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S/024/60/000/03/o26/028 E194/E455 The 13th All-Union Scientific Technical Session on Gas-Turbine Manufacture "Results of Experimental Work of the All-Union Thermo- Technical Institute on the Gas Turbine at the Shatsk Underground Gasification Station of Podzemgaz" by G.G.Olikhovskiy. "Start-up and Adjustment Experience with Gas-Turbine Type GT-600-1-5 of the Neva Works, Leningrad and some results obtained on it in the Central Boiler Turbine Institute Investigations" by - V.G.Tyryshkin of the Central Boiler Turbine Institute. "Adjustm-e-Wr-and operating Experience with Gas Turbines of the Neva Works Leningrad" by L.A.Dorfman of the Neva Engineering Works, "The Production of Fuel for Traction and Stationary Gas-Turbines" by V.Nikolayev of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Oil Industry. "An Experimental Investigation of Problems of the Combustion of Natural Gas in Gas-Turbine Combustion Cliambers" by V.A.Khristich of the Kiyev Polytechnical Institute. "An Investigation of,the Possibilities of Developing Combustion Chambers for Marine Gas-Turbines Card 2/3 using Modelst' by S.L.Briskin of the Central Scientific 4r 5/024/60/000/03/026/028 E194/E455 The 13th All-Union Scientific Technical Session on Gas-Turbine Manufacture Research Institute imeni A.N.Krylov. "Investigation of Low-Frequency Pulsation in Gas-Turbine Combustion Chambers" by O.V.Dubrovskly of the Neva Engineering Works.[---" The decisions of the Sessions indicated the main trends in scientific research and experimental work for the period 1960 to 1965. Card 3/3 ANDREYEV, Pavel Alekseyevich; STRAKHOVICH, K.I., prof*j retsenzent; KOTOV) A.P., kand. tekhn. nauks retsenzent; TYRYSHK121' V*G" "'~, tekhn. red. nauchnyy red.; VASILIMA, N.U., red.; TSALI I.K. flylotaz7 screw compressors) Vintovye kompressorriye mashiny. Leningrad, Gos. soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl., 1961. 250 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Compressors--Design and construction) BCRISOV; V,P., inzh,; TYRYSHKIN, V.G., kand, tekhn. nauk Gas turbime mam2factme iz Italy. Emrgazashinofitroanie 7 no.,2:44-48 F t61, (MIRA 16:7) (Italy--Gas turbines-Design and construction) ism E~gQLWA ABRAMMCH.4 SOPOP doktor tekhn.nauk.- prof.j SAMSONOV.9 YusAot kandet0khn,nauki TISEMP N.G.. kand.tekhn.nau ; MMHM, V.G. , Ja.'=d.tekhn.naUk; KOSTOVETSKIYY D.L.p inzh. Review of the "Study of the elements of steam turbine g" turbines urgical ., and axial compressors" of the Leningrad MeUlT Plant. (studies, no.6). Energomashinostroenie 7 to&5:44-0 My 161, (MA 3-08) Steam turbines) e turbines) M (Compressors) tekhn. nauk; SMRKOV., B. A.., inxh. Effect of leakage through the radial gaps between the rotor and the gate mechanism on the efficiency of a turbine stage. Snergomehinostroenle 9 no.12s26-29 D 162 jMIRA 10:3.) (Gais timUnes) DUBOVSKIY, I.Ye.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; IYRYqH~~N,,.,.Y-,.q,,,,,,kand.tekhn.nauk; POXARSKIY, L.I., inzh. Meeting of several branches of industry on diesol construction. Energomashinostroenie 9 no-8:38-39 Ag 163. (NIRA 16:8) (Diesel engines) I --'LT~:UIEV2 K.F.) doktof Iekhn. nauk, red.; iizh., reCl.; TY~UISHKRI V.G., kard. tekhr.. .,,v--uk.. fed- [Thermal cor-6jt*iorj, of thp rotcrs ami c-viinrers of steam and gas %urbineol Teplovoe cos,~Aanic rotof'ov I t-,iiinct- i fit kh tuibin. 1.1o - ) ;~ rov parovykh ~~kva 'iw~hinwtroenie) 19-64. 282 p. (Gland-idato o f ec bai acl a=c qa TITM.: r-jeld i~xmfe"nce oi, power machino building SOURCI, ye ggmgg kip, Kx %ra p 10 'A 0 f pa a t a u e 9 1 t- s I t I n.1 t i Llik 3, 1. U.1,~ V r C, I- 1-h 4 ti r o r i rr; s t t - t ti r b i ~,-Yor fore i gn tlirbi noa , , - - -W. C nol I sl n P I A Ll 8 r h f a 1u ap. o f lp"Ll i nd US t r- !3 116e(1 Ol n p n6a 0-~Ual iIL T ii r c I n u i r p L a6 n c v b r a L i v, ft ta I a I a t ASoOCIAMN: LISUMTTM, 00 F21C!L: 00 SUB OODEt EE ` W REF SOV.- 000 OTHERt 000 JPEZ C-A :V2 1. 21922-66 EWT(n)/E%(n)_6/T/EVP(f) ww/'dg ACC 1401 AMIA623 S(XRCE Mt UR/OU4./6510001004/000110005 AMOR: Kovalevskty, M. M. (Enalneerh PxqtLq~kqy. Go Vo (Hngineerb Re"in. B. so (CanWate of tedudp4 (Engineer); Gre To 4 Ho ZE I Sorokin * a .4A* (Codidate of technical goio-iiaos) 0 sciences); ZjU_shkInV ORG: none TITIEt Results of the ps turbine heat tests at the GT-&730 TM','. liquid fuel plant SOURCEi Energomashinostroyen1ye, no* 4. 1965 # 1-5 TOPIC TAGS% gas turbine, thermometer, resistance thermometer. t4ohometer, Wattasterf, monometor, turbine compressor ABSTPACT: The article presents the results obtained in the final atago of themotechnical testing of the 6 negawatt gas turbine installation in the plant. A schematic diagram of the measurin,-, sot-vp and Instrwevitation Is shown: it consisted 0350nWaly of a mercury thermometer, a resi.3tance thorm=et,br, a manoneter, a standard marxneter. a tachometer and a laboratory wattmeter. At a texpetraturs, of 760()C before the MS4-preaaura stage and with 6 lot output at 6200 ryms the efficiencies were 86.3A for the high-pressure , sta:;e (69..50 design value) and 91.6% for the lov-prMure stage (,N.3% design value). An the equations an shown for calculating powor 108303 j - ho&'6 W- ane* and offteisnoleso The compressor vas also tested at the.oaxii tini. Tio resulto are presented In the foris of 6urvese Wee -shaw. the ovmLU perfor- I Cord 1/2 uDc, 621,438.oolo4i L 21922-66 ACC ARs m.ince characteristics, namely the temperature and compression ratio as func- ,tions ol' output power under optiaua conditiono of the high-press-,ire stage. pperation, also the output power as a functi6n of opeed at Y&rious fuel rates, The results are compared with those of previous prolbdxm7 Usty WA OEF&M; dosign values* Ihe analysis of test data prWdo a *In,) for postMe, bproye-~ zents of th5LzaPurbine PerforAUGGe/ Orig* art* hast 5 fig'ures, 9.formilas and 1 table e IJPRS SUB WDEt 21 /. SM UTEs mw / MM REFt Wi ANTONOVICH? A-V-, inzh.; TRUSIX, M.I., inzh.; MYSHKIN. V.G.. kand.tekhn. nauk 4, Stucly of the Variable temperature conditions of the hull components of the GT-25-700-1 gas turbine system. Energomasbinostroenie 11 no*lOt28-31 0 165, (MIRA 18:11) in 711 MITONOVICHY A.V-p tekl(in. nauk rating temperature modes of th9 prc .2c,-26 Study of the ope orgetika 12 no.5. My 05. ToploOn 25-7W gas turbine kotlotj,-,-L)-jr.nyy inzqtitut- 1. TSentrallnyY RATNER, F.Z.1 TYRYS.HKIN,,V.G.,_ Types and basic parameters of gas-turbine units. Standartizatsiia 29 no.2t25-27 F 165. (MIRA 1814) Acckcl _~i7004516 SOURCE CODE; s IN, G.*A.,CDoctor of technical sciences), G,'j (Candidate- ,OGLOBL TMYBMN; V. a ;of teconical sciences) -------- ."Paths in the Development of Gas-Driven Power Turbines" .-Mosoov, EnergomashincetroyaniVeg No. 10; Oct 66, pp 1-6 :Abstract: The authors discuss recent develorment in design and construc- ~oW~of. as turbines as a primary industrial powek Bource. It is pointed 9 n'thin field 'out that the Soviet Union is lagging bebind*other countries I !although studies by a number,of organizations as well as analysis of for- eign experience haa shown practical possibilities of considerable savings :J :by introduction of gas turbine units in Soviet power plants. The folloving are listed as the most rational directions which should be taken for uti- lization of gas turbines in power engineering in the Soviet UniDn in the immediate future (19TO-1975): 1. auxiliary equipment for peak electrical i 'loads in power"aystems; 2. operation as continuous-duty low and medium ipower units In isolated power systems or remote regions (including mobile ,or floating power stations); 3, carrying base loads in various types of '. combination'steam-ges systems; 4. use as stand-by emergency units and auxil-11 liary power stations, Prompt attention should be given to construction and Card 1/2- unct 621.4,:8o17i1v(o.47.11 ACC NRs AP70045'16 perfecti-on of gai-turbine power units with a base power of 2!i-100 thousand---' 'jkw based on simple thermal systems with high reliability, excellent opera- .;tional properties and relatively low cost in production and utilization. These installations should be made with regard to optimum use! in combina- tion steam-gas systems. In addition to systems with high-pr(issure steam generators, proper attention should be given to simpler systems which may be operated on more plentiful types of fuel with discharge of' the gas into the firebox-of the'power boiler, installation of wagte-heat boilers or feed water preheaters,--etc. Instigation of a technical program for devel-.'l opment of power turbine construction should be based on acceleration of research along the following lines: X1. an increase in. initial temperatures..' i__ oby using new grades of stainless alloys and efficient syetemB for cooling ;the main components of gas.turbines; 2. introduction of higher compression Iratios'and rates of air flow; 3--improvement in the reliability and dura- 'bility of the basic elements and components in the gas turbine unit; 4. using heavier types of liquid fuel. A successful solution of these prob-... lems will provide the groundwork for wider application of gas turbine in- stallations in paver enginee;riny resulting, in considerable savings.. Orige "to hass Agurese LJFRSS 39 ORG: nono~ 7 TOPIC TAGSs gas turbine# electric pqwor onginooring, turbine aooliiV SUB COR 10 j SUMI DAM none ORIG PWI 003 / OM EEIN 003 cc 2 TYHYSHKIN, M.A., In.-h. T insmitf of the speed of air flow with a sensitLve element, deflector and transfores angle converter. Izv.vyo.ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 6 no. 12:181-189 163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Tomskiy ordena Ti-udovogo Krasnogo Znameni politekhnicheskiy institut imeni S.M.Kirova. Rekomendovana sektsiyey avtomatizatsil ventilyatornykh vodootlivnykh i kompressornykh ustanovok konferentsii po avtomatizatsil. TIRYSBKIII) M,A,p inzhe Study of the permeance ef air gaps arA reactive moments ol R~~j angular displacement transformer. ~Iektrichestvo no.8:84--87 165. (11,111M 18:9) I., Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy inititut imeni Kirvra. TYRYSHKINA L.F inzh. Making tanks of 09GIDT steel by tho envelope method. Svar. proizv. no.6:35-36 Je 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Kuybyshevskiy zavod rulormykh i montazhnykh zagotovok. (Tanks-Welding) (Steel-1,191ding) s/1 35/62/0oo/oWo i 2/o 14 A006/A i 06 AUTHOR: Tyryshkina, Engineer TITLE: Production oil 09r2AT (O9G2Dr) steel containers by foiding PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 6, 1962, 35 - V TEXT: To test the foldability and weldability of O9,r2D`T steel, two con- tainers of 5,000.m3 capacity and one gas reservoir of 20,ODO m3 capacity were manufactured by automatic submerged-arc welding on an electromagnetic unit, and subsequent folding into a roll. Horizontal and vertical joints were produced by two-sided welding. The reservoir shells were welded on a two-Storey unit designed by the Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. O.-Paton. The external sides were welded on storey I and the internal sides on Storey II. The O9G2DT steel was found to be suitable for.the purpose. Its high mechanical properties will reduce metal consumption in reservoir building. Composition and mechanical properties are given. There are 3 tables and 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Kuybyshevskiy zavod rulonnykh i montazhnykh 2agotovok (The Kuybyshev Plant of Roll and Assembly Blanks) Card 1/2 S/135/62/000/006/012/014 Production of ... AD)6/AlO6 Table 1. thick- mechanical properties chem ical composition ness in lkj/mm2 I in i41MM2 I in % C Si Mn s p Cr NI in rnm 5 51 38 31 0.1 !0.56 143 0.027 -.016 O.r,) O.o6 6 50 35 31.5 0 1 !0.58 139 0 024 IC.08 10.07 .0.06 7 41 30 0:1 JO-59 1163 0:033 10.022 ~: 0 .07 10-06 6 51 -~s 29 0.1 10 56 143 0.027 10.016 10.06 10.06 10 50 35 30 0.1 10:59 1148 0.035 '0.017 0.08 :0.09 Card 2/2 Tv.KY INA, V., starohly kinotekhnicheekly inspektor (Irlutek). Use of 600 motor realm for 16 am. motion-picture fUms. Kinomekhanik no.11: 33 N '53- NLRA 6:11) (Motion picture projection-Supplies) TYRTYSBNDWV. I.M.: GARMH, V. Ya. Aldolaso and trannarr,'Inaso act-tvitv of the blood serum and electro- kymographic indices in inyocardial infarction. Vrach. delo no.It 20-25 JaI64 (MIRA 170) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii ( zav. - prof. M.N.Tumanovskiy) Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo instituta. PMMKINq P.S.; SHUMILIM, A.A.; KURDIANI, G.P.; KRAZARADZE, M.I.; TYRTYSMUY, A.Ye. Firing Dankov dolomites in rotary kilns. Ogneu:)ory 28 no.9: 389-392 163. (MA 16:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut ogneuporov (for Potemkin, Shumilin). 2. Rustavskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (for Xurdiani, Khazaradze). 3. Dankovskiy dolomitovyy kombinat (for Tyrtyshnyy). ACCESSION NR: AR404082.5 S/OO58/64/OOO/005/DO63/D063 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abe. 5D486 AUTHOR: Ty*rziu, M. P.,_ TIT : Certain'optical properties of the compound Ga sub 2 So in films CITED SOURM Uch. Zap* Kishinevsk. un-t, v* 63, 1963, 5o-54 TOpIC TAGS: optical property, film, selenium compound, gallium subselenide, gallium compound TRANSLATION: Films of Ga2Se are obtained by the deposition of the components on heated glass plates. In samples thinner than O.7P there is observed a dependence of the coefficient of absorption on the layer thickness. The width of the forbid- den band is 2.35 ev at room temperature. From the a ectrum of reflection is determined the index of refraction, 2.7 at Z~--O.72p ; the dielectric constant r, a 7*3* SUB CODE: IC*-OP ENCL; -00 Card 2A TYR~--r,Lry V.G.,- TYRZIII, ~.P. Some optical properties of thin film of Trudy po fiz. poluprov. no.1;92-96 162, Some optical properties of th' ii r"~ 1w. of the cow, ),jil G, 97-104 ~TYMI -'U V TYRZIU, M.P, Some optical properties of thin films of the r, -, 42- Trudy po fiz. poiuprov. no.lt92..96 162. - I ->S C, Some optical properties of "ilync of the c-=:)o-,Lid rF-,. 3. 97-104 (Rkut 1c,:11) KOT) M.V.; SIMASHKEVICH, A.V.; TYRZIU, V.G.; TSURKAN, A.Ye. Electric, optical, and photoelectric properties of thin films of the system ZnTe - CdTe. Tz-ady po fiz. poluprov. no.1:121- 130 162. (MA 16:11) KOTP M.V.; SIMASHKEVICH, A.V.; TYRZIU, V.G. Electric, optical, and photoelectric properties of thin films of the system ZnSe - CdSe. Trudy po fiz. poluprov. no.lsl-10- 120 162, (MRA 16ill) AUTHORS3 TITLE: 30y65 6 S/081 61/01)0/020/011/089 B144/B101 Kot, M. V. Some optical properties of zinc telluride in thin layers PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 20, 1961, 34P abstract 20B234 (Uch. zap. Kishinevak-. un-t, v- 55, 1960, 15-19) TEM It has been established that the optical propertie,3 of thin ZnTe layers are dependent on the thickness of the layer only u- to thicknesses of the order of 0.61L. The longwave limit of ZnTe self-ab3orption deter- mined by the curve of the spectra dependence of the optical density is within the limits of 5700 - 6 00 L this is consistent with the forbidden- band widthq 2.18 - 2.08 ev. lAbBtracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 V~ NOTo M.V.; TYRZIU V.G. Optical properties of thin films of cadmium tielenide, sine selenide, and zinc telluride behind the main long-ways absorption edge. Uch. zap. Kish. un. 1+902-100 161. (MIRA 15:7) (Cadmium nelenide-Optical px!opertiea) (Zinc selenide-Optical properties) (Zinc telluride-Optica:L properties) SIMAsHKIIVICH, A.V.; KOTg M.V.; TYRZIU, V.G. Some photoelectric properties of thin la7ers of cadmium and zinc selenides. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; fis. no.4:52-58 159. (KIRA 13:3) 1*KishinevskiT gosuniversitet. (Cadmium selenide-Plectric properties) (Zinc sele'nide-teotric properties) (Photoconductivity) KOT, M.V.;.TYRZIU, Y.G. Some optical properties of thin layers of cadmium and zinc selenides. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.4:13-.18 159. (MIRA 13:3) l.Kishinevekiy gosuniversitst. (Cadmium selenide--Optical properties) (Zinc selenide-Optical properties) WOO /00) -Di 04 j G 17 elr"r 6'j 0" e - I Vlarollcuay" t'tje aotiv 15til dellce of I aj eTS Of some 1535 - The do-poll in th3.1% no. 69 %9621 -use, 41 Lse The colavositioll tela, MTe~ ethoa. ra0go 7, S U, VjLngr' t,qe GdSej h,,.nsV~A-l - , -bar- 7'ns e - qef.S aU13. 'a, onto the systeMs ed bZf lass all tterea tioyl re-par te& 9 ers sPu acti--4a lay The tT-ca P S of we-rO d he 8, he elec i ej, e. of ti'vity Thill . C&Te _aSTe to cold an ajr. T ct-ar -nce due Oald c ,(Is rOU 6 T SZ 6se 1 511 ttered On IS "JO OT oOXIS StT dope hoto- e-rS S-PX1 -jed . tare t-eal Case ere 3j, 111homogell Of Vtjongg la:f la ers 86TVne a all I teju-perB- &'jjr.8 ,-1 0.1 Vi the - '011a The O'P VjgTe e I 'yttly e1eale do-poll rature."ti.013. SU-bseq%x ~LvAWI tr j a, tolm-pel Os. , se ar ,,,,lie tne SI) Assoc 'bac ae -roul taiIN COM9 Se-S9 old Vi B's a aer cer VaTiable 7'U ZA. all 1311 dTe e1jerv t4'vi- tys "t'a-re. UO-asly Goadlie teM'Pe'Ce +J.1'!s'ysteU"3 t room V'1116 0'011~e 30183dzr t a bw )-btaille 'llergy 0' be ( 012.9 .4ati.0116 aoti. ----Gdse Oq f0Z:"'2.F fro'o Ota Car 441 Ve 4 to 1 ""0 1 -ttet i 17 13669 AUTHORS: Kot, M. V. C:Rrz1U' V. G. A058/A101 TITLE: Some optical properties of thin zinc telluride films PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, F1z1ka, no. 12, 1961 198. abstract 12 301 ClUch. zap. Kishinevsk. un-t", 1960, no. 55', 15-19) TEU : The absorption and reflection spectra of polycrystalline ZnTe films prepared by the Vekshinskiy method and by evaporation from hF11- investigated at 20or T+ L 100-2 -63 SW('! J' I D"-r IF~rl '0 '.1 "ft'n' A_CM,66101-i NN: Aii SVJRCE: RZh. Fizika, Abs. 4E486 ATTHCR: T_vrziu, V. G.; Tyrziu. M. P. TITISE: Sor-- 9ptical properties of the compound Ga sub 2 So! sub 3 in t~~~e~rs rMM SaMCZ: Tr. po fiz. poluprovodnikov. Kishlnevsk. un-t, try-p. 1, 1962, 9 7 04 TOPIC TAGS: Ga2Sel, thin layers, optical properties j TMISIATIM. layers of Gaa sub 2 Se sub 2 were obtained in vacuum by separate cmdemation from Ga and Se vapor on glass substrates heatttd to 1-10--isoocil '.j. tho -7ordil'-ons fcr t'--- of :-,-k~ch a --:,c ~;a c--:. A par'-jaiL-. --onver-,ed .4nt--; ~a See. T,-fi~ La:-er-s c~f ~;a s,-", 3)LL'~- prs-'--onged stomi;e in ai-r a-re qi-4-~ e e t 3 -,a. r. e,-- -a coeffi` cient of adsorbtlor depend-z :,r: T,:~' 2:~LeSS ff -~'iyer and monotonica-Lly vilth increasing thickness ur. to 3.6 Mu; w-11,1h furtaer of Card ------------- - --- - --- -------- -------------------------------- -------- --------------- L 100e2-63 ..0 ACCESS101-1-1 NR: AR3000382 the th-ickness, the coefficient of adso--Ybtion rarmins pre-ctically co=stsant. -he lip-lue of the refractive index de-crea-ses monot-onim-11 w!t - Ic -ELz - ,y, ~: kr rc ~,ng Wfl.Ve length. In the region of uav-, lengths 1a-rg,.r tYan 0.7S, Vju, the- change-s inslpilflcar;+~~ -r-*;-,-:. DATE ACQ: 14.W63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH Card 2/2 EW (3.)/BDS/FM (b)-2--AFFTC-/ASD/E-SD-3-IJP(C WGO ,39 - L 1W -