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Calculation of Low-Powered Transformers (Cont.) 5. Determination of the number'of transfomer winding turns 6. Detemination of winding wire section and diameter 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Card 11/22 Arrangement of windings and making more precise the sizes of transformer core openings . . . . . Average lengths of transformer winding turns Copper weight and winding resistance . . . . . . . Losses in winding copper . . . . . . & . . . . . . Steel weight of transformer core . . . Losses in steel core. Transformer efficiency . . . . . . Call Nr: AF 1138798 117 117 118 121 122 122 122 123 123 Call Nr: AF 1138798 Calculation of Low-powered Transformers (Cont.) 14. Transformer magnetizing current . . . . . . . . . 123 15. Pulse transfoi=er.parameters and distortion check of transformed voltage pulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 16. Temperature test of transformer . . . . . . . . . . 125 III. Sample Calculation of Pulse Transformer . . . . . . 126 Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 12/12 vk.-J.-% I I C 7, I't . -I . "iTew Information ille.gardim, th-- 1~qvsiclo~,Ical a5,-ns 'rr Fe(~iln-, of Agricultural Plants (Ordinain, and Extraralic~:!).Il Cand Biol 3ci, Yharlicov A'-Ir-,ricultural Inst Miar" ov, 1953. (RZhBiol, 'To 1, 3ep 54) SO: Sun 1,32, 20, Mbr 55 VAGANOV, A.P.; ONISHCHENKO, A.I. WmQwdw-~ Investigation of the efficiency of top dressing potatoes vith superphoaphatea. Dop. UN URSR no.2:152-156 156. (MIRA 9:12) 1. Kharkivalkiy aillglkogoolpodaralkiy insitut imeni Dokuehayeva i Ukrainelkir n.-d. institut ovochivnitstya. Predstavleno akademikom Akademii nauk USSR i Veasoyuznov Akademii sallskokhoz3raystvennykh nauk imeni Lenina F,A. Vlasyukom. (Phosphates) (Potatoes) USSR/Plant Phy!iioloCj-. Miner~%l Nutrition %bs Jour P.:--.f Zhur .. Biol., 110 1.9, 1956, uo 66644 Author Inat JUv~rhov Ar"ricultuvill Institute Title TroWhoperiodiu,.i ia Plruits Orie, Pub Z,,*%p. Mharlkovek. S.-Yuh. ln-tr~, 11 (50, 61-73, IS95Y Abstract 0~%t plr,,-its were pl.,,%ced in n nutrient solution (.1-cl I r:L:,Ql I s mixture plus B and 14n) duiinL pariods of 1 winute, I hou-_., z~nd hours, respectively, z-~iid thul,, woro ~J,,;o r,rown for d:~y-lonL, periods Ln t-q) iv~tc:~ or nutrif-,nt ,;olution. It wns fotuid thnt there does not e;:ist any direct re!.-.tions.~dD between the durrAion of ,utri.tion .nd the accu:-.1iL1--~t_ior. of the dry aass or of the - Upon short-time P205' exposure to nutrient solution tae pro ess of P rAiission w-~,_,, nccclez~-.ted. At 3-hour ~,Aid rotuid-the -clock nutrit-ion the p--,o- ductio-ii of dry wss was the sn;ae in both cases. Fr~,ctio~:~-~te-_' nutrition - three times dr~il-r for I hour - yielded 1;ettc-_i- Card 1/2 11 USSR/Pl,%nt Phyniolo:;y. Minern.1 Nutr.i.tlon Abs Jour : Rel' VA-iu-r -- Biol., 110 19, 1956, i,,o 86644 results than ^ continuoua 3-hour lone, nutritim. i*.t nn incrc"e In tha diration or exposure to nutrient 3olution fron, I 1:1-t1ute to 3 hours, the specific wAr,,ht of the root i,-_%sr, ir%s lower upon h7~rvccctiaj;~ and that of tho ,:Oov(-,- ,,,-round i-ir.Bs, hirher. The shorter is th;~ time of sojourn ia autrieut solution, th,3 more extended are the axl-~l or,,;.Iln~-, cs-jieciz-%llj the roots. Biblio6r, cites 10 titles._ D.Ye, Krwtsova Ctird 2/2 n z a V % 72A rA, V 0 ~ 7 I.vr. or nrr-.~ pE,971,51, -T C;;' in, r n oel '.:h,c-zna.A. nn.N, 'y MAI(Vi- n Iroprosy Orrqniz~ttsil Vnen-ney Tor~rovl; Rran Ilarodnoy Derckrntll (T~Iroblers of the Organization of Foreirm Tra!le in t1he Co,-nt,ie3 of Pec .pries Der-ocrcy) Moskva, Vnesbtorgizdat, 1954. 106 P. SO: M/6 751 .Vi VAGANOV~ B. S. Vroblems of the Organization of Foreign Trade of Lhe People's De,.,iocracies.', Moscow, Vneshtorgizdat) 1954. Trans. of i)p. 5-46, 55-83., C5-101, 103-107 in W Trans. h63, 23 Sep 1955. SHERESHEVSKIY, M.G., prof., dots.; WRONOV., K.G.y dots.; t7mwTM' . . , ROZENBERG, M.G.; dots.[deceased]; GRYAZNOV, E.A.; GORTUNOV, F.A.; NETEWSOV, A.A., kand. ekon. nauk; YEPIFANGV, M.P., red.; YERKHOVA, Ye.A., tekhn. red. [Organization nnd technique of the foreign trade of the U.S.S.R. and other socialist countries]OrEanizatsiia i tekhnika vneshnei torgovli SSSR i drugikh sotsialisticheskikh stran; uchebnoe posobie pod red. B.S.Vaganova. Moskva, 1963. 343 p. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Moscow. Institut mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy. (Communist countries-Commerce) (Russia-Commerce) VAGANOV, G. Cooperation among workers of science and industry. Reap. transp. 22 no.2:42 F 163. . (MM 16:5) 1. Predsedatell Soveta Obshchestvennogo instituta novatorov-vodnikov pri Gorlkovskom institute inzhenerov vodnogo transporta. (Inland water transportation-Technological innovations) tekhn. nauk r * IVAGANOV _Xand. the use Of integ allpd -easing the effectiveness Of (RD.A 19: 1) Ways of inc, transP. 24 r-0-11:9-11 165. tows. Rech. VAGANW, G. T. VAGAIN'W, G. 1. __ "T astigation of th~ Shakln,~ -if ')I L " V!TJ Inv 1 1. Rivtr Fleet USSR. (3-,)r"-;y Inot if '.;rtter Transpirt Chair if the Organizatinn if Ylivement. G-)rlkiy, 1~55. (Diss,~r- tatinn fir tI:e Degree if Candidate in Tcchmical "Iciencesy' No 1 SO: Knizhnaya L--to-)is', 1?56, pp 102-122, 124 VAGPOV. G.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. Correlation between the size of the waterw&7 and pusher-tug barge- -trains. Rsch.transp, 14 (i.e. 151 no-3:26-28 Mr 156. (KLRL 9:8) (Towing) (InlazA water navigation) (Barges) BORISOV, I.G., VAGANOV, G.I., RYZHOY, L.M., SHANCHUROV, P.N., SHACHMWVA. VA. goaded book("Ship propulsion calculations$ by, V.V.Zvonkov. Reviewed by I.G.Borisov and others). Rach. transp. 17 no. 7:55-56 Jl '58. (MIRA 11:8) (Ship propulsion) (Zvonkov. V.V.) VAG&NOV, G.I. kand.taklin.nauk; MIKHArWV, V.A. , inzb. Towing rafts equipped with deflectors. Racb.transp. 18 no.5'16-17 MY 159. (AIR.A 12: 9) (lumber--Transportation) (Towing) All V VAGANO .. kand.tekhn.nauk --W 1121-tzlq Operational ebaracteristice required in a landing stage. Rech. transp. 19 no.10:11-17- 0 160. (XMI 13: 11) (Piers) VAQVIOV, Genna~~~ dots., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHUCHWHWA, Valentina KonstantinoNm-a, kand. teklm. nauk; SIEHSTRISKIY, Efraim UaLmovich, inzh.; PrirJzali uchastiye: SELTM, G.!,., dots.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; P=OV, A.V., kand. tekbn. nauk; LESYUKOV., V.A., inzh. vodnogo transporta, dots... kand. tek-hn. naukj retsenzent; F014KIIISK17, L.I., starshiy nauchny-j sotr., retsenzent; 1:'U'61-6G~;IIIIAUJI A.1%. rod. izd-va; RIDNAYA, IN., tekhn. red. (Ship propLLIsion; methods and examples for carrying out ship propulsion calculations]Tiaga frudov; metodikq i primery vy- polnenlia sudovykh tiagovykh raschotov. Moskva,, Rechnol transport, 1962. 21a p. (MEIA 15:8) 1. Kafedra organizatsii dvizheniya Gortkovskogo instituta in- zhenarov vodnogo tranports, (for Le*rukov). 2. TSentrallrqj naucbno-issledovatellskly institut ekonomiki i eksl;luf-,tatsii vodnogo transporta (for Forkinskiy). (Ship propulsion) VAOANOV, G. I. "Pushing the vessels in the USSR rivers" BOGDANOV, B.j konstruktor; VAGANOVp G., kand. tekhn. nauk; RYZHOV, L., kand. takha. nauk The semi-integrated barge train "Pervyi" with a 7500-ton carrying capacity. Rech. transp. 23 no.ls20-22 Ja 164. (MM 18,11) PAKHOMOV V.B.p kand. tekhn. nauk; NAWOV, A.L., inzh.; SHEWANOV V.S., inzh.; KONSTARTINOV, V.P., inzh.; KOST11,', A.?,%, inzh.; SEYRIOV, YU.K., inzh.; FYATLDI, A.A.j k-apitan; YJACANOV, G.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; SVIRIDOV, A.A.p inzh. KHODUITOV, M.Ye., kand. yurid. nauk; SAPOGOVA, A.Ye.~ inzh.; SGYUZOV, A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; VASILIYEV, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; ALEKSEYEX, V.I., red.; KUSTOV, L.I., red.; VITSIIISKIY, V.V., red.; BORISOV, I.G., red.; SOLAREV, N.F., red.; ANDRIYENKO, V.I., red.; SUTYRTN, NI.A., red.; GOLOVNIKOV, V.I.0 red.; ZOTOVA, V.V., red. (manual for the navigator of a river fleet] Spravochnik su- dovoditelia rechnogo, flota. Izd.2., dop. Moskva, Transport, 1965. 423 P. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Gor1kovskiy institut inzhenerov vodnogo transporta (for Pakhomov, Semenov, Vagar-ov, Vasil'yev). 2. Moskovskiy rech- noy tekhnikum (for Haumov). 3. Volzliskoye obl'yedinennoye rechnoye parokhodstvo (for Shelmanov. qamrova)*. 4. Miriqter- stvo rechnogo flota (for Konstantinov-,,.'86viridov).5.Kazanskiy port (for Kostin). 6. Moskovskoye rechnoye parokhodstvo tfor Pyatlin). VAWU7) G. P. lji~.- of 11w I jil"I R-1,1161"Is Twatt In ljor- F.H.,iloir Itiflu'"Its Epl&odir of 1-157 Bulletin Of tba Worlil Realth Crgmizaticn, Vol. 20- NO.2-3, K h.,h 191? it- Mph W A- 0.- It. Vqt.- fk~ A Ik qw, -F~ ...... J-' .1. lmh- -jr 'k .... ... 4.11 1, .0 h- -W. .. the" ".-I M.- I"". A, III--- 0-"'j 1h,, - 110-til, IhA ml., I, -m,44, -h it. ~h- &-" .. -4 &-. I., ~ J- 1,1 %..,. PIA, % * 1h, I.- to I -f--) I- d'.'-d '. " 'h=%'=kW- N- h) .. ..... It, _j d".. h . . ... r- Igo- J- fin- .--d -I Ph- .-."j -L,4 I--- - I 14-.N. ..d ",i,j -A 1N-k" '%. _11) . N tk"Iftl. 6-.' . (c. .'.~ tiI.J. -d .-hc III 1,- '4 rMw h. --I w.f- h.j K- Z' W .-I; th, It-, 111- --.' N NPR M 15 N--k- III, .0- Z, h~ -IT hd n&d Wh,-.. f-.- .-S N.- -W . I& sh~ -'Ld f-, - O'No-i 11 .,f :5 1.- .- .1r.Id. Fh- -1c h,. a- -W., 1,. &pan M.-M. I" I- Ific I- C. rkj--i it - .,it AtIc.r., 1. fid - Ift Iha d-- I, hc It, (W that I?Wd,-.:. 1. A' ..I A t, - 40. k--,,I.-- -t-~- --W II,I .. .1 p -h f-r d- c,( 0.'5 .9 ( 1-p- -h --' A 4-d A,'Aws,57 13~npr~c and Scrtrili tum.. of shwh the fito I. ahd the --d -d , T- I - -t-' 1. th. A,, Ili, - had 1,- -4 Ibc .,-. 0 5 .4 VAOAN0Vq I., polkovnik C---------- Conference of our readers. Av.i kosm. 45 no.5-.95 Yq 163. (MIRA 16:5) (Aeronautics, Military-Periodicala) WAIW(Vp T. . Maj Listed as coauthor, with Lt Col. I. DFACHEV, of article, ffThe Concern Shown by Air Force Unit Komsomol Organization Over Improving the Tech- nical Knowledge of Fersonnel," published in Fropahandist i Agititor, No 20, 1953, of the Yain Tolitical Administratir, Ministi-f f Defense USSR. (Yrasnays. Zvezda, 1 Nov 53) SO: Sum 145, 1 June 1954 YAGA OV, I.F. Scall conveyers with multiple-pair feed of materials to work areas. Kosh.-obuv.prom. 2 no.8:30-33 Ag 160. (KIRA litg) 1. Glavrqy inzhener Xurskoy obuvnoy fabriki. (Shoe manufacture) (Conveying machinery) 1-it~~A~4~;r4-~p,~,~",,.-"ZA".tl:~ . ~-~%wtvo ACCI~SSIOIK* 1?Rt AP4044016 S10193/641GGO/00810043/00C6 -,I 'I q k a y a 11T;~E. Eiactrodes for we~cka aar, surfAcing SOURCEI Byulleten' tekhni~o-cKonomichcs~oy Infor-matati,'no. 8, 1964, 4 3-1~ 6 TOPIC TAGSt aluminum welding electrode, stainless steel weiding electrode ABSTRACT! The Moscow E x T) e r iea IWeidfnF Pisnt has develoned sev,-!r ii nev 'dp e L I rC, S.1 '1 p 3 11 i minum. The (ML-14 clecrroacu yLeld a wt~'Ld UeL61 WhICh ~-ZG"Lalaa ferrite, and is reslotart. !io Intergrcnular cnrro;;ion even in a !)engi- 7, P r p L 6 j L Zy SUBIMITTED: co A " T) 11 D E ~ 3 - .1 '1" 9 ! F"rl' ! c 13 ti ~ '~ - VA W.~ ! C ,, 2 ! 2 24(0); 5(4); 6(2) NASE I BOOK EUqMITATION 3OV/2215 Vs*aoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatel-okLy institut metrologil imenI D.1. Mandoloreva Reforaty nauchno-Issledovatel-skikh rabotj abornik NO.2 (3clontirle Research Abstracts; Collection of Articles, Xr 2) Moscow. 3tandartg1t, 195c3. 139 p. 1,000 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agencyt U33& lomitet StandLrt0vo nor I I=*rItsVnykh priborov. Zd.t 3. V. ReshetIna; Tech. Zd.g X. &. Kandrat-yeva. PURP0311 ?hose reports are Intended ror scientists, researchers and engineers engaged In developing standards$ we"uress and gages for the various Industries. COVERAOD The volume contains 128 reports an standards of moamure- sent and control. The reports were prepared by scientists or Institutes of the Xomltet standartov, mar I ltmeritel'nykh PrIborov pri Sovtto MInLetrov S= (Commission an Standards, Measures. Lnd Measuring Instruments under the USSR Council of Ministers . The participating Institutes are% VMIIX - ) VessayumW nauchno-1 3 sled ovatol I skly matrologli ImenI D.I. Novdaleyeva (All-Union Scientific Research Inatitute or Met- rology lm*nl D.I..Xcndel&yw) In Laningradi Sverdlovsk branen or this institute; VXIIK - Vaeaoyuznyy naucnno-1saledov4tol-skiy InStitut Komiteta standartov, nor I I=erltollnykh priborov (All-Union Scientific Research Institute or the Coczalsalon on Standards, Measures, and Measuring Instruments). Created from KOXXZP - 9031covakly gosudarstv*nnyy Inatitut nor 11 LxmorLtol'nykh priborov (Moscow State Institute of Measures and Measuring Instruments) Octabor 1. 2955; VNXIMI - TSOSOYuzn" nWAChno-12010dovatel'skly InstItut fjx%ko-teXhn1. choskikh I rsdiot*khnlchexklkh Jzm*rehly (All-Union 341entIfIc Assearch Institute of ftyslcotachnlcal and Radio-on g1ne* r1 ng Measurements) In Moscow; KhOIKIP - XhLrIkovakly gasudarstvanniry InstItut mar I lzmeritellaykh pr1barov (Martkov Stato Institute or xogsur*& and Measuring Instruments); and NOIXIP - Novool. birokly gosudirstvanyy Institut nor I IrmerltelInyWh PrIborov (Novosibirsk State Institute or Measures and Measuring Inatru- m4en . Xo personalltles are mentioned. There are no C 2%) BrznozlnsklY. L.. and L.K. Karam (VxIIMJ. D*V*,Oplng a Method Tr-srer from Stonderds to WorKins and a System .1 Unit Longth "*source (to 22 a in length With the HIghest A Curacy 9 ) V ov I P (3vordjovsk Branch of VNIIN). Studying and Impro- and Method- of Measuring Groat Longths and DIAM.t.ra In Heavy Machine Manufacturing 9 card 1/27 GA',l V, 1. F. Vpgmnc~y, I. P. (Sverdlovsk). Some I ili t.'Ie i I-C 111 -;E" th -,d Of Measurement [Determinatiori of diameter by measuring circwmferercel p. 22C, latercbmXeability, 8SMg and M*tbDd5 in URChIne Moscow, Hashgiz, 195U, 25JL pp. JS-oomik ffauchm-tcM. 6-08beh. maa stroltel Inoy prozyshlenaosti, Leningradskor obkwt pmvleniya, ka. 47). TbIs c(xlleatlon of articles deals Witb the topics dismAsed at the 3rd Leningrad Sci. and Enaineering Coaference on Inte~ ~abil-ity, accuracy and Dwpection Yipthods in Hiachine-buildine and Instrument-makinc, held 18-22 Mar 1957. AUTHOR: Va~a~no~____ SOV/115-58-6-40/4'2 TITLE: Simplification of the Calculation of Diameters in Measure- ments by the Encircling Nlethod (Uproshcheniye podsche"ta dia- metrov pri izmereniyakh metodom opoyasyvaniya) PERIODICAL: Izmeritel'naya tekhnika, 1.958, Nr 6, p 9s luos)R) ABSTRACT: Large diameters are calculated by obtaininp the circumfer- ence and dividing it by TF . The value of Tlis mostly taken as 3.14, omitting all of the following numbers. This causes an error of 2-3 mm. A table is given here in which the cir- cumference is more exactly divided by TT. The diameter can be calculated more easily. There is 1 table. Card 1/1 JAGAVOV. I.P. (Sverdlovsk) Improving the girdling mathnd of measurements. [Izd.] WNITOWH 47:?20-222 158. (MIPA 11:10) (Langth measurement) VAGANOV, I.P. Corrections to inside micrometer readings in masuring large vertical dimensions. Ismtekh. no.8:6-8 Ag 160. (NIU 13:9) (Nicrometer) -- -- - Temperature errors of devices for measuring large dimensions, Izm.tekh. no.8s2O-22 Ag 162. (KMA 16:4) (Measuring instrtments-Thermal properties) VAGAry, _I.P. _~ Rigidity and precision of large-Eized wo4n claEps lzm.4ekh. no,3a7-9 Mr 163. (Fastenings) NIRA 16w24) VAGANOV? J.P.,j SHCIIIPACHEVA9 N.M. Large gauge blocks. Izm. tekh. no.8sl5-16 Ag 163 jKM 16:10) ACCESSION NIX: AT4042612 0/0000/64/000/000/0360/0366 AUTHOR: Vaganov,'I. P. TITLE: Results of experimental investigations of the precision and rigidity of some universal dovices for rnoasurIng largo dimensions SOURCE: Soveshchaniye po tochnosti, vzaimozamenyayemosti I tekhnicheakim lzmerefti- yam v mashinostroyenU, 2d, 1062. Tochnost', vzaimozamenyayemost'i tekhnicheoldye izmerenlya v mashinostroyenfl (Precision, Interchangeability and technical measurements in machine building); trudy* soveshchanlya, Moscow, lzd-vo',Nauka, 1964, 360-366 TOPIC TAGS: measuring instrument, measuring bar, micrometer, micrometer accuracy, micromoter extension, micrometer support ABSTRACT: In heavy machine-building plants at the present time, measuring bars of the most varied construction are in use, and many plants are forced to use home-made instr- uments for measuring large Internal dimensions. no author therefore reworked and generalized the results of his own and other experimental Investigations of the rigidity of micrometric measuring bars of different types and designs, in the hope that these results could be used for the standardization of optimum designs. Fig. 1. of the Enclosure shows Cardi/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4042612 the changes in measuring bar length with variations in the location of Its supports. From this figure It follows that only ni6asuring bars 2, 3 and 5 (cigar-shaped extensions, Uralniashzavod, conical extensions, EZTM- cylinctrical arisombledmicromotric measuring bar, ChIZ, 150-4000 mm) satisfy the standard requirements of COST 10-58. Fig. 2. of tho Enclosure shows the changes In me.-tsuring bar length during rotation around the axis while being supported at the ends. This figure shows that only bars 1. 2 and 3 (cigar-shaped extensions, Uralmashzavod; conical and cylindrical extensions, EZTM; micrometric measuring bar, ChIZ, 150-4000 mm) show sufficient rigidity on rotation. Data on the shortening of measuring bars due to their own weight during vertical measurements are also presented. For vertical measurements, spherical Ups on the ends of the bar a 0 recommended only for material having a compressive strength of a least 30 WmmE; for softer materials, flat tips are recommended. Wooden measuring devices have recently- been proposed for measuring large pieces. Preliminary experiments made in Czecho- Glovakia with wooden frames for large micrometers and with wooden measurlrg bars demonstrated their handling convenience and high precision. The design and fabrication of wooden measuring devices has therefore been included In the planning of the VNM division In Sverdlavak and of Uralmashzavod. At the present time, large spruce fraines Curd2/6 ...,..ACCESSION NR: AT4042612 are under invcstigaUon for the following ranges of measurement: 1000-1250mm (heightof sec- tion H=175 mm); 2000-2250 mm 01=350 tnm);2000-2250 mm (11=500 mm); alid 3750-4000 mm (H= 500mm). The third one lias been found to be much superior In rigidity compared with metallic frames for the same me"uring range. Another advantage of wooden frames Is their lower sensitivity to temperature. A disadvantage, however, to sensitivity to variations in air humidity. Therefore, protective coatings or soaking in appropriate compounds have been recommended. Aluminum foil (3 layers) on a bituminous base has been recommended, And it has been found that five layers of parchlorovinyl resin paint P]KhV-715 give practically complete protection. OrIg. art. ban: 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: lWan" ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: IE NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 Card 3/5 ACCESSION NR: AT4042612 lo 49 F ENCLOSURE: 01 Fig. 1. Change In measuring bar length with variaGons In the location of supports 1 - GOST 10-58: standard,for inicrometric measuring bars, 2 - Cigar-shaped extensions, Uralmashzavod, 3 - Conical extensions, EZTM, 4 - Cylindrical* extensions, EZTM, together with smaT' extensions not more than 500 mm at each end, 5 - Cylindrical assembled micrometric measuring bar, ChIZ, 150- 4000 mm, 6 - Cylindrical assembled micrometric measuring bar, type NMI, ChIZ, 500-10000 mm, 7 - Extensible micrometric measuring bar, Hommel- Werke, 2300-4300 mm, 8 - Extensible micrometric measuring bar, Hommel- Worke, 4000-6000 mm, 9 - Extensible micrometric measuring bar, Carl Maar, 4000-6000 mm -)v ACCESSION NR: AT4042612 -ENCLOSURE: 02 4 Fig. 2. Change in measuring bar length during rjotation around Its axis while supported at the ends. 1 - Cigar-shaped extensions, Uralmashzavod, 2 -- Conical and cylindrical extensions, EZTM, 3 - Micrometric measuring bar, ChIZ, 15.0- 4000 mm, 4 - Micrometric measuring bar, type ChIZ, 600-10000 mm, 6 - Extensible micrometrIo measuring bar, Carl Maar, 4000-0000 mm. Card 5/6 FARAFONOV, I.I.P kand. tekhr. nauk~ -STTY!, H.N.j VAGANOV, RUBARKH, V.M. Pere-assion roller bLit. Met. i gornorud. prom. noJ160-61 MY-Je 164. (KIRA 17~,10) FARAYANGV, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; SEYFI, R.N., inzh.j._VAGANOV, L.1., inzh.; RUDARKIII VAJ inzh. Now type of combination drilling bits. Gor. zhur. no.6:69-70 Ja 164. (KMA 17:11) 1. UkrNllgi~xoneftl, Kipv. 77111 trkq'R:% k" 11,gil- 1 411 Lot~,h 'rud-1, i i % y 'N I - ~, j q St o$ oi. lowe 6!42 1, od,iuo, I i155, no. 1;,4 h, it, VT * " Cml1jlo;itI,Aj, qrU,.;t,FC , and optimum LorAti,mi uf ol'itim1wi, Tallo, 0 1 0 a it u 0 m 8 It u a v Im ft A I a L p a a Ail - K 4 $1$ off Ai 1.0 Ofacal - pi OC4 4W."* loop# it F's I off cowtv 4AM Me* too wee wee coo 6*0 ,Go 00 ' d &so. it A affAMORM4L WINOW CLAI%IFKAIIQ* 9 9 ee ! soft; 1. V. W , - -, - ' 0 W I Im 9 u 5 AT ad 0 saws It a n If x "D A 1 14 4 0 0 0 ALEKSANDROVp A.M., insh.; BAZHENQV, V.S., lnzh.; BDBROVNIKOV, B.N., inzh.; 11WINNOy- 4,g-, inzh.; GUREVICH, B.M., lnzh.; DZHIBEL1I-,-7'X-."_ inzh.; DROBAKH, V.T., inzh.; ISAKOVICH, R.Ya., kand. te~~. nauk; KAPUSTIN, A.G., inzh.; KOHNKOV, K.S., inzh.; MININ, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; PEVZNER, V.B., inzh.; PESKIN, G.L., inzh.i PORTER, L.G., insh.; F#IYADILDV, A.N.9 insh.; SLUTSKIY, L.B., inzh.; FEDOSOV, LV., inzh.; FRENKELIJ, B.A., 1nzh.;,TSIMB1SR, Yu.A., lnzh.; SHULIGIN, V.Kh., inzh.; ESKIN, M.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; VDFDBIYEV, D.T., inzh. (deceased]; SINELINIKOV, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHENDLER, Yu.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; NESMELOV. S.V., inzh., zam. glav. red.; NOVIKOVA, M.M., ved. red.; RASTOVAY G.V.,, ved. red.; SOLGANIK, G.Ya., ved. red.; VORONOVA. V.V., tekhn. red. [Automation and apparatus for controlling and regulating produc- tion processes in the petroleum and petroleum chemical industries] Avtomatizatsila, pribory kontrolia i regulirovaniia proizvodstven- nykh protsessov v neftianoi i neftekhimicheskoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat. Book 3. [Control and automation of the processes of well drilling, recovery, transportation, and storage of oil*and gas] Kontroll i avtomatizatsiia protsessov bureniia skvazhin, dobychi, transports i khraneniia neftl i gaza. 1963. 551 P. (Automation) (MRA 16:7) (Petroleum -'-, 1"_L,,-_Wiz3nt ind supplies) VAGAINOV, I.I. P. Standardization of articles and materials used in the ranu- facture of instriineni's. Standartizatolia 29 no.10.17-19 0 165. (mi1U VAGANOV Evold B and minift 0 12T T, im-1110414 for prcl)"allig slaq brIck, men 0 44 1 0 elm x JI U 0 11 1, 11 1 a It 0 AT 5 VIA IfflOp )Vf; AW $I- 091;fh$ ANION A,-""-A, 10*101,141111113 I'MONJILIt 101144711130 f1l '&It 00 At 00" a" i If ," *04 0 04 o *0 awsm a.. and V a 07- N- SLAO )AMICK. Alroilti, 000 ValPFAWY. 3930 121 A111TAhl.. -ThT mout Nrl fv%.fltw Illffrrellf 00 i'k-f"mrs and Ru-im) methmi. f,w prep4ritil, IjA, Ilri..k. Data m their -11sx-ition and propervi" r, Ki,,, 100 OOX so on Mee oex Poo 000 006 osp V 00 0910. .700 j p 90 oqr r" 00,00 00- moo owl -00 00. 00 0,00 ff 00 -1 All I ii i7 06 is 09 9 a a It WU All A .9 c, A, AM p a it OF a AM a R 19 K AM 11 to a I I At It 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 As, * 0 0 a 10 10 e o 0 0 o 0 0 0 -Ok 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 4.1 00 im 0090000*00 cc A A- VIOAXOV 1M*M*wjjl Aj,jTJd.j (filpikoMl Octman and Rauism n*lhod4 for PmPg- Wag bricks Mt h i , A Oa t e r Campo. and *a are g1ven. Pro 0o 7v. KOHOOM -00 :7 1 go* T124TLOg CLASSIFKATIOU MIM L I t: I ALL A S a - S I A OC via. 43-41. woo it a- "I - , - - - - 6 4 1 u 4 vi a a It al IA I I f Od 4 4 a I V IN I a , T T I 0 TV Or IT or 0 * 0 4 0 * 0 0 00 0 a i 0 * 0 q 0 0 *so 0 0 , * 010 0 000 ARABADZHYAII, A.Z., otv. red.; VAGANOV, N.A., otv. red.; UilSHECHKIN, K.I., -kTT - V'V;-;'~ otv- - red. ; BIRYUKOV, V. V. . red. ot-1. md.; BOGOSLOVS p . 0 izd-va; TSIMKOVA, S.V., tekhn. red. [Economic conditions of Asian and African countries in 1961] Ekonomicheskoe polozhenie stran Azii i Afriki v 1961 g. Mo- skva, Izd-vo vostochnoi lit-ry, 1963. 616 p. (MIRA 17:1) g g g as t I I i is 0 24-V19W moo ).-Different are dewribtd. LO e goo 90 goo 0 oit 0.. let ' a.. Is, too ll u a AT ~i "au : ' ;O00 goo 0000 o 060 0 so 0-0 0 '0 0 0 0 00 go 0 0 go 0 00 *~o 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 01; : : : : : : : : ; : ; 00 ; ; : 0 P-. I 1-1- - - I I Ll --& 1"M - ees 11#0"0181 AM pecocalas !"m N. P. VmWm -Wv_ 0 pWW 1, Mk, ~00 oil! 1 09 Ala It& SITAL1,10416KAL U7111AIWIF CLASSWICAUCO on, I. - - .:-,- . L 7L I I %slow .&P am. Gas 4 K U S 11 10 A, oo 0 goo 0 0 0 00 0 : 0 00000000000001 ~--- #Hui 60"141, NS4111 &4 owl 111 r AD 0, 1 m- m I I a 960000000000 0 0 0 0000000009000#000001 I-so 00 1.00 -00 .*4 goo goo goo '00 woo :990 '00 Woo 10 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 6 041W-W- M 0-0-9-9-w -IV w 4 lla sun al lijejej 4 1 0 if U Ij w I$ If to It bj IF 1 1 m 0 M 9t 9 P 1 1 1 1 1 1 ail ma JIM A I? m is a 41 4w a a 0 - 6 A a ( A b 4 0 ob IL i A A ~ 0 - - J- -. - 4 -. . I %I D j -C - - A - , c 7 0* 0* o il 4 . 1j ,ScPonW$ (ased La the cenunk indu"). N, 1,. i- % '14 - OC-ve*"y IUS. No. 1, UW411; NUm. Rsf- I l No. 1. M-40WIV). W. R. 11can no 00.3. Goo 00 see 90 COO a Of o :0 ~ 4,00 0 0i l coo 1800 " j we Vso '00 ~ 00 j, ~ A WALLURGICAt U11441URC CL4t%WKATfCP too A a s I. ' - Iroo A4. 61". 1 - U IV IV so All; ,5 0 * Im 0 a 9 00 0 of o 4 9 7 It I. 0 o o 0 0 0 Is o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 . VAG.MNOV, -... P. The orgqnization of planned preventive repair of Llass pltnt etj~Aipment Moskv,i, Lios. izd-vo 1sLkol protayshl., 1979 15" P. W;-578'il; .11 TP MERIAKRIP V.V.; YAGAMV,-.R-B~ Methodology for the experimental study of the conversion of waves in short wave guide sections. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.12:1997-2002 D 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut radiotekhniki i elektroniki AN SSSR. (Wave guides), (Microwaves) 641 Ilbb NYYTC, b3l 01 00317,1 jqb3o oe so a0. j0 .4. b I set vlo"', los ,~,N~ I -III vo ~ae the 1 1111 Skot th, ISIV. 190, pett 31 Je 51 oTte 63~~ I . * 0 , ~v OT4 elp 0l ti. 2,.f e 'he theO Tpea. 3.6 oj t :~,~e Irae aete T tey:hil, a 3..4 e V ~cpell te to e -r %3,ta~ 413.5 01 V~x .,hetl t -~e es tl%p- elital e lose ae 0 SIA" % IIS"Its e& ete a 1.0 CIT 4 jell, [eV' the -ell 9".11t6 vi . ea 2.0 - 'hea ela .tjje'N '0 .~~e 0'0.., YlZ C.,,~ 3,'f aete't %I el e . 2.1 -f e .bl--s a. G~lf:~ea to . 1.0a6 theor et.' c' fe V isil Ilat Or S W e othe slot 'ga's q3.T S Cl the 1: ZAII cx~jolf I vj~se , . tr, %, - %q~ath OXrite ota .IC as w3. 'h tree tpeov 116. j -0 ell- va,~el: a9', ee goo& L 18392-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3003727 is noted. "The author is deeply grateful to B. Z. Katsenelenbaum for his attention to this work. 11 Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut radiotekhniki i elektroniki AN SSSR (Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED-. 08Oct6Z DATE ACQ: OZAug63 SUB CODE: CO, GE NO REF SOV: 002 Card ENCL: 00 OTHER: 003 BLAGONRAVOV, S.I.; BM-K, B.M.41, BYAKOV, P.T.; VIKTOROVp V.S.; VAGUJIU, y,L; GUSEV, S.A.; GLEBOV)_ V.V.; GURIILV, A.M.; DARILOV, G.D.; ZAVIYALOV, V.G.; I01TE, Ye.F.; IZVLKOV, G.M.; KOTIG-VAUN, S.A.; KULIGIN, A.S.; KjISATED, A.P.; KUZXETSOV, N.I.; IEREDEEV, A.I.; 1124PERT, Ye.N.; MOGEVICH, Ya.I.; MAYZELI, M.A.; MITYAKOV, V.S.; NOSKOV,, M.M.; RYABCRIKOV, M.Ya.; BATSMAN, N.I.; TVOROGOV, 14.K.; UGOLINIKOVI V.Ya.; KHARIKOV, G.I.; CHADOV, S.L. lev I'lillevich Matveev; obituary. Torf. prom. 38 no.4:38 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Matveev, Lev Millevich, 1914-1961) VAGANOV, P.A. (L' vov) Xicroflora In chronic purulent otitis media. Yest.oto-rin. 18 no.3: 75 NY-Je 156. (HLRA 9:8) (IKR--DISFASICS) - VAGANOT, P.A. (Livov) Spontaneous emphveam (AKFHTBNKA) (7ACX-VMJM of the face. Vest.oto-rin. 18 nO-5:118 S-0 156. (MLRA 9:11) AND IVJMXS) VAGANOV, P,A. (4'vov) moomw ftsompirillary ulceromembranous larMitim. Yest.oto-rin. 18 no-5: 132 S-0 156. (MMA 9:11) (IARYN,X--DISEASXS) AUTHORS: Vaganov, P. A., dstroumov, V. 1., 56-5-8/46 ------------------- ,TITLE: a-Particles Emitted by t1tavy Nuclal in 1.'.mL41siauj Undtr the Action of High-Ellerej Protons (a-chAjtiLe./, iopusk-Ajanyye tjazhelymi yadrami e.r.ullsii pod deystviyem protonov vysokikh i:nergiy) PE11IODICAL: Zhurnal Ekiperimoritallnuy i Teoreticheakoy Fiziki, 1957 Vol- 33, Nr 5, PP- 11j1-1139 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A finr-grained side P-9 wis eipo3ed in such a way to the proton-ray of the s,-nchroc~clutron that the ray !trd the emulsion side are in a parallel position to each other. The energy of the protons was 36o, 56o und 66o hii!V. The low energies were obtained by slowing down of the 66o MeV-protons in ~ra,.hite. FroL,, the ad- iaea3ureraent of the ranp a-artic ,e of the lea their inei%,ry spectrum was determined. The theoretically calculated evaporation spectra have shown a -ood iccordarxe with the experiment illy obtained data .p to u-energi~s of 1,4 MeV. The jpcthesi3 that a reduction of u Coalor,ibs "threshold" aceordinC t6 tl-.e Le Ccateur, is rebjuired, was not applied. By subtracting t-e calculated from, the experimentally found SptCtrULI, the energj distribution of the cascades a-partic- le3 and their relative number occurinr, -viith each pDc-tss of evipo- C, ration (all represented bycurves) cuald be deter;"ined for all 3 Card 1/2 proton energies. There are 3 tables, 4 figures, and 27 references, a-Particlen i-,uiittr.,d by Heavy il, L;,,ajuiL)j,,,j tfir: Action 5 6 - 5 - 6 of High - Energy protomg. 9 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Leningrad Polytechnical Itiatitute.- ( Leningritdrikiy po1it,-khri- cheakiy inatitut ) SUIMITTED: May 25, 1937 AVAILABLE. Library of Congress Card 2/2 BULYGM, V.V.; GOLOVIN, G.M.; ZMEOV. P.R.; KLMV, A.r.; NI- KOLISKIT, N.A.; OGIYEVSKIT, V.K.; POPOV, $.I.; TWT=, M.N.; ZfITOV, I.S.; SURNKT, A.A.; ZUELKOV, P.B., kandidat takhal- cheakikh nauk, redaktor; KOKPAXKYM, V.P., kLndidat takhni- chaskikh nauk, retsenzent; VAGAMOV, P.V.. kaudidat takhnicheakikh nauk, rateenzent; IKONNI idat takhnicheskikh -ilk, retsenzent',UVKHAT. I.6., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk, rateen- zent; RIKOLLTXV. S.I., retsensent. [Mining iron or* by the opencast method] Rasrabotks, zhelesnykh rud otkrytyu sposabom. Pod. obahchei red. P.B.Zurkova. Sverdlovsk, Goo. nauchno-telchn. izd-vo lit-ry po ch*rnoi i tevetnoi wtallur- gii, 1953. 63z P. (MLRA 7:8) (Iron mines and mining) ROZHNOVSKIY. AlIbin Antonovich; VAGANOV, P.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, reteenzent; h- SMIRNOV, V.P., gornyy inz ., tetsenrent* NIGANOV. I.I.. gornyy inzh., red.; SKOROBOGACMA, A.P., red.1zd-va; ZIP, Te.M., [Placer mining] Razrabotka rosaypnykh mostorozhdanii. Sverdlovsk, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-*y po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurglip 1959. 336 p. (MIRA 12:8) (Hydraulic mining) (Dredging) (Mining engineering) -TAGLMYI FIV., dots.; IKOJINIKOV, A.H., dots.; KOMPAIUMM, V.P.. dots. Determining the economic efficianc7 of mining now, S=all iron - -3:12-2 ore deposits. Ixv.vvs.uch9b.zav.; gor.zhur. no 25 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Sverdlovokiy, gorny7 institut imeni V.V.Vakhruehava. Rnko- mendovana, kafedro7 razrabotki rudnykh i ronayTWkh ansto- roshdonly. (Iron mines and mining) (Ores--Sampling and estimation) IKOUNIKOV, A.N.; K01TAKETWS, V.P. -, SHKUTA, F. I. Basic problems Of Mining 1OW-grade iron ore depositB. Trud7 Gor.-gaol.inst.UIPAN SSSR no.41:181-187 '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Iron mines and mining) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5298 Akademlys nauk 33SR. Urallskiy filial. Gormo-geologicheakly in- stItut. Podzemnaya razrabotka rudnykh mestoroahdenly (Underground Exploit,_ S s ri It. 6 ] 16 e e ; , o 5 P. ( tion of Ore Deposits) Sverdlovsk (l9 rinted ies 4 000 o 1 . c p p Trudy, vyp. 5 . ) Editorial Board: K. V. Xachnev, Pmfeasor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; L. Y6. Zubrilov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; A. A. Illvitskiy, Candidate of' Technical Sciences. Ed. of Publishing House: M. S. Ebergardt; Tech. Zd.: M. F. SeredIdna. d t h i i l ec n ca ng an PMtPOSE: This publIcation In Intended for engineer personnel In the mining Industry. COVERAGE& This in a collection of 22 articles by different authors on problems of' underground exploitation or large massive are de- posits in the Urals. The articles &" based on studies carried out In the Laboratory for the Expl Itation of Ore Deposits of the O SSSR (institute or Mining Gorno-geologir-hoakly inatitut UFAM Geology, Ural Branch AS USSR), between 1958-1959. No Person lities arO mentioned. Most of the articles am accomoanied bY referenaes. ~ TSMOL400Y OF UNDERGROUND EXPLOITATION Alekseyey~~Iq~. Q. On Reducing the Volume of Drainage Sumps in - kines 53 XWtal Alekseyevskly. 1. 0. Shaft Drainage S=V With Vertical Well-Type Water tits 9 Vrvant. V. P. Maw Methods of Overhand 3toping (Foreign V ' ..rn~Qtj..: ) - -- - -- -.1. 65. - - - II-In A M . and R A. Pya2*k Coc:;4rison of the System or * 70rNft eave C&vIng WIth the Combined system Under the Conditions of the Vy-kagorskiy Mine 79 Zabrl2ov, 1. Y&- end A, Z. Ahury1rift- Selective and Tatal Xxtraction or Copper and sulphur Ores of the DeStyarskoye Deposits 85 bibriloY. L. Yo., and V. N. ;h 'jLjjr,=, Analysis Of Labor Input 1, ftrcOd Level Caving at the WackOtcrskly Mine 91 V N.# and V. A. Shchtlk4nov. Improvement of In_ Mak 2 ~- U .cd-, lInOll _ c , .~ DI)m-Exp-oltatlan at the Berazovskly Mine 103 -Shurygin. A. 1. PructIcL lil ZXPlcitlng Thin Ore Sections or the DeMarzkoye Deposit III *Uullmdn, B. M. On the Transition Botmdary F Mining to pit Zxtractjo6 In Exploiting Deposits of rAbsive Ores 115 PJAS10.1-r-S. On the Influence of the Coefficient or Loading an the Effect or zxplosion In Stope Cutting 121 jrUtk&n_~-A. Towards a Study or the Seismic zrfact of, strong Kx. plosiong 125 Mikolin 7 1 Swaluat1no the Different Methods of Formlng --% N1T 7U4ii- ; e n Floors of (Chamber) Blocks 131 J-RV., V. P. X0mPan&jTt8, Yu. A. - R-Vrw PFkjtiui-0i-- U4e--QT-U`n ~arg'XiWd Eic .vafar. at - steeply Dipping Ori Dep6-altj 137 vShchalkanov, V. A. Utilizing the Fare* of Explosion and the Ora's Own Weight for Transporting Crushed Ore in Exploiting Inclined Deposits 149 3hohelkanov. V. A. zvaluating methods or Delivering Crushed or. In ZJPIOltlng inclined Deposits 155 AVAILATIT-1t: Library of Congress JA Card 6/S ~dww/ec a. -61 - ,, -VAGANCY,-F-A.,-dotsent; IKONNIKOV, A.N., dotsent; XOMPANMTS, V.P., dotsent; KABAKOV, Yu.A., starshiy prepodavatell; CHEPCHUGOV, P.M.p inzh. Investigation of ore chuting in loading with excavators. 1~v. vystuchebezavo; gor.zhur. no.4:42-47 160. (KIM 14o.) 1. Sverdlovskiy gornyy institut imeni V.V.Vakhrusheva. Rekomenilo- vana kafedroy rudnykh i rossypnykh mestorozhdaniy. (Mine haulage) VAGLNOV .,P -.; IKOVRIKOVy A.N.; KOMPARMS, V.P.1 KAWOV --M:_j Y j, YU*A,,) GREPCHUGOVI P.& Use of underground excavators in steeply pitching ore deposits, Trudy Gor.-geol.inst.UFAN SM no*54&137-147 160, (KML 14:6) (Mining engineering) (Excavating machinery) VAGABOV, P.V.; IKONNIKOV, A.N.; JWAXgMO v.p. [deceasedJ Generalization of experience in the working of small Ural iron- ore deposits. Trudy Gor.-geol. inst. UFAN SSSR no.57:73-82 ,61. OURA 15:3) (Sverdlovsk Province--Iron mines and mining) a IL CWn"7k A. A. P- W (c R. A. Kj- IL ft Iw- 7- W IN- T.. P. L lw~ L IL Owl... way L EnILPM IMUMPW rr- L IL fbw I (C 10 A. 14 4-1 A A. M- P. IL IL IL my- Pwhp 1. IL I ?Am wbo~ goo" as It -Stml on-b-I ants" at ad Alseow"m ORNWASMAI~ so. A. gov" (VMN). *..a, 69915 S/109/60/00c,/05/003/021 13oo E14O/E435 AUTHOR: Vaganov, R.B. TITLE: '-Trr-F'xper-Imental Analysis of the-Electromagnetic Field in Waveguide Junctions Containing Critical Sections PERIODICAL:Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1960, Vol 5s Nr 5, pp 727-732 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper was presented at the June 11, 1959 meeting of the A.S.Popov Scientific-Technical Radio Engineering and - ----- Electrical Communications Society. The basic criterion of matching-junction efficiency in waveguide systems is the conversion factor of fundamental- wave energy into parasitic-wave energy. The present article gives an experimental method for measuring the parasitic waves arising in waveguide junctions. The method is based on parasitic-wave resonance described in Ref 1. A broad diagram of the system is given in Fig 4. The system permits measurement of the following quantitie-s; 1. X2 the parasitic-wave wavelength in the waveguide; 2. The displacement of the piston necessary to preserve Card 1/2 resonance with change of frequency; Vf 69913 s/iog/60/005/0-4/003/021 E14O/E435 The Experimental Analysis of the Electromagnetic Field in Waveguide Junctions Containing Critical Sections 3. The half-width cf the resonance curve; 4. The reflection factor at maximum resonance. Isayenko first suggested to the author the use of parasitic-wave resonance phenomena to analyse electromagnetic field. III is stated in a supplementary note that Klinger, Froc. IEE, 1959, u106 suppl. Nr 13, 1) 89, has pub] ished n syntem based on the same gent!ral principles. There are 5 figures and 4 reference-s, 3 of which are Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut radiotekhniki i elektroniki AN SSSR (Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics AS USSR) SUBMITTED: September 23, 1959 Card 2/2 3 0 0 AUTHORS: T I T LE': S/109/61/006/008/0104/018 D207/D304 Varnnc-.-, 7.73-, and 1.'erziakri, V-V- Suprr-_~ ~_o- of rcsonance off-c's in multinode wave- guidcs PERIODICAL: Radio'Uek-n_-'."-a '- c"J.elktronika, v. 6; no. 8j 10,61t 1284 - 129-2 ti TEXT: Waveguides with larger thar. necessary cross sections f irid an increasing number of applic:.tions in antenna techniques. In such waveguides besides the wanted, the un%,an~ed (parasitic) modes can propagate. Of most. interest a-re circular type waveguides for the H mode in ahic'- a~'enua'ion of -~'he order of a fea decibels per k2lcan be' adiievedi- Th"Ie" unl7a~ntad MJ*o~es resulting fror. the line in- homogeneities have usually very small Lampli'tudes. In the present. article, the authors anaiyze the harmful effects due to the reso- nance of un%'ianted (parabiluic) %-,raves in"mUltinode waveguides. This analysis per-rits the evaluation of the increase in losses and VSVI Card 1/5 S/_,,,_O 61/006/008/004/018 Suppression of resc'_Aznce D207%304 ' of the basic mode and rcsultin6 surges in feeders having -several. modes of propagation. 7rom th,~ obtained relationships the best no- del'of avoiding resona,.ce effacts can be determined. The losse's in the basic mode and thb'73~- (1 + /T-Z/)/(! - /R/) can be,decreased : The maxinum value of the surge vo.1- by making a2Z >2~2 (I r tage at max. of the resonance and small losses follows from- p2L _(p22 =,xp, p 2,3,. (3) and 164L - (F22) (PLL - (pj) = (2q - 1)q1, 2, - L. _,~ (4) and is equal to 1/[F + (cc2L/2 P) j and to avoid surges the condition a2L >2r(I - P) must be satisfied. The authora stiggest further me- thods of experimental determination of resonance effects by measurL ing the%transformatidn coefficients f"2 of the transitions and the' Card 2/5 Suppression of reccnan-cc- D"C 7 D 4 0 X1 a, -ui- bo",, F a -n a L o b e attenuation 2 L , 9, .in( ~- 2 is detc_-:-~-_'ned _L small. (-2 transmission -casurementz, by deter- mining the trans-,J--_rn cc)-f4c-e-I /D/ bet,,-ieen two trazisitJons at' maximum resonance and, by c.,,.ar-,-j_ng the le-b-'Uh of reson,-.ting line 6 L in such a nanner t.-.ct "he '._-an~miz:sion ractor ',.s I +I D:I (7) To determine r2 and --ma-11 a*ttenuation. -,,L the k.='vledge of /D/ and _- 4cL Me L, 6L is said to be su ent t i s sta d +hat unt il n ovi no -hod -oul,~ neri- U - L - - has beer, found which i' fil+-=F~ ff `- modes similar in their field structurc to ~,',c basilc mode (in Dar~-'Lcular to the 41 mode H.2 ). The authors su~.-cst such a. n-.ethod-based on the use o.L aS g4 .ren b~~ S. strongly coupled branchines v (Ref. 8: 71ave- *-h smL -, io-ses., Traan~!~~'t-on, fron -7,-ngz-- guide transmission 14nes 11 - its so1vinL; t--n- ~crobler some ex- lish Il, 1060, 139) ch pcrm '.4 Vo tent. This anDroximzat,~ 7-e ~,,Ilod is us(~,d for desil[;n-M6 branchings for a fLilter Of 11 02 .,iavo in a ci 25 Tnm in dl=eter for Card 3/5 S/!09/61/006/008/004/018 Suppression of resonance ... :)20?/:)304 transmitting waves of t'.,e order o -f 8 Tm. In the exrerimental model of the filter this coeff"icient was .-bout -19 db. The number of slo "Ve was taken as 16. los2es were determined exnerimentally,giv- ing H 0 losses, due to filter at 8 t 8.3 ---" of about- 1-0 db, o2 0 with corresponding losses of El 01 mode less than 0.2 db- When the attenuation of the basic mode h-2 to be mr-de lesi3, aaveguides aith larger diaj.-,eters have to be us'e'~. Th.en,the coupling of the filte.r. as given by 5Y (Abstractorfs note: Erroneously Given in Eq.(18) which'does -hat In order to suppress the re- not exist' decreases. It --f'ollo,.,;s t sonance effects in waveguides large kr, the filters should be placed in the vicizAty of the critical crogs section for the ;iaye to be --uppressedl.i.e. near the ninimur.,. values of kr. If transition Card 4/5 cf *~h hann i r T-j,n, 'i T. I nil. '71 5/109/62/007/012/002/021 D266/D308- AUNORS: Meriakri, V. V. and Vaganov, R. TITLE: Methods for the experimental determination of mode conveirsion in short waveguide.sections PERIODICAL: Radiotekimika i el.ektronika, v. 7, no. 12, 1962, 1997-2002 TEXT: The basic arrangement consists of a real pipe limited by junctions. The fundamental mode can propagate through the device but the spurious modeB are assumed to be 'trapped', i.e. there is aVX cut-off cross-section for each spurious mode somewhere along the' taper. Introducing matrix notations and denoting the input wave by E in Ein (3i"S*I, )] S-1 Eout (1) Card 1/ 4 S11 09/62/007/012/002/021 Methods for the D266/D308 where I - ~unit matrix, I'll Ilp S - scattering matrices of the left- hand junction, right-hand junction and waveguide respectively. Re- stricting the analysis to two modea (fundamental and one spurious) using the formulas derived by J. Young and D. Marcuse (Proe. sympo- 8ium on millimeter wavesq N. Y., 1959, 513) for the self-coupling and cross-coupling coefficient, introducing the parameter z 2 L E 4'12 dt Q k12 eo dz 0 (where k 12 - distributed coupling coefficient between the,fundamen- tal and the spurious mode, r1 2 = a'1 -r2P 4"1 = "-1 _'~ is, - propaga- tion coefficient of the fundamental mode, L - length of the wave- guide to be measured) and assuming that the mode conversion due to the tapers is much smaller than Q the following de- rived.* .Card 2/4 S/109/62/007/012/002/021 Methods for the ... D266/D308, p (9) attenuation of the spurious mode,IDI p -~_transmission coefficient of the fundamental mode at the resonance of the spurious mode. If ~ is known andID1 p is measured, Q can be.determined from Eq. (9). The method is extended to one particular case of 3-wave interactiono In the experimental part of the paper-the mode conversion between the Hol and H021 H12 modes is investigated. Experimental results are presented for both copper and steel waveguides in the 7.9 - 8.4 mm band. Maximum length of the waveguide section was 7.5 m. because with larger lengths further resonances apppared. The diameter of the waveguides was 60 mm and a dielectric coating of 90 microns -was applied. There are 2 figures and 1 table.. Card 3/4 , Methods for the ... 3/109/62/007/012/002/021 ASSOCIATION: Institut radiotekhniki i elektroniki, AN SSSR (Insti- 0(1. tute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, AS USSR) I . SUBMITTED: January 12, 1962 ICard 4/4 r~' _.'~ C7; 7 7-' a ' "'A AP40488Pr, AUTHOR: Vaganov, R. B. TITLE: Energy loss due to conversion into higher modes caused by deformations and offsets in a confocal beam waveguide SOURCE- Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 9, no. 11, 1964, 1958-1967 TOPIC TAGS: beam waveguide, bpam wave guide loss ABSTRACT: The additional losses of energy in a beam waveguide caused by its geometrical imperfections are theoretically and experimentally investigated. The linear distortion, square-law distortion, longitudinal shift, and tilt of a dielectric pha6;e -correcting lens are evaluatea. Formulas (16, 17) for estimating the losses are developed. An experimental verificatioii includ4ed a 37-Cc model of the beam waveguide consisting of ten biconvex lenses spaced at 175 crr. from each other. The dielectric constant of the material was . 14; tg 1.2% 10- lens radius of Card 1/2 L 19430-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4048980 curvature, 18. 2 cm; lens max thicknecs , 8. 3 c rn; other data given. The highest 2 -elf-f`ltration waa obE;erved at c z - :- a K 's ',-e vavc -,-.;mbC7 in vacuo, a is the. be-am half-width, Ll is th-e spacing between correctors, Both estimates and ex criments have sl-c,-vn taa~ the bea-ri waveguide is V~-rV 3eriqlt've p to linear distortion and relatively insensitive to long it _idinal shf,s and til-mg. "In conclusion, the author wishes to thank B. Z. Katrenelenbaurn for his interest in the work, and M. A. Miller for a valluable diqcussion. " Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 31 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: Z4Sep63 SUB CODE: EC ENCL: 00 NO REF SOV: 00 1 OTHER: 004 Card 2/2, L 32637-66 ENT(d )/E-Y"T(m)/E4P(v,, ACC NRi AT6010822 AUTHORS: Taganov, Re R.; Sinev, A. V.; 111;1 ~p V)IE..;P(j )/T/FNF(k) IJP(c) 91 /EM/GD/B1 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0149/0158 Frolov, K. V. 4' ORG: none -2P TITLE: Certain characteristics of transv rse shear of multilayered beams, the liyors of which are joined by a deformable glued? SOURCE: Moscow. Institut mashinovedeni4a. Kolebaniya i prochnost' pri peremennykh napr7ashaniyakh (Vibrations and stability under v4ii-iable strei-aee)e Moscowp Izd-vo Nauka,, 1965) lh9-158 TOPIC TAGS: material behavior, composite beam) sandwich s~ructurej shear strength, adhesion layer, material strength 1,9 ABSTRACTt A study is made of certain features of the transverse shear o composite beams. The work was conducted in the Laboratory of Dynamic Stren~gthof the State Scientific Research Institute of Machine Behavior (Cosudarstvarmyy nauchno- iseledovatellskiy institut mashinovedeniya). It is hypothesized that, up to a particular value of tangential stresses T 0 (see Fig. 1) in the plane of adhesion, the glue rigidly bonds the layers. From the moment that the stress T 0 is reached, plastic flow of the adhesive and slip between layers 1 and 2 (see Fig. 2) commence. This statement of the problem presupposes that the glue corresponds to a model of a *stiff-plastic body" (L. He Kachanovq Osnovy teorii plastichnosti, Me GITTLs 1956)o L 32637-66 ACC NKs AT6010822 and the thickness of the adhesive is small in comparison with the thickness of the bonded layer and thus can be ignored. Basic equations of shear of an infinitely wide two-layered. plate are written as 2GU - - of + 2ot*. Ox 8F 2GV - - where U and V are displacements in the X and Y directions, The stresses are air .;,6x OXT away where F +'tfj and (x, y) and 41 (xp y) are harmonic functions. Two sets of related functions are statedt the ;*Bt&.gi:ve3 expressions for stresses and displacements arising from elastic aeroastieww the bodyl the other accounts for Card 2/j ACC NRs A Y1 Fig. 1. Assumed dependence of P 17' tangential stress Fig. 2. Diagram of transverse shear of an infinitely wide two-layered plate. plate distortion as asolid body. Several conditions of stress and deformation are developed in demonstration of the system solution, A description of an experimental method is given, and plots of longitudinal deformations of composite beams are shown. The authors thank mechanics V. I. Tereshchenko and B. N. Kashkov and laboratory technician N. 0. Allperovap who took part in the work, and N. P. Kandell. who directed the fabrication of the special doublo-layered samples. Orig. art. has: 27 equations and 7 figures. SUB COM 131 SUBM DAM 05Aug65/' ORIG REFJ 007/ OTH REF: 002 L 32647-66 EWT(M)/EWP(W)/EWP(V)/T/E*T(t)/ETI/EWP(k) RM/JD/GD ACC NAt AT6010823 SOURCE CODE: uR/oooo/65/bod/6-66/ol59/Ol69 AUTHORSs j ~ Sinev. A. V&__ ORO: norm,;, TITLEt Distributi n f stresses in multilayered beams wd their several dynamic and fatigue Drovertie: 2- b 3WHCZt Moscow. Institut mashinovedeni . Kolobaniya i prochnost' pri peremermykh nam"hady-a-M-TV-ibrations and stability undor variable stresses). Moscow, led-va, Naukap 1965p 159-169 TOPIC TAGSt stress distribution, material testing, fatigue property,, dynamic property composite beam, sandwich structure., structural mechanics., structural member ABSTRACT: Triple-layered beams are studied for the purl)ose of analyzing stress distribution characteristics and dynamic and fatigue properties. The middle layer of the composite beam investigated consisted of high-strength plastic; the outer layers %owe of sheets of steel having a thickness of 0.5 mm or less. The modulus of elasticity of the plastic in axial longitudinal tension is several times lower than the modulus of elasticity of the steel. A detaiind model is developed of the stress distribution in, and the deformation characteristics of, the three-layered beam. Plots are made of several test measurements: the variation of moments and normal stresses with load for varying beam dimensions; variation of natural frequency with CW4 '1 /2 ACC Nits A16010623 .2- been size &.nd with loading on cantilever specimens; and fatigue properties. Conputations and experimental work indicate that the natural frequency for given conditions of layer thickness can be higher than that of either plastic or steel of like dimensions* Test results showed that cracks always appear in the steel sheet as it in the moxt heavily loaded element. It is noted that there seems to be a possibility of measuring the strength of three-layered elements by the strength of the surface 2,ayer on the basis of the general fatigue curve or- f(N)(number of load oycles) with subsequent computation of moments which vary with the beam dimensions* The authore thank Fe V. Malyuti and I* V,__Sobolev for raising the considered Swoblems uA for help in the experimental work9 Orig. art. h&31 35 equations and 8 SIB CW11. n. 13/ SM DATE# OSAug65/ onr, REP# oil/ oTH w OM EWT (d ) ZEWT(M)/E'WT M P(v'.YT/k;'.IP(t)/ETI/rWP(k)/~QWP(h' IEWP~ I" __~264~ 1 / I .ACC NRa AT6010624 IJP(c) JD/EM/GD SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0170/0183 AUTHOR: Vaganov. ft.. ORGs none d TITLE: The effectiveness of stress concentratio and the scale effect in two-stage cyc2lcal loading SOURCE:' Hoscow, Institut mashinovederdya. Kolebaniya i prochnost' pri peremennykh nW7&Meniy&M (VibratUTni-sand stability under variable stresses). Moscow, lxd-" Naukaj 1965, 170-183 TOPIC TAGSt steels.fatigue limit, fatigue testingt stress concentration, material testing, durability/ Armco steel, 415 steel* NU testing machine I - ABSTRACT: The roles of stress concentrations and the size of a specimen in its fatigue resistifice are studied. Tests were conducted on Armco steel specimens some of which were smooth and others of which were notched in a manner similar to that shown In Fig* 1e Various stress paths dl, d2, and d, were studied with the ratios of principal and secondary stresses to the fatigue as experimental parameters. For ex&Vlo (9" Fig. 2)0 the coefficient A, 0 K, = - = + in used where ACC Nks AT6010824 a KOI VA 202 to t VON %-000 I/ N, Fig. Is N 'VO) 19N to low mry, Fig. 2. I.ati el limit of asmooth and d' and d! are respectively the curve ordinate and J specimen, iKe curves shown are for varying specimen co igurations and N is the number-of loading cycles. In arlditional test measurements note is made of the stages of.specimen failure the appearance of cracks and ultimate specimen fracture. A discussion of probabilistic and regression methods is given and related to the fatigue limit and number of load cycles* The size effect was measured in extensive tests.on.steel 45 with the use of a wide variety of specimen sizes and confignWations, Card ACC NRo AT6010824 An PJ testing lWohine -was used. Sij;nif icant dif f erence3 were noted in the f atigue b.4khavior of notched versus smooth specimens. The author recomends extensions of this..type of -study in order to limit the need for other types of fatigue testing, "hiot U figures and 13 equations, CODI#,'~ 139 IV SUBM DATEs 05Aug65/ ORIG REFs 014 OTH REFa 001 CO __32649-66 EWT(d)/EWT(I)/EWT(m)/E'.iP(w)/E'dP(V)/T/E'hT,(t)/k;Tl,~i,",~P(K),,":~',;P"'h) IE'4P"l' L ACC Nits AT6010825 ijp(c) JD/GD SOURCE CODEi Ull/o-obd/6.T-/Wcibb/6l8V6f~6---I AUTHDR3 Vaizanov, ORGs none TITLE: Vibrorelaxation, vibrocree and the hysteresis loop with parameters varying with the number of cycles SOURCSt Moscow. Institut mashinovedeniya. Kolebaniya i prochnost' pri peremennykh napryashi-n-iyakh-(Vibrations and stability under variable stresses). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 164-196 TOPIC TAGSi creep characteristic, material strength, textolite, creep mechanism,, hysteresis loop, relaxation process ABSMCT: An experimental studi of creep, relaxation, and tile hysteresis loop was conducted for synthetic materials under cyclical loading. The tests were conducted at'the State Scientific Research Institute of Machine Behavior (Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mashinovedeniya) with cantilever specimens on a testing machiney%f original construction. The test mechanism is schematically diagrammed in Fig. 1. Variable quantities are the amplitude of the shear moment Ma and the deflection amplitude fas Measurements can be made of the variation of deflection and ahear moment with the number of loading cycles N. The loading of specimens 1 for a given amplitude of the shear moment is actuated through the spring 2 Card 113 -L 3264s-66 ACC NNo AT60100,25 IN) Fig. 1. 7 COMA in setting a given .and ch"G&ble load 3. A friction joint device 4 is used deflection f . Items 5~ 6. and 7 respectively are a clamp, dynamometer, and a 6tandard-iso-scribing recording device. Textolite specimens were prepared to the -L 32~649--66 ACC NRs AT6010825 0 dimensions (in m) shown in Fig* 2. This material was found to exhibit a definite Fig. 2. -4 variation of durability with time and with the type of loading. Curves showing creep and relaxation characteristics versus tho number of loading cycles and load stree5 are given, The creep and relaxation processes are discussed, and the hysteresis characteristics of this material are diagrammed. The experimental part of the work was conducted with the participation of B. 1. Rus'kin. Orig. art. hass 16 equations and 9 figures, SUBM DATE: 05Aug65/ ORIG REF: 010/ OTH REF: 003 L 8242-66 AGC NR: AP5022432 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/65/01O./009,/167211675 AUTHOR: Vaganov, A. B.; Dogadkin, A. B.; Kateenelenbaum, B. Z. C>9- ORG: Institut radiotekhniki i alektroniki AN SSSR (Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, AN SSSR) TITLE: Periscopic mirror line SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektro~'ika, v. 10, no. 9. 1965, 1672-1675 TOPIC TAGS: beam waveguide, periscopic waveguide ABSTRACT: It is proven that the use of spherical -surface, desirable for: practical reasons in mirror beam waveguides, instead of the theoretically optimal ellipsoid-ourface mirrors, does not seriously impair the waveguide parameters. Two mirrors with a spacing small in comparison with their focal lengths are regarded as a single phase corrector, and the radiation loss therein is evaluated after A. Fox and T. Lt (IEEE, 1961, 51, 1, 80). Based on this evaluation and on Gard 1/2 UDC: 621.37Z,ZIS:535.312 ,L 8242-66 ACC NR: APSOZZ432 ~the G. Boyd and J. Gordon lose /beam-cross -section curves (BSTJ, 1963, 40, 2, ,489), a method for designing periscopic mirror lines is indicated. The radius of mirror curvature and the diffraction loss can be calculated from the formulas .given. Orig. art. h": I figure and I I formulas. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 06Jun64 / ORIG REF: 004 OTH REF: 003 )0559 SOURCE COM uRM09/65/010/012/2146/2146 AUTHOR: Vaganovt R.- _77 77, ORG: none TITLE: Losses In the nonhomogencoug segment of a beam wavegulde and their compensation (After a report delivered at the zoth Conference of NTORiEs AAOSCGW# May 19641 SOURCE: Radiotakhnika I alaktronika, v. 10, no. 12, 1965, 2146-2156 TOPIC TAGS: beam waveguide, waveguide loss ABSTRACT: Propagation of TEM., fundamental mode, with near-Gaussian radial distribution of field, along a beam waveguide is considered. the waveguide lenses have inaccuracies in their manufacture and mounting which are responsible for partial conversion of the fundamental mode into higher modes. The introduction of an artificial-inhomogeneity is suggested as a meant; to reduce the higher-mode losses (cornpensation)j the theory of multiwave channels in used to analyze the propagation conditions. Coupling factors between the modes at the principal inhomogenettles are Card I I Z L 11080-66 ~kCC NR- AP6000559 0 etermined. Formulas are developed for average losses in short waveguides ontaining random inhomogeneities. The cases of a waveguide bend and an offset lend re considered. An experimental verification is mentioned. "The author wishes to Kank B. Z. Ktsenelenbaum for the statement of the problem and a valuable iscussion, R. F. Matveyev for hit; attention to the work, and A. A. Gordayev for his -alp in experimental work. " Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 26 forntulasoib UB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: 3lAug64 / ORIG REFS 007 OTH'ItEFt 004