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IIM.,Joteent, kand.bilogicheakikh nauk Using Pa-vlov's surgical =ethod in school. Uch. zap. WFI no.6:85-88 158. (MI U 13:9) (FISTUIAI I PIJYSIOLOGY-STUDY AND TFACHI ir, - L A C-IF J6 a j A. L a a r q a I AA 0 (X W b is A As A fesips As siliftsivo for L. Kot*hun and L A. Utilina 1xi-yo ir s--,fm4vms-##o,.I fill plwo.4 C11.11 w-JJ 4 IV or I y I I It I "%I. I r'41% ssw I. Me a. .,I Is" - f.'Q IA I's I;atcdwtxmJ. The"* his x 00 4 %I "ard No. 3011 sit1bovu), The2variablcolvirm X 00 "4optKxiy taken In quantities c4 WOO aml phzosl taken* in quantities d M-141 Isarts; ClIO trot ille catalyst re. or itistivir-t omm~ As, file flurmfily 4 rosiviliN-mr Ittrtra-A, 00 flit silly, 44 life Willi P", -.1 h'I-IWJtV I he Ist-fillt kII& Is, IV I III$ M4 t .44.1-411 It 00 it, $J#_4v"I its &IV.. I fir flew Il-Iltel gave.. 00 .3 % ,w I-ti- " --thVults: (,so LA,11IIIA1.1 -.l. 1 0 I T - 4 o1 r new resin effmlv a slaving Apf plirn,4 by W. 0 CII'd 1 :10. as"I air. ki If,_+ A *fIAjj~':JK.j t1fl-f-t loc. lio. 0. 0 All 0 % I I one 40* moo goo goo 409 mosall a9 4^9 All Pill a a 0 1 Ir U is AV so it '; " a 0 It x it x a 41 a PC ST V 10 : : : : : 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4111 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 9 Goo * io 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0- 0 0 0 as-* 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 go * 0 0 * ACCESSION NR: AT40252'19 S/0000/63/006/090/0164/0111 AUTHORS: Maly*kh, L. Ya.; Maly*kh, N. 1-r Perepelkin, N. F.; Utkina, L. A.; Yampol'skiy, Ye. S. TITLE: Measurement of the diameter of a plasma column by a velocity phase meter SOURCE: Diagnostika plazmy* (Plasma diagnostics); ab. statey. Mos- cow, Gosatomizdat, 1963, 104-111 TOPIC TAGSt plasma column, plasma distribution, plasma electromag- netic property, distribution statistics, reflected radiation ABSTRACT: A procedure is described for measuring the diame Is r of3 a reflecting cylindrical plasma surface with density 1.7 x 10 czi- by means of a velocity phase meter. The connection between the phase of the reflected signal and the position of the reflecting surface is established for the instant of time when the density on the axis Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4025299 of the plasma column passes through the critical value. To deter- mine this connection it is necessary to know the maximum phase of the reflected signal and the form of the distribution of the.elec- trons along the radius of the chamber. The laboratory apparatus used for the purpose is described, and the applicability o the theoretical estimate to practical installations is evaluatid. It is shown that when the distance to the plasma is smaller than 70% of the radius, the form of the distribution function influences little the dependence of the phase of the reflected signal on the position of the reflecting surface, so that the proposed method is suitable when the distribution is donstant during the time of the measurementse at least if the distance exceeds 70% of the radius. orig. art. has: 6 f igures and 4 formulas. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: igOctO DATE ACQ: 16Apr64 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: MEk' NR REP SM 003 OTHERs 001 Card 2/.4,: GhYAZNGV, L.A.,, inzh.-tekhnologj_g~INA, L.A., inzh. takhnolcg Wava of Improving the working conditions in the depart;-.6nts of, the Ryazan Combine of Artificial Fibers@ Nauch, trudy Rlazmed. Inat. 23tlO-24 163. (MIRA 18t12) Is Nachallnik tsekha Ryazanskogo kombinata iskusetvonnogo volokna (for Gryaznov)o 2* Nachallnik teentralinoy zavodakoy laboratorii Ryazanskogo kombinata iskusatvennoRo volokna (for hkina). AL'T.'~*,HULEIR) MIKFAYLOVA, (;.N.; (All"".11,11,111'(0j, V.!.; UId:"N"'AV, X.yu.; INKINA, L.D. rnf,c.',.ni cal a nd e con omlr, aria I y- s Uf U planto of Angren, Yuzhnc-Ahirt:Auya, and Lisicl:ansk. 'Trudy IRPI'lillodzempaza nc.13:167-116 165. 1. Laboi-atcrlya V.,enovuzriogo itistAtima 65 ACCESSIM WR 'AR501-7Rr; DO AUTHOR: Utkina, L. F'. TT a ectra,of- qn,l-spectra, of fft ow. eratu Komis. Po 5pcktro.3kopii. I SSSRt wjp. 1, 1964, 626-633 TOPIC UGS: absorption spectrum, line spectrtrn, fliiorcscc~nco spectrographic analys~is TRMSLATION: Shpol'skiyls method is used to studV the f_lujorcscencr~ and absorption spectra of 12 -ilkyl and h a: &gen -subs ti tuted anthra,cnes at 770KI The spectra have a quasi-line structure. Vibrational analysis of the spectra showed charact=rl~_-ztic anthracene fmquencies, as veil a 4dc fre- -ncles duc t~D th, ntifurq and the substituent. As a mle, fh~- Fr-ju~,nie-y r, anthr,:.cene derivatL-,les i~- cene. T~c~ ii ,n wa-.-n png, Lcald L U69L-~5 ACCESSION UTZ: AR5012295 C ,j LCL250-66. Ew(m)/EpF(0)/1Me(j)/T RM.- ACCFMION NR: ALP5020811 UR/0048/65/029/00BA41OA412 AUTHORt Utkinat L. F. 3 TITLE: Effect of conjugation of double bondsl in some colvp~rqL derivatives of an- thracene on the charaifWr_-oTiWVu-a-R---Me fl an on spectra 0mce=N i id'absorpti aeport, 13th conference on Luminescence held in Khartkov 25 June to I July 196h SOURCEs AN SSSR. Izvestiya* Seriya fizicheakayap v. 2F, no. 8p 1965s 1410-1412t and bottom half of insert facing pe 1408 TOPIC TAGSa absorption spectrum, luminescence spectrumt line spectrum, solution propertyp anthracenej conjugate bond system ABSTRAM in order to determine the influence of 0 = C bonds on the quaai-lin e spectra of anthracenetberivativess the author has examined the absorption and fluorescence -spectri in n-hexane and n-octane of the following compounds: 9)10- diallylanthracene., 9-n-propenyl-10-n-propylanthracenep 9,10-di(n-prol3enyl)anth- racenep 9-vinylanthracene, and 9,10-di-n-propylanthracene. The expe;Amental tech- nique has been described elsewhere by L?*V*Pollskiy and E*A.Girdzhiya5kayte (Optika i spekbroskoplyaj 41 620s 1958; Uspekhi fizo nauk, 71, 243, 1960) and by T.N,Bolo-~' tnikova(lavo AN SSSR. Seri, fiz*9 23,, 29, 1959). The 0-0 band was shifted tamard i Card_.1/2 -.L CQ50.-M. Acassiw NRt AP5020811 the long wavelengths by about the same amount (700 to 750 czd-l) in 9-methyl-, 9-ethyl-., and 9-n-propylanthracene. This shift was approximately twice as large when there were alkyl radicals on both the 9 and 10 positionsp indicating that the effect of the substituent is additive. When the propyl, radical was replaced by allyl, the shift (1745 ce*l) was approximately the same as in the clalkylan- thracenes, The vinyl group on the 9 position gave a shift of 1950 cm- This shift is ascribed to an expansion of the conjugation system* With the-propenyL radical in the 9 position and the propyl radical in the 10 position, the shift was 2990 ce'l, The influence of the vinyl radical is dis6u3sed briefly in terms of deformation of the pi-electron system ~uteric effects. "In conclusion, I ex- press my deep gratitude'to E.VaShpollski ' W-fils guidance and constzmt interest __y in the works and to A*S.Cherkasovr"f preparing the compounds for tho investiga- I tions" Origo art* f": 2 figures and 1 tablee ASSOCIMONt none SUBMITTEM 00 FKCM 00 SUB COMs OP,, GC No fWI 80vt Oil OTHEN 000 Card 2Y2 FOLODNIKOVA, G.A.; UTKINA, L.V.-----_ I A=wnlwa uranyl sesquicarbonate. Zhur.neorg.lj3i--. 6 no.4:1001- 1003 Ap 161. (T--rTF~ "'.,4) (Uranyl compounds) f Irprp.!7: (In JA A n ~'~31(-.hprb,4,wva yV. G.) Lltkiniz_L. V. T ITLF: Sy-, p rir no n o fiwanuum from, i-plir-Iti-s b-7 r---nns of ntrr-nntim enrl-~onnt- f. L -j'tm7~niyp Pmrgi- ya, v. 10, no. T '-7 T : T b.,- nuthors -mv,~stignt?r', 'the dIsso.Lutinn of niirn in (till It ),0() nnd MR 11 Bro., the st-pnratirm of imininn in the form of 3 1"r) th.- bphn,Aor o' sor,2- immirlti-s tn th- s-,14-in-- '.),;t (Mil I jo~ (c 0-3 'S tha ci"ystdr of fl,is cnrhon comnle--~. The dJ,9:3nlution invalves tm~ folloviril,, pror-t,- NH 1A '01.71: s of ur-nnium, from ... Tr 1 2") .07 /-6(%rlll,)2(7'0.1 -'-"lo 110 (f-.01) I Ilil'OH; (1) 2 ? 7 The e,cperirrents ;.;r?-~ Tnrrlc vith i sT)qcinl vnss,:?l in q therryinstit, at h0 + 0.10r. .Ennilibrium vns T)rqe-tlcn-Lly repche(i aftr~r o.'1-- hniir. The in 'IM Pro (Fl,,. 1) mny I-P bigher sollibiliky of "HOAO, .11 3 thp netion of NHODH vhich shifts tlin enuillibrium tn tho le" t (gep rencti-n (1)). Dilut,~ soiutions r-ont,-tnin~ OP-1,2 ro . or !TP.I,I!rO --L n stoi,~hio~r--Aric ratio to (1) nnd (2)) mply comml-+eiv Oiss-lve ammonium di-uranats,- with-out t*crmation of the enrl-on ccrnlc~-. The n-mcinitntion of Frvill rn-I I-r,,7e rmstnlF, Jn orrl-~r tr, ctudy the influ-ince of' cert,,0.'j lir,-)n cr7-rnt:~,'Llizition. L - r L: rnrd 2A ,VL_ Pjuj 3L.", jl4T.1T1Ul.i ju iUT:~ :)U() JU-Lu-i,~,quoj E,+-~~Ljoan-Tp Wniuo-Lau jul,41u~Gl ijlqi, C, U01111TUG L~;i4_~Ul ,:LI'4 lJolf4U~) EI(A Ul siq.-jana_ ~ aqj, IULI.1 ~,Ajj -;. 'l~.laTq9 6u~ TO ()I- - Uuj'~ITuS Td-VITUT Oq4 U, UOTr~t,4UFJJUOJ W"-Lu-L!-Xn lartoq -L 0~) ~To -',:T'4 !J,o'i - : ~.Ilu UO-U'4LZTLT,4:3jLio .i0 0 1 ' _~t; :_,Ul~lllp SUOTI~lj)uoj uIll I fc(c o)zoil7l(" ILI.) j0 -~Tio ~!U-L-4T UOT-41IT'Ji; A4, 'AL UuT~,;7.14uz),UUJ UD 2AC;_IJ L '-JT-I- '-PbJJ~ AUU J:IP'luli dq bz;~;-jUjUl X,q-Jtt, d 4.10AMW~ *WQ.1 nqj U4 04 aoij aajal4s iisq+ jo p;_-Z,LL; vq4 Ul dz;u-_J~Jul ae Ju.1 L;pT04 GqJ, jQ 'A", "Ll;:O~Llj~L; 'U a.;, ~ itqj JO C,~'L-,-JUL U'_' tJUL; LlU.1.1 tp~;JJ J,~tjj i,U(t~,j ~,i-' IT I J, MD. 0 1!'S lj'.!L' J30 !JG4~;Xui E-V c -1 .1 u0 Pz%,Zai'j~; sum ~,LI-4 LiV.A UO-14111(is Gii-4 cpas4eD puq -~rto T,; *P010 c:a 1 i'4ul Tu ~01L~ ,(,iHt4 ot ~U-L.L.Ijqs UOIA41, j,o;jj)u Uri ~ Z: illy-) :~;moj-Loj su Plio pDT.Iji-i cjabri sju,x4~x-_:;,.d 3tj~ 'TI 0-) X OOL - nu, x onj Y'() &zis u 07-0 L10110 PEoIJUD C,.IU 2(V'4.SJLIZ) WOJJ LlRjU,~.Ill -0 UOI'4,~.13LLIS tj L 1. L U)/ l(i iu- "017h par~tlon of urriniumtrom ... disnolved in n ST Tffl,,H(O~solutlon. Tlnd,-~r thm rbov- cnndlTdons, th~ cprl-nn m7iqtilli7.r~d. 'I 'rip ~1'4 -jt,j--(j rry!ztr,Is wer,~ rin!----~fi w4t~i sntllrptqd (N;'ld2CO3 rolutinn. .',I't-,r dr-iin!7 th-~,, w,~r:2 oxiciize?(, nryienl- inr. Tphl~a 1 s1lowE th,-t Tnost ol' the elementn- -1r- to F-Tlnrn-~ Urnniu.m.. Tnbl.? 2 shows tlv~ r-Fults of nuri'inntion of ,mmoniur (Ii-irr-nnte which cont!Anod sev~r-ql kindf7 of 7 fmlrns, 2 t-bl:2sl nnd 1 rel'.?rem7es: 'I Soviet-l,,loc. S ~n!'T T FD Aflr.u5zt, 11, t960 C.-ird ) UTKIRA, M.&O Absemce of piathorchosis In Chal7abinak and au"ounding torritor7. Ned.paraz. I paraz.bol. 25 no-3:273 Jl-S 156. (M.Lu 9: 10) (CBELYABINSK--LIVIR FLUKI) UTKI1TA, M.A. The first intermediate host of the broad tapework (Diphylloboth,--Jun latam L., 1758) in the Southern Urals. Zool. zhur. 39 no.9:1426- 1428 5 160. (MIIU 13:9) 1. Cheliabinsk Medical Institute. - (Ural Mountains-Tapeworms) (Parasites-Copopoda) LITOVIII011A, 11. Yu.; TJTKITNA, M. I.; CHTEDIPSOV, V. !-. "Morfolcgic,--es'raya pekotorykir gru rtcm-encv " _~p Erc report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & Ethnological Scien;--es, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. UTKINA, N.; PANICHKIN, Yu. Eclampsia in the f1rBt half of pregancy in partial bydatid mole. Zdrav.Bel. 7 no.11:55-56 N 161. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz Pogost-Zagorodslcoy uchastkovoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach S.P.Loginov). (PUERPERAL CONVULSIONS) (PREGNANCY, MDIAR) TETYUKHIN, G.F.; UTKINA, N.G. Central Asian conference on the Quaternary period. Izv.Uzb.fil. Geog.ob-va 6z185--186 162. (WRA 15:8) (Soviet Central Asia-Geology, Stratigraphio-Congresses) TOCHILOV, K.S.; UTKIN&, N.S. Changes in working dominants during the process of formation. Ner7* sist. no. 24155-162 160. (MIRA 14:4) (WRKI METHOD OF) (FATIGUE) VINOGRADOV 1 M. I.; PAVLOVII, RUM OV, K.:~. i -UT.KillA, ... j. Somp aspe2t:3 ~0 tte C-?- eloDr P, - rpn:. c,,Il tKr-oranic -1 prinkiiples of wDrk physiolagy. Nerv. s1st (Leningrad) 2 no.3:145-151 162. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Laboratoriya fi.-ilirgil tr-a-la FILziologic*neskogo instituta imend Ukhtomskogo iirriingr-ri,-~skrga gosudarsIvenw)go urdverai Leta. BYSTROVA, G.V. (Perm'); UTKINA, N.S. (Perm') Conference of the Ural Branch of the Psychological Society. v0p. paikhol. 8 no.4:190 JI-Ag 162. (KRA 16: 1) (Psychology-Congresses) I VINOGRADOV, N.I., otv. red.; TOCHILOV, K.S., Otv. red.; KHAVKINA, N.N., otv. red.; AVERIYPIIOV, V.S., red.1 OSIPOVA, O.V., red.; UTKI21A, N.S., red.; KISELEVA, L.I., tekhn. red. [Materials of the Scientific tonference on Work Physiology Devoted to the Memory of A.A.Ukhtomskii] Materialy Nauchnoi konfer~ntsii po fiziologii truda, posviashchennaia pamiati A.A.Ukhtomskogo. Leningral*, Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1963. 372 P. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Nauchnaya konferentsiya po fiziologii truda, posvyashchen- naya pamyati A.A.Ukhtomskogo. 2. Fiziologicheskiy institut im. A.A.UkhtomskoCo Leningradskoga gosudarstvennot7o universi- teta (for Averlyanov, Vinogradov, Osipova, TqChjloV, Utkia, Khavkina) TOCHILOV, K.S.; MOR01"OVA, 14,114.; OSIPOVA, O.V.; PAVLOVA, L.P.; UTKINAJI N.S.; KHAVKINA, N,N. Physiological prerequisites for the working regime. Neri. sist. no-4:176-178 163. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Fiziologichaskiy institut Laningradskogo universiteta. 93-9~, UTKINAP N.S. ------ -- . ..... Individual differences in the effect of a pedagogical appraisal on the distribution of attention in students according to the strength of the excitatory process. Vop. psikhol. 9 no.5: 118-128 S-0 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Pedagogiche;kiy institut, Perm-. .;,ivity of Some ~~utstanccr knd Their Acticn Cn -,1e 'Mio Haemolytic Act, t.2(,n ,tojoU, (Chief: Fr)f J,atoratory Of rhysiological Q~ - B. fl. Nu!301100, LeninErad State University." (r. 131) Ly Mina, c. T.. Z~-_% rn~;I) Vr~,'-. V-11, 1 '-3 1110- 1 C SO: AR6011884 SOURCE CODE: UR/0299/65/000/022AO16/MO16 IHOR: ~utuLov, L. S.; 0, 'LE: Tissue reparation of central nervous system organs Ch! Ref. Zb, Blologiya, Abs. 22MI17 :P SOURCE, Sb. Probl. vyssb. nervn. deyat-sti, neyrofiziol. I yromorfoi., Ryazan'. 1965, 111-114 PIC TAGS: tissue pbysiology, central nervous systemyrs"diation ologic effect, antirsdiation drug, BSTRACT: In experiments on mice, cystemine chlorohydrate (0-3 ml of a .5% solution or S. -aminoethyllsotbiuron was administered ntraperitonee.lly 15 to 20 min prior to irradiation of animals with a 00 to 800 r dose. Control animals were Irradiated without adioprotootive agents. 89.9% and 76% respectively of the experimental nimals survived during the first montbo whereas only 6.5% and 6% espectively of the control animals survived. The difference is tatistically reliable. Brain calls of animals sacrificed at different erioda were investigated. Irradiation caused considerable but ifferentiatod damage of the neurological neurons and calls. Damage was Card 112 UDC: L ~4271-66 ACC N" AR6011884 considerably more significant in the vessels. Astrocytes end oligodendrogliocytes remained intact with massive destruction of the neurons. Compensatory restorative processes were found in all cases. In experimental animals a large number of neurons were not injured. Relative normalization of brain structure was observed* Bo Kozbevniko-~. ffranslation of abstrac!7- SUB CODE: 06 Card 2/2 mJ, UNINA, 0. T. 3Z718. Zvolynts IonaM lzmnonlya vystllJcl dyshashchith chastoy logtogo v ryedu pozvonochay'rh. Vyetilim d7shashchM clast*y legkogo mfIbly. Dotlao akad. Nauk seer, nov&7* serlya, T. LXV111, ho- 6, 1949, a- 1093-95--bibliogr.- t$ netv. 501 Latople' ZhurvalInyth Statey, Vol. 44. Hoerva, 1949 ~tfi .-n T -, 1~-T VzLj , -. - . USSR/ Medicine - Wounds Skin, Regeneration 11 I.C)v 119 "Rate of SpithelizatIon in S?in "Wounds Under Corditions OccurrinE Jin t'-Ie Lowlands and i, High I'A ountain Regions," L. G. Granov, 0. T. Utkina, L- 5- SlAulov, Stalinabad "Ied Inst, 21~ pp 4 I'Dok Ak Nauk SSSRII Vol LXIX, No 2 Similar skin woundo open, withoiA suture, and closed by suture, warp, made in 30 dogg's at 3,560 meters above sea level (Anzob Pass, Tadzhlkistan) and in the lowlands (Stalinabad) They were examined and slides inade at variouB intervals of hours Wid day-... Reoults of examinations, griven in detail, show that regeneration cf epithelium and whole heal-InE: process are retm~ded at high altitudes. Submitted by Acad A. 1. Abrikooov 30 Jul It2 FDD 157T65 5.3630 AUTHORSt Sarycheva, I. K., Vargaftik, M. N., Utkina, 0. V., Preobrazhenokiy, N. A. TITLE: Investigations of Lipides. IV. Study of Unsaturated Glycerides Using Paper Chromatography PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 3, pp 1o48-1050 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Identification and separation of synthetic glycerides was studied using paper chromatography. A previously described procedure (H. Schlenk and others, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 34, 377, 1957) was used. For the monoglycerides of oleic (A), li-noleic (B), and linolenic (C) acids, the following R f were obtained: 0.70, 0.81, and 0.91. The R f values obtained for the investigated triglycerides are given In Table 1 below. Card 1/3 Investigations of Lipides. IV Table 1. Rf values foi Key: (a) Triglyceride; ~L) linoleic acid; (S) Ln) linolenic acid. Card 2/3 70,309 SOV/79-30-3-63/69 triglycerides. (b) Number of double bonds; stearic acid; (0) oleic acid; b - LSI, 111 4 OAO S1.11111) 4 032 LOO (111) 4 0.16 S1,110 (IV) 4 0.20 1.0 1, (V) 5 0.24 LIA, IVIJ 6 0.26 ~91,111,11 (VII) 6 0.32 I,nSLn (VIII) 1; 0.40 1.1-0, fix) 7 0.47 LOA, IX) 7 0.49 L1,111,11 (XII 8 0-53 1,111.111,F1 GXII) 9 0 68 IV SOV/(9--_3)0-3 -63/69 It lriv,~~,,,tirlated mono- and trqiflyceriae.; can be jeparated and idetLtified by the above method. There ar`(~ 3 t'lf,!uces; I table; arid 6 vet'ercricei, '2 U.S., 1 U.K., 1 SWI:3,3, 2 Soviet. The U.S. and U.K. references are: D. Chapman, A. C. Davies, J. Chem. Soc., 1502 (1957); J. W. Dieckert, R. Reiser-, J. Am. Oil. Soc.' 3-3, 123 (1956); 1-1. schiera, I. L. Geller7nan, J. A. Tlllot..,jon, If. K. Marigold, J. Am. 0-1-1. Chem. Soc., 34, 377 (1957) - ASSOCIATION: Moscow Institute of' Fine Chemicals Technology (Moskov;31ciy institut tordcoy khimicheskoy tekhriolo,g.11 SUBMITTEDi January 1959 Card 3/3 SARYCHINA, I.K.; Sl,;REBM:RIIK,-)VA, G.A.; ZVOM(OVA, Yc.N.; :TV S)FANOVA, T.",.; MAURIT, M.Ye.- UTI-',II:A O.V.; PiC~0,,,RAZiLl-':SXII, N.A. Synthesis of the main tri7lycerides of linoleic ac'-d. DO!U. All S3SR 135 no.3:617-619 N 160. (MI-:;A 13:112) 1. I-loskovskiy institut tonkoy kh:Lmicheskoy telchno-logii Ln. 11.V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akad. A.H. Nesmeyanovyr". (Linoleic acid UTKINA, R. V. Dissertation: "The Significance of Radix Anterior Innervation in the Motor and Secretory Functions of the Stomach." Cand Biol Sci, Inst of FnysioloDr ineni I. P. Favlov, Acad Sci USSR, Moscow, Oct-Dec 53. (Vestnik Akadenii Nauk, Moscow Jun 54) SOt SUM 318, 23 Dec* 1954 USSR/Human and AnImal Physiology. The Nervous System. V Abs Jaur: Ref. Zhur-Biol... No 6, 1958., 27352. Author Utkina. Inst kl'Y~Ask Medical Institute. Title The XjL,; -..: ~rnec of the Posterior Boots of the Spinal Cord in G--3tr..c IFtmetion. 2nd Report. Gastric Motor Function Following Removal of Spinal Ganglia. Orig Pub: 5b. tr. Archang. med. in-ta, 1956, No 13, 11-22. Abstract: A graphic (through a fistula) and roentgenological investigation of gastric motor function was per- formed upon dogs. Bilateral removal of the spinal ganglia of the mid-thoracic segments led to the supression of gastric motor activity, the appear- ance of periodic waves and long periods of rest. Normal peristalsis vas reestablished after 6 to 8 Card 1/2 USSR/&Iman and Animal Physiology. The Nervous System. V Abs JOur: Ref. Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 27352. months. In puppies a hastening of gastric evacuation vas noted for the first few days after the operation. Card - 2/2 U.S.S.R. / Human and Animal Physiology. Neuro-1.'uscular T Physiology. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 22547. Author Inst : Not given. Title : The Significance of the Posterior Radicular Innervation in the Notor Function of the Stom- ach. Orig Pub: Fiziol. Zh SSSR, 1956, 2, No 2, 1058-1063. Abstract: In anesthetized dogs, the spinal cord was sec- tioned at the level of De D10. Into the iso- lated section of the cord, needle electrodes were inserted; the anterior and postorior roots were ligated. Following the opening of the ab- dominal cavity, a part of the stomach and the pyloric, Dart of the fundus, were pulled through Card 1/3 101 U.S.S.R. Human and Animal Phyciology. Neuro-Muscular T Physiology. jibs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 22547. Abstract: the wound and connected with an Engleman lever. Stimulation of the isolated segiment of the cord (ISC) with an induction current produced incon- sistant and weak contradtions of the stomach. Stimulation of the ISC following section of the anterior roots, produced a momentary (1-3 min.) increase of contractions of the stomach, and duodenum, and the proximal segments of the small bowel. These were also observed when, before the stimulation of the ISC, the vagus nerves were seationed. Castric contractions, followinS ISO stimulation increased by previous intraven- ous injection of eserine (1-2 mg) and were inni- bited by injection of the same dose (1-2 mg) of atropine. Stimulation of the ISO, after section of the posterior roots, produced a momentary con- Card 2/3 U.S.S.R. / Human and Animal Physiology. ~,Teuro-FU3Cular T Physiology. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 5, 1958, 22547. Abstract: tractile reaction at the time of stimulation - or none at all. Stimulation of the ISC, after previous (6-7 days before the experiment) vag- otomy, depressed the motor function prior to -section of the anterior roots, but increasedly markedly this function as well as the gastric tonus after the section. Stimulation of the ISC after application of 2%0 301. of nicotine to the solar plexus, produced a positive motor reaction of the stomach. A centrofugal direction of im- pulses through the Posterior roots ofithe cord to the gastric musculature is being assumed. The effect of the posterior roots on the stom- ach corresponds to the mode of action of the parasympathetic nerves. Card 3/3 102 j.,wie 2483 UTKINA It-V. Dept. of Pity siol., Nlc d. Inst., Archangelsk. *importance 0~ -ior po, t Fer i root 'innervation for gastric motility FIZIOL. z . 1956, 42/12 (1058-1063) 111,,izi. 3 (RubL;ian text' In dogs under ether-chloroform anaesLliesia, btimulation of the poSLerior roots after section of the spinal cord a, the level 'i,6-*r,, and or the anterior roots. in- - '-& A I -r,- L VIV I, creased gastric tone and movements, spreading to the proximal intestinal loops. This effect was increased by i.v. injection of physostigmine. but not affected by bilateral cervical vagotomy. Six to 8 days after subdiaphragmatic vagotomy, when gastric motility was practically absent, posterior root stimulation produced rise of the tone and strong gastric movements. Simonson - Minneapolis, Minn. EXCERPTA nDICA See 2 Vol 12/9 PhysiologY Sept ~59- 4150. SPLANCHNIC NERVE INFLUENCE ON GASTRIC MOTILITY FOLLOWING POSTERIOR ROOT DENERVATION, (Russian text) - ILLki - __Ln a R. V. Dep of Physiol., Med. Inst., Astrakhan - FIZIOL.ZII.IM..SFciT.-t-oTa,-44/8 (736-740) Illus. 4 After removal of spinal ganglia between segments'176 and T I 0,stimulation or thi- peripheral end of the splanchnic nerve caused a considerable Increase in gastric tonus and intensity of gastric peristalsis. A similar effect of smaller magnitude was obtained on stimulation of spinal anterior roots. In vagotomized dogs with in- tact posterior root innervation, qplanchnic stimulation was generally followed by depression of gastric motility. Simonson - Minneapolis, Minn. am UTKIIIA~ S. A.; GARrJrGV, A. I.; HIJULUP0, A-. T.; F~MIT, A. i'.. "Methods of Ascertaining the -zTofitability of Co=-=icaticns Enterprises," Vest. Svyazi, no. 8, pp. 16-18, 11052. Engineer-EconoMi8t of the Vologodsk Oblast Comiunications AdmJiiistration. Critique, M-745, 30 Aug 55 ANNUTM, L#Vdj U'llilit, T-A-: V 1 (11 ixR(" lkll, p 111i 1 .11 . calcu,tLt-*on or oorr;er~'Arm fa, :,' --~' for lAak sir4sup III glt, -1 - ohrcimatoyrnpirij. '$,? no~-.(),-2.425-2429 0 '65- (M,',flA 180,7) l-, .ilrk y ltiptiitii'., o,lvtfiv I orgonlohwjkll~h rurl,4 19, "W.4. 1 UTKINAI T. M. UTKINA, T. M.- "Filtered Ultraviolet Rays in the Diagnosis of Certain Artificial Phlegms, Abscesses, and Oleogranulomas." GorIkiy State Med Inst imeni S. M. Kirov, GorIkiy, 1955 (Dissertations for Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopial No. 26, June 1955,, Moscow RAWIMOVI V.A.; UTKINA, T.F.; AYF)AFOV, T.K. Atomic-absorption determination of lead In biological fluids. Zhur. anal. khim. 20 no.12:1371-1372 165. (MIRA 18t12) 1. Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy Institut imeni S.I. VavIlova, Leningrad. Submitted December 25, 1964. KIEMYRY, M.N.; TOMIIOT, G.S.; POKUKHIN, X.F.; RZYANXIN, K.G.; UT111k, - V.A. YAW~tic control of the hardening and tempering of ball and roller bearing parts. Zav.lab. 22 no-5:549-555 156. (KIRA 9: 8) 1. Ural I skly filial Aka'deviii nauk nyy podshlpnikovyy zavod. (Steel--Heat Treatment) (Magnetic SSM i Sverdlovskly gosudaretven- instruments) (Bearing* (Machinery)) 2t~ (6) SOV/32-25-4-28/71 A~THORS: G. S., Ylkheyev, Y. N., Pcmukhin, hl. F~., Utkina, V. A. TITLE: Magnetic Method for the Quallty Control of the Ther=al Treat- ment of Bearing Parts (Magnitnyy motod kontrolya kacheatva term_~r~heskoy chrabotki podshipnikovykh dotaley) PERIODICAL: Zav,,~dskaya. Laberatcriya, '959, Vol 25, Nr 4, PP 448-453 (UISSR" I j ABSTRACT: The influence of the primary structure of bearing parts (made of step-J. ShKh 15) on the magnetic properties, the structiire and hardness after hardening, was tested. Steel rolls (diametez- ;~23 mm, heij;ht ~ 20 mm) and samples with the dimensions ,0)(1.0x65 mm were used for the tests. By different prel,'minary treatment (Table) 4 groups of primary structures were obtained- from the heterogeneous coarse--grained perlite to the laminar per!"t-!. The electric diagram of the device for determining the coerr-l-,re force and for magnetizing ball and rolle- bearings (Fig i); as well as the diagrams- of the correlation between hardness and coercive force of the steel ShKh 15 in tha primary state (F_Jg 2), and the coercive force after oil hardening at different temperatures (Fig 3) (for the two types of structure mentioned above), as well as a schematic representation (F-4g 4) Card 1/3 :)n +the possibility of separating the good products from the SOV/32-25-4-28/71 Magnetic Method for the Quality Control of the Thermal Treatmeit of Bearing Parts scrap after hardening, are given. In connection with the 14tter, a diagram of coroparison betweei the coercive force and quality of residual austenite in the sample rolls, on one hand, and the microstructure and hardness after hardening, on the '6ther, is shown (Fig 5). The test results show that even a 100% quality control of the hardening for hardness or coercive force apprcves a wide range of the primary structure "as good products". The most reliable quality control of hardening by the magnetic method can only be attained by a simultaneous determination of the saturation magnetization and the coercive forcp. The greatest effect of the continuous tests with magnetic differential de- vices for the quality control of hardening by the method of two magmetic characteristics can be expected by an automation of the process of thermal treatment and of the controlling method. The fact - not very important for industry - that at a hardening temperature above 9500 and a prolonged hardening time a great increase in magnetization arises, is due to an impoverishment in carbon (Fig 6). The described method can also be applied to other types of steal, rich in carbon, the magnetic and mechanical Card 2/3 properties of which vary with the hardening temperature and dia- 5,)V/32-25-4-28/71 Magnetic Method for the Quality Control of the Thermal Treatment of Bearing Parts persion of the primary structure, in analogy with the steel ShKh 15. There are 6 figures, 1 table, and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Insti~ut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR i Sverdlovskiy podshi.pnikovyy zav-)d GPZ-6 (Institute of Metal Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR, and Sverdlovsk Factory of Bearings GPZ-6) Card .3/3 UTZINA, V.A. Gentral laborotor7 of the 6th State Bearing Factor7. Zav-2ab 26 no.10:1185 160. (MIRA 13:10) psudar- 1. Nachallnik TSentrallnoy 1-sboratorli Sverdlovelcogo 6-go p stvennogo podshipnikovogo zavoda. (Sverdlovsk-3thgineering laboratories) FETROV, K.M.; DYAKONOV, V.I.; FADEYEV, I.G.; SEMENINKO, P.P.; KRYUKOV, L.G.; Prinimali uchastiye: PASTUKHOV, A.I.; SHISHKINA, N.I.1 FAURKOVA, T.S.; CHIRKOVA, S.R.; KARELISKAYA, T.A,,; LOPTEV) A.A.; DZE14YAN, S.K.; ISUPOV, V.F.; BELYAKOV, A.I.; GUDOV, V.I.; SUMIAN, L.Ya.- SLESAREV, S.G.; GOLOVAPOV, H.M.; GLAGOLENKO, V.V.1 ISUPOVA,, T.A.; ZYABLITSEVA.. M.A.; KAKOSKAYA., G.A.; POMUKHIN, M.G.; UTKINA, V.A.; WIEVICH, L.G. Vacuum treatment of alloyed open hearth steel. Stall 22 no.2:1-13- 117 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Urallskiy nauchno-iseledavatellskiy institut chernykh metallov (for Pastukhov.. Shishkdna,, Fazdnikova, Chirkova, Karellskaya, Loptev, Dzemyan). 2. Metallurgicheskiy kombinat im. A.K. Serova (for Isupov, Belyakov, Gudov, Sukhman, Slesarev, Golovanov, Glagolenko, Isupova, Zyablitseva, Kamenskaya). 3. 6-y Gosudar- stvannyy podshipnikovyy zavod (for Po=khin Utkina, Manevich). (Steel-Metallurgyj (Vacuum metallurgy) ACC NRt AP7006051 SOURCE CODE: URyO381/W000/00 9: libdWods AUTHOR. Vasiltyeva) L. D.; Pomukhin, M. F.; Tomilov, G. S.; Utkina, V. A. ORG: Institute of Metal-Physics, AN SSSR (Institut fiziki metalov AN SSSR); Sverdlovsk Bearing Plant (Sverdlovskiy-podshipnikovyy zavod) TITLE: Some features of nondestructive magnetic quality conbrol of quenched and tempered roller bearing,made of ShKhl5 and ShKhl5SG steals SOURCE: Defektoskopiya, no. 1, 1965s 86-89 TOPIC TAGS: quality control, roller bearing, tempering 'The magnetic method for quality control of hardened roller ABSTRACT: bearing from measurements of two magnetic properties, magnetization and coercive force, has been successfully used at the GPZ-G plant (state ,Bearing Plant No 6) since 1934. The method is based on the fact that a knowledge of the parameter A I which is proportional to the coercive force Hc, makes possible re- j9ction for underheating and low hardness, while a knowledge of the para- meter As, which is related to the magnetization in a field of about 500 Oe); permits rejection for overheating (large amount of residual austenite, large acicular martensite). The first and most reliable form of quality control of tempering is an followas For each ac 'tual part, on the basis of the indications of .~ho appa.ratua, a determination in mad.o of An and Apafter quonchi ng, and Card ACC NR: A1,7006b5l' X and PC after tempering. Then, from the differences A. - q and p S Ap v