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KIZUBS F-; SHCHEKUTFV,, Ya.; REPICHEVI A.; KORGSTELEV, I.; RARTYNENKO., P. TARAIIIK F.; TYRINOV F. - FOFOVKZ N. Hidden potentialities for the economy of working time. Dan. i kred. 19 no.3.-50-62 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Zamestitell glavnogo buk4alter4 Ukrainskoy respublikanskoy kontory Goobanka (for Kizub). 2. Glavnyy bukhgalter Ryazanokoy, oblautnoy kontory Goehanak (for Shblinkutev)- 3. Glavnyy bukhgalter Starorusskogo otdoleniya Gosbanka Novgorodakoy oblasti (for -Repichev). 4. Glavnyy bukh 1ter Gullkevichakogo otdeleniya Gos- banka Krasnodarskogo kraya rfor Korostelev). 5. Zamestitell glavnogo bukhgaltera. Krasnoyarokoy krayevoy kontory Gosbanks, (for Martynenko). 6. Glavnyy bukhgalter Pereyaslarv-Khmellnitskogo otdeleniya Gosbahka, Kiyevskoy oblasti (for Taranik). 7. Glavnyx bukhgalter Tonshayevskogo otdeleniya Gosbanka Gorikovskoy oblasti .(for Tyrinov). S. Glavnyy bulCoal-ter Rovo-Ukrainskcgo otdeleniya Gosbanka, Kirovogradskoy oblasti. (Banks and banking-Accounting) (Machine accounting) TYMJP E, Scientific technical conference on problems of technical progress in the field of dyes and lacquers. Przem chem 41 no.3:161 Mr 162. TYRUIL, Oktavluss -OP 49AW", W11- Gallnut as raw material in preparation of tannins. Acta Polonlae I pharm, 12 no-1:23-27 1955. 1. 2 Zakladu Farmakognonji A.M. we Wroclaviu. Kierownik-. prof. dr T.3odalski. (TANNIN, preparation of, from gallnut) BOOTREV, T.Te., BESS-19,MTETT. B.,7., SHATROV, 1. 1., iaE2u"xk� 0 1 , K- Relation between socinl And biological factors in the vDidemic proceme. 7hur.mikrobiol. epid. I Immun. 29 no.6:112-117 Je '58 (HMA 11:7) (7,211DENIOLOU, soc. & biol. aspects of epidemie (Rue)) Country : USSR CatcSory : Microbiology. Mierobes Pathugealc For Man and Animals. General Problems. L,bs, Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., No 27,1, 1958, 1,0 103794 Author 13oldyrev,T. Yo.; 8asBwartnyy)B.8.; Shatrov ~kq a, Institut. Title :Interralation a of Sooial and Biological Faotorm in the Epidemia Prooess Orir~ Pub. :Zh. vdkrobiol., opidemiol. iinmrunobiol., 1958, No 6, 112-117 Ab3tract Vo abstract. Card: 1/1 F-40 TYUOVA, U.S. A method of stud7ing of seasonal increase in the incidence of dysentery. Zhur.mikrobiol,spid. i. Immun. 28 no.5.58-61 Vq 157. MRA 10:7) 1. Is Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii iment Gam2lel AMR MR. IDYBANTAY,epidemiol. seasonal variations, study) SLAVINP G.F. (deceased); TYRKOVA, Ye,S. Epidemiological analysis and its significance in the problem. of eradicating infections. Report No.2: Vothod for An epMemioloirical examination of sporadic foci. Zhur. mikrobiol., pid. i immun. 32 no.9:121-12L 3 161. ` (141RA 15:2) it (EPIDDUOLUGY) TYRKOVA. Ye 8 - HIMAJOKIN, Yu.I.-, KOVTUNOVICH, L.G.; ZAKHVATKIN, S.V. Out-of-town session devoted to the 40th anniversary of the Great Uctober Socialist Revolution. Zhur.mikrobioloepid. i immun, 28 no. 9:153 5 157. (MIRA 10:12) (COMMUNICABLE DISNA535) TYRKOVA, Ye.S. Water factors in the epidemiology of dysentery; author's abstract. Zhur.mikropiol.epid.i immun. 31 no.ll:W N IW. (MIRL 14:6) 1. Iz Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni, Gamalei AMI SSSR. (WATER-POLLUTION) (DYSENTERY) SLAVIN., G.P. [deceased); TYRKOVA, Ye.S. Epidemiological analy3is and its significance in eliminating Infections. Report No.1: Theoretical and organizational premises in developing a method for epidemiological analysis. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 32 no.70-6 Je 161. WIRA 15:5) (EPIDEMIOLOGY) BEZDEtIEZRNYKH, I.S.; TYRKOVA Ye S BELICHENKOI N.I., red.; BLAZHENKOVA,, te red. [Protection of the population from bacteriological weapons) Zashchita naseleniia ot bakteriologicheskrio oru- zhiia. Moskva, Izd-vo DOSA-AF, 1963. 46 p. (MIRA L6:lo) (Biological warfare) TYRKOVA, Ye., L/ 12L28 A f~ozuac Vcenaznano 4r r,,,,- -29 H 164t .1 1 1) ( YA 1RA '~ P -- eu r-Say.9m w--T ON, I .'A A-- .., ,TyRLIKP 0. Fourth Scientific Conference of Students at t'e Fp-rlu'ty Of Mining and Geology of the Higher School of Mining in Ostrava. Uhli 7 no.3:108 165. TYRLIK, 0. fourth scientific conference of StUdeW3 of the Faculty of Ydning and Geology of the Higher School of Mining, Oatra-n. Rudy 13 no.2j 71 F 165. 1. Faculty of Mining and Geology of the Higher School of Mining, Ostrava. TY:dd f: Precisi-ons canting of the parts for the rotor industr,,, jnd tools '()I,- the arrlication C, of cerariuc coatinCs on water friam~ in the Zeran i'--sqcn[;cr 1itomobile r.. 11,,1j. '%i-RZ:MAD ODLE-~,-,~,-J-CUv'A. Vol. 7, No. 5, '-Ia.N 1957. Warszalm, 101and) SO: 411'onthl~- LiLt of East European Accessions (EZAL) I.C. Vol. 6, No. 1.0, Cctober 191`7- Uncl. ~` ~, ; ; -- f " r f, I If MALINOWSKIp Stanislaw; KMj Jerzy;. FTiul-stanislaw Research on the condensatim of formaldehyde. I. Rocz chexii 34 no.2: 391-W0 ,6o. - (EUI 10:1) 1. Zaklad Technologii Organicznej I Politechniki, Warszawa. (Formaldehyde) 'A USSR / Farm Animals! Small Horned Stock. q-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1956, 54806. Author : T3gjDx_QX, E,_A~, Inst : Not given. Title : Green Corn in the Rations of the Meat-Wool Type of Lambs. Orig Pub: Ovtsevodstvo, 1956, No 8, 37-40, Abstract: A study was conducted on the yearly lambs of the Precoce breed. The first group of lambs was fed green corn, the second group - corn plus soybean oil meal, and the third group - covn plus clover aftermath. As to weight measurements, and wool yield, the animals of the first group were lagging behinO. the yearl- ings of the second and third groups. The best Card 1/2 Abs Sour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 12, 1958, 54806. Abstract: result was obtained by feedinS lambs with green corn, sowed as a mixture with legumes, or without them, but with the addition of feeds more complete in their protein content. Card 2/2 48 wwiiiai"" MAGIRUWICZ, Maria; OZIMKA-WZlNsXk, Halina; TYRRAN, Jadvigs, -.1 ~ . Bacteriological evaluation of diagnostic methods in diphrheria. Mad. doav. mikrob. 10 no.2:213-221 1958. 1. Z Kiejskiego Szpitala Zakasnago Nr 3 w Warozawie ItVrektor: dr mad, Z. Pomerska. (DIPHTREiIA, diagnosis, baoteriol. evaluation (Pol)) T IMMAN, Witol-do i=. The PoUsh radioelectronic indugtry at the 31st Intornational Poznan Fair. Przegl telekom 34 [i.e. 351 noo5.*129-340 My 16,2 1~ TYRMAR, Witold, inz. Mechanization, automation, standards in the electronic Industry. Przegl techn 81 no.12:5-8 Mr 160. TYMIAN, Wi told 4~~ Circuit printing and wiring automation of electronjea- ejuipment seen from technological and econoraic aspects. Przegl elektroniki 2 no.4:334-347 Ag 161 1. Zjednoczenie Przemyslu Elektronicznego i Telatchnicznege, Warszawa. TYRNAUE-R, Janos, dr. .- - . Phypiology of stunt flyin~j. Repllf;s 17 v,.8il7-lP3 A,4, 11-t'* TrRO, Gustavp dr inz. Effect of the form of tb llulldozer blade on the flow of soil and consequent motion rEsiatance aa well is the stability con- ditiono in the process of loosening the worked ground. Przegl mech 24 no,6sl86 25 Mr 165. 1, Departadent of Building and Road Construction Machines of the Warsaw Technical University. S/081/63/000/001/048/061 B144/B186 rvi a LUTHORS: Tyroler, Ji Fori4nek, Zdengk, Vondr'kov~, Zdenat Zahradnik, Lubomir, Stovik, Miroslav TITLE: Production of pure germanium dioxide from germanium concentrates PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1, 1965, 347, abstract U38 (Czechosl. patent 101146, October 15, 1961) TEXT: Ge concentrates are distilled continuously with concentrated HC1 (ratio 1 : I - 2) with simultaneous bubbling of C1 2 (gas) through the solution or addition of oxidants (K 2 Cr207 + H2SO4). The GeCl 4 vapors together with 11C1, vapors Cl2 and impurities are washed out of the gas mixture by organic solvents (Col 4); then, the GeCl, dissolved in the grganic solvent is washed with HC1 (acid) and hydrolized. Example. The apparatus comprises 2 containers with agitators of 70 1 capacity (the mixture is tapped from one container, while at the same time the other Card 1/2 3/081/63/000/001/048/061-- Production of pure germanium ... B144/B186 tank is filled), a metering pumpt a cooking boiler, a foam separator and an absorber. In the containers, the mixture of 25-30 kg concentrate and 50 kg HCl (acid) is propared. The absorber is filled with CCI C The operation of the metering pump and the beating of the boiler in controlled in such a way that the foam entering the separator has a temperature of 1000C. Prom the separator the suspension is drained-off to waste, but the vapors are led into the absorber, from which GeC1 4 dissolved in CU 4 is drawn off intermittently or continuously and hydrolized thrice with distilled water. The product contains 0-005 - 2~fj As and is a suitable raw material for semiconductors. 'Llbstracter's note-. Completo transla- tion. Cava SE ca. /P.13/00 AUTHORS: TITLE., PERIODICAL: 34687 Z/009/62/000/002/001/002 E112/E453 V V Zahradn?k, Lubomfr; Forma"nek, Zdenek; Stovfk, Miroslav; .4 a .moler, Jiv Vonctrakov , Zdana Refining of germanium dioxide Chemickopprdmysl, no.2, 1962, 6o-63 y TEXT. For semiconductors extremely pure germanium of 99.99999999999% purity, usually called Iteleven nines", is required, The production of this pure metal, carried out by reduction of germanium dioxide and zone refining of obtained germanium, is economical only if an oxide with at least three nines is used'as starting material. Therefore, germanium dioxide is refined for the elimination of various contaminants, above all of arsenic. The following preliminary refining methods were studied on a laboratory scale: 1) elimination by reduction with Zn, Al or SnC12; germanium tetrachloride is unaffected by the above reducing agents, while AsC13 is reduced to arsenic; 2) absorption of AsCl3 and GeC14 in carbon tetrachloride, followed by oxidative extraction with HC1 and HN03. In this procedure AsCl3 is oxidized to the waiter-soluble H3AsO4 which can be extracted with Card l/ 2 la I s, 23568 11 IS 7 z/oog/61/000/007/001/oo4 E112/E135 S.'iovfk, Miroslav, AUTHORS: Zabradnik, Lubomirs Form'neks Zden4k, Tyroler, Jii~i, and Vondrikova', Zdena TITLEj Properties of furnace flue dusts and their use for the recovery of germanium PERIODICAL: Chemick~ pru*mys.L. 1961, N--7, PP. 337-341 TEXTs Coal which is rich in germanium was ashed in a reducing atmosphere and coarser fractions were separated by means of cyclones. Flue dust of finer particle size was recovered by electrostatic separation and this contained up to 1% germanium. Industrial recovery of germanium was considered feasible and therefore laboratory methods for its extraction and the nature of the bond between germanium and the flue dust particles were studied. The flue dust was separated into different fractions according to particle size and the relationship between germanium concentration and particle size was investigated. Germanium contents decreased as the Particle size increased and, consequently, main attention was paid to flue dust smaller than 60 ji (0.12% Ge). During the ashing of coal a number of elements are volatilized and absorbed Card 1/4 23568 z/ooq/61/ooo/oo7/ooi/oo4 E112/E135 Properties of furnace flue dusts and their use for the recovery of germanium from the gaseous phase by the flue dust particles. The sorption process was studied by determining the concentrations of the various elements in the original coal and the flue dust. Spectroscopic methods of analysis were used and results are tabulated. On the average, the flue dusts contained between 27 and 33% combustible materials. Their concentration decreased on extraction with 0,2 N-H2SO4, indicating that they did not consist entirely of carbon. Results for three types of flue dust are tabulated, showing the following: 1) loss of weight of flue dust on calcination; 2) loss of weight of flue dust on calcination, after extraction with H2SO4; and 3) loss of weight of flue dust on extraction with H2SO4. Results of spectrographic analyses of flue dusts, H2SO4-extracts and extraction residues are submitted, listing all elements occurring in the three different fractions in the following'concentrationes 1) higher than 1%; 2) 1.0-0.1%; 3) 0.1-0.01%; and 4) lower than 0.01%. The following values are tabulated for germanium: original sample of flue dust, I - 0.1%; Card 2/ 4 23568 z/oog/61/000/007/001/004 E112/E135 properties of furnace flue dusts and their use for the recovery of germanium H2SO4-extract, 1 - 0.1%; ashing residue of H2SO4-extracto 0.1 - 0.01%. Extraction methods for germanium from flue dusts, using water, acids, and alkalis,, are described. Water extraction recovered about 50% of the available germanium. Extractability with H2SO4 was inversely proportional to the concentration of the latter, (20 N-H2SO4 extracted 64.5% Go, while 0.05 N-H2SO4 gave 96.7% recovery). On the other hand, extractability with HC1 Increases with increased concentration. Recovery of Ge by means of HNO was not feasible. The separation of Ge by means of HC1 from No coarser fly ashes is also described. Aft addition of HF (in the form Of CaF2) is recommended to convert the S'02 to SiF4, which is driven off by heating. Extraction with weakly alkaline 8olutions was somewhat inferior to processing with dilute acids. in order to obtain additional information about the isolation of germanium from flue dusts, the volatility of germanium dioxide at different temperatures was studied and results are tabulated. It was found that up to 400 OC germanium was not volatile and was Card 3/4 23568 Z/009/61/000/007/001/004 Properties of furnace flue dusts .... E112/E135 assumed to be present as Ge02, easily soluble in alkalies, On the other hand, samples of flue dust, heated under identical conditions, showed poor extractability of Ge by means of dilute sulfuric acid. This is explained by the poor solubility of Ge02 in H2SO4- It is concluded from laboratory experiments that flue dusts containing 0.3-1.0% Ge present a suitable raw-material for a Czechoslovak germanium recovery industry. Extraction with dilute sulfuric acid or treatment with HCI and distillation as GeC141 optionally in a stream of HCl, are suggested. The described laboratory methods were utilized for industrial scale production, details of which are to be published later. There are 7 figures, 12 tables and 12 referencest 3 Czech, 7 English and 2 German. ASSOCIATIONs Ustav nerostny'ch surovIn, Praha (Institute for Mineral Raw-Materials, Prague) SUBMITTED: January 16, 1961 Card 4/4 0. 'I'MITRY Czeuboslovakia H-22 ~d ~3:1 ~ E G 0 R Y 0', P..: 87897 U M'THO, IL R :Zabradn'k, L.; Sto-/ikt M., Tyroler J TITL~ :Distribution of Germanium in Products of the Combustion of Coal in Fire Boxes with Movlng G Pat& n R I n ,,tA. - .FU B.:Cb(-m. prumysl, 1959, 9, No 2, 62-64 A B F~A C T :The authors have stidied the feasibility of securing starting raw mater.-Lals for Ge production, from prolucts of direct combustion of coal. A material balance is pre.,:.enter! for a boiler with conveyer grate, considered from the standpoint of Go-distribution among individual products of combustion. More than '~Q,6 of Ge originally contaiiied in the coal are distributed between volatilized ash and furnace cinders. Ciuder-, because of low Ge-conten' (concer~-rall.'Ion of about 10- 9 3~6) can not be processed. Flyin" ,ash cor,!,aining from 0.3 to 0.5% Ge can provide excellent ram material for the production of this element. Authors' summary. ~~~S-T-OYVPKJ M.; UqM=2 L. Distribution of germanim between the com. bustion rroducte In a hearth ha-eL,-,g a traveling grate. p. 62 CHEMICKE PRUMYSI. (Minieteratvo chemickeho prumyslu) Praha, Czechoslovakia Vol- 9, No- 4, Jan. 1959 1~~ Monthly List of last European Accessions, (EFAI) LC, Vol.8., No 7, July 195'9 Uncl. Tyamm, J. "Germanium in the products of direct coal combtistion and its extractibility of hydrochloric acid." CHEXICKY PRUMYSL, Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 9, No. 3, March 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, NO, 9, SePterTiber 1959. Unclassified. SIOO11621000101910191053 B144/BI80 AUTHORS - Stovik, Miroslax, Zahradnik, Lubomir, Tyroler, Jiii, Vondra- kov&f ,Z Fornanek, Zdanck -TITLEi -Proaact n of concentrates of germanium hnd other trace e16- men-ts by IbUrnini; coa-I in furnace giates ~PERIODICAL: Rcferstivnyy zhurnal. khimi~ra, no. 19, 1962, 340, hbstract. 1)&82 (CzechoslovalUan patent ',99414, April 15, 1961) TL/.Ts Vihen coal is burned in furn;Ace3,.almost all *the Go is carried away with the finer frnetions in the form of volatilu compounds. For more com- plctc romov;-tl it is zuggouted th:it the coal should be burnt in a reducing atmoophere.T:) thia and the ontry of primary air' from below is restricted to a minimum and that of secondary air above the grate is increased. The4am=t, of Ge compounds adsorbed in the thin fractions then rises to 801/~ the Go con- tent of the coal. The combustion tases are led through a cyclone, where the larCest particles are separated, and then through an electrostatic fil- ter and a second cyclone. Alternatively, after separating the large Oar- ticles, the gas is passed throu,gh a scrubber, (with either mineral or sili- Card 112 6/081/62/000/0110/0110/0-13 Production of concentrallez ... B144/B180 cone oil), and then conducted throulh a hydrocyclone and a centrifugeg '~-'here the thin fraction is separated. The wash liquid is continuously recycled. Additions of 2-5~~ by vei ht suffur (pyrite) to the coal promote, the for;.-,a- tion of volatile Ge compounIs (Goi, Ge.32). Diagrams of the process are shown. rastracter's note: Complete translation Card 212 ZAIIRADNIKI Lubomir; FOFWANEK, Monak; srova, fliroslav; TYROLUI, Jirl; VONDRAY.GlIA, Zdena Refinement of germanium dioxide. Chem prum 12 no.2:60-63 F 162. 1. Ustav nerostnyeh surovin, Praha. Z/009/61/000/012/001/005 E112/E953 AUTHORS: Zahradnfk,*Lubomir, Form6nek Zden6k, 9fovi'k Miroslav, Tyroler JiI4~ and Vondrdkovd Zdena TITLE- Recovery of germanium dioxide from flue dusts PERIODICAL: Chemick~ pr&mysl, no.12, 1961, 625-629 TEXT: The only domestic sources of germanium in Czecho- slovakia are the flue dusts from certain coals (germanium contents range from 0.2 to 0.8%) and the present paper discusses three possible methods of recovery via germanium dioxide: 1) Extraction with water or inorganic --olvents ' much as H S04 HCl HN03, NaOH and (NH4)28x. Beat resul-cs are achieved witi 0.65 N-A2S04, yielding up to 97% of the available germanium. Extraction efficiency is closely connected with the phyeical charactorintIC13 of the flue dusts, good recoveries being obtainable only with flue dusts of very fine particle size. Furthermore, only.germanium. available in soluble form will respond to the method. 2) Chlorin- ation of flue dusts. This process can be operated either at lower temperatures, in presence of steam, or at high temperatures, in presence of air. Compared to the distillation method with H01,, Card vl~ Recovery of germanium ... Z/009/61/000/012/001/005 E112/E953 yields of germanium are inferior and the recovered products le.~.z pure. A further rectification is therefore necessary. The chlorination method, on the other hand, offers the advantage lu-n-at even very low-content flue dusts can be Processed. 3) Direct distillation with HC1. This method is considered the simplest the technological point of view. It is only suitable for raw materialsl containing germanium in a volatilisable form and is not economical for flue-dusts with low germanium content. The method consists of treating the flue dust with HC1, and procedures for tht- separation of the forined GeC14- are described in detail. So f.,qr, this has been effected in two ways: a) Absorption of the gaseous mixture in water, containing 20% HG1. A recovery of 2-13 9 germanium per 1 litre is feasible but this is considered unsatis- factory. b) &co-oaration of germanium tetrachloride by conden.-arion, However, considerable amounts of GeC14 are entrained by HCl, and the method is, therefore, rejected as uneconomical. The authors now offer a new pro~iedure for GeC14 absorption, based on the use of non-polar solvents, of which carbon tetrachloride has proved the most suitable, The efficiency of' a 0.2% GeC14 solution in CC1,,: Card 21~ ~ Recovery of germanium ... Z/009/61/000/012/001/005 E112/E953 givoll ati 97-99.5%, ab 2000. As practiCal rocessing would require large volumes of CC1 (1500 kg/kg Ge5 a two-step absorp- tion process is suggested. ~ diagram of a laboratory arrangement for -the continuous recovery of germanium tetrachloride by the carbon tetrachloride method is shown (Fig.6). The apparatus operates under slight vacuum and has a capacity of 30 kg flue dust per day. The solution of GeC14 in CC1 is preliminarily refined by extraction with concentrated hydrochloric acid, ?ontaining 10% nitric acid. Hydrolysis of GeC14 is carried out in the usual way. The experience gained in laboratory trials led to the construction of a semi-technical batch-wise unit, which in two months produced 10 kg germanium dioxide from 1000 kg flue dust. There are 5 tables, 5 figures and 5 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet bloc. The English-language references read as follows: Ref.l: Journal of Metals, 9?9(1953); Ref.2: Johnson O.H., Chemical Reviews, vol 51, 432 (1952); Ref-5: Aubrey K.V., Nature, vol.176, 2 (19~5)- J ASSOCIATION.: Ustav nerostnych surovin, Praha (Institute for Mineral Ravi Materials, Prague) Card 3/ Recovery of germanium ... SUBMITTED: January 16, 1961 Fig.6. Legend. Z/009/61/000/012/001/005 E112/E953 1 - mixing vessel, with stirrer, for absorption of flua dust in hydrochloric acid, 3,4 - steam-heated boiling tubes, 5 - separator, 6 - condenserl ? - absorption vessel, 8 - absorption column with Raschig rings, 10 - separating funnel with CC1., 9 - condenser, cooled to OOC, 11 - reservoir, to which a slight vacuum is applied. Card 4/1,( TYROLEROVA, Pavla; VRBACKY, Ivan; HMIXYR, Vladimir Effect of barium titanyl oxalate calcination on BaT103 PrrD~~ rt's-5- Silikaty 9 no.1:25-33 165. .1. Chair of Silicate Technology of the Higher School of Chemical Technology, Prague. Submitted August 5, 1964. PATON, B.Te., skademik, doktor takhn.nauk. laureat Leninskoy premii; YQTXSMMICH, G.Z., kand.tekhn.nauk, laureat Leninskoy premii; OSTROVSKATA, S.A.. kand.tekhn.nauk; DMO, D.A., kand.tekhn.mau POKHODNTA, I.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; STMWBOM, Tu.A., kand.takhn. nauk; RUMMMUT, I.N.. inzh.; 2EMMCHUZHNIKOV, G.V., kand.tekbn. nauk; ROZEM3RG, 0.0., inzh.; SMO, PoI.g kandetsklmonauk; NOVIKOV, I.V.. inzh.; MDOVAR. B.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; DIIKOVSKIT, V.P.. Inzh.; RABKIN, D.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; TYAGUN-BELOUS, G.S.. inzh.; ZARUBA, I.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; GWOBLINIK, P.G., kgnd.tekhn.nauk. 0 'D. ' red. red.-t -TYNTAIMr" T. [Blectric slag welding] glaktroahlakovaia avarka. Izd.2., ispr. i dop,. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mahinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 409 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. AN UM (for Paton). (Ilectric welding) TYROLER, K. TYROLER, K. Experience with the technical ipaintenanco of tractors according to morot fuel consumption.p. 415 Vol. 619 N . 21 Nov. 1956 FMCH"ISKE Z69FISTVI AGRICULTURE Fraba,, Czechoslovakia So: East European Accessions, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 1957 TYEOLER-OVA, Pvvla A icntribution to the analysis of germanli= in coal. Sbor chem tech no.3, part 2021-326 159. 1. Katedra mireralogie, Vysoka skola. chemicko-technologicka, Praha. TYROLEROVA, Pavla Chemiotry of canomanian glauconites. Sbor chen tech 4 no.1-353-362 160, (EEAI 10:9) 1. Katedra mineralogie, Vyso)m akola chemicko-tecbnologicka, Pmha. (Glauconite) TYROLEROVA. Pevla Goorhemlstry of gerinan-lin in FVdnice baBin. Sbor chem tach no.3. part 2053-363 159. 1. Katedra mineralogie, Vysoka skola, chomicko-technologiel-n, Praha. I 1 6 , 3. f . I t P, N io i~ I I MnWICZY L. Rational trends In the creatian of fashions. p.12,~, ODZIEZ (Centralne Zarzady Przemyslu Dziewiarskiego: Odziezowego I Ponczoszniczego) Lodz Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1955 So. East 1~uropean Accessions List Vol. 5, No. I Jan. 1956 TYROWII-Z, Marian Employment problems and changes in the economic planning system in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic. Praca zacpzp spol 7 no.4:28-29 Ap 165. TYRUJI-C',", ~jarlan NEW princ.1piss for management and planning in the 3ocialistu Republic and their effect on the #I, , nf 3 -f smPlVe88o Praca zabazp spol 7 no.3:2j n Mr 165, LUCHWKI, Walerian; TYfWWICZ, Marian Damage problems for acoidents and injuriao suffered during -'';, work and for professional diseases, Praca zabezp spol 4 no.701-38 JI 162. TYROVIICZ, 14. " e Th lower Carpathian Mountains and Slovakia in the Revolutionary Activities of J. J4. Goslar, 1845-1846.11 P. 46. (WIERCHY, Vol. 22, 1953, Krakow, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, MAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. l,", Dec. 1954, Uncl. TLIOWICZ, lKarian Agreement botween Poland and Bulgaria on cooperation in the fiald of social polic:y. Fraca zdbezp spol 3 no.10:209-31 '61. TYR%I.TZ, TADLIJSZ Kamieniarstwo; obi-obka maszynowa. (Wyd. 1) Warszawa, Poland, Arkady, 1958s 219 P, Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) W, Vol. 8, no. 8 August 1952. Uncl. C T. IZ P- Pinczow, lime blocks, a new building material', p. 18. (MATERIALY. BUDMILANE, Warszawa, Vol. 10$ no. 1. Jan. 1955-) SOr Montbly List of East European Accessions.. (EEAL)j, LC, Vol. 4j, No. t, J". 1955, Uncl. ZILVZNMaT, T&.D.; KOLUMOV. D.Ko; TYRSIN, A.A.: SH&LYGINe V*A* .. Use Of rMuoutiTe isotopes of wilfur to study the processes of the formation of corrosive substances in compressors and gas pipes. Gas, prom. uo,5:41-45 MY 158. (KIRk 1195) (Befox-Isotopes) (Gorrosion and auticorrosives) SOV/127-58-11-5/16 AUTITORS: Tyrsin, S.M. and Filippov, P.Ye., Mining Fngineers TITLE-- Drainage Works at the Sokolovskoye Deposit (Osushitellnyye raboty na Sokolovskom, mestorozhdenii) PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 11, pp 21 - 24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Sokolovskoye deposit was to a large extent water logged; and had to be drained before stripping operations could be started. Special bore holes were drilled and pumps of the types ATN-14 and 12-AP were installed and oDerated in con- junction with special drainage ditclhes. In seven months the water level in the stripping layers was lowered by 23 m, and 1,220,000 cubic m of sand, which covered the deposit could be stripped. There is 1 table, 1 map and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Sokolovsko-Sarbayskiy porno-obogatitellnyy kombinat (Sokolovs- koye - Sarbay Mining and Concentrating Konfoinat) Card 1/1 1. Mining engineering--USSR TMIN, S.M., gornyy lnzh; VILIPPOV, T.Te., gornyy lnzh, Drainage operations at the Sokalovka ore deposit. no.11:21-24 N 148. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Solcolovoko--Sarba7skiy gorno-obogatitellnyy kombinat. (Sokolovka(Kustanay Province)-Mine drainage) 0 Zen. 1952 I., fit," auk, S.S.S Bet Dokl6dY Vol. 110. TW- IKOV, A.P. Increase in length of tree roots along the northorn limit of the forest region. Biul.UOIP Otd,biol. 59 no.i:71-82 J&-Y 154. (91-71A 7:5) (Roots (Botany)) (Russia. Northera-Tress) (Tree s-Aussia, Northern) TYRTIKOV, A.F* P.!!, Growth of irurface organs of trees along the northern timberline. Biul, MOM Otd, biol. 60 no.1:63-69 Ja-F '55. (KWA 8:7) (Artio regions--Treee) TYaTMOT, A.P. 0 0 m ~am m " ~ ~ I I Tegetqtion along the lower reaches of Tana River. Biuj.. -KOIP. Otd. bi6l-.' 60 iVo,-51135-146 S-0 155. MaA 9:4) I .. . t-- .. (TAKA VALLEY--BOTAff) TYRTIEDV, A.P. The activity of cambium in tti-e roots and trunks of trees on the northern forest limit. Biul.MDIP. Otd..biol. 61 no.5:59-66 S-0 056. (MLU 10:2) (ARCTIC R&GIONS-THM) (CAMBIUM) TYRTIKOV, A.P. I- , .. Development of vegetation as a factor of the formation and dynamics of rocks frozen over a piriod of many years. Probl. Sev. no.7s221,-231 163. (KIRA 1712) TYRTIKOV, A.P. Problems of improving the growing conditions of trees in northwestern . Siberia. Probl. Sev. no.72123-127 163. (MIRA 1792) TIRTIKOV.. A. P. Effect of the exposition and some components of plant and soil oovej~jngs on the temperature conditions of goils at the northern taiga border, Poohvovedenie no.7t82-86 Tl 42. OMM 15 t .10) 1. Inatitut merzIotovedeniya imeni V. A. Obrucheva. (Khantayka Valley-Soil temperature) 'IMTIKOV A. P. Development of the vegetation as a leading factor in the formation and Aynamics of permawnt3y frozen ground of the Yenisey Ridge. Trudy Inst. merzI, AN SWR 19255-" 162. (MIRA 16: 1.) Yenioey Ridge-Vegetation) enisey Ridge-Frozen ground) R nRTIEN" A, P * dig t2,, trunks and ruPtures of lxunks. TrudY Votmdt3 surrOu (MIRA 16:1) inst. merzl. AN SSSR 19%102-107 1620 (1garka regioll--TreSO) TerritorY)-Trees) (Dudinka, region(Krasnoyarok 6 TIRTIKOV# A.P. Use of vegetation as an indication of the ccmposition and properties of seasonally thawed and seasonally frozen layers and the perennial permafrost stratum is the vicinity of Igarska, Izv, Sib. ota. AN SM no. lli34-40 160, (KERA 14-.1) 1. Igarskaya nauchno-iseledovatellskaya merzlotnaya stantsiya, (Igarlka region-Frozen ground) (Plantep Effect of temperature on) TYRTIKOV. A.P. Effect of vegetation on permanentV frozen ueh.o m6rx,zonazem,kory no.3:85-108 656. (Vegetation and climate). (Frozen iwtli~ .. .., . -. . --- subsoil. Kat.k o6n. (MIRA 13:9) ground) t ummioal Properties of sails. 1": , Nn. 104430 "ryl tAkov, A. j-iojl Temperature Cycle in Varloue Plarit APeoclattrilif In 010 i-1. R. -POch-rotcd,.-r,,iye, 1957" Vo. 6, 35-42 L;,.CT :Tb-s v"eu.Its ar,-s prevented of a study of the tomperatize cyele~ of voile Pt tho atirface ard, at it depth of F1,. '0 aLd 15 ca be,-.oath mosses "d llchenx,-a thin spruce grove. a dense lexch wood axi4 under both thin and aenss larc~t-Bryales afteociations. The lowest temperatures are recorded In co-areely molihded peat soils. The peaty horigoa uzid.e the forest prevexite heating of the soil nad causaff low goil temperature during the 'reCet&tiY* period. Improvement of tree growth may be attained by reinforcka'- the procaures of mineralizatioxi of the peaty hori%on. The use of herbicides irztensiflee the processes of mineralization and Car,' - 112 TIME J: inc--a8t,:Lc tho- ProdUctivitY Of tho 'Vrerc% stand3, V.A. P/2 15-57-1-1064 Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, lir 1, p 170 (USSRT AUTHOR: Tyrtikov, A. P. TITLE: '4-~e I~nfl~'ence of Vegetation on the'Subsoil in*Perma- frost Condition ProtrAdt6d (Many Years)A0 Yl' a ii rastitellnosti na podpochv.u ' PERIODICAL: Materialy k osnovam ucheniya o merzlykh zonakh zem. kory, Nr 3, Moscow, AN SSSR, 19569 pp 85-108 ABSTRACT: The influence of vegetation on temperature and on several other properties of protractedly frozen rock is distinguished by various trends and it changes not only with the kind of vegetation but also with the general climatic conditions of the region. Any plant cover slows warming of the soil in summer. Under a plant cover, the average monthly temperature of the Card 1/3 soil at a depth of 15 cm to 40 cm is comffionlY 50 to The Influence of Vegetation (cont.) 15-57-1-1064 150 lower, and the depth of thawing is 1.5 to 3 (and more) times less than in regions where vegetation is absent and the organic re- mains in the soil and on the soil are mineralized. This influence of vegetation is greater the larger tho mass, the higher and denser it is, and the greater the content of plant remains in the soil and on its surface. -Plant remains (litter, peat) commonly delay warming more effectively than a live plant cover. Any cover of vegetation slows the cooling of the soil in winter. Under a plant cover the average monthly tem9erature of the soil in winter is higher (some- times as much as 17 ) than in districts where the plant cover is absent-and where the soil does not contain organic remains. Vege-- tation, hindering cooling of the soil in winter and warming in summer, leads to a lower (as much as 30) or, under certain conditions, to a higher (as much as 20) temperature in the upper layers of pro- tractedly frozen formations. By decreasing the depth of thawing of the ground and by delaying erosion and removal of the soil, vege- tation hinders the thawing of ice in protractedly frozen rocks. Card 2/3 The Influence of Vegetation (Cont.) 15-57-1-1064 Elimination of the plant cover leads to thawing of the ice in such rocks, and this commonly results in the formation of lacustrine- paludal lowlands, gullies, slumps, sinks, and other thermokarst formA of r~liof. PlAnto, in the proc;ess of overgrowing lakes and land areas, commonly favo'r the rollhation of protraeudly froti~r, rocks in districts where they have been absent. During this over- growth of lakes and land areas, protractedly frozen rocks develop in zones of high organic content (at least in the upper layers) and are fundamentally different from rocks consisting chiefly of minerals especially in the large amount of ice. Card 3/3 A. M. Ch. i TYRTIVOT, A.P. a Some data on the vegetation of the lover Indieirka W187- Biul- HOIP. otd. biol. 63 no.1:71-77 Ja-]F '58. (MIRA 11:5) (fbfGIM VALLRY-MANTY Soil temperature in yarious plant communitiew-df-rggrks. District, [with summary in English]. Pbchvavedaide uo.6:3"2 re 157. (ICLRA lOrg) 1. ItAltut merzlotovedeniye. Akad xii nauk BSSR. (Igarka District--Soil temperature) TYRTYSHUYA - V - Obshchestvd,' pit. no.2:28-29 Pe,ylograd builders are COUtento (MIRA 13:6) V 160, 1. Instruktor Pavlodarskogo oblastnoge soveta profooruzov. I (ravlograd-Restaurants, lunchroomal ate.) KASHITYSYNp Selection and checking of the setting devices of overcurrent protection systems in supplying power to several large electric current receivers from a oingpl transformer. Nauch. soob. Vost NII no.3:114-119 163. (MIRA 170) TYRTYSIRMOV ' G. M., corup. Combatting automobile accidents; essential data Tashkent, Jzd. NITO Avtodorozhnogo transporta USSR, 1936. 31 P. (53-48'-61) Law TYFGYY-OOL. Yu.. uchenik 10 klaBsa; LOIISAVCHAP, O.Ch.., chaban, Geroy Siiieiallsticheskogo Truda; ORGYS, S.B.,, chaban; YUWAYEV, I.S.; FEDOSEYENKOI, II.A.4 kukuruzovod Vie shall put into practice the resolutions of the January Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Uch.zap.Tav.nauch.- isal.inat.iaz.lit.i ist. no.9:14-29 161. (141U 15:5) 1. Turanskaya srednyaya shkola (for Tyrtyy~ool). 2. Kolkhoz "30 let Oktyabrya!'., Dzun-Khemehikskogo rayona (for Lopsanchap). 3. Kholkhoz "Torgalyg" Ovyurskogo rayona (for Krygys)- 4. Direktor sovkhoza "Krasnyy partizan" (for Yurtayev). (Tuva A.S.S.R.-Agriculture) T -w in an Ore," 2 Se-,) 55 TYRUIN, V.P., inzh. Scientific conference dedicated to the 90th annivergar7 of X.O. Paton's birth. Svar.proizv. no.6:45-46 A '60. (MM 13:7) (Paton, livgenii Ookarovich, 1870-1953) (Ilectric welding) ACC NRt __~OURCE_CdDt. ~~[60706rC5TO-00166T[0-6-f870_6 AUTHOR: Adam, N. V ; Ben'kova, N.-P.',- Orlov, V. P.; Tyrumina, L. 0. 31 ORGt none TITLE: Secular variations of the geom gneti field based on data of a spherical analysis I SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut fiziki Zemli. Nastoyashcheye i proshloye magnitnogo polya Zemll (The present and past of the earth's magnetic field). Moscow, lad-vo Nauka, 1965, 18-33 TOPIC TAGS: earth magnetism, geomagnetic measurement, spherical analysis, secular variation ABSTRACT: This article concerns the principal geomagnetic field studied by the method of spherical analysis and its secular variations. The authors derive an analytical expression which approximates secular variations. They examine on the basis of this analytical expression certain problems of the nature of secular variations, and attempt to use the results obtained for forecasting the field. The authors, having previously used spherical analysis for plotting charts of isoporic lines in the polar caps and having obtained sufficiently good agreement with charts plotted from obser- vational data, conclude that the sum of 'the first six terms of a'spherical harmonic series permits representing the morphol6gy of secular variations with the same degree L 10913-67 ACC NRo ' AT6021011 0 of schematization. This scheme is characteristic of modern world Isoporic charts plotted graphically from the data of magnetic observatories but without the element of subjectivism inherent to the graphic method. Spherical analysis is recommended both as a method of analytical representation and as a method of plotting isoporic charts. Since one of the important characteristics of the planetary part of secular variations is western drift, the authors estimated western drift for individual har- monics by means of spherical analysis of a constant field and secular variations, and by the shift of the centers of world anomalies. They also examined the latitudinal and longitudinal distributions of drift velocity. The velocity-values obtained from the coefficients of spherical analysis of world charts of the total field for the 1955 epoch, and from the secular variation charts for the period 1954-1959, are calculated The velocity values were found to fluctuate within -0.47 to +0.12 deg/year, two characteristics being noted: 1) a decrease of the velocity for high-latitude obser- vatories and 2) asymmetry in the distribution of velocity between western and eastern hemispheres. The velocity values were higher for western observatories than for eastern. To extrapolate secular variations to the present or forthcoming epochs, iso poric charts of 1954-1959 were used to forecast the secular variations for 1960-196~ A comparison of the coefficients of the spherical analysis of secular variations re- vealed that, with the present accuracy, the coefficients higher than the third order - can be considered constant, and the coefficients of the first three orders change in time within a set interval, fluctuating about averages that are constant or almost constant in time. It is concluded that during a 50-year period the magnetic moment - can decrease by 0.5 , 1025 CGS, and that the position of the geomagnetic pole will Card 2/3 ACC NRt AT6021011 L/ shift along the latitudinal circle from 291*46' to 291*5Z'. Combining paleomagnetic and analytical studies of the geomagnetic field can' be quite fruitful, In particular' in regions west and east of the centers of world anomalies. Orig. art. has$ 3 .formulas, 6 tables and 6 figures. SUB CODEt 12,08/ SUBM DATE: 2lSep65/ ORIG REP: 007/ '0TH REP: 004 Card 313 VOMMKO. I.G.; SHVNYsxzy, Ya.G.,- Tnyxni, m. Z~ Emlosure for thawing frozen loads. Kolm I khIm. no#5:16-18 '56. (Thawing) (Waste heat) (SugAr boots) (mm 9:10) .-MT�PKIN,,I.V.., gornyy inzh.; BAYANOV, G.I., gornyy inzh. Dressing fluorite ores in hea:vy suspensions. Gor. zhur. nod: 75-76 F162, (AURA V12) I.-Sredneaziatskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovateliskooo Instituta tsvetnykh metallov, g. Almalyk (for Tyz7shk-'.n). 2. Plaviko- vo-shpatovyy kombinat, pos.Toy--Tyube (for Bayanov). ~1 _M~5H KIN) USSR/Engineering Gas Turbines FD-1123 Card 1/1 Pub. 4-1-4/17 Author : Tyryshkin, V. G., Leningrad Title : The problem of selecting a method for designing long blades of a turbine rtage Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh, nauk 6, 37-46) June 1951; Abstract : Discusses theoretical aerodynamic methoda for detcrmininc, efficiency of turbine blading. Gives results of experimental investigation on single- stage gas t,~lbine, testing four stages of different blading. Compares theoretical with experimental results. Sketch; graphs. Two references. Institution Submitted July 10, 1954 SKNARI,N.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; TYRYSHKIN,V.G., kandidat tekhnicheskM nauk ~ so Estimation of the efficiency of a turbine stage with long blades using data derived from investigations of stationary cascades of profiles. [Trudy] TSKTI no.27:81-93 154. (KW 8:12) (Gas turbines) (Gas flow) TV Y 1.11 ZHUKMSKrY,V.S., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor; ZHUKOVSKIY, X.I., kandidattekhaicheskikh nauk; ZYSnU-MOLCZHM, kandidat tekhnicheskikh man ; MUOV,J.K., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; SIMRI,N.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; TMSHXIN,V.G.. kandidat tekhnichaskikh uank mm. M.N.Delch's book mTeahnical gas dynamics.0 Revieved by V.S.Zbu- kovskii and others. Teploeuergatika 2 no.1:62-64 Ja '55. (KIRA 8:9) (Turbines--Fluid dynamics) (Gas flow) (Deich, M.E.) TYRYSHKIN, V,G.. kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; IVASHCHKNKO, M.H., Inshemr. Mobile gas-turbine power plants. Inergomashinostroebie no.5:27-30 Yv 156. (Blectric power plants) (Oss turbines) (HLRA 9:9) .1 TYRU-11MI, V,G., kandidat tekhnicheokikh nAuk; 311JUOY, B.A,, inzhenar. OMMUMMO Effect of bandage and bolding wire on the efficiency of a turbine stage with long blades. Teploenergettka 4 no.9:16-19 S '57. (HIRA 10-8) 1. ?Sentralluyy kotloturbiunyy institut. (Turbines) r5 q; *-'9 r. gr.. Ell! 0: Iv FN a 6, 66 S/024/60/000/03/026/028 E194/E455 AUTHORs None given TITLE: The 13th All-Union Scientific Technical Session on Gas-Turbine Manufacture PERIODICAL% Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSRI Otdeleniye teklinicheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika, 1960, Nr 3, PP 183 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The 13th All-Union Scientific Technical Session on stationary and traction gas- urbinegAwas held in Moscow on the 25th and 26th November 1959. It was convened by the Gas-Turbine Commission of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, together with the State Scientific Technical Commission of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Reports were read about the testing and operation of gas turbines ranging from 300 to 12000 kW and on the design of a 50 MW gas turbine. The session was attended by about 400 representatives of Research Institutes, Turbine and Locomotive Works, Design Institutes, Technical Colleges, Councils of National Economy and other institutes. The following reports were read; "Some Results Achieved in the Development of Small Card 1/3 Gas-Turbines" by S.Ya.Osherov of the Ekonomayser Factory.