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1*000*0*160 00600 00*9 o a a a a #0 *a 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 % CIO &4c DC06"At ON Opals TIN "it! v ct 30 It M 33 J.4 A b U X $0 dl U 44 4: , ..P k.V too --Dt,t 1~ jr alp &&.1 ^04 *00 P ** Poo a* zoo 00. '1r 00 g air jj~jjjtl $'.~t jjkj WIMI M11,11flu 9 flul, v Iiij w 00 *ft puntill )a It"110 pug Tulpiqlf P"A )a w0TjvTjjw*Q*j)wv 00 09 00 a 0 J4. IF .arm v D a w it a a it a a K a w of it 14 h it OR 0 1 1 f I I a-M, ;1111 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 111 0 a I at W 14 1. m "a Itel Jima Alfjo R A-A -'r a It -I I it It 19 _A L I.-M a W III ibif to It A fte . A it t.rt.i 00 90 A The chentical composition of wood befit. VA'Sh.11kov. !_00 0 Z. -A. Tyagianova and V~ N. Kalpitut. Lijokkim. Py,"m. * , I N" 1 hi R zh .-00 m. O. -10(Ins); K fftrit. ur. 2. So, 3. M I G; 1 ., : MO.'); Cf. C. A. 33, exta. of tile lto't (if I'llie t- with Wilin wat (#A; n i with 94% d I 1-09 0 t . owr er a a YV an r%tn. g - 1 f i l h N)I C O bl A i 00 117 lc' o ' ue wit ~ to 1 ". t writ ptml t % 4 1, ( OI I pevtm hydiate front which the pectin tit tdc .00 , An anitilysisol the peviin gave 67.51,; tit j%,Ii- -00 istunitIcA, 2.117j. of 1writ,wans, 2.0~-e of toctlimul", 4 1 i f 0*0 " . 1 l rrim. Ifte ' L 1111 1 h i b ( nature . t e mija 2 %si manves I- wo Vi I 'II ning 7, 1) IJ. 1 l 4 l a ie 1. 1 mott e U'lJS contal" g4lactiltollic d6d. III th, t b( i d f l b f b ? 0 a ill O ne IK% a font t le ast o itch were finind III, I" 7170 of urouic acids. In its ruethosidi tvittent it Irtsembles The pectin obtained from the two t4 pine. Zee 00 11w pvvfim of buk jk~,wst no jellyint Fropertics, prub- .1mv -vkng to the low c.,ntent of the mel ** W~ R. lictill 00 tse 40 ife* l U as 00 41I a a W 4 a 11 a I I VIA. An I S a 04 0 a 41 1 of 44 1 is 4 W t I JO rp tP it it 0 C4 0 0 so 0 0 !: * N 09 0 00 0 0 0 111 TYAGUNOVA, Z.A.; FARAMDNOVA, G.D. Determining hprdwood species in hydrol7sis raw materials. Gidroliz. i lesokhim. prom. 17 no.7:7-8 164. Offl~ 17: 11) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut gidroliznoy i sullfitno-sPirtovoy promyshlennosti, Laningrad. KOROLIKOV, I.I.; POLIVANIM~ V.I., nauchn. red.; PETRENKO, V.M... tekhn. red. [Continuous neutralization of bydrolyqates] Nepreryvnaia neitralizatsiia g1drolizatorov. Moskva, TSentr. in-t tekhn. informatsii i ekonom. issl. po lesnoi, bumazhnoi derevoobrabatyvaiushchei promyshl.', 1963. 31 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Hydrolysis) (Lime) KOROLIKOVp I.;.; TYAGUNOVAg Z,Aj--L~MONOSp Te.F. Rate of crystallization of plaster of Paris from supersaturated solutions at various temperatures. Zhur. prikl. khim. 34 no.I: 120-125 Ja 161. (MIRA 14.1) (Plaster of Paris) KOROLIKOV. 4AZANTBXV, N.V.; PITI, P.K.; MBVZ)NV, S.Y.; LYUKUIIOV. O.P. Continuous neutralization of hydrolyzates. Gidroliz.i lesokhim,prom. 13 no.1:17-20 160. (MIRA 1315) 1 Is llau&no-issledovatellekly Institut gidroliznoy i sullfitno- spirtovoy promyshlonnouti (for Korolikov, Tyugunova. Ryazantsev, Peti).;2. Tavdinskiy gidrolisnyy zavod (for Madvedev). 3- Krabnodarskiy gidroliinyy zavod. (for Irukhanov). '%Krasnodar--Wood-using indastriae-Iquipment and supplies) (H~drolyeis) KOROLIKOV, I.I.; TTAGUNDVA, Z.A,.-,- LIXHOVOS, Te.f. Rate of crystallization of g3rpsum during the comtimms neutralization of hydrolyzates. Gidroliz.1 lesokhim-prom. 12 no.6:4-6 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. VoeaoyuxWy muchno-issledovatel'skiy institut gidrolinoy i sullfitnospirtovoy protWohlennosti. (Oypsum) (E~rdrolysls) Adoption of the continuous neutralization of hydrblyzates at the Iras- n9dar Hydrolysis Plant. Gldroliz.i lnsokhim.prom. 12 no.2215-17 159. (MIRA 12-23) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut gidroliznoy i oullfitno- spirtovo7 provqahlennosti (for Tyagunova, Kubareva). 2. Kraenodarskiy gidrollzW zavod (for Glozman). (Krasnodar-Hydrolyais) g0g ME' 201, KMLIKOV, I.I.; TUGUNOvA, Z-L-,- IVIaTIVA, Ts.A.; RTABOVICH, V.I.; PAPAsHNINDv, L.m. i Klue~ic method of evaluating systems of percolation hydrolysle of sawdust. Gidroliz. I losakhim. prom. 11 ne.6:3-6 '58. (MIRA 11:10) 1.Vssso7wu" nauchns-isoledovatellski7 institut gidroliznoy i oullfitno-spirtover prou7shlennosti. (H7drol7sis) - , 't~ - - - t H g sm mm KOROLIKOV, I.I.; TTAGUNOVA. Z.A. Neutralization of bydrolyzates with aeatrolled crystallization of g7psum. Gidrolis. I lesokhIm.prom. 9 no.5:3-5 056. (KM 9:11) 1. Vessoyznyy nauchno-iseledovatellekly institut gidroliznoy i Sul,fitn"pirtovoy promyshlennosti. (Hydrolysis) 07peum) ATAROV., M.S.; BERNSHTEYN, A.S.; BUM, N.N.; VOLINOV, I.I.; GINZBURG~ V.A; DANOVSKIY, N.F.; IVIEV,, N.I.; KERZBEMICH, Yu.B.; LITVII-MOY, M.Z.; MAYZEL', B.H.; ROTEITBERG, G.I.; V ,,~ red. nAKSO , L.Yu.;-, tekhn. red. (Concise Italian-Russian polytecbnic dictionary) Kratkii italliansko- ruaski politeklu ,licheskii slovar'. Moskva, nauchno- tekhn#slovarei ~izmatgiza,, 1961. 378 p (MIRA 14:12) (Italian langu--ag-a-Dictionaries--Ruselan) iTechnology-Dictionaries) NAKHIMZHAN, Oskar Emzich; SOBOLEVSKIY, V.I., kand. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; MANOLE, M.G., red..; TYAGUNOVA, Z.I.; red.; PLANSHE, L.Tu., tekhn. red. --------- -- (Dictionary of mineralogical terms in five languages]Piatliazych- nyi slovarl mineralogicheskikh natvanil. Pod red.Sobolevskogo, V.I. Moskva, nauchno-tekhn.slovarei Fizmatgiza, 1962. 347 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Dictionaries, Polyglot) (Mineralogy-Dictionaries) AGZIBSKOV, Oleg Grigorlyevich; KAMENEVA, Valentina Mikhaylovna; SALTYKOVA, Vikt6riya Isidorovra; TSWEW-All, Moisey Gernikhovich; VOSKOBOYNIEg D.I.p doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; TIAGUNOVA, Z.1.1 red.; BRUD110j, X.F., - tekbn. red. [Frenebm-Russian uLclear dictionary] Frantsuzsko-ruaskii iadernyi slovarl. Pod red. D.I.Voskoboinika. Moskva, Glav. red. inostr. naucbno-tekbn..slovarei Fi7mqtgiza, 1961. 242 p. (MIRA 14:9) (Friench language-Dictionaries--Russian) (Nuclear physics-Dictionaries) j4ALAXJJOVIQXIYt Yakov Eninanullovich; GOLIDBERG, Georgly Isayevich; ~,TrIIIKOVI S.D.p red.; red. [French-Russian motor-vehicle and tractor dictionaryl Fran-tsuzako-russid.i avtotraktornyi slo-rar'. Moskva# .SC- vetakaia Entsiklopediiav 1965. 459 P. (KIRA 18:10) TYAGIN -RYADIT), 14. G. Blopbysicai and cbenical analysis of soil aggregates. Pochvovedenle no.12:76-P)~ D 158. OG-xU 12: 1) 1. Miybyehavskiy sallelcokhozyayRtvennyy-institut. (Soila-~Analyqlu) , ~ I. 'T . . i I ~ ~- -- WRYANSKIT, K-V., kwAidat takhnicheknikh nauk, doteentj PROTASOV,R.Y. inzhener; TTAGUS, V.A. inzhaner; SHLPIRO, Tu.A., inzhener. tomatic the s=face of steel rolls with ceramic A ,u flur. Stall 26 no-11:994-997 11 156, (MLRA 10:1) l..Zhdanovskiy metallurgicheskiX Inatitut i sayod 'Amovetal',O (Rolle (Iron mills)) Olectric velding) LXPORSKIT,V.V., inshener; TTAGUS.V.A.. Inzhener . ng open hearth furnaces. Stall 15 Increasing the stability of tilti no.8:704-708 Ag'55. (MLRA 8:11) 1. Zavocl "Azovetall" (Open-hearth furnaces) TYAKACHINSKII, I*D* LI, KITAIGORODSKlI. Stekolnaya i Karam Prom, 1944, No 1/2, 9-16 DYBOVSKATA, Irma Konstantinoma, d6teent, kand.filol.nauki FROMTOVA, Irins Andreyevna; SUTCROVA, Tara Vasil'yevna; CHSSXIS, Zoya Borisovna; DBYRT, G.K., red.; KASWICH, A.G.. doktor fit.-maten.naut, red.; PARITZIY, N.M., kand.fiz.-matem.nauk, red.; TANTSOVA, N.Y., kand. tekhn.Aauk, red.; TZRUTIYBVA, L.V., red.; !P V- -4qpp'~A' &.;., red.; KRTUCHKOVA, V.N., [French-Russian geophysical dictionary~ lPrantsuzsko-*rasskii geo- fizicheakii slovar'. Pod red. G.N.Deava i dr. Moskva, daktaiia inostr.nauchno-takhn.slovarei Fismatgiza, 1960. 374 p. (Geophysics--Mictionaries) (MIRA 13:9) (French language--Diotionaries--Russian language) (Russiadi language-Dictionaries-French language) TTAGUNOV, S.A., in2h. Constructing Industrial buildings no-2:32-34 160. (Factories--Design and on hillaides. construction) Prow.stroi. 38 (MIRA 13:5) I , j 7 -_ - r" 71 '. - 'e-- " -- i - "- ~ - a - I . ., .1r,, rj~ ' ~ -~ FEVINAN, M.A.. inzh.; TYAGUNSKIT, 11.1)., inzh. Manufacturing cranes for countries with tropical and humid climate. Stroi. i dor. mashinastr. 3 no.2:37-38 P 158. (cranes, derricks, etc.) (MIRA 11:2) TYAKHEffLID L. [Tkiep5ld, L.] I zi~ Change in the degree of amidation and in some physicochemical properties of brain proteins in a disorder of the binding of ammonia by the liver. Vop. med. khim.'8 no..3:264-270 MY-Je '62. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Chair of Biochemistry, State University Tartu. (LIVER) (AMMONIA) (BRAIN) JPROTEINS) (AMIDATION) ; -I '~f 4~ ~,rf,- - - -, z , , z , . :%., 6 i 7 -~x~ 6 a , w -"-, ~ , , ~ 1, : ~ z . ~'? i-:. t ~ r,,! j, ~ T ~: .:.. ~,~ , %- - . , - . I ~ J,,, I - . I , - . "On the Sffect of Prolo`na,6a Medici-na I Sleep Lind tr-corblc Acid on the Content of Ammonia and Glutamine In the Blood," by L. Ya. Tyakhepyl'd. Chair of Biochemistry, Tartu State --'editsinskoy UniversTEY, ooros - M n- imii, Vol 2, lio 4, Jul/Aug 56, pp 2910-304 In experiments OD guinea pigs and rabbits i-b was found that p-olonged ~Imediclnal sleep results in an Increased content of ammonia in the blood -vbich parallels a disturbance in the synthesis of urea in the liver. The imount of glutamine in the blood in medicinal sleep increases but it does ..not almays increase in proportion to the increase in the content of ammonia., this being due, evidently, to decreased synthesis of glutamine under the ,infllience of the medicinal. Ascorbic acid prevento an increase in "be level of ammonia,in the blood during.madicinal sleep and also normalizes the proce- as vhereby eiramonia is bound in~the form of glutamine. (U) TTAMIMPYLID. L.Ya. Effect of prolonged drug-induced sleep and ascorbic acid on ammonia and glutamine contents of the blood. 2 no.4:305-308 Jl-Ag 156. (MIRA 9:10) 1. Kafedra biokbimil Tartuskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta. (SLFSP, effects, medicinal sleep on (VITAMIN C, effects, on blood ammonia & (GLUTAMINE. in blood, off. of medicinal (AMMONIA, in blood, same) blood ammonia & glutamine (Rue)) glutamine (Rue)) sleep & vitamin C (Rus)) TYARTUTYL'D L.-fa, Cand !.'cd Sci-(diss) o- for..., tic-n --old -1, W.0, I A binding of runnonium in thc.~ liver %dd %Qm~rft dw-ai~oridiog--o-d sti::.ul: tion %nd inhibition of Lh-j contrz~.l uorv~,uc L~- ";:tc~;n umn, 1prO1;.--iq,-ud uttion. of sopuri- rtu, 1(,"58. 43 P11 i th ('Llartu State U), 2"'0 co-,Ae.. 1, 9 2 6) - 63 TYAHHEPYLID, L.Ya. [Tgheptld, L.] Ammonia And glutamine content in the brain following prolonged #0eated administration of soporif ics [with summary in English] i' 4 no-5:36Z-365 S-0 158 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Tartuskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (BARBITURATES, effects on brain ammonia & glutamine (Rue)) (BRAIN, metab. Ammonia & glutamine, eff. of barbiturates (RUBD (AMMONIA, metab. brain, eff. of barbiturates (Rua)) (GLUTAMINE. metab; (same)) MARTINSON9 E.1 (TYAKHEPYL'Dp L.-ITiihap-Oldo L.); LIND, A.; LIlWq Kh. [Linds, H) Transformation of urea in the gastric mucoBa. Biokhimiia 26 rw, 1:3-9 Ja-F 161, (MIRA 14-.2) la Chair of Biochemistry, State Universityq Tartu. (STOMACH) (UREA) LINDI Tri -emory of Prsf c2 ssr Vop. medo khl.,r,. fq!-:, 163. I C- RA ZI-LESSKAYA, Yu.Y..; MARTINSON, E,E.; TLAKHEHLID, L.Ya. [T-ahepcld, L., Effect of vitamin G on the nynthesis of gluvimine and am-diza- tion of proteins in the brain. Vop. pit. 22 no.3.i6CI-64. My-Je 163. (M I RA 17: 8) 1. 1z kafedry biok-niml-i (zav. - prof. E.E. Martin.-;cr.,) Tartuskogo universi t,-- ta. Z "AU;SSK V A, Ya . M. ouum !1,~, - L. - --, Disorders of glutaminp- s:mth~~sls !Ind. of in vi.tamin C deftail.ency. pit. 23 (M i P ft 17;~ 13 1. 1z kafedry bJokM*-rdj (Zav, F,,F. Tartuskogo urilversIteta. TrAXWMIDS, L. Ya.[T&hepZvld, L.] Desamidation of brain proteins and changes in their macro- structure due to insulin treatment..DAL AN SSSR 147 no./4.: 964,966 D 162., (MIRA 16: 1) 1. Tartuskiy gosudaretvenny7 universitet. Predstavlano akademikom V. N. Chernigovskim. (INSULIM SHOOK) (AMIDES) (MOTEINS IN THE BODr) MARTYES011., E.E... prof., otv. red.; IMIEZIMITSKIY, M.F., Drof.. rpd.; HIKALAUSKAYTE, D.A. JMikaIauskaj-te,D.A.j, prof.,red.; SM.=, A.A. 'T -eld'; -Irf, (Smits';t.], akad.,red.; KREM-,Yu.1I.'K--emers, ol, r PM% 'A G.N., red4; TYAI9IEPYLID,L.Ya (Tahepolu,L.], red. [Transactions of the First Biochemical Conference of Baltic Republics, and White Russia]Trudy Pervoy biokhimicheskay kon- ferentsii PribaltiiBkikh respublik i Belorussii. Tartu Tartu2kii gos. univ. ESSR, 1961. 507 p. (MIRA 1'5-9) 1. Biolchimicheskaya konferentsiya Pribaltiyskikh respublik i Belorussii. lst, Tartu,, 1960. 2. Zaveduyushchiy 3,afedroy biokhimii Tartuskogo gosudarstvemogo universiteta (for Mart~Ason). 3. Villnyusskiy naucbno-issledovatellskiy institut epidemiologii i gigiyeny (for Mikalauskwjte). 4. Akademiya nauk Latviyskoy SSR, Chlen Prezidiuma VsE7,soyuznogo biokhimichaskogo obghchestva (for Shmidt). 5. Kafedra biolchimii Rizhakogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Kremer). 6. Kafedra biokhimii Tartuskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Tya-khepylid). (BIOCHEMISTRY-CONGIRESSES) ZAIMSKAYA, Yu.,- MARTINSON, E.; TYAnWYLID, L. (Nhep5ld, L.1 Glutaminase and asparaginaBe in the gastric mucosa. Biokhimiia 26 no,.2s281-283 Mr-Ap 161. (MI?Al4;5) 1. Chair of Biochemistry State University, Tartu. (STOMACH) - fGLUTAMIIIASE) (ASPARAGIIIASE) POPOV, Tu.N., Inzh.; TYAXIIT, A.A., inzh. Now method of calculating the torque in boro hanners. Izv.vyso uchob.zav.; gor.zhur. no.9:97-lN '58. (MIRA 12:6, 1. Leningrads "ry gOL Uyy institut. (Borina machinery) (Torque) TYAM, A.A., inzh.-,, POPOV. Yu.N., inzh. Few suspended self-lubricating device for bore-hamers. Izv. vys. ucheb. ZILV~; gore zhure no.8-.98-102. '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1.Leningradekly gorny7 institute (Boring mchiner7--Lnbrication) il w ~ -, M Ir I ,V NIN 5f, RZKOWN ~- 5mv I A, .. -3�5313044f;. ON - Al, IN 7,AYTSiW,, N.G. (Petrozavodek)l LEBEDEV, V.A. (Petrozavodsk)l TYAK.HTI. A.B. (Petrozavodsk) Operation of the "Minsk-l" computer in a telegraph channel. Ixv, AN SSSR, Takh, kib, no,5sl63-168 S-0 165. (MIRA 18rll) ZAYTSEVp N.G.;-TYAKHTI, A.B. ~ ~, t Control devices operated by precisely timed signals. Trudy ''Kar. fil. AN SSSR no.40153-60 164. (MIRA 17:12) TYUbTl, A.B. for sto tjqti;~Al ens !~ Of .3 of i2j~All Crj,-,IpUtfjr,3. c.cmmn-'c,qtix,n Misian!-, Of 4.1.1 1 19 Ap '~;io , (MIRA IOUO ACC NR- AP6005769 SOURCE CODE: UR/0280/65/000/005/0163/0168 AUTHOR: Zaytsev, N. G. (Petrozavods4; Lebedev, V. A. (Petrozavodak), TyakhtI,.. (Petrozavodskj--------- ORG: none TITLE: The coupling of the ITAInsk-111 compute with a tclegraph communication channel SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Tekhnicheskaya Idbernettka, no. 5, 1965t 163-168 TOPIC TAGS: coupling circuit, telegraph system, computer technique, data processing computer programming ABSTRACT: In order to provide effective exchange of digital information between the com- puting center t;ou'--itning ~he MInsk-1 computer and the COT"puter time consumer, speein'! vices have been developed lor uuujAL,b Z;.,~ ~,V.LtIl"LU-L.- IVAUA U W-AQ6 L'UJJU This article describes simple coupling devices. The devices make It possible to input and output alphabetic as well as digital information, which had not been prescribed in the Minsk-1 heretofore. The use of the alphabetic code Is especially necessary for the recording and input of programs In the Injmt automatic programming language, e.g. , ALGOL-60. In order to simplify the circuit solutions of the devices, use was made of the principle of progtam data processing during input and output. Such operations as da..ta recoding from the telegraph code into computer code and the reverse, the formation of words, and some other operations were L 23794-66 ACC NR: AP6005769 executed as program operations. The communication between the computing center and the consumer is achieved by means of regular commercial telegraph channels. The coupling Aevices -assure -the following operations: (1) receiving-and-inp-.t-of information into the com- --~iit;e-r--dir-e-c-d-y--f-r-o--m--th-e----co--mm---unt-c-at-i--on-s--ch-a-n-n-e-l-;--(2)--in-p--ut---of-in-f-o--r-m--atio-nfr-om-th-e-te-16&aih apparatus (TA) with a disconnected line; (3) receiving.of data, on the TA and recording it on a perforated tape and subsequent input into the computer through a photoelectric tape reader; (4) output of information from the computer to the telegralih communications channel; and (5) output of information from the computer with a disconnecWd line. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. A SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: 06Mar64 Co 2/20 L 23-Z24-66 SWT(d)/FS5-2/EWp(j) jjp(c) BB/00 ACC KRt AP6005769~ ~SOVROS CODS: . UR/0280/65/000/m/n6vo168 AUTHORt Zeytgsev, K-00- (.Pe.t.rozaYod, ek) I 'Lobe dov, Va.19, (Patroravodek.);,Tyakhtj, A ORM none TITLE: The--cougling of~the "Minsk-111 com uter wit .9'a t6l;aMraph-communiogtion SOURCEI.,-~.AM ~SSSR. Izvestiya..'Tokhnicheakaya kibernetika, no. 5, 1965t 163-168 TOP-M~TAGS:, coupling circuit, telegraph systemt computer techniqueo data processing centert computer programming - ABSTRACT: In order to provide effective exchange of digital information between the computing center containing the Minsk-1 computer and1the computer time'consumer, special devicep have been developed for coupling the computer with a telegraph communication channel. This article describes simple couplihg devices. The devicea mnke it posqible to input and output alphabetic is-well as di6ital informntion, which had not been-13r6scribed in the Minsk-1 a6retofore. The use of the alphabetic code is especially neceesarj for the recording and input of proKrams in the input automai,.ic programming langUaga* M I P 23794-66 iACC HR: Ap6oo5?69 I Agot ALGOL-60,6-.- --In order- to-aimplify the-circuit aoLutione-of -the devices, so was .made of the principle of program data proce,sising during input and output. Such 6perationa as data rocoding from the.tolegraph code into com- puter code and the reverse, the formation of words, and some other operations were executed as program operations. The communications between t,- ;tmputing* ,center and the consumer is achieved by means of regular comterdial t,;Iegraph~ channels.. The coupling devices assure the following operations: WrecdiviAg ond-input of information into the computer directli rrom the communicatiodd- chAnneI4 (2) input of information from the telegrajh apparatus (TA) with a discounocted linel (3),receiving of data on the TA and recording'it on 44'. .06rforated tape and subse4uent input into the comy~tir_ through &'Photo-f aiectric tape reader; (4) output of. information f rolm the - comotatet" ~fith' d a a art. haai,.',-5-figureae ,4166onn oted line. -Or~i IPPA.- CODE i ', 09/ BOB14'DAT9 I 06M&A4 jt 2/2 TYAI~M., B. A. Tyakliti, B. A. "Understanding of scientific-popuTru, L)y E:tuderits in the elementary non-Russian sc"hooll in the Karelo-Finmsh SSII.11 "tin Education RSFSR. Leningrad State .~edagagical In'st illeni A'. I. Gertsen. Chair of Psychology. Leningrad, 19513. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Pedagogical Science-) Knizhna-~.-a letopis' No. 21, 1956. Iffloscow - TYALIN p A. , podpollcovnLk When flights a--e ea=ied out at night.. Sil no./*:73-77 Ap 161. (Air bases) Tyl i snab, Sov. Vocr. (MIPA 14:7) I.. I y - SIBULI ps.F,, [Sibul;S4vk& M4A,U.Yu.[4ir~ma,Uj; T4~~ypJa'alij.] Use of the fluoivocence vothod for the diagnosis and evaluar- tion. of the results of treatment in diseases of the nose and the pbarymx. Vest.otorin. 24-no.6269-73 N-D'62. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Iz kafedry otortmolaringo2ogil (zav.- dotsent E.K.Siyrde) Tartuskogo universiteta. (NAB OPHARYNX-DISKASES, (FLUORESCENCE) V- - Phtoperiods in some pulse crops. Agrobiologiia no.4:562-565 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatelfskiy institut kormov, Moskov- skaya oblast'. (LEGUMES) (PLANTS, EFFECT OF LIGHT ON) t I A 1 06 1. q .1 4 is f# is .0illa AJO as oft I It 1, AA fell d praosing of flusfed with the use of Andi A. of Zkirtmv Vilm It, 4 TVe cv;;ii pfe- w&4 foutul uttsultab aIsCw of gwruivilt 4 flaismi in thrul-atAffr i0 a al Al u m a 6 If a a a 41 u 43 a a sea forepross, 1 St I MW f(w the form -riwv- Illanc .90 roe r. go* go* roe Are 0 ~ww ""'0 "so 000 o L -flaLiliftKat LITIPAI") ILAMONCAMP tj 'ate es If* 0 00 00 ki 4D u ts 'T-( ZI ^i L t -1 em- a a _,--i -w i 1~;v K a " It ft (c it If x a 00000*000000 0 0 a 000 0 ooil;oo*oooo;oooo*o 4 0~11~ W6 a too 0 0 * 0 * 4 0 0 0 0 ~tj N4 6 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 * 0 4 0 0 a 10 M it 4 if a 4 T It v a p a is v 0 0 0 it v a a SAO 1. '1 'A Al' #0' 00 0* A! -00 0 t! . I - *,p A.Tyakin. Mdj- loboixoZAirmw the roa-l- -00 Of ing temp. to 115-20* deacased the od content in the od cake by 0 without may maded usid&tion a( the od. opti.. itions are: 8.8% Ifv0 In the meal. writinx '00 00 NA41 steaming at M-61, and joestifts lkt IIA 2W. .0e .0 OR 00 :Ice* i: Le 0 'see 1,00 -00 Z41 tj* 0 too L v Tl 00 ts! s a An A a ow 0 is 0- 1 W- 0 A, 11 11 U o ;we ion "S'le 4 o 0 ,g,49, Is, 0 V 0 0 0 0 0 * o:::ooO:oooooOO:::l::* ego Os 0 0 goi4i ov:i~~ 0,0 0 SHAIN, S.S., prof*., doktor sol'Bkokhozyaystve.miykh nauk; TYAMIN V.V., nauohnyy sotrudnik High nutritive value of field peas and other forage crops sown in sumer. Zhivotnovodstvb 23 no.7:53-55 il ;61. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Vse6oyuznyy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy institut kormov imeni V.R. Villyamsa (for Tyamin). (Forage plants) SHAIN) S.S., prof.; BOGDANOV, P.I.; KASHMANOV, A.A.; KOSAREVA, Ye.G., KOSCBQKCV, G.I.; KUZMSOVA, G.K.; MDTOVA, A.V.; TRUSOVA, N FL*wQW91 V. V KOREYS11C, Ye.G., red.; BALILD, A.I., t;khn. red.-,- FK IYEVA, L.N., tekhn. red. (Li ht and the development of plants]Svet i razvitie rastenii. (Byl S.S.Shain i dr. Moskva, Sallkhozizdat, 1963, 622 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Plants, Effect of light on) - - &D.; VALITOV. V.V., inzhener, reteenzent; MANIN. N.L. TTAKSHAM,XA,, " --"inz-hienerg redaktor; POLISKAYAR.G., tekhnicheekiy redaktor [Material procurement for shops and sections of a machine building plant] Hateriallnoe snabzhenle osnovVkh teekhov i uchastkov mashino- stroitel!nogo zavoda. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-ry, 1956. 143 p (MLRA 10:2) (Machinery induBtryi TYAMSHANSKIY. N.D., kand.ekon.nauk Determining intraoperational surpluses in line production. Vest.- mashinostr. 43 no.5%74-77 Mq 163, (MIRA 16:5) (Industrial management) T 1~ 752) 2 .T9 WiTERIALINME Sj,T,*jBZj-_1-4jjjYL' ()S1:G-V!,rTKH T39KHOV I UCll.'..STKOV rI.-,.SfII!'0STR(lTELI 170GO Z'VGDA (FLVINING Tl-,TZR~J~'.T- SUPPLY J.", A 13U!LDI,:r, PLmNT) IMSUA, KnSliG'IZ, 1956. 143 P. DIA-IliS.,TABLES. "LITERATURAII: p. 1J,2 KLIMOV, Aleksey-Nikolayevichg kand. tekhn. naukg dots.; OLENEV, Ivan Dmit- riyevicht dots.; SOKOLITSYN, Sergey A-lekseyevich, dots.9 kand. tekbn. nauk; TYANSHANSKIY4 &D., kand. ekonom. nauk, dots.; SHAUNT ZMIAN, V.M., kand. tekhn. naiik; SABITOV, F.Sh., kand ekonom. nauk, retsen- zentj IMMARK9 A.I. 0 'aokt.tekhn.nauk, prof.',--red.; GRUNKIN, M.N., kand. ekonom.nauk, dots.,red.; RUBCHIIISKIY9 A.M., kand.ekonom.nauk,dots.,red.; VARKOVETSKAYA9 A.I., red. izd-va; KONTOROVICHp A.I.p tekhn. red. [Organizing and planning the operations of a machinery plant] Organi- zats#a i planirovanie mashinostroltellnogo zavoda. Moskva, Nauchno-j tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-r'y, 1961, 512 Pa (MIRA 14:8) 1. Nachallnik planovo-ekonomicheskogo otdela Leningradskogo metal- licheskogo zavoda imeni Stalina (for Sabito1q) (Machinery industry-Management) TYMS I w6ftmt,~_ - Considering unit Sets Trudy LPT no.186:B5-91 in planning the niece and small-lot nrodwtion. 156. (MIRA lo?) (Machinery industry) TrAKSHLNSX3&,A,D,, -."W*MPWMMN Determining uniformity of output and of working conditions in mechanical engineerign enterprises. Trudy LIZI no.6:32-43 '53. (NLRA 9:8) (Machinery Industry) 'A' PLAIJKI.Tv') A I S. 'r T C IYAN' 1-". Fffoct o" I cl,17,nc(,, of k! i flT r e s Ap e I e 'r, t v o:, ,e kha ii i v iSu bm 1. ed F e b 1 19 t" TYAN, M.M. .. a- Application of the Taulberiar theoren of Carlaman-SuLikhank-ulov. Izv# AN Uz.SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. rauk 7 no.3:18-20 963 (MIRA 16:8) 1 1. M&tematicheskiy Institut imeni V.A. Staklova. TTAN, M.M. Residual terms in the problem of the distribution of values of two arithmetic functions. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.5:998--1000 Je 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Matematichaskiy institut im. V.A.Steklova AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.H.Vinogradovym. (Numbers, Theory of) "14~~p a student VI kurea. Case of allergic reaction to penicillin.Trudy AN Tndth.SSk 40:1791514 (MLRA 9:10 1.Iz kafedry glaznvkh bolesney (Jeo&zavs - V.B. Gafr) Stnlinabadskogo gosudar6tvannogo maditsinskogo instituta iment Abulpd ibn-Sino (dir. chl. -korr. Akademii nauk Tadshikokoy SSR Ya.A.Rakhimov). (ALL)MGY) (PENICILLIN) ABRAMOV; F.A., prof., doktor tekhr. nauk; BOYKO, V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHVETS, G.A., inzh.; TYAN. R.B., inzh. - 1-1-51 Calculating complicated ventilation systems with the use of an electronic computer. Gor. zhur. no.11:61-63 N 164. (KMA 18z2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy Institut i FIM AN UkrM. ABRAMOV, F.A.p prof.; BOYKO, V.A., dot"nt, TYAN R.B., in2,h.; '3',jVETS, G.A., inzh. Study of air flow interconnections in a mine ventilation system ~iith the aid of s ripid electronic machine, Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 8 no.2sl"-150 165. (MEiA 1815) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni garnyy institut imeni. Artema (for Abramov, Boyko, Tyan). 2. Filial Instituta mekhaniki AN UkrSSR (for Shvets). TYAII, T.Yee Modified Maggiore perimeter for examination of the visual field in patients with cataract; preliminary report. Zdravookhr. Kazakh. 23 no.1:72-75 163 (MIRA 17:2) 1, Iz kafedry glaznylch bolezney (zav. - prof. V.P.Roshchin) Kazakhokogo meditsinakogo instituta. WERTINI, L.A.. lmnd.tekhn.nauk; TYAHO T.K.p Insh. Investigating the regimen of bed load flow in small mountain rivers. Trudy SANIIRI no.95:3-15 158. (MIRL 13:6) (Sukuluk River-Hydraulles) TYAN., V.K. D--Te-~rmirsition of the amount of alluvia in the canals of the Aura Dazya i--rigating systems. Iz,,r. AN UzSSR. Ser. tek-h. nau~ --. 8 no.6:48-52 164. OMIRA 18: 3) 1. Sredneaziatskly nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut vodnykh problem i gidrotekliniki. hh015 3/860/61/000/000/010/020 0 A 06/A1O1 AUTHORS: Poplavko-Mikliaylov, M. V., Manuylov, N. N., Gruzdeva, L. A., Tyanin, A. V. TITLE: A method of gas-shielded flash-welding of aluminum-beryllium alloy SOURCE; Sbornik izobreteniy; svarochnaya tekhnika. Kom. po delam izobr. i otkrytiy, Moscow, Tsentr.byiro tekhn. inform. 1961, 131 - 132 (Authors' Certificate no. 121519, al. 21h, 3012, no. 611742 of No- vember 14, 1958) TEXT: The proposed method yields high-quality tight welds due to the flux which is composed of chloride and fluoride salts and their mixtures. Base metal, aluminum, or aluminum-alloy rods or wires are used as filler metal. The method can be used in manual automatic and semi-automatic weldipg with consumable or non-consumable electrode in argon or helium atmos'phere. Prior to welding the edgez of the metal to be welded are flux-covered on the reverse side. Card 1/1 KUDREV, T.; TYANKOVA, L. [Tiankova, L. ] Effect of indole-3-acetic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on the productivity of the plants exposed to drought spells. Doklady BAN 15 no-3:317-319 162. 1. Submitted by Corrosponding Member 1. Milkovski. L 02148-67 RO --- ACC NRI AP6035986 SOURCE CODE: BU/0011/65/018/003/0261/0262! KUDREV, T , TYANKOVA, L., Plant-Gr-oving Institute, Sofia Effects of Soil Fertlli2eticn&ring the Treatment of Wilted Wheat Plants with Certain Growth Substanceen Sofia, D .Y,Aki3dojnii,Nqu . Vol 18, No 3p 1965, pp 261 ?-0~18 704,1o,ly~aoy -262 r A - ,aetl /rknglish artiolq/ On the basis of direct determination of the mouhif of nenimiloted nitrogen No~pt Sci 15t 1962p 6ca.d., WIP.. -,.,rgnd No 2, 219-221 ) and analyses of ther plaht~ f`or'nitro'gen'ana phosphorus content, the authors established that the need for nutrients increases during the treatment with growth substances of wilted plants for the purpose of their restoration* Since restoration also depends on the availability of the needed nutrients, the authors carried out fertilization effect , experiments using the Bulgareka No- 301 wheat variety. This brief note describes the experiments and reporto on favorable response of wilted wheat -to combined soil fertilization and IAA or 2p4-D growth substance treatment. This paper was presented by Corresponding Member Y. Milkovsky on 25 November 1964. Orig. art. has: 1 table. 1JPRS) TOPIC TAGS: fertilizer, wheat, nutrition, plant chemistry, plant growth/No- 301 wheat SUB CODE: 06,, 02 / SUBM DATE: 25Nov64 / ORIG REF: 001 BMW, T.; TY-MOVA.- L. (Tiankova) L.) ()n the nitrogen absorption by wheat plants recovering from drought damages. Doklady BLN 15 no.2:219-221 162. 1. Submitted by correaponding Member Y. Milkovski. PETROV, A.; TYANKOVA, L. Germination inhibitors in apple seeds (Malus domeatica Borkh.) Doklady BAN 15 no.2:223-226 162. 1. Predstavleno chl.-korr. 7. Rilkovskim (Milkovski, I.]. KUDREV, T.; TYANKOVA, L.(Tiankova, L.] Effect of certain plant substances on the restoration of nitrogen exchange in drought-4amaged plants. Doklady BAN 14 no.5:523-526 161. (Nitrogen) (Plants) KYDREV, T.G.; TYANKOVA,-Li-A.., Possibility of restoring some distured processes in wheat plants injured by drought. Fiziol.rast. 9 no.4:425-431 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1, Plant Growing-Institute, Bulgaria Acadeqr of Sciences, Sofia. (PLANTS, EFFECT OF ARIDITY ON) (GROWTH-PROHOTING SUSTANCES) Plant Physiology BULGARIA TYANKOVA,s L.,A., Research Institute of Plant-Growing, Sofia "The Influence of Proline on the Resistance of Whest Plants to Drought' Sofia, Doklady Bolpmrskoy Akademii Nauk, Vol 19p No 9, 1966, pp 847-.350 Abstract: Zinglish article7 The injuries sustained by whest;plants as a result of instifficient moisture and of oxcesaive rises or drops in temperature are related to the decomposition of proteins and to the formation of large quantities of free amino scida. Recent investigations hava showed that aimilar adverse conditions are also accompanied by a prod"ctl*n 03f large i.quentities of proline. This single-type reaction of the plan a to the linjurious effect If various factors has not been oxDlain I ed ye~% If we assume that the accumulation of proline in the plants subjected to drought is an active manifestation of protection on the part of these plants against the deficiency of water, then the artificial increase of free prolino in their tissues should have a positive effect on their resistance to the insufficiency of water. Drought tests carried out in this direction using the Bezoatays. 1 wheat variety indicate that proline is an active antidrought reaction of the plant, though it may be a product of protein decomposition. There are 6 Sovi~t and 4 Western references. (Manuscript receivedf ii may 66.) (N- 0l "-~- \ I (--j. ~.), (,N)k I -1- / -, r*. - . i , . "I I , , - . - v . -1 11 -- , . - . I . - I - , -. -.-.1. -1 - -,~ * - I TYANUTOVA.- G.V. Measurements of global intensity-variations of cosmic-ray hard components; preliminarr results of the comparison of tvo sets of data taken with the ASK-1 and S-2 instruments. Trudy IYAN SSSR Ser. fiz,. no,2:81-E4 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Cosmic rays) (Ionization chambers) p,- Category : USSR/Nuclear Physics CoGmic rays Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957.tio 622 Author :Kuz)min, Al., Skrypin, G.V., Tyanutova, G.V., Shafer, Yu.G. Inst :YlLkutsk Branch Acad. of Sciend_e`s-U-S_SR__._' Title :Unique Flare of Intensity of Cosmic Buys. Orig Pub :Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, ioB, No 1, 66-68 Abstract :Report on the results of measurements of intensities of cosmic rays during the time of the great flare of solar activity on 23 February 1956. The measurements were made in Yukutsk (elevation 101 meters, 510 northern latitude, 1290 eastern longitude) with the aid of Ionization chambers shielded with 12 cm of lead and aimed with a telescopic system made of Geiger-Mueller counters. The maximum by which the intensity exceeded the usual value occurred at S.40 -- 4 hours Greenwich mean time and amounts to 165 -- 200%, depending On the type of recording apparatus. Apparatus re- cording extensive showers with a density of 25 and 50 particles per square meter did not detect any increase in intensity. C-7 Card 1/1 STRUTINSKIY, VJL; TYAPIN, A.S. Quami-static liquid-drop model of the nucleus as an approximation to the statistical model. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no-4:960- 965 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) TYA P INA S, Ventriculogiraphy vith the use of maiodil -in t=,=s of posterior cranial fossa. Vop. neirokhir. no.1:40~43 165. (MIRA 18,10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellsk-4y ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut neyrokhirurgii imeni N.N. Burder&-o (direktor - prcf. A.I. Arutyunov) AMN SSSR.. Moskva. L-44356-66 EWT (m)/EWP (k )/eWP ft)/Ell T.IP(C-.)-- T;"4 / TMn ACC NR, AP6013482 SOURdE'COD9: /ol82/65/000/012/0020/002 AUTHOR: Lisitsyn, V. D.; Andreyeva, V. N.; Tyanutov, A. G. ORG: none TITLE: Experimental study of the drawing of box shapes SOURCE: Kuznechn0-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 12, 1965, 20-23 TOPIC TAGS: rimmed steel, brass, oscillograph, metal drawing, pressure measurements metal press / lOkp rimmed steel, L62 brass, AD aluminum, MPO-2,oscillograph ABSTRACT: The article presents the res ts of an experimeqtal investigatiln of the drawing if I AD ~ of box shapes of various materials: lOkpirimmed steel,. L62'bralsand_ umin r- ;ium Ja formed with the object of determining the drawing pressure and b$1kholder pressure a function of punch stroke and time. The experiments were carried out in an industrial 65-ton drawing press on recording the stresses and pressures with the aid of wire strain gauges and an MPO-2 oscillograph. Analysis of the obtained oscillograms made it possible to determine the maximum drawing pressures for various drawing coefficients mc as well as the blankholder and edge-trimming pressures. As exemplified by the drawing of brass boxes (Fig. 1), during 1/4 UDC: 621.983.3 -P -- L 4437-6-66 ACC NR, AP6013482 Pdf, tons 8 M. 45# 0.63 0 10 20 JO 40 50 60-~- 70 h mm Fig. 1. Experimental curves of drawing pressure Pdr during the drawing of brass boxes the initial part of the forming process the curves of drawing pressure rise Bteeply; this cor- responds to the period of travel of the punch from its initial position to a position at which the centers of curvature of the punch and the coincide in the horizontal. The variation in kinematic and dynamic parameters in the course of the drawing of box shapes was analyzed by plotting combined curves of drawing pressure, blankholdor preBsuro, punch travel and punch stroke (Fig. 2). Initially, as the draw punch encounters the blank, the continuity of motion of the prei3 slider gets disturbed and its velocity sharply decreases. At the moment of impact of the punch 2/4 L 44356-66 147 t, see Fig. 2. Combined- curve-s of variation In kinematic and dynamic parameters during the drawing of box shapes: 1 - punch travel; 2 - punch velocity; 3 - blankholder travel; 4 - drawing pres- sure; 5 - blankholder pressure ACC NR, AP6013482 Him ec. 44 0- 2- L 44356-66 A-CC NR, AP60134B2 against the blank the press slider bounces upward or halts abruptly. Following the selection of a clearance suited to the design and service life of the press, the slider resumes its descent; then the sine-wave pattern of variation in the path, velocity and acceleration of the slider during drawing is also disturbed. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 2 tables, 3 formulae. SUB CODE: 13, 1l/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF-. 008/ Card 4/4 hs V!2 oll M , 2-n! pp 'M 14 V, --. p-q- '60- R M I 11 ~ 1111 .2- i I M.., - - 'I I ME M ~ EDZODAYEV, M.S.; TTAPKIN, A.A.; BATUEOV, Yu.D.; MARKOV, A.A.; PROXOSHKIN, Yu.D. Production of neutral mesons by high-energ7 nucleons. Izv.AN SSSR. Ser. fiz.19 no.5:589-603 S-0 '55. (MIRA 9:4) l.Institut yadern7kh problem Akademii nauk SSSR. (Cosmic rays) (Nuclear physics) KOZODAYET, MA.; MARMT, A.A.; TTAPnIf, A.A. Measuring 4v+-me8su lifetime. IzT.AX SSSR.Ser.fis.19 no.6: 715-719 N-D 155. (HLRA 9:4) l.Institut yadernykh problem Akademii nauk SSSR. (Cosmic rays) (Nuclear physics) /4 - iT MR/ physics Pie-m-sons Card 1/1 Pub . 22 - 21, 60 AuthOrs I Tyapkin. A# Ao; Kozodaev. M. S.; and Prokoshkin, Yu. D. Title I Formation of-MO-masons with protons of 670 Nov of energy at the nuclei of various elements Dok. AN Sc,',-R 100/40 689-692-0 Feb 1, 19-55 AbstrikOt I Experiments with the formation of M' ..mesons through a proton collision with another proton are described. 1ha protons in the experiments had an Gnergy of 670 Mev. Formetions of ry* -cnescns were observed oa nuclei of various elenents, namelyi D, Li, Ee, B, G, Al, C, Cd, Sa and Pb. The experimonta were ounduoted with the acceleraton of the Institute of Nuclear Problems of the Acad. of Scs., Ma . Five referencess 3 USA aud 2 USSR (1952-1954). Graphs. Institution s Aced* of Scat, USSR, Institute of Nuclear Problems Presented bVi Academician Le A. Artaimovich, December'22. 1954 KOZODATEV, M.St,; TYAPKIN, A.A. Tight elastic current-conductor for determining charged particle trajectories In magnetic fields, Prib. I takh. ekop. no.1:21-24 Jl-Ag '56. (XUA 1012) 1. Institut yaderriykh problem Akademil nauk SSSR. (Particles, Elementary) (Nuclear physics) INSTRUMENTATION: HODOSCOPES "Hodoscopic System with Pulsed Supply of Counters", by A.A. Tyapkin, Institute of Nuclear Problems, Academy of Sciences USSA_,_~or~ye~kh- nikaEksperimenta, No 3, November-December 1956, PP 51-53- Description of a hodoscopic system with self-quenching counters, in which the counting loss due to dead time is eliminated by using a pul- sed supply to the counters. The author concludes that Possible to record effectively the investigated particles passing throueh the counters prior to their being su~ected to a high-voltage pulse, with a resolution time on the order of several microseconds. Card 1/1 V Zurn.eksp.i toor.fio,30,fase.6,1150-1151 (1956) CARD 2 / 3 PA - 1413 under the angle 9 - arocos (1/ C3) in logarithikically symmetrical with re3pect to the enerey ~r 1/2. It is therefore possible, from the spectrum of the r -quanta to be observed under a given angle, and if the mesons have an angular v 2 distribution of the kind a + boos 9, immediately to determine the energy distri- bution and the mass of mesons in accordance with the method developed by A.G.CkRLSON et al., Phil.Mag.41, 701 (1950). These angles are here described as being "isotropiell.A further peculiarity of the "isotropic" angle is the fact that the total flux of f -quanta corresponding to a given angle is independent of the ratio of the constants a and b and of the angular distribution of the n0-mesons. By integration over the last formula we obtain: Co OD Cos2 qF(f )dE W 2 1-1 sin2 9 (0H)=-! (300S 9 H-1) ~o df 2 H, 2 fn 1 fimin for the angular distribution Of the -quanta produoP on the occasion of the decay of n -mesons with the angular distribution cos, 0. Corresponding to this formula the flux of f -quanta corresponding to the angle 9_X_. arccos (11F3) remains unchanged on the occasion of transition from an H 2 ingular distribution of the kind con 9 of the mesons to isotropic distribution