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-1 - - - . - - :-, - - - - - - - ~ - I . I . 1-~ . 11 . I ~ 7 ~ , --l-l. 1. 1 - - .-.- ~i- I % I I I F, , A; -.- V, " 4 OR--Mn z-50-K ~-Wr,,%,! rsm,~wusmi ~, k'q~- .tim''am-l"M ----------- ---- USSR/ Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substanckas G-2 Abs Jour : Reforat Zhur - Khindya, No 4, 1957, 120M Author : ._Llx!Zn Ya.I., Toper G.E., Redchenko L.F. Inst : Comission on Anal3tical ChQmistry of the Acadomy of Sciences USSR Title : Polarographic DotorminatAon of Nickel- and Cobalt-lon3 in Absolute Ethanol Orig Pub : Tr. Komis. oo analit. khimij. AN SSSH, 1956, 7(10), 162-169 Abstract : In 0.1 M solution of WH4110~ in absolute C2H50H it was not Dossible to obs,::-.cvL:d n6rml polarographic waves of Ni and Co. In 0-5 M solution of GaCl,, elongated waves were obtained !~or NL are unsuitAble for quantita- tive doLcrmi.nations. Thu Co wave is be~ttor defined. A direct Droportionalit:- was rioLod between diffusion cur- rent ana coacentration of Co. In 1 M solution of NHj,SCN th,~ Co in contradistinction to Ni produces no ,Y_161-01/~_ Card 1/2 IV USSR/ Analytical Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substances G-2 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4, 1957, 12o88 polarographic wave, Ni wave is very wcll defined. A di- rect proportionality was notcd between diffusion current and Ni concontrati:;n. Th;~ pi-ocess of electric rQduction of the thiocyanate coiaplo;c of III is irreversible. With a pyridine backgrotuid. waves of' Ni and Co are, very well defined. In both instancos thcre is a direct proportio- nality bQtwe,.~n di,ffusion currunt and conet2ntrations of the ,metals, Pro~:%Isscv of clQctric reduction of pyridine com- plexes of Ni and Co are rcvcrsible. Half-wave potQntial of Co is lower by 0.22-1 than that of Ni, which makes it possible to obs-_--rvc distinct waves. Addition of pyridin,~- to a solution Of CaCJ-2 in C If OH results in a convcrsion of the chloridc compl_,xcG oi ?4i and Co to pyridine coin- ple;.es. In all of thQ investigated solutions, exce-pt for 0.1 M NH4NO3' the polaroG-f=n of Ni and Co showed no ma- xima although no substnnces that eliminate the maxim wQre added. Card 2/2 WHO molm W., it23Ll--- 7 -'A FIA- la-11-:12 i Mm am ly- c I Once more on the polarographic determ ation of the composition and stability of complez ions In a sol. ;Jon dta4ng stepwins complexing. Shur.ob.Wu. 26 no-7:M4-2W ii ;56. (KM 9:10) 1. Kishanevskiy gosugarstvemVy universitat. (Pblarography) (Compounds. Complex) IM h, USSR/Physical Chemistry - Electroc*stry, B-12 Abst Jov--nal: Beferat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 61170 Author: Turlyan, Ya. I., Grfdshteym, 1. S. Institution: None Title: Oxygen Overvoltage of a Nickel Electrode N, High Current Densities Original Periodical: Zh. prikl. khimii, 1956, 29, No 3, 379-384 Abstract: As a continuation of previous work (Fiseyokiy, V. N., Turlyan, Ya. I., Zh. fiz. kbimii, 1950, 24, 567) investigated was the ovex-ioltage (7Z)02 at Ni-anode in 7.5 N KOH at 1 0.04-10 a/cM2 and temperatures of 00-850. Measurement of potentials stabilized in time with the given i was carried out on rotating electrode. Comparison of the derived curves (I., lgi) fcr different temperatures with data of previous work (see reference above) permits to reach the conc~uslon 4f the presence upon the ft;ves within the region of i i0-11 - 10 ii./CM2, of 4 d,,fferent sections. The linear sections within the reg-'jn of high 1~ the length of which decreases with rise Card V2 #MR/Physical Chemistry - Electrochemistry, B-12 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 61170 Abstract: of temperature, have an inclination coefficient close to the theoretical value 2.3 RT/bcF (with cc a 0.45) corresponding to the slowed down discharge of OH- ions. Sharp increase of I be- yond the linear sections of (~, lgi) curves in the region of high i is correlated by the authors with the beginning of the formation of a higher ox14e of Wi, In comparison with NiO2, which determines the lower limits of the linear sections. Card 2/2 ~W5~nmffltloem ME MuMal , f ., , ~ , - "; z m,~ ~- -- L * -;I , _- - . --- :. - ~ t 17-1-1 V~~:: ~7 i ~ % - '". [r ~,5- ;~/ ~ 4"~!-`- Ark- .-, I ~zrA, ;k !~ I a, ~b . t I ( )",- 1 I 'v ! T, 11, :L- ZOO W- . - I I ~ - Z, I I I , .. - - . I A I r ,v ILI Mall a MR. fig preqvit. thu haif- 4 ct", TI,, *'p ~,;Lrt~ (ot. va oc HAte"U'd C.11-41"t Ii 8-n-l"i v-, r 4 4r, w BE Iand ~IcNl in m IS a a m AUTROAS: Tarlyan, Yd. J., and Seroval G.F'. 568 TIT~E: Polarographic Investigation of the Composition and Stability of Complex Ions at Low Concentrations of the Complex-Forming Substance, Halide and Thioeyfinate Complex Compounds of Cadmium-. (Polyarograficheskoe Issledovanie Sostave i Ustoychivosti Komplesknykh Ionov pri Maloy Kontsentratsii hchevo Veshestva. Galogenidnye i Rodanid- KompleksDobrazu T nye Kompleksnye oedineniya Kadmiya). PMTODICAL: "Zhtiimal Neorgani,cheskoy Khimii" (Journal of Inorganic Chemistry WO.E.111 Vo-;ef PP..33b-342.. ku.97S.R.) ABSTRACT: The equation of Yatsimirsk, 4, relating the half-wave potential ly of a complex ion to that of the simple ion, to the concentra- tion of the complex-forming substance and to the complex-ion instability and dissociation constants should be especially useful at low concentrations. In the investigation described a visual polarographic-installation with potentiometric sett- ing of the drum and a normal calomel reference electrode was used to study the behaviour at 25 + 0.300C of cadmium at low concentrations (0.001-0.1 mol) of 33mplex forming substances (KCIP KI and KCNS). Oxygen was removed by passing hydrogen. The range in which only two types of ions were dominant: CdF and one of the following [CdCll*, d1j+ and ECdCNi-+ -, 4EC ) H=. For these conditions the Yatsimirskiy and-De Ford- - 9quations gave identical results, but the simplicity of the 568 Polarographic Investigation of the Composition and Stability of Complex Ions at Low Concentrations of the Complex-Forming Substance. Halide and Thiocyanate Complex Compounds of Cadmium. (Cont.) former makes it preferable. From an analysis of the Yatsim- irskiy4 equation it was shown that when simple M and complex NX ions are dominant the half-wave potential corresponding to the concentration of any addendum is numerically equal to the instability constant of the NX iong more negative than that of the simple ion by RT ln 2 volts. Ry This rule was found to apply to the complex ions [CdC1 + [CdaUS]+ and [Cd3l' . Using Yatsimirskiyls4 method the - stability constants for the complex ions [CdI09 LUI formed at KI1 oncentrations >0.03 mol. In cantrast io- A-Jd. Golub's i polarographic results7 the instability- constant values found agree well with those in the literaturey including Golub1sll potentiometric ones. Card 2/3 568 Polarographic Investigation of the Composition zind Stability of Complex Ions at Low Concentrations of the Complex-Forming Substance, Halide and Thiocyanate Complex Compounds of Cadmium. (Cont.) There are 15 references, 9 of them Russian. Ref'.4 is K- .. Xhimii, 1,193, (1953). .,,B.. Yatsimirskiyj ZhuTnal Ob Ref.5 ip D.D.De Ford and D.N'.Hame, J.Amer.Ch6tm.8-oc'.73,5321, (1951). Ref 11 is A.M.Golub-. Ns:ukovi Zapiski Kievskogo gos.Un-Ta. XIV, 4; 619 (1955). 5 Figures, 2 Tables. Kishinevskiy University. Received 28 Sept. 1956. Card 3/3 7 ~,3 1z , -I, fl N J USSR/Fhysical Chemistry - Electrochemistry. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Khimiya, No 3., 1958, 7320- Author : Inst : Kishinev University. Title :Polarographic Characteristics of Thallium, Cadmium and Zinc in Aqueous-Oxane Solvent. Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Kishinevsk. un-ta, 1957, 27, 149-157. B-12 Abstract: The polarographic reduction of T1+, Cd2+ and Zn2+ in dioxane (I) - %0 mixtures (from 15 to 75% by volume of 1) on the back- ground of 0.01 M of LiCl is reversible. A linear dependence between id and the concentration is observed at concentrations from 0.191 to 0.905 . 1o-3 M. FI-s shift to the positive side with the rise of I concentration 2and the constants of the dif- fusion current decrease. See also RZh-Khim, 1956, 6505- ---I' I+ - --DL . Card 1/1-- - ; -- -17- TUOTAN, Ya.I.; SEROVA. G.F. Polarization in the polarography of the pyridine complexes of nickel and cobalt Lwith summary In Xnglishj. Zhur.fiz.khim. 31 no.9:1976-1982 S 157. DIM 11:1) l.Kishinevskly gosudaretveaM universitet. (Nickel compounds) (Polarography) (Cobalt compound) 774tf~ _z- 76-10-5/3,1 AUTHORS; Turlyam, Ya.I., Serova, G.F. TITLE 1 Inve.--,ti-%ti,)n ~J the Coiripooition and the Instabi- A Polaro~;ra lity Con.,tunts of Pyridin,~ of (Polyur,~grafiches- koye i isled ovzaniyo oc-1;ta,;-:-_ nestoy.-,oti piridinovykh komplektjov n1kQ1ly.L) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizichp:jkoy Kiii::iii, Vol, ~1, 1~r 10, pp. 2200-2205 (USSR) ABSTRAM The results of the former paper of the authors in Zhurnal Fizi- cheokoy Xhinii, 1Q~16, 31 , Pr,. 1976, or, the basis of 0,1 and m YNO without gulatina are exploited here for tae detez-mination of th~ composition md the instability const;,nts of t~e pyrAdine complexes of nickel. 'The zuo;-tsurin- temperature was 25 � 0,3 C. The here found relation tetween the potential of 'the half-wave ~pi/20) and the lac-'aritht.-i o f tho complexformer (pyridine) con- contration io a ourvc., .1 f!LCt V/LiCh PrOV08 the -nimultaneous elec- tro-recon;itruction of tVjpeo of thtj nomplex ion as well as of the simple (hj,Jra11i,r)n) niclk,~!! ions;. F(,,r thit determination of the composition of' complec ion-i and of the correoponding inAtabi- Card 1/2 lity constants two metficidj were -applied here, one of Deford and 76-10-5/34 A Polarographic Investigation of the Composition ind the Initabaity Conatants of Pyridine Complexes of Nickel Hume (Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc., 73, 5321, 1951) -and the other of K.B. Yatsimirskiy (Sb. StUtOy PO obahchey khimii, 1, 193, 1953). It is show-n that in the pyridine concentration region of 0,01 - I - 0,5 M (c 4r"s 0,2 1,101/litre Pyr~dine cpmple~e of h Ni so a _+ ,,;Yn ckel of the it c 01.1po 3 i t i o: 6ipy +) t L"'PY; and 3 ,with the corre innt~.,.'hility constants K -'~7 .3pondinf, K2 - 1,1 . 10', and X_ 10-4 (0,1 M KR are formed. The instability conQtzinto Obtained -ac cor ing to both meth- ods aeree accord-an.- to orc-er of _-1_-s~nitude. A certain development of Yatsimirsskiy admitted "o carry out the computation of the instability const%n'Q7, wi tl,,(~.~,,'t ujir~_ the potential of the half- wave of the simple ion. Ilhii J s very impcrtant especiall.,r in the casq of the irrever:;iblc,~ of simple ions (jlj~+' C02+' -.,nd %i .,ri) . "here are 6 fi-ure:3, 3 tables, 4 Slavic references- ASSOr'!ATION: Kishinev St-t_,tc Univcrsi.~.';" SUBMITTED: -,lay 17, 1956 AVAILABLE: 'library of Con,oress "Ki,.3oAncvs'--1iv ;,.D3udurjt,rennyy universitet) Card 2/2 talp -'~ bw 0 U A AUTHOR: Tux-Oyan, Ya.l. (Kishinev) 76--11-6135 TITLE.- Investigation of Polarization in the Polarography of Thiocyanate Complexes of Nickel (Issledovaniya polyarizatsii pri polyarogra- firovanii roaanistykh kompleksov nikelya) FMODICAL: Zhurnal Fizichaskoy Xhimii, 1957, Vol- 31 , N r I I t pp. 2J~23-2427 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Polarization in the polarography of thiooyanate complexes of nickel was investigated in dependence on potassium, thiocyanate concentration. It wan ahown that, in the case of smaller thiocyanate concentrations (0.002-0.02 M) three nickel waves are formed: The first two (in the case of more positive potentials) correspond to a resteratica of nickel thiocyanate complexes, the third - to the eleatro-restoration of simple (hydrated) nickel ions. With the increase of oKajS the first wave bece larger, the second and third beca smaller. At oAMS>,-O-1 X only one (the first) polarographic nickel wave was observed. The reason for the occurrence of three waves in the o&ae or a low thio- oyanate concentration is the deceleration of the procesis in which the nickel thiocyanate complexes fom on the surface of tho electrode. Cam 1/2 The YI/2 - OKMI S curve passes through a minimum. ( Y'V2 - potential 76-11-6/35 Investigation of Polarization in the Polarography of Thiocyanate Complexes of Nickel of the half wave). A shifting of r,/2 towards the positive side with an increase of cy=S is explaitied by the decrease of electrode polarization which is sometimes connected with the deceleration of the process of nickel thiocyanate complexes. The shifting of Yi/. towards the negative side with the increase of q4WS is charao- teristio of reversible processes, although in this case the process is still, in a certain sense, irreversible. By means of extrapola- tion of the right branch of the K1/2 - c CNCNS g curve f or the value -~ 0 the reversible potentia amountq the half wave of the simple nickel ion, and herefrom the normal nickel potential was found. The amount of the latter is approximately the value mentioned in publications. There are 3 figures, I table, and 6 referenoe:s, 3 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: State University of Kishinev (Kishinevskiy gosudarstvannyy universitst) SUBMITTED: May 3, 1956 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2,/2 AUTHOR .-TUROYAN, Ya.I., PA - D64 TITLE The Polarization Mechanism in the Pollarography of Simple Ions of Nickel and Kobalt (Mekhanizmpolyarizats;L nri p olyarograf irovani i pros t7kh iarxv nfkelya i kobal'ta, - aussian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk9$SSR, 1957, Vol 113,Nr 3, pp 631-634, (U,S.S,R.) Received 6/1957 Revieved 8/1957 ABSTRACT In order to subject the theory of retarded discharge to a fur- ther examination the influence of nature and of thia ooncentra- tioA of the basis was investigated. Investigations were carried out on a visual plant with a normal calomal-comparisou-slootrode. In the case of nickel the obtained results make it possible to explain the inconvertibility of the polarographic wave N12+ by the retardation of ion-disahar a The equations established by F-munkin A,.N*(Zs. phya;9Ch3m*(A1 ;64, 121, 1933 and "Kimitics of electrode-procosses", 52 are confirmed by the experimental re- sults. A a'eries of facts prove the applicability of the theory of retardod-discharge and explains the inconvertibility of the polarographio wave of simple oobalt-ions. There exista,howsrer,- a small differnese b tw:la the polarographic behavior of 0'02+~ and that of Nj2+& th: 0 + wave in not aymmetriual on the nitra- Card 1/2 te- and perchlorate basis. On the wholeg the Co2+ -wave is more PA. - 3164 The Polarization Mechanism in the Polarography of Simple Ions of Nickel and Cotait. inolined than the N12-+ ^wave. (2 illustrations92 tables and 5 citations from Slavic publi- cations) Association State University of Kischizew. (Kishinevskiy gosud&rBtvannyy universi Presented by Prumkin,L,X,,, Member of the koademyg 15o9*1956 Submitted 7.1a.1956 Avaail ble D Card 2~2 ~j, AUTHORSt Turlyan, Ya. I., Gorodetskiy, Yu. S. 2o..4-,,1/52 TITLEs The Oscillographic Investigation of Oxides Which are Formed on a Nickel Anode With the Electrochemical Separation of Oxygen (Ostaillograficheskoye issledovaniye okislov, obj~mquBbM" na nikelevom anode pri elektrokhimicheskom vydelenii kisloroda). PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 117, Nr 4, pp. 655-657 OSSR) ABSTRACTt In order to discover the mechanism of an overvoltage caused by oxygen, both the nature and concentration of those oxides which are formed on a smooth nickel anode in a basic solution, must be known. First, several previous works dealing with this subject are mentioned. The authors developed methods for the osaillographic investigation of a smooth nickel anode. This made the determination of the quantity of stable oxide and also of the quantity of unstable oxide, possible. The essential feature of this methodicB is explained here by means of a graph. The elaborate investigation was c -arried out here with an oacillograph of the type MITO-2 with 8 loops and photo- graphic recording. A spectrnscopically pure nickel anode was investigated. The approximate course of the "complete" curves Card 1/3 of discharge (of the first one and of the one following up The Oscillographio Investigation of Oxides Which are Formed 2-11-_3V52 on a Nickel Anode With the Electrochemical Separation of Oxygen. to the complete reduction of the oxides) is shown in a dia- gram. The upper horizontal part section on the first curve corresponds to the polarizing current still switched on. The point of current-decrease is obtained at the moment of switch" ing off the polarizing current, then the middle horizontal section follows and subsequently the current intensity de- creases down to the lower horizontal sectional part. The lower part-section corresponds to the presence of NiO on the sur- face. The middle horizontal part-section part C03-responds to the reduction of NiO and N12O3 . The decrease of the amperage from the middle to & lower horizontal part-section part takes place comparatively slowly. The quantity of electricity corresponding to the "complete" curve of discharge depended only very little on the intensity of the polarization current, but increased with increasing duration of polarization. The "incomplete" curve of discharge reproduced in a further dia- gram, had no upper horizontal part-section, because the polar- izing current was switched out prior to the swit,-.hing on of the vibrator. The surface of the "incomplete" owrve of discharge was smaller than the surface of the "complete" curve Card 2/3 of discharge. After a very brief period of "recovery" (some ,The Oscillographic Investigation of Oxides Which are Formed 20-4-31/52 on a Nickel Anode With the Electrochemical Separation of Oxygen. seconds) this reduction of the surface increased with de- creasing duration of the "recovery". A quantity of - 3NiO2- -layers resulted from this reduction of surface. This confirms the complete covering of the surface of the nickel anode by the highest oxide within the range of great current densities* After a polarization lasting 5 minutes, there exist. already -17 layers of N1203 and after a hour polarization of one hour there are already-,30 layers. There are 3 figures and 11 references, 5 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATIONz Kishinev State University (KiBhinevskiy gosudarstvenrqy universitet). PRESENTED: May 21, 1957, by A. N. Frumkin, Academician. SUBMITTED: April 20, 1957 AVAILABLEt Library,of Congress Card 3/3 AWMR34 T ati"e.. V. P.. laxbleva. T. D., soy/153-54-5-30/30 T: tttisllkly. 1. B. comforeaGe Disouseloa an u. Method. of I .... 11c.u.8 the lomplex rosmatioa in Sol-its" (Seveshchamly-disk-84. pa Spelodam tsaab."ya kamploksoobrase,emmaya , rast,armlLh) MIMICLLI lav.m%Lya lysahlAh aebbzykh SaDedenly. MILAY& I I 174 (053a) 3 - T ighl"aboakara takhmalos&r.. 1958. Ir 5. vp FoUrwazy la to 21, 1954 a ocieferameco d4scUsal" took the %aaa of It &.&1t vith the subjects 00 of the hs Usle. It ..m Galled on a d.4161" &ad in X = ' th All-121 a ComfOrmans on the chm"Atry of comple o ;= ressiall"S. Nor* than 200 persons attsad*d the coater.ace, mneag titsme 103 delegates from "LO- saami-of the V331. A% the"o Method@ of det.=L.Lag %be 4"Peattloa of the saeploxm~ In solutions or* diSamsead. - Wall .4 the methods of dalouleALAN the L"tability constants anoorti.6 to experimental data and problems concern4AC the tafluence gf the solvent up*& the pro.0.6.8 of cempl.a forstatL". - a a I . . - U In the lecture bj, A- X. Debts "a N. a. Ismaney1co, -pleyeloal and Chvzlsst~- 4~Qf the .7... a La t&. 3011141W. the Its - 1-111 1 Colored cosplax. 8 of a systematis lammoLgeston In as well as I& systems by **"a of no optimal " sh" "" dealt .11h. In %h. lo.ture by Y.. A. f th. cou am %I OA o p 710.1199T the ties at a further In-Siga tornAtim pr Goes, lotions a- to-lop-d. JS-ald.& the 1=80 positlas. am atehilLty of the O.SpI.C. 'e"ral."Jas, of 11 0 same the physical and chemical prop-ti.8, the nhmtoal nature card 2P6 and the structure of the eampl.x a-p--.s "as Sea lawasti- i A-mare,& x. x. rassinirki, I. their lt*turo -free *T t's FOlYn-riN&SIOM Of 180-701Y AcIds In Soju%j...- MAZIAGMAd experimental results of he jm,.g%j,.tj.a of the polysterisgslon in solutlens of malyb&Lg "Id. Th. mu%bar* pro'" that *&P*GW'Z the malybd1c "I& within & ~rt&Ln rande of %U~ PA -&1U48 &M She Don.eatrattoas zi*%a 11 1 bar Of GOOPOun4a the% am be expeeso" by an Geer.,, 1..u,. "4(ZK004)n`2- ZA She 1-0ters by 1- 7- Ak"I'rud &M V_y. Cart 4/16 Spiwakov,skly jaw.a %Lg&tio& results 04 bam's "Its %"I.A& &&t0 "*owns the compl's for""as' I& ..I.Siamte by G.A. or th * volosti~tria net a W.C.' mentioned f" eyes.*. -11h eta. h* , : model" and i.4L . I r roaull "Share emplay*4 mco. h! Sal %,&ties of the ."DowasI.. .... test. -a- -arrI.4 u% aea:rdiad to the int.rpol.sia. female by W. A CALL2212XIskir. held . I"t-are am "ps Nj"d-,f 00 Solutleag I' C04hIMASICA With the 2yet.4 AGS1,G,* of he sal.bLI11 r 21was of Sam System C.--,*-BC2 - IL 0 So ' 2 11-4 CONVISK Copper Conp-M, I- 3-11.1.d Sol.tloam-. 1% ,ab t- * at the bet%oa of the '44%14 th Lth :as cm." : : : ' . are '681 S t i 81 -%1 -, fur%h--v.. the 14t".D.4 "ItIty of the from the 'L..,oL.t of the tgeee..,.. f by&-Sy-blara J. he V. 11 41 s o -d be !* - = a ~ . :: " taf0 f s., ont &a the of b. t- *hmm1:%r7 A Card 5/16 . Criab rg b, ak . at p r-& or tn. all-1j,x. Cast ""a Dimosawls. am She Methods of 300 53-5a-3~-30/30 twe:118stlas the Couplax Formation Ia Salusicas jetwestigatias, to developed by 'the 34"Ata.,tam. mahool is of blak val". Is 41*0 pointed to the necessity of at"fias Us kinetics of the polymorisation process and a quamiltative determination of %be alrengsla of the polymer$. A. K. D"ke poiated, out *bal the study of the polymer structure was samuseemy. S. P. 1"ar' in his Amours that the ronaor utlolj Sys-ST-9,01'7marLauLium %YR. according to the salsomae nualeno + chain ambers" to Act obtained In all no followLme scientists took par% to th. di.oua.l.A4 1. volaaah". A. V. Ablev. 1. 3. Numtfis. 1. V. Or And 1. 2. Tats4aLrokly. A. 9. babko than ALsoussod La his lectn,. Methods of DetermlAind the PLAGOGINSLOA Coastam% of the Complex Groups to Solutl*W the main Principle& of dateraLmIu4 the Instability ocast&Ass. N. P_Xmar' discussed in bit 149SURA 'C4,10"atioa Methods of the Instability Conat"%* of the Complex Compzuado AsoordiAg to tzparlsental Data- %be poBsLbL1l%l*s of using the known aalo.latloa methods of the Instability oonstants for vwioua a&4.& of the ocapl.8 fare- %Loa in solution. Lt &.octal Anowsolear catvlax.. at* farmat the dimplasessat method by Abe" met Bodleader (campLe4ed by A. K. Nakka) cannot be resome.Aded far the 0.10.1411c& or the Instability sonat"t. Tom lecturer dlecusmed the Ale. solation &.%boas of The polyftoalals proposed by B,Y.rr-. Laden. leanest. Sketabard. FAmalloy "A other authors. The sonstasts 4610.16%44 Is %his may Are, so% Very %ozrat.. It a" proved that the method of successive approximallous am Is" to wrong somelusions am so the Chemical press@-. tkLms place 1. U. system I..4stigaset. The most probable maims of Me W.10&1 Goastanto Goa to .1ttaind. by the method of the least squares. 1. V. PSI%Ayn' To. X. ?.later -4 L. 1. TimAtradova described %he determination methods of the lastakility of the exalate complexes of aLobl", ~"i~ "A Iran Which mr. lose.d. 0. The In-Sticau" of the equillbrlm displao"*4% of the complex f-sioa 11y &11"r loss. N. 9. Dol'shme-., 1. V. Tan"ay- And 0. 3. 3.,oh.ako hold a locturi-a-F-Th. Sol. of the Time Yma%or In th_._Ta-~o.sig._ Use of the Complex In the clan..tian, Am %be lecterns A. A. mentioned that do. t, the *Ia. adjustment of the quilthria the discuss-* of Card 7/16 determining the last.billty constants (Palldium mad 604.1% amplases) s- often sat be "Played. I. T. Able, vwxlst Am% the "messily of 4*vLstag direct method. of P".ID4 the mlateame of Intermedics. forms La . 6S.P-16. a-PA.. to-,- tlm~ X. J. Tatsimirskly mentioned that the Instability owasseats or 4184.616ILL.4 a-plar-s a.. be A1Q.lG1.d f2va' abo~ob..Ioal data. L. P. Adamoviah, A. 31. Golub eased othows task part in the disou.stoa *a the lectures. A. 9. UhAs V".ootod loolusla. La %h. "At as the 6-16%X7 of GAmPIoS ooapounA8 a lecture LA which serious se,lodlatlas methods of the testability donot&nts shavad so "assumed, by the ozampl. of Actual a ... a. Tbj. houI4 .1-try $0 which divorgonal*a of the values of the constants Alf. fs"at a-ShOd- of %Us experimental data a- lo.A. 5. P. Kamer, that In the 4.t.rcl.att.. of %h. ".Losilits .... tons. It chemical .4.1111-tia about& be take. IMA* "count that router complex %be couples formation pr**.&, in the solution, especially the hydroly.18 prac4some of to* ;.al..l Loa a" %he a4d.nd- In the loctur* d*liver*4 t, c 1 d 6 And A. P. Z-!'7a -A;FtL..t.-A -.! tta :Istria.- - ` l ar 6 / t es %.%ad to %be jA,. .Tri ast.. or the stability Co..%Aaas Conference Discussion an the Method& Of 30T/153-58-3--30/30 larestigatiag the Complex Formation In 3.1stiome of So" fharju& Complex CospowAs- result. obtained fr" the ex"rim.atal lavootLgatlo. of it. di.tributioa of SLrtua o4sposads In the systems, somitylax.toos bases&* - star, WA aSzy-1.4.--phthoquinams - clacrefora motor we" From the** data the s.stants at the inarium, samplazes with aQ*xyl-&s.1oam and 2-oxy-1.4-sapbih4quitmea. "recalculated. 1. 1. T-suarew. 0. 3. 3-!!-k.rka -4 U. V. Go"barev hold a Leasure on sm. oppilasti7c-A of the aelubMty nWTMW'1a the determination of Sba stability of O"PL" o"Posmas to Solutions, In "is lecture &log other cathode of LJMQOIL U *a& I x formation, proassese In the solution g:od'fpl MIssoat. ew.muzon-t of the optimal w~ Also" density. a. Wall as or the be.% or mixing). 3. D. S.-Sin so U a 16 atur. an the -Appli-t1a= of the Solubifffy-No%bod U 3 the rhthalacy-las C"Flexe. of Ji.t.W. Be vact the determined of %be tion of the transition of %be pbtbalocymldea of cobalt, 2 =1. copper "d also. a .*.I " of %he fr.. phtnalo. out 9116 QF"Ime into the sulfuric 6414 solution for the SbAo"Sloal "causing. and &4 as exporimea%&I proof of %be 0XIA14449 of K-boads In tb* compl.zo. investigated. These ah&rmater1otj.s &I a served him as a proof of now electronic foralae of 0=047"Loo sad Its complex derivatives. 1. the I.clur. d*llvor-d by 1. L. X-palkin a. -The Method of the Too Sol ... to " Nstbad of laved-FrIMAg the Formallon ead Propqr1les of orgamle Complax.o. Is Was proved shot this method makes It "Lible 'AD deswraL.. the author of complexes formed 1. She .:tale. their Gamposition and relative stability. V. 1. L'"Ews"v. A. 9. Sbko. 1. P. gas", , 1. 8. JNGS&fia and Tm~ 1. TUX'ym took part in %ht* dlacuselan. In the I.Otur. -Wil!"C-W-I. A. Griab rg .4 S. P. Zi..Iev. a& tbA Complex palladium @capon" WL S h . oordLaut on number above few It gas proved that in she came of a large ablarlac end Urealue Loft &Ease@ complexes with the coordination awabor 5 arm toro-4. ?h. instability"1m of she** Wro estimated. I ZAl".,Lcb U..tionod a Ace, aa4pulaslon I& She spootrophatome trio investigation of the amplat am. pounds that a" be sed I& qot.a. vith the (or Pradoalmatioa) of a.& sindl. c.ploz. This method s.A.m I I Card 10116 possible to detersim. the Composition a" testability owes. Is the 1.0turs doll-Grod by 9- 3. yatel"rexty of the sad T. D. Carbless, %be application Of %he thear7 of crystal. It" rielzrTir-Us d.termi.stios at %b4 -spamittaft and Straatur* of the Chloride Gooploxce of Cobalt, ticket A" oep"r socarding So the absorption spectra of theme ac=PIOA*e a" discussed. It was Frowad she% I& a hydrochlarla "14 4Wb0QbLtr.tiw& base 5 col./lizar I. thp solution there exist. ao, equillbrims ketw"A the lotrahetrla sat oGt&h*tri4 to" or the cobalt ahloro a-ple X.smK.abo proved Is a 0:; isotopes 1. the ILL leetere, -The ApplIG&t1o. A-. -Trv. investig.tioa of she 3.1y.tio. Squillbrium I- 1-4lutLa- Of examples Campounde- the PGOBM-11%,r Of using data 04 us Isotope "*bongo to clarify the tr~tur. of the "A seeb-al" of the hydxatloA Prooo4ses. V. X11mov metAlowel of radioactive 1::.% op if hilt: Sao ga-aq V. Ablov. V. 3. T.Lamghwl, V. 1. 9-40ten' sad I- V- 001" took part in the di-soi.. of the Th. of *-7103'IRS tht %h-7 Of the CrLYst---'t0- t'l-14- t- 'ZV'-""Ad Card 11/16 she results obtaLned fr~a the absorption speo%ra Of the a"- Comitareass SLaousslam on the Method. of InVestigatiag the Complex romation In 3olutions plas seap#u"s was *%rose.&. In %be lac%ure by 1. A. Ask an -?be In,ea%Lgmt1.a of the complex Yor,mallas by IN-Method of the Dielectric Permeability Ad %he ?*1mZtzs- %Los- The PVLRSIPIOS of the method. mentioned "" P".Oat*d. this a*%hQ4 so$ soplay.4 for Investigating the ocapounds at %b6 typo of the -aftilistion. products. The lecture deliver" br 1. A. shok and To. Y2,Xr1as -ImployLad the ROAX04 of the DLQI*Gtrio Constant for In,eatitatizg Complex Comp.umda of the Typo of Crystal 3olvat.0 in 501.110a.. deals ith the Lawestilattan of the Golves.0 of lenthanum And G*rl= chlorides with k0oves, as wall so .1th the study of the compounds formed In h"Grog.atous systems wish %ribatyl phosphate And aitrLo said. V. IN Toro a'. Savo In her I*ctur. "7h- Pslaza- graphic Method of iftvsmating she complex Formation. in soluslose. a survey of the appli.4tio.8 of the polart4r.phia matbad In the study of the complex Compounds. and Illustrated several ties, characteristic features of this metbod. la Us I"Sure &.Uvered by T. 1. jj!~ko.& -Th* Cr7a.copxc Method of laveatiestLag the Complex formation Basationow a survey of .-,.CWd 14114 the possibilities of the aryamoopla method --m gives. And &%a applicability In %be study of several Complex Gompameds, at O&AAAm Obl*Vldw wish Orl"io suba%ama.m ." proved. A. M. Was described the results of his Investigations of %&Is- glass%* somplAxom of so,.r&l metal.. A w1vtd dLeduselal 1*.k plea* me, the lectures hold. To. A. Yl&lkov aSS4 Tn. Te~ FLAX]Sov ommaidered %bs oryo.oapto Agthu& of empl" ocapou". to be of value. X. J. TASSImAtAkly pointed out that the publication of the euj~Ays 60 L"iViduffil methods of investigating the complex famallan "solLons, would be d.m$redl this mascara. especially 16be pol&rograpbla method. The cz7oseapto method should be broadkS t0 A, IOT*l that all*& the calculation of the eq.111brims assistants Of the processed to be investigated possible. The problem Of the Method of evaluating She ezparisentel. results b""** MW* &D4 *or* Important. ALLAY 4GLAR21814 Us. the LASI&ILISty scas%"te without tsking Into acacuat the .07 Is which they had been oblelawd. TIL* calculation "theds employed by A. K. Golub Are ca. step book. As compax.4 %* %bess, employed 0 present. In his lost-. 11. Z. A-Ar, __P*iAt44 cut tn* Ogtrsa-IY gross import"** of the _*Zthamatleal "el"UsA Of the results obtained, Am -11 se of the P.,01tim, Of war-96- A- 9- 2046 suggested *.jectim, ca. a, 1.0 "&% Arm exportzmAtally -All investigated. A" to ... luat. "a results Obtained --cardig to different ..%hado me, %he% It Is PG-&Lbl- 10 shook And %has. To I T took part in &be JjAQu.AjOn;h*y&. &. ?I. f 3.1 1LIS 1.0%,art, Th. Iff.0% a West .4 the Complex Pers.11, Process Lovell as a. %be St-%* of Zq.IlLbri- in the 3,1.91= Of Complex CONP*u"s' IbO Lnflu4-o- Alerted by the arms the molecular BSAB'. upon %L. sol"Alon. of tn. &yet- 64"ALOAto, upon the stshilts.slo. of the oampl...s to-.4 In the system, upo. the st.p..J.. 41".atatioa of the 4" %Pon a aumb.r of other p" The lAflu .... ... . by the dlol*otrLe coast"% ~V.a the co.;jwz jo,malta. p,.4.4. was dle-use.A. it ... G.aclud.d that a 4,",t I... ' exiet. =1 tL. h_AQ.1 me, tur. of the ..I ... t ."I he Sake- IVA- G4w,"A$. A. T. Ablo, -4 L. I. held & lessur. a, .Th. aps.troo-aFt-c-1 .... tie.%LQA of Sick.L Cobalt Ca" t4114 py,i4l.mi.s. to Varlo.6 1AwS&b&1L1y cast-%* -9 the --r- determined -4 it at ;",$d be, Zzo ca"Grasso Dissuasion am the X*tbodo of say/153-50-3-50/30 Investigating the Complex Yormatioa in Solaticas stability of %be IpyrLdluatoo- In ahame" In depsods"o a. "a solvent. To. t. Pc*r- In his loesuzo 'Th. Ingluo". of Illbe SolvearTfoalho Composition "A stability of Complex ZOW dLeasseal the pol."graphlo lavo.ti4j.tiou .-%hod of %be 41tlerlda eat Wouysanst emplexas of lead in aqueous otbanol solutions at different aaalea% of the ano-aqueous Ivest 6" at a constant lanic, st"Reth. A St.p..160 = "%or of the o0splex formation was found as well me the instability 40461"In of the complexes. The Wluoac. of the tloloe%ris coastaa% of the solution on the ot&bIlI%y of $be LAIMOSUfated acuplex.0 ." proved. In %be le.tux. by 1. P. 1&&L1 YOT an %b# -Investigation of AqUO C=pl.XQO In RIxe& Solveatoo the &&I& Attention Was devoted to the &*@as- "IW of the qualitall.. rewording of U3. dol.4tion Offsets Is Us samples formation. TILS &ppliO&bIlItr of the polare- craws method In the doterinatica of %he Gooposillon nod obabUily of the oquo oomplesse is mixed solvesto was proved a" oaparimestal U.SeriaL ca the thasmodXa."Go of the dissociation of the osdalwo-aquo **&planes in aqueous otbanol card log &Giulioma Was mentlomad. T. A. Toloacb... T. 1. russ.184, a" l- T- V&aO&*Yfv GIV04-64 in thOIT lectures ths &606soLty 0t a so" sompl-le and general Laasugastom of the salvation. P"wO44OO. A. K. Sabha &A4 A. M. Golub pointed 0.1 M. 6206% SAVOrfAMAGO of the Invoot1gatioso of the ocaplax form&- Slon, equ.111brIt, in too-squaous solutions. sad undo several *rl""I O~sftts as the lool~ by To- 1. 1 -IV-:Zfa. The following seleatials %Oak post In th same. 0.1 L. P. Adonavlab. 0. 1. Xboloyanowsk1jr. A. P. X9 a and A. 0. R"tmkb*v- At the final MOOStAg of the comfore"O A. A. GlisbGre. COVz~opomdlag Imb.r. A3 MR. amid In him p*..a %b&% wash a **stores** was very nZa"t. A detalled discus. OISIL at %1141 d-SOVUL"ALOa methods of the ampositiom of the somplares. am well am of %be method used in the study Of %be qu"US&II" "68`64terISILOG of the stepwiss complex rare&- Uss WaS szt34mGll useful for 8,11 who attested tht- eant.r.&O.. 5(4) AUTHOR: Turlyan, Ya. I. SOV/153-2-2-29/31 TITLE: Once More on the question of the Dissociation of the Aquo- complexes (Yeshche raz k voprosu o disootsiatsli akvokom- pleksov) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimiches- kaya tekhnologiya, 1959,, Vol 2, Nr 2, pp 299-300 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author argues against the paper by V. P. Vasillyev (Ref 1) wherein the attempt is made to determine the composition and stability of the aquo-complexes of Cd2+, Pb2+, and Tl+ in water-ethanol-Bolutions by means of the polarographic charac- teristics by the author (Ref 2). The potentials of the half- wave of these and some other ions in water-methanol- and A water-acetone-solutions were shifted in a positive direction in absence of the complex-forming agentat when the concentra- tion of the non-aqueous solvents increased (up to 65 %)- This result must be interpreted in a general way as an energetic effect of at least four factors. When discussing his results (Refs 2-4), the author considered from these four factors only the roduction of the dielectric constant, Card 1/3 neglecting the remaining three as unimportant. Vasillyev has Once More on the Question of the Dissociation of BOV/153-2-2-29/31 the Aquo-complexes interpreted these results in a different way (Ref 1). of the mentioned four factors he only considers the dehydration process of the aquo-ions in the state of polarography during the concentration-increase of the non-aquedus solvents. The author is of the opinion that on no account shouId it be assumed that the dehydration takes place also without the superimposition of the persolvation-processi viz if one assumes that the formation of coordinatively untiatarated ions takes place. In ouch a case it remains to ba clarified whether the influence of the change of the dieloctric constant of the solution may be neglected. The author is of the opinion that all his results allow anything else rather than neglecting the last-mentioned chango of the constant. There are 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Lisichanskiy filial gosudarstvennogo nauchhb-issledovatell- skogo i proyektnogo institute, azotnoy promyshlennosti i produktov organicheskogo Binteza (Lisichansk Bremch of the State Scientific " Research- and Mxnhing Institute for the Card 2/3 Nitrogen-industry and for Products of urganic Synthesis) 5M AUTHORS: Turlyan, Chebotarl, N. G. 3011/78-4-3-19/34 TITLE: Polarographical Investigation of the Lead Chlorine Complexes in Aqueous, Methanol- and Ethanol-aqueous Solutions (Polyaro- graficheskoye issledovaniye khloristykh konpleksov svintsa v vodnom, vodnometanollnykh i vodnoetanollnykh rastvorakh) PERIODICALt Zhurnal noorganichookoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, PP 599-605 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Composition and stability of the lead chlorine complex in aqueous, methanol- and ethanol-aqueous solution were investigated by,the polarographical method at various concentrations of the organic solvents and at an ionic strength = 2. With increased concentration of the solvent apart from the complexes [PbC]]', [PbCl ],[PbCll - also 2 ~b d n 2- off/30 -3' C the complex [PbC1 H 1 forms (at 30 and 60 ~fo CH off), 2 4 3 5 The composition of the complexes in 80 ~~ CH OH and 6o and 80 It 3 C 2H5OH corresponds to that in aqueous solution. In 100 -fa Card 1/3 CH 30H exist only the complexes [PbCll+ and 1PbC1 2i, Polarographical Investigation of the Lead Chlorine SOV/78-4-3-19/34 Complexes in Aqueous, Methanol- and Ethanol-aqueous Solutions In the formation of the complexes two factors nct at the same time: by reduction of the dielectricity constants in the solution an increase in the affinity between central atom and addenda occurs; thus the simple complexes are stabilized. On the other hand, the impact strength among the addenda in the complex increases, which results in the destruction of the stabilized simple complexes. Thus, it is explained that in 100 ~4 CH3OH no negatively charged lead COMDlex 1PbC1 412- exists in spite of a sufficient concentration of addenda. Tables 4 and 5 give the stoichiometric stability constant and the composition of the lead chlorine complexes in aqueous, methanol- and ethanol-aqueous solutions. With increasing concentration of the organic solvent the constants are reduced. The dominatin- influence of the variation of the dielectricity constants of the solvent upon the stability constant of the complex is shown. A linear dependence exists between the logarithms of the stoichiometric stability Card 2/3 constants (K,, K2' K3 ) and the reciprocal values of the Polarographical Investigation of the Lead Chlorine SOV/78-4-3-19/34 Complexes in Aqueous, 1'4ethanol- ani Eltv-hanol-aqueoua Solut-i!-ris dielectricity constants of the mixed solvent. The stoichio- metric stability constant of IPbNO31_ was determined in aqueous, methanol- and ethanol-aqueous solution. There are 2 figures, 6 tables, and 14 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskly gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kishinev State University) SUBMITTED: December 26, 1957 Card 3/3 5(2) SOV/178-4-4-16/44 AUTHORS: gurlyan., Ya- Sh-.ipel Iman, R. Ya. TITLE: Polarcgraphic Investigatim of the Lpad Thiocyanat;j Complexes j .Ln Aqueous, Aqueous Methanolic, and Aqueous Ethanolic 'Solution (Pol-yarograficheskoye issledovaniye rodanistykh kompieksc--.- - 1, 41 s 14-'sa q vodnom, vadnometanclInykh i vodnoetar.;ziln,~kh rastvorakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, pp 808-812 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Th' polarogra~hic method was used to investigate the compositior and stability of the lead thiocyanate complexes in aqueous, aqueous methanolic, and aqueous ethanolic solutions with a constant ionic strength of 2 and at 250. The results are given in tables I and 2. The reversibility of the electrode pro(~ess and the'diffusion character of the limit current cermit a determination of the composition and the stability constants of the lead thiocyanate complexes to ,be made. The compositions of the complexes and the stoichiometric stability constants in aqueous methanolic and aqueous athanolic solutions of varying composition are summarized in;tables 4 and 5- It is apparent Card '/3 that the amount of the thiocyanate complex passes through c- SOV/78-4-4-16/44 Pol.arographic Investigation of the Lead Thiocyanate Complexes in Aqueous, Apeous Methanolic, and Aqueous Ethanolic Solut-ior, maximum ir relation to the methanal concentration. In 1100~cjl'OH the maximum :coordination number is lower than in aqueous solu- tion. In aqueous ethanolic solutions the formation of the thio- cyanate complex increases with an increase in the ethanol con- centration to 30 and 60'70" C2H5OH. The stability constants of the complexes decrease with an increa8e in the rion-aqueous solvent. For corresponding complexes in aqueous-ethanolic and aqueLua me-.hancilio aolution have 'the straight ! PK (S.-dielectric constant) in common. This fact shows the dominat- ing effect ofC upon the stabilit constant K. The stoichiumetric stability constants of FPb(NO were determined in aqueous methanolie and aqueous ethanolio solutions at an ion strength of 2 (Table 6). The constant likewise decreases with an increase, in the concentration of the non-aqueous solvent, but in lesser amount than the constant KI of the complex [Pb(CNS)]'. Tab-.Ie gives the relationship between the limit current uf the plead ions and the height of the mercury reservoir in aqueous methan - Card 2/3 olic and aqueous ethanolic solutions. There are 2 figures, SOV/78-4-4-'6/44 Polarographic Investigation of the Lead Thiocyanate Complexes in A'Juec*-'s, Aqueous Methanolic, and Aqueous Ethanolic Solution 6 tables, and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kishinev State University) SUBMITTED: December 26, 1957 Card 3/3 5(4) SOV/78-4-4-17/44 Ar-THOR: Turlyan; Yae I. TITLE: The Dependenc. 0i'the Instabil-1-cy Upon the Diele,.;tric Conottali. u.L konsta-nt nestoykosti komplekarLylch postoyannoy rastvoritelya) PERIODICAL: Zhurn's.4 neorganichesko~`khimii, (USSR).L ;onstants of Ccm;~--~x '1-.ns the Solvent i.onov ot dielektricheskoy 1959, Vol 4, Nr 4, PP 813--617 ABSTRACT: The electrostatic theory of-solvation was used to explain the dependence-of the.',logarithm of the thermodynami-c and stoichic- metric'stability o6natants at higher ion.strengths upon the recLprocal-Gf the-value of.the,dielectric constant of ooinp*ound solvents. The"similarity in the sizes of the effe-.ti7re ionic ra-di-i rCd~' ZPb , r.1. rBrl r., r..., rCdCil rPbC- ' "PbB-r' and rPb(CNS) was ncted. The linear relationship between pK and Z- is explaiLned on one side by the electrostatic theory and the other side by the linear relationship between log f and (f -. activity coefficient). There are 12 references, 1.0 f Card 112 which are Soviet. SOV/78-4 -4 -.7/4". The Dependenc of the lnstabilit;yr,onF3tarts of Complex Ions Upor, the Constant of thu oc-vujo, ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskiy_ :;osudarstvennyy universitet (Kishinev State University) SUBMITTED: January 11, 1958 Card 2/2 15W SOV/78-4-5-21/416 AUTHORS: T_ I n Ya. 1-p Bondarenkov N. I. TITLE: The Polarographical Investigation of the Thiocyanate Complex of Cadmium in Aqueous and Aqueous-methanolic Solutions (Polyaro- graficheskoye isoledovaniye rodanistykh kompleksov kadmiya v vodnom i vodno-retanol'nykh raatvorakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 59 PP 1070-1076 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The composition and the atoichiometric stability constants of the thiocyanate complexes of cadmium in aqueous and aqueous- methanolic solutions were investigated by the polaroeraphic method at various CH OH-concentrations and an ionic strength 2. 3 10 The polarogrAphical character of cadmium in aqueous and aqueous- methanolic solutions with 2 molar NU 4 NO3+NH4CTIS is shown in table 1. In an aqueous solution the followi4g four cadmium- thiocyanate complexes were fowid, [Cd(CNS)] .,[Cd(CNS )21" [Cd(CNS)3]- and [~d (CNS)4]2- . The stability constants of these complexes agree well with the data of reference 8. Table 2 Card 113 shows the angle coefficient of the straight lina lon" ii-i d SOV'B -4-5-21/46 The Polarographical Investigation of the Thiocyanato Complex of Cadmium in Aqueous and Aqueous...nethanolic Solutions in an aqueous and aqueouz--methanolic solution in 2-molar ITH 4NO3+ + NH4 CNS. The dependence of the diffusion cuTrent of cadmium upon the level of the mer,~-ury reservoir in 2--moler NH MIS was investigated, and the results are given by table 2. Tile de- pendence of the potential of the cadmium.-semiwave on the lo- garithm of the concentration of addenda in an aqueous and aqueous --methanolic solution is shown by fiUvre 1. It was shown that with an increase of the m9thanol concentration the stability of the complex ions increases. The dependence pK - "1 of the complex Cd(CNS), Cd(CITS) 2 and Cd(CTIS) 3 ia indicai;edrby a line, the inclination of whi~~h increases with an increase of the co- ordination number. The dependence of the logarithm of the stoichiometric siability constantd in the cadmium-thiocyanate complexea C14(cNS), Cd(cirs) 2 and Cd(CIIS)3 upon tho reciprocal value of the dielectric constant of the aquaouQ-tnethanolic solut-ion is given by figura 2. The composition and the stability constants of the thiocyanate e.,omplexag of cadmitmi in an Card 2/3 aqueous and aqueous --met har.,,;!:Lc ai-)lution wWi an Ionic strength SOV/78-4-5-21/46 The Polarographical Investigation of the Thiocyanate Complex of Cadmium in Aqueous and Aqueous-methanolic Solutions 2 are shown by table 2. The composition of the cadmium-thio- cyanate complexes in an aqueous solution is given by table 5- There are 2 figurest 5 tables, and 17 references, 10 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kiehinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kishinev State University). Kishinevskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (Kishinev Agricultural Institute) SUBMITTED: February 15, 1958 Card 313 5(2) BOV/78-4-8-23/43 AUTHORS: Migall, P. K., Grinberg, N. Kh., Turlyan, Ya. 1* TITLE: The Polarographic Investigation of the Composition and the Stability of the Cadmium Thiosulphate Complexes in Aqueous Solution (Polyarograficheskoye issledovanlye sostava i ustoy- chivosti tiosullfatnykh kompleksov kadmiya v vodnom rastvore) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheakoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, PP 1844-1848 (IJSSR) ABSTRACT: The solutions Cd(NO 3)2 + WaClO4 + Na2S203 are investigated at different ionic concentrations which were kept constant in the individual experiments. In order to suppress the maximum 0.01% gelatin was added to the polarographically investigated solutions. Oxygen was removed by the passage of hydrogen. A calomel standard electrode served as comparison cathode. The polarographic measuring results are shown by table 1. The dependence of the potential of the semiwave on the logarithm of the concentration of the thiosulphate ion is shown by figure 1. A Btep-wise complex formation was observed which the other research workers (Refs 2 '4) had neglected. With 2i ow ionic Card 1/2 strength only the complexes [Cd(S203)] and [Cd (S203)2I are SOY/78-4-8-23/43 The Polarographic Investigation of the Composition and the Stabtlity of the Cadmium Thiosulphate Complexes in Aqueous Solution formed. In the case of high ionic strength the complex [Cd(S203)31 4- is observed. The stoichiometric inatability con- stant was computed according to various methods (Refs 6,7) and showed good agreement. The instability constant of Cd(S20 3) increases with increasing ionic strength. The constants for [Cd(S203f and ~d( S203 )314- pass a maximum atk- 1. The thermodynamical instability constant (Table 3) is In agreement with the values found according to the solubility method (Ref 3). There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 10 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat (Kishineir State University) SUBMITTED: April 30, 1958 Card 2/2 5(4) SOV76-33-4-30/32 AUT-HOR: Turlyant Ya. I. TITLE: Oxygen Overvoltage on the Nickel Anode (Xislorodnoye perena- pryazheniye na nikelevom anode) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 4, PP 948-952(VSSR) ABSTRACT: The theory of oxygen overvoltage cannot be further developed without first submitting to criticism the various investiga- tion results on the nickel anode, since some papers contain most dubious assumptions. In his previous papers (Refs 1-4) the author had obtaPed an exact polarization curve (Figure of the curve for 25 ) that can be divided into four segments. Two of the segments are straight lines and may be represented by equations (1) and (2). Proceeding from these data the Liechan- ism of the oxygen overioltage was explained (Refs 1-4), which in the present case is likewise carried out on the basia of the above mentioned curve. Next, the investigatiori results (Refs 7-10) concerning the curve section I are explained and it is further stated that the retardation process (7) men- tioned in references 7-10 is inacourate and the. limiting stage (3) or (4) suggested in references 1-4 is right, which is also confirmed by the calculation rebulta in :reference 12. Card 1/2 The authors (Ref 13) committed an error in the consideration Oxygjn Overvoltage on the Nickel Anode SOV/76-33-4-30/32 of the kinetics of oxygen separation on an unoompletely charged nickel oxide electrode in the derivation of the equation for the limiting stage (Refs 11-13). The authors (Rof 5) arrive at a wrong kinetic equation (15) instead of the right one (16) while reference 14 derived a kinetic equation (18) which does not agree with the experiment. The fact is pointed out that a number of authors do not consider the dependence of the process on time when studying the oxygen overvoltage on nickel anodes, so that wrong values are given (table of the values from reference 20) as compared to those from referen- ces 21 and 1, 2. There are 1 figurep 1 table, and 22 referen- ces, 14 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kishinev State University) SUBMITTED: June 28, 1957 Card 2/2 5 A UTH 0 "a. I., '-ir-rova, 9. F. 2::1--z-1,'." TITLE: Polarographic Kinetic Currents Caused by the Rct,:tr,~e-4. Formation of Rhodanic Complexes of Niclrel kinatichoskiye tokif obusiovlonnyye -,z,.-.~ I onn,~-- rodanist.vkh kompleksov nikelya PERIODICAL: Doklady Akadernii nauk 3 '32, 1 (~139, Vol 12'j, :!r Pi) 595~-59B (USSR) 6-ASTHAC11': In order to find out the nature of 'the three -f.E.vIes of the rhodanic complexes of nickel (which was investigated in previGus research - - Ref 1) the anthors inve3tig-tel,' the IoDendence of the height of 'he waves v.t C,.2+ = const (0.110 mol/1) on the conccntration of KC:-,r" (It= 1:KCNIS + KNO.,,) -nd also on the concentrntion of nickel -it C,_,,- = const (12.6 mmol/1). Thr capillary tube hns thq ciaracteristic 2/3,1/6 2/3 -1/2 8 1 mg sec (t - 2, n and J u Card 1/A ftenote the kinetic currents, and i 11 the -,!iffusion current. PoliLrographic Kinetic Currents Cauoed by thrl- 25_7 Retarded Formation of Rhodanic Complexes of -ickel The following fact results from a prcvious D*.!?c- (Ref 2 in U hoJanic ,rhich the constants of the instabilily of r complexes of nickel were determined, In the r:inqe of concentration of UNS under invcstiarttion, only the ions Ni 2+ ,-n~ [7iC!ISJ' take part, in essential, in the ',AffuGion to "he electrode. The 2uthors asaume the follo-ving scY-?Tc3 of the elect-rode rjrocoszt~s which determine tl-ie !naxiiu-i current. first vava:1,12+ Vj 2+ + Clis - k '~;~Eaclist +c-.,S EN i C I:: Sj diff first + socond wave: C Mi 2 + d iff +Cus- .1 C'T 3r,)duction I T rnclisl + k Card 2/4 1~ 0 Polnrographic Kinetic Currents Cr~used b-, the Rata--:--2A- Formation of Rnod,,mic Coz,-irlrxcn of 77ickal first + second + third wave: 2+ di ff 2+ red u c t-3 Ni k I? ~~ i > 3 ff reduction [:f i C i,.sj + Eu i c" I Sj + The total height i of che rfave must be determin(-,~ by the diffUsion velocit,,x which was observed also experimentally. 7hn eqi:zations which describe the dependc!nce of the kinetic currents i and F-ii, on Cc-.--- -,tre found according, to t~ie k J 3 approximate thec(ry of R. Brdi6ka and Y. (-Iof V,. constant of the rate of adJition of C"IS- to c i3' considerably higher than the constant of the t':Ac of t 2+. - - of the ion to he ion Ni A formula is thm. 0. --;,:~n- o- as a function of C:.I Accor6in- to the coi!,-t~-1 present paper, the kinetic ctirrent -!.!I(, U ;.ct- Card. 3 /14 Polpro-ranhic Kinetic Darrents Causei by the ,rForrpr,',3.on of '.?hod,,3.nic Complexes of 'lickel M which wa3 observed also experl~ ontall:,. 7hc !:lso the more exact equations of V varions diffusion coefficients. Thin or "hin caze arree with the experimentVil rocj!tF:, i.e. th~. more (,xrct. thpory confirmoll. th~, -f~,nar;.,.tion of the second kinetic 1 tr~bla, and 10 referoncco, 9 of whic" A.-j'50 C I A"i I 1~1.,;hinovslkly gosuearstvonnyy unive-raill'ot Univcr:-,ity) PR Decenbor 101, 195a, by A. A. Grinbcr~7, Acadc;Acian S U 13 1 D(,ce:.ibcr ', 195.3 S/064/60/qoo/01/13/024 B022/BO08 AUTHORS: Aurlyang Ya. 1.9 Candidate of Technical Sciences, -ff- Anikina, . S. TITILE: A Method for the Automatic Control of the Absorption Process of Nitrogen Oxides by Means of Basic Solutions &t the Pro- duction of Weak Nitric Acid PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennostig 19609 go. 1, PP. 59 - 61 TEXT: The absorption process of nitrogen oxides with a soda solution re- quires continuous control of the soda concentrationj a soda concentration of approximately 10 g/1 must be maintained especially towards the end of the process. The control of the soda concentration by means of titration is extremely difficult and excludes a continuous control. An automatic control method which is based on the continuous measuring of the pH with an antimony electrode was worked out for this reason. A saturated calomel electrode was used as reference electrode. The emf of the electrode cell was measured with an electronic potentiometer of the type M-32. The potentiometric titration curve of a 0.1 ff Sa 2CO3solution with Ocl N Card 1/3 A Method for the-Automatic Control of the 8/064/60/000/01/13/024 Absorption Process of Nitrogen Oxides by B022/BO08 Means of Basic Solutions at the Production of Weak Nitric Acid sulfurio aoidp using an antimony electrode (Fig. 1), ahows that the elec- trode mentioned reacts very sensitively to pH variations an& aakes a separate determination of Na 2 CO3 and NaHCO3 possible. The dependence of the potential of the antimony electrode on the concentration ratio NaNO2 : NaNO, (Table 1) and Na 2CO3 : NaHCO3(Table 2) is given. An in- dustrial model of a pickup electrode, the scheme of which is given (Fig. 2), was designed for the automatic control under production condi- tions. The pickup is placed between the circulation pump and the con- tainers for the soda solution (Fig. 3). The variation of the yotential of the antimony eleotrod4 at the industrial absorption of nitrogen oxides with a soda solution is graphically represented (Fig, 4). The calibration curve of the antimony electrode by means of a hydrogen electrode (Fig. 5) showed the linear dependence of the pH on the potential, and the stability of this characteristic before and after the industrial test of' the anti- mony electrode. A. V. Pushkova took part in designing the pickup electrode. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. Card 2/3 A Method for the Automatic Control of the B/064/60/000/01/13/024 Absorption Process of Nitrogen Oxides by BO22/BOO8 Means of Basic Solutions at the Production of Weak Nitric Acid ASSOCIATION: Lisichanakiy filial Instituta avtomatiki Gosplana USSR (Lisichanak Branch of the Institute of Automation of the Goeglan UkrSSR) - Card 3/3 TURITAN, Ta.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; SNEKAWVA. T.T.; KHARLANOTA, T.M. Developing the automatic control of the liquor vapor content In the production of am nium nitrate. Xhim.prom. no.d,.679-681 D 1606 (MMA 13:12) 1. Lisiebanakiy filial Instituta avtomatiki Gosplana, UMR* (Ammonium nitrate) TURI ~;_ZHMAJAY, B.P. Polarographic study of chloride complexes of cadmium In aqueous, water-methanol, methanol, and water-ethanol solutions. Zhur. neorg. khIm. 5 n0-831748-1755 Ag 160# (MMA 13: 9) 1. Lisichaukly filial goBudarstvennogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo I proyektnogo instituta azotuo7 prozWehlennOBti I produktoy orga- nicheekogo sinteza. lishinevskiy gosudaretvenW universitet. (Cadmium compounds) TURtYAII, Ya.I,; MILYAVSKIT, Tu.S. Polarographic stud7 of iodide complexes of cadmium in aqueous, water - methanol, and water - ethanol solutions. Zhur. neorg. Idlim. 5 no.10: 2242-2250 0 160. (HIRA 13-10) 1. Ashinevski7 gosudaretvennyy universitet Lisichanski3r filial gosudar- stvennogo instituta azotnoy promyshlennosti i produktov organicheakogo sinteza. (Cadmium compounds) TURIYAH, Ya.I. Reply to V.P. Vasillev's comments on the paper "Instability constants of complex ions as a function of the dielectric constant of the solvent." Zhur. neorg. kh1m. 5 no. 12:2852- 2853 D 160. (MlaA 13:12) 1. Lisichanakiy filial goeudaratvannogo natichno-issledovatell- skogo i proyektnogo instituta azotnoy promyehlennosti i pro- duktov organiehaskoeo siateza. (Vasillev; V.P.) .' (complex ions) reduced at the ele~r,:Gde in tbte fn-"-'c Zhur. flz. khim. R. no.9g2109-27105 j.. Ynroslavskiy nl3tli mor. o r. iwrc, v TURIYAH. U.I. TTURIN, Yu.K., ZA7TSBV. p.M., KA3AVAYBVA, Ye.A. Palarographic anal7siN of nitrOc7clobexane. Zav.lab. 26 no.?: 810-813 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Listchanskiy filial Gosudaretvannogo nauchno-iseledovatell- 11 kogo i pro7ektruogo instituta azotnoy promyshlonnosti i produktoT organicheskogo sinteza. (Cyclohexane) (Polarography) B/076/60/034/05/11/036 BO1O/BOO2 AUTHORS: Turlyan, Ya. I., Serova, G. F. TITLE: Polarographic Investigation of t~e Kinetics of the Formation of Thiocyanate Complex Compounds'of Hickel in Aqueous Solution T PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheekoy khimiij 19609 Vol* 34P No- 59 PP- 1009-1017 TEXT. The authors investigated the dependence of the three steps of the polarogram of nickel - thiooyanate complex compounds (of. Ref. 1) on the concentration of thiocyanate (at 00 2+ - 0onst - 0-140 millimole/l.) Ni (Table 1) and nickel (at 0 const - 12.6 millimole/1) (Table 2). The C1qS results obtained are analyzed on the basis of the theory of kinetic polaro- graphic currents. The experiments were performed at 25 0C and with four different heights of the mercury reservoir. Table 3 represents the depend-- ence of the limiting current on the height of the mercury reservoir. On the basis of data published by S. Fronaeus (Ref. 3) on the instability Card 1/3 Polarographic Investigation of the Kinetics 5/076/60/034/05/11/038 of the Formation of Thiocyanate Complex B010/BO02 Compounds bf Nickel in Aqueous Solution constants of N12+ , [NiCNS]" [Ni(CNS) 21 , and [Ni(CNS) 31- the authors calculated the content of each ion in the various solutions as dependent on the concentration of thiooyanate (Table 4). Three schemes of the elec- trodic , processes show that the first step of the polarogram is related to the retarded formation of ffi(CNS)2 (first scheme)9 whereas the second, larger step is related to the retarded formation of [NiCNSj'+ (aecond schemc,)9 and the third (a diffusion step) is related to the electrical. reduction of Ni 2+ and [IqiCNSI+. With the help of the Brdi6ka-Wiesner appzoximation theory the authoracalculated the rate constants k I and kY k I was also calculated according to the more exact theory by Koutecky+* It was taken into account that besides the N12+ ions also the [NiCNS] iorts participat- ed in diffusion, and that the diffusion cooffici(nts of these ions differ considerably. It is shown that the reaction rate constant of F .iCNSj+ , CNS" LN is considerably higher than that of N12+ + CNS'-. The 1~iCNSJ"- ion is reduced at the potentials of the second polarogram step, which are more Card 2/3 Polarographic Investigation of the Kinetiog S/076/60/034/05/111/038 of the Formation of Thiocyanate Complex B010/BO02 Compounds of Nickel in Aqueous Solution positive than the potentials of the reduction of simple nickel. ionag whereas at still more positive potentials o'f the first step a larger complex ion is reduced. In accordance with A. N. Frumkin and 0. M. Flo-- rianovich (Ref 16) it is probably a complex of the anionic tyre. Budevskiy is also mentioned in the present paper. There are 5 figures, 5 tables, and 16 references: 5 Soviet, 6 Czech, I German, and I Swedish. ASSOCIATION: Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet (Kishinev State University) SUBMITTED: June 28, 1958 Card 3/3 0 0 S/076 6P~~J/06/12/040 L37 B01 5YBo6i . ~400 AUTHORSx Turlyan Ya. I. Milyavskiy, Yu. S., Zhantalay, B. P. jili ~ro o~nes TITLE: Polarographic Determination of the Activity Coefficients of the Cadmium Ion PERIODICALs Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 1234-1237 TEXT: Polarographic determinations of the activity coefficient f Cd 2+ of the cadmium ion, with the use of the following galvanic chains were ca ied o ts ,gTr u H92C12 0-1 M NaCl 0 WaClO4 n+ I M NaClO4 c Me Indicator electrode (I/ x y Card 1/3 Polarographic Determination of the Activit,-, SIO, 3 4 /0 6 /12 /0 7 ficients of the Cadmium Ion BOIRBO!Vio and Egi H92C'2 0.1 M LiCl eX UNO 3 1 M UNO c Me n+ Indicator electrode 3 y 2+ x y Whilst only simple Cd ions are present in the NaCIO 4 solutions, a complex formation j.Cd(NO 3W is possible in the UNO 3 solution. The calculations of the value f Od 2+ at different ion strengthsA were carried out with the use of the Heyrovskiy-Ilkovid equation (for the NaClO 4 solutions), and the De Ford - Hume equation (Ref. 4) (for tho LiNO 3 solutions) (Table). The potential of the cadmium half-stage (corrected with reference to the change in the diffusion current) changes linearly with f,&_c to "- 0-05-0-1, which is ascribed to the change of f Cd 2+ according to the Debye law. The dependence curves of the val-ae f Cd 2+ on 1.b passes through a minimum atA - 0.3-0.6 to approach unity at /-t ' 3, and with a greater rise of/k to reach a value well above 1. Card 2/3 Polarographic Determination of the Activity Coefficients of the Cadmium Ion 8j50 S10761601034,1061121040 B015/ '0061 The values for f Cd 2+ in LiNOV calculated without and with respect to the complex formation, practically agree at C No- - 0.1 P1 to 1 M 3 a correction with respect to the complex formation leads to the same values for f Cd 2+ as in NaC104 solutions. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 10 referencess 1 Soviet, 5 American, I Italian, I German, I Frenc and 1 British. ASSOCIATION; Kishinevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kishinev State University) SUBMITTED- July 21, 1958 Card 3/3 GIRSHKOVICH, I.A.; TER'TAN, YA.I. (Severodonetak) Oxygen overvoltage on the cobalt anode. Zhur. fiz. khim. 34 no.12: 2654-2660 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Lisichanakiy filial Instituta "otnoy Ibromyshlennosti i produktov organicheakogo sinteza i Kishinevskiy gosudarotvenny7 universitet. (Overvoitage) (Oxygen) (Cobalt) 81415 3/020/60/132/06/40/068 B004/BO05 AUTHORx Turlyans, Ya. I. TITLEs The Mechanism of the Variation With Time of Oxygen Over- voltagelon the Nickel Anode at Constant Current Density PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR9 19609 Vol. 132, No. 6, PP. 1368 - 1371 TEXT: In previous papers (Refs. 1, 2) the author had assumed that the increase in oxygen overvoltage qj on the nickel anode occurring after expiration of time t is caused by the fact that the concentration of NY 4 on the anode inoreaseag and IN, 204> 1N120 30 The present paper deals with the quantitative checking of this assumption. On the basis of the reactions N1203 + 20H ) N1204 + E20 (2) and N12O 4 )N120 3 + 0 Wo equation (4) is written down for dS/dt (dS is the portion of -the anode surface occupied by N12O 4); this equation contains the constants Ki and K2 (K1 = Kl'[OHj2, K1, - rate constant of reaction (2)9 K2 - rate constant Card 113 81415 The Mechanism of the Variation With Time of 8/020/60/132/06/40/068 Oxygen Overvoltage on the Nickel Anode at B004/BOO5 Constant Current Density of reaction (3)). Hence, equation (6) is derived for 1 Fig. 1 shows that this equation well reproduces the experimental data. Rble I liste the values of the constants in dependence on current intensity and temperatura. Equation (8) is written down for jt.O. This equation also corresponds to the experimental values (Fig. 2). Furthet, equation (12) is given for the oxygen overvoltage 'qstab which is stabilized after expiration of time t; this equation corresponds to the complete covering of the anode with N120 49 and also agrees with the experimental data (Fig. 2). The value for K, decreasing with rising temperature is explained by decreasing concen- tration of the OH radicals on the anode surface due to a quicker progress of reaction (2), i.e. an increasing value for K;o There are 2 figures# I tableg and 12 referencesi 9 Soviet, 1 British, 1 German, and I Japanese. Card 2/3 The Mechanism of the Variation With Time of 6/020/60/132/06/40/068 Oxygen Overvoltage on the Nickel Anode at B004/BOO5 Constant Current Donsity ASSOCIATIONs Lialohanskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo inatituta azotnoy V~- promyshlennooti i produktov organioheskogo sinteza (Lisichansk Branch of the State Institute of the Nitrogen Industry and Producte of Oraanic Synthesis) PRESENTEDs January 28, 1960p by A. N. Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTEDs January 28, 1960 Card 3/3 S/02O/6o/134/oo4/o16/023 Bo*/Bo6o AUTHORS1 Turlyan, Ya. I., Tyurin, Yu. M., and Zaytsev,-F. M, TITLE- Polarographic Study of Nitro-aci Tautomerism of cyclohexane 1 PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 134, No. 4, pp. 850 - 852 TEXT: The polarographic method devised by the authors (Ref. 1) for analyz- ing nitro-cyclohexane (NCH) has made it possible to study the kinetics and the equilibrium of the nitro-aci-tautomeric transformation of NCR. The nitro-form of NCH constitutes a distinct wave in a wide pH range; the aci- .-form cannot be reduced on a mercury-dropping electrode. The authors dis- solved NCH (ev 0.01 M) in water or alkali, depending on the direction in which the reaction was considered. Citric 4Lcid phosphate- as well as bo alkali buffer mixtures served as background. The concentration of the nitro-form of NCH was recorded on the electron polarograph n)-31A PE-312). The nitro-aci-(N--.-*A) transformation was studied in the ranj*4-b-e1`WFen pH 8 and 12, while the reverse reaction was studied at pH 3-9.5. The experiment Card 113 Polarographic Study of Nitro-aci Tautomerism S/020/60/134/004/016/023 of Nitro-cyclohexane B016/BO60 was performed at 25, 32, 4o, and 500C- Fig. 1 illustrates the dependence of the ratio C,,,,/C0on the PH value at 250C. where C 0 is the initial concentra.- tion of NCH in the nitro- or aci-form and C, the concentration of the NCH nitro-form after the reaction is over. As may be seen, the nitro-form is completely transformed into the aci-form at PH> 9.5. At PH 4.5 - 7-0, a complete transformation of the aci-form into the nitro.-form is possible. The equil:Uorium appearing at PH 7.0 - 9.5 can be attained from both sides. Table 1 gives the values of K N (experimental rate constant of reaction N--:~A at PH = const) and of KA (the same for reaction A--~N), The function log YN = f(PH) is linear (Fig- 3), while log K A = f(pH) at PH=5 passes through a maximum (Fig. 4). A reaction scheme (3) is given for the acid- .-alkaline catalysis of the nitro-aci-tautomeric transformation (Ref. 6). This reaction mechanism permits the derivation of kinetic equationa which fit those obtained in the experimental way (1) and (2) at the following values of1constants (25'C)-, Ko 50 (mole/!)'- 1~ min' 1. KI ~ 2.8 - 10 1 "7 o - 4 (mole/l)-' min" 0 KII z 0.11 min"' , K, :7 4,3 - 10 ,and K 2 ~ 2-3 ' 10 Card 2/3 Polarographic Study of Nitro-aci Tautomerism S/020/60/134/004/016/023 of Nitro-cyclohexane B016/BO60 ExperimentaAl data are compared with calculated ones in Fig,, 4. The protoni- zed compleO 1C6H1O :NOH]H appears in the limiting stage of the Nef reaction (at pH< 4.5). Since at pH,>9.? the isomerization reaction of NCH is catalyzed by hydroxyl ions, and at pH '/7 this is done by hydrogen ions, the equilibrium constant cannot be calculated from the ratio K /K. 0 0 Instead, this constant was calculated by means of an equation shown here. Table 2 shows good agreement for K equation when establishing the equilibri - um from both sides. Activation energies are finally calculated. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 7 references: 4 Soviet, 2 US, and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Lisichanskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo instituta azotnoy promyshlennosti i produktov organicheskogo sinteza (Lisichansk Branch of the State Institute of the Nitrogen Industry and of Products of Organic Synthesis) PRESENTED: may 16, 196o, by A. N. Frumkin, Academician SU'IITTED- March 12, 1960 Card 3/3 TURIYANV Y-4J,,;- ROMANOV, V.F. graphic method for determining potasdium in the catal7st of obutyl alcohol synthesis. Khim.Prom. no.lt68 J& 161. t re 1 09 (KMA 14 s 1) chwiskiy filial Gosudarotvonnogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo i pro7ektnogo*instituta azotnoy promyohlennosti i produkotv organiche- Okogo ainteza. (Isobutyl 41cobol) (Potassium-Analysis) (catalysts) TDRIYAN, Ya.I,_-- Composition and instability con3tants oif lead iodide complm.:es in aqueous 3olutiona ac pravided b..,r nolubility data. ZYMr. reorg. 6 no.1:162-168 161. (1-1.1-A 11,-W 1. Lizichanskiy filial Gozudarstvem-.o;,-o iia,-.chno-is.1clovittellsko"o i proyek'vno-o instituta azotnoy promysilennosti i pro~t~v~ov or,m~,,,'Ir- 0 .. - oko,,,,o ainteza. (Lead compounds) TURMN, Ya. I.; TYURINP Yu.M.; ZRANTAIAY, B.P. Polarographio determination of caprolactam and amino acids, the intermediate products of synthetic fibers. Zhur.anal. khim. 16 no.3:352-358 My-Je 161. . (Y-MA 14:6) 1. State Scientific Research and Designing Institute of Hitrogen Industry, Lisichansk Branch. (Azepinone) AmJr,o acids) Polarography) ~ TURIYAN., Yaj; MURENKOV, A.M. Use of polarography for the continuous automatic control of laboratory and industrial processes (survey). Zav.lab. 27 no.5:507-517 161. (MDU A: 5) (Polarography) TURIYAN, Ya. I.; ZHANTALAY, B.P. POlarographic determination of caprolactem in procegs solvtions. Zav.lab. 27 no.10:1221-1214 161, (MIPA 14:10) lo Lisichanskiy filial Instituta azotnoy promyshlennosti. (Azopinone) (Polarography) TUR I Y&N I la. I. ; ZAYTSEV , P. M. Polarographic determination of 'nitrocyclohexane in the production of caprolactam. Zav..Iab. 27 no.11:1329-1331 161. (WRA 14:10) 1. LisiclAwkiy filial gosuderstvennogo instituta azotnoy pronrjohlennosti. (Cyclohw=e) (Polarography) 20365 S/020 61/136/005/029/032 B YBIO C;26, AUTHORSs Turlyan, Ya. I* and Tsinman, A. I. TITLEs The effect of concentration and type of alkali on the oxygen overtension at the nickel anode PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,.v. 136, no- 5, 1961, 1154-1157 TEXT: The authors. state that the data published on the effect of the [ORY' concentration on the oxygen overtension q of a smooth nickel anode are contradictory and comprehend only low current densitles i. Experiments were therefore conducted with the participation of L.F. Gushchinal the con- ditions of which were similar to those described in Refe 4, However, no rotating electrode was used, and the resistance drop was measured by means of several electrolytic switches at various distances from the electrode (galvanic nickel on platinum wire). Linear dependence of the potential on the distance was found for i = const. The experiments were made at 250C with purified KOH9 NaOHq and UOH. The results obtained for q - f(log i) are'shown in Figs. 1 to 3. Three sections appears section I, flatly rising, with the limiting phase Ni 203 + 20H ads --iPMO2(Ki204) + H20 Card 1/7 SZ0201611136100510291032 The effect of concentration BJO.VB106 41' (1) for const + (RT/2F)ln 1 (2). Then, the steeply rising section IT follows and, finally, section III with OR- - e --^ OH ads (3) as limiting phase and j - const + (RT/4P)ln i - r~ (RT/F) 1n [OH] - - fi 0 -W)AL (4) The course of the curve depends on the nature of the alkali. In the range E0H]- = (2 - 7-5)M, -r1increases in the order K+ < Na+ < Li+, while for lower CPH3-, the course is reverse. For -this behavior of.the nickel electrode, a change of the catalytic properties of its surfaca is asmi-ed owing to incorporation of alkali ions into the lattice of the oxides. Concentration and nature of the alkali cation manifest themselves by the length of section III (corresponding to complete covering with NiO 2) in- creasing in the order Na+< K+ < Li+. The slow increase of'rLspeaks in favor of this assumption as soon as some UOH is added to the KOH solution at i = const. Compared with NaOH and KOH, the increase of *q,in MOH is already considerable in the range 10-3 < i < 10-2 - 10 -1 a/cM2. It is concluded therefrom that during charging of an alkali,lbiftterj with 2 b'.' 'I i > 10-1 a/cm , the battery oapaoity is only slight liv,~ffe a ted by addition Card 2/7 2OW s/620/61/1',,')6/005/029/032, The effect of concentration BlOh/Bk6 of UOH. The dependence of-- on. [CRY is studi~ao In order to exclude side reactions, the alkali was quickly diluted with water at i - const without switching off the current. It was found that for NaC1H the over- tension 11 in sections I and III is independent of [0Hj_. In KOH, the function-,I - f(log [OHI-) takes a linear course in sections I and III. The same is valid for LiOH in section III. The-ooefficients of the in- clination of the function I = f(log i) in section 1 (0-032 - 0-047 at 7.5 - 0.6 M KOH; O-rO30 - 0.031 at 9.5 - 0*4 M NaOH) and the fact that7l is independent of ',0HY- proved the limiting effect of reaction (1). The coefficfent of inclination in section 111 (0-090 - 0-130) corresponds to the limiting phase (3)~ in order to explain the 'faot that q is independent of [OHJ-, it is assumed that,3 "" const - (RT/F)lnr T 1 ... PHI- ~N. The validity of,equatiQn (4).was also confirmed for the chairged Inidkel oxide electrode, but.on the condi.tion that li- 0. There is thereforiq a difference in the behavior of the nicke' axide electrode and the smooth electrode studled by the bLutho're.' There are 3-figures and 1'6 refereneesi 14 Soviet-bloc and 2--noh_Soviet~;bloc. Car.cT 3/7 20365 S/020/61 1--56/005/029/032 The effeat of concentration B 10 V13 ASSOCIATION3 Lisiohanskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatelf- skogo i pro.yektnogo instituta asotnoy promyshlennosti i pr~oduktov organicheekogo sinteza (Lisichansk Bxanch of the State Scientific Research and Planning Institute of Nitrogen Industry and Products of Organic Synthesis) PRESENTEDa Beptember 19, 1960p by A. X. Frijmkin. Academician, SUBMITTEDg September 16, 1960 Card 4/7 The effec t of concentration Lebrond to -1 fq - f (log i) in KOH. Fig 1 7 5 ~1; after 48 hr; 2 M; 2 ) dto. 0 ; ~ 3 : 3 7 M; . 4~ 2:2 M; 51-3 M; ; 5 ) dto. after 1~ hr; 5").dto. after 48 hr; 6 ; o.6 m Card.5/7 20365 S/026 61/13~/005/0*29/032 BIOI%B206 Fig. 1 20365 S/()2oj6l/136/005/029/032 The effect of concentration ... BI O,I/B206 Legend to Fig. 2. IQ- f(log i) in NaOH. 1~ 9:5 M; 2~ 7:5 M; 3~ 5-0 M; 4 2 5 M; 5 1 0 M; 6 0-4 M Q4 Fig. 2 The effect of cencentration ... Legend to Pig. 3- f(lok i in UOH, KOHt and NaOH. 1) 5 M MOH; 2 2.5 X LiOH;.. 3) 0-5 11 LiOH; 4) 5 M KOH; 5) 5 M NaOH C Car'cl 7/7 20365 S/020/6 629/032 1113610051 Blo.lJB2p6 Fig- 3 TUR'YAN, Ya.l. Polarographic study of 'Ehe mechani-sm involved. in the electroreduction of simple and cr)mplex nickel iins. bok]. All SSSR 240 no.2:416-418 S 161. (VJAA 34:9) 1. Lisichanskiy filial Gosudar5tvennogo nauchno-issledovatel.'5kogo i proyektnogo instituta azotnoy promyshlennosti i produktov organichesRogo sinteza. Predstavleno akademikom.A'4',.Frumkinym. .1, (Nickel) (Reduction, Electrolytic)47,' RUSAKOVAO M.,%.; TUR.'YAXt,,.Xaj.j USTAVSHCHIKGV,, B.F. - Polarography of nitric acid esters. Mechanism of electroreduction. Elektrokhimiia 1 no.7:854457 Jl 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Yaroalavakiy tekhnologicheskiy institut i Yaroslavskiy muchno-isoledovatellskiy institut, monamerov. FETRAKOVICH, V.Ye.; PODUROVSKAYA, O.M.; TURIYAN, YA.I. Comparison of platinum oxide and glass indicator electrcd,~s in acid-base titration. Effect of nonaqueow solvents, the nature of the titrant., and various additions. Zhur. anal. khim. 20 no.8:785-789 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy i proyektnyy institut azotuoy promphlennosti, Moskva, i Yaroslavskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut monomerov. WR t YAY, Ya. 1. Catalytic PlarOfsraphic current. fjf arme nickel Zhur. fiz. khisa. 39 no. lt257-258 Ja P65 WIT---A 19 t1) 1. Yaroslavskiy institut monoierov. Sulw-Utted March 19, 1964. VAKHRUSHEV, Yu.A.; TURIYAN, Ya.I. Polarographic study of the recombination kinetics of anions and dissociation of molecules of terephthalic acid. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 no.4:979-982 Ap 165. (14IRA 19:1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut monomerov, Yaroslavl'. Submitted Dec. 19, 1963. T UR I iLN -------- I~i~~~ Solubility products and compositf'on of precipitates of silver and mercury acetylides. Zhur. neorg. khim. 1C no.2:549-551 F 165. (YDA 19:11) 1. Yaroslavskiy nauchnc-issledovatellskiy institut mcnomerov. Submitted June 25, 1964. TURIYAN, Ya.l.; SMIRNGVA, G.A.; TOLSTIKOVA, O.A. Polarographic kinetic currents of nicotinic acid. Elektrckhimiia , no.8:922-927 Ag 165. (M:'JZ-k 18-M 1. Institut monomerav dlya uInLeticheskogo kauchuka. ZHAITrALAY, Pclarourp-,.?.i~-- s-147 Of -1 - -A 165. j~r im nt en.. y nost, .- ~7.1.!;YATINSKAYA, L.N,; TURIYAN, Ya.l. 9 P-3termination of the degree of pi L -wity of stymnA b7 the inlirac~ potbntioywjl.rlc method In an arhydrona m9dium. Plast. Massy no.21 52-53 t65. (1141RA 180) TURIYAN, Ya.l. "i~*,~~~~,~,."Z"!-~--,--~,,,~~"t~,~.- . Mechanism of the polarographic kinetic currents of g2yox121c acid.* Elektrokhimiia 1 no.4:491-494 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut monomerov ulya sinteti- cheskogo kauchuka. TURIYALI, Ya.l. of --,n. a --m and trans-solvation equilibrium. fi;,- khil-. 32 1695 Je 164. (~',~LfLk 18:31", 1. Yaroslavskiy nauchno-i3sledovatellskiy institut monomierov,