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r A iv~ 11 , K TSSAYAN, G.T.; MARDZHANYAR, G.M.; OGANISTAN, R.M.; USTYAN. A.K. Investigating asters of sulfoacids. Report No.l: S~rnthsxis and acaricide properties of certain asters of 'Y-cblorocrotvlsulfo acid. Izv. AN Arm SSR Ser. kh1m. nauk 10 no,4-.277-282 157. (MIRk 10:12) 1, Khimichoski7 inatitut AN ArmSSR i Inotitut zemledeliya Hinisteretva sallskogo khozyaystva ArmSSR. (Sulfonic acids) USSR / General and SpecialIzed Zoology. Insects Biology and Ecology. Abe Jour Ref Zhur Blol., No 17, 1956~ No 78257 Author I Inst rmenlan M AS A Title Predatory and Parasitic Insects Visiting Alfalfa. Orig Pub Izv., AN Arm SSR. Biol. I a.-kh. n., 1957, 10, No, 8, 25-29 Abstract in the years 1952-56, In the Ararat Valley, there were collected or bred from parasites 58 species of useful Insects, 10 of them species of predatory Insects, and 48 of parasites. 35 species of para- sites were noted for the first time In Armonia. 20 species of parasites were pests of alfalfa. Card 1/1 Vl- MARDZHANYAN, G.M.; ASATRYAN, E.V.; MARKMAN, A A ,USTIYLN A.K - 0 01- AVRAMENKO, I.D., kand. biolog. nauk (Gomel AGAFONOVA, Z,Ya., kand. biolog. nauk; ABBASOV, Ya.M.p sladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SADYKHOV, DoMs. aspirant 'Br,~eC information. Zashch. rast, ot vred. i bol. 8 no.10t 55-57 0 163. OURA 17:6) 1. Arnyanskiy institut zemledeliya (for ME-rdzhanyan.. Asatryan, Markosyan,, Ustlyan). 2. Poltavsl,-iy sellskokhazyaystvennyy institut (for Misko'), 3. Kurskaya sellskokhosyaystvennaya opytnaya Btantsiya (for Agafonova). 4. Azerbaydzhanskly nauchno-iSBledovateliskiy Institut khlopkovodstva, Kirovabad (for Abbasov). 5. Voesoyuznyy institut zaahchity rasteniy (for Sadykhov). MARDZHA11W, G.M.; USTIYAN, A.K.; YUNKANYAN, A.G. Methods for increasing the efficiency of chemical control of plant lice on tobacco. Tzv. AN Am. SSR. Diol. nauki 16 no.102 57-67 0163 (MIRA 16t12) 1. Otdel sashchity rasteniy Instituta zemledeli-ya Armyanskoy SSR,i _L 2NZ~_66 EWT-( AVRO ACC NRt AP60152-f4l ) / SOURCE CODE: UR/0298/6!;/018/008/0010/0021 AUTHOR: Mardzhanyan. G. .; Kankanyan, A. .; Ysttyan, A. K. SO ORG: Armenian -Institute of Plant Protec- y institut zashchity rasteniy) 01 TITLE: Causes of mass reproduction of phytophagous ticks (0 when plants are treated with organic chlorine ineecticides(O SOURCE: AN ArmSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologicheskikh nauk, v. 113, no. 8, 1965, 10-2. - TOPIC TAGS: insecticide, animal reproduction, entomology, plant physiolog3r ABSTRACT: After a discussion of the literature in vihich opinion is divided on the causes for large-scale tick and mite reproduction after treatment of ~plants with DDT and simi2ar insecti, cides the author presents the results of '10 years' research on this question. In a first series of experiments the ,tick population on a plant treated with DDT exceeded the control after 10-20'. days, thns supporting the author's hypothesis that DDT actually improves ~Ieeding conditions for ticks and mites through changes it causes -odthin the ,cotton plant itself. A second series of experiments revealed esscintial changes in the metabolism and chemical content of cotton leaves as a result of the effect of DDT on plant physiology. The*author concludes that this ,factor should be added to the complex factors involved in this phenomenon, !Other possible factors are the greater sensitivity of predators to DDT and ~the hypothesis that the fertility of ticks and mites is enhanced Jxdirectly by DDT. Orig. art, has: 2 figures and 2 tables, (JW1 SUB CODE: 06 / SUM DATE: 23Feb65 /. ORIG REF: 008 / OTH REF: 013 MARDZHANYAN, G.M.; USTIYAN, A~K. Use of inti:grated control methods sigainst Ihc plimt I.,,;se My-zodes persicae Suls. (Homoptera,.IphIdJdae) or, the toI>jc:,,r plant. Eht. oboz. 44 no. 4z750-?C'l 165 (V I RA 19 -~ 1) 1. Armyunskiy nau0mo-Issledovatell,%licly in-it'Ltut zashchit rastenly Ministerstva, sellskogo khozyaystva '-rmyanaRcy Yerevan. .UST'YANOV,_j,,_(UAlIM) (Leningrad) An SSB attachment. Radio n~.8:21-23 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Radio--Receivers and reception) sov/58-59-5-10921 Translation froma Referativnyy Zhurnal FIzika, 1959, Nr 5, p 145 (USSR) AUTHORS- Konozenko, I.D, Ustlyanov, V.I. :----------- TITLE: On the Electrical Properties of the Mn 0 + Co 0 System 1-1 3 4 2 3 PERIODICAL: Nauk, zap. Chernivets'k. un-t, 1955, Vol 12, pp 121 - 128 (ukr.; Russ.r6sumQ ABSTRACT: The authors report on the methods and results of investigating the electric conductivity and thermo-emf of the Mn304 + C020 system. They determine the factors Influencing the magnitude of 1he electric conductivity and thermo-emf. It is shown that the given system can be used In eome technological designs. ((34ernovetslk. un-_t,_ USSR), The authors' r6s=4 Card 1/1 AUTHORS Konozenko I.D., Ustlyanov V.I., 57-8-8/36 TITLE -.. On Electrical Pr-o-p-e-r-fi-es '~Ci~e Lead-Antimony System. (Ob elektricheskikh avoystrakh sistemy avinets-surlaa-Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Tekhn.Fiz., 1957,Vol 27, Nr 8, pp 1686-1694 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT The authors state that alloys formed on the basis of solutions with variable compositions have electric properties which are, to their full extent,dependent on the state of primary solutions in alloys. The authors show that the electric conductivity of the alloys is a function of the component-concentrdtion as well as of the heat conditions of the alloys. The dependence of the electric conductivity of an 1:1 alloy on the temperature shows clearly the influence of the number of dissolved atoms on the magnitude and on the character of the electric conductivity. It is assumed that antimony in the lead-antimony system plays the role of an anion former. The dissolution of lead in antimony and of antimony in lead decreases the number of charge carriers for u-jS-solutions and for the eutectic mixture. The measurement of the hall-effeot proved the assumption that the number of carriers decreases with the drop of temperature. The mobility4t4-determined by means of the hall- effect measurements passes through the maximum of temperature in the interval investigated. The thermo-e.m.f. of the alloys situated close to the eutectic mixture, with 40,AA~Y/degrees, decreases with the rise of temperature. In the Isl alloy the thermo-e.m.f. increa- Card 1/2 ses in the case of heating; this takes place especially quickly On Electrical Properties of the Lead-Antimony System. 37-6-8/36 starting with the 2,2 fold reverse temperature and reaches a limit value of 16o&4/degrees. Theauthors show that the thermal coeffi- cient of resistance of 10 alloys reaches the magnitude of 3~ /de- gree at room temperature. Its value above 2460C proves the stead- iness of the system-conditions. (12 illustrations and 9 Slavic references). ASSOCUTION K*w Institute for Physics Ukrainian SSR. (Institut fiziki AN 173SR, SUBMITTED July 24, 1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 212 of the kcademy of Science of the Kiyev) ectrical proportioc USTIYAEOV, V,I. Cand Phy3-IMh Sc of cortain binarl nys-Lana of the atibnito type.,' Fiov# 1958, 8 pp (hiin of Ilighor Educ USSR. Lon Polythoclif Inst Im L.1. x"Killin,. ISO copies E-ibliography at -MW end of Aw-!ex-t (I-- litlas). (iM, ~17-553v IIC) . - 5 - AUTHOR: Ustlyanov, V. 1. 57-28-6-lu/34 On the Electrical Properties of the System Tin-Antimony (Ob elektrieheskikh svoystvakh sistemy olovo-sur,ma) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal 'Pekhnicheakoy Fizikip 1958, Vol. 28, ar 6, PP- 1190-1194 MSR) ABSTRACT: The modern semiconductor theory explains the electrical properties of semiconductors on the basis of the ideal crystal lattice. It is just by the lattice that the forblidden-, valence-, and conductivity zones are determined. At the same time, the work carried out under the supervision of A. F. Ioffe, Member of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, show that the energetic properties characteristic of semiconductors are conserved in transition to the liquid state (references 1 - 4). Besides, a whole class of amorphous substances with semiconductor properties was discovered (reference 5). The author succeeded Card 1/4 in demonstrating the value of the near order also in the case of On the Electrical Properties of the System Tin-Antimony 57-28-6-10/34 the binary system kb-Sbt which was developed on the basis of primary solutions of varying concentration (reference 6). Thus, the conception of the cardinal influence exercised by the near order proved to be justified not only in the liquid phase or in ~he amcrphous substance, but also in the solid body. From this point of view it was interesting to investigate the electrical properties of the system tin-antimony in compositions which contain the primary solution and Pt-phase and a phase P1. Summary: 1) The electrical properties of the system tin-antimony are determined by the composition of the alloy. The course taken by temperature of conductivity is a function of the propertles J_n the phase alloy and their interrelations~ Thus, conductivity in alloys with a r-solution Is changed by more than 80 'limes its amount. Apparently, the influence exarcised by the number of points with a new order, which increases with temperature, makes itself felt. In singl, -phase alloys without a solution nothing of this kind can be observed. 2) The d?/__ issolution of antimony, which increases with temperatureq reduces the conductivity of the Gard 2/4 alloy. In this alloy antimony seems to be an acceptor. On the Electrical Properties of the System Tin-AntimonY 57-26-6-46v/34 3) In al2oys vrith the 81-phase electric conductivity depends on the quantity of antimony in the lattice. According -to the author, it attains its maximum with a content of 413 Ilia in the alloy- 4) The thermoelectromotive force is a function of the composItion of t' le alloy. It attains maximum values of the order of 10 microvolt/degrees. Tne shifting of the maximum value o~ the thermoelectromotive force on the curves IgM V-10 shows that its position JKT also depends on.-the ~:omposi ion of the alloy. This seems indirectly to confirm the fact that antimony is an acceptor in the alloy conearned. 5) Carrier concentration in the investigated interzal of the-interrelations of the components deoreases linearly with an increase of the antimony content in the alloy. The sign of the carriers is negative. 6) The termal resistance coefficient differs by a factor-104. There'are 5 figures and 12 references, 11 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 on the j~lectrical Properties of the Sys-Lem Tin-Antimony 57-28-6-10/34 ASSOCIATIONi Institut fiziki AN USSR, K-4yev I . (Institute of Physi-.,s,AS Ukrainian SSR, Kiye-,) SUBMITTED: April 20, 1957 1. Antimony-tin systwa-Electrical properties 2. Antimony- tin systems-Phase studies Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Kor;u_-enko, 1. D: , U 6OV/57-~8-7-6/35 Kedrov, V, P, TITLE: Absorption of the Gamma-Ray Emission of Cobalt-60 in Cadmium Sulfide (Pogloshcheiiiye gamma-izlucheniya kob~illta-60 v sernistom kadmii) P:!',RIODICAL: Zhurnal tokhnicheskoy fi,-,ik:L, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 7, i)p~ 1397 - 1401 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The linear absorption factor of the pressed powdery cadmium sulfide was determined in dependence on the pressing effect. It is shown that at preBsuresof more than 104 kg/cm 2 the factor remains practically constunt and equal to 0,184 cm- I, i., e, close to the theoretical value. The linear factor of the pressed (P = 11 300 kg/cm 2 crystalline cadmium sulfide was determined as being equal to 0,180 cm -1 " It is shown that also thi3 v-ulue is close to the theoretical value. The mass absorption factor 2 of cadmium sulfide was meaoured immediately (0,042 cm Card 1/2 and determined as sum of the maus aboorption factors Absorption of the ;am=a-a-,y Emission of Cob~-lt-60 SC,/ 57- 28-7-6/35 in Cadmium Sulfide of the components (0,047 CLU21g)., The results agree well. The mean path of the gamma quanta of cobalt-60 in cadmium sulfide wL~s determined as being equal to 5,3 cm, and the thickness of the hall attenuation in the cadmium sulfide with 3,6 cm for the quanta of this energy. There are 5 figures and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki All U33R Kiyev (Inotitute of PhysicsIAS Ukrainian SS4, Kiyev) SUBMITTED; November 25, 1957 1. Cadmium sulfide.-Absorptli.-P properties 2. Cobalt Isotopes (Radioactive)- -Applications 3. Gawra radiatior-Chemical effects Card 2/2 "IN MAU I J.W/ j 140 Akedamlyn nauke Ukritneico7 Inntinum- rlzlicL _41 Fato lektrlahenklye I Qpt,,j4,fiRty. y,,jonjyj v polaprovodnikAMI : eot~_I~ktrlttia3kia t t Fp4rvago vaa5OyuzttQe4 dQV,1Mr0ft3n Y.1 to, t ahasklm yAvleniyim v poluprovadnLic'M g. r1yev, 20-26 . norabrYa 1957 9 (rhotoluatrta and OPttaal Pft~ - a In Semi- conductors$ Trann-locion3 or the First Conference on Motoolootria and Optical PUdnomena In SemLoonduators... ) Xlycva 1959. 403 p. 4,000 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agencyi Akadamlya nau6; S=R. Prazidium. 'Conlealya po poluprovoanikam. Ad. of Publishing Housaj 1. V. Nicina; Te,:h. Ed.: A. A. Xmtvoychuk; Kemp. Rd.s V. Yo. Lashk4rov, Academician, Ukralalan 331to Ata4my of Science@. JURPMEs This book is Intended for-Adiontists In tre field or semi. conductor physics. aolld st3ta'apectroacopy. Ar.4 s~lconductor - - - - - - _ - _ .7d4an~~4 3tUdL41t2 f - beuodr4~Ftn W devices. The collect in n 1 77 universities and Institutes or higher toahnIcal speciallxtna In the physics and technical application or $=I- conductor*. COMA031, Th. ooll.atio. contains reports and Inforxstion bulletins (,.he letter are Indicated by otterloKr) r,~ad at th,- P%rat All- UnIon Conference on OPtle3l an,1 PnocielectrIc Phe-9mana In Semi- conductors. A wide scope or problems in amic*nd4ctor physics and technology are ounaideredg pnotoconductivIty, pftotoelectro- motive forces. optlc3l properties, pnotoole-ctriz call* and photorealstors, the actions or hard and corpuscu-ar radiation#. the proportion or thin films and COMPICI 3CMIC=44ttor systems. *to. The materials were prepared for publ-cation by Z. 1. RAmhboy, 0. V. Snitko, X. B. TOlpygot A. F. Lubczer-koo and M. X. sheynkman. References and dl3cussion follow e?,zn *rticle. Phot Iowlectric 904 CPt1c&l Phenomena (Coot.) WT/3140 ft Minx .,,and S. M, fb=j,. Ieeftz, th A; n 0 25~u see In .,8taX7C-oLnt ro During the of a "Th-ugh Cond.. Cha=ei** 379 x L P B omazov. R- )q- xatv~70 And 0. A. -;n- zC~M_T5F7NdIj_t-j.., D' and V. I. Uvt'yanov.- ?r -Conductivity ZT-Cd3 359 a- and phot.- electric affect 0 X-PLAY& On Semiconductor Uctlner Cells (Theals) 396 Vamb'ytv, and a D i latywhav. Nat or the Use of otcr*s &fcr_A_ra__XVcord ~_'Z-Mry In J1hX1noor1n&4 __a cam 15/16 KONOZZUKO, I.D.; USTOYANOV, V.I- CdS crystals as the receivers of gamma revs, rizetyer.tela I no.l.-99-94 Ja '59. (MM 12:4) 1 1. Institut fisiki AN USSRP 11yev- (Cadmium sulfide) (Gamms. rays) 3 F'l 9 4 S/058/62,/000/004/155/!60 A061/A101 AUTHORS: Akhviediani, Z. G., Konozenko, 1. D., Ustlyanov, V. I. TITLE: G-conductivity of CdS PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizlka, no. 4, 1962, 3 - 4, abstract 4-4-6yu (V sb. "Fotoolektr. i optich. yavleniya v poluprovodnikakh", Kiyev, AN USSR, 1959, 389 - 395) iJ_ MT: Experiments conducted to investigate the secondary conductivity of CdS single or-jstals and polyerystals under the action of gamma radiation are described. Specially prepared CdS single crystals and polycrystals wer trans- ferred to a darkroom. The temperature was varied from 8~ to 33301C. Cogo was used as the gamma source. The volt-ampere characteristics of CdS single crystals and polyarystals at different gamma dose rates and temperatures, the dosimetric characteristics at various temperatures, the relaxation characteristics at various dose rates and temperetures, and the volt-ampere dark characteristics were taken. It was inferred from experimental results that the gamma current was due to the energy of Compton electrons capable of displacing the lattice ions. This dis- placement can be related to the formation of an active center which vanishes Card 1/2 G-conductivity of CdS S105816WO00100411551160 A061/A101. when the ion returns to the lattice point as the result of therm&l motion. These assumptions are backed by the temperature dependence of relaxation curves, and also by the fact that the temperature decrease leads to a greater lag of the gamma current drop. There are 10 references. M. B. - [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card Z/2 ? 10 0 AUTHORS: TITLE,. PERIODICAL; 8255, S/181/60/002/007/031/042 B006/BO60 Konozenko. I. D., Ustlyanov, V. I., Galushka, A. P. The Conditionsfor the Occurrence of Gamma Conductivity in IMS Single Crystals '07 - 1~ Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2. No. 7, PPo 1584-1591 TEXT- The authors studied the effect of temperature on the electrical conductivity of CdS single crystals with the aim of exploring the nature of the conductivity stimulated by gamma radiation.19The temperature de.- pendenoe of the dark conduction of crystals prior to and after their ir- radiation with gamma raya, and the thermostimulated conductivity due to illumination or gamma irradiation of the crystal were investigated, The measurements were made with a oryostat which is schematically shown in Fig. 1 and described. Co 0 of 300 millicuries served as the gamma source, and the maximum intensity amounted to - 3000 gr/sec. For the measurement of the temperature dependence of coniuctivity, the crystala were previously heated in darkness for 1 hour at 100 C, and then cooled, in darkness, down to nitrogen temperature. Depending on the duration of the growth or of the Card 1/4 82551. The Conditions for the Occurrence of Gamma S/181/6o/oO2/007/031/042 Conductivity in CdS Single Crystals B006/BO60 drop of the photocurrent, the crystals were subdivided into two groups: in the first group this period waa several seconds, and in the second it was fractions of a second. Fig, 2 shows tan I dark ' f(103/T) for specimens of the first group. In the range of 166.67 - 250 0K conductivity J.ncrease8 only slightly with temperatures In this range, ZE 1 of the various specimens was between 0,08 and 0.14 ev. At higher temperatures the climb becomes suddenly stooper (some curves exhibit a salient point), and bE 2 was be.. tw6en 0.6 and 0.8 ev (L E denotes the depth of the impurity centers). Fig.3 shows the same for crystals of the second group. For this, a is practical- ly independent of temperature up to 4850K, while at higher temperatures there is a steep rise; all these curves exhibit a salient point. With a 1riew to checking the existence of local trap-like centers and to determin- Ing their depths, the authors studied the thermostimulated conducti-4ity of the various specimens. For0gamma-sensitive orystaleD current maxima were found at 175 and 290 - 315 K (Fig. 4), whereas gamma-insensitive ones had a maxim-am only In the laat-mentioned range. The levels responsible for the peak at 3000K are located (as had been calculated by means of formula (2)) Card 2/4 82551 The Conditions for the Occurrence of Gamma 3/181/60/002/007/031/042 Conductivity in US Single Crystals BO06[BO6O 0.45 ev below the bottom of the conduction band. The results are finally discussed in great detail. Gamma absorption is mainly due to Compton jhotoeffect and pa'Ar production. The quantum scattering (92%), but also to yield was found to attain - I electrons per gamma quantum. The gamma- induced conductivity ( AI ft? lo-13a) is mainly due to impurity centers (shallow traps) and donor centers located near the bottom of the conduc- tion band. Additional experiments were undertaken in order to test the role played by shallow traps In gamma conductivity. These traps can be caused by the introduction of bismuth impurities, as is shown by the appearance of peaks (Figs. 7, 8). Finally, the role played by shallow txaps and donor cen-texa in the mechanism of the formation of gamma current is discussed, and the following mechanism is assumed; the Compton electrons arising on the scattering of gamma quanta are exciting carriers from band to band, excitons as well as electrons from lower atomic shells. In the ease of the existence of shallow traps, excitons can decay into negatively charged centers, and this decay is followed by a transition of electrons into the conduction band..The authors thank V. K. Lashkarev, Academician of the AS UkrSSR as well as M. K. Sheynkman for discussions. There are 8 figures and 11 references: 6 Soviet and 5 Us. Card 3/4 82551 The Conditions for the Occurrence of Gamma Sll8lV601002100710311042 Conductivity in CdS Single Crystals B006/BO60 ASSOCIATION; Inatitut fizlki AN USSR Kiyev (Institute of Physics of the AS UkrSSR, Kiyev) L4// SUBMITTED: July 30, 1959 Card 4/4 25581 S/185/60/005/002/018/022 D274/D304 -?4-,7 76 0 AUTHORS: Konozenko, I.D., Ust'yanov, V.I. and Galushka, A.P. *--------------- -_ TITLE: On the nature of gamma-ray conductivity in cadmium- sulfide crystals PERIODICAL: Ukrayins1kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 2, 1960, 276-277 NITM TEXT: The fact that 'i-conductivity is found in certain crystals only of cadmium sulfide, makes the physical processes involved more difficult to understand. Thus, owing to non-homogeneous composition of such crystals in the vapor phase, an extraordinary spread in the values of the dark resistivity of the crystals is observed. The author obtained single crystals of cadmium sulfide by a method (Ref. 3: E. Grillot, Compt. Rend., 242, 779, 1936) which yielded more hom- ogeneous crystals; the spread of dark resistivity did not exceed an order of magnitude of 1.5. These crystals can be divided into two groups according to the lag in their photoconductivity. To the first group belong the crystals for which an 80% rise (or drop) in Card 1/3 1 25 S/185,/60/0055578C 02/018/022 On the nature of gamma-ray... D274/D304 photocurrent takes place in tens of seconds. An investigation of the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity for this group showed the presence of impurity centers with following activa- tion energy: donor-levels with AE from 0.4 to 0.12 eV, and from 0.5 to 1.2 eV; trapping-levels with AE3 from 0.08 to 0.13 eV, and from 0.5 to 1.2 eV. To the second group belong crystals which have no trapping levels with activation energy from 0.08 to 0.13; for this group the rise (or drop) in photocurrent takes place in a few seconds. It is noted that first-group crystals show a decrease in electrical resistivity under the effect of 'Y -radiation; they are called I -sensitive. The crystals of the second group are not' T -sensitive. Hence the author considers that the trapping centers with small activation energy have an important role in the genera- tion of ^t -conductivity. It can be assumed that the Compton ele- ctrons excite the carriers and the excit-ons; the latter, can in- crease the carrier concentration in the conductivity zone, i.e. lead to T -conductivity. A. Rose (Ref. 5: Phys. Rev., 97, 1543, 1955) and (Ref. 6: Poluprovodnikovyye preobrazovateli energii iz- lucheniya, IIL, 1959 (Semiconductor Converters of Radiation Energy)), Card 2/3 25581 S/185/60/005/002/018/022 On the nature of gamma-ray... D274/D304 showed that the great inertia of the cadmium crystals (the crystals of the first group - according to this article), can be explained by virtue of the centers of two types with a different electron- capture cross-section. There are no tapping centers in the absence of 't -sensitivity; this- should be expected with the exciton mechan- ism too, of ^e -conductivity. There are 6 references: 3 Soviet- bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: A. Rose, Phys. Rev., 97, 1543, 1955. ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Instytut fizyky AN USSR (Physics Institute AS UkrSSR) December 23, 1959 Card 3/3 KONOZENKO, I.D.; -,USTIYANOVI V.I. Production of large WS single crystals for dooimetry of ga=a field. Ukr, fiz. zhut. 5 no. 5:606-614 S-0 160. (MM .14:4) 1, Institut fisiki AN USSR. (Cadmium sulfide crystals) (Ga-ma rays) -1 .q~ w 33105 S/636/61/001/000/031/056 (//93/ /A /*5*) B116/BIO2 AUTHORS: Konozenko, I. D-p Ustlyanov, V. I., Galushka, A. P. TITLE. Study of the y-conductivity of CdS single crystals SOURCE: Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispol'zovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent, 1961, 200-210 TEXT; The authors describe the production of CdS single crystals and present the investigation results, They found that their 1-conductivity was due to local centers having the form of shallow traps (AE - 0-08-0-14e~ since the slightest disturbance of crystallization considerably influences the crystal properties, the authors developed a special production method to reduce the parameter spread. Crystallization took place at 12000C in quartz tubes, in which prior to heating, the air replaced by nitrogen. During the heating nitrogen is continuously added with the flow rate being chosen in such a way that at 12000C a temperature drop of 10-150C occurs. This method guarantees a small number of crystallization centers and a high growth rate of the crystals. Crystallization where a constant Card 113 33-105 3/63 61/001/000/031/056 Study of the y-conductivity ... B116YB102 nitrogen flow rate and constant temperatures are of great importance, takes 1-5-2 hr, Debye-Sherrer patterns showed that the CdS single crystals grown in such a way have a hexagonal lattice with a - 4 .08 ~, a - 6.72 k0 f and c/a - 1.65. The temperature dependence of the dark conductivity of the crystals before and after y-irradiation and the thermoatimulated conductivity caused by irradiation by light or gamma rays were studied in a thermostat. C060 of a maximum intensity of 3 curies/sec served as y-source. The CdS crystals obtained can be divided into two groups according to their dark conductivity and the photocurrent inertia: (1) increase and decrease of the photocurrent take several seconds,(2) only fractions of a second. From 170-2500K the conductivity of the first group slightly increases with temperature. AE1 - 0.08-0.14 ev. Above 250 OK the- curves become steeper and AE, - 0.6-0.9 ev. The conductivity of the second group hardly increases from 170-2850K and beyond 2650K the curves has the same slope as that of the first group. Considerably 1-conductivitr (L\I' A special apparatus permitted simultaneous measurement, lectrical resistance and X-ray analysis of the samples at different tempera- tures. The compositions of the samples were: 9076 MgO and 1015 Fe203 and 90% MgO and 101o FeO. The samples were prepared in tablet form 3-4 mm thick by mixing finely ground powders, with subsequent pressing. The samples were placed in a high temperature chamber which permitted heating to 1500 C, with Card 1/2 L 1253-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5021510 attachment of a URS-501 diffractometer. They were heated at a rate of 0. 17 de- grees/sec with practically no temperature gradient across the sample. The phase composition of each sample was studied by continuous X-ray photography in the angular range of 200-270301. For some samples complete X-ray photos were taken over the angular range of 11-410. The same measurements were made with cooling of the samples and subsequent reheating. Results for both types of sam- ples in the given temperature interval are shown graphically. Basically, the article gives a qualitative picture of the kinetics of phase changes In the systems MgO-Fe 03 and MgO-FeO(Fe 203) at atmospheric air pressure and with continu- ous heating to 1400 C. In particular, it is shown that magnesioferrite under these conditions forms at 290 C. Orig. art. has: 8 figures ASSOCIATION: Vostochnyy institut ogneuporov (Eastern Institute for Refract2FY_._'____ Materials) SUBMITTED; 00 ENCL; 00 SUB CODE: MM, IC NR REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 005 .Card 2/2 TT"I'T W h deviec for tho high f_Am,=r-q(-.z a pj0ft-_jV,,- of r - olectr-';,~al conductivity and x-r_ny _illgn I SOURCE. Zavodskaya laboratoriya, V, 31f no. 5, 1965, 620--621 17 1~~IIPIC-TAGS- x ray--diffraalAoa_8t do,,- olectric conductivit-7. bigh tempera- ture iftst-,vz9_n_E_,_7EF&_s__ urlF~g_ appara 3G I audio frequency generator, FUTSH 55 a,lt~ tri -~r, ('141F 21,'~ n.'75 PqP 01 -At- t;, LG 1 6M-, 1 ~ L~e ABMACT.- A device was develoDed for DrovLdinaz simullaneous ~-~ay q;:411~! i~- and C, ~_tlese conduc'.',,'_I.y measurements are a I-a a r a -3 stono br~,Ige the Enclost-ae) In which R is the refr_-Iated resistance for Jeter,:InIz47, the roel3t- 3 ance R of the specimen, and R, is the standard resistance for periodically Card IMIR MEN NNE -WIM F 4 L 53592-65 ACCESSION 11R: AP5012504 calibrating tho bridge. A capacitor box (1) Is connected to one log. A 3G-1 affain frentlanev generator (low-5000. C-oz-0 in one ldiazonal =avants ft Z. -1 -A 4 -n % 7 wq nea'-er s a itty measurement. The furuace ia surrourad6d b-i JI-jightwoight bricks and 1~s enza Lre scaled -Ath ther-Lml inaulation disks. Thq x-ray la-,~Lm ~Iits are covered with n4 -L-p 14 1 tin 3-1 it Vr"T-j fit-' Dr-mittin~- Paz an_-.u_1&- 820 vith URS-50214. in test moasurerif-rints, im addition -.c The Pt-FtfLh tllermocouple, Lmrn nnntrnllad Im studyinir the 7--ray pat,.erm of Plati-ri=, which Vnlr", Wll',h !,,-,re; ' r, , 'C ~ c v7~ va Card 2/4 L 5359`-65' XCESStOil Ar -1 ITR: AP5012-5%, Orig. art. M5; 2 figuros. c -issledovatellskiy i rcoyaktW rtitut MOOLMON4. Vostochr%yy nauchno in A SCiGnIllie RgeearCl, and DpIgl- TngtjtUtq of SUBM WED 00 ENCL: 01 SUB CODI-7:7Do EK I oylJe li~- i c4r; t I-A 1~" t'.;~. 1; fu Cl I tric c6ndu-tlviv, X-ray 39 RA 18-8) L 1657-66 EWT(m)/EPF(n) _2/EWG(n)/j~4P(0/wF(b_)__ ZOO -------- iACCESSION HR: APS021417 UR/0076/65/039/008/1932/1937 541.13+541.17 ~AUTHOR: Bessonov, A. r.; !!~It~,_Y~ntpev, V. M. iTITLE: Study of certain oxide systems with the aid of a high-temperature device for, ;the simultaneous measurement of the electrical resistance and x-ray diffraction lanalysis of samples !SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khiipii, v.,-39, no. 8, 1965, 1932-1937 !TOPIC TAGS: electrical resistance measurement, x-ray.diffraction analy is zirconi- Um oxide phase analysis. 7?" 7_1 !ABSTRACT: The properties of ZrO MgO and ZrO2 - Y203 composition!3 (taken in the 1 2 iratio of 73:25 and 93:7 nole % respectively), whicF-were pressed and sintered at 116000C, were studied as a function of temperature by means of a novel device which lpermitted the simultaneous measurement of electrical resistance and x-ray diffrac- .tion analysis. A wiring diagram of the device is given. 'The phase transformations lof ZrO? were invest-igated, and the electrical resistdnce method was found to be m0 ;sensitive than the x-ray method in the identification of the phases formed during COrd 1/2-- 1. 1657-66. !ACCESSION KR: AP5021417 !heating or cooling, since it detected their formation earlier and was sensitive to !their presence for a longer time. Furthermore, inflections occurring at 5500C and 14900C on the resistance curve had no equivalents in the x-ray studies. It is con- !eluded that the resistance method is highly sensitive to slight structural changes arising under the influence of external factors such as temperature, medium, Pres- sure, or chemical reactions. The two all-important methods of x-ray diffraction a ! lelectrical resistance measurement can thus be made to supplement each other in a 'highly useful manner. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1-table. 'ASSOCIATION: Vostochnyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut ogneuporn, ~promyshlennosti (Eastern Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Refrac- Itory Industry) ;SUBMITTED: 14Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB OODE: GC, IC INO REF SOV: 012 OTHER: 005 Card--2/-2 BESISIONOV, A.F.~ U.-I'VANI'SEV, V.P..; IAROSLAVTSL-V, A.,S. :nvestigating the ki-netics of phaa8 transfomations in a 5pecimen of magnealum and copper oxIdes. ~Zv. vys. uchob. zav.; ~mvet. met. 8 no.5~4r;~-53 165. Nifi.A 18.,1o) '! Urallskiy politekhnicheskly inatitut, kafedra mata'lurgli tyazhelykh t2vetnyKh mel.allcv il Vcs*vocbnyy instivat cgneuporov. BES)SCIVNI A.F.; in r.ynt,imt: f'~O) 2")) uu"'rl" tn(I, r ?I,.,Ltir4~ Pnd n he NA - FPO(F( !ttr, r,.-neupory 30 n0.900-34 165. (14 i i . 06293-67 WT(m)/WP(e)/EWPW/ET1 LJPW ACC NRt AT6OZ7i_4T_( Sol AUTHORS Polazh&Lovp YUG M.; Ustlyantsevp V. H ORGI none k~ TITIZI Phase transformations of zjrconium dioxideteparating during the thermal de~ comoositio %V of N&HZrSiO5 (effect of prior pressing) SOURCEt 4 SSSR. Otdaleniye obshchey I tekhnichaskoy khimii. Issledovaniya v oblasti khimii ailikatov I oklolov (Studies in the field of chemistry of silicates and oxid84. Moscows Izd-vo Nauka, 19651 217-220 10 TOPIC TAOS$ zirconium compounds phase transition, refractory _0 ABSTRACT: A study of the phase transformations of ZrO2 present In a mixture with Z t, rQ12O~ was carried out with aid of high-temperatu-1w x-ray phase analysis on a -501 diffraotometer provided with a heating attachment. The heating rate was 8 dog/min. It was found that the low-temperature tatragonal ZrO2 which separates duringi the thermal decomposition of KaffZrSiO5 on heating changes directly into the high-te, m: peraturo tetragonal form, and the latter changes into the monoclinic form on cooling As the pressure of the prior pressing of the specimens rise3j, the temperature at which these transformations bp ormations .&In drops. It its concluded that polymorphic transf of ZrOp in refractoriesPean be prevented if it is mixed wJ1h a suitable material hav- ing a sma3_1 coefficient of thermal expansion and good sintering properties, such as Card L o6293-67 I-ACC7WR- A%027149 NaHZrSiO5. Orig. art. hass 2 figures I table. SUB CODES 07/ SUBM DATES 0301--t64/ ORIG REFS 003/ OTH REPO 004 Card 2/2 L 10880-66 MIR (0) A3ff WARP W -9/r/bs ~CC NRs AT5028247 SOURCE CODE: UR/2'il/65/000/006/012',3/0130 VW' k it~ AUTHOR: Strekalovskly, V. N.; Dessonov, A., P.; Ustlyantsev, V. M.; Burov, G. V. ORG: Institute of Electrochemistry, Ural Branch, Academy of Sciences S3R,(Akademiya,7_, nauk SSR, Urallskly filial, Instttut Elektrokhimii) 1/4 TITLE: High- temperature x-ray diffraction sta!!j of oxide ceramics ,e W .1i T7 14 SOURCE: An SSSR. Ural'skiy filial. Institut elektrokhtmil. Trudy, no. 6, 1965. Elck- trokhimiya rasplavlennykh Bolevykh I tverdykh electrolitov (Electrochernintry of fused salts and solid electrolytes), 123-130 TOPIC TAGS: x ray diffraction analysis, oxide ceramic, ceriurn'-Zampound, strontium com- pound zirconium compound, 11trium. compound, neodymiurn compound I -X--j 17 17 1 27 ABSTRACT: A description Is given of high-temperature attachments forx-ray diffraction studies with photo- and ionization recording of the diffraction pattern (at temperatures between 20 and 1500C). Examples of high- temper atare x-rak analyses are given for sintered oxide materials: Ceo., CeO2-8r0, Zr02_Y, 0., ZrO 2-Nd20., ZrO -CaO. The transitions occurring In ZrO.-Nd2O3 and Zr02-Y2O, on heating and coolirg are determined. The x-ray coefficients of thermal expansion of these samples are found to be lower than the dilatometric ones. It Is postulated that the difference in the change of the lattice constant of CeO2 as Card L 10880-66 ACC NRl AT5028247 studied ir. air and vacuum to due to the formation of a solid solution of Ce20, in CCO2 in a vacuum. Orig. art. his: 8 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: 07, 11/ SUBM Dk7;E:' none/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH REF: 011 e) 2/2 FE33014OVp A.F.; USTYAIITS,','V, Study of some oxld6 :,ystems b.,- mpars of a ?,fgh-t,~rq.,sra,~ure plant fo-.- the almultaneour, reasiirr~rro~nt, ef elnetric resistance and the X-ray diffraction analyale cf samplcs. Zhur. f.'Z. Min. 39 no.Ftl932-1937 Ag 161-0 (Mmk 18-9) 3. lFoatochny-y nauoIL-ia-!ssleJcvatcl'sk!y i proyektryy institut ognoupornoy prorVshlenncstli. STREKALGVSKlY, V1.1r.; BESSONOV, A.F.L UST'.rARTSEV,, BUROV, G.V. j _ High temperature X-ray diffraction study of oxide ceramics. Trudy Inat. elektrokhim. UFAN SSSR no.6al23-130 '65. (MIRA 18: 1-1) .L 36505-66 EWT(m j .-YEI-T( _)/T ACC NR, AP6017880 SOURCE CODEs UR/0062/661000/005/0930/0932 AMOM Ustyrrruk, Le A.; Shevelev. S. A.; Faynzillbergq A. A. ORO$ I tituto of Orra ic Chomistr M. my f Se ionces, SSSR As - -Y-k ~ (Inatitut organichaskoy, khimii Akadomii nauk S35R) TITLE$ Weat of acylating agents on salts of 1,1-dinitroalka SOURCES AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Soriya khimichoskayap no. 5, 1966, 930-932 TOPIC TAGS1 acylationg organic nitro compoundp ethanot propane ABSTRACT% The reactions of salts of gem-dinitroethane with the acylating agents I acetyl chloridoy acetic anhydridep acetyl nitiate, benzoyl chloridep methyl chloroa- I cetatet and p-toluenesulfo 1 chloride were all found to produce dinitroethyl ethylni~ trolate CH3C(NO2)=N-O-C(N~T2CH3 (I). Its yield varied over a wide range with the conditions of the reactiong i.e.9 the nature of the solvent and cation, proportion of the reactants, and temperature. Thus, in the reaction of the potassium salt of gem- dinitroothano with acetyl chloride in,,Polar solvents (acotoneg acetonitrilep dimethyl~, formamide), the yield of (1) was - 30p, but in solvents of low polarity, where the potassium salt is practically Insoluble, (1) was not formed at all. If however the triothylamine salt of gem-dinitroothane, which is soluble in all these solvents, is introduced into the reaction, the formation of (1) in substantial quantities is always'- UDC1 542.91 + 547.232 ACC NR, AP6017880 o6erved. The effect of acylating agentsq particularly acetyl nitrate, on salts of i lol-dinitropropane was also studied. Like i1j-dinitroethaneg lgi-dinitropropane under, these conditions was found to yield a product of autoxidationl, dinitropropyl propyl- nitrolate C2H3C(NO? ,)=N-OC(NO2)2C2H5- SUB CMEI 07/ SUBM DATZ, 0800t63/ oRIG Rat 001/ OTH REFt 002 I~vt. Card PEREVALOVA, E.G.; q~TPTU~, Tu.A.; NESMEYANOV, A.N. Reactivity of compounds containing a ferrocanylwthyl group. Report Hydrolytic cleavage of quaternary ammonium salts. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.6:1036-1045 4 163. (MIRA 160) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstyennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Ammonium 'Compounds) (HydAo;,ysis) (Ferrocene) PEREVALOVA, E.G.; USTYNYUK, Yu.A.; NESMETANOV, A.11. Reactivity of compounds containing a ferroceny1methyl. group. Report No.2: Reduction of quaternary ammonium BaltB containing a ferrocenylmethyl radical by sodium amalgam according to Emde reaction. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.6:1045-1049 A 163. (KM 16:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstyennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. (Ammonium compounds) (Perrocene) (Reduction, Chemical) U S T YL,G( C.-. 1! G t -ii 5 `61' USTYLIGOV) N. , in7.h. . '11-1,''. Ill,ecira-P" transmitter. Radio no.9:-'3G-32 S 165. (:,-,IilA lr~f:ijl 14273--66 EWT(1)1FS(v)-j SJT9~ DD/RD ACC NRt AT6003841 SOURCE CODE: UR/2865/65/004/000/0070/0074! AUTHOH.s.. Tardovq Ve Me; Ustyushin. Be Vat Orlov. Be F, OPG:' none L TITLEs The problem of human resistance tiV briefly-acting angular accelerations of large magnitudes SOURCEI AN SSSR. Otdeleniye biologichookikh nauk. Problemy k6amicheakoy biologii,, v. 4,, 1965, 70-74 TOPIC TAGS: space physiology,, EKG, cardiovascular systems, Mt man,, vestibular apparatus# vestibular effect, biologic acceleration effect, psychologic stress ABSTRACT: the-effe .ct of + 30- 90 G/sec2was studied* using 6 healthy. Mqi~ subjects 22-25 yr. of age. A special de~,~A~e*c-bn-sitr-u-cted by V. V. Dobry-ain,;*; was used which consisted of a chair, power shdck ab~sorbers with a a treso .system, an actuating and automatic braking system, and counters which registered rotation duration, turning angle, and tangential force. ' 7be i actuating and braktng system permitted positive and negative angular accelerations with a duration of 0. 2 see. _ThpiykWitude q e I Card 113 .1,-.14273-66 ACC Mi AT6003841 in 56 tests was gradually Increased from 30 G /6ej 2 to 90'G /sec Rotation took place around the longitudinal axis of the body. . The following physiological Indices were studied- clectronystagarnogrom, EKG, arterial pressure, respiration yate, 'and EEG. - Subjqptive illusions *'during rotation were characteristic of those experienced when the semi-CIL... 2cular canals are stimulated. .......I The cardiovascular s'ystem'reacted sharply to short-term rotation, .reflected In an increase in pulse rate after the chair had been stopped. In some cases, after exposure to + 30-90 G/sec, the rate was 125 'beatslmin, quickly returning to b6rmal and sometimes subnormal levels. Systolic and diastolic pressure was increased. B KG's showed a par- allelism with- the above indices: The QT Interval shortened as pulse rate increased, returning to normal 10-15 min later. The systolic EICG index t 10- 1576 as pulse rates increase, but quickly returned to al. - Spike voltage-was unaltered in all-teats.- Like carulac'activi norm ty" the respiration rate also increased immediately after exposure, quickly returning to n&mal. levels. Card 2/3 414273-66 ACC NR: AT6003841 An examination of EEG's showed an increase in the ampli.tude and i content of high-frequency rhythms (greater than 20 cps) Immedfately after exposure to rotation. This reflected a predominance of excitatory 'processes taking place in the CNS at thte time. It Is observed that the reactions of the organism to short-term rotations were not specific and were attributed to neuropsychic responses, i.e. , to emotional strains such as those encountered in -catapult tests. This was substantiated in a test in which a subject was given a false cominandi that the chair Was ready to revolve and did not. The same physiological i.reactjpns as observed during rotation occurred, though not to as great a degree* Orig, art. hass 5 figtwee, [ATD FRESSs 40914~1 SUB COM 06 SUBM DATE: none' Card 3/3 RUDAKOV, Viktor Vasillyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; j�jYkZHAjN-N,-je iy jj_4p44 Anatollyevicb,-inzh.; SWEYNBOK, G.Yu., inzh... ved. red.; SHVETSOV, G.V.,, tekhn. red. (Electronic amplifier with a multiplying device for servo drive systema]Elektrannyi usilitell s mnozhitellnym ustroistvom dlia sistem slediashchego privoda. Koskva, Filial Vaes. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn. infor-matsii, 1958. 23 P. (Peredovoi nauchno- tekhnicheskii i proizvodstyennyi opyt. Tema 42. Ko.P-5"9/7) (MIRA 160) (Amplifiers, Electron-tube) (Servomechaniesms) DANILOV, S.11.,- TIKHOMIROVA-SIDORM, N.S.; USTYUZF-AHIN, G.Ye.; YEFIMOVA, G.A. I - Cleavage of an anhydride ring in dianhydraxylitol by amines. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no,11:3614-361; N 16,,. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut vysokomolekul~ny~h soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Xylitol) (Anhydrides) (Amines) USTYUZHANIN. G.Ye ; Y&FIMOVA, G.A.; KOGAN, E.M.; TIKHOMIROVA-SIDEROVA, N.S.1 .DAKILOV., S.N. Cleavage of an anhydride ring in dianhydrcxylitol and its derivatives by hydrogen chloride in glacial acetic acid. Zhur.ob.khIm. 32 no.11:3617-32621 N 162. (HIRA 15:11) 1. Institut vysokcmo1eku1yarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Xylitol) (Anhydrides) (Hydrochloric acid) -- USTYUZHANINI G. .; KOGAN, E.M.; TIKHdMM-SIDORM, N.S.; DANILOV, S.N. flew data on the structure of xyl-itol dianhydride. Zhvr.ob.khJ . 32 no.]-1:3622-3627 N 162. (VIMA 15: U) 1. Institut vysokomolokulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Xylitol) (Anhydrides) USTYUZHANIN, Me.- TIKHOMIROVA-SIDOROVA, N.S.; DAMIM, 33.N. 0 Hexitol anhydride with with a f-ring- 1.3-anhydro-2.4-metbylons-5.6-Ainathyl-D-sorbitol. Zhur.ob. Wim. 33 no.2s453-457 F 163. (KMA l6s2) 1. Institut vysokonolekulyarrqkh(iioyedinaniy 0 WSR. (Sorbitol) Hexitols)