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.- TUTOVEANUO E. They do not have to be ashawd of their products. Constr Buc 1~ no.761:2 8 Ag 164. TUTOVEANUJ. E. Much more attention to giass quality* Constr Buc 14 no.672:I 24 N '62. TUTOVEIJIU, E.; VLXL111D~N, S. Measures for the increase of the sheet-glans production. p. 2. (C0N5TRU=RIJL. Vol. 0,, no. .3475, Mar. 1957, Bitcuresti) Rumanj&) SO: Monthly List of East -I~Iuropean Accessions (EELL) LC. Vol. 6. No. 12, Dec. 191~7- 1 Uncl. I U " ; I ~'-- ", b j y at vy -. .age ~~f wsl-~C. f:cIrlpty. -"J' I.r,, - -- 1-0 It ,'. TITIVNEA19.1y E" On the agcnda, reduction of B-pecilr!c Congtr b-ac 16 ne.75&2 18 111164. TUTOVEANU, E. We are building a new factory of ag-,f,).oznerP-ted woodci plates. p. 3. (CONSTRUCTORUL. Vol. 9, no* 379, Apr. 1957., Bucuresti, RuTpnin) SO: Plonth-ly List of East ruropean Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. TUTOYEANU, E. About quality. p. 1. (CONSTRUCTORUL. Vol. 9., no. 398, Aug. 195T, Bucuresti, Rumania) SO: Monthly List of East r-uropean Accessions (MIL) LC. Vol. 6. No. 12, Dec. 15157- Uncl. TUT-OVIEAV U 2 E. The second youth of the factory. Constr Bic 16 no."736:2 15 F 164, TUTOVEANU, E. Achievements and prospects. Conatr BUO 15 no.700:2 8 1 Je '63. TUTOVEMUO E'~ 1;o- By four days earlier. Constr Buo 16 no*730tl 4 Ja'6,4* I TUTOVEASUP E. Together and after the daily activity, Constr Buc 15 no.726: 4 7 D 163. 4 , 1, -~~? i TUTOVEANUP E. The Dej of refractory products. Constr Buc 16 n;b.744:1 11 April 164. TUfO'IEjd[U, L.; Nandor, R. More attention to the quality of ceramic products. p. 2. (CONSTRUCTORUL. Vol. 9, no. 401, Spet. 1957, Bucurestil Rumania) SO: Monthly List of East Eurorean Accessions (Eij-.L) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. TWIUMMAUJ Z. Mien thil wholt, Collective ~Ive~, "i 1-a-tild. I - 2 (COUTRUCTO'M) (Buctirest , Rumania) Vol. 9, No. 02, `ept. 1','7" 50: lionthly Index of ],"-,,igt F.- ropean Acres.,--ilow, (-t--,AI) J-C, Vol.. 7, -111o. If TUTOWANU, 'r. The economic situation can improve. P. 2 (Constructorul. Vol. 9, no. 393, July 195?, Pucurerti, Rumania) Monthly Index of EastFuronean Accessions (FFAI) I.C. Vol. 7,, no. ?,, February 1958 TUTOVEANUS, E. Let us use labor's power in a productive way in idnter also. pe 2 CONSTRUCTORUL, Bucuresti., Vol 8, No. 315, Jan. 1956 SO: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol 5. No* 7,, July 1956 TWO-FANU, E. Also quality, not only quantity! p. 2 1101. 9, no, 343, Au.". 1956 'I fttTRT'T0RUL Bucuresti SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (F AL), W, Vol. 5, no. 12 December 1956 TUT,TEA?,*IJ. "I. TUTUTE-TIJ, E. I'llow to produce pottery 2t -- IOW COSt- ')- ~- Vol. It, no. 350, Sent. 1956 0011STPITMIFUL TFCFa,,DLOG'f Rumania So: Eant European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 5,, ~' z;y 1957 T 'I JITIO, V EJPIIIU A T UFT Ci V E, NI E. That i,; tf-,, c"r,ij tinm~ col'-.1c"j. ;alve I!f~(ITA !!';I patience alore. p. 2o Vol. F, no. -1,1~7, Lov. Rurwania So: Dist --,-uroi~ein Acceosion, 71,!. 5, ',~,y 1957 p, red* p# 2o t,l-.e wirlt:~r ful-L. Vel. 6 to I ., no . J Ov CONSTFP~TOFIJIL T E!'"i 1-0 LCI GY 2kij',!A-T;IA So: Ezst Eurcrean Accessionp voi. 63 1957 r f'zi Ct UI-4 Tl," C;i'~: nc , r, I,- TPT~! r .7",r TEC.', "CT-lf'--v 19 57 t Ix ,A LLI 11- 1 A' 2 La"A'_ r.- n I 'I , If, A'_ - - - ___#JUA!O_j U-P As"84 ~ a AW "Gosel-ts -"a " %0"A- X-Rays cap"r-Oxw Kwaftr PbO4041"At __L~%"dtgh. Pkyt. Uls. k Call. A. 1. Dwma*Ww end W. M. Tuft.0 Ix dowim.:Llt wit cwtabbahed that 00 a wtwtl a cjV".o%kk rectifier pbooekvttk call Is Irradiated by X-ray* of -00 wim-length 100400 X. ad 0,101 A14mAtm*tAy pwportkmal 0 the intansity of the radiAtion in wt up. provided that tbo M*ud qwWty of tho radiation rrnwns conAant. The nvpom of Ow tell to found to be a see *0 4 utaximumforA-27OX.approximately. It wo found that tbe direction Zee and mAgivitude of the curMt Is the some wbkbova electrode is OlowinAted. 00 0 if awmance to tmwe for the thicknm of aw ek0rodft Tho poodbw of the use of this CA f(w mmwug X-my intmsitits is discusted, D. 00* of AI too 41 .11rNA1,1019 CLAIWKAIOI* too see- 6.,4841fv VW" too L/ 0~ ~Ouow x x I, so i 1 0 9w 0 0 0 1 OF 0 0 a 1 3 9 0 a 14 01 1 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ow A a c 0 lp 6 a x L a a 0 ps a 6 1 w tiv "tells* zizi owes 17 0, 04114461.6 1" ml IVI 4 T-I b it 0 it a of a x &so- sallawfid CRY I cl av e 0 re *:~ 00 M 4 lj~'q RMANIA/Chenical Technology - Chemical Products and Their H-16 Application, Part 3, - Industrial Syrrthesin of Dyes. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 14) 1958., 47735 Author : Me Matei, Elena Cacca, Mdria Tutoveanu Inst : Academy of Sciences of Rumania, Jassi Branch. Title : To the Question~of Conversions and Structural Regroupir- of Nitroderivatives. Report Ii, Dyes of o- and n-Ni".,j- phenol , Orig Pub : Studii si cercetari stiint. Acad. RER Fili Iasi. Mira., 1956, 7, No 1) 215-222- Abstract : When heated with concentrated H2SO4, o- and n-nitropho- noles are subject to conversions o4id regrouping similar to those occurring at naphthazarine formation of 1,5-di- nitronaphthalene and polyoxyathraquinone formation of Card 1/3 RM=I/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their H-16 Application,, Part 3o - Industrial Synthesis of Dyes. fibs Jour Ref Zhur - Xhirdya, No 14, 1958, 47735 1,5-dinitroanthraquimae, Some of 4%*,he obtained products are dyes good for wool fibers, the other are dyes good for cotton fibers and artificial silk. The mixture of 6 g of o-nitrophenol with 4-5 V, of concentrated H2SOktis gradually heated to 140 - 1500 being stirring, then is heated one hour to 1700, after which it is heated to 180 - 1850 and stirred about 1-5 hours at 180 - 1850; after the reaction end, o-nitrophenol, which has not participated in the reaction,, is distilled off with steam, and a precipitate is separated by di--'ing the residue with water, the precipitate is extracted with water and alcohol in order to elininat-~ tha admixtures, after which it is dissolved in NaOR solution, and 3.5 g of 2,4,5,41-tetraoxy-2'-OXO-51-oximinodipheny1 (1) Card 2/3 RUMAITIA/Chemical Technology - Chemical P:roducts and Their H-16 Application, Part 3- - Industrial Synthesis of Dyes. Abe Jour - Ref Mur - Khimiya, No 14, 1958, 47735 is separated by acidifying with CH COOH* A mixture of 5 g of n-nitropheml, 6, g of M812 and 3 ml of glacial CH300H is heated about an hour at 1900, the precipitate is separated by diluting the mixture with cold waterj V.-- precipitate is filtered off, washed with water in order to eliminate ZnC12and n-nitrophu- nol, which has not taken part in the reaction, and 3 g of I is obtained* Card 3/3 AKEHEHOVP R.B.; TIJTROV,_;,,A..,, red. [Experience in equipping oil fields of Bashkiria to be exploited without derricks] Opyt ustroistva neftianykh promyslov Bashkirii d1in bezvyshechnoi ekspluatataii. (n.p.) 1963. 23 p. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Starshiy inzhener Nlormativno-issledovatel'skoy stantsii Obl'yedineniya neftepromyshlennykh trestov i predpriyatiy Bashkirskoy ASSR (for Akhmerov). (Bashkiria--Petroleum production-Equipment and supplies) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) _L 20850-66, EWT(d) IJP(c) GE/0027/64/006/012,/0881/0886 ACCESSION ITR: AP5020652 AUTHOR: Tutschke, W TITLE: Theory of parameter-dependent differential forms iSOURCE: Akademie der Wissenschaftent Berlin. Monatsberichte, v. 6, no. 12, 1~64, 881-886 TOPIC TAGS: differential equation, mathematic niatrix, mathematic function Abstra I. at: Me article deals with reduced-period matrices and the !a ution of ell ol 1PLI-Cal-differential equations. The maximuni-minimui f the fa 1principle is applied in -the where the ab:3olute terr. o tion vanishes. Tile parame I ater-dependent (adjuncltl) differential forml !is obt-ained by MUltiplying the differential elliptical- eTaation f,~r ~the funation 9 by another fvnetioil A . A theorem is proved on the ;v-3nishing of all periods of tho differential fonn. Tile N-alidit- J cer'Lain assum tions made in the analysis is discussed and affirmed.. W Orig. arL. has 11 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fur reine Mathematik der Dtb Akad, Wigs.., Forschungsemain- Sohaft (Research Gr6_up, t Theoretical Mathematics at the German Academy Of Sciences) (Card. 111. Wel-50-66 I ACCESSIO14 NR: AP5020652 SU13M=: 2lJul64 NO REF SOV: ooo ENCL: 00 OIBW,.- 008 SUB ODDE: NA JPRS 1. TUTSEVICH Spravochnik Po 0gorodnichestvu (mamml of Vegetable (1) A. Tutsevich. 7 izd., Dop. (Moskva) Profizdat, 1954. 199 P. Mus., Diagrs.,, Tables (V Pomoshch' Rabochim N15 725.4 . B3 1954 Gardening., by) M. Basin I Cluzhashchimogorodnikam) 0 .1 ti-TIMY, IN, EP31-TEYN, $ Villi ,-:. ~ux' - Gelatine. Improving the technologj of elatin production. ll':ias. ind. 13 No. 4, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1951~ Uncl. S TUTSKTYI_ 111. ~ EPSHUMT, G. p VITIJIK, D. Gelatine Improving the technology of gelatin production. Mias. ind. 23 No. 4, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952 )YW, Uncl. Tu-b;ovic Alck;~-C17C-4-izll YUGOSLAVTA/Fora~ - Forest Plants. K-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.,, No 3) 1958, lo6o8 Author : Tutsovic,,_4Au"wdar Inst : Forestry D"rtment, University of Beograd Title : Some Observations on Germination of Poplar Seeds. Orig Pub : Glasnik Shumarskog fak. Un-t Beogradu, 1955, 9, 167-177- Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 BELOVA, L.A.,- inzh.; 14AMIKONYANTS, I-G., doktor Le-khn. nauk, pruf.; TUTUB-ALIN, V.N., kand. fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk Probability of insulation failure in turbogenerator stator windings dependent on the duration of the operation. Elektri- chestvo no.4:42-47 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut elektroener- getiki. TUTUB&LINf, V,.NG-; FIMYDLIN, M.I. (Moscow) Structvare of the infinitesimaLl. of a Gaussian pxo-,esr-. Toor, veroiat. i so primi "7 no*2;2Wk--2013 -62. (MIRA 15:5) (A! getwaie topology) (Probabilitias) TIJTUB&LIN. V.N. (Moscow) Linit, behavior of the composition of measures in Lobachevskii plain and space. Teor. veroiat, i ee pri--. 7 no.2:197-204 162). (MIRA 15:5) (Markov procosoes) (Topology) TUTUBALIN, V.N. Asymptotic behavior of compositions of measures in certain symmetrical spaces. Dokl. AN SSSR 143 no.2:286-288 Mr 162. (KRA, 15:3) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univervitet im. MoV.Lomonosova. PredBtavleno akademikom A.N.Kolmogorovym. (Groups, Theory of) (Spaces, Generalized) TUTUBALIN., V.N. Asymptotic behavior of compositions of measures on a complex unimodular group. DokI. All SSSR 146 no.6:1286-1289 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V* L-Omonosovas Predstavleno akademikom I.G. Petrovskim. (Topology) (Groups, Theory of) TUTUBALIN, VN, Asymptoti; behavior of compositions of measures In car'Clain uniform spaces. Izv. AN SSSR. Sero mat. 27 no,6s1301-1342 N-D :63. (MIRA 17:1) TUMBALIN, V.11. (Mloscow) Limit theorems for croducts of random matrices. Teor. verciat, i ee prim. 10 no.1:19-32 165. (MIRU, 18:3) 41 0 CODE: UR/0055/66/000/002/0070/0076~ AUTHOR: Tutubalin, V. N. ORG: Departwnt of Theory cf Probability, Moscow State University Kafedra teorii veroyatnostey, Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITIE: Asymptotic behavior of the distribution of the product of complex unimodular .matrices SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya I. Matematika, mekhanika, no. 2, 1966, 70-76 TOPIC TAGS: mathematic matrix, asymptotic property ABSTRACT: LotI P 92*"** be random independent matrices with the -identical distrRution. /t. nsider the produet, m S m = 9192 9 and its representation in the formi- g(m) = ul(m) d W ur W where d(m) diag(dj,..., d.)., 0 -4 dl .4 ig dn, and ul (m), Up W aro unitary matrices* If the measure A satisfies some (rather strong) conditions.. it is possible ,to choose ur(m) and *uj(m) in (*) in such a iray that all the toiltipliers in are almost ind6pandont for largo m. Asvmptotic distributions of thesd multipliere are also found. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. [,JPRS:' 35',6301 SUB CODE: 12 / SUBM DATE: Wug64 / ORIG REF: 004 / OTH REF: 003 Card 1/1 "s UDC: 51 .21 -- ; -- ~ I -, -,; " If, . !~.; , ': I I - "! -2 r -'r: :~ .. ~ 7' . r r, f, ~ ~ - f' - ~ ~ I., T. c-C i -.- T;~r n -;,- ' -.I-- - -~ . -.i , 1. .. , .: , - !,! ".. I ; . C (:T,. I 03c,", I I r-,,b] - 311--' n,3 196c). T-M P. illus. TI-.11n,gla-I'llon Of (.,rjrjjjjj r(l U u -1 , U _~! -da n : ~7f.rGilellntv, v - '~-'ZR. _JUTUCHENKO, Semen Favlovichi-KIYANICHENKO, N.S., red.; YEREMINA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Better buildings and developments) Luchshie zdaniia i kom- pleksy . Kiev, Goestroiizdat USSR, 1962. 52 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Ukraine-Building) TUI, Gh. SURFAT, Gh,,, CaMUdat in stiinte economice; VIESCU, V.; - Antinational and exploiting character of the R=anian Yonarchy. Probleme econ 15 no.12:182-197 D 162. . RFS, Miloslav, inz., C;So; TUTUNAROVA, IOvka, inz. (Sofia) Examples of the use of apparatus for the determination of the flow 1-,,olnt. War a keramik 13 no-111299-302 N '63, 1. Tesla, n.p., Praha-Holesovice. TUTUNA-RU, !-'umlltru, prof.~ ct.,-t. Contributions t~, tr~u pttAiy oil 3TJ.-r7-:, !~- irl.ving tba catttng units -',~ '.':x3tr, ma-.~ t) t:n* 7'062-3b6 J.'- '64 0 MATKIERON9 D.; SILAS, Gh.~, TU'T'UNNqU,, D. lh4-d internaticnal Conferuncq on 4-he Machine and Mechanism A. - I Theory, September 1"NS3, Miskolc, Hungary. Studit cerc Me,:! apl 16 I.i.e. 151 no.3087-792 164. TUTUNARUO D. Method of circular translation for the formation of plane mechanisms. Studii cere mee apl 15 no.1:125-144 164. Diagnosis RUMAN I A POPESCUO GR., Lieutenant Colonelo Medical Corps; NECULA, N., Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps; MARCULESCU, M., Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps: and TUTUNARU Captain, Medical Corps, "Voluminous Preaortic Abdominal Tuberculous Lymphoma. Report of Case" Bucharesto Revista'SpAltat6 Milltara, Vol 62, No, 6$ Nov-Doc 66, p. 1021- 1024 Abstracti Report of case In woman aged 51, with recovery following surgical Treatm5nt and chemotherapy with Isonlazid, streptomycin and parn-aminosall- cylic acid; general discussion of diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties. 3 French, 4 Rumanian references. Manuscript received 25 Feb 66. I TURSUNO" Akhunova., brigadir; SARTBAYEV Rakhmatallyp chaban; TUTUNARU, M.K.., avenlyevaya; KALYARA, X.R.,, okbotnilc - -- Our country expects heroic deeds from you. Mn.nat. no.5:9 Itr 162. (MM 15:7) 1. KoJJchoz imeni Kirava Chinazakogo rayona Tashkentskoy oblasti (for Tursunoy Akbunova). 2. Kolkhoz "Chayek" Dzhumgallskogo rayona Kirgizokoy SSR.(for Sartbayev Rakhmatally). 3. Kolkhoz nMbldavall Strashenskogo rayona Moldavokoy SSR (for Tutunaru, M.K.). Kolkhoz "Vozrozhdoniyo" Iulltinakogo rayona Magadanskoy oblasti ;or Kalyana X.R,). t (Pioneers ( youth)) (Agriculture-Study and teuching) BINDIU, C.; WNITA, N.; TUTMARU, V.; MOCANU,, V. Water economy of some plant associations on the Babadag Plateau., Dobruja. Rev biol 7 no,3.-325-348 162* 1. Biologisches Institut "Tr. Savulescu~' der Akademie der RVR, laboratorium fl~r Geobotanik. SANDA, V.; CIOBANU, I.R.; TUTUNARU,,,.V,. Floristic studies on Istrita Hill. Studii cerc'biol s. bot 16 no.6:477-495 164. 1. Laborat6'ry of Morphology and Vegetable Systematics, IlTraian Savulescu" Institute of Biology. GEORGESCU, C.C.1 TUTUNARU, V.; CATRINA, I. Humidity of the wood of the spruces defoliated by Lyzantria monacha L. Studii carc biol vaget 14 no.3s259-276 162. 1. Membru corespondent al Academiai R.P.R. (for Georgescu). GEORGESCU, Const. C.; TUTUNARU, V. Male catkins of the walnut tree (Juglans regla L.) of one.-year- old shoots and their pbylogenetic importance. Rev biol 8 no.3: 261-268 163. 1. Akademie der RVR, Institut fur Blologis "Traian Savulescuo, I,aboratorium fur Pflanzensystematik,, TUTUNDZIC, Panta S.; DOM)EVIC, Spasoje D. Moctrol7tic refining'of mercury in an acid solution of mercuric nitrate. Gl.hem.dr. 23/24 no.1/2:41-50 '58/59. (KRAI 9:5) 1 Facult3r of Technology, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electro- chemistry. Beograd. 2. Urednik, Glasnik hemiskog drtxotva Beograd (for Tutundzic). (Mercury) (Electrolysis) (Mercury nitrates) (Acide) TUTUIMZIC, Ranta, S.-, DORIMVIC, Spasoje D. .1 . ~ .11 - - -1 ... Determining impuz-1ties In mercury by the polarographic method. G1. hem.dr. 23/24 no-1/2:51-57 '58/59. (nAI 9:5) 1. Faculty of Technology, Institute of Physical Chemistry and Blectrochemistryg Beograd. 2. Urednik, Glasnik hemiskog drastva Beograd (for Tatundzic). (Mercury) .-- (Pblarograph and polarography) ROGALISKIT, B., insh.; TUTOV, F., inzh. Mixed brigades are building apartment houses according to con-bined hourly 11 chedules, Zhil.stroi. no.11:6-10 '59. (KM 13:4) (Moscow-Apartment houses) 85587 S/048/60/024/007/020/032/XX A4, 672-o B019/BO56 AIJTHORSs Bozhko, V. P., Zalyubovskiy, I. I., and Tutubalin, A. I. TITLE: Measurement of the Mean Lifetime of the LuI75 Nucleus in the Excited State With an Energy of 113.8 kev PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 847-849 TEXTa This paper was read at the 10th All-Union Conference on Rucle Spectroscopy, which took place in Moscow from January 19 to 27, 1960. The first excited state of the Lu175 nucleus, which is formed in ther)-- decay of Y175 was investigated. As theft'-transitions to this level amount to only 5_~ _0 211 Yb175-decays, the e~cperiments are very difficult. The apparatus to be used must therefore consist of a good discriminator and a good coincidence circuit. Stilbene crystals with a photomultiplier were used for the detection of P-- and t-emissions. and 4--p- coincidence curves are shown in Fig. 2. From the distance between the centers of mass of these curves, the authors calculate the half-life of this state as Card 1/3 85587 Measurement of the Mean Lifetime of the Lu175 S/048/60/024/007/020/032/XX Nucleus in the Excited State With an Energy B019/BO56 of 113.8 kev amounting to T = (3.6 + 0.6)-10"l0 sees. According to data supplied by Martin, Hatch, and Bernstein (R;Jfs. 6-6), the authors estimate the mean lifetime of this state as amounting to 1.1-10-10 secs. Here, the E2 ad- mixture was assumed to amount" to 2qo. There are 2 figures and 9 reference-st 3 Soviet, 4 US, and 1 Swiss. ASSOCIATIONg Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR Card 2/3 .veepAw Psic. 2. l(psxnLzc3aAep)Hmmmxp-y- (1) IIY-P-(2) CO"8901111rf- 0,1110 Aencinto ita ocitaGogtice pautio 1,55-10-0 cett S/048/60/024/007/02O./032,/XY 130101/B056 Card 3/3 5 16(1),16(2) 05 7 9L AUTHORSi Karpelevich,F.I., Tutub#lij2,_V.N.._.,.,and Shur,M.G. SOV/52-4-4-5/13 TITLEs -Limit Theorems for the Compositions of Distributions in the Lobachevskiy Plane and Space PERIODICAL: Teoriya veroyatnostey i yeye rimeneniya, 1959, vol 4t Nr 4, pp 432-436 (usm~ ABSTRACT: The authors investigate random variables in the Lobachevskiy space or plane L. The Borel measure -A,,,(r) is calleO symmetrical if for every Borel set r and every rotation h around the coordinate origin 0 it holds: j4-(hrl -^(r). The composition /Ali*~&2(r) is defined by _S,~wj(qx-'r)/,42(dx), where 9 x L is a motion in L which transforms 0 into the point x. Theorem 1: Let IP(q) be a bounded zonal spherical function (compare f-Ref 2_7). Then ilf (j)/A.,_,*,,A-2(dx) _,[~O(J)^Jdx)~ .RWAO-2 (dx), where ~-3(0,x) is the noneuclidean distance Card 1/3 between 0 and x and /-"'J, P-2 are symmetrical measures. 0579h Limit Theorems for the Compositions of Distributions SOV/52-4-4-5/13 in the Lobachevskiy Plane and Space Definition: the function f(9) - .JT(qd,!,Z).-'(dv)) is called a characteristic function of fir in rork tle finite symmetrical measure 4--. (Here;,,,(A) -,#,. X;5(0'X)&A~). Theorem 2: Let ,Wn be a s4uence of symmetrical measures, A. (L)---I; let its characteristic functions converge to f(q), n Then ""In converges weakly to a measure )V..zhe characteristic function of which is f(5), where Definition: fal is called a characteristic function of second kind. f(70 Theorem 3: If 9 (3) converges to g(9), if lim h(7) - 0 and if n 00 (q)A (d ~) --->- ~X_ fh (d~), then the measures A,, converge weakly 0 0 t 0 Camd 2/3 6 05794 Limit Theorems for the Compositions of Distributions SOV/52-4-4-5/13 in the Lobachevskiy Plane and Space Definition: Lot the dispersion of IA-be DQO-) no f (0) It holds D(/I&,*/,,'V.2) D(,m-,) + D(/-1-2) Theorem 4 treats the convergence of the sequence ,,"a, I *,"n, 2* ... *,Aok~n , k The authors mention M.Ye.Gertsenshteyni, and V.D.Vasillyev, There are 2 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: December 25, 1958 Card 3/3 TUTUBALIN, V.N. (Moscow) Invariant random measures on a abpere. Teor. verai-at. i ee prim. 6 no.1:125-130 161o (MIRA 14:6) (Spaces, Generalized) YUGOSLAVIA/Physical Chemistry Electrochemistry. B-12 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Miimiya, No 1, 1958, 557 Author Panta S., Tutudzic, Paula - Inst Chemical Society (Yu~-,oslav). Title Calomel and Sulfate Electrodes in Glacial Acetic Acid, Pyridine, -Picoline, 2,4-Lutidine and 2,6-Lutid-4ne. OriG Pub Glasnik Hem. drustva, 1956, 21, No 5, 257-269 Abstract With a view to enlarCe the experimental possibilities of potentiometrical. research in non-aqueous soltlions, the potentials of followinC electrodes were determined (rela- tively to saturated c. e. in water): H.- / H92C12, satur. KC1, in CH3COOH -t- 0.27 v. in eX, -picoline -t- 0.42 v, in 2,4-lutidine 4-0-33 v, in 2,6-lutidine -# 0.45 v; H.- / %S04, satur. K2SO4, in m3cooH -vo.69 v, in pyridine Card 1/2 YUGOSLAVTA/Physical Chemistry - Electrochemistry. B-12 i Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 557 (I) * 0-34 v, in :4,-picoline -1 0-39 v, in 2,4-lutidine ~-0-29 v, in 2,6-lutidine -t-0-36 v. The calome! and sul- fate electrodes are less stable in I and its derivatives than in CH COOH owing to the reduction of the HC salts. The practiK1 application of these electrodes is shown in examples of potentiometrical titration of I with sulfu- r1a acid in CH3COOH, solution of AgWO3in I with the solu- tion of KSCN in I and propionic acid Rith dimethylamine in picoline as a solvent. Card 2/2 0 v L G ., -One Whuovallblc behaVE"U of the gnom-uic 4-yn and antt aad S; j;u$pn~. r"d. r,=d. boca1v a &:�TI045J Pu . i Lu54 iu German)-it poL'LrGV-phtc SEUdy of W %: fiyn mad anti forms of benzd1clokint with 0 IM (Cl4,,'-V &i the !a- difftreat clectrelyte Lndicami Eh~ pc~siihiflty of aepg. these ;; L'amL-ra. The polarograzu fGr the syn form P'~~Scutq two Z~14; for the and form, one step. The haff-v~ruve poten- a the fint step of the Sys forru ucuir3 at 1.84 v.; the hal -wAyc valu-- of -1.22 v. The tion of the anti Lomer is idea- Syr i_'Otner. The eclation butween coucz. and sUp height b linear far both iiomevs. By ' th 2LOV,3 Incipl's, ic U P'Miult to -'cv1.c.z Pa- c c ethod For the dcta. d a mix t. ot tht: 2 wamcra. i m 'rhe exet wavic of the syn term is tbought tu bc-Uri~tic U, 114turt; the Zad wave Of the 6yu form as well Ui th~ %-.-4vc of th~ auti adziulte by diffusiou. It b 5u n1led tL; the 2 WaVC3 of the Syn form g,v rclttext to th,: PtaututuviLc fortris c;AhL Lsouw. (1, Dri-t_ - v 0 - BUYVIERM, YE. M., SIDYAKV, 33. -P., TUTULUL-A~ " Bentcnite Bentonites and clays of Uzbekistan. Vin. SSSr.12 No. 3, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Jim 1952. Unclassified. I-- -BUYP-,VERrVA.- YE. M.-, STDIAKPI, G. F., TUT17ULOV, A. V. Clay - Uzbekistan Bentonites and clays of Uzbekistan Vin. SSSR 12 No. 3, 1912. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified. Wine and Wine Making Uzbekistan Bentonites and clays of U.7bekistan. Vin. SSSR 12 nc. 1952. Monthl List of Russian Accessiona, Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified. I TITIJNARU, D.; DFKIAIN, Tr,- Plotting cam profiles by means of a generating curve. Trudy Inst.- mash.Sem.po teor.mash. 22 no.8.1/86:38-50 '61. (KIRA 14-12) (Cams) &I TUTUNARU, D.; MURGULESCU, Elena Mathema.tical mechanims resulting from flewton'B mechanism. Studii cerc mec apI 14 no. 6:1359-1386 163-- 5 - TUTUNARU, D.; I am PI I I TECHNOLOGY PERIODICAM METALURGIA SI CONSTRUCTIA DE MASINI. Vol. 10 no. 10, Oct. 1958 TUTUNARU, D. - DF14M, T. The prochiction of cosinusaidal and sinusoidal cam profiles by means of a generating curve. p. 861. Montbly List of East European Accessions (~EAI) W, Vol, 8, no. 4. April 1959, Unclass 'I'La"ANARIJ, D.; ~WIAFJ, V. --------- Invariability of the relationship of power transmission of gearint, with. the avolvent profile of gear toothing. p. 32. (Metalurigia Si Constructia De Masini. Vol. 9. No. 1. Jan. 1937, Buc-uresti, R-=ania) SO: Monthly List of Eafit B-aropean Accessions (XKAL) Lc. Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. r T TUTUNAMJ,, D.; MMAFU, V. TUTUNARU., D.; MANAFU, V. New nethod for the determination of speed in mechanisms, the method of characteristic points. p. 6. Vol. 80 no. 10, Oct. 1956 METALURGIA SI CCNSTRUCTIA DE MASINI. TECHNOLOGY FWMANIA So: East European Accession, Vol. 61 No. 5, may 1957 TUTMAR11 D.: DFIAIAN, T. Determining cam profiles In mechanism witt plaw puishere, Studil dbrc mee apl 11 no.6:1411-1418 160. 1. Institutul ploitehnic, Bucureati I GEORGESCU# C,Cel NITU# Gh.; TUTUTN 0j, .,-A8-V Research on the water circulation in the oak Quercus rob-ar L. in the course of its drying. Studii cerc biol veget 12 no.4:475-495 160. (EEAI 10:5) I, Membru. corespondent al Academial R.P.Re (for Georgeacu) (Oak) TIPITRUMIP V.; G-kO?JG---SCII', C. Contribi.ition to the knowledge of the nicromycatic flora on the conifers of Rumania. In Geivan. p. la. RETUTE DE '310TIMIE. JOURINAL OF E-.-,C)LC-GY. (Academia Republicii Fo!ularc R-caine) Blicuresti, Rumania. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accensions (IMAI) LG, Vol. 8, no. 7, Jlll,,~ 1959. Uncl. TUTUNARU, V.;G70-.1j7..SCTJ, G.;?37-~'D')'^T, ~*% . ..... Lesions on the species jh2ij and Chanaecup-trio made by late frosts, am the fun-gi accompanying them. p. 291. STUDII SI CERCETARI DE KOLOGIE. -3ERIA EZI LOGIE VvWI,',IrABI.A. Bucuresti. vol. 10, no. 3, 1958. ~bnthly Ust. of Fast hironean Accessions (TEFAI ) I-cp Vol. 9, no. I, Jnnuary 196r). Uncl. nVuNinum, O.M. Developing the schoolchild's confidence in his own strength In sports [with su=uary in Xnglish3. Vop.psikhol. 4 no.4:128-134 JI-Ag 158,, (MIRA 11:11) 1. Nauchno-iseledovateliskiy inatitut shkol Ministerstva pro- sveshoheniya ArmSSR. Yerevan'. (Physical education for children) , o1041 TOO It a a A A j? Is )9 j0 if LP Uis 1) hi v w0 a 4, 11 0 ago AA t 4; 00 Slectric conduciftity of tho vistar to gave sad Makisk. 114xtA 1.4 1 trwrlosmul of s" Asm jpy Yomlodar, J, .33 41(in Genn&n 41 2K JIM) T?WtP Cmid and - 0o mokial contents of the fiver watef in %v4 mW Maklib slid of the water if) 11tomd 0 $ 1 rivill wrre flotd. Tbl* nwthol pvc very AiKkl r"llits In (frill mail firt"(1pt cmilrof * it te or wairt rive th~nv("t valtrem or fxt.,r (a - im itfirril 1.v *at finind W 1~ I--- hich -00 -00 00 1! " 00 00 0 W-1 ;00 '00 00 it 4wat,kj,6KA, 41vk4.lL.l t i%,t., 34110 100 It r? IP N ofK11 n it .11 it 14 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 A 000000.*0000*0000000000 00*0000000000*00*00000 ' '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-6 04-4 t 1. 1/ it 14 41 00 It u !f fl It n m ! ~M~A ~ftis 641~1'1 a ~16 If a ~Ipw I ~tf #,I I A 00 It"Natka of the tbwy ad skefteb* diewatoc rmotlt TUV 'lm I 'kv PuU. jec. thim. try. YevgosAie. S, 110-24(1932) -A Iva. trv*w .1 the 1%;.7c a ,k4 troNtic dissom. (turn GMbm to (be P"Ut time. 1. G. TOLPIN Oce ad L A.9TALLUROCAL WERAILAC CLAWFOCADCO, 9 U- nee 3ee 0 tdA3sZ %.Iasi .'v 0%. W a.. ill 00 so L-1 4 1 I uIs AV It a K K aof it K a It It a KA4 n IIs MAL is OWD "81IF441a6 3 1 1 0:0 0 04 a 0 0 .8 0 0 0 0 000 1 *5 rI I a I 1 0 v 11 it a M is it I? Ls W A --fL d r P G It I A 00 A L a, N CC W U40 1 1 4 1 1 A I 4 liechic&jcmduchuueo(tb&nahv-lm4uWwtim. L -of 0* Al The mineral water of Vrojacla banje. Pants$.Tutund- A k -00 AV - Ong. sm. d". Ygolvi v. 4, 00 it of esec. condurtanm and of dry -00 so a tcoldum of a no: bf mineral wat"s showed a definite Me. - tion between the". The factor F, expreWng this WA161n. 00 et a tithe seine invZ~;ol-imiUr av,m;ops. rrSwdlenof total -00 %IUM, ThiS COUtAl RTVC 9% & t*IiS nt CI&S"C*6011 and 4 MCIPOSC-AtiOn Of natural Mineral WStM, (CZPCfi- mentally found) could be u3ed not only for The dctn. Of f temporary chances In total concti. but also for the dttn. O p. mineral cvmtuW changes In the proportion of the x*6 a campartents. TaIrAtt 00 00 10,3 zoo , 0 '40 00 ~ ' so A 1 0 S k A vjVA&LVrKAL LITIN411.01 CLASUFKATIC- it it ~ . IV 4 71 Va I N r) W-I -jj 9 1 IV * * & 0 * 0 0 0 0 ese * 0 0 0 * 0, 00 ' - W 'W -"' i ~ ; 0 0 $00 000000 0 -0 4 0 0 0 ; 4 ~04 r 0 V T O e ; ~ V 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 '00 013 1 d 1 4 1 1 1 IV It 1) 11 It 15 P 1; 1 14 A is It x A x it Lr u P 0 m it 1, 1, a J, il o A, IS . 41 " r4 it A A L a 11 P. 2 AA W CC M "At - 00 _ 00 i d h bi f f .00 m o A- )~A $Ug e Pro m o Prodibl Y t by dicact exidatfism ad kwb it"jidins L-mbu,"Wo - 00 X~j Fulf-six :: so a:: i00 o0o .300 00- 00- goo 10 1 l 001 r 0 ~0 00 . . .00 001. '00 00 001 -.00 00, ;Zoo *0 H, 001, A 0 ASI. 01 -~--1001. I - 0 0 it tv to a n It K K Cl IN U : a 0 0 0:0 0 111 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 v 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10749 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 r 0 0 9 0 111 0 0 6~ Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ~ I I ` I~ . i . Soso foe 0 ALM-N.p all- -A 1-01 004 Soo 00 c 0 T' Ponce a . l to to". F". 00 QW-A -w #M. Ig dwgifwd .441,llg ul a d" tab" wkh rawwjo~ a A gl4n "a4"w Wrgmo the cVwftr al lbt bwW10 o . 1- BI(OHI., The Wn. is pnxdW Ii. I,. ,j. ( the MM w d . a fmwr4 %Inc rd. Wry Twit c(h dow. wo &Nqlnd j0 b~ o dbl b 00 o P e y I G. T. 00 v 14 al AIIIIALLILIPOICAL U11111*11411 CLAjtWKAYICM salcoj .16 Q-v Get 11114i e,;c U N AT is IF 1, at a It 91 it lot "1 14 An 0 111 * : 0 0 a 0 0 Vs 0 0 0 0 111 a 0 * * a Of 0 90 6 0 pe: OJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 009 0 is aa 0 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 00000 0 -so 0 a$$ too zoo z:9 0 Mee .=so I u@$ 0 0 0 0 03! a is ly I) As is As ly 21 v b m b m Ji- A -tag is it v ga; od ga )k v III is a all A; Ij ad is to A It . I 0 0 A I-A-MIT.9 A I --I .'v A-, if t 4 149111, -C 00 0 to -go 00 of .00 Moctrical coaductivity of natwal taimarfal watligra. U. Ths minom) watlersof Roggilika Sliffins. Paintas.1)jima.l. thift. /full. saac. Ihsog. pay. Famsaltir. l3d 11M); it. C. A. 29. N151. -The tatal a-uncu. cal i Inisleral Inatirr In wattr can fie twCutattly aild filikkAy 4 lavid, fall th IIW *111 14 111 CIV4', 011111 14 b"111116 P 91111 '3 PlavilhA, lw(,me filial Ofoar [Krillne the Wmef. Ifle'li,il'I'll'i A. .4 '11411st. III lim)IIIII, 44 Ow lor'llief, rhillilialb"i .4 C.6 'Ifid %IN IN Ill IW11144111 'it -1111~41.1116,1 111 41.# 1. 0 0 4-illmviv )IIIIAgr-I IIV 111"1811% ad 'Ielli. 'J to. 13 0 0 Of Teo :10 0 A 19, 5 1. SITALUJIMOCAL LITIFRATLAII CLAIJIFKATICIP go, 11'P-f im s -a 0 4 V U IS AV A .1 9 to a( It If a It it n I in 0 0 00'o 0 0 01 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 _~Llv * * 0 0 0 6 0000 : 0 0 0 1111:4 9 0 0 of 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 w ,* 'W l w W w 1* 0 0 0 0 o * o o O 4 " a 14 b A, A, 11 31 19 13 0 -E, u I n pu a 4-, 0 0 0 0 MysbeacnamwAl and *lteftechitmilcal dwactenatics R 61 gWn*fal WIWI. I'llitil S, TtI11111111W. F.Imjr Aloska i Nismal. IN, th, 0 0 If (,41.wingr dumm-ferio" Orr KMIr le"limst, intistelk- pvr%%t;ir, I lo lims totil. rJ41 re 0 go 0: g 00 00 , low, f Ate 1. .. I I.q, A I A I k A Of I At k LW(.K At tiff RAV%,Pf CL AWYKATICh 0 U U A' -0 11 it AM A a ow a I w Aj a 3 0 : IV 11 tv lp 09 99 a -9 9 K 0 0 g a 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 o 0 0 0:0 0 ~ 0 0 0 a 6 o 0 4 0 0 0 * 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0000*00 ooooo::f4og Ole 006094090040640009, . 0 4 0 0 0 to 0 03 1 1 a - 11 p v ~1 1 x so jtaajwaation at natural iningfol mottion tot Iforst Ift" IP A tit, ,41- ,1, 1- a *jIrI% tit do to file little. $,I %oll.. 1.6~4 (.to the 00 "I"th(W #A K44111`111US-h- 14141.11 a,~ ivetv h- Ni 0 . tse tt mi-s s 8l E 00 4 =00 00 goo 00 coo goo fro 0 00 0 jxOo boo too t 03 7 'TA it cm v AN* XtIll 11101 go 0 e too 1, 1, 0, of JE No 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0. 0 4, 0 0 0 0 0 0 v: * o o 0 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 o 0 a 0 0 0 0 AAA. pugs ago-#-" ow i6o0ii0*00*00iiie *'A a P 2 a sm a a 1 8 1 a a or a as ajo A I L', li, -A- .34-01 6-0 d.l. M-8-L -00 OQj *0 4114611"1110 of Ca4micas and h"Ift bee 000 seludens of shmalifle andwiew aft, 0. A. Wn, T. 4111 Onkmann, 4 A, . oot BdL$gow6dwn and A. matemsev. J. Geis. ClArN. '::o U. a. ~& 139"(1215); J. Aim Y1. 13. 7" 2-7 -00 CN. ~ -A at y was usede of 30, 22W, &1W. x I k "r.) diciency in the clepoalskm a( :0 Cd and coarn. of HPI(A is 23'. Cuncn. 4) tha 09 of H.110,varied betwemO., -:1"O"Nrt=ufCdSO, kept coast. at 1. 0.3. 0.23 and 0.125N. The c. d. was 0.111. -00 WuW. UJIM And 0.11075 amp./sq. cm. The previously sunwated =11=104a for minufmancous discharge of -00 V, Was was f S. L. Madwsky was a" "am Pakdav". U. X00 004 fiffagabodic putcatials cd Pl. Id and Au In 2 N GO* II.Kk. measured by the Le Slaw method at funto temp.. am dimininked by depolarkimt the amWr j I I chenskally. coo so 42) by rewffaal of the current. or M by superp-aing a r. 00 4r Me potentials Swere. by extrep-lative to 0 c. d.: 1, O.M. 500 v.. Pd 0.917 v. and Ao 0.0) v. They differ frum the 9 06 * 0 0 theamicStl Slecompa. potential for Ilto. 0.937 Y. The Z!, rifects an time ammudk- poccotiel of diffleml degrees of polaricaticat and of varying the c. d.. were detd. Thew nee readis am explained by the format imm of roxiouts unstable oziolra an the ww&. which give values varyins with the am# ra derioiWilatice. If. kerdv woo off! A A 10 - 6 L A MICULLWGICAL LITUATION1 CLAHOPKATME IL . '. _ :L seem 11"9211. lah*44 -4 Samoa* a&# elf Got *tow 1141"Amf 4P ~0- 711111 -OK O-V a 10 Ali; ; Is J, In I Sir a 9 a 1 3 1 00000010000**000*004poo a 00 000 0 0 * 0 a 00 0 0 o Fe W, a o am 000 001 00016 0 : : : : : : : : : : : : 0 0 0 0 *i Ole Wom~-Go 0 L It 4-1- -1 1 0 A 'A t A- Al 00 go -00 -00 AR-Tulufflislik, /)WM. P-9, 9him. Mdrads ll~,Nv. 1/2. 3- 11(1046-40)(Pub. 11147)(In ScrI44n) pmWS 111MASY). -The potrntlAl- 04 A 10 1 N AgN(N and AS/matil. A&Nth writ tWt-t- In ayd'. PrWing, P"6ne, An.1 NO- dint. over it Swri.4 of 230 days. Tht amat sulAt Imlen- tijils w- abaned with said. Ag.N(N sWas. M. L. N. 0e Noe coo lie -goo Noe zoo 14 0; fdo 0 SCUCL(lk K.L WERAfflif CL.511FOCATIC. it 6 b*g "a 10 ,A! -;-j- T, ,Go I.Ra I ; 7 - 1 6-. .I. -- t - ~ - 1- 0' Is '--I' ?W -0 -s- is -*3 is 17 IG it" ,7, iv n to IV It m it III It It a It it It if 4114 16 *ooo 000000006000000000 & -e a 000000 0 o 0 cA &TUIllud" MISWAI Itflaradel. ho (Techaklitit Vefika, Ples it 641111' T and 14. 0 , Itive". It) ZrIs w pull. Ch. - )At& kW A. 31 banja. Mary of ti welbt are given OP Electrical cooduttance of ustural rutnerall waters. V The mineral waters of Pkaka banJe. 11. S-lutuudlhit and S. D. Dmdcvi6 (Tchnilka VelikA ~VDIA. UCIKTM'lt). fiall. soc. thim. Btl1radt IS, 2rV-17(1950)(Frrnch ilum- nmry); c(. CA. 46. 4705a.- -Plec. cond.. pit, dr?- t"idur, aml free CO. and IICW mien. dmL% are given. S. F. It. . 0^3TJITTHY : YUGOSLAVIA CAMWEY H ; Chemical Technniorry. Chemical. Products and Their An,,lications. Chemical Processing of Solid possil* ABB - JWR- R?Mhim. No 19.19- No. 69040 V. T if-b I* rpo vtIrr, oi,I r p- e, e -f 11 !,0- T 1 Oy Vo!a, i mei a! urv., 9, (DRUG. PUB. Tehn i ka AKT' IACT i-~:.fle res!~:re of nre::vutatirns !A -fl,p- For the cl~!tprmin:Ainn of V,e Irace elpmenL.~. 17 -71-if?fie.s of Yeryoslaviar. rovl,~ witl-. var v-i;),, de!-reu ol" r,,,-taMO-CT)hiSfP wer,2 PmTOn.ved. The -onio-it in t,he ~onl F-.-;h vmot)nted to -,.ntl rc-snectively in fl,.e ceal!! trjine~, at Rr,novstc, R-,--chy: v-pid R+,ani. The nresence of Ga i~ria Zi, in V--p ;-bove coals was alsn estvblisbed. 13b wf.'s ~;130 foord in L!,e Rano,:-ftc Cax*C,I* '. - , .-!-, C~~ "Ir"I , li, 2---, 1.- ill~cl,-!L- -.LA- --- - , - ! 1, - ~IL i i y ul I)Ctellninstion of chloride AM., ons, and ro A~~4~o-Ag+ can ib"OzAach. Acts 44l-'0WII._II I Ana - Im- A -0" f a A,-(-il electrode it' . tile ca odc - b, ger_eratcd by anodic 0" or joil as the ca KN