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ULITI*s *.No.# ka tekhn.nauk; DVILN, Ye.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Modernization of internal grinding and aharpening vachinery for electr46erosive machining* Trakt.i sellkhozmasb. '111 no*2:43-46 F 161. (MIRA 11+: 7) (Electric autting machinery) ULITIN M.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; BEYEV, Ye.A., kand.tekhn.riauk Use of hard-surfacing equipment in an automated plant manu- facturing steel-bushed roller chains. Trakt.i sellkhozaash. no.8:37-38 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut tekhnologii traktornogo i sellskokhozyaystvannogo mashinostroyeniya. (Hard facing) (Chains) DEYEV, Ye.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; ULITIN, M.N., kand. tekhn. niuk Power sources for the electrical sp&--k machining ol' hard alloys. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.8:36-39 Ag 164. (MIPA 17:11) 1. Naucbno-issledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii traktornogo i sellskokhozyaystvennogo mashinostroyeniya. ULITIN. M.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; PANOV, A.P. Ultrasonic machining in surface grinding. Trakt. i -rlllkhczmash. no,llt43-45 N '64. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut tekhnologii traktornogo i sellskokhozyaystvennogo mashinostroyeniya. k, ~ DAVrDOV, A.S. L3LL_T17&,: *.W. - State of and proopecto for the use of elect-ophysical methods in working-awtal,e. Trakt. i-oollkhosmah. no.9:45-47 S 165. (MIRA MIO) 1, Nauchno-issledovatellakiy institut tekhnologii traktornogo i seliskokhozyaystvannogo maahinostroyeniya. PHASE I BOOK EXPWITATION SOV/3628 Ulitin), NOS. ---------------- Soprativleniye materialor (Strej!gth of Materials) Moscow, Gosstroylzdatp 1959, 255 P- Errata s3ip inserted. 10,000 copies printed. ReviewersS M181 imeni V.V. Kvybysheva- Kafedra soprotivleniya materialov; Leningradsklystroitelfn7y tekhnikm; Scientific Ed.: 1,,K,, Snitko, Doctor of Technical Sciences,, Professor; Ed., of Publishing House., G.N. Vilkov; Tech. Eds.: N.K. Bor=ev and N.I. Riilakova. PUR110SE: This textbook is intended for students of engineering tekhnikums specializing In the strength of materials. COVERAGE: This is a standard textbook on strength of materials and methods of stress analysis. The coverage includes a discussion of forces and deflections, the behavior of parts and structural elements under load, classification of forces by tn>-- (transverse, bend-Ing, torsional, etc*), and practices of plotting diagrams and calculating parameters. An historIcal surW , 7,of Soviet studies in these fieMs is given. There is alzo a list of recommended reading. No personalities aim mentioned, There are no referenceso ULITIN Nikolay SorRqn~qhj BEZUKHOV, N.I.p zaal. doyatell nuuki- C-~~--~~tekhniki RSFSR, doktor tekhn. nauk,, prof,p retsonzent I [Strength of materials) Soprotivlenie materialov. Izd.2., perer. MoskVap VysshaiaAvhkoIa) 19636 `3q-:~P. I (MIRA 17 16) YMMO Was Glycerol and 2.3-batauediol determination in win)'%. Xxv. rys. uchabo zav;; pishoh. takh, no.1'4103-108 158. (kMtA 11:81 1-,' KmenodArskly inatitut pishchavoy promqahlennostig Xafedra fisicheekoy-i Volloidnoy kbizii, (Wine and wine maid ;-Ana3,vsiw)- (Glycerol) (Butanedioll VZOM, A.S.; ULITIN, O.A. Determining the activity*6f lipase in sunflower seeds by the formation of free g3yeeriie Izv*vys*ucheb*%&v*pIshch6t8kh~ no.4:152-155 '58. (MIRA 11:1V 1. Krasnodarskiy institut pishchavoy promyshlonnosti, Isfedra fixicheskoy, i kolloidnoy khimii. (Lipaes) (G3,vcerol) (Sunflower seed) ANIMOV, VoMe; UUTIN, OoA. Determining the acid number of vegetable oils by means of potentio- metric titration. Isv.vyo.ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.5:162-166 '58 - (MIRA 11: 11) 1. Krasnodarokly Institut plohchevo7 prooVehlennosti, Kafedra fixicheskcV i kolloidno7 khUtii. (Oils and fee, Malble) (Potentiometric analysis) ULITIW, O.A. - - ~- ~- --.111.1,11.11"...I., ... 6-~ Fo'lyphenoloxidass in sprouting sunflower seeds. Izv.vyo.ucbeb. zav.; pisheb.tekb. no.l.-24-26 '59. (MM 12:6) 1. Krasnodarakiy Institut pisbcbevoy promysblonnosti, kafedra fizicbeskoy I kolloidnoy, Ichimil, (sunflower send) (Phonolases) KOBLYANSKIY, A.G.; ULITIN3 O.A. -Z ---------- Sepiiation of some anions by electrolysis with the use of iOn-exchange membranes. Zhur. prikl. khime 34 no, 12:2699-:~704 D r61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Krasnodarskiy institut pishchevoypromyshlonnosti. . (Anions) (Electrolysia) (Ion exchange) ULITIN 0, A, Removal of electrolytes from pentose hydrolyzates by means of electrodia3jysiB with ion exchange membranes. Izv. Vys. ucheb. zav.; pishch. tekh. no.6:73-76 163, (MIRA 17:3) 1. Krasnodarskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut, problawmiya laboratoriya. XORMILITSEV, V.V.; ULITIN, R.V. Relationship of induced alternating current polarization with Faraday's impedance and the capacitance of a double electrical layer. Trudy Inst.geofiz.UFAIT SSSR no-3:125-133 165. (16 RP, 18 -.8) YLITIN, V.G. New in3truments rarrufactured fit the Dnepropetrovsk Mine'-Autcmt~~Cn Plant. Avtom. i prib# no,2:7(,%-74 A-p-Je 163s ~: "1,.m .1,8:8) VDOVIII, D.I.; ULITIII, V.G.- UBing the VIRS apWatus in the remote control of conveyers. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no,1:3-5 160, (KM 13:5) (Mine haulage) (Remote control) ULITIN, V.G.., inzh. New Means of automation in the mining industry. Gor. zhur. no.4:58-61 Ap 160. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Dnepropetrovqkiy zavod selenovykh vypryamiteley. (Mineral Industries) (Antcmatic control) ULITIN, V.G. I I -- . The AUK-1 equipment for automatic control of conveyers. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. n0-7:6-8 160. (HIRA 13:7) (Electric controllers) (Gonveying machinery) ULITIN, V.G. The MJM-2p FDU-lj FST-1 and the ZUI,-l unit for automatic control in miming. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.7t1347 161. (MIRA 14:8) (Electric controllero) U7jTIN,JLXj,y-4nzh. Now equipment for automatic control and coumunication systems in mines and coal preparation plants. q9ol' 36 no-3:27-29 Mr 161'. (MIRA 14:5) l.' Dnepropetrovskiy zav6d shakhtnoy avtomatiki. (Coal mines and mining-Equipment-and supplies) (Co4,preparation plan:4-iquipment and supplies) (Automatic control) ULITIN,, V.G*,, insh. Apparatus for increasing the labor safety in mines. Ugoll.prom. no.1:65-67 Jt-F 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1, Dnepropetrovskiy zavod shakhtnoy avtomatiki. (Coal mines and mining-Safety measures) (Automatic control) ,9/193/62/000/003/002/005 A004/A101 AUMOR Ulitin, V. G. TITLE: Special rectifiers PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, no. 3, 1962, 23 - 24 TEXT: The Dnepropetrovskiy zavod shakhtnoy avtomatiki (Dnepropetrovs'k Plant of Automtic Mining Equipment) has started to produce the aC K -300 (VSK-300) welding rectifier [see Byulleten' tekhniko-ekonomiclieskoy ~nformatsii, 1960, no. 12,page 18], the BC -600 (VS-600) welding rectifier and the BC -2 N (VS-2M) .600 rectifier is intended for submerged shielded rectifier-stabilizer. The VS- arc welding. It is supplied from the three-phase network of 380 v, 50 cps. The power input amounts to some 30 W-amp. A sectioned primar-.r transformer winding enables the stepped regulation of the secondary voltage. ~L7he selenium rectifying unit is connected in a bridge circuit of full-wave rectification. The rectified welding current of the VS-600 rectifier,amounts to up to 600 amp, the rectified voltage 20 - 40 v. the number of regulation stages is 27. The VS-a4 rectifier- stabilizer is intended for the conversion of AC into stabilized DC of 80 and 27 v, Card 1/2 141 S/193/62./OOQ/003-/GDO2/005 ,.Special rectifiers Aoo4/Aiol with which the electric Bi"i -4 (VP-4), Bn -4 M (vp-4m), 1~~l -2 (VE-2) and B~ -2 M (VE-2M) electric hygrometers, used for grain-storehouses, are.supplied. The VS_Z4 rectifier is supplied from the a-c network of 127/23) V, 50 cPs. The power input does not exceed 35 v-amp. The rectifying unit is equipped with .,417 B (D7V) germanium diodes connected In a bridge circuit. The rectified output voltage is stabilized by an C F 3 C (SC13S) gas-discharge stabilizer. The adjust- ment of the device on the rectified voltage of 80 and 27 v is effected by an ad- justable resistor. The large-scale production of the mentioned rectifiers I:; scheduled for 1962. Card 2)2 ULITITI, V.G., lnzh. New rectifiers for welding. Mashinostroenie no-3:67-70 My-Je 162. - QURA 15:7) 1. Dnepropetrovokiy zavod shakhtnoy avtomatiki, (Electric current rectifiers) (Electric welding) ULITINI V.G. Neu equipment for ore dressing plants. Avtom.i prib, no,/+s 68-73 O-D 162. - (MA 16sl) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy zavod shakhtnoy avtomatiki. .-. (Ore dressing-Equipment and supplies) ULITIN, V.G. ------- The VS-2M rectifier-regulator. Ylashinostraenie no.4:116 Jl-Ag 162. (MUU 15:9) (Electric current rectifiers) S1135162100010OV0051010 A006IA101 AUTHORs Ulitin, V. G., Engineer TITLE: Rectifiers BC K -300 (VSK-300) and B C-600 (VS -600) for welding operations PERIODICALs Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no, 7, 1962, 32 - 34 M - The Dnepropetrovsk plant of mining automation, in cooperation with the,Inst.itute.of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton, developed the welding rec- tifiers VSK-300 and VS-600, Rectifier VSK-300 is power-supplied from a 380-V three-phase network. Voltage control is brought about by "star" or "triangle" connection and different switching-on of volt-additional transformers. The rec- tified voltage is smoothly controlled within a range of 42 steps, by symmetrical and asymmetrical changes of voltage, supplied to the rectified bridge. Rectified voltage at 400 amp current is not less than 34 v. This combined rectifier is in- tended for manual, semi-automatic and automatic submerged are welding in C02 with smooth voltage control within 15 - 51 v. Rectifier VS-600 is Intended for semi- automatic and automatic welding in a gas shield and with a submerged are. To Card 1/2 Rectifiers... S/135/62/000/007/005/010 A006/A101 asSLIre stepped control of secondary vol-bage the primary transformer coiling is sectioned. The rectified welding current is up to 600 amps, and rectified vol- tage 20 - 40v. Production in series of the VSK-300 device has been started in 1961, and is-intended in 1962 for VS-600. There are 3 figure:3. Card 2/2 ULITIN, v.G. Avtom. i prib. 9 Nov achievements of an integrat-ea brigade Of innOvatOr's (KM 16-3) no,l-.87-88 Jap-Mr 163- 1, Dnepropetrovskiy savod Obakhtnoy avtomatiki. (Dnepropetrovsk-Technological innovations) ULITINY V,G, AW=2 unit for air control. Biul, tekh ~ --ekon. inform. Goa. nau cb.- isaLinst.nauch. I tekh.Worm, no.31-20-21 263- (MIRA 1624) (Mine ventilation-EqAipment and supplies) I Jjj .,-I: - D) v . f~ . T I, ~ I ,,, ~ - ! .70 1 1,, Mi.. 3,-84-335 . -' ~ - i(-ja rv .1, .- . 01,11 1 Pi. 3 8 1 3 ) To I I (,~ . ULITIN, V. Mechanic-s Zhil-al.o i~! at the hcad of the brigade. Izobr. rats. no.lz?32 Ja t62. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy zavod shakhtnoy avtomatiki. (Dnepropetrovsk-Kining machinery) -I , () ~- I -r 1 N V. ~ji Asom "Tta b, abet'. S.,:1111tv rr,, Ito ki ULITINA, A,A.. , Mechanism for retrieving hair from wash water. Obm. tekh. opyt. '04LPJ po.29:26-27-, '57. - (MM. 13:111 (Leather induitry-Equipment and supplies) SPIVAK, P.N,,; ULITINA, A.I., Some functional studies of persons disabled by brow-bectasis under Industrial conditions. Trudy LIATIN 2:36-45 159. (MMA 13 t 7) (BRONCHINCTASIS) (DISABILITT VAMATION) (RUPTRATION) SPIVAK, Y.N.,; ULITINA, A.Ie, Ninciplee of work organization and work recommendations for persons disabled by chronic nonspecific pneumonia and bronchi- ectasis. Trudy LINTIN 2t46-54 159. (MIRA 1337) (DISABILITY EVALUATION) (DISABLED-111HA ILITATION, ETC.) (LUNGS-DISEASES) - ULITINA, A.L_~ Improvement of vorking conditions for luyaldis in industrial co- operatives. Glg.i sat. 24 no.11:76-78 N 159. OURA 13:4) 1. Iz otdela organizatsil truda Leningradekogo wtuchno-iseledo- vatellskogo institute. ekspertizy trudooposobnosti i organizateii truda invalidov. (INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE) L 146t5-66 I F-PF (n) --2/E;WT (M)/ZWP(b)/FWP M IJP(c) INIJ D J ACC NR-; AR5020050 SOM= CODE: UR/ -/65/0W/0I2-/k02VM022~ AUTHOR. Ulitinap G.A.; FijLtov, A.G. bRG; none. TIME: ExrAnding water proof compounds SOMICE: Ref.,2h. Xhimiyap Aga. IM197 REF SOURCE: Sb.,vopr* sovrem. str-va, i arkitekt. Kiev, Budivell'nyk, 1964, 511-515 TPIFMI~ TAGS: aem,emt, metal sea!, aluminum pwder VWTSLATIdff: For~ dealing: the semo-- and barn: between ferroconeriLte carts, additions of expanding, highly durable, waterproof and quick-hardening soLutions to Portland cememt were suggested, based on th ated exvws40 "nclple developed at YkrVODGEO. Complex additives of 10"d m-lid =Ite-alcohol slop guaraaltee an expansion during the first 10 days, w1hen kept in a bumid and watery sto-A.Mae, sad 13L:Lso - decrease :shrinking in airy -storages They cdnaiderably speod up hardening- and ,strengthen the entire hardening area during the processes of co(rpression, expansioa and bending. Research has shown that additives of aluminum powder decreased the strength (ind vaterr-roofness of the solutions whereas calcium chloride and aluminum sulfate JUicreased them, Some expanding solutions had a-vaterpm)fwss in excess Of -16 atm, I Teo-xirop)l .'BkV%'. .SUB CODE: 13AT, lh IM)OV, N.A.*, STADUKRIN, V.D.; ULITINA G.G. Charts for the approxL--a-te calculation cf ani~maloun effect in the methods of magnetic profiling and sounding. Trudy Inst.geof-z.UFVI SSSR no-3:65-71 165. (~,IRA 18:8) STADUKHIN, V.D.;-,.UL'ITINA,,mG.G. magnetic profiling with equare and retangular frames in the Techenskoye iron ore deposit. TrUdy Inst.goofiz.UFAN SSSSR no-3.,73-77 165. (MIRA 18:8) ALKYNIKOV, A.L.; STADUKHIN, V.D.1 ULITIN.A, G.G. Interpretation of magnetic and grav-ity measuremnts using data of artificial magnetic biasing* Trudy Instageofiz.UFAII SSSR no.3:97- 102 165- (KRA 1818) KARAGEZYAN, N.A... kandmed.nauk; ANTONIK, N.11.,v ordinator; ULITINA, I.A.,, ordinator Treatment of trophic. ulcers with an oil preparation of carotene. Vest.derm. i ven. nool:30-33 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. 1z kliniki kozhn-ykh bolezney (zav., kafedroy - cktor med.nauk II.A. RerftdaO Kubanskogo meditsinskogo instituta Idir. - prof. V.K. Supranov) i Kmqnodarskogo gorodskogo kozlmo-venerologicheskogo dispansera (glavnyy vrach I.F. Frintchenko). (CAROTENE) 019M) LETIKOT. S.I.; ULITIRA. K.N. MM&WOMM""OW Bactericidal lamps* Zh. obsh.biol. 12 no.2:11*457 Xar-APr 51. (OIXT, 20:8) ULITINA, L.M. New Middle-Devonian species of the families Zonophyllidae and Digonophyllidae in Transcaucasia. Faleont. zhur. no.4- 30-38 163. (MIRA 17.1) 1. Paleontologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. -- LITMAt. L.M. ,9.1. . .1 - - fumommmomm- Genus Oystiphylloides Job from the Devonian of Transcaucasia. Biul. NDIP.Otd.geol. 38 aa.2tl&~-163 Mr-Ap 163. (MM 25) V~. (Traxecaucasia-Corals, Fossil) I 1 0 A# it 11 11 #A it 16 V it 11 If Q .8 at b a it V u A# a V Is 10 a Ji 11 11 H PZ 0 I. o it it Q0 X-L -1 M cc.. it 9_1 AL 1 0 h 4, 1, P A J A I -1.0. fi!9$ ~J - - - D 11 W. 1, 60~1011 AW, -WO '4, -7 told of vitamin K an tko CowAiltratitift of POWOMMA to tht blood. 11, A. Kudrya,hov. I!Jv ! tq" And A A Ptsx4clievig (Moscow State UtIW). 11A.41. Elm Ria: JIM. W-S.S.R.) 11, 100-101(1941). cf. C.A. 38, ll**O.- In rAls, In which the bile flow wxi sunicAlly sto;)prd, the v o 4 prothmallAn IcvrI In the bkxxl dropprd br'7544)1,'~ after -IN) dAy* (WAnW dkt), The vilattifil prepriv, *tie S I ink"M ititramusculatly after the low pra(hroutbin level 00 lumf been VII(AbliAlIVII. Synthetic 2-niethyl-1.4-Itaplitho. .00 064 ifulfimic rAISM tho Itiref to Real WXtIW after;% single llb~ 'too tion of atiout I ins.-, toxic effectif"ativ obserml at 211- *0 nix. leveb. and dcath% occuffrel at 71% ins. k,vri, Thc hith point of pioth"Ittibin kvrl was wsielint on th4- till, 8300 J. Lky after fix- Inject Ion. 1 ittro,lurl Wo 44 1 fir Vil'Intin In it 00 lovis. Jow%gWly It* 3-4 46"CAKINC41 Afi.W 11111011111011110116 9:00 Allow to )XII-21111"; of nornud. SUCCVWUI tpJ4iCAlioqI tit 'tiell too VitAloin K injections in clink-id r"s of bimling in )'Ann- 00% diml patients b" been m&Ir in a no. of eAws. aeo JJL1Ja :i~ Xoo WP tie 0 L A 1,41FILLURCICit. LOCIATUNI CLASINKATI" % -.i f F- I I T-1 W_ 71 It I A601 u a AV 00 is It It it It IN RM I %a 0 It ; It 19 a N 9 0000 000 0 0 of 000 0 a ~ 0 o 0 Ole 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 a AD ~ - ~ !! '~Gjo so ***too$ oo*** I a 1 0 1 it I: I$ U11 14 114 1) it .1 )1 :1 is go V 20 a 31 U 11 m x m v a 10 41 da 43 41 A M- INLA-019 oo A - I ". ?J~r '.#rtf a 5 '4-j car c", I 00 -00 -fiaphowitutwo on III* P16- MCI of 2-motliyl-1.4 b1# "Cle"tratt" In othtlimblAmim patients, = wilt'd A. A. Ilucadwa P. A. Kullmssh(w. P-0- 00 (slafe UMV.. Slow"). Ryull. Ekspil. M4. Ued. It. hill in fitistructive jaundk-t 2 _J11910 111,W60" of to life, 2- none brnught tric p"91cra"11411 up _flapthnittt, as 81 141 ,afav levvi twi., a repeat (1cf,&f1p fallminal. it, vrii Yntinic children a Iow 4 2 inc. i- -fifficirlit. NI. K(W4AjX.11 111gher fevefs are task 09 00 goo, see ISO 1'7Aj&t;9r.)CAL LITERAILPItt CLAWFICA110AP too too no* 9-414. Ij 0.1 a & it 9 d 4 K K 99 U it 9 Rua Al 1 11, *Ir 5 a co 0 q 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 t f 04 0: if ri so-, 00 00 P v I I I I I t I L-L-L-L-A-t RJ it A" Eu-ptks Of"I'SIS A-V VbC#fXT4$ PbVFl N.sw asn!f!T pf"acad", V. Imatuva, P. D. Ulitme V~ . S- tt auran. Piskebetayd Polow. FR4,- NNO, Idt of OkOtluk Will QY- Oil- talned as an intnaiallate in the syrtbe%6 of sicutinic acid The AvAitt" dALUW fut. I UVCf UkutJOIC &dd UM SUMAMR1 vt4uxuy of tasnid., I-iakmd mAy. In watcr. itud laure =1 aut4wIlavic action wbcn athainiskmi arully. Gottlich it MTALLURGKAL LITISOM41 CLASWPSCAINW ;IT u a At 10 4$1 9 49 N 0 0 0 00 0 0 001 0610*100 IW a o'O goo I *1-*-# 0 0 0 0 0 * 00 0 00 0000000160 t r. Pal #0 4,0 0 00 00 901 age goo c VT V.0 ~110 aw 0~-i-li.,v 3, 1, T I 0 o o* 00 goo 0 goo* e 0 a f# 0 0 0 Goo * 0000 UMB/Neficins - Zoolba Deo 48 Medicine - Vitamin 1, -Analogous 'Study of Biological Activity of kbwlogueq of 'a P. D. Ulitina, B. A. Kudryashoy, last Vitainin K . ,,0 of Zool,. Moscov.State U imeni, N. V. Lomonosov, 4 Py Z~ *Doic Ak Nauk SSM Tol I=, NO 6A Obtains comparative data on activity of folloving on mice: 2-nmetbyl-l, 4-mamphtitoquincer-e., 2-mLethyl-1, r-naphthoqulnme-3-oulfcxYlic Po- t esium, and a bioulfite conpound. of 2-mthjvljy-l,, 4=hoqu1none. Findi latter RLOst 'walueble since it is awily 9oluble In vater, bas hi~A. WSR/MeAlolne Zoology (Contd) Doc 48 activity of vitandn K, and is- distinguished b3r extremely lo-4 toxicity In-comparison vith the, o,.her two substances. Submitte4 by Acad Ya. 0% Paxnas, 5 Oct 48. 45/49T67, a spodkIRT ad OIA"" and throinbe. V. LOM. OWPW). of humans, rats, cows. and dop, an made o(prothrom "an ' hums brain wW brains vatIOUS SUIULAIS K R., d di., C.A. 41, 6M, "), and of throtabotropin of the phumm of tho respective nwcks for activation of prothromwausse, revmw- (1) misted Plamna clots MOM Ik-lY than called lor ~; the chatwedstic Period for the given specles in the p"!vtnrr of an op"MCIM C&-i- coacn.. but acitin. of tiuvenhokinase t0 the system considerably occelerao ri. ein(t'ag' ft'llutim"Ir activation of prahrocbidm, bp "Wo"Ox"W"k W&qMI" 11- clotting -fill further, (2.2- difftf"M 10 bUmAll, tat. tow, and d :1. 7 oft, in Pig). The cWtItig rule Under ti" effM Imse CIE - EPmW on th Prothrorn. na e plasma of anotlier species depends greatly UP*" the sWit", Hums" Pfuthminbola. "as" greatly stImMistes clotting of hunmu plasnut a, wen as rthat of Other 9Peci"; Fat, dot. and rabbit plasma dot More arifflr with human prothrombokulaw tim, does the human fastua. and r4t vlasma clots more ranidly than under fit. Y. 96grer CQnvvIbC'Ti-U4 an" ,eCKS 411 PT01brMbElkinsisc showed am acceleration of other sl clotting of buthall Plarn& to tbt kvtl achieved with human protbrombokiaase; prolfiromtokinw of SWum VU actu- ally $Gvrcn the clotting rate of buntan am Caw Plomm- Activated prnthrmboWmaxes. ho"ver, derived km SnY specks gmdy accelerate clotting rate Of PISAM Of WWI species, even it the process 6 retarded without "Yati". and the differences in the ratt% largely van!%h after "tirs- tion; this is true for ;wtivatim by thrombobopin of the Ine ~Pccics. Hence. the Interaetbon of prothromboltiVIA-w " Inaft thu is ew tially with throvbotropin florm thrombok devoid of $pocks MedMtY. croso-activAtiOn is ciiective for bu=n, ritt, = pie, CWv, dog, am Mhut thromlx)- I led to boom, PrPtht0m"hum w$d the tmpin when appIr =get is not spctific. ProttirmbAina- of guinea Pig. Is activated most strongly by throuthatrotsin of be same specks, as "either hrman, rat, am cow thrombo- ropin affect it. Hence. prothlovabolth" and lbrombe- ropill = a specific structun- in each specks. but activa iou w the leads ca nouspeci6c ths bobasse t riturspCcies W= may or may not occur I G. &I. KOSG!SPOB now, 1=11~T k fry 4W J~* I Tool, 1.1tit-11mliful of orlo.1tilfol 4, 1491-1moltni by villofl. flnulf-4 a- tt-Ahnoov A 1wrl-16. ill Ito- thriontlotAinaw from juint-a-plog brain cannot bor artivaiml fly thorfullbotorq4ts C4 htilturt 11114'.4um or that 4 a vatiorty 44 ~vnwuntalv. Astivalsoon is achirvoril rmly by sit vim -uttur stwim 111""Ver. stlincu-Sliq thrunalmollopill Activil., Ill it- own qnmq. .1% *vit a% 4 humulm. 41m4. alld rusq, llrrkv fill. protht"oollm-kiltaw 1, thc, vanky of the pecitit-ity. 1-his 1% supimmortell toy a Lick 4 al,"It-fulim of ChAtirox of butuall. mw, anal rut alkalate 5allma an ormkific-st6a will addro. #A guinea-pior prothrom. iokitsa%e. atul toy the edsit" of %wh amirratitin Ito tion- 11%opat with allinpa-pil; Norther, solillra pig jol" ptchu'll"Iffill "I-tj%,4fnj lor jonmeo "I I Ill., it t-41-11-ill VAllW- All V %t I o'"le dk'%Ttrt At loon Of VW fill. 3,1, A-1tv pla,,na not twily lot R% -own j,cvir- Not 14 all abiowr. The rtuft. indicuir thit throinimilitim- d-, iml rvi-I Its file Owsor's 1111.1 %povifically In file braill. lot ill.," floor flink it" ittartive lleolluotoolkikillav WIlk-h i. rhalls"I to thronst-kilm%r ""IT by illit-farlinif with 1-tviii Inawfial thtoollimtrupill In I)hxml illa.4ma. Ho-mv file Choi- tins nmy IV Formwated b : (loormatiims of thrmitmkinuor from portothrombakinpAe :2thromfoutrapin. (Olkowed by its rnwtkm with Pruthrombin and Cm to farm thrumbloo, wilkh with filorbKoforts SIM fibrin. Thmnlooonoolin can be n, r4rded GA OW iniliAloor or The xecourta-r- G. M. 9, u "Sp-_clir~s 4ccificity of Thrombuf,r tile rompow-nts of Llim, Eulood," P. it . lvul ry,,::iv , TI lluravlye~va, P.D. Ulitina, 33oil .13-4ol Sc_-R~s Inst, Statt V, DAN US")R, Vol 88, 11o 4, pp 711-712 The threat phas-s of blood coagulation differ in r-~g-ard to tile dcnggret of npecies sptcificity shown in the interaction bttwe-n thromboloi!:nic compontnts. ',Mt 2tron,rrst spncies sp--cificity is tmhibitLd in the Int ph,~~st- (activ;Aion of -':~rothrambokimise with throm-botropin). In the 2d phase (interaction of thrombokinasn with Drothrcr7bin in the presence of Ca ions), sptcits sp-cificity is not clearly pronounc-na. In the third phase (interaction of thrombin with fibrinogcn), specits spteificity was not observed within the range of specins invtstigated. Prcs-nted by Acnd A.I. Oparin 25 Nov 1152. 256T40 I_b, 1~061ne UL Biochemistry.: pub. 22: .31/47 ,,::.:Authoirs Kudryashov A.,: and Ulitinaj, P* Do e, tl of 7 the.' thro*b6I a p1 'stic acti4ity of V lood Perlodi6al ..s Dok 'AN SSSR 98/5- 815-817, Oct 3-1 1954 Abstrd-C t - - -The relation-.between the amount..-of thrombokinase, (1.4hromboplastin)p originat- ing.during the-process of blogo-coagulation,and the concentration,of-throm-, botrop#a. in the,plasma'and the.full-valuo of the prothrombokinase source* is explained. The deficiency of any one component was found to have a nega- tive eff6ct,(limiting~effect) on the fomation of thrombokinase. The effect of dicumarol injection on the thromboplastic activity of the blood is ex- -plained.- Seven USSR references (1948~-1954). Tables. .:'Institution.- The:M, Vo I~onosdv State Uniiersity, Moscow _~:I) :_- Icademician V., A. Engellgardt july 6 1954: KJ C~ I F KUDRYASHOV. B.A., prof.; AIMRMNKO, G.V.; AMIRM P.D.- JJAZASIYAH, G.G.; PASTCROVA, V.Ys. ; SYTINA, R.P. ; KALISHUSERYT;,"". SHIMONAMA, Ye.Ye. Hature of hemorrhage in experimental radiation sickness in animals (with summary in English, p.603. Probl.gemat. i Deral.krovi 2 no#6: 3-11 N-D 157. (MM 11-2) 1. Iz biologo-pochvennogo fakullteta Moskovskogo gosuderstvannogo universiteta. ONMOMAGE. experimental. x-ray induced in animals (Rua)) CENTGEN RAYS. injurious effects. exper. hemorrh. induced in animals (Rua)) nl)RYASHOV, B.A..; AMMTWO. G.V. -, ULITINA, P.D. T4rombotropin and prothrombokinase in ma4wfialne. lamh. dokl.vy9.shko3,v;biol.uamki no.3:98-101 !58.-i (Km 11:12) 1, Predstavlem laboratoriyey fiziologii ~"16~okhiidi syertyvaniys I Hookovskogo go"arstvannogo universiteta imeni K,,V. -wonoaovuo (THRORBOMWIN) (FISHES-PHYSIOIoOGT) (PRWHROMMUSI) ULIT111A, P.D..,. r=ASHOV, B.A. Determining the thromboPlastic activit7 of buman blood' Labde3D 4 no,6:7-9 W-D 158 (YbtA ll: 12) 1. 1z laborstorii fiziologii i biokhimii everty/vani7s. krovi (sav. Prof. B.A.' Iludz7ashov) biologo-pochvennof;o fnlcallteta Moskoveko- go gosudarstvannogo universiteta' (BLOOD-COAGULATION) AUTHORS: Kudryashov, B. A., Ulitinar P. D. SOY/20-120-3-66/67 TITLKj Experimental Data on the Existence and Role of the Physiological Anticoagulation System (ACS) in the Organism (EksperiLmental'ny-ye dann-yye o sushch&stvovanii i znachenii fiziologichookoy antiaverty-vayushchey sistemy CiSSI v organizme) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSRj 1958, Vol. 120, Nr 3, pp. 677-680 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The study of the direct causes of-an intravascular formation of thrombi has up to now not shown any definite results. It was assumed that on the whole thromboses occur in connection vith an increased amount of thrombogen protein components in the blood (references 1, 2), further- more as a consequence of manifestations of coagulation (references 3 - 5), or pathological changes of the vascular walls, which causes moistening of the surfaces (references 5 - 7). An experimental investigation of the Card 1/-5 intravase-alar formation of thrombi led the wathors to the -Experimental Data on the Existence and Roke of SOV120..120-3-66167 the Physiological Anticoagulatilon System (ACS) in the Organism tonclusion that the coagulated mattera in the blood oharx,el are apparently caused by a disturbance of a physio- logical system of anticoagulation. It is the aim of this paper to prove the existence of such a system. in the introduction material and methods are described. White rats were used as experimental animals; they had 110 - - 150 g. The blood was drawn from the v. Jugularis, where also the intra-7enous injections were alministered. Thrombcplastir. was prepared from the brain-tissue (aocording to reference 8). 0,1 M sodium oxalate solution was used for the stabilization of the blood. As known, the bra'-n-thromboplastin considerably accelerates the coag-alation of the oxalate blood or of the plasm at its racalcification. in vitro. The same is observed in the case of fresh blood in. vitro. This is causel by the absence of the tissu6prothrombokinases in the thromboplastin prepa-ration. Under the influence of plasm components this enzyme --hanges into an active thrombokinase (references 9, 10)~, the presence of which is necessary for the change Card 2/ of the proth-t?ombin into thrombin in the presence of calci m Lu Experimental Data on the Existence and role of SOV/20-120-3-016/67 the Physiological Anticoagulation System (ACS) in tho Organism ions. It was to be assumed therefore that in the case of an Intravenous administration of thromboplastin in vivo coagulated matter will de-,relop, in the vessels. on table 1, however, we can see that this process was onlY In 4 16 of the cases fatal. The study of the entire coagulation of blood in surviving animals showed that this process is postponed more than tenfold and that It remains at that level for 'I - 10 m1nutes. Then,slowly normal coagulation sets in again. Thus the administration of thromboplastin in vivo reduced the capacity of coagulation abruptly, c~-ntrary Lo experiments in vivo (table 1), instead of .ncreas-ng I Z,- occurring cf the thromb-n in the blood t. Th- ch8nnel apparently incites any reflectoxial mechanism to activity; in the cotirse of that process humoral agents are secreted in-,,o t*he circulating blood which stop the bio- cheminal Macbar.,ism of blood -coagulation almost instantly and th-aa save the organism from death. This hypothesis wag exam.'ned in animals who were deeply anaesthetized by ether. Card 3/5 Almost immediately after the thrombin injection they died of Experimental Data on the Existence and R81e of SOY/20-120-3-66/67 the rhysiological AnticoagulatL;n System (ACS) in the Organism a coagulation of blood in the vessels (ta:ble 3). The narcosis or anaesthesia sometimes eliminated the receptors which react on the presence cf the thrombin in the blood channel and the animals died of thrombosis, whereas the experimental animals remained alive. Analyses showed that the fibrino-content Jn the blood of the experimental anima-Is decreased almost fourfold. Reparin-like substances which delay caagula~ica oeadrzed in considerable quantities. An ACS exists in the organism which reacts on the presence of thrombin in the blood channei-and which in the course of I , its action eliminates the coagulating mechanism. There are 3 tables and, 10 references,' 7 of which are Soviet. ASSUClATION~- Mosko-;-skiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonomov) rRESENTEDs Febraary 18, 19~',8, by V. A. Engel'gardt, Member, Academy of Scienced, USSR SUBMITTEDs February 17, 1958 Card 4/5 - . Exop --r-, m sy, t a'. D a-; a -,ii i ~- ~~ E-11 f., C. un j !?,~, ~ L, r SOV/ :: -, - 1 2k~, - , - i : ". I . : ~. C, -~- - - - LI C ~-_, -_ - '.' -' : _' - - , _: ` :~, ~- .~ - -- -, 1. , , . -- T.: - --j 1 -.- I *~,~' . -, - . ~ ~ , - ~ I _. - . !, - - - - 9 1. Thrombasis--Theory 2. Blood--Pathology 3. Coagulases--Physiological effects 4. Blood--Coagulation card ~/5 ULITINAt P.D, Change in the thrombotropin content of human blood folloving the administration of dicumarin. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 4 no* 10:23-26 0 159. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologii i biokhimii avertyvaniya krovi (zaveduyushcbiy - fakullteta Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (THR04BOTROPI14) (CO'UWMN) KMYASHOV, B,A.,prof.; iITIM r- Vxperimental studies on thrombogenesis in the vascular bad. Xhirurgiia 35 no-2t77-82 F 15~- (KIR& 1215) 1. Is laboratorii fiziologli i bioWmil svert.,Yvaniya krovi gookovskoga goandaretvannogo ordeua Lenina univeraiteta imeni $-V-Loinonosova. I (THRM03ISt exper. thrombogenesis (Rua)) KUDRYASHOVI B.A.; ANPRt6FO$ G.V.; BAZAZIY'AN, G.G.; KALISHEVSKAYA, T.M.1 PASTOROVA,, V.U.; SYTINA, N.P.; ULITINAI_P.D.' Jhe physiological anticoagqlating system and e4mwimental prethrombotic state 'of the organism. Veatt, Modke u12, Sev. 61'3--23 Mr-Apf:161, CO 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii i biokhi7ni sve yvaill~m krovi ~4oakov- skogo.gosudarst,~enno 0 WAversiteta, jBLOOD-COAGUIATION) KUDRYASWj S.A.; ANDREMMOS G.V.1 BAZAZIYAN; G.Gj KMSHEVSWAt Ufq ~ASTOROVA, V*Ye.; SYTM, W.P.; ULIMAI P.D. (Mbskn) Physiological anticoagmlation eyoteu In an mpg-Imental pre- thrombotio etatlo of the organism. Klinmed. 39 noo3sl9-30 W, 161, (KMA 3.413) 'Is Iz laborataiii fiziologii i bid 'i 41k. i overtyvaniya krovi (rukovoditall - prof. BeA. Kudryashov) Hoskovskogo =iversiteta. POSTTIOV, Yu.V.; AI!AjTGjjj~IjrtO, V.G.;-X.LI,TAILIj P.D. (M:.skva) Effect of disorders of vascitlar-connective tissue pe=wability caused by histamine on vome phpiological indices of the blood anticoagulant svstem under experimuntal conditions. Arkh - Dat. 26 no-5t3l-38 164 (mirm 18,!J 1. Patologoanatomicheskaya laboratoriye, ( zav. - doktor Med. nauk A.M. Vikhert) Institute, terapii P1,21 SSSR (direktor- deystvJteltn~y chlen MR.' SSSR prof. A.L. 14yasni1kov) i labors- toriya biokiiimii i fiziologii uVettyvaniya krovi (zav. - prof. B.A. Kudryashov) Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni M.V. lomonosova. ,ULITINA. Z.P.; SMIRNOVAp G.V.; HOCOSLOVSKAYA, L.N., inzh.--khImIk New formula. for th16eners made with alga flour for printirg with glacial, mordant and vat dyes. Tekst. prom. 25 no.9.64 5 165. (MIRA lgilo) 1. Nachallnik nauchno-iBsled~vatellskoy laboratorii Shuyskoy ob"yedinennoy fabriki (for Ulitina). 2. Starshiy inzh. nauchn,-- isaledovatellskoy laboratorii Shuyskoy ob"yedinennoy fabrik-'L (for Smirnova). 3. Shuyekaya abl'yedinennaya fabrika (for Bogoslovskaya). CIt A.D. [stepukhovichp A.D.]; ULITRI, V-A- [Ulltskiyp V.A.] STEFUHOVI Steric factors of the reactions of recombination, dispropor- tionation of radicals, and their formation from the molecules. Analele chimie 17 no.2t77-84 Ap-Je 162. ULITKO' A.P. Zqnilibrium of an elastic cone loaded by a col2centrated moment at the apex, Dop#AU URSR nooloay;9-1352 160. (KRA 13:11) 1. Institutmakhaniki AN USSR. Predstavleno akadevilkom AN USSR G.I.Savinym Cj~vin. H.M.] (Blastic plates and shells) ULITKO, A-.F.. (Kivev) General problea of the equilibrium of an elastic const. PrOd.nekh. 6 n0-3003-310 060., (KIM USS) 1. Institut stroltallnoy makhaniki AX USEL Wastic plates and *bell@) ULITED, A.F. [Ulitko, A.T.] Using the method of eigen vector-functions in solving certain problew of tho three-dimensional theory of elasticitr* Pr7kl. mekh. 6 no.4t403-410 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut All USSR. (31tasticity) ULITKOt A. F. Cand Phys-Math Sci (diss) "Solution of spatial Droblems of the theory of elasticit by the method Gf eigen vecto~-functiors." Kiev, 1061. 7 pp; Wnistry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education Ukrainian SSR, Kiev Order of Lenin State Univ imeni T. G. Shevchenko); 200 copies; price not given; bibliography at end of text (10 entries); M, 7-61 sup, 220) MUM A F. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV16086 Nauchnoye ooveshchantye po teplovym napryazhentyam v elementakh turbomashin. 2d. Kiyev. 1961. Teplovyye napryazhenlya v elementakh turbomashin; 4-bklady nauchnogo soveshch- aniya.. vyp. 2 (Thermal Stresses in Turbdmachine Parts; Reports of the Sci- entific Conference, no. 2). Klyev, lzd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1962. 174 p. 1800 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR. Inatitut mekhaniki, Resp. Ed.: A. D. Kovalenko. Academician. Academy of Sciences UkrSSR; Ed.: T. K. Remennik; Tech. Ed.: A. M. Lisovets. PURPOSE: 7"his collection of articles Is intended for scientific workers and tur- bine designers. Card 1/6 7bermal Stresses (Cont. SOV/6086 COVERAGE: The book contains IS articles dealing with Investigations connected' with thermal stresses in turbine components. Individual articles discuss ther- moelasticity, thermoplasticity, thermal conductivity, and temperature fields. No personalities are mebtioned. References accompany 17 articles. Mie con- ference recommended broadening the theoretical and experimental investigations of aerothermoelastic and aerothermoplastic problems, the development of Inves'. tigations of general problems of the theory of thermoelaBticity and thermoplas- ticity based on the thermodynamic principles of reversible and nonreversible processes, the development of effective calculation methods for thermal stresses taking into account plastic deformations and creep In thin- and thick-walled struc- tural members under stationary and nonstationary operating- conditions, the. de- velopment of experimental-research methods for thermometry and tensiometry in cj~nne6tion with modern operational conditions of mechanical structures, and the broadening of Investigations of problems In the therzkostrength of structures, especially of those operating binder conditions of frequent and shirptemperature changes., Card 216 Thermal Stresses (Cont.) SOV/6086 Savchenko, V. 1. jKlyev]. Investigation of Thermal Stresses in Turbine- Machine Components by the Photoelasticity Method 106 Dinerman, A. 'P. [Moscow]. On the Mechanism of the Effect of Accelerated Regimes of Turbine Startups on the Efficiency of Turbine Diska 117 Gokhfel$d, D. A. (Chelyabinaki. Some Results of the Experimental Invelitiga- tions of Adaptability to Thermal Influences 133 Vasillcherdio, G. S. (Moscowl. Effect of the Radial Temperature Gradient on the State of Stress of Turbine Disks Operating Under Creep Conditions 141 Fridman, L. uybyshev). On the Problem of Investigating Repeated L L , ~Frltdman d Cooling 149 d C~ itko, A. F. yevj. Stationary Problem In Thermal Conductivity for F. Iko ~A one 156 ne Card 5/6 rM I I -I. - - 8/198/62/008/005/008/009 D234/D308 AUTHOR: Botte, 0. V. TITLE: Dissertations defended in 1961 at the Institutes of the Division of Technical Sciences, AS UkrSSR, in the field of mechanics PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk Ukra*yinalkoyi Ok. ~natytut mokhaniky. Prikladna mekhanika,,v..8,*.no.' 5, 1962, 571-575 TEXT; The following dissertations were presented by the collabora- tore of the above section and approved: For the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciencoat Inatytut mekhanik (Institute of Mechanics): Vlas II My1colqyovyoh Huyvol, Aspiranti 'Ehne problemu of the theory pay 0 a a7s-115-rij tor multlply-connected regiona with cyclic symmetry', on March 16, 1961, at Dnipropetrovsk 'Univer5ty. YgrqBla.Y-Ky 'khaylo- yich Ilryhorenko, Junior Scientific Collaboratqrj: 'Stressed state of roUnd plates and conical shells of linearly',varying thickness under asymmetric loads', on April 6, at Dnipropetrovsk University. II52r Tymofiyovych Selezov, Aspirant, 'Investigation of the propa- diLrd 1/3 S/ 198/6 2100810 05/M/Ga9 Dissertations defended in ... D234/D308 gation of elastic waves in plates and ahells','on June 19, at Ky- yivalkyy politckhnichnyy,instytut (Kiev Politechnic Institute), iindriy Foofanovych-UJUkoj Aspirant, 'Solution of 3-dimanoional problo6-s-df_the-tfi`eory of!elauticity-by the method of vqctor eigen- functional, on September,26, at Kiev University..1-likhaylo Petrovych Petranko, Junior Scientific Collaborator, ~Tranov Iore.e rid_ longi- t itTdZrFul vibrations in short rods of constan and variable thick- noss, duo to impacts', on October 24, at Kiev Univernity, flariya .Dmytrivna Sypyava'Xa, Junior Ocientific Collaborator, 'Increase of wear reoi6tanc-0-0-t piston rings of integral combustion engines with the aid of galvanic coating', on October 24, at Kyyivslkyy avtomobillno dorozhnyy instytut (Kiev Institute of Automobiles and ybenko, Engineer, 'Change of strength Highways). Heorkiy Ivanovych D and deformability of -11(,n (DSF) plastics in time at increaeod tem- peratures', on November 28, at Kiev Institute of Automobiles and Highways. Por the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences: Instytut clektrozvaryuvannya im. Ye. 0. Patona (Institute of Electric Weld- ing imeni Ye. 0. Paton); Boris Oleksiyovyoh Movohan, Senior Scien- _:tifio Collabo ,rator, Candioia~e-df'Teclni6al Soiencis, 'Microscopic Card 2/3 -0,/198/62/008/005/008/009 Dj~jocrtations defended in ... D234/D308 inhomog ities in cast alloys', on May 16, at the-Siberian sections of AS U.-Met. 2or the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences: In- stytut mashynoznavstva ta avtomatyky (Institute of Mohine Science and Automation): Hryhoriy Semenovyen Kit, Junior Scientific Colla- borator, I Approximate 'aol~~tion of the-probfem of free torsion' , on Harch 16,.at Dnipropetrovak University. Hryhoriy Vanyllovyoh Plyatsko, Junior Scientific Collaborator, 'Honstationary ~roblemE. -6f-h-e-a-'~-conduction and thermoelasticity4, on April 20, at the In- stitute of Mechanics of AS UkrSSR..jw .,v.kola YuriyoYych Shvayko, As- pirant, 'Some problems of elastoplastic torsion of prismatic rods,, on December 25, at Llviv University. Instytwt metalokeramiky i spe~toiallnykh splaviv (Institute:of Metal.Ceramics and Special Al- loys): Volodymyr Ivanovych Key ak, Aspirantt 'Investigation'of du- rable'str6ngth-dur'.in-g--pr-ogr-a-mLmY'change of load and temperaturlel, on October 23, at Kiev Polytechnic Institute. Card 3/3 ~.J GRINCHENKOP V.T.; ULITKO, A.F 0 Mixed boundary problem of heat conductivity for a half space. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. 6 no.10:67-71 0 163, . (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut mekhaniki AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. . ULrfKO, A. 7.[U.Iitkop A. T.] Work of tie Seminar of Xecba4ice at the Departasht of Toobnolpgy 'n of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. I the second half of 1962. Prrkl. makh. 9 no.3*/o~-346 '93. . (MMA 164) .(Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R-) GRINCHENKOS V.T.; ULITKO, A.F. Rigorous solution of the axially sy=wtrIc!proUeM in the *9017 of elasticity for a circular #gidly clamped plate. Izv. AN Arm. SSR.Ser,fiz,-mat. nauk 16 no.5tI25-132 163. (MM 16:32) 1. Institut mekhaniki A Ukrainskoy SSR. L (d) / T,./E-VPP~ 1) 1J,-r MHORSi Polorhiy) G. H. (Kiev); ULitko A~ kKjev) TITLEt On Inveridon formuia~-, inte~-P-l representqtJons of p-ana- lytie fu=tions iith charactexistics p . xk SourcEl Prik.1,adnaya amkhanika, v. 1, no. 1, 1965, .39-51 4, TOPIC TAGSt analytic function, complea variable, integral opera,or ABWRACT: Let G and G be domAins In the riot half -p"'Lane z - x + iy, w"re G has the itwiginary axis L av its tourd wid 01 conta.ins 3omo orarch L-, 6-ing tO _0_ - is tho region consisUng irifinity, parallel to the real axis; k c-onst > 0; Af '.-ae f- tho imap-tiary axis. Let H and Al r 0 ~-c lvs~l f Card 113 A 7, AaGW&IM Mi~ A25000" in mathmatical physics z 4- 7 A-1 where 'the r -.aontour in Joins the pointv -Y. vith the pcints + f (z) c AI; and P,O - Re + (z - 2 6 n -,,Ir-+- &t- in-init-v with 7 I n. ins rn, Card 2/3 Ar-CF-SSION NR: AY5-x%6q88 r r~ qc ! d! F- 8-1 z! c"m .&I ASSWCIATIONt KiyevoKiy gosuniversitA-Instiltut niechanik-i A.N UkrSSR (Kiev Srate Univerait7--Inatituto of Mechanics Ali' UkrSSR) SUBIKUTED 4 losep64 ENGL-. 00 SUB GODEt HA~ No REF SVI 1 005 OTHMIR ? (K)l Card 313 GOROSHKO, O.A.; ULITKOj A.F. Work of the Seminar of Mechanics at the Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.F.. in the first months of 1964. Prikl. mekh. I no.1.139-143 165. (MIRA 18:5) 64-66 EWT nO/EWP(w) NP(c EM kCC.- NRt AP 19178' SOURCE CODE: UR/%93/65/001/006/0033/6037 AUTHOR: Gr inchenko, V. T.: (Kiev); q Ulitkoo_'A# F. (Kiev) ORGV Institute of Mechanics, -AN.UkrSSR (Institut mekh wiiki AN Ula-SS#~ -ed edge'of dn unevenly heated TITLE: Distribution of shearing stresses at the fiA -quarter-!plane SOURCE: Prikladnaya~mekhanikap ve 1i no,. 6p 19651 33-37 -TOPIC TAGS: shear stress, stress distribution 1he_~article' considers the.'distribut1on of shearing ".stresses a t' the' fixed edge of- an eldstic quarter-plane which-is cheated to a constant temperature along a strip at. tha free edgeg with the temperature maintained a t zero outside' the given strip. 'It is-shown that the shearing stresses are of an exponential '~character at the angular point and of a logarithmic i.-haracter at 'the point of discontinuity oPthe temperature field, The.suthors~ V ~.-atate that the resultsvbtained may,be used to find the character' of-the-distribution oVshearing stresses on alina of contact 'which occur during,the heating of.rLgidly clamped heterogeneous elastic bodies. Orig art, ~asi 1*figu' re. and 12 formilas. [JFHS1 d 'SUB-CODE1 216' SUEM DATE: _02Jun64.'. CHIG REF: 003 Lcard - -1/1 Lk GRIPIMIENKO, va. (Kiyov), u~~r~.oA.F (Kiyev) Tmnalon of an elastic space weakened tV an amnu:,ar fisswee FrikI. mekh. 1 no.M61-64 165. (MIRA 1802) 1. Inatitut mekhaniki AN UkrSSR. Submitted January 12, 1965. 11 GRINCIiEVKO.,,'W,T, (Kiyev); ULITKO# A.F. Wyev) Bending of a rigidly fastened square plate. Prikl. makh 0 1 no.9sl34-136 165. (MIRA 186.10) 1e Inatitut mokbaniki AN UkrSSRo 29185 B/021/60/000/010/007/016 7~07 1177 D251/D303 AUTHOR: Ulitkov A.T. .TITLE: On the equilibrium of an elastic conep loaded with a concentrated moment at the vertex PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Ukrayins,koyi RSR. Dopovidip no. lup 1960t 1349 - 1352 TEXT: The solution of the problem is found by integrating the equilibrium equation in lami's displaaemento M - 1 2m - ~2 grad div u - rot rot u 0 where is the displacement vector, m is Poisson's number for zero noundary conditions. The stress field is regular in the region of the cone except for a singularity at the vertex,and vanishes at infinity, The7solution is to be found in spherical polar coordina- tes x = r Bin'O cos Tt y = r sin 8 sin cfp Z at. r 8. (Fig.). The Moment M acts in the plane xoz. The components of in the coordi .Card 1/5 293B5 S/021/60/000/010/007/016 On the equilibrii;m of an D251/D303 nate directions are ul'v# 4. The conditions of tohe ningularity and th6 antisymmetric'stress give U TV v g(e) coo Y, r2 f(e) coo r2 2) W h(e) sin cp. r where fp gi h are some functionB. Evaluation gives 5m- 4 sIn28 + B 1(8)-- A M m-2 (4) 2 A cos 26.- B + C, + (,).-.2 m-2 Acose+B .1 -CcosO. M, where Al B 0 are some constants. Appiy'ing Hooke's law gives for Card 2/5 29185 S/021/60/000/010/007/016 D251/D303 On the equilibrium of an ... the stre'Se La ? 2A 5M- 1 Cos 0 +Bsin 6 Cos 30 ro I+ Cos's I I m-2 A + B sin 20 Cos T; To- -X( M 2 (1 + cos 6)' a 1 3 in- 2AsIn2b+ B1-cos6+sJn'8 Co. M sin 61 +Cosa 2 m+1 A Cos 28 +2B 3 C COS To (5) M I +Cos a2 (2 m- 'A + B sin 0 sinp, 20 pa M (I + Cos 0)2 2B 3 7(-2 T +1 Acos8- +,TCCos& sfn? -20 M On the exterior of the cone Card 3/5 ~'! 29165 B/021/60/000/010/007/016 On the equilibrium of an D251/D303 do/e=a TrO/O=a = 01 and hence B 2 2 A(l + cos a)2 (6) m and 4A [(m + 1)oos 2a - 2(m - 2)(1 + cos a)j. (7) 3m A is found from the equilibrium condition 3 M + I drf (T rE)COST 'r rTcos e sin )r sin 0 d8 = 0 (8) 6 considered for arbitrary r const. The solution is then given, where D(a) 2(l - coo 02 2 Rm + 1)008 3a +(m.+ 4)oos2a + 3(M - 2) (1 + 008 a) (10) + 4(M + 1)0os a + 3MI. Card 4/5 29185 8/021/60/000/010/007/016 On the equilibrium of an ... 11251/11303 For imoompressible material (m = 2) a* = 1290t71 for m = 3, a* = 1330p5o There are 1 figure and 3 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Boviet-bloo. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: B, Sternbergq V1, Koiter# J, of Appl. Meah.p 25P 575P 1958- 1 ASSOCIATIONt Instytut mekhaniky AN URSR (Institute of Mechanics AS UkrSSR) PRESENTEDs by 11.1.1o Savin, Academiciang AS UkrSSR SUBDUTTEDs January 21p 1960 Pig.. r Card 5/5 I . UIaTKO, 4T. Coordination conference on the three-dimensional theory of elasticity and plasticity. Px~kl.mekh. 7 no.3:345-346 161. (KERA 14:6) (Elasticity) (Plasticity) 3 76 855 S/198/62/0()8/003/005/008 D407/D301 Ulitko, A.T AUTHOR: (I