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UZAROWICZ, Iudwikj, prof. The importance of the technological book and press in the education of engineers. Przegl techn no-40:4 5 0 160. L 40202-66 E4T(1)ZEViT(m)/EEC(k)-?LT/E'~iF(t)/ETI - -_~r _IJJ _~_-JD ACC NRt AP6030043 SOURCE CODE: UR/0292/66/OC)0/006/00()4/0008'i AUTHOR: Veytsman, L. Yu. (Engineer); Gavchuk, A. N. (Engineer); Sergeyev, A. V.---~O (Engineer_T_-,Tz_ar5 V. Ya. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Investigation of load characteristics of silicon power diodes SOURCE: Elektrotekhnika, no. 6, 1966, 4-8 - ~< I TOPIC TAGS: silicon diode, electronic rectifier/VK-200 silicon diode, PVK-200 silicon diode ABSTRACT: Data are presented from an iiLvestigation of the overload characteristics of silicon power diodes VK-200, VKD-200 and PVK-200, and their parameters are compared. Practical recommendations are given for reduction of the number of iemiconductor diodes in rectifiers of electric trains. In the diodes tested, increasing short circuit current caused a non-linear increase in p-n junction tempera7 4re depending on the preliminary heating of the junction. The body temperatures of the three types of diodes tested under the same operating conditions differed very little. The internal thermal resistance of the PVK-200 was found to be about 1-5 times that of the other two types. It was decided that protection of the rectifier of the ER-9 electric locomotive could be simplified, since the requirement5 for overload capacity of silicon diodes is satisfied in conjunction with a high- voltage air-gap circuit breaker plus current-limiting reactor. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 5 tables. (JFRS: 37,0611 SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: none UDC: 621.646.ool.i 4 -111~e a -A(XMION NR: AP5011373 MV0016/64~10WA08/0016AM8 AUTHOR: Kaxaseva, A. N.; Umbalokg .4. A. 333 TIME: Steam-forTalin disinfection chamber wiih'an internal volume of SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiolcigii$ opideniologii I immobivlogii, no. 8, 1964, 16-iS TOPIC TAGS: processed aninal product, processed plant product, textile industi-7 mr..chinery Abstract: The Central Plaiming and Desiga Bureau and the Central DIGin- fection Institute developed, and the Odessa Experimental Plant of MedLcal Vares will begirt series producticn, a stationary atesa-fcrmalin chamb!r with a Tolume of 3 m3, which will be vried for the disinfectiar, and disinfe.Ftation Of cotton, wool, cloth, fur, and leather articles and bedding by t~ie steaz- tir and formalft.-oteam methods. The ch=ber conniste, of a dam[Jer properp a movsble trolley for ';iualghing the items to ba Vreatedo a drav and cxhaust fen# and a Steam cup- lily. The chamber can treat 7-8 acts of clothing or 50 kilograms of items r I m0d. The chamber can bee Ustd. in nall medical-sanitary eatablieft- pe [meats where there Is a ccntral stqply of' stean or t. separate boiler for the'ch=laer. AGMSSION TIR: AP50U3?3 Orig. art. has: 1 figure.. ASSOCIATION: Tsentrallriyy dezinfektsionnyy institut (Central Disinfection Institute); TGentrallnolre proye).tno-kowtruktorskoye byuro Ministerstva zdravo- oPhraneniya SSSR (Central Plann:Lng Design Bureau of the Himistry of Health, SSSR) SUEHITTED. 21W-Y62 121OL: 00 SUB CODE: IE0 LS IM REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 im rcul-d Y2: Die LljmrrjsWl~,a tza LT, Pan, 4 oA 1"fvm!r-w-I UZBEK 3-3 F. Vychii Sovct n rLdno,,-,c rkho:i-iAvii. The induntrifil ~-c,,:er of' U~,~n; slicrt survey r.1' the ueveloi.emerit ol' Uzbek ind;.; stry ' zz re tic , rSsm rk!~nd 19. 7 -21"-; ~ -(rl,`~-147cql ) I.IC4137 UgA5 19 "-- -e 1. Ubeki--ten - 1:i us JUA S.S.A. Uzbek S.S.R. L-4s) st-aL-It'-311 etz- Lifts c~n Lhe nwal -vau-r Supply I.. "Oviet. Socialist RepubliG as of Januarf is%, 193J. 1. Water - La,4s and le.-Ilisl-Atic)n - U%baki3t-.a. B. Water-suppl,,, - U bekisLarl. d t.'- `h~V "'d It- u 'u ~69 dl A -k ~k., kJ A. KkStN glu~;~ ww froc- cottot, (varicty 10134) con. B. qj=w- .h~r t ILO ', UZBEF, V., prof . ; --l aneuryaT: '-n the cavernous sin-as. YJ~frurgi.,.a AL. 17 no.4-z155-158 1. Tz na fleditsIrkskata akRdemji6L- Erfur-~. Ussi / Pharmacology,' Toxicology. Cardiovascular Agents U-6 Abs Jour : Referat Zh.-Biol., No 1, 1958, 3493 Author : Uzbekov, A.A. Inst :Not given Title iThe Activating Effect of Hydrogen Sulfide on Enzymes Which are Blocked Orig Pub :Farmaool. i toksikologiya, 1956(1957), prilozh. Sb. ref., 53-54. Abstract 3 A cadmium chloride perfusion solution, in a concentration of 1X 1074 &/M1, stopped an isolated frog heart. When 1-2 mg/1 of hydrogen sulfide were added to the perfusate, the heart beat was restored. Dogs were given a lethal dose of cadmium chloride (2-5 ml of a 1% solution.). An intravenous administration of 2-10 ml of a physiologic solution saturated with H 2S (10-50 mg/1) restored cardiac con- Card 1/1 tractions. UZBIKOT. A.A. Activating effect of sulfur on enzymes during blocking. Form.1 take. 19 supplement:53-54 156. (MM 10:7) 1. Kafedra noramlluoy fisiologil (xav. - pref. G.Ta. Khvoles) Karagondinskogo gosuderstyannogo seditsinskoge institute. (INZYMS, reactivation by sulfhydryl cpds. (Rua)) (SULPHYMTL. effects. ensyme reactivation (Rum)) E C Kc J I A 9 USSR/Huran and Anir-al r-hysiology - Genera" Problems, T-1 .L Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 10, 1958, 4566o Author : Uz'ockov, A.A., 071yeva, L.B. Inst Title Hurioral Blood Factors in Mud Applications. Orig Pub By'al eknVerim. Uol. i meditsiny, 1956, 42, No 10, 44-47 Abstract As Lake Karasor (Karaganda) muel was applied to the abdomen, back or paws o-C 45 dogs, some substances app;_~ared in their blood which had positive inotropic effects upon heart spe- cimens and which produced enntractions in rauscles c,f lee- ches in 70 percent of the cases. As the blood of animals, which were subjected to mud applications, was injected into the vascular channel or into the isolated carodital sinus of the dog-receipients, their respiration became deeper, arterial blood pressure increased, and the spleen contracted. Blood activity was at its higJiest 30 rdnutes after applications were begun. The above effects are Card V2 M USSR/Himan and Animal P~ysijlogy - deneral Problems. T-1 fibs Jour : Rf Viur - Biol., No 10, 1958, 4566o ascribed to the increase of acetylcholine and sympathi- cotropic substances in the blood. -- K.D. Gruzdev Card 2/2 L~ M.", a 1 a -,, " SC4 (!Ins) -- on the phyGiolor-Ir" M. 1 a ~j , M , CV, J.- ;~.. :17-5t,~r -., .1 1, ~ of the riechanlam of Lliq of fact of thel-fir-1.1tic rrlllol~ on blood clivall-It'lon ". Al. T; -I,. - Ata, 1958. 2? pp (Kaza'& StaLe kP,(l Inst), 700 CoPlaB (KL, No .5, 1959, 155) UZ8.9MV . A. ~. , 'ReAction of the cardiovascular systcm, following ronirrnl of thp allrer-n&l .V~ ~-- A OWNW-11 I I medulla. Vrach.delo no.60~1-61~3 je 158 -~MTRA 11:V ,andinak,)go rieditcinskngo 1. Kafedra normal'noy fiziologii Karag instituta. (CARD IOVASCUII.Ak ~~JYISTI;X) f,P)MMAL GIANDS) UZEEKOV, Anver Arlanovich for Docivrvf Yedtvid- Scienemp- on the basis z of diosertation defended 17 Feb 59 CPuncil of 41M KaAakh Mate Mediq%L Inot&*"ep entitleds "'Data ~r7hyeiologi~al Analysis of the Mechan'~IfAof Action of Mid on the Elood -Circulation Systems" (Edvisso USSRv 2-619 210) ,O)j IK UZBKKOV, A.,A.-. - Significance of tht- terrperature factor in the mction of L-.UJ batha. Trudy Inst. kraev.pat. AN TAzakh. SSR 7:82-86 '59. (MIRA 13:3) (BLTHS, MDOR AND IM) UZBIKOV, A.A. Influence of mad batba on tho circulatory organs hypertension. Trudy Inst. kraev.pat. AN Kazakh. (BATHS. MOR AND MUD) (BLOCD--CIRCULA.TIOII) in experimontal SSR 7:89-95 159. (MIRA 13:3) (RUKRUNSION) ~ZBB!S~Vj _A.4.,, (Karaaanda) Reactivity of the Circulatory organB in dis6rdern of the acetyl- choline synthenia. 21 no.10:45-49 159. 04IRA 14:8) 1. Is Icafodry normallnoy fiziologii Karagandinakogo meditainokogo instituta. (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTLE) (CHOLINE) (PANCRUS) WDEKOV, A. A. "Wirlmng der Moorprozeduren auf daz zentrale Nerveasystem." report submitted for the 7th Intl. Cong. of Moorland Research Fraakskavy Lagne/ FranzenBbad-Prague, 15-19 SeP 60. -UZMKOVl A.A.; YASNYUK, A.D. Effect of the removal of the greater part cf the pancreas or the ligation ot itd ducts on -.he bioelectrical potentials of the muscles. Izv. AN Kazakh, SSR, Ser. med. i fiziol. no. 2:79-84 160, (MIRA 13:10) (PANCPYAS) (MUSCLES) (EMCTROPHYSIOLOGY) KHVOLES,t G.Ya.; UZOPKI)Vp A.A. Investigation of alectri-cal processes of the cortex and subcortical centers'during mud applicAtions. Vop, kur.9 fizioter. i lech. fiz. kullt. 25 no* 6481-485 N-D .160. (MIRA 14:2) 1, Iz kafedry normallnoy hziologii (zav. - prof. G.Ya. Khvoles) Karagandinskogo moditsinskogo instituta (dir. - dots.P.M. Pospelov). (ELF,cTRoPHysioLor*) (BRAIN) (BATHS, MOOR AIM MUD) KRUZE, V.V.; UZBEKOVY A.A. Study of the active components of therapeutic mud. 'Vopo lalrep fizioter. i lech. fiz. kullt. 26 no.5:396-399 S-0 161. (Mia 14, 11) 1. Iz kafedr obshchey khimii (zav. V.V.Kruzo) i normallnoy fiziologii (zav. dotsent A.A.Uzbekov) Karagandinskogo meditsiriBItogo instituta (dir. - dotsent P.M.Pospelov). . (BATHS, MOOR AND MUD) U-ZBEKOV, A.A.; YASNYUK, A.D. ------ Cbanges in the electrical activity of the brain as a result of -a partial resection of the pancreas. Fiziol.zhir. 47 no.):382-387 Mr '61. (MIRA 14:5) 1. From the Normal Physiology Chair, Medical Institute, Karaganda. (PANCRFAS) (ELECTROENGEPHALOGRAPHY) SAMOXHINAp A.A,; UZEEKOV,, A.A. Participation of bmaoral factors in the tranxmiesion of electrotonic effects of the diencephalon on the eardio- vascular system. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. mad. nauk no.3: 1o-16 163. (MIRA 17:1) KASM40VAt Kh.A.; BEKMISHEVp N.D,; -UZBEKOVA, B.R*-.-- ~ Antibrucenosia vaccination of subjects with positiva immunological reactions. Zhur. mikrobiole epido I immun, 31 no. 403-58 AP 060. (MM 1311O) lo Iz Instituta, krayevoy patologii AN Kazakhakoy SSR i Sredneasiat- skogo protivochi-ogo instituta. (BRUCELLOSIS) UZBEKCVA, BRj-_ALIIWODZHAYLT, A.A.; SOSMOVA, A.N.; LOPATMIDIA, L.G. Bacteriological characteristics of Brucella cultures taken from people in Akmolinsk P--ovince. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no.8:59-62 161. (MIJU 14:9) 1. Iz Sredne-Aziatskogo r"otivochumnogo inatituta (dircktor - M.K.Tleugatylov). (AKKOFLINSK PROVINCE-BOCELIA) UZBEKOVA, B.R.; SHMUTER, M.F.; ABDULLINA, G.A. Simultaneous vaccination bv the epicutaneous method against plague, brucellosis and tularemia. Zdrav.Kazakh. 22 no.7:63- 68 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Iz Sredne-Aziatakogo protivochumnogo instituta Ministerstra zdravookhraneniya SSSR,, (FIAGUE-FREVENTIVE INOCULATION) (BRUCELLOSIS-PREVENTIVE INOCULATION) (TULAREMIA-PREVENTIVE INOCULATION) 0 0 0 L f. L _j ..f,_ L_ jqF R I I V I_- A L_.L AA Its j t it 00 The action of iodine sets an the supply of vitamin L in the organism, G. A. Vilckc-''kh. It'd 1, .S R . , 13, 14ji, C 4 Aflev fit.. it K I 'I .4 1 act,. .1. 1" tht. wkd 1111 !114 WIN'd liar 4-mv-11 1,11t, lit-11.1111 V ..#I tic t1,-%, I"I'llivial tit it Isyl., 4111fil3i; tit 411,1'.111 of %V1111111%, 00 --th Ill- 1,11"t I' "IKK-11-1. zoo J 00 -coo oo 21 0 0 * 40# -00 00 a ZOO 00 00 Ue* 40 0 At %mew 0 1 1 0U rl v Mv M I ta 0 e 0 o 0 o 0 a 0 a 0 0 Ile 0 60000 00 go egoIS 0 00 0 0 0 0 of A 11 C 0 P 11 A L A 9 0 Pr, I I I W WX I V CM a 11 32 31 Id x 31 v X W a 41 a a 40 45 001 W7 A 9 0 L . A . I L I L (m ..0 M Little 11MUTTIN 0 F. "o 41" " .ors S 409 for o0-- 0 003 go 0032 00 go 0011 ' l' `IV ROM-) nifi l v I son - I l "I) P I f"Imin) jpUjwvq-ttO-AjJ ) utipgut 04111 Aq tqv2T PAMPAJ N Pin"" 1 ) Poo . F mm JVVV" PO'lq 3`11 '100"m 10 -J POO go. N IrnM I q aq 1 10 103w" a '831117A 111JI,W . OwAll JqI -14" - 1 00- 1 p4i,3^61 lr&llxm aql ~Iqr-op 01 Ia%saS34" WSIfNA simu uj aql pug mpg" pnulq aql vi mem"XII 116!1-111 ) mi 00. 1011A N p ! i v *W)p 111fuII AsALmwJ jqt r ILww4j atil jolp %Asp AAJ.4 f 1-1 na-vorl J41 0 -vid mming linjumpol" p I'm4mol tr!ij- in vomp4lq Ju-q-tm 'I IOpel jimpy 1 10*4 ILI Cll *9 'S '3) PPA wily -Aulwf4v":~ *Npq"p pooo"mwbro 01 J"u POO P"n No 0 0:1284110 VON v es aw am p P"M" se p W WPM 10 OCKPI 9qL Dime FMPI"i Sell PWV JWN vp go of- fee roe _ - W 61 ft 11 4 A W 1 Ir 7 a I 7 , , 0 , see 0 go goo 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a Ell 0 0 0 a it .4*p *! 09 000 0 0 0 0 -4 _J1 10 IL 11 11 it 00 1!, Alw~_Jmv "vels AC All IX X_ ig 60 TWIMAIS C 04%84 Of tfgfk A" cbmk ousam. 0. A. Usbelcov. XhirprItyu 19W. No, 4. 214 so 11 IF it --jail (no nliagave) V. be. 4"" that so 4h, INSUAll vwmd tissw has a low wittutein C cvxltrlll. 'p'T"J artwit the dirt is poor im.thl- Vitamin. In the -00 ptneat conummaimiess pig. have dwmms- Is 0 omc"l thist slits bbmd X==,= is ZZ with .00 toIll 4 ~os so f laftemmawboat %I* Witsaft com"Eat kupad 4000 of .00 fed sby timm, bat in slowly boom ift 0 '1 1.- oil ills throembutickvTf Thelcmammotsem.0wa7 " 1-- 400 sea 6AIVIV. This Wbtm- a I" atl4tame 16flal"S its -0 ~%xmsd dav 9. the t-toat"t 6rThatigm. It to f- that its this corulmon the ability to( the Omuc tt, e 4-insilair ths. vitamulm isdevroramd at Im. sidpourritru- IAtHk" cut. off its supply vvm further. ldtkw*tmwnv,A vitansill C tho --arien of The darmwed milml 1. IN't ZOO so q INWAble. 11m, - of to tin tow amirtmorttic will ~ - Ivnt, %4 wvU as to both the toducvd atut enliflant frarilcm, J1 F"Tther emns. an in Prill. C. A. Shapica F go* Ii1i zoo 4 See All too IL I LA* too it A SIT& VIGICAL LITM meff C SWK0100i ties 1646"~ " -0.,Qc wee, U iii ~ -i r U-6--~---4-7 I T .09040towleg waste stuarn of a I Olt A 1W it *, 0 sees 0 _0 e Tj o- k ov G. or nc-pl.0ic 't,;;rri Tr ftir:ctioninf7 t .-?-T--'tCJ-"! viV, p. 43-1514 21 itt.-9 (Letolds 1~11,jrvial In-kh lic. l-" So: U-1~66, 15 1-2rch 51, .1 100* 0 0 VII U&IN *bon ped"Wadd-I $I CA a 0 0 : 0". 00 .0a ,!Dt .41 L S 00"0f 00 - --- ___ I L Ma 7vw ago go:! roe 0o= 0e. . t i3opq 14st jaAq ltq"l jqi a! S u!ji(u4 pue ' l 00. SOMSITrInI jAjj%Ajj)jn4 .1111 99 Suflaafn v Ill )in* ,uv AK4411,11,11 PJLVPIW 1"'PI aqj tnvgv-~Lsap v ut .11 K%tl 00 1 1 I '111"s mir Iluswrood qa *OquOultv Oda)% :dnsn 441 M x t sa HE tKy!Iji~11A 511 %u"JO Ituialu! 3qj tq ptm I "q NI q ". -u!uj!p 3wluw I" olqjm~v aq L sj%mutrpA~:) 3!sn) . U! slinsai J-21/-Ium p) 9j lo s3id rvatrJ altq "v3afu! I f 00 rl &(PWPfqOV ~twqurjwpts Apriv jqj.- . jZt ' mod- IJO ! 1 410 gangly$ JUMV0 al spt I R :1 -jjnp puy pj3p D!qjo"v j9 juspv3 otp uo pom pa I"jM 00 k N # AALO *.to not ffst nit U* 0 0 0 41 0 4 000 0 % 10, 0" 1 no "o 110 40 01 0 - - ~~6"90*0*0 0t004 00 -~---g 0 g-A to Kilect at al.-Mble acid *n the gamma Inflaboll .46m of the anintal brain C. %l"I. lust.. sI4vrs4WAI thokkow~0.1 to, )III mininio It.. It,, aml RkN~ link =; 17411 "St"I the 11111101,4114V III COIN111YOrAlt OMI ffa. melssimAism of the animml t-cahs Immaho alKjut h kmord cartmillyttutediet ( 1'rovdy.%vvojW'jkoCo 312-4.9"Z 3. 115(1919)). When the dog is mut.l. with awtxhir acj& (I), by dAilY subt-utanews Injection of :141 Ing. lfkg.. the (I mulent IncirAws in the arterial ljkmxl anil dmraws in thr vetRout blood. The ccwff. td 0 utibratkpn In the twain ri*" f"mv, 29 111 ALI~,. The hn"I,"n conletif of chq IJ...t ilivivasVII from 1:1.11 to The nmi. of I limilik-til l,v Itle 14 'SpIM141111V i1164111141rus (I'l IfIr 111,1% lhel.limbim jm%v~%, It Pfir.ilrv UZBBKOV, G.A. Determinntion of amino nitrogen in proteins nnd amino Pcids b7 a colorimetric ninhydrin method. 4 no.1:69-76 J-ft-7 ' 5 8 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Kafedra biologicheskoy khimii Ryazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.P. Pavlova. (NITROGEN, determination amino nitrogen in proteins & amino acids, colorimetric method (Rua)) (PROTEINS, amino nitrogen content, detarm. by colorimetric method (Rua)) (AMINO ACIDS, amino nitrogen content, determ. by colorimetric method (Rug)) UZBEKOV, G.A. Role of ascorbic acid and cysteine in disintoxication of the organism in lead. poisoning. 6 no.2:183-187 Mr-Ap 160. (MM 14..5) 1. Chair of Biochemistry, the "I.P.Pavlov" Medical Inst~tute, Riazan. - (ASCORBIC ACID) (CYSTEIDE) (IZAD POISONING) UZBEKOV. G.A. Chemical and phyoicochemical basis of the transparency and opacity of the optic &.pparatug of the eye. Vop. med. khim. 7 no.2:190-196 Mr-AP-161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Chair of Biochemistr the I.P.Pavlov Medical Institute., Ryazan. fky~) UZBEKOV, G.A. Disorders in the structure arul function of tiseue 1froteim in the aging of organisms and methods for their restoration by chemical means.Trudy MOIP.Otd.biol. 6:100~-106162. (MRA 16-7) 1. State Medical Institute named I.P.Pavlov, Chair of Bio- chemistry) Ryasan'. (PROTEINS IN THE L--.-" (AGING) U7BI;lKc,v) 1110-1~ cha:,;,c, ;-.1 bicehe,,J,~&l In ~ra r- ; 1 - ' , , - 4 - - I- 1. 1 trudy Riaz. med. inst, . ---, --)~; 1. Kafeara blologicheskoy khimii (za,.. knfedroy .- G.t!,Uzbo)kov' Ryazzanskogo ry--dll~-Anskogo institzu.1 imeal rq"rlo-,h. 00 904 008 00 00,3 ;0p 0* :00 56 :oo 800, POWDER 9UARTZ.-A;I, 11hilla% X R. Usbekqv. X. P. lChatevs. and A. V. Sftrtftyu (BoU. Airce Ural ladual"ej - No. 2, ION). - "V9 4"ts of " Ind., TbemategiaJilij t to have originated in the weatbering ofsUkAW limestone, &M occurs asa, vi~ r-9! Jones powder. A typkAl sicusple contained 91% of graLus less than 0,M was. (apprm. B.S. M nx%h) mul only 7w coarser than 94 mm. (M me*. B.3.). The material is 141ttly contAUdUttad Wiiesn Rrgiltlcews Impurity bet may be dained air sepuatwo to give 97% Si0j. The bog samplescoutalsecl Was them 0.2% V .A. mid tba, jkvcmp Fv,04 content tbroogbout the deposits Is below 11~, Irkh am clextibed in which this powder q%uU was used in tus meaufacture ad sodiass ducate. porcelain. awl acid-1poof commL Costs an ndv"d by AA eliminatka al Fielding. j4JALLW4K&L 1.111VAU01 CkAISAFKATM is AT 00 a L -0 - - *'*'W low 18;114 0 0 0 *so* * 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 a 0 e 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 CIO 0 0 0 0 0 *4 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 4, 00 A 00 00 00 00 so W1 0 1 004 004 00 GOIN a 31 31 IS ld Is 10 M 2 k , I 1 ' I A A . . i" VWf%S#S AS1a F*9WvRf1t* 6.D4 I - " 2UVA %~rwdW*djWWM n 60 n di" fil"S. M. Kirao No. 1;-ar, T, Y U --TU deposit isitualdbt2i im. Wuth o((hr (1=) . . icityal Alpas"Llo the Ursh. Ustasivskvisouthege. .00 wtrvpby, and genesis of the powdered quarts., i d b b d cra"Ac ax. ge y m t e ju 1 t Thquarts am w conlain, at kaso a6%' - amla =2.M%. White vvictin oxides at Te = = contain 0.08 to 0.501; FtA. Arellaceous vuidk,% em-. .00 talc 5 tb 1017, alumina. whereas pure wallet" contain nct el I - h as 217 ;IX" onl a few Cap" 84 hi 0,AICS of o -00 v .. iv y g Ca awl MS in all varietki am 0.3 to 1.07c. The amount d I 4 i k 80* ~ not it n ( mpure types an of allics was not. below 82. 8% less than 97% (in soft Up to W.2'1'v) Its the- pure -00 4n@ ISO Poo as* 860- 041ALLURSKAL LITINAIMS CLASIWICAYXMI U Is A, III; *10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 W 0 0 it low do" &"V 4111j, CK 4-- a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0-0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 --Of 400 U -~L V 127-58-6-2/25 AUTHORS: Uzbekov, Y,R. and Magomedov, S.G., Geoloeists TITLE: The AtanGor Iron Ore Deposits in Razakhstan (Atansorskoye Zhaltzorudnopa me:3torozhdeniye v Kazakhstane) PERIODICAL: Gornyy Zhurnal, 1958, Nr 6, pp 5-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Atanscr ore deposits are situated on the south-western shore of Lake Atansor, in the Kokchetay Oblast' of Ka- zakhstan. The deposits were discovered in 1932, but were not fully explored until 1953, when magnetometric pro- specting showed their importance. The ore bodies are formed by layers of magnetites, garnet-magnetites and amphbolic- magnetite scurns, the contents of iron reaching in some places 53-3%. Many other ore-deposits are known in this region, and many magnetic anomalies observed here permit the estimation of the available deposits of the Stepnyaksko- Atansor area to be 500-600 million tons. In future the Atansor region could serve as a second ore base for the Karagandinskiy metullurgicheakiy zavod (Karaganda Metal- lurgical Plant). Card 112 There is 1 map and 2 graphs. The Atansor Iron Ore Devosits in KUzakhotan - '7 - - 7 , - ;~'- / -, :~ ASSOCIATION: Tuentrallno-Kazakhatanskoye geolnticheok,),vt~ w,r,!v1eYjij0 (The Central Kuzakhotan Gv)!,-g 7. !. AVAILABLE: Library of Congresu Card 212 1. Magnetites 2. Magnetometers 3. Iron 4. Geology BCWTOV, G.P.; VOGMAJI, D.A.; NOVOKHAT.SKIT. 1.F.; VERK, D.L.; M'UGATKV, I.V,; KAVO, V.M.; XUIUMO, A.A.: UMMOV, M.R.; ARSHN17-ET, 5.7a.; TEGORKIN, A.N.;XCRWOV, P.P.; XMIMIN, V.H.; STMTS. B.A.; PATKOVSKIT, A.B.; BOLESLAVSXATA, B.M.; UMMOH, D.B.; FINK&'SHTM. A.S.; SRAPIRO. I,S.; LAPIN, LdTu,o Prinimali uchastiye: MSEATA, G.I.; FEDOSLYM, V.A.; KASPILOVSKIT, Ys.B.. MMNOVA, K.V.. BARDIN, I.P., akademik,; SATPAUV, K.I.. akademik, nauchnyy red.; SMUMILIN, akademik, nauchnyy red.; ANTIPOV, M.I., nauchnyy red.; BILTARCHIKOV, K.P., nauchnyy red.; TXROFMV, B.H., nauchnyy red.; KALGANOV. M.I., nauchnyy red.; SANARIN, A.M., nauchnyy red.; SrAMTUE, Me., nauchnyy red.; IMZBNIKOV, T.B., nauchnyy red.; SMTS, N.A.v nauchnyy red.; BANKVITM, A.L., red.izd-va; POLTAKOVA, T.V.. [Iron ore deposits in central Kazakhstan and ways for their utilization] Zhelazorudnye mestorozhdeniia TSentrallnogo Kazakh- stana i puti ikh ispollzovaniia. Otvetstvennyi red. I.P.Bardin. Moskva, 1960. 556 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SESR. Nezhduvedomstvennaya postoyannaya komissiya po 2helezu. 2. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu gornykh predpriyatiy zhelazomdnoy i wrgantsovoy promyshlennosti i promyshlannosti nemetallicheakikh iskopayemykh (Giproruda) (for Boldyrev, Vogman, ArBenlyev, Tegorkin, Koreakov, Kuzlnin, Streleta, (Continued on next card) BOLDYRIV. G.P.--(continued). Card 2. 3. Institut geologiche6kikh nauk AN Kazakhakoy SO (for liovokhatakiy). 4. TSentrallno-Kazakhotanskoye geologichoskoye upravleniye Ministerst- va geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Verk, Dyugayev, Kavun, Kurenko, Uzbekov). 5. Ilauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut meldianichenkoy ob- rabotki poleznykh iskppayemykh (Miklwnobr) (for Patkovskiy). 6. Goeu- darstvannyy tnatitut proyektirovaniya metallurg.zavodov (Gipromez) (for Boloolavskaya, Indenbom, Finkellahteyn, llevsknya. Fedoseyev, Karpl- lovskiy). 7. Hezhduvefloms%vennaya postoyanuoya koirdasiya po zhelezu AN SSSR (for Shapiro, Zernova'IKalganov). 8. Goaplan SSSR (for Lap~n). (Kazakhstan--Iron ores) UZBXOV, N. - After the contest. Obshchestv.pit. no.10:30 '59. (YI-RA 13:4) (Ghelyabinjik Province--:Aestaurants, lunchrooms, etc.) TJZBEKOV, N. Twelve factory lunchrooms work with semiprocei3bed food. Otahehestv. pit. no. 3t29 Mr 161, (MIRA 14:4) 1. Starshiy inzhoner-teklmolog upravleniya raboebego snabzheniya sovnarkhoza,, g. Chelyabinok. (Chelyabinsk-Reataurants, lunchrooms, ate.) V.V. Reflex ln.,,~*,.;., - 50' i~~, . Piz I-ol cgicLeskiy undver-sit.pta, Lerdngrv~. KOVALENKO, V.M.; NIKIMROV, I.N.; Prinimali uchastiye: VORONOVA, M.Ye.; KORNEYEVA, N.M.; UZBEKOVA A Kh - YI-RHDLAYLVA, L.K. New gasoline-, oil-, fat.., and water-resistant paint coatings. Lakokras. mat. i ikh prim. no.5:33-35 163. (MIRA 16:11) ACC*NR%, AP7000018 (A. N) SOURCE CODE: ~UR/0080/66/039/011/2521/2524 AUTHORs Frost# As M,; UsbekoY&p A. Kh. ORG: none TITLE: Preparation of coatings by polymerization of carboxyl-group containing monomers on metal surfaces SOURCEt Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no. 11, 1966, 2521-2524 TOPIC TAGS: pim%t~r_ coating, carboxylated monomer, monobutyl maleate, neutral ferric maleatep polymerization ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the preparation or coatings by the polymerization of monobutyl maleate (MBM) on steel a ,urfacea. Prelimi nary experiments showed: 1) that stoichiometric amounto of MBM and r,'educed iron powder react to form netural ferric maleate; and 2) that the ferric maleate polymerizes in MBM solutions in the presence of 1% ~urzoyl peroxide. The coatings were -prepared by the polymerization of* MBM on sandblasted, xylene-degressed ateel surfaces in two steps, first for 2 hr at 60C and then for 2-4 hr at 110C. This stepwise temperature increase pr oved to be necessary to prevent decomposition of the MBM and to produce strong films. Homogeneous coatings were prepared by spraying MBM on the steel surfaces, The coatings were Card UDC! 542.951,7+66.095.263 --Act NR3___ P7000018 hard, elastic and firmly adherent to the metal surface. Colored coatings were prepared by the addition to MBM of inert acid-resistant pigments such as titanium oxideq chromium oxide, red ocher, or gas black (MBM/piguent ration varied from 5/1-t0 1/2). Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 3 tables. BUD CODE: 119 OT/ SURM DAM 120ct6h/ oRiG REY, oo6/'IOTH RX?t oo6 ATD PRESSs 5107 2/2 ... - . .. . - _... - _- ...-( A ACC NR.. AP?O082?2 SOURCE CO0E;: UR/0080/0/040/001/0160/W64 AUTHOR: Uzbekovap A. Kh.; Frost, A. M. ORG; none TITLE: Reaction of n-monobutyl maleate with metallic iron SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimiij, v. 40, no. 1, 196?,, 16o-i64 TOPIC TAGS: iron, maleate, colorimetric analysis ABSTRACT: It has been shown earlier that in preparing coatings by polymerization of carboxyl-contain'ing monomers on metal surfaces, the monomer reacts with the metal to form salts, and the latter then polymerize or copolymerize, the overall rate of the process and nature of the products formed being dependent on both stages. In the present article, the process is examined by taking as an examnle the reaction of n- monobutyl maloate (YIBM) with metallic iron. The composition of the roaction products was studied at one of the stages of the process by using a modifiod sulfosalicylate I method of photocolorimetric analysi-s in which the total content of Fe2+ and Fe~+ was determined from the optical density of Fe2+ and Fe3+ sulfosalicylates in a weakly ammoniacal medium. MBM vas found to react with metallic iron *to form noutral ferrous and ferric salts soluble in excess M, and an insoluble basic f err6us salt. It is concluded that a rapid method of datermining Fa3+ and Fe2+ in a mixture of salts dissolved in excess MBM has been p-3rfected. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 5 tables. '-Card.. /2 uDct 620.ig,?.6 ACC NRS AP7008272 SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 06Yar6.j1 ORIG REF: 003 f I p - I ~:~ ~k UZ 66--Kovi9 h 307/16-450.4-12/%7 AVnM. K-Y-... Kh.A.- 011 N.V. 11 s TITLE, Va- Instion, of P-on With Positive Istainological Anti.brucel lost i Pat"17. PIMIODICALi Zh.M&I Mlk"bto',rj4I I, *V1,1041610411 I txsw&nob1QlojgI1. 1960, Wr 4, Vic 53 - 58 ("SR) ABSMCT. The authors carried )vt vaccinations Of Par$*- with positive 1-010- &Ical rotation& In fcl Of h -", brucolloat#. 7h# vaccin: used 4 P :: " . xrout, Va.c Inalon i, d . 4.%0 - 5,CfA still- be t4rW U P fabr". " Into., 510. e ": la) was prepared at the K&.hlnt4* kay; Wc ~ ( h v ated persons coin o S ;gcpll& abortus strain I f plano frm T or, the contract" or showed my aa4ravatlon of the disease In the low-disto Pos%vacel"L period or at later date. (7 wanthe to I year later). Vacc Inatloo of po,rjoij with positive Inummlogical reactions or with rlom chronic Illnesses caused no severe v4cclnal roactions or aggra. v re v %Iof the Mesa frows which they were suffering. A geror : o l v, in 44.6% of the pervona with positive in-nolus &I : as noted ttw tions before vaccination, a local reaction In 57% and swelling of th : Card 1/2 regional lywph nodes In Ik,6% of the casts. 3ote 1.30 of the person AMOCUTICK, gatitut k;~y'-Ioy Plitoloill AN YAzakhokay = (In.tttU" Of Ft. , th.l," Of th. AN of th. UAW% MR dn*ulatakly Prot . F instItut L9104 V IVBGTM, Noveabo, 16. IW Card 2/2 7-1 UZBEKOVA9 B.R.s- SIIMUT3R* M.F.; BARAKp TS.M.; BOLTUNOVp P.I. IzXluonce of Preventive inoculations on the incidence of brucellosis in the Kazakh S.S.R. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no. 3:66-70 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Iz Sredne-Asiatskogo protivochumnogo instituta (direktor - kandidat meditsinskikh nauk M.K. Tleugabylov) i Kazakhskoy respublikariskoy sanitarrio-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii. (KAZAKESTAN-BRUCELLOSIS) SMIRNGVJ S.M.; TLEUGABYLOV, VA.; SHMUTER, 14.F.; UZBEKOVA, B.R. Epi~4tanaaua limnunization of subjeoto against brucellmiu with a vaofine from Brucella abortus otrain 19. Zhur.mikrobt-ol epid. i immm. 32 no.1:51-5,4 Ja 161. (MIRA 1~:6) 1. 1z SredneaziatakogD protivochumnogo inatituta Ministeretva zdravookhraneniya, SSSA. (BRUCELLOSIS) SADYXOV, A.S., alcademik; ISKkITDV, A.; UZBHKOVA, D. New metbod ford etermining gossypol in the various organs of the cotton plant. DoI-.I.AN U:s.SSR no.3:40-43 159. (MIRA 12t7) 1. Institut kh1mH rastitellnyk'n veshcbestv AN UZSSR. 2. AN UzSSR (for Sadvkov). Possywl) (cotton) ZAYTSEV, V. P.; NIKULIN, A. A.; FOLYAKOVA, N. B.; SUSNINA, I. V.; TROSHINA, A. Ye.,-. UZBEKOVA, D. G.; USPENSKIY, V. A. Proper utilization of medicaments is one of the basic conditions for the further improvement of medical attendance for the popula- tion. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 6 no.8:13-17 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz Ryazanskogo oblastnogo aptekoupr4vleniya (upravlyayushchiy V. P. Zayteev) i kafedry farmakologii (zav. - dotsent A. A. Nikulin) Ryazanskogo meditsinskogo instituts, imeni akademika I. P. Pavlova. (DRUGS) (MEDICAL CARE) UZBFKOVA, D.G. Influence of glutamic acid and caffeine on the amount of glutamine, ammonia, and glutamic and adenosinetriphosphoric acids in the greater hemispheres of the brain. 8 no.1%83--86 Ja-F 162. (MM l5t1l) 1. Kafedra farmakologii Ryazanskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni akademika I.F.Pavlova. (BRAIN) (GLUTANIC ACID-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (CAFFIITE-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) KRIVITSKIY. Ya.Ye., kandidat maditsinakikh nauk; UZBIKOVA, T.N. (g.Fergann, u1. X.Gorlkogo, d.48) 9' - . ~ I - -- late results of suturing cervical tears during labor [with summ z7 in English] Vop.onk. 2 no.3:351-353 156. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Iz rodilinogo doma gaerganv (glaynyy vrach - zael. vrach Uz.SSR G.S.Makhey) (IABOR, compl. cervical lacerations. repair, follow up) (GIRVIX, UTJIRINI rupture in labor. repair. follow up) UZBIIRG, A.I. Unburned magnesite steel pouring nozzle. Q#neupory 22 no.7:289- 295 '57. (Km lOt8) 1. Zavod "Macnesit." (Svielting furnaells-Iquipsent and supplies) (Vaguesite) his' loss r I 2gli 10 Am; all all fill, ha j jail fit IVE AUTHOR23:OtW?imovich, B.P. (Engineer), Pribyt-ov, T and Rumm, P.A. TITLE: Testing of Unfired Magne3ite-Cliroakite Roof Brikk~;. (Is pytaniye svodovoo-o be:,,obzhigovogo aiagfioz- -i bo~ fix kirpicha) PERIODICAL: Stal', 1956, Nr 2, pp.126-130 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Testing of the behaviotu- of unfired i:iagueg bricks in roofj Of ODen hQ!1Vt11 and electric i.3 described in som,~~ detail. Unfired bri,-,ks '~.ade 'the same iaate--r~ial as fired bricks. The cost5 of t,.eir manufacture is l.?-2 times lower than that of th~-'- fdred bricks. Properties Of the bricks before and after and the comparison of the final length after service Of fired and unfired bricIrs are given. On the 1)a.3i.l Of tli~' results obtained the followin- conclusions were mc--idi~. 1) The character of the wear of unfired bric_',,i3 differb-1- little from that of fired bricks and takes place by stcady spalling with the j-jro.-.,,,re3S1n- zonality and al)r),~arancce of stres,~es. 2) The rate of wear of unfired bricks Card 112 Testing of Unfired Yagnesite-Chroinite Ro:)f Bricks. in the roof of open hearth furnaces is 1-~flo than that of fired bricks (in roofs of electric farriace.-, about twice higher). 3) The use of unfired bricks in roofs is economically expediont except in sectors of maxlnizm wcar and for suspension. 4) Further improvement in the quality of unfired bricks is necessary. There aro 3 tables and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Zlatoust Metallurgical Works "Magnezit" works and...ptDogmupor. (Zlatoustovskiy MetallurgicheskiyPZavod, Zavod "Maenezit" i Gisogneupor) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 15 (2) AUTJ10RSs Uzbergj A. 1,0 Bron, V. jw. 3OV/131-59-10-3/10 TITLE s An Attempt to Produed Metallurgical Powder With Increased Calcium Oxide Content PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1959, Nr 10, pp 443-448 (USSR) ABSTRACTt The "Magnezit" WorkFj produced experimental sets of such a metallurgical powder from dolomitized magnesite of the Volchlyegorskiy and Gologorskly sections of the Satkinskoye deposit, which is presently being mined. Table 1 shows the chemical composition of the raw magnesiteI table 2 the granulation of dolomitized magnesite after its crushing (Footnote 1),and table 3 the chemical composition of this magnesite in the individual fractions. Table 4 illustrates the welded fractions as well as powders of the fraction 10-0 mm. The chemical composition and granulation of metallurgical powders with increased CaO-content may be seen from table 5. Table 6 contains the chemical composition of the metallurgical powder with increased CaO-content in the individual fractions, The properties of cauatic magnesite produced by baking raw material with increased CaO-contgnt are listed in table 7. Table 8 shows the behavior of stored metallur- Card 1/2 gical powder. Conclusions: The influence exerted by the An Attempt to Produce Metallurgical Powder With SOV131-59-10-3/10 Increased Calcium Oxide Content chemical composition of raw magneBite with increased Cao- content upon the quality of the metallurgical powder was determined by investigating commercial sets. Good sintering at regular operation of a rotary furnace is guaranteed by using raw magnesite with a CaO-content of from 4 to 7~6 and SiO2 of from 1.5 to 2%. Magnesite powder with increased CaO- content does not decompose when stored, especially with a CaO-content of 1e. as a maximum. At a CaO-content of more than 14% stabilizere are to be added, which needs, ho7ever, further investigation. By using,magnesites with increased CaO-content, it will be possible to utilize those magnesites which are presently being mined. It is considered necessary to issue specifications for the production of metallurgical powders with increased CaO-content in order to promote their production in the "Maguezit" Works. There are 8 tablets and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONs Zavod "Magnezit" ("Kagnezit" Works). Vostochnyy institut Card 2/2 ogneuporov (Eastern Institute for Refractories) -;z 7~w ',-VXA1 4d:; pl. A.-".-, tj., I i-'-, ru. ;-v j. Z-1-Z P..3 uz .(I;XA -41 J., J.~ .,i4 (XU dC4 .,;I jr.) 9- 1.. jq.3 ..jj_P%A2 R4 I ;-U) -T;: ... q.-.,4_, 'A IT 1-.KTj 0 *1 L 1.XU .... 12 '-ptp I.W4x-m -2 -S J.r.. tioi .44 'Na"IL -1 016 P, _;Q110 V_ 1 411 J~ V-"a J. jrdd 1--d -qZ 'V-l"TP-; -A- ~ .. 4. J. u."J.. fto. q% I tq~j .1 Tsa -44 -1 1: pu. 4twit.2.4 zQ v*tj..2R_ P" .4TV I.-Ti %.I*TNISVT (ussa) Ogg-CGS In All '616t 't-oda-VO 111TOIC01124 .6-1u.0 PT%O ~1*1%3 F"v"vuz Uv 4". jo .011 r1zT& 15(2) S/131/60/000/01/014/017 ATJTHOS# Kotik, P. L.0, Uzberff, A. I., BO15/B0O1 D'yachkov, P. TITLEs Inter-works Couree6for the Production and Use of Refractory Magnesite-chromite Crown Bricks PERIODICALs Ogneupory, 1960, Sr 1, PP 44 - 46 (USSR) ABSTR&CTt In this paper, the authors describe the course which was arranged by the Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-tekhnicheskiy komi- tet Soveta Ministrov RSFSR (State Committee of Science and Technology of the Cabinet Council of the RSFSR).25 engineer3 and teohnicians of metallurgical factories and of factories of refractories took part in this course. The work was carried out at factories of refractories and at eight metallurgical factories. The following lectures were delivereds Professor Semikin and Profeesor Frenkell - On the wear of refractory bricks in the crowns of Martin furnaces, and on the ways of increasing the crown stability; Docent Lyudvinskiy - On the briquetting and use of refractory spinef--pr-o-E-ots; Docent Tovarov - On the working conditions of milling aggregates in Card 1/2 factories of refractoriee. On behalf of the participants of Inter-works Course for the Production and Use of S1131V60100010110141017 Refractory Magnesite-chromite Crown Bricks B015/B001 the course, Engineer Orlov reported on the experience of the Zaporozhakiy zavod (Zaporo Wye Factory in the operation of hydraulic presses, and Engineer Kotik on the burning of difficultly sintering dolomites fi-r-o-lary kilns. Table 1 shows the average stability of the crowns of Martin furnacesp table 2 the physico-chemical properties of the crown pro- ducts produced in 1958. The participants of the course offered proposals for improving the quality of crown products. It was recommended to replace the outdated equipment of the factories by a modern one. The development of the production of periclase spinellide products for crowns of Martin fur- naces and converters was considered necessary. The results of this course and the exchange of experience proved valuable. There are 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONs Nikitovskiy dolomitnyy kombinat (Nikitovka Dolomite Kombinat). Zavod "Magnazit" (Factory !M~~ ~ Vostochnyy institut ogneuporov (Eastern Institute of Refractories) Card 2/2 BRON, V. A.; UZBERG, A. I.; DIYACHKOV, P. N.; KUZNETSOV, Tu. A. Use of caustic magneidta dust for the production of netal- lurgical powder.-Trudy Vost. inst. ogmeup. no.2:6-25 '60. (MM 16:1) (Refractory materials) (Fly ash) DIYACHKOV, P.N.; IMBIRG, A.I.; CHXIMV, F.V. Recovering the caustic maguesite dust b7 means of granulation. Ogneppory 25 no.8:345-352 46C& (MIRA 13:9) 1. VostochVy institut ogenporov (for Dlyachkov). 2. Zavod "14agnezitl (for Uzberg, Cherepov). (Magnesite) (ore dressing) - SIMONOV, K.T.; UZBI , A. I.-, VATNSHMN. O.Ta. for a successful realization of the resolutionm of the July Plenum of the Central Committee nf the CPSUo Ogneupor7 25 no*9:389-397 160. 041" 13:8) 1. Tostochn" institut ognsuporoy (for Sizonov). 2. Zavod "Magnesit" (for Usberg). 3. Chelyabinskiy astallurgichemkV savod (for Vaynshteyn). (Dolomite) BRON, V.A.; SIMONOV, K.V.,- CB1KUROV, I.F.L~~ Xagnesite brick with a spinel bond for the valls of high capacity electric arc furnaces. Ogneupory 27 no.8:345-350 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vostochnyy institut ogneuporov (for Bron, Simonov). 2. Zavod "Mapezit* (for dhikarov, Uzberg). (Firebrick) VYDRINA, Zh.A.; PANARDI, A.P.; G I ; Prinimali uchastlye: VVR A. 11. KCZHBWUY BAFWlOVA, N. ff. e. KUKUSHKINA, A.P.; e" SAGATULDIA, Ye. A. Testing periclase-aptml firebricks in open-hearth furnace crowns. Ogneupory 28 no.,:206-212 163. (MIRA 16:6) .5 1. Nizhne-Ta illskiy mebillurgicheakiy kombinat im. V.I. Imnina (for Vydrina5. 2. Zavod Wagnezit" (for Panarin, Uzberg). (Firebr,ick-Testing) (Open-hearth :l'urnaces-Design and construction) UZBERG, A.I.; BUGAYEV, N.F. Mag.,esite-chromite stopper nozzles for the vacuum treatment of steel in the ladle. Ogneupory 30 no.12:1-7 165. (AURA 18:12) 1. Vostochnyy institut ogneuporov (for Uzberg). 2. Zavod "Magnezit" (for Bugayev). PILIPENKO; M.S.1 ZAMYA71N, B.R.1 UZBERGj V.Pol MOROKOV, PA.; SMHANOVA, Z.V.j DEMMA, A. P. Production and use of ladle brick. Ogneupor7 29 no.12t529-534 164. (MIRA 18i1) 1. Kuwataidy metallurgicheakiy kmbinat. rr'.5:23-27 165, 1. Kuzn0Z!-jy J71. Vidata& A. 1, pen caus it Antsalcople twa- layereCiEgm &j`tmnSTO!rS?e .9 (in lltumian), liqhc SWm4k, A k44. Nauk ESSU 15, 35-42,1053. A prvWmi of rin butrollic two-layard cylindnr hms litim &Aved hy N. 1. NfuAlleR.Alivill, 19-13; rind a ii"Intioll for it SimIlle Itn1wl. trnpic Clive was obtrilmd. by S. a. IAllnit~M1, 19.-A). In 0.19 paprr, a proUem of& hollow cylinder, con~i-ting of two rl;tEdi,.Plly diffictnt ronentitrio Layer-, is mlved for wwrill dt4otrwitionn. ur,der "I"Imption fliat the layere nre boundul rigidly one to arotber. Tim nwditml of the roltition cowshtq of eTlimming Ntrt;t~;(,j ns R corinlAtintion of pri-mem nf r rind triginsomptric Nrictimin of 0; r, 6 n m I 13t. Coardir.-Mcr. The followhq cont Inniomi havi, 1wen rearhed: (1) If olm ~ Wn, I, hm! a~,,, - 1, 2 air rh~U,! constatif i of tht- ext,rwil ;v- trm,,l rcrlwlively, thcm, (lie mtrp!~~ri nre finite, tl!p%, ind,fillit"ly ill 11w of the "xii of the rylird, rj - all,, Own ' lnuot;-, v~,Wbit di.--mlijittily va 11w-itintwe ormlih(A. A r(W nuirwrii'lil vi."Ijlph'~t for the iipecific 1,1011c's of the plastip. r"ll.&IIIN 11,1.4trati! th, MAILS. It. M, Eviin-1wanowsM, U.3,kj SO V/1 24 -58-5-57~ 3 Translation from: Relerativnyy zhurnal, Mekhai-ika, 1958, Nr -5, !-;'USSR) AUTHOR: Uzdalev, A. 1. TITLE: A Problem on the Nonl inearly-- elastic Flexure of a Rectangular Strip (Zadacha o nelineyno-uprugom izgibe pryamougol'noy polosy) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchr.. 5oobshch. Saratovsk. avtomob. -dor. in-t, 1957, Nr 7, pp 11' - i I ABSTRACT: The flexure in a uniformly loaded rectangular cantilever strip is examinec'. Contrary to the classic interpretation of the problem, the law ot deformation is considered nonlinear although differing little lrom the linear, and consequently the problem is reduced to d nonlinear equation. However, the method of a "smallness" parameter reduces the problem to the successive integration of a biharmonic equation ior dit ferent boundary values. The classic solution of the flexure problem of a cantilever strip under a uniformly distributed load is obtained in terms of polynomials, which makes it possible to obtain the succeeding. approximation in terms oi Card 1/2 polynomials also. The numerical'examples given in the SOV/124-58-5-57Z3 A Problem on the Nonl inea rl y- elastic Flexure of a Rectangular Strip article reveal an extremely slow convergence of the successive approxima- tions. L. A. Tolokonnikov I.. Mritllena-~ics 2. Elasticity--Theory Card 2/2 SOV/124-59-1-756 Translation fromt Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1959, Nr 1, p 111 (USSR) AUMOR: Uzdalev, A.I. TITLE: The Stability of a Circular Curillinear Anisotropic Plate PERIODICAL: Tr. Saratovsk. avtomob.-dor. In--+a, 1957, Vol 15, Nr 1, PP 113-12-1 ABSTRACT: A circular plate of radial-eircular-symnetric anisotropy is loaded with a radial compressing and evenly distributed load along the contour. The stability problem is reduced to a Bessel-equation, the indexes of which are depending on the parameters of the aviisotropy. A numerical example is con- sidered. V.I. Fecdoslyev Card 1/1 s L AUTHOR: Uzdalev, A. I. 2,"',359 S/124/61/000/607/032/044 A05P_1A1O1 TITLE: Temperature stresses in a multilayer anisotropic cylinder PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, no. 7, 1961, 3, abstract W20 (Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Str-vo i arkhitekt., no. 1, 1960, 30-34) TEXT: The axially-symmetric stress distribution due to the difference of temper&tures in the inside and outside surfaces of the tube is investigated in a tube made up of an arbitrary number of cylindrical layers soldered or pasted over the surfaces of contact without prestretching. The problem is solved on the following assumptions: 1) each layer is elastic, cylindrically-anisotropic and at the same time orthotropic in relation to both elastic and thermal properties, whereby the axes of anisotropy of all layers coincide with the geometric axis of the tube; 2) physical constants of different layers are different; 3) the temperature distribution in the outside and inside surfaces is a stationary and uniform one; 4) the tube is in the state of a flat deformation. The problem consists of two parts: determination of temperature and determination of stress Card 1/2 28359 S/124/61/000/007/032/044 Temp*rature stresses in a multilayer A052/AlOl in each layer, A method is applied to the solution of these one-dimensional problems, which is essentially the method of initial parameters. When determin- ing the temperature field, the temperatures Tn in each layer in the surface of contact are taken for unknowns; ar. equation is obtained from the conditiens of the conjugation of layers, which connects T,-,,. T. and Tn+1 (n = 1, 2, _, N-1 , where N is the number of layers). Having determined the temperature field, the author finds the stresses usiM,, the familk expressions for stresses in a one-layer cylindrically-andsotropic tube at an axially-symmetric distribution of the load and taking for unknowns normal forces Pn in the surface of the layer. From the conditions of contact an equation is obtained which connects pn-1J Pn and Pn+1 and makes it possible to find consecutively all forces. [Reviewer's note: A similar problem was investigated previously by V. M. Sobolevskiy but only for a particular kind of anisotropy when each layer is transversal-isotropic relative to the radial direction and has thus five independent elastic constants. (Dokl. AN BSSR, 1948, 2, no. 3, 91-99-RZhMekh., 1959, no. 7, 7948). In the reviewed article a-more general ceze of anisotropy-, orthotropy, has been studied at which each layer has nine Independent elastic constants.] S. Lekhnitskiy [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/147/62/000/003/006/007 E199/E488 AUTHOR: -Uzdalev. A.I.. TITLE: Non-stationary thermal stresses in an anisotropic cylinder PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh za -vedeniy. Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no.3, 1962, 111-121 TEXT:. A finite circular cylfnder (a - *internal radius, b - external) has insulated bases and temperature distribution at any time given by f(r). The standard heat equation has the following conditions R(r,O) = f(r) (1.2) T(a,t) = TM, T(b,t) = Tb and is solved on the assumption that 'r(r,t) z TOW + '11(r,t) where TO(r) is stationary temperature, TI(r,t) deviation fromit, Card 1/3 V1 V4 S/147/62/000/003/oo6/007 Non-stationary thermal stresses ... E199/E488 Introduction of the last equation satisfies the following 0 To + -L ~_To ~ 0, (1-5) r dr- T, (a) = T., To (b) - T,,; k + , ' ~ _T, ) , dr' r Jr 6 T, (r, 0) f (r) - To (r) f, (r), r, (a, t) 0, T, (b, t) 0. To is obtained by integrating d2TO/dr2 equation. To determine Tl(r,t) expand fl using cylindrical function UO Uo Vo a ). fo v0 To satisfy A,,U. (1-9) Card 2/3 n-1 S/147/62/000/003/006/007 Non-stationary thermal stresses E199/E488 the coefficient must be b 2. f b An - - a , 3 (1.12) bl. JUO' A solution of a non-stationary state is obtained by separating the variables T, A.-UO n. re _P,11 b). Stress equations obtained by the author are based on the equations of axially symmetric elastic deformations. The author proves the validity of his equationsby comparing them with equations for a cylinder under internal and external pressures. A numerical example is included. There is-1 table. SUBMITTED: March 23, 1961 Card'3/3 40033 0 S/259/62/0021002/0081018 1028/1228 AUTHOR: Uzdalev, A, 1. TITLE: The plane thermoelasticity problem for an anisotropic body PERIODICAL: lnzhenernyy zhurnal, v. 2, no. 2, 1962, 280-286 TEXT: The elastic equilibrium of a homogeneous plate of uniform thickness, anisotropic relative to elastic and thermal properties, and in a state of aress due to the action of external forces and a stationary temperature field, is considered, and the possibility is indicated of reducing the solution of the problem to the determination of three analytic functions of a complex variable. The law of temperature distribution over the plate is deter- mincd, in the form of a function of a complex variable, from the equation of thermal conductivity for an anisotropic plate, and a differential equation for the stress functions obtained with its aid from the equations of the theory of elasticity. The integration of this equation gives the stress components as functions of three analytic functions of a complex variable; they are introduced into the system of elasticity equations, whose integration, in turn, gives formulas for the displacement projections. As an example, the problem of the concentration of temperature stresses in art infinite plate about an elliptic orifice is solved. SUBM17TED: March 20, 1961 Card 1/1 UZDALEV. A.I. Nonstationary thermal stresses in an anisotropic cylinder. 1Z7.- vye.ucheb.zair.; av.tAikh. 5 no-3:111-121 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Thermal stressos) UZDALFV, A.I. (Saratov) Concentration of thermal streBses in the vicinity of an ellIptic hole in an orthotropic plate under the influence of a thermal flow. Izv.AN SSSR.Mekh. i mashinostr, no.5sl69-172 S-0 163. (M:1RA 16:12 ) (W ACC NRI AP6018591 SOU14GE GUDZa UR/01IW66/000/003/017-1/0177 AUTHORt Uzdalov, A, Is (Saratov) ORG: none T-ITLE- The distribution of temperature atresses in an elliptic anisotropic plate SOUMEt 1VUZ. Matomatika, no. 3. 1966p 171-177 TOPIC TAGSt temperature stress, anisotropic material, heat stress, elliptic plate, glass textolite, complex variable / K= - V glass textolite ABMACT: In this article the possibility of reducing the planar problem of thermoolasticity of an anisotropic body to the determination of three analytic functions of complex variables is demonstrated. A solution is dovelopod for the problem of the distribution of temperature stresses in an elliptic anisotrop ic plate under the effects of temperatures defined along the edge. Tho initial problem conditions aro expressed for the condition of elastic equilibrium of a uniform i anisotropic plate of constant thickness, situated in a Generalized planar stressed condition, due to the effect of a stationary temperature field and external forces. Other conditions and assumptions are statedt 1) the plate is anisotropic with respect to both elastic and thermal properties; 2) there is a linear relationship 1/2 UDC: 517-544 Card L 08779-67 ACC NRi Ap6018591 0 between stress and strain components; 3) global forces are inactive, surface pressures are applied at the plate edges; 4) the base of the plate is thermally insulated from the plate, temperature is invariant with plate thickness, and the edge temperature is given. The differential equation for the stress function F is given, and the general solution is expressed as three analytic functions of complex variables. Analysis of the roots of these functions is duo to S. G. Lekhnitskiy (Anizotropnyye plastinki, Gostekhizdat, M., 1957). Temperature conditions are introduced as a system forcing function. Polynomial expressions are derived for solving for the stress deformed state. The extension of the results to the case of an orthotropic material, such as glass-textolite KAST V, is discussed. Orig. art. has: 38 equations and 1 figure. SUB CODEs 20/ SUBM DAM 22Doc64/ ORIG REFs 007 2/2 n'5t 00 of a,# 00 00.0 got 09 00,31 0013 0013 Aa4 A moms -M ISO-i-omwm- ILa A I A I -A-r 00 Ff(KQ%It;'.Q fort* rt - -- - i ! md a "IbRam", 4ROML CNN.. IoM. tk 37&- M% ado Wom phm d* ft Wow dw 'd The waftemby or 61 . is at do thm The voodoo i"c-- slow 41 'aliv" WOW* A T- t.14" It. c". Got , I . I . , I a on 4 a 'c a ; a, OF" D p 0 0 a is 0 010 * 0 0 0 0 0 so* 0 0 0 * 0 '0; 00 *00 -69 -see zoo goo see is Owe-ow is, V too r A S aad 0 1 or ei9a43 I'P 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 to "44 sw ; ;0 11 It " 7 0 a It 0 a id is is v a )f to it m I w a 1$ 11 0 or a, 41 u " 0 a co a a P 11 0 11 R it -1- 1 "1 I-A- U j a cc 0 al. 1 9 J~, t" "Viol # , 0 O 44 41111". J. sover MA S. 401her -00 00.0 - Allan. ChM. 14. 1. CUM. -00 04 at A0, ads takes 4JI; ic W at P k h -00 x H o am. w at 8-10 $ad s y Os f it rime at temp. The weiatwitr of dintaturalkm -00 Wed? metWm a was. at a certain 00 momitimc cows. NCI. The mwtkm om J The 3jd twd" -00 WA Involv" automislysis. Tito m-pults W"te that l P"*~ Coagulating &W crysts. we asslopm . A. Rc .00 00 0 =00 0 too 00 a '00 00 =*0 0 500 0 300 0 002 itloo L fIALiVVGK-L WfN-164 CLASWKAIKk 00 Woo it tv to it It 01 A Am A I I w it 6 of it ft it 1. A I I* I w IN (3 1 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 01- 0 o * 0 0 4 o 0 4 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UZDENIKOV~. ~..; SHEDIIikum, E.M. Abstracts. Apt. delo 11 no.1:82-83 Ja-F 162. (MlRA 15:4) (PHAR4ACY--ABSTRACTS) UZDENIKOV, A.; ALYUSHIN, M.T.; ZAYTSEV, V.; IVANOVA, V.M.; ZDR.U.', Ye. Resmes. Apt. delo 11 no.2:83-85 Mr-Ap 162. OKIRA 15:5) (PURMACY-ABSTRACTS) UMINIKOV, A.11. -------- Review of "Pharmacological control of drugs". Apt. delo 10 no,6: 83 N-D 161. (Di(UGS-STAWARM) (MIRA 1~,:2) LOKSEMA, R.D., kand. elcon. nauk; KOROLEVA, M.G., kand. farm. nauk; KOROBOVA, MMYNOVA, M.P.; PANCHENKO, Ye.I. ANAN I -YEVA, A. T. Development of a methodological basis for the determination of - medication requirements*. Sbor. nauch. trud. TSANII 4t2O-30 163 (MIRA 170) 1. Otdel organinataii. i ekonomiki aptechnogo dela. (nikovoditell otdela - kand. farm. nauk A.M. Sidorkov) TSentrallnogo aptechno- go nauabno-isaledovatellakogo instituta. UZDENNIKOV, A.; IVANOVA, V.M.; SALO, V.M.; ANANIYEVA, A. Abstracts. Apt.delo 12 no-3:83-85 e 162. (KIRA 16:1) (PHARMACY UZDENNIKOV The AL-27 automatic line. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Gos.nauch.- iasl.inst.nauch. i tekh.inform. no.6j24-27 162. OURA 15:7) (Machine tools) (Automation)