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STLKC)~,.INIKOV, I.S~t V.Y-:fl
Discharre piienc-,ana in flu'-jso f~2- "5
3 165, ~, .. i -; .~
1. Energatirhefki.y insLitut imonl
L. 13603-66 EWr(1)/EWT(m)/MT(J)/T ijp(c) WW/GG/RM
ACC NRa AR6016230 SOURCE CODE, UR/0058/65/000/OU/EO5T/EO5T
AUTHORS: Ya~.; TSjbin.N. M.
TITLE: Concerning the development of a discharge in solid dielectrics
SOURCE: Ref. zh.*Fizika, Abe. lIE440
REF SOURCE*. Bb. Proboy dielektrikov i poluproyodnikov. M.-L., Energiya, 1964, 124-12
TOPIC TAGS: dielectric breakdown, electric discharge, dielectric strength, organic
glass, sodium chloride d
ABSTRAM The channels of incomplete breakdown in rock salt and organic glass are
considered. It is shown that the discharge Slow zone exceeds by hundreds of times
the channel dimensions. It is indicated that thermo-ionization and photoionization
processes can occuriduring the breakdown of dielectrics.*?-Dielectrics having larger
dielectric str2p ut rates (v). Values y
_Sth~hsve larger discharge-developme
(2 x 10 -Z -1.5 x 107) cm/sec were obtained and were found to depend on the value
of the excess voltage. [Tranalatitnof abstract]
-AJ126-66 - EWT(I)/EPA(" IJP(c) GG
R' APS025898 SOURCE COVE: UR/0057/65/035/010/1 4/1847
AUTHORs Nshakov, V,Ya,
ORG: Tomsk Polytechnic L.11stitute im. S.M.Kirov (Tomskiy politekhnichoskiy Insti-
TITLE% Development in liquid dielectrics of discharges due to steep voltage waves
SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 10, 1965, 1844-1847
TOPIC TAGS: dielectric breakdown water, ethyl alcohol, transformer oil, spark gap
ABSTRACT: Positiv.e and negative point to plane discharges In 2 to 16.5 cm gaps in
4ransfomer oil, ethyl alcohol, and distilled water were investigated with an expeft-
jental technique that the author has described elsewhere (Proboy dielektrikov i polu"
rovodnklov. Sb..dokladov IV mezhvuzovskoy konf. po proboyu diel. i poluprov., 207-
l, Izd. "Energlya", M.-L., 1964). The voltage on the gap was increased at raten
anging from 0.4 to 400 kV/p&Bc and the luminous phenomena accompanying the early
'stages of the discharge preceding are formation were observed with an electron-optical
converter with light amplification. Curves are given showing the voltage at
lphich leader formation in first observed and the initial velocity of the leader as
Xunctions of the rate of gap-voltage rise. At high voltage rise rates the initial
J.eader velocity was approximately 'the same in all three liquids 6 X 107 emlsec).
UDC; 537.528
The luminous phenomena are described and discussed in considerable detail. These
phenomena in the two polar liquids were similar and Y,early independent of the polariu'3
of the point electrode. In these liquids the appearance of the leader was signaled
by a spherical glow near the point. After a I lisea pause the leader reappeared with
a length of about 2 mm. The subsequent growth of the leader was spasmodic, the lengtt
increasing by 1-1.5 mm In 0.12-0.13 gsec and then remaining constant for 0.5-1 4sec.
During the spasmodicgrowth periods the leader channel glowed brightly. In the trans-
fomer oil the leader began with a glow near the point, accompanied by a current
pulse; the growth of the leader was continuous but it was accompanied by periodic fla-
shes and branching. When the point was negative the flashes-were more frequent and
the branching less pronounced than when the point was positive. In all three liquids
the potential at which leader development began was somcwhat less (considerably less
in water) when the point wits positive than when it was negative. It is concluded that
field emission from the' poi.nt does not play a signif icant role in the development of
the discharge and it is suggested that the process ie governed largely by formation
Me near the poirst. The author thanks Doctor of Technical Science I.S.
of space char
Stekollniko~Vf~r his interast in the work and for great assistance in performing it.
Orig. art. has: 3 figures.
2 /2
AMSEXIN, Dol., inzh.-electrik; USHA OT. V.Th., red.
[Program of a training course in electric Installation work for
technical schools of ferrous metallurgy in the viblect-.4111ectric
equipment of Industrial enterprises and establishments"] Progra=a
uchabnoi elektromoutaghnol. praktiki dlia takhnikumv ohernoi metal-
lurgii po spetsfLallnovii "Mektrooborudovaide provVehlennykh pred-
priiatil I ustanovok.0 Xoskva,* 1956. 11 p. (XIBA 11:8)
1, 3hesia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinioteretvo chernoy metallurgii.
Upravleniye uchabnykh zavadeniy. Nauchno-mowtodichesidy kabinet.
2, Kinisterstvo chernoy metallurgii (for _JG~ahkin).
(Mectrie engineering-Study and teaching)
US',iAKOV,-.V.Ya,, Anzh.
Calculu'lon of volt-secrnrl CMracterl5tico of acne 3'-quid
dielectricti. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 9 no.1:15-19
JFL 66. (141RA 19:1)
1. Tomskiy pc]ltekhnlche3kly InatItut iment
Predstavlena kafedroy tekhniki vfsokikh na-pryazlienly.
Submitted March 30, 1965.
L 3630-M EWTCj)/EPAj.p)-2 Lji4)LE?FCq)j P c
ACCESSION NRz AP5o24o54 UR/00W65/035/009A -692A 7oo
IVX fill," e37-528 3 1~1
AUTHORs Stekollnikov's I. So; Ushakovj Vo Yao ~\l 3 6
TITLE% Investigation of discharge phenomena in liquids
SOURCEt Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikip T,, 35j no. 90 1965, 1692-17oo
TOPIC TAGS: dielectric breakdown liquid propertyp transformer oill alcohol#
waterp electric dischaije-71mization
ABSTRACTz The authors hW investigated point-to-plane and point-to-point break-
down in transfomer oil%%-kacohol, and water, using a pulsed high voltage with no
artificial limitation on the current during development of the discharge. A 5 cm
gap was employed in all three liquids, and in addition there was investigated a
16.5 cm gap in water. Time-resolution photographs of the discharge process were
obtained with the aid of an image converter tubes The appartus and experimental
technique are described in more detail elsewhere (V,Ya*Ushakov. 3b. dokl. na IV
mezhvuzovskoy konferentsii po proboyu dielektrov i poluprovodnikov, 207-211, Izd'
"Energiya", M.-L., 1964)o The time resolution photographs clearly showed the de-
velopment of the leader process in all three liquids* In oil a breakdown did not
always result when the leader reached the plane electrode; this phenomenon is as
.crjbjj,~o a strong absorption of electrons by the heavy hydrocarbon molecules*
L 363o-&
oil the leader.increased in length at a constant rate of about 1.3 x lo5 cm/sec-,
in the two polar liquids the leader grew in spurts, The leaders in all the liquidsl
emitted light in flashes with intervening periods of relative darkness ranging in
duration from 0o15 microsec (negative leader in water) to 3*4 microsec (positive
leader in oil),j The flashing and discontinuous growth velocity of the leaders wer
due to the breakdown mechanism itself# rather than to features of the external'ci
cuitp as has been suggested b-y V.S.Komellkov (D0 SSSR, 136, No.4, 196o; AhTF, 31P
No.8, 1961) and I.Ye.Balygin (ZhL?F., 29, No-5 (11)o 1955). There' was not observ
any luminosity in front of the head of the leader channel that could be interpre-
ted as a pulse corona or an ionized region, The observed phenomena are discussed
at some length and some interpretations are suggested# Orig, art* has: 4 figures
and 1 tables
ASSOCIATIONt -Energeticheskiy institut im. G*M.,Krzhisbanovskogo.. Moscow (Power
Engineering Institute)
NO REF SOVs Oo6 oTHERt oo4
Card 2L2
46780-66 E,'JT (I )IE"rr (m)/TIP (j )Zj/P!-','P (t)/P-TI QN0
ACC NRiAR6014537 SOURCE CODE: UR/01�610510001011
AUTHOR: Ushakov, V. T&.; Torbin, N. M.
TITLE: Development.of discharge in solid dielectrics
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnika i energetika, Abs. 11B21 V. _/
REF SOURCE: Sb. Proboy dielektrikov i poluprovodnikov. M.-L., Energiya, 1964, 124-127
TOPIC TAGS: solid dielectric, dielectric breakdown, electri discharge
ABSTRACT: By means of a limited-duration voltage impulses, experimental results on
the discharge dpvelopment were obtained; the solid dielectrics used were: 35-mm thick
rock sal&7NaCffhnd 20-mm thick plexiglas placed in a point(+)- plane(-) field.
The lumin6_scence that accompanied the discharge was photographed, and the incomplete-
breakdown streamers were studied wio microscope. The growing discharge channels are
oriented along the crystallogr~Xhiclairection in NaCl crystals depending on the
overvoltage; in the plexigI 34the discharges develop like in air. The luminescent
zone of the discharge channels exceed.-, by hundreds of times the actual size of
channel in the solid dielectric. The channel size decreases from 32 to 19 microns
counting from the electrode into the dielectric. Initial stagesof the incomplete
breakdown channel in Na-Cl represent alternate disturbed and intact sections of the
dielectric. The molten channel walls can be explained by the thermal nature of the
breakdown. The intense luminescence and high speed of the discharge development
(up to 107 cm/sec) can be explained by thermo- and photo-ionization. The discharge
Card 1/2 UDC: 621.31
L 46780--F6
ACC NRs AR6014537
development speed depends on the overvoltage (from 2 x 105 to 1-5 x 107 CM/sec
for cver-voltages of I to 1.75, respectively). The dielectrics possessing higher
elec-L'.-ic strength have higher speeds of the discharge development. Four figures.
Bibliography of 14 titles. N . Torbin [Translation of abstract]
SO CODE: 09, 11
1_ 44-5QU-66 E,q I ( 1
ACC NRt AR6010511
AUTHOR: Ushakov, V. Ya.; Torbin, N. M. Ilk
TITLE: Investigation of the development of a -discharge in liquid dielectrics
SO"URCE: Ref. zh. Elektrotekhnika i energetika, Abs. 1OB53
REF SOURCE: Sb. Proboy dielektrikov i poluprovodnikov. M. -L. , Energlya, 1964, 227-231
TOPIC TAGS: electric discharge, liquid dielectric, dielectric property
ABSTRACT: Electrographic recording of the development of incomplete discharges was made,
in transformer oil (TO), glycerin (G), distilled water (DW), with a lack of any retarding resis-
tances, in a wide range of voltages. Breakdown was accomplished on the falling part of a
positive polarity pulse, with a beveled front, avg = 3.5-10-7 sec. The dependences of the
rate of development of the discharge vavg upon excess voltage a (Fig. 1) and voltage U (Fig. 2)
(the curves in the drawings are: 1) TO; 2) G; 3) DW are different for the liquids tested and are
determined by their physteochemical properties. At the minimum penetration voltage, more
highly polarized liquids have higher rates of discharge. In each case the nature of the dis-
charge is also different, and also its variation with excess voltage variation. With an excess
voltage 0 = 1.45-1.5, in the gap In TO and with a = 1,17-1.2 in DW, the discharge channel
1jP (C) C'G
UDC! 621.315.615.015.b1
L 44598-66
ACC NRt AR6010511
has 2 sections, with a different glow intensity. [Translation of abstractl 5 Illustrations, biblio-
graphy of 7 titles. (Tomsk Polytechnical Institute Im. S. M. Kirov_(Tomskfy politekhnich.
in-t) A. Petrashko
cm,sec-1 cm*sec-1
",p vav& 11
Fig. I
?0 50
too 150 JOU ICv
Fig. 2
Subject A USSR/Mining
AID P - 17C, 5
Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 23/26
Author U
Title Higher rate of speed In drilling work
Periodical Neft. khoz., V-33# no-3o 93-94, Mr 1955
Abstract Survey of the best drilling accomplishments of the trust
Stalingretdneftegaarazvedka in 1954.
Institution: None
Submitted : No date
USIHMOV, Ye. it'.
,I The Hardeninc-, of Killed Steel-in ',-'olds T.m.ey ;xe Beim--, Fme~- - -
Metal." jand Tech Sci, Dneproi-:etrovsk Metallur---ical Inst, Orrsk, lc54.
No 7, Apr 55)
SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 Nov 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations
Defended at USIR Higher Educational Institutions (16).
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p 87 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Ushakov, Ye.N.
TITLE: Smelting of Steel in a Recirculation Furnace for Continuous
Casting ('Vyplavka v retsirkulyatsionnoy pechi stali dlya nep-
reryvnoy razlivki)
PERIODICAL: V sb.; Primeneniye kisloroda v metallurgii. Moscow,
Metallurgizdat, 1957, pp 244-Z54
ABSTRACT: An examination is made of the special features of the pro-
cedure required to smelt St 3 carbon steel (to be used in con-
tinuous casting) in a recuperative recirculation oxygen furnace
at the Novo-Tul'skiy metallurgical plant. The use of 02 per-
mits a forcing of the licat and production of the metal atelevated
temperature, satisfyinC the requirements for normal pourin:', in
a continuous casting machine. OZ constitutes 3 5 -40% of the
oxygen-air mix used for fuel (heavy-oil) combustion during the
charging and melt-down period; it is 21-25% toward the end of
the heat (i.e., only atmoE,-heric air is used at the end of the
heat to burn the fuel). In iiew of the high oxidizing capacity of
Card 1/2 the furnace, the mean rate of G burn-off is 0.5-0.7% per hour
Smelting of Steel in a Recirculation Furnace for Continuous Casting
during the melt-down period, sometimes attaining 2.20/6 per hr. Normal
smelting of St 3 steel requires that (C] after the melt-down be in the 1.2-
1.776 range (pig iron constituting 55 to 6076 of the charge). Delivery of 0?
into the furnace ceases on conversion to pure boil ( [G I is 0.5-0.77o of the
metal), and the temperature of the air heated in the recuperators is
>700-8000C. Under these conditions, the metal is heated to 1640-16600C
at the moment of deoxidation.
Steel--Prodlic;ior. 2. Steel--~astin.-,r
Card 2/2
OYIS, G.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; USHLKOV, Ye.W.. inzh.; KOZLOV,
T.I., insh.
Using molten iron-calcium slag for converting high-phosphorous pig
irouo' Izv. vys. uchebe zav,; chern, matt no.12:3-8 D 156.
(MM 12:3)
1.Moskovskiy institut stali. (slag)
(Cast iron--Motallurgy)
USFMKOV, Ys.N.,-kand.tnkhn.nauk
Studying the Initial stages of metal solidificatibn in ingot
molds. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; chern.mat. 2 no.8:3i-38
Ag '59. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Moskovekly institut atali. Rakoiaendovano kafedrDy motallurgii
stali Moskovskogo instituta stali.
(Steel ingots) (Solidification)
Moscov. Institut stall.
Noyoye v teorii I praktike proizvodstva martenovskoy stall (Nev (Developinentn]
In the Theory and Practice of Open-Heax-th Steelmaking) Moscow, Metallargizdat,
1961. 439 p. (Seriest Trudy Meztivuzovskogo nauchnogo soveshchantya)
2,150 Copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Ministerstvo vyashego I arednego spetsiallnogo abrazovaniya
RSFOR. Moskavskiy inatitut stali imeni 1. V. Stalina.
Eds.t M. A. Glinkov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. V. Kiandakar,
Professor, Doctor of Tecbnical Sciences, V. A. Kudrin, Docent, Candidate of
Technical Sciences, G. N. Oyks, Frofessor, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
and V. 1. Yavoyskij, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sclenceel Ed.z Ye. A.
Borko; Ed. of Publishing House: N. 0. Gromor; Tech. Ed.t A. 1. Keresev.
PaRPOSE- T~is collection of articles in :intended for =zbers of scientific
institutions, faculty members of schools of higher education, engineers
concerned vith met&Uurgical processes and ]*ysical chemistry, and students
specializing in these fields.
card 1/14
New (Developments) in the Theory (Cont.) SOV/5556
COVERAGE: The collection contains papers reviewing the development of open-
hearth steelmaking theory and practice. The papers, written by staff
members of schools of higher e4ucation, scientific research institutes,
and main laboratories of metallurgical plants, were prer-nted and discussed
at the Scientific Conference of Schools of Righer Education. The foll.,Adng
topics am considered: the kinetics and mechanism of carbon oxidation; the
process of slag formation in open-hearth furnaces using in the charge either
ore-lime briquets or composite flux Itho product of calcining the mixture of
lime with bauxite); the behav'-or of hydrogen in the open-hearth batb; metal
desulfurization proccosesi the control of the open-hearth thermal melting
regime and Its automation; beat-engineering problems in large-capacity
furnaces; aerodynamic properties of fuel gases anil their flov'in the furnace
combustion chamber; and the improvement of high-alloy steel quality through
the utilization of vacuum and natural gases. The following persons took
part in the discussion of the papers at the Conferences S.I. Filippov,
V.A. Kudrin, M.A. Glinkov, BP. Ham, V.I. Tavoyak1j, G.N. Oyka and Ye.
V. Chelishchey (Moscow Steel Institute)j Ye. A. Kazachkov. an4L A. S.
Kharitonov (ZhdanoT Motallurgical Institute); X.S. Mikhayiats(Institute of
Chemical Metallurgy of the Siberian Brawh of the Academy of Sciences U30)1
A.I. Stroganoy. and D. Ya. Povolotskiy (Chelyabinsk Poljtechnic Institute);
P.V. Ubrilchin kUral Polytechnic Institute); X.I. FoWn (the Moscow "Serp i
molot" Metallurgical Plant); V.A. Yuklev (Central Asian Polytechnic Instit-t-)
Card 2/14
'Rev (Developments] in the The-ory (Cont.) S07/5556
and M.I. Beylinoy (Night School of the Dneprc,&.erzhinsk Yetallurgical Institute).
References follow soiw of the articles. There an 268 references, mostly Soviet.
Foreword 5
Yavoyakly, V. 1. (Hookcvokiy institut sta1l - Moooow Steel Institute].
Principal Trends In the Development of Scientific Research in Steel
MamLfacturing 7
Filippov, S. 1. (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Moscow Steel
Institute]. Regularity Patterns of the Kinetics of Carbon Oxidation 15
in Yetals With Low Carbon Content
Cv. 1. Antonanko participated in the experimentej
Levin, S. L.'[Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dnepropetrovskiy
netallurgicheskil institut Dneproj*trovsk Metallurgical Institute].
Card 3!14
New Developrents) in the Theory (Cont.) SOV/5556
Kleyn, A.L., and P.V. U=ikhin (Ural Polytecbnic Institute]. Slag
Formation When Using Co-xesite Flux Produced by Calcination of
Lime-Bauxite Mixture 127
Ushakov Ye * N* [Candidate of Technical Sciences), Ye. V. Abrosiwr,
~en, te of Technical Sciences), V.I. Kozla7, V.A.
Shcherbakov (Engineer5h A,G. Kotin (Candidate of Technical Sciences],
and M.P. Sabiyev [Engineer], Cibscov Steel Institute, Ukreiuskiy
nauchno-inaledovatellskiy institut metallov - Ukrainian Scientific
Research Institute of Metals Alchevskly metallurgichookly zavod -
Alchevok Metallurgical 111anti. Improving the Steelmaking Process
In Large-Cdpacity Open-F-earth Furnaces 125
Volosh-Ina,'N.M. (Engineer]. Using Ore-Lim Briquets Instead of On
and Lima in the Open-Hearth Process
(D.I. Sapiro, P.I. Krivalev, S.I. Zhmak, 0. Ye. Krartacy,
Engineers, and I.M. Tkachenko, A.P. Poletayev, Technicians
participated in the z--ae&rch work)
Ofengendan$ A.M. (Engimerj. Accelerating the SIM TorrAtion and
Deaulfurization in the 02en-Bearth Process 140
cam 6/14
AUTHORS: Abrosimov, Ye. V., Kozlov, V. I., Shcherbakov,
V. A., Kotin, A. G., Sabiyev, M. P.
TITLE: Improvement of steel-smelting technology In high-capacIty open-
hearth furnaces
PERIODICAL: ReferativnTi zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no. 11, 1961, 38, abstract
11V227 (V sb,: "Novoye v teorii I praktike proizv, martenovsk.
stali", Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1961, 125 - 132, Discuss. 193 - 201)
TEXT: The authors describe the results of the investigations of the condi-
tions of slag formation and their effect upon the productivity of high-capacity
open hearth furnaces under the conditions of replacing ore and limestone In the
charge by ore-limestone briquets or a premixed ore-limestone mixture. The ar-
ticle also describes the investigation of various variants of metal reduction.
In order to exclude the influence of the thermal schedule, the experimental and
ordinary smeltings were carried out at practically the same thermal loads: 35
38 million kcal during the charging and 25 - 27 million kcal during the finishing.
The ore-limestone briquets from the Krivorozhtye plant had the following composl-
Card 1/ 3
S/ 137/61 /W)/D 11/024/1.:,3
Tmprovement of steel-smelting technology in ... A060/AIQI
tion; Fe 47 - 52%, M02 5.4 - 6.9%. cao 10.1 - 14.1%; basicity 1.8 - 2.2. To
raisn the basicity of the slag, limestone ( -1.3% of the weight of the me"ailic
charge) was added to the charge after the melting. The main indices of trie ex-
perimental and control smeltings with the tine of briquets are cited, from which
It follows -that with practically the same composition of the metallic charge
the quantity of loose materials in operating with briquets is less by 13.5 "~Onj
(2.&% by weight of' the metallic charge and 12.3% of the total weight of ore and
limestone). in smelting with briquets as compared with ordinary con'rol q-me!T.-
ingS +Iae mean charging duration is reduced by 15 min, and that of the smelting
by I hr 24 min. The basicity of the slag in smelting with brique+s is somewha-r
higher than that in ordinary smeltings due to the lower S102 content in the
~:narge. DespIte the fac-,~ that with the use of briquets the lapping duraf-Ion is
increased on acoount of the higher C content after the melting (by 0,11%), 'he
t~otal smelting duration is then still 1 hr 15 min less than that of ordinary
leals. -This corresponds to an increase of %, in the hourly productivity of 1~~e
.Arnace, The effectiveness of using lump materials in the cKarge ts noted. .
or-~-Iimes~-one mixtu-e was Frepared earlier in the crarge yard -at -2re llmes,~One
wejgt,Lr-rat4,os of 2-1 ~o I.I. Trie results of experimental heats wi`- r7re-Lime-
"ard 2-13
1mprcvement of steel-smelting technology in... A060/A101
s-one mixture are cited. As result of reducing the smelting time the total dura-
tion of the heat was reduced by 15 min on the average. Liquid slags with float-
ing pieces of limestone were noted during the smelting period. The mean slag
basicity after the melting turned out to be considerably lower than in ordinary
heats, which deteriorated the conditions of metal desulfuration. The finishing
of the experimental heats, on account of the higher S content at a low C content
(during smelting in the presence of high acidity slag much more C was burned out
than in ordinary heats) is made more dIfficult and requires the addition of large
quantities of limestone, and in special heats, also of Fe-Mn. The inefficiency
of the use of ore-limestone mixture is noted, since a very small effect is achievai
by it. The main indices of heats with the reduction in ladles and in the furnace
are cited. Reduction in the furnace lowers the duration of the finishing, reduces
the Mn burn-off (by 30% on the average) and the saving of about 3 kg of Fe-Mn per
ton of steel is effected. Despite a somewhat greater complexity of the technolo-
gical process the method of reducing the smelt in the ladle while smelting In
high-capacity furnaces is recommended for large-scale production.
I. Polyak
[Abstracter's note; Complete translation]
Card 3/3
Automatic distribution of containers on a conveyer moving
toward bottle-washing machines. Spirt.prom. 28 no.2:20-24
162. (~aRA 15:3)
1. Leningradskiy kholodillnyy institut (for Stepanov). 2. Lenin-
gradskiy likero-vod-ochnyy zavod (for Andreyev, Ushakov).
(Leningrad--Liquor industry--Equipment and supplies)
SHCHERBAKOV, V.A.; ABROSIMV, Ye.V.; Prinimali uchastiye: Vb9HAKOY, Xe,N.;
Slag conditions during malting in high-capacity open-hearth
furnaces. 1zv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.7:59-64
163. (KRA 16:9)
1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov.
(Open-hearth process) (Slag)
(1)/ EEC (m) - 6
;k-CC-17V'--TP6-013600 I j F 5- JD SOURCE CODE: Ult/0148/65/000/OOITC~193/019i~I
AUTHOR: Ushakov, Ye. N.
ORG: none
TITIE: Meand of iTknroving the casting 0 steel and increasing ingot quality
SOURCE: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 1,
1965, 193-194
TOPIC TAGS: steel, metal casting, metallurgic conferencev slagl foundry equipment,
ultrasonic flaw detector
ABSTRACT: A conference devoted to'tho_p~ob;kqT~~_R~ nprqving, ~the c sting of
steel and increasin ing~!~q~~I.Jtty, brought about by the initiative and orgari-
,_Problems,-Acade of ScienceB
ization leadership of the Institute of Castpr UW
Ukrainian SSR, was hold at Institute on 1-3-15
October 196h.
Workers from the metallurgy higher education institutions, scientific researcb
institutes and the largest metallurgical and niaclllino building plants of the
Soviet Union attended the conference.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. A. Yeflmov, Institute of Casting Problemn,
spoko on the opening day of on the problems of the atate-of-tho-
art and invoatigationa into stoel canting procnacon. In Ilia report, Yorimov
cited three basic trends alonG which the scientific and praoticQ efforts should
be expanded to improve the ateel oauting processeat
ux: 669.
1. A need for greater involvement of the precision sciences -- mathematics,
physics, hydraulics and other,3 in the theory of the ingot forration .
2, A need for more extensive investigation and introduction into production of
rapid casting of steel, based on the theoretical promises of the hydrodynamics
,of molten steel in filling casting molds and on the nature of metal solidi-fica-
tion in connection with the D):)Id shapes u3tid.
3. A need for further efforts in improving the technology of steel casting under
a slag layer.
Representatives of the "Azovatall,"..' ME (Nizhniy Tagil Metallurgicrl Combine),
and "Krivorozhstall" plants, workers of the InsEitute of Casting lens
Central Scientiff-c Research Institute of Ferrous Yetallurgy (TsNIICherMot~)
and others de ered papers on experience in the accelerated casting of steel
and use of casting molds havIng a wavy shape. They presented data attesting to
the improvement of the technical and economic indices of production with the
application of accelerated casting of atcol through refractory nozzles 60-80 mm
I -'Ung th6-'ne6cT fo the ace t~i---Belecti , of-the -wave parameters
bi--dfameter, no r ura on
.of the,internal surface of the casting molds. '-- -
Candidate of Technical Sciences) 1. D. Kuzema, reported on.the rational con-----`~
figuration of slaY and shoot ingots based on the theoretical calculations and
operational experience of the (Zhdanov] Plant imenillfich. He stressed that in
6electing the coniiguration of Te-avy ingots there should be considered its -
rolling condition not only from the viewpoint of increasing productivity of.the
rolling mills but also starting from the necessity for the maximum reduction of
topping which will provide for the greatest yearly output*
Card 5$1L ~;'%
L 23224-tt',
ACC NR, Ap6cu6bb
A number of pap s were devoted to the results of eMerimental works an the use
of molten
uring nom-31 and continuous -ca3ting!bf ntool and to conditions
of solidific-ation of the continuous slab and ifa_ qu-61ity.
Engineer Ye. Z. Zatulov3k dealt with the experionce in vide uso of tho ultra-
sound defecto3copo at NTMK for tho metal qual
Ity, control of ntool Ingo to f or-
of settinE; up an experiment, during the oamting of steel waEs
described by Candidate of TE'chnical Sciences, V. P. Grebonyuk (Institute of Problems
of Casting, AS UkSSR). Noting the tremendous MU17=uieTv _~ffiich the researcher
encounters in studying the distribution of the heat flows of solidifying ingots, he
characterized all the means available and used at the present time for measurement
of molten steel temperature including mounted in slit quartz tubes,
,v.,Ihich permit continuous measurements at any 3ite along the ingot cross section to
b-:~ made. The speaker also ctated that thle ri,,ethod of pouring off the molten resiOue
wLth all its disadvantages and difficulti'e~s rerriain3, -as before, one of the most
acceptable methods. The increased chenucal homogeneity of large forced ingots
constantly remains in the center of the investigatorts attention. This problem was
covered by the report of Candidate of Technic,-d Sciences;_S. Ya. Skoblo (Zhdanov
1,13tallurCical. Inotitutc). U.-;ing as an exwmple tho distrii;~Ction of ce,regated
uarticles 10 ulfur inclusionr, in 50-1,on ingots, the alfthc~
I . pearing ans o . r sh3,aed the
reduction of inhomogeneity in ri-,n zone oeLreEation during, the ,hqnE;e in ingot
configuration -- during the shift of the hot center in the ingot head which cin
be achieved by the substitution of the floating hot top by a stationary hot top.
Card A
-~C NR, AP6013600
Enginears G. A. Chlkalenko _(Zhdanoy Heavy Machine BiLilding Plant) and A. V.
Mi ---- - --
knllchu~ Urals Heavy Mchine Building Pii e7ivererl interesting reports
on the defects of largo for,'-,cd ingots and measures to olimiliate them. G. A.
Chikalenho noted that, in addition to the netal derect associated with the con-
--Wffions, s'pecific 'for the plant where it is melted and cast, in individual cases
the unsatisfactory conditions of cooling and subsequent heating of the ingots
before forging are the caii3e of a large amount of scrap. A. V. Hikall-ph-uk-
presont9d data on the quality improvement of forged ingots, hich was achieved
no result of the vacuum degaosing during the pouring of mctal.,
In a nunber of reports material was presented on the improvement of the tach-
nology of casting molten steel and production of high-quality ingots with flawless
At the concluding session on 15 October, individual conference participants
delivered reports in the nature of a diccuasion of the reports presented. The
conference draw up and approved the resolution directed at the further study
of problems associated with steel casting and ingot quality conditions as well
as on the desirability of the widev introduction into production of progressive
methods of casting* The material of tho conference will be published in a
single collection of worke by the Publishing House of.the Acadenq of Sciences,
Ukrainian SSR*. [JPRS]
SUB CODE: 11, 13 SUBM DATE: none
5/032/', _/'026/o 12/2210 56
AUTHORS: Pavlov, I. M. and Us a
TITLE: The Method of the Flat Recesses in the Front Surfaces, Which
Are Filled With Lubricants
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 12,
pp. 1403-1404
TEXT: The effect produced by the width of the collar upon the specific
pressure, and the possibility of determining the true deformation resist-
ance by means of the method mentioned, was investigated. In this connec-
tion, the aluminum alloyal(Dl) was investigated, from which specimens
having a diameter of 12 and a height of 15 mm were cut, and into which
0-5 mm deep recesses were drilled. The width of the recesses was variable
with their depth being constant. Paraffin was used as a lubricant, which
warranted largely uniform deformation. The specimens were tested by
means of%ra,5~t machine of the type P-c (R-5) and by means of a device
warraritink the parallel position Of the working surfaces. The deformation
rate varied from 0.012 sec-1 at the beginning to 0.03 sec-1 at the end.
At such low rates, their influence upon the deformation resistance may be
Card 1/2
The Method of the Flat ReceBses in the Front S/032/60/026/012/022 /076
Surfaces, Which Are Filled With Lubricants B020/BO56
neglected. The compression diagrams for specimens with different widths
of the recesses were drawn. The dependence of the specific pressure upon
the width of the recess at various stages of deformation is shown in Fig.l.
In consideration of the fact that the inclination of the curves is small,
it may be expected that the curve of the true deformation resistance dif-
fers little from the compression diagram at low widths (e.g.' 0.5 mm).
This is confirmed by the curves given in Fig. 2. The difference between
the stresses determined from these two curves is not more than 4% of the
true deformation resistance, i.e., not greater than the possible experi-
mental error. M. V. Rastegayev is mentioned. There are 2 figures and 2
Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii im.A.A.Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov of the Academy
of Sciences USSR)
Card 2,12
4tit-0 I Val 0-,~ B103/B201
AUTHORS. Pavlov, 1. M;, Belosevich, V. K., and Ushakov, Ye. V.
TITLE: Device for studying the external friction in the plastic
deformation of metals
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no- 4, 1961, 462-463
TEXT: The apparatus described here is suited for measuring the frictional
force at high pressures and rubbing speeds arising in the pressure
treatment of metals. The authors achieved their purpose by making use
of a flywheel. They state that the effect of speed and pressure upon
the coefficient of friction is often difficult to be studied. In devices
known so far, samples have been shifted by hand over deforming plates in
the process of plastic deformation. The consequence has been a strongly
fluctuating rubbing speed which did not exceed 0-05 m/sec. In the
authors' device (Fig. 1), samples are shifted by a mechanical system.
Sample I is compressed by plane-parallel plates in a hydraulic 30-ton press.
The parallel position of the working planes is ensured by guides 2, in
which punches 3 move. Rulb* shook absorbers 4 ensure a constant pressure
Card 1/5
Device for studying the external ... B103/B201
on the sample. Inside the deforming device, the sample is shifted by
means of an elastic fork 6. The sample is altogether prevented from
bending. Fork 6 is fastened onto bar 7 which moves in guide 8 and which
carries a pressure cell which records the sample resistance to shift,
viz. the frictional force. Bar 7 is Put into motion by the already
turning flywheel 9. The mobile end of bar 10 is connected to armature 13
of electromagnet 14 via 11 and 12, and, when 14 is switched on, it is
lowered to the position indicated by a dashed line. Striker 15 of the
flywheel shifts bar 7 so far ahead that the sample is pushed out of its
position between the plates. Plywheel 9 is driven by frimion step
pulley 16 which is fixed to shaft 17 of a weighted rocking lever 18.
Wheel 16 is pressed onto flywheel 9 by the weight. Shaft 17 is driven
by an electric motor. By means of this mechanism the sample can be
shifted at a rate of UP to 4 M/sec. Fig. 2 presents the device serving
to produce lower speeds (0-05-0-8 m/seo). The bent lever 1 has a shoe 2
which is pressed onto eccentric 3. The mechanism in inserted into the
position indicated by the solid line by folding of 2. The rough adjust-
ment is done by means of step pulley 16 (Fig. 1), the fine adjustment
by a partial braking of flywheel 9. The frictional forces are recorded
Card 2/5
S/032/61 '027/004/019/1021,
Device for studying th2 external
by a wire strain gauge as well as by an amplifying recordin- ftoTjar~t~_-.-,
(MMO-2 (UPO-2) oscilloscope and tensometric electronic amj,l:ifier).- 111he
apparatus is used to study the dependence of frictional forces on the
rubbing speed, on pressure, and other factors. Fig. 3 pre~3ents, pLs an
examplev the coefficient of friotion as a function of the relative
rubbing speed of aluminum on a hardoned steel SU2'faCO (type ILIY15
(ShKh15)) with castor oil as a lubricant,'and at conntant pre!;sure
(14.1-13',5 kg/mm2). there are 3 figures and 3 Soviet-bloc referr--nces.
A330CMION: Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova Akademli nol, SSSR
(Institute of tletallurTy imeni A. A. Baykov of the
Academy of U~SJR)
S/032/61/027/044/0 1,'-'/'028
Device for studying the external ... ---B 10 32 0 1
Legend to Figs. 1 and 2: see the text,
IZ 13
A 7 0
i7 79~
Pmc. 2. Cxema MeXAHH-1.48 jum nojtyqe-
HHO majibil exopoeTeft cKojimelIHN
(0,05-0.8 A/wO
Card 4/5
'2/6 1 /02 7/00,1 /01 0
Device for atudying the external 01
Legend to Fig. 3: Abacissae: rate mlvec, ordinates: coefficient Of
Vo- 0
405 006-
4Z 0.4f 86 4J 10 U /,41 16 C
Card 5/5-
A U T -AH 0 R L~J- Pavlov, I. IM. and Ushakov, Ye. It.
- ---------- Z-~
TITLE': Determining the true re3iatance to deformation by ex-
trapolation of the curves resiotance '.o deformation -
coefficient of friction
SO'U'RCE: Akademiya nauk S33R. Institut meta-Ilurgil. Trudy. no.9,
;,Ioscow, 1962. Voprosy plasticheskoy deformataii metalla,
TE'XT: Annealed Armco iron cylinders (12 mm diameter and 6 mm
height') were compressed between two steel plates. The contact be-
tween the plates and t1ae samples were lubricated with one of the
following: Cy (SU) engine oil, oleic acid, purified vaseline, gra-
phite mixed with engine oil, etc. The tests were carried out on a
universal de'ormation was
W114 30(I,-:C'h-30) and the rate oi L
0.003 - 0.004 sec-1. Simultaneously with the axial stress, the la-
teral friction was measured at the contacts of the samples with the
plates. The resistance to deformation (axial atress) plotted ag-
Card 1/2
Determining the true D207/D308
ainst the coefficien'6- of friction for different degrees of deforma-
tion (defined here as the natural logaritthm of '.he rat-io of the in-
initial to final height of the sample) gave straight lines which
were only partially matched by the theoretical formulas of Unksov,
Pe-trov a.-Id Siebel. Following I. M. Pavlov and Ya. S. Gallay the
stresses were extrapolated to zero coefficient of friction and the
resultant values of the axial stress were called the "true resist-
ances to deformation". The resistances to'deformation obtained in
this way agreed satisfactorily with the values found by the me-
thod of M. V. Rastegayev (cylindrical samples with recesses at -he
two plane ends filled with. stearic acid -Vo reduce the friction
with the steel plates). There are 5 figures.
Card 2/2'
Device for measuring friction forces during upsetting. Trudy
Inst.met. no.9-.72-77 162* (,ICMA 16-5)
(braim) (Friction forces--Measurement~
Aw -
Equipment for synchronous recording of stresses, and dimensions of
specimen subjected to compression and stretching. Trudy Inst.met.
no.9:87-89 162. - (MIRA 16:5)
t (Testing machines)
PAVLOV, I.M.; BELOSE91CH, V.K.; Prinimali uchastiye: USHAKUV, inzh.;
KORM" V.S.,, laborant
Investigating the relationship between the friction coefficient and
speed and pressure on a special unit. Trudy Inst.met. no.9:139-.1,46
162,, (MA 16:5)
AUTHOARS: avlov, 1. 14. and UDhakoL,-- "-V--
TITLE: On determining the true resiotance to deformation by
shock compression of samples with reces8es in their
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk OSSR. Institut metallurgii. Trudy, no. 9,
Moscow, 1962. Voprosy plasticheskoy deformataii metalla,
TEXT: M. V Rastegayev's method was used to study the resistance
to deformation (plasticity) of Armco iron cylinders 12 mm in dia-
meter and 15 mm hiah. The purpose was to find the conditions which
produced the most uniform compression on dropping a hammer on the
sample. The optimum conditions were obtained when cylindrical re-
cesses o '1 0.5 mm depth end 11 mm diameter were cut in the two plane
ends of a sample and filled with stearic acid, or palmitic acid
or with 'Jood's alloy. Filling the recesses with other lubricants
-produced less uniform deformation. Under optimum conditions fric-
Card 1/2
On determining the true... D207/1)308
tion between 'he compressing plates and the sample ends was practi-
cally eliminated and uniAform compression was obtained up to de-
formations of 30~% Even fo.- deformations of 70,~ the central (nea-
rest to the axis) portion of the cylinder exhibited uniform com-
pression. The authors followed V. G. Isopov's suggestion and used
the ratio D/D0 as the measure of plasticity: Here D0 is the initial
diameter in the plane at right angles to the cylinder axis and si-
tuated at an equal distance from the two plane ends; D is the final
diameter. D/Do values were found to be more reliable than h/ho
(h = height) which is normally employed. There are 6 figures.
Card 2/2
A UT 1101(:; Pavlov, I. M. , and
TITLE: Determination of' t1jo truo rosistance to compressive
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, V. 28, no. 2, 1962, 224-226
TEXT: The mean values of stresses and deformations along the height of
the sample on contraction are generally used to plot compression diagrams
which give, however, no true values for the resistance to plastic deforma-
tion in any part of the non-uniformly strained sample. A method also
used by V. G. Osipov (Zavodskaya laboratoriya 21, 9 (1957); ibid., 249
6 (1958)) was suggested for eliminating the ef-f-ect of friction. The
sample was placed between two auxiliary samples of the same diareters,
which transmitted the pressure obtained from pressure plates to the sample,
and absorbed irregular deformation due to friction. This method is, how-
ever, inaccurate, particularly at medium and high deformations. When
high samples of regular shape are studiedp and deformation and stresses
are determined from the change of diameter in the central part of the
Card 1It9
Determination of the true resistance ... B124/.BlOl
sample, most of the defects of this method can be overcome. The true
deformation e can be calculated from e = 2 ln(D,,/D1), where D1is the
diameter of the initial sample, and D2 is that of the strained sample,
measured at half the height from the faces. A series of experiments were
performed by the authors to verify the possibility of determining the
true resistance to deformation from the stress and deformation measured in
the central part of the high sample (Fig. 1). There are 2 figures and 7
references: 4 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet.
AS,;OCIATION: Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova (Institute of
Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov)
Fig. 1. Compression diagrams of Armco iron plotted with measured sample
diameters at a distance of half the height from its faces, compared with
data on the contraction of lathe-worked samples: (1) - (4) D/H equal to
0.36; 0-57; 0.6; and 2, reopectively. Legend: (01) kg/mm
Card 20~
ACC NR AP6032156 BDURCE CODEt Ult/OIU/66/WO/007/0022/0024
AUTHORI OalPoV, V. 0. 1 Mutovint V. D.; Unhakov, Ye. V.
ORG now
TIT LE:, Evaluating the deep-drawability of sheet molybdenum
BOURCE: Xuanechno-shtampo"ohnoys proizvodstvo, no. 7, 19", 22-24
MFMA. ANVDFR, %511FF'r MF74.4,
TAGS: A Mo ew ing
TOPIC lybdenum powder* molybdenum alloy, metal drawing,. mcupp
elongation / MCh ff) r4 A. Towderp TsM2A molybdenum alloy
ABSTRACT: The dra,%ubility of blanks of cast Mo treated with Zr(O. 07%) and T1 (0. 1%) as
well as of MCh powder-metal Mo, cross-rolled from a thickness of I mm to thicknesses of
0. Ol 0. 6, 0.4, 0.2 and -0. 1 mmwas determined as a function of their elongation coefficient
K Dm (D- is the nuutimum diameter of specimen until fracture, dav Is the mezin dia-
meter of cupped blank). The tests were performed in a die set with a hydraulic blankholder.
The findings (FJg. 1) Indicate that the deep-drawability of sheet Mo Improves with increase in
Its degree of deformation (reduction In Its thickness). The scatter of cur*es for the material
0. 1-0. 2 mm. thick (hatched reglong Fig. 1) to apparently attributable to the considerable.
ACC N" AP6032156
influence of surface impurities for such
thin sbeetB. The determination of the
deep-drawability of sheet Me according to
uniaxial tensile tests is difficult owing to
the marked anisotropy of mechanical pro-
portico in the plane of the Me sheet; hence
1 sheets rolled in two mutually perpendicu-
4 0 40 nu
7~ 4
--- l1 lar directions must be used for the drawing
:A Thickness of axially symmetric products, so as to
Dmax equalize the Indicators of plasticity and
Fig. I Elongation coefficient K - strength In both the longitudinal and the
t v
as a ftinction of shee icagal
ransverse direcUoui. Orig. &rU h"; A
2 figures.
.0 elongation coefficient of MCh molyb-
denum; 0 - skmptlon ouefficlot'd
TsM2A molybdv-vm
OUB OODE: 131 H/ BUEM D'ATM wnel ORIG. REF:'- 002/ OTH RZFs 002
Cmd -2
ACC-NRi-AT7004416 -SOURCE CODE: u-R7660-0766-[060-/OoOI0083/0085--7
i AUTHOR: Osipov, V. G.; Drobysheva, Ye. K.; Ushakov, Ye. V.; Amosov, V. M.; Zelentsova,
IN. M.; Borisov, A. G.
ORG: none
!TITLE: Methods of tensile and torsion tests of thin rods at elevated temperatures
ISOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Napryazhennoye sostoyaniye i plastichnost,
ipri deformirovanii metallov (Stress condition and plasticity during metal deformation)~
lMoscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 83-85
i I
TOPIC TAGS: 91-14mwpuvis m tal testing machine, tensile test, torsion test, torsion
:stress, temperature test/ R-5 a=69urpvee.metal testing machine
ABSTRACT: 'Tests of this kind require a vacuum or a protective atmosphere, which in-
volves considerable techbical difficulties. However, in cases where complete preven-
tion of oxidation of the specimen is not required an airtight working chamber does
not have to be constructed. Furthermore, the need to use scarce high-temperature
materials for the clamps can be obviated if during the tests only the middle portion
of the specimen is heated and the deformation is measured over a segment for which the
temperature gradient is within permissible limiis. On the basis of these considera-
tions the following method of high-temperature tensile tests was developed: an;argon-
atmosphere electrical resistance furnace (Fig. 1),is attached between the clamps of
Card 1/3
R, AT7004416
an R-5 all-purpose testing machine. Mounted in the central part,
of the specimen at a distance of 40 ma from each other are two
bushings serving to identify the working length 6f the specimen
and facilitate measurements of the degree of deformation. A
specimen measuring 3 or 6 mm In diameter and 250 mm in length
is inserted 'in the furnace so that its both ends protrude 50
um each from the furnace. Tensile tests of such specimens at
up to 1300*C demonstrated that, despite the absence of an air-
tight chamber, there is virtually no oxidation. However, the
formation of a neck, which complicates the evaluation of test
results, is a major shortcoming of tensile tests. From this
standpoint, torsion is superior to stretching, since it assures
a more uniform lengthwise distribution of deformations in the
specimen, which is particularly important to the telts of metals
in a state of low plasticity. Accordingly, the following method
Fig. 1. Schematic of,tensile test:
la- specimen; 2 - furnace; 3 clamp; 4 bushing; 5 thermo-
couple; 6 - washer
C,,d '2
of high-temperature torsion tests was developed; specimen 1 is placed in furnace 2
(Fig. 2) and its ends are held tight In clamps 3. Mdunted in the central portion of i
the specimen, at a distance of 40
7 mm from each other, are two bush-
inge 4 clamping the ends of two
high-temperature steel plates 5
whose opposite ends protruding for
20 mm outside the furnace display
01 arrows 6. The angle of twist over
the 40 mm length Is determined ac-
cording to the difference in the
anglea~of rotation of the arrows
and reckoned from fixed disks 7.
Fig. 2. Schematic of torsion test These methods in principle admit
the possibility of performing ten-
sile and torsion testa at temperatures as high as desired, since the clamps are out-
side the furnace'. The material of bushings 4 and plates 5 may be selected according
to test temperature. Orig. art. has; 4 figures,
SUB CODE: 13, %M 1l/ SUBM DATE: 27Sep66/ ORIG REF3 003/ OTH REF: 001
C..,d 3/3
ACC NR, AT7004419
AUTHOR: Pavlov, 1. M.; 091pov, V. G.; Ushak2Uje. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: Compressive tests at elevated temperatures
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgli. Napryazhennoye sostoyaniye i plastichnost'
pri deformirovanii metallov (Stress condition and plasticity during metal deformation)
Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 103-106
TOPIC TAGS: metal test, metall'urgic research, compressive stress, temperature test
ABSTRACT: A new method of compressive tests of this kind is described. The tapered
iheads of specimen 1 (see figure) are inserted in the sockets of two dies having the
same cone angle. To improve contact and eliminate the possibility of burnout, copper-
foil linings 3 are inserted between the dies and platens 4. The current for heating
the specimens is supplied to the platens via buBbars 6. Coils 7 for the passage of
water serve to prevent overheating of the dies. This device-can be used to perform
compressive tests of specimens at temperatures.of up to 1000*C and it is superior to
its previous counterparts in that it assures a-greater uniformity of deformation of
the specimen owing to a more uniform temperature field and stress-strain diagram in
the middle cylindrical segment of the specimen. This is due to the presence of colder
Card 1/2
SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0103/0106
wa r J z
Fig. 1. Schematic of compressive test:
1 -.specimen; 2 - die; 3 - lining;
4 - platen; 5 - lining; 6 busbar;
7.-.coolant coil
SUB CODE: 13, 1l/ SUBM DATE: 27Sep66/
Card 2/2
metal at both endd of the specimen and to
the automatic decrease in current density
areas with higher temperature and increase
this density in areas with lower temperature,
a rise in temperature in some cross sectional
area of the specimen causes a decrease in
deformation resistance in that area. (During
compression the hotter sections of the spe
men will undergo greater deformation, the
cross sectional area of the specimen will
increase and the current density will de
crease.) A major advantage of this test me-
thor' is the absence of any limitations on
the heating temperature. Furthermore, it
not only eliminates the adverse effect of
friction forces on the uniformity of defor-
mation but also preserves the strength of
the press tools by preventing heat transfer
from the tist specimen to the tools. Orig.
art. has: 6 figures.
ORIG REF: 0031
ACC NRZ AT7004421 SOURCE CODE: /0000166/000/000/0122/0130
AUTHOR: Osipov, V. G.; Drobysheva, Ye. K.; Amosov, V.'M.; Ushakov, Ye. V.; Zelestso
N. M.-' Borisov, A. G.
ORG; none
TITLE: Investigation of the plasticity of VA tungsten during the initial stages of
its thermomechanical treatment
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Napryazhennoye sostoyaniye i plastichnost'
pri deformirovanii metallov (Stress condition and plasticity during metal deforma-
tion). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 122-130
4- Lq (P&~~
t forging, filament wound const
tungsten_p ruction/
TOPIC TAGS: ";1, GW*mx;,*
/ VA tungsten powder
ABSTRACT: The processing of VA tungsten-powder rods involves the occurrence of small
transverse surface cracks which may lead to the formation of defects duiing the draw-
ing and spiralizatiou of these rods into electric-bulb filaments. To uncover and eli-
minate the causes of this phenomenon tungsten bars measuring 10.5xlO.5 = in cross-
sectional area as well as rods with diameters of 3, 5.6 and 10 mm, rotary-forged by
different regimes (at 1300, 1450 and 16000C) with different degrees of reduction of
area (7.0 to 36.0%)$ were subjected to various mechanical tests. The effect of ther-
ACC IIR. AT7004421
momechanical pressworking on the plasticity of tungsten is best revealed by test.%c-
thods for which the shear stresses are equal or close to normal stresses (i.e. the
torsion test). Flattening tests of rods of 10 mm diameter (performed on a crank
press) showed that the rods forged at 1300*C with considerable reduction of area dis-
play the greatest plasticity over a broad range of temperatures, while bending tests
showed that rods forged at 1600*C with normal reduction of area also display satisfa-
ctory plasticity.. Torsion tests of rods with diameters of 5.6 and 3 mm revealed a
decrease In plasticity with increase in test temperature and i reduction of area. The
test findings indicate that there exists no direct relationsh, en the number of
4 betwe
surface cracks on the rods and the plasticity and strength properties of the metal.
The plasticity of this metal is largely determined by its stressed state and hence the
,plasticity tests must insofar as possible simulate a stressed state corresponding to
a given forging regime. Grig. art. bae: 10 fig. and 5 tables.
SUB CODE: 13, 1l/ ISUBM DATE:. 27Sep66/ ORIG REP: 004
ACC NR1 A'17004422 SOURCE* CODE: uR/oooo/66/ooo/000/0130/013i~_
AUTHOR: Gurevich, Ya. B.; Ushakov, Ye, V,; Drobyaheva, Ye. K.; Osipov,
1V, G.; Orzhekhovskiy, V. L.
IORG: none
iTITLE: Plasticity of tungsten in vacuum rolling
ISOURCE: AN SSSR. Inatitut metallurgii. Napryazhennoye soatoyaniye i
plastichnost' pro deformirovanii metallov (Strcaa condition and
plasticity during metal deformation). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 130-
TOPIC TAGS: -aA*4o"d tungsten, e+n4ered t,~~ rolling, & wt~e
-tu" property, 9+n4e"d
.ABSTRACT: The plastic properties of hydrogen-or vacuum-sintered tungsten and
vacuum-arc melted tungsten have been investigated. Specimens 12 x 12 mm
were sintered at 12000C for 2 hr in a hydrogen atmosphere and then in
vacuum. An ingot 50 mm in diameter was vactium-arc melte d with a con-
sumable clectrode'from hydrogen-sintered tungsten. llydrogen-Bintered
tungsten failed at a bendangWof 35 degrees, even at temperatures up to
11004C, and remained brittle at room temperature. Cast tungsten has an
elongation of 1% 'and reduction of area 3.5%. The respective elongation
and reduction of area at 400% were 2 and 6% for-hydrogen-sintered
tungsten and 3 and 5% for vacuum-sintered tungsten. The latter has the
highest plasticity and can be vacuum rolled with a 61% reduction at
1300% without failure, compared to 45% for hydrogen-sintered tungsten.
Orig. art. has: 2 figures. (AZI
SUB CODE: 11,13/ SUBM DATT: 27SeP66/ ORIG REF: 002/ ATD PRESS:5117
Card 2/2
USHANOV, Yu.A., inzh.
From experience of testing zeroing devices* Prom* energe 14 no.l:IF-19
is 159. (KIRA 12-1)
(Blectric measurements)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1961, No. 2, P. 26 #2-E207
AM"FORS, Kanter, I.I., Timofeyev, V. V., Ushakov, Yu. A.
TITLE: A New Circuit of Ion Frequency Changer for We"ding
PERIODICAL: "Tr. Saratovs)c. in-ta -mekhaniz. a. kh.", 1960, No. 20, pp. _33-41
TEXT- Information is given on new iArcults of Ion frequency changers,
employed for feeding welding tongs with built-in transfcrmer, and multi-spot
reaistan.ce welding machines, for the purpose of reducing the dimensions of trans-
formers. For the feed of welding tcngs a single-phase circuit is recommended
and a 3-phase circuit for multi-spot machines. The operation of t-,he circuits is
analyzed in detail. Experimental investigation was made or, the single-phase c1r_
cuit with a 13 kvamp transformer and 300 cycles c-perational frequency. The
secondary winding of the transformer was f astened to the hclders of the MTP -25
(MM-25) machine. The tests have shown that the tranaformer assures rellable
welding of up to 3 mm thii~k St.3 steel sheets. Minimum duration of pulses Is
0.01 see. Aj P.
Translator's note; This is the full trar-slatior of the crtg1nal Russian abstract.
Car-i 1/1
~ YALITERY I.I. , kand.tekhn.nauk,- TDIOFEYEV~ V.V. , inzh.; USHAKOVj, Yu.A.., irl7,h.
Ionic frequency converter circuit
electric welding apparatus. Vest.
47 D t6l,
(E:Lac,t--ic welding)
/ equency converters)
with four rectifiers for
elektroprom. 32 no.12:45-
(MIRA 24:12)
IIS-1114 40 Vx /1~ 1 19,
STADNIKOV , G. L., USIMENk, A. A., and '*,U--1.'~K',"V, K. I..
------------ :_
"Humic Acids," Kbim. Tverdogo Popliv , 5, 581-90, 1934.
In the reactift of humic -,icid solns.
only from the humic acids but also froA
humic acid prepns. the magnitude of the
of double decompn., may be used in the
This characteristic must be utilized
phenomena of the coals under natural
with Ca (0Q2, salts are formed not
phenols. Tn studies of lizrnIn and
final adsorption, as well as tYe prodess
characterization of the humic acids.
in the investigation of the -weitherinx
41 10~ d
-=0 0
see OVOO0000000
; . '
0 16
: I11 4 1 , .
n .
a N J7 it A to is I) Is )I it Its it as It a 41 v is a a to
0 r- Q a 1A A Y_ I L. AA 16 rt W U A
:0 j
4 Itig adsorbent p"er of cloals as a eMoriloo of their do-
shov and
d d
l -0 0
0 . .
on sa
tree o
im. 7
A. A.
* 4110
Of 9 hr ant urv &ad gk-
Item massrst 40. 414. l -
.0 0
Kfer of "Xissfolism of a cCAI (all Iw tvallisifed Isom ill all
m"hing power toward aq. lla(Olfll min. This Value i;
higher for oxidiml than for unoxidtivi coal%. (in the .00
o other hand, the adsothing Ix)vrcr of lignites toward list.
s (010, is higher than that of coals. The intriniciliatc .
z valists cu"estwmd to coals constituting a singe interintill. 400
use I)elwrvn coal anti lignite, Tbr idwibing jw,wrr of
mal toward sq. W4331.14 1. oxalic strid anti wribylunr 14114.
4 th
00 it cr
s no
egree o
' c0
00 A. I
m Iwivait -Voisf tur
00 4 a* 0
of A 0
0 0
JAt woo
ONO o.. '1'
6 0
6 o I IF
AV so is
Is It 11114 StI
ollis Ran A(a .
1`u2 It 1 6
0 0 0 11111~011111 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 0 0 a * 4 0 0 04 o 0 r 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0
so 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 o 0 0 gi 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 its 0 0 00 0 0 0 4 0 0 * 0 0 6i
usu'r"OVA, A.A.
Centra! statc Sci, Control Lnst-.?
.7, o T, m in.
lr~iln Study of nevil.
jooi0l. 0-
Lhur- HiVrobiol.
ASEEVA, N.P.; GRISEMJN, G.I.; USHAKOVA, A.A., zaveduyushchaya; SHIROKOV, V.N..
-1 a vi " "Vl~rw
zaBliizhennv.y vrach RS75R, 9 a vr FAYZRW, I.L.. professor, za-
sluzhennyy deyatell nauki, direktor.
Two cases of calcified hydatid cyst of rare location. Vest.reat.i rad.
no.2:66-67 Mr-Ap '53. (MLRL 6:6)
1. Rentgenologicheakoye otdeleniye Pqazunskoy oblustnoy klinicheakoy boll-
nitsy imeni N.A.Semashko (for Aseyeva, Grishkun, Ushakova). 2. Ryazan-
skay~L oblastnaya klinicheskaya bolinitsa imeni N.A.Semashko (for Shirokov).
3. Kafedra propedevticheskoy khinirgii Ryazanskogo meditainskogo instituta
imeni akudemika I.P.Pavlova (for Aseyeva, Grishkan and Fityerman).
(Spleen-Itydatids) (Per Itoneum-Hydat ids)
Anaphylactogenic properties of thrombin from horse plasma end
antive horse Gera. Zhur.mikrobiol.eptd. i immun. 28 no-8:107-110
Ag '57. (MIRA 11:2)
1. Iz Gosudarotvannoro kontrollnogo institute Imeni Tarasevicha.
(ALLbMGY, experimental,
ansphylactogenic off. of thrombin from horse plasma &
native serum (Rue))
(THROMBIN, effects,
White mice an objects for the experimental determination of ana-
phylaotogenic proportion of therapeutic sera. Zhur.zikrobiol.,
epid,i Immun., 30 no.12-.33-36 D 159. (KIRA 13:5)
1. Iz Gosudaretyannogo kontrl'nogo instituta imeni Tarasevicha.
ONMM MMM pharmaeol.)
AUZHM ?_A k 0~5,. RAts, Vm~
rmzl Type E
MIODICALs Zh4m&l .1kroblololtil, OpMeatoloell I lvw~=blbltall. 1960. Itr 4.
OP 84 - 87 (U=
AB3MCT. bt.Ilam antis.- type z
th.'. am.
Of the ten d
A the Xhar'X
0 7 LA. It .t votaln, I myvvrvtok
(b:1216/2) pr tv ed
and Sera Iment Mechnikow. Xh&r'kov
1~1 t4chnIkOVA (Yrst2tutm, or V-oIA
am A!XO or I" other or na"n ~5/1, z.. Preps'
by th , I- III---. end batth 1613 prepared at the I-t Itul lptd- I.- W_
log . Iikrobf.1.6 Li -.10- lot AM SSSR ('not"U'. .' rptd
or M
and MI.-blolu I-Al 13-11 f U_',GH;. A st.4--d
boudlia anti..F,ii type ut and %A. else or on. -t!t,.I.
mIt (AU) -it at 0.03 09 of " lutatwte- An oxperletental toxin dose
AA d0tormined and titrstion of antlatra was recoertended, at 1110 of this
xp.rl-W 4. . (L-/iO). It -s to,,nd Wt the *xperlsent4l dose of
*three Mtch:s of toxin* prepared on difforent mtrl"t medla contathed
Card 1/2 different ase-ts of MW (mWomem lethal dose). Two of the three toxin
ASSMIATICut OosduelvenW kmtrol'nyy institut Peditsinakilth bjOlvjIchs4kIkh Mps.
ratol Imml Tsram"Icha (StAt. C~lml Inststutv for Xdlq.l
Pmrattons 1,%enj Tsr444VTA)j Kh&r'k4vakly in*t tug 1"Caln I al"rota-
senL R"AnINA"s tMstStuta of Tualn4a and Sera isaftl PlechnIkov, Xhkr'kov)
fivtowber 24, 1956
cu'd 1/2
Possibility of determining the reaction-producing qualities of
whooping cough-diphtheria vaccine under Werimental conditions.
Report No. 1. Zhur.m1krobiol.ep1d.i immun. 33 no.5t27-31 MY 162.
(MIRA 15:8)
1. Iz Gosudarstvennogo kontrollnogo instituta meditsinskikh biolo-
icheskikh preparatov imeni Tarasevichs,
KAZAKOV, Aleksey Tikhonovich; GLOTOV, O.K., red.; USHAKOVA, A.F.,-ved.
red.;POLOSTVA, A,S., tekhn. red.
[Blasting methods and techniques in seismic prospecting] Metodika
J tekhnika vzryvnykh rabot pri scismorazvedke. 14oskva, Gos.
nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft.i gorno-toplivnoi lit-rys 1961. 217 p.
WIRA 1/,.12)
(Seismic prospecting) (Blasting)
j A.F.. ved. red.;
K4141KOWANTS, Grazdan 1-'Iushegovicb4_2�HAK0VA---- --
VOROBIMAj, L.V., tekhn. -. .
(Fire extinction of powerful gass gas and oil, and oil free-
flowing wells with water streams and by means of explosives]
Tushonie pozbarov moshchrWkh gazovykhy gazoneftianylch i nof-
tianykh fontanov vodianymi struiami i pri pomoshchi vzryva za-
riada VV. Moskva, Gontoptekbizdat,, 1962. 70 (KIRA 15:9)
(Oil fields-Firea and fire preventioX
KRIVENKOP M.G., red.; SIROTTA, B.L., red.- %HAKOVA A.F., ved. red.;
VORONOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. t
(Uniform time norms for drilling exploratory, structural,
and geological wells] Edinye normy vremeni na burenie raz-
vedochnykh, strukturno-poiBkovykh I kartirovochnykh skvazhin.
Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 127 p. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Moscow. TSentrallnoye byuro promyshlennykh normativ6~ P'o
ZHOLNEROVICHP B.G., red.; SMOLYAXOV, M.I., red.; qqW0VA,.A,F...
ved. red.; VORDNOVA., V,V., tekhn. red,
[Unified time norme for bench repairing of boring machinery]
Edinye normy vremeni na slesarnyi remont buro,.Vogo oborudovanii4C
Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 178 p. (MIRA 16:6)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitat po, vopM-
sam truda i zarabotnoy platy.
(Boring machinery-Maintenance and repair)
RYABTSEV, N.I., red.; BnHIN,, red.; VIGDORCHIK, D.Ya., red.;
IVANOV, N.P., red.; KNAPP, K.K., red.; KOUOV, S.S., rqd.;
L.P., red.; B'KOVA, L.B., ved. red.; KORSUN, Ye.P., red.;
UBJHAKOVA_, A.F., ved. red.; POLOSINA, A.S., tekhn. red.
(Gas equipment, apparatus, and fittings; reference book]Ga-
zovoe oborudovanie, pribory i armatura; spravochnoe rukovod-
stvo. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat 1963. 469 p. (MIRA 16:4)
(Gas, Natural-Pipelinesi (Gas appliances)
USHAKOVA, A,F., ved. .Ud.
[Standards for --ter-i-f-c-ly-7 equi-ment aul z;uar~,ity rorms fo--
workers in the dri Uing bureau] llorW obsluzhivanii-, cbo-
rudovaniia i normativy chislennosti rabochikh d1la kontor
bureniia. Moskva, lzd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 70 p.
(MIRA 17:5)
1. Moscow. TSentrallnoye by-Liro promyshlennykh norrativov pc
Quantitative determination of the reacti6n products obtained
in the preparation of butyric anhydride. Zav. lab. 29 no.61
699-701 163. (MIU 16z6)
L- Vladimirakiy, nauchno-issladavatellskiy institut sinie-
tichaskikh szol. I
Dkityric anbydride) (Spectrum.. Infrared)
Ushakova, A. 1. -- "Pregnancy, ' hildbirth, and the I%erperal Feriod in
Ascaridosis." Ivanovo State licdical inst. Ivanovo, 1956. (Disseration For
the Degree of Candidate in Medical. Sciences).
So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. U, 1956, m) 103-114
_Y�YAKOVA,.-,A.I., assistent
Capillaroscopic changes in late prepancy toxerua. Sbor. nauch.
trud. Ivan. gos. med. inst. no.28:318-322 163.
(14IRA 19: 1)
1. 1z kELfecb,y akusherstva i ginekologii (ispolnyayushchiy obya-
zannosti zav. kafedroy - dotsent M.A. Tlmokhina) Ivanovokogo
gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta (rektor - dotsent
Ya.14. Romanov), na baze 3-go rodillnogo doma (glavnyy vrach
N.K. Beransevich).
Pregnnney in womnn with nscnrltj-;is* Hed,pnrsz, i paraz.bol. 27 ne-3
16o Yq-je 158 (NDU 11:7)
1. Is knfedry nkuoheratvA i ginakolarii lvnnWakogo moditsinakogo
inatituta (znv.kafedroy - prof. I.B. Urit).
L,-, jjqj if
I!(; 13th rf ~7
USWOVA, A. M. --
Luminescence method for determining small quantities of uranium
in potassium salts. Ukr. khim. zhur. 24 no-4:495-498 '58.
1. Kiyovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitnt Im. T.G. Shevchonko.
(Uranium-Analysis) (Potassium salts-Analynin)
- -u~ -% ~
Radioactivity of rocks in the Perzhanakty instrusive cc--ple?:.
Geokhimiia no-4:354-357 161. (MIRA 14:5)
adioactive substances)
AUTHOR: Ushakova, A.M.
TITLE. um n~escen`tdetermination of uranium, cerium and
PERIODICALs Zhurnal analiticheskoy khimii, v.18, no.1, 1963, 79-8 a
TEXT- The author investigated the effect of Ca, Mg, Th, i1n, Zn,
Nd, Nb and Ce on the luminescence of beads of NaF with dissolved
U irradiated with ultraviolet light. Different concentrations of
the impurities (0.001 to 1%) were added to the beads containing
5 x 10-7 g U per 50 mg of NaF. Dig, Ca and Mn inhibited the
luminescence more than the other elements and Th, Zn and Nd had
little effect. The extinction gradients for MS and Ca are
1.2 g U/0.01% Din. and 2.0 g U/0.01% Ca respectively (at concentratj-
of 0.05 to 0-1%). At 0.01 to 0.05% concentrations Mg and Ca give
gradients equal to 0.55 g U/0.015' Dig and 0-72 g U/0.01% Ca.
respectively. Ce in amounts greater than 0.001% has a red
luminescence. The luminescence intensity depends on the cerium
concentration. There in no luminescence at concentrations of
Ce equal to or less than 0.001%. This may permit the determination
Card 1/2
The luminescent determination E075/E436
of more than 0.001% Cc by the luminescence method. Nb given a
characteristic luminescence different from that of U , which can
be used for its determination at concentrations greater than
5 x lo-5%. There is I figure.
ASSOCIATION: Institut geologichoskikh nauk AN UkrSSR, Kiyov
(Institute of Geological Sciences AS UkrSSR, Kiyev)
SUBMITTEDs May 29, 1962
Card 2/2
Waterless combing oil preparation for treating acetate silk. thim,
volok. no.6:44-46 '(1. (YJRA 14:12)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut iskusstvennogo
Use of mlcrcrl;d~"Fra-,~.-c Jr,
Min.sbOr. 18 no.
1. Insti WL geolc~frict,,"~,' 4.~Jj Ililml -
I , I r. - .. r, -,- i Kly".
Advantage of the ammonium base is obvious. Bum.prom. 37 no.l:
8-5 ja 162. (MIRA 15:1)
1. Nachal7nik laboratorii i otdala tokhnicheekogo kontrol~a
Voloshskogo zav9da.
(Ammonium salts)
. ~. SAIT-60")
E 5 1 lAnin. Biokhen. Ziur. 9, -,65-:77 (1936)
a 0 a
0 0
4 04
a Wiluillaussil 4 a it 11 is 30 b A) 11 V JIS 31 MiUm impo #l A; a)
j I L --A-K F- a it I 1- 11- cr A--t- A A t A It .9
4 0
ine uttintacit of the urinr of pregnant animals an the
development of the growing organism. I, K, Kt atint,i A
00 if! And -;L-Lshakalo. J. NPIA it'. S. N 9 ) 22, 1 -00
(in Vnitisill 71(11(1!W).~ Chicks rr,ri%ing in-
llregnant and ut,upT"nant
I urine litclim. t4
Y -00
00 1h CA
niarr~4 in 21111 1411 6XII and "'W- *
And T1,11.4c (At thAll c'm-
\g -00
008 1tcl
a %tcalcr
*. 'File u1 ine I'felln" A'( 4-w% *it 11,411 L Alf had
k 00
go # tw %-ff,ct. S. A Kmi'll'i :0 0
00 E
00 j! moo
016 4r
0111-111. A n(TAWINGOCAL I.Itf*aff CLAHWICAMn
aid., $1.1.611.
11".inv WOO
U Av A) It
so o
111401111 Kurt It
" of
l : : 0 : & * 0 : *0 : : : : : 0 a a %i
a a , 44
0 * 0 00 Of 000
Oo 0 # 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 a
0.1 FAINS. DT, Biokhimiya 5,. No. 11 12-24 (1940)
Solodovnikov, Vladimir Vlktorovich
Statisticheskaya dinamika lineynykh sistem avtomaticheskogo
-niya (Statistical Dynamics of Linear Systems in Auto-
matic Control) Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1960. 655 P. 10,000 copies
Ed.: 0. K. Sobolev; Tech. Ed.: N. Ya. Muratova.
PURPOSE: This advanced textbook is intended for university engi-
neering students, research scientists, and practicing engineers
concerned with the design and calculation of the performance of
linear control systems, particularly those subject to random
COVERAGE: The book deals with the mathematical theory, operating
characteristics, and the design of linear servo-control ByLtems,
particularly those required to operate under conditions of ran-
dom inputs. The,book develops the usual theory of linear systems
subject to specified input functions and then proceeds to extend
Statistical Dynamics (Cont.)
this theory with the methods of mathematical statistics. and the
theory of random processes. It is partially based on the con-
tents of an earlier book of the author, entitled Vvedeniye v
statisticheskuyu dinamiku sistem avtomaticheskogo upravleniya
(Introduction Into The Statistical Dynamics Of Automatic Con-
trol Systems), published in 1952. This volume, however, has
been enlarged to about twice the size of the previous text,
and many chapters have been entirely rewritten. Included are
completely new chapters dealing with problems of analysis and
synthesis of systems- with variable parameters, discrete systems,
devices and methods of treatment of experimental data, the
general theory of synthesis on the basis of the concepts of the
theory of games and decision functions, the synthesis of
servosystems, and the analysis and synthesis of variable and
discrete systems. The following scientists participated in the
writifIg of this book: A. M. Batkov (Chapters X and XI) and
L. T. Kuzin (Chapters XII and XIII). A number of sections
were written by the author jointly with othe.- scientists:
section 9 of Chapter IV, and sections 6 to 9 of Chapter V
Ga-rd- 2~0-
Statistical Dynamics (Cont. ) SOV/4986
with A. S. Uskoy; section 18 Chapter VII with Yu. S. Valldenberg;
sectidn--s-1-,2, 9 to 14 of Chapter VIII, and sections 1, 2, 6, of
Chapter IX with P. S. Matveyev; and section 5 of Chapter IX with
V. P. Alekperov. Section 4-of Chapter IX was written by
E. N. Sorenkov. In addition to a ver large number of footnotes,
there are 154 references: 91 Soviet 118 of which are transla-
tions), 42 English, and 3 French.
Introduction 11
Ch. I. Basic Dynamic Characteristics of Linear Systems and
Several Problems of Analysis 26
1. Introduction 26
2. Differential equations of a linear dynamic system 26
3. Forced vibrations. Frequency characteristics 29
Statistical Dynamics (Cont.)
6. Correlograph with transcription from paper tape to
magnetic tape 144
7. Magnetic correlograph 148
8. Electronic correlator 154
9. Methods for determining the correlation function
from experimental data 155
10. Spectral analyzers 170
11. Methods for approximating spectral-density curves
by fractional-rational functions 172
12. Methods for approximating spectral-density curves
and spectral analyzer based on the application of
LaguerreNs functions 183
Ch. V. Passage of a Random Signal Through a Dynamic
System and Determination of the Dynamic Charac-
teristics of Control Systems From Experimental
Data 187
1. Introduction 187
Statistical Dynamics (cont. sov/4986
2. Relationship between correlation functions and the
spectral densities of the quantities at the input and
output of a linear dynamic system 189
3. General expression for the spectral density of an
error 191
4. Transformation of the expression for spectral density 203
5. Integration of the expression of spectral density
error 207
Statistical method for determining the dynamic
characteristics of linear systems 211
7. Methods for solving the integral equation (5.76) 214
8. Determination of the dynamic characteristics of
linear systems with several inputs and outputs 227
9. Determination of the dynamic characteristics of a
system in the presence of inverse feedback and in-
ternal interferences In the system 235
Ch. VI. Statistical Methods for the Synthesis of Optimal
Systems 242
1. Introduction 242
V-;'SltEVUIJNOVA, Ye. A.; ZASUli'HIN, D.11-1. and IMISHCHE"IKO, N.K.
II-C-rolo-- 'Cal HC'3~~--rc'h of~' -'S lf~~"'
Voprosy tolcso,)Iazmo7a, -P-)ort theses of a conference or,
0 G C Old, 3-5 A-iril,1961, Publ. by Inst .--.pidsmiolory anfl Microbiolo'-y
im. li. 1'. Gark-ileya, i-cad. '-led. Scl USSR, "oscow, 11)O'l, 600-0.
*lEt", im Gamaleya AMI-i 55SR, i'~'Oscow
SHAPOSHNIKOVA, O.A., nt. nauchnyy sotr.;.USHAKOVA, A.V., at. nauchnyy
sotr.; DERGACHEVA, A.G., st. nauchnyy sotr.; VANCHIKOV, A.N..,
DERYWHIN, V.G.v red.; NOSKOVA, P.P., red.; POTAPOVA, N.L.,
tekhn. red.
(Processing of lavsan in a blend with cotton and viscose
fibm]Fererabotka laveana v emesi a khlopkom i viskoanym
voloknom. Moskva, 1962. 55 P. (MIRA 16W
1. TSentralinyy institut nauchno-tekhnicheakoy informataii
legkoy promyshlennosti.
(Spinning) (Synthetic fabrics)
Ribonucleic acid in the blood lymphocytes in adrenaline
lymphocytosis. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 54 no.9:62-64
s. f62. (MIRA DO)
1. Iz Institute, epidemiologii i mikrobiologii Imeni N.F.
Gamalei (dir.- prof. P.A. Verobilova) AMN SSSR, Moskva.
Predstavleno deystvitelln)m eblenom AMN SSSR, G.V.
(1,5 /-1 A fe C V A , /f. Yc.
RUSAKOVA, M.U., meditsiasicaya sestra; USHAKOVA, A.Ye., meditalaskaya sestra
Care of patients with congenital and acquired heart, defects. god.
seetra 16 no,9:23-25 3 157. (mm 11:1)
1. Iz I-go khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya Instituta khirurgii imeni
A.V.Vishoovskogo AMN BSSR-