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US,"JR/Frui,i j'oArmla. If-ruco. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., llr--; 20, 1953, 925,46. tion at the uzonent of parturition reaclica 61 nn. per livur. The blocd cur.-ar coutent bicroaaed toward the und Of rrcomncY 83 to 107 1-41 anLI dropped after fcalinG to 84 nr.,cp; the calcimi content increa- acd from 15.0 to 16.7 nep in the eleventh mcath -.f preC,mncy; the content of inorCanic phosplicrus in- c;:aasecl- fror. 4.55 to 5.08 Tlej; the crintcnt of Cluta- thiolie dropped -it tile end of j&egm,-icy fro!-.-, 73.3 to 39.9 It -.;s suL.6astcd that the mros be fcd with or,~;anic ;~lincral mixtures in autum and winter (st-n-rtin.r.- w-.*t:,- the foiirth nonth of progno-ney) and that cm~bohydratc vich diets be Given tc, proGnant :.,,ares. -- V.V- Polcvts;,va. Q Card -2/2 KRIvCHEITKOVA, L3rueya- TTURIIIA,,.~:- KOSTIKOVA, Lida; EDSARZVA. Lid&; RUKTAIMSEV, hn&ri~~; CHIZHIKOVA, Lida; GOLEHISTRIT, Petya Blooming gladioli in May-. On. nat. no-5:11 Xr 158. (MIRA 11:5) 1.Shkola Ito-538, Moskva. (GladioluB) " , ~,- --g -t! iaw. 4, " - -- ,- gg qjj.% ~ , - , 5 1 - _rR "I '4 - -N -, - " " -g. a 'Z- TIWOOI-NE' �1 -RIMNII~~ h TYURINA Uc :~.Sa GdvrjjOvra: z aro; Fj-L--j'U,3Hy S.I.p red. DIt the foot of the Acropo2is] Tj podnozhiia rkkropolia. Mo !3kN a.. , 1965- ?9 P- (,-.iI?J, 18.10) TYURINA2 L.N._LALtPEROVICH, M.A.; USHENKO, I.Ks Cyanine dyes with unBaturated substituents. Part 10: 6-styrylthiamero- oymines and rhodacyanines with substituents in the polymothine chain. Zhur. ob. khim.-32 no.1:70-76 Ja 162. (~UA 15:2) 1. Filial nauchno-issledovatel.'skogo kinofotoinstituta, i Institut arganicheskoy khimii AN %--ainskoy SSR. (Cyanines) SHENDEREYY Ye.R.; IVANOVSFJY, F.P.; Prinimali uchastiye~ UUPINA L.S,- SERGEYEVA, L.Ye.; DORFMAN, I.M. Solubility of acetylene in aceton2 at low temperaturt:s, Zhur. prikl.khim. 37 no.7:1557-1562 Jl 164. (MIRA 19-4) KASHTANOVA, A.Z.; TMI.NA.I.L.S.-'. Semicoking of Cheremkhovo coals with the addition of pitch. Izv. Fiz.-khim. nauch.-issl. Inst, Irk. un. 4 no.2:93-96 159. (MIRA 16:8) (Coal-Carbonization) TM IIA, L. V. Determination of the alcohol 71eld based on the breving of grape must. Trud,,r VNIMV *Magarachn 9:96-1o6 16o. (MIRA 13:11) Olcohol) (fermentation) -POPOV,' K.S.';'iand, tekhn. nauk; GAYVORONSKAYA, Z.I.; UMARTS, V.P.; NILOV, V I VALUYKO, G.G.; OKHREMENKO, N.B.; ZHDANOVICH, G.A.; DATUNASHVILI, Ye.N.;8EWffOVA,1T.I.; MARCHENKO, G.S.; KURAKSNA, N.K.; TYURfN,--S.T.; TYURINA, L.V.; KRIMCHAR, M.S.; RAZUVAYEV, N.I.; OGORODNIK, S.T_._,'_MI_KMY=, S.M.; ZHILYAKOVA, 0., red.; Gr.IKMkll, N.p red.; FISENKO, A., tekhn. red. [Wine making; manual for the workers of wineries on state &nd collective farms in the Crimea] Vinodelie; rukovodstvo dlia ra- botnikov vinodelleheakikh zavodov sovkhozov i kolkhozov Kryma. Simferopol', Krymizdat, 1960. 415 P. (MIRA 160) (Crtmea-Wine and wine making) OT. Infli': IMP nou ia, n un, all. 1 .10 SO: Letonisl Zhurnalllny',J,~ Statbe-;', ~Jol. 45, 1949 M I A'S 11 1 OWN ALIMOVICH, M.A.; qSHENKO, Synthesis of thiscarbocyanines with unsaturated radicals as constituents. Zhur.ob.khim. 28 no.9:2538-2547 S 158. (MIR! 11:11) 1. Filial nauchno-iseledovateliskogo kinofotoinstituta i Institut organichaskoy k1iimii 0 USSR. (Thiacarbocyanine) TYUIUNAS L.V. - Method of determining the acid resistance of w1ne yeast. 14ikrobiolo iia V 30 no.6:1066-1099 1-1-D 161. OJFIA 14:12~ 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut vinodeliya i vinogradarstva "Magarach". (YEAST) (WINE AND WINE MAKING-MICROBIOLOGY) TYURUL, Margarita Mikhaylovna; GRINDINW, V-V., red.; MWV, P.M., --- -.- teKr,70-v. ---- [Study of the frost resistance of plants In the Pamir highland] Issledovanin norozo'stoikoeti rastenti v ualoviiakh vysokogaril Famira. Stalinabad, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR, 1957. 123 p. (Akadeniia nauk Tafthikskoi SSR., Stalinabad. Trudy, vol. 57) (I'amire-Plants- Frost resistance) (MIR& 12:9) USSR / Plnnt 1hysiology. ~Ictcr Rogircn. Abs Jour : Tio~' Shur 3iol., -No 22, 1958, No 99,010 1-3 ~.uthor :e.Tyurin Inst 'Not givell Title Detor.-ininc- the Vetor-Rotoining Cvpvcity of Fl:-nt Tissues. Orig Pub t Tiziol. Rrutoniy, 4, No 4, 378-384, 1957 Abstrrct- : Wrious i-.,cthods rnd vrrious vctor oxtr.~cting forces hCvo boon usod to dotarr-ino the content of froo rnd combinad vctor in tha lorvas of cartcin Ecat Fa.-ir plrntr;. The wrtcr-- rotcining forces of live loevcs dried to c definite extent wore found to be in ell cesas much greeter then the wttor-- ratc-ining forces of these loevos whan dotor;7inad by the froozing (otlorir-otric) rethod. This is rolcted to the cp- porrcnco of r considorcblo nogrtivo turgcrous pressure in tho dried leaves n-nd the rbsonco of such prosouro in the Ccrd 1/2 15 -JSSR / Fl=t Fhysiology. 1a;Ctor Rogir-on, Abs Jour .1of Zhur - Biol., No 22, 1956, .'To 99948 frozon loeves. In eddition, the tmtor-rotcining forccs of live leaves cro in c1l ersos grcrtar thr-n timno of dard lo--- vos. The cuthor orphcsizas the nomincl ncturo of tor=s "freat' and "conbincd" wrtor cnd points to the nocassity of noting the strangth of the wctor-ronoving fr~ctor whan do- ter-ninin- the coobinod victor. Tho nost complato chr-rcetaria- tie of the stcto of w,-tor in D1,--nts necording to tuo parc- ~-ctors -- c-apecity end intonsity -- is the curve expressing the rGI.-.tionship between the quzntity of co-,,bined and free wrtor rnd the strength of tho wctor-ronoyinC factor. In- Aividurl points on th:7t curvo r1so ch,~rzotcrizo the brocking roints of tho wrtor rcgir?o of cclls .. the state of srturv.- tion with v!rtor, strto of inco--,lDloto turgor, bcginning of the loss of turgor, otc. Bibliogrrphy, 27 titles. Yu. L. Tscl'nikcr. Oard 2/2 I- 'tile T GnsftA catb*; VKFO *10 nr~.0:240 "5a IIIaRA j&6) 17 --odonf !~,vl- y .~Aa azotn6y p,-.duktov s~ntpza. UISISR/pl-Mt C-~ll --'I I-, :,bs Jour I-kff ~11:ur - BL:il., Z ', -19F,1S, 110 91264 Inst Title The Mil-nificonco of ;.I. Mir tive Tur,or in rUlatioa to the ~;n- Water rLt,,.iidnlp :,bility uf the Lonvoo Ori.,- Pub :Botan. zh., 195(, 42, 1,10 7, 1057-1043 I-1 ,? act :This stiuly investi~;atua the relationshi-,) batw,~cn the suctiun .,bstrL force (deter-ined by thc striac -..-..cthod ,%cc,.)rdin,-- to Sharda- kov) -uid the osuotic -.)r,.2ssjxe in the lc,,,ves of 15 species of Pmirin-n plants Imvin,; diffurunt water contents. Consi~Ier- oble water deficiency was founcl in the lea-vus of the xero- Dh,jtes ."rterlisin shorniahow-i and Eruotin coratoi,lus in their natural state w1dle the suctio:- firce enccaclcd tic osLotic pressure. Miis is cT.17-.ined by the presenco of a vz1olmit of ri,,-il tissuco. in the Icaves which prevent the con- traction of cell With the dryinL; of the 'Ierl-lus the volu::ie of the prctcplasts decreasus but they continue to Card - 113 U'1-1""*!.'/1"Ln_1A Pkvoicdo,-~,-. coll P-OYS-IJ10.Z., 7'D 912&4 _,c Jouz- : M-f 2-Nar - Bisl., 11L, Z,~, IbEl -dhere to thu c,!ll --~,,:.'J=rios. INC !AiVO t1LLV';cr -.risus, bc- cause of w'hich -. c;j"si(~ji7c~blc vu.-.ount of imter .-ny Le retained. In this casj tho sucti,-n force cixe,2ads the pressure by tho intcnsit~, of t:-..,3 tur.-Ior. Elild-rict-lioa of Vne turGor t-v'res with nlam.,olysiL; which ctm '00 inluccd bj infiltrat"Lng th-, lcavc;: with saccharosc solutiQnz. The ab- sorbin~; ability of t'ioinfiltrated leaves is ]_Dworcd consider- ably but oven ia this caso it o=,~cds the int~!nsity of the os:ictic -,)rcssurc of the squoczaa fro,.-.-. ~Ic2ad 1,3~wco. '.r,- --erciitly, there arc forces in iivin,_; leavos uhich rctndii tho wctcr. _-n th,~ planto of :~)ist 11,bitat - Clinelynuo nutazass, Be,)~yvrrl. sirmlvx cmil orLicul,-,.rij tht.; volu 01, the U'! -"ttivo tur.: il, 1,; with rL-11.'~wt L~_) t1w ratainiu,r o-L" the intor by th~2 le.,vies. Under n.)r..i--l con- ditions the tur,-Or ir.-,~osurc in tho leavez; of thcoc plants in .,asitivc. Tio Cntu At irc(I cuLifimo tho L a theory wq2rcsseO, by D.... SO.Anii, and V.C'. ShnrcLakov (1949, C=d 2/3 3 USSR/Pl,int Fhysiulo!.W. Coil Pjiyo,; ;J)s Jour : Rof Mur Bio.1 HO 91P(34 Til-driazjv Madin th _~s, !X) conceminr- tLu lt-~Jtntions of , e ,imn in which the cqw-tim S = F - T can be aDplicc'.. -- Yu.L. Tscj-Inikc:,., Card 3/3 ul- 3:~;~ -,V 4. 1959, IN 0 rl -..rin.-. u rit -I f t )I-, 1,r1 4n 125 U3. Tr 57, de- es c D,3 er~ fc- vj ~-t scortdUc-`~!~ by in- the a GQ1d ice wltr- ~revernl our S 1-cr t,'L,~c, a .rL- was estabilshed in wbich half O-L rroe 1/6 pp C C7,-Dl T'F~ PU~ N'T PHY31 OLOGY. IT C, rint, arld T, f3 Ib, f .-I C) C: -7, 7 P 11 r vr-r,,[ -w a 1-1 pi, Fi 1; (a r anges 'j, 9 r!3 - v i-l; -_a il n,~ r e t anf-, ornin-- 6,-_, 3 f f resis-,an-:>3 -.---as. m, ll. n. i r-;. u mj ai.% Y.- i ra s E an. c e D: 3/6 go a0UNTRY CATEGORY PLAPJ PHYSIOLOGY- Bi-, 1-111;iYA, NO, 4, J;., J, T T Tic 0.1 r -a f-(-, aan6 3 v w a 3 ed. a r 0 4, r al G. pur3 7 n - Il 01" e av 3 a j -hout -tit- (a a a t r e plaiit~s there rk 4 c1l' bol-und wo,tor lk t 0 t he, 1e av 9 C)y e X, n j U,:,--,7 CARD: /6 COUNT7f C G 0 F~' PI /.,'%T PHY"',I(N-'GY. TOL, R~ F i'HUT? Eitol-Olol' 0. 11959, i OR s- I i~. Ji c r I. C, "l e, o k r., i l, o /* TYURINA, H.M. Stud7ing frost-resistixg properties of alpias Pamirs plants Ix coxx#ctloa with the contents of nonfroazing voter. I%r.Gtd.est.a&uk AN Tadzh.SBR jLo.1:33-40 152. (MLRA 9:10) 1.1natitut botaniki Akademii imuk Tadzhiksk*7 SSR. Pamirskays. biestantstya. (Pamirs-PlsAts. Effect of temperature *0 TVMNA, X.M. Vol- Detirmining water retaining ability of plant tissues [vitb sumary 14 ftlishl. 71ziol. rast. 4 no,4.#378-384 Jl-Ag 157. (KLR& 100) 1. bamirskaya biologicheskaya stantsiya Akademii nauk Tadzhikokov SSR, Murgab. (Plant cello and tissues) TYUREU "Investi-ation of the Frost Re3istance of i'lants in the Fa7nir 5 Ilinhlands." Cand Biol Sci, Inst of Botany, ~c-%,d jci MiR, D-unim-rad 1953. (RZhBiol, No 1, Sep 54) SO: Swn 432, 29 Yar 55 TYURIKA,,X-JN, wo, .'Y/es 156. (MBA 9:12) To thee, our beloved country. N 1. Zaveduyushchiy skladom arteli "l-ya mebellnaya fabrika." (Old age penBions) U85R / Human and Animal Physiology. Blood. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958s 41178. Author Inst ; Saratov Zootechnf-eal Veterinary Institute. Title :Oxyhemoglobin, in Peroxidase Aminoacids. Oxida- tion In Vitro. Orig Pub: Sb. nauchn. stud. rabot. Saratovsk. zootekhn. vet. in-ta, 1956, is 151-155. Abstract: Investigations were carried out oa the reactions of a fresh or secondarily recrystalized prepara- tion of crystaline HbO2, obtained from ox blood. Crystaline Hb02 in phosphate solutions (PH7.3) assists in the peroxidase deamination of glycocoll, dl-glutaminic acid, 1-tristophanes histidine, 1- thyrosines dl-alanines and lysine. Oxidase deamin- ation in the presence of a phosphate solution of Card 1/2 45 USSR / Human and Animal Physiologyb Blood. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 411,78. Abstract: crystaline Hb02 was observed, under conditions of aeration, with glycocoll, d-glutaminic acid 1- thyrosine, dl-alanine and histidine. -- A. D. Beloborodova. 0 Card 2/2 T Y AV41 Pl. A "Oxybemoglobin in Peroxidase Oxidation of AMino Aelds," by Tyurina, Sbornik Rauchnykh Studencheskikh-Rabot Samtovskogo "Z 6otekEticheskogo Veterinarnogo Instituta (Collection of Sci- entific Student Works of the Saratov Zootechnical Veterinary Institute), V01 1, 1956, PP 150-156 (from Referativnyy Zhur- nal -- KhjE!jUj Biologiches~M Khiml;M, No 6, 25 Mar 57, Ab- stract No 5941) The capacity of crystalline oxyhemoglobin (I) obtained from bull's blood for the peroxidaseoxidation of a series of amino acids was studisd. -1M results of the investigation showed that I%I) was capable of peroxidase de"ination of glycine, DL-glutamic acid,.L-tryptQphane, and histidine (d:IhAftte)*.- (U) r4 rYURINAI XvI#, assistant 11 Results of the histological studY Of the uterine wall in the ci~atrical area after repeated cesarean sectiam. Alrush. i gin* 39 no-5:97-102 S-0 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginckologii (zav. .. prof. S.L. 4t Keylin) Novosibirskogo meditainakogo inatituta. VOIKOVA, 7,.D.; TYURINA, N.M. --7--7 Neurinoma of the oral cavity. Stomatologiia no.1:49-50 Ja-Y 155- (MIRA 8:5) 1. 1z kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (z". prof. B.I.Migunov) i iz kafedi7 k:hirurgicheskoy stomatologil (z". prof. A.I.Tevdokimov) Koskovskogo meditainakogo i stomatologicheakcAo instituta (dir. dotsent G.N.Beletskiy). (MOUTH, neoplasms, neuroma) (MROMA, mouth.) BESSONOU-TYUHIRL, H.S., assistent; OBRAZT30T, G.D.. professor, direktor. Penicillin therapy of infectious hepatitis in children. Yop.pediat. 21 no.4: 45-48 JI-Ag '53. (ML11A 6:10) 1. Kafedra detskikh bolezney Che3,yabinskogo gosudaretvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. (Hepatitis, Infectious) (Penicillin) EX .12/3 peaatrics lUr4h 58 CUMPTj Sec,7 Vol =r_44 40 444 - SCULAR CHANGES IN CHILDREN WITH EPIDEMIC HEPATI- 714 CARDIOVAS TIS (Russian text.) - T y u r I n a N. S. - PEDIATRUA 1957, 5 (9-12) Tables 2 220 cases were observed. Ir the first preicteric period the pulse was frequently accelerated. In the period of jaundice in 51.216 systolic murmur, and arrhythmia were found. Fourteen of 25 ECGs sbowed sinusal arrhythmia and deviation of the electrical axis. In children older than 3 yr. the pulse rate was normal or decreas- ed and in 63.7% hypotension was stated. In younger children most fiequently there was tachycardia. These changes usually disappeared in convalescence but systolic murmur persisted sometimes for a long period. Str#czkowski - Biakystok (L. 7) ;(UDOLIF, Vladhdr Vasillyevich; TYURJ.NA, N.S., retsenzent; KOVALEVSKAYA., A.!., ied-.. --- (Produc 'tion and use of* citrus extracts for the soft drinks industryl Proizvodstvo i ispoltzovapie tsitru- sovykh nastoev dlia. bezalkogollnol prorVshlermosti. Moskva, lzd--;o "Pish,3hevaia. promyshlennost', 19b4. 116 p. GR&HATI, Yo.Yo.; TWRIIIA, U.S. Influenza in Chelyubinsk children In 1957. Pediatriia 37 no.6:87 Jo '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. 1z kufedry detakikh bolemey Cholyabinakogo moditelaskogo instituta. (CEMYABI1TSK--1NFIZMM) GROAT, Ye.Ye. ; !YURINA. H.S. I Cancer in children. Vop. onk. 5 no.1:94-98 159. (NM 12:3) 1. Iz kliniki detskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. Ye.Ye. Granat) Chelyabinskogo meditsinskoeo Instituta (dir. - prof. G.D. Obrazteov) Adres avtorov: g. Chelyabinsk, Meditsinskiy institut, (NEOPIASMS, in inf. & child, (RUB)) SHVARTS, A.G.; FROLIKOVA, V.G.; ARENZON, N.M.;_TYURI.NA, V.S. Basic requirements for rubber for the membranes of formir,.- and vulcanizing units. Kauch. i rez. 23 no.1:24-27 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Nauchno-issiedovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlen- nosti. - .1w BELYAXEV, Yu.D.; jv7URT11A, V.S- Diphenylamine reaction in bronchial asthma in children. Yop. okh. mat. i det. 6 no.7:31-33 JI 16a. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Iz kafedrX propedevtiki dotskikh bolgznoy (2'av. - prof. N.I.Kozin) Gortkovs-kogo meditiinskogo instituts, i GorIkovskpo_ hauchno-isoledovttell- skogo pediatrichoskogo instituta (dir. N.P.Zhukova) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya BSPM. (ASTHMA) MCMUNOV, I.R.; DRESLER, Ye.G.; TYURIKA, Ye.S. Summary of antigen-4c stimulation and ways of its utilizaticr, in 'C.he production of antitoxic sera. Hauch. osn. proizv. bakt. prep, 10: 151-158 161. (MTKA 18:7) 1, Kiyevskly institut epidemiologil, mikroblologil i giglyeny. AM= A_n_, FROLIKDVA, V.G., TIURTWA. V.S.. AMMORN, V.7., BDWSIAVSKIY, D.B. Perfecting the rubber mixture composition,*based on butyl rubber, for diaphreps in the formator-vulcanizers. Report submitted for the 4tb Scientific Researib, conference on Us Chemistry and technology of synthatic and vatural rubber. Yaroslavl, 1962 F-6 USSR Anaerobic Barilli. ;~bs Sour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 161 1956, 72202. Author T In3t Not Liven. en6th Of Study of the quantitY of Antigen and L Title Intervale for the Preparation of Tetanus Anti- toxin. ; Anaerobnyye infektsii, Kiyev$ Gosi-iiedizdat Orig -pub: V. sba) -48. ~,USSR, 1957, 44 A stract: No abstract. Ab Card 1/1 76 TTURINA;' Ye.V.' Introducing some meadow sax1fraga species in Western Siberia. Trudy Botoinst.Ser#6 no.7t99-101 159, (MIRA 13:4) 1. Botanicheski7 sad Zapadno-Sibirskogo filiala AN SSBR, Novosibirsk* (Siberia, Western--Meadow saxifrage) Z]a~~ V. , Cand. Biol Sci -- (dias) "Biological "a o~,uultivation of coriander and Moldavian dragonhead (Dracocephalum) under conditions of Novosibirskaya obla8t." Novosibirsk, 1958, 18 pp (Tomsk State Univ im V. V. Kuybyshev), 120 copies (KL, 17-58, 107) -2-1- TYURII,,A, Ye.v. Effect of planting qIjw and methods on the essential oil yield of the Moldavian dragonhead. Trudy Bot. sada Zap.-Sib. Wo MI SSSR no.L.55-59 156, (MIRA 14:7) (Dragonhead) (Essences and essential oils) : , KOROTAYEVA, M.M.; TYURINA, Ye.V. Effect of the stage of vegetation and the time and methods of seeding on the quality of the aromatic oil in corianders and Moldavian dragonhead. Trudy TSSBS no.4:47-53 160. (MIRA 15:4) (Coriander) (Dragonhead) (Oilseeds) TYURINA. Ye.V.- Comparative study on the wild Libanotis species in the Altlai Territory as a source for obtaining aromatic oil. Trudy T.33,:'S no.4t6l-68 160. (FdRA 11):/,) k,'.Itai Territory-Libanotis) TYURTNA, Ye.V. Formation of fruiting organs in corianders. Trudy TSSBS no.5*. 49-53 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Coriander) SOLOVIYEV, PaYe.; TYURINA-ZEYNADASHVILI. R.N. Comparative obaracteristicE of the organic rAtter 4n chestxut and Solonets soils of the trans-Volga.region. Vest. Mzak. zm. Ser. 6% Biol.,, pochv. 19 no.4.,57-63 JI-Ag 164. (.MIRA 17-.12) 1. Kafedra pochvovedenlya Moskovskogo universiteta. TYURINA-UYNALASIIVILI, R.N. Change in the composition of tha humus in Chestnut and Solonets soils in the trans-Volga region under the influence of farm- ing practices. Nauch. dokle vys. shkol7; b1ol. nauki no.3: 202-2W t64 (HIPA 17.-8) lo Rekomendovana kafedroy pochvovedeniya Moskovskogo gosu- darstvennogo universitetae TYURIUA-ZEYNALASIiVILI,A.N. Biological cycle of ash and nitrogen elements in the zone of dry steppes and semideserts. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 6: Blol., pochv. 20 no.6:76-81 N-D 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Kafedra pochvovedeniya Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univer- siteta. Submitted March 30, 1964. FRMFELID, Aleksandr Vl--dimirovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; MAIZKOV, Aleksandr Sergeyevich, inzh.; TYURNIII,, Geor '~vAl ;,A ek rovich, inzh.; r~ Egk 0 YARGOLIS S.M. t-s -en e ~nt A MY e . 1~- .% inzh-, re senzent; DOERUVA, Ye.N., tekbn. red. (Design, installation., and operation of a contact network] Ustroistvo, montazh i ekspluatataiia kc-ataktnoi seti. Pod ob- shchei red. A.V.Fraifel~da. Moskvap Transzheldorizdat, 1962. 411 filectric networks) (Electric railroads) (MIRA 3.5:?) KOSMO, B.F.;-TVURKIN,.-B.P.; RASTEGAYEV, L.G., red.; BORSHCHEVSKAYA, S.I., red. (Handbook on motorcycles, rotor scooters and irotorbikes; design, maintenance and repair] Spravochnala Icniga. po mo- totsiklam, motorolleram. i nopedam; ustroistvo, obsluzhiva- nie i remont. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1965. 450 P. (111wh 18:7) TYURKIN Mthod for designing screw feeders. fianch. soob. IGD 12: 232-242 161. (Hydraulic conveying) (MIRA 15:9) FROLOV, A.G., doktor tel-hn.nAuk; BORISRNKO, L.D., kand.takhn.nauk; M.N., inzh.; ZHILIN, A.M., inzh.; RABINOVICH, Yu.M., inzh.; P6 K, A.Ya., inzh. Loading machines for high-pressure hydraulic conveying of coal and rocks. Ugoll Ukr, 3 A0,10:13-16 0 '39, (MIRA 13:2) (Hydraulic mining) (Hine haulage) KOSENKOf B.F.; TYURKIN, V.P.~,SHEPALIM0 ;.G.; KOCHUROV, N kand. teREft.-haik, dots., retsenzefit; FROLOV, A.A: tekhn. nauk retsenzent; SAFRONOV, S.P., inzh., red.; YURKEVICH, M.P., inzh., red. izd-va; PETERSON, M.M., tekhn. red. (Soviet-made tractors]otechestvennye traktory; spravochnik. Moskva, Mashgiz, 535 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Tractors-Design and construction) KAMINSKIY, I.N., kand. ekon. . nauk; LABXOVSKIY, B.Ye., kand. ekonom. nauk; FETEROVICH, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; PINSKIY, S.Ye., inzh.;_TTUMiA,-.X.I-, inzh.- KHODOS, G.I., inzh.; MELEMFINDIK, V.G., inzh.; LERNER, Yu.I., inzh, Problem of a standard structure of management, standard staffs., and norms on the number of engineers, technicians and employees in etal mines. Ugoll 40 no.8:60-65 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A. Skochinskogo (for all except Khodos, Khelemendik, Lerner). 2. Donetskiy nauchno-issledovatell- skiy ugolInyy institut (for Khodos, Khelemendik). 3. Goeudarst- vennyy institut po proyektircvaniyu shakht v yuzhnykh rayonakh SSSR (for Lerner). t mnf-j lmlnlq~llt- I int- I Acne- 'I -tf/A-vv-rT A "I, L q m 4- e ESr 14.'1 c InI c2l /3201/320'55 I - S" aw, "S fll"T'Rp'~L!ffl MR MUM WN HP i 1- a r 7- u~ills L I.- _~Znysxts,:and s ronomy; E s -:-S- -S A ST-B,Ml =~,D: !DM.ar64 il) 0 Coid 2/2 TITLE:. Calculation of vibration.frequency and latti Ice distortions near a vacancy :pair impotassi chloride SOURCE:, AN EstSSR.- Institut fiziki i astronogUi,,, Trudy, no. 27, 1964. Issledovaniya _i~io la po teorii tv! ~gote~Risearzh on the theory of solids), 99-107 TOPIC TAGS: crystal lattice vibration, crystal lattic~e distortion, crystal lattice vacancy, potassium chloride, vibration frequency, approximation method V ABSTRACT: The authors use the quasimolecular approximation method, developed origi- nally for impurity centers, to calculate lattice distortions and vibration frequency for ions near a vacancy pair in a sodium c9loride pe crystal. Only displacements of the closest neighbors around the vacancy_pair are considered (there are 10 nearest ions) and the remaining ions are.assumed to be fastened in equilibrium positions cor- responding to an ideal crystal. The calculations are based on a cation-anion vacancy pair in KCI. It is found that the distortion of the lattice near the defect_g* __ - ives --ta-symetry-c-f-C __ he-frequen--y-of~ttfi~--a-ct~u-al-V3~hr-at-ion-s--n-e-a-r--t-h-e-d--ef-e-ct is 2.03* T WV -101,3 sec-1. The coupling energy of the vacancy pair is found to be 8.73 dv. The Card 1/2 L 23526-66 ACC NR, AT6006335 authors are grateful to A.-It Stekhanov who prmpted the undertaking of this calcula- tion. Orig. art. has: 2 figuros, 11 f0mulas SUB CODE: 20/ SUBH DATE! 14Hov63/ ORIG REF: 007/. 0TH REF: 010 ACCESSION NR# AP40284M S/0182/64/006/W4A246/=8 AUTHORSs Krintofelf, H. X.1 !!"cnt Zo so TITLEt Computation of the properties of the pair vacancy in allrali halide crystal SOURCEi Fizika tvardogo tela,, Y. 6,, no* 4# 1964P 1246-1U8 TOPIC TAGS: alkali halide crystal, crystal defect, pair vacancy, equilibrium point -;Aft, ionic vibrational frequency, KC1 crystal, induced dipole,, ion .dipole interaction ABSTRACT: The properties of the pair vacancy, a structural defect of adjacent anion and cation commonly occurring in allmli-halide crystals, are investigated, The pair vacancy and its hearest neighbors are shown in Fig. 1. of the Enclosure. At sufficiently clone neighboring ions, the electric field due to each of the two vacancies In non-zero* Thus,, an Ion-dipole interaction occurs betwegn the chargGs of the defect and the induced dipoles. The interaction energy is given by Card 113 ACCESSION NRt AP/+028466 whire,9 a is the polarizability of the a-th ion, and R and R' are-.the distances from the centers of the vacancies to the a-th ion. SJficient accuracy is obtaineC& by considering only the 10 nearest neighbors and their remaining 34 nearest neighbors. The shift of the equilibrium position from that of the ideal crystal Is shown in the figure for each of the 4 non-equivalent groups: 1; 2, 3j, 4# 5; 6# 7# Sp 9; 10. An expression for this shift is given aBsumina the shift 1in directed along the coordinate axes as indicated in the figure,, i. e., the attraction between Ions of groups 2 and 6 is Ignored. An equation for the vibra- tioni" frequency of the ions in also given. The form of the energy for pair vacancy formation is indicated, and numerical calculations are made for the KC1 crystal. The authors are gra"ful to A. 1. Stekhanov for discussions leading to the formulation of the computations. Orig. art, hass 25 z-,"tions and I idiagram. ASSOCIATIONt Inatitut fisiki I astronomil AN ESSR Tartu (Institute of Physics and As tronomy AN MM) 7 SUBMMEDs 2SNoY63 DATE ACQv 27Apr64 ZNCLs M, SUB MDEt OP NO RV SM 006 0TURs Olq~~ 2/3. ACCXUIOV MIS J2 f0 Ocf 0 e Fig. I The pair vacancy and its closest neighbors in the KC1 crystal, Card 313 VMCLDSURZ KIP, `31Y I I ',EL' ) - N-N. ; ITURKSO I I, P-". [I I,,,I'll Determining the propartie3 of vacancy fArs Jn ----tal halido crystals. Fiz. t-ver. tjl--i 6 no. 4:-1246--1248 Ap 164. (M1RA 17:6) 1. Institut fiziki i asLz-t~ncmiii ANI Estcriskoy SSR. Tartu. METSIK, R.- TTPLK_SON-,,,- [Turkson, It.] Y Study of corrosion In tar waters 1y means of the polarization curve method. Khim. I tekh. gor. slan. I prod. Ikh perer no.13;179-189 164, (MIRA 18:9) Treatment of acute dysentery in children by combined drug and immunothera-Dy. Pediatriia 36 no.11:41-46 N '58. (MM 12:8) 1. 1z kafedry pedlatrii (zav. - prof. G.Ns Speranskiy, nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. A.S. Rozentall) TSentrallnogo iristituta vrachey. (DYSERMY) (ARTIBIOTTICS) '(AVTIGWSI AND MHODIMS) HAKLUovA, V.F.; ZTIAGIVTSL-VA, S.G.; ZUBKOVAl V.L.;-TYLWYAN, R.A. Staphylococcal pneumonias in infants. Pediat-riia 38 no. 3:13-19 Mr 160. (PITLUMONIA) (STAPHYLOCOCCAL im-nTiolls) (MIFU 14: -1) (INFANTS-DISF,ASFA) - , , -~ : - - , ? -1 1", , , !. TYURXTAN,.R.A., Iaureat Leninakoy premii. Rapid ventilation shaft sinking at the "ButoveWa - Glubokaiaw mine. Vgol' 32 no.8:17-23 Ag 157. (K[BA 10j9) I*' Glaymn inzhener trests. Stalinabakhtoprokhodka. (Donets Basin-3haft sinking) TYURKrAW. R.A., laureat Leninskoy premi:L i':.- Classification and evaluation of modern shaft sinking PrOCO56 flow sheats. Shakht.stroi. n0-3:10-13 Mr 159. (MYRA 12:4) 1. Glavnyy inzhener tresta Stalinehakhtoprokhodka. (Shaft sinking) Tr'"IUAN, R.A. , laureat ljprinakoT premii World record set by the wNoTo-Butovka" mine in sinking vertical (KM 12 - shafts. Ugol' Ukr. 3 no-6:35-39 Ag '59. .12) l.Trest Stalinshakhtoprokhodka. (Donate Basin--Shaft sinking) ,~,TYUR_UAN,Eaffi-A=enalmvich;-,GORIDV, Petr Ivanovich; ZORIt Anatoliy Ste- fanovich; AFONCEMIKO, Vladimir Vasillyevich; KLITSUNOV, V.I., otv. red.; CHECHKOV, L.V., red. izd-va; LOMILINA, L.N., tekbn. red.; WINSMA, G.M., tekbn. red. [Information for worker on vertical shaftsp shaft bottomot and chambers] Pamiatka. prokhodchika vertikallnykh stvolovq okolostvoll- rqkh dv6rov i kamer. Moskva, Goo. nau-chno-tekbn. izd-vo lit- gornomu Oeluo 1960. 71 P* (MIRA 34:77 po (Sbaft sinking) 'TYURKYAN, Raffi Armenokovich; ZORI, Anatoliy Stapanovich; DIYACHRIKO, I.M., red.; --MCHuGUV-,-V-.U-.,tekbn* red. [Rapid uhaft sinking with the KS-IM machine unit] Skorostnaia pro- khod-ka stvola o kompleksom KS-IM. Kiev# Gos* izd-vo tekhn. lit-x7j, USSR, 1961 53 P. (KMA 14:10) ?Donets BasiA-.-Shaft sinking-Equipment and supplies) VOLOFAM,vt S.KII., inzh.; TYUTIKYAN, R.A., inzh. Working 29C,, 5A( of a vertical shaft in one month. Shakht. stroi. 7 no.12:1-6 D16". (MmA 1?: 5), 1. Treat Donetskshakhtoprokhodka. TYURKYAN, R.A., inzh., laureat Leninskoy premii Analyzing the baric parameters of boring and blaBting operations in vertical shaft sinking. Shakht.strol. 9 no.11:8-12 N 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy ordena Lenina trest Donetsksbakhto- prokhodka. VOLOBUYEV S.Kh., inzh.; TYURKYAN R.A.Y P j- inzh.; MARGULIS Ye.M., inah. World.record for sinking 3,901 meters of vertical shaft in one month', Shakht.stroi. 8 no.llsl-2 N 164. - (MIRA 18?1) 1. Trost Donetskshakhtoprokhodko.. VOMMAW"ft"a TMCMIROVA, A.V.; TAKAYSHVILI, Z.G.,- BITKII, L.H. Vae of colibacterin on children during their con7s-'esc-am:a. Vbp.okh.mat.i det. 8 no.W&428 Hr 263. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Iz kafedry- pediatrii (zav. - deystivtel2nyy chlen A14F SSSR prof. G.P. Speranskiy) i klinicheskoy detskoy bollnitsyRo.9 imenj Dzerzhinskogo (glavnyy -yrach A.N. Kudryashova). (ESCHMCHIA COLI)i (DYSENTEM GOR(WICM) V.M.., kand,tekhn.nauk; TYUMAN, R.A., inah. "Supporting verticiLl shafts with solid concrete* by D.Z.Zaalavskii. Revic-ded by V.M.Gorodnichav., R.A.Tiurkian. Zhakht. atroi. 7 noe-2: 31-32 F 163, , (KIRA 16:3) (14ine timbering) (Concrete construction) (Zaaliveddi, IU.&) I TYURLIAOVAp L. P. "Effect of the Temperature Factor of the 6urroundings on the Restorative Regeneration of Skeletal Muscle Tissue in Ma=alB." Cand Biol Set, First Leningrad Medical Inst, Leningrad Inst, Leningrad, 1954. (RZhBiol, No 1, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USM Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 TYURLIKOVA, L.P. RaWative regeneration of skeletal muscle tissues In nice kept unker various environmental temperatures. Dok1. AN SM 105 no.1; 166-169 9 155. (KLBA 9-3) 1. Perv" Ler'.ngradskly meditsinskiy institut Ineni I.P. Pavlova. Prodstavleno, akadomikom Ye.N. Pavlcvskim. (KUSCLIC) TYURLIKOVA ?. L.P. (Uningrad.. Mokhovaya ul., 30,6. 22); 7AKMOVA, A.V. .a=~- * ~ -,,,I ~ ......... Some featureo of,p6sttramatic muncle tisoue under the administra- -tion of addnosi~e-triphosphoric acid. Arkh.amt.giot.i embr. 39 no-9353-58 S 160. (MIRA1431) I Kafedra ttiologii (zav. - prof. G.M. Litver) i keLfedra biokbiTnii (z&7. -`p3rof. Yu.M.Gefter) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogg instituta imeni. akademika I.P. Pavlova. (M~PLESY,' (REGENFARION (UCLOGY)) ZADIAROVA, A.V.; ZYlJRj.Jrl0llA Tz,,Z. 1~-spsirat-:~re reg&neratlon of th,~ bkeletAa mutCle tiSBde durlrg the administration of ascorbic a,~id and vill-Amir, P preFaraticno, Arkh, anat., gist. i embr, 46 no,4269-74 Ap 16-4. (MIRA 28z5) 1. Rafedra bi,okhip-lk--'. (zav. - 1-Tor. Yu.M.Gafter) i kafedra obahchey biologli (zav. -- prof'. G.M.Lit-,er) 1-go Leningradskogo medlt3in- skogo instituta akademilv,~~ Pavlova. Adres avtorov* Leningrad, u1. Vva llolstogc, 6/8; kafedra uhshchey biolop.11 i kafedra blokhlrril ! Le ning. rat', akogo n-o-di'sinskogo instituta imeni akademika Favlova. ZAYMMOVA., A.V TYURLIKOVA, L.P.; TKAMENK0, A.V. Content of nucleic acids, ascorbic acid and sow phosphorus compounds in guinea pigs during the reparative regeneration of skelotal muscle-c. Vop. mod. khim. 7 no.6:608-614 11-D 161. (~IIW, 15:3) 1. Chairs of Biology and Biocherriistri., "Academician I.P. Pavlov" First Medical Institute, Leningra-.3. (musciz-) (NUCLEIC AGIDS) (ASCORBIC ACM) (i-',10SPHCRU3 Gampoulms) MADANOV, P.V.; TYMENKO, A.N. Effect of plowing on the change in physical and chemical character- istics of Chernozem soils in Aktyubinsk Province. Nauch.dokl.vys. shkoly; biol.nauki no.4:185-191 162. 04IRA 15:10) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy pochvovedeniya Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. UllyanovarLenina. (AKTYUBINSK PROVINCE-CHERNOZEM SOILS) (PLOWING) qz,--TYMWMOI G.O. [Tiurmenko, H.O.], kand.selinkokhozonauk Lupine., intertilled and sownin mixtures helps to increase the production of grain and protein feeds in Polesye. Visnyk Billhosp. nauky 4 no.8:2-Y-29 Ag 161. (MM 14-.7) 1. Chernigovskaya gosudaretvennaya oellokokhozyaystvennaya opyt,aaya otanv,,3iya. (Pblesye-Lupine) L 2992-6 FSS-2/2;,T(1)/FS(v)-3/FCP/EWA(d) TT/GS/G-d ACCESGIMUNE4 AT502364-3 UR/0000165/000/000/0606/0614 76' ALMIOR: ov ?Z1 Sh. Sh.; H~L ~iy_qko, V. I TV pint.At_Vc.; Chinch!~~y, .. H. TITLE: Experiments in the world magnetic survey program \"Vseooyuznaya k nferentsiya Do fizike kosmichesko SOURCE.:,k 0 go_ *)s cow"! 181ir onmicheskogo' trudy konfe Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 06-614, TOPIC TAGS: geomaVetic field, geomagnetism, secular magnetic field, secular magnetic vaAation, artific~lidl earth satellite, aeromagnetometer, proton magnetom- eter, EM 4 ma&~etomete UO magnetometer A FABSTRACT..- A- bri. ef rievi-ev- -is given of- the various attempts to obtain a world- 1,vide magnetic-fiel.d map. T1*9 use of artificial earth satellites to map dearth's me tef~_~icf~!tjdjs shown to be the most efficient of the various methods used. For optimum efilciency in a single experiment, a satellite must have an orbit inclined to the'e4uatorial plane by 85D, an had several of the Cosmos series The low-number Cosmos series (such as Cosmos-g)"'carried proton magnetomters aboard, which essentially measure the frequency"l;f proton-free precession in the earth's magnetic gield. The disadvantages of this type of magnetome-ter vere Card 1/2 L 2992-~V6 ACCESSION NR: AT5023643 alleviated in the later Cosmos series (cosmos-42), ~y using aelf-tuning magnetometeis with logic circuits. One such device, d_es1jiaeTPM-4, automatically selects Gnd analyzes the optimum aignal during &~ part of the free nuclear precession period of the proton. Two, such devices on Cosmos-49, set 90` apart, had a measurement accuracy of 2-3 puss. Magnetic field measurements were taken by both the Cosmos-26 and -49 vehicles at altitudes of 270-403 km and 270-490 km respectively, during March and October of 1964. Typical magnetogre- from these meazurement5 are 5hown, separately. Re commendat ions are made for further scientific investigations w1th magnetic-field charts to better determine the earth's geomagnetie field and to cor,rect the coefficients of the Gaus seriea.- -(,rig.- art. has. 4 figures. [041 wi-an-, ASSOCIATION: VoesoyuznWa konferentsiya po fizike kosmicheakogo prostran-stva, Moscow (All-Union Conference on Space Physics) SUBMITTED: 028ep65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ES 5V No REF Sm. 0o OTHER; 004 ATD PFMS: 2b- XALIVAYKOJ, V.I.; TYUMUT., A.V.; FASTOVSKIY, U.V. H,$75 proton magnetometer for use in the field. GecmaL7. I aor. 2 no.2:343-347 Mr-AP 162. (MMA 15:6) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionoafery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln All SSSR. (Magnetometer) 142137- S/203/62/002/002/013/017 6~1 1046/1236 AWHORS: Nalivayko, V.I., Tyurmin, A.V. and Fastovskiy, U-V.. ,rITLL: Field prc4~lon magnetometor Tr M-5 (PM-5) PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizm i aeronorriva, v-2, no. 2, 1962, 343-347 TITIZz Theuii-Grni/noise ratio on the output of the now t%7 o- cycle 'paraphase amplifying circ t (see diagram) is 25;1 for a noise level that is approximately equal to the signal at the input; the total amplification factor K=40,000; the transmission band A F 0-.7 150 cycles;,xider range can be obtained by simple replacement of capacitor-3. The total error in measurement 11 for 60,J00 r f ielde .08.10-3,, or �2.5 r the gyromagnetic ratio of the proton) is 6 T/T 0 4 % General principlos of tho proton magnotometer opex~ation are cited after Packard and Varian (Ref.l: M. Ilackardp R. Varian. Phys. Rev., 1954, 93, 941). There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION1 Institut zemnogo magnotizma, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR (Institute of the Terrestrial Magnetism, the Ionosphere and Propagation of Radiowaves AS USSR) SUW1T7ZDs January 16, 1962 Card 1/1 - - DOLGINOV S.Sh,; -YEROSIMNKO, Ye.G.; PUSSHKOV I .9 , L.O. 'Neasuring of the YAgmtic Fields of the Earth and Moon by Means of Sputnik III dnd Space Rockets I and II." report presented at the First International Space Science Symposium, Nice, France, Jan National Academy of Sciences of the USSR., Moscmr. ffStudier. of the ~jagnetic Field of the Earth and the Moon.ft _r~,~ical C~Ongr,-ss, Stoa,--oj=, Sw, ,-eport presented at the X! International As,ro- e:.-den., 15-20 August 196o. ar- 3r i. 'will -d?, Fm P. up "!H I _i irk