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New data on the topography of the Kurile Kamchatka depression.
Dokl.AN SSSR 94 no.2:313-318 Ja 134. OCLRA 7.-1)
1. Institut okeanologii Akademii nau SSSR.
I(Kurile Islands--Geology) (Kamchatka--Geology)
New model of a bottom dredger bucket. Trudy Gidrobiol.ob-va
no.6:217-222 155. (HLRA 8:9)
1. Iristitut okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR
(Dredging (Biology))
Topography of the
no.12:16-61 '55.
Kurile-XELmehatka Trench. Trudy Inst. okean.
(KRA 8:9)
Trench--Submarine topography)
Origin of the Sea of Okhotsk submarine topog-rnphy. Trudy Inst.
okean. no-13:5-15 155. (MLRA 8:11)
(Okhotsk, Sea of-Sumbarine topography)
How amecho depth sounder operates. Geog. v shkole 18
no-3:55-57 Vq-Je 155. (KWA 8:9)
(Sounding and soundings)
Geological structure of the Kurile-Kawhatka Trench. Priroda
no.12:79-82 D 155. (MLRA 9:1)
l.Institut okeanologii Akademii nwk I~M.
(Kurile Trench--Geology, Structural)
- ~ i'l I iql-l'i e k~-Ljj~_
The northern and of the Hawaiian submarine ridge. Dokl,AN IMR
103 no.6ao77-lo8o Ag 155. ()am 9 -'l)
1. Institut okeanologii Akademii naak SSSR. Predstavleno alutdemi-
kom D.I.Shcherbakovym.
(Hawaiian Islands-4sology)
Relief of the Kurile-Kamchatka Trench. Blul.Sov. po oeism.
ne.2:35-42 156. (Kurile Trench) (MLRA 9:9)
15-57-4 -528-4
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 4,
p 171 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Sysoyev, N. N., Mikhalltsev, 1. Ye., Udintsev, G. B.,
Lisitsyn, A. P.
TITLE: The Potentialities of Studying the Ttiickn5ss *of Uncon-
solidated Marine Sediments by Seismo-Acoustical Methods
(Perspektivy izucheniya moshchnosti rykhlykh morskikh
otlozheniy seysmoakusticheskimi metodami)
PERIODICAL: Buyl. -Soveta po seysmol. AN SSSR, 1956, Nr 2, pp 52-58.
APSTRACT: The authors examine the potentialities of seismo-
acoustical investigations of the floor of the seas and.
oceans, The apparatus for these studies (EKhO-52),
which permits the use of either reflected or refracted
waves, was designed and built at the Institute of
Oceanology (Oceanography and all related and pertinent
sciences) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in
consultation and cooperation with the Acoustical
Card 1/2 Institute. The apparatus includes a detector with a
The Potentialities of Studying the Thickness (Cont.)
15-57-4 -5284
sensitive element of Rochelle salt, a specially constructed ampli-
fier, and also an 8-loop oscillograph MPO-2 and an electronic
oscillograph EO-4 with a photographic recorder. The apparatus was
tested in the eastern part of the Black Sea and produced satisfactory
results. Reflections were obtained from four horizons at depths of
180 m, 330 m, 470 m, and 570 m. The question is raised as to the
possibility of forming tsunamis during underwater landslides.
L. L. V.
Card 21r
qlol~ ii~
fathograms. Trudy Inst.okean. 19:169-194
(MLRA 10:2)
(Echo mounding)
LU42. B I
Collation of sounding linas. Trudy Inst.okean. 19:195-203
156. (MI.I?A 10:2)
(Nep-ses. sounding)
~MSMV, 1?. 1.
Detign of a piston core sampler witb an automatically
stabilized piston. Trudy Inat.okean. 19:232-237 156. =T.
(MLRA 10:2)
(Bering machinery)
Vi) -,;o -1 1- .~ - if
Piston tube with rigid frame for. obtaining high quality samples
of maxine depoeit.q,,,.Zemlevede.n,ie-4:263-g66.157. (KIRA 100)
(Deep sea deposits)
(Scientific apparatus and instrurwntq)
Ut'nuTST-iv, G. B.
"Relief of Sea of Okhotsk', Reports of the Inst. of OceancgrapI7, AcadePW
of Sciences USS.1, Vol. 22, 1957, P-1-76.
This artiole includes scwidings from -Soviet oceanographic research
ship VITYAZ. (Part of IGGY program)
SOV/124-58 -11--12211
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 11, p 35 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Udintsev, G. B.
TIT LE: ~-on--37p-e--d-jr-s-ou-nif--t-orrections to be Applied to Ocean-depth Readings
Obtained lif an Echo Depth Sounder (0 popravkakh na skorost' zvuka
k glubinam, izmerennym ekholotom)
PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta okeanot. AN SSSR. 1957, Vol 25, pp 115-117
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry
Card 1/1
TITLS Discover), And hxplorat or- of the zuumarine 15aiico; kuu,_I~ain in trie
(Otkry-tiye i I-ssiodovaniya podvodn.:)y gory Isakova v Tikti-,= Okaane--Ru3slan.~
PERIODICAL Doklady A.kademii Nauk SSSR,195'1,Vol 113,Nr 5,pp, 1123-1126(u.j.S.H.)
Received 7/195Y Reviewed d/L95jf
ABSTRACT Tne frequent occurrence of submarine mountains is one of the speciali-
ties of the ground-relief of the facific, kost of them have an almost co-
nical shape,somotimes with a cut off peak.They reach a heighT, of some hun-
dred up to 4-5ooo m.1n recent years a number of such mountaIns Thicn are
Oistributed over the whole oc6an wore discovera(i,they are.,hc;gaver,combined
with chiefly not very high vault-alevations.According to the generall opi-
nion of the geologists thel~r origin is volcanif,,,The grouncl-relief of the
north-western part of the Pacific was not explorea to nuon an extent as
elsewhere.Tne submarine mountainB were first discovered only in the north-
ern continuation of the Havaiian submarine chain and in this western part
of the Pa-.ific middle d-ike.Tnus submarine mountairL3 wore not known. for
greater t,arritories in the north of the middle d-1ks,,A rcrw of sing-h mou-n-
tai= was discovered in 1953 on the occasion of the 14,voyage of the "Vi-
tyaz"-, in the aouth-east of the Ku--iles-Kv-chatky"epre33ion.Tne- wer-3
all only isome hundred meters hign.On october Wth,1954 investigatins were
carried oilt east of the Idzu-islands dur2mg trio J,~Vi voyage ot v'a spme
ship.1t was noticed that the Ganges-islands which can ba found ir, many
Card 1/2 charts in reality do not exist, nor were any si~bmarine mountain,~ wli,L,.-h re.
Discovery And Explcration of the JUbmarine D,-akov koanti-:-
in the Facific.
cently might tave projec-,*a beyond the water as it-land? f
ously an enormous submarine mountain with a height of 'oo~.j m on the
of the ocean was discovered about 26o km west of trII3 placej it's pe;~ic
Is 14oo m below the surface.wheroas the 3urrounding tiottcm of the 3i-a ~s
64oo m deep.on :japtenber the 270 the mountain was triorougl-.1y invtzitivateil
on the occa3ion of the 22nd voyage of the ,Vityaz~o,and samples, of tbe bot-
t1om were taken.1t2tronomir, pos'Ition-findingi wero carrIed out carelully.Tiv!
mountain has an oval shape~witn a great axis in tne tran3v-.-riaL a-at a ~-mall
one In the meridlonaJ. dire3tion.1463 tweadtn at the i.-sobatne 5coorr. anounts
to 2b-35 lnn.Tne middle part is awaost norizontal.Tr" mountain i3lpne of the
largest that nave Deen discovered In the last years in tnt kla::Iflc~az o-lg
as Fudzra-'Cama or the Kayucnesvskaya 5opka of Kamchatka,fur0iarmo::'e a3 big
as the bigge5t submarine mountaino of the Pacific.,, Kr!~-en-and P-irfirling-
mountain.The disoovery of the Isakov Mountain allows the statement ti-aat
volcanic phenomena are combined not only witn big vault, elevatiori, nut al-
r;o witn tric areas of the flat depressions bst~ween them,
(With 2 illustratiori5,2 ~;lavic references).
4,,jSOCIATION Institute for Oceanology of the Academy of ~cien" of lh.~
PRESENTED BY STRAMOV N.M., Member of the Academy
SUBMITTED 24.8-1956
AVAILABLE Library of Congre5s
Card 2/2
AUTHORSt Lisitsyn, A.P., Mikhalltsev, I.Ye., Sysoyev, N.H., Udintsev,
TITLEe New Data on the Thickness and on the Sedimentary Conditions of
Soft Deposits in the Northwestern Part of the Pacific(Novyye
dannyye o moshohnoeti i usloviyakh zaloganiya rykhlykh otlozhe-
niy severa-zapadnoy chasti Sikhogo Okeana)
PERIODICALt Doklady All BSSRI 1957, Vol- 115, Hr 6, pp. 1107 - 1110 (USSR)
ABFITRACTs At p?esent the Institutelfor Oceanology, AN USSR, investigates
the -thickness of the slack depoaits on the bottom of the seas
and oceans by seismic-accoustioal methods. It is referred to
formor expeditions on board of the ship "Vityaz". In these in-
vestigation8 detonations of explosive charges of 400 9 uP to
120 kg served as sources of the elastical oscillations. These
charges exploded according to the operational method either at
the surface of the water or in a depth of 1 m or in depths bet-
ween 50 and 70 m. The reflected waves were registered immediate-
ly at the point of the explosion or in different distances from
it. The receivers were let down into depths of 30 to 150 m. The
Card 1 41 recorded signals were amplified and registered by a magneto-
Now Data on the Thiokness and on the Sedimentary Conditions of Soft Deposits
in the Northwestern Part of the Pacific
electrical oacillographv The present paper investigates the da-
ta obtained from the registration of the reflected wavoa imme-
diately at the point of the explosion. The evaluation of thesi
data gives evidence of theexiatence of several interfaces in the
soft layer of deposits and these parting surfaces lie in dif-
ferent depths below the bottom of the sea. Southeast of the
middle part of the Kuriles Jn all measuring points 2 to 3 re-
fleeting layers were ascertained and the depth of these layers
under the bottom of the sea is different in every point, One
of theso parting layers raflects the waves twice as much as the
bottom of the.sea. This partinonterface was ascertained in a
very far distance from the Haway underwater-ridge to the height
of Zenkeivich. Then the behavior of these layers east of the
Japanese, island Honshu (Khonsyn) and in the Philippines ditch
is disovased, The results of these investigations obtained so
far are not plenteous and their interpretation is not concluded
yet, Nevertheless the following can already be saida These re-
sults are in good conformity with the results obtained by sonic
altimeter and the accumulation of the deposits in the north-
western basin of the Reific takes place irregularly. There are
G&rd 2/# 1 figure, 2 tables and 2 feferences, 1 of which is Slavio,
i _T_ I T_ 1.
AlfTHORSt Bezrukov, P. L. , Boychenko, 1. G. Zhivaeo, A. V. , Zenke7ic',.l
N. Le Kanayev, V. F. and Udintsev. G. B.
TITLEt New Data on the 11ules Governing the Morphology of Submarine Relief
(Novyye dannyye o zakonomernoetyakh stroyeniya podvodnogo relyefa)
PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol- 116, Nr 5, PP- 841 - 844 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The cooperation of the two institutesgiven under "association"
facilitated the obtaining of the characteristic of some outlines
of the morphology of the submarine relief, together with the results
of foreign expeditions. These outlines were formerly either not
to a great extent known or subestimated. Conceptions of the borders
of greatest morphological areas or of the forms of first order like
the subma*rine margins Of the continents, the zone of the conti-
nental slope, and of the ocean gulf (111ozhe okeanall) could be de-
fined exactly; fu.rthermore the rules governing the order of the
great relief forias (forms of second order), as well as the cha-
racter of the connections in the order of smaller forms could be
explained. In the coastal zone and in the shallow water zone the
bottom of the sea is nearly everywhere levelled and slopes towe-rds
the sea extremely softly. This bottom area is bordered by a bend of
Card 1/4 the bottom, toward.s the sea. Behind it the bottom changes into a
X,ew Data on the Rules Governin.- the Morphology of Submarine Relief
more articulated ar-aa. This threshold does not lie deeper Lhan 300
m, on an average.of..130 m. The levelled area is towards the sea
replaced by either the area of the submarine margin of the contin-
ent or by the zone, of the continental slope. The latter has con-
siderable inclinations as well as a very complicated relief. The
origin of the levelled area of the bottom in shallow water is to
be assumed to be in connection with the abrasion-accumulative
levelling processes. 'The surfaces of the submarine margins of the
continents often cover large areas in comparatively shallow places
of the ocean. As a iule they continue the coastal plains of the
continent. Their breadth and depth vary -In vast borders; single
sections lie in a depth of from 1000 to 1500 m- Up to now the tech-
nical terms: continental abyss and continental shelf were not used
precisely enough. The expression continental slope does riot re-
flect precisely the fundamental traits of the traiisition zone from
the continental area to the ocean "sprout" (111ozhe okeanov"). it
wou;d be more precise to call it "zone of the continental 31opi--".
Examples for a very complicated and a more 3imple otructure are
given. The upper margin of the zone of the continental slope cor-
responds either to the exterior margin of the levelled area of the
coast-near shallow water or to the exterior margin of the submarine
Card 2/4 marginal zone of the continent. Sometimes there are also compara-
New Data on the Rules Governing the Morphology of Submarine -Relief
tively steept steps. In such cases one can speak of a saking part
of the continental mar-inal zone in the development of the zone of
the continental slope. The lower margin of the zone of 'the conti-
nental slope is rather clearly characterized by a bend of the bot-
tom area in the transitiontothe ocean sprout or by a still sharper
bend in the transition to the flat bottom area of the oceanic deep
sea channelswhich in many regions are bound to the lower part of
the continental slop.a. The ocean sprout is characterized by a great
variety of forms and relief types: elevations, mountain ridges,
and single mountains occur frequently. The great relief forms (Of
second order) are distributed in all parts of the oceanic bottom.
It is difficult to observe the continuations of the great relief
forms of the continent in the levelled part of the coast, theY
are, however, better marked in the zone of the continental slope.
In several cases a connection between the relief forms of the zone
of the continental slope and those of the ocean sprout 1XICOMC-3 Vi-
sible. Tovards the land they are only seldom continued on the con-
tinental margin. The great variety of the small ground relief ifonms
can be comprised in .5 groups: 1.) a relief in which tile traits of
Card 3/4 the original relief tire long time conserved which io covered by a
New Data on the Rules Governing the Morphology of Submarine heiivf
sedimentary cover of the same thickness. 2.) the levelling relief
the original unevennetis of which is filled in ; the thickness of
the sediments increases here in the depressions, and 3.) a level-
led relief in which the sediments cover all unevenness ot' the ori-
ginal reliefl in the depressions the layers are much thicker and
broken at the elevations. There are 7 references, 4 of which ure
ASSOCIATIONs Institute for Oceanology, Institute for Geography AN USSR
(Institut okeanologii, Institut geografii Akademii nauk SSOR)
PRESENTED: May 13, 1957, by I. P. Geragimov, Academician
SUBMITTEDt June 11, 1957
AVAILABLEs Library of Congress
Card 4/4
"Gbjectives and Principles in EAploring the Seafloor Contours of Far Eastern
Seas and the Vorthwestern Part of the Pacific. I' 7he article recapitulates the
maincontributions Yrade to this problem by various Soviet and foreign organization.
7he article mentions the State Hydrological Institute (GGI) and the Pacific Inst.
of PiscatoloSy (TI11Kh). It points out the existence of an edition of Bypsometric
Maps (1949) of the USSR. In contradistinction to former attemps, the author emp-
hasizes the necessity for further atudy of the geological history of the bottom
and its geological structure, especially that or the Kurile archipelago. Me
article summarizes the recent reauLts on this Bub3eet, Obtained by tleComplex
Oceanographic Ebcpedition of 1949-5iL-
Oceanographic Research of the Northwestern Part of the Pacific Ocean Mosccw, lzd-
vo PJ1 SSSR, 1958) 149-pp. Its: Trudy, -1.2.
This collection of articles reports the results of obervations made in pacific,
by the Institute of Oceanology of the Academy ")f Sciences, USSR. In 1949, t1he Inst
launched a systematic five-year program of scientific exploration of certain
hydrographei peculiarities of the S(nriet Pacific Area. The operations were carried
out as a "Complex Oceanogrphic acpedition,? using the Motorboat Vityaz' as its base
The expedition worked In collaboration with the Hydrographic Institute of the Soveit
Navy (VMS), the Pacifif Institute of Fiscatology and Oceanography, and some JK1
other institutes of the Acad. of Sci. Between 1949 and 1954, 18 trips ute-re mde,
covering about 130,000 miles. Among the subdects of direct concern were:
meteorology, hydrology, oceanography, hydrochemistry, Gedimentation, geography Of
the littoral, geology and contouro of the sea bottom, fauna, plankton, nicro-
biology, and gravimetry. Twenty-eight, authors con-tributed to the collection -,nic
consists of 27 articles. Ther are: 6 gs~oles, 23 diagramE, 3 41lustrations,
(Photographs of the littoral), 4 m&ps. There are no references.
Rquipment and methods ussit In determining the thi6mess of
unconsolidated marine deposits and study-ing the bottom structure
of seas and oceane. Biul.Olcean.kom. no.2:41-46 158.
(MIRA 120)
(Deep-ses, deposits)
'~,- o,,_
Equipment afid methods for bottom relief stndyin oceanographic
.research. Biul.Okean.kom. nc,.2:24-33 '58. (MIR& 12:5)
(Submarine topography)
AUTHORS: Birshteyn, Ya.A., Professor; Savilov, A.I., Candidate cf
Biological Sciences; Udintsev, G.B., Candidate of Geograph-
ical Sciences
TITLE: Trawling at the Maximum Depth of the World Ocean (Traleniye
na maksimallnoy glubine mirovogo okeana)
PERIODICALs Priroda, 1958, Nr 3, PP 70-71 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The "Vityazill expeditionary vessel of the Institut okeanolo-
gii AN SSSR (Institute of Oceanology of the AS USSR did some
IGY research of the Marianas Trench on its first. cruise. The
results obtained showed that the trench has a flat bottom, 1
to 3 km wide, at a depth ranging between 10,000 and 10,900 m
between 141051'and 142015' west longitude. Maximum depth in
this region is 10,960 m. It was found out that the level
bottom of the trench beccmes bipartite in a westward direction,
owing to a small extended upheaval. Research on the "Vityaz"'
included trawling for in the deepest part of the trench.
On a former trawling expedition in 1953, fauna had been ob-
tained from a depth of 9,950 m in the Kuril-Kamchatka trench.
The apparent absence of fauna on the trench bottom is explain-
Card 112 ed by either an extreme rarity of specimens a total absence in
Trawling at the Maximum Depth of the ','Iorid Ocean SOV-26-56-3-12/51
this particular area, or an absence due to 1--i-fe-suffocatin,
masses of all kinds of organic sediments or intermittent vol-
canic action in this region.
There are 4 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 2 English.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyj universitet imeri M.V. Lomonosova
(Moscow State University Imeni M.V. Lomonosov) and Institut
okeanologii AN SSSR-Moskva (Institute of oceanology of the
AS USSR--Moscow)
1. Aquatic animals-Pacific Ocean 2. Ocean bottom--Geology
3. Ocean bottom--Sampling
Card 212
AUTHOR: Udintsev G ':~OV/5-58-4-26/43
TITLE; The Geological Results of the Expedition of the "71,lyazl"
to the Westem Part of the Pacific (Geologicheskiye rezull-
taty ekspeditsii "Vityazya" v zapadnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana)
PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytateley prirody,
Otdel geologicheskiy, 1958, Nr 4, PP 152-153 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a summary of a report given by the author at a con-
ference of the Moscow Society of Naturalists on 13 May 1958.
In 1957 and 1958, an expedition of the Institut okeanologii
AN SSSR (Institute of Oceanography of the AS USSR) on the
"Vityaz"' carried out geological research in the western
Pacific within the program of the International Geophysical
Year. This expedition studied the sub-water relief, col-
lected samples of bottom sediments and rocks, atmospheric
and water suspensions, investigated the loose deposits by
seismic and acoustic methods and made photographs of the
1. Geology 2. Hydrology 3. Seismographs--Applications
4. Photography
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Udintsev, G.B., Candidate of Geographical Sciences
TITLE: The Discovery of an Abyssal Trench in the Western Part of
the Pacific (Otkrytiye glubokovnogo zheloba v zapadnoy chaoti
Tikhogo okeana)
PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1956, Nr 7, PP 85-88 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: "Vityazl", the research vessel of the Institute of Oceano-
logy of the AS USSR is conducting complex oceanographical
investigations in the Pacific within the setup of the IGY.
Special attention is devoted to the Pcean bottom relief and
trenches. In 1957 the "Vityaz"' found that the correct
depth of the Tonga and Marianas d3pressions were 10,841
and 10,990 m respectively. On 3 February 1958, the vessel
sailed northward along the meridian of 1700161 west longitude.
In the region of 10025' south latitude reflection soundings
indicated a V-shaped trench with steep slopes and a nearly
horizontal level bottom of about 4 miles width. Bottom depth
was established at 6,140 m. This depth, by no means uncommon
in the Pacific, is outstanding in this region, where the
average depth is 3,500 to 4,500 m with two exceptional marks
of about 5,668 m.
There is I chart and 1 graph.
Submarine mountains of the Xurille Islands. Trudy Lab.vulk. no.13-71-88
1 580 (MIRA 120)
Mrille I91ands-Oceen bottom)
AUTHORSi Andreyeva, j.B. and lidf.ntsev, G.B. SOV-1i-~;8_10-1.,/12
TITLE- The StrucTure of the Bottcm of the Sea of Japan Ac::ording
to Data Obtained by the V-;.tyaz" Exredition (Stroyeniye
dna Yaponskcgo morya po dannym issledovaniy ekspeditsii
na ':V4tyaze"
PERIODICAL. izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geologicheskaya, 1951~~9
Nr 10, pp x - 20
ABSTRACT: The seismo-aocustle method of sea-bottom, study was applied
on a large scale by USSR for the first time in 1954 by the
institut Okeanologii AN SSSR (The Institute of Oceanology
of the AS USSR" in the north-western part of the Pacific
Ocean and in 1957 for the study of the bottom of the Sea
of Japan, The research ship "Vityazl" was especially built
for thiz k~-nd of research, Her equipment and instruments
were devised by she Akustichesk3y Institut A17 SSSR (the
Institute of Acoustics of the AS USSR). The au-rhors de-
scribe "he result3 of theae st-adies
which were largely
based on methods developed abroad /Ref,, 9 _237, such as
the study of reflected and refracted sound-waves produced
by explosive charges dropped to the sea bottom, This way
Card 1/2 three strata were dis.,overed on the bottom of the western
The Structure of the Bottom of t-he Sea of 7apan Accord-ng to Data Obtained
by the "Vityazli, Expedition
par" of the basin of the Sea of Japan. The first is a
euperficial sedimentary stratum 1 to 1.5 kTr thick. The
seconl is an underlying besAltic sty-,attim,6.5 to 7.5 km.
thick. The third is ccmposed of ultrabassibs . It was
also found thal. the pr1mary complex-tectonic relief ot'
the Sea of Japan basin was covered by a thick smooth, se-
dimentary layer, There are 3 tab193, I map, 4 diagrams,
7 graphs and 23 references, 8 of which are So7.-iet, 12 US,
.1 Japanese and 2 Englfa~.
SUDYITTEDi April 7, 1958
ASSOCIATION: Inst."Put okeanologi:i All SSSR (The Institute of Oceanology
of the As nssiR)
2. Ocean bottom--AnaLysis 3. Seismf2
wave s---App !,-- a-Lon- 4, S&_,. ..--Applicatiors
Card 2/2
Geological results of the wVitiazlu expedition in the western
part of the Pacific Ocean, Biul. MOIP. Otd.geol. 33 no.4:
152-153 JI-Ag 158. WILA 11:11)
(Pacific Ocean--Ocean bottom)
AUTHORSt Sysoyev, N1 N , Udintsev, G D. , 2c 119-1-52/65
Andreyeva, I. B
TITLEt The Results of Se-inmic-Acoustic Exploration of the
Bottom of the Japan Sea (Rezul'~taty seysmo-akusti-
cheskikh isoledovaniy dna Yauonskogo morya)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958. Vol 119, Nr 3,
PP, 575-578 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The two institutes mentioned below carried out the
mentioned investigations on the ship "Vitya~" in 1557-
The mentioned method contributed already (Refs, 1-3)
to the collection of important material from various
oceans. In the course of earlier works (Ref, 4) the
main features of the tectonics of the Yaponskogo sea
and the distribution of the ground deposits could be
found out roughly, Therefore- it was of interest to
continue these works The se:Lsmic acoustic investiga-
tions were carried out along 2 cross sections in ver.
tical position to each other (Fig, 1), The working
Card 1/4 method corresponded in general to ref, 1- Explosions
The Results of Seismic-Acoustic Exploration 2o-119 3-52/65
of the Bottom of the Japan Sea
of trinitro -toluene - charaes rhicln wEre relased -a- a
certain depth served as source of the sound waves.
2 ships were used for the workt an assistant ship sai.
led along the chosen cross section and released explo=
sions at certain periods of time while the "Vityaz"
at the beginning of the cross section received the
acoustic signals of the explosions by means of hydro=
phones. The assistant ship sailed along the two cross
sections twice in both directions, At each cross sec=
tion. about 14 explosions were released at a distance
of about 6-6 kml The time of each explosion was radioed
to the "Vityaz"' and recorded on the band of the oscillo.
graph. The main informations on the upper layers of the
ground were obtained from the data oil the propagation of
the reflected waves, The results of the computations
are given on table I- It can be concluded from it that
here the ground surface does not form a clearly distinc-
tive reflecting boundary P. reflects only the high-fre~
quency components while tile others entered the mass of
Card 2/4 the surface and were reflected or refracted only at a
The Results of Seismic-keoustic Exploration 2o-119-3-52/65
of the Bottom of the Japan Sea
depth of loo-6oo m. 2 pairs of hpdographs directed
opposite (vetrechnyy) to each other were constructed
from the data on the entering of refracted waves and
data on the limit velocity of the sound as well an on
the depth of the refracting boundaries 6f the deeper
seated ground layers. 2 layers with considerably diffe.
rent limit velocities in both cross sections could be
distinguished. The velocities differed in both cross
sections. This difference seems to be due to measuring.
errors and to the fact that the actual geological con-
ditions did not agree with the idealized assumptions
the computation,was based on. Apparently a basaltic
layer of a thickness of from 6-7 to 7-8 m is stratified
under the loose deposit. As it seems to the authors the
results prove the fact that a considerable mass of loose
ground deposits exists in the western part of the Ya.
ponskoye sea which is not separated by distinct boun.
daries. The change of ihe thickness of this layer is
obviously connected with the supply of deposits from
Card 3/4 the continent and with the relief of the subjacent
130GOROV. Y.G.; RRUYEVICH, S.V.; YKDOSOV, H.V.; ~Ilns~Ev, G.B.
Methods of oceanographic research in the U.S,S.R. Nek. probl.
i rez. okean. issl. no.1:12-16 159. OIIRA 13:2)
(Oceanographic research)
Ocean depths as a subject for study. Itogi nauki: Dost.okean.
no-1:7-26 159. (MIRA 12:10)
Studying the relief of sea and ocean bottoms. Itogi muki:
Dost.okean. no.1:27-90 159. (14IRA 12: 10)
(Ocean bottom)
.-. -~i. :7.
"The Eottlcune T-.Dpcf-raphy rand tht; Study i-.f Ccew. Tect:,nics."
"7he Trencch Tcjpo.,c,7raph-,,r c,-!' t~,e- Pacif~fc."
report to be submitted for the Intl. CceannL~raphic Ccng. Y.,-.?w Ycrli~ City,
31 Ailgr - 11 Sell) 1959-
(Inst. Oneano~og-j Mos~-ow)
AUTHORS: Neprochnov, Yu. P., and Udintsev, G. B.
TITLE Velocity Measurements of Elastic Waves in Porous
Sediments of the Ocean
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR Seriya geofizicheskaya
1959, Nr 11, pp 1699-1701 (USSR~
ABSTRACT: Experiments were carried out by the Institute of
Oceanology, Academy of Sciences USSR, in 1957 on board
bhe ship "V#ya*',1" where the velocity of elastic waves
in porous deposits of the Japan Sea were investigated.
Similar experiments were carried out in the Black Sea
in 1957 to 1958. Typical oscillograms obtained by the
ultrasonic seismoscope UZS-2 placed on the sea bed
at the points 1 to7;145 along a profile are illustrated
Figs 1 and 2. The results of measurements showed an
agreement of the obtained velocities with those in the
top layer of 100 m thick. The maximum discrepancy was
about 5%. There are 2 figures and 6 references, 3 of
which are Soviet and 3 English.
ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR Institut okeanologii (Academy
Sciences USSR, Institute of Oceanogmphy)
SUBMITTED: February 19, 1958
Card 1/1
History of investigations, in tre Zr7ir7L,-"S9a. Trudy inst. okeam.
29:5-16 159. (MM 12:12)
(Bering Sea--Oceanographic research)
~ .. 11 . -
Bottom contour of the Bering Saa, Trudy InBt. okear. 29:17-64
159. (Bering Sea--Submarine topography) (KHU 12:12)
Maximum depths of the ocean. Priroda 48 ne.6:84-88 Je '59.
(MIRA 12:5)
1.Institut okesnolegii, AN SSSR, Moskva.
(Deep-sea sounding)
Zhuze, A. P.~ Petelin, V. P., S 07/2 01-1, 2 1- 6 - 33r /5 5
Udintsev, G. B.
TITLEt The Problent of the Origin of Diatomaceous Oozes Containing
EthmadiSCU8 reX (Wall.) Hendey
(K voprosu a proiskhozMenii d.-atomovykh ilov s Ethmodiscus
rex (Wall.) Hendey)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 6, PP 1301-1304
ABSTRACT; Bottom sediments occur in -the tropical zone of the ocean which
consist almost entirely of shells of the diatoms mentioned _in
the t-.ile. Their thickness attains 5-7 m in depressions. The
portion of other organic romains in these oozes is very in-
significant, Since E. Tex rarely occurs in tropical plankton,
the problem of the origin of these oozes is broached. E. rex
is a Recent ooeanic speoies of the tropical zone of the ocean
and occurs, for example, the Californian coast the entire
year where the warm Californian current flows by (Ref 10);
further, in the westeTn part of the Pacific -up to 420 north
Card latitude, and finally in the Indian Ocean (Ref 5). This is
the Problem of tha 0-rigin of D.atomaceous Oozes SOV/20-124-6-33/55
Containing Eth-mod-iscus rex (Wa Il. ) Hendey
practically all that is known about The distribution of E. rex
in the world oseans. Figure 1 shows a summary of the
distribution of Ethmodisxis oozes. Various hypotheses were
made ~ancerning the ca-.iaae of the rarity of these diatoms-
a. the oof!,es are redepositeA and are of Tertiary crigin (Ref 11).
b. the sudden and therefore very short development of E. rex
kRef 12). the durability of the shells of these diatoms.
Parti,7-1-as with special properties are deposited in narrowly
j."mited arc-as by -nomplicated relations between the cur-rents9
the relief of the cceanfloor, and the size and shape of' the
sedimerAai:T parti.7,1ee (Ref 8). The authors would like to divide
the problem iLto two paitsi A. the reason for the large
prop-crtion of shalls of E. rex in sedimentation in comparison
w-ith other &Iat)-ins. B. thp irregu2ar distribution of the oozes
menti,:onai on th,:~ ocean floor. They answer these questions in
the f-Ilowing manntr. A. the shell of E. rex is much larger
( 300 - -1600,4,) than the shells of other tropical diatoms, is
better preservedg and 4-9 supplied in large quantities by this
spec~i,~s whioh ii-Tres the entire year. The author3 reje3t the
hypot-hes-1-3 tbat, these oozea are redeposited. Further examples
Card 2/3 of the lvok of agreement of the role of diatoms in plankton
The Problem of the Origin of Matomaceous O:'-zes SOV/20-124-6-33/55
Containing Ethmodiscus rex ..) Handey
Card 3/3
and sediment could be cited. B. The shell size of E. rex is
also rf sigr-ifi,.-ance in answering this question. Such lar,-,e
particles have a high suspensionability in sea water, sink
only slowly to the bottoms and therefore react especially
easily to the slightest water movements in the sediment near
the floor. This must lead to a predominant downward washing
of the Ethmadiscus shells by basal elevations into the
depressions. The material collected during the 25th voyage of
the '-Vitya%-~"' expedition ship in the Philippine Trench of the
Pa-j-'fic has fcIly :.cinf---rmed the above considerations cf the
auth::-rs. Cznsequently they ar.-ive at the conclusion that the
th!~-,k a,,,cumularions of pure Ethmodiscue ooze in the Pacific
are of Recant origin. There are It figure and 13 referencesq
~~' of wh--i.::h are Soiriet.
Inatitut okeanologil" Akademii navlc SSSR
(Inst"'t-at6 ;X Ooean--,~graphy of the Ar;ademy of Setiences, USSR)
Octobar 6, 1958, by N- M- Strakho'(r, Academician
October 2,, 1958
AUTHOR: Udintsev, G~.B* BOV/20-129-4-57/68
TITLE: Results of Seipmlov~ooustio Investigations of the Structure
of the Bottom of the Pacific Ocean Southwest of Hokkaido Island
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, Nr 4, pp 923-925
ABSTRACT: During the course of several years' work, the author's
institute together with the Akusticheakiy Institut AN SSSR
(Institute of Acoustics of the AS USSR) investigated the
structure of the bottom of the acean located about 700 km
southwest of Hokyaido. This wao the tventy~~eighth trip of the
ship "Vitya.z"I'VIAt this location the instizutes wanted to
find out the thickness of the deposits and of the most
important crustal layers which would characterize the struc-
tures found at the boundary between the oceanic basin and the
embankment which follows the Kurilo-Kamchatskiy trench in a
northeasterly directions Three profiles perpendicular to the
strike of the embankment were investigated: I (north) on the
arch of the embankment (depth of the ocean from 5180 to 5550 m)l
11 (middle) on the southwestern flank of the embarkment
Card 1/4 (depth 5600 to 5750 m); III (south) on the floor of the north-
7 1
Results of Soismio-acoustic Investig
,ations of SOV/20-129-4-57/66
the Structure of the Bottom of the Pacific Orean
Southwest of Hokkaido Island
western Paoifie deAp (depth 5650 to 5800 m). The length of
profile I is 110 km, that of the rest 70 kra~ The method
involving a movable center of explosion and recording the
times of the direct, refracted c.nd reflected waves was used.
The method is identioal to other3 of the author's institute
(Refs 1,4-6) and to that used by foroign scientists (Refs 7,899).
The results of the calculations showed that- beneath the
ooean floor is a layer which oocurs in all three profiles and
which transmits the waves with EL speed of 1~6 to 2.0 km/sec, tK
This speed apparently increases towards the base of "his layer.
The low frequency components which were reflected from the
surface underlying this layer are at least twice as intensive
as the reflections from the floor of the ocean (nimilar during
the 19th trip of the "Vityazl", Ref 3), A group of refracted
waves ha-iing a oritioal speed of 6,5 km/,-,eo alcrg the inter-
face were traced in each profila~ Such waves are usually
identified with the upper boundary of the basaltic layer,. In
profile I waves having a critical speed of 9.0 km/aec were
Card 2/4 registered. It is still unclear what would cause such a great
6712 7 3
Results of Soiamia-acoustic Investigations of SOV/20-129-4-57/68
the Structure of the Bottom of the Pacific Ocea.n
Southwest of Hokkaido Island
difference in the Mohorovicio discontinuity (of 8.,3 km/sec)
and if, indeedp such a high value may be assigned to the
dieoontinuity, The author believes that the group of waves
having a critical speed of 5..3 km/seo which were observed at
the south end of profile II and the north end of profile III
may be identified with a la er of voloanice (as In the region
of the Tonga trench, Ref 105, The thickness of the sedimentary
mantle varies greatly; between 100 and 560 meters, The basaltic
layer (profile I) is 7 km thick., The layer of voloanios (at
the point of contact of profiles II and III) is about 1 km
thick. It appears to the author that the above results,
including the absence of a granitic layer; agree with those
of other workers (Refs 6;11)z That the thickness of sediments
in the arched area of the embankment is greater than on the
southeastern flank (discovered by K.B. Vak r, Institute of
Acoustics of the AS USSR), may possibly be explained by a
migration in time of the axis of' the embankment towards the
Kurilo-Kamchatskiy trench and the associated formation of the
Card 3/4 Kurili)-Kamchatskaya geosynoline, It can only be suggested
Results of Seismic -acous tir, of jO`1/~0-129-4-57/66
the Struoture of the Bottom of the 11as.1fic
Southwest of Hokkaido Ialand
that the great variation in thickness of the sedimentary
layer is due to the irregularities in the relief on the
bazement. There are 2 f-1-6nalrou and 11 r3-ferences, 5 of Which
are Soviet,
ASSOCIATION: Institut okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR (institute of
'Oceanography of the Aoademy of Scisnoes, USSR)
July 14~ 19599 by D.Iz Shcherbakov, Aoademician.
July 10, 1959
0sxd 4/4
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A gg ; !s
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-o AS t .9,'- ".21
"Maximum Deptha of the World Ocean and Researches in Deep-Sea Trenches
W the E)Tedition of the 'Vityaz"
report to be iubmitted for the Intl. Geographical Union., 10th General Assembly
and 1--th Intl. Geographical Congress.. Stockholm., Sweden, 6-13 August 1960.
"Geomorphology of Sea Beds in the USSR and Y-odern Problms of Marine
report to be submitted for the Intl. Geographical Union, 10th General Azsembly
and 19th Intl. Geographical Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 6-13 August 1960.
Al E
International Geological Congress. 21st, ;1"openhagen, 1960.
Morskaya geologiya (Marine Geology) Moscow, Izd-vo A14 SSSR, 1960.
205 p. 2,500 copies printed. (Series: Doklady sovetskikh
geologov, problema 10)
Editorial Board: P. L. Bezrukov, Resp. Ed.; A. V. Zhivago, V. P.
Zenkovich and 0. B. Udintsev; Ed. of Publishing House; V. S.
Sheynman; Tech. Ed.: V. Karpov.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for geologists and oceanographers.
COVERAGE: The book contains 18 articles representing the reports
given by Soviet geologists at the 21st. International Geological
Congress. Individual articles deal with the bottom topography,
sedimentation, and tectonics of oceans (Western Pacific and
Southern Indian), as well as the geomorphology and tectonics of
the Black and Cavian Seas. and Soviet sectors of the Baltic.
An English r4sumd ,accompanies each article. No personalities
Card 116
Marine Geology SOV/5331
are mentioned. References follow Individual articles,
Udintsev, 0. B. Floor Relief and Tectonics of the Western
Pacific 5
Zhivago, A. V. Tectonics and aeomorphology of the Floor of the
Southern Indian Ocean 18
Sysoyev, N. N., I. Ye, Mikhalltsev,-(L-B. Udintsev, I. B.
Andreyeva, A. P. Lisitsyn, and Yu. 1. Ne_p_r_-6_e_h_n_ov_._-'Results of
Seismic-Acoustic Investigations of the Earth's Crust Under
Seas and Oceans 35
Bezrukov, F. L. Formation of Sediments In the Northwestern
Pacific 45
Card 2/;5
KANAYEV p V.,F. ;,, UDI.14TSEV s G-.-B.-
Study of submarine relief during oceanographic expeditiow,
Trudy Inst. okean. 44:3-53 160o OUM 14:2)
(ocean bottom)
I ZUM, B - M. ; KOVYLIJI, V. K. -, UDINTSM, 0.03.
Recent data on thetectonice of the northwestern submarine elevation
of the Pacific Ocean. Dokl. AN SSSR 135 no.6tl461-1464 D 160.
(MIRA 13:12)
1. Institut okeanologii Akademii nank SSSR i Inatitut fisiki Zemli
Akademii nauk SSSR. kredstavleno akademikom N.S.Sbatskim.
(Pacific Ocean--Submarine geolop.7)
Problems in marine geology and geomorphology. Okeanologiia 2
no.3:469-488 162. (MIRA 15.7)
(Pacific Ocean-Submarine geology)
Oceanographic ships. Okeanologlia 2 no.3-514-526 162.
(MIRA 15:7)
(Oceanographic research ships)
Use of the nLadoga" phototelegraph apparatus for recording
depth measurements obtained with echo sounders. Okeanolo iia,
2 no.6:1093-1103 '&!. WIRA 17M
1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR.
Configuration of the ocean bottom and tectonic problems. Trudy
Okean kom. -10 no.3:38-4A, 162. (MIRA 15:3)
(Submarine geology)
Recent data on the configuzation of deep-sea trenches in the werstern
part of the Pacific Ocean. Trudy Okaan.kom. 10 no.3:45-65 162.
(MIR& 15:3)
(ftcific Ocean-Submarine topography)
Bottom structure of the central part of the Pacific Ocean. Blul.
MOIP.Otd.geol. 37 to.5WA S-0 162. (MIRA 15112)
(Pacific Ocean--Ocean bottom)
BOGATIKOV, O.A.; GROSHEV, N.A., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk (Moskva); DAVYDOV,
News, events, and facts. Prlroda 51 no.4-.106-U2, 114-116 Ap
,62. (MIRA 15%4)
1. Institut geologii rudrykh mestorozhder.,iy, petrografii,
mineralogii i gdokhimii AN SSSR, Moskva (for Bogatikov). 2. Gosu-
darstvennyy astrcnomicheskiy institut Im. P.K.Shernberga, Moskva
(for Davydov). 3. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR, Moskva (for
(Science news)
Relief and Structure of the Pacific Ocean Bottom
report submitted for the 13th General Assembly, IUGG (Oceanography) Berkeley,
California, 19-31 Aug 63
LISITSYN, A.Pe, kand.geol.-mlneral.nank; UDINTSEV, G.B.. kand.geogr&f.nailk
la~- ~0,
Present state and tasks of the geology of the world oceans. Vest.
AN SSSR 33 no.7:21-32 XL 163. (MIRA 16:8)
(Submarine geology)
Bottom configuratior. and tectonica in the Fg& Eastern seits and
the adjacent regions,of the Pacific Ocean. Okfanolog:Lia 1. no.3:
1+56-465 161.
"Thezoarth beneath the 19*0 by F.P.Shepard. 569-570
(MRA 16:11)
1, Institut okeanologii AN SSS14
-... New maps of the bottom reliotin the Pacific Ocean. Dkeanologiia 3 no.l:
169-175 163. (141RA 17:2)
UDINTSEV, r,-B.____
problems of the geomorphology and tectonics of the ocean bottom
at the 23th General Assembly of the International Union of
Geodesy and Geophysics, Izv, AN SSSR, Sero geog, to, 2t152-157
Mr-Ap 164. ' (MMA 17:5)
I 3/02l3/64/C0b/0ol/6l56/oj0,'6
AUTHORS: Udintsey,,04,,14;. Agapova, G. V.
TIME: Amethod of marine geomorphological investigation by means Of the precision
automatic depth recorder Ladoga
SOURCE: Okeanologiya., v. 4., no. 1, 1964, 1,56-166
.TOPIC TAGS: marine geomorphology, depth recorder,, automatic depth recordor, Ladoea
'death recorder., sonie'depth finder, recording drum., phase determination, multiple
ABSTRACT: The Ladoga instrument has greatly increased the possibility of
deciphering complex records of multiple reflections from a dissected bottom, and
it has markedly improved the chances of recording reflections from interfaces
within the upper layers of bottom sediment. The instrument is a sonic depth finder
equipped with special scales for computing depths. Three scales are employed (of
transparent plastic) for velocities of the're:ording coil of 60, 90, and 120 rpm.
Computations are simple., since one revolution of the 60-rpm coil measures the
,ocEssim, NR% Ap4ol8o6o
passage of 1 sec of sound signal, of the 90-rpm coil 0.75 sec, and of the 120-rpm
coil 0.5 see. The depth is easily calculated by knowing the velocity of the sigrnal
and the time of revolution of the coil. The record is made on a tape 496 mn. wide,
480 ma of which is used by the instruiment. It is necessary to determine the phase
between.the rotating coil and the reflected signal. This may be done and tabulated
.for each scale (60, 90, 120 rpm). Precision time marks (5 and 10 min) are placed
on the recording tape. The nature of the floor determines the scale used. The
120-rpm scale gives the highest resolution,, but if depth changes too rapidly the
use of this scale leads to frequent shifts in phase and to breaks in the record.
If the 60-rpm scale is used, the resolving pvuer is diminished but'the record is
more stable. The 90-rpm scale, of course, gives intermediate values. The authors
conclude that,a number of problems relating to complex records can be deciphered
by the L~dogaiinstrument,, but that this work: will require careful analysis, partic-
ularly of the'nature of the acoustical phenomena recorded during depth measurements.
Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 tables,.and 3 formulas.
ASSOCIATION: institut okeanologii 53Si (Insritute of Oceanography Ali SSSR)
SUMUTTED; 29Aug63 DATE; A"i: 18klar64 MCL: 00
.SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 003 071ER; 001
Card 2/2
Plum for compiling the First Intlernational Tectonic Yap of
the Earth. Sov. geol. 7 no.11:99-105 N 164. (MMA 18:2)
1. Moskovsk-Ity gosudarstvennyy universitet, Institut okeanologii
AN SSSR i Komissiya po mezhd.unarodnym tektonicheakim kartam
New relief maps of the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. rjeofiz. biul.
no.14:159-167 164. (MIRA 18:4)
LYUBIMOVA, Ye.A., kand. fiz.-matem. nauk; UUNLLEV G.B., kand. geol.-m:lneral.
nauk j,
lhe geothermal expedition "Amphitrite". Vest. AN SSSR 34 no.l:
59-614. Ja 165. (MIRA 18:2)
I YKJITVO)-~, Y-. ;', I ~r r- V;
.1 1 1 la~ '- 0 ?- 0 ;"
Ez,,,~ d _,'I L '--r., t'r:-,, rn~s; t, ;, , - ., m~ ,-, ; o~ " !, r ~, ,'I t'-i -11 4 1.r,-i
- ; - . .. .-.- ly - -C, b0 ~ -..,
-- " , 'r - -;~a % " -- i~, ,G,~ -:- --- . ,..I -,-,I -- -K
~-. RF!~,. z~-o. nc..5zl.' A 165,
1::* ". _Lf. -;-,
CODE: UR/0213/65/005/0M/1113/111t)
ACC NRi AP6011950
AUTHOR: Udintsev.,-G. B0
ORG: none
TITLE: Thirty-sixth voyage of the scientific research vesse7lyLtya I
SOURCE: OkeanologiYap ve 5, no. 6, 1965, 1113-1119
TOPIC, TAGS: tectonics, oceanographic expedition, oceanographic personnelp
stratigraphyp biologyp geomorphology, meteorologyp seismology
ABSTRACT: The 36th voyage of the "Vitvazl" the Indian Ocean
during theyeriod. 5 October 1964 through 6 March 1965* The principal
objective was integrated geological and geophysical Investigation of
different tectonic zones-of the Indian Five months were spent
ron this voyage* lbe polygon method was used, involving detailed studies
.of only limited by typical tectonic zones. The size of these polygons
'varied from 20x20 to 20x-40 miles. . The expedition,, -which departed from
Vladivo,stokp consisted of 129 men,, of which 64 were scientific personnell
the expedition was headed by G. Bo Udintseir of the Institute of Oceanol-I
ogy. There were ten detachments; with the following eh efe:
7 and tectonics of tho floor),
Kiii4yev (geomorpholog -A
-T1_3-'t_N61'ogy)P Ys_-__A:~_.Roma_nk_e_vkc_h (stratigralhy and geochemistry of bottom
sediments), _Y~u_._ &J146roc'h-nov,(seismoacoustie investigations).. Ms. A-. ~_
Tulin (gravimetry)q V. I. Marakuyev (research Technickies)j, A.](St_Lb~ysV!
L 21216-66
ACC NR, AP6011950
sa arin
(hydrography).,--&.~-P,%,~t.=ak-(hydrobiO:LOgY)'.q :GJt_KWSA, (m 0
physics), Shkotkizk (meteorology). Other investigations included
acoustic and.geothemal investigations, spore and pollen analysis of
-bottom deposits and study of bottom rocks. accompanying the text
shows the stations occupied and the polygons investigated@ A chrono-
.1oggical account of the expedition is given, -with reports on the most
~amportant observations in the most interesting,polygons. The voyage
Vas completed at Vladivostok on 6 March,1965.. after &ailing 153 daysp
a total dietaned, of 23,294* miles, Echo 'Soundings were made" along 22,683
zailes of the track and mpetic surVeys along a 'distance of 8. 000 AUeso
Orig. sA.- h~s: Iligui-re. [JPRSJ
SUB CODE: 089,04, 06 SUBM DATE: none
A -card. 2L2
L 212og-66- gc(l) ow
NR,__ _AP6611943 EOURGE CODE: UR/(il3/C5/00
AUTHOR: Udintsev, G* B.
ORG.- Institute of Oceanolo&&A~ 5344_(Institut okeanologii AN SSSR)
TITLE: New data on the structure of the floor of the Tndian Ocean
SOURCE: Okeanologiya, v. 5, no. 6p 1965, 993-5198
TOPIC TAGS: oceanographic expedition, tectonics, ocean floor topographyp earth crust
combined with data
ABSTRACT: Data from the 36th voyage of the "Vit
.LreL other Soviet and foreign expeditions; have been used in compiling
a nc-d tectonic map of the floor of the Indian Ocean, acccimapanying the
text. Mere are four important (-,dth many subdivisions) classes of
str,:ctural zones: a) Oceanic platforms or monocratons, v4hich are the
most stable parts of the floor, which exp. erience predominantly subsid-
:L~- vertical movements. b) Oceanic ridges with a block structure or
.tstio-smic ridges. These are narrow and high uplifts r1sing hundreds or
-even thousands of meters above the monoeratons. Zaiir length greatly
exceeds their width# Ther are nearl linear* .0 The recent- Sonda
geosynclinal zone, including the SonTa marginaL oceanic geosynclinal
trench, the folded zones of the Sonda island are and deep geosynclinal
basims of the marginal seas. d) The zone of recent taphrogenesia in
,the region of the mid-oceanic ridges. klaso inoluded is a schematic
cross section of the earth's crust through the mid-Indian Ocean Ridge.
ne analysis of the data collectte_d.on the 36th.vcqage will be published
Card 1/2
L 212o!?-66
ACC NRt AP6011943
in the form of a collection of articles devoted to investigations of the
earthIs crust and the upper mantle of the Indian Ocean. Orig# art. has:
2 figVres. EJFRSI
Rock samples of the- upper mantle of the earth frovi the rilft
zone in the Indian Ocean. Dokl. AN SSSR 165 rio.5:1147-1150
D 165, (mim 19:1)
1. Institut okeanologii All SSSR. Submi.tted JUlY 31, 1965.
- -:1.? 1,
ACC NRs AP6019459 ( P) SOURCE CODE: UR/0384/66/000/001/0056/0064
AUTHOR: Zaklinskaya, Ye. D. (Candidate of geologico-mineralogical sciences); Udintse
G - .,(Candidate of geographical sciences)
ORG, none
TITLE: The Indian Ocean under the keel of the Vityazl,
SOURCE: Zemlya i Vselennaya, no. 1, 1966, 56-64
TOPIC TAGS: oceanographic ship, oceanographic expedition, upper mantle
ABSTRACT: Research conducted by the oceanographic vessel Vityazl in the Indian Ocean
starting in October 1964 is described. The research, carried out in connection with
the International Indian Ocean Expedition, was aimed at the study of the upper mantle
of the earth. The most significant aspect of the voyage is described as the gathering
of new data an the structure of the rift zone in the Central Indian Ocean ridge and
ore specimens collected in this area. The analysis of the chemical composition, physi
cal properties and absolute age of these ore samples vill do much to clarify the pro-'r
cesses by which the earth's crust develops in the ocean. orig. art. has: 8 photo-
Card 1/1 w-~-'t'--
ACC NRt AP60312580 SOURCE COD31 Ult/0030/66/000/009/0098/0103
AUTHOR: Udintsov, G. B.
TITM Goomorphology and tectonico of tho ocoan floor
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Vestnikp no, 9t 1966v 98-103
TOPIC T&GSt geomorphologyq tectonics,, earth crustg upper mantlep earthquake
Until recently geological investigations were limited to the
study of submarine relief using widely separated cross sections
-;and bottom deposits from the surface layers taken at sepEtrate points,.*
.also considerably far apart from ea'ch other. Recently, however, the
,range of marine geological investigations has been greatly expanded;
4they are conducted regul~Lrly in various parts of the oceans with
!'detailed studies performed in.certain areas. Morevover, the type of
:these investigations has changed substantially. The application
,of geophysical and geochemical methods made it Possible to obtain
data on the deep -structure of the' Earth's 'crust and upper mantle
,under the oceans and to determine the age of rocks forming certain
!structures. This expansion- of activity madejt. possible tc, gain.
.,knoWledge of the tectonics of the ocean
Crd* 1/8 Ms 5514462051.24
The imppkance of mid6ceah ridges in ihe, devel6pment of the
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ACC NR. AP60325.00
general structure'of the Earth has been recentl - subst'antiate'!d. bata
:obtained indicate that these ridges do not simply form a specific
'very active tectonic structure of the ocean floor but represent a
Partidular tectonic region which plays a most-important part in the
Oevelooment of.Earth's crust,. no 1*ess significant than the conti'
geosyncline regions. It was established that midocean ridges are
one of the largest tectonic regions of.the Earth. Their present-day
active area is almost as large as that of the folded geosyncline *regions*
of the continents.* Simple calculations show that the ancient and
Epimes6zo"ic platforms'of the continents occupy approximately 20%
.of the Earth's surface, folded Cenozoic and*recent geosyncline
.region -1076, thalassocratones or ocean plat forms-4076, and the
zones of midocean ridges-3016. Thus, geological phenomena.
occur in geosyncline and folded regions on a scale comparable to
those taking place in the midocean ridges.
Very valuable for the understariding of tectonic processes in
midocean ridges are investigations of magmatic rocks cropping out
in the fractures of rift zones. Such investigations conducted in 1964 to
1965 by-th,e "Vityazlif
prqy~qqd a complete collection of rock samples
characterizing the cross section of the Earth's crust of the midoceanic
ridge of the western Indian Ocean. The samples were collected. from
two cross sections of the rift zone. Samples of basic effusive rocks,
basalts, were.,collected from the peaks of rift ridges. and upper part
of the slopes, gabbro from the lower basic rocks, ultrabasic peridotites
and dunites containing chromite inclusions from still lower region6.
Investigations of the physical properties of these rocks conducted
at the Institute of the Physics of Earth, Academy-of Sciences.USSR,
and at Moscow University by G. N. Petrova, 0. L Silayeva, Ye. L
Bayuk, W. P.' Volarovich, Ye. .A. Lyubimova, D. M. Pecher' skiy,
A. G. Gay:hanov, .and others have shown that the velocities of longitu.'dinal
waves are very small. In slightly serpentized peridotites velocities
of longitudinal waves at atmospheric pressure were 4.4-6.0 km/sec,
while in serpentinites they were about 3.0-4.95 km/sec. Under pressure*
of 4000 atni the velocities increased to 6.1-6.5 kni/sec and
4.1- 5.2 km /sec, respectively. A linear dependence of velocities
of longitudinal waves on the degree of serpentinization, density of
rocks, - electrical conductivity, and remanent magnetization was
observed. These data. indicate a certain decrease in density as a result
of serpentinization and the formation of magnetite grains during th. j
process. The rocks are anisotropic in.respect,to their physical
ACC NRt AP6032580
.7 properties. The anisotropy in the velocity of longitudinal -wave
reaction is 2016; it is up to one order of magnitude for the electrical
conductivity. This particular type of anisotropy leads to the conclusion
,that the rocks have undergone strong dynamic metamorphism even
prior to serpentinization. The dependence of the physical parameters
(especially magneticl on the depth from which the samples were
obtaine'd is quite noticeable. This shows that the depth of occurrence
of rocks has not changed since the time of their serpentinization.
The stability of magnetization, in particular the variation of mag-
,netization versus the applied alternating magnetic field, which is a
function of the temperature at which a ferromagnetic is forrrje d, was
used in determining the. temperature of serpentinization of peridotites
and was found to be 400-4500C.
The physical parameters of ultrabasic rocks forming the basement
of the crust of the midocean ridge were found to havd considerably
lower longitudinal -wave velocities than analogous continental rocks.
Assuming the same , degree of serpentinization, the velocities
should 'be 6.4 and not.4.4-5.2 km/sec and 7.4-8.2 and not 6.1-6.5 km/sec.
The thermal-conductivity of ultrabasic rocks was found to be almost
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ACC NR: Ap6032580
half that ot tne continental rocks, the dielectric constant higher
by one order of magnititde, and electrical resistivity lowier by three-
fourths of one order.
It is believed that these phenomena can be attributed partly
'to the smaller degree of differentiation of rocks of the upper mantle
under the oceans, as compared with similar continental rocks which
show the results of repeated zonal melting.
Comparison of the physical properties of rocks from the section of
rift zone and the depth of their occurrence with the data from deep
seismic sounding conducted by Yu. P. Neprochenov shows that the
,basalt lavas and serpentinites probably correspond to the "Beconel"'
,seismic layer (with velocities about 5.0 km/sec), that basalt lavas
and most likely gabbro correspond to the "basaltic" layer (6.7 km /Etec),
and the unserpentinized peridotites, having possibly acquired anisotropy,
the layer of rocks in the mantle anomalous with respect to the velLOCity
of longitudinal waves (7.0-7.2 km1sec). The latter rocks can be
considered as subcrustal cavities in the upper mantle.,
The material discussed above is in complete agreement with
-the theoretical and..experirnental results obtained by A* P. Vinogradov
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ACC NRI AP6032580
in his research on zonal melting and corresponds to his theory of zonal
melting of the primary material of the Earth, the composition of which
is analogous to that of stony meteorites with basalt separation achieved
*by melting and with formations of p~rlodties as a residual fraction.
The data obtained by the Soviet seismologists A. V. Vvedenskaya,
L. A. Misharina, N. V. Golubeva, and L. - M. Balakina on the strain
orientation at the foci of earthquakes of midocean ridges and ocean
coasts are of considerable interest. These data show very convincingli
that the Earth's crust in the rift zone is being stretched. The existence
of such stresses agrees well with the data on the heterogeneity of
the upper mantle, obtained by means of deep seismic sounding by
R. Rayt, I. P. Kosminskaya, and the author in various parts of the
Pacific Ocean.
All these data indicate that the most active part in the develop-
ment of the Earth's crust is b6ing played by the geosyncline and mid-
ocean tectonic regions which, according to the authors, should be
called "geotaphrogenes." They are contrasted to continental
platforms and thalassocratones, which are the regions of slow, evolu-
-tionarydrustaldevelopment. It is not the preserved primary ptate,
Cbed 7
f-ACC -NR*9-AP6032580
but rather thip continuous zonal melting of the mantle's material and the
:gradual separation of basalt by melting that is typical of the
thalassocratones. The development of continental platforms is
probably even more complicated. In ~ttemp#ng to comprehend
the significance of the regions in the tectonic development of the Earth,
the author believes that in modern geotectonics the present geo-
-syncline. theory should be superseded by another more complicated
tectonic theory Which would include the concept of geotaphrogenes.
tFSB;'V,, a , a'0. 12-3
ACC Niz_ SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0153/0157
AUTHOR: Kovylin, V. M. Neprocbnov, Yu. P. Udintsev, G. B.
4','_'!ORG: none
ITITLE: Use of ultiasonic waves to study the layering and speed of propagation of
i6lastic waves in o ean sediments
SOLriCE: AN SSSR. Institut fiziki Zemli. Geoakustika; ispollzovaniya zvuka i u ttra- I
1zvu3ka vseysmologii, seysmorazvedke i gornom dele (Geoacousties; the use of sound and
ultrasound in seismology, seismic prospecting, and mining), Moscow, lzd-vo Nau a, 1966,1
:TOPIC TAGS: underwater explosion, ocean acoustics, oceanographic equipment, oceano-
!graphic ship, ultrasonic wave propagation
;ABSTRACT: Experiments carried out by the Institute of Oceanology, AN SSSR to deter-
mine the speed of propagation of elastic waves and layering of ocean-bottom, sediments !i
iare described. The speed was measured both in the laboratory, using core samples, and
!also directly on the ocean floor. The work began in 1957 and has continued since that
Itime. Measurement of speeds-of elastic waves in core samples was carried out using a
=S-2 seismoscope. Each core is sampled at 1 cm intervals along its length. The maxl-;
Pum experimental error in this series of tests is found to be 1.6%. Speads range from
ACC NRz AT6031372
~1430 to 1620 m/sec. Results are piven of tests on a 15 m long core. To measure the
,speed of elastic waves directly on the ocean bottom, a special apparatus was construct,-.
jed, consisting of a supporting frame carrying the ultrasonic source and receiver. Sig-:
nals from the receiver are carried by cable to the ship and recorded on a seismoscope.
IThe source is usually buried to a depth of 50 cm in the sediments, and the separattion
ibetween source and receiver is 50 cm. The last section discusses some problems of us-
ling commercial sounding devices in experimental studies. In recent years, a phototele-i
'graphic recorder, "Ladogall, has been successfully used both in depth soundings and for
!studies of layering in the ocean sediments. This apparatus has been used on the Vityas
Un the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and an the Petr Lebadev and Begyak in the Atlantic.
;Orig. art. has: 3 figures.
;SUB CODE: 08'1Y/ SUBM DATE: 28Mar661 ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REP: 002
ACC NRI AR7004118 r'VJ SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/012/GO11/GOII
AIJTHOR:' Udintsev, G. B.; Chernysheva, V. I.
TITLE: Rock formations of the upper Earth mantle W the rift zone of the Indian
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 12G75
REF SOURCE: Sb. 2-y Mezhdunar. okeanogr. kongress, 1966, Tezisy dokL M. ,
Nauka, 1966, 383
TOPIC TAGS: earth, ocean, earth crust, perldotite, dunite, gabbro, basalt,
serpentinite, chromitite
ABSTRACT; Samples of ultrabasic rock: peridotite, dunite, chromitite, and
serpentinites have been dredged up in the rift zone of the mid-Indian Ocean ridge.
These samples were obtained from the bottom and slopes of the rift canyon; only
samples of gabbro and basalts were obtained from the crests of the rift mountains.
It is supposed that deep-seated mantle rock in the rift zone is being lifted and
squeezed-out to the surface, [Translation of abstract] [GC)
Card 1 / 1
Ly=Wjl, raJU; UD Maf-v G*B*
Expedition m the tQurloan aciontifla research aUP "ArgoP.
Geofts. bUd, no.15-M-83 96.% (HIPA 18:n)
BASMIN, VoAo, red.; ZHDANCV, D.A*, prof., red.; ANMYNA-GILubm, Ye.TS.,
S.V., prof., red.; BABAYANTS, R.A.,, prof.,
prof., red.;
red,; KIIONSKIY, Ye.Te., prof,', red.; SMIRMOV, AoVo, prof.,
zasluzhennyy deyatel"railki, red.; TIKHOMIROV, P.Te., prof., red.;
UDINTmIV,,GoN., piof., red.; TSINURTING, Vol)*, prok,, red.;
SHGHXEMOVO S.I., prof., red,; GIISSBN, AoI., dots,,, red**
[Instructions on conducting laboratory and field vork for a course
in epidemiology] Metodicheekle ukazaniia .k prakticheskim zaniatiiam
studentov po kursu epidemiologii$ Moskvag Gos. Izd-vo mod. lit-ry,
19560' 189 p. (16ningrad. Sanitarno-gigienicheskii maditsinskii
institut. Trudy, vol,*38),' (MIPA 1114)
1 Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy epidemiologii Leningradekogo sanitarno-
g;glyenicheskogo meditsinskogo instituts. (for &shenin). 2.'ChIen-
korrespondent AMN SSSR (for 2hdanov, Bebayantso TSinzerling,
Shchalkamov). 3. Daystvitellmyy chlen AMU SSSR (for Aniobk-ov).
4. Chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR i AN KazBSR (for Udintsev).
A Sec 6/Vol 13/6 Internal Medicine June 59
2515. PROBLEMS OF IMFLEX REGULATION I.% TjIp.Ij,kIy (Runsian text)
Udintsev G. N. - ZDRAVOOKHR. Kilt. 1957, 3 (3-7)
The Pr"htVTF'_0f_J'_S_t_u_r'S_ed function of the higher centres of the C.NS is discussed in
relation to diseases of internal organs. Thus, in ulcer and chronic gastritis, a
suppression of stimulatory processes in the cerebral cortex is observed, and also
a weakening of inhibitory influences of the latter oil the subcortical nuclei, i.e.
the development of ulcer and chronic gastritis is based on an identical mecharufim
(Timeskov's opinion). According to Nachaeva, the gastric secretion is more in-
tense during the night than during the day, and the content of free acid is 33,16
higher in nocturnal than in day-time gastric secretion. NaBr increases the gastric
secretion and decreases the amount of free HCI; phenobarbita.'. Na-barbital and
chloral hydrate decrease both the secretion and the amount of free HCI. In animal
experiments Gorbadei demonstrated that the reflexes on i. v. or intra-arterially
introduced substances varied with the depth and duration of narcosis, the nutrit-
ional state of the animal, and with the way of introduction. In this work a general
reflex action on drugs is confirmed; introduced into one or another zone they
normalized the disturbed equilibrium between the stimulatory and inhibitory pro-
cesses of the cerebral cortex. Intra-arterial administratijn of therapeutic sub-
stances is proposed as a method of influencing the activity of the nervous and
other systems and organs, as well as metabolic processes, in patients suffering
from peptic ulcer, gastritis, bronchial asthma and arthritis deformans. (S)
Gipertonicheskaya Boleznl (Hypertension) Leningrad, Medgiz, 1957. 15 P.