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b '~iL N. A.A., inzh.; TYUMMVA, S.T., inzh., red.; GVIRTS, V.L., [Device for controlling the profile of screws and gear cutters with large angle food] PrieDosoblenia dlia kontroliB Drofilia cherviakov i chaVviachnykh fres a bollshimi uglttmi pod'ema. Leningrad, 1955. 9 P. (laningradskii dom -nauchno-tekhnichaskoi propagandy. Informatsionno-tekhnicheskii listok, no-109(797)) (Screw-cutting machines) -PROKOPITEVA, A.N.; GRINZATD, Ye.L.; TYUMENEVA, S.T., red.; GVIRTS, V.L., [Spectrum anal7sis of nickel; practices of cooperation of a plant with the M.I.Kalinin Polytechnic Institute in Leningrnd] Spektraltnyi analiz nikelia; iz opyta tvorcheekogo sodruzhestva zavoda 9 Leningradskim politekhnicheakim institutom im. M.I.Kalinina. Leningrad, 1955. 13 P. (Laningradskii dom nauchno- tekhnicheskoi propagandy. Informatsionno-tekhnicheakii listok, no.48(736)) (MMA 10:12) (Nickel--Spectra) rn, f #"W MIKHATIAW, F.M., inzh.; TYUKMVA,, S.T., inzh., red.; FRWER, D.P., [Practical use of ultrasonic defectoecopes for detecting Internal flaws in forgIngs for difficult conditions] Prakticheskoe ispol'zovanie ul'trazvukovogo defektoakapa po vyiavleniin vnutrennikh defektov v pokovkakh otvetstvennogo nazuacheniia. Leningrad, 1955. 14 P. (Leningradakil dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoi propagandy. Informatsionno-tokhnicheakii listok, no.106(794)) (MIRA 10:12) (Ultrasonic waves--Industrial applications) (Forging--Quality control) ALTAPYSHEV, Vladimir Georgiyevich;- TJMQUWAx-~ inzh.9 red.; MILLING, V.A.f; BKWGUROVA, I.A.p [Mul~iple-apot strain measuring of c7clodynamic processes] Opyt mnogotochecbnogo tenzometrirovanlia taiklodin-amicheskikh protsessov. Leningrad, 1960. 16 p. (I-eningradskii Dom nauchno- tekhnicheekoi propagandy, Cbmen peredovym opytom, Seriia: Elektricheskie metody obrabotki metallovo no.7). (MIRA l4z6) (Strain gauges)f p_: S.T,, inzh., red.; FFMERI D.P., SPIVAI, Izrail' Moiseyevich; TTUMMVAp [An electric-light instrument for checking screw threads) Xlectrosvetovoi pribor dlin kontrolia rez1b. Leningrad. 1956. 2 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoi propagandy. informatsionno-tekhnicheskii listok, no.q. Kontroll kachestva produktsii) (MIRA 10:12) (Zlectric instraments) (Screw threads) USTIYANTSEVA, Mariya Petrovna; TTLTMMVA, S.T.,; FREGER, D.P., [Quantitative determination of copper and steel by means of ateeloBcopes] Kolichestvennoe opredelenie medi v stali poeredstvom stilookopa. LenIngrRd, 1956. 4 p. (Leningradakii dom nauchno- te1rhniche:1-:~A propagandy. InformatBionno-tekhnicheakii listok, no.j. Kontroll kachestva produktsii) (KLRA 10:12) (Steel--Spectra) i, ~ L~ .' r 1~ ~ V =' 1, ~'i , ~' '~_ XARYAKIN,-ArkLqdiy Vasillyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk; TYIMNEVA, S.T., inzh.,red.; YMER, D.P., tekhn.rod. . -.1. . [Luminescent defectoscopyl Liuminesteentnaia defektookopila. Leningrad, 1956. 15 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-takhnicheekoi propagandy. Informatsionno-tekhnicheakii listok, no.17. Kontroll kachestva produktoii) (MIRA 10:12) (Ultraviolet rays-Industrial applications) . TYUHMSEV, A.I. _"- . Compacted soils, soil-bitumen, and soil-cement compositions in foreign hydraulic engineering practices. Trudy NIIVTa no.l6s64-68 164. (MIRA 18:4) TYUMMSEV,F. 11.~ We are improving the mineral work organization. Soy. prof- soluzY 3 no.6:37-39 Je '55. (MLR& 8:8) 1. Predsedatell komitsta profsoyuza shakhty imeni Voroshilova (Kuzbass) (Kuznetsk Basin-Coal mines and mining) IVA.NIYIIV, L.N.; 0'"TRTSOV, N.M.; OICLADNIKOV, A.P.1 PAYWYSXIY, Ye.T. TYUKINTSBY, I.T.; YLORENSOV, N.A. Ionif Tiache'jilgkv-qVjch Armbovskli; obituary. Biul. Kom. chety. per. U0021:141-143 '57- (MLSA 10:6) (Arembovskii, Iosif Tiacheslavovich, 1907-1956) TYUKMSBT, N.Y., kand. biolo- nauk.-- - Xxperieuce Im subs=fsce tillage of fallow land. Zemeledelie 6 no.5.' 35-36 My 158. (Tomsk Province-Ploving) (MM 11:6) 17 USS-ii/oultivatod :1.-.nlt-,s. Tochnicall 1-lants. Oil Plnnts. u ,.bs J:)u., '-.I--f Zhur-Biol.j 159 195', 68202 Luthor Z,--~-rtsov, 1. 1,.., Slavnin.-,ij T. !,, Tyuncintsov, IT, F, Inst -.-TQL;03~11ivar S it Y. T it lo : Utilizjn.--- ~'eat-BoG -Lodsolic Soils for Fibor-Flax in tho Forthern 'I'Lr~yons of Ob- I.-Ist I . Orig A'ub : Tr. Torisko:-1h.) un-t,-., 1957, 1-1,09 113-119 !,bstract ; No abstract. Care-, : 1/1 Country : USSR Category i Cultivated Plants. General. j"i Abs Jour : RZhBiol., No 6, 19599 No 24793 Author :_T_MerrA"sev N. F,. Inst :TomFV~~iiigy. Title ;Effect of Fertilizers on the Qualitative Charac- teristics of Field Cultivated Plants. Orig Pub iTr. Tomskogo un-ta, 1957, 1402 214-228 Abstract Data of the Tomsk Experimental Station and Sort Districts on-the effect of fertilizers on matu- ring periods, disease affections, grain and hay harvests, protein content in the grain and sow- ing properties of the seeds of field crops, A brief literature review is submitted, The biblio- graphy consists of 19 titles. Card 6 Country s USSR Category t Cultivated Plants. Cereals. Leguminous Plants. Tropical Cereals. M! Abs Jour : MhBiol., No 6. 1959, No 24823 Author t Inst I Title S Abstract : recommended.9 when widening the sowing area at the expense of forests to leave forest screens as a protection against freezing and to increase the level of agricultural engineering (introduce black fallowt apple fertilization and take snow- retaining measures), Card t 2/2 TMUNTS17, I.I.; BOCHUREV, V.R. Power engineers of the Altai region and the Rubteovsk industrial district are fiditing for savings in electric power. J~rom. energ. 15 no.12i49 D 160. (MM 13:12) (Altai Territory-Electric power) GRANINA; A.; TYM40NTSZV, 11. .11ina AL&mz4wwna Epova, obituary. izv. Vses. geog. ob-vs c3 no-4: _ 349-349 Jl - Ag 161.~ (MIR-k '14:7) . " (Epova, Nina Afagaslevm, 1903 -! 19W,) TYUMNTSEV.- N.F---- Brief results of the evaluation of collective farm soils in Tomsk Province. Fochvovedenie no.9:67--78 S 161. (KIFA 14:10) (Towk Province-Soils-Classification) TYUMENTS~Y, F., kand.biol.nauk p Tbreat to the voil.0 of Weste= Siberia. Priroda WO no.4.-53-57 Ap I&L. - (MM 14i4/' 1. Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institute (Siberia, Western-Erosion) TYUMRSET, N.F. liffectiveness of fertilizer application to soils of the noz~-Cherno&en zone of the Cb region. Pochvovedenle no-3:76-80 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Tomakiy goonniversitet. (0b Valley-Soils) (Fertilizers aad manures) ~p .-Au 7p- --4 mt mg F4 - _ga g N, TYUMENTSEVP N.F. A beauty of the 5-4ber-Jan T.,-:---. Trudy Tom. obl kraeved. =z- 6-0.1: 16-17 162. ( va FLA 17:1-1) 1, Tomskiy gosudarstvennyj wdversitet. TYUMENTS-EV, N.F..; KRYLOV, G.V- Reviews and biblloE-ra-.~hy. lzv. AN n,~,.L Ser. lr-'~----'.-7:~~.n- ;-~ no.lt150-153 1650 (.~C? A "181 : ~) ----KUZHOVj-M.M.-y---'1`YUW,1 ITISEVj 11- V*--- - - - ---- Biological effects of level fluctuations in Lake Baikal. Biul. YLOIP. Otd. biol. 65 no. 4:149-150 Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:10) (BAIKAL$ LAKE-FRESH-WATER BIOLOGY) KOZHOV, N.M., prof., doktor biolog.nauk; MISHARIN, K.I., doteent, kanA. biolog.nauk. Prinimali uchastiye~ TOMILOV, A.A., kand.biolog.nauk; POPOV, P.P., kand.biolog.nauk; YEGOROV, A.G., kand.biolog.nauk; TUGARINA, P.Ta., kand.biolog.nauk; TYMCENTSZV, N.V., nauchm" sotrddnik;.A5KBATEV, M.G.. nauchnyy sotradnik; HIKOLAYEVA, ire.P., nauchnyy qotradnik; KARTUSRIN,' A.I.. uauchny7 sotrudnik-,,ST3MTAGOVA, M.A., nauchnyy sotTudn1k; KORYAKOV, Ya.A.; SMIT, K.K., inzh.; WMIN, IX., inzh.;IOKUNIV, P.M.; SEWIPER, R.I., tTabotaiki SWIROVA, A.S.,-red.-, SOROKERA; T.P., I [Fishes and commercial fishing in Lake Baikal) Ryby i rybnoe khoziaistvo vbassaine ozera Baikal. Irkutskoe,knizhnoe izd-vo, 1958. 745 P. WRA 12:4) 1. Sotrudniki Irkutakogo gosuniversitata (for Misharin, Tomilov, Popov, Tegorov, Tugarina). 2. Sotru'dnik Baykallekoy.1imnologicheakoy stantaii Akademii nauk SSSR (for Koryakov). 3. Baykalrybtreat (for Spolit, Artyanin). 4. Gosplan Buryat-Mongollskoy ASM (for Shniper). (Baikal. Lake--Fisheries) MMENTSEV, N.V. 35924 SOKOLOV, N.I. TYUMENTSEV, N.V. K voprosu 0 nakhodke elephas trogontherit poli., V basseyne R. angaz7, (geol. ocherk.) doklady akad. nauk assr, novays seriya, T. MIX. No. 3. 1949, T. 413-15.- bibliogr: 13 nazv. SO: Letopis' Zhurnal'nykh Statey, No. 49, 1949 IVANOV, A.D.; TYUKUTSEV, N.V. - t_ - ;!."6-_7--_ _- ' " - ` From the life of ants. Priroda 47 no. 7:119 JI 158. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Irkutskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet im. A.A.Zhdanovs. (Angara Valley--Ants) IVANIYXV, L.N.; TrUKWSV. N-V- In ==7 of I.V.Arembowkii, Izv,Vsaa*geog'ob-Te 87 no.1:74-76 Ja-F 155' (nU 8:4) (;rambovokii, Iosif Viachoolavov:oh,19007-1954) A7-;'-U,ORS z Ivanov~ A.D., Tyl;mentse 26-58-7-41/58 TITLEz On the Life of the Ant3 (1z zhizni murav PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 7, P 119 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On excursions to the Islands and right bank of the Angara river during the summer, the authors found out how ants protect themselves from floods and frost. An investigated ant hill reached to a depth 1 to 1-5 m below ground, An upper layer of black earth was 15 to 20 cm thick, while the ensuing layer of about 1 m thickness consisted of clayey soil. In this layer, large amounts of ants and larvae wr-re found. Passage openings were arranged in a way that they could be sealed immediately before any immirent danger. This explained the survival of ants over a period of floods covering the ant hillock entirely. On the eve of an ex- tended bad weather spell ants were seen scurrying in the vicinity of their hillock and collecting material to cover Card 112 and close the outside openings. On the Life of the Ants 26-50-7-41/48 ASSOCIATION. Irkutskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.A. Zhdanova (The Irkutsk State University imeni A.A. Zhdanov) 1. Ants--USSR Card 2/2 KOZHOV I M.M.; _~NTWMt N,V-- Biologie%l consequences of level variations in Lake Baikal. Biul. MOM Otd. biol. 66 no-302-39 My4e 161. (KMA 14:6) (BAINAL, LUM-MMOLOGY) TYUMNITSEV, P.N. 7 , - Producin~septicemia in the tent caterpillar Dendrolimus sibiricus by spores of Bacillus dend-rolimus" Talalaev devoid of parasporal inclusionso Mikroblolagiia 32 no.5%879-884.. S-0 t6,3 (MIRA 17 z2) lo Gosudarstvenny7 univemitat lm. A.A.Zhdanovat Irk-ut-.ek. Tyumr,SEV, S.!I. Bacteriological diagnosis of the carriage of bacilli by Dendrolimus Tschtv. caterpilltirs infected with Depticeraia by Bac. dendrolimus Talalaev. I-likrobiologiia 33 no.3:483- 1,86 T,~y-je 164. (1,aRA 18:3.2) 1. Gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.A.Zhdanovap Ir~utslr-* Submitted Februai-j 11, 1963. KTICHINJ V.V.; KURTS, V.V.; TYUMEROV, A~I.; TYUMENTSEV, V.,G, P Reduction of oxidized copper ty the products of theru-coxidative pyrolysis of natural gas In pyrorefining. Gaz- Pram. 10 no.9145-47 165. (MIRA 18:11) TYU)OMTSSV. V.P.; Tonnny, I-G, Selection of brushes for d.c. machines. Prom. energ. 13 no.5:12 Mr '5 S. (Brushes, glectric) (Min 11: 8) VLASOVP V.M.; NASIL'YEVAO A.Iq TMMTSUA, G#P9 Synthesis of-soetals of aostylenic secondoxy-torti&ry glycols based on4avorskii rearrangement* Izv,Aff SSBRoSerokhime no,ol2t2202-2204 165# (MIRA IWO L, Irkutskiy institut organicheskoy khbdi Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSRe Submitted April 6, 1965. ZABOHDV, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; ROSIN. G.S., inzh.;"TjUH3HTSEU'.---.- iUZb. Device for determining dynamic properties of elastic materials* Stroi.mat. 6 noA39-0 Lp 1609 (HIRA 13:6) (Acoustical materials-Testing) ZABOROVY V.I.; -Ila. 4 our no.1:5'1-61 165. -ust. zh=. C,=p2ing Into acc, -t- Al. t L (M19A 18!") y naucl-incissledovatel-ISM-Y institIt 1. Urallskiy posudarstvennp abornykh zlielezobatonnykh lzd,3l17 :i konatrukt,siyq Chelyablnak. 26246 S/194 /61/000/001/004/038 D216/D304 1G.S and Tyumentseva, L.P. AUTHORS; Zaborov. V.I., Rosin, TITLE: An instrument for determining dynamic properties of elastic materials PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 1, 1961,-27, abstract It. A188 (Stroit. materialy, no. 4. 1960, 39-40) TEXT; The description is given of an instrument for determining the elasticity modulus and loss factor of anti-vibration and sound- absorbing isolating pads. The instrument was designed at the Ural branch of the Building and Architecture Academy of the USSR. The modulus of electricity is determined by means of an electro-dynami- cal vibrometer from the velocity of propagation of acoustical waves in the sample; the loss factor - from the width of the resonance curve. The experimental results are given of the analysis of foam plastic, of wood fiber plates, etc. together -4th graphs of the Card 1/2 An instrument for determining... 26246 S/194/61/000/001/004/038 D216/D304 dependence of the elasticity moduli of those materials on frequency of vibrations. The largest loss factors (0.56) are exhibited by the foam plastic. (nXB (PKhV)), by the mineral felt with synthetic binding (0.27) and by the hair fel (0.23). 2 figures. Card 2/2 i -'(.17.I I~j Iml I It it 11,P * lu "; ), FNIMMI) -tisi..0 , 1.4" ., prazt,cef; In the F' ~=~ * '~e ~'Cn- r-4nt::,:a-H --' 1.1 --v- -- . ~ I- I . - -- L --- Topkan Clombine in a fl~ - -T* L~L no.014(A.-468 Je 11~5. (',/' I RA 1S.- 8) KTICHNt V.V"~ KORTSY V.11,; TYMMOV, A.I.j TYUMENTSEV, V.,G. Reduction of oxidized copper by the p:oduc*.s of pyrolysls of natural gas in pyroreflninF. Gaz,, prom. 10 no.9.,45-47 165. (MIRA 18-;1.1) YZGOROV, N.N., kand.sellskokboo.nauk; LIVAI49, M.V., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; TYUHIKOV, S.S..-assistent, *orinated turpentine for controlling irsects. ZaBhch. rast, ot vred. i bol. 7 no.2:27 F I We (MIRA 15:12) 1. Voronezhakiy lesotekhnicheskiy inatitut. (Insecticides) TTUMIN. A., Group technical activities. Pirof.-tekh. abr. 1.5 no.8.*27 AC 158. (MIRA U: 8) 1,1faster proizvodstvennoge obucheniya stroitellnoy shkol7 No. 2. Gorlkovolmya oblesti. (Building trades--Stud7 and teaching) AUTHOR: Tyumin, A. SOV-27-58-9-17/27 TITLE: The Technical Self-flelp of a Group (Tekhnicheskaya samo- deyatellnost' gruppy) PERIODICAL: Professionallno-tekhnictieskoye obrazovaniye, 1958, Nr 8, page 27 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author tells how Building School Nr 2 of Corlkiy Obla3t overcame a shortage of training aids by producing them in the school. 1. Training devices--Production Card 1/1 in3h. GRITSAY, V., inzh.; iTIMIMNi-1-U, Rnpid assembling on combined schedulAts. 7hil. stroi. no.5:12 064, WIRA 180) ACC NR: AT7007633 SOURCE CODE: ull/0000/66/ooo/O~jO/~~(j--'7/.00113 AUTHOR: Tyunin., 1. A. ; Yefimov . B. A. ; Chizhukhin , G. 'i ORG: none TITLE: Series of logic circuits using biax-type elements SOURCF: Vsesoy*.iznoye soveshchaniye Do nagnitnym clementam avtonatiki i vy c h i sl i:tel Inoy tekhniki. - lOth, Kaunas . 196h. 14agnitnyye elementy vychislitellnoy tekhniki (Magnetic elements in computer engineering); trudy soveshchaniya, pt. 2. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 37-113 TOPIC TAGS: logic circuit, magnetic circuit, switching circuit ABSTRACT: Design and operation is described of a scrie3 of logic circuits based on biax elements made from VT-5 ferrite material and measurinr 1.2 x 1.2 1.7 mn with 0.5 x 0.5 mm apertures. The circuits were tcsted ut;inF, a lse generator, and output signals were amplified by a P608A transistor u p amplifier capable of delivering 0.5 amp to a load. The following logic circuits were tested and optimum parameters measured: 1) HOT circuit: optimum read, write, and input currents are 0.4, 0.35, and 0.15 amp, irespectively; output SIN is 25. 2) NOR circuit: read and write currents on both 0.35-0.4 amp, inhibit current is 0.15 amp; out-out :voltage SIN is 35. 3) NAND circuit: optimum write, inhibit, and rel-' Card 2 UDC o -nj --- - -- --- ---- --i ACC NR3 AT 7007 3 currents are 0.3, 0.2, and 0.5 am-ps; output voltage S/!; is 20. HALF- ADDER with parallel -write is capable of adding two numbers in 1 usec using 5 NOT and 1 NOR circuit. No other characteristics are given. Among the advantages cited for biax eleiments are their high S/71 ratio, :speed, reliability, and simplicity of design. The disadvantr-ges are .the necessity of signal amplification and lack of these elements .because they are not mass produced. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. [3D3 SUB CODE: 091 SUB.M DATE.-- none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001 Card - 2/2 L (i)/DP(V)/T/EWP(t)/SqP(k)/BqP(h)/EED-7/ Pq_4/P"/,Pd/,P9_4/P,_4_ up 0 3,)6W ACCESSION HRI AP5013852 'Yt& 510'Z 1POM130*2 68i.W.6 AUTHOR3 BgMcb~nkol 71 TITLEt All-Union Conference on magnetic elements of autorAtion and cow4yuter technique 6 1 1 SOURCEt Avtomatika i tolomekhanika, v. 26, no. 51 1965, 9"2 TOPIC TAGS1 electric engineering conference, mn9notiom confertn'ceg coxguor- jiti automation equipment, autonation, electronic data processing .AgMpone ABSTRACT: The Ninth All-Union Conference on Magneiic Elements of Autommtioii' and Computer Technolo in Knunaq from 7 to 10 Se L~held_ _qj!!mber 19CL4, w&s organized by the National CommitteEi of the USSR on Automatic Control, thet Institute of Power and Electrical Engineering of the Academy of Sciences. Lithuanian SSR. the Lithuanian Scientific and Technical Society of the Inetru-1 ment Building Indust and the Institute of Automation and Telemechanics of the-Main Committee on Instrument Building, Means of Automattor6! and -7;-rb7 d ___ W-Ge-Academy of Sciences USSR, Over Contml:~ ~stem3__uiid o7oplark a ,450 participants discussed some 90 reports concerning the theory, dedign, L ACCESSION KRj AP5013852 production, and application of magnetic and magnetic -semiconductor ele- d; ments. Reports were presented for seven areas: digital and analog elemen memory devices, magnetic power devices, magnetic amplifiers and con- Z *. Yerters, paramt3trona, and power sources. At the opening plenary session, M. A. Rozenblat presented a survey ,of the present state of contactless magnetic elements, which he considers to be one of the most efficient and promising technical means of automation and cdmputer technology. Problems of designing logic elements to provide stable operation for various,types of circuits were discussed in a series of reports. B., A. Yefimov and G. N. -Chlzhulthin reported on the development of modules of ferrite -transistor eliments (FT9) which ~an be used for varl.. ous types of,computere and also for discrete automdtion for general and special purposes. 'This system provides reliable operatlorl at a' 200-ko clock! frequency in the -10 to +BOO C temperature range, The sameauthore iogether with M. A. Akilenov reported oh the devel-', opment of a general-purpose bealvy -duty. r TE ;~=OcAnbei uo*ed al'a call of' a clock-fre4uency pulse generator or as ari. indepeInddnt Neavir-duty controi Card' ACZ&OZ10111 HR: AP501385,~ elemcht~\ It-is caipable of perforiming command recording or readout of in- forma tion reaching it in large quantities from a low-power FTE. 1. A, -1 yum2n, B. A. Yefimov, and A. A. Shavroy reported on the development _Md_tiMIn_gof b-iax--type logic circuits operating at 1 Me and performing - several logic operations, Advantages cited are: high'aln ratio, about 20; high switching rate, about 2 Mc; and high reliability due to the simplicity of. the circuit. Such circuits may also be used in complex logic devices. Additional reports, discussed logic circuits using blax-type elements In a worldng storage'device with a nondestructive readout cycle of 10-7 see and. i~ recording time for new information of several mi-crose.conds.. j.P.._Aj!nogtpov et al. reported on discrete and discrete-analog computer units based on the use of the area of an emf pulse originating inj the winding during magnetization reversal in the ferrite. Development of. ferrite matrixes which release a voltage pulse at the output with an area proportional to the code supplied at the,matrix Input was also discussed. mory Pr~blems_ connected with the development of aingle-wire me elements with multiaperture ferrite plates were prenented by R., A. LAO My L 5465,2-65 ACCESSION M AP5013852 akiy et'al. A. S. Sverdlov and others presented results of developing work- ,ing storage units using miniature memory cubes made with multiaperture ferrite plates. %b Thin- f ilm'technology was discussed in several reports. A paper by Ye. F. Berezhnyy et al. dealt with the development of a super storage device' buIlTon -ibifi-fi-Im matrlc~s with conductive substrates with a capacity of 64 56-bit words and a cycle of 400 nsec. Experiments with magnetic-film storage devices produced by electrochemical deposition on glass'and metal ~cylindriCal substrates were discussed, and a method of using an element of cylindrical magnetic film In a matrix storage device was also reported. A. Tutauskas and R. Lltvina7tis reported on a stable storage device Lith a short access time, a capacity'of 512 x 32 bits, an access rate.of 500 kc, and a readout time of I Usec. A. B. Lyasko et al. have developed a small decade counter of periodic and nonperidd-Icsignals In which a para- metric element with five stable phase states was used. The counter displays. better energy properties than other known counters, high reliability, and nolie immunity.. A. 0. Rabin1kin reported on the characteriatici of Card L54F;6P--C,3 ACCESSIM 11Rt AP5013852 inew high-coorcivity (5000 oe) alloys of the c6balt-platinurn system. M. A., 11ozenblat ot al. discussed the theory and design of magnotic analog comput- ,Ing devices (adder, integrator, multiplier) based on single-stage magnstio amplIfiere using magnetic analog storage, A large number of reports was devoted to thi theory and application of power magnetic devices, The papers presented by the GoOkly school of !A. M. Bamdas concerning frequekey multipUers_and voltage.stabilizers were i - 1,0~_grpat interest in this field.t.' ASSOCIATIOM none SUBMITMi 00 MCM 00 BOB OODS1 DPI Is 110 REF SOVI 000 O= 1 000 LTD PM81 hoa-io BLOKHOVO V.P.t Gvardii podpolkovnik meditsinskoy oluzhbyl ZYUZINp V.S.0 podpolkovnik meditsinskoy aluzhby; TYYJMIX,..-V..P.j,,-podpolkovnik meditair*koy aluzhb7j SHIKHLYAROV9 K.A.v mayor adminiatratlv=7 olushby Portable apparatus for taking samples of objects of the external elivironment in an epidemic focus. Voen.-atd.zhur. uo.4993-94.Ap t6oo (MIRA 1431) (EPIDEMIOLOGY-EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES) I TYMAKIN, V.S., Cand Med z)ci -- (di5s) "Disorder-o of' reszAration in inflammatory diseases of the lungs." Kuybysnev, 1957, 19 pp (Kuybyshev ~)tate k'.ed Inst) 200 co.-.ies M, 29-58, 138) - 13h - NOVOZIIININP V.; KHALIN, A.-, SAMOYLOVp Ye., narodnyy artivt RSFSR; GERASIMOV, Aleksandr, narodhnyy khudozbnik SSSR; MMLI, Gerbert, novator, Ger7y Truda; KRAL, Eduard Victor7 of Lenin's i#eas. Sw. profsoiuzy 17 no.16:8-9 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Predsedatell tsekhwogo komiteta profsayuza motornogo tsekha No.3 Gor'kovskogo avtozavoda (for Noywhinin). 2. Fredsedatel' rabochkoma sveklosovkhoza "Rubtsovsk!~"' "yskogo kraya (for Khalin). 3. Avtomobillnyy zav-A "Barkas", g. Karlmarksshtadt (for Tyummel). 4. Rukwoditell brigady sotsialistichesk-)go truda imeni Yuriya Gagarina, zavod ChKD "Stalingrad," Praga (for Kral). (Commu nism) (Russia-Ecinomic policy) (Astronauticsy RLIAGIN, Ivan.Takoylevich; POPOV. Vadim Petrovich 131n(=OV. Viktor 4; - PTRWANOV. L.P., insh.. red@ -'Rv ~' - teC. rVed.; [Tel~graphyl Telegraflia. Moskva, Goo, transp, shol-dor. Isd-vo, 1958. 462 p. (KIn UsIO) (Telegraph) TYUMIN, N.F. KOXIN, V. Mobile D-370 mixer and D-371 loader. Stroi.i dor.mashinostr. no.11: 21-22 N 156. (KM 9:12) (Mixing machinery) (Loading and unloading) TYU14NEVP V.M, Ten-month plan to be completed by the 22d Congreao of the CPSU. Transp.stroi. 13. no./+:3.1 Ap 161. (MRA 14:5) I.Uchastnik Vsesoyuinogo soveshchaniya molodykh stroiteley v Kremle, brigadir kompleks~o'y brigady $MP-228. (Siberia-Rai#-~hdo--Electrification) RODInNOVt A.N.; TALALAYEVAp T.V.; SHIGORIN, D.N.;_jYIJM3K~, P __ 7j-;G.N.; KOCHESHKOV, K.A. I Structure of complexes formed by aliphatic organolithium compounds. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.5sll3l-1134 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Fiziko-khimicheakiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova. 2. Chlen- korrespondent AN SSM (for Kochashkov). . (Lithium organic compounds) (Chemical structure) ,rl! '.'Y:'.0NT5,EVA, N. I'- F- ~111.VOT;;`IKQ~ Zti)Kh, 1,), 1565-7(19/,3) TYUNDER, E. 0. Cand Med Sci - (diss) "Use of oscillography, arterioFraphy, and plethysmography for diagnostics of t~rombo-oblitera'tinv. affections of the arteries of the lower extremities. (Clin- ical study);" Tartu, 1961. 21 (Tartu -State Univ); 250 copies; free; (KL, 7-61 sup, 262~p; IVANOVA, R.; TYUNEYEVA, M,,_; TS114RALO".. N,, Information. Mias ind SSSR 34 no. 6:54-58 1634 OlIRA 17:5) 1. Pavillyorr "Myasnaya promyshlennost'" na Vystavke dostizheniy narodonogo khozyaystva SSSR (for Ivanova). 2. Vladivostokskiy myasokombinat (for Tyuneyeva). 3. Dallrybvtuz (for TSimbalova).., TYUW.YEV, H., inzh. (Ryazan') The ffmiraclew has helped. Izobr-i rato no.10:31 0 162. (MIU 15:9) (Loudspeakers) TIUMff JffA I. M. deforgotiono in connectiou with P111stic rhange of volume ~11-115 '59- dokl.vys.sbkolY; fiz.-Mt.nauki no.31.3 (KIU 13:6) Ifauch. 1. 14oskovskiy sudarstva"AF7 universitst imon' 14,V. LomonoBOV&- fMormtiOnskHOchanics)) I - -OGIBALOV, P.M.; TYUNEYEVA, I.M. Total static diag M s for stressed deformations of steel ropes. Vop.mekh. no.Iq"--56 #61. - (MIRA 14:8) CDeformations Oechanics)) USSR / Flcnt 1hysiology. "Linorrl Futrition. 1-2 Abs Jour : Z~cf Zhur -, Biol., 11,11o 22, 19,e;, "'a 99916 1 Author : "lashin, S. N., end Ty:!~n.2y~yc, T. Y. -nst "oWFTU-fr-YnzoV : :.'-oGcow riculturcl Accdomy !.- Title On the Quastion of the Nutrition of Flc-ntc by '.:oloculc!r Orgmic Soil Conpounds. Orig Pub Do!-I. :.osl-.. S.--Kh. ',Icrd. in. K. .',. Tiraryczovc, No 25, 172-174, 1956 '.bstrcet Orts irerc grown in vagetf--tion vessels, on s,-na and -;riyrnish- id!t:ov's mixture or on peat or on pc;7t with ITF:,.. Kclf of the vossal ,.,ro irrig,-.ted with irctor, 7nd the other h:,lf with tho cnodic fluid obteincd in the cnodc ch,-j:,bor frni7. the olcctrodiclysic of scdgo-paot frc-.2 the v,-llcy of the YcIshroriz: River. In ell ceses of irrigction ,~!ith the .nolyt the hcrvast of the art grrin was incrcrscd (by Ccrd 1/2 7-403 25500) S/055/61/000/004/001/003 I D J-- D219/D303 AUTHORS: Lomakin, V.A., Ogibalov, P.M., and Tyuneyeva, I.Ma TITLE: Time effects in glass textolite during deformation PERIODICAL: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya IS Matematika, mekhanika, no. 4, 1961, 39-47 TEXTS The results are given of experimental investigations on short- period creep (order of magnitude--I hour) at high strosses, and on restoration effects, in particular, retrogressive creep, carried out on standard sheets of textolite of type KAST-V (10mm thick) at room tempera- ture. Measurements of deformation were made with a Marten's instrument giving high accuracy. If a specimen of glass textolite is stretched and then unloaded, there is a residual deformation which diminishes percep- tibly with timev at first comparatively quickly, then with vanishing speed. Specimens cut at angles 0 - 0', 45 09 960 to the base were loaded to 0.75 of the ultimate strength of the specimen in the corresponding direction, then unloaded and left thus for 24 hours, during which the deformations were registered (every minute during the first 10 minutes, Card 1/4 25500, S/055/61/000/004/001/00.3 Time effects in glass... D219/D303 every 2 minutes during the next 20 minutes, then every 5, 10~ 20, 30 minutes during each hour). For each value of 0 , 3 specimens were tested. To investigate the initial stage of creep and retrogressive creep, the specimen was loaded up to a certain tension a 9 remaining thus for a cer- tain period tV then unloaded and left for anither period t.. Measurements were made during both periods. Results are given for t I = t2 = I hour and different values of ol. Creep is maximal in the direction of minimal rigidity (0 = 450). More detailed analysis is said to show that there is anisotropy of creep similar to the anisotropy of elastic properties. Presence of creep at o1 changes essentially the speed and magnitude of restoration after unloading. The higher the speed of retrogressive creep, the larger is olq the duration of creep being the same (Fig. 5). If the duration of direct creep is varied, the speed of retrogressive creep in higherg the longer the former (Fig. 8). These effects were stadied by varying tI from 5 minutes to 3 hours, t2 being of the order of 24-48 hours. The instantaneous residual deformation depends both on instantaneous Card 2/4 2550a I'Vomlaillocolc o4/c ol/o a3 Time effects in glass... D219/D303 loading (E and creep deformation (CCn ). Experimental'. data can be represented by 6 0 . const. There are 8 figures, 6 tables and 2 references: I Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teorii uprugosti (Departnent of the Thoo.ry of Elasticity) bM?,IITM- D: Octob er 6, 1960 Card 3/~ 1 2-- , I - 'IF __ AUSHIN, S.Ne, doktor eel tskokhozyaystvanrqkh nauk, professor; NUMEVA, T.N.. kandidat ~~l$skokhozy&ystvsnnykh mmk. ~.~ ", -, ~ . 7eeding plants with organic soil substances in the state of molecular dispersion. Izv. TSKhA no.2:231-232 156. (MLRA 9:12) (Plants--Nutrition) (Organiculture) PANKOV, Vasilty Nikiforovich; GMVIGH, V., redaktor; TYUNRYBY, A., tekhnicheskiy reclaktor (The party organizatinn arA the rise in stockbreeding] Pariinaia organizataiia i pod*em zhivotnovodetva. Moskva, Gosoolitizdat, 1956. 77 P. (HLRA 9:10) 1. Sekretarl Sovetskogo raykoma Xo=unisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soywa (Stock and.stockbreeding) TlU YNY, 14.1. Inventors and efficiency, promoters of the dyazan Liqueur ard Yodka Ylant. Spirt. prom. 25 no.6:36-37 '59. t)(IRA 12:12) (Ryazan--Liquor industry--Aquipment and supplies) YANISOVSKAYA, M.N.; DUBOVITSKAYAO N.R.; KLYUCHAREVA, T.Ye.; MITIUMA, P.Ye.; FOXILEVA., M.H.; SAMYWVA, Z.Ye.;_TrW.;YEVAj G.A. Difficulties in diagnosing some atypical dysenterial bacteria. Med. zhur. Uzb. no,2t2O-22 F 162. (14IRA 15.4) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii (zav. - prof. P.F.Samsonov) Tashkontz;kogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta i laboratoriy gorodskoy i rayonnykh sanitamo-epidemiologicheskikh stantsiy Tashkenta. (SHIGELLA) (D)ZENTLRY) OGIBAWVY P.M.; TYUNEYEVA, I.M. Creep of glass reinforced plastics at normal temperature. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 1: Mat.,mekh. 19 no.2:52-57 Xr-Ap 164. Theoretical processing of expf4mental data on the elastic aftereffect in glass reinfore4d plastics. lbid.s58-62 (KRA 17: 3) 1. Kafedra. teorii. uprugosti Moskavskogo univarsiteta.- S/OSSJ62/000/006/006/006 D231/D308 AUTHORS: Ogibalov, P.M. and 1)~! ~ney~va, I.M. TITIE: Short-period creep of textolite at normal tempera- ture PERIODICiJ,: Loscow. Universitet. Vestnih. Seriya 1. hatematilta, mekhanika, no. 6, 1962, 70-77 TEXT: Tables and graphs are given, illustrating the re- sults oE experimental investigations of 6 to 10 rn thick textolite at normal temperatures. Samj)les were cut.out of textolite along the base, and at 450 and 900 to the base, and Icept for 0, 15, 30, 60 azwl 180 min under constant load. The deformation increased quickly during the first 10 min and relatively slowly up to 30 min. After that the process becmae steady. Mter quick unloading (10-15 sec) deformation of inverse sign took place and initial form and size was completely restored. Recovery of differently oriented specimens occurred in different periods of time. The rate of recov- ery is the lower and shorter the period of direct creep. There are Card 1/2 S/055/62/000/006/006/006 Short-period creep ... D251/D308 6 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: 1'%afedra teorii uprugosti (Department of the Theory of Elasticity) SUBMWED: April 17, 1962 Card 2/2 I ,LOMAKIN) V,,A,; OGIULOV, Tlizie effecte in a gDwe--cloth laminate in conrection with deformation Vest. Mosk. un.Ser.l . Mat... mek-h. 16 no.4.39-0 JI-Ag 261. (MIRA 14 -,8) 1. Kafedra, teorii uprugosti 14oskovskogo univeraiteta. (Glass reinforced plastics) (Deformations (Mechanics)) LOMAKII-1) V.A.; OGIBALOV, P.M.; TYUBBYEEIIA, I.m. Mechanical properties of glass-cloth lardnate under static loads [with simmary in English]. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 1: Mat., mekh. 16 no.3:40*'1-52 M~-,Te 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Kafedr& teorii uprugosti Moskovskogo universitsta. (Glass reinforced plastics) OGIBALOV., P.M -L5Y-4~ ~-"- short-term creep of textolite at normal temperature- Vast. Hook. un. Ser. 1:Mat.0 makh, no.6:70-77 N-D 162. (HIM 16:2) 1. Kafedra teorii uprugosti Moskovskogo universiteta. (treep of plastics) L 14116-66 ENIP (J)1r','1UT (m) /ETC (M) -6/T R14/VtW ACC NR: AT6003442 SOURCE CODE: UR/0055/66/GOO/001/0119/0124 AUTHOR: 0.9ibalov, P. M.; Tyuneyeva, I. M. ORG; Department of the Theory of Elasticity, Moscow State Uniy ,2rsity (Kafedra ,-> teorii uprugosti, Mcskovskiy gosudrastvennyy universitet) , " TITLE: Momentary creep and elastic lag in glass-reinforced EDF plastic SOURCE: Moscow. Universitat. Vestnik. Seriya 1. Matematika, mekhanika, no. 1, 1966, 119-124 TOPIC TAGGS: epoxy plastic, creep mechanism, elastic deformation, phenolfomalde- hyde, glass fiber ABSTRACT: Momentary creep and elastict-lag were studied ing lass -reinforced EDr plastic made bypressing glass fib rs'Naturated with ~p2xy-phenolformaldqhjqe re- sip~at 50 kg/cm and a maximua temperature of 13010C for two hours. Specimens were cut from sheets 2.5 and 6 mm thick in three directions: along the warp, along the weft and at an angle of 450 to the warp. The results of tests of forward and re- verse creep are tabulated and graphed. It is found that the strength cbaracteris- UDC; 539.376 Card 1/2 L 14116-66 - ACC NR; AP6003442 tics of sheet material made from glass -reinforced Or plastic are considerably de- pendent both on the orientation of the reinforcing fibers (anisotropy) and on the thickness of the sheet material. Specimens cut along the warp are strongest while those cut at an angle of 450 to the warp are weakest. The strength of the material in the direction of the warp conforms to Hooke law nearly up to the breaking point. The strength properties of the sheet material decrease as the thickness increases. There is an increase in the area of the hysteresis loop as the stresses preceding deformation increase and in proportion to deviation from the warp and weft direc- tions toward their diagonal. This indicates an increase in the irreversible com- ponents of adhesion and cohesion. Deformation from forward and reverse creep (at room temperature) is considerably dependent on the orientation of the specimen with respect to the reinforcing fibers (warp and weft). The rate of reverse creep in- creases with stress for the same creep duration. Orig. art. has: 14 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: U/ SUBM DATE: OSMay65/ ORM REN 004/ OTH REF: 000 ~Card2/2 % SOKOWY, D.F.; T Atter and its role in the formation of forest-step-pe. Poch- vovedenie no.8:65-73 Ag 159. (KIRh 12.-LI) 1. Institut, lesa AN SSSR. (Forest soils) (Humus) TYUNIBMKYAN, A., kapitan; KONNOTO A,,, podpoLkovnike , W.. ,,&,' 022z'r kj,~' A shaxp weapon; an the occasion of Press D47. Toon. svW. 16 ZW-5t 20-21 My 158o (Press) (Km 11W DIYAKOV, Vasiliy Ivanovichj GETLINGO B.V., kand. tekhn. neuko red.; TYU- .-TYMIIKj M.kv red.,- TOKERv A.M.9 tekbn. red. (Standard'designs of electric equipment; electrician's mammll Tipovye raschety po elektrooborudovaniiul v pomoshchl tsekbovym elektrikam. Izd,2.1 perer.'i dop. Pod red. B.V.Gotlinga. Mo- skvas Vses. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo Proftekhizdat, 1961. 125 P. (MIRA -14:7) (Eleotric apparatus and appliances) TYUNIKOVY I.G. Manifestation of heterosis in corn hybrids. B (MIRA 18:12) no.58:36-40 165. 1. TSentrallnaya geneticheskaya laboratorlya imeni I.Ve Michurina, g. Michurinsk. I TMNILTAYM, X.I.; LYUSTROVA, A-P- Effect of coained mechanical and beat treatment on the thermo,- lectric properties of alloys. Trudy Ural. politekh. insto no-92: 34-Jw 159. (KM 13:12) (Alloys) (Thermoelectricity) TYUMILYAYM, M.I.; TIMOIDM, V.V.; TUBAM, Yu.V. Determimtion of micron wire diameters by the capacitance method. Trudy Ural. politekh. inst. no.92:167-171 159. (MIRA 13:12) (zlectric lamps, Incandescent-Filaments) i~' .TMNILYATBM, M-I-; TUBAYZ7, Yu.V. 9- Blectron device for the measurement of filament ovalness. Trudy Ural. politakh. insts no.92:172-175 159o (xraA 13:12) (Blectronic knetraments) (Blectriclamps, Incandescent-711anents) TYUNILYAYNEN, M.I.; LYUSTROVA, A.F.; WVICH, M.M. Determining the ovality of micron drawholes. Trudy Uiml.polltekh. inst. no.14tl59-161 161. (MMA 16:6) (Wire drawing) (Mioroprojection) S/137/61/000/012/087/149 .AO06/Aldl AUTHORSt Lyustrova, A.P., Bobich, M.M. TITIE: Determining the oval shape of micron-thread apertures PERICDICALs Aeferativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, no.12, 1961, 34, abstract 12D274 ("Tr. Ural'skogo politekhn. in-ta", 1961, v. 114, 159 - 16l) TSXT: The authors propose a microproaector (optical ovalometer) which miices it possib14 to determine the diameter of micron threads without removing the mounting, with up to 0.4 yj accuracy. The device and its operational prin- ciples are described. N. Yudina [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 TYU14ILYAYM M I.- LYUSTROVAP A.P.; GAZIMOV, M.Kh.; TUBkYEV, Yu.V.; '0.. ~--ripK7M p V. Electronic butyrometer. Trudy Ural.politekh.inst. no.141155-159 161. (MMA 16:6) (Electronic measurements) USSR / Farm Animals. Honeybee. Q-5 Abs Touri Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12j 1956, 54857* Author : Koptev, F. Inst : Not given. Title : On the Ways of the Multiplication of the Bee Families. Orig Pub: Pchelovodstvo, 1957, No 10, 35-41. Abstract: The article contains a discussion on the prob- lems of the biological integrity of the bee family, on the strengthening of the weak fam- ilies, on the transmission of heredity through the royal jelly, and on the different processes of the multiplication of bees. Card 1/1 UGREININOVA, Ye.I.; TYUVINA, V.N. Dynanics of the protein fractions and cxWen respiration in the blood in chronic tonsillitis and rheumatism. Trudy goo. nauch.- issl. inst. ukha, gorla i nosa no.11:56-70 159. (MIU 15:6) 1. Iz biokhimicheskoy laboratorii Gosudarstvamogo nauchno- iseledavatellakogo instituta ukha,, orla i nosa. (BLOOD PROTEINS) MNSILS-DISEASES) (BLOOD-OKYGEN COIMNT) (RHEMUTIC FMR) SHAPIROp Ya.Ye.; NILOSLAX7$KIY, Ya.M.; CHERNYSHEVA, M.I.; K4,S,,E1"1IKOVAV Aj.; TYUNINAt Ye*Ao Treatment of patients with relapsing rheumocarditis by means of inductothermy (shortwave diathermy) in the adrenal region in. coibination with salicylatoo. Vop. kur.p fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't. 25 no. 6008-513 N-P 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1, 1z fakulltetokoy terapevtichookoy kliniki (zav. - prof. Ya.Ye. Shapiro) Ryumanakogo meditainakogo institutA imoni akiidomlka I.P. Pavlova. (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) (DIATHERMY) (SALICYIATF-S-THEWEUTIC USE) I -TYUNINA, Ye.A. Some indices of the adrenocovLtcal functicn in pzeu n!at wL*h a varied course. Sov. med. 27 no,!,~441-49 ja 164~ (MIRA 17il2) 1. Kafedra fakul".-etskoy terapli (lspolnyayu9h&WoW-yazannostl %av.- dotsent NA. Ardamatskly) Rvezanskogo mea-tsingkogo Instituta imeni akademika I.P. Pavlova.) ARDAMATSKIY, II.A.; LIKHVAIITSKV, V.A.; MASIMNIKOVAI A.I.; T~INAI Ye.A. Functional indices of the adrenal cortex before and after ad- ministration of ACTH in some internal diseases. Vrach. delo no.4: 140 Ap'63. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Kafedra fakulltetakoy terapii (ispoInyayuahchiy obyazannosti zav.-dotsent F.A.Ardamatakiy) Ryazanskogo maditsinskogo iiatituta. (ADREIAL CORTEX) (ACTH) GRECHIKEIN, L.I.; TYUNINA, Ye.S. Effect of ambient gas pressure of the physical state of ar &rC discharge plasma. Teplofiz. vys. temp. 2 no-5:689-695 S-0 '64- (MIRA 17:11) 1. Institut fiziki All BSSR. I , - ~ 1; - E M~ -- B , a P a t . - V "r V . 'A FE - A! ff q IM ammummom L 16576-66 EW(l) ArrMr.---AP6oo6q6o SOURCE CODE: UR/0368/66/oo4/002/0112/ol,16 AUTHOR: Grechikhin, L. I.; Tyunina, Ye. S. ORG: none TITLE: Determination of comparative and absolute intensities of self-reversal and self-absorption spectral lines under arc discharge conditions SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. h, no. 2, 1966, 112-116 TOPIC TAGS: spectral energy distribution, spectral line, luminescence spectrum, light absorption, optic measurement, arc discharge, line intensity ABSTRACT: The qffect of self-reversal and self-absorption in spectral lbues on the measur s"`~h"Ige c ementMf relative and absolute intensities under arc di c ar"~"' ondi- tions is investigated on the basis of Cowan ard Duke theory. It is shown that the calculation of the self-absorption suggested by the Cowan and Duke theory leads to reasonable values of source temperatures measured according to relative inten- sities. A measurement method of the absolute intensity of self-reversed lines is proposed. Orig. art. has: 1 figure, 7 formulas, and I table. [Based on author's abstract) Card 1/2 535-33 J.