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HIKITIrtA, ye.V.; FOPOVAO L.I.; AYDAROVA, R.A.; KASHCHENKO, L.I.. PROTOPOPOVm G.F Uxm ; TKAGONKO, V-I-; KORII&VA, I.G.; OBOZOV, A.O.; GUAM - ". ffCHNSKIY, A.I., nauchnyy redaktor; TSYBINA, Ye.T., takhnichankiy redaktor [Flora of the Kirghiz S.S.R.; guide to plants of the Kirghiz S.S.R.] Flora Kirgizakoi SSR; opredelitall raetenil Kirgizokol SSR., Frunze, Izd-vo AN Kirgizskol SSR. Vol.?. 1957. 642 p. (KIRA 10:9) (Kirghizistaa--Botany) MIXITIRA, Te.Y.; ATDAROVA, R.A,; UBUKSMffA, A.U,; VIKHODTM, I.T.,; SOROMMA. N.Y., red.izd-va; ANCKHM, K.G., EZarly spring plants of lirghi2i8tan; key for the identification of plants of the agricultural xons) Rannevesennie rasteniia Kirgizii; opredelitell rastenii zemledelicheakoi sony. Sost..X.TNikit1ns, R.A.Aidarova i A.U.Vbeiweva. Frunze, 1960. 111 p. (KIRA 13:7) 1, Akademiya nauk Kirgi9skoy SSR. Frunze. Institut botpmiki. (Kirghisistan-Botany) NIKITINA, Ye.V.; AYDAROVA, R.A.; KASHCHEN&O, I.I.; RUK9MAj__#!Yt_* POPOVA, L.I.; TKACHEHKO, V.I.; GOLOVXOVA. A.G., SHPOTA, Ye.I.; VILATOVA, N.S.; SHARASHOVA, V.S.; VVEDZUSKIY, A.I., nauchnyy red.; YMODTSLFV. I.V., red.; AHOKHINA, M.G., [Flora of the Kirghiz S.S.R.; key to the plants of the Kirghiz S.S.R.1 Flora Kirgizakoi SM; opreaeuteil rastenii Kirgizakoi s~R.'- sost-,." m.mikitina i ar. A.I..Yvedenskii. Frunze, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kirgizskoi SSR. Vol.8. [The carrot, dogwood, winter- green, heath, primrose, leadwort, oliveo gentian. dogbone. milkweed. and morning-glory families] Semeistva: zontichnve, kizilovye, grushau- kovye, vereskovye, pervotsvetnye, svinchatkovye, maslinavye, gore- chavkovye, kutrovye, lastovnevye, vliunkovye. 1959. 222 p. Vol.9. (The mint and nightshade families] Semeistva: gubotavetnys i pasle- novye. 1960. 213 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Kirghizistan-Dicotyledons) 'N' NMTINA, Ye.T.; AYDAROVA, R,A.; FILATOTA, N.S.; UBMTEVA, A.U.; SMITSIM, I.G.; LYSOTA. N.V., otv. red.;BU TENKO,M red. izd-ve; ANMIINA, M.G., tekhn. red. [Trees and shrubs of the populated areas of Kirghizistan; a popular guide] DerevIia i kustarniki naselemykh punktov Kir- gizii;'populiernyi 'opredelitell. Sost. B.V.Hikitina i dr. Frunze, 1960. 249 p. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Akademiya nauk Kirgizakoy SSR. Institut boteniki. (Kirghizistan-Trees) (Kirghizistan-Shrubs) NIKITINA.. Ye.V.; AYDAROVA, R.A.; UBUREY.EVA, A.U.; FIIATOVA, N.S.; SUDHITSYNA, I.G.; TKACHEZTKO--V-j..; ., I.; HARASHOVAy V.S.; UTHCHENK02 L.I.; SHPOTA.. 7e.1.; VVEDEN.SKIY,, 4.1... naucbmy red.; VYKHODTSEVI-I.V.'j otv. red.; SORONBAYEVA, N.Vep red, izd-va,- ANOUDIA, M.G., tekhn. red. [Flora of the Kirghiz S.S.R.; classification key of the plants of tbeUrgbiz S.S.R.]Flora Kirgizakoi SSSR; opredelitell ra- stenii Kirgizskoi SSSR. Sost,, E.V.Nikitina i dr. Nauchn. red. A.I.Vvedenskii. Frunze, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kirgizskoi SSR. Vol.10. (Familiest Cuscutaceae~ Polemoniaceae, Boraginaceae, Verbenaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Bignoniaceae, Orobanefiaceae, Lentibularxiaceae,, Plantaginaceae, Rubiaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Adoxaceae, Valerianaceae, Morinaceae,, Dipsacace", Cucurbitaceae, Campanulaceae., Lobeliaceae) Semeistva: Fovilikovye, Siniukhovye, Buracbnikovye~ Verbonovye, N,)richnikovye, Bignonievye, Zara2i- khovye, Puzyrchatkovye, PodorozhnJkovye, Marenovyep Zhimolostnye, Adoksovye, Valerianovye, Morincivye, Vorsiankovye, Tykvennye, Kolokollchikovye, Lobelievye. 1962. 387 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Kirghizistan-Dicotyledoris) lilEMEA, Yenafa Vasillyevna; UIUKEYEV.A, Abida U.; KORNEVA, I.G. otv. red. Normwood of Kirzhizia and its economic significance] Polyni Kirgizii i ikh khoziaistvennoe znachenie. Frunze, lzd-vo 91 Kirg.SSR, 196.4. 53 P. 17:8) CMKICZI�fSKI, Jan; UBYSZ--%TBRZXANOWSKA , lCrystyna Induced variability of Aerobac~er aerogenes and ascherichia ecli. Red. doew. mikrob. 8 no.lill-15 1956. 1. Z Zakladu Bakteriologii A. X. w Lodsi. Kierown1k: prof. dr. Z. Ssymnowski. (AIMBACTIR AMGMM, variability, induced. (Pol)) (ISCHERICHIA COLI. same. (P01)) 1 1,11 r1V t' " LA, V 10z'- Q - I N_ Poland/Microbiology, General Microbiology F Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., 1-10 13, 1958t 57453 Author : Jan Chomiczewskij jLr_ysti4a_j!by erzmanowska Inst : Not given Title : Further Investigation of Induced Variab'lity of L Proteus Hauseri (Filtrating Forms, L Forms, and Attempts of their Transformation) Orig Pub Med. doswiad. i mikrobiol., 195?, 9, No 1, 101-106 Abstract The results of experiments which were carried out to determine the effect of penicillin on the variability of Proteus hauseri are described. Strains which differed from the original and possessing a sharply marked polymorphism viere obtained. In prolonged passages iii a medium with- out penicillin no reversion to the initial form was noted. StreDtomycin was not active in this reSDect. Five iilustrations. Card 1/1 JERZKAITOWSE:I, Antontf UBYSZ-JERZ14AITOWSKA, Krystyna Variability of Corynebacterium diphtherlae following expoijure to anti- biotice. I. Changes following exposure to penicillin and aureonVein. Med. donw. mikrob. 10 no.2:193-204 1958. 1. 2 Zakladu Bakteriologii A. M. w Lid2i Kierownik: z-ca prof. dr mad. A, Ganczarski. (COMrHMCTERITJM DIPHTHERUB, effect of drugs on, chlortetracycline & penicillin, variability (Pol)) (CHIORTNTR&CYCLINE, effects, Corynebacterium diphtheriae variability (]N)1)) (PSNICILLIN, effects, same) JEMMIOWSKI, Antoni; 10BYSZ-JERZMAHOWSKA, Kr Variability of Corynebacterium diphtheriae under'the Influence of antiblotice. U. Effect of Streptovqc1n, chloramphenicol and tera- mycin. Rod. dow. mikrob. 11 no-3:197-1202 1959- 1. Z Zakladu Bakteriologii A. M. w Lodzi Kierownik: z-ca prof. dr med. A. Ganczarski. (GORYNB3AGMIUM DIPHTEZRIAE, pharmacol.) STIMPTOMYCIN, pharmacol.) CHLORAMPHENICOL, phArmacol.) i (OXYTETRACYOLDR, pharmacol.) UGHACZ, Jano mgr. Education of technicians for the nonferrous metal Industry. Rudy I metale 9 no.7:381-385 J-1 '64. 1. Head of Professional School Division, Association of Nonferrous Mining and Metallurgy, Katowice. UCHWN, Yu.M.; SHIMANSKIY, A.A.; PAULLER, T.I. Rare alkalies confAinim feldspars from the pegmatites of 4o'okhimiia no.8:673 the Sayan Moun*;U' -680 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. East-Siberi~~..'Imstitutp of Geology, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences,, U.SX.R. Polytechnic Institutep ~~rkutsk~ (Sayan Mountains-Alkalies) (Say-an Mountains--Feldspar) SHII,WSKIY, A.A.; UCHAKIN, Yu.M. Distribution of.alkalles in microolines from pegmatites of the Eastern Sayan Mountains. Geokhimiia no.9:833-836 162. (MIRA 15:1.1) l.. Polytechnical Institute of East-Siberial Institute of Geology, Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Irkutsk. (Sayan Mountains-Alkalies) (Sayan Mountains-Microcline) 4 Ai 547~~ USSR/General and Specialized Zoology - Insects. Harmful P insects and Aaarids. Forest Pests. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., 11o 6, 1959, 25497 Author : Uchakina) V.A. Inst : Rostov-on-Don Mi versity Title : Towards the Biology of the Noctuid Silkworm Moth in the Environs of Rostov-on--Don Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Rostovsk.-n/D. tui-t-a, 1957) 58, 151-155 Abstract : According to observations, made in 1953-1954, Calocasia coryli develops in 2 Generations (G). annergence of the butterflies from the hibernating pupae and eGg-jaying are noted in the end of April - beginning of May. The caterpillars, on the whole, feed on oak and linden leaves from May to the 2nd decade (D) of June; pupation takes place from the 2nd D of June to the 1st D of July; Card 1/2 41 MUCEZVSKIY, Ruvim Markovich; UCHAKOV, X.Z.,; YMWKHIN, G.M., I I red.izd-va; ILIINZAUO~ 1. 11. .9 0'-9 1- (Safe work methods In seams subject to sudden coal and gas outbursts] Bezopasnys sposoby rabot na plastakh, podvarzhan- nykh vnesaynym vybrosam uglia I gaze. Moskva, Goo.nauohno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po gornoma delu. 1960. 57 P. (HIM 13:7) (Ooa:. mines and mining-Safety measures) PASTUKHOV, A.D.; CHEXHAREV, V.A Using an emulsi~lwithout olein for oiling the blends in worsted cloth manufacture. Tekst.prom. 22 no.6:47-48 Je 162. OURA 160) 1. Glavnyy inzh. Klintsovskoy tonkosukonnoy fabriki imeni, Kominterna, (for Pastukhov). 2. Nachallnik otdelochnogo proizvodstva KI.intsovskoy tonkosukonnoy fabriki imeni Kominterna. (for Chekmarev). 3.-Zaveduyilshchiy fiziko-khimicheskoy IaV6ratoriyey Klintsovskoy tonkosukonnoy fabriki imeni Kominterna (for Uehamsyshvili), (Wool and worsted manufacture) ZINOVIYEV, V.Ye.; CHEKMAREV, V.A.; FAYER, S.F.; UCHAMEYS!IVILI,_Z.V. From the experience in dyeing lavsan polyester fibers. rekat.- prom. 22 no.9s8-11 S 162. . (WRA 15:9) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Klintsovskoy tonkosukonnoy fabriki imeni Kominterna (for Zinov'yev). -2. Uveduyusfichiy otdelochnym proizvodstvom K3.intsovskoy tonkosukonnoy fabriki imeni Kominterna (for Chekmarev). 3.,Nachallnik krasillnogo tsekha Klintsovakoy tonkosukonnoy fabriki imeni Kominterna (for Fayer). (Dyes and dyeing--Textile fibers) UCHANEYSHVILI, Ya. S. Calculus of the tonsil. Vest. otorin. no.1:89-90 '62. (MIRA 15.7) 1. Iz khirargicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - kandidat meditsinskM nauk M. Ya. Cbkheidze) Potiyakoy gorodskoy bollnitay. (TONSILS-DISEASES) (CALCULI) UCIIASMIN, P. V. UCHASTKIN, P. V., Kanlidat Tekhn. Nauk i, 'ETEWINIKOV, V. 11., Kanl. Teklm. I'lauk Leningradskiy institut okhrany truda VTS3PS Tipovyye agregaty liot dlya tsentralizovanykh sistein isicusstvennogo Klinata Page 51 SO: Collection of Annotations of Scientific Rcs~qrch Work oU Construction, co!-i:,let(,'d 1-n 1950. Moscmi, 1951 UCHASTKIIJ, P.V., kand.tekbn.nauk; IA)7"IWVSKIT, L.B., inzb. Essential conditions for unit control boards. Ble-k.sta. 31 no.1:14-16 Ja 160. 04IRA 13:5) (Electric controllers) SOV/1 24 - 57--4- 4188 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 48 (USSR) AUTHOR: Uchastkin, P. V. TITLE- Creating Localized Atmospheric Conditions by Means of the -Down - draft Method" (Sposob mestnogo sozdaniya zadannykh meteorolo- gicheskikh ustoviy pri pomoshchi "nispadayushchego potoka~'l PERIODICAL: Tr. nauch. sessii Vses. n.-i. in-ta okhrany truda, 1954 (1955)~ Nr 1, pp 9-15 ABSTRACT: An investigation was conducted on the artificial cooling Uf the atmos pheric medium at workmen's stations by means of the so-called 'down draft method", which consists in directing downward to the workman's station a low-velocity, large-diameter, cooled-air jet. Data are given on the recorded temperature and velocity fields for such a jet with an initial diameter of 800 mm. G. L. G rozdovskiy Card 1/1 SHCHERBAN', A.N.; EMNEV, O.A.; GHEWOBYLISKIT. I.I.; UGHASTKIN, P.V.; TZIMIVNIKOV, V.N.; YAGELISKIT, A.H.; KUCMOV. P-S., ie"ktbr-o TITKOT, B.S., redaktor Izdatel'stya; 2MOVSKIT, i.D.. tskhntc~eakly redaktor (Cooling and dx7ing of air In &eep coal mines] Okhlazhdonte i osushanie vozdukha v glubokikh ugollafth shakhtakh. Pod obahchei red. A.B.Shcharbania I O.A.Kramnelva. Kie-, lzd-vo Akademit nauk ussR, 1956. 271 P. (HLRA 9:12) l.-Chlon-korrespondent AN USSR (for Kuoherov) (Mine ventilation) 14(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2466 Uchastkin, Petr Vasillyevich Ustanovki iskusstvennogo klimata v goryachikh tsekhakht,'tA1r--con- ditioning in Units of Plants With High-temperature Conditions) Moscow, Profizdat, 1958. 270 P. 3,500 copies printed. Special Ed.: V.N. Teterevnikov; Ed.: I.S. Denisova; Tech. Ed.: S.I. Rakov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineering and technical personnel of industrial establishments, planning organizations, and industrial hygiene organizations. It may also be useful to physicians in the field of industrial hygiene. COVERAGE: This book deals with the air conditioning of working areas in plants with high-temperature conditions. It describes types of industrial air conditioning equipment and presents basic design methods. Individual chapters are devoted to automatic control devices and noise suppression. The book includes con- Card 1/8 Air Conditioning (Cont.) SOV/2466 tributions of LIOT, including the results of several experimental investigations conducted at the Air Conditioning Laboratory under the direction of the author and with the assistance of D.A. Matelenok, A.S. Kravtsova, and M.P. Tryapkin. The author thanks V.N. Teterevnikov, Candidate of Technical Sciences,for his advice in editing the book, and L.M. Rozenfblld, Doctor of Technical Sciences, O.A. Kremnev and V.Ya. Arrisson, Can- didates of Technical Sciences, and Engineer A.L. Satanovskiy for contributing some of the material. There are 40 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface Ch. I. General Information on Installations Purpose of air conditioning Fields of application 3 Air Conditioning 6 installatiops 6 7 Card 2/8 Air Conditioning (Cont.) sov/2466 Types of air conditioning installations 8 Ch. II. Specific Features of Air Conditions in Hot Workshops 15 General information 15 Air temperature in hot work shops 16 Heat radiation 18 Radiation from furnace surfaces 20 Radiation from furnace openings 22 Radiation from red-hot metals 26 Measures for improVing air conditions in hot workshops 31 Ch. III. Selecting Air Design Conditions 39 Heat transfer from the human body to the surrounding medium 39 Basic requirements for air parameters 40 Recommended air conditions for working areas in hot workshops 43 Outside-air design parameters 46 Ch. IV. Providing Specified Air Conditions in Working Areas 40~ Method of descending flow (gravity circulation) 50 Card 3/8 Air Conditioning (Cont.) SOV/2466 "Air oasis" 63 ."Air shower" 65 Providing required air conditions throughout a room 80 Installations with radiant heat transfer 83 Ch. V. Air Conditioning Processes 86 Air filtering 86 Cooling of air 90 Surface-type air-cooling equipment and its design 91 Air-washing chambers 103 Spray-type air coolers ill Heating of air 112 Ch. VI. Air Conditioning Equipment 116 LIOT-AM-1 unit 116 Type LIOT-APT units 125 Type LIOT-APK units 132 BPK-NIIST air conditioning unit, type KD-25/26 )42 MOT spray-typb air cooler with water sprays installed inside Card 4/8 Air Conditioning (Cont.) SOV/2466 a centrifugal fan 144 Central air conditioning units 147 Ch. VII. Refrigeration Machinery 151 General information 151 Compression refrigeration machines 153 Steam jet-refrigeration equipment 159 Absorption refrigeration equipment 164 Water-ammonia absorption unit 165 Lithium bromide absorption unit 167 Refrigeration units with chemical dehumidification 170 Natural cooling sources 172 Some Information concerning the possibility of refrigeration based on the utilization of waste heat in hot workshops 174 Ch. VIII, Automatic Control Instruments 177 Pneumatic instruments 178 Type DTDP dilatometric. pneumatic temperature gage 179 Type DTBT bimetallic pneumatic temperature gage 181 Type MPM membrane-type pneumatic drive 183 Card 5/48 Air Conditioning (Cont.) 11 sov/2466 Type PPR-l intermediate direct-and reverse-acting pneumatic relay 185 Type RDF air-filter and pressure-control dqvice 187 Electrical proportional-control instruments 190 Type TPD Electrical proportional-control remote temperature regulator 192 Types PR and PR-1 electrical control mechanism 193 Type IM -2/120 electrical control mechanism 195 Type BR-2 balanced relay 195 Ch. IX. Brief Information on Methods of Noise Suppression in Conditioning Equipment' 199 General information 199 Noise suppression in air ducts by the filtration method 203 Noise insulation 208 Damping and isolation of vibrations 209 Ch. X. Examples of Air Conditioning Installations 212 Air conditioning units for control rooms of rolling mills 2J.2 Card 6/8 Air Conditioning (Cont.) SOV/2466 Units for air blowing 2Q4 Air conditioning units for crane cabs in hot workshops of ferrous-metallurgy plants 231 Bibliography 245 Appendixes 249 1. Chart for determining air -temperature at outlet from cold- air nozzle 249 2. Chart for determining air velocity at outlet from cold-air nozzle 249 3. Basic data on freon refrigeration maohines 249 4. Honeycomb screen-type air filters of the Ye.V. Rekka design 250 5. Self-cleaning oil filters 252 6. Plate-type steel heaters (GOST7201-54) 254 7. Kd 1002-25 water sprayer and capacity chart 266 8. Hyperbolic tangent values 267 Card 7/8 ..Air Conditioning (Cont.) sov/2466 .. 9. Temperature-enthalpy chart for humid air AVAILABLEt Library of Congreas (TH 7684.F2U25) Card 8/8 269 GO/jb 11-20-59 UCIIASTKIN,.Patr Vasillyevich,_)v~. tokhn. nauk; TETEREMKOV, Vladimir Nikolayevizhj: HATELENOX, Dmitriy Antonovich; Prindr-al uchastlye FLEYM-10, P.L.; KGUZOV, P.A., nauchn. red.; DRIISOVA, I.S., red. [Air conditioning of industrial buildings) Konditsioni:?ova- nie vozdukha v promyshlennykh zdaniiakh. Moskva, Frofizdat, 1963. 422 p. (14IRA 17:5) 1. Rukovoditell laboratorii konditsionirovanlya Yozduklih Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute okhrany truda, Leningrad (for Uchastkin). ACC NR, ARG035054 SOURCE CODE: tIR/0058/6G/000/008/1!',072/E,072 AUTHOR: Krasillnikov, V. A.; Belyayev, " M.; Lyamov, V. Ye.; Sillvestrova, 1. M., Uchastkin, V. 1. TITLE : Investigation of the acoustical- electrical effect in cadmium sulfide monocrystals' SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abe. 8E550 REF SOURCE: Sb. Nekotoryye vopr. vzaimodeystviya ulltrazvy.k, voln s elektronami provodim. v kristallakh. M., 1965, 95-110 TOPIC TAGS: crystal, cadmium sulfide, monocrystal, acoustical electrical effect AtSTRACT: A study was made which showed that within the frequency range of 20--75 Me, the Weinrich formula is satisfied (at least qualitatively) in piezo- semiconductors for the acoustic electric effect (AEB). In cadmium sulfide mono-! crystals AEE is considerable and because of its linear dependence on ultrasound may be used to measure ultrasound intensity in solids. The spectral characier- istics of acoustic- electric emf (AEMF) do not agree with the theDretical (see ,d 1/2 ACC Nk- AR6035054 reference 8E549 in the issue). The sharp increase in AEMF under nonuniform illtimination of a sample makes it possible to use this method for increasing the sensitivity of acoustic- electrical meters in practical applications of AEE. [Translation of abstract] ISPI GINBERG, S.V., inzhener; UC-SASTXIN. V-P.; inzhener. Methods of utlitzing vapor fL-,-.)= expanders in COndSnSer systeus of oil refinerieo. Itaftlanik I no.11:13-15 1 156. (KM 9:12) 1. Novoufizekly nefteperebatyv"hchty sayod. (Patroleim-Refining) (Condensers (Vapors and gasou)) 7~ 7 -.j~4 q, Y "77P U33SR/General Problems. 1,1ethodology. History. Scientific A Institutions and Conferences. Teaching. Problems of Bibliography and Scientific Documentation Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 4, 1958, 10237 Author Z,-B. Uchastkina Inst TT o-t- -g i-v -en- - - Title Forty Years of the USSR Paper.Industry Orig Pub Bum.'prom-st', 1957, No 11, 10-15 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 0 0 1 4 1, P c N 15 U V N M JU J1 S2 IS Id A 16 U 10 P IW 41 . Lkl~~ Z S A ##%I& AE J E i A t I J a k U 43 W 46'ev __ . _ .- - - - .,, A A A~!p - I "- .-C 4 ~. . ~, ! was. z. V, (Au- = d. tow ON= ) to" , 'A /am. Poo lod, Tr4m. NIVIS sii. x4l&,~ thO& a 141wical- Simi Vurrit ON 00 aw i4dull1w Pam of b 'I .0 MIOUS ty~*� 00 a V etc.. are oliwumd. Ch". 13 60 00 so a* 0 so* .00 so* I L A MlTALLMKAk.LPTlMATU4F CLASUPKATIOPI 0o 41).Iql 411411 am a., it, W , 16L a A, so al #A I S 4 W 0 00 4 1 W IN 0 a a I ~ I g b It 0 K K a it K a et It K 0 0 0 0 0,* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 e 0 a a a o1@ 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 It xA is ~; a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0,01 019 4 0 * 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 9 91 004 *at ::481i . i 6041 4v 0 0-0-0-19- 0000060094's I "n.?Tffm ovocalsol Ago $10001161-I$ 5-rA,1111 a L-A- -41 n V- 04 V 1; KAvmw i(Tant. 1~44.1 c~ - VM, Ito 4 A4 , 1, .2 vio MW 100.401)'.-row I bark Is Nod Md biwAW 6% -WW NFW W-W v 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 ;.V07 -A -0-41 a a a i's 14 - A C i-00 .00 .00 .00 .00 400 N&O see P see Ire* COO 909. **a goo ftee loam W"Aav 0403" -A an 6"Looff 411,1111 4w dww Its \1 001 0 AV 00 u QT It in I "d0 a 0 1 v m 9 a 0 3 1 v off t; I to 0.00, fi-v .44. 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ~119 .6 0 0 tg~* a 0-0 000,00 so goes 0 411 00Go* Vml~. 06 0* ~;;O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 VC4 _ - 11W., 0 W 1 0 0 0 0 00 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 : *oleo 6 1 1 1 to it It it U 11 Is ir )a 19 A Ila 1534A 1611A P W a it a Is It a 310 0 it a a a ape A 9 L-. AL-" A L-A--JL--IL ~ P, 4 A --I -,I _ U. -1 _L~ #A- a, OC Co., A, 0 & lit .~O J.0 cents$ 01.1001.01 OW locri 11, 11 'W I. 00 Deformation of paper in Z, V, Urb"Ilriva sm I 0 11mmaAAH01 Proxf, Afmferi4dul 19M, No. 4. Pri - 15, -'Ulb- to tfirct of the various proccookim factors, on the Maiming iva.. ploptilb-il of paper, opecillvally cartographic pal*f 4141 , itimlied with W% and IM"i, linen-rag pala-ir 1111)"A, 4 1.51 'I'lle reltilt's *how, fhat with The esiorl kipilin -00 , -ached b k -mork paw th and Ilk)% rvfittcd suffite papet . , 0 -formation of paper dm mh contents the & it's,"m At 0 (11). Rag paper isiva,li subject indeforinatimi. while tht 4-M% mh t-unictit ( 11) 11 7o kaolin on the wt. of fiber) th~ I deforrvadon of wetted and dried U is 17% greater than strength of paper is little airccged, while the tWormaliun -04t that of 1. Testitof the effert of degree of boating showed s xrrallytIcerramd. lite external mitiMArancrol paprritrultit, '00 (hat the r"idual deformation o( paw alur arying i, con- printing improved. and the rom of par prottuction fr- z I --to of sidetably greater with 11 ban 1. The deformation it -it of M _ duml. 1. olitsined froin a ittio frmtrm with 2r;. 1 s*G 00 -3 wet Phectl ot I and U produced volitradicling mulls 5' t no- ti f h l i " b f 4 i h h sizing and 44) sturn. pm~wc. ~ dri.1 an roM at the initial MO f 4W d 7W f i l 1 _- 0 e , ea rcxn nerels t o w t l ~ ve o e pu p frve" I stretches (deformation) and at &J-70' frecnc*~ trinjis. o an and na temp. o The , , defurmatitm is %harply inctevowd with ft imertsme of th.- . 1rette shrinks, while the delformation of 11 decreaves with th, ' * tcfnp. 0( the first roll troni 40" lo.'W. The fv,~t result., ' " Ic* W to fit) increase of frecom from 45 and hirream at the kmcwlmm of I IfM W' to 7W. r Tkn abrialuip ck U weft obtained at an initial tern , o( about 40 wnb a H gro" c1rtlratim c4 the tmp! ust 11, -0 0 of, 04 0 0 file 6 0 * 0 6 * 4 0 0 0 111, a 11 a a It )$ It Almost VIS 140 IOU x H 4) it Ill at 4d 0 J!o A &L. MLIJ -fif-al- So lot Fm tit IN T I I i-V -A 1. 1 #A Is to It 6 k -&- 00 A 0 A L 00 00 0 0 00 aC *0 a MAN -00 -z- -Udm~ With methods 1, 6"(1934).-A of paper. and mckies for filv. Chas. see go a 0c 490 00 Too :4*0 00 I too 1) u It tw 0 1 w ImS- V AT 00 It: IT % I still ICE "fill It IT IT 40 0 o q St 0 is 0 0 0 p 0 0 0 -0 0- a a' ~00-01-61 4 0 0 0 a 0 a 111 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 000004 00000 00 00 00 018 00 " ; F= ~R-il Wo gait fitll& to OF) if Q it 4 11 14 1y to J11 JI v A ~-& 11 f a E V a m I A i A IL ~m 0 I-f-A R'' cc P --D I-- 040M 00 00 00 4'l is v u u It a is v a a a 41 a a 0 4 . ~A - I - a 0 0 Ptoductift of teztU" fm= pper. Z. V. uNt". 00 a:1 Br--aAxddddP p -!~Thv 00 tZo No. 3. NAS(MV). u.j4 eh&-. Illam 001 a .(# GK4L UfflAlUill CLAIIWK&TION A$ It A AIIALL I- get's t J!" 00 4o0 too 0 0 we* bu 14 AV 00 to VAO I 'M't I a od 0 01 9 1 w If 5 6 3 1 V 00 00 09 60 10 0* 0 0 0 0 f 40 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 141 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 6 * a e 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 e 4 0 1 9 S e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 pigs$, is 9101fulirwis w ty a A 9 v a ki A? a x a 41 41 41 A-J" a a I it 1 1- 1 1A 0 U 90 H 0 A 00 to 00 00 00 00 00 of 004 00 4 000 00 '3 00 00 papa. ot N " of pi ow. t -00 PfrAtictim at P&Perz freed Irmn m1fit" MW Cl and 0 * with raf6u for "$0 in pnxcvtt- pwmng of tuctal anicir% :;0 . cW00100. Chai. Blanc =so MIALLU44CAL LITINATY21 CLA1119KATION sw missiv" 2.2d- Jat Ot u as Al a 0t u I o 0 0 0 ~ 'r ; ; :000fiespooespooo 000-0-0- "So ? 000 2 goo =00 boo h"o too 0 is)>.V T- L %*two ma - ;IV v 0 0 a * 0 0 0 # 0 0 : : : 00#000*000000 ww; --ifl ii1m, 009409 00 go is 14 it It R a 11 n X1 )XI h a Jim Ulf Ida av 404. it alluar's j it to f. F 10 v I I _A' .A 4 It 1, -X-J, I A 11'' OKI, .4 kj#CJon mcrompf, In the proct Industry. Y". ti! 11AI"Ikilw _4 11"Mrask llrm. n. TWU* rWin r1rctron' mkicscuM tmlwr I 1.,wh 00 So -Z 0 it 0 I I 9 -3 1 : 0 w -00 a A-ILE lit Z! i Pill too goo see 400 to 0 too ASO-ILA SCIAWMCKAL LITF.A7691 CLASSIFICATION O.V LS1 a ?w Ir of 2 a a 3 4 MIM to malt ts of is n It C9 It V1 U if CfIilon if%* 4014 101111111 0 0000 0 * * 0 40 Ole 0 04 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 e * 0 0 0 0 tlp* log goo 0 0000 0 0 * 9 05 0 0 0 0:0 00 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 e le 0 0 4 0 0 0 Z. V. ~,DA 4T49 USSR/Obeadstry - Wustrial Feb 1947 Papor, vatorproof "Waterproof Paper in Shipbuilding," Z. V.'Uohaatkin, 3 pp "Bumzhnaya Promyshlennost" Vol 3=1, No 2 Discussion,vith tables,. pf the rech-inical properties. of base paper: thicknees, absorption, fle~dbility, etc. 4T49 . 0110 ago 11 0 it 1 R 11 It U It * 0 7A A P W 41 9) .6 A J- 04 00 00 Its GO of 106 SO .00 ISO* 00 zoo -6- P 23 N 1 00 ro". o. . 33-741948) A 12 , CM. Iq 2.3 mus. thick with an init!W t oi t mobture contt:n 7 l, 1 3 was dried with a Wow. Infrared lamp ptaced at a di t 7 5 f goo So I 111 1 stance o . on. rom the sample jar 24 min, giving & fi 00, nal mobtuxv content of 9.6%. Moisture removed was 25 Mar"I Sittig $loll 11041;.. TP it P 0 it tv a x It It 9 It tt V, * * * 0 00 00 0 0041 0 A" 0 00 00 4*0 see NO* tree 1w a 0 A a 3 1 V am 0 0 0 0 *1 0 60600 a 0 0 0 * 0 reL UCHASTKINAq Z. V. Matory of the Development of Paper Production in Russia." Dr Tech Sci, Moscow Order of Lenin Chemicotechnological Inst imeni D. I. Mendeleyev, Min Higher Education USSR, Moscow, 1954. (KL, No 3, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertiations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 UCHASTKIILA, Xoya Vasillyevna; 4JKIYANOV. P.M., professor; RYUKHIN, N.Y.2 redaktor izdatallstva; YOUROVER, R.S., tekhnicheakiv redaktor (Rusuian papermaking tachnolog7l Russkaia takhaika v proizvodetve bumagi. Pod red. P.M.Lukilaaova. Moskva, Goolasbumizdat, 1954. 145 p - (MLRA 10:3) (Paper industry-History) UC " 8 &T Vq~l N fl) -. V TOKASHZVICH, G.H., inzhener; UCHASTIINA, Z.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Fluorescence amalvais of paper. B=.prom. 30 no.1:15-17 J& 155. (Paper-Testing) (MERA 8:3) UGHASTKINA,Z.V.. kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk Z~ements in the ash content of paper made from seal- manafactured-products of wood. Bum.prom.30 no.5:14 W '55- Off-RA 8:8) (Paper Inclastry) UCIIASTKIIIA,Z.V., kandidat tekhnicheakildi nauk Thirtieth anniversary of the JournAl "Bumashnaia promyshlennostl* Bum.prom-30 no.9:5-8 S 155. (HIJU. 8:12) (Paper industry--Periodicals) USSR/General Problems Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Khimiya, No 10, 1957, 33372 Author : Uchastkina, Z.V. Inst Title : The Water Symbols on Russian Paper. Orig Pub : Tr. in-ta istoriyi yeststvozn. i tekhn. AN SSSR, 1956, 12, 312-337. Abstract : An historical outline on Russian filigree work is given. Archive material is utilized. 14 illustrations and the decoding of 49 filigrees are given. Card 1/1 UCHASTXINA, Z.V., kandidht . Specialization in (Paper industry) tekhnicheskikh nauk. the paper industry-. Bum.prom-31 no.2:26 F 156. NLRA 9:6) UGHASTXINA, Z.V., kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk. 1"11 *I Calculating labor consuming operations in the woodpulp and paper industry. Bum.prom 31 no.9:28 S 156. (KLRk 9:11) (Paper industry-Accounting) (Labor productivity) ./ i I , .:,7 " /i ,; f- r., - , r, -r , , - I . MAMMA, Z.V., kancl.tekhn.nAuk. ,ft~~ ~,_ vc~2,11- Paper industry of the U.S.S.R. In the last forty years. Bum. prom. 32 no.11:10-15 N 157. (HHU 11:1) (Paper industry--History) U 1A ST.". E TA Z.V-, D,-,- 2 c, i tcc,--ii U,- "j:, ,~r Rascirm." ~--llu u on ol, L- ALEKSEYZV, D.G.; VETHOV, K.A.; GORGHENKOV, S.G.; GUREVICH, S.B.; DITKOVSKIT, A.S.; KAMKOV. G.I.; KORGRU, D.I.; FROKEIORCHUK, I.S.; HUMYANTSBV. N.M.; UGHASTXINA Z V - SHISHOV, I.A.; KOLOZHAVYY, M.K.. red.; NIZOLAM, M.N., r ;-d -.-. - R No Z ; N.N.j red.; EWTAKOVI, I.V.,red.; MORMOV, Yu.V., red. izd:4a;'BACHU-RIHA', A.M., [Soviet paper industry, 1917-19571 llilmazhnaia promyshlonnost' SSSR, 1917-1957 gg. Yod obahchal red. K*A.Veinova. Moskva, Gooleabumizdat, 1958. 147 P. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Nauchno-takhnichaskoye obahchestvo bUM02hnoy i derevoobrabatyvayu- shchey propWahlonnosti. 2. Chlen N~uchno-tekhnicheskojpo obehchestva bumashnoy i derevoobrabaty*ayushchey promyshlennosti (for all except Norozov Bachurina). (Paper industry) SCKINSUY, Vladimir Samoylovich. dotiaent,-kand.'tekhn.nauk-. GURKVICH, Semen Boritb-vich, inzh.; KOGAN, Bronislava L'Yovns, doteent, kand.ekon.nauk;, UGHASTMA. Zoya Vasillys"a, dotsent, kand. tokhn.nauk. Prinimal ui6aiivei starshiy pre- podavatell. FMORMIKO, N.P., prof., dok~or ekon.nauk, retsenzent; SAM(ATSKATA. G.I., red.iud-va; BRAZHISHKO. L.V.,; PROKOFIYNA, L.N., takhn,red, (Production organization and planning at pulp and paper mills] Orga4zatsiia i planirovanie proizvodstva na tselliuluno- bumshnykh predpriiatiiakh. Mosk-wa, Goolosbumizdat, 1958. 257 P. (KMA 12:6) (Woodpulp industry) (Paper industry) SOMINSKIY, V.S.; UCHASTKINA, Z.V. Improvement of chemical technology in the pulp and paper industries. Bum. prom. 33 no.9:2-3 S '58. (MIRA 11:10) (Paper industry) (Woodpulp industry) KAPUSTINA, A.M.; UCHASTKIIIA, Z.V. Training technicians for the woodpulp and paper industry. Bum. prom. 34 no.1:23-24 Ja '59. (141RA 1.2: 1) (Paper industry) UGH&STRINA, Z.V.,kand.tekhn.nauk Iabor expended in subsidiary sections. p 1590 Bum.prom. .14 no.2:19 (HML 12:4) (Paper industryw-Production. standards) 22(l) SOV3-59-3-32/48 AUTHOR: Uchastkina, Z.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, _Duua~ TITLE: Teaching Technical Standardization (Prepodavaniye tekhnicheskogo normirovaniya) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1959, Nr 3, pp 64-65 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The possibility that engineer-economists, who are trained in the Leningrad Technological Institute of the Cellulose and Paper industry, may be subsequent- ly used as rate-setters, caused the introduction of the subject "Technical Standardization" (setting of proper output rates) into the curriculum. It is given in the 8th semester in the engineering-economic department and comprises 62 hours. The author states what literature the students should use for independent study and that it particularly deals irith the new me- thods of setting output rates, i.e. the oscillogra- phical, the normative, the filming, the enlarged me- Ca.rd 1/3 thod of standardization, etc. The lectures give in- V Teaching Technical Standardization SOV/3-59-3-32/48 formation on research in labor conditions and fatigu- ability at production places, data on construction of devices for measuring time during observation I and on experience in calculating time-consuming work. The working plan of practical exercises foresees that students must acquiie a specific skill in fixing out- put rates both in the basic-and auxiliary production. In the basic workshops of paper production at the Leningradskaya bumazhnaya fabrika. Nr 1 (Leningrad Paper Plant Nr 1) the Institute has organized practi- cal training for establishing technically justified output rates. Photographing a 24-hour working day for studying labor organization and the extent to Card 2/3 which working time is being utilized in the brigades, UCHASTKINA, Zoya Vasillyevna; KASPAROV, Grant Borisovich (The economics, organizatio% ani planning of the wood,-ulp and paper irAustries]Ekonomika, organizataiia, i planirova- nie tsel3.iulozno-bumazhnogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Gonles- bumizdat, 1961. 236 p. (~MU 15:10) (Paper industry) (Wood pulp industry) UCHMTKINA_,~-,,-V-,dvktor toldin.nauk Research in the history of paper. Bum.prom. 36 no.5:31 My 161, VIP& 14:5) (Paper) e-z .1--u- a TJCHASTKINA, Z.V., prof.. Third congress of the historians of the paper industry. bum. prom. 36 no-9:36 S '61. (IMIRA 15:1) (Paper industry) .UCHASTKINA, Zoya Vasillyevna; ISUCHILINIKOV, N.P., ofits. retsenzent; llffifm, M.P.p red.; S*WWSK.U'Ap G.I., red. izd-va; GRECHISHCHEVA, V.I., tekhn. red. (Economics of the woodpulp-paper industry] Ekonomika tsel- liulozno-bumazhnoi prouyshlennosti. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat, 1963. 201 p. (MIRA 17:1) :-r,duutlori of staple rayon withrut hot refining. 'rudy 14'PTTSBI, n c-,, 121 3 4 164. 1.8-8) UGHAST-KINA, Z V.- KOITIST.UITINCIVA, Y,:..V.; PA'I'SATSIYA, O.A. ,~ ., i -C, f --, in ;,hr; goorlmAp wid pApor indlifir.-fl". Trudy LT I T ~'! P I , ~ z04, . (1-171RA 18:8) . 00rlP.~ ~. %0. 's2p r UCHAYW, A-A- _Q4oskva) Radiation from a point source close to a dispersive surface. IzT. AN SSSR~ Otd. tekh. nauk. 3nerg. i avtom. no.6:148-150 3~-D 160a (MIRA 13312) (Light--Scattering) UCHAYEV, A.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik - J. - Intrauterine infection of calves and the role Of c,:ip)ApKC- in the sterility of ca:ttle, Vaterinariia 39 no.11130-31 N 162. (MMA 16: 10) 1. TSelinogradskaya nauchno-issledovatell9kaya voterinamaya stantsiya. UCHAYBVj A.A., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Prevention of diplococcal diseases in cows and calves. Veterinariia 40 no-4:26-28 Ap 163. (KRA 17:1) 1. TSelinogradskaya nauchno-issledovatellskaya veterinarnaya stantsiya. ALSMBAYEVp M.R.; AMELMI, V.P.; ANDRIANOVA, O.V.; GASIYEV, Zh.; DEGRAF, G.A.; INKAREEKOV, A.B.; KOLORYTSEVI I.V.; KOLTUSHKIN, I.S.; MALAKHOV, V.P.; MONAS77IRSKIY, A.O.; RE221IWV, B.N.; SAKHAROVp I.V.; SMUKp V.K.; SOSNINj V.A.; SUMO, V.I.: SURKOV,, Ye.P.; SYRLYBAYEX, S.N.; USIKOV, 11.V.; UCHAYEV, A.F.; SHESTOPALOV, Ye.V.,- SBEMAN, R., red.; GOROKEOV, L., tekhn. red. (Study manual for a machinery operator] Uchebnik-spravochnik mokhanizatora. Alma-Ata, Kazoollkhozgiz, 1963. 326 p. (KiiA 16.- 12) 1. Alma-Ata, Kazakhskiy gosudarstvennyy sellskokhozyaystven- rjyy institut, Fakulltet mekbanizatsii. 2. Sotrudniki fakull- teta mekhanizatsii Kazakhskogo gosudarztvennogo sel'sko- khozyaystvennogo instituta (for all ecxeprt Sherman, Gorokhov). (Agricultural machinery) Um i7y III, V. a What our aDtar7 gained from mtgratory beekeeping. llauka i pered. op. v sellkhoz. 8 no. 7:21-23 Jl 158. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Bachkirokaya opytneya stantSiY8 Dchelovodstva. (Beb-culture) IVANNIKOV, V.F., nauchnyy sotr.; PAMIONOVO A.7a,p nauchryy sotr.1 UGHAYNIN,_. V.D!,_ nauchnyy sotr.; FOMIN, I.P., nauebmyy sotr.; TD!OFEYEV'D.T.) nauchnyy sotr.; TRMIYAKOV, G.P., red.; SEMICHUK, S.I., red.; YASHCHENIKMA, Ye.A., tekhn.-red. [Improve cultivation practices and increase sugar beet 7ieldel So- vershenstvovat' agrotekknikup povyshat' urozhai sakharnoi ovekly. Kuibysher, Kuibyshavokm knizhnoe izd-vop 1960. 52 p. (MIRA 14:10) lo Kinellskays, selektsionnaya stantsiya Kuybyshevskogo oellsko- khozyaystvennogo institute, (for Ivannikovj, Pakhomovp Uchaykin,, Fo- min, Timofeyev) (Sugar beets) -1:4 S11881601000103105,.'008 B019/2056 AUTHORSt Chechernikov, V. I., Uchaykina, R. F. TITLE: The Temperature Dependence of the Magnetic Susceptibility of Ferrite-garnets of Yttrium and -D-a-d-o-ri-nium ~k PERIODICLL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 3, fizika, astronomiya, 1960, No. 3, PP- 57 - 41 TEXT. The garnets investigated here have the formulas 5Fe 20 3"3Y203and 5Fe2O 3'3Gd2O 3' the samples were of spherical shape and had a diameter of I - 1.5 mm. The measurements were carried out at field strengths 0of from 1,500 to 20,000 oersteds and at temperatures of from 500 to 1350 K. From the temperature dependence of the reciprocal of molar susceptibility near Curie point it may be seen that susceptibility changes slowly with tempera- ture. Within this range, susceptibility is a function of field strength, whereas at higher temperatures it depends only on temperature. Formula (1) is given, which describes the dependence of the intensity of magnetization 6 on the magnetic field in the neighborhood of the Curie temperaturet kll~ Card 1/2 The Temperature Dependence of the Magnetic S/188/60/000/05/05/008 Susceptibility of Ferrite-garnets of Yttrium and BO19/B056 Gadolinium. H - ad + P63 (a and ~ are temperature-dependent coefficients). Fig. 2 shows that with rising temperature and fixed magnetic field strength, magnetization rapidly decreases. This diagram further shows that the isothermal lines of magnetization are nonlinear only in the ferromagnetic region, while in the paramagnetic region they may be approximated by a straight line; in this case, susceptibility depends only on H. In Fig. 5 experimental results concerning the dependence of reciprocal molar Susceptibility on absolute temperature within the range of from 640 to 13500X are compared with the theoretical results calculated according to Neel (Ref. 6). There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 7 references; 2 Soviet, 4 French, and 1 German. ASSOCIATIONs Kafedra magnetizma (Chair of Magnetism) SUBMITTEDs October 14, 1959 Card 2/2 82328 tl S/139/60/000/03/oo6/o45 Er,314 AUTHORS: Chechernikov, V.I. and UcKaWin R. TITLE: Temperature Dependence of the Paramagnetic Susceptibility~\ of Nickel-cadmium Ferrites-11 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnvkh zavedenly, Fizika, 1960, Nr 3, pp -19 - 42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paramagnetic susceptibility was measured by an apparatus based on the Faraday-Sucksmith method. The SU5C.eptibility was measured in a vacuum inthe temperature interval between 300 and about 1 400 OK. The high temperature-s were obtained with the aid of a furnace made of a quartz tube and heated by platinum wire, The tempera- ture of the furnace was measured by a platinum-platinum rhodium thermocouple. 20-40 mg specimens were investigated in fields between 900 and 20 000 Oe. The specimens were mixed Ni-Cd ferrites 9described by the formula Fe 20 (1 - z)NiO-zCdO, where z, was varied between 0 and 1. The Krrltes were obt'ained from the oxides Fe 20Y NiO and CdO, which were mixed and compressed under a pressure of 3 t/r-m2 and then heated at .1 250 0C for three hours. Cardl/3 82328 S/l3q/6o/ooo/o3/oo6/o45 Temperature Dependence of the ParamEaSHOU'Ausceptibility of Nickel-cadmium Ferrites Figure 1 plots the reciprocal of the molar susceptibility as a function of temperature for the specimens indicated. As the CdO concentration increases, the dependence of I/x on T gradually becomes linear. According to the Neel theory the reciprocal of the susceptibility as a function of temperature is given by Eq W~ Using experimental values for the constants in this expression, one can calculate the theoretical dependence of the reciprocal susceptibility on temperature. Figure 2 gives this dependence. Tha dotted curves are theoretical and the continuous curves are experimental. The two curves coincide in a wide temperature interval. The area of agreement increases with increasing cadmium-oxide conc ontration. The curve:3 do not agree near the ferro-- magnetic Curie point, Measurements were also carried out of the magneti.c susceptibility near the ferromagnetic Curie point,.-- It was found that near there is* a f Card2/3 temperature :i7egion where the susceptibility is weakly 82328 S/139/60/000/03/oo6/o45 jmO%ir2/EtjG14SUsc Temperature Dependence of the Para in eptibility of Nickel-cadmium Ferrites dependent on T but is a function of the magnetic field H . The dependence of the specific magnetisation H is described by jtn expression of the form given by Eq (2), which holds between 1 000 and 10 000 Oe. The coefficients a and P dopend oil temperature and con- centration. The c efficient. a varies linearly with temperature noax - but vanishes at T - ED f . The coefficient varies nonlinearly with temperature. These facts were used to determine the ferromagnetic Curie points for ferrites irlth z = 0 0.1. 0.2, 0.3i 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6. for which the Curie points were 843~ 750, 710, 635, 580, 540 and 480 OK, respectively. Thus, the ferro- magnetic Curie point is a practicallylinear function of the cadmium-oxide content of -the ferrite. There are 4 figures and 14 references. 3 of which are F'rench and 1 is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiv gosuniver~ltet imeni M.V. Lomoz)osova (Moscow State Univ6r_zity imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDi March 9, 1959 Card3/3 C13CEMIKOV. V.I.; UCHAYKIU, R.~. Investigating ferrates in ittrium and gadolinjum garnets in the vicinity of the ferromagne tic Curie point. liz.met-I metallovedo 9 no-3:456-458 Mr 160. (14IU 13:6) 1. Moskovakiy osudaretvennyy universitet im. H.V.Lomonosova. Serrates) (Curie point) 69699 S/12 / 0/009/03/023/033 ?.9 0 0 E032/E4i4 AUTHORS: Cherchernikov, V.I. and Uchaykina, R.F,__ - - TITLEi ets of Yttrium and Investigation of Ferriteso-&7 n -Y Gadolinium, Near the Ferromagnetic Curie'Point A -;r- / PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 99 Nr 3. PP 457-458 (USSR) ABSTRACT% The aim of the present work was to study the dependence of the magnetic susceptibility on temperature and magnetic field strength in the region of ferromagnetic transformation in ferrites having the structure of garnets. The magnetic susceptibility was measured by the Faraday-Sucksmith method. The figure on P 458 shows 1/y, as a function of temperature T. Experiments T the susceptibility X depends showed that for T ZkOf < ' not only on T but also on H . in distinction to ferromagnetic metals and ferrites having the spinel structure, the magnetizat-Lon cux-ves for garnets have a sharply defined non-linear form only below the ferromagnetic Curie point (T 4 Of), ie in the ferromagnetic region. In the transition to the paramagnetic region (T k, Of) Card 1/3 the isothermal magnetization curves approximate to straig 6969~ S/i26/60/009/03/023/033 E032/E414 Investigation of Ferrites-Garnets of Yttrium and Gadolinium Near the Perromagnetic Curie Point Card 2/3 lines and 'X no longer depends on H. In other words, the transition region for forrites and garnets is much narrower to to 10-) wti3..Le in including ferrites, this regLon the above temperature intervils specific magnetization a 0111 H - au + pa3, (H = 2000 to that the coefficient a depends becomes zero at T 2a Of and point. This allowed us to measure to be 5620K for both ferrites. also be obtained from the figure are extrapolated to intersect shown. The values of Of determined are practically the same. T-ie is more complicated but it aLways The temperature dependence or susceptibility in the high temperature about 1400*K) is governed by the remaining ferroma�netics, occupies 20 to 100 . In the dependence of the H is given by LOOOO Oe). Experiments show linearly on temperature, changes sign after this of which was found The value of Of can on P 1f58 if the curves the temperature axis as by the two methods dependence of P on T remains positive. the paramagnetic region (up to the well known hyperbolic Lkl 69699 S/126/60/009/03/023/033 E032/E4i4 Investigation of Perrites-Garnets of Ytibrium and Gadolinium Near the Ferromagnetic Curie Point law of Neel (Ref 2) for the irttrium ferritej the values of C, Ong 0 and 1/?Lo w;are found to be 58, 1550, 5700K and 30.5 respectively. There are I figure and 2 references, 1 of which is !joviet and 1 French. This is an abridged translation. ASSOCIATION3 Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet 1m. M.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDs March 23, 1959 Card 3/3 CHAMTR IKOV, V.I., UCHAYKINA, R.F. Temperature dependence of the magnetic ousceptibilit7 of vttrium and gadolinium ferrite garnets. Test. Nook. un. Ser. 3: Yiz-. astr9n. 15 no-3:37-41 Ny - je 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenMy universitet. Kafedra magnetizma. (Yttrium, ferrate-Magnetic properties) (Gadolinium ferrate-Kagnetic properties) 1 .1 1 ~I- f ! !~L I ~ I I ITCE3W, starshir leytenant. Da7s of aviators in the German Democratic Republic; In an aeronautical school. Vest. Vowd. Fl. 41 no.9:83-84 S 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Germny, Bast-Aerovautica--Stud7 and teaching) UCHENIP M.T.; FEDOSEYEV, P.N. Me4hod for quantitative determiration of hulogens and sulfur U and simultaneous determination of halogens and sulfur in organic substances. Izv.vys.uchejb.zav.; khim.i khim.tekb. 8 no.4:619-622 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy Institut legkoy promynhlannosti, k.afedra organicheskoy khimii. UCHVIOVP V. M. i.aladka i e'spluatatsiia chetyrekhstorornerD strogallnogo staruka t4 tipa FA djustment and operation of the heawy quadrilateral planinr mn C". :e~ ,L,., !'oskw!, IL,'oslesbumizdat., 1952. /,~7 p. _Z List of itussian Acce3sions., Vol. 6 I:o. 11 Fobruary 1954 X: Month-I UCMOVA, V. . ... ... The birth of a camera. Say-foto 17 uo.1:39-41 Ja '57. WaA 10:7) (Cameras-Aquippient and supplies) UCH-990VA, V. A saa tale about silver. Sov.foto 17 no.2:61-63 7 157, (MLRA jo:7) (Silver) (Photography-Wastes, Recovery of) MS UGEMNOVA? V* ORWANO Substantial shortcomings in the training of jourralists. Sov.-.?Otc 17 n0-7:11-13 J1 '57 ~Photography-, Journalistic) 10:8) Uwa-loses of Lhe ('O'I'tOrL Plant and L'I'easures for CombatIng Them, ed bv F. I. Ucheva-.,kii-, Tash- kent, 1951; author 'Vasillyev, ;. A.. Mikrobiologiya, Vol XX, :-0. 5, 1951. W~-`.4-24635- 1. 1. UCHEVATKIN, F.; B-3110DULINA, A. 2. USSIR (600) 4. Cotton Growing 7. Phosphorus leaf dressings for cotton and seed alfalfa, F. Uchevatkin, A. Borodulina, Khlopkovodstvo 3 no. 2, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. Solng. Aud powders Weir uxd. Gue leaf at expa. cActom maisterted by salms, of the Pts compd, One leaf - E!tn!`drte-tY b4m and 4 abovt Pad the entire plant were tested each for the presence rf P" compds. by the a~e of a radio counter. Radioactivity counU indic-Ated that rapid absorption of the laWed comixis. occarrcd in the treated leaf; it was tb.!n tran"rted throughout the ptant, includ- ing the buds, flowcrs, and secd pods. The peactration cl P43 ccntpds. is u a higher rate Into the sced pods at the upr- penuost vite-i and penists through tht su~turiug period of these-edpod. Dusting expts. gave similar results but zcn-. crally