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IMOTOT, Gavriil AlekseyevichL_ YUPLIXAJ4 otvetstvenW redaktor; SIATOROSOT, A.ih., redaktor izdatel stva; YADNINSKAYA, A.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Underground surveying in drawn and mined workings) Marksheidersksia e*emka ochistnykh i nareznykh gornykh vyrabotok. Moskva, Uglatekhizdat 1956~ 179 P. (MIRA 9:10) (Mine surveying) TY 0, S.N., otyststvannyy re4aktor; XLUSXOTA. I.P., takhaichaskly "~OVAOM%r [Conventional symbols for survey maps and geological diagrams of coal and slate beds on the scale of 1:200, 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000. 1:50G0 and 1:10,0001 Uslovnye snaki dlia marksholderskikh planor L geologi- cheakikh rasrezor ugollnykh i slantsevykh mestorohdanit masshtabor 1t200, 1:500. 1:1000. 1:2000. 1:5000A 1:10 000. Koskya, Ugletekhizdat. Pt*2* (Thick strata of deposits typical of the Kuznetsk Basin and open workings] Koshchuye plasty mentoroshdanti tip& kusastskogo baseeina I otkratya razrabotki. 1956. 117 p., 17 diagrams. (KIRA 9:7) I- Russia (1923- U.S.S.IL) Kinisteretvo ugollnoy promyahleanoati. Takhaicheekoys uprayle4ye, (Topographical drawing-Conventional signs) (Kuznetsk Basin-Goal mines and mining) TYUPKIN, S.N.- XCRDOIISKIY, A.B., redaktor: DIMtNNV, V.P., tekhnicheakly ... wwasn"M r a Go Nor [Mine surveying and geodetic instrumental Marksheiderskie i geo- dezicheekie priboz7. Mbskva. Ugietekhiodat, 1952. 214 p. [Micro- film!. (MM 8t7) (Survaying-rnstruments) (Mine surveying) (o(j,.,7ichf:~--dY'- FribDry In, '.Kirk-.:' (It T-1 tqbl 'WY ur Moskv-'l ';/5 661.1 A9 , A.B., otvatotvannyy redaktor; SIABOR06OV, ..pan Ilikitich' KORDONSKIT kly redaktor, -5 =ZKOIN , St ff tA^ a; ILIINSKAYA, G.M., tekhnichOs A.n-9 redar=7~fzdatellstv Moskva, (Surveying Instr nts] Marksheiderlskie pribory, (KmA 1o:6) Ugletekhisdat's 1957. 319 PO rumente) (Surwaying.-Inst TIUMO, V., Geroy Sotsialistichaskogo Truda, , - Increase the initiative of agricultural trade unlone.Sov. profealuzy 8 no.2:16 Ja 160. (MIR& 13:2) l.'Brigadir traktorno-polavodcheskoy brigady opytnogo kho2yay- stva ONRIek" Sredne-Aziatskoy masbinoispytatolincy stantaii. (Uzbekistan-Cotton growing) (Trade unions) CC NR. AP6013201 SOURCE CODE: UR/0421/66/000/002/0078/0085 AUTHOR: TY (Kbarlkov) t" ORG: none TITLE: Hydrostatics in weak force fields. Stability of equilibrium shapes of a liquid surface SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiye. Mekhaniks zbidkosti i gaze, no. 2, 19660 78-85 TOPIC TAGS: hydrostatics, week magnetic field, fluid flow, ABSTRACT: The article is amethematical consideration of the stability of the equilibrium state of an Ideal incompressible fluid1wbicb is under the action of surfBce tension forces and of the potential field of the iness forces. For solution of this problem, use Is made of the prin6iple of the minimum potential of the energy of the system. The stability conditions are formulated in terms corresponding to the values of the linear end problem, which arise from a consideration of the mininum of the energy potential. This general apndition is applied to the sxisymmetric problem and, in particular, to the problem of the stability of a fluid suspended in a cylindrical vessel. "In conclusion, the L 29870-66 - - - -------- 6~-iN t the cOl culationss cind A, 1301 a, ev for carrying 0u 3t in the work 4:rshkis fo-, their intere-, -a ~.Il) -- 46 D _!L0 ),I C,-i (" tions.11 Origs Ort. has Ll-~- ' valus 0 o serv r a ni"nber o1 va 13 r."! fiEu"~esb f o rri ,u I as Ul n a 2 2osep65/. ORIG REP 005 c-~33 CODE: 20/ STJBI,-l DATE: 2/2 A.D. TYMjo*q~ A.D. (narlkoV); (Knarlko-v) weak grFvitational fields; Oqu'libriam fhape ashinostre jjydrostatics in of a fluid* Tzv. p1l SSSR m (min of the surface I no. 5:39-46 S-0 '64 ~ -, t- M `.g '.. , ~Fr 7 . 3 gf~ 9- i I :I ~ M-MOMM-11im" ~ !,.~l N K ~ff s am ~,, ii I - MIR I .i, ,!i "I IiR, R, `21~ %E FRIEND, 10601-'Zal, IRWIN BELYAYEVA, M. A.; WSHKIS, A. D.; SLOBOZHVITN, L. A.; nIjPTSOV. A. D. (KharIkov) "On the equilibrium forms of liquids in capillary vesselsn report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 196h. A165 s/196/62/000/003/011/012 Y30 0 E19VE155 AUTHOR: Tyur, R,A. TITLE., Selecting the beat electrical and aerodynam.i! parameters for the process of metallisation using high-frequency current PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika. no.3, 1962, 21, abstract 3 K116, (Zap- Leningr, s,-kh. in-ta, 85, 1961, 18-22). TEXTS. A general description and circuit diagram are gi-ren of an experimental equipment with high-frequency metalliser type MELI-1 (WVCh-l) in the form of a distributor head consisting of a secondary inductor winding (eddy-current concentrator) and a primary multi-turn winding. A procedur-~ .B described and results are given from which the following conclusions are drawn. In metallising with a valve generator type 7'3-46 (GZ-46) for wires of 4-6 mm diameter, the grid/anode current ratio recommended is 1-7 (anode current 1.7--2 A, grid current 0.2-0.3 A). To produce very plastic coatings, Card 1/2 34IL5 Selecting the best electrical S/196/62/000/003/011/072 E194/E155 metallisation should be carried out at a distan--e of 125 mm from the flame source with a compressed-air pressure of 2.5-3 atm.gauge. Very plastic steel coatings are obtainej with generator frequency of 400-500 kc/s. rAbstractor's notei Complete translation, card 2/2 TYUR, Rudollf Allbertovich; LUKINJ.' O.A., red.; VENTSELI, O.A.., red.; VDI TszI;r-,T-.T-. -,red. i zd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A., tekhz. red. (Increasing the wear resistance of machine parts by metal spraying using high frequency currents] Povyshenie iznoso- stoikosti -detalei mashin sposobom metallizatsii napyleniem s primeneniem tokov vysokoi chastoty. Leningrad, 1963. 17 p. (Leningradskil dom nauchLo-tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Mekhanicheskaia obrabotka metallov) no.14) (MIRA 17:1) O.V. Excessive diagrio,-Is of rtetu~jtlc ffvcr in c:,,i !dr-n. I'adv,h. inod. I-n;3,,. 50'.187-190 '61, 1. 1z kaferb-y ~ediatrli (za-;. - pi,,--)f. V.S. Vay-l!", Tadlzriikslkogo Wll,~!,~~;y No, vi,ill-". Yakubrva). SUVIN, S.T., doktor ekonom,nauk; GRANIX, G.I., kand.ekonom.nauk; KUZAKOY, K.G., kand.okonom.nauk; KIKHATLOV, S.V.0 kand.ekonom.nauk; SWALIN, B.F., lcand.geograf,nauk; 1AHNNITM., L.S., nauchnyy sotrudnik; MOSEVIN, D.D., nauchnyy sotrudmik; XrMWXHET,_~P., nauchnyy sotrudnik; LULNTSOVA, N.A., inzh.; KOZLOV, B.K., kand.takhn.nauk, starshly na- uchn.yy sotrudnik; BROUSUffN, L.B., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; BOVKUN, A.Te.; TIMININ, A.A., okhotoved; S&R(ZYZV, M.A., retsenzent; AGRAHAT, G.A., kand.geograf.nauk, red.1 PUZANOVA, V.F., kand.geograf. nauk; SB3NKKAN, V.I., red.izd-va; RWZM', V.Y.. (Problems in the development of the productive forces of Kamchatka Province] Problemy razvitiiaproizvoditollnykh oil Kamohatokoi ob- lasti. Moskva. 1960. 420 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po i:~ucheniyu proizvoditollnykh oil. Saktor prirodnykh resursov I ekonomiki Severa. 2. Zaveduyushchly Sakto- rom prirodnykh resurBor i'ekonomiki Severs, Sovets po izucheniyu proizvo- ditellufth oil AN SM (for Slavin). 3. Institut energetiki AN SSSR (for Kozlov). 4. Tikliookeanskiy rybuyy institut (TINHO) (for Bron- shteyn). 5. Starshiy ekonomist Kamchatskogo oblplans (for BovLam). 6. Kamchatskoye otdoleniye Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo instituta zhivotnogo syriya ! pushniny (for Vershinin). (Kamchatka Province--Economic conditions) SLAVIN, S.V.j. doktor ekon. nauk; GRANIK, G.J., kand. ekon. nauk; LoGINOV,, V.P.j 1AIKHMOV, S.V.; SHAPALIN, B.F.,, kand. geogr. nauk; AVAKYAN, M.I.,, nauclx7y sotr.; UWWOV.. G.A., nauchrwy sotr.; HAMUTSERy L.S.,, nauchrqy aotr.; TIVVA, N.I... nauchrWy sotr.; MMDENEV A.P..,-Dauchwjy sotr.; CHUGUNOV,, B.L., starshiy bnyy sotr,; KOGANj I.Lq HESIKOVSKAYA, L.V.t starBhiy inzh.; LUKIN, I.I.; FAYERSTITM) R,,I.; Prinimali uchastiye-. Agranatp G.A., kand. geogr. naukp red.; PUZANOVA, V.F., kand, geogre nauk, red.; KUPRIYANOV, A.Bop nauchr47 sotr,, red,; SOBOLEV, Yu.A.,, red. izd-va; TIKHCMIROVA, S.G., tekhn. red. [Problemwa in developing the productive forces of 1.11agadan Province] ProbletV razvitiia proizvoditelIrViffi ail Magadanskoi. oblasti. Mo- skva; Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 301 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sovet po izucheniyu proizvoditellrwkh ail. 2. Glavrqys inzhenera proyekta "Dallatroyproyekt" (for Kogan, Fayershteyn). 3. Institut ekonomiki Akademii nauk SSSR (for Chugunov). 4. Energoupravleniye Magadanskogo Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for 14eahkovskaya). 5. Nachallnik Oblastnogo otdola po delam stroitell- stva i arkhitektury Magadanskoy oblasti (for lukin). (Magadan Province-Industxies) (Magadan Province-Econornic policy) TYURDENEV., L. Vermiculite is a new product. Vnesh. torg. 43 no.8:35-36 163. (Vermiculite) (MIRA 16:8) TrJRIMNZVA. 3.A. ion in the Volga Delta bottom lands. Rmuch, doK. v7s. ahkoly; biol, nauld no*2tl63-167 158. (KIRA 11:10) 1,Prodstavlona kafedroy pochvovedentya Moskovskogo gosuclarstvannogo universiteta imeni M.V. Lomonoeova. , (volga Delta--Soils) TYUIWENEVA , S.A. Salt balance in soil.s of th-P, Volga Delta, Kauch. IcK. v7s. Enk-."-' ~-.* p b1ol. nauk.t no,1:189-196 165. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Rakomandovana kafedroy poch-;ovedeniya Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. ALUSAIMOVSKAU. M.A.; BOLYSHEV, N.N.; TYURDMVA. S.A. Fractionation of hums in connection with the stiOy oil the genesis of gray meadow soils of the Volga Delta. lauch.dokl. vys.shkoly; biol.nauki no.1:210-215 '59. (MIRA 12:5) le Rekonendovana kafedroy pochvovedeniya Moskovskogo gosudar- stvennogo universitets. im. M.V.Lomonosova. (VOLGA DFLTA--SOILS--ANALYSIS) (HUKUS) MOTSKIi,,Yu,.Z'.;'VORO-ITIRA, A.F.: ITIKOV.YEV, V.A., RYCHAGOV, G.I.; RTABTSE11A, Z.G.; TTURDROVA, S.A.; TSATSENKIN, I.A. Field methods in making general phyalco-geographical maps. Nauk. za-p. L'viv. un. 40:114-125 157. WIRA 11:6) 1.GosudarstvennI7 universitet im. M.T. Lomonosova, Foskva. (Physical geography-Maps) USSR/Geophysics - Soils SeP 53 "The Essence of the Malting Process and its Role in the Formation of the Soils of the West Caspian Region," N. N. Bolyshev and S. A. Tyurdeneva, Chair of Soil Science Vest Mos UnivY Ser Fizikomat i Yest Nauk, No 6, pp 35-47 State that their observations and other investiga- tions (A. G. Kurganskiy, "Certain Problems of the Characteristics of Soils of the Southeast," Pochvo- vedeniye (Soil 6clence', No 3, 1911) in the West 275T65 Caspian Region established that most soils, in- cluding also zonal-brown soils, possess a whitish coloration and a laminar-flaky structure in hori- zon AY the thickness of which varies widely from 2-3 cm in red-brown soils to 15-25 cm in meadow- firth malting soils and 58 cm in malt soils. MtDTSKIY, Yu.Z* [deceased]; VMONINA, A.F., RINDLAYNV, V.A.; RYCHAGOT, G.r.; RrABTSNVA, Z.G.; TTURDMWA, S#A.; TSATSIMM. I.A. Field methods of making general physicogeographical maps; from the work practice of the expedition of the Moscow State University to the Oaspian Sea region; Vopogeogo uo*421-9-22 158& (KIRA 11:11) (oartography) I BOIMHEV,, N.N.,- MX-OLAYEV, V.A.; TYURDOEVA, S.A. Some results achieved and outlook for a comprehensive study of soils of the Virgin Territory in the Kazakh S.S.R. flauch. dokl. vyo.-shkoly; 4o1. nauki, no.4t186-195 161. (MIRA 14: 11) 1. Rekomendov~na kafedroy pochvovedoniya Mookovskogo gosudarstvennogo universUeta Im. H.V.Lomonooova. (VIRGIN TERdITOHY-SOILS) LIDOV, V.P.; ORLOVA, V.K.; TYURDENLVA, S.A. Dust storms in Stavropol Territory and meagures for controlling them. Gr-g. i khoz. no.12:29-39 163. (NIRA 16:12) NIKOLAYETI) V.A.,- !YURDENEVA, S.A. - Evaluating the land of Kustanay Province, Kazakh. SSR no.93143-160 162. TrudY otdo AN geog& 15:6) (Kuatanay OVJ (Kustana,y Provpirnocve'-n-cSe-oi-IFsar-MOSI-afV38ailfulati n) ,Oatcion) 7YURDEM-11VA) S.A. "The Genesis of Meadow-Grey Soils (Steppe and Desert 3oils of the Vol,-:,,a River Delta)"; dlw%ert,itfon for tbe degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (rLwarded b.- the Tir.Uriazev Agricultural AcadeW. 1?62) (Twvestlya Timiryazevakoy SellskokhoVV- styenn(Py Akademli, Moscow, No, 2, 191S3, pp 232-236) 7 V /-~r Th.e Second All-Union Conference on Rhenium, sponsored by the Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Baykov, Academy of Sciences USSR, and the State Institute of Rare Metals, vfas held in Moscow 19-21 November 1962. A total of 335 representatives from 83 scientific institutions and industrial estab- lishments participated. Among the reports presented were the following: autoclave extraction of Re from Cu concentrates (A. P. Zelikman and A. A. Peredereyev); Re extraction from the gaseous ph as 6 .(V. P. i. Savrayev and N. L. Peysakhov); recovery of Re by sorption and ion In- terchange (V. I. Bibikova. V. V. Il'ichenko, K B. Lebedev, G. Sh Tyur~khoLhaye , V. V. Yermilov, Ye, S.. Raimbeko and M. 1. production of carbonyl Re (A. A. Ginzburg), electrolytic I produqtion of high-purity Re and electroplating with Re (Z.' M. SoMWi ka a Lk Za and A. A. NikitijW; Re coatings on refractory metals pr-odu-c-e-a-Ey' thermal dissociation of Re chlorides'(A. N. Zelikman and N V. Baryshnikov); plan- _~c tic deformation and thermorn Man a Ftreatment of Re (Y. 1. Karavaytsev and Yu. A. Sokolov); growth of Re single crystals and effect Of 0 2 on their pro~~ertics (~Yq;T._M. Savitskiy and G. Ye. ChRprtlioy); Re-Mo, Re-W, and Re-precious -metal alloys- Ye. M.__�a~itski7~. M. A. TylUn;L, and K. B. Ton - ~rova - synthesis of Re n trides. isilicides, phosphides, apd selenides (G V S 1 !~~~v, V. A. Obolqnchik, and Y_. _S_L_Ne#b2or); weldability of Re-Mo and Re-W alloys (y, V D' a h nko# B3 P Morqzov, and Ki __Z_L_.tL'Y C el %. Nil naW fields of application-i-or-Aa and R" alloys (M. A, Tylkj~& thormoc.ouples I iay_ "allu G_- B. L*PA [WW) Tsvetnm metally, =6 4, Apr 1963, pp,92 93 TYUREE]IOD7BYEV, Zh.M. Materials on the reproduction of the Syr Darya pheasant. Trudy Inst. zool. All YAzakh. SSR 24:83-69 164. (MIRA 17:12) LEBEDEVp K#B#j TYUREKHODZHAYEVA, T.Sh. Behavior of rhenium and molybdenum 80-fides in inorganic solvents. Trudy Inst. met. i obogashch. AN Kazakh. SSR 4:170-178 162. OURA 15:8) (Sulfides--149tallurgy) (Hydrometallurgy) LEDEDEV., K.B.; Selecting an adsorbent and a solution medium for the reco7ery of rhenium and thallium from lean solutions. Trud Inst. met. i obog. AN Kazakh. SSR 69148-155 163. ~MIRA 16:10) fi~l,lN-,-&~it