the adhesion of eloctroctepasits. A.J., VailtanTut OM11 VU. S. T%AftVA Onst. Phys Chem SZO: - "1':.% Mowow). Pokkadv AL4. Na;*i s.S.s R., 74. :90 J"t IWA)). milbCA" of an rJectrudepoit to its IMLW 111rial SUIIALV, th.- lormfins " It do" ou the fraction of flic tk%w swtal surf*Lv area covered by the depchit fit the earliest Ptage of dclw%[- t t1un. Is itiftfml from the vzcr14 AN of the Initial I rt"It"In NO to the cathode and 11sr atilk"tary 4 tst1JjhA=At lAttr stagrso(thedepaAhlon. InthedelmAititmolCultimnCu. 80.2M a.l. at 20'. e-d. 0.O& amp./eq, cm., 41 - i% - q was IKS. a" a "StviumicAly Pound CIS CatiRldt, AU111 It$- MAW-1 04 ft frSUlt 111 6-1-1111- Wll"Wnt W011 I", %'AOII, llfolwdy Im OwTount of jW"iml oxidaliu" of the mufarr 4ht the mmie Cu cathn&. addith"tal?y etched. ilrjttL~J. art(] activated with a KCN 3oht.. AN "as "Cjl. Mech. &,I- hesion tests by the bending method confinnrd the lufmtmvs frorn the AV deins. Ths- fuictions f of initially scemit,le surface area of the csth--ir wrrt evalumed from meamyr. ruents of the initial " and tipti. curves of q m a functiNt of the surface area. In (his way. f (or a nwchimirAily - ground Cu cathode was tstd. to 22'~; subsequent trvat- ment with 197. %aOll lom-red f to 17.X",. For the IINOs (1:1) CtChVtJ And SUIJOCIJUIMOY KCN~W162401 Cu sur- facr. W as lound - 61.61 N. VAORAMIAN.. A. T. Y!aamianv A. T. and SolovIeva, Z. A. A new method of study of the cathode paseivation. Fage 1252. Academy of Sciences, USSR Insts of Phys. Chemistry Moscow March 7, 1950. SO: Journal of Physical Chemistry., Vol. 74p No. 10. October 19;)0. Vsluk 01P T ij fisIT.1y until t~c ,roeity dlr. ff A--i r~, -d ghowirg I,llang-. in -q G, N- cl-zt-d~ hen tt, A. ~-rted liumfly from 0 to 30 to 0 p, i'--m, I t fie "h,5 4 r, at z~,~ c.d - was - 3us Mv. f,)r a 15-, ,.~ d,,, and - 2 t2 -n V. for a 1 5-6c~. cycto. Taking MA mV tm e-,tdRb-.4u(n pcfentiM Q,, th-5 is 06 mV. Lf tl~e - tc-ldy " ralun JU CA of:to ~, taken tho 1-m*o1tage is 799 mV Tb~ er % ~:M-lter rana" nf-i f,,r tt", 'If It- Sec., 1 11.16, 1 !Q!7, 37. 6-27 1 is not vupmw,,~J e v th~~ ia,* t1-' -crapn~ e-tt,-4w~ the euzf?~Ce of *L,~ cit, -'e,A InOM ptiro N1 stifface -zrjlnt .X~ time rcircig-n ff.rt,~k~ ,m Ov rl- it Tb.. Un'l L- E02~-,-t I t~ ulrftoil U~ frolu frt,~,Iy dcpcsited Ni, a-..4 Lf If"I tLa J.Avnkia! ft alcre nugurm. , I t nic to 0 It. rvniify ( ii with Tht~ darew tcl ; T ~ ~l , a Tnc-. r~-Atavo v3!: v ir expl-airt-, r 1'. pwiv.clnn or % h-, al .1 p~tt-f flIce wit ha,mg a nor n3l eq--librium e "'A'r .4, ~k-nc,~ 4 Lh, dv,Oi,I~-, ,I, the P~ kln.-7~ 1.1 As phy.-c, tK, VAGRAWAN~ A. T. Electrodes New method for investigating the polarizati-on of electrodes. Trudy Inst. fiz. khimii AN SSSR No. 1, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Coneress, December 1952. Unclassified. G331R,"C'hemistry - 'Iectrochem! ~i Jun 52 Nickel .he -_:'ffect of Al'ernating Curren' on ',!,2 Electrodeposition of Nickel," A. ". VP.r-r-?myan, A. A. Sutyagina, inst of Phys 'x.--d -cI;': Uw R "Iz Alt Nauk, Otdel Xhim Nauk" 110 3, T-2, 4ICI-414 On application of above certain cl-lr-ent -1,7.,nsities.. the structure of the deposit becor.-~7, ::~_,crocryst. ?be number of porcs in the electrilytic Ni depor-It decreases, With increased freqiency of the so., it6 action graduilly ceases. A ssible mechanlim, of 22DZ5- the action of Se on the CbmW of the struct W'e' -of tbe'deposit and on overvoltage in disebarge qf, lew is suggested. 19 Gim 4d 414w466 MV-". ',.V i"". 77k!Z". a. Offmlooui. A lisist beam wasnAKOd from acatbodeam w6kh NI was heing drptWtrd. uW Aw intrawky I of the refteud bum was awisfarml. TUM am cliana of #bM cass"d by air was eliminatW. contslood %1S%.7140) 140.14110.13.X&CI 6. sadNal? 1.5 I.J1. The cum "I't4piot V (# b the thickness of th*.%l deposkL=b6dS It. wm#-OWWS-SWSOI W, always witill. lathiervolvalhowk"Profto( VI rcpmtc4 that of F-c wulgravath, and the kuFamn of I was wbrit c.d. was 1-1-5 amp./sq. dm. *Ad deerviowd an an Tbiswwtxp6iwdby- the propwtirs of the surface obtained; an electrea mkie- w,4w showed that the deposit consisted at casm mystals &I high c.d., of M-".& of dUkrrat six% at small cd.. and of uniftwo ssamAk cry"s at ummika c.d. Adilc of CS- ~Nll )a (et;l- Il'# c.A.) or of dis~thakuir ark! (c.s. SX) M I ab." it. h6b"t "amoiar'W to 1.6. flertrulyte MW MISIP mwk I almost 11- t of c.d. be- twam I &W 4 atup./sq. dm. Then =7sive Aw in %ma vg"orm Itals It the cathode was brpt Without- or Inin. and cWnst was then switched cumal for IM. on, I decreased for wvwW we, This ou moord by the passivation of the electre& dwims the 6twuption of cur- rent; when the depookke was nm=W it oamwred *a the spou least paulvated and, tbok the cathisclelmeame less uni(cm. *-.Vapbthd. at c.d. 2 depressed 1. 1. 1. S. VAGRA)ffAN, A, T.; SOLOVITEVA, Z. A. Electrolysis Tnvestigation of brightness of electrolytic deposits of nickel during electrolysis. 2kjur.fjz.Wm.p 16, No. 6, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. Unclassified. S/137/62/O00/V)4/150/2D.1 AO6O/A1O1 AIJUDR: Vagramyan, A. T.. TITLB; Joint deposition of chromium with other metals PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 107, abstract' 416511 (V sb. "Elektrolit. osazhdeniye splavov". Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961, 198 - 215) TEXT: The article discusses the combined deposition of Cr with other metals, W and Mo with,metals of the iron group, and also the deposition of tenlary alloys of W and Mo with other metals. Methods are cited for the deposition of Cr alloys from its hexa-valent compounds (dr-Mn, Cr-Se, Cr-Mo, Cr-W, Cr-Re), and also for the deposition of Cr with metals of the iron group (Cr-Fe, Cr-Ni). Ye. Layner [Abstracter'G note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 S11080161103 4/00 9/CC8,"rj D204/D305 AUTHORS: Solov'yeva, Z.A.v Petrovat Yu.S., and Vagramyan, A.T. TITLE: Effect of chromic acid concentration on the electrrde pof&tion of chromium PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii,v. 34, no. 9, 1961~ 2007 - 2012 TEXT: This is report II from a series of papers on inve,;vipaing the rates of linked reactions in the electrodeposition f ~'--omium. The effect of chromic acid concentration at constant and vury7ng H2SO4 contents on the rate of deposition of meiallic chr(,m-;_uz,, -the rate of intermediate reduction of chromic acid and -the raTe of hy- drogen evolution were studied. Alsop the relationship be-ween zur-,- rent distribution and CrO 3 concentration at constant and %ar_y-_~ng H2 so4contents at various temperatures, and the variation of ca- t1bode potential with CrO 3 concentration at constant H 2s0 4 ~ori~ent Card 1/3 S/080/61/034/009 /00F"' Effect of chromic acid ... D204/D305 were investigated. It was found that a decrease in chromi-? acni concentration increases the rate of chromium deposition sharp.y, the rate of increase depending on H 2so4 concentration, tempera-~ure and current density. The rate of in'~ermediate reduction ~,f -tiromic acid also increases and the rate of hydrogen evolution decreases. A decrease of chr9mic acid concentration with simulTaneoua j-:~crea- se in sulphuric acid concentration increases the rate of elirox--,um deposition considerably. However, the rate of intermediate r,educ- tion of chromic ac3.d is initially independent of the CrO., and HI) so4 concentration and subsequently decreases with a deer,~!s- in" CrO3 and H2so4 concentration. The authors suggest that on ,haaging the solution compositiong the change in the rates of the linked reactionsp taking place at the cathode during reduction cf -nromic acid in the presence of H 2SU 4' is due to a change in ::ornipoilt~!-Dn and properties of the cathode film formed, from which dischar,~e of Cr6+ ions occurs directly. There are 3 figures, 1 table and I Card 2/~ S/080/61/034/UO9/G()P,/G_6 Effect of chromic acid ... D204/D305 Soviet-bloc references. SUBMITTED: August 299 1960 p"', Card 3/3 3/076/61/035/00`1/0-8/02~ B121/B206 AUTHORS: Vagramyan, A. T., Usachev, D. N., and Klimasenko, N. L. TITLEs Effect of film composition on alloy formation during electro- deposition of chromium together with other elements PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 3, 1961, 647-650 TEM The effect of film composition on the electrodeposition of chromium together with other elements was studied. It was established that the de - position of metallic chromium depends on the composition of the film andnot on the composition of the electrolyte solution. Investigation of the catkx,.lic polarization in an electrolyte consisting of 2.5 moles/I of CrO. and 0.025 mole/1 of selenic acid on a gold cathode showed that, in principle, the ef- fect of selenic acid on the electroreduction of chromic acia is the same as that of sulfuric acid. An alloy of chromium with selenium forms on the cathode during this process. This alloy also forms when adding Belenious acid instead of selenic acid. The reduction rate of the chromium ions is af- fected,not by the ion concentration in the electrolyte, but by the ion con- centration in the film. The change of the composition of the Cr-Se alloy Card 113 Effect of fili,.i B12!/B206 on a change of the concentration of selenic acid in a 2.5 I'l chromic-acid solution at a current denuity of 0-50 a/cm2 and a temperature of 20 0C was also investigated on platinum electrodes. The results showed that tile p rcentage of selenium in the alloy rises to 0.15 mole/l with an increase of R. e selenium concentration in the solution. The composition of the Or-Se alloy"remains unchanged with a further increase of the selenium noncentratian. The same rule was also established for a replacement of selenic acid by selenious acid. During electroreduction the permanganate ion has no reduc.- ing effect on chromic acid. The ability of forming a film an the cathode thus depends first of Pill on the nature of the anions. The effect of tile sulfuric-acid concentration on the percentage of selenium in the Cr-Se alloy during deposition from a solution with 2.5 moles/l of chromic acid and 0.1 mole/I of selenic acid was studied, and it was established that the selenium content in the electrolytic deposit decreases with increasing sulfuric-acid concentration. Partial exchange of sulfuric acid for selenic acid in the film results in a decrease of the reduction rate of the selenium ions. There are 3 figures and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non- Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as followst C. Kasper, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards, 9, 353, 1932. Card 2/3 Effect of film ... S/07 61/0-'5/003/018/02-0 B121YB206 J ASSOCIATIONt Institut fizicheakoy khimii Akademiya nauk SSSR (Institute of Pbysical Chemistry Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: July 13, 1959 Card 3/3 S/076/61/035/007/001/019 B127/B208 AUTHORSt Kuznetsova V. N., Popkov A. P., Uvarov L. A., Vagramyan A. T. TITLEt Polarization during electrodeposition of iron group metals. 1. Steady-state potential and overvoltage of iron deposition PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 7, 1961, 1406 - 1410 TEXT: The authors studied deposition and dissolution of iron in 1 N FeSO 4 solution at 250C. The electrodeposited iron was found to dissolve in these solutions in the absence of polarizing current, particularly in a more acid solution. In this case (pH 1-5-2-5) the rate i c of t he spontaneous dissolu- tion rapidly decreases with increasing pH(i. . 0-4ma/cm at pH 1-5). On further change of the pH from 2.5 to 3.5 the rate of spontaneous dissolution 2 is reduced more slowly (i. - 0.065ma/cm at pH - 3). The following reac- tions take place at the electrode surfacet H+ + e-o, 1 H -1 H _>H+ + 0, 2+ 2+ i 21 2 2 Fe + 2e 4Fe, Fe-#Fe + 2e. The reaction rates are denoted by Fit F 29F 31 Card 1/3 Polarization during ... S/076/61/035/007/001/019 B127/B208 F4' The equation for the steady state is then: F 1+ F 3 - F2 + F4' The potential of the Fe electrode being more negative than that of hydrogen, the ionization rate F2 of H 2 may be neglected. Assuming that the discharge rai, F3 of the Fe ions be much less than that of the H +, F,,one may write F1 - F49+ i.e., the charge of the electrode is compensated by the discharge of the H ions. The change of dissolution in-.the presence of 1N Al 2(S04)3 was also studied. At pH 1-5-3-5 the rate of dissolution increases in this case. (pH - 1.5, 'c 0.52 ma/cm2, PH - 3, ic - 0.31 ma/cm 2). This is due to SO __ absorption on the electrode which accelerates the ionization of 4 the metal atoms. In the presence of aluminum sulfate the polarization of the anode is decreased by 35mv. With rising temperature of the electrolyte the rate of spontaneous dissolution increases, particularly in the presence of aluminum sulfate. At a temperature rise from 25 to 600C at PH - 1.5 the. rate increases to the 7.5-fold, in the presence of aluminum sulfate to th5y, 22-fold. At low PH the steady-state potential changes quickly with a Card 2/3 5/076/61/035/007/001/019 Polarization during ... B127/B208 change in pH, at a higher pH this change is less significant. At low pH the dependence may be expressed by the following formulat Irs t - A + RT ln [H+] ( 06 + 13) F At higher pH the potential is shifted more to the negative aide. In an oxygen-free inert atmosphere the deviation of the steady-state potential from the rule, expressed by the formula, decreases. At higher pH the steady-state potential is shifted toward the positive side under the influ- ence of aluminum sulfate. The potential of the Fe electrodo is irrevorui- ble in sulfuric aoid solution and is datormined by a number of processes. It is therefore impossible to determine the overvoltage by the steady-state potential. The deposition potential was determined relative to a saturated calomel electrode. With increasing pH the deposition potential of Fe is shifted toward the negative side. At a given current density and inareasing pH the overvoltage of the deposition has more positive values, except in very acid solutions. The determination of overvoltage by the steady-state potential thus seems to be incorrect and gives contradictory results. There are 5 figures and 6 Soviet references. Card 3/3 S/076/61/'035/1-07/002/0 19 B1 27/B208 AUTRORSt Vagra yan, A. T., Kuznetsova, V. N., Popkov, A. P., Savostin, V. A., Uvarov, L. A. TITLEt Polarization during electrodeposition of iron group metals II. Electrodeposition of iron PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 7, 1961, 1411 - 1415 TEXTt The authors investigated the electrolytic deposition of iron from solutions of 1 N FeSO 41 and I N FeSO4 + I N Al 2(so 4)3at a current density 2 of 20 ma/cM . The yield of metal relative to the current changes only lit- tle with a change in current density, and increases rapidly with increasing pH in the range 1.5-2.5. By changing the pH by one unit the yield increases from 20 to 90c/6. At a further pH increase the yield increases but slightly. On aluminum sulfate addition the yield is only 4% at the optimum pH. All curves showing the dependence of the potential of the iron electrode on the pH pass a maximum at pH 2.0-2.2. The maximum of the polarization curves is 60 - 65~6 of the maximum metal yield. At low pH the current is consumed for hydrogen reduction and liberation. In the descending branch of the curve Card 1/3 3/076/61/035/,jGV-~~02/619 Polarization during .... B127/B208 the current is consumed for the metal deposition. The discharge of Ikydro- gen ions is promoted in that part of the curve which corresponds to hydro- gen liberation, the reduction of the metal ions in that part of the curve which corresponds to metal deposition. The curves are exactly explained in the papers by A. N. Frumkin, Zh. fiz. khimii, J1, 1875, 1957, Z. Phys.Cidm, M, 321, 1957, and I. A. Bagotskaya, Dokl. AN SSSR, la, 343~ 1956. 110, 397, 1956. Apparently hydrogen deposition is facilitated on an electrode coated by hydrogen. Thi 's is confirmed by the paper by M. Smyalovskiy saying that there is a relationship between the hydrogen overvoltage and the tendency of the cathode metal toward supersaturation with hydrogen. The'following reactions are assumed to take place at the hydrogen-coated electrode: H30+ + Hads + e ----!~H2 + H20 and H 30+ + e -;;' Hads+ H20. The rate of the first is higher than that of the latter. The increased metal reduction with decreased rate of hydrogen deposition is probably due to the fact that the metal deposition at a surface saturated with hy- drogen is far more difficult than at a hydrogen-free electrode surface. pH 3.0-3.5 is most suitable for the metal deposition. The retardation of the metal ion reduction is probably related to an adsorption of foreign particles, hydroxides and others, which are deposited on the surface of the Card 2/3 S/076/61/035/007/002/019 Polarization during ... B127/B208 iron electrode after breaking the contact, and passivate the electrode. A potential jump is observed at the moment of connection. By adding aluminum, polarization of the cathode increases only at pH 2-2.5. Aluminum sulfate inhibits the deposition of the metal, but does not affect H2deposition. There are 6 figures and 5 referencest 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The most important references to English-language publications read as followst Foerster F., J. Electrochem., 22, 85, 1916.- Glasstone S. J. Chem. Soc.v 29 28879 1926. (given as 1 reference). ASSOCIATIONt Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut fizicheskoy khimii (AS USSR Physico-chemical Institute) SUBMITTEDt August 18, 1958 Card 3/3 h072? B/062,/62/000/009/001/009 BIOI/B186 t7 C AUTHORSs Vogramyah, L. T., and Uvarov, L. A. TITLE: Determination of the -reversible p9tential of a nickel electrode at high-temperatures PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 9, 1962, 1520-1524' TEXT's The potential in the systeal Ni --Ni 2+ was measured within the range 18 - 250oc. Its temperature depen 'dence was compared.with the-values related to a sulfate-mercury standard electrode as calculated from the L,-7 I,- equations ~ - ;~ + (RT/nF)ln a + kj(T - T ) + k (T T ), where k, ~nd k 0 0 2 0 2 are respectively the temperatures coefficients at T0 2980K of the investi,zrated and of the standard electrodes, respectively. Resultss With increaping temperature, the potential of the nickel electrode becomes more and more negative; it reaches a maximum at 180 - 200 0C and then gradually becomes more positive again. At low temperatures the values Card 1/3 S/06 62/000/009/001/009 Determination of the reversible ... B101YB186 0, determined are widely scattered and not reproducible, but above -120 reproducible values are obtained and above 200 0C the potential agrees with the calculated value to an accuracy of -0.02 v. It is concluded that above 2000C there is no adsorption of impurities and no irreversible adsorption of hydrogen and that owing to the absence of adsorption the deposit is free of internal stress. Therefore nickel at high temperatures behave-, like a reversible electrode. This is also confirmed by the absence of polarization at high temperatures. The temperature coefficient of the potential agreed with the data by A. J. de Bethune, T. S. Licht and N. Swendeman (J. Electrochem. Soc., 106, 616 (1959)). From this, the standard potential of the nickel electrode at 250C was calculated as being -0.270�0.005 v in relation to a standard hydrogen electrode, which deviateo by 0.015 - 0.025 v from the value calculated on the basis of the thermodynamic data. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences Card 2/3 USSR) j S/062/62 000/009/001/009 Determination of the reversible ... B101/BlB~ . SUBMITTEDt March 3, 1962 Card 3/3 S/080/62/035/007/008/013 D214/1-3307 X T I "OR"', Va.rf'ranayan, A.T. and Kudi-javtsev, V.N. Causco of the formation of electrolytic metal powders C d, .Tk~D I Zhurial -r)rilkladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 7, 1962, 1.346-1549 the study of the causes of deposition of pow- elerce. *-,'e 'L)y of Fe.S01,, the surf; structure of the .7 6c,:=A7.ed )hotoeIcc-Lric_nII,,,- by reflected Ii3Iht s ur r, me 7,ts. current densitics (25 the Ve has a alld -uhile at currzwc (~cTjsity o-.Lc 27 GIA/cm2 cAectrolvsis ;z~ve -)cwc:cx-cd '2e. .."hen the T)I:k cA' the electrolyte w I.> I . a:ity 3.1 a shar-) cha-n-e 'a the surf-acc occuri.-ed Lit a current dell of 23 - 27'..,, ~ , 7. 'Jith pi T = 4.6 the powder _1/crL c. limiting current. A CM2, i.e. much lower than at the limit- beeYan to ,at 1-3 m2-V Cj 2 inj~ value ~',n3 - 24 o4cm '2he reason for this is tha at pH = 3.1 o-,jjy ..,c2+ are preseat in the electrolyte; at ph 4, Fc~+ gives Fe--'+ wlhicl-, for s and this is adsorbed on the surface of the Card 1/2 Causes of t-ie formation ... cathodc -2-c to 'orm a powder-lihe 10 ascorbic ~:cid 6'o the clactrolyte prevents the electrodeposited metal is dense up to limitin,,7; current. There are 4 -L-igures. SU31,11TTED: Sept-ember 7, 1961 S/030/62/035/007/008/013 D214/D307 deposit. Addition of, 1 3+ the formation of ~Fe and the current density of the Card 2/2 S/080/62/035/008/0050/009 D267/D308 AUTHORS: SolovIyeva, Z.A., -Petrova, Yu.S.9 Klimasenko', N.L., and Vagramyan, A. T. on and properties of the cathode film forming TITLE: compos (luring the electrodeposition of chromium P'-":'iIODI(;AL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, V. 35, no. 8, 1962, 1806 - 1811 TE.M The variatioritof concentrations of the ions Cr 6+ and Cr3+ 2- kvolumetric method) and SO kgravimetric method) was studied in 4 the deposited filmt as a function of the concentration of H so and 2 4 iH CrO in the solution, and the variation of the rate of deposition 2 4 from H2 CrO4 to 6r, in order to carry out* a more complete investiga- tion of the film composition. The coatings obtained in the course of 2 miii on a 6 cM2 chromium-plated copper strip were either dissol- ved in disiilled water or directly removed into a test tube. The so- Card 112 S/08 62/035/008/005/009 composition and properties uf the ... D267%308 lutions containea 25, 50, 100 or 250 9/1 H2CrO4 and 0.5 - 12.5 iVl H SO the temperature was -,j20oC and the current density 250 or 2 4 P 500 ma/cm2. r-ormai-iio'n of two types of films was established: 1) Films obtained in the presence of H2so4 diatinguished by a macro,- copic structure, soluble in the electrolyte in the absence of cur- rent and contributing to the reduction H2CrO4 --* Cr; 2) films ol, tained during an electrolysis without H 2so4or when H2CrO4 acts without current on the cathode metalp possessing a microscopic structure, insoliAble in the electrolyte. The latter do not co-.,*.,*- bute to the reduction of H2CrO 46 The relative concentration of -~,+ 11/ and SO42- in.the films of the first type increases as the cL,*_-r,-:A density and the concentration of H 2so4increases and as the con,_en- tration of H2CrO4 decreases. There are 4 tables. SUBMITTED: June 22, 1961 Card 2/2 KRASNOVSKIY9 A.I.; ~OBOSNIDMI G.I.; VAGRAMYANj A.T. Role of passivation in the electrodeposition of nickel. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 no.0714-719 Ap 062. (MIRA 15t6) 1. Akadsuiya nauk SSSRIInstitut fizicheskoy khimii. (Paasivation) (Nickel plating) SOLOVIYEVA, Z.A.; VAGRAMYANp A.T. (Mskva) Oecillographic study of film formation on the cathode surface in the electrolytic reduction of chromic o*ld. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 no.4:752-756 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Ikademiye nauk SSSR, Institut fizicheakoy khimii. (Oscillography) (Chromic acid) (Electrolysis) S/020/62/146/003/015/019 BIOI/BI44 AUTHORS: TITLE; Vagram-ygns A. T-t Uvarovt Le At Mechanism of electrodeposition of nickel from sulfate solu- tions PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR.- Doklady, v. 1-46, no- 3, 1962, 635-637 TEXT:' The effect of passivation on the elebtrodeposition of nic kel was studied by a method already described (IZV. AN SSSR, OYhN, 1962, no. 9). Results: The overvoltage of nickel referred to a steady potential at low temperature is much greater than when referred to an equilibrium potentiaL Above 1600C this difference disappears as the.electrode becomes reversible. Between 20 and 1200C the temperature coefficient of over- voltage is-2 mv/deg, whereas abov; 15CPC it becomen zero. At low tedpera- ture, the overvoltage-versus-current density function shows two sections; .firstp the overvoltage increases rapidly with increasing current density and H is liberated; then the increase becomes flatter, the current 2 .. yield for Ki being 60-80%. Above 1560C the current yield is 100~. If -~he polarization curves are plotted slowly, no dependence of polarization Card 113 S/020/62/146/003/015/019 Mechanism of electrodeposition ... B101/B144 on current density is observed at high temperatures. Ni deposition at high temperatures does not cover the entire electrode surface but occurs only in spots; hence the overvoltaGe as measured refers to much higher current densities than those calculated from the electrode area. Conclusions: The alight dependence of polarization on current density at high temperatures is due to the area of deposition becoming larger as current density increases, and in fact the current density remains nearly unchanged. The deposition area adapts itself to the polarization current just as is the case with metals deposited at low overvoltage. 'Mien the polarization curve is plotted quickly, this self-adaptation is not given time to occur. There is no essential difference in the mechanism of metal deposition as between high and low overvoltages. The transition from coarse-crystalline deposits at high temperature to fine-crystalline at low temperature is due to the quicker paBsivation in the latt*er, which also results in higher overvoltage. At high temperature, a diffusion zone impoverished in nickel appears near the growing deposit of nickel. The concentration overvoltage of Ni at 1800C is calculated from the thickness of the diffusion layer: it is about 15 mv at a current density of 10 ma/cM2. There are 2 figures. Card 2/3 S10201621146100310151019 Mechanism of electrodepoaition ... B1010144 ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk. SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Scienceo USSR) PRESENTED: May 18, 1962, by V. I. Spitsyn, Academician SUBMITTED: May 10, 1962 6ard 3/3 Val V,10 18 AUNICIU: Vagramy-an, A. dnd KudryavtPov, V. TITLE t F egulari ti ep of the f orrm I irin or ro t ic i ron powder.'3 'PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. 1% ve.-i f. iya .Otdi-lenlye khiraiche.,3kilkh nauk, no. 2, 1963, 263 - 266 TEXT: The rormation of Fe electrodeparits was studl~.O. lo clear up the relation between the form of the depcsit and th(, currrint, density. The limiting eurrent was determined by plotting Lh-z, polf4rization curvoe obtained in an electrolyte containing 70 ~/l 7112 0 and 1210 g/1 K 2s0 4 (PH 3) 20 C by the compensation method and the aficillotgraphic ~,otentivl -time curves. At low p1l, powder forr,,zation war. obverved in the region of the limiting cuirent. The curve characterizing the trannition fro-.1i compnot to powder depomits was plotted usinp pulpod nurront., and showl-,J that the current density is not the determinj.n8 factor. Compa .! t dEprsits -.ere ob- tained below and above the limitlzi,~-, current and the fori-rition of Powder* proved time-independent. Powder foritirition .9bove th~., lh-,Otirify, nurrent results from a rhange in the near-elcctrod, I~tyer brol),-Iit nbout by -2 p 1.7 Card 1/3 Regularities of the formatton ... B 1,14/6 W6 change due to dinchnrge of H*1 ionf3. The nenr--c.,!n(.tvodc% layer in olkalized and the, h-droxide formin- is visortikI on the aurt'ace of ths:! cathce,~,. This 0 U favors the f'ormation of powder depo;iJiri. Thu!;, Lhe dlepo~iltlcri of prwdors at current dennities bolos; thn limit [nL; c1ii-rctit could he Pxpoctcri frc,!.i elt:ctrolytps of 'Low i,cidity und ac-Aurilly coof ii'meJ ptivLorvil rically (Zh, .7 priki. k1linii 35, 450 (io62)). Whrl-CrIs tho (;LL-1j"ture ot, thc in PH 3 solutions changQd in the 25 - 27 Ma/cUl '? -21igep shich coircia-2:) -.-iith that of' the limitirg current densi,y, ill Olo Avucturnl J,-, solutionn took place at 11 - 13 ;116 th Fi I., ~i t ill L, -,..urrCnt deriz, I ty vaj 4. 23 - 24 ma/07,'. TIA3 was also conCirued by YO-rder formation is e-,plained by forrmtjon of ct,11r.-i-al I'ervic in. electrolytea with r4j>.j.2. oil the 3u.-CLce, fcvric hydroxide preveLts normal cryqtal grawth ~in.-! con:,,.~qucntly 'Ohe formation of a compact ~epo-nit. Th,.! correctness of thoc.,vy va-s proved by fdding ,I. 12 S/I of ascorbinic aciJ, which inhibjt~; thu foririitiun cf Fe' ions, to a PH 4.6 electrr-y";e. The deposit obtained was beIrivi thf. critical current dunjit~,. Thprd ave 7 V'r. r d I I Regularities of the formation... 81062V631000100210081020 B144/Bie6 ASSOCTATION3 Inatitut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemisti-y of the koademy of Soience3 USSR). SUBMITTEDt MY 7s 1962 Card 3/3 VAGRAWYAN A.T.; UVAROVI L.A. C-L=====L-:-,: Machaniam of the electrodeposition of nickel from mdfate solutions. Dokl. AN SSSR 146 no.3:635-637 3 162. (MIRA .15:10) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khirnii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V&I.Spitsynym. (Nickel plating) VAGRLMYAN, A.T.; UVARUV, L.A. Determination of the re-Wersible potential of a nickel electrode at high temperature. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.k~dmnauk to.9:1520-1524 S 162. (MM 15:10) 1. Institut fizicheskoy Ichildi AN SSSR. (Blectrodeo, Nickel) T VAGRAMYAN, A.T.; KUDRYAVTSEV, V.N. Regularities of the formation of electrolytic iron powders. Izv,AN SSSR.Otd.ldiim.nauk no.2:263-268 F 163. (MIRA 16t4) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. (Iron plating) (Powder metallurgy) YAQ&09A!t AT.,, doktor takhn. nauk,, prof.; SOLOVIYEU) Z.A., kand. Irlhimi eh. nauk Electrolytic precipitation. Narim i zhizn' 30 no.1316-21 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Zaveduyusbebiy laboratoriyey slektroosashdaniya metallow Institute fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, (Blectrometallurgy) t I 'k VAGRAWAN, A.T.; ZHAMAGORTSYAN$ M.A.; UVAROV,, L.A. .............. Effect of temperature on the kinetics of nickel ion discharge. Izv,AN SSSR.Ser.khij4. no.2001-304 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut fizicheskoy kbimli AN SSSR. ACCESSION NR'. 'AP4025007 8/0062/64/000100310435/0439 AUTHOR: Lazhava, T. I.; V&Sramyan, A. T. TITLE: The stationary potential of liquid and solid gallium SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Seriya khimichaskaya, no. 3, 1964, 435-439 TOPIC TAGS: liquid gallium, solid gallium, stationary potential, electrode design ABST&%CT: When there is no change in the free energy of a metal in changing its aggregate state, the equilibrium potential of the solid and liquid metal should be the same. The literature on the potentials for solid and liquid gallium is contradictory and shows differences of as much as 170 millivolts. The stationary potential of solid and liquid gallium in alkaline solutions of potassium gallate was determined in the 7-38 C temperature interval with electrodes of two designs (fig. 1.); the potential curves are shown in fig, 2. The change in voltage noted with one electrode la is attributed to penetration of the electrolyte to the platinum contact, forming a Ga-Pt macroccll. Readings with the glass encapsulated electrode 1b show the voltagc does not change from 7-29 C (-1.632 v.), then there is a slight change to -1.638 v, a drop to -1.636 v, and then no change from Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4025007 30-38 C. The cause for this change of 4-~6 millivolts was not determined. The discrepancies in the literature are attributed to improperly act up experiments in which the electrode structure was faulty. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR (Inatitiite of Physical Chemistry, AN SSSR) SUM41TTED: lBSep63 DATE ACQ: 17Apr64 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: GP NO REP SOV: 003' OTHER: 004 Card 2/4 1 - I- ACCESSION MR$ AP4025007 INCLOSURE s fig. I Electrode used for the investigation: 1-gallium; 2-platinum contact; 3-hydrogen bubble; 4-glass Card 314 ACCESSIGM NP: AP4025007 ENCLOSURE t 02 fig. 2 Change of potential of the gallium -electrode during the time of tranBi- tion from one aggregate state to Emother: a-using electrode in fig. la b-using electrode in fig. lb Card 4/4 VAGRAMYAH A.T.; ZHAMAGORTSYAN, M.f.. -., -.1 -.-, Effect of hydrogen or, Une reduction rate of cobalt ions. Zhur. fiz, kh-im. 38 no~3:78E~-789 Mr '64. (MIRA 17.7) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khiali AN SSSR. Equilitriiizj po of a -)rq~,.;r e]ectrcde in pyrct" acirl -jolutLonfj. .1-ir. 1'17. kblm. 38 no.6:1.551-l"16 1. Institut fizlche~3kor k1lirdi Al' SL'SR. USTREBOVA, E.K.; A.T. I .- - - ~,-, c-'-'er echan4sm of tr.a elr-fr- e. . 1.1 M electrolytes. 7hur. fiz. 38 r- I (-,Z. - 18:2) 1. Institiit fizici~eslkay khimii AN ~;0331R. M--- SOLMIMAs Z.A.; VAGRXIAN, A.T. . ............ 11..-~, Effect of the cathode ourface ae affecting the character of an electrochemical reaction. Dokl. fill SSSR 154 no.4: 918-921 F 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. UVAROV, L. A.; ZAMAG0F?TSYjlN7S3, M. A.; VAGRNiffill-li A. T. Moscov "Die elektrolytische Abscheidurw, von Nickel aus wabrigen Losungen bei Tempera- turen uber 1000 C." paper submitted for 2nd Jntl Symp on Hyperpure Materials In Science and Technology) Dresden, GDR, 28 Sep-2 Oct 65. Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSRj Moscow.