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Subject USSR/Engineering AID P - 3989 Card 1/2 Pub. 28 - 7/11 Authors : Kudryashev, L. I., Uvarov, 0. A. and Erlikhman., A. M. Title : Arrangement of two-s-taig-e evaporation with auxiliary cylinders for boilers of small capacity. Periodical Energ. byul., 12, 21-23, D 1955 Abstract To improve the quality of steam and to reduce the num- ber of blowing-outs in small-size boilers, a two-stage evaporation arrangement with auxiliary cylinders, con- sisting of a system of tubing attached to the upper and lower collectors and installed in the combustion chamber, was designed. The authors describe the construction, operation.and testing of the ShB A7 and ShB A3 (Shukhov- Berlin) boilers with this double-aided baffle as the second stage of evaporation. Steam production was reportedly improved by 25 to 30%. Two drawings. I Energ. byul., 12, Card 2/-2 Pub. 28 21-23, D 1955 - 7/11 Institution : None Submitted : No date AID F - 3989 Af N . ;4-4 h- ( ta h i f f - c4 Gr t t. o ug~,L k t quaftt ty o a r;zj e I L~ mmil lf gas ar ve 1 d!~ h gdc Wb)f in ri a l, aa a~~ctn ~ r, & Cali mwd by the quatiM R. R(41%141% be e. Wizere'k. foro-c dzze tD buopnfzy, Prct oppcsing the. mz--. of the bubbt,:, iWd PcI&I 0(!tfU--btIbbk- '-it-CC tl-~CVCXGC~tY.OWX bubble is quac tiOn ODDS $ - or"Itration is mera nndRj: By equattar t equati"dc- tGr the buOyancy bxxe. swkft, law and tti~ square Uw t t resistati C* for movcmmt Lk. ft44,, 11W foRow- d Nr me vAadt 1& d L hni di i 1 ne s c 4 m 4 Irg expm- y 4 what I . diam-of the 7 dimemi-mlez C'01CP - of reziAtaftce, y, a nd $p. gr, cormpt!OW~ erpression U obvdhcd for tht vot. (ifml t4f An4this UprMpix cinact be late , ted. k,n.-.). c( em 'Mnli vifir assumptions avi *zhev mz& v "T Ylefef iw- tic e7. Ocs~. ril~4 ting thatt the tra,,~j of Nquid 6itralncd by a unit , 7" mass 0! g- I it invcm-ly t tetm cGni"g. the - radius rf t,ic. ps butble to x.ic arze pn7vrr. ZHUKOV, A.H., inzh.; KUCHUGURENKO, A.P., dotsent, kand. tekhn. nauk; MURAVOYEV, V.D., inzh.; UVAROV, G.A., doteent, I-and. tokhn. nauk; 71=07, V.N., lnzh.;'SHIMAKOV, B.r., dotsent Investigating combusting.puleatione during burning ol Kashpir shale in furnaces with shaft-type impact mills. Izv. V78. acheb. zav.; onerg. 0 '59. (MM 13:3) l.Kuybyshevskiy industriallny7 institut imeni V.V. Kuybyahava. Predstaylena sektsiyey prikladnoy toplotekhniki. (Oil shales) DOYNIKOV, B.D. , kand. -Wkhn. nauk, dots. Prinimali uchastiye: ODELISKIY, E.Iffi., prof., zaB1. deyatell nauki i tekhniki BSSR, doktor tekhn. nauk; KUDRYASHOV, L.I., prof.,- ERLIKMAJI, A.M., dots.., UVAROV, G.,A,-dots.; BLYUM, A.G... red.; KUZIMOOK, P.T., (Studying the heat-exchange processes in the water systems of small capacity steam boilers] Issledovanie teploobmennykh protsessov vod- nogo rezhima parovykh kotlov maloi moshchnosti. Minsk Redaktsionno- izd. otdel BPI im. I.V.Stalim 1961. 170 p. NIRA 14:21) (Boilers) beat-Transmission) UVAhOV G A dotBent, kand.tellin.nauk I I Boiler units with combined circulation. Sbor. nauch. trud. Euib. indus. inst. no.E:259-264 161. (24DJ. 14:7) (Boilers) BEIDUS.OVP V.M., inzh.; VIDWOV Yu.I., inzh.j STEPANYAN 0 A.A., inzh. --UVjRQV,-G.A., kmd.tekhAiumk; FEDOROV, V.N.', -Inzli.j SHESTAKOV, B.I., kand.tekha. 1, 1 1 Heaouring devices and methods for wasuring pulsations in boiler furnace system. Izv. me ucheb, save; energe 4 no.3949-52 ' Mr 161, (MIRA 34;3) 1. Kuybyshevskiy industriallnyy institut itheni V. VT Kuybyeheva. Predatavlena kafedroy topolonergeticheakikh ustanovok. (Tranoducero) (Boilers) UVAROV G~A,,Jmnd.tekhn.nauk; SHESTAKOV, B.I., kar-d.tekhn.nauk; -----'ADOROV.9 V. 1.T. -h.; AND =- ., inzh.; GOPKO, M.K., irm I , G. B. , ~.. ORIDV, A.V., inzh. Simultaneous burning of anthracite culm and gas with C'ifferent methods for supplying the gas to the furnace. Teploenergetika 8 no./+:52-57 Ap 161. (MIRA 14: 1. Kuybyshevskly industrialinyy institut i Kuybyshevenergo. (Furnaces) z 0 O,A _L111-1. 12 MI.-M -M. DOD a I- A,.--* I A V-1 00 SaWc"bydrW. G.V.UvxrnvmmdP.%,.qtep&tt(w. I-so IM 00 '1 t', bwask acw at 160-Ityll nd the Yvartkm In u li diwl. -00 -00 so al 00. 00 zoo Imov -if AJO.$L& ORTALL&OUICAL LIT111,11(49 CLOSVICATPON ft- .4pa". off 411911008f IN T,,A 91 1 a a~ ~32 a DROP* walls pfu Itt III it KW a 0 0 4 9 9 0 0 0 0 00 13 sell ;tfoleow eve - 0U f, 3621 A a it x OR 01 V16094"S .040 If, V. VvnrQW Sod Posed BiOil is ftested * -00 i6fb Pbuwuatt 140-WO . "' go 'go Coo Coo m ~41 li MITALLUMM LITINAIL" Ct"' ICATMOF too 0", cog too 9 &V to is -i a 3 41 ff of a n If x KO a pr p It It 0 a 0 sovl 64-56-4--1/20 AUTHOR: Uvarovq G. V. TITLE The -e-mrnT-Tn1UWWy--Yftt Develop Quicker (Razvivat' khimicheskuyu promyshlennost' uskorennymi tempami) PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', 1958; Nr 4, PP- 197 - 2oo(USSR) ABSTRACT: The May Plenary Session of the TsK KPSS (Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) passed a histori- cal program that mainly concerns the industry of natural and artificial fibers, plastics and other synthetics as well as products made of them. Ir order to show the great scale of this plan also some data on the planned development are given and the provinces concerned are mentioned. Among others also the insufficiencies to be removed at the MKhP (ministry of Chemical Industry) are mentioned and it is noticed that for a successful development of chemical industry the cor- responding equipment and apparatus must be designed and pro- duced by the industry for machine buildingt apparatus build- ing and mechanization. The publication of projection docu- Card 113 mentations is regarded one of the most important problems; The Chemical Industry Must Develop Quicker soV/64-58-4-1/20 the projecting institutes had to be assisted in this work; some of them are mentioned. The work of the scientific re- search in3titutes is criticized by some examples; a more directed and quicker work is demanded. The working out of new, and the improvement of existing methods for the produc- tion of initial materials for polymerization products of mineral oil and natural gases is mentioned as an example. Besides the perfeotion of already existing processes special interest has to be paid to the development of especially resistivq and heat-resistive polymers for plastics and arti- ficial fibers. In order to promote scientific research work some institutes and branches are being organizedg which are mentioned by the author. The production of acetic acid by the Vladimir Chemical Plant is mentioned as example for a successful complex automation. A cooperation among the socia!Bt countriGs is reccamended, the cooperation among the chemists of the USSR (SSSR) and Czechoslovakia (Chekhoslovat- skaya re3publika) being mentioned as an example. The ex- penditure for scientific-technical literature should be in- creased and the teohnioal information service on foreign Card 2/3 and domestio science and technique is to be extended. An The Chemical Industry Must Develop Quicker 507/64-58-4-1/20 improvement of working methods is recommended to the Labora- tory for Technical-Scientific Investigations and Informations InAtute imeni L. Ya. Karpov (Institut im. L. Ya. Karpova). Finally it is mentioned that the decisions by the plenary session met with international agreement# ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy komitet Soveta 'Ministrov SSSR po khimii (State Comittee for Chemistry of the Council of Ministers 3f the USSR). 1. Chemical industry--USSR Card 3/3 5(l) PHASS I BOOK mawnmia SOV/2997 _g~ ~ri ~Vaslljyeyich, Deputy C*iirman of the State C ttee.on Chemistry jUtv aMr *Vv , G e o ommi of the VSSR Council of Ministers 4 Razvitiye khimicheskoy proWshlennosti v 1959-1965 godakh (Development of the Chemical Industry Between 1959 and 1965) Moscow, Izd-vo "Znaniye," 1959. 15 P. (Series: Vsesoyaznoye obahchestvo po r4s rostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znaniy. Seriya IV, 1959, no. 47)500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Viesoyuznoye oVshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh zn~anty. Ed.: T. F. Islankina; Tech. Ed.: L. Ye. Atroshchenko. PURPOGE; This booldet is Intended for the genoral rqader interested in the chemi- cal Industry. COVERAGE: The booklet emphasizes the growing importance of chemistry for differ- ent branches of industry and states that the rapid progress in aviation, rocket construction., electronics, and atomic enerjy has, to e. great extent, been made possible by new synthetics and plastics martafactured by the chemical industry. Card 1/2 Development of the Chemical Industry (Cont.) SOV/29T As illustration it pointo out that ~!W TU-104 aircraft has 120,000 wxts made of synthbtic r-abber or plasties. Rav materials' needed to manufacture chemical and petroehemicals are enumera-z~ed and the quantity of these materials now available in the Soviet Union indicated as well as the location of newly built chemi-cal plants. No personalities are mentioned. No references are given. TAEW OF CONTENTS: Rav Material Resourcea Distribution of Ner;f Enterprises 5 10 Development of Different Bra:-,,,~hes of the Chemical Industry 11 AVAIIAELE: Librsa7 of Congress Card 2/2 TM/os 2/l/60 5(0) Vi AUTHORt Uvarov, G., Deputy Chairman of the SOV/29-59-4-1/26 _�_tateComnitt,.r: for Chemistry at the Council of Ministers of the US3R TITLEs Komsomol, Let Us Fight for the "Great Chemistry" (Komsomol, v pokhod za bollshuyu khimiyu !) PERIODICALt Tekhnika molodezhi, 1959, Nr 4, P 1 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Central Committee of the CPSS decided in May 1958, to speed up the development of the qhemiaal industry. The characteris- tic feature of the modern chemical industry is its capability of creating entirely new materials, which have no correspondence in nature, from cheap and abundantly available raw materials. During the next seven years principal care will be directed towards the production of synthetics, especially chemical fibers and plastics. Production of chemical fibers is to be increased by the 4-fold within the end of the Seven-Year Plan . In particular, the production of specially high-quality synthetic fibers is to rise by the 12 - 13-fold and that of 'plastics and synthetic rubbers by more than 7-fold. As much as 450 million meters of textiles will be produced by the end of the Seven- Card 1/3 Year Plan with the use of synthetic fibers. The consumer will be Komsomol, Let Us Fight for the "Great Chemistry" SOV/29-59-4-1/26 offered large stocks of synthetic furs, footwear and household wares, all made of synthetic materials. To secure a surplus in goods, the government has appropriated investments of 100 - 105 billion rubles for the development of the chemical industry. This money is to be employed for the construction of 140 new plants, 35 of which are to produce synthetic fibers, and for the transformation of more than 130 existing plants. The creation of the "great chemistry" is impossible without the contribution of youth. The Lenin Komsomol has taken over the sponsorship of 27 new chemical plants. Youth is working with great enthusiasm at the construction of chemical fiber factories at Barnaul, Iyazant, Engells, Krasnoyarsk, Kiyev and Mogilev. The Central Committee of the LVKSM in conjunction with the State Committee for Chemistry at the Council of Ministers has invited entries for a contest among youth collectives partioi- pating in the construction of chemical plants. As a mdans of"., encouraging the best collectives a challenge prize, the Red ' Banner of the TsK VLKSU and of the Gookhimkomitet, as well aa three money prizes in the amounts of 15,000, 10,000 and 5,000 rubles are contributed. Furthermore an All-Union youth contest Card 2/3 has been announced for the best rationalization suggestions in Komsomol, Let Us Fight for the "Great Chemistry" S07/29-59-4-1/26 the field of chemistry. The following prizes will ba asaigned to the contest participants for the beat inventions, technical improvements and rationalization suggestions in the field of chemistry, that have so far been adopted in the works with technical and economic benefitst 15 first prizes (motor scooters "Tula-20011, pianettes, motorcycles 11M-56"); 25 second prizes (accordeons, hunting rifles, television sets); 50 third prizes ("Zorkiy" cameras, radio sets, record players and tape recorders "Ellfall). There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR po khimii (State Committee for Chemistry at the Council of Ministers, USSR) Card 3/3 I.P., .9kademik, glavnyy red. [deceased]; VOLIYKOVICH, S.I., aka- demik,;,UVAROY, G.V., red.toma; KW-ROV, V.P., dotsent, red.toma; LAVRSWf' UV, N.A.. akademik, red.; DIKUSHIS, V.I., akademik, red.; NZMCHINOV, V.S., skademik, red.; VRITS, V.I., red.; LHVITSKIY, O.D., red.; NAMSOV, N.N., red.; PUSTOVALOV. L.B., red.; KBACHATURUT, T.S., red.; ROSTOYTUMV, N.Y., akademik, red.; POPOV, A.N., red.; GRAFOV, L.Ye., red.; GASHEV, A.D., red.; PROBST, Aje., prof., red.; VASYUTIN, Y.F., prof., red.; KROTOV, V.A., prof.# red.; VASILOYEV, P.V., daktor ekonom.nauk. red.; LTUDOGOVSKIT, G.I., kand.tokhn.nauk. red.; TXMOV, P.A., kand.geol.-mineral.nauk, red.; SHKCLINIKOV, M.G., kand.okonom.nauk, red.; BANKVITSZR, A.L., red. Izd-va; BRUZGULI, V.V., [Chemical industry] 11himichasksia promyshlonnost'. Moskva, 1960. 202 P. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Akademiya nauk S=. Sovet po izucheniyu proizvoditellnykh ail. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. 2. Chlony-korrespondenty AN SM (for Veyts, Levitakiy, llekrasov. Pustovalove Khachaturov). 3. Vse- Boymznays akademiya sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk Imeni V.I.Lenina (for nostovtoev). 4. Doystvitelinyy chlen A)mdemii etroitelletva I arkhitektury SSSFL (for Popov). 5. Zamestitell predsedatelya Gosplana RSrSR (for Grafov). 6. Chlen Gosplana RSFSR (for Oeshav). 7. Zamestitell prodsedatelya Gosudaretvennogo komiteta Soveta Mi- nistrov SSSR po khimil (for Uvarov). (Chemical industries) UVAROV Chemicals and synthetic dyes for the industr y. Nozb.-obuv.prom. 3 no.11:14-17 N 161. ( MI RA 1 -5: 1 J' 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya Soveta Ministrov 555R. (Chemistry) Technical) Gosudarstvennogo komiteta po khimii (Dyes arid dyeing--Leatt,ar) UVAROV, G.V. We shall car--! out the decisions of the historical 22d Congress of the CPSU. Z~ur. VXhO 6 no.6:602-603 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Chemical industries) chL_UADA, P-A* 9 BUSHMEV, Vjktor Plikhaylovich; UVAROV, Georgiy-YAALI-!7 - red.; GERMIY'OVA, current seven-YOar plan) [Soviet chemical industrY during the cushchom VOMil0t'" Sovetskaia khimicheskala promyshl'InnOlIt' v to' (14IFLA 15 -.4) Izd-vo ekon. lit-ryj, 1962. 197 p. 110skvay (Chemical industries) UVAROV, G.V. ...... Application of chemistry to agricultiwe and induntry. Ylauka I zhIzn' 29 no.3-.4--7 Ur 162. (MIRA 15 -.7) 1. Zamestitel predeedatelya Goeudarstvennogo komiteta Soveta KillIstrav SSR po khimii. (Agricultural chemistry) (Chemistry, Technical) UVAROV,-0. V.; SAWIATOV, I.I. Increase in the variety of output and the improvement of the quality of construction materials should be the main objective of the chemical machinery manufacture. Zhur. VKHO 8 n0.'3:242-244 163, (MIRA 16:8) UVAROV, G.V. Carrying out the decisions of the December Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU is a concern of all Soviet people. Zhur. VKHO 8 no.6s601-604 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya Gowidarstvennogo komiteta khimiches- koy i neftyanoy promyshlennosti pri Gosplane SSSR. UVAROV, C.. V. Ideas -in the ffieldz of engiveering and ch,eir-istry and problems in the developrienb of chen-Intry. Vest.AN 35 no.6:48-53 Je 165. NIRA 18:8) 1. Zamestitell predaedate]Lya Gosudarstvenncgo komiteta khimicheskoy promyshlennosti pri Gosplare SSSR. uv;..Pcv, 1. 13. !ilk 2,1,2T314 USSR/Electricity - Literature Dec 52 "New Books on Electricity, Electrical Engineering, and Electric Power Engineering, Published in 1952" 'Tlekt-richestvo" No 12, p 89 Lists 17 titles published in 1952, including the following: "Electronic Semiconductors and Their Applications" (Elektronnyye poluprovodniki i ikh primeneniye"), 56 pp, by G. M. Abdullayev; and "Synchronization of Induction Motors by the DAG System" ("Sinkhronizatsiya asinkhronnykh dvigate- ley po skheme DAG"), 84 pp, a short manual by I..B. Uvarov and L. N. Afanaslyev. 242T34 UVAROV, I.B.; SHISHKIN, O.P. Conswoption sf electric energy in turbine and rotary boring. 3nerg.biul. as. 12:22-26 D '53. (XLBA 6:11) (Petroleum--Well boring) 9Y60/000/03/03/008 74" B019 B056 AUTHORSt Romanovskiy, Yu. M., Uvarov, I. I. TITLEt An Experimental Investigation of the Parametric Excitation of a String With Fluctuating Tensions P.RiODICALs Vestnik Moskovskego universiteta. Seriya 3, fizika, astronomiya, 1960, No. 3, pp. 24 - 27 TEXTz An investigation of parametric stability in an oscillation system consisting of two strings with one bead in the middle is dealt with. The fluctuation parameters are given by the tensions of the strings. By means of the experimental arrangement schematically shown in Fig. 1, the excitation of the parametric oscillation of the strings by random signals was investigated. A noise was applied to the input of the generator of mechanical oscillations, which set a vibrator in motion. The string oscillations were measured by means of a transmitter. By variation of the noise at the generator input, the strings were excited to random vibrations. The condition (2) for the paramagnetic excitation of the oscillation system is given, and the important parts played here by the S Card 1/2 8270 An Experimental Investigation of the Parametric S/188/60/000/03/0-,/Coa Excitation of a String With Fluctuating Tensions B019/BO56 spectral density of the random processes in the parametric excitation of the system is pointed out. From the experiments described here it follows that even a high-quality oscillation system becomes unstable under certain conditions. This is in qualitative agreement with theory. Tho authors thank Professor S. P. Str6lkov for his valuable advice and L. A. Shenyavskiy for his help in carrying out the experiments. There are 2 figures and 1 non-Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONs Kafedra obahchey fiziki dlya mekhmata (Chair of the General Physics of Mechanical Mathematics) ke SUBMITTED: October 20, 1959 Card 2/2 Kil,11ARDEKET, F.P.; SITUVAYW, A.S.; FAMBI, V.I.; J.'71TOVAO A.S.; TARAMITIKO, P.I.; YHOUISKIYO R.V.; QlIPP, L.V.,- DOWMIU, G.S.; FLERWAO L.L; 1,11AKSI1,1011, 11.1l.; RAKY3,111,0, I.I.; TALIMOVO I.I.;-U il -VARDV~ I.M.; DUBROVIF, P.Ye..,- LDUACHEVA, O.A.; UVAIROVA, I.I. Conference of the Teaching S~aff and Students of the Moscow Goologic,-d Prospecting Institute. 1--v. vya. uchebe zave; geol. i razv. 6 no.12tl43-148 D t63 (11IRA 18 r2) ,J.T.; "DIKOVA, A."%; TAIA.BANIKO, KMARDINKIN., II.F.; SHtFVAYEV, A.S.; PALKIN) 11 j P.I.; P.V.; GNIPP, L.`!.; DOBASHIN, G.S.; FLF-l,.()VA, L.I.; MAKSIMOV) RA.FlYFINIKO, !.I.; PALIM07, !.1.; -7.'!.; DUBROVIN, P.Yc,.; LIMACHEIVA, O.A.; UVARI-I'VA, I.I. Corterence of the Teaching Staff and Students of the Mosc(rw Gsological Prospecting Institute. Izv. vys.ucheb.zav.; geol. i razv. 6 no.12rl43-148 D 163. (KERA 18:2) TISHCHMIKO, D.; UVAROV, I. Ilew type of terpene conversions. Part 16. Structttre and certain ccaTersions of camphene dichloride. Zknir.ob.khim. 23 no.8:1407-1414 Ag '53. (mmA 6:8) 1. Kafedra organichaskoy khimit lesotekhnicheakoy akademii im. S.K.Kirova. (CA 47 no.22:12312 153) (Camphene dichloride) Ul V___1 Ic i r USSR/Chemical Tecbmology Chemicig.1 Products and Their 1-9 Application. Wood Cblo~mistry Prod-acts. Hydrolysis Industry Abs Jour : Ref Miz- - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 2659 Author : Uvarov, I.P., Gordon, L.V., Gusakov, V.N. Inst '11~ Title Wood-Tar Pitch as Binder In the Prodixtion of Wood-Coal Briquettes Orig Pub Gidroliz-naya i lesok~iim. prow-st', 1957, iio 4, lo-11 Abstract Description of ewpprix~ents on making of briquettes from birch wood coal (moisture contpnt 1%) fLnd wood-tar pitch (softening point., Maken J-ransliterat~-d7 block method, 900). Strength to cmshing (in kg/cm~--7 of briquettes (unbaked) containing 10, 15, 20% pitch and produced with low pressure, is respectively, 4.4, 7.4, 17-3; that of baked briquettes is 16-3, 23-3, 26.8. With a press-vor- king pressure of 65 kg/cm2 the average strength of baked briquettes was of about, 40 kg/cm2; increase in pressure Card 1/2 USSR/Chemical TecInnology .,, Chr-r-ical Products and Their 1-9 Application. Wood Tiemistry Products. Hyd-rolysis Industry Abs Jour : Ref Zhur -, Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 2659 to 150 kg/=2 increases the strength to 100 kg/cm:2. Strength of unbaked briquettes could be increased to 50- 80 kg/cm:2, by raising the pressure. Strength of briquet- tes on attrition is low. Card 2/2 GORDON, L.Vj,UVAROV, I.P. Removal of phenols from industrial wants water@. Gidrolls. i leeekhiobprou. 10 no.l-.16 '57. WMA 10:4) 1. TSentr&llnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skly inatitut leanogo kho- SY&Ystv&. k4ter-Purification) (Phenols) UVARQ~~- . vowww"~- Fbasibility of synthesizing thermosetting resins based on phenola obtained from tare produced in the thermolysis of wood. Sbor. trud. TSHILKHI no.12:39-55 157. (MIn 13:10) (Phenol condensation products) (Yood--Chemistry) Disttr;. 4-b2a(j V Syntbees of (&~ Itcents fm= C*h"na'64 VO ~P" Ti-hchmks d I C'A'. ftrAl Ektm_ tes" _ R1 itmCtu~, and mol. rt ~ I &chi&-.,cA by introductiou of acid groups. Tho metftcA is a awnt on that iu~cd in fo-mnzr v xpotrinv~.nt~ 1,v Kocbo~r (Afteem. C Pe- 1953, 46. 11?. 25 1 j 1'.) aq suq-9", ni, of 2 X mol ;i ~ulo r or pien-A ti, o. -rt :1- 0.,'t th"a-11 -1--l' ph-cn)-ft-nethanc and dancitti'VICApacriol at 60--iflo, to five-rulgeli nuvGl4ks. Seven-ring,xi jrccluct,~ ere obtained by con'tensitm,; of thre,~-dngcd witli dim-tt h viol phenal at I 10--115'. Comicnsat,mi CA h1war ralliti-ringcid novviaks with dimcthjtrAptt-_ Ot_% ititil t PCTI repa-ted -by introdvaiua_ of. are- _z4d- gsvu~ inia t6e wivelalim, E trung HASOj Is ad4ed to Lcold imatak iclutions I% AcOO, then '_---&u-cq -r,6Qtcr- il -Added;- t w water-"d raw .4 ed L in tho reWtia dil t A with j Vd I A W i A . . .' u n eqj td-The fntmductk~mofr-me wl.- phenb1!i-_*&e na-fm.1 WTO 4WF-SOL-d!riY.-bY beating- M c-with solution.1-contairtingr r_ -NaMj. and- formalde4ydel.- Novolaks - urnvcrtcs4 finta sytithetic, taining armts exhilAted a lowere4l drTiv'A f[I'm wojAi JIL,!Irj t he p-cl), (if 111gh-1111.flity ~YZQ'111' A 1. 11 1161 UVAROV, I.P. Directed synthesis of phenol-formaldahvda resins. GHroliz. i lesokbim. prom. 11 no-5:5-7 '58. (MIRA 11:9) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-insledovatellnkiy- lesokbimicheskiy institut. (Resins, Synthetic) GORDON, L. V. ; OV, LP ; KATUNIN, V.Kb.; SHUTOV, A.F.; KAMIYNH, B.B.; 1OKWO, L.A. Distillation and coking of wood tars with a solid heat carrier. Gidrolizai lesokbim.prom. 13 no.3:3-4 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. TSentrallzwy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy losokhimichaskly inatitut (for Xatunin). 2. GosudBLrstvennvy utuchno-tekhnicheski.V komitst Soveta ministrov RSM (for Shutov). 3. YsesoYuznyY nauchno-issledovatel'skly institut po porera"Jotke nefti i gaza (for Fomenko). (Wood tar) Pistillation) UTAROV, I.P.; GUSAKOV, V.N. PPM-1 viscosity reducer. Gidrolls. i leafthim.prow. 13 no-7:7-9 160. (MM 13110) lo TSentrallnyy nanchno-iseledovateliskly loookbimichaskiy Institut. (Wood--Chasistry) (Viscosity) BE.ZMOZGINp B.S.; UVAROV; L.P.; KIPRIANOV, A.I.; NEMCIIEW, A.G.; YUDKEVICH, Yu.D. Vapor phase thermal demethylation of wood-tar oils in a contact pyrolysis reactor. Trudy VNIIT no.10:59-63 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Wood tar)(Methyl group)(Pyrolysis) -UVAROV? I *P. Saponification of vovolaks obtained from mothoxyphenole of wood chemical origin. Sbor.trud.TSNILKHI no.1402-35 161. (MIRL 16:4) (Phenol condensation products) (Saponification) :;/08 1j62/OQU/01 910321053 B101/BI80 Uv,'-rov, 1. r C; Q'I LA 0 - C- :.-.ethyl ethers of phenolc with J.,~-.) -t C.,jL j"efera-.ivnyy z".u--2.,Il. ;':-imiy,i, no. 19, 1962, 511, abstract 10x61 1b. tr. i proyektn. in-t. lesok',,.im. !~rola-oti, 110. 14, 1561 35 - 38) T EX T The condensu~,ion retetIon,'. of complete methyl ethers of pyrocatechol and resorcirol forial dehyde (I) in acid medium were studied to detormine th-2 of condehsing complete methyl et"IeVIS %$itli I to for:r. condenaate-s. if the reaction in conducted .,it,. an ex%ci~.! ol' u.-,. to 1000C h linear poly;r!er -aill be fop,.ied; 0, k', oible resin was aL, 150 it becones ~i L'a ii -,-,n~jion--,'L one. An infu. obtain,od by condenoin--, rr-oo,-cino! dimethyl other witit dijnethylol-.j- ~resol at a nolar ratio of 1:1 -.nd at 15COCC, using phosphoric acid as catalyst. A novolac recin, .....ic.: did not -o over into the infusible state, was obtained by condensin,'- vcr~.turule ;-.,ith dimethylol-p-cresol at a molar Card 1/2 J/05 116210GOI,)l 9/;'.-J-42/Z)5 Condensation of com.,piel'.- -i- -',,il . . . b1 JI/Blao ratio of 1:1 and at 150 0C acid. The recin darkens- on further heating to 1600-,. !: a noLe: Complete tran3lation. I - C~aru 21", UVAROVq I.P.; GORDON, L.V. Vapor phase pyrolysis of phenols and oils. Gidroliz. i leqokhim. prom. I/+ no. 1:12-14 161o (MIRA 14:1) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellakiy lesokhimicheskiy institut. (Phenols) (Oils and fats) I ' di UVAROV, I.P.; PARSHINKIN, yu.A.; BALASHOVp N.N.; DOGDANOVp G.A.; BEZK)ZGIN, E.S.; NEMCHENKO, A.G.; YUDKEVICH, Yu.D.; KIPRIANOV, A.I. Vapor-phdBq pyrolysis of wood-tar oils. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 14 nb.8:5-6 161. (MIRA 16:11) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy lesokhimicheskiy institut (for Uvarov, Parshutkin, Balashov, Bogdanov). 2. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke i ispoll- zovaniyu topliva (for Bezmozgin,'Nemchenko, Yudkevich). 3. Leningradskays. lesotekhnicheskaya akademiya im. S.M. Yirav& (for Kiprianov). 1-1 j GORDON, Lev Vladimirovich; KOPYLOV, jT~ROV,-jyAn-&trqviqh - V.I., red.; YEPISHKINA, A.V.', xedizd-va; GRECHISHCH&VA, G.L., tekhn. red. . .1, (Wood tar; synthetic products based on wood ohemiaal phenols] Dreveanye smoly; sinteticheskie p)rodukty nn oanove lesokhimi- cheskikh fenolov. Moskva, -Gesiesbunisdat, 1962. 84 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Wood tar) (Phenol condensations product4) n; vd v M a t & "'W ff LX ~'g D 63862-~65 &WT(M)/NPF (o.)I)TdP (0/1,114PQ )/T ',~W/IZVI 'Z/0328,/65/0M/()O5/0()O7/0W7 ACUM011 11R: AP5020385 U1 - 634.0.8,S:547.5,5~! :674,815-4-167~' AUT11010. Vinogradovp L. N.; tatzutuyova, Ye. G.; Golldshmidt' Yu. It.; UvarovP L TITLE: Phenol!i derived from wood processina an raw materials for bindors ior wood chi7p -panols SOURCE: Gidroliznaya i leso'.khimichoskaya proqrshlennost', no. 5j. 1965t 7' OPIC TAGS., wood chemical pr S, lHin ructure panol .T oduct 0 a phonol, pyrolyni ~tt _i___f7j5ha_nAii oikpo~n"t o resins-obtained fro _PYr thermoIys is of wood pulp is recomimnded as ocess for the preparat-on r)f free a pr :phanols used asa basis for -hin -'j~ combination of dibtillation ane vapor~phase --pyrolysist-waing: thoj n r,7 -------- ollowi --mixe- -7,u--r- e__~ - o f 7- r - I *kc ~1~b% ZI j -The-bindors--were-pre3ar,,gd-by-mixi 17 (3-00 pm-ts witb 3eo formal- '30 parts nd -50C for 1-2 dehyde (80LI -50% KOH-o la rarto) at 40 hours, -until the viscosity- of 50-W-' (according to FE-36) was reached. The density of OC Waa the-product was 1.12-1.]J,,, and its polymer! -zation rate at 15 50-'10 ec. he dried and sieved shavingv from wood processing plants wre mi:xed vi-th phenolic~: _!~rd I;r2 o. f;, L. 63862-65 ACCESSION IIR: AP5020385. binders. They were~then shaped and pressed into panels 10 15, and 3D mm thick~ I -at the W-00 3 n of the fyatigrorsk~y zav --by the process deve oped d chip divi io. od zhelezobetonnykh izdeliy i konstruktsii ' es-ta t'Yavminp~:-omstrqy" ( jt~z2rsk ,r Pr iy_ Plant for Reinforced Concreto) The bending strength of panels made with phen:)lic! binders was 146 kglovY as conl~ d with M kg/cn? shoiM by- panels malo with urea- P Ormffldewu - rug-jLnus. P~e nt-aquipmiemt-=a-- neceseary. :hL anging--to-the -now type of binding compound. The wood chip panels so,produced have no specjfi,3 -odor and arestronger and more water resistant. Orig. art. has: I table. ASSOCIATION none I'M CODE: GC SUBMTTED t 00 ENCL 00 1-10 RU SM.: 000, OTHM: 000 SOLOVIYITA, Z.A.; UVAROV, L.A.; VAGRAMYAN, A.T. Rate of exchange between cobalt and its ions in solution, Zhur. neorg.khim- 5 no.6:1185-1188 Je 16o. (MI- 13:7) (Cobalt) (Reduction, Ilectrolytic) (Ion exchange) S/076/61/035/007/001/019 B127/B208 AUTHORS: Kuznetsova V. N., Popkov A. P., Uvaro -v_L. A., Vagramyan A. T. TITLE; Polarization during electrodeposition of iron group metals. I. Steady-state potential and overvoltage of iron deposition PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 7, 1961, 14o6 - 1410 TEXTt The authors studied deposition and dissolution of iron in 1 N FeSO 4 solution at 250C. The electrodeposited iron was found to dissolve in these solutions in the absence of polarizing current, particularly in a more acid solution. In this case (pH 1.5-2-5) the rate i c of the spontaneous dissolu- tion rapidly decreases with increasing pH(ic - 0.4ma/cm at pH 1.5). On further change of the pH from 2.5 to 3.5 the rate of spontaneous dissolution 2 is reduced more slowly (ic . 0.065ma/cm at pH 3). The following reac- tions take place at the electrode surface: H + e-!o H -1 H ->H+ + e, 2+ 2+ 2' 2 2 Fe + 2e--)Fe, Fe-#Fe + 2e. The reaction rates are denoted by F19 F 29F31 Card 1/3 Polarization during ... S/076/61/035/007/001/019 B127/B206 F4* The equation for the steady state is then: F 1 + F 3 - F2 + F4* The potential of the Fe electrode being more negative than that of hydrogen, the ionization rate F 2 of H2 may be neglected. Assuming that the discharge rate F 3 of the Fe ions be much less than that of the H + , Fj,one may write F1 - F4t i.e., the charge of the electrode is compensated by the discharge of the H+ ions. The change of diesolution in-the presence of 1N Al 2(so 4)3 was also studied. At 01 1-5-3-5 the rato of diusol"tion incronsoo in this case. (PH - 1.5, ic 0-52 ma/cm 2, PH - 3, ic - 0.31. ma/cm 2). This is due to SO 4 absorption on the electrode which accelerates the ionization of the metal atoms. In the presence of aluminum sulfate the polarization of the anode is decreased by 35mv. With rising temperature of the electrolyte the rate of spontaneous dissolution increases, particularly in the presence of aluminum sulfate. At a temperature rise from 25 to 600C at PH - 1.5 the, rate increases to the 7.5-fold, in the presence of aluminum sulfate to thq, 22-fold. At low PH the steady-state potential changes quickly with a Card 2/3 J S/076/61/035/~jO7/001/019 Polarization during ... B127/B208 change in pH, at a higher pH this change is less significant. At low pH the dependence may be expressed by the following formula: V's t - A + RT In [H+] T+_ _87-F At higher pH the potential is shifted more to the negative side. In an oxygen-free inert atmosphere the deviation of the steady-state potential from the rule, expressed by the formula, decreases. At higher pH the steady-state potential is shifted toward the positive side under the influ- ence of aluminum sulfate. The potential of the Fe electrode is irreversi- ble in sulfuric acid zolution and is determined by a number of processes. It is therefore impossible to determine the overvoltage by the steady-state potential. The deposition potential was determined relative to a saturated calomel electrode. With increasing pH the deposition potential of Fe is shifted toward the negative side. At a given current density and increasJ'Aig pH the overvoltage of the deposition has more positive values, except in very acid solutions. The determination of overvoltage by the steady-state potential thus seems to be incorrect and gives contradictory results. There are 5 figures and 6 Soviet references. Card 3/3 3/076/61/035/,~~;7/002/rd' 19 B127/B208 AUTHORS: Vagramyan, A. T, Kuznetsova, V. N., Popkov, A. P., Savostin, V. A., Uvarov, L. A. TITLE: Polarization during electrodeposition of iron group metals II. Electrodeposition of iron PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v- 35, no. 7, la6l, 1411 - 1415 TEXT: The authors investigated the electrolytic deposition of iron from solutions of 1 N FeSO 49 and 1 N FeSO4 + 1 N Al2 (s04 at a current density 2. of 20 ma/cM The yield of metal relative to the current changes only lit- tle with a change in current density, and increases rapidly with increasing pH in the range 1.5-2-5. By changing the pH by one unit the yield increases from 20 to 90clo'. At a further pH increase the yield increases but slightly. On aluminum sulfate addition the yield is only 45% at the optimum pH. All curves showing the dependence of the potontial of the iron electrode on the pH pass a maximum at pH 2.0-2.2. The maximum of the polarization curves is 60 - 65% of the maximum metal yield. At low pH the current is consumed for hydrogen reduction and liberation. In the descending branch of the curve Card 1/3 S/076/61/O35/(,07/(jO2I/CI9 Polarization during .... B127/B208 the current is consumed for the metal depouition. The discharge of hydro- gen ions is promoted in that part of the curve which corresponds to hydro- gen liberation, the reduction of the metal ions in that part of the curve which corresponds to imetal deposition. The curves are exactly explained in the papers by A. N. Frumkin, Zh. fiz. khimii, 31, 1875, 1957, Z. Phys.Chim., 207, 321, 1957, and 1. A. Bagotskaya, Dokl. AN SSSR, =, 343, 1956. lio, 397, 1956. Apparently hydrogen deposition is facilitated on an electrode coated by hydrogen. Thi 'a is confirmed by the paper by M. Smyalovskiy saying that there is a relationship between the hydrogen overvoltage and the tendency of the cathode metal toward supersaturation with hydrogen. The following reactions are assumed to take place at the hydrogen-coated electrode: H 0+ + H e--.*.*H +HO and HO++e--7 H + H 0. 3 ads + 2 2 3 ads .2 The rate of the first is higher than that of the latter. The increased metal keduction with decreased rate of hydrogen deposition is probably due to the fact that the metal deposition at a surface saturated with hy- drogen is far more difficult than at a hydrogen-free electrode surface. pH 3.0-3.5 is most suitable for the metal deposition. The retardation of the metal ion reduction is probably related to an adsorption of foreign particles, hydroxides and others, which are deposited on the surface of the Card 2/3 Polarization during ... S/076/61/035/007/002/019 B127/B208 iron electrode after breaking the contact, and passiv4te the electrode. A potential jump is observed at the moment of connection. By adding aluminum, polarization of the cathode increases only at pH 2-2-5. Aluminum sulfate inhibfts the deposition of the metal, but does not affect H2 deposition. There are 6 figures and 5 references; 4 5oviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The most important references to English-language publications read as followst Foerster F., J. Electrochem., 22, 85, 1916.- Glasstone S. J. Chem. Soc., 2, 2887, 1926. (given as 1 reference). ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut fizicheskoy khimii (AZ USSR Physico-chemical Institute) SUBMITTEDt August 18, 1958 Card 3/3 40727 310621621000100910011009 B101/Bla6 AUTHORS: Vagramyan, A. T., and Uvarov, L. A. TITLE: Determination of the reversible p9tential of a nickel electrode at high temperatures PERIODICAL: Akadeziya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 9, 1962, 1520-1524* TEXTs The potential in the system Ni - Ni 2+ was measured within the range 18 - 2500C. Its temperature dependence was compared.with the-values related to a sulfate-mercury standard electrode as calculated from the equations + (RT/nF)ln a + kj(T - TO) + k ~nd k 2(T T where k, 2 are respectively the temperature'coefficients at To 298 K of the investigated an! of the standard electrodes, respectively. Resultst Iith increa'sing temperature, the potential of the nickel electrode becomes more and more negative; it reaches a maximum at 180 - 200 0C and then gradually becomes more positive again. At low temperatures the values Card 1/3 S/062/62/000/009/001/009 Determination of the reversible ... B101 B180' 0, determined are %~:idely scattered and not reproducible, but above -120 reproducible values are obtained and above 200 0C the potential agrees Y,ith the calculated value to an accuracy of -0.02 v. It is concluded that above 2000C there is no adsorption of impurities and no irreversible adsorption of hydrogen and that owing to the absence of adsorption the deposit is free of intQrnal stress. Therefore nickel at high temperatures behaveq like a reversible electrode. This is also confirmed by the absence of polarization at high temperatures. The temperature caefficient of the potential agreed with the data by A. J. de Bethune, T. S. Licht and N. Swendeman fJ. Electrochera. Soc., 106, 616 (1959)). From this, standard 1)otantial of the nickel electrode at 25cC was calculated z1fl being -0.270t0-005 v in relation to a standard hydrogen electrode, which deviates by 0.015 - 0.025 v from the value calculated on the basis of the thermodynamic data. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences Card 2/3 USSR) j s/o62/62/000/009/001/009 Determination of the reversible ... B1011BI86 . SUBITZ ITT LD tMarch 3, 1962 I / Card 3/3 UVAROV, L.A. Galvanostatic method of determining diffusion coefficients. Zhur.fiz.khim. 36 no.5051-935 IV 162. OURA 15;8) 1. Institut fizicheakoy khimii, AN SSSR. (Diffusion) (Electrochemistry) 3/020/62/146/003/015/019 BIOI/B144 AUTHORS; TITLE: Vagramyan, L. T., Uvarovq L. A. Mechanism of electrodepocition of nickel from sulfate solu- tions PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR.- Doklady, v. 146, no- 3, 1962, 635-637 TEXT; The effect of passivation on the elebtrodeposition of nickel was studied by a method already described (Izv. AN SSSR, OKhN, 1962, no. 9). Results: The overvoltage of nickel referred to a steady potential at low temperature is much greater than when referred to an equilibrium potential. Above 1800C this difference disappears as the.electrode becomes reversible. Between 20 and 1200C, the temperature coefficJent of over- voltage is 2 mv/deg, whereas above 150PC it becomes zero. At low tedpera- ture, the overvoltage-versus-current density function shows two sections: .first, the overvoltage increases rapidly with increasing current density and H2. is liberated; then the increase becomes flatter, the current yield for Ni being 60-80~. Above 150 0C the current yield is 100%.. if the polarization curves are plotted slowly, no dependence of polarization Card 1/3 S/020/62/146/OC3/01 5/019 Mechanism of electrodeposition BIOI/B144 on current density in observed at high temperatures. Iii deposi 'tion at high temperatures does not cover the entire electrode surface but occurs only in spots; hence the overvoltage as measured refers to much higher current densities than those calculated from the electrode area. Conclusions: The slight dependence of polarization on current density at high temperatures is due to the area of deposition becoming larger as current density increaseu, and in fact the current density remains nearly unchanged. The deposition area adapts itself to the polarization current just as is the case with metals deposited at low overvoltaGe. '7hen the polarization curve is plotted quickly, this self-adaptation. is not given time to occur. There is no essential difference in the mechanism of metal deposition as between high and low overvoltages. The transition from coarse-crystalline deposits at high temperature to fine-crystalline at low temperature is due to the quicker passivation in the latter, which also results in higher overvoltage. At high temperature, a diffusion zone impoverished in nickel appears near the growing deposit of nickel. The concentration overvoltage of Ni at 1800C is calculated from the thickness of the diffusion layer: it is about 15 mv at a current density of 10 ma/cm2. There are 2 figures. Card 2/3 Mechanism of electrodeposition B101/B144 ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk. SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: May 181 1962, by V. I. Spitayn, Academician SUBMITTED: May 10, 1962 S/02o/62/1 46/c)03/01 5/019 dard 3/3 VAGRAMYAN, A.T.; ZHAMAGORTSYAN, M.A.; V-A=P-WA, Effect of temperature on ihe kinetics of nickel ion discharge. Izv.AI! SSSR.Ser.khim. no.2:301-304 F 164. (MIRA 17 t 3) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. UVAROV, L. A. ; ZA.MALORT6YiJiTS, M. A,; VAGRAIMYXil, A. T. "Die elektrolytische Abscheidunw_ *ton NL:k,~;-! ra--i;s wabrip~en --~.i Te=p- eraturen uber 1000 C." paper submitted for 2nd Intl Symp on Ilyperpure Materials in Science and Technology, Dresden, GDR, 28 Sep-2 Oct 65. Institut fur physikalische Chemie der Akademie der Wissenschaften der WSSR, Moscow. M. A. Alit.; trokhimiia 1 f:- 1, institut. '- " -~i 1337S,~. VAGRAWAN, A.T.; ZHAMAGORTSYAN, M.A.; UVAROV, L.A. Effect of temperature on the kinetics of cobalt ion reduction. Slaktro- khimiia 1 no.6t633-639 Je 165. (MIRA 18s7) 1. Institut fizicheBkoy khimii AN SSSR. L 23890-66 EVIT (m)/ETC Q ),IEWG (m)/T/60 (t) IJP(c)- - DSZ~~W W JAJ ACC NR. AP6008618 SOURCE CODE: UR/0365/65/001/oo6/o636/0642 AUTHORS; Savchenkov, 0. F.; Uvarov. L. A. A2 ;CrEIG: Institute for Physical Chemistry# Academy of Scienceo,SSSR (Institut fizicheskoy khimif Akadomlya naulc 355K) TITLE: Study of the anodic behavior of the iro group metals over a wide range of temperatures. I. Temperature influence on the critical current in the pasavation of Inickel SOURCE: Zashchita metallov, v. 1, no. 6, 1965s 636-642 TOPIC TAGS: nickel, iron, electrochemistry, electrode, teflon, mercuryl mercury compound, temperature dependence ABSTRACTs This investigation was conducted to determine the effect of temperature on the rate of anodic dissolution of nickel. The experiments were carried out with a IF solution of Niso4 at PH - 1.5. The nickel electrodelconsisted of a nickel wire embedded in teflon. The electrode potential was measured relative to a IN mercuary- mercury sulfate electrode. The critical current-inducing pavaivity was determined over a temperature interval of-25 to 160C. The experimental results are presented in graphs and tables (see Fig. 1). They agree well with the theory of T. Ishikawa and G. Okamoto (Bleotrochimica Acta, 19649 9% 1259) and can be represented by the UDG, 541-138.2 L 2U9M6 ACC NRI AP6008618 Fig. 1. Dependence of the critical current and passivation,of nickel.on the temperature in 1N NiSO 4 at 1.5 PH. two-stage process: OH'_ g" j14- (a 3.1 ~b) It was found that the energy of-aotivation for anodic nickel dissolution was 10.5 kcal/mole. It is suggested that, at high temperaturest the passivation process depends on the diffusion rate of nickel ions into the solution. The authors thank Professor G. Okamato of Hokkaido University for his interest in the present work and Professor W. Lorenz of Leipzig University for valuable advice. Tbanke are also given to A. T. Vagraqran for hTFEelp In- evabla*ting the experimental results. Orig. art. has: 1 ta=-M~n graphs DATE: 06Mar65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH Wt 017 SUB CODEt,.07/ MM W~ AUTHORt Uvarov, L.I. 11-58-3-11/14 TITLEz Remarks on an Article by M.N. Saidov "The Meso-Cenozoic Con- tintntal Deposits of the Dzhungary Depression (Basic Traits of Stratigraphy)" ( Po povodu stat'i M.S. Saidova "Nezokaino- zoyakiya kontinentallnyyo otlozheniya Dzhungarskoy vpadiny (0snovnyye cherty stratigrafii)" PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akadomii Sauk SSSR, Seriya Geolohicheakaya, 1958, # 3, PP 113-114 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This is a sharp criticism of the article published by U.N. Saidov, in the October 1956 issue of Izvestiya, AS SSSR, Seriya Geologich 'eskaya. The author of this article accuses Sai- dov of making statements which do not correspond to the truth. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 1/1 UVAROV, LJ. Effect of recent tectonic movements on the hydrography it Dzungaria. Geol.abor. [Lvov) no.7/8:349-353 61. (MIRA 11#:12) 1. Institut Vostokgiprogaz, Saratov. (Dzungaria-Geology, Structural) ACC NRI AN6034953 SOURCE CODE: UR/9008/66/000/268/0002/60i)2 AUTHOR: Uvaron M. (Lieutenant general of artillery; Commander of air; defense rocket forces) 1ORG: none TITLE: Rocket defense of aerial frontiers !~SOURCE: Krasnaya zvezda, no. 268, 18 Nov 6~, p. 2, cols 1-4 TOPIC TAGS: antiaircraft missile, missile complex, missile training ABSTRACT: The commander of air-defense missile forces states in this I article that during training involving Soviet antiaircraft and missile forces the greater part of the firing is carried out under difficult aerial and radiation conditions. Antiaircraft-missile forces have suc-1, cessfully mastered firing on zargets flying at all altitudes and under various jamming conditions. An antiaircraft complex hasbeen, established' which can detect and destroy aerial targets at any altitude, during the day or night, and in any weather. SUB CODE: 15, 1T SUBM DATE: hone Card 1/1 ACC NR% AP6036096; SOURCE CODE: UR/0256/661000101110008/00107 1 AUTHOR: Uvarov, 14. A. (Lieute-nant general of artillery) ORO.: none TITLE: To new 1e Is of combat mastery (Antiaircraft artillery training) SOURCE: Vestnik.piotivovozdushnoy oborony, no. 1l,.1966, 8-10 ITOPIC TAGS: antiaircraft defense, military-training, crn~bat training, air defense system ABSTRACT: In thisiarticle a Lieutenant General of artillery states that target practice has antiaircraft complex is capable of destroying high-speed, small-sized tarpt6 at high and low altitudes, even under adverse conditions. He also states that during training exercises it is necessary to use different types of interference simulators and to structure a complex air aftuation. SUB CODE: 15/ SOM DATEt none/ Card UDCs none MM ./Medicine - Ac~ Of VAU091 80144204111 "MRY 49 medicine - Social and camunal ywgione "Joint All-Union Conference at the Institute of Social and, Commal, Hygienep Academy of Medical Sciences M. M. Uvarov, 2j pp "Gig i San" No 5 Putlines activities of the conference held 1-5 Fab 49, tattended. by representative groups from. hygienic Insti- --ItutionB, public health institutiaas, scientific schools reworking in related fields,, and various planning or- .4ganizations -of 'USSR, RSFW, Ukrainian SSR, Belorussian AM Moscow Oblast, anti Yoscov. Activities of the c;4'ereilce were in three catagories: activities in No 56/49T48 WSR/Yiedicine - Academy of Medical Sciences may 40 (Contd) general and communal hygiene in 1948 and plans for 1949,, hygiene and designs for p6pulated areas, and purification of the air. Mentions numerous reports submitted. UTAROV, K.K., Discussion on the problem of improving environmental health. Gig. i san. 22 no.6:62-66 Je '57. (KMA 10:10) 1. V Komitate gigiyerq Uchenogo soveta Kinistarstva zdravookhrananiya SSSR. (HYGUNS, in RUPRIa (RUB)) uv;,~Iov, 1,1'. m., C;utO,-.,W'jv, I',-. J., IE;L~iil!;, ". A. 'Yo3twzir Residential Cor.5trt-etion and hyeienic 3tane,,ards- ii~ t:-~-_ Field of 3"tandard Planning of " report riubmitted at the 13th All-Union Conj,,,m-3S of Hygienists, E(.--.ide.,TLiolo~fists 11 and Infectionists, 1959. n(I n,-,- GOA%IOSOVP M.S., doktor med. nauk; DANTSIG, N.M., prof.; KYUPAR, A.I., sanit. vrach; MINKH, A.A., prof.; PROKOFIYEVy A.P., dots.; SILIVAIUK, K.Ye., doktor med. nauk [deceased'j; UVAi(OV, M.N.? kand. mod. nauk; SHAFIR, A.I.0 prof.; SHTTIVY'r,-A-L, prof.; iWOTKOV, F.G., prof., otv. red#; I.G., red.; i0MANOVA, Z.A., tekhn. red.; MIiWNOVA, A.M., tekhn. red. [Manual an communal Irjgienel Rukovodstvo po kommunallnoi gigiene. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.3.[Hygiene of residential and public buildings] Gigiena zhilykh i obshchestvennykh zdanii. Red. toma Goromocov i A.I.Shafir. 1963. 486 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Deystvitelinyy chlen AV17 SSSH (for Krotkov). 2. Chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Ninkh). AID P - 3952 Subject USSR/Hydr. Eng. Card 1/1 Pub. 35 - 16/19 Authors Bogdanov, V. Ya., N. I. Burenkova, and M. N. Uvarov, Engs. Title Improving the performance of dredges by preliminary mellowing of soil. Periodical Gidr. stroi.,'\ 43, 1955 Abstract The article reports on satisfactory results achieved at the Kuybyshev Hydro Power construction project by loosen- ing soil before starting dredge operations. A special plowshare is fastened on the cutter and used for this work. The authors claim that the hydraulic fill mass obtained has a 1:3 ratio. Institution : None Submitted : No date -M 4 --honer. Floating machinery repair shop. Mokh.strol. 14 no.'):30 Mr 15 ye (KLBA 10: 4 (Hydraulic machinery--Naintenance and repair) OhRin-drivers ncwn with rnffiwt~,. Tr. frix, Rus.,iian. p. 1?2. litcr.-4tury) Vol. i", no. 3, -ar. 1954. --aL~t 'Uropean Accc-,-7jj~js 'd-,t 01. 5, no. UVAROV, It. Use of control devices for receiving bank deposite. Den. i kred. 18 no.3:60-61 Mr 160. (KRA 13:2) (Moscow--Deposit barking--Squipment and supplies) 1. VV'RG11 )'I'll. 2. UOSR (60C) 4. 1-Ulking 7. Increasing butuerfat content of inilk by u9ing warm comp-esses on tho coils, udders. Sov. zootekh. 8, N'o. 1) 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, may 1953. Unclassified. 69031 6? 9 16 0 s/1206o/ooo/oi/ol9/051 EN2 AUTHORIS: Gorbachev, V.M., Usenko, L.D. and MEV,.2N.A. TITLE: Measurement of the Transit Time of the Electrons in Photomultipliers PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, Nr 1, pp 69 - 73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The transit time of the electrons in photomultipliers Of several types was measured by the fielectron-current control" method which was devised by th~-_authors and the results were compared with the measurements obtained by the spark method (Ref 2). The current-control method permits application of a fixed light source and is based on the following principle. When the cathode of the multiplier is illuminated, a current ia produced in the tube. However, if a sufficient negative voltage is applied to the diaphragm of the system the electrons can be "held" between the cathode and the diaphragm so that the tube produces no current. If a positive pulse is then applied to the diaphragm, the normal operating Cardl/5 voltage between the electrodes of the system is restored 1K 69081 S/12o/6o/ooo/ol/oi9/05l Eljj/E38& Measurement of the Transit Time of the ectrons in Photomultipliers and an output pulse is obtained. The time interval from the instant of the application of the control pulse to the diaphragm to the instant of the appearance of the output pulse permits the determination of the transit time t I of the electrons. The measurement circuit based on the above principle is shown in Figure 3. The light source is situated in the vicinity of the photo cathode. Normally, the diaphragm is at a negative potential of about 100 V with respect to the cathode. The thyratron (the second tube in Figure 3) is triggered by a pulse generator and produces a pulse which is applied to the diaphragm. Simultaneously, a pulse isapplied directly to the plates of a double-beam oscilloscope. The pulse from the collector of the photo- multiplier- is amplified and Is registered by the second beam of the oscillograph~ The amplifle 8 employed in the measurements had a rise time of 3 x 10 sec and and output amplitude of 60 V. The rise time of t 'he pulse applied to the diaphragm of the tube under test was Card2/5 (5-10) x 10- 9 sece The amplitude of the control pulse was LK_ 69o81 S/120/60/000/01/019/051 Measurement of the Transit Ttme of JVUEWrons in Photomultipliers variable. The measurement of the t t by the spark method was carried out by the circuit shown in Figure 4. A spark gap discharging the capacitor C (see Figure 4) was used as the light source. The electrical pulse produced by the condenser discharge was used as the trigger pulse of the oscillograph and was also applied to the deflection plates of the oscIllograph through a delay line. The light produced by the spark resulted in an output pulse at the collector of the multiplier and this*was applied to the second pair of the deflection plates. The transit time t I as a function of the supply voltage was investigated for the photomultipliers with various dynode systems. The following photomultipliers were used: 1) FEU-IV with a circular dynode systeml 2) FEU-12 with "shutter'l-type dynode system, 3) FEU-19M with a linear dynode system; 4) FEU-33 with a linear dy-node system and auxiliary Card3/5 electrodes. q/ 69081. S/120/60/000/01/019/051 Measurement of the Transit Time of the EleEJ224E382 c 0 s in Photomultipliers In each case the transit time was measured by both the above methods. The results obtained by those methods are in close agreement, as can be seen from Figure 7, which gives the transit time as a function of the supply voltage. The transit times of all the four photomultipliers are compared in this figure. The overgll error of the measure- ments does not exceed (4-5) x 10- j sec It was found that the transit time as the function of the operating voltage could be expressed by: td. 3. = (a fV- + b)106see -1 (2) where V is the operating voltage and a and b are the constant c6efficients. The validity of this formula is corroborated by the straight line of Figure 8, where l/tj is plotted as a function of CV . The authors express their gratitude to Yu.S., Zamyatilin for his constant interest in this work, Yu.A. Barashkov for participating in the Card4/5 1 4--*' 69081 S/12o/Wooo/oi/ol9/051 O~22~O~8 in Photomultipliers e 1 Measurement of the Transit Time of the El r n initial stages of the investigation and V.N. Malyshkin and V.A. Skachkov for their help in the measurements. There are 8 figures, 1 table and 9 references, 2 of which are English and 7 Soviet. SUBMITTED- November 26, 1958 Card 5/5 27705 S/12o/61/000/003/017/o4i 67 M31) E192/E382 AUTHORS: Gorbachev, V.M., Uvarov, N.A. and Usenko, L.D. TITLE: Raster Time Base Without Dead Time PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961, No. 3, pp. 93 - 95 TEXT: Physical processes of comparatively long duration can be observed by means of a cathode-ray tube provided with a scanning (or raster) time-base system which deflects the ray both vertically and horizontally. In general, the horizontal or line deflection system is based on a symmetrical triangular waveform generator. This system suffers from the disadvantage that the end of the forward line.-and the start of the return line tend to overlap, so a portion of the line is lost. On the other hand, if the return line is suppressed, the system possesses a dead time during which the signal cannot be observed. A time-base system free from the above disadvantages was therefore devised. This is based on a double-beam cathode- ray tube (Ref. I - the authors - Authors Cei-ti:ficate No' *127324, 4.1.1960). Continuous observation of the signal in the system Card 1/4 2770 S/I~ &0/003/017/041 Raster Time Base Without Dead Time E.192/E382 is ensured by applying the investigated signal successiveJy to one or -the other beam of the tube. The investigated signal is applied to both the deflection plates simultaneously but one of the beams is suppressed while the other is operative. A detailed description of the time-base system is given. The driver for the line time-base is in the form of a symmetrical multivibrator operating at a frequency of 1 Me/s. This is followed by forming or shaping stages, which produce sawtooth pulses having a good linearity over their operating range. These pulses are amplified to about 400 V and are then applied I to the horizontal deflection plates of a two-beam cathode-ray tube (type j$310ttl (18L047)). During their flyback, each of the rays is suppressed while in the forward direction they form a linear scanning system where the Itingth of a line is equal to the oscillation period-of the multivibrator. The frame-scanning deflection is produced by a triggered linear voltage oscillator and the flyback suppression is effected by employing pulses from the driver multivibrator. The time difference between the end of one line and the start of the Cavd 2/4 2 S/12o/ft/oW003/C17/o4l' Raster Time Base Without Dead Time r,192/E382 next is determined by the rise time of the blanking pulses and can be very short. The overlap time, which is due to finite rise time of the pulses, can be reduced by increasing the steepness of the pulse fronts. It is possible for this purpose, to shape the pulses by means of transmission lines or to employ secondary emission pentodes. The authors improved the shape of the pulses by diode-limiting of the multivibr8tor pulses so that the overlap time between the rays was 6 x 10- sec. In the experimentlal system used by the authors, the time base operated with three fixed lengths: 100, 500 and 1 000 jis, corresponding to 3, 10 and 20 lis, line duration, respectively. The oscillo- scope based on the above raster time base and the tube, type 18Lo47, had a writing speed of up to 0.015 '~Ls/mm, the number of lines being 100 and the length of line 100 mm. The maximum duration of the investigated process was 2 000 lie. An oscillogram illustrating the recording of the pulses of a scintillation counter is shown in Fig. 2. The authors express their gratitude to Yu.S. Zamyatnin for his interest in this work. Card 3/4 '7 15 S/120/61 6 0/003/017/041 Raster Time Base Without Dead Time E192/E382 There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: August 4, 1960 Fig. 2: Card 4/4 - UVAROVp Naku Scanning generator with a fast delay time. Frib.i tekh.eksp. 6 no.5:17&179 S-0: 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Poise techniques (Electronics)) 37796 S/120/62/000/002/021/047 E192/1,;382 AUTHOIZ: Gorbachev, V.M., Uvarov. N.A nd Usenko, L.D. TITLE: Distortion of nanosecond pulses during their transmission by cables 7 PERIODICAL: Pribory i toldinilca eksperimenta,,jno. 2, 1962, 92 - 94 T EXT The problci-zi was investi-ated oxporimentally and L3 analytically. Experiment ally, the study of the transient response of the cables was carried out directly by taking the of the pulses at the output of a section of a cable. A rectangular pulse w1th an amplitude of 100 V, a duration of 50 -x 10- 9 see and a rise time of -/ 1 x 10-9 see was produced by a generator, type f-K-,/i -4A CGKI-4A). This was applied to a line 100 m lon.- and the output pulses wore recorded on an oscillograph, type .',(,-6 (os-6) having a bandwidth of 3 000 Me/s. Analytically, the response to a unit step of a coaxial cable terminated with a matched load can be expressed as: Card 1/4 z-2) S/12o/62/000/002/021/047 Distortion of .... E192/E382 U(e, t) = 1 - F(M?/2 (2) where is the len,,,,th of the cable and 2 X3 X5 1 -1+ (3) 3 245 where t - ~/V, v = I/ ~rr~~c 0 0 The attenuation coefficient in Eq. (2) is expressed as: 1 C k k V -ii2p M = - --2 1 V + 2 2 41r Lo r1 r2 Card 2/0 S/12o/62/000/002/02i/o47 Distortion of .... E192/E382 whore L 0 and C0 are the inductance and capacitance of the cable per unit length, 11 is the permeability, - is the resistance of the cable per unit length, and r is the radius of the conductor. T:ie index "I" in Eq. (4) refers to the parameters of the internal conductor, while the index 112" indicates the parameters of the external conductor. The twist factor k I in Eq. (4) takes into account the change in the resistance of the internal conductor due to its stranded form; the coefficient L. 2 is the braiding factor, whicO-i takes into account the increase in the resistance of the external conductor due to its braiding. The response of a 100-m cable calculated from Eq. (2) is illustrated in Fig. 3. Curves II and Illcorrespond to two different types I of cable, while the circles represent the experimental points; it is seen that the theory i6 in good agreement with experiment. There are 5 figures and 1 table. Card 3/4 ~ 3 2 9d 3~15L; s/12o/62/000/003/019/o48 E192/E382 AUTHORS 1r cd oin, D. A. , Gorbac h ov, V. M. , S em I in, q. N. , Uvarov, 'N.A., Filii:ionchev, M.1. and Shevtsov, V.A. TITLE: A urideband pulse amplifier 1-1 - I PERIODICAL: Pribory i telchnika eksperimenta,~no .3, 1962, 84 - 86 T EXT The a,-.i;,)1ifier consists of three stages of distributed amplification, each consisting of 4 tubes. The output and middle sta-es are based on secondary emission tubes, type 6',---11-, (6VlP). it is posrible (by e::iploying, these tubes)to obtain a symmetrical outr)ut and hi-h output voltages. However, since the tube 6VIP is nonlinear at small si-nals, the input stage is based on tubes, Llype 6-22-.- (6Zh22P), whose input capacitance is almost identical With that of 6VlP, so that identical lines could be employed in all -rid circuits. The distributed lads of the amplifier stages are in tae form of lu;;-,,-.)ed delay lines based on m-derived filters, ti-,e wave iin,)edance of the anode, dynode and grid lines being 150.11- The bandifidth of the amplifier is about 150 Mc/s per stage, which Card 1/2 S/12o/62/000/003/019/048 A wideband pulse amplifier r,192/E382 cor-responds to a rise time of about 3 x 10-9 see. The output of t? ne amplifier is applied to the plates of an oscilloscope by means of a cable, type --,.,,1-50 (RIC-50), about 1 m long. The amplification of the system at the anode output is about 240 and at the dynode it is about 160, the syruae-Itrical output giving a gain of 400. Th e naxii;iuri amplifier output at the anode is 140 V and at the dynode- 80 V. The longest pulses applied should not exceed 3 '~Ls in order to avoid the fatigue effects in the secondary emission tubes. The authors express their gratitude to I-INI. Cherednichenko for discussing the results and to A.V- Filatov and B.F. Krestlyaninov .Lor preparing the experimental models of the device. There are 3 figures. SUBMITT M-: December 2, 1961 Card 2/2