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1YAGINP B.V., lnzh.; YEREMIN, O.A., inzhq Compaction of concrete mix by the method of langitudinal- horizontal vibration. Transp. stroi. 14 no.5125-27 My '61.. (MIRA 18i11) TULIN, N.V., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby, kand. med. nauk Effects of an ultrabigh frequency electromagnetic field on man; a review of the literature. Voen.-med. zhur. no.2:36-40 165. (4IRA 18:1-1) I , .- 1-1111, t-j, V, TYAGIN, N.V. --W~wo. I - - V i, 1 zing small laboratory animals. leb.delo 3 no.6:47-48 N-D 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Iz Voyanno-meditsinskoy ordens Ienins ske4emii imeni S.K.Kirovs. (LABORATORY ANNALS) SAPOV, I.A. 0~1411= ~,-- la(Leningrad) Cervical novocaine block. 3kep. kbir. 3 no*6;46 N-iD 158. (KIU 12.1) (NOVOrAINN) (MWTa--UMRVATION) TYIGIN, N.V. ---1~110&rmal effect of the ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic field (with summary in English]. Biul.ekap,biol. I mod. 46 no.8:67-70 Ag 158 (MIRA 11:10) I 1z laboratorii chlenei-korrespondenta ANN SSSR-profe A,V, Triumfovaq Leningrad* -Predstavlena deyatvitellnym chlonom AMR SSSR Me Parinym; (EMY TRWWATM, thermal eff. of ultra!-.high frequency electromagnetic field In animnls (Rua)) (MUCTRICITY, same (Rus)) POVZHITKOVP VoA.;-TYAGIN N.V - GREBESHECHNIKOVAp A.M. Effect of ultrabigh impulse electromagnetic fields on the onzet and course of pregnancy in Vaite mice, Biul. eksp. biol mad. 51 no.5:103-107 Mly 161. iMIA 14:8) 1. Naucbnyyo rukovoditelit chler-korreipondent AIIDT SSSR prof. AS. Triumfov; prof. V.G. Butomo. Predstavlena deystvitelInym chlenom AMN SSSR AN. Lebedinakim. (PREGMICY) (ELECTROMAGNETISM--PHISIOLOGICAL EFFECT) TTIGLOV, AAdre Petrovich. shofar; ANMTSV, P.S., red.; GALAKTIONOVA, [Lengthen the serviceability of the automobile's component partsj Uvelichenie aroka sluzhby agregatov avtomobilia. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhm.izd-vo avtotreAsp.lit-ry, 1957. 24 p. - - (KIRA 12:10) 1. Avtotransportnaya kon'tora.,No.1 9.XAkha*eh-Kala (for Tyaglov). (Motorbuses-MaIintenance and repair) TrAGIA)V, A..V., )mpitan takhaicheekoy aluzhb7 Predicting the cloud ceiling in winter. Test.Vardfle no-1:83-84 J& 160. (MI" 13:8) (Mateorolog7 in aeronautics) I.? - L 46775-66- EWT(l) DD C NR: AP6031937 SOURCE CODE: UR/0177/667660-/dt~-~-/661-3fddfC--~,, AUTHOR; Panov, A. G. Colonel; Medical corps; Professor); Tyagin, N. V. (Lieutenant colonel; Medical corps; Candidate of medical sciences) ORG: none 0 TITLE: Symptomatology, classification, and expertise of UHF aftereffects on the human organism SOURCE: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, no. 9, 1966, 13-16 TOPIC TAGS: microwave radiation effect, neurophysiology, human physiology ABSTRACT: There is conclusive factual evidence of the definite biological effects of UHF fields, which may either produce organic disorders, or serve therapeutic ends. Neurological and visceral dysfunctions observed in persons working near UHF generators may be grouped into syndromes: 1) The asthenic syndrome; onset charac- terized by fatigue and lowered emotional tonus, which may or may not be accompanied by autonomic disturbances (autonomic lability, acrocyanosis, sweating, heightened pilomotor reflexes, dermogrophism, and pulse and BP lability during orthostatic tests). The asthenic syndrome does not include fainting. Changes are reveralble and often respond to dispensary treatment. 2) The autonomic-vascular dystonia syndrome centering on vascular lability (fluctuating pulse and BP, alternating brady- and tachycardia, alternating arterial hypotonus and hypertension, EKG changes, Card 1/2 uDc: 612.ol4.426+616-ool.2 L 46775-66 ACC NRt AP6031937 0 capillary shifts, etc.). This syndrome may be accompanied by other autonomic dysfunc- tions and syncope. Asthenia does not occur. This syndrome is persistent and usuallyl requires hospital care. 3) The diencephalic syndrome, characterized by complex visceral dysfunctions and crises, may be accompanied by asthenic disturbances, apathy, hypersomnia, hypokines:La, hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal weakness (overt or latent), and depression.of sexual and alimentary reflexes. These changes are not alvays reversible, and hospital care is required. Diagnosis of UHF-caused disorders must include medical evaluation of the UHF source and exposure conditions.(field intensity and exposure duration), &B well as the character and severity of damage. [SCI SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PRESS: 5091 TYAGNIBEDA, N. A. Turning Centering of a lathe tool. Stan. i Instr. 23, No. 7, 1952. 9. Mon-thl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1953, Uncl. TYAONIDEDA, R. A. Turning Centering of a lathe tool. Stan. i instr. 23, No. 7, 1952. 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Novemher --XDM Uncl. TYAGNIBIDIN V. --,, - Friendship cemented by block. Sov.profsoiuzy 5 no.12:71-74 0 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Predsedatell mestkoma sanatoriya "Krasnyy shturm," Sochi. (Bulgaria,-Industries) C- TrAGNIBIDIN. Y.G., vrach Fercusoacope. Manka i zblzbnl 27 no.2:77-78 F 160. O(DA 13: 6) 1. Sochinskly sanatoriy "Salyut," Socbi. (PIRCUSSION) (MIDIGA.L INSTRUMMS AND APPARATUS) 994119996-0000 .1 11 MY ILL: IJ 1 .0 U'N In 11,Wl I~F2!~~A Ipg if a FW4MI AM& MW40144 .11101 fill 60 #WAW W G T dM kF - - ww% hmadw A. Swo 00 t I 0 jwertdmd by dttc. the a- A A0 tW sod mg. matter by we of Wakstaw humus was tormed wbas 0 watmessiOu Of of Aspo*Oas nitor to Capek's Madhoat vw Inoculated with a vijugw " v"Peasim at witb watrious vvI6x*- wVw%w (C. g., A. mqv, B. wpoiAes, A.Wa-twe, Ar jbw). NekWyeashmat Wtv II ilaof A ) d d *2 h - ea asym a (swo a7. know i& c . I *so 1 or wkb vM inoculated With a natural No so* of 46 Miger. A Poo. fewt wu a mitt. of 4 =00 00's natural TdAint sod and the dftd myctila (A A. w1sw .900 bloeubted Withanatural Ow MPNIttioa air withA. des Cw. The m4mdam ioctessed from 140 mg. to 370 mg., 'p 91 too 14 04ractios nwminift unchanqed. A similar accumu. 't km of humus was Obs"Ved from I=t Of the IuYftk Of A. Ni&W Which W b"s with a naluM soil suVessim or with A. sitv. Ma &d&. cA a fertUWw--CsCN at ou bAte-W rm W tr hos goo eresm j p p p "umustarmatka, but bmsht Avut*m1twmUxatkmtdthv 4300 -fivaim. TSe &4r&ctkm was also rapitily Wnvalized in 4041* an alk. mewum. If. cob" 4*0 see 190 AtIl-SLA 691ALLMKAL U7111ATtOg CLASSAFKATIOU Esau 17MVIA" #"'Aw /1 - $45000 "it d"'O a#( 8111sl ON WAV III I 46 l 16 4 to - V Ir All L 1 9 Od 0 0 9 1 19 if I IN 6 2 0 V * 0 4# 0 ' w ~16 r O'q 46 41 0 * 0 0-0 0 0 0 4 ~ 0 0 0 f o 0 * 0 a 0 00 0 0 0 00000 0 o 01 I B x AN-MANUA la' go& 00 aili. ju. -60 cult-s at a. mGy;4i&# Wta Lbe Wa JwSeLfts its is tug -id uitdf _yimWscuvjky. u( B. mycoidis wW thcrthy U, anquanifimum WA nitri. .00 6ca" pmenum Le - 1-mumpaa lxmu am c adany jj~ Of B. 91 Zoo do 0 so 0 90 so go 0 so do* boo "VALLOR"AL L111RAILAR CLASWICA11" ~v O.E w-'aa-, lead*.) .4. 611131a4if a I ad a 10 1 1 w a 0 a 4 '0 111; 4. * K 411 -9 19 .9 CE it It 1 14 : 10 o 0 000 0 0 e 41 0 00 0 of 0 0 0 0 to 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 a 0 43 6 0 to 4 0 *1* 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 4 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 000#00*00000000: 4,41 00 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 **~ t 1 4 1 1 F 1 0 to u is v is is 11 4 001 )IDAMIsis"JI)o v 11 v it a 14 Y a A -k A 0 P 9 4 J I W. v v t. I., AA 0 (A 19 UI d 00 A~ 00 -40 TIke influenco of CleitIr culture And .1t.11A "d an the -00 co p&*cOa~MjW and microbiolg&ICAI P(OP40160 Of Mir -00 .4114 NI, G. Tysf4n-R Q~. S. S. R.) 1939. -0 0 nian. he plj)A~Cjj layer i~ the Rame i~, rotatknii widird: .00 00 in Aticot and lowmillit ill ScPtf"'- j ro 0 00 . ...... ml-wN.4 00 ol 00 al ~011 Ity the .4'111~161 A fit, 00 v so 00 of d -00 goo 4*0 oe 0 I L A CIALLUKKAL LITIMPATtXf CLA1119KAMN ti I J56100 444 o o 0 9. a- Iv 0 0 0 0 170- J-10 i *I* is so" **" .0 0e0 o*#*0*0q00::F4.* 0 0 0 4 o 0 e --- - - - I TYAGNY-RYADNO,, M.G. VIZIR, A.Pq YE&a!W, V.V.; SINIWWSKAUt N.A..; - - --hastiy~s FILDONOVA, N.A. Microbiofenosis of the soils of main foreatitypea in the Mvaebw Preserve. Trudy Kar.fil.AN SSSR no.34sq3-112 162. (Kondopoga 4striet-Soil micro-organisrs) (MIRA l6d) (Kondopoga botrict-Forest soils) TYAGYI-RYA2,10, M.G. Microflora of soil aggregates and plant nutrition,, Izv. AN SSSR. Sar.biol. no.2a242-251 Mr-Ap'62. (MIRA 16-7) 1. Forest Institivte,the Carelian Branch of A--ademy of Scienees of the U.S.S.R.,, Pptromavodsk. (901L- kICRO-OGGOISMS) (SOIL PARTICLES) TrAwa-rty-emm, m,c- i;i4'--" MC)CF411,11J, Y!.j.,M. Effect of orpanic-bactarial fel tiliztz-, rm so!! micrcfl --l-a and the yield of corn. Agrobic-'iogiim n-o.4;1,594-i~J7 105. (MIFU 1. U-axmignvqMy otdel eel 'akckhozyayat-fanr,%y virusulogIll J. J,=unologli UkrallnBkogo akogo instituta zemledeliya, g. Chernigov. TYAGOY Ye., red.1 POPOVA, T., tekhn. red. (Program on the economics of aocialist enterprises for the evening universities of Marxism-Leninism, 6hoolo of economics, study grPups and seminars of the party educa- tional system] Programma po ekonomika aotalalisticheakikh promyshlennykh predpriiatii dlia vachernikh universitetov marksizma-leninisma, ekonomichookikh shkolt kruzhkov i seminarov seti. partiinogo prooveshchaniia. Moskva, Gospolitiz- dat, 1959. 29 p. (MIRA 160) 1. Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Sovatskogo Soyuza. Vysshaya par- tiynaya shkola. Kafedra sovetskoy ekonomiki. (Industrial management) I f of it w u 1# to at " ** a 00.3 V Go, '4 L A 04TAL&VOKKAL Uffmaltel CLAIWICOM off -10#420a RIF SIV, eat U 1A Al 10 a, I ;. 41 w 4g, a lc I o o o o o o 004 is-e- 0 0 0_0 04 CO-0 W,0:41,4 0 4 0 IvOo -00 mew .00 W- A", Mw- a Ti, 4W00,60 .00 Vw Ae zoo Cool A* too too RAIN "*Inv was T~~ - 'i- i art I Vi li 1 0 a A s it aw a 0 6 1 w it I A 4 3 0 1 **ooiooo&ooooooooq 0412 -oSF4;_*eG4o# 00 0*00400 0900 v 00 c1 00 00 a 0* a of A 00 '3 00 0~ to 0 '3 00 v a If 11 11 is 4 11 31 n b )l a 14 v A AMMOUI&Atioa in ML[m in rotation to t*rdUw applicatina, ofulvointin. of urig. timttrr Vmfucca tarV 41111its. 4 1144=17111"gr two. of pufr ctillum of .9. Mv%vilki inIhe V.AI lilt r itivatittit, At first txs6 run pdraild, Nit MIUMIt"tifitAl KISS is I'VIA111rd. While 111111fiftI141,11 Viejo in]. (3) julglifitinm $us III.- actjvitit-1 tit 0. mit,"oides both 111"ded lip. (4) F~ilkvr applicstKais Indtfence tlw clevekipluent (6) Manure :ud,fi. myroides act lit a sinjilar way undcr certain applimtkunt Sic -ITtvlivv at Ones "twit only lkvdtm u( the suld"t. but sixi lxvsitw of flit dddid. Sum, of It. w%oides lirr-ria lit llw 0( -IiIII014te file lV'-Ck-ssr% 44 atid uiltifirats,vt of krit'r 111K~ 4-1 It. Mpoides, fivatww lit the U'l 1"0'. ,d NI)h in ctic ",H. The sul. pifims,hat" did stifuttlate t6 'k-tdpalint trork. hut Ow Must ct6m% of N11.11Y tlw R. wistridej wivs high other liarll.,ria with Or nrce-x%ary N _qourvrs in the Imin oil Nil), hit It A I #&do Ifu it It U It ft It It t Jim 1 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 4111 0 0 0 :*ra:g, 0 0000000000000000000 M it a a IN a M a x 0 a tu a mi 00 -00 -00 Nil, The, inlr'- fa"wx th. psivesses of as cleomigni odvaticri oleo Ify virt-AtIrg lavormitic atuf nitrilicali(M are i .00 of D. oftytoUfs. asullifims. Manure Goo N find Swig. Sniffler. 000 in4ittirr ISO Addits. SO* * With life F. their *a% 11"dectrAw goo I 'd ..tlur Ime. v ciiough t,i tit, S. j"Pror *0 i Soo 0 9 8 ' its 10 * 0 ' _ - ~ oil jVOf 5Ai ; 3 V . 0 0 0 0 o 4 0 o o o o 0i l 0*000000000 0 0 fll i KOLITSOV, S.; TYAGUORIV, I. . LAkaolinsk Province, a participant in the all-Union Agricultural lkhibition] Akmolinskaia oblastf - uchastaitea Vaesoluznot sell- skokhoziaistvennoi vyntavkl. Alma-Ata. Kazakhokoe gos. izd-vo 1955. 34 p. (MI-RA 9:9) (Akmolinak Province--Agriculture) TYAGULISKIYO P.S., inah, Choice of a synchronous motor for driving a centrifugal pump with consideration of its start with open pressure latch. Prom. energ. 17 no.9:12-15 S 162. (KRA 15:8) (Pumping machinery, Electric) (Electric motors, Synchronous) TYAMSHANSKIY, N.D. 11 --, ...... - -- - --- Basic work result indices of branch research orgardizations. Trudy LIP no.227:187-191 t63. More on machinery depreciation. ' Ibid.s206-209 (MM 17:4) rig I ...... WNW W-"-- ~ WN Wi P i WOM ACCESSION NR: AR4036329 S/0275/64/000/003/AO36/AO36 SOURCE: Referativny*y zhurnal. Blektronika i yeye primeneniye, Abs. 3A191 AUTHOR: %)TI?Lk ,-A,._A.; Tsou, Chu-lien TITLEs Obtaining a discharge in a spark chamber along a particle track CITED SOURCE: Tr. 5-y Nauchno-tekhn. konferentaii po yadern.~adio-' elektronike. T. j. Gosatomizdat, 1963, 15-22 TOPIC TAGS: spark chamber, particle detection,*neon filled spark\, chamber, inclined discharge production, inclined streamer channel TRANSLATION: Conditions were investigated for obtaining a discharge,., inclined to the electric field, along the track of an ionizing par-- ticle, in a chamber with electrodes made of aluminum foil 7 microns C~rd 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AR4036329 thick without layers of dielectric between the electrodes and the ',working volume of the chamber. The spark chamber consisted of two gas gaps between three rectangular electrodes. To eliminate the discharge due to the edge effects, the two opposite edges of each electrode were rounded off (with the aid of a special device); the rounding-off radius was determined by the radius of the tube, which was equal to 5 mm. The unrounded edges of the electrodes were far '~from. the discharge gaps of the chamber. The electrode plates were ..fastened so as to permit gradual variation of the distance between the electrodes. A study of the formation of discharge channels in- clined to the field 'was made at different amplitudes of the supply pulse and with different media in the chamber. Data were obtained with the chamber filled with pure neon or with neon containing 0.5% of argon, to a pressure of 1.5 atm. The largest limiting angle for j~ the formation of an inclined streamer channel is observed when the 'i'chamber is filled with pure neon or with neon with 0.5% argon. The results-obtained in the investigation do not confirm the hypothesis ACCESSION NR: AR4036329 that the presence of dielectric layers between the gas gap and the conducting layers of the electrodes contributes to-the formation of .a discharge channel inclined to the field along they, chain of the electrons produced by the ionizing particle. it is concluded that the distortions in the inclined discharge chinnel, and also the i !transition to a discharge along the field with increasing voltage 1rise time, are due to the shift of the chain of "initial" electrons :under the influence of the growing electric field. Several ph3to- ,:graphs of the discharge arc given and the results are analyzed. Bibliography, 4 titles.. A. D. !DATE ACQ: 10Apr64 SUB CODEs PH, US ENCLs 00 7. 7 AUTHOR: _T.V 9111-LAUY-L X-S,p Engineer S0V/94-9z8-11-?/?8 TITLE: Dynamic Braki ~o --Synchronous Motors Using the Starting Equipment (Dinamicheskoye tormozheniye sinkhronnogo dvigatelya s ispol,zovaniyem puskovykh ustroystv) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika. 1958, Nr.11, PP 3-7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Large synchronous motors arebecoming widely used in industry and as it may take a 1U MVA synchronous motor running at 500 rpm about half an hour to slow down from running speed there is a great need for dynamic braking methods. Certain recent designs have provided for resistance braking of synchronous motors but this is very expensive, for example, the resistance required for a 1 MVA 10,500 V'motor running at 500 rpm cost 17,000 roubles. 'Kith this equipment it was possible to stop the motor in times varying from 10 seconds to 4 seconds according to the excitation. However, there is probably no need to stop the motor as quickly as this and it would probably suffice if the motor could be stopped in about 1 minute. This will not increase the Card 1/5 SOV94-5,~-11-')/18 Dynamic BrakinS of Synchronous Motors Using the Starting Equipment damage when a fault occurs because in any case the operator will take an appreciable time to realise that damage is occurri% and that the motor must be stopped quickly. This makes it possible to use the auto- transformer and reactor normally used for startiziL for thp, purpose of braking the motor. In this way an acceptable retardation time can be achieved relatively cheaply and simply. When converter sets are started by auto-transformers the auto-transformers may be used for retardation. The use of this circuit iias proposed for an 6,500 kVA motor driving the converter equ4pment of a steel mill. A schematic diagram for auto-tramsformer ,starting of the motor is given in Fig.l. To use this circuit for retardation the line circuit breaker imast be opened, part of the auto-tranBformer shorted and the motor excited. During braking, current will then circulate in the motor armature and part of the auto- transformer windings. Formulae are then given for the stator current and the braking torque. Curves of the motor bra-king process derived from oscillograms are given in Fig.?. Curves of stator current and torque as functions of motor speed are given in Fig. 3. Tests Card 2Z5 were made on an 8,500 kVA 6,000 V, 500 rpm motor SOV/94-58-11-?/98 Dynamic Braking of Synchronous Motors Using the Starting Equipment with a rated stator current of 8?0 A; other details are given. The motor is started through an auto-trans-former delivering 55% rated voltage. The retardation time without braking is ?8 minutes. The results given in Fig. 2 show that wEen the excitation is increased from 900 to 270 A in order to maintain the stator current at 800 A the retardation time is 1 minute 6' seconds. During the first few seconds of retardation the ampere turns on the auto-transformer were four times the rated value. A further test was made with the condition that the voltage on the auto-transformer winding should not be greater than the rated value and in this case tLe retardation time was 1 minute 45 seconds. It is calculated that three successive starts and stops could be made without overheating and this is enough. A reactor circuit for st-artin& and stoppim6 synchronous motors is given in Fig. 4. The equipment required is expensive and bulky. The circuit of Fig. 5. is recommended for dynamic braking of a motor started by a reactor. In this case the starting reactor is used Card 3/5 in the braking circuit. Calculations were made of the SO-1/94-5; Dynamic Brakin,[; of Synchronous Motors Using the S"Carting Equipment ret,:~rdation characteristics of the motor already described when using a starting reactor for a rated current of 500 A with an inductance of 0.9?4 ohms er pbase usinL; the method of calculation -:Toposi~-d by .N. Veshenevskiy. It was calculated that'vvit!l E excitation correspondinb.- to no-load the retL.-_Cation time is ? minutes and ,,;ith excitation corr~~.-,j.,ondin,,Y- to rated load the retardation time is 45 seoo2ids. Tile characteristics corres onding to this latter case are given in Fig. 6 . It wM be noticed Vat ~Le stator current remains approximately coiistart throu6L most of the retardation period. A method of' calculating the dynamic brakiz*~ characterictiul~: of the circuit of Fig. 5 is briefly explair-,ed. Tae auto-transformer retardation circuit has been in use at a steel mill for ? years and has proved reliable; the circuit is recommended for new installations with C urf! 4/5 auto-transformer start. The dynamic retardation SOV/94-58-11-"/?8 Dynamic Braking of Synchronous Motors Using the Starting Equilmert circuit of Fig. 5 is simple and reliable and is recommended for wide use when reactor starting is used, There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: GPI Tyazhpromelektroproyvktl, Rostov-na-Donu (The State Design Institute, Tyazhpromelektroproyekt, Rostov-on-Don) Card 5/15- rAZL'IROV, A.A#; MORGUN, V.P.; OLIFER, G.O.; IVAITUSHKIN, G.Ya.; KAPUSTYANOV, Ye.B.; SVINAHMO. 1.T. TYAGUN. A.A. Strength of mass-producad trap gates for railroad gonaola care under the effect of shock loads. Avtom. avar. 11 no.6:46-59 Ag 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1,Qrdena Trudovogo Kraonogo Znameni Inatitut elektroevarki im. Ye,O, ]Patona AN USSR (for Kazimirov, Morgun, Olifer). 2.Krrukovskiy vagonostroitellnyy zavod (for Ivanushkin, Kapustyanov, Svinarenko, Tyagun). (Railroads-Carp-Pittings ) KAZIIJR0V', A. A., MORGUN, V. F.j OLIFER, 0. 0., 1VAEUSHIM, G. i1a., Kapustyanov, Ye. V., SVIMUIENKO, 1. T. and TYAGUN, A. A. Ir Durability of Mass-produced Hatches Ot Railway Condola Cars While Loading under Pressure kitomaticheskaya avarka, 1958, Nr 8, pp 46-59 (USRR) Abstract: Tbe existing hatches of gondola cars in the USSR are unsatiofactory and cause considerable lossees of coal in railroad transport. Hatches of 60- and 93- ton cars produced by Uralvagonzavod and the Yxyukov Car Building Plant were ex- perimentally tested and deficiences of their design were revealed. As a result of the experiments, nev hatch desiGns were developed. Several variations are suggestdd composed of bent, thin-walled profiles. The proprosed hat~-hes are rigid, lighter, and more durable that the hatches presently in use. There are 6 diagrams, 5 graphs, 2 tables, and 2 Soviet' references. Association: InstItut elektrosvarki imeni Ye. 0 Patona, Mi USSR KUKLITTY G.V.; TLIGUIJ, N.F. ...... --.- - ~ I I Observatims of lunar occultatiol,s of stars in lrlmtrsk. Antron.teir. no.221:13-14 Ap 161. ('VIPA 14'.11) 1. SibIZFIR. (Occultatims) KUMINp G.V.; TIAGUNp N.F. Observations of lunar Occultations of stars at the SiblZMR. Astron.tair. no.224235-36 Ag f6l. (MIM 16 11) 1. SibIZMIR. (Occultations) XMINI G. V.; Mmervations of lunar-occultations of stare in Irkutska Astrono tair. no,229r35 Je 162,, (MIRA 16x6) L SibEWM Sibirskosto otdo3hniya AN SSSR. (Occultations) KUKLIHS G.V.; TMUN, N.F. Observations of lunar occu*at~ionz of Btaro in Irkutsk. Astron.tair. no.231:26-27 N 160,~ (MM 16x4) 1, SIBIZMIR. I i~ (Occul tations) A -- F,- ~ I -- ~D -I g ARKHIPOVAJ, L.I.; BARABANSHCHIKOV, V.V.; BAKHVALOVA, Z.M.; BOROVINSKAYA, M.A.. GOLOVCHINER, I.Ye.,- DZHA',',GAROVA, P.G.; YEVDOKIMOV, S.V.; KABAWOV, M.M.; KNYAZEVA, T.D.; KOBOZEVL, N.V.; KOLEGOV, N.I.; LOPOTKO, I.A.; NEGUREY, A.P.; POLYAKOVA, Z.P.; ROMMI S.Z.; SVETLICIINYY, V.A.; STRAKU11, I.M.' TYAGUNI V.N.; FRLYDLINj S.Ya,j prof* (Dispensary service for the urban population] Dispanseriza- tsiia gorodskogo naseleniia. Leningrad, Meditsina. 1964. 349 P. (KIRA 17:8) - - TUOUN-SELOUS* G. S. Electric Welding. Problem of selecting a method of one-sided automatic welding of thin sheet constructions. Avtom.avar. 4, no. 6(21). 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Aqqession~, Library of Congress, June _195j? Uncl. TYAGUR-BEWUS, G.S. --mmalg* ~ - . r~ Fusing cutters with powdered wire flux. Avtom.avar. 6 no.4: 75-81 Jl-Ag 153. (MLRL 7:11) 1. Institut elaktroevarki im. Te.O.Patona Akademii nauk USSR. (Ilectric welding) (Gutting tools) P-~- TYAGUN-BILOUS, G.S. Welding 3OKhGU steel by the method of forced forming. Avtom. var. 6 no.5:53-559 5-0 '33. OCLRA 7: 11 ) : , Inatitut elektroavarki im. Ye.O.Patona Akademii nauk UMR. (Steel--Welding) Authors t Pe PATON, B.Te.. akademik, doktor takhn.nauk, laureat Leninakoy premii; VOLOSHWICH, G.Z., kand.tekhn.nauk, laurest Leninskoy premli; OSTROVSKATA, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; DUDXO, D.A., kand.takhn.nauk; POKHCMA, I.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; STMMWOM, Tu.A., kand.tekhn. nauk; RUMMSKIT, I.H., inzh.; CHUZHNIKOV, G.V,q kand.takhn. nauk,- ROZW3RG, 0.0.. inzh.; SZVBO, P.I., kana.tekhn.nauk; NOVIKOV, LV., insh.; H3DOVAR, B.I., k-and.tekhn.nauk; DIDKOVSKIT, V.P., Inzh.; RABKIN, D.H., kand.tekhn.nauk; TTAGUN-BILOUS, G.S inzh.; ZARUBA, I.I., kand.takhn.nauk, retsenzent;~G~ kand.tekhn.nauk. red.--TWAM.- - G.D. . red. [Ble:tric slag welding] Blektroahlakovaia evarka. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mehinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 409 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. AN USSR (for Paton). (Electric welding) TYAGUN-BELOUS, 0. S. Cand Tech Sci -- (dAss) "Sea5ch for a new method of P6 /~,-z . ". it- raising the output of suitable cast metal the eleotric-slag process." Kiev, 1959, 12 pp (Aoad Sci UkSSR. Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Electric Welding im Ye. 0. Paton), 150 copies. Ust of author's works, pp 11-12 (13 titles) (KL, 41-59, 105) -31- ~)-21 0 0 67864 SOV/125-60-1-7/18 AUTHOR: Dudko, D.A.t Rublevskiyj I.N., Tyagun-Belous.,,_G.S. TITLE: On the Influence of the Electroslag Process Condi- tions on the Dimensions of the Metal Pool During Fusion of Large Gross-Section Electrodes FERIODICALI AvtomatichesWa svarka, 1960, Nr 1, PP 55-61 (USSR) 4 ABSTRACT: The electroslag process is now being used not only for 1 welding but also in metallurgy for producing irr ar castings and ingots without loss of head /Ref 1 ,and y 3 for remelting special steels Z7Ref g. The article con- tains a detailed description of experiments in which the interrelationship of the volume of the metal pool, the position of the electrode in the weld pool, and various process parameters was determined. Experiments were con- ducted with fusible steel electrodes and non-fusible gra- phite electrodes in a copper chill mould. It was con- cluded that: 1) the dimensions of the metal pool during Card 1/3 electroslag melting of large cross section electrodes 0(004 SOV125-60-1-7/18 On the Influence of the Electroslag Process Conditions on the Di- mensions of the Metal Pool During Fusion of Large Cross-Section Electrodes increases with current, voltage, electrode diameter and with the depth decrease of the slag pool. This is explained by the increase in the quantity of elec- trode metal melted in a time unit. 2) Other process conditions remaining the sameg when a non-fusible graphite electrode is used, the volume of the metal pool is 4.5 to 4.7 times smaller than with a fusible steel electrode. The electroslag process which uses a non-fusible electrode is scarcely effective for the transference of heat to the metal pool. Most of the heat enters the metal pool via superheated drops of electrode metal. 3) It can be assumed that a high- temperature zone exists in the slag pool at the con- tact surface of the electrode, a fact which explains the phenomenon sometimes observed when the size Card 2/3 of the metal pool decreases rapidly, despite a con- 67864 SOV/125-60-1-7/18 On the Influence of the Electroslag Process Conditions on the Di- mensions of the Metal Pool During Fusion of Large-Cross-Section Electrodes siderable increase in the heat power of the process. There are 4 drawings, 1 oscillogram, 5 graphs, and 11 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Ordena Trudovgo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektro- svarki im. Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (Order of the Red Banner'of Labor Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye.0. Paton US UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: February 10, 1959 Card 3/3 TTAGUN-MWUS, q.P,; DMO. D.A. Blectric slag heating of ingot and shaped casting tops using a nonconsumable electrode. Avtom. ever. 11 no.11 no-10:36-43 0 1580 (MIRA 11:12) 1.0rdena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektreevarki im. Ye.O. Patona AN USSR. %* N, I (Steel'ingetSY-1steel castings) LATAS11, Yu.V.; TYAGUN-BELOUS. G.S. Effect of slag composition on the melting of large cross,section electrodes during the electrical slag process@ Avtom.evar. 11:no;12: 17-27 1 58. (MIRA 1291) 1. Ordena Trudovogo Krannogo Znameni Institut alektroavarki imeai, Ye. 0. Patona AN USSR. . I (Electric welding) (Slag--Electric properties) DUDKO, D.A.; RUBLIVSKIY, I.N.; TYAGUN-BZWUS, G.S. Effect of electrical slag process conditions on the melting rate of large cross section electrodes. Avtomeovar. 11 no.12157-62 D '58. (MIRA 12tl) 1. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektroevarki imeni Ye.O. Patona. (Electric welding) 18(5) SOV/125- 59-5-3/16 AUTHOR: Dudko, D.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Rublevs- kiyt I.N., Engineerp Tyagun-Belousr G.S,r Engineer TITLE: Peculiarities of Drop Transfer of the Llirge, Sectional Electrode Metal during the "Electric Slag', 'Process PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka 1959, Vol 12, Nr 5 (74) pp 28 - 33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article presents the dependency between frequency of drop transfer, their weight, and the conditions of the "electric slag" process with electrodes having a large section. Ingots with a diameter of 100 mm and at least 200 mm long were cast in mould. During the time of casting oscillograph of the currency and the voltage were taken. For the casting,, cur- rent, fed by transformers of type TShS-1000/3 and TShS/3000/3 was used. Following materials were used: rods of steel type M 31 with a diameter of 30, 40 and 60 mm., and flux of type 48-OF-6. All experiments show- Card 1/2 ed a regularly increasing frequency of drop transfer c .30V/1 25-59-5-3/16 Peculiarities of Drop Transfer of the Large Sectional Electrode Metal during the 11 Electric Slag" Process after the beginning of the process. (Fig. 1). The oscillographs, shown in Fig. 1, were taken during the "electric slag" process under following conditions: Current: 1200 A, Voltage:'49 V, denth of slag-tub: 45 mm, diameter of electrode: 40 mm. Special experi- ments for melting of rods with a diameter of 5.5 mm, and 18.2 mm. of Woods alloy were made. The autbbrs state that the frequency of drop transfer depends to a high degree on the diameter of the electrode and the elec- tric parameters. There are 3 photographs, 3 graphs, 1 table and 15 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Ordena trudovogo kraenogo znameni institut el0tro- svarki imeniYe.O. Patona AN USSR ( Order of the Red Panner of Labor Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye.O. Paton AS UkrSSR). SUB14ITTED: January 12, 1959 Card 2/2 ZAYTSIV, Yu,N., insh.; TYAGUN-YZWUS, G.S., inzh. , ~-- . . I -- -.1 -Ial-,-- Deaulfurating properties of fluxes during the electric slag process. Avtom. avar. 11 no.3-1:57-60 X 158. (nu 11:12) I*Ordena Trudovogo Krasnoge Znameni Inatitut elektroavarki im. To. 0. Patona AN USSR. .(Alectric welding) (Desulfuration) TTAGUR-BEWUS G.S. inzh.; DUDKO, D.A., kand. tekhn. nauk Additional feed of sheet billets by means of the electric slag welding method. Avtom. evar. 11 no.11:66-70 N '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1.0rdena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut Elektroevarki im. Ts.O. PatonA AN USSR. (Ilectric welding) (Steel ingots) S 0 V/ 1-~- 59 - 137 18(5),25(5) AUTHOR: Tyagun-Belous G.S. TITLE: Method of Obtaining More Homogeneous Castings from hlec- trically Molten Metal (Umen'sheniyekhimicheskoy neodnor- odnosti fasonnykh otlivok pri elektroshlakovoy podpitke) PERIODICAL: C: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1950, Vol 1,~-, Nr '.4, pp (USSR) ABSTRACT: The process of cooling down casting as well as welded pieces gives rise to non-homogenous surface structure as results of chemical processes. Photograph 1 shows the section of a piece of casting according to Baumann, ob- tained in a casting process. Photograph 2 shows the same piece of casting, the difference being that cryst- t wa sl allization (or the cooling-down process) I lowed do-Am by applying a layer of' slag which was kept liquid by heating with graphite electrodes. Samples were dravn at the points marked in the illustration and were analyzed for their carbon and sulphur content. Results are shown Card 1/3 in Table 1. Photograph 3 and Table 2 show the values for SOV/11L t - 59-,: Method of Obtaining More Homogeneous Castings from Elect"'r.,calLily 1,'clte'n Metal the same method as per Photograph E, but with the layer of slag of about 40 mm in thickness and which are con- tinually renewed. This new method is the main subjEct of this publication. Another suggestion is given in Photograph 4 and Table 3. It adds up to improving the non-homogeneous structure of the molten metal by inserting an iron rod in it. The results show that the dissocia- tion of carbon and sulphur is responsible for the surface becoming non-homogeneous. Another means of improving the homogeneous structure would be, therefore, to extract the sulphur in one of the early stages of the casting pro- cess; adding cerium and lenthium will substantially con- tribute towards this end. There are 7 photographs, 31 tables and 11 references, 10 of which are L)oviet and 1 English. Card 2/3 Method of Obtaining More Homogeneous Castings from Electrically Molten Metal ASSOCIATION: Ordena trudovogo krasnogo znameni institut elektrosvarki im. Ye. 0. Patona AN USSR (Order of the Red Banner of' Labor Institute for Electro-Welding im. Ye. 0. Paton, AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: December.23, 1958 Card 3/3 TTAGq S.;DUDED, D.A. Problem of the technnloff of casting steel parts with use of alnetrio slag padding. Avtom.evar. 11 no.9:48-55 S 158. (Steel caotings) (Electric welding) (HIRA 11:11) SOV/125-58-12-3/1"' AUTHOR3: Lata3h, Yu.V., and Tys4e-un-lelous, 1.73. TITLE: The Effect of Slag Compo-a-lf-l o-fi`-6-n--tb-e-Fu sing of Thick Eloctrodes in the Electric Slag Process (Vliyaniye sostava shlaka na plavlaniye elektroda bol'shogo secheniya pri elek- troshlakovom protsesse) PERIODICAL; Avtomaticheskaya svarkap 1958p Nr 12~ pp 17-27 (USSR) ABSTRACT; As the existing data does not determine the affect of flux composition and its electric conductivity on the technical- economic characteristics of the olectric slag welding process with large section electrodes, special tests were carried out with slags of the CaF2-A1203 system. The effect of slag composition in the electric slag process was investigated with the use of grade 45 steel eleetrodes of 90 mm diameter in a copper water-cooled crystallizer. The tests are de- scribed in detail and the following conclusions are made: 1) in fusing with thick electrodes, the roduction of the electro-condvctivity of the slag leads to an increase in temDeratures of the slag bath, increased productivity and a reduced consumption of electric power at the same electric Card 112 capacity; 2) with a reduced electro-conductivity of the ~70V/125-58-12-3/13 The Effect of Slag Composition on the Fusing of Thick Electrodeb in the Electric Slag Process qlag, the electric-slag process technology becomes stable with reduced current; 3) bubbling of the slag bath in cur- rents exceeding the given voltage was caused by arc dis- charges betiveen the electrode tip and the metal pool. On the basis of results obtaineds the use of CaF2-A1203 fluxes con- taining 40 - 45% A1203 is -ecommended. There are 7 tables, 3 diagrams, 5 graphs, I oscillogram and 17 Soviet references. ASOOCIATION: Institut elektros-varki imeni Ye.0. Patona (Institute of Electric ~,Velding imeni Ye~0. Paton) SUBMITTED: September 28, 1958 Card 2/2 SOV/125-58-1.2-7/13 ;.UTHORS1 Dudko, D~A-, Rublevskiy, I.H, and Tyagun-Belous- TITLE. The Effect of the Electric Slag Process CozditionE on the Fusion Rate of Thick Slectrodes (Vliyaniy,a rezhi:na elektroshlakovogo protsessa na skorost? plavleniya elektro- dov bollshogo 3echeniya) PERIODICALt Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1958, Nr 12, PP 57-62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Experiments were oarried out to determine the interdependence of the fusion rate of thick electrodes and electric slag welding parameters kBuch as current, voltage, slag-bath depth, electrode cross section) as well as the chemical com- position of the electrode and the flux. It was 13tated that the coefficient of electrode fusion increases with a higher current intensity and voltage and with a reduced depth of the slag bath. The coefficient of fusion increases also with larger electrode cross sections, contrary to are and electric slag processes with the use of an electrode rod. The fusing rate of the electrode also depends on the chemical composition Card -1-12 of the electrode metal and slag. SOV/125-58-12-7/13 The Offect of the Electric Slag Procear Conditions on the Fusion -Rate of I Th_ick Electrodes There are 2 tables, 1 diagram, 4 graphs and 8 Soviet refer- ences. ASSOCIATIM Institut elektroGvarki imeni Ye.O. Patona (Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye.O. Paton) SUBMITTM September 22, 1958 Ca--,-d 2/2 SOV-129~-'58-10-4/12 AUTHORSt Tya6-un-Belousj G.S.v and Dudko, D.A. TITLE.- Electric-Slag flot-Topping i'lith Unfusing Electrodes of In- gots and Shaped Castings (Elektroshiakovyy oboE~rev nepla- vyashchimsya elektrodom golovnoy chasti slitkov i fasonnykh otlivok) PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheakaya svarka, 1958, Nr 10, pp 36 - 43 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To reduce shrinkage cavity formation in casting;3 and to improve the quality of cast metal, the Institut,? of Elect- ric ';','elding suggested replacing the ii3ual methol of elect- ric-arc hot topping by the method of electric-slag hot topp- ing on three-phase current with three electrodes. As the heat is generated by the slag and not by an arc, the elec- trode feed process is considerably less complicated and simplifies the installation design. The technclogy of the now method is described, and the flux used (40 '~', CaO and 60 I'o CaF2) and parameters are given. The welded me- Card 1/2 tal was subjected to chemical analyses, the reE,ults of ~;OV-125-5s-10-4/12 Electric-Slag Hot-Topping 7,ith Unfusing Zlectrodes of Ingots and Shared Castings which are shown in tables 1 and 2. It was stated that the chemical heterogeneity of ingots was reduced. 6n the basis of the tests it was stated that electric-slag hot topping can be recommended only for ingots and not for shaped cast- ings where chemical homogeneity cannot be attained. Elect- ric slag hot topping can be used on single-phase and three- phase current feed with one or more electrodes on each phase. The three-phase electric slag heating is recommend- ed for the production of large-size castings with a develop- ed surface of the metal bath. There are 3 diaUrams- 4 pho- tos, 1. oscillogram, 3 tables and 9 references, 5 of which are Soviet, 2 English and 2 German. A3SOC:'~ATION: Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (Institute of Electric '111'elding imeni Ye.O. Paton AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: July 3, 1958 1. 14etals--Production 2. Metals--Casting 3. Metals--Heating 4. Slags--Heating 5. Electrodes--Performance Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Zaytsev, Yu.N., Tyagun-lielous, G.3. SOV/125-5~-11-9/16 TITLE: The Desulfurization Capacity of Fluxes in the Electric Slag Process (Obesserivayushchaya sposobnost' flyusov pri elektro- shlakovom -orotsesse) PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya avarka, 195P, Nr 11, pp 57-60 (UsS11) ABSTRACT: Information is given on the desulfurizing capacities of dif- ferent fluxes in the electric slag process with the use of large cross-section electrodes. It was stated that the following fluxes have high desulfurizing capacities; ESCh-1 (CaFq + CaO + A1203 + YgO); ANF-7 (CaF2 + CaO); ANF-5 (CaF2 + NaF); 48-0F-6 (CaF2 + A1203 + CaO)l ANF-6 (CaF2 + A1203). These fluxes can be used in the electric slag welding of carbon and alloyed steels and cast iron, and in electric slag casting and feeding-up processes when an intensive desulfurization of the welding bath is needed. The desulfurization process depends on the current voltage Card 1/2 and intensity. 7,0V/125-58-11-9/16 The Desulfurization Capacity of Fluxes in the Electric Slag Process There are 2 tables, 1 diagram and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Tnstitut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.0. Patona. All USSR (Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye.0. Paton, AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: August 29, 1958 Card 212 AUTHORS. Tyagun-Belous, G.S., Dudko, D.A. SOV/125-5S-11-11/16 TITLE: Electric Slag Feeding-up of 3heet Ingots f,-Elektroshiakovaya podpitka listovykh slitkov) PERIODICAL: AvtomRticheskaya svarka, 1958, Nr 11, pp 66-70 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was proved by experiments carried out at the Zavod imeni Illicha (Plant imeni Illich) and by tests of D.F. Cherneg and B.A. Molotkov, that electric-slag feeding-up reduces the structural and chemical heterogeneity of ingots and castings which appear in the form of the so called "lower cone" and V and inverted V-shaped segregations. The electric slag feeding-up method is based on an arcless process combined with a large-section fusing electrode, which, if applied to killed steel ingots, improves their structure by reducing the lower cone and the segregation. It is assumed that the im- proved structure is obtained by the dilution of the upper portion of the crystallizing metal bath by the pure electrode metal and by braking the convection of the liquid steel. The described method is economical and can be successfully used in the production of sheet ingots. Card 1/2 Electric Slag Feeding-up of Sheet Ingots SOV/125-58-11-11/16 There are 2 diagrams, 1 photo, 1 table and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (The In- stitute of Electric Nelding imeni Ye.O. Paton, AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: August 27, 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHORS? Tyagun-Bellous; G,S. ard Dudko, D,A. SOV-12,r-,98-9-5/14 TITLE: Technological Problems of Steel.-Part Cueting With the Aid olf a Electric-.Slag Feeding-Up Process (Voprosy tekhnologii ot- livki- stal-nykh detaley s por~shch;yu elektroshlakoi-oy podpitki.) PERIODICALi A-vtomatichookaya 9varka, 1958, Nr 9, P11 40--55 (U'l)"010 ABSTRACT: Information is presented on a mathod developed at the In- stitute of Electric Welding relating to the casting of shapad parts without lost heads by electric slag feeiing-up, process. Technology of the new method was analyzed at the I'Roetsel7- mash" Plant, together with "p. ya~ 4095", and experimental investigations were carried out on 1 ton steel casts. An optimum stepped technology was found for casts up to 1.2 tons, consisting of a three-stage process with intervals of 8-10 minutes. The new method improves the quality of cast metal due to the elimination of chemical heterocaneity and raises the yield of useful metal by 12-2ep, There is 1 set of diap-aM3., 1 graph.. 2 phctcg, 2 charts, Card 1/2 2 tables, 1 micro-photo and 2 Soirie);.references. SOV-125-56-9-B/14 Technological Problems of Steel-Part Casting 41th the Aid of a Elsat7ic-Slag Feeding-Up Process ASSOCIATIONt institut elektroovarki imeni Ye,C. Patona, AN USSR (Institute of Electri--. Welding imeni Ye.,O, Paton, AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: fillay 20;, 1958 1. Meta11.'j_-gy---';SSr.~ 2. Stee!---Casting 3. Steel---Proc es sing 4. Steel.--Tr-st resi2llts Card 2/2 Solid. electrically conductive flux for excitation of the auto- mRtlo slootrio welding under flux process. Avtom, evare 11 no,4: 65-66 Ap 158. (MIRA 11W 1. Ordena Trudovogo Kmanogo Znameal Inatitut slaktroovarki Im. Ta.O. Fatona AS USSR. (Inux (Metallurgy)-Illeotrio properties) (Xeotrio welding) Lie 5- AUTHOR: Tyagiun--Belous, G,S Engineer 125-50-4-9/15 TITLE7 Soliel Slectricity-Conducting Flux for Excitation of Electric Slag-Welding Proccuo (Elektroprovo(Inyy flyiifi v tvprdom sostoyanii dlya vozbu~hdeniya prot-je!.-3a) PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, 1958, NT 4, pp 65-66 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The electric slag welding process starts with melting a quantity of flux by eleztric are to form a slag puddle, after which it turns into an arcless (electric slag) pro- cess. The arc discharge in this starting period is ex- tremely unstable and accompanied by splatter of slag and metal as well as "freezing" of the electrode at short cir- cuit, To eliminate this, the are process must be fully eliminated, This was achieved by the development of flux which conducts electricity in its solid state and melts by the heat developing within it., The composition of -'this G flux - called "AN-25" -- is~ 35-40% Tio 5r% S102, ' 0 12-15'1e:~ CaO, 2-0a M90, 33-407a aF02j 2-3 R This flux " C " 2 k i r ic slag pro- melts readilyj and is not viscous. The elec cess starts quickly and remains stable at considerable changes of the depth and width of the slag puddle and of Card 1/2 the welding clarrent and voltage. After starting with the 125-58-4-9/15 Solid Electricity.-Conducting Flux for Excitation of Kectric Slag-WeldinE Process "AN-25"-flux, the process is continued with the usual flux chosen for the given ease, The "AN-25" flux is now used at the Novo-Kramatorskiy zavod imeni Stalina (Novo-Krama- torsk Plant imeni. Stalin), the Zhdanov zavod imeni Ill- yicha (Plant imeni Illyicha in Zhdanov). at the Zavod Rostzel~_ mash (Rostselmash) and at the Zavod Voroshilovsk (Voro- shilovsk Plant), The applications are: for filling of shrinkage cavities, welding metal of large thickness with plate-electrQdes, electric slag casting, etc, ASSOCIATION: Institut elektroevarki imeni Ye..O, Patona AN UkrSSR (Elec- tric Welding Institute imeni Ye,O, Paton of the AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: January 24,, 1958 AVAILABLE: Library of Congreas Card 2/2 YAVOYSKIY, V.I., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; BEICTURSUNOV, Sh.Sh., inzh.; CTIERTZEGA, D.P., . kand.tekhn.nauk; TYAGUN-BEWUSt G.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; DUDKO) D.A., kand.telchn.nauk, Prinimali uchasf1y--9-.--MmOV, V.A.; BELYAYEV, Yu.P.; YAKOBSHA, R.Ya.; AGAMALOVA, L.L.; CIEZUB11KO, G.A.; I BOCUROV) V.A.; KISSEL') N.N.; POTANTIN, U.N.; SYTOVA, Electric slag heating and additional feed of large sheet billets made of lOG2SD steel. Stall 22 no.7:611-615 J1 162. (MI1U 15:7) (Steel ingots) (Rolling (Metalwork)) IAVOISKI, V.I. (Yavoyskiy, V.I.]; CERNEGAO D.F. (Chernega, D,F.]; DUDKO, -Lou D A:;,TEAGUN-BELOUS, 0 S [T Bel A,-a4-j4-BEKTURSUNOV, S:S Bektureunov, Sh.;h:];~WMAR~N, V.A. (Bddharov, V.A.I-, AGAMALOVA, L LN MOLOTKOV, V.A.; IAKOBSEv R.I. [Yakobshe, R.Ya.); POTANIN, E.M: Potanin, Ye.M.] Electrolytic phenomena during the slag electric heating of the ihgots. Analele metalurgis 16 no.2s5-18 Ap-Je '62. YAVOYSKIY, V.I.; CHERNEGA, D.F.; DUDKO, D.A.; -40 - 50 mm thick. Electric-slag heating can be conducted both on d-c and a-c. The magnitude of the power supplied is regulated by the immersion depth of the carbon electrode into the slag pool. The authors compared the properties of metal from conven- tional 3-ton 6OXH(6OKhN) steel ingots and of one that was subjected to electric- slag heating. Heating was performed on d-c at I - 1,000 amp; U - 50 v, heating time 90 minutes. The flux was composed of 50% CaO, _V% CaF2; 20% S102. Flux Card 1/2 S113716210001003110191191 Electrit-slag heating and feeding of ingots Aoc)6/Aioi consumption was 20 kg/t of steel. It was established that electric slag heating eliminates almost completely shrinkage cavities, improves density and macro- structure of the metal. Noticeable chemical heterogeneity of the metal is not observed In the ingot. Heating on d-c of direct polarity (minus on -the electrGde) promotes a reduction of the H content In the ingot. Simultaneously with a higher yield of finished product, electric-slag heating improves the mechanical properties of metal. In electric-slag feeding a consumable electrode is used which is made of the same metal as the ingot. Pouring gates or steel rods. of 30 - 100 mm in diameter are used as electrodes. In electric-slag feeding, simultaneously with heating, the top section of the ingot is continuously filled- up with liquid metal of the consumable electrode, Flux consumption (60% CaO, 2U,'.' CaF2, 2(Y~ A120 ) 1- 15 25 kg/t of steel, The volume of the liquid pool for electric-slag leledoing m-ust be 4 - 5 times greater than for electric-slag heating. Electric-slag feeding makes it possible to reduce considerably zonal heterogeneity and the volume of the lower cone, and to raise the yield of finished product by 18 - 20%. The plastic properties of the metal inihe top portion of the ingot are higher than in the lower portion. P. Arsentlyev [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 2/2 BEKTURSUNOV, Sh.Sh.; YAVOYSKIY, V.I.; CHERNEGA, D.F.; TYAGUN-EELOUS, G.S.; SYTOVA.% N.M. Hydrogen behavior during the processes of electric slag heating and additional feeding of ingots. 1zv.vy9.ucheb*zav.; chernemeto 4 no*9:44-53 161. (MM 14:10) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali; Kiyevskiy politekhnicheakiy institut; Institut elektrosvarki i Zhdanovskiy meta.1lurgicheskiy zavod. (Steel-Hydrogen content) (Steel ingots) S/148/61/000/009/002/012 E071/E135 AUTHORS: Bektursunov, Sh.Sh., Yavoyskiy, V.I11 Chernega, D.F., Tyagun-B!lousA-G.S.j and Sytova, N.M. TITLE: The behaviour of hydrogen during electroslag heating and supplementary feeding of ingo'ts PERIODICALs Izvestiya vyszhlkh uchobnykh zavedeniyj Chernaya, metallurgiya, no.9, 1961, 44-53 - TEXT: The authors carried out experiments on electroslag heating and supplementary feeding of 8.2 ton sheet ingots of a low alloy steel NX 10 r2C A (lOG2SD) on a large scale experimental installation in which samples of the metal and slag were taken during the course of crystallisation of the ingots for the determination of hydrogen. The chemical composition of the steel was: -e- 0. 12% C; 1. 3-1.65% Mn; 0. B-1. 1% Si; ir6 0. 30% Cr;