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-AUTHORS. Kleyn, A. L., lic V SOV/16.51-58-4-10/47
TITLE: Evaluation of LimestDne as a Fluxing Agent in them Siam,,ns-
Martin-Procass (Otsenka izvestnyaka kak flyusa v martenovskom
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady -;ysshey shkcly. Metallurgiyo., 1958,
Nr 4, pp 59-62 (USSR)
ABSTIRACT: The splitt-j'ng-up of limestone on heating is taken into account
for the evaluatioj of the quality of limestone. The causes of
its spiitt~ -a-io~-n heated arp: 1) Separation of hygroscopic
moisture and ~,rystajlizatiori mristure, 2) great difference of
the 1-4rear factors of expansion af calcite crystals which are
determined in parallel and vertical position to their optical
axes, 3) separation ,)f CO,; on dissociation, 4) "the effect of
'these three fa-,tr;rs is in,~~reased with a significant rise of
temperature. The authors have worked out a method of comparing
tho limoEil,~neo ac-ording to the degree of splitting-up under the
iraluence of all the fact)r.3 montiono(I above. The paper
descz-_-bes this method and the resui.ts of the invo-otigation of
several varieties -.)f limestone . 0 Since the acceleration of
Card 1/2 slag formation depends also on the expansion of the reaction
Evaluation of Limestone as a Fluxing Agent -,:.n -~he sov 6 --
S--'- emens-Marti1---Pi-r,,-;ess
surf&.,,e betweer the slag and the fl-axing agent, the splitting-ul~
4. -. 'the crushing of the fluxing agent during its assimila.-ion
by the slag melt must be taken into aocount. 2) If crude
11-mestore i., used. as a f':-axirg agent an add-itional
c:haraf,teri.sti,~s for evaluating limestone has been suggested in
the forn of a spi-itt-'-ng-up-index. 3) The method of evaluating
the splittirg-up-ind.L?x for limeotone has beer worked out in
pr and ~~;ar- be improved in order tc adjust it to
Therp ara 2 figures, 2 tables, and
5 ref-;:r:2n-,-es, 4 of w~ioh are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION;! Ura---Iskiy politekhnicheskiy ir-3titut (Ural Polytechnical
SUBMITTED: March 11, 1958
Card 2/2
KLETN, A.Lo, inzh,; UMRIKHIN, P.V.,, doktor takhu.nauk, prof,
Interaction of basic liquid slag and limestone, Izv. vyz. ucheb,
zav.; chern.mot. no.5:13-20 My 158. (MIRA 11:7)
l.Urallskiy politakhnicheskiy, inatitut.
(Open-hearth process) (Flux (Metallurgy))
ROMAWV, A.A., Insh.; UMMIN, P.V.. doktor tekbn.nauk, prof.
Improvement of ingot structure by vibrating steel in the course
of solidification. Inv. vys. ucheb. savo; chern. met, no*7:
37-43 Jl '58. (lawk 11:10)
(Steal ingots-Vibration) (Solidification)
BOGATMOT, V.F.. insh.; EMOCRIM, X#T., dots.0 kand.tekhn.nauk;
UNRIJBIN. P-V-, prof.. doktor tokhn.nauk
-- Ta-f-er Permeability of basic slags, Izv.vyie.uuh~b.s&v.; chorn.met.
no&8:13-20 Ag 158. (xiRA 3.1:n)
1. Urallskly polltekhnichookly institut.
(Slag-Permeability) (Steel,--Hydrogen content)
SOKOLOV, T.Te., insh.; DITACHKOV, V.I., kaud- takhn. nauk; UNRIKEINs P-V--
doktor tok:hn. nauk, prof
Bottom pouring of killed low-carbon steel. Izv. Y". uchob.
zav*;. chorus met* no.12:9-16 D 158. (MIRA 12:3)
l.Urallakly politokhnichookiy institut.
(Steel ingot@)
I vx~ tn' 1--,T 11 vf I
D"TACHKOV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; UMRIKHIN. prof., Joktor telthn.
nauk; SLIBAREV, S.G., inzh., YADNW, I.G.6 lazh.
Improved technology of melting and pouring high-cbromium nickel-
molybdenum steel [with summary in English]. Stall 18 no.2:120-126
F 158. (MM 11123)
1. Urallskly politekhnlcheakiy institut i 2avod im. A.K. Serova.
(Nickel-chromium-molybdonum alloys--Metallurgy)
AUTHORS: Kleyn, A. L.f Umrikhin, F. 7. 7 -' -7-29i's'5
.Ir - -
TITLE: On the Determination Methods of the Rupture Quality of
Limestones From Different Sites (K metodike opredeleniya
pokazatelya rastreskivaniya izvestnyakov rtzny!:h mestorozhdeniy)
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 24, Nr 7,
PP. 843 - 844 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Limestone exhibits different properties of friability at heating,
This is important in its application in metallur-
.y and in
blast furnaces. Therefore a special -nethod of determination
of this quality was worked out. The limestone is ground and
is then sieved in three fractions: 10-7, 7-5 and 5-2 mm. The
testing equipment consists in principle of a crucible furnace
which is adjusted to it temperature of 10000. The limestone
fractions are placed in a corundun crucible and are heated for
five minutes. After this time ruptures, but no noticeable
decomposition of the linestone should be found. After coolin.,,.,,
the samples are sieved again. The granulometric composition
Card 1/2 is determined and from it the rupture quality is computed, taking
On the Determination Methods of t~.e Ruptire Qualitf SOV13 2 -14-7 -29 /65
of Limestones From Difle_-ent Sites
into account the mean percenta,e of particles with a size below
2 mm. In order to obtain a true value, several determinations
must be carried out, their number depending upon the bulk of
limestone to be investile-ated. A table containing the values of
three sortn of linriestone i:. given. The true specific weiglit is
determined pycnometrically and the apparent specific wei_;-ht
by hydrostatic weighing, a special method being used for this,
From the resultc may be seen, that a tendency prevails of in-
creasing frinbility an the content of mat-,-nesiurn oxide is redliced
and the porosity is increased. There are 1 figtiro,and.2 tables,
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. S.1.'..),J_r.-)va (Ural Poly-
technical Institute i-neni S.M.Kirov)
Card 2/2
Is (5)
AUTHORS: Kleyn, A. L., Umrikhin, P. V., SOV/163-5g-2-5/4,-,
Startsev, V. A.
TITLE: Assimilation c. Lime -Lnd Slag-forming Mixtures by Basic
Chromic Slags (Assimilyatsiya izvesti i shlakoobrazuyushchikh
smesey osnovnym khromsoderzhashchim shlakom)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. 14atallurgiya, 1959,
lir 2, pp 27-31 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The influence of ferrous oxide (FeO) on the solubil~,~i~g;,
lime luring the melting process of slag in th,:o,-,z!n-hn?_r-th/
was investigated and the results are given in figure 1. A
positive influence was confirmed. At the beginning of the
melting process the basicity In the slag is reduced with the
increase of the aluminum oxide content (Fig 2, Curve 1). The
aluminum content in the slag rises in the middle and at the
end of the melting period from 9-12 %. Thus the solubility of
lime In the slag mGlt is increased (Fig 2, Gur,.res 2 and 3)-
The basicity is reduced in the case of a further increase of
the aluminum oxide content in the slag and the asoimilation
of chalk in the liquid sldg is reduced. The lina assimilation
Card 1/2 is impro7ed by the increase of the chromium content In the
Assimilation o."' IJrAe and Slag-forming Mixtures by ZOV/!63-59-2-5/48
Basic Chromic Slags
slag under the formation of scarcely meltable chromium
spinels. Tho microstructure of the slag with purest 31me and
of mixtures with bauxite was taken and ia given in figure 3
(a - g). There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 6 references,
5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnic
SUBMITTED: September 16, 1958
Card 2/2
18-3200 77135
SOV/148 -5.9 -9 -5/22
AUTHORS: Startsev, V. A. (Engineer), Umrikhin, P. V. (Doctor
of Technical Sclon-.,cs, ProfeETsD-r-)--
TITLE: The Interaction of' Carbon of Metal Bath With the Hearth
of the Basic Open-Hearth Furnace
PERIODICAL: Izvestlya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly. Chernaya
metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 9, PP 53-59 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to find out the part
played by the hearth In the process of decarbonization
of metal and also to find out to what extent this
process determines the chemical wear of the hearth or
its durability. The possibility of the hearth's
participation in metallurgical reactions was previously
mentioned by V. A. Dementlyev (Dementlye-, V. A.,
Increase of Durability of the Hearth in 6pen-Hearth
Furnaces, Metallurgizdat, 1950) and A. M. Levin
(Levin, A. M., Collection of Papers of Dnepropetrovsk
al Institute, Nr 28, 1952). The te3t melts
were performed by the scrap process In 100-ton mazut-
Card IA (residue of petroleum)-fired furnaces and by the scrap-
ore process In a 220-ton furnace fired by blast furnace
The Interaction
With the Hearth
Card 2A
of Carbon of Metal Bath
of the Basic Open-Hearth 77135
gas and mazut. The results of 4,500 melts conducted
in 100-ton and 220-ton furnaces, covering a period of
time during which 200 preventive repairs of the hearth
took place, were subject to otatistical processing.
The results are given in Figures I and 2, wheve each
point represents 1100-500 melts.
407 OV 409 041 W 420 4-V 42 ON 4W 414,0 046 k% C1
1. Dependence of life of furnace bbt~6-m on
carbon content In metal during period of time
7Y 13 5
A drastic decrease of life of burned-in bottom
sponds to the furnace work when producing, steel
either raised carbon content (Figr. 1b), ov very
carbon content (Fig. la).
rz, -/,- ---Ivy. C16
IN - 441
4N - JR4.7
/is PRO 17011 NIJIV
LiFr ar sorm# Mrtri
Fig. 2. Dependence of life of furnace bottom on carbon
content in metal during smelting process. CP = carbon
content in metal after melting; CB = carbon content in
Card 3/8 metal before steel tapping,
The Interaction of Carbon of Metal
Bath With the Hearth of the Basic
Open-Hearth Furnace
The Interaction of Carbon of Metal
Bath With the Hearth of the Basic
Open-Hearth Furnace
Card 4/8
Althogether, about 250 samples of burned-in bottom ;,ere
tested. It was established that carbon content In metal
under the slag and along the depth of the bath varies.
Study of the chemical composition of the bottom showed
that, during the period from the end of tapping to the
beginning of charging, the concentration of it-or, oxides
in the surface layer of the bottom increases, and during
melting it decreases. The petrographic study shows that
the surface layer of the burned-in bottom, being
subjected to oxidizing action, consists of large and
fine grains of periclase (magnesium oxide',, having deep
brown or totally black coloring, due to the Iron oxides
dissolved in them. The cementing phase consists of
crystal whiskers of ferrimonticellite (Cao-MG0-Si0"J-F,eO,
which grew in interspace between the grains of pertclase,
and the opaque glass. The oxidizing effect of the
furnace gass on the surface layer of the burned-in bottom
apparently decreased considerably as soon as the bottcm
was covered by the chai-Ge materials. The ppocess of
The-Interaction of Carbon of Metal
Bath With the Hearth of the Basic
Open-Hearth Furnace
Card 5/8
interaction of iron oxides in the surface layer of the
bottom with carbon of the metal bath begins in the
second half of' the melting perLod, closer to the complete
melting of the bath. This process lowers the wear,
resistance of the burned-in botton, due to disruption of
solidity between the separate grains of periclase,
caused by the reduction of iron oxides to the metal.
It was established that in the course of melting the
content of iron oxides In the surface layer of burned-
In bottom decreased. It always happened when carbon
content In metal before tapping was over 0.i0%. it
was also established that the content of iron oxides
in the burned-in bottom decrease3 more during melting
of high-carbon steel than during smelting of low-carbon
steel. A petrographic investigation of the burned-in
bottom showed that during finishing of the melt the
grains of periclase (toward the end of the period) are
refined, and their color changes to light-yellow,
Indicating the decrease of dissolved iron oxides. It
was discoverzd that metallic beads of not more than 1 mm
The'Interaction of Carbon of Metal
Bath With the Hearth of the Basic 77135
Open-Hearth Furnace SOV/1118-59-9-5/22
in size are formed along the working surface of the
hearth; at a depth of 10-15 mm, they are of 0.15 to
0.25 mm in size. These beads are the product of
reduction of Iron oxides by the carbon of metal. The
wear resistance of the hearth, when producing steel
with carbon content under 0.10%, decreases mainly at
the end of the melt (se2 Fig.
Card 6/8
The Interaction of Carbon of Metal
Bath With the Hearth of the Basic
Open-Hearth Furnace
fe-0 a,111Wr IAI 5dY-1 ~Yo
Card 7/8 Fl.g. Relationship between oxygen content In metal and
FeO content In slag and the burned-in bottom.
The Interaction of Carbon of Metal
Bath With the Hearth of the Basic
Open-Hearth Furnance
7 7 1 -5
To minimize the interaction of the surface layer oP
the hearth with the metal of the bath, the
measures are recommended: (1) a forced oxidation of
carbon in the metal bath in the course of the me!--
(2) alternating of high-carbon and low-carbon steel
melts; (3) accelerated repairs of the hearth by the
burned-in bottom of thick layer of magnesite poader
with scale (100-300 win). There are 5 figures; 3
tables; and 5 Soviet references.
Ural Polytechnic Institute (Urallskiy politeklinicheslkly
June 15, 1959
Card 8/8
T!~4KHIIXI P.V.,, doktor tekhn.neuk Prof.; KUROCHKIN, K.T., kand.telft.nauk,
I.. - dots.; NIZHIILISKIT, P.Ys., )mnd.tekhn.nauk
Iffect of early sbg formation on hydrogen content in the
metal during the open-hearth process. Trudy Ural.politakh.
inst. no.75:7-19 '59. (NMRA 13:4)
(Steel--Hydrogen content) (Open-hearth process) (slag)
Effect of manganese, silicon, and aluminum on the formation and
floating of iron deoxidation products. Trudy Ural. politekh.
inst. no.93:123-137 159. (AURA 15:3)
Improvement of steel structure during the vibration of ste-el
being crystallized. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.93:13,-7
151 159. (~ffRA 15:3)
(Steel ingots) (Crystallization)
BOGATENKOV, V.P.. inzb.; UNRIMN. P.V., dok-tor tekhn.nauk prof.;
KMCHKIN, K.T., kand.tekbn.nauk
Water permeability of liquid banic slage. Trudy Ural.politakh.
Inat. no.75:20~25 '59. (KIRA 13:4)
(Slag) Steel--Hydrogen content)
KUROCRKIN, K.T., kand.tokhn.nauk, dots.; UHRIKHIN, P.T., doktor toldin.
nRuk, ~rof.; BOGATRNKOV, V.F..'-fuzb-*f'MMAKOT, D.K., kand.
taVzhn.muk, dote.; BAUM, B.A., inzh.
Answer to N.S.Kikhailetse I%v,vys.ucheb.zav.; chern.met.
2 no-7:147-1~1 Jl 159- (MI]LI 13:2)
1. Ural'skiy politekhnichookly Inatitut.
(Metals--Hydrogen contant)
KLICYN, A. L. Insh.; STMITM, V.A., inzh.; WMKIIIN, P.Y., doktor
takhn.nauk prof.
Certain characteristics of chromium-bearing, slags producod
during the malting stage of tho open-hearth process. Izv.
vysoucheb.zave; chern.met. 2 no.8:45-53 Ag '59.
(HIRk 13:4)
1. Ural'skly politakfiNicbeekiy Institut. Rekomendovana Imfedrov
metallurgii stall Ural'skogo politekhnichookogo instituta.
(Open-hearth process) (Slag-Anuly9io)
LUP]ffKO, VA., insh,; UHRIXHIN, F.V., doktor tokhn.nauk, prof.
Acceleration of steel smelting processes by Injecting into
the open-hearth furnace bath ground slag-forming materials.
Izv.v)rs.ucheb.sav.; chern.met, 2 no.10:29-41 0 159.
(MIRA 13:3)
1. Institut metallurgit Urallskogo filials, AN SSSR. Re-
konandovano kRfedroy motallurgii stalt. Urallskogo politekhni-
cheakogo institute.
(Stool--Metallurgy) (Open-hearth furnaces)
SM~TSE,Vj V,A,O ~spir I'MU"I119 P.V/.t prof.9 doictor telchn.nauk
Investigating the interaction L carbon in the metal with a be-sic
open-hearth furnace hearth botto---. Trudy Ural. =--.91:
12-27 160. (nl-4-A :~1:2)
(Steel-Yotallurgy) (Open-hearth furnaces)
KIJAIN, A.L., inzh.; prof., doktor tel-,bn.nauk
As.similation of a complex flux by liquid slags in conditions of
laboratory and industrial testing. Trudy Ural. politekh.imst.
no.91:37-46 160. (14IRA 14:2)
(Flux (14etallurcy)-Tosting) (Slag-Testing)
vi ~ - I
Moscov. Institut stall.
Novoye v teorii i praktike proizvodfitva martenovskoy stali (Ifev (Developwntal
in the Theory and Practice of Open-Hearth Steelmnldng) Moscov, Metallurgizdat,
1961. 439 P. (Series: Trudy MezhvumwskoSo nauchnogo, soveshchaniya)
2,150 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agencyt Mlaiaterstvo vyashego i orednego spetaiallnogo obrazoyaniya
RSFSR. Makovskiy institut stali imeni 1. V. Stalin&.
Zds.% M. A. Glinkov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. V. Ktyndskov,
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. A. Kudrin, Docent, Candidate of
Technical Sciences, 0. N. Oyka, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
and V. 1. Yavoyskiy, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Ed.: Ye. A.
Borko; Ed. of Publishing House., N. D. Grawr; Tech. Ed.t A. 1. Karasev.
PURPOM: This collection of articles is intended for members of scientific
institutions, faculty members of schools of higher education, engineers
concerned with metallurgical processes and physical chemistry, and students
specializing in these fields.
Neir (Developments] in the Theory (cont.) SOV/5556
COVERACMI The collection contains papers reviewing the development of rpez-
hearth steelmaking theory and practice. The papers, written by staff
members of schoole of higher education, scientific research institutes,
and main laboratories of metallurgical plants, were presented and disc~jnaed
at the Scientific Conference of Schools of Higher Education. The follwllng
topics are considered-. the kinetics and machmism of carbon oxidation; the
process of slag formation in open-hearth furnaces using in the charge either
ore-lime briquets or composite flux (the product of calcining the mixture of
lime with bauxite); the behavior of hydrogen In the open-hearth bath; metal
desulfurization proceseesi the control of the open-hearth thermal melting
regime and its automation, hest-eng~lneering problems in large-capacity
furnaces; aerodynamic properties of fuel gases and their flov'in the furnace
combustion chamber; and the improvement of high-alloy steel quality throigh
the utilization of vacuum and natural gases. The followilw, persons took
part in the discussion of.the papers at the Conferencei S.I. Fluppov,
V.A. Kudrin, X.A. Glinkov, BP. Nam, V.I. Yavoyakiy, G.N. Oyks and Ye.
V. Chellahchey (Moscow Steel Institute)j Ye. A. Kaza hir - azx& A. S.
MuLritonov (Zhdanov Metallurgical Institute); N.S. Xikhayiets(tuatitute of
Chemical Metallurgy of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences USM);
A.I. Stroganov. and D. Ya. Povolateldy (Cbelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute);
P.V. Unrikh'n Ural Polytechnic Institute); I.I. Tomin (the Moscov uSerp I
molot" Vistallurgical Plant); V.A. ftklay (Central Asian Polyteebnle Institute)
Card 2/14
Nev [Developments) in the Theory (Cont.) WV13556
and M.I. Beylinoy (Ilight School of the Dw.-prodzer-zhinsk MeUalurgizal Institute).
References follov acme ot the artleles. There am 268 refeivnees, watly soriet.
Forevord 5
Yavoyakiy, V. 1. (Moskovskiy institut stM - Hoomv Steel Institute).
Principal Trends in the Development of Scientific Research in Steel
Manufacturing T
Filippov, S. 1. (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Moscow Steel
institute]. Regularity Patterns of the Kinetics of Carbon Oxidation 15
In Metals With Low Carbon Content
Ev. r. Antonenka participated in the experlments4
Levin, S. L. [Professor, Doctqr of Technical Sciences, Dnepro;etrov kly
metallurgicheskiy Institut - Dne;rovetrowsk Metallurgical Institute].
Card V14
Vew [Developwntalin the Theory (Cont.) SOV/5556
On the.Tbeory of Carbon oxidation in the Open-Hearth Bath
Challahchov, Ye. V. [Docent, Candidate of Technical Sclencem,
Hoscov Steel Institute). Special Feature@ of Carbon Oxidation
in the Open-Rearth Bath
Mikhaylets, N. S. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, Mdmiko--
metallurgicheakly institut Sibirikogo otdeleniya AN SSSR
Institute of Chemical Metallurgy of the Siberian Branch of the
AcadcrV of Scie= es, USSR). Carbon Oxidation in the Baths of
Open-Hearth Furnaces of Various Sizes
Startsov, V. A. [Engineer], and P. V. Umrikhin (Professor,
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Ura1vffkTy-p0111W11n1cheakiy inistitut
Ural Polytechnic Institute]. Interaction Betveen the Metal-Bath
Carbon and the Hearth of the Basic Open-Hearth Furnace During the
Scrap and Ore-Scrap Processes
Stroganov, A. -I. [Docent, Candidate of Technical Science*,
ChelyabinskI7 politekhnicbeskly institut - Chelyabinsk PolyUcbnic
Institute]. Carbon Oxidation in the Open-Hearth Bath
Card 4/14
Nev (Developments) in the Theory (Cont.) SW/5556
Rybakov, L. S. (Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Ural
Polytechnic Institute). Carbon Oxidation During the Malting
Period in the Basic Open-Hearth Scrap and Scrap-Ore Processes 69
Discussion of Papers 79
Rybakov, L. S. Investigating the Slag Formation in the Basic
Open-Hearth Scrap and Scrap.-Ore Processes 89
Rybakov, L.S. Slag Formation in the Basic Open-Hearth Furnace
Daring the Intrrduction of Oxygen Into the Flaw 102
Uu'rikhin P V V.A. Startsev, and A.L. Kleyn (Engineer, Ural
Period in Precessing the Chrome-Containing Charge
[P. Ye. Nizhel'skiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences,and
V.P. Krysoy, Engineerparticipated In the research'vork)
Card 5/14
New (Developmentalin the Theory (Cont.) SOV/5556
Kleyn, A.L., and P.V. Umrikhin (Ural Polytechnic rwtitutel, aim
Formation When Using Coffp_Fs1tF71ux Produced by Calcination of
Lime-Bauxite Mixture
Ushakov, Xe. N. (Candidate of Technical Sciences), Ye. V. Abrosimar,
(Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences], V.I. Kozloy, V.A.
Shcherbakov [Engineers],A.G. Kotin (Candidate of Technical Sciences),
and M.P. Sabiyev (Engineer], [Hoscaw Steel Institute, Ukrainakiy
nauchno-isaledavatellskiy institut metallov - Ukrainian Scientific
Research Institute of Metals Alchevskiy metallurgicheokly zavod -
Alchevsk Metallurgical Planti. Improving the Steel-kJng Process
in Large-Capacity Open-Bearth Furnaces
Voloshina, N.M. (Engineer). Using Ore-Lime Briquets Instead of Ore
and Lime In the Open-Hearth Process
(D.I. Sapiro, P.I. Kovalev, B.Z. Zbma , 0. Ye. Krav-teovp
Engineers, and I.M. Tkachenko, A.P. Poletayev, Technicians
participated in the research work)
Ofengenden, A.M. (Engineer]. Accelerating the Slag Formation and
Desulfarization In the Open-Hearth Process
card 6114
nev I DLvelopwntal in the Theory (Cont.) SOV15556
Kondratlyev, A.I., and V.Ao Chernyakove (Engineers, Moscow Steel
Institute]. intensification of the Steel Desulfurization Process
Kicelov, A.A. (Engineer, Zavod "Kreanyy Oktyabr," - Krasnyj
Olttydbr'" Plant). Some Problems 6f the Slag-Formation Process
In Open-Hearth Furnaces
tn. (Institut vetallurgii
Lul-yko, V.M. [Engiteor3p and UmrAM
Urallakogo filials. AN SM - Inatiluffi of Metallurgy of the Ural
Branch of the Aca4emy of Sciences USSR). Intensifying Steelmaking
Processes by Blowing the Powdered-Slag Formers Into the Open-Hearth
[V.V. Isupoy, X.G. Fadayev, and others participated In the
research work)
Sobolev, S.K. [Engineer), and 0.1. Oykap (Moscow Bteel XnatItute).
Off4mace Desulfurization of Cost Iron by blovin4 Lim and
Aluminum Susponsions
Card 1/ 14
Konferentelya po fiziko-khtmicheakim osnovam proizvodstva stall. 5th,
Moscow, 1050.
Fiziko-khimichei3kiye osnovy proizvodstva stall; trudy konferentsil
(Physicochemical Bases of Steel Making; Transactions of the
Fifth Conference on the Physicochemical Bases of Steelmaking)
Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1961. 612 p. Errata slip Inserted.
3, 700 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii imeni
A.A. Baykova.
Responsible Ed.: A.M. Samarin, Corresponding Member, Academy
of Sciences USSR; Ed. of Publishing House: Ya. D. Rozentsveyg.
Tech. Ed.: V. V. Mikhaylova.
Card I/
Physicochemical Bases of (Cont.) SOV/5411
PURPOSE: This collection of articles Is Intended for engineers and
technicians of metallurgical and machine -building plants, senior
students of schools of higher education, staff members of design
bureaus and planning Institutes, and scientific research workers,
COVERAGE: 7%e collection contains reports presented at the fifth
annual convention devoted to the review of the phyBicochemical bases
of the steelmaking process. 7hese reports deal with problems of the
mechanism and kinetics of reactions taking place In the molten metal
in steelmaking furnaces. The following are also discussed: problems
involved In the production of alloyed steel, the structure of the ingot,
the mechanism of solidification, and the converter steelm 'alting
process. The articles contain conclusions drawn from the results
of experimental studies, and'are accompanied by references of which
most are Soviet.
Card 2/16
Physicochemical Bases of (Cont.) SOV/5411
Bogatenkov, V. F. , K. T. Kurochkin, and P. V. Umrikhin. Investi-
gating-the Permeability of Basic Open -H e`arFffi_91_a_gto ffy-drogen 195
Grigorlyev, V. P., A. F. Vishkarev, B. G. Korolev, Ye. V. Abro-
simov, and V. 1. Yavoyskiy. Effect of Phosphorus and Manganese
on the Surface Tension of Ferrocarbon Alloys 204
Khitrik, S. 1. , and Ye. 1. Kadinov. Reducing Chromium Losses in
Making Stainless Steel With the Use of Oxygen [Blast] 213
[The following persons participated in the research work: A. V.
Rabinovich, Yu. V. Chepelenko, V. P. Frantsov, 1. P. Zabaluyev,
V. F. Smolyakov, P. V. Demidov, M. M. Dovgiy, T. M. Bobkov,
Ye. 1. Moshkevich, A. M. Neygovzen, T. F. Olenich, K. P. Gunaza,
B. 1. Zlatkina, and Yu. A. Nefedov. )
Baptizmanskiy, V.I. Certain Problems of the Mechanism and
Card 9116
Water permeability of acid open-hearth furnace slags. Izv.
vya. uchab. zav.; ch,-;rn. ira-t. no.-.'js65-72 16t. CURA 14:2)
1. Urallskiy politeldinichaskiy institut.
(Open-hearth furnaces--~Equipment and supplies)
AUTH=s- Baum, B. A., Kurochkin, K. T., Umrikhin, P. V.
TZ M i The process of hydrogen liberation from liquid steel in gas blowing
PMODICALs 1xv9stlya vysshikh uohobnykh savedenly. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 2,
1961, 22 31
TMI The results of an experimental investigation are dfacussed with ref-
erenoes to "%a of nineteen works partly confirming +.he authors, conclusions and
partly 111tatrating that the existing opinions on the process are different. Three
allbys were melted 1* the subject experiments: a) Fe - C (0.8 - 1.0% 0, 0,10 Mn,
0.01 a.' 0.015 P, 0.004 8, 0.1 - 0.3 Al); b) Fe - 8 (0.02-0, Otlo Ma, 0.01 Sil
0.015 P, 0.07 - 0.09.8. 0.1 - 0.3 Al),- a) Fe - C - 3 (0-8 - 1.0 C, 0.10 Ma, 0.01
31, 0.015 P, 0.07 - 0.09 S, 0.1 - 0.3 Al). The test conditions were the following:
30 - 35 ks of the metal-wis melted in a laboratory induction furnace, blowing and
mixing we& ottected at &'reduced current of 10 - 15 kw; the bath depth was 16o -
180 mm; deoildization was carried out with aluminum, the San was blown thr6u*h one
troxi p1pe with magnesite cylindrical nozzle with closed bottom and four side holes
or O,mm In diameter; the metal was saturated with hydrogen after melting by
C&rd 1/ 3
The process of hydrogen-liberation from liquid steel ... A16i/A133
means of bpbblins with mixed 10% propane and 90% butane; blowing pure argon and
helium' (with-not more than 0.13% N and 0.006% 0 ), nivrogen (N99.0%) and chlorine,
ii o.04 - 0.1 &to pressure; the eifict of mi~Q was also tudied. The mixing
of metal by blowing and stirring did not exo(jod the usual ri:" in shop furnaces.
7he experimental results are illustrated In graphs and a table. Gas.neutra to
hy*mksn had no effect onits 01taination; nitrogen caused an-abrupt increase of
the hrdftfion,oonoontrati~n in the metal; chlorine raised the dehydrogenation
rate not only by the + [H] f -EH21";eaotion. but by the formation
&Se tge
*T HOI as well that w under Vier at cofiditl..ons. The obtained data as well
as observatio nn in other works made previously Indiotted pulsations and an unsteady
notion of the raising gas bubbles in the metal.'. It in apparent that no.resistant
laminal f1las'exist on the boundary between the metal and gas bubbles, the liquid
metal layer an the boundary with the gas bubble is being permanently renewed, and
the rate of element transfer from the volume to the free surface depends on the
rate of turbulent diffusion. Henae if an element liberates fromAhe surface layer
into the gaseous phase through a chemical reaction at a limited rate, it is very
prob&M9 that just thIs.r*ac ion will be limiting the process rate. It may there-
fore be ocnaluded thqt the hydrogen liberation process from liquid steel during
Card 2/3
The process of hydrogen liberation from liquid steel A161/A133
riming in furnaces and during blowing in ladles in kinetic. The stage limiting
the process is the stage of hydrogen recombination in the surface layer with simul-
taneous desorption of the molecule into gaseous phase. Conclusions: 1) The rate
of hydrogen elimination in blowing through the induction fArnace crucible is limit-
ed by the rate of recombination (with simultaneous molecule desorption) on the
metal-gas boundary. 2) The factors having the strongest effect on the rate of the
process are - the blown gas consumption, the depth to which the blowing pipe is
submerged ih metal, the metal temperature, aTid the pipe nozrle~holes diameter.
Neither the chemical oo*oaition of the metal nor the nature of gas beihj blown
(if it does not react with hydrogen) do have any noticeable,offoot on the .rate of
hydrogen elimination. 3) The laboratory~'.tes~ result's and a cc~i*arison of mixing
effect lead to the conclusion that the hydrogen elimination process is also kinetic
at the riming of metal in industrial-furnaces and during the blowingIn ladles.
There are 4 figures, 1 table and 19 r~ferenoexs 14 Soviet-bloo and 5 non-Soviet-
-bloo. The two references to English-language publications read an.follown; C. H.
kma Electric Furnace Steel Conference Proceedings, V. 7, 1949, 302 - 313; L. F.
Electr. Furnace Steel Conf. Proceedings, v. 13, 1955, 58 -.69.
ASMOIATIONs Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnic Institute)
mun I june 8, 196o'
Card 3/3
BAMI, B.A. (Sverdlovok); KUROCHKIN, K.T. (Sverdlovsk); UM11IKHIN,.F.V.
Effect of hydrogen on the surface tension of iron and its alloys.
Izv. AN. SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. i topl. no.3:82-89 My-Jc 161.
(MIRA 14:7)
,(Iron--Hydrogen content) (Surface tension).
KLEYN, L L.; 2nLx~~
Ihteraction of basic liquid slag and lime. Trudy Ural. politekh.
inst. no.1160-9 161. (MIRA 16.-6)
(Open-hearth process) (Surface chemistry)
2!i~,T,4p F.-P.Y., -
Quality of high-grade steel ingots. Trudy Ural. politekh. Inst.
no.ll6s76-88 161. (MM 16:6)
(Iron and steel plants--Quality control) (Steel ingots)
UNRIMIN, P.V., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk
Improving the steel smelting proceas. Sbor. nauch. trud, Ural.
politakh. inst. no.1223191-201 161. (MNU 17:12)
Kinetics of the passage of hydrogen in the gaseoiw phase through
slag into the metal* Izvvys,uebeb.zave; chernemet, 4 no.604-41
16.1. (KMA -4 s 6)
1. Ural'skiy politekhnichookiy institut.
(Steerl-Hydrogen content)
Surface activity of hydrogen in liquid iron. Fiz. metJ
metalloved. 11 no.6:960-961 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S. M. Kirova.
Surface tension)
on-Hydrogen content)
Effect of slag conditions on hydrogen behavior in the metal
of an aoid open-hearth furnace. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.1 chern.
met, 5 no,5:56-62 162, (MIRA 15:6)
1. Urallskiy politeAhnicheakiy institut.
(Open-hearth furnaces) (Steel-Hydrogon content)
AUTHORS: Levin, Ye. S., Kurochkin, K. T., and Umrikhin. P. V.
TITM A device for hydrogen sampling of liquid metal samples by
vacuum treatment
PZRIODICAL: Zavod3kaya laboratoriya, v.28, no. 12, 1962, 1530-1531
TEXT: oith the device shown in the figure,. liquid metal is sampled in
the following way: the tap (3) is opened and the rod (1) is pushed down
until the mouthpiece of the ampoule (15) is immersed in the metal. After
the ampoule is filled the rod is pulled out. The ampoule is not completely
inside the body (2). The tap (3) is then cloied, and the body (2)
together with the rod is shifted into its topmost position and fixed by
the collar (8). The rod is then lo%yered,'the ampoule with the metal.sleeve
is taken out and immersed in cold water. After the ampoule has been
replaced the device is restored to its initial position. There is 1 figure.
ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy -olitekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polytechnic
Card 112
1 5/032/62/028/012/023/02.1
A device for hydrogen sampling... MOW
Fig. DiaEram of the aevJce. -Legend: W-0) sealing, (9) cover of a
vacuum induction furnace, 0~) fl~UlEe.
CBrd 2/2
Melting process in basic open-hearth furnaces vith use of
low-krade manganese ore. Izv. vys. ubbob. zav.; chern.
met. 6 no.2:58-67 163. (MIRA 46:3)
1. Urallskiy politekhnicheokiy institut.
(Open-hearth process)
(Manganese 6res)
Role of manganese oxides in the slag formation process in a basic
open-hearth furnace. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.6s
35-42 163. (MIRA 16s8)
1. Ural'sVj politekhnicheskiy institut.
(Open-hearth furnaces) (Slag) (Manganese oxide)
34L-63 W(q)/~;4TT(m)/BDS AFFTC/ASD ' JD
L 13
AUTHORt _LojjkqAYe. Sf T
TITIZ i The kinetics of hydroga4 remova,X during vacuuming of molten steel
SOMOEs. IM. Phermaya metanurgiya, no. 6j 1963, 5"7
ITOPIC TAGSt steel degasifications induotion vacuum furnice, VG 50/2500 motor
Igenerator, 0,Mn,SL,P,S. residual pressure
ABSTRACT: Authors studied the mechanism of steel degasification during its vaoutum. I
ing. A type MGP - 52V semi-industrial induntion vacuum furnace with a VG 50/25 ~i;
motor-go rator'Pwas used for the tests. The metal was commercial iron composed of
t Mnt sit P and S. The metal was melted do;ni and then saturated vith hydrogen,,
~,after which the slag was cleaned off from the surface and.samples were taken for
!determining the hydrogen content, Test temperatures and holding time were varied.
'Authors conclude that degasification of a metal during vacuuming occurs under ki-
netio conditions initially, -then in proportion to the decrease of t:-.o hydrogen con-!
!centration in the mixed and diffusion conditions. -Hydrogen content in the metal
after degaoification was proportional to the square root of the residual pressure
~in the chamber for all conditions. A change in the hydrogen concentration and
Card 2/2
L 13347-63
al to
-~dtgasification rate vith a given period of time an Is Inversely proportion
f the- square -root of the residual pressure in the chambar. -In-the kinetic reglon-of-'-
the degassing process, a reduction in the amount of renidual. pressure in the ebam..
I!ber is accompanied by alarge rise in the depasaing rate. It is not too large in
the mixed region and very small in the diffusion region. in the case or a pro-
longed vacuuming,, the hydrogen content in steel is practically identical for all
amounts of residual chamber pressure. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 13 formulae.
ASSOCIATION: Urall'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut_(RLal Polytechnic Institute)
f SUBMITTEDs 2lFeb62 DATE ACQ: 24Jul63 ENCLi 00
SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOVt 006 OTFM: 004
Addition of chromium to steel before deoxidntion by a preliminary
increase of chromium wdde in the slag. Iv. vys. ucheb. zave;
chern. nwt. 6 no.1002-36 063. (WRA l6t12)
1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheakiy institut.
Effect of certain factors on the kinetics of hydrogen removal from
liquid steel during its vacuuming. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern.
met. 6 no.10s43-51 163. (MIRA 16:12)
1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
Kinetics of the gas removal process during the inert-gas
blowing of metals and simultaneous vaL-auming. Izv. vys. ucheb.
zave; chern. met. 6 no.12:38-44 163. (WRA 17:1)
1. Urallskiy politekhaicheskiy institut.
ACCESSION NR: AP3 S/0193/6.3/000/006/0010/0011:,, i
Levinp Ye. S,; Kurochkin, K. T, Umr il(h:tn P. V
TITLE: Device for sampling.mglten meta dur-ng he vacuum processi
without disturbing the vacuum system
1 1
SOURCE: Byulletent toldaniko-okonomichaskoy informatzii, no. 6p 196
TOPIC TAGS: vacuum process,, metallu:Egyp samplingp inspection,
analy sis, molten mtal
ABSTRACT: The Ural Polytechnical Institute has developed a sampler
'for determining the on h en,,-ni -rag and nonmetallic
4- 02-1~4 s
Alnclusion*oontents 1H 0 e a vacuum induction
Ifurnace. The device is teei"bondy wits
KVS ith Movable rod passing
Ithrough a brass vaouum cook into the furnace, The cook is attached
.Ito a flange which in welded to the top of the furnace, A quartz test. fastened-by a metal bushing to the lower end of the rod, The
'quartz tube has a side opening for spontaneous filling with metal
!An aluminum wire is placed into the tube to thicken the sample (appro-
e. aluminum is introduced). To take a samples the roA 1-- ~'. 1,
1ximately 0 5-1 J
1-Card 1/2- -
L 16820-63
is'lowerod into the metal to fill the tube. Than the tube is raided.
removed together with the bushing, and another tube and bushing are;
'he interval betwee'h
lattached in their place for the next sampling. I
Isamplings is no more than 30 sees, This sampler has proven reliablei
land easy to maintain when used on a vacuum induction furnace o the
!YGP-52V type. Sampling for quick anal7sis makes it possible t
!control the vacuum process during operation. Original art. ha
1 figure.
.,SUBMITTED: 0.0 DATE ACQ: 02Aug63 ENCL:,, 0
Review of D.A.Smoliarankols book "Quality of carbon steel."
Stall 23 no.9:800-804 3 163. OURA 16: 10)
Effect of' n1up, conditJons on Uiss bahAvior of' pan,-e ard non-
metallic inclusions in acid electric furnace metal. Tzv.
vys. ucheb. zav.; ohern. met. 7 no.8:50-155 164.
, .9~
(1,11RA 17.
. j
1. Urall(My politoklinicheakly Awitltid,
I"roving the method of metal refining by synthetic slags.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.3157-65 164.
(MRA l7s4)
1. Ur&IIskiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
VOLKOV, S.S.; U14RIK11114, P.V.
Vesul-furatior of the metal in the ccnverter :,--~DceE5
at the condition of preliminary deoiliconization oll cast Iron.
IZVO VY50 ucheb, zav.; chern. met. 8 no.2:58 165.
(141RA 18:2)
1. Urallskiy pohtekhnicbfskiy institult.
Using manganese limestcne In oxygen blc4i-.q. 1z-.-:
zav.; chern. met. 8 no.10352.-58 165. (14:fu, -J.84,))
1. Urallskiy politeklinicheekly ~ns'litut.
".FVINI Ye's.; U~WMINP F,Iv.
Reducing th;~ of liquil~ steel in the ladle during
vacuum t-eatirent. Stall 25 ro.2:125-126 F, 165. (MIRA 18.3i
1. Urjillskiy F-olltekhnicbeskiy instAtut.
. !.'. :, - (,ITBAYDULI,.IN, i - N.
I - 10
! of Jn the allcy-~ng of steel 'n rpen-hr-qrt~-~
1 ~,5 . , up,
i'urwicfm-s . '~' r,,~ I I "I r, n r) . ',4 ; 2 2 1 - - 2 ' 3Rr (M-1. j 8 4
YAVOYSKIY, V.I., otv. red.; DICENEV, A.M.,, red.; bORKO, Ye.A.,
red.; GLINKOV, 1,1,.A.,, red.; ZARV111', Ye.Ya.., red.;
KAPUSTIll, Ye.A., red.; KOCHO, V.S.,, red.; KUDRI'li, V.A.)
red.; LAPITSKIY, V.I., red.; LEVIN, S.L., red.; OYKS,
G.14.p red., ROMENETS, V.A., red.; UKUK11114, P.V., red.;
FILIPPOV, S.I., red.
(Theory and piactice of the intensification of processes
in converters and open-hearth furnaces,; tranaactlons)
Teoriia i praktika intonsifikataii protsossov v konferte-
rakh i martenovskikh pechakh; trudy. Moskva, Metallurgiia,
1965. 552p. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Mezhv-uzovskoye nauchnoye soveslichaniye po teorii. i
praktike intensif:ikatsii protsessov v konverterakh i mar-
tenovskikh pechakh. 2. Moskovokiy institut stali i splavov
(for Filippov). 3. Zhdanovskiy metallurgichaskiy institut
(for Kapustin). 4. 'Urallskiy politeklmicheskiy institut
(for Umrikhin).
OrmatIon of free radicals In the photochemical reduction of
chlor4WWll and of Its analogs. Dal. Am SM 104 no.6:882-W5
0 '55. (KWA 9: 3)
1. Institut btokhtsit 4meni A.M. Bakha Akademil nw, 66".
Predstavleno akidealkoi A.S. Terenin".
Studyirgg the formation of free radicals during photore4uction of
chlorophyll and its analogues by the method of Weinted chain
polymerization; Biofizika 3 no-5*.547-557 158 (KIRA 11:10)
1. Institut biologicheskov khimii Imeni A.11. Bahha AN SSSR, Mosk7a.'
free radical form, in photosynthesis by chain
polymerization method (Rua))
AUTHORS: Krasnovskiy, A. A., Umrikhina A. V. SOV120-122-6-29149
TITLE: Application of the Compounds of Bivalent Iron and Ascorbic
Acid as Electron Source in Photochemical Reactions of
Porphyrins and Chlorophyll in Aqueous Media (Ispolizovaniye
soyedineniy dvukhvalentnogo zheleza i askorbinovoy kisloty
v kachestve donorov elektrona pri fotokhimicheskikh
reaktsiyakh porfirinov i khlorofilla v vodnykh sredakh)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 6,
pp 1061-lo64 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The photochemical reduction of chlorophyll is observed most
distinctly when using ascorbic acid as electron source
W +0-05 V), while the separation of oxygen of water
- +0.8 V.
in photosynthesis corresponds to the value El
Therefore it is necessary to determine the limits of the
redox potential of the source systems of the electron, which
systems are capable of a photochemical interaction with
chlorophyll and its analogs. In the investigation of the
photo-sensitized polymerization of the methyl methacrylate
Card 1/4 (Ref 1), the authors have ascertained that the chlorophyll
Application of the Compounds of Bivalent Iron and SOV120-122-6-29149
Ascorbic Acid as Electron Source in Photochemical Reactions of
Porphyrins and Chlorophyll in Aqueous Media
compounds system of bivalent iron. under illuminatiou with
red light initiates the polymerization. This indicates the
possibility of an elementary "photoreduction" - the electron
transition from Fe 2+ to the excited chlorophyll molecule with
formation of an ion radical (of the reduced chlorophyll form)~
By the work of the laboratory of the authors it was demonstrated
that the oxidized and reduced cytochrome (El - +0.26 V) are
capable of the redox transformationseensitizeod by chlorophyll
(Ref 2). Previously it was shown that porphyrins are capable
of a reversible "photoreduction" (Ref 3). But the capability of
these pigments of being reduced by ascorbic acid in aqueous
media had to be checked. The experiments have shown that in
aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid a.reAujzf_4 form with an
absorption maximum at 500 mA is formed. But the initial
porphyrin has two absorption maxima in this medium and in the
range of 450-600 m~L has: at 590 and at 545 mA (Fig 1 a). The
reverse reaction takes place slowly in the presence of air and
Card 2/4 in the dark. From the results obtained the authors come to the
Application of the Compounds of Bivalent Iron and SOV120-122-6-29149
Ascorbic Acid as Electron Source in Photochemical Reactions of
Porphyrins and Chlorophyll in Aqueous Media
following conclusion: porphyrins are capable of a reversible
"photoreduction" in aqueous acid solutions. They took part
in photo-sensitized transfer reactions of the electron from
iron ions and from the ions of ascorbic acid to the azo-dye
methyl redl finally it was demonstrated that chlorophyll
took part in reactions of this type. A. N. Terenin,
Academician, followed these investigations with interest.
There are 4 figures and 9 references, 7 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut biokhimii im. A.
(Institute of Biochemistry
of Sciences, USSR)
N. Bakha Akademii nauk SSSR
imeni A. N. Bakh of the Academy
Card 3/4
UMRIYJIINA A V. Cand Biol Sci - (diss) "The formation of free
radicals in photochemical reactions of chlororhyl and its analogues."
Moscow, 1960, 23 PP, (Moscow State Univ im M. V. Lomonosov. Faculty
of Soil Biology. Inst Biochemistry im A. N. Bakh, Acad Sci,USSR),
130 Copies, (KL, 31-60, 141)
Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra obuertable during the
illimination of plant leaveo and photoreduction of chlorophyll
and its analogues. Biofizika 5 no. 2:122-126 160. (MIRA 14:4)
1, Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR i Inatitut biokhimii im.
A.N. Bakha AN SSSR9 Moskva,
Uy 3 D;
A. V.
of Chlorophyll and its Analof,-,ues ind their
I'Dif ferent Forms s or plot)cijc,,nical Fiertr,)n (or ydro en)
Role in ~'rocesse
Report presento--I at the 5th InternatimnI 3iochemistry Cjnp_rcss,
Moscow, lo-16 Au,ust 1961
AUTHOR: Umrikhina,,.A,-,V,; Golubev, I. N.; Kayushin, L. P.;
Kra snoviki'j-,
TITLE: A s tudy of the paramagnetic properties of chlorophyll and
its analogs
SOURCE: Biofizika, v. 9, no. 4, 1964, 423-427
TOPIC TAGS; tetrapyrrol pigment, chlorophyll, ethyl chlorophyllide,
pheophytin, phthalocyanin, magnesium phthalocynnin,'EPR signal,
paramagnetic property, light effect, chlorophyll aggregation, EPR
signal temperature dependence, protoporphyrin, hematoporphyrin
ABSTRACT*. The article describes a study of the EPR signals of chloro-
phyll and some of its structurally different analogs, namely,
pheophytin, ethyl chlorophyllide, hemato- and protoporphyrin, and
phthalocyanin and Mg-phthalocyanin. The pigments were examined
in the form of solid crystalline samples in glass ampuls, either
evacuated or i~ the presence of air. All the pigments gave a similar
Card 1/3
EPR signal in the dark; the signal was a singlet with a g-factor
close to that of a free electron; different pigments displayed small
variations in signal width. This observation led to the conclusion
that the presence of the unpaired electrons producing the signal is
the result of the system of conjugated double bonds of the porphyrin
ring, and not the presence or absence of such structural el'ements as
a phycol group, a cyclopentanone ring, or side radicals. In addition,
the effect of light on the EPR signal was studied for all the pigments
and the effect of temperature and oxygen for chlorophyll a + b only.
It was found that all solid pigments produced an increased signal in
vacuum which attained its maximum in about 5-10 min. In air the
signal (for chlorophyll a + b) increased more than in vacuum.
Experiments with films and solutions of chlorophyll a + b indicated
that the degree of the pigment aggregation has a significant effect
on the signal. The effect of light on phthalocyanin and Mg-phthalo-
cyanin was somewhat differant, resulting initial'increase,
then a subsequent decrease of the signal* The temperature dependence
of the chlorophyll a + b signal has a maximum at approximately 40C.
The nature of the photoinduced signal was not investigated more
closely; it is believed that this signal is caused by unpaired
Card 2 / 3
electrons which arise as a result of an interaction of the excited
molecules of chlorophyll with oxygen molecules. It is concluded -
that the unpaired electrons are dislocated in the conjugated double-
bond system or in "active centers" and defects of the crystal lattice
of the pigments. The study is considered qualitative. and an evalu-
ation of the quantum yield of the formation of unpaired electrons is,
suggested. Orig. art. has: 6 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN -SSSRs Moscow (Biophysics
Idstitute, AN SSSR); laztitut biokhimii im. A. N. Bakha, AN SSSR, Moscow
(Biochemistry Institute, AN 8
~Card 3/3
ACCESSION NR: AP4025118 S/002-0/64/155/003/0691/0693
AUTHOR: Krasnovskiy, A. A. (Corresponding member, AN USSR); qmrikhinav
A* Vs
TITLE: On the abiogenic formation of porphine and the participation
of the latter Lh processes of photochemical electron transfer
SOURCE: AN SSSR* Doklady*, v. 155, no. 3, 1964, 691-693
TOPIC TAGS: Abiogenic synthesis, life origin, porphine, porphine co=-~
pounds, energy transfer, electron transfer, photosensitization, por-
phine synthesis.
ABSTRACT: This study was prompted by the A. X. Oparin's concept of
the formation of primary organic substances on Earth from simple In-
organic compounds (abiogenic synthesis) under the influence of UV
solar radiation, ionizing radiation, or glow discharge. The study
'consisted in tracing:-,the fluorescence of porphine formed from pyrrol
andlormaldehyde in 'sealed glass or quartz ampuls. For evacuated
ampu,ls, 8-10-hr heating in p stea,m bato was required to obtain the
distinct red huoreac'ence of porphine, while in the pTesenco of air*
'Card 1/2
oxygen a considerable amountpof porphin* Was formed within an hour.
The presence of waterr or so=# oxides, s-uch as oxides of silicon,
aluminum, titanium, zinc etc., seemed to promote the formation of
porphine*in the abov.0 descrioed re-action. UV radiation was found to
be inactive. The purified pprphine formed photosenaLtLzed the electron
transfer from$ascorbic acid An the presence of ferrous salts to the
~fin4l electron acceptor, whirh was methyl red in the experiments des-
crihed. The iesults~,confirm the possibility of the abiogenLe synthesis
of porphine, which could function as a photosensitizer in photochemical
ele6tron-transfer r4~action n which ferrous salts are electron donors*
~It is noted that errous,. s ely in the
al 9 probably occurred very wid
'primordial ocean. dratitude is expressed to Academician A. 1. Oparin
!for,;his contipous interest in the'worke The work was couplated at thoi
-Institute oi Biochaviistry, AN SSSR.
ASSOCIATION: Institut biokhimLi Lm. A. N. Bakha Akadamil, sauk SSSR
~(In~tLtute of,Biachanistry, Academy of Sciences SSSR)
SUBMITTEDx 24Dec63 DATZ ACQ,: 17A r64 ZXCL 1 00
CWj 2/2
X01 Rair SOVS 005 OTURS 001
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'in the upper part of which'ieblorephyll (or hanatoperphyrin) was
ireduced is the dark in pyridine solution with zinc amalgam. The
;reduction was carried out sither'in the presence of a small amount
!of glacial acetic acid or without It. The reduced pigment was trans-
iferred Into the lower part of the tube for spectroscopic study or
ifor chemical tests for the presence of free radicals. The spectral
;Investigation indicated that chlorophyll is reduced to a compound
'with an absorption peak of 520 m, either with or without glacial
!acetic acid. Hematoporphyrin without the acid was ieduced to a form
iwith an absorption peak of 460 m, and with the acid, to a form with'
la 670-680-a peak. The,reduced forms %re very unstable. The reduced
;chlorophyll form reverts to the initial form within 5-6 min in.vacuum;
iconversion takes place instantaneously on the admission of air into
?the tube. The hematoporphyrin product Is somewhat stabler, but the
!same conversion* also take place. The difference between two reduced'
~forms of the pirments - the photoreduced (eoge, with ascorbic acid)
and zinc;amalgam-reduced In the dark - is pointed out. The photora-.
!due-ad loin of ablorophyll *hew* so spa sissalo does not Initiate po-
,ly-m.cricaties, &ad Is stablet although its spectrus to similar to that
CWd 213
ine amalgam-reduced fora. It Is
'of the unstable and very reactive 2
assumed that the nhot6reduced form is not afree radical, but a product.
with saturated vaioncis, The presence of fr'ee radicals in the zinc
amalgam-reduced form was verified by the initiation of.tho polymer-
ization of methyl methacrylate in the some Tunberg tubes. No polymer-
izatinn took place in ihe control tests without pigment. The admis
-sion of air to the reduced pigment either inhibited the polymerization
entirely (as in the case.,of chlorophyll without acetic acid) or con-
siderably reduced it. On the basis of the above data, the formation
of ion-radicals of the ;Pigments by electron tr ansfer from zinc is'
assumed. The spectral similarity of the photoreduced and zinc amalg*=,-
reduced (in the dark), forms should be taken into account in spectra-
scopic studies. Orig. art, has: threA figures and I table.
ASSOCIATION: Institut-blokhimit im. ~. N. Bakha Akedemil neak SSSR
.(Institute of-Biochemistryo Academy of Sciences SSSR)
117 ~;"A;; 3 z, -
ACCESSION NR: AP4049143 E D' R Y 5 10 0 2 0 6 4 15 9 -0 1 1 q 6 1 -9 _j~
A. V. Krasnovskiy A. A. (Corresponding member AN
TtTLE-. Observation of the electron paramagnetic rebonance of the tri-
plet state of chlorophyll
SOURCE., AN SSSR. Doklady*, v,. 159, no. 1, 1964, 196-197
T -c
I C - TAG-9 L' -ell 1 hyll -free -ra aT It drophyll
triplet state, F-PP, porphyriq 1:riplet state, elects-ort transfer, photo-
reduction, photooxidation
ABSTRACT: A study wts conducted f,,r the purpose of establiihing the
existence of the triplet qtate of chlorophyll under illumination.
F r o Zen at I c hr o -7. P t
e r v u F~ e, DX 19Q Q
(tran~'f-._.iz.tance over 3?0
(trar.cmIttance nver 5
3 z r a 7 u re c r n n v o tit n r, P.
7n(- r ~7o r ua
--r ft
-,e ro i,-el: pi~z source"'. t v a G
Card L/2
CCaSSIONAIRt --AP4049143
-The--light 7intens-ity was -regulated by
wire-screets filters. Formation of the triplet atate of chlorophylt
ish d 1r. both illumination in the entf-a 7fgf~-Ie
_iF adl G if 1vff--&p
f- _td-_rY -Thd-trf_~Tet- s7tat 14-6 1 - tad _~ _pe~a ran ce---o
singlet band in the EPR spectrum. The signal was preduced by chlorophyLL
b; chlorophyll a produced n.-) si,in-il under st Tuilar conditionr- Vo c
dependence of tthe yieLd of f ree ra -.i 11' 9 ~-n ~Iie tntens 1. of f 1 Iunfn-
ation was fairly clocely expres3ed by a Rquarv function. It war,
llfl!lume~ th;lt t!'L' piv.-lenc -~'!u 0 1 r Fj 1, q q 8 1
photooxtdatfoln resiAual nxvgtn) ~)r
has : 2 figures.
ASSOC'.ATIONs Institut biologicheskov fiziVi Akadcmit nauk SSSR (In-
IttitUte Of BiopilySiGg, Academy of SciencesSSSR); Institut btakhLmii
A . N . Bakhe --nauk S0JS-R_ u"'C' e- of Biochemistry , Acisdeatf
of SciencesiSSSR)
NO REP SOV: 005 OTHER: 001 ATD PREss: 3132
%k9 77- r's-7-717-1 PRZ IN
POGLAZOV, 31-11IFTI-Ell, V,O~~ doktor blol. miuk,
------ ----
[Structure and fuii.ttions f~-r PrOtairs-I 51,,ntktura
i funktsi-~ sAratV'ellzfj'k-~-, bplkov. 1,1~skva~ Pauka l9t )5.
1-22 pa ~u YiA ~.8 -. 9
ZAYTSEVA, Galina Nikolayevna; BELOZMSKIY, A.N,j akademik,
otv. red.; UFRIKHINA, A.V., red.
Diochemistry of Azototacter] Biokbimila azotobaktora.
Moskvap Naukas 1965. 302 p. (MIRA 18:6)
Formation of triplet and radical states of porphyrin aiid its derivatives.
Dokl. AN SSSR 163 no.2s491-494 Jl 165. (MIRA 180)
1. Institut biologicherkoy fiziki All SSSR i Institut biokhimii im.
A.N.Bakha AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Krasnovskiy).
POGLAZOV, Boris Fedorovichj SHPIKITERp V.O., doktor biole nauk,
otV., red.; UW, A.V.p red.
(Structure and functions of contractile proteins] Strak-
tura i funktaii sokratitollzqkh belkov. Moskva, Naukay
1965. 222 p. (MIRA 1817)
VUDINDOV, Yuriy Andr-eyevich; FRANK, G.M.,, otv. red c ; UMHIKEINA,
A. V,,, red.
[Photochemistry and luminescence of proteins] FotokhimilFi
i liuminestsentslia belkov. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 231 p.
OMIPLA 19-1)
-- * - I--,*-*- - .-!
Namowl phenowna in the life of some birds of the Chu ValleY.
Isv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk 4 no.1:89-101 162.
(MIRA 15:10)
(Chu Valley-Birde)
i3LAZHEV1CJf, V.A.; UK-ill,',11INA, Ye.N.
(Handbook on the use of FR-12 resorcinol-formAldel~de
resin for exclusion work in oil and injoction wolls)
Ruko,vodstvo po primenenliu rezortsino-formallmalldegid-
noi smoly FR-12 dlia izoliatsionnykh rabot. v neftianykh
i nagnetatellnykh skvaWnakh. Sost. V.A.Blazlievich
E.1l.Umrikhina. Ufa, 1963. 24 Pe (1411th 17:8~
1. Ufa. Neftyanoy nauckmo-issledovatellskiy institut.
- - a
Use of FR-12 synthetic resin for exclusion operations in oil
wells. Nefteprom. delo no.10:24-27 163. (MIRA 17:6)
1. Ufimskiy neftyanoy nauchno-ionledovatellskiy institut.
1-.- - 3 f
Use of plastics in the sealing off of the flow Of Btratial
waters in oil wells. Plast. massy no.8:36-40 164.
WIRA 17:12)
%WKIIINA, Z.A., klinicbeakiy ordinator
Mixed tumor of the perapharyngeal space simulating a neopl =
of the tonsil. Zdrav.Bel. no.3162-63 162. WIRA 15:5)
1. Kafedra bolezney ukha., gorla i nosa Vitebakogo meditsinskogo
instituta (zaveduyushchiy - dotsent G.M. Smerdov).
JjUL .
-nivery Sunday is a sports day. Za rul. 18 no.6.-2-3 Je 160.
(KIRA 13,18)
1. Predeedatel' sovets. Sverdlovskogo avtomotokluba (for
Pospelov). 2. Vachallnik Sverdlovskogo avtontotokluba (for
(Sverdlovsk--Motorcycle racing)
00 40-0 0- -00-4-4 -1 0 1
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47(W.-An unklentifird polyphospharic scW =11 is pptd.
00 bv 11t)(NOI)l from yrast cxtq. at he 1. 0. D. C. 11. A.
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0 768. ACCURAff OF ABSOWTS VISOSITY UMUREMENTS. Umt1ttomr,.,H. (T*chnik,, 1-00
July 1950, val. 5, 354-358; abstr in Index Aeronaut., Mar. 1951, vol. 0, 8).
j An analywis of the possible sourve~ of error In to of visomelty with
004, -1
004 the sapillary viscometer in given. These are suZris"*mdin a list of 20 iteme,
%"oUwr with the seem of reducing or slImInating theive It Is concluded that Coe
God goo
00 %# Un total error cannot be reduced below 0.2% without considerable expenditure an Xoo
amrstump especially thermetate. A 0free-flowi" viscomoter is described in %see
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which the liquid flows from a set of small bulbs (1#2#5 coo*) in series vartleal%r 00
tbroftb$ a capillary and thin straight Into a Dow f1mak used a a a receivers :1000
The oapillary and bulb are analomed in a sealed glass jacket through which water boo
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