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UNT N. inzhoner-polkovnik. You start a trip. Za rul. i)o.6:7 Je '57. (MINA 10:7) 1. Chlen byuro turistskoy sektoll TSentrallnogo avtomotokluba. (Automobiles--Touring) S/054/60/000/02/03/021 B022/BO07 AUTHORS: Saulit, V. R Unt V. A. TITLE: Inhomogeneous XMnetic Field~for the Focusing of a Divergent Beam of Charged P rticles \& PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1960, No. 2p pp. 28-33 TEXT: In a previous paper by Vo R. Saulit (Ref. 1) the focusing properties of an inhomogeneous magnetic fielAq which in the mirror symmetry plane depended only upon a Cartesian coordinatel werb investigated. The general condition for the ideal focusing of a plane beam of charged particles was obtaixed in form of a nonlinear integral equation, the solution of which was found. In the present paper, the class of magnetic fields which permits calculation of a plane bundle of charged particles without aberration and without numerical integration is shown, and calculation is carried out for a special case. The scheme of the focusing of a beam of charged particles emitted by a point source is given (Fig. 1). In Fig. 2, the results obtained by calculating the focusing magnetic field in the A Card 1/2 SkULIT. V.R.;- UIV, V.A. Inhomogensous mgmetic fields for focusing a divergent bean of chargewd particles. T9st.URJ 15 no-10:28-33 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Magnetic fields) 32212 S/139/6i/ooo/oo4/001/023 aa E032/Z5i4 AUTHOR: Unt, V,,A,. TITLE: Centrally-symmetric gravitational fields and continuity conditions in the general theory of relativity PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, no.4. 1961. 3-8 TEXT: The present author reports an analysis of the Lichnerowicz (Ref.l: Th4:rories relativistes de la gravitation et de 1'61ectromagndtisme, Paris, 1955) conditions in the case of centrally symmetric gravitational fields when the field source is in the form of a sphere of a perfect liquid having a constant density, It is shown that the Schwarzschild solution (Ref,2; Sitzungsber, d. Preuss. Akad, d. Wissensch,189, and 424,1916) is not consistent with the Lichnerowicz conditions. It is shown that it is a consequence of the Lichnerowicz conditions that all the non-zevo components of the metric tensor are functions of the radius of the central body. The specific form of this functional dependence is determined by the Card 1/2 32212 Centrally- symmetric gravitational ... S/139/61/000/004/00J E032/E5i4 coordinate conditions. The present author obtains a general expression for the integration constant (in harmonic coordinates) which was assumed equal to zero by V, A, Fok (Ref.3: The theory of space; time and gravitation, Moscow, 1955) and Belinfante (Ref,4: Phys.Rev., 98, 793, 1955), This constant was previotisly obtained (in aPproximate form) by Meister and Papapetrou (Ref-.5. Z.Phys,,, 145; 403, 1956), In the case of a perfect liquid having a constant density the Papapetrou-Meister constant is identical with the zero-order approximation to this constant obtained by the present author, Acknowledgments are expressed to Professor Kh.P..Keres for his interest in this work, There are 5 references~ 1. Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc, ASSOCIATION- Tartuskly gosuniversitet (Tartu State University) SUBMITTED; February 16, 1960 Card 2/2 3/058/62/0r,,0/007/008/068 A061/A101 AUNIOR: Unt, V. A. TITLE: The Schwarzschild singularity PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Pizika, no. 7, 1962, 24, abstract 7A232 ("Tr. In-ta fiz. i astron. AN EstSSR", 1961, no. 16, 27 - 48j English summary) TEXr: The gravitational field properties of a material point M are in- vestigated by considering the motion of freely falling experimental particles P with respect to local Galilean coordinate systems. It is shown that all ex- perimental particles P must pass through the singular Schwarzschild surface R - 2(b with the velocity of light and move inside this surface faster than light. In taking this fact into account, extending space into the region R 42u, however, possible analytically, seems doubtful. Therefore, the author Identifies the singular Schwarzschild surface with the material "point". It is also shovm that Finkellshteyn's (RZhFiz, 1959, no. 3, 4850) "particle" and "antiparticle" are not different particles. rAbstracter's note; Complete translation] Card 1/1- UNTAN, 0. Public control of labor protection. Munca mindic [71 no.l-.63 j& 163. 1. Secretarul comitetului sindicatului do la L*ina constructoare do masini, Resita. UHTARU, M., -ing.; CIMPLANU, V., ing. InHuence of the advance of ignition on the d:namdc and economic qualities of motorcars. Rev transport 8 no. 8: 359-364 Ag 161. UNTARU., Met-conf. ing.; BOBESCU, Gh., ing.; C314PEANU, V., asist. ing. Influence of road conditions on the economic and dynamic efficiency of motor vehicles. Rev transport 9 no.~~:185-18F My 162o UNTARU MW-',- oonf. ing.; BhWbU i'Ofieorghe; CRIPEANU, Vasile.. asistent ing, Influence technical state of the rolling system on the motorcar economy. Rev transport 9 no. 11:490-493 N 162. UNTAW, Marin., conf.; BOBESCU, Gheorghe; CRVEANU, Vasile Braking tLe motorcar with the engJne. Rev transport 9 no.12: 543-545 1) '62. 1. Sef lucrari (for Bobescu). 2. Asistent (for CL-apeanu). UNTA,RU,, Marin., ing. Influence of the cooling system on the motorcar engine power and economy. Rev transport 10 no. 7:317-322 il 163. WTTARU, Macin, conf. ing. I IAW~-N-,, Possibility of increasing economy in automobiles by improving the cooling system. Rev transport 11 no. 3: 111-114 Mr 164. _qWARU.,...Marin, ing.; tlh~~orj7,11(1, inl.-,~; CD-TEAW, , ;-77! Nicolne , 1 ng ~ Automation of the coolinfr in the S.-Z-211 en;iinp. ii e -; t r:i - S.,)L 12 no.2:55-59 F 165. L 30726-66 ACC NRs AP60221-18 SOURCE CODEs RU70018165100010091036610 iAUTHOR: Untaru, Marin ORG: none TITIF,; Influence of the thermic conditions of engines on the econwide efficiency of cars SOURCE: Constructia do masird, noo 9, 19659 506-510 TOPIC TAGS: heat balance, cooling, vehicle engine ABSTRACT- The author analyzes mathematically the extent to iddeh the thermal equili- briwn of the engine affects the efficiency of a car, and presents " discusses experimental results obtained In experimental cooling studips* Orig. arto hasi 2 figures and 27 formulas * fplasod on author I a Eng. abstZ CJPRS7 SUB CODE: .21, 20 / SUEM DATE: none / ORIG REF:-.'.'001 / SOV REF: 003 F'j r jumotgIbluir-ophillic Bacteria. 2,,.t"4oZonic ,u,wiiI,,/Micrcbiolo9Y- I F-U.rigi and Actinonriect-c's % 10 I~y Abs "Tour : f Zhur - Biol., 11', 1958, Nc 6251~ Au-Unor : Poppar M.) Wolf A.) Untcanu Gh. Inst : Title : The Problem of FuLnionary voniliasis oric, Pub FtIziologia, 19571 6, No 51 387-395 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 ('J [1) 1 ~ C- POPP3R, M. ; UMWM. Gh. Notes on early diagiosis of primary bronchopulmonery cancer, Mod. int., Bucur. 9 no.12:1829-1835 Dec 57. (LUNG NVOPIASMS, diagnosis early dW., methodo) CONSTANTIN,St.,dr.; NICOIASCU,P.,dr; BUNGBTXkNU,Gh.,clr.;,UNTSkNU.Gh.,dr. Anatem -clinical aspects of broncholithiasis. Med. int.,%cur. 11 no.11:1655-1664 N '59. 1. In.crare efectuata In Inotitutul de ftisiologis si Spitalul "Bernat AndreiO,Bucuresti. (BRONCHI, diseases) (CALCULI ) (TUBXRCUWSIS PUINDNART, compliostions) -Z10 40.2.419 Cis ltr~ I U SUO; IIJ VUCO~ aA k,7.i ;X4, ----------- of SAMTWV, P.; MERBERGER, G. Improving production of grooved tiles. Stroi. mat. 4 no.1:27-28 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:2) l.DJ.rektor Nelyanskogo kombinata stroitellnykh metarialov (for Samylo,w). 2. Glavny7 inzhener Sverdlovskogo oblastnogo upravleniya promyshlennosti stroitelcnykh materialov (for Unterberger). (Tileg, Roofing) UI'.IT-E'ULT-:W.7,,RJ, Pavel Fudurovich UNI-ZI-WERGE-R. Pavel Fedorovica. ...-riaiLur3ki! 1",ral. 1,)06-1919 L;,. Qcj,~-rk s 6 4-Lrtwai, 21 tablitsei prilozhenii i 3 55 r.L5Un*KaLILI* MI Qvadt3ti Ii5takh. 3,1'eterburL, 1'j!2. 1 P.1.,Xiii, (1), 428,53, (1) p. (Zapiski lm,~,eratom',a&o 7"L65Ka-0 k;ea---r-af ici,eskaL:o obshchestva po Otdieleniiu statistiki. T. XIII ... ULCz LK77i.ii,3u6 So: 1L, Soviet Geography, Part II, 1951/Unclassified UNTMMMER, V.K. Results of attracting wintering birds to the center of propagation of the pine stem borer (Planolis flammea Schiff.). Zool.zhur. 32 no.3:550-552 my- Je 153. (MLRA 6:6) 1. Khoperskiy gosudarstvennyy zapovednik. (Borers Onsects)) P nd Special zoology, Insects. insect It SR / General a Pestse 54364* IRS and Mite 140 Xbs jour: Ref V 0 cts of the .rgery - nterbe aging be ifer-Dam P'Uthor . 1,1~1,lter, co n Inst fauna of conjy LeA1111OZO VYP* 21, 144- .on the 'KhOpersX tie 4 0oper 14ove apovedalwal 1956j ubt 'rr, Khopersht go * pests orig P J49- f conifer-damag'no ed-headed ec: the r re dis- rom this Umber ,Wf lies 'we In 19 52-19539 5p inning s -t time* pLbstrar- recogni zed. b" SP In efirs st,r-shaPed we fo~ t a d were ~serve- the red-he de Re of and t .,rv-ae standard tvees~ covered in theeggs and counted on the star- T-ne nunbe' Of awfly Oas informaLtion on web-, spinning s1so gives The article a card 1/Z USSR / General and Special Zoology. Insects. Insect P and Mite Pests. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Blol,., No IZ,, 195% 54364. Abstract: shaped web-spinning sawfly and on aftwflies of the genus Gilpinia: G, virens., G. pallida., G. vertic- alls and G. frutetorum -- M. N. Kovaleva. Card 2/2 38 BEZUGLY'l. S.F.; SARISHVILIp I.G.; LUKANINA, V.S.; POKROVSKIY, Ye.A.; UNTERBERGER V K ,11 Investigation of the chemical stability of mineral oils and oil fractions and development of nonphytocidal emulsions based on them for.controlling pests of citrus and other fruit cultures. [Trudy] NIUIF no.164:34-35 159. NIRA 1515) (Insecticides) POKROVSKly, Ye.A.; UNTERBERGER, V.K.; DENISKINA, G.P. " 0 Measures for controlling the San Jose scale. ZaBhch. raz' ot vred. i bol. 5 no.1:27 A 160. (MIRA 14:6) (San Jose scale) U11"MaRGI-R, V. Ya. "Cerarde Barriers for 1,~ercur-y Rectifiers." Cand Tech Sci, Ural -Polytechnic Inst, Sverdlovsk, 3.9.53. WhKhim, I-Io 22, flov 510 Surv(rl of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Hij;her Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sura. No. 521, 2 Jun 55 UNTERBERGER, V.Ya.,, kand. tekbu. nauk Eltetrokinatic properties of suspensions of Ural Moun+Ain region clavs. Trudy Ural. politekh. Inst. no.117.-67-74 '62. (MIRA 16:6) (Ural Mountain region-Cla7-Blectric properties) C . I ICI 7"-ZC!:, Gh.; V1 IL':S CU ing. ; 7-,c)S,. M,RVII, Guh lz, 9 E L SAIT"Ul-'sc- Ing.; Ing.; AVLCj~i;.,,.-A Gh., Ing.. New technolog, in co-,~bed cotton spinning for ir;PrOvj'9 Y.-rn quality. Ind dt6xt RUP, 14 no.10:448-450 S t63 1. De la Filatura romineasca do buiqbae (for Panaitide, Var"'u, -Toneacu, Radu, Pavel , L) VaBilescu, ROBLI, Pavel, J.%, h"nedi, Mihail Sandilejacu). 2. De la Ins titutul de, cercetari textile (for LvacjjiLrj1 Andreicovici, Unterfincer). UNTERMAN, H.W. A characteristic reaction for Identification of lactobionate of erythrorqcin. Rev chimie Min petr 14 no.5:301-302 My 163. 1. Fabrica de antibiotice - Iasi, Serviciul de cercetari. UNTERMAN., H. W. I,- -- ~. .... ~- I ~ ~ - I - Spectrophotonetric deter---ination of phenoxymethylpenic.11-lin in the fermentation liquid. Rev chimie MJLn petr 11) no-5: 283-285 My 164. 1. Department of Research of the Factory of Antibiotics, Iasi. ., UNV"Np Kh.V. Spectrophotometric methods (in the ultraviolet and infrared fields) for the determination of antiblotics. Antibiotiki 10 no. 10:867-872 0 165, (MULk 18:12) 1. Issledovateltskaya laboratoriya fabriki antibiotikov, Yassyp Rumyniya. Submitted October 19, 1964. AUTHOR: Unte rman�-L W - H. -- Pacu lar T-. TITLE: Spectrophotometric determination of osmaron in osmatin unguent SOURCE: qevista de chimie, v. 15, no. 11, 1964, 699 TOPIC TAGS: spectrophotoinetric analysis, antibio-tic A BZ, T i~A CT The o' in V I r. a, mi C-- r, Ai' SOC I ATT ON Fabrica de anti bi-l,; 1 ce, serriciul cerceta-i, !a-si (F&Lctr,,r-j-. Research C-~nter) ,tp,-iy! v; NR REF SOV: 000 U14TKFU40. Kh. V. Golorimetric determi-naticr. cf artibicties. Artibiotiki 7 no.12: 3-112-1116 D 162. (MIRA 160) 1. Issledovatelli3kaya laboratorlya, fabrika antibiotikov (Yezoy, Rm)niya). (MICILLIN) (STREPTCHYCIN) (TETRACYCLINE) (COLORInTRY) UNTERMN, L.; TOMA, R. Some contributions to the problem of obtaiiaing an intermediary vroduct with high yieldE in the rrocess of extracting cUortetrarycline. n. 103. TEVISTA LIE CHIM,17. Rucure--ti, Rumania. Vol. 10, no. 2, Feb. 1959. S f Mf~nthlv List of Fart ?uropean Accessions. (EEAI), IP- Vol. 8, no. 9, 7P. Uncl. UNTERM 0 N. W. Identification of nystatin by t4tani= tetrachloride. RaT chimis Min petr 13 no.lOt6.'&'8 0 162. 1. Fabrics, de antibiotics, Iasip Servioiul de cerestari. UNTERMAN, Wolf,H. Quantitative studies on the influence of some metallic ions upon the stability of chlortetracycline in aqueous solutions. Studii chexie Iasi 10 no.2:379-384 159. (EEAI 10:1) 19 Serviciul de cercetari al Fabricii do antibiotice Iasi, Valea Lupului. (Iron) (Cobalt) (Ions) (Chlortetracycline) (Water) (Solutions) (Nickel) (Coppor) (Manganese) (Calcium) (Barium) (Magnesium) UNTERMAN, Wolf H. --- - --- __ Variation of pH in the process of the inactivation of chlortetracycline under the action of metallic chlorides. Studii chin Iasi 11 n0.1; 97-lo2 6o. (ERAI 100) (Hydrogen-ion concentration) (Chlortetracycline) (magnesium) (Iron) (Calcium) (Borium) (Chlorides) V/ 7 Runania not given not 1-ivcn 61; nn 297-'01. Bucharest , Fammcl.a "Calorimetric Detormination of Erythromycin." Co-author: C2,UCEr.l-,'U CAcademic degrees and affiliations not given.] FIRL, S.1 UNiStM, W.H. Paper chromatograpby and slootrochrmatograpby of certain cations in antibiotic solutions. Studii chim Iasi 12 no.W87-197 161. 1. Academia R.P.R.,, Filials, Iasi, Institutul do ohinie "P.Poni," Seatia do chistie anorganica. UNTERMANP W.H,.-,,-,, - .1 ~, -1----,-:'. , '. A new colorimetric method for the determination of nystatin. Rev chimie Min petr 12 no.7:415-417 JTl 061. ~UNTERWI, W.Ho A new reaction for nystatin identification. Rev. cblaie Kin. petr. 12 no.81504 Ag'61 1. Fabrica de antibiotice Iasi, Serviciul de cereetari. UF~M~W ~H. ~EIRONBANU, Th, Influence of some antibiotics (polymyxin, neomycin, viomycin., erthromycin., lactobinate, nystatin) on the exomatogruphic and electrochromatograpbio migration of cations. Studii chim Iasi 13 nools59-66 162, 1 1e Servicul do cereetari al Fabriaii do antibioticej Iasi* UNTERW j W. H. Obser7ations on the spectrophotometric determination of grissofulvin in the liquid of formentation. Rev chimie Min petr 15 no,7.*423 J1 164 1, Research Sections Antibiotic Plants Iasi. UNTERMN, W.H.; PACULAR, T. - Spec trophotome tri c dosing -,-' in tht 05ma-rin =4-~-nt. Rev chimie Min petr 15 no.11:699 11 164. 1. Research Section, Antibio-~ic Plant, Iasi. L 39127-66 T A ACC NR: AP60303-52 SOURCE-CODE: R_ V /65-/of6/003/0166/0167 U OW3 AUTHOR:--,Unterman, W. H.: Budai-Albu, Margaret ; Idol, Ana Ausan, M ORG: Research Services Antibiotics Factory, Iasi (Fabrica de Antibiotice, Ser-Aciul cercetari) TITIE: Observations concerning the q-penicillin recovered from residual waters SOURCE: Re-rista do chimis, v. 16, no- 3, 1965, 166-167 TOPIC TAGS: penicillin, chemical precipitation, recrystallization, paper chromatography, spectrophotometric analysis ABSTRACT: The authors note that the penicillin G recovered by means of N,N-dibenzylethylenediamine salt from the mother liquor after precipitation of the mother product must be recrystallized in order to obtain a time-stable product free of foreign penicillins and decomposition products. To analyze the purity of the samples, they suggest spectrophotometric measurements of the absorption at 322 millimicrons as well as at 263 and 280 millimicrons in order to detect degradation products, and paper chromatography to detect foreign penicillins. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 1 table. (Based on authors' Eng. abst.] [JPRS] SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 001 / OTH REF: 003 ^A./ Card. 1/1 [ ACC MKz Xr 026617 ~k SOURCE CODE: RU/0003/65/016/005/0436/025 AUTHOR: Unterman. ifw4l- Z6 0RGt Research Servicos. Factory of Antibiotics, Iasi (Serviciul do cercetari, Fab~ic~ TITIS: Colorimotric determination of grisoofulvinb SOMCEt Revista do chirde, v. 16, no. 5, 1965, 286-287 TOPIC TAGS: chemical identification, antibiotic, colorinotry, pharmacology ABS-uUZT-.' The author describes a colorimtric method for the determination of griseo. fulvin, either as the pure substance or in tablets. The mothod in based on measure. ment of the yullow coloring formed by grisoofulvin with isonicotinic acid hydrazide in a warm alkaline medium, and can be used in the presence of other antibioticswith- out their prior removal* Orig, art. has: 2 figures and I table* fB'asod on author's Eng. &bstj7ffJPRJS SUB CODE: '07, 06 SM4 DATE: 09Jul64 ORIG REFt 002 / SOV REF: 002 OTH RUM 032 UDC Antibiotics RUMANIA 615-779-932 MIRONEANU, Th., DaAZAL, W EISENFELD, J., and CHIRIAC, C., of the Factory j-f Antibio4csW-Fabrica de Antibiotice), Iasi. "An Improved Technique for Obtaining Sodium Benzylpenicillin." Bucharest, Revista de Chimie, Vol 17, No 4, Apr 66, pp 230-231. Abstract [Authors' English summary modified): A description of Mr-Em-proved technique for the preparation of sodium benzylpeni- cillin. The method is based on the precipitation of penicillin from the primary organic extract resulting from the processing of the native solution with cyclohexamine; after the division of the raw basic salt in acid medium in an organic solvent, the deeired product is precipitated with the aid of a methanolic sodium acetate solution. The method is simple and involves lower raw material consumption. combined with higher yields as compared to older techniques. Includes one table, one flow chart and four references, of which one Rumanian# one Russian and 2 German. The tecimdoi,n of nc- n T n i-,. ACCESSICK NR: AP031750 Z/0034/0~/000/004/0296/0296 AUMCR: Unterschutz, Z- (Engineer); Naruszovicz, B. (Engineer); Kaus, T. TITLE: Method for cleaning slag and other Impurities fran metal surfaces and equipment for use with this method SOURCE: Hutnicke listy, no. 4, 1964, 296 TOPIC TAGS: cleanin.r,, weldability, electric are, welding trarmformer, electric arc electrcde, metal oodde ABS MICT: The invention permits the beat cleaning of a metal surface by an electric arc idAle at the same time removing slag and other impurities by a cleaning device forming one electrode of the electric are, the other elec- trode being the metal surface to be cleaned. The invention is sb.-xT, in diagram 1. Tvo plates 4 are Bet up on shaft 8. The drun fo=ed In this Way carries on the longitudinal rods 3 hooked up in itc circuit the loosely att.,4ched plates 2 which are the working elements cleaning the metal surface 1. The required current is fed frcm welding transfamr 5 via 9 to brush 6 and ring 7 which Card 113 ACCESSMIT NR: AP4031750 is securely fixed to shaft 8. The other pole of the power su'bply is connected by conductor 10 directly t6 the metal part whose surface is Io be cleaned. The alternating action of the electric arc makes possible rapid-beat transfer Which permits rapid separation and evaporation of the impurities and slag from t%e metal surfaces. Because the different substances have different rates of thermal expansion, they separate completely. Under the effect of high tempera- tuxes., metal oAides and other protective coatings are formed on the metal sur- faces. This condition makes impossible the successive rewelding of the liberated impurities. (Complete translation] ASSOCIA.TICK: none SUBK=: o7jua6i DATE AcQ: 2&jw64 ENCL: 01 SUB CCDE: M4 Card 2/3 NO W SOV: 000 OMM: 000 MACCESSXON NRs AP4031750 I ENCLOSURE: 01 4 Card Tyi= --, I- v . Geodetic method )f deterrrdnin;,, dam deformLtions. p. 267. V ACTA PJW,*I,~,',- Warsza-,.,a. Vol. 12, No. 7, July 1956- East European Accessions List (E:,AL)' Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. 11, Au,-,,ust 1956. 1 0 1 A I I- 'I is Is is Is It m 1- 11 a 34 0 0. r, is 2. 11 1 11 1" 1.1) Alp.& I. L41 o a 1:0 A -A _Aj 00 IfWas as the Firoill mothod of m1croemilysis J-1 * 7 .l lW1. .1. I I" Ailk",wM00 16, .112 1. 416,11 1. linsplifird 1-Y till 1.01wills a 111111V1,11,141A 111.61 ill the 161-ri-,tte Ift-till,. Aftvr irrica,ma tlw pir.,low 00 0: friml cArius tutws in the Itsw way. alld,inall .11 runtillill- -00 66 I.-ItIlls vifill l" l l .00 I %e I'l - faill A.Us IhIll li,,Almd Wooli t4114- III -ILL It ~ Will IhAt ill, wl,l Pill WOW OK 111111ifUle,l 1.19. A 0 00 00 00 .00 -00 '00 .00 .00 '00 -.00 A I a S L 8 of VAL I VOLK AL Lift-Alllif (L ASWIC A f%Cft too r I A rw a I IT w it n i It AT 10 1111 OF (9 At a it if It x 11, IT IT IV it 2 of 000,111100041119000000090 o 0o 00 :::Ooooooooooooooooo**toooooooooo0000 via is* Noy one 4; is 11 1111co Pisi v a r a R I a it j a L. A--&-I- 2, -A -I-AAA M. IZ 0 U s-k s A.-jo t t. I.j I I-A.b LNO "?Asp 0064:11"1 614 01100141"Is ~fo WW w"� Ib W of hl lk e on 6 vanmon P . e saclamebmawd troop. fur ibe dryW4. It lovil shr rwvsAv- V~ int; type MA ispoomwe WkIcs Vt- OCIFIN"lookbibe go Comp"hoo Costog. tM vAbotum b w*btd hrkm mM cooffor 00 the dryieg. The "pootbily mk#d Iw wcwk With substswestvio" X to dry Wood coom byg-e- 11. w. 00 0* d Go a 00 00 00 00 q ro e I A. I a 441ALLUOGKAL LITIOAVLAI CLASSAFKATION I 1- j-11ib u a al 10 is 41 10 0 0 0 0; 08' 01" 09' 01" 00, 'no "1 409001964090900090000 all '210.1! *pigs) aw d., it. V I IA An 0 0 i 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 .00 .00 goo* =00 moo GO 0 g4b 0 =49111 41101010 -00 00 00* '00 00 '00 wool Prp Plt~ 14 or 0 dw d6duk" hod 10bo on JO J. S. A. to all age SGIALLMINGICAL L"2110M CLAUWCATW too Blow SICOSITO I"m sowing Wee W440 - L I somw -to env 49C G... 649 alkali Ow C%. it- -- U a "a IN Aft L I I bo a 'I IF 11 2 to a 01 UTM.TSCRI'Ir.-.,, Z. A method of automatic shicldrd-arc welding of ship plates with .,-ic?e joints and steel ',_lacking strips. I P. 149 (PT-Z!"r.LAD Poland) Vol. 9, no. 6, June 195? SO: IMonthly In6ex of last European Accession (LT-,Al) LC Vol. 7, NO. 5. 195E UNTIRSHLYAG, G., inzh. Machine for packaging groats. Mak.-eley, prom@ 24 no.7:25 JI '38. (MIRA 11:10) 1,Glavnoye upravlenlye khlebour oduktov pri Sovete Ministrov AzerSSR. (Packaging mehinery) CL c -71 TI, .9t). UNTILA, Som b.-ologlCal characterl ii tics of unrlpe mvis Frown In nutrient solutions. Agrobiologlia nr,,2:211-ZI5 Mr-Ar. "L., (M"F,;. 17;t),/. 1. VseBoyuznyy nauchno-issledorvatellakiy selektsirmno- geneticheskAy institut, g. Od6a6a. UNTILOVAl A.I. (Belgorod-Dnestrovs.kiyp Odeaskoy oblasti) Causes of changes in the form of root hairs. Bot. zhur.46 no.3: 407-41o mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Rooto(Botany--Morphology) POLYAKOVA, N.M.; UNTMA, N.A. Phosphoglucomutase in various sections and interstitial structures of the brain. Vop. med. khim. 7 no.5:524-527 S-0 161. (MDA 14:10) 1. The Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiev (BRAIN) tPIMPHOOLUCOMUTASE) KRUK, M.T., inzh*;-VEqE, T.B._j inzh. Burning of gas in a furnace with low-pressure slotted burners. Energetik 3-1 no.4:9-11 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Furnaces) (Boilers) Untu, i,.; Laocite, A.; The influenc,-, of r~iicruelemient:-i '-orun z,%ci uv~-,nium on L",i PWWP,- - I.' '30JI15, 10. 111. M`7)*,I!,~~' Iasi) bicuresti, --tumania. Eonthlv lint o -' 7'ar:t "Air-Dr)9an ,es,--ions L-,, Vol. Uncl. UN IK C-L n- -too- Rumania/Soil Science. Physical arid Chemical PropertiEn of J Soils Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., ITo 13, 19587 582901B, P, Sh Author :Pintea C., Leonte Angela Untu Aurelia. Inst :Not given Title :Dynamics of Phosphates in Podzol Soi o-"" Orig Pub :Probl. agric., 1956, 8, No 10, 29-37 Abstract :Results of the investigations conducted at the Ya9sk Agrochemical Laboratory to determine the content of mobile forms of P in soils and their dependence on the mechanical composition of the soils, their water regimen, the reaction of the soil solutions, the periods of introduction of phosphate fertilizers into the soil, and -'U-he quantities of the fertilizers used are present,;01. Card 1/1 8 FINTEA, C.; TARNAUCEANU, E-j_UlqTU. A., CIUREA G.; LEONTE, A. 4 2 Efficiency of combined microelements applied to corn, iunflowerso and sugar beets. Stu41i biol agr Iasi 13 no.2:349-358 162. UNTUp R.; UNTUp C. On the electric and mechanical c~.aracteristics of conductors; preliminar7 note. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 235-239 '59. (Electric conductors) (Aluminum) some aluAinum 10 no.2: (EEAI 9:9) - UNTU, C.; ZERVUDIS, C.; UNTU, R. Contributions to the study of the domestic building materials; preliminary note: study of the clay of Valea Lupului, district of Iasi. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 10 no.2:241-249 159. (EEAI 9:9) (Rumania-Building materials) (Clay) UNTU, R.; UNTU, C. --- On the electric and mechanical characteristics of sow aluxinum conductors; preliminar7 note. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 10 no.2: 235-239 '59. (EEAI 9:9) (Electric conductors) (Aluptinum) UNTU, C.1 ZERVUDIS, C.; UNTU, R. Contributions to the study of the domestic building materials; preliminary note: study of the clay of Valea Lupuluip district of Iasi. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 10 no.2;241-249 059. (EEAI 9:9) (Rumania-Building materials) (Clay) UNTUv R. Economic aspects of the prefabricated part production. Probleme soon 16 no.6t46-57 Je 163. LELEBINY P.I.; UUUCIfEK9 A.I. Filter for the purification of tannIng mllylurc!?, Kozh.-obuv. prom. 7 no.5136--37 My 165, (MM~ 1.8,8) L o2L, :1r, .I ACCESSION RR: ILT 5019691 uRi 2 tt~ j('U' 6 201-15 8/ 01J., nukov, V. 1. (Candidate of geographical sciences) AUTHOR- U 3 TITLE: The relationship between the vertical wind gradienta and upperm->St ayer clouds SOURCE: Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut aeroklimatologii. Trudy, no. 25, 1964. Voprosy aviat-itonnoy klima~ol-)giL in aviation limatology) 58-71 TOPIC TAGS: formation uppermoat layer cloud, vertical wind cloud, wind gradient, cloud ABSTRACT: Lately, the uppernost laver clouds have been in the center of increased j-- a-- Z' BZr_, Val n I-James, Met4- Off-, Prof. Notes, no. 123, 1957; R. J. Hurgatrovd, P. Goldsmith, Prof. 1 Notea. Met. Of~,, London 7, no. 119, 19516). The prcsent paper is based on data ir,,! I,,,- t,mpe!-4ttire dinA pro- collected by aircraft probe; during, lq~ bin.7 stations on the E,iropea-, torr!~-~T-. rivpstlgate; relq- tionships between the vertical wind gradient, in th, irper troposphere and the clouds within the uppermost layer, -,i9e; irr- ~,,:!7~d for ~htch tlip %,ert4ca! size Card 112 7F L 624,76-65 ESSION RR: IM5019691 ~ af the clouds is,2 km or more and their lower Doundary above 5 km. Res-ilts show that the uppermost laver 71o-idq arf: ger-e-it-i tor, ind have larpe- vertiral dmen-,ions, in ?om-; ~~t 'i--)t ha~, ~r~ ~irh low Vert ical W ~A vrad 1~-n! -~. i C .4 al ie-j ; L~- u- &SSOC J AT ION -Mauchno- isrl priovat e Iqk t,. i nAt I r ut ap rnk I mntn log t, Monc -)la (Sc ient if ic-Researcb List tt ut e o ~ Ae q1111n.1 ITTE D -1)0 MIER: L 326~4-66 EWT(1)/FCC GW ACC NRt AT6017316 (N) SOURCE CODEt UR/2546/65/000/JL43/0003/0023 AUTHORS s Dubentsov, V. R.; Unukoyas, '_~ 5 ORG: nonel~ TITLEs Some distributional features of temperature and the zonal components of wind in the stratosphere over the northern and central parts of the Pacific Ocean I 'Ale, SOURCE: 4i4oscow. Tsentral I nyy institut prosmozov.- Trudy,, no. 143j, 1965. Stroyeniye troposfery i stratoofery i vzaimosvyaz' tsirkulyatsii Severnogo i Yuzhnogo Polushariy (Structure of the,troposphere and stratosphere and interrelation of the circulations of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres), 3-23 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric circulation., winds stratosphere, atmospheric temperature ABSTRACT: The temperature distribution and zonal components of the wind in the stratosphere over the equatorial, western, and northern parte-of the Pacific Ocean and also over Alaska were studied. A well-defined biennial cyclicity (averaging 25-26 months) was established for the 17-30 km layer of the equatorial strato- sphere. The eastern component generally increases with height; the western compo- nent decreases. The actual velocity of each cor"onent increases with height. The wind components become more complex northward (7-140 N lat)s but the eastern com- ponent is much stronger than the western. The maximum eastern component occurs in sumer, with the value in winter markedly less. In this zone the annual cycle L 32654-66 ACC NRt AT6017316 becomes appreciable. In the zone from 24 to 300 N lat, the lower stratosphere exhibits an annual cycle of wind variation. In the 20-36 km layer the eastern trend is dominant, Western currents are observed at these heights only when the biennial western trend of the lower latitudes appears. The biennial trend may be detected only to 300 N lat; in the temperate zone to the north it is missing. From 35 to 450 N lat, the western direction is dominant (at 100 and 80 mb), with a pro- nounced annual cycle, maximum velocity in winter, and minimum in sunmr. The west- ern trend is dominant in the temperate zone (about 550 N let) at the 80-mb surface. Above the 50-mb surface, an eastern current appears. At higher latitudes (60-70"), beginni at the 100- and 80-mb surfaces, an alternation of eastern and western components of wind is noted. Velocity of the western component gradually increases with height. This is due to the position of the westerly stratospheric jet stream, which lies on the northern edge of the zone and is felt most strongly there. The change from westerly to easterly circulation in the high latitudes begins before the change in lower latitudes, The annual behavior of temperature in the lower equa- torial stratosphere and in high latitudes is approximately the same as in the tropo- sphere. In the middle latitudes, the temperature in the lower stratosphere is some- what less in summer than in winter. At 26-28 km and higher in the middle and high latitudes,, two maximums (summer and winter) and two minim (spring azid fall) are noted in the temperature. In the lower stratosphere (100 and 50 mb), the horizontal temperature gradient is from north to south in the low and middle latitudes, but is reversed in higher latitudes. Orig. art, has: 7 figures and 3 tables. SUB COIEZ 04/ SUBM DATEs none/ ORIG MWt 008/ OTH REFi' 008 mrd 2/2 2 L-G,- /v (I.; "IM'S CU, 11.,* M.; MO.S0, P.; C. A. in surgery of caves of cmistic nc-r-In. ter., Bwu--. 61~7-1f'7 1957. (330PLOUS, steror;ii cAuatic, nux,f% UNYI, B. "Subgrave ling",, P. 370, (KOZLEKEDESTUDOMANYI SZEMLE, Vol. 3o 110. 10, Oct. 1953, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionso (EEAL), LCI Vol. 3, No.12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. UiTyly B. wSoil so idification works coniucted bj 3tate Railw%ys." Velyepitestwiomanyi ".zemle, Budapest, Vol. 4, No. 6, June 1954, p. 321. SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 11, Nov. 1954, L.G. Ex.).1-Iriences in ~-)lanned !.)reventive maintenance of track bv the Pecs District !Lvilviay I.-Imagemnt. T). 100 Vol. 5, No. 11, Nov. 195'!~- Biudapest, SZL,:IE SO: 1,onthly Idst of East European Acccssion, (EKAL) , IL, Vol. U0. 3, March, 1956 IRM, B. Problems of the application of jointless rallrond structures in fftmg-ir~i. p.28 .-;ZE"IE. (Yozlekedes- es rozlekede3epitestw~omqnyi E,~ ;3resulet) Budapest, Hunr:.qry Vol. 9, no.1fi, Jan./Feb. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAT) I-C., Vol. R, no.7, JUIY 1959 Uncl. UIPLI, Bela More and more jointless rails are made. Vasut 8 no.2: 19 15 Mr $58, UNrl, Bela Rumanian track velders in Hungary. Vasut 12 no.1:18-19 30 ja 962, UNYI, Bela, dr. Hardening V-pieces of crossing by using explosives* VaBut 12 no.2.-3 of cover 25 F '162. Ul.,Yl,-,,Bola,, dr..,- Development of accurate position level on high-apeed tracks. Vasut 12 no.5:19-20 31 My ~6~2. UTM., Bela., dr. 1W, - Newer development in shovel packing workx, Vasut 12 no.12:6-7 D #62. - UNYI, Bela, dr., a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa Some aspects concerning the construction and maintenance of rail- road tracks for high speed. Kozl tud ez 13 no.1:29-35 Ja '63. 1. Kozlekedee- es Postaugyi Miniazterium I.Vasuti foosztalyaban foeloado. UNYI &I Bolas dr.., a muszaki tudomanyok kandidatusa - Adjusting the position of railroad tracks by underp2atbig. Vasut, 13 no.4M-30 Ap 163. 0, Ao UNYIp Bela,, dr.# a muzzaki tudomanyok kendidatusa, foeloado 4plication of shovel packing ond the method of underplating in jointleso rail constructions. Kozl tud on 13 no.11&1+82- 491 X963 - 1. Kozlekedes- es Pbstaugyi Miniazterium. I. Taouti Fooaz-- tal7a. UNU~ B., Kandidat, der technischan, Wiseenschaftenj KUWOLYp E. Welding of switches into jointlaaa railway tracks. Acta techn Hung 44 no,V2s51-72 263. 1. Ministeriup fur Vorkshro und Poetwessup Budapest (for UmWi). 2. Imbratuhl fur EisenbahnbiLu und 4M'rieb, Technische Univernitat fur Bau- und Verkshrmiesen, Budapest (for Karkapoly). UNYI, Bela., dr. Construction of the new Tokaido railway in Japan. Vasut 14 no, 2: 20-21 F 164. UNYI? Bela, dr. Prevention and consequences of certain defect3 in ~he xAin- tenance of JoIntless tracks. Vasut 14 no. 4:23-25 Ap 164. ai lway 2 r ~"4 i ozi z h higncr i ~nnlrg 6 vipw of t no. 7t307-,,)'-'2 64. 1,14n~strv of T.-ar-.*-p~.-*-,l'-; I . . A. 14(6) SOV/112-59-1-483 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, p 63 (USSR) AUTHOR: Unyushin, M V TITLE: Concrete Work in High-Dam Construction in Italy PERIODICAL: V 9b.: Energ. str-vo. Vol 2, M.-L., 1958, pp 76-79 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. Card 1 / 1 KRUDRNA, Milan~ UIIZEITIG, Jan Experience withdasigning the rubber tube pump. Chem prum 12 no.3:139-14,1 Mr ~62. 1. Vyzkt=y ustav syntettlelersh ;wyskyric a laku, PaWubice. U S S R "OKipwAl sytiew f3( Wratfifeg and rum'del "fJ!AU�Lq tm British Abet- _ G St. MxAfOfwv_~C. R. Aiod..'~m d1 l l f fi W ivu ror agmia :T - f frrvnit mwM o n ir~ %)"t( I'l 1, .4 s t he con I i I I I r t mi o I .% c t I, i tol I ri; a I I I Aug. 1953 U C!xy~b:m of thv falmdij h divol-I ' Ucs Chamloal Equilibria awl Kine III- eflitillhillml into 9 fidds, tile Uugr~t of %vidds Is thatul X(I. 1~011 JAMI j! 1,10111 RCI ii Shifted vtf,;pgly tkjwald~; I'll III + K(I whiAl Ila, tile Wilt dirct (2054 lik-cal.l' thc piral"t '4(1111 of lilitiv. vocigiC4 (11)!4 Pg -CAL). 010 f1w (Wl"I"tirv of tlju' '1m14 AA imlic tadii, Thl IV "go fi invariallt :1 I'l Itw,,I nit,,clic. Re hilt(.1odion of hydroxidt:4 leto tha lAtiary -Ay't,w LKA RCI fAvotit'l the furniatiun of "fuph ~'i a limited $47. to '144. lu euttetic tWMA 1y) W cVkli KOH avel I to. to the qdem k)1(. Oil v4s twoum an I t mettlua A ".4014101 nh:rh 60M.A 19-: SOU'l Tlle~ eatectic point (wIW toft, of H,KOIf &ad VOlf) . 227' ad the Wasidw ~Amt at 3140. 14.1104th IA K C) Y' IwA wd t Fit., Im. C.A js it" aw IMAW trx. ~Mffw- 17 lag szw~w -~Ilriprvcal 97CM11 vf PoI144hull end sgjjkQ llxdr*xMlq-, And b.-CYaIdaS. L i~$i. MvM.T";~. 2. U S S -It- Tgr ,I sm. IN-,No. 40176-The Ii idm gTaln 'if the Fcciproml SY-tcm N?a R011, Sr 11 4 CSY!.m. 4 of "I%: h W~m thwe nf Ulf'. ci ;,nd 2 weso Of "ITIPds. K(;,i-Y.Br Rnd M1011-NaUr, Of the 5 triple Iu*,iit3 2 wore cutcct;c: 170aad250'. G. M. Crz~~,Ik Data nhtziri--d by t~, pmcal sy~(cms: K, I.;, r 7 I ij,OH, Hr; --nJ K- Niaj:i.' A'nilar ivsterus inciuding il-~!;,!- With ruf-irnre to !lc f'. in ~nd d!-m campd, C-ri` fasion tuapi, and latti,, f 43 8230h) lc:-d to the foll-ned by 'ubst-Inc- 101 th~ VA- t, entel are the 5malint.