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VAGAS, Istvan "Hidrologiai Tajekoztato", a new periodical. Ifidrologlai, kozlony 41 no.6t458 D'61 Society and technical news. 466 1. "Ilidrologiai Kozlony*szerkeazto bizuttsagi taeja es rovatvezetoje. SZILAGYI, Gyula, Dr.pokl.mernok, a muszaki tudomanyok %,andidatusap ny. tanar.; VAGASj, Istvan.,okl. mernok. Detamination of the seepage losses of irrigation canals of earth bad. Vizugyi kozl no.ls23-44 162. 1. Epitoipari es Kozlekedesi Muszaki Egyetem (for Szilagyi). 2. A Vizgazdalkodasi Tudomanyos Kutato Intezet tud.munkatarsa (for Vagas). VAGAS, Istva L7 'r 71 j~j~y . .a- Research Institute for Water Resources (Vizgazdalkodami Tudomanyos Kutato Intez*t), Budapest Budapest, Hidrologlai KOzl , Ito 5, Oct 62t pp 399-410. "Bolyal's Geometry and "its Relation to the Theory of ,Groundwater Drawdown* VAGAS, Istvan Aspects of the Belysd!v gematry in the thory of backwater curves. Ilidrologiai Kozlony 42 no,1941-50 F 162. 1. Vligazdalkedasi Tudimanyos Kutate.Intozetp Budapest; "Hidrolegiai Kezlony" szerkesito bizattgagi tagja, VAGAS, Istvan,- LASZLCjFFYl *,4*ldemrp dr.; IVICSICS, Lajes, dr.; UTELIL, Karoly, Geza I Society and technical news. :ddrclogiai Kozlony 42 no.I:D~,29,3,"),71,75, 79x 80 F 162. 1. "llidrologiai Kozlonyl szorkeszto bizottsagi tailia (for Vagas anC Lauzl(.ffy). 2. "llid-roloriai KozIony" foozorkeimtojo (for Ollos). VAGAS, Istvan "Handbook of hydraulic engineering structureag by Gdon Stara- solszky, Laszlo Muszkalay. Reviewed by Istvan Vegas. Hidrologial. kozlony 42 no.2:113 Ap 162. 1. "Hidrologial Kozlony"'szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. VAGAS, Istvan; BAKONYI, Ivan Society and technical news. Hidrologiai kozlonv 42 no.3:191, 2049216,232,266 J1 162. 1. "Hidrologial Koz1ony" nzerkeazto bizott3agi tagja es ro- vatvezetoje (for Vagas). VAGAS, Istvan; HOLL-0, Istvan Society and technical news. Ridrologiai kozlonY 42 no.3: 308,318,326,340 Ag 162. 1. "Hidrologjai Kozlony" szo-rkeszt,) bizottgagi tagJh. VAGASI Istvan Subsurface vater utilization in the Chinese People's Republic. Hidrologiai koalony 42 no.3:358 Ag 162.' 1. "Hidrologial Kozlone szerkeszto, bizottsagi tagja. VAGAS, Istvan "Technical explanatory dictionar-y~' bd [brj Jozsef larga. Vol. 20: "Hydraulic machined,,, internal-combustion engines." Reviewed by Istvsz Vegas. Adrologiai kozlony 42 no.3-.293 Ag t62. 1. "If1drologiai Kozlony" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. VAGAS, Istvan Theoretical aopects of the Bolyails geometr7 relating to ground water drawdown. Ridrologiai.kozlmy. 42 no.5s399-410 0 102. 1. "Hidrologlai Kozlony" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. VAGAS, Istvan ~ W-I` Society and technical news. Ridrologiai kozlony 42 no.5071, 381#389v393v398#449p452 0 162. 1."Hidrologiai Kozlony* szerkeazto bizottsagi tagja on rovatvezetoje. VAGASp IA"n; OLLOS, Geza I Soci6ty &nd technic&l news. Hidrologlai kozlony 42 no.'S.-466, 470t 477, 487 D 162. 1. "Hidrologiai Kozlony" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja en rovatvezetoje (for Vagas). 2. "Hidrologiai Kozlorq" fciszerkesztoje (for Ollos). HANKOP Zoltan; VAGAS, Istvan; PEENYI, Karoly; ICSZrJJ.AY, Laszlo Society and technical news. Hidrologiai kozlony 43 no.1:6, 18, 30, 38, 76, 81 F 163. 1. OHidrologiai Kozlony" rovatvezetoje (for Vagas). VAGAS Iptyan- SZABO, Laszlo, dr.; KOP11R, 'ayorgy; IVICSICS, Lajos, dr.; OLLOS, Gaza Society and technical news. Hidrologial kozlony 43 m:.2:98,112,118, Mt 1292 164p 184 Ap 163. 1. "Ilidrologiai Koz1ony" szerkeszto bizattsagi tagja (for Ivicsics and Vagw,s). 2. "Hidrologiai Kozlony" foszerkesztole (for Olles). Wan- KOJITUR, G r9Y; IllICSIGS, Ferenc; BALTIR, Jeno; LOVAS, .LAW , Is V- VYO Lam SIZ Society and Itlechnicel nows. flidrologiai kozlonY 43 no.3:197, 204, 218, 224t 228, 236p 250, 265 Je '63. 1. "Hidrologiai Kozlony" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja es rova- tvezetoje (for Vagas). VAGAS, Istyan Hungarian bydrologists abroad. Hidrologiai kozlony 43 no.4. 287 Ag'63. "Economic effect of irrigation farming"! by Pal Szakal. Re- viewed by Ietvan Vagas. 292 Hydraulicj, geometric a4id zathonatical smal7sts of tIW t4imoft7 of water level swelling. 318-322 1. Vizgazdalkodasi Tudomanyos Kutato Intez-etp Budapest; "Hidro- logiai Kozlonyu'szerkeszto bizotteagi tigja es rovatvezet3je. VAGAS, Istvan; AUJESZKY, Gema Society and technical neva. Hidrologiai kozlonY 43 no.493C-7, 317 Ag'63. 1. "Hidrologlai Kozlony* swrkeszto bizott-sagi tagja. VAGAB.. Istvan,- hOZAK Imre 0 .W Society and technical newo. Ifidrologia koz!Qny 43 n,).6.5;-Oj 527 D 163. 1. "Ridrologiai Kozlony" szerkjazto bizottougi tagja cfj ~uvat- vezetoje (for Vagas). VAGAS., Istvan; T.DVMALUL,. Z8uztja Thoughts and proposals concerning the evaluation of chemical conditions of the Danube water. Hidrologiai koz1ony 43 no.6: 526-527 D 163. 1. Vizgazdalkodasi Tudomanyos Kutatointezets BudalAst; "Hid- rologiai Koz1anyu szerkeazte bizottsagi tagja es rovatvezatoje (for Vagas). VAGI, Istvan 's j-,Arl-Ang of' llide - 1. Facto IU. Bor cipo 14 not 2t6r,-61 YX unit, ;,eather Industry Fnterprisep Pecs. VAGAS, Istvan Society and technical news. Hidrologlai kozlony 44 no,,1:37,,42p 48 Ja'64- 1. *Hidro:Logiai Kozlony* rovatvezetoje es szorkeozto bizott- sagi tagja. VAGAS, Istvan -1 Society and technical news. Hldrologia4 koziany 44 no.55:200 Mq 164. Proving the hydraulic Bignifl-qnce of Bolyal's geometry by means of an Euclidean model. lbid.t206-209 W 164. 1. Scientific Research Institute of Water Resources Develop- mentj editorial board member, "HidrologiaJ Kozlony." VAGAS, Istvan; V.NLGY, Imra, dr. Society and technical news. Hidrological koz1ony 44 no.6:243 je 164. 1. Editorial board momber, 11111drologlai Kozlony" (for Vagas). JAGAS, Istvan;.ERDELYI, Mihaly, dr.; ERDI, Sandor; FRATER, Lorant; VITALIS., Gyorgy, dr.; RONAI, Andras, dr. Possibilities for irrigation by driven wells in Nograd County. Hidrologiai kozlony 44 no.6:254-260 Je 164. 1. Editorial board member, "Hidrologiai Kozlony" (for Vagas, Erdelyl, Vitalis). VAGAS', Istvqn Sf~ciety and tachrical news. HidrclcgiaL kizlcry 44 no. 2: '72,67,92 F 64. 1. Editorial bourd milmber, "Illdrologlat Kozlony," VAGAS, Istvan , 1 3 ".,; v -4 - 10 1 , I v k "Small digital cr,:np-xt L).~,- G. ~ ch"bOrt. ~' vi(Idk)J b -- - vagar.. Ifidrologiai :-oz],~ny 4/+. no.?: 344 A~,, '64. 1. I;ditorial bor-xd iz,-:,')ar, 1111-1drol.ogitti Kozlony." VAGAS, Istvarl Society and technical news. Hidrolog-Jai kozlcny "I nr,.9: 395-419 S 164. 1. Editorial board member, "Ifidrologini Kozlony.11 VAGAS, Istvan; 0110,13, C&3za - - - 4 Society and t-3chnical nows. koz.-my 44 rm,"- 51C.,52I N 164. 1. Editorial board -mfj.,rJ-,!r, "M,I-ologln; YozIony" (f rr Rgr!S) . 2. Edttor-in-Ciiief, "Uirollogial Kozlnny" (For iillos'~ VAGAS, Istvan Association and technical news. Ridrologiai kczlony 45 no-1: 35,45 Ja 165. 1. Editorial Board Member, "Hidrologiai Kozlony.11 .VAGAS, Iotvan Tim quantum theory of flood wave;3, H"drolrigtai koz1anY 45 no.2:61-68 F 165. Associatton and technical newi, lhid.03,96 1. Scientific Research Institute of Water Resources I-velopment, Budapest, and Editorial Board Member, "Hidrologlai Kozlony.11 VAGAS, Istvan Society and technical news. Mr 165. "Correctected flood levels of flood waters varying in Zoltan. Reviewed by Istvan Hidrologiai kozlony 45 no.3:130 of our embanked rivers and the height frequency", compiled by DrAarolyi Vagas. Ibid.:142. 1. Editorial Board Member, "Hidrologiai Kozlony.11 Rl 1AT'C' r ft,m C -!~!g;ai of f-! 114 a n S c . ~f 2 . 'vqrs'~y a1y. Wat6r 3 Ch Bu Ed J t or la.~ i-~ 0 F--.3 p VAGI,33 L. Evaluation of hydrodynamic measurements performed by dye surges. P. hha HIDIROLOGICAL KOZLONY, HYDROLOGICAL JOURNAL, Budapest, Hungary~ Vol. 39, No. 6, Dec. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (FFAI) LC, Vol. 9, I-To. 2, Feb. ig6o Uncl. '~AGATS9~ R.D.j SINEV, A.V.; FROLOV, K.V. (Moscow): "The transverse bending of mrrultilayered be-ams with viscous friction I-etw-en the layers". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 January - 5 Februar7 196h. NECULAP Paul; ARDAG, Mihai; IONESCU, Mircea; ANGHEL, Nicolae; RUSU~ Ion; VAGAU?ESCUJP G.,- News from a construction site. Constr Bue 15 no.722:1 9 N 163. VAGAUNESCU, G.; SIMU, C. Complicated staphylococcal seoticemia with multiple tegumental ganzrene ,. Ja-F 161. of the extremities. YAcrobiologia (Bucur) 6 x)o,JQ5L Anatomic and clinical aspects of staphylococcal septicemia wLth slow evolution. Ibid.t26 1. Clinica 1 medicala Cluj si Catedra de anatomie patologica Cluj. Jr ZAGREANU, 1. , dr.; VAGAUDESCU, Gh., dr.; SUCIU, I., dr. Observations on the value and ztknod of performing clinical examinat! ors in the epidemiological study of:cardiovascular diseases. Med. intern. 14 no.4s621-624 My 162. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinics. I medicala, Cluj, director acad. A. Moga. (CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES) (RURAL HEALTQ (HEALTH SURVEYS) VAGAMESCU, Gh. dr. Tjifluence of iodine tretAnent on sorre hmoral changes ir. pa- tients with atherosclerosis. I-led. intern. (Bucur.) 10 no-5: 591-600 111y'61, 1. Incrare efectuata in Clinica I nedicala I.M.F. C Institu- tul medico-farmaceutic], Cluj (director: acad. A.Moga). VAGAYTSVit V.I.j tekhnik po defektoskopii (g.Chita) Skillful operators of defectoscopes. Put' i put.khoz. 6 no.2205 162. (KM 16i1) (Railroads-Maintenance and repair) VAGAYTSEVJ, V.I.,, tekhnik po defektoskopii (Chita) Two useful proposals. Put' i put.khoz. 6 no.l2z28 162. (MIRA 16sl) (Railroads-Railf-Defects) USSR- Virology. Human and Animal Viruses E-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biole, No 6# 19589 23955 Author _V_agazhAjiovak Ve- Av- Inst Not given Title Interaction of Tumors and Viruses. Orig Pub: Vopr. virusologiio 1957, No 3, 179-181 Abstract: When a mixture of Erlich ascitic carcinoma with viruses of tick encephalitiso encephalomyelitis, encephalomyocarditisp herpes, chick-peat and fixa.ted rabies virus are administered to mice intracerebrally, the percentage of mouse deaths after a two-hour contact was higher than on ad- ministration of these viruses and ascitic carcin- oma separately. In intraperitoneal administration of the enumerated viruses, as well as Influenza and ectromelia viruses, the percentage of mouse Card 1/2 USSR / Virology. Human and Animal Viruses E-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, 23955 Abstract: deaths after a two hour contact differed but little from the control. Card 2/2 L 43 ACC NR1 AT6021504 (N SOURCE CC!IW _Vl~/?#~l/q6/900/187 ,7:7 AUTHOR: ,Vager Zilitinkevich, S. S. ORG: none4-, 60106i2 LW - TITLE: Method of calculating the height of the lower boundary of clouda based on numerical forecasting data SOURCE:-1j&n1ngrad. Glavnaya geofizicheskU-n- Trudy, no. 187, 19,66. - FIzika pogranlchnogo aloya atmosfery (Physics of the atmospheric boundary layer), 3-12 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric cloud, cloud cover, cloud level- 1) ojeA-r"r-p FoeFeP37-1,or. ABSTRACT: An attempt Is made to establish a functional relationship between the height of the lower boundary of the cloud cover and parameters the values of which lend themselves to numerical forecasting. In the mathematical description of the method, the Input equations, bou'ndary conditions, and integration of the Input equations and additional simplifications which are performed on an electronic computer are cited. Several specific examples, the starting material for whic 'were experimental data obtained from an Investigation of the lower cloud N, cover during the fall of 1962 In the region of Dnepropetrovsk were examined in order to com- pare the calculated values of the height of the lower boundary of clouds with the observed Card 1/2 1 ACC NRl AT6021604 values. Their mean square deviation amounted to 149 m. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 39 formulas. SUB CODE: 04/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 016/ Ord REF: 002 2/2 Card 08 '15~7,67 - rwT'I)- GW AM Rri'o AT6021506 VV) SOURCE CODE: UR/2531/66/000/187/=F4/0053 B~,G ytLn. G. Kh. .2 AUTHOR: G.; Tse ORG: TITIE: Structure of the at ospheric~eoundary-layer under stationary conditions (nonlinear problem) SOURCEi Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheskan observatori . Trudy, no. 187, 1966~ Fizika pogranichnogo sloya atmosfery kPhysics of the atmospheric boundary layer)s 44-5 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric boundary layer, atmospleric turbulence, turbulent diffuqion ABSTRACT: A scheme is.vresented for computing some meteorological ~strudtura 6f'the atmoapheri& boundary Zayar- under etatw'nary-'--1 ~oonditiono (nonZinear Ooblem). IN: Glavnaya geofizi- aheekaya obeervatorfya. Fiaika pogranichnogo sloya atmoufar) (-Physica of the's'firiface boundary layer of the atmooPhere)i'i"`--' 1966,, 44-530 (ITS: , Trudyj no. 187, 1966). t ;'A'Gcheme ir, presented for computing some meteorological ~doaracterintica of tho boundary layer of the atmosphor DdV'varioun atatea of thermal stability, with turbulent 1 jergy diffuL;ion taken into accounts Since diffusion of! 14urbulent,enargy can be neglected in the apecial can of r e ,neutral stratification, this method can be reduced to a. I" ____ ~ - -'J ~.;',,-nUmerical ocheme for computation., I Cord 1/22- ACC NR, AT60215%' ,The ' -to sI- o-lv-l n-g- the f olloving 'sydte=-_o_f equd-z~ itionst. equations of motion under horizontally.liomogoonneeoouuoJ- qq q!4 d h (Z) 2top (Z)0 dz h (z) Za. fit (z) Vr dz 'the-.'equ~&Aion -of -the influx of heat (0) + 71] - - _L_. - _' ('~ [47, CP (2)1 a~6'd the.equations of.turbulant energy balance do III* d 46 (k 3 I(Z 4'- + T'I C, (Z) I (Z) Y7 Uz. Cacd 2/22 L- -08153-67- ~~ed-N-Ri AT 021506 The ~,sxpreesion-for the sea.le ... of turbulence JL'W7!(&c*'irA'ing ~o i Di'.:' L aLeyk takai And,S. 86 Zilitinkevich) i.0 (Z) 20; (5)"", d. (Z) du %2 t dv V dr r + YP) The following notation in adopted in equaiions W-Ms iu(Z), v(z) are the horizontal components of the wind velocity ;(the x-axia is directed along the isobar); k(z) is the turbu-~! :lence factor; V. is the velocity of the geostrophic wind; . T(z) in the absolu,'te air temperature; Yp is the-equilibriui.-. Aemperature gradient; P is the value of the turbulent heab' ;lux at ground level; RN) is the radiant heat flux; ~(z)'is' .the energy of turbulent pulsations; a is the ratio of the. ,prbulence factor for heat to the turbulence factor for rRamentum; and c0' and al are constants. The remaining nota-* :~A ,Ion is standard. In thin formulation.of the probl em, it is 'c6nsidered that the valueo-of the radiation for H(z) and .turbulent flux near the ground PO are givens Thus, the j:ayatem is cloned with six equations (1-5) available for six i'unknovns:,,u(z)*'v(z),'k(7,), L(z), b(z)j and T(t), ACC NR,- k-021506 YOU d ry' on41tioni; are as follovot ,T~~ _ '#(Z)-V(Z)-O when z.=zo V W 0, U (Z) i whara Y Tj s' '-dYII~4iAiO*VOIOO,(tYj Andi L d f ti I _dV (z) 1/k7dz ) dz L24 db (z) - k (Z) 0" -w z (Z) 0. Z0 is the'aurface roughness parameter. The boundary condi , tion (11) means that turbulent energy does not penetrate the underlying surface., ' A scheme forsolving the problem is given for the geneia l caGe,:; Firkt,'-'.-the dimensionle*ss height and the destred.fune-e tiona are introdUced by the formulas: di dz - (13Y P ) 14 4 2wa Wl' V e Card 4/22 0015 A---o ACC, NRI T-� (15y N) :v o vt (16)' 'and the boundary:c d (3) on 12)1 we got L 0 (71) 0, dV T T I T 0.. 0( (20) 0 Asni .10 J22) WR-,XtO~. f5~,-. 2 dOo + dl k-dr) too + so (,q) p W. rdl ~(24) acpk (z) p i) dz (25) i 'St= al ag SI-4 ;[ '(20) rv -0 th I f '. o (9)9 and (10 0 'we find that.I'. . m BT- o L-08153-67--. ACC - NRr AT6021506 where, 4.1 OY U4, + 21i f or zo