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TOLINA, I. A. Defended his Candidates dissertation in the Eech~mlc,3 ard Fecul of Lo3cow State Univar~ity on 2 June 1952. DissertaLtion: "D^,velopment of the 11-lechmnics Governing the Reactive (iocket) I-Iotion of Bodies of VAriable Composition." SO: Vestnile- Moskovskogo Universiteta, Smrly,- Fi7iko-Mate:mtiche5kiIkh i I.restestvennykh Nauk, No. 1, I!o~!cow, F,-,b 1953, P1.) 151-157: tran5l. in 14-29782, 12 April 54, For off. u.-e only. 7 ~ - -6- T- 'i; - -- 11, SOV/124-58-10-10735 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 10, p 3 (USSR) AUTHOR: TITLE: Concerning the Works of L. Euler on the Theory of the Hydro- jet-propelled Ship and the Water Turbine (0 rabotakh L. Eylera po teorii gidroreaktivnogo sudna i vodyanoy turbiny) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Vopr. 15torii yestestvozn. i tekhn. Nr 4. Moscow, AN SSSR. 1957, pp 34-46 ABSTRACT: For many years L. Eulez studied the reaction of discharged liquids and the differential equations of motion of a variable-ma~.s body. In different periods of his life he wrote a series of papers on the theory of the water-powered engine and the theory of the water wheel (in particular, several improvements in the theory of Segner's wheel). A concise description of these works and a comparison of the modern theory of water turbines with that of Euler is given in the work reviewed. It is pointed out that in 1943 a turbine was built according to L. Euler's design and dem- Card onstrated 71.4o efficiency. N. N. Moiseyev TYULIKAO I.A. L. MaerOs works on the theory of hydro-Jet ships and hydraulic turbinos. Top. ist. est. i tekh. no.404-46 157. (KIM 11:1) (Hydraulic machinery) TYfl-El"A, I. A. TY-U-11 -A, 1. A. -- "Oevelop-rnt of 4,,*,'p- 1*'c-c*, anics o~' tr;~L Rear~,--%rc- 172, 'c' '-f-- ~n ,t 0 f 74 .r nim c, s 1 t, i ri r. f chi,nics Ord(- of 7f-l,.Irl Ln',Iorc- sov. (DJ.,,; nrtati-fl-i for th, Oci-ror of Gandlrl,-Itc ii', Sci ennes.). SO: VecIv-maya Mos1tva Jaziunry-December 2 _TYULDIA' I,,,I. - History of water-jet propulsion, i tekh. no.A-i : 1C.7-116 161. (H-IIL; L,~: 1, 1 " (Water Jet) 1~1 4r~th an~-z Y~-riary sf hie bIT4- mlekh- ZO no. 5 4*,),~7 r-.~A*edra -tec,r-J. -hisel i matematiki Moskovskogo -Ulll,le~vs ttet~a. MOISEYEV, Nikolay Dmitriyevichs prof. (1902-19551; Prinimali uchastiye: TLULINA, I.A., dots.; MCHEYEV, Ye.N., dots.; OGIBALOV, prof., red.; LAZAREVA, L.V., tekhn. red. (Esms on the develoFment of mechanics] Ocherki razvitiia mekhaniki. Pod red. P.14.0gibalova. Moskva Izd-vo llosk.unov.,,1961 477 p. NIRA 14:12) (Mechanics) TYULINA2 1.A., dots.; RAKCUYEV, Ye.N.p dots.; SYSOYEVA, N.V.p red.; LXZAREVA., L.V.., tekhn,, red. (History of mechanics; manual] Istoriia mekbaniki; uchebnoe Po- sobie. Foskva,, Izd-vo I-losk-univ 1962. 227 p. (MIIU 15:3) (Mechanic;j W, TYULINAV I.A. - Scientific activity of LV. Iles. -chcrskii. Trudy Inst. ist. eat. i tekh. 3t;264-272 16o. 24:2) f 'ea:;ohorskii, Ivan Vaevolodovich# 1859-1935) 5/783/61/000/000/002/006 1003/1203 AUTHORSt Kudryavtsev, N.T., and Tyulina, K.U. T1T1Zz Electrodeposition of nickel-tin alloys 5 OURCL F-lektroli-tichoskoye osazhdeniya splavov; Mosk. dom nauchno-tokh. propagandy. Moscou, M,*isbgizp 1961y 76-93 TE XT: This is a further eevelopment of the'process of electrodeposition of Sn-Ni alloys which was developed In England as a substitute for chromium plating or sometimes for tin platin-. This alloy may be deposited from both acid ard alkaline electrolytes. The anodic and the cathodic processes which take placo in both acid and alkaline electrolytes of different compositions are discussed at length, as well as the influence of different values of pHj of temr.erature, and of current density, and of mixing on these processes and on the physicochamical properties of the alloys deposited. The acid solutions contain .both fluoride and chloride ions and 'their pH is maintained between 4.5-59 the alkaline solutions contain free 11aOH and NaCH. As shown by sal-tepray tests (3% NaCl-solution),Bteel can be satisfactorily protected by a 15/.A thick Card 1/2 S/78y6VO00/000/002/006 Elootrodespooition... 1003 1203 coating of a Ni-Sn alloy in addition to a 354,& thick copper undercoat. Methods for the analysis of electrolytes, and a Jet testing method for the determination of the thickness of deposits are described. There are 10 figures and 6 tables. Card 2/2 LJ I i [-I USST? Forestry. Ganaral l>roblems - Abe Jour i Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 18, 1958.. No. 82163 A) rt h a: %yulima 71. 149- c74! t'w .-."Me-sm- a~ E S*-C--~-,*,j Of th; Ut~,-:r A-Vi-an Orig Pub 'k.-. lu-ta I;i.)3-. Yalkutskiy fil. M SSS.R, 195'i, rjP 3, 83-138 :r--, :j~, beun 4.-bc- fo::.a'gt + .to Y P. i Cil paAulrm o+~ th,.) bald mzmntalln has doadmnt cpacso la~~-,h voc&,, ~A-'U`a cryv-"Ac-?. lod'am (iedum ralustre), cvf~ar .)Al;chjq- J.-i'.Lth eunadlmi roui*e-7 zad Miite-,Acrf birch L' lm a ccm-Acx rc-ct:~.inin4 -"~Lll--ay bi-7n*- v'n'j:!s 'tats' UP af thill sw.--ij '%ivjavukk;. On ths lr;-.ror 1cve'a of cn tLe card 1/2 USSR / Foristry. G--ne-!~al K Abe Jour '-r.',f V-- --. - Sllolrgira, No 13, NC. 82163 -,3ir.0 a=L ,40odE jr1th an u--derbrush n -Lop:,r r~ - J. Cf W,.:,ajrdoz:~ ""he no,-,,th.,urt c;-'U-pgz &:.,e tdkan up by bog ',,~coh -voott3 vhi-- h wro rluj-t~-; thin. ~-hiq f3c.-..w spezrse COTDj?.L-'N.% of oryqt&:~;oa lizeb aa~~ )~w orcu:~-s bro:wr- north ly-zt, of i;*--c highlaa, (!zo,w.te lo'ua f thF.-% hnra )c,7vd,s noraielorablT li; r_ In tho of r;-s~rt)rtFz lir,~3otoro nuft marl ol;~*.,c..:Op??.C,~ thoro ~r, cadw.-, ie-)Or in th:) coL*-mp-j(3i-V,.u::-, af the tose etatrde. Cryatlalt)a btcoh awt t;,:.,u r&,roL-- enco,.~~,(,red and th~~n o,-..I,v in the, cr,~Aost ka'hi* . ~~xy r-t3oc U, 6 e:riet -f hic h A-:C, or -~h? rajua-taiia.)a3 larch and rAna- lerc'-t woo(~m with Silwazi,?n lr~-ch. ~,o.7uot L es aa -roll as nyu giol?o-canic,,.! -vbuxomF. haya bion dtlfstir~,miat,nd c-A ~,uecr'-bu&. Tao bibl~o(paphy cortairr; 66 t-litles. -- 2/2 TTULINAP LAO Zonality and belts of the Siberian light coniferous forests growing on carbonate rocks. Sib.geog.sboro no.ls2U-220 162. (MIRA 16:2) (Central Siberian Plateaur-Rockso Carbonate) (Central Siberian Plateau--Coniferae) DOROFBYEVY F.I.;_TYULINA, L.N. Materials on the fossil tlora of ~bunt Mamontova in the Aldan Valley. Probl. bot. 6:46-54 162. (MIRA 16:5) (Aldan Valley- Pale obotaiT, Stratigrap*c) LIW,p L.N., otv. red.; LuKicHZVA. Antonina NikolaYevna;-M IKOVA, II.A.., tekhn. CMWWBVAj y.., red.izd-va; KRUGL red. [Flora of northwestern yakutia and its relation to the geological structure of the locality] Rastitellnost' severo-zapada M'Utii 1 00 sviaz' 0 geologicheskim tnosti. Mookvn) Jzd-vo AN SSSR, 1963o 166 p. stroeniem mes (141RA 17:1) Larch forests of Us northeastern ocastal region of Ieko Raikal and of the western slope of Barguzin Rangs. Trudy 'Bot.inst. Sere3 no*9: 150-209 '54; (KUU 8: 4) (Baikal, Lake, region--Larch) (Bargusin Range--Larch) TYULM, A survey of forest vegetation of the upper Aldan ThI387. TrUdY Inst- biol. IAYAN SM no.3t83-138 157. (MIR& 110) (Aldan Valley-Yorests and forestry) TYULIIIA, L. T-1. 36004 Ocherk rastitellnostud barguzinskogo zapovednika. Nauch.--netod. Zaziski (Sovet ministrov rsfsr, C-lav. Upr po zapove&-ikan), 'Iyp. 12, 1949, S. 3r,1-29- Bibliogr : S. 329 SO: Letopis' Zhurnallr*rkh Statey, Vol. 45, Moskva, 1949 TAILINA, - L. NI.-- - - - 28983 K SisterBtike, 1~cologii I Tsenologii Nekotory Kh Vidov Artemisia Flory Altaya. Botan. Zhornal, 1949, No. 4, S. 341-51. Bibliogr: S. 351 SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnylch Statey, Vol. 39, Moskva, 1949 _TMZIHA,Lyudmilu -Nikolnyevna; SOCRAVA, V.B.,; P07J)NYAKOV, L, K, , red.2a~~ VW~-'- [Forest vegetation of the middle and lower Tudoma Valley and the lower Kaye Valley] Lesnaie rastitellnost' arednego i nizhnego techeniia r.IUdomy i nizoviev r.Mai. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SM. 1959. 220 p. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akadomii nauk SSSR (for Sochave). (Tudoma Valley--Forests and forestry) (Maya Valley--Forests and forestry) TYULINA, Lyudmila NjkqjayAyna;-POZDNYAKOT, L.]C.t kand.sellskokhoz.nauk, aV,reC.-,--GAUOVSJCIY, K.V., red.izd-va; GALIGANOVA, L.K.,, [Forest vegetation of the middle and lower part of the Uchur Basin] Lesnaia rastitellnogtO srednei i nishnei ahasti basseins. Uchu.ra. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.,nauk SSSR, 1962. 149 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Uchur Valley-Torests and forestry) TYULINAP M.A. Acceleration of IC-q in a plaama prod,"c~ed by contac" breaking of a current in E vacuum. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 35 no.3a5ll-515 Mr 165. (MIRA 18-.6) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy institut izenL Lenins, Moskva. I- ANDREYEV, V.D., kapd.fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk; NESHCHERYAKOVI, B.M., inzh.; TYULI~~AA.O inz.h. Spontaneous extinction of a doo. are in a vacuum-type cutout. Vest. elektroprom. 33 no.743-45' A 162. (MIIU 151l1) (Electric cutouts) 1~ t~~? 821",- . - ~t-- - LUKATSKAYAO I.A.; POPOV, N.A.; POTOKIN, V.S.; TYULINA M.A. Fmier vacuum arc-erresting chamber. Biul.tekb.-ekon.'inform. Gos.nauch.-issI.Inst.nauch. i tekh.inform. no 3:48-50 163. (MiRA 16'-4) (Electronic tubes) gz OW. i ,r - F -,-. S IJB CCEIF FE XE - OTHMR: 001 U -4 21 T JV 0 r,~ 0 A:` Y T WR A Rzrj i 0 1 1 i o -1 f-( ' AU T 1"I OR T On, blEeding and of in- R iG PO B. &1r: d A'.3 3 T At, C T in st.;rIng w*,t~.i:it t.,:,& of s-- eds thal- -,re sc. in thc real;ced I tl.e r J I L Tig I ".LL.~b 'Ii_ iI_,S i~ t -d o - t hr e e t i c, c s d,_i i r i L r artificial 3;, ca~ ng C. X 1, E! E ~~ t S C f r- hC c K r. IS c 1, ent i" ic i,4- -C.Ir& itut;_- of- G.,_; in 2arminog, Of ~,he Belt) cw,~~,e -,- cc~ccrpa!;c in w( ight oi in Ee stag or' ar waxy rmut~_xarion, due ac, of soluble c.arbch tt~ 'I 5eeds are particularl-, , h1g1h. (up to 5C)-/-) on spr*-~.~ting -in the he-ds, which wa-z observed in brancIled-ear Wheat and in Yos~ovka variety. Cocling of the plant setdlin~s tc, ~.-!+c reSU11,S 4 for several days _Lr. decrease of spro,,;ting in thE CiiRD: 112 Country u6sh CAT ECIORY co No. JOUR. t% 7, UST. T ITLE PUB 1-e-,ds Of st;in-dirlg PILarits, boti, in Uic- O'T 1 1 RA 11 ArLd irl 1--c-il. offspring. 1--bridizatioll r i'r mr-n tp L~ Tit S ct- Spring wheat wiater vil- alters, the jIv- rE~ -, ~7es g,,~_-atlv nreharvest ~prcutlrig in ar"Jl incre._-Tes Yielf's of li,,'bridl Moskovka ix; - ---I t*-.e control A. Vornilnv. ot L " I C A RD 2 12 TYULIKIN, N.G,; 1MULEVICH, A.V, Review of the book by A.A*Wasnikov "Ventilation of mines in the various systems of working coal seams," Ugoll 39 no,1:79 Ja '64. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Shakhta "Kapitalinaya-111 Kombinata ugollnykh redpriyatiy Kuz- netskogo kamennougoilnogo basseyna (for TyullNj. 2. Shakhta "Ka- pitalinaya-211 Kombinata ugoltnykh redpriyatiy Kuznetskogo kameno- ugol'nogo basseyna (for Nagulevich~. KAZAKOV, Nikolay Fedotovich, doktor teklm. naukj USHAKOVA) Svetlana Yevgenlyevnap kand. tekhn. nauk; TYULIKOV, M.D., red. [Diffusion bonding in a vacuum of some brans of high- alloyed steels] Diffuzionnaia svarka vvakuume nekotorykh marok vysokolegirovannykh stalei. Leningrad, 1964. 18 P. (MIRA 18:3) TYULIKOV, M.D. ----- ;alieni the surface tension of liquid steel in the veld bath. Trudy LPI n0-199:157-164 158. (MIRA 12:9) (Steel-Welding) (Surface tension) SOV /137- 58- 12-24 556 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 12, p 82 eUSSR, AUTIJOR: Tyul'kov, M. D. TITLE: The Role of Surface -tension Forces n the Process of Forming the Root of Butt-welded Joints (Rol sil poverkhnostnogo natyazbeniya v formirovanii kornya stykovykh shvov) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. politeklin. in-ta, 1957, Nr 189, pp 68-82 ABSTRACT: The author examines the peculiarities of the formation of the first layer of liquid metal in the process of welding without a backing plate. Such factors as the action of the force of gravity on the pool of molten metal, the pressure of the arc, the surface -tension forces, and the excess pressure of the shielding gas introduced into the area underneath the pool of the molten metal are taken into account. Formu- lae are derived permitting the determination of the width of fusion re- quired to produce surface-tension forces capable of sustaining a given layer of liquid metal in suspension. Welding conditions and other parameters ensuring free formation of a desired contour on the reverse side of the first layer of metal in a butt weld are determined; it is Card I /Z shown that suspended butt welds may be carried out in a manner 5OV/i37-5U';- 12-24556 The Role of Surface-tension Forces in the Process of Forminf-- rnz Horl, ) . I , L - ensuring complete penetration of the butted ends. V. S. Card 2/2 ANDREYEV, V.D.j kand.fiz.-matem,nauk; TYUMA, M.A.,, inzh, UBe of a vacu= switch for owitebing d,ca in a cmidenser circuit. Vast. elektroprom. 33 no.940-44 S 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Electric switchgear) (Electric networks) ACC NRt AP6036793 SOURCE COD& UR/0363/66/ooz/ou/2.o3q/zo44 AUTHCR: Sidorov, T, A*; T .yullkin, V- A- CHGs none TITIEt Investigation of glass ceramics in the m20-A1203-SiO2 system by the method of electron paramagnetic resonance SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiyao Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 11, 1966, 2039-2044 TOPIC TAGS: metal ceramic material, lithium oxide, aluminum oxide, silicon dioxide, electron paramagnetic resonance ABSTRACT: The glass ceramics were investigated in a standard FE-1301 unit with a double modulated magnetic field. The composition of the glasses on the basis of which the glass ceramics were obtained, is shown in Figure 1. TiOZ was used as a catalyst in the crystallization. Based on the experimental results, an extensive table gives the g factors of the electron paramagnetic resonance lines. It was established that in the crystallization of the glass, the neighborhood.of the centers determined by the electron magnetic resonance line -with g = 2.010 is ordered. This means that the and oxygen atoms enter into the crystal lattice. This result agrees with data obtained with an infrared spectroscope. The changes in the structure of the lines (during UDC: 666.1:542.65: ACC NRj AP6036793 crystallization), due to the electronic eonter in the titanium, indicates that in the formation of glass ceramics, the titanium atom also enters the crystalline part of the glass ceramic. The series of electron magnetic resonance lines, which have a g factor between 2.01 and 1.94,*is related to centers in the crystalline lithium silicates. Crig. art. has; 2 figures and I table. 6S to A/ v A Q A1203 Figure L. SUB.CODE: ii/ SUBM DATE: i2Feb66/ ~MIG REFt 008/ OTH REFs 003 Card 2/2 Ft _17MIKINI-le, P. (Udmurtalcaya ASSR, Izbevsk 20, Pushkinskaya ul. ,- dom , ,186, kv. 23) Methodology for the measurement of -the rotation of the spine. Ortop.t travm. i protez. 26 no. 10:79-81 0 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. 1z khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya detokoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No. /+ Izhevska (glavnyy vrach - P.I. Maslova). Submitted March 8. 1965. TYU I KINA 2 R. Public comittee of agricultural innovators. Izobr. i rats. no.l.-27 Ja 962. (KIRA 14~12) 1. Sekyetar! respublikanskogo soveta Veesoyuznogo ob,-,hchestva izobretateley i ratsionalizatorov., Alm--Ata. kKazak-hstan--Farm raecbanization) WA SM, , - &, 'P' -,' mumw- , !~ 1, 4 RR ~--- 'm . - ", I I- I.. ~ ~ ;I - .- - ..., -, ~ - - ~ 1. . ". - . . - - ~- ?- - 'M "n, - 'MMIMIrl-ROMANTE &- 1 - 6 V 0 L K LYUBAVSKIY, K.V., prof., doktor tekhu.nauk, otvetitvennyy red.; ZVEGINTSIVA. K.V., inzh.. red.; KATLHR, S., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; TYULIKOV, M.D., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; PZTROV, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, [Gas-shielded are welding; papers at the All-Union Scientific Conference on Gas-Bbielded Welding] Voprosy dugovoi evarki v zashchitnykh gazakh; doklady k Vaeeoiusnoma nanchno-tekhnichaskomu soveshchaniiu po evarke v zashchitnykh gazakh. Koskva, 1957. 250 P. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheakoye obshchestvo mashinostroitallnoy procqshlen- nosti. Sektaiva evarki metallov. (Alectric welding) (Protective atmospheres) - , , By 2 135-58-4-17/19 AUTHOR: Tyullkov, M.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: All-Union Scientific-Technical Conference on Welding in Shielding Gases (VBesoyuznoye nauchno-tekhnicheskoye so- veshchaniye po svarke v atmosfere zashchitnykh gazov) PERIODICALt Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 4, PP 46-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An All-Union acientific-technical conference on pro-Iems of are welding in shielding gas was organized at Leningrad in December 1957 by the NTO Mashprom and the Commission of Coordination of scientific research work in welding attached to the Institut metallurgii AN SSSR (Institute of Metal- lurgy of the AS USSR). There were 425 representatives of plants, scientific research institutes, Vuzes and other organizations and guests from People's Democracies pre- sent. The Conference was opened by Professor X.V. Lyubav- skiy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the welding section of the Tsentrallnoye pravleniye NTO Mashprom (NTO Mashprom Central Administration). The Conference heard the following reports: A.V. Petrov, Candidate of Technic- Card 1/4 al Sciences, on work carried out by NIAT in shielding gas 135-56-4-17/19 All-Union Scientific-Technical Conference on Welding in Shielding Gases welding; N.M. Novozhilov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, on the influence of initial material composition on joints welded in carbon-dioxide; V.N. Suslov, Candidate of Tech- nical Sciences on "Metallurgical Problems Relating to the Welding in Carbon-Dioxide of Heat-Resistant Perlite Steel"; I.D. Kulagin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, on Peculiari- ties of the Effect of a Direct Current Arc in Gases on Electrode Surfaces"; M.D. Tyullkov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, on the welding of movable and immovable tube butt joints without supporting rings; K.V. Vasillyev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, on works carried ou-~ at VNIIAvtogen in gas shielded welding and on new metal cutting methods; M.N. Vishnevskiy, Engineer, on the application of atomic-hydrogen welding in industry; S.A. Segall, engineer, on "Comparative Investigations of Heat-Resistant Alloy Joints (E1602, E1435, E1703) Carried out by Argon-Arc and Electric Arc Welding"; A.G. Mazell, Candidate of Technical Sciences, on the work carried out at VNIIStroyneft' in the investigation of mechanical properties of low-carbon steel Card 2/4 joints in welding with fusing electrodes in carbon-dioxide 135-56-4-17/19 All-Union Scientific-Technical Conference on Welding in Shielding Gases and methods of improvement; S.N. Valeyev, engineer, and A.V. Mordvintseva, Candidate of Technical Sciences, on the technology of welding steel alloys in gas shields; A.S. Fallkevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, on the carbon- dioxide welding of oil-gas pipes; I.I. Zaruba, Candidate of Technical Sciences on welding in gas shields carried out at the institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.Q. Patona AN USSR (Institute of Electrowelding imeni Ye.O. Paton, of the AS UkrSSR); O.V. Meshkova, engineer, I.P. Prosyankin, engineer, F.A. Chernakov and others on problems of argon-arc welding of light alloys; F.Ye. Tretlyakov, M.Kh. Shorshorov, Candidates of Technical Sciences, A.P. Goryatchev and D.A. Polyakov, Engineers, on welding of titanium; B.A. D'yachkov on power sources for welding with fusible and infusible electrodesdeveloped at VNIESO; S.M. Katler, Candidate of Technical Sciences on equipment for argon-are welding with tungsten electrodes of aluminum alloysl A.S. Berman on new equipment for shielded gas welding; G.M. Kasprzhak, I.Ya. Rabinovich, Candidates of Technical Sciences5 and Card 3/4 Ye.I. SlepuBhkina, Engineer, on direct current power sources 135-58-4-17/19 All-Union Scientific-Technical Conference on Welding in Shielding Ga3es with universal characteristics for arc welding; V.A. Sini- kov, Engineer, on "Equipment for Automatic Are Welding with Carbon Electrodes in C02"; P.T. Dmitriyev, Engineer, on the automation of welding thin-walled, small-diameter, IKhl8N9T-steel tubes under assembly conditions. Guests from Czechoslovakia, Poland and GDR delivered also reports. The Conference decided to request the USSR Gosplan to de- velop the production of welding equipment, accessory de- vices, and electrodes, to cut the costs of 99,95% pure argon, to take into consideration the need for semi-con- ductor material in equipment production and to increase the production of hose cables at the "Sevkabell" Plant for semi-automatic welding in CO 2* AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 TYULIKOV, M.D., kand. tekhn. nauk. I .-'------IIO;"-~"All-Union scientifio'aid toohnical oonfer'ence on welding in proteotive atmospheres, War, prol2v, no,-4t46-47 Ap 158. (11sotrio welding) (ProtootiTs atmospheres) (KIU 11W TYULIKOV, M.D., Inshener. M899T steel welding In a protective atmosphere with root formation in butt welds without backing. Svar.proisv. no.11:20-22 1 155. (K[aA 9:1) l.Leningradskiy politekhnicheakiy institut Imeni K.I.Kalinina. (Steel--Welding) TYULIKOV, IT. D. Tyulf1cov, M. D, "The effect of the forces of surface tension on of butt welds in arc welding in an atr.-osphere Higher Education USSR. Leningrad Polytechnic Leninerad~ 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree Sciences.) the formation ol" the base of protective gases." Min Inst imeni, M. I. Kalinin. of Candidate in Technical Kni~~~ letMisl No. 151 1956. Moscow. TYULIKOV, Mikhail Dementlyevicki, PEIL~CV) V.N., rea. [Diffusion bonding in a vacw=,1 Diffuziormaia svarka v I vakuume. Leningradp 1904. 31 p. OMIRA 17:11) DOVGALyUK, Yu.S.; MYUIUIKYURYA, V.I.; TYULIKOVA, G.A. -- ----- Radiometeorograph operated on a h-3licopter. 65-70 163. Trudy GGO no.140: (MIRA 16:12) TYUMMMOVO V.N. Veget#Ltive tests in patients with cascular psychoses; pz--- limingry report. Trudy 1-90 MMI 21-374-379163. (14IRA 16:9) 1, Wedra psikbiatril (zav. - dotsent G.V. Stolyarov) Chi- tinskogo moditsinakogo institutal Chitinskaya oblastnaya psikhonevrologichmakaya bullnitoa no.1 (glavnyy vrach - za- sluzhennyy vrach RSFSR L.Is Volodarskaya) i kafedr& paikhiat- rii (zav. - prof. V.M.Banshchikov) 1-go Mookovskogo ordena Leaina meditsinskogo instituta imeai I.M.Sechenova. (PSYCH06ES) (IERVOUS SYSTEM, AUTONOMIC) (CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE) s/o96/6 3/0001/004/005/010 E194/E455 AUTHORS: Gellman, L.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Kolosov, V.V., Candidate of Technical 3cienccs, Engineer TITLE! Heat circuits of binary morcury-water nuclear power stations PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, no.4, 1963, 49-52 'rrXT: 'rho binary mercury-steam cycle proinises higher thermal officion--y of nuclear powor stations, although mcrcury can only be used directly in a fast neutron reactor: in 01hor type,3 an additional heat-transfer medium is requirt!d, A -, h e r r1a 1 L) I o C k diagram is suggested of a powt~sr station with an 0~4L~)L~r Of ICA) Of this, the mercury set working at an evaporation rate of 4015 t/hour generates 80 ~jW; the steam set generates 100 X!-.' with steam conditions of 35 atm, and 435"C, obtained by a combination of cooling water from the mercury condenser and feed-water heating from the mercury turbine. decauso of the interdependence of the wercury and steam circuit conditions it is quite a complicated matter io select the optimum cycle, The overall thermai Card 1/3 z; /0916 /6 VOCO /cc) 4 /CCI. 51/c ! 0 Ifeat ci.rcuits of biricry ... 19 11 /E 115 5 efficiency is affected by the number of steam superheaters and on the positions from which the mercury vapor is tapped to heat them. This probier,.i is inve-srigated theoretically by formulating abalance of the work that can be obtained from the cyclu, allowi-rig flor the quantity (,f heat used. Comparisons can then be made L~qu:_pments With VarIOLIS IIUI-Ibk~,-S Of SU-PUY-11('atCrS, and the, 1-ust pos-tions of the tappLng paints dctermtn(A. D"' KaY Ui a binary cycie is considere." i,ith -- steapi zurbine L)1' steam conditions of 90 atm, 5350C, feed-water temperatu;:-e _'2C~C, and mercury vapor at 236 atm, 6000C, with a pressure of 0.6 atm in th-, mercury condenser. The use of additional mercury super- heaters gives diminishing advantages and their number should not exceed 3. Indeed, the transition from two to tilree supt:rheaters increases the overall efficiency by less than 12, and considerably complicates the heat circuit, so that the best number of steam superheaters is 2. The first tap-ping point should be in the penultimate stage of the turbine; the second should be in the stage whose mercury vapor concitions are such that the steam can be heated to the required temperature. . In this case the Card 2/3 fluat circuits of binary 5 5 eff i c iency of the mercury part of the in!~ta I )at ion i s a'-(:ii,, hi.gher than in tric ~.:ase of single stage superheat . k factor ~,,h,,ch limits the potential use of r.,iercury in nuclear poiicr station, is the lo%,~ cr ~ tica i hea t fl ux ~-hi ch for ma gries iurr aiaa I gams ii~e or~icr c I- ~- x :-:a I f-IJ-11 Id I -S requircd -*or solving the problum of intensifying h-~at exchangt, of boi' in 'r ',.,i v e 1, c~ u n g mercury. Loadjzjg4 , f, Ix 1 6 k C a I /,-,. - -, 0 U r obtained in the laboratory. 711e uz5e of a binary cycle can raise the overall ef ficiency of nuclear poiior stations to 45 to 51--, which is much higher than the effici-ency obtained with other heat-transfer media and so tile inethod is, in principle. promising. There are 3 figure-9 and I table. Card 3/3 GELIMAN, L.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOLOSOV, M., kand.tekhn.nauk; TYUL11M, I.I., inzh, "- _ -- - --- Thermal networks of binary mercury-water nuclear power plants. Teploenergetika 10 no.4i49-52 Ap 163. (MIU 16:3) (Nuclear power plants) 010 * 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 *1* O'S'e": I, n-11: *000000*000*00*0-00-6 Oa it or to So Is 6. 1111"Millinjoallp a it to A C.- #,.A-J-- AL I p a I 1 11 1 tz--L- --L AA a cc to u I A 100 0 00 .40 so 00 b"AMUOU tolf biv*l and ptf. At 0 Alcin, A "eva and 161. K. Wonciva. Vjqjtj~ .:* Kalf'rhork ~!0'It!'13-100935).-Tht owpa. U bivinyl from Pstud0butYk-M On a corn. wak Is effccted best by 0 treating Wns. coonig. 2(W2W kg. of CugCf, per cu. m. with 0 nt tral CU41t. The blvirryl abooorpt1cm ill cwje4 out at 0 Iflu to 15' and normal premurt whereby the blvittyl d6- rharled With PICW(obtltyi~ne 40;~ not exceed 2.5-3.817.. -00 The wM. of bivinyl from (:oh" takes plocc an beating t(l .00 0 M)', and the sco. blyinyl has a coam. of &&-%%~ The ,xidized CuCh 6 C"Lly rtdtxw with HCI and Cu shoov- goo itigs. This method can be used for the 3epn. of blvinyl =0 0 fs-nn voins, conig. at Jewt 5% of bivinyl * The sopp. is 0 de"bed. A. A. Bmbtlittgk 490 ze 0 ro 0 0: "r 00 Goo We A 0 t:* 0 tio 0 I Z Wp &t4 ILA ORIA110,41ok goo all AM 2 0 CIA .0 to 01 U to At 14. It IS IS n 0 0 0 - 0 ~ * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 044 41 404 0000 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 40 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 9-0 0;0 0000 100 - 00 * 0 0 * 0 0 P ,.Bli JOUR. -d-, olo tri- a No 1959, No. 15- ll Y UT HCR 1143T ca. es. ns n(' tile N.C. Districtso TITLE ~.n :._,XreCr-iMPTIt. in C'u] ( iv:ilinv ~'~ruoorh Pr-om- ard JRIG. PU3.: I- I I Ov tlor~-t.no7evm v0 losy I IW)7, 'NO . 2-1 'BST~ACT ir, It-kin- me'lelows ore low-r1jr-nduc- tive 1-tild-s Ln t~-.e r-ewI1~-e;IstPT-TI di5trit-t-, (if F- i I-w iton-chern?'f'17) hC' j t il,%Ve 11f pj-4-,(1t-.( I, : v, t, i or~ dr-v vr% I I ey a) d kov mul aild st)wrt Q-r;i -;~il an.f~ ~4111ootll romv w. s, t ri u r! e dI n t f- (? e: am L - o -; i t I ti ri o Ct h z-ass rp x I- i a r i~t nri.. ;:.oul d :-ompt-i uIN to of o I ;t norm iii I-sw Iiii xtill-C cn-xi a il rt_-r.(,rrmt:ndc,1 only i iis~iit , r 1.~~ot mo I s Leer- .--N A V V(4 V .-I 11 C, " 01) - C I Be L t ACC NRi AP6035938 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/020/0198/0198 Chizhi AUTHOR: Nikitin,'Yu. F., Kobranov, A. N., Ty kov, Yu, V. ORG: none TITLE: Rotary valve for pipelines. Class 62, No. 187537 SOURCE: Izobrotertiya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 1966, 198 ;TOPIC TAGS: valve, pipeline, pipe flow, kt1FzW flow control ABSTRACT: An Au6or Certificate has been issued for a rotary pipeline valve, e-9-, such as used in n~lrcraft-compartment heat-control systems. In its housing is mounted a rotating shaft with a disk connected by a coupling (through a profiled cam) with an electric drive and a control valve. To assure a proper seal between the disk and the 'housingos inner surface, into the housing is pressed a thick-walled cylinder, and .connected with it at the ends is a thin-walled cylinder (diaphragm). The sealed space between them is connected with the rotary valve inlet through a control valve, which assures the pressing of the diaphragm to the disk during the feeding of pressure to it.1 Prig. art. has: I figure. [WA-9 SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 09Dec64 Card 1/1 -----UD-C:--629.13.01/06 LYUBASHEIKO, S.Ya., prof.; TTqIPAROVA, A,F.,, veterinarnyy vrach; GRISHIV, V.M.; veterinarnyy vrach Specific preventiong treatment, and some problems in the epizootology of Aujeszky's disease in fur-bearing animals* Veterinariia 37 no.4t46-51 Ap,6o, WIRA 16:6) 1. Moakovskiy telchnologicheskiy Institut myasnoy i molochnoy promyshlennoiti (for Lyubashanko). 2. I;auchno-issledovatell- skiy institut pusImogo averovodstva i kroMovodetva (for Tyullpanovap Grishin)e (PSEUDORABIES) (FURBEARING APIMALS-DISEASES) Al,kgoyevich; yffTZW, I.Ye., redaktor; ZAMDIIA, TYTJLIPAliOV raaktor. production] TakhnolOgiis PrOis [if a aW quo of cWtz crystal Plats 1955. 193 P. vodetis kvwtsevykh plastin. Moskva, Gas, enarg-19d-TOt (KM 835) (Microfilm] (crystallograpby) (Quarts) 1. TYULIPANOV, A.I. 2. ussa (6oo) 4. Agriculture 7. Operation of rural hydroelectric station. Minsk, Gosizdat,BSSSR, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March, 1953.Unclassified. Ln ,tte Comittee an Stalin Frizeo (of the CounciJ of K later* LZSR I-- tht fleld-e of wAence and inventions ariwmeen that the rolloving sclentific ifl,: bcokis, nnd textbooks hnvi t)-,~en attlnmitt4ed for competition for Stalin Prizes for Moacowo No. -11 -40. aj Feb A-pr 1!)')4 the Ye&,~s "452 mr-i 1953- (So*e.-takk,-,,,j .~~tj~LM r- I Title or Wor!-- roaatnated bv - 4'. Hatser~uro, II.Ye. Sazonov, N.A. Ti-mchuk, jMg2Lnqv, A. I. Kandybovicli-, X.S. Krivodul;skiy, I.P. Pekelis, G.N. S!idrnov, I.S. "Local Power Ue~;ourc&-~; of the Belorussian 33a and a Plan for Their Utilization for the 'Jide Elec'uri- fication of A--ricu]-,turell Dej.-arLn,~nt of ical and Technical 3ci,~rices, AcajnrV of 0-cienccs ElelorusAan L;-;1Z SO: W-30".. 7 JUIY .1954 ,6a. A.!,,, inzbener; IVANOV, K., redaktor; TRUKUNOVA, A., MI I~Aa ve d c eakly redaktor. cr a T [Aid in the construction of rural hydroelectric power stations] V pomoBhohl stroitalletvu sellskikh gidroelektrostantaii. ITO-3- (Some special featuree in the production of hydraulic works in various engineering and geological conditions] Wekotorye oaoben- nosti proizvodstva gidrotekhnicheskikh rabot v razliohnykh in- shenerno-goologichookikh usloviiakh. Minsk, Gos. isd-vo BSSR, Red. nauchno-tekhm. lit-ry, 1954. 139 P. (Kicrofilml (KLRA 8:2) (Hydroelectric power stations) TYULIFANOV.A I - MUWHKO,M., redaktor; TRUKHAIIOVA,A., takhnichookiy * [Complex use of water reservoirs of rural hydroelectric power stations] Komplekanoe ispolIzovanie vodokhranilishch sel- skikh gidroelektrostantaii. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSSR, 1955. 269 p. (MLRA 9:3) (Hydroelectric power stations) (Water supply engineering) IV ic TYULIPANOV, A "ti 735.922 T9 InTIPAMV, A Kompleksnoye ispollzovaniye vodokhranilishch sel'skikh gidroelektrostarrts:Ly (Complex utilization of reservoirs of rural hydro-electric power stations) 1j,'insk, Gos Izd-vo BSSR, 1955. 269 p. DIA-rs., tables. "Literatura": P. 266-(26,?) TYUL' PANDV" A. I. Belorussian Polytechnic Inst imeni I. V. Stalin. Minsk, 1956. TYUL!PANOVs A. I.- "The problem df,the complex utilization of the reservios of rural hydroelectric power stations in the Belorussian WISSR." Belorussian Folytechnic Tnst Imeni I. V. Stalin. Minsk., 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciencesj SO: Knirhnay~ Letopis' No. 13x 1956. 14 - E, 7 - 7 - 1 15, 31 -IL 1 0 f ) Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr p 18o (USSRT AUTHOR: Tyullpanov, A. !. TITLE: Rural Electrification of the Belorussian SSh During the Sixth Five Year Plan (Elektrifikatsiya seltskogo khozyaystva Beloru5sii v shestoy pyatiletke -- in Belorussian) PERIODICAL: Kalgasnik Belarusi, 1956, Nr 5, pp 21-22 ABSTRACT: At the start of the sixth Five Year Plan the Belo- russian SSR badly lagged behind the other bocialist Republics in the matter of rural electrification; at the end of 1955 only 12.7 percent of the Belorussian Collective Farms had been electrified (75 percent in the Armenian SSR) approximately 40 percent in the Lithuanian and Estonian SSR's, etc.). The goal for Card 1/2 the period from 1956 to 1960 is the electrification 14-57-7-19,344 Rural Electrification of the Belorussian SSR (Cont.) of some 1500 Collective Farms, which will constitute a two and a half times increase over the preceding ten-year period. This project will necessitate the use of approximately 130 000 kw of power and the construction of some 16 000 km of high voltage trans- mission lines. The plan calls for the establishment of many State and Collective Farm hydroelectric stations, as well as mechanical generating stations for the Collective farms. Card 2/2 TrULIPANOVI A. P. (EMr) . "Soviet CoVerence on Problmw in Rural Electrification.," Elektrichostye, Ro.3. pp 89-90s 1951 Translatiog W-24051p 26 Sep 52 Hydroelectric Sec,., Belorussian Div.., VNITOE T'_6JL'PAN0V, L.I.; FETRUK, ~.I~ Applileation of devices utilizing radioactive substances in a-u-or-a-.ic control-. Sakh.prcm. 37 no.2,04(114)-36(116) F 163. (MjRA 16~: 1. Belovodskiy sakharnyy zavod. (Automatic control) (ftadioactive substances--Industrial applications) -TrIL-PANOVI-N#-(Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, State Scientific Control Irmtitute of Veterinary Rreparations). 'Veterinary prophylaxis and hygiene in raising fur-bearing vUd anl=als -Lr- the Scandinavian countries" Veterinariya, vol- 39, no. 8, August 1962, p. 80 LYUBASHENKO, S. Ya., prof.; NALUVIN) A.G.,, kand. vet.ert nauk; ROMB, A.V. kand. veter nauk; T-YULIPANO-V H.-B. kand. veter. nauk; AGANINA, L.A., mladsLy 9 R.T. 3 mladishiy -nauchnyy satrudnik; SAVRASOV, A.S.., veterinarnyy vrach [deceasod] Effectiveness of a polyvalent formolthiomeroan vaccine'apiftst paratyphoid fever and colibacilloal.a. Veterinariia 41 abal,;25- 28 Ja 164. (MIRA 171*'3). TYULIPANOV, N. B. Cand Vet Sei -- (diss) 'Active immunization of tP female I silver-blaok and blue polar foxes against peratyphoi-i fever for the purpose roducin of "giw resistant &111j~-Len. 1959o 20 pp, (Lon Vet Inst of the Min of Agr RSIFSR), 150 copies (KL, 52-59, 124) 110 -*@a- TYULIPANOVY NikolaY Mikhaylovich; BLINOVSKIY~ O.K*p red. t-- agement] Lesoparkovoe .khoziaistvo- Mo- [park forest man (MIRA 18:7) skva, stroiizdat, 1965. 170 P. .TYULIPANOV -Aikbaylovich,; -ROI)IOIIOV# Ajs., red.; STNTLAYNYAl A*S., reds Iza-va..' mms' TIP., tekba. rt94. [Regeneration of forests for national parks; cuttings] Rekonstruktaiia less pri organizataii lesoparkov; mbki. Moskva,, Goslesbumizdat, 1957- 18 p# (Forests and forestry) (KIRA 11-11) BORISOV, A.A., doktor geogr. nauk, prof.; ZNAMEVSKWA, O.M., kand. geogr. nauk; BLAGOVIDOV, P.L., kand. sell.khoz. nauk; HINYAYEV, 1;.A., kand. biol. namk; SFUITS, G.Z.., kand. biol. nauk; RODIONOV, M.A., kand. biol. nauk; MALICHEVSHY, A.S., prof., doktor biol. nauk; TOMSON, N., doktor med. nauk, prof., akademik; V&'X-SHCHAGIN, N.K., doktor biol. nauk; NNYELOV2 A.V.j aspirant; TYUL'PANOV N.M,, inzh. lesnogo A . I khoz.; KUROVSKIY, G.I., E-zh.-parkostroitel ; ECKOLOV, M.P., arkhitektor; SOKOLOV, S.Ya., doktor biol. nauk, prof., nauchn. red.; MALIGHIKOVA, V.K.$ red. I [Nature of Leningrad and environs) Priroda Leningrada i ok- restnostei. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1964. 249 p. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Akademiya nauk Estonskoy SSR (for Tomson). 2. Zoologi- cheskiy institut AN SSSR (for Neyelov). ACCESSION NR: AP40*86 5/0096/64/000/003/0054/0057 AUTHORSs Tyullpanov,;.R. S. (Engineer); Shkutovq K. G. (Engineer) U51-Aft-bObtion of gas turbine fuel in the experimental TITLE: Ex~erUFn installation GT 700 POURCE.- Teploenorgetika, no, 3. 1964t 54-57 TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine GT 700, gas turbine fuel, gas turbine combustion chamber, gas turbine bucket wear, gas turbine combustion, gas turbine GT 700 2.5, gas turbine 550, gas turbine GT 600 1.5, gas turbine GT 700 4, gas turbine 700 5p fuel lyr I ABSTRACT: A now gas turbine fuel (Q = 9 786 kcal/rm, ash content = 0.022%; specific gravity = 0.82, sulfur = 2,38%, vanadium = 0.0007%) waa Invoutigatod in the experimental gas turbine GT-700-2.5, consisting of a low pressure compronsor and a single stage turbine (628 mm diamoter, 64 mm high buckets) which runs at a nominal speed of 5000 rpm and at'a turbine inlet temperature of 700C, The major part of the experimental program was devoted to the development of a combustion chamber for burning of the heavier fuel. The final design is shown in Fig. 1 of the Enclosure. The injection nozzle head was of standard design with an air- Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4019086 consumption of 0.025 kg/kg of fuel at an air pressure of 1.5 atm on the nozzle hbad. The combustion chamber and turbine blades were inspected after 5, 12, 50 and 85 hra of operation. It was found that the specific wear' of the turbine blades increased to -- 15 Mp/cM2 after 85 hra of operation while the combustion chamber was still in good condition after 100 hra of operation. At the present wear rate, the loss of turbine blades would amunt to .1840% after 10 000 hra of operation.- Orig. art. hass 5 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATIONs TsKTI-M VUBRMEW 00 DATE ACQt 26Har64 ERCM 01 OUB COMO ?A NO MY BOVI 001 OTHMI 000 Card 2/3 ACCESSION NRs AP4019086 Fig# I@ Combus chamber. ENCL40SURE t 0l Card 313 TYULIPAKOV.,~.S., kand. tekhn. nauk Burning.of mazut in a combustion chamber with a turbulenre --.reating grid. Teploenergatika 11 no.8s4l-43 Ag 164. (MIRA 180) 1. TSentralinyy kotloturbinnyy institut. -gulumo R.S. inzh.; SHRUMN, X.G.2 Irizii. =.:i_ I Burning of gas tarlulne fuell in en experimental GT--,70C system. Toploenergettka 11 no.3:54-,57 M.- 164. (MA 17.-6) 1. TSentraltnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kotloturbinyy institut im. Polzunova IL. Nevskiy nashinostroitelInyy zavod im. Lenira. TYUL'PkNOVY R,3. Some regularlt'.es of flow in very rough tulues, Inzh. fiz, z,,jr. 1 7 no.6340-43 164. (M--m L7.,12) 1. 'Santrallnyy kotloturbinnyy institut imeni I.I. Polzunova, Leningrad. TYULIPANOVI R*S.q ~;and 1'ech Sci (diss) ,Study of Vj 0 rl~~ e .If, 4~ 1A jW;tq ~~V thermr~ Sts of 3*P*4 in the ~"~generatorj'TsKJT- 11 Len 1958 10 pp with drawings (Min Of Wgher Education USSR. Len Order of Lenin Tim~= Forestry ~ca'l S.V. Kirov) 100 copies M, 32-58) 109) 29378 S/196/61/ooo/oo8/oil/o26 E194/E155 AUTHORSt Katanell son, B.D. I Paleyev2 It 1, 1 and Ty~~nov, _R.S. TITLE: The influence of turbulente Gn the mechanism of heat and mass exchange of & flow with particles PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no,6, 1961, 2, abstract SG27, (Sb. 3-a Vass. noveshchanlye pa tooril goreniya, (Third All-Union Coi4ference on the Theory of Combustion) Vol.2, m. , jL96o, .115-122) TEXTs Results are given of an investigation of mass exchange of fixed particles in a moving turbulent flow. The equipment is briefly described and the circuit in given. The influence of turbulent pulsations of flow on mass exchange when the Sh number is less than I was calculated in tests with spheres of naphthalene 1.5 - 3.5 mm in diameter. A thermoanemometry method was used to determine the turbulence characteristics. It was found that with comparatively low mean relative particle speads in a gas flow (up to 25 m/sec), the influence of turbulente on heat and mass exchange Card 1/2 29378 s/-196/61/000/008/011/026 The influence of turbulence on the Z194/ZI55 in considerable and becomes greater as the turbulence is intensified and the relative speed of the particles is reduced. The influence of turbulence is more considerable if the scale of the latter is greater than the size of the body (Sh less than 1). The rate of exchange in turbulent flow is increased with increase in particle size. The relationship Nu- 2.8(cO.5 ReO-5) was obtained: it is valid for a turbulence intensity of 0.04-0.14%, a rate of flow of 1035 and Reynolds number between 100 and 26oo. 6 literature references. [Abstractor's not92 Complete translation.] Card 2/2 31589 S/12 61/000/011/040/046 /A ~Ao D237YD305 AUTHOM Katsnellson, B.D., Paleyev, I.I.p and Tyullpanovt R.S. TITLE: On the influence of turbulence on the mechanism of heat and mass exchange between the stream and the particles PERIODICAL: Referitivnyy zh~arnal, Mekhanika, no, 11, 1961, 111, abstract 11B729 (Sb. 3-ye Vaes. soveshchaniye po teo- rii goreniyaq v. 2, M., 1960p 115 - 122) TEXT: Experiments were performed on determining the sublimation ve- locity of stationary spheres of naphthalene of diameters 1.5 - 3.5 mm, in a turbulent air stream of T = 200. Stream 1.docity was 10 - 35 m/sec-1. Experimental set-up and the method of conducting the experiment are described. Turbulence intensity E(O. 04 -_~ a 4z-,; 0. 14) was varied by masking the walls with a layer of sand of different 1-41 particle size on adhesive support, and was measured with a thermo- anemometer. The scale of turbulence exceeded the diameter of the spheres. It was found that the influence of turbulence was signi- ficantly higher than that found by other authors, whose scale of Card 1/2 / 31589 S/124 61/000/011/040/046 On the influence of turbulence D237/D305 turbulence was smaller than the diameter of the spheres. For 100-< ::::::R,,;;::2600 diffusive Nusdelt number was found to be N 4-tM (eR)0.5. This formula, howeverf is not in agreement with the con- UI__r clusion reached in this work that the influence of turbulence is higher for the lower relative velocity. 6 references. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation]. Card 2/2 TYULIFANOV, R.S.; VLASOVA, O.M. Teaperature limits for the sorption mechanism of oxidation of electrode carbon. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 7 no.4:100-104 Ap 164. (KRA 17W 1. TSentralInyy kotloturbinnyy institut imeni I.I.Polzunova$ Leningrad, KORCHUNOV, Yu.N.; TYULIFAVOV, R.O. 1. Rate of thermal decomposition of wood and peat. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no.7:102-105 JI 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1 1. TSentralInyy kotloturbinnyy institut Im. 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