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TYAPKIN -A A MMOll, Yu.0, XOZODAYEV, M-9 "Investigation of Energy and Angular Distributions of7t Mesons Produced by Protons with Energies of 470 and 660 MeV," paper presented at CERN Syi*osium, 1956, appearing in Nuclear Instruments, No. 1, pp. 21-30, 1957 p ~ i.* V AUTHORS Vishnvakor V.V-9 Tyapkin A.A., 89-10-3136 TITLE 0 The Operatlon ~iicffarjgd Counters Under Controlled Pulsed Voltage Conditions. (Iosledovanive raboty gazorazryadnykh schetehikov v rezhime uprayly- ayamcgo :Impullsnogo pitaniya - Russian) PERIODICAL Atomnaya znergiya, 1957, Vol 3, Nr lo, pp 298 - 307 (U-S-S-R-) ABSTRACT The counting errors caused by the dead time of the counter can be eliminated in the case of pulse-like feeding of gas discharge counters. The counting characteristics,effectivity and dissolving capacity of argon-metylal counting tubes MC-6, MC-7, MC-9 and the halide counting tube CTC were determined for the case that they are fed pulse-likg. It was found that with short time feeding(duration of pulse-4o- sec) the counting tubes are still able to work at over- voltages of up to 2 KY. If this fact is taken advantage of for a hodoscope (telescope), the pulses coming from the counting tube need not be amplified and no coincidence with control pulses is necessary. Each channel of the hodoscope, with the exception of the counting tube, switches on only the load resistance and a neon sig- nal lamp. Thus a considerable simplification of the construction as well as reliability of operation is warranted. There are 11 figures. AVAILABLE Library of Congress. Card 1/1 AUTHOR MOKO~KIN, JU.D., TJAPKIN, A.A. PA - 2086 TITLE Inv stigation of the Excit.~,tion Functions for the Reactions C"(p,pn)C", 1 24 ; Al '7(p,3pn)Na and A127(P 3p 3n)1104 in the 15'v - U,;i ErArgy Raange , ie funkcij vozbuidenija dlja reakcij C"(p,pn)C'~,, A127(P,3pn)- (Issledo m 44 1 Al f Na (POP 3n)Na" v intervals energij 150 - 660 bleV). PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 1, PP 177 - 178 (U.S.S.R.) Received 3/1957 Reviewed 4/1957 ABSTRACT The excitation function for the reaction C'4(ppn)C" (1) was measured by R.AAMONT et al., Phys-Rev-86, 799 (1952), in the energy range from the threshold value to 340 MeV-.Comparison of these results with those of L. M.S.SOROKO and B.V.GAVRIL0VSKIJ (report of the Institute for Nuclear Problems 1952) indicated a rapid decrease of the cross sections in the 300 to 460 MeV energy range. But according to the measurements of the ratio of cross sections in the case of 290 - 660 MsV energies the cross section of the reaction (1) dimirdshes much more slowly in this energy interval: d(670)/d(290) - 0,84 t 0,03. The authors concluded from this that the real reason for this non-agreement is obviously a systematic error (- 150/o) committed on the occasion of the determination of the absolute cross section in the above mentioned previous works. Results of more recent works show better agreement. The cross sections found in the aforementioned previous works are obviously too high by 15 to 250/o. Because of these uhclear- nesses the authors investigated reaction (1) in the 150 - 660 MeV energy interval. For this purpose a graphite target was installed in the chamber Card 113 PA. - 2086 In estigation of the Excitation Functions for the Reactions C'4(p,pn)C", AjP(p,3pn)jja44, and A127(P,3p 3n)Na*l in the 150-660 MeV Ener&,r Range. of the accelerator of the laboratory for nuclear problems. The -.)rozcn f_llix passing through the target was determined by means of a gauge-thermo- battery. By means of a group of proportionality counters the activity of graphite targets was measured and a value of 20,8 t 0,2 minu.- tes was obtained for their half life. The following energy dependence of the cross section of reaction (1) was found (Ep - energy of the protons in the MeV, d' - d(Er,)/ d(660) - relative cross section of the reaction). eRC11) 1,49 + 0,06 1,23 1,19 1,16 1,03 0,98 1,00 In the case of E 260 to 660 MeV errors of I are omitted for space saving purposes. These gata are also illustrated in a diagram. The data found1by the authors agree with other more recent data. By means of the above methqd also excitation functions for the reactions A127(P,3pn)14a"4 (2) and A1270,3p 3n)Naa" (3) are determined. They are given in a table. The ratio between the cross sections of reactions (1) and (2) decreases monotonously with increasing energy. This is contra- dictory to the result found by G.CHACKETT, K.CHACMTT et al. according to which this ratio of cross sections decreases rapidly in the 200-500 MeV energy range. This is indicative (in contrast to the daf,~., of the Rrosent work) of the existence of a maximum of the cross sectionof reaction (2). Card 2/3 PA - 2086 Investigation of the Excitatinz~Functions for the Reactions CIO(p,pn)C", A127(P,3pn)Na", and A127(P,3p 3n)Na?,M in' the 150-660 MeV Energy Range. ASSCCIATION United Institute for Nuclear Research. PRESENTED Br SUBMITTO AVAI W LE Library of Congress Card 313 Tyn o~< I N, A - ~)! AUTHOR BAJUKOV, J.D., OW-1ESM, J.C., TJAPKIN, A.A. PA - '1038 TITLE The Absorption of -f-Quanta with the Average Energy of 500 Mev in Lead , Copper, and Alumdni,=. (Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperimontalinoi I Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, lir 1 pp 183-183 (U-S-S-R,) Received 3/1957 Reviei-ed 3/1957 AMTRALT y-quanta originate from the decay of neutral pions which were produced in the inner target of a phasotron by 660 MeV protons. These y-quanta were recorded by a pair-like y-spectrometer with 12 zhannels, on which occasion the spectrometer was at a distance of 23 m. from the target. Be- fore the collimator, which was fitted b-ahind a protective wall of 4 m thickness, a device was arranged, by which the bundle of -r-quanta was periodically interrupted by means of a lead absorber. The y-quanta record- ed by the spectrometer in the case of fully covered and not fully opened bundles were counted separately. For the determination of the coefficients of the absorption of the y-quan- ta in Cu and Al the semicircular lead disk in the rotating device was re- placed by absorbers of copper and aluminium. The frequent change of ab- sorbers made it possible to carry out measurements without a monitor and to diminish the number of measuring error:s. The bundle of y-quanta passing through the collimator was purified from electrons and positrons by means of a special magnet. The authors obtained the following values ( in cma/9) for the coefficients of the absorption of y-quanta with the energy of E, - 500 150 MeV: Card 1/3 Ph - 2038 The Absorpticn of y-Quanta with the Average Energy of 500 MeV in Lead, Copper, and Aluminium, Pb 0,1115 � 0,0025., Cu 0,0510 1 0,0025, Al 0,0295 � 0,0017. The absorption of the y-qua.nt,a at Ey = 500 MeV takes-place essentially by the production of electron-positron pairs. As shown by computation results, absorption by photo effect and Compton effect amounts to ^, 1,2 O/o in the case of Cu, and to - 2 O/o of the total absorption cross section ir the case of Al. The cross sections for the absorption of y-quanta found here agree well with the computed results obtained by H. DAVIES, H.BETPY,, L.MAXIMON, Phys.Rev., 93, 788 (1954). It remains to be added that the data for 500 MeV y-quanta which agree with computations were obtained in the case of permanent preqence of a lead absorber of 5,55 gl/cm4 thickness in the bundle. If such,a lead absorber, by which the filtered, is lacking, cross sections which are t larger by 10 O/o are obtained. When measuring the absorption cross section of 280 MeV y-quanta, no influence was found to be exercised by the additio- nal absorber by which the bundle is permanently covered. The cross section of the absorptior. of 280 MeV y-cpanta obtained here agrees with the re- sults obtained by J.W,DE-WIRE, A.ASKIN, L.A.BACH, Phys.Rev., 83, 505 (1951). The reason for the increase of the absorption cross section of 500 MeV y-quanta when an additional. lead filter was lacking could not be explained. Card 2/3 PA - 2038 The Absorption of y-Quanta with the Average Inergy of 500 MeV in Lead, Copper, and Aluminium. ASSOCIATION United Institute for Nuclear Research, Laboratory for Nuclear Problems. PRESENTED BY SUBMITTIM AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 313 Rk - 2699 Experimental Comparison of the Energy Spectra of j -Quanta resulting from the Decay of Neutral Pions (which were created by 660 MoV-Protons on Carbon- and Lead-Nuolai). This modification is due to the interaction of the bombarding protons with the nucleons of the nucleus on the occasion Of strong absorptioj of masons. The hard - quanta with the angle of observation 0 are essentially creaJd on the occasion of the docay'of those neutral pi*ns which are created on that side of the nucleus which is averted from the bombarding protons and in heaYely screened off by the remaining nucleons of the nucleus. The soft 2-quantal however, are essentially created on the surface of the nucleus which is exposed to the protons, There- fore, a relative increase of soft a-quanta in the spectrum is obsirved on the occasion of the creation of neutral pions an heavy nuclei. Considerable differences are to be expected also in the energy distributions of the mesons created on light and heavy nuclei. The energy0distributions of the neutral pions created under an angle Of 0 on carbon- and lead-nuclei do not differ noticeably. Possibilities for a more close study of these pion spectra are shown. (I table) ASSOCIATION,. United Institute for Nuclear Research PRESENTED BYt - SUBMITTED: 2. 11. 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 2/2' AUTHOR BAYUKOV, Xu.D., KOZMAYEVY-S-,TY.AfKIr1 A.A. 56-4-5/52 TITLIS The Investigation of the tnergetic ana Angular Distribution of n*esons Formee On Carbon Nuclei 'by Protons Witn An tnergy or 47o ana 66o MeV. (Iasleaovaniye, anargeticheskikn i uglovykn raspredeleniy rftezonov,obrazo- vannykh na yadrakh ugleroda protonami 9 ensrg~YW470 i 66o its,V*-RU3 s Ian) FMIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim.i Teoret.Fiziki,1951,Vol 32,Nr 4,pp 667-677(U.:S.S.R.) Received 7/1957 Reviewed b/1951 ABiTRACT Tne results obtained by tne investigation of energetJc spectra on Sne oc- casion of the decay of ffv-mesons produced on carbon nuclei by protons with the energy of 66o MeV is discussed.The method of spectral analysIB was usect.The neutra.L mesons have a very short life(5,lo-15 see.). The experimental scheme is shown in form of an illustration.The carbon tar- get is inside the vacuum chamber of the accelerator and was irradiated with protons of the average enrgy of 66o MeV. The y-quanta formed in the target penetrated tnrough an opening into a concrete wall of 4 m thickness and collimatea through a diaphragm into a lead block.The collimated bundle or y-quanta.,wnicn was puriftea from charged particles by the magnetic field of a special electromagnet,penetrated into the converter of the 12-cnannel- led pair-spectrometer.The spectrometer was set up at a distance of 23 m from the target in the direction of the tangent to the orbit of the protons. The author haere gives a detailed description of the pair spectrometer used. The differential cress section for the production of y-quanta on the carbon nuclei oy protons with an energy of 66o MeV for 18V in the laboratory 3y- Card 1/3 stem amounts to d8 1/vi (lao-)'(1-5+ O,2).lo-1'7 cm4/sterad. The ratio of c The Investigation of the Energetic and Angular Distribution 56-4-5/52 of ffWesons Formed On Carbon Nuclei by Protons With An Energy of 47o ana 66o keV. the flux of y-quanta under the angles 0 and 1do' is equal to 5,1+013. The energy spectra of the y-quanta Is then analyzed. 1.Dependence of the spectrum on the angular- and energetic distribution of tneu*esons.It follows that with the isotropic distribution of the nv-me- sons,indepandent of their energy distrioution,tne spectrum of the y-quan- ta is or symmetric shape with respect tt the energy 1/2F, 2.Uomparison of the energy spectra of y-quanta, an the occasion or the de- cay of w'J-mesons produced by protons with the energy of 47o MeV on the nuc- lei of beryllium.Illuatration 5 shows that the energy spectrum of tne y- quanta of the decay of mesons produced by photons with the energy of 47o MeV(center of mass system) on the nuclei of caroon.At a proton energy of 47o M*V energies are produced,whicn are an a proximation to tne maximum possible energy attainable by the meson in tne raaction.Witn an energy ot 66o MeV of the protons,mosons witb considerably lower energies are formed than is possible as a maximum. 3.Enorgy spectra of v"-mosonB producea by protons with the energy of 77o and 66o MeV.IUu3tration 7 shows the energy distribution of ffl-meeons in the center of mass system for carbons by protons with the energy of 4?o MeV.On the same illustration it snows the spectrum or tro-mesons.The energy- and angular distribution ol tru- mesons which had been measurea at a proton anergY of 470 MOV shows that the sesons produced in this case whicn are neutral on the occasion of the collision of nucleons,absorb the greatest Card 2/3 part of the free energy of the collisi~.on, as well as Aso the greatest an- The Investigation of the Energetic and Angular Distrioution 564-5 2 of v~--Mesons Formed On Carbon huclei oy 1rotons With An Energy of 47o and 66o MaV. gular momentum.Tne same phenomenon Is observed in the case of lower pro- ton energies.Xt proton energies of 47o Uel the spectra of no-masons pro- ducad on composed nuclei d2Xfar only slightly from spectra computed on the assumption that mesons are produced only witn maximum energies, so that at a proton energy of 66o MeV a considerable difference oetween the spectra ootainea and those computed Qt tae same conditions is observed. At a proton energy of 66o MeV no-mesons with an energy that is consideraD- ly lower than that which is possible as a maximum are mostly prociuced.Con- sequently it follows that in the case of the production of mesons oy the proton energy of 66o UeV the nucleons in the final state acquire a high. kinetic energy and,therefore,aiso high momenta.With. an increase or proton energy fromWo to 66o MeV the angular distribution of the tr'-mesons chan- gee considerably. ASSOCIATION United Institute for Nuclear Research PRtSENTIM BI z)UBk=TZD 26-10-1956 AVAILABLz Library of Congress Card 3/3 --Fj WPK t NO n 'AUTHOR FROKOMM, Yu* DO$-LUEU4j__A.A. 566-4-1-7/52 TITLE produclan of Neutral ?ions at the p-p ardp-n Collisions in the Region of the Energies From 390 to 660 iloV (obrazovaniy* A-mozonev v p-p I p-n soud-areniyakh v ablasti energiy 360 + 660 Move Russian) FMIODICAL Zhurnal F&sporim. i Teerot, Fiziki, 1957, Val 32# Nr 4j PP 750 - 766 ABSTRACT of the proton energies and for different For the abovo-mentionod region - angles the authors of thoptpor under review determined the cutput,3 of the y-quanta caused by the decay of neutral pions These pio Will o + (I, produosd at the reactions - p+p -# fto + p*p. (1) and ;+n -o, W b p+n ( ) With the aid of those measuremants it *as possible to determine for the above reactions the absolut* values of 'the total cress sections, the excitation functions, and the ingular distributions of the neutral pion The methods employtd in the measurements are described with the aid of a sketchy draft depicting the Aessurement arrangement. The neutral pion were produced In a target which was bombed by the protons of the inner bundle (maximum energy - 680 MoV) of a phasetron. The y-quanta produced in the decay of the neutral pions penetrated a steel collimator in a concrete wall of a thickness of 4 m. and a lead diaphrap, In a distanci of 3 m tram the disphralp, a telescope recorded the y-quanta. The pa- Card 213 par under review contains * detalUd disoussion of the way in which the 56-4-i-t/52 Production of Neutral Rene at the p-p and p-n Collisions in the Region of the Energies From 390 to 660 MoV measurements were conducted, The results of the measurements and their difiCU83ion. - The differentia cross section, as obtained under tFe 'isotropic' angl '5 *-, of the production of y-quanta is connected with the total cr:aa section of the production of neutral pions by the relationship ,ffo = 2 d (,~ *)/d R The absolute differential cross section of the production of y-quanta on carbon at the energy of 660 V*V amounts to dey /d -(8.1 0.4). .10 -27 C cm"/storad. For the total cross section of the reaction,, the authors of the paper under review obtained the value WO + -27 a 0"' (660) - (3.6 - 0.2) . 10 cm * If the bond of the nucleons in thoppnuclous in neglected,, then WO -27 is a, pn (660) - (7.0 +1-1). 10 cm obtained. The energy dependence of these total cross sections is shown in a diagram contained in ths'paper under review@ For the angular di- stributi*n of the neutral pions at the reactions (I) and (II), respec- tivoly, f (660)- (1/3)+ (Oool + 0.06) cossr~' , f pn (660)- (1/3)+(0.0 + Card 213 + 0.6) cops3A were obtained, Finally the paper under review discusses 56-1!-17/52 Production of Neutral Pions at the p-p and p-n Collisions in the Region of the Energies From 390 to 660 k'*V these results. All experimental data support the a3sumption of the pre- dominant influence of the resonance transition3 (T - 312. J - 3/2) at energies of - 600 MeV. (1-1 reproductions, 4 charts). ASSOCIATION Unified Institute for Nuclear Research PRESENTED BY SUBMITTEM 24 December 1956 AVAILABU!', Library of Congress Card 3/3 56-5-1/55 AUTWR BAYUKOVp YU.D.p TYAPKINI A.A TITLE The Energy Spectrum f y-quant2 of the Decayine ffO-Yeson Created by the Interaction of 660 YrV protons with Hydrogen Muclel (Energeticheskiy spektr y-kvantov ot raspada rro_mezonovo obraz)vannykh protonami s energJAA1 660 UeV n2 yadrakh vodoroda. Russian). PZRIODICAL Zhurn. Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 5, pp 953 - 956 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT The y-quanta were measured with the help of a scint.Lllation telescope, on which occasion the production of wo-mesons took place in such a man- ner that two tareots one of polyten and one of carbon, were one after the other exposed to the inner ot the phasotron. Besides, a number of double targets was alterningly irradiated in such a manner that., simul- taneously with the change of target, also the y-counting device could be adjusted to this pair of targets. The angul2r distribution of the vo-weeons created by the collision of 660 Mev protons with H-nilclei has the form 1 + (0,3 + Osl) coss 0 The no-mesone spectrum has a marked maximum at -& 75 M~V. Furthermore it was established experimentally that the angular distri- Card V2 bution of the no-mesons created by p-p interaction is isotropic. 56-5-1/55 The Enerey Spectrum of y-quanta of the Decaying no-Moson Created by the Interaction of 660 UeV protons with Hydrogen Nuclei ASSOCIATIOV United Institute for Nuclear Research FRESENTED BY SUBMITTED AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 2/2 .. AUTHOR N, OKOSHKINI Yu. D. TfAPKIN 56-2-1/47 TITLE Production of Neut4 Tr ~Mesor; on Various Nuclei h~ Protons (Gbra;ovaniyeneytral~ykh, n--nesonov na yadrak-h razlichnykh pr6tonami V (intervale ~nergii 26o - 66o LeV. aussian) Pi:,RIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. F19.iki 1957, Vol 33, Nr 2 313 - - 319 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT If complex nuclei are bombarded with protons (26o - 66o '.,:eV o; the 6 m phasotron), it is possible W prove the forming, of ir-Mlesons by the quanta y accompanying their decay. The angular distribiition of tbenfi y-quanta3 which In pract,ice corrQ- sponds to the angular distribution of the P-mesow, was meassurtrd for the followina nucl,--i and elements (proton energy 66o .,.eV): element 00 350 550 1600 1690 11800 'an6le ir 6 Li X X X X 7 -Li X 4 X X X X Be X X X X Card Y2 C X X X X X X 56-2-",.1/47 Production of Neutral on Various Nuelt Protons Oo 0 0 element 350 -950 160 169 1800 x x x x Cu x x Cd, Sn x Fb x x x x F I I x lurthermore, the dependence of the differential cross section on atomic weight was determined for the following dil'ferent gies! 26o, 34o, 11115 and 660, and tho angles )30, 1470, Loo, 1401, in the'vlements 1), L16, L17j Be, C, Al, Cu, Sn, Fb, U. (With 4 tables, 2 illustrations, and76 Slavic references). ASSOCIATION United Institute for Nuclear Physics (Q%q%d1n,Wwinstitut ya4ernykh lssledrxianj) MESE11TED BY 7 SUBMITTED 27.2-195? AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 2/2. TYAPM A. A.: Mater Phys-Math Sal (dies) -- "The forrztion of neutral pi mesons by protons in the energ7 range between hOO and 660 rov". 'Pubm, 10,59, 10 pp (joint Inst of Iruclear Inveatigationn, Laboratory of Nuclear proble,-,W) 153 copies (KL, No 5, 1959, 143) BATUKOV, YU.D.; KOZODAYEV, M.S.; MARKOV, A.A.; SINAYEV, A.N.; TYAPKIN. A.A. " - ~ Multichannel pair gamma-spectrometers. Fart 1: Calculation of basic characteristics of gamma-spectrometere. ?rib. i tekh. eke . no.6:23-29 N-D 158. (MIRA 12:15 l.Obl'yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Spectrometer) All YUKOV, YUO'D.; KOZOPAYEV, M.S.; HARYOV, A.A.; SINAYEV, A.N.; TYMTIN, A.A. Multichannel pair gamma-spectrometers. Part. 2: Description of a twelve-channel spectrometer. Prib. i t6kh. eksp. no.6:30-W H-D 158. (MIRA 12:1) l*Ob"yedinenny7 institut yadernvkh iSBledovanty. (Spectrometer) AUTHORSs Zrolov, V. P., Tyapkin, A. A., Farago, P. S. SOV/56-34-3-4/55 TITLEt Measurement of thc. Prot on Mass at 660 MeV 'Izmereniye massy protonov pri energii uuu 1.1ei) PERIODICAL; Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol-.-.34, Nr 3, pp. 555-558 (USSR) ABSTRACTi The present work compares the values computecl by means of the (v2/c2)"-1/2 based on the relativistic rolatlon m2 - mo velocity measured with the values M, - P/11 of the mass which were determined from the measured momenta and velocities of protons. The measurements were made . an an external proton beam with about 66o 1JeV which made e3se,~ntially easier tho determination of possible errors. The general scheme of the measuring device is shown in a diagram. T"he ext~;rnal beam of a 6 m-synchrocylotron passes a system of collimators, then was deflected within the field of an electromagnet with a pole diameter of 1 m, passed a second collimator and then impinged upon ionization chamber. The control measurements are also described. In the determination of the momentum of Card 113 protons by means of a current carrying conductor the values Measurement of the Mass of 66o IZeV Protons SOV156-34-3-4155, _ Q = 300-0+ 0. 3 and I = C.681+0.901 amp. were obtr-ined. q de- noting th~e_ 'load applied to a silk thread. From this the value p - 1296,5�2.-3 X*eV/c is obtained for the momentum. Various measurements carried out at Q - 200,o g showed results which coincide within the limit of measuring errors with earlier obtained results. Variou-,3 details of the measurements are dis- cussed. Also the second correction of the energy loss in air must be taken into account which amounts to,6E 1,5 MeV. The total correction of the energy amounts to,~JE .1,110- - 8.1 MeV. The authors intend to determine the devi~t ns from the fi4ndamerita-l- law of relativistic theory m - moll- -(v2/c2) /2, and use relativistic relations in the detiertai- nation of the correctionst \1E and Av- When the found values for the momentum and velocity of the protons are taken into account ml = p/v - 1598.2. + 3 Mev /c2 and m2 = moll -(v2/c2 1604.3 + 1. ) IfeV/c2 a,-e 'obtained. From this further results m = m2 -m 1 ME 6 .1 (1 + C. 5) or ,A m1m - 0, 004 (1 + 0. 5). The er- rors mentioned are the mean square deviations. Thus the re- sults obtained here coincide with the relativistic law for the increase of mass with increasing velocity within the error Card 2/3 limits mentioned. . Measurement of the Proton. Mass at 660 MeV SOV/56-34-3-4/515 There are 1 figure and 9 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute for Nuclear Research) SUBMITTEDi September 12, 1)57 Card 3/3 - TrAnno - taeksey A. -- - 2 M)etermination of f fram n-p Scattering" "Phase Analysis-of Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering" paper presented at the Intl Conference on High Energy Phyeic&3, Rochester., N* Y. md/or Berk3gy California, 25 Aug - 16 sop 196o. Joint Institute for Nuclear Resercho Dubna, USSR - TYAPKINv Aleksey A. "Discharge Origin on Flat Controlled Counter ALIong Particle Track* paper presented at the Intl Conference on High Energy ftysics, Rochester,, H. Y. and/or Berkly Californiap 25 Aug - 16 Sep 1960. Joint Institute for Nuclear Reserch., Dubna, USSR - TYAPKIN, Aleksey A. *Mscharge Origin on Flat Controlled Counter Along Particle Track" paper presented at the Intl Conference on High Emrgy Physics,, Rochester, N.Y. and/or Berkly Califorrda,, 25 Xu9 - 16 sep 196o. Joint Inst. for Nuclear Reserch, DUBNA, USSR --- --- - ----- - 55705 S/056J60/038/006/046/049/XX BO06/B07O AUTHORS: B. S., ParfenDv, L. B., Tyapkin, A. Ao TITLE: Measurement of the Relative Nuclear A,~,,tivity of_Pionl't the Vic.-,nity of the Poinr- af Production PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalln.-.)y teoretichsekoy, 1960, Volo 382 No. 61 pp. 1917 41918 TEXT: research workers (Ref-1) diesovered a,.i anomalously large sca- ring cross sea t4 on on p4ona produced 4zi K,.2 decay3. The value was two --r three times that of the geometrical oroes Bection. It was assumed by .them- that either the pions produced by K-decay were different from the ordinary ones, or the nuclear activity was anomalously large In the regiori of pion production. Theso assumptions are discussed in the introduz~tion of the present paper, followed by a brief report of the exper-imental measurements. The nucleax activit4es of mesons were compared at distances of 2-4; 10-20" 21--23, and 105-115 am from the point of production. the mesons being emit- ted at 900 by 660-Mev protons Incident. on carbon nucloi, The measurampn+s Card 112 85705 Measuremenr of the Relative Nuclear Activity S/056/60/038/006/048/049/XX of Pions in the Vicinity of the Point of BO06/B07O Produ,~tJon were made by means of two ttiles~opeo each consLating of three scin~illatior. coun+ers. The relative change in the counting rate in the two telescopes caused by brass filters of a thickness of 17 9/0M2 was measured. The filters were placed either in fronf, of the first 6ourtters or behind th- second In the teles~.opa. In this manner, the nuclear absorption of meecn,3 whose energy changed from 100 to 70 Mev in passing through 'the filter wan- determined; (this energy inter-ial corresponds to the meson energies from Kn? decay). Only an insignificant lowering of tha nu,~leax activity f,~ould be observed in the experiments, and was probably due to errors in measur~- ment. Therq is I non,-Soviet referen~:-e. ASSOCIATION: Ob"Yedinennyy institut yadernykh issl.edovaniy (Joint Inetituteof Nuclear Researoh) SUPMITTED, April 19, 1960 Ca:rd -9/2 S/056/6 Boo6/BO70 AUTHORS. VAnj1Pvn1cAX, T. !A,, Vishnyakov, V. V., lliye3ku, E_,_. Tyapkin, A. A. 1.7 TITLE. The S~in Correlation Coefficient in pp-Soattering at an Energy of 310 Mev Through an Angle oi- ~0- in the Center-of-mass System PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekaperimentallnoy i teorsticheakoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 30), PP- 889 - 691 TEXT: In the introductiong the authors give a survey of the results of phase shift analyses of elastic 310-Mev pp-scattering events published in America. The spin correlation coefficients C nn (900)9 which determine the correlation between the spin components perpendicular to the plane of scattering, are given for different phase shift sets (sets No. 1,2,3, 4,6: 0-158, 0.711, 0.3007 0.4909 and 0.425)- Other calculations (Refs. 3-5) give other c nn (900) values (No. 1: 0.38; No. 2: 0.61). Ex- periments for the determinati6n of C nn (900) carried out at Liverpool Card 113 84971 0/039/003/057 /058/XX 84971 The Spin Correlation Coefficient in S/056J60/039/003/057/058/XX pp-Scattering at an Energy of 310 MOV B006/BO70 Through an Angle of 900 in the Center-of-mass System (EP W 320 Mev) and Dubna (315 Mev) point rather to set No. 2; Cnn(900) - 0-75 � 0-11 (Liverpool) and Cnn(900) - 0-7 � 0-3 (Dubna), The authors have now completed their calibration tests with reference to the ana- lyzability of the scatterer and determined Cnix anew. Cnn(900) was found +0 10 to be equal to 0-84-0:22 . The authors then discuss estimates of the con tributions of the singlet, triplet, and teasorial interactions J, c2~ and h2. respectively. According to S. B. Nurushevg for example, 0~_ 25%, C2- 62%, and h2 ;:~-,13%. The effect of taking into account a smaller number of phase shifts in the analysis on the agreement between theory and ex- periment is also discussed. It is noted that if 9 phase shifts2 instead of 14 are considered, and the pion-nucleon coupling constant g is taken into account, a coefficient value of about 0.41 is obtained for the first and the second set. L. B. Okun' and 1. Ya. Pomeranchuk are men- tioned. There are 10 references: 3 Soviet, 6 US9 and I British. Card 849-ti The Spin Correlation Coefficient in S/056/60/039/003/057/058/XX pp-Scattering at an Energy of 310 Mev B006/BO70 Through an Angle of 900 in the Center-.of mass System ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED- June 27, 1960 V)~ Card 83986 S/053/60/072/001/004/00r, 42 B013/Bo6o AUTHORS: Vishnyakovo V. V., Tan Syao-veX, Tyapkin, A. A. TITLE: Low-voltage Halogen Cou-n-te-r-0-11 PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 1960, Vol. 72, No. 1, PP- 133 - 152 TEXT: The authors studied the discharge mechanism in low-voltage halo- gen counters. They differ from ordinary self-quenched counters filled with organic vapors by the processes taking place in them. The charac- teristics of halogen counters under pulse feeding conditions were exam- ined along with the part played by negative ions (Figs. 1 and 2). In addition, the authors studied semi-self-maintained discharge and its development in time (Fig. 3); the development of self-maintained dis- charge and the retardation of pulses (Figs. 4-6); discharge fluctuations near the threshold (FiiNs. 7 and 8). The particular character of zhe dis- charge development in time, depending on ionization on the expense of collisions of the second kind, explains a number of specific properties of low-voltage halogen counters. The particular character of such a Card 1/3 83986 Low-voltage Halogen Counters S/053/60/072/001/004/005 B013/B060 discharge consists in that every ionization process is preceded by a certain diffueion time of the metastable neon atom (its collision with an impurity atom). The description of the discharge mechanism in halogen counters also conveys an explanation of the changes occurring in the properties of these counters on an increase of the halogen concentration. An augmented halogen addition leads to an increase in the critical volt- age (Ref. 14)- It was found that the specific properties of low-voltage halogen counters appear less and less marked with increasing halogen amount. These properties are characteristic of a discharge occurring as a result of the formation of metastable atoms of the initial gas and the ionization of impurity atoms brought about by the collision of the second kind. On a rise of the critical voltage in the counter an ioniza- tion of the gas occurs directly due to the electron impact. The part played by such an ionization becomes increasingly more important with rising voltage. For this reason, the mathematical description given in ",he present paper of the discharge in low-voltage halogen counters at a halogen pressure of some torrs is not applicable. At a sufficiently high halogen pressure, such a counter is transformed into a high-voltage Card 2/3 83986 Low-voltage Halogen Counters 3/053/60/072/001/004/005 B013/Bo6o counter, in which the discharge does not differ from that in an ordinary self-quenched counter.'1. 1. Glotov, L. S. Eyg are mentioned. There are 8 figures and 23 references: 9 Soviet. ty/ Card 3/3 TrAPKIN, A.A- lifth International Conference on High lnerg7 Pbyzics. Aton. ezwrg. 10 no.1:80-83 A 161. (KM 13:12) (Nuclear physics-Congresses) TTAPKIN, A-A- I --- - --- International Conference on Instrumentation in High Znergr Pb7sics. Atom. energ. 10 no*1:83w-85 Ja 161. (KM 13:12) (Nuclear physics-Congresses) S/120/62/000/005/013/036 B039/E420 AUTHORS: Tsou Chu-Lien TITLE: Obtaining a discharge in a spark chamber along particle tracks PERIODICAL: Pribory'i tekhnika i eksperimeuta, n0-5, 1962, 84-87 TEXT: Conditions are investigated for obtaining discharges along tracks of ionizing particles which are inclined to-the electric field in a spark chamber with-rectangular electrodes of thin aluminium foil and without layers of dielectric between the electrodes and the working space. The aim of the investigation is to find the information necessary formaking large multilayer discharge chambers for measuring the polarization of recoil protons in the elastic scattering of JY niesons on hydrogen. The aluminium foil electrodes (220 x 120 mm) are curved at the edges to eliminate breakdown and are mounted on aluminium tubes In a plexiglass framework. This is enclosed in an aluminium box with two observation windows. The pulsed power supply can provide pulses of up to 18 KV with a rise time of 10-8 see and a duration of 0.31Lsec. A mixed filling of neon plus 0.5% argon Pard 1/2 -41 S/120/62/000/005/013/,036 Obtaining a diacharge ... E039/Eli20 at 1.5 atin is used with an interelectrode distance of 17 mm. Discharges are observed for pulses of amplitude > 7.5 KV the intensity of which increases with voltage. Inclination of tlie particle tracks to the field direction showed that stable operation is obtained for angles up to 150 and that for angles between 15 and 300 unstable operation occurs. A photograph of a track inclined at 400 to the applied field is shown, this being obtained in a larger discharge chamber with electrodes of 25 x 50 CM2 and an interelectrode distance of 23 mm. The variation in efficiency for different pulse delay times is also.investigated. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: December 29, 1961 Cavd 2/2 A.A - TSOU CHZHU-Iy&i;' NAMHDINI, N.J. (translator) The appearsuc~ of a clischarge in a spark chamber along 0, partiole track. Dubuas owlveainennyj in-t iaderr7kh jusledovaniiq 1962. 11 P. (No subject headiug) VASILEVSKIY. I.M.- VISHNYAKOV, V.V.; ILIYESKUV E., TYAPKIN, A.A. Measurement of the spin correlation coefficient in elastic pp-scattering at 315 Hev. Zhur. eksp. I. teor. fiz. 45 no.3: 474-479 S 163. (MIRA 16--10) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iseledovaniy. (Protons--Scattering) NIKITIN, V.; TYAPKIN, A. International Conference or, Elemeptary Particles. Atomsenerg. 16 no. 4:374-376 Ap '64. (MIRA 17:5) TYAPKIII, A.A., doktor fiz.-matem. nauk Dzvelowpnz of the methodology of spark chambers.Vest. A14 SSSR 34 no.12tl5-21 D 264 (MIRA 1831) 1. Obl'yedinennyy inatitut yadernykh issledovaniy. Tylll~NUMY A.A. In vearr-r for ~,hl) ideao" Usp. fiz. na-uk 86 ro.4.1747-7~, Ag 1 185. (M:MA _78.16) PHASE I .1300K EMOITATION sov/6476 Ivanov., Yu. A. and.B. V. TyspUn -_1 . . . . ................. Infrakrasnaya tekhnika v voyenncm dale (Military Application of Infrared Technology) Mono 'ow,_"Sovetskoye Radio". 1963. 358 p. 9800 copies printed. Scientific Ed.,: Lt. Col. 1. F. Usolltsev# Engineer; Ed.: A. 1. Dikareva; Tech. Ed.: V. V. Belyayevao PURPOSE: This book is intended for military personnel but may also be useful to nonmilitary readers interested in infrared technology, COVERAGE# The first part of the book deals with the physical and t;chnical problems of infrared radiation, propagation, and ree6rding, and with elements of military devices utilizing infrAred rays. -The second part contains an analysis of the development as of 1960 of Infrared devices Card 1/# ..Military Application (Cent.) soy/6476 used by non-Soviet armed forces. The application of infrared devices in tactical and strategic reconnaissance, aiming of missiles and shells at heat-radiating targets, contactless blasting of ammunition in the vicinity of the target, detecting and aiming at heat-radiating targets at night, navigation, communication and signalling between small units, protection of military objectives, and the blocking of narrow sectors of terrain is given particular attention. The authors thank L. Z. Krikounov., Doctor of Technical Sciences, and M., A. Bramson., Candidate of Technical Sciences, for reviewing the book, and S. V. Yudkevich, Engineer, for hid iLdvice.- There are 203 referencea, 41 Soviet (including 4 translations), 153 English, 7 German and 1 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Card 21? ,V ~PKINI_j. KRIKSUNOV, L.Z., doktor tekhn. nauk,, IVANOV, Yu.A. _ZX retsenzent; BRAMSON, L.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk, retoonzent; USCLITSEV, I.F., lazh.-podpolkovalk, naue4nyy red.;. DIKAHEVA, A.I., x&&1w;.-BELYAYEVA# V.V., takhn. re& (Military applications of infmred technology] Infrakrasnaia tekhnika v voennom dale.' Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1963. 358 p. .(Infrared rays-Military appli*kions) (MRA 16:5) GOLIZDRA, G.Ya.- TYAPKIM, X.F. 0 A method for smoothing out gravity anomalies. lzv.AF SSSR.Ser. geofiz. no./+s6l4-617 Ap 1630- (MM 16--4) 1. Dnepropetrovokly gorny7 institut im. Artema. (Gravity anomalies) TYAPKINq K.F. Taking into account lateral innuences in interpreting plane gra7ity anomalies by a direct method. Dop. AN URSR no.11-1462-14645 161. (KIRA 16:7) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. Predstavlono akademikom AN UkrSSR S.I.Subbotinym. ~Gravity prospecting) TrAPIRb UA, ~-,- -1 n-r-IM Affect of ascorbic wid an cholesterinexis, In hypertension in atheroseleresim. Tre' Akad. mod. nau SSM VOI.20:108-313 1952. - (OIRL 25-05) 1. Of the Inatitnte of Therapy (Director -- A*Tj, Wyasnikov, Active Member AkS UM), Academy of Medical Sciences UWR. op 41X& Antonovna; SHIBAYNV,U.A., redaktor;GLUKHOY]MOVA,G.A., TYAPINA -A -~,-~~M;-91U-~-iedaktor [Dieiing forthe overweight] Kak pitat'sia pri ozhirenii. no- Ava, Gog.izd-vo maditsinakoi lit-ry, 1955. 34 p. (HLRA 9:3) (WRPUIMCB) (DIN) TYAPIIIA, L. A. Tjapin--, L. A. -- "Me Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Blood L.-LoidE J- Tonic Disease and Atherosclerosis." Acad V',ed Sci USqf~. Mioscow., 1956. (Lis- seration For the Degree of Gandidate in Medical Sciences). So: Knizhna~ya Letopis', No. 11, 1956, pp 103-114 TTAPINA, Lidiya Antonovna; KULLTOVA, A.M., red.; BULIDTATEV, N.A., .. .... [Weight-reducing diet) Kak pitat'sia, pri ozhiranii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry Medgiz, 1958. 49 p. (MIRA 1311) (CORPULHNGB) AUTHORS: -Lebodev,-R., Smorodinskiyq Yas, 8/053/60j/070/02/009/016 Tyapkin, A. B006/BO07 TITLE: The Physics of Blementaxy Partioleg /11 PERIODICAL: Uepekhi fizicheskikh naukq 1960, Vol 701 Nr 2, pp 361-374 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors give a report on the International Conference on High Energy Ellylic held at KiYev in July 1959. This report is interesting above all because of the voluminous material of the work carried out at Dubna (USSR). The Con- ference was attended by about 150 delegates from Eastern Block countries$ and by about the same number from other countries. As regards organization, the Conference introduced a novel arrangement which essentially consisted in the fact that "reporters" and "scientific secretaries" were attached to the lecturers, and that the lectures could be heard in Russian and in English. The secretaries were in all cases well-known Russian physicists. Leading physicists acted as Card 116 chairmen of the plenary sessions; the Russian chairmen were The Physics of Elementary Particles S/053J60/070/02/009/016 Boo6/BO07 D. I. Blokbintsev and Io Ye. Tamm. Two of the seven holders of the Nobel Prize represented were Russians: I. Ye. Tamm and P. A. Cherenkov. Apart from the surveying lectures seminars were heldpin which the following Russian lecturers spoke: I. Ye. Tamm on "Diagram Technique and Field Theory"O D.JL_ Ivanenko on the "Nonlinear Field- and Gravitation Theory", V. P. Dzhelepov n "Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions", and I. V. Chuvilo-on "Bubble Chambers". The plenary sessions began on July 20. In the first session Bernardini (CERN) spoke. His scientific secretaries were -A. Baldin -and A. Belousov (Moscow). The report on the lecture mentions the data obtain- ed at the Fizioheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva AN SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev AS USSR) -on the "Polar- izability of Protons in (1p)-Collisions". B. Pontekorvo (Dubna) delivered a lecture, which is discuW-s-edhere in de- tail, on "Pion Scattering by Nucleons and Production of Singj Card 2/6 Pione in Nuoleon-Nucleon and Pion-Nucleon Interactions" 7 The Physics of Elementary Particles Card 3/6 S/053,/60/070/02/009/016 B006/BO07 (Scientific Secretaries As-Mukhin+ Yu. Prokoahkin, and L. Soroko (Dubna)). First, he gave a survey of new experimental data contributing towards explaining the problem of the charge-independence of pion- and nucleon processes, and 0 further data concerning the search for the Q -meson, and details concerning new work relating to pion angular dis- tribution. Investigations of single pion production in (nn)-oollisions resulted in experimental agreement with the phenomenological theory of Mandellshtam, which demands that n-n-resonance interactions occur in a state with isotopic spin T - 3/2. In the following lecture by Segre", M. Shafranov and V. Shakhbazyan (Dubna) acted as scientific secretaries. Nextv Y. 'I. Vokeler (Dubna) spoke about "Nucleon-Nucleon and Pion-Nucleon Interactions in the 1o5 - 10 Bev Range" (Soienti- fie Secretaries: N. Bogaohev, V. G-riehin, and M. Podgoretakiy (Dubna)). He delivered-a report on the investigations carried out in the past years in Dubna and made a comparison with theoretical results. Figure 1 shows the phot8graph supplaed by him of the production and the decay of A and anti-A - The Physics of Elementary Particles 3/053/60/070/02/009/016 B006/BO07 hyperons. Investigations of the (pp)-scattering cross sec- tion yielded new results indicating that the scattering amplitude in the optical model has not only an imaginary- but also a real part. Now data were obtained at Dubna also for the total elastic and inelastic (pp)- and (np)-scattering cross sections at 9 and 7 Bevq respectively. Investigations carried out by I. Ye. Tamm are mentioned. In the following, Ya. A. Smorodinakiy (Dubna) spoke about (nn)-scattering Scientific Secretaries B. Golovin (Dubna) and L. Puzikoy ~Moscow))and Chew (Secretaries: L. Lapidus (Dubna) and.Yu. Nnvnzhilov (Moscow)). At Dubna proton accelerations to 635 Mev are possible. At the folloving three surveys on electro- magnetic interaction and nucleon structure A. Varfoloaly&v and Lo Solov'yey (Moscow) as well as _q,_Bilen'lay and B. Barbashov (Dubna) acted as scientific secretaries. There followed a lecture delivered by Steinberger, vhose scientific secretaries were E. Okonov and R. Rvndin (Dubna). The lecturer/ Card 4/6 Alvarez vas assisted by the secretaries A. Lyubimov and V The Physics of Elementary Particles 8/053160/070/02/00)/016 B006/BO07 W. Petukhova (deceased) (Dubna)q and'Salam by the awretariea B. Valuvev and V. Soloviyev (Dubna). A special session of the Conference dealt with the problem of dispersion relations. D. V. Shirkov (Dubna), spoke about the theory (secretaries: V. Vladimirov and As._k2ggAqv"; the second leoture dealing with this subject was delivered by Lehmann (searstariee:.V. Favnberg and 0. Parasyuk (Moscow)). A further special session dealt with theoretical single reports ("New Theoretical Ideas"). Among otheraq Landau spoke about diagram technique,-GarjbyA&-- (Yerevan) on the radiation of relativistic particles in the passage through the boundary_between two media. Two further lectures dealt with'weak interaction problems: A. A. Alikhanov (Moscow) (experimentally) and R. Marchuk (theoretically); the saientif ic secretaries were B, IoffW-and Ve Lyubimovt ard L-Mm' and -I.Shapiro(Moscov) respectively. At Dubna the muon pro- oeesi4;~-in the magnetic field was investigatedg and direct proof was supplied for the first time that muon spin is half- integral. The group of research scientists at Dubna further Card 5/6 succeeded in proving the radiationless muon capture by heavy The Physics of Elementary Particles 5/05 60/070/02/009/016 BO06YI1007 nuclei (nuclear excitation), as predicted by Zaretskiy (Moscow). During the following lecture delivered by Glaser, 1. Kobzarev acted as scientific secretary and during that delivered by Powell, T. aramenitakiy (Dubna), V. Maksimenko (Moscow), and V. Kharitonov (Yerevan). A survey on the theory of multiple production of particles in the case of ultra-high energies was finally delivered by Ye. L. Feynberg (Moscow), D. Chernav- akiv (Moscow) and'V. Barashenkoy kDubna) acting as his scienti- fic secretaries. During the Conference the delegates paid a visit to the Institut fiziki AN USSR (_jn_a_titute of Physics of the AS UkrSSR) at Kiyev, after which many foreign delegates visited Dubna. There are 4 figures. Card 6/6 29189 S10211601000101010111016 D251/D303 AUTHOR: !KapklnL _K-F TITLEt On applying the formulae of the plane problem to interpreting magnetic anomalies due to geological objects with finite strike PIMIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinalkoyi RSR. Dopovidip no. 10, 19609 1396 - 1399 TBXT: The author suggests that the formulae of the plane problem of potential theory nay be applied -to the problem of magnetic ano- malies due to geological objects. In his earlier work (Ref. 1: DAJ URS11t 441P 1960) on the similar problem of gravitational anomaliei the author derived the formulae 00 00 00 V~7dy V1 V dy = VI (1) xz; Vyzdy = 0; zz zz oco AJ - 00 etc.9 where Vxz VYZ I Vzz are second derivatives of the gravitatio- Card 1/4 S/0MY90/000/010/011/016 On applying the formulae of ... D251/D303 nal potentiall and V 1 0 VI are the corresponding second derivati- Xz zz ves of a gravitational potential for a two-dimensional body. Con- sidering the magnetic field problem gives A 6.1IV,, Cos Cr + Vv ~~P + V" cosy] .;(k* [V,,v C03 Q + Vo C03 P+ Vmg.C,(*,Yj,, 1,1 (2) Z [Via Cos a + Vy, Cos + Vs. coo YJ ka where I is the intensity of magnetism of the body; d is the excess or defects in solidity of the bodyp k is the gravitational constant Cos aq 008 P, cos y are the direction cosines of the intensity vec- tor 1; VXZ 0 -V yz t Vzz veto, are the second derivatives of gravita- tional potential. Integration with respect to y gives Card 2/4 29189 8/021/60/000/010/011/0i6 On applying the formulae of ... D251/D303 Xdy cm II Ydy 0 (3) Zdy.n= jW.(V~t co3 acosy]. where V.'. V;.d4. V~ T V,;dy: V,, The cl.irve3 obtained may be used for directly computing magnetic anoM.Iies# or they may be reduced to values proportional to the second derivatives of the gravitational potential, by taking into account the direction of the vector I. There are 3 Soviet-bloc re- Card 3/4 6/021 8000101010111016 ,,On applying the formulae of D251/D303 ferences. ASSOCIATION: Dnipropetrovs,xyy hirnychyy instytut im. Artema (ni- ning Institute,of Dnipropetrovalk im. Artem) PRESENTED: by V.H. Bondarchukt Academician AS UkrSSR SUBMITTED: August 24t 1959 Card 4/4 IYAPKIN prospn~:t~,n~; fn the no.SMI-S" l61- "enfz g. crny STUPAKO N. K. I JWAJN 1 "S Ps. i 'emetation of local mapqtic anomalies produced by aestlike Ut I bodies, Trudy NIZK33t niosI6172-81 160s 0!2A 240) 0(agmetic anomalies) .TYAPKDI. K.F. Prinimali uchastiye: GOIIK, A.I., inzh.; KHARChMIKO, S.F., inzh.; FILIPPGVA, T.S., inzh.; B011iUSHKO, T.I., red.izd-va; I"'A2,1011A.. A.G., tekhn. red. [Interpretation of gravity anomalies caused by finite geologic structures along the strike] Interpretatsiia gravitatoionriykh anomalii, obuslovlennykh konechrWmi po prostiraniiu geologiche- skini ob"ektami. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo lit-ry po reol. i okhrane nedr. Pt.l. 1961. 78 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Gravity prospecting) -- TYAPKINP K.F. Chart for computing A tt ano-I 4 es caused bytv-6tical cylindrical bodies of arbitrary oroos section. Geofiz.razved. no.4123.-31 161. (Gravity prospecting) ( M A 14:7) TYAPKIN) KOFO InteriFetation of gravity anomalies caused by bodies of finite extension. Geofiz.razved, no,4:31-37 161. (KMA 14:7) (Gravity prospecting) TYAPKIN~ K,F. Taking into account the influence of adjacent bodies In the interpretation of gravity anomalies in t~e Krivoy Rog Basin. Izv. DGI 42:106-11-1 164. (MIR-I 18: 11) 3(5) BOV/21-59-3-7/27 AUTHOR: -7 TITLE: Palettes for Interpretation of Vzz Anomalies Called Forth by Finite Cylindrical Bodies (Paletki dlya in- terpretatsii anomaliy Vzz obuslovlennykh konechnymi tailindricheskimi telami) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi RSR, 1959, Nr 3, pp 257-260 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1958 the Ukrainian joint geophysical expedition produced calculations of the numerical values of vertical derivatives Vzz of quantities "g observed on the spot in studying anomalies of the Ukrai- nian crystalline shield, within four trapeziums, on the 1:200,000 scale. Those calculations showed that the use of "Vzz"s in place of",dg"s resulted in obtaining more concrete data on the unhomogenous character of the Ukrainian crystalline shield. The obtained values of "Vzz"s can be used for calculat- ing other anomalies, for they are, to a great ex- Card 1/2 tent, free from specific influences of the given SOV/21-59-3-7/27 Palettes for Interpretation of Vzz Anomalies Called Forth by Yinite Cylindrical Bodies region. That being so, the author suggests special palletes for calculating values of Vzz, called forth by finite cylindrical bodies. They can be used in choosing appropriate profiles compiled on the results of gravimetrical observations. The author provides a mathematical calculation of the palette by way of solution of an equation (6) and a coordinate-system formula (7). There are 2 sketches and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy institut gornogo dela im. Artema (Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute imeni Artem) PRESENTED: By V.G. Bondarchuk, Member of the AS bk"f-'-R SUBUMD: October 17j, 19.58 Card 2/2 SOV/120-58-6-4/3-2 AVTHORS:Bayukov, Yu,, D., Kozodayev'; M" S', Markov, A. A.) Sinayev~ A. N-1 TITLE: A Multichannel Pair y-Spectrometer. I. Calculation of the Main Characteristics of the y-Spectrometer (Mnogokanal~nyy parnyy gamma-spektrometr. I. Raschet osnovnykh kharakteri- stik-gamma-spektrometra) PERIODICAL: Fribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958, Nr 6. pp 27-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In a pair y-spectrometer the energy of the quanta is de- termined by measuring the total energy of the components of the electron-poeitron pair formed in a thin converter, The first 2-channel pair spectrometer was built by Dzhalepov (Ref,,-!' U .). Later spectrometers built on this principle were widely used in measuzing the spactra of hard y~rays (Refs~2 to 8). The electron and the-posit-ron leaving the converter were deflected by a magnetic field in different directions and for certain values of their energy they enter ionisation counters connected in coincidence, For a given intensity of the magnetic field and a fixed position of the counters, such a spectrometer will record a fraction of the pairs produced by y-rays in a given energy range, In a simple 2--ohannel Card 1/6 spectrometer in which one channel records the electrons and SOV/120-58-6-4/;52 A Multichannel Pair y-spectrometer. I. Calculation of the Main Characteristics of the y-spectrcmeter the other the positrons, an increase in the accuracy of measurement is associated with a marked decrease in the efficiency. Good enerp,7, resoli;tion and high efficien'-.y CF-Ti only be S--'.MUlta-rLecus-L1,y achie-9-pd in a multiaharmel spe-tx-- meter, -In such a sp,-a--trometer the efficiency may be inc-,eased by a factor '-~,n Without loBs of resolution;7, Viere .L 2 n are +h~~ and posit.-Ton etount-~rB. T- &h a sp'e-,tromete~~ sa7era' F-nergy inter7als ma- .L V .1 be at the same time. A nLizi1be:- of :~u,%h multichannp! 9-oect.- meters have been des-,ribel (,Refs~5, 6 and 8). The of a y-spectrcmetpr as a mpasu,--inC instrament. is d,~~t!~z by its wid speet.-C-al sqnnitvii-ity, In multichannel system it is necej3ary to take into characteristics for the various pairs of channels of the spectrum. In this connection, a discussion is given in the present paper of the dependence of the efficiency and spe~,-- tral sensitivity of the separate pairs of channels on. varicus Card 2/6 SOV/120-58-6-4/32 A Multichannel Pair y-spectrometer. I. Calculation of the Main Characteristics of the y-spectrometer parameters of the spectrometer: 1) Spectral sensitivity: the basic diagram of a y-spectro- meter considered in this paper is shown in Fig.1, in which the meanings of the symbols employed are i-ndicated,, In view of the finite width of the counters, the spectrometer records y-quanta in a certain energy interval from EY min to Ey max * The corresponding spectral sensitivity curve is then shown in Fig.2a and is of triangular form with a dis- persion given by cril- ** 1/6 L2/(r + r 2 where is the width of a c 1 2) coUnter and r 1 and r2 are the distances from the con- verter to the centres of the counters, respectively. The effect of the width of the converter upon the spectral sensitivity is examined and it is shown that a converter of a finite width introduces a spread into the spectral line in the high energy region of y-quanta. As the angle y between the direction of motion of the y-quanta and the Card 3/6 straight line connecting the,centre of the converter with SOV/120-c8-6-4/32 A Multichannel Pair y-spectrometer. I. Calculation of the Main Characteristics of the y-spectrometer the counter increases, 'the spread of the spectral line de- creases. At (p = 900 the width of the spectral sensitivity curve is independent of the converter width. The effect o'L the converter width gives a distribution of the form sh,~,vn in Fig.2b, which has a dispersion given by: L 4 2 t~Ctg ~D- The effect of multip-Ile C'2 = 180r 2 2 1-r2 scattering in the converter is estimated and expres,_-_'.cn~ are derived for this effect also. Finally, an estimat,~- ic; given for the radiation loss experienced by the electron- positron pair on traversing the converter. 2) Efficien2Z: in this section the Bethe-Heitler expression for the probability of formation of a pair by a y-quantum of Card 4/6 SOV/120-58-6-4/32 A Multichannel Fair y-spectrometer. I. Calculation of the Main Characteristics of the y-spectrometer energy E is used (Ref.13) with a modification described b5 Bethe Yet al in Ref.22. 3 Multichannel system: in a multichannel spectwometer the electrons and positrons formed by y-quanta of a given energy are recorded by a number of combinations oX.pairs of counters., The electronic circuit of such a spectrometer should record coincidences between pulses from each electron counter with pulses from any positron counter. Thus, any combination of one electr6n-counter and one positron counter is, in fact, a 2-channel spectrometer. For a given geometry a spectrometer c,ontaining n channels records y-quanta in n-1 energy in- t6rvals of different mean energy. In practice, one seeks to find the form of the spectrum and the absolute intensity in dne of the energy intervals, To find the form of the spec- trum it is sufficient to know the relative efficiency of recording for the different energy intervals, and this is given by Eq.(10). In order to obtain the absolute intensity in one of the energy intervals it is necessary to know the total absolute efficiency of recording of y-quanta in one of the energy intervals. This problem is not treated. Card 5/6 SOV/120-58-6-4/32 A Multichannel Pair y-spectrometer. I. Calculation of the Main 'characteristics of the y-spectrometer V. V. Mellnikov is thanked for carrying out a number of calculations. There are 2 figures and 22 references, of which 4 are Soviet, 1 Germnn, 1 Soviet translated from English and the rest are English. ASSOCIATION: Obl~yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (United Institute for Nuclear Studies) SUBMITTED: December 27, 1l-)51(. Card 6/6 SOV/120-58-6-5/32 AUTHORS:Bayukov, Yu. D., Kozodayev, M. S., Markov, A. A. Sin;ayev, A.N., napkin . A. A. TITLE: A MurttMannel Pair y-Spectrometer. II. Description of a 12-channel Spectrometer (hlnogokanal'nyy parnyy gamma--spek- trometr. II. Opisaniye dve-nadtsatikanallnogo spektrometra) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1953, Nr 6, PP 30-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Application of a multichannel pair spectrometer in synchro- cyclotron work presents a number of specific requirements as far as counters of the ionising particles and the electronic system of the spectrometer are concerned. Since the beam intensity is high and consists of short pulses of 200 to 300 i's each at a repetition frequency of 40 to 80 pulses per Bee, it follows that the apparatus must be very fast, It is desirable that the input blocks should have resolviA3 times not greater than 1 ps. The large background intensity in synchro-cyclotron work means that it is always necessary to use a special selection system which records only electron- positron pairs. For this reason, in the spectrometer each component of a pair should be recorded by a number of counters in coincidence with sufficiently low resolving time. The Card 1/7 present paper describes a 12-channel y-spectrometer which has SOV/120-58-6--5/32 A Multichannel. Pair y-Spectrometer. II. Description of a 12-channol Spectrometer been used over a number of years in studying the spectra of hard y-rays and neutral Ir-meson decays (Refs.2-6), The first variant of the spectrometer was built in 1949, in 1951 and 1954 the spectrometer was modified to improve its -~~Iiezrac- teristics. The spectrometer described here satisfies ~~om- pletely the above requirements and is based on the deslg~n calculations given Ln the previous paper (Ref.1) in -th_-'e issue, 1) Magnetic system and geometry of the instrument, The magnetic fieid is produced by an OF-5b electroma~;~E--,-, Fig.1 shows the disposition of the counters ffor two ty---e:-7-, L,,: demountable pole pieces. The gap between the poles 2.s and the maximum field in the gap is 18 000 oersted, 1:-,d electromagnet current is stabilised to 0.1%. In studies of ray ssectra in the energy region 20 to 200 MeV, 2(p = 1800 ; and in the energy region 100 to 450 MeV, 2~p = 900 I ( In the former case semi-circular focussing: of Card 2/7 SOV/120-58-6-5/32 A Multichannel Fair y-Spectrometer. II. Description of a 12-channel Spectrometer electrons and positrons was used, and this led to increased efficiency (Ref.1) because it was possible to use wider and thicker converters. For y-quqnta in the energy range 450- 600 MeV, 2T = 900 but the counters were at a larger distance from the converter. Copper converters were used (0.1, 0~3 and 0.5 mm, depending on the energy). 2) ResolvinR Power and efficiene-Y. Fig.2 shows curves of the total spectral sensitivity for the 7th energy interval for various values of E YO and thick- nesses T. of the copper converters. These curves are based on the theoretical data given in the previous paper and are obtained by a statistical combination of the partial distri- butions due to a) width of the counters, b) width of the con- verter, c) multiple scattering and d) radiation. As can be seen, the form of the total spectral sensitivity curve is VOL7 nearly triangular, which means that the total spectral sensitivity is governed mainly by the width of the channels k. (see Fig.1 of previous paper, p 24, this issue). Card 3/7 SOV/120-58-6-5/32 A Multichannel Fair y-Spectrometer. II. Description of a 12-channel Spectrometer 3) Counters and selection system. The counters used were proportional counters having a cylindrical stainless steel cathode, 10 mm in diameter and a molybdenum filament 0.1 mm in diameter. They were filled with (CH2(00H 3)2 ) at a pressure of 160 to 200 mm. The working voltage was 1600 to 2000 V TI'_ counters have an effective dead time not ex- ceedinj 16--7 see. The efficiency of the counters for i)ar- ticles with relativistic ionisation reaches 98% 2*m a -_oir- cidence scheme with a resolving time of 5 x 16-7 see. The delay of the pulses due to drift of electrons througb the counter gas is less than 10-7. The counters give cal pulses with amplitudes between 10-4 and 1 V~ Thfi difference in the amplitudes requires the use of amplifi,rs having a wide dynamic range and an amplification of a few U-housands. 6-fold coincidences were used and the number of random coincidences in each 6-fold channel was 0.02 pulses per see. The number of electron-positron pairs recorded per Card 4/7 SOV/120-58-6-5/32 A Multichannel Pair y-Spectrometer. II. Description I a 12-channel Spectrometer see depended on the efficiency of the spectrometer with respect to the y-quanta in the measured energy interval and the form of the spectrum and was in the range 0.1 to 10 pairs per see. 4) Electronic scheme. A block diagram of the electronic part of the spectrometer is shown in Fig-3. The left-hand portion of this diagram shows 6 co-ordinate counters of the electron series (a - ad, 6 co-ordinate counters of the positron series (151 Bd and 4 selection counters (A'. An 9 151 and 11"). Each of these counters in practice consists of a group of counters whose filaments are connected. A recorded electron or positron should pass through 3 counters (1 co-ordinate and 2 selection counters). A pair is recorded if a 6-fold coincidence takes place. Negative-going pulses from each counter are ampli- fied by a corresponding amplifier-converter (Fig.4). These amplifiers have a rise time of 2 x 10-4 sec. Pulses from all the 16 amplifier-converters are applied to the main block which is at a distance of 1.5 m from the amplifier-converters Card 5/7 (Fig.5). Pulses from the selection counters are applied to a SOV/120-58-6-5/32 A Multichannel Pair y-Spectrometer. II. Description of a 12-channel Spectrometer 4-fold coincidence scheme while pulses from the co-ordinate counters are applied to mixers and in addition through delay lines to a hodoscopic system consisting of 2-fold coincidence circuits and output uhivibrators. The pulse at the output of a mixer appears in the presence of a pulse in at least one of the co-ordinate counters of a given series, Pulses from both the mixers and also from the 4-fold coincidence scheme are applied to a 3-fold coincidence scheme which produces the final output pulse. It follows that the latter pulse appears when a 6-fold coincidence takes place.i.e.when a particle passes through at ledst one of the co-ordinate counters in the electron series, through one of the co-ordinate couaters, of the positron series, and all the counters of the selection system. The resolving time of the above coincidence schemes is 5 X 10~~7. 5) Method of measurement and treatment of results. Fig.7 shows the experimental arrangement. In t 8 figure I is the proton trajectory, 2 is the target, 3 is the synchro- Card 6/? cyclotron chamber, 4 is a concrete wall, 5 is a collimator, SOV/120'-'58-6-5/32 A Multichannel Pair y-Spectrometer. II. Description of a 12-ebannel Spectrometer 6 is a diaphragm, is a clearing magnet which removes electrons and positrons from the beam, 8 is an additional screen, 9 is the convertor and 10 is the spectrometer electro. magnet. Fig.8 shows a typical result obtained for the energy spectrum of y-quanta from neutral Ir-meson decays. The mesons were produced by 660 MeV protons at a carbon target. The spectra are measured at an angle of 180-00 to the direct- ion of motion of the protons. G.P.Zorin, B.A.Krasnovidov,,L. A.Fadeyev and G.N.Stepanov are thanked for their assistance. There are 8 figures, 4 tables and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yaderny-kh issledovaniy (United 11%titute for Nuclear Studies) SUBMITTED: December 27, 1957. Card 7/7 I j ~I " / ." , I I f ,, i I/f -/" I rr~ - ZRELOV, V.P.; TYAPKIN, A.A.; FARAGO, P.S. --l -- ` .. . Measurement of the mss of 660 Kev protons* Zhim.eksp. i toor. fiz, 34 no.3:555-558 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) J,Ob"yedinanny7 institut yadernykh iouledovaniy. (Protons) I .., ~ ~ a ~ . - - -.,_-i"! ~~ I 1" - I Aj USSR/Nuclear Physi cs Elementary Particles. C-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 363 Author : Bayukov, Yu.D., Kozodayev, M.S., z2gL Inst : Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Title : Investigation of Energy and Angular Distributions of -_ 0 Masons, Formed on Carbon Nuclei by 470 and 660 Mev Protons Orig Pub : Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1957, 32, No 4, 667-677 Abstract An investigation vas made of the energy spectrum of gamm-quanta from the decay of --1 0 mesons, formed by 660 Mev protons on carbon nuclei. The angular and energy dis- tributions of the -j, 0 mesons, obtained from the analysis of the germo-quanta spectra formed on carbon nuclei by 470 and 660 Mev protons, are given. The results of the investigations are presented graphically. Card 1/1 I . USIIM/Nuclear Physics - Elementary Particles - C-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1., 1958, 358 ~ 0 Maxi&~a momentum of -the it meson, raised to the 5.5 power. The angular distribution of the VO mesons, vhich is essentially anisotropic at proton energies of 450 Mev, becomes isotropic as the energy increases to 66o mev. Card 2/2 USSR/Nuclear Physics Elementary Particles. C-3 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 355 Author : Bayukov, Yu.Do, Tyapkin., A.A. Inst : Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Title : Energy Spectrum of Gama Quanta from the Decay of -1,10 Mesons Formed by 660 Mev Protons on Hydrogen Nuclei. Orig Pub : Zh- eksperim, i teor. fiziki, 1957, 32, No 5, 953-956 Abstract : The0energy spectrum of ganma quanta from the decay of 111-1 mesons, formed by 660 Mev protons on hydrogen nu- clei is measured. From the analysis of the S3--quanta spectrum the authors gbtain the angular and energy dis- tributions of the -it' mesons, formed in pp collisions. The results of the measurements are represented gmphi- ca,11y. Card 1/1 TTAPKIM, A.S. .. - 19_1-~~, A railroad track straightexer. Stall 7:78 147. (Railroads-Track) (MLRA 9:1) SOKOLOVA, Yn.B., kandidat arkhitektury, starohiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KOVILI- MAN, I.A., Icandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. nauchnyy rodaktor: redaktor Izdatel'stva, MILINIGHENKO, F.P., to J- cheskiy redaktor. [Now face materials for facades] Novyp fasadnye oblitsovochnye izdaliia. Hook-ra, Tos. izd-vo lit-ry *pb stroit. i arkhIt., 1956. 22 p. (Ratsionalizatorakis I izobrotatellskio predlozhaniia v atroltel'stvo. no-M). (MLRA 10:8y (Ceramic materials) (Facades) TYAPKIS, D.G.. ild.rod.; MOD, V.Ys, DAMNOT. V.'.;., (Papers by the 'Oection on the use of precast concrete and concrete in trAnsportation construntion) Haterin~r raboty eektaii po privenenilu sbornogo zhelenotatona i betona v trwwportnem otroitel'atuve. Yookvn, Goo, 12d-vo Ilt-rv po strolt. I ark-hit., 1956. 95 P. (HYRA 11:8) 1. Voo3oiusnaya konferentstya po zhelesobetonu i betonu. Hoscow. 1955. (Precast concrete construction) (Concrete construction) NEMIN, YO.A.; KOVALHV, G.H.; LEVINA, F.M., red.; TTAPKIN, B.G., red. izd-va; GIIMSOM, P.G., [Construction industry on the road to further technical progress; aid for lecturers] Stroitel'stvo na puti tekhnicheskogo progressa: v pomoshch' dokladchikam I lektoram. Kookva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materialam, 1939. 58 pNIRA 13:1) (Construction industry) ZIMIN, Petr Aleksandrovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; TYAPKIN, B,G., red.izd-va: GUSEVA, S.S., .................. LMochanization of construction work; brief survey of developments during the last 40 years] Mokhanizatsita stroltellstva; kratkii obzor razvitiia za 4o let. Moskva, Goa.izd-vo lit-ry po stroitA arkhit., 1957. 90 P. (MIRA 11-1) (Construction industry) AUg - 19~~7 Vachinery Design ~bwarements "Aasooiated Meamrementa,* D. P. Tyapkin, canaidate in Te,-bnlcal Sciencee, 2 pp "Stanki i Instrument" No 8 Tvo is the leaat amaLmt of linear combined measure- ments vhich can be made on part designs. This arti- cle diszusses the various variaticne for the arrange- ments of measuremmts, aasociated measurements, and methods for the *catrol of associated measurements. Many mathematirel. fonw2as and diagrams showing their application. FW 34T41 T YAPKIN, Do P. Candidate of Technical Sciences "Detervining the Pressure Magnitude Limits in Forming Draving (Broaching) with a Decrease in the Thickness of Walls" Stanki. I Instrument, 17, No. 7-8, 1946 BR-52059019 TTAPKrN, D#R., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, dotsent. 'w 'x" ww~-~ M-wC Interconnected dimensions. Stan. i instr.18 no.8 Ag 147. WW 9:1) (Machinery-Design) (Mechanics, Analy+,ic) Tumi-14-~1 Determining the vertical coordinate of the center of &ravIt7 of two-dimensional objects from results of magnetic observations. Dop.AH 160. (MIRA 13:8) 04 t 1. Daepropetrovokiy gorny7 institut im6Artema. Predstavleno akademikom AN USSR V.G.Bondarchukom IV.-H.Bondarchukomh . (Gravity)